The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 30, 1875, Image 4

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He bUxjJ a spell on one foot taut,
Au' then lie stood a spell on t'other.
An' oa ulilch one Lc fell tbo wuet
He could't ha' told yon nuthcr.
Oli.lcl the poor womm'sclotucj alone;
They're none of your concern ;
She never raaVci no f nn of yonr'n.
Then, why pokefon at hcr'n?
A maiden once said, "I'll not mate
"With a ratn. who ha not fortune great.'
So she pouted and waited.
And corned to be mated.
Shc'samldjn yet-tgc, forty-eight.
Onr lives arc albnms, written through
With good or evil, with false or irne;
And as the blessed angels turn
The pages of onr year?,
Cod Rrant they read the good with Mai c-.
And blot the 111 with tears 1
When lovely woman, once so Jolly
Find-, late In We, that hair grows gray.
How to maUehcr case less melancholy,
How hide Time's slop that none can Hay .
The oily way his traclc to cover.
To mafc her age from every eye,
rd If (he hr b a spoon for lover,
- To keep him still "-poons," s-to d,c? .
Man's a foci t
Warn lt'u act he want's It cool ;
Wueait's bald he wants It hot
feer eoartented with his lot.
VLC It's dry
He fov thowcrs is heard to sigh,
V'dn to meet bit wish-it raln,
0? 'flic wet the fool complains.',
Hot or cold, dry or wet,
Hlng suite that he can set.
.jfe- Ieoiildcr.asarnlc,
A. Story C Christmas.
Iknsw It,"" MM Miss Tampbylia an
swcrhig a rueful glance irem Miss Me
liitablc's brother; "still it's a great com
fort to reflect that she could have the
Miss Pamphjlia certainly had a very
peculiar way of looking at human grids.
She would stand for cue moment of dis
may, and then suddenly illuminate with
some comforting "reflection" about
something that had been, or hadn't been,
or could be, after all. It always re
minded Miss Meliitable's brother of a
cluster of ripe grapes ho had noticed
one October day when the skies were
fitful. For one instant, while a cloud
crept over the sun, they hung heavy and
dark as the leaden shadow behind them;
thou, as a quick, strong ray of sunlight
pierced the cloud, the red wine that was
in them took fire, and gleamed and
blazed, until his very pulses warmed as
he looked.
He felt them suddenly warming again
in just the same way, as Miss Pamphylia
uttered the words, "she could have the
trumpet." What a thing it would make
of life if that "could" only began with
.1 "w" instead of a "c!" But as it did
not, and there wasn't the least prospect
that it ever would, Miss Mehitablc's
brother patiently took it with the "c,"
much as he would have hugged a warm
soap stone, if wandering in the dark
among the giacicrs of the Alps.
Miss Mehi tabic, meanwhile, peacefully
unconscious that either of them had said
anything, sat gazing into the glowing
lrearth of coals, with a satisfied little
smile on her face, and a fresh-folded
handkerchief in her lap. She always
did have a fresh handkerchief in her
lap it was so tidy just where the hands
lay ; and a3 for her smile, her very fea
tures were as likely to disappear. That
was because she found life always so
pleasant; indeed it contained but two
regrets for Miss Mehi table, and it would
have been foolish to let such a minority
disturb all the rest. One ot these re
grets was that Pamphylia did not feel
quite inclined to marry Plienir. He bad
asked her every Christmas Day for ten
years in succession though never until
after dinner, for he liked everything hot,
and the faintest hope is a warmer sauce
than disappointment but it was of no
use. Mips Painphylia's inclinations did
not quite agree, and the trial was put
over till another term, leaving the first
part of the evening a little downish,
until Miss Pamphylia regularly bright
ened with a consoling thought.
"After all, she said, "it is a great com
fort to reflect that he needn't ask me if
he didn't choose."
"Dont't be a goose, Phenix," Miss Me
hi tabic always said gently, the next
morning, to comfort him; and though
perhaps ho had seemed a little like one,
pluming l.imself and picking up his
crumbs so many months, only to be slain
on this fatal day; still, when Hetty sail
tiiis, he remembered what he really was,
and rose from his ashes to begin another
But it seemed sucli a pity about spoil
ing the evenings, particularly as Miss
Pamphylia only came once a year, that
she at last insisted upon a different ar
rangement. "Don't ask me again until I am ready
to say yes," she said with the firmest
"And when will that be!" asked
.-MisB Pamphylia hesitated ar.mome&t,
and then looked with a sudden gleam of
mischief in her eyes.
"Whenever Hetty asks for the trum
pet," she said.
That was cooing very near the second
"of Miss Mehitable's regrets in life,
which was simply the miserably in
distinct way in which peoplo were al
lowing themselves to speak the last few
years. It was growing upon them, too,
instead ot improving, until she had
really given up expecting to hear any
body unless they came and spoke di
rectly to her. Then, of course, taey
took care to enunciate properly, kaow
ins how much she disapproved the mod
ern carelcauiex; but the moncnt she
turned away it was all forgotten, rnd
even Phenix and Pamphylia, who were
as well brought up as herself, did no
better. One said "M-m-m-m," and. the
other answered, "M-m-m-m," and it was
only a airacle that taey ever made head
or tail of each other's remarks. But
Mis 3IehitJ.!c always preferred hit
friends thould pleaie themselves rather
than her; so she sat peacefully by, heurd
what sho could, and let the rest go.
It was not till the circle of those who
attempted proper enunciation had
thinned down to the very strong-winded
ones, and Miss Mehttnbiea replies to
their remarks sometimes fitted about as
well as if she had put her own bonnet
on .Phenix's head by mistake, that one
of the bravest ot them ventured a sug
gestion. Would it not sccru a little strange if
all her friends had lost their voices at
once? Blight it not be possible that her
hearing had lost a trifle of its acutcness?
The suggestion was repudiated with
only the loast perceptible sharpening of
Miss Mchitable'a usual gentleness, but
when Phenix brought home from the
city one day a delicate offering, an car
trumpet, new in deuzn, graceful and
light, she rose to her feet and flamed
into such a blaze of indignation as all
the rest of her gentle life could hardly
sum up.
"An car-trumpet! Wa3 she to be the
scape-goat for everybody's carelessness,
and wear this crooked horn as a badge
of jtt Deaf? How could the bo deaf
any more than he was, when their birth
days were the same? Would he have
the great kindness to carry that instru
ment into his own room and keep it
there, since waste was sinful, until sfcc
should ask for it?"
It did not seem to Phenix that Pam
phylia could say anything thi3 time, but
as lie passed between her and Jliss Me
hitable, her face brightened. "Still,"
she whispered, "it's a comfort to think
you've increased the regular sale."
The grapes had purpled and been
gathered five times since then; to-morrow
would be Christmas Day once more,
and the car-trumpet lay on the piano in
Phenix's room, shining and bright as on
the first day it had been banished there.
"Turkey," of course," said Phenix, as
they sat round the fire after te3, letting
the lights and shadows gire lessons in
blind man's buff in advance. "Couldn't
there be anything else for a change?
This will be my fifty-fifth in annual reg
ularity." "And my fiftieth; a real old maid,"
laughed 3Iiss Pamphylia, softly.
"Nonsense." began Phenix, with a
glance at her bright brown eyes and
chestnut hair; but Mis3 Mehi tabic turned
gently from the fire.
"Oh, yes, dear; they oltcn liv'e to a
great age. I remember one allowed to
wander. in your father's field that was
over a hundred. At least the inscription
on its back said so. I suppose it is be
cause they are so slow about every
thing." "Not turtle- turkeys," shouted Phe
nix. "Dindons for dinner to-morrow."
"But 'please don't speak so loud,
brother," said Mis3 Mehi tabic. "I like
distinctness, that is all. Though I am
curprhed at your thinking of dandelions,
so altogether out of season; and, be
sides, cranbery sauce is Latin for roast
turkey, always." And Miss Mehitable
laid her hands on the folded handker
chief with a peaceful smile.
this wa3 what drew the despairing
look from Phenix, and sent Miss Pam
phylia to take refuge in reflecting that
Hetty "could have the trumpet." Not
that they cared in the least on their own
account; it was only the thought of
to-morrow, when there would be com
pany. They were so proud of Hetty,
and couldn't bear to have her make her
seif ridiculous.
Nothing seemed less probable, as
Miss Mehitable took her seat at the table
the next day, faultlessly dressed, and
smiling benignly upon every one, with
Cousin John, a clergyman of the Meth
odist persuasion, on her right hand, and
a distinguished professor of elocution
on her left.
"Pretty strong uutposis, and Hetty
always does look well," thought Phenix,
with a sigh of relief, as he took up the
ball she had gracefully set rolling, anu
croqueted it among his neighbors. It
flitted about for awhile in a velvety way
most soothing to his fears, when sudden
ly, just as hi3 anxiety began to subdue,
there was a crash at Miss Mchitablc's
end of the table, reverberating liko a
clap of thunder. She had set out on a
series ot reminiscences with Cousin
John, who had just returned after a
twenty years' absence, and lie was
inquiring at the extreme of his pulpit
"Where is the Judge now?"
Miss Mehitable nodded and smiled,
as she always did when she felt pretty
sure, but not quite, that "Oh, yes," was
the right answer. This wouldn't do, for
every one had started at the crash, and
was listening; so Cousin John tried
again: -
uThe Judges where is the Judge now?"
"Oh, standing on thovery same spot,"
said Miss Mehitable; "just on the crown
of the Jiill. Very windy on a cold day,
and a little conspicuous; but local at
tachments are strong, you know, and we
have worshiped there a great many
"Ah," said Cousin Johnk looking-sud-denly
into his plate, and Phenix told him
it-would not be New England Christ
mas if he did not send it up for more
turkey; and then every one began to say
what-a terrible thinning there was in the
rank and file of the poultry vards to-dav.
j Miss Mehitable nodded and smiled so
appreciatingly, tiat the Professor won.
dercdhow Cousin John Managed to get
into such trouble.
UA terrible sacrifice among the feath
ered, tribes," he said, addressuag her.
'"Ohyertfsaai" said Miss Mehitable,
with a sadden shadowine of her face.
"Iraafraid:Tery"fewof,the will ever I
come back. And to think the only re
turn we can make is to decorate their
graves! Wc did a great many Ja-jt ycai,
and there will be more than ever, I'm
afraid, when thi3 campaign U over."
After this it fctruck Miss Mehitable
that the conversation became very gen
eral; go much po that fhe could not catch
the opportunity to ask Cousin John as
many questions as sLe would like, or to
be particularly polite to the Professor.
However, everything seemed going on
delightfully, though, she noticed the
same general carelessness of enuncia
tion; still, she was used to that, and she
would catch Cousin John after they re
turned to the parlor
But Cousin John wasn't to be caught;
he was very busily engaged with some
one elic whenever she passed near him;
and, indeed, every one grew very talka
tive, and even the candles and fire light
seemed to Miss Mehitable gayer than on
other nights.
"Strange ways New England people
are fulling into," said Cousin John's
nearest neighbor "Christmas dinner
at 'early candle light' is something
equally new and nice."
"Is it new or old?" asked Phenix, and.
then came a free discussion of dinner
hours in times put, present, and to
"I wonder what time Abraham diucd?"
said Miss Pamphylia, suddenly.
Cousin John said that was a tentative
question; it would be easier to say what
he dined upon ; and some one answered :
"Oh, yes, that was on a Mes3-o pot-amain
Miss Mehitable nodded and smiled,
but the Professor thought he would
make it a lsttle more distinct for her.
"Wc were wondering at what time
Abraham dined," he enunciated, coming
very close, on pretense of picking up
the handkerchief which had slipped
from her Jap.
"Oh, he dines at 4 o'clock; I was
timately acquainted with him," said
Miss Mehitable, a glow of pleasant rec
ollection suffusing her face. But, at
the same moment, she caught a very
peculiar one on the Professor's. She
glanced at Cousin John's. Was it
possible the turkey had not agreed with
him that ho was looking so very red?
She looked at Phenix he was white!
Pamphylia was blue, and the rest were
all looking the other way. A sudden
and dreadful suspicion seized Mehitable.
A professor of elocution must enunci
ate well ; if she had misunderstood him
whose fault must it be?"
"Cousin John," she said turning to
ward the white necktie that had eluded
her so many times that cvonwg, "who
did you understand the Professor to
speak of ?
"Abraham," replied Cousin John, with
truth and distinctiveness united in
tremendous force.
"Did you, Pamphylia?"
Miss Pamphylia, and, one after an
other, Phenix and all the rest, nodded
Two round red spots came into Miss
Meliitable's cheeks, and she dropped
her hands on the handkerchief with a
gesture of surprise. Tlicu she looked
up with the unfailing smile.
"Then, Phenix, will you have the
kindness to bring that instrument you
have been keeping in your room for
Phenix cast one look at Miss Pamphy
lia. She stood petrified, and her brown
eyes seemed leaping upon him as he left
the room. Hetty had asked for the
But by the timo he came bick, Miss
Pamphylia had vibrated to a "reflec
tion," and found her balance again.
"Still," she was saying to herself, "it
is a great comfort to feel that it will be
keeping a promise; and I've got oa my
new black silk, and Phenix is a great
deal too good for me that is the only
"Now, Phenix," said Miss Mehitable,
inserting the trumpet in her ear, "let
mo hear something pleasant through
this, if you can.
He looted once more at 3Iiss Pam
phylia. Her cye3 shone this time, and
he went across to her with the tread of
a conqueror. With his right hand he
led her to Miss Mehiiaulc, and with the
left he raised the mouth of the trumpet
to his lips.
"If you will give us your blessing,
and allow Cousin John to perform the
ceremony, I believe we are ready," he
It is strange how much less time it
requires to do things than to get ready
forthem. It did not seem five minutes
to 3Iiss Pamphylia before it was all
over, and Phenix was showing the la3t
guest out at the front door.
Miss Mehitable sat holding the trum
pet as if she would never let it go
"If I had only had sense enough to
ask for it five years ago!" she said.
"But I do hope, Pamphylia, you will
find it pleasant having a husband at
Miss Pamphylia grew suddenly seri
ous. 'I don't know," she murmured, over
the edge of the trumpet; but in a mo
ment her face cleared, and shone into
Miss Meliitable's.
"But if I shouldn't, it will be a great
comfort to me to reflect that Ihave
lived single as long as I have!" she
said. Seribner't Monthly.
j. Nothing appears to me to be aobler
than to keep assemblies of mem en
tranced by the charms of eloojseaca
wielding their minds at will, impellim
them at one time, and at another dis
uadingthem from their previous iates
tiocs. Cicero.
How can sBch deeply imprinted isaa
nes sleep In us at times,' till a word, a
sound, awake them ! Leasing.
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34 KU M . WASKLaTttTOjT IT. Caieatja.
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konttfer ttU chttp.
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by seadiag SM.7S for ay 94 Msgaxiae aad
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at sttsJsaaW art st. 'TTriir gas
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A Comaserelal Iapr.
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W. Dcam Wiuwx. J Uio. Wtt-Ltaa Joasa.
Associate Editor. Pen-Usher.
m fimn v shim ciobtit.
Sanapanlliai aii its Associates.
Caaaa-eeae Sees aaul Felt a Taey Dallf
Oerar after rslae; a Few Deeee t
1. Ooo4 epktia. SuKfeearaaM vtakatM. Uao.
tlaaebaly; iaartaja sad baiiaaai f th aa4 aostlM. tu.
X Ursaftt laerwaM, prUM layroTW, nlUh far .
B aw mr nxUUams er vsWrbritb, r4 lfftia.
alas sad eacimrte slate, aeakaa tmk aai ilforwo.
a PfstfHnaea r spots, ktoukaa. ftarU lb skla
loafes eUar aaa baalUy, lL aria !iace from Ms UrVU
aad cloady arpaaraata V a clear terry er aaWr eUn
wUttftmmtntljtram th bU44r tarvain U art lira
wHboatpeieaf ataUiac lulls ataa sad laxaC a ralaxr
. Marks dtaliatlsa af qasaUty aad frvrsrary t la
valaaawy itali diaeharfta (if aU4tl ).!!
atrtalaty ef panaaarat ear. Iaeraal atnafta illatiad
la tin saeratiit; ffaads, aad faartioaal beratey ratwd
la taa sartrai orfaaa.
fl. YaUow tiara oatiawhIUeflharraa. tad laareartkr.
safroa araari-a ef Un skla baad to a daar. bra!
aad bail thy color.
C "Iboaa aaffiriaf frost vttl alemiad laata at
taWrcUa will rtallie gnat UaaSt la aipactaraUaf freely
the toactt aalerta er maeaifroei tbelnace, air eUa. Ireatai
ar wladttpe. threat or bead; dlatlalaalaa ef tha frea7
ef ceaab; fantral iseraaae er etreafta troetco tf aje
Um: atorraca ef aifbl avaau aad palas aad feallac ef
vaaknraa aroaail the aaalae. !(. sSooUeri. el: reeaetics
oreoidaBdcfcU!a,saaM efaaffocaUaa; hard nattlaaad
earoayimi of orach oa lyiag doera ar arUta la lha awra.
inf. All thtsa diatraaaiaa tjmfUmt gradually aad taraly
dii appear.
7. Ai day after day tha fjAaMArAKIIXIA! It
Uaaa. new tiraa of returning health will sri!; a the
tlaod iar-rorce la atraagth aad parity, dbeiae anil dinin
tab, and all foralga aad Impart dtpoelU. aodee, tnaore.
cancer , bard lom. eto be rtaolrad away aad tha aajoaad
audt aound aad healthy; oleert, fertr sore, typhiUUe aorta.
tnronio ikla dlaaaaaa gradually diasr-fwar.
8. Ia caeca where tha tyttta haa bea aalirated. aad
attrtnry, UakkaUrvr. Corroaita SaUinate (tha principle
couutaeat of tha edrertlsai anaparUlat) utociated ta
soma ciaee with Ilyd. or Fotaata.) have acco melt ted asd
become deposited la the soaee,joiaU.atccaalBgearieer
tha bene, rickets, tplaal euiTstnrea, coatortlecj. white
swiRlaga, vanoott vaiaa, eta, the ftASMAIABIa
LIAM will lesslre away tbeat deposits sad uieraiaata
the tirua of tha lite see frota tha tyttast.
9. irthotewbasraUkiBg these aeJidsat far the cart
of Chrosle, Scrof aloat or SyphUitia diseues, however slew
issy Le the rare, "feel better, sad Sad their gaatrsl health
Improving, their Beth aad weight Increasing or area keeping
Its cm, It it a tart tljrn that the cart Is progressing. Ia
these diseases tha patient either gets better or worse tha
vlrne of tho disease it not Inactive; If not arrested aad drives
frcD the Hood, it will tpraad aad continue to undermine tha
constitution. As soon as the
makei the patient feel better." every hour yoc will grow
better and inert tat is health, atnagth and Sash.
The great power of this remedy is la diseases that threaten
death at in Consumption of the Loan aad Tnbtrouluaa
Phthisis. Bcrorola, Syphiloid Diseases. Wasting. Dcgeacra
tiii and Ulceration of tha Kidaeye, DiaheUt, stoppage sf
Water (iotaaUaoas relief afforded where catheters have
to be caeC, thaa doiag away with tha painful cpersUoa of
asiax theat instruments), dissolving; stoat ia tha bladder,
and in all casts of Inflammation ef tha Bladder aad Kid
Bart, ia ctroaio casts ef LtHcorrbta aad Uterine diseases.
la tumors, nodes, bard lamps aad syphiloid ulcere; ia
dropsy; la vtntrtal sort throat, alcsrs, aad la tuberelat ef
the lanrt; la geut, dyspepsia, rheaaaUsa, rickets; la mer
rarial deposits It is in theat terrible fsrau f disease, where
the human body bat lieoat a coaeltat wreck, and where
tresy nour ot txisteaea is torxara, wnartia uum great ib.iit
chailtaget the aetoalthaeat and adalmioa of the siek. II
Is ia such caset, where all the pleasant of axttttacw aeptar
cat off from tha unfortunate, and by Its wonderful, alaoat
taperoataral agency. It restores the hopeless ta a atw IMS
and new exirtence where this great reaedy stasia aleas le
its mi'ht and power.
Ia the ordinary skia diseases that trery tat Is aere tt
lata iroaUx with, a few doeet will la Boat caset, aad a fee
bottles ia ut more aggravated fonts, work a peraaatat
Those afflicted with ehroala dlseasfe should pwreaaas a
aaekagt containing one dotea bottlee. rrica (! perdotsa,
sr M per baUdotta bottles, or f 1 per UtUa. Sold by
Will Afford Instant Ease.
iMiXAiniATioif or Tax zrDtrr.ys.
Tat savjtbsJIoa ef the IKABT BKLIBP to the
part or parts where thtpaia ar diaVcalty saltts will aSsri
saat eat ttafnit
Twenty drops la half a teaaltr af waltr will, la a few
Itavauss saeaU always tarry assattt of KAs WA T V
BKUBcrwitatata. AfewdreaaU waUrwUl prtTtat
saskasss st seise freaa abaaga af water.
Price SO Ceats. Sold by Dnmrlste.
ragulate. purify?eleaast aad areas that, AslwAdPi
1ELI4. ssr aas tarsaf aQ dlttcetie oCda Steaaeh,
LlTtr, Bowels. Kidney. Bladders. Msrewes Dawatas. HaaaV
seas. CtsaatMUae. OasUveasss, ladlgatSlsa. DytMfase,
Billloesets.aWlllewsrtaar. Isliaaslliaaf the BawaJs.
Illia. ttl ill ruiisiiaisbj if It l Ulmil Til in Wsr
rtAbrdUtaVtaaatttlTteaTa. rarely vtaaaili oatata
Isj si awisi i. alsinlt ir lililirlTai fnay sj)
Barosetrvt tke laltowlea i j ssjUsai rasal'iat um Ms
treats trtetDigasHva Oaaatr
cvaiurauoa, iqward Pues. ratlaeas ef bhe BtetdtaawS
H-vl. AcUtty f tha Kteauea, Naatee. lltaraVara. 1
f i'l. I aline er weight u taa sarasis, awe
ttoat Wakint er FlaMsriMJ at aha M af bhe
jw:nimiaser uta inaa. uarnea see tinaisis
FlBtieriaiattht UearkChatatsarsajtissslse
Uniaslitgr?ataTt,Diaatsaf Tltiea, Oats ee
lag reetart, Diaaaasaf Tlsiea, Data ee Wats
Intioa; TeUowasst ef tat sale aadSyta. ffsle
Cheat, Uaaavaad Seessa rhassss awea
betore tat eaga
ey cf lrtptrai
ia lha BxltC
Bvrmlae ia tha Flask-
A few dotes af saABWAsTM VIKIsl ffl sas taa
ryateafraaaU taa abort aaaed disorders. Pa-lew) BB)
etwteawraets. SOLD BT DBUQOISTS.
WAT eft CVBTs. Sal
earrte WrsHasw
StailaiwS aMTkeat WttA taMlr laffM
Three Highest Medals
At Tffinf A, 18 PAS1S, lSt7.
1 aKCLAKJKD by eatlxe&t Bsskiaas. is botk
JBwaaisstwaavtobenarraus. New styles,
witk aacet lataec! amt IsaprorcmcaU ever sasae.
VawSsie mU CsMaeMstattea sHavae, Bap arts
sTtsars re ee ether cases ef are etesigas.
OstoAJFS saU Car esask. or fef awstkly or
eaartetiy aayaaeat s ; or rcBted catn res: pays for
- - asrtjstsder.
C H. JOKKS. Wcaeva Aaarat.
i M. BBIsL Clerk U Cktsesje, UL
SakSraatJe awe, to aaraaMTtBaaBBaBWaTaatoeWI
ratorsat, M.M.TMAXM V9, wwaaif. M. '
n H If II III II hill 'awaatBraaaa
t PIii IT m I'ltiVW
PjPSfatbr. wBawBBauKXvLai
bSSmV awiBaaaru vVf i t Aj..,iPrHifaTaawaLBmwal
Heawtlfnl filft In tKe World.
PfHl Office order r ,SW Vorb, or lf rr((liUrtil
THi: r.CIIO. alnslo eerrty, Agrrat'a
forwarded for ! teats.
torttktr vntk a $fitmJtJlfitU'trUJ rimU jpnif tmtntt mJ nmpt fftt .i.vr.At .1
ILLUSTRATED l ! ttr.mUr ,IU nr tk f -- I lrlf,J rtrtf ttt t't-m.
art fjomrfrrmi'mm c' troHttf mlunWr-ittkrH tntiJr-rJcJ,H -.vrnW.
0m rtttift ct Twir ("tt nrrrmtr. irrm ferrr-m. fatUgf r V tr
the fuhlnhtr tit tjfi li i rj ffwiie
, . mr ' w V' ' ...,-'... --- ' . ---..
Ckromo-Enerttrtrnf tJoreatlere aad Iter Lover trui r ttmi.
'TslX KCBO" for fear wreka, I!laaatCirraUr. Ac.. Poslagr rrvpoltl, for 20 Out.
America Illustrated . "The
Bar A IwWrtfrtiaa. to tka asm ia tkm Cltaapest. lata aeet Ueofttl. aad
et AvpreprUta Prweamt tkat cstm W aatasto. AsUreee
J. DAVID WILLIAMS. PawCtaer, (Sox 2 1 77,) 42 Broad St., New York.
Dr. Whittier,
617 St. Charles Street, St. Louts. Mo.
A rrfvUr crkdaite ( to MMkl Co!W-.k. lm Uff-trmfiei
In Unpori.ttrtitmrti.f Ventral and Ocaual Dtseaeeaitxa
ear etr raviicUu la SU Leuli, u ctly rfvr ta, ! U
old rr.iJ.oU LtMW.
Syphilis, Gonorrhctt. Qlset, tlrSctare. Orchitii,
Ruptura.sllUriasryOietSttt am) Syphilitic or mer
curial ssTtctioes ef tne throat, skin er bones. -i iml
with aerallld nwei.e edU34 rnad4sa a?cl, rrtraWr.
Sptrmstorrhoa, Sexual Debility aaS laaeotctny,
at tin ratultetrWlT ebaw la;tt.M:vlinu,i la atitnt vw
er otter eaosM. sad wtUb pneceMuaeef la. Mkyvtaf .d-t4(
BerKHUiHM. wodaal etalatiuas, deUUtf , dlaiSM. l ! k I, aVM r
armory, lailr o lb. ff, pbjr W1 dc.y, imiM le t r
ef f.ntlai. coafuioa ef liuj, Iom ef hiuI wt. eta ra Utirt
raarrltce Improper w untwppy. r rrMarauy er4
CooNluUee at .ace er by b.U fi, aad latlt..a frtrorirU.t
Hhli enlaton cortjnoUilos. MMtclsceia b. arat bv etT or
mail. CBrrjOiriVrvl. Oav. Urar. H K ulr II IM
dtfi, I: M.UI r II. ruartlrt. UiuriUtwN Iniunrt.
MANHQQIV-AII about it. far 1ft Cents.
WOM AJIIlOOD Every wemse wsntt it 10 cU
Sent Scaled, both for 90 cents. Aise la Ocrmaa. bound
together, tllustratad. for 10 cents. Remit try msll.
Also In Bles-ant Cloth and (Jilt Blading, seo pCt.
eaastaXaaTuvlaaa. Sent sealed for OOoenta. Ula
Uvrr cftr wna-Urtnl atkterr tne te Ht arulraatae t.
kielef Wtj : VUa cut Burry, wte net. why. rrerr see le
marrr . Who rstrry Orvt. stenhaul. Wrcataluol. rhv.Wal deeav
1her3ettaefcell7 laltunt. lift aad
herpiaeet euy tx laervunt. The rhv.Mey f RepredartJaa. s (aa.
ay atere. Thou aurrkdor caeKarJatlaf rrUc theald read U.
artrr a ll.VUcr ntnlse. I aavrt tna heaaa ae well aa anl
SMtkUra. II .ejhl u be rrad by sD ajalt tnoae. tilea loekedt
wp. net mm areuaa or loax. ae II l worthy arrs-raadlas,
tatae Ue ereaaa of llteratauw oa this sutfaet.
CENIBAL afnfilfifk,
70S OlieMtnut St., ST. LOUIS, MO.
rreanetare art raynetsat (recaisr crastalaal aaeatg ailSsltac
Ml SW-
laiaeesrlia. WraassiawratrHise ae Swat.
mu. weeeaeee a sea ae stead. M.. alee reatat ae est easaa af
OleeUaiaailliauaa.sHllStlilw.aliarasBawaille. aSaeilaf
eraraajarwaw. eiaae, tease, stewta. neee. abut. 4(, WS
CAST CTJBB.aaMyaadpeiaeailyi areMrtilB,ta esasahia
iheeynaat. Caarsaa aaderale. TraauaeBi, eeat eaaavary sad set.
vurrlepraaaeu a eielaaee. OoaeallaUaas tree eaU r wrwav
Prlvata M edloal awidsesl U waf tasetise. tx twaetaaae
flrwtSaiaeaadUajraMtleolBraafTtwIaad ataale batharsca.
HlaUtepareate Hew ta have BeaHay, beeettfe! etdlarta-lhert
rtlrU-Mdtr.d. Art ef le-IUb aad relelBla, view. Ma.
bead aad WnaeabaedT Madtaal Uvlee aad praeerlftlaae. fall aa.
. ... . .. . ..i. lbb
pniw reaaaas. wii aararaiy seatas (oaeeaaw aaja ajtBB
. - .. T r ... z ' tzj- -: -
DOT aad BlMs11e.Arsl MBBT, tralaea far a
saccestful start la Bttstaesa Lir at KsetaaaCel
lrgo. The oldest, largest and only Iasiltatioa
that tires aa Actaal Baslatss Practice. Carraacy
aad Jferchaadlse ned kave a real valve. Kaea
day's traafaciloas based oa eaotatloas of New
York Market. New stalldlars. Kates low.
Gradnatee assisted to tltestietis. Appllcaats re
ceived any week day. Kefcr to ratrotis aad
Gradaates la nearly every city and towa.
Address for eartfcalirs aad Cetalugae ef 3,0t
Gradaates la Business.
Pouskkrepsle K. Y.
i certain. vx-o!y and pernusest care tot riillesaa
r Fits, St. Vltos Daace, and ai raervooerateaSa.
Mits guaranteed. Serxl (or Crculara. Address Dr.
lawm. 607 Carrew Arc, Oicaaje, B.
aWaaaawaaaaaaaaaaaafjaaTtaaa" a
ww 1.. .gjrjy a awwaiafc .way
leoyrasJyeUeBtaB7wta7aW kwsastwTswaaaak
aea-STBiByaaJieesaetij sssiisse
itreaa. Dr. C A. BWaniAJi ASSJta
BX.Itfals.ata. faaiMletatHakaT.
af leJsteaa ar saitoeatolse-
laiaaela tssSi
west wttB we tad eestewrrsfe
see, rtce, etc, faiecuy ireai taetr
.carat wua year aasae eant aawt
te -
faW OftXaCASTat.
aad yea erfil rrawiv 1m
inn raausi eaiaai raaiiiiiia Tra n n i i
--iiawav" BBsV BBJta. i
awew taTCaMaaaVaaar.
. - - -
ertaetajBBHtySBa.jVl. AfAfaTa
!a:"- .jVjaaa-t
A BOOK FOR THE UM1MMI bssbbbbbbbbbbbbs
GUIDE. vS33 aJAd'eias AVavavavavavavavavavavi Bar Taiel.aa la's this wa aTae aaa t SBBaaWBawBawBawBaS
wia m t eacrrriaaa, .a I e if i . t le taaraeni awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawa
iteihPiewB are earriatartfiaw trite aarrteei seat a tea aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
awaiittastaseeaawiirasaiVy.aB4yhaaaaaaaBae Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa w ,
!niiuiM itwtieawraawfsaawuyawrtgeajtiBj mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ""
aaeesSe,rjseasarr.U.'saaasaat- BffaBfaBfaBfaBfaBS TA
etiii4il sfs.aSB.Hi
'asssssssawBBatf I ataffrwkawS SaaaaawaB BaawSBawSaa
'sly jggHs ABOVEB at; A v
rjPMn aBBS jaLCTwogifflHwi
SaajJElaWaBWawSBaBS I -aMeXCawelBBV. PlsstTlsl sad waaw aa saaalssBsasa.
waf,1p'',', j te. TaaVhas, tsattaet I issaat. ssk II AaTAJTJsBE BL sXX
TO PATAtOaTS Or aTOaaatAJnWT IsailstoClkwaaxa,,
Ttl aai teat fill VmUti fMsaM, yaTarT 9AM MM MAM Ml r .-
rTataria1 1 1 f leJsteaa are sstaJaaatokc- atsrIVJaB'wafJaBBsF
XaahteaUaathrrraeeU taa Sena sad FVW bTIH I fES tfV sawa.
aawjBaSjBBawt aTIafSwhB OaakPBSSsVa SJaaal e WsJaSS SaBBB'swBaBT SBv SJ sWafssT
teeratr. Taectrealsr ale feisliin taMlsetaf
fcstokfraBaWawaa3te7Wssse to Bwlaai
Saasaasl Watt,
nrinrs a rKK.MaM to kacii
) jllaasj I SiVe-KaUtD.
. I . ?m a -fM si ,ad e af. ill ... i -at . t ,.-X..
!f4 "- 4 ftX fe eSri-eeJ-r aiaM-raiVv
" aaaBae-aaawa,
Actntt Wiatoi rrttji?hTt
WtYIIK KC1IO. aVnUUntwwily raat,
itt Titorwst ltSrt anj puogewt ear.
HrejAa a4 epKy ? f cwftt eerwte
aaI rrr'nl ltmeL Kaett SBMaer Is
asaedrailBcwatly Ulaadyadeil ta tke warr
Ittsae-et ety le ttf art. Ktrv aanNrr ran.
tatn th- b-t lalee, reeare. eVetfhee, OwrM
iMk tlwri rtA.1 tiitntwhtt aaj a!ftttigN
UL A rrlwr cf Tlta U.tM ta N fw4
in m t-ther ptrHrtra at peahen 1 1 a tVe rwa
trr t? ejiart- IvU linwul teerr vteea t
ii'c.4Usl rtwrttf mrrrttrvM J J.
sntrr TI trttele which will ipt-ar
lU f im iJurieg th frtivrmag ). wU.
la loA.frw.1 itn4iv4a4Ur.anJiTt this
labut oawrWtaro oftaw raperz
a rf ! itat tut. rvMTtMwl ,
trrrttrrtt,rr '! i tfttr tn te
rcf 1 ufc-Kciv U thg wvvletfitl ttr .
Atwerlna Illuerl-l. siven ruitw
rallv ikKtiht' Atne-rlfws Itlaslralel
a a -.& nil v kllutralrl enlum, rtgaBV
crot r l"uriU in th4r. gtlt evljv t4m
v hw h tiu!xf I hr pH-1 ( Nx oenniiBl
vt.lh the bNI tvsnty aivl mtg.w
C4ttl tt ngtt.tti the Up.I j ' ettl Ki i
abnv a tMheve. "I1i .. uikb-r ns.
rurv r.rrumtrx. w lil re. In IW t-A
ami line art itixri I T f nv rrivret aT36o In
aVJOe ntoatiteetM W aaaOe tiy Otaei
taa at title eeaeua et tao Jeer.
iw ttjpjmtr, wihlrh IrxlttJe rMUajrv pn Tm.
Iii ra AMKKIC ILi.InI UN run
UmilUo.r mutt Nf mJ lT Jxl. ilsaa.
kUtr 1
Circular, rtc poatavc pre-paW,
rrr-TW1 fMT 9mj-M ..w, . ..... Fr
fr. .la mmt f iUuti'Tit rm .. mHr
. ,.,
Echo" for one Year, U.
Ia aaaewaeisjar (ka apaxlaaar af aeir
w silk mu
(Wklrh lute Ike great SbaTSsaaaura af ke.
Itsfj alte sMraS llatasl 1st fka eaemtry) m9
wenKl smM Ikal wa kava Jews ssiasle si
tesaslva aeajrrkaaea af Blaek awasa satiek
kelea? tka sstarket, atkAek wa aatkr at
price tkat saak Useaa tk CMKATttT
aver akawst la erktoaa;n A lass taeve
aael evetslaa; akaeflr mt Cwtaratt lire
wJralaa aejaalljr laart Claaklttaj aawl
Trtsaastaa; Telveta arall a; lea
rat Brier.
Atot). aew Malto fraaa tarare aatl rtv.
eeat lasartatlstta wklck aa ar akle
iaeerVr at akeaat kair saraaer rtwan
TBseaa araesle ar all aew aael elsalissksa
atyle. aaat win k faaaei rrasttrkakly
W kav larealjr atMeel t ear efaek
f falea aaat Mteavee araTr ctoaka.
sTsakraWrrrel Bilk Csaak. rar.fJaea
sstlk Haceiar aasl Clrralara, aasl steal
keta, wltk a ekale aaaarlatrat af steal
lattla kkawla aaat ateeiefe4 earwetne la
Isaliatkm faaael'a Hair kkawte la aew
aasl kaaslaasaa aattoraa.
We akall ala,artttT Ska week, atako
rtck sltaalajr r attracUr MelMey
Caexsla. fa artlele mt Irsais,
Wae-Je, Faarl. I veer, IU. leratker aa
aterlla Waal, eallakl fr Melletay aaat
WeaMtatT Ifsa,
AS Easa tkaa reaal rrlre 1 1 ""
W seaerlally caatsrasl t JVartkaeel
era rsslslsato ta Isaaarlaat adraataarea V
a astrefcaee la
aeaUeHse-J, asset Cleeete er
S ta aar yaw af ta caatrjr
Stale Street-Wadiiiflon M,
TkTKW" astd laaertaaat i
Atyef tieaatncawa. Uefefere leeet latkie t
let eat ef order, sreeteed eeaUly of fees. Ktl
eetseCe fere, aick Steele. eweet style of eee-.
stTery Btmm warraated. BeM ea saoataly tt
easfiwlf ataaega, Clsealsre swt rrea.
ft Yea karea aHreet, CIIICAUo. ILL.
. Be'at tale net aad aeeee la veer letter. a.A
ansa, jaejay AaWaeaZaaw
asaawaawsaMe. siaiar
ey eeswawaaaeaevt, fawamaV
aeaasBaarrw.Saf aa aaaaraw
bbbSS be SBSfTBaae,, TAy L
ewtaWt r
BTWdksar 9 BBWBawaay aaaaBaaSav V aw sBaaf V UmwMmmMMMW BawSBaaaBaaaiaBBa
1 awaaaaeg rffff MsSlfflP&
BsataFl s. iaW,aaitMi.s IUT
mm . . W
y -