I 1 p f Hi aJ.KESTS D1KETT0RY Attorney at uaw ci ... w O. Mii.k- T -? .111 III 1 4 4 lira 111 JVC? A IJ- acio rt at! tft Court oi ihv estate. .', o'i-rn !'tnitly Atr.rld to V i lAJil.U -' '5!oud. h'eb. av r.':lKV AT LAW, ;:izrr72i::A:ossAL sstatt ; ? i'ln-tl, N'brarl.n. t stutetiuit. Cobb. Ma qutt &. Moore. I A W Y E II S, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. ),1) 3 Trill ia att nd.nnre at eb e-ic Tv e iltrct Court ot toe lever! eojntK'in the Republican Vallsy. 2 1 A.. U B iffSS. JAS. LAIRD KOVE A: LAIRD, Atfnevs at Iaw neys AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS. g5T Will practice in all the Courts o tkr State. xirjuA stsssasza Real Estate Agents, &c. W 5 RICHARDSOS, J. A. TULLET8 ftchardson & Tuileys, 79 S2TATZ& :0L'i!75 A5S1TTS r" Kavanl -fH R-alKi.it on Cai !- i A pay fuciJornon-rcidrntg. .a 41 vicn'Hti stra liro1!ertiT!. Oor f t .'"" -x't'c-J. A'l Utter nfiaqniry. . ' j neprii3ijJj' aincred. I."-.' n)HI). - - - - NEB. Geo, W. Sheppard, Late of r S. Iand Offirr, Biooming t. cb GOVERNMENT U '' atfen 1 to any trusincM before ih'V Iiind OtBi at Bloommetiin, " , a 1 1 t);eepartnieor. Wa-hitig- T .') r I'hrvy ir- n'Jicial cxif iic i t ? Land OSice at iuwell ei ill TIlicttl. ' ;,' 1 at."a-ion It ontet arifinjc u" ' b !.- r.tjin tlomotrAd and ra xv u. c w.th 'aHeT Gulin. two door4 j.ti L..S. LiinI oic-liuil.ltar- Ceunty Surveyor ' 'y to do work in hi5 in . ChU an or addre '-j !.-' -, 'A'eh-ter county. n8-ly & v a Clede 15 ou.se a :aj Chud, Ne&.aska. - Ti" ... '"TT?e ..tuit Tiitbl- in CunnrrtluB wltbltie 4 Hl.Hi:: 7si h tr! ha ben refitted and wfarniihfd '" oh ut. otrm eia VJen. Itailro'l Vcn nl a I pirfir v:itios Ited Jood. ttU find ai If acumtuuJatioBa atthi Uotal. Red Cloud Mills! W-2 are prepared to dt cus toms WOrk, Fynr peed and Cora Mn" fv Sale. lz tisractlon gu aranted in qua'ity of fl ur SOLD, and CUSTOM wosk. Karuittn ?hould le particular t" -ccure the be-t of .eedwheat. Pptter 6l Frlsbie! A. B. HA.XjYER. at Sherer' Drug Store, Red Cloud. C3jhavinp, Shaaipooins and Hair Catting in this highest stylo of the art, " lT-td -1 " " Cily Icat Market. &HH H. DALTOH. Has jut opened a Meat Market oa Webtcr Street, next door at of Park Shot u ip where be will keep ndir. freh tneata of all kiads. HIG HEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR BEEF CATTLE. HOGS, AND HIDES. a.2 BechClou,. - - - - Wth. GEOtttBE ZEISS, r CIGARS, Chewing, Snikinf , Ttkaeco CAMDDMUITS OF ALLiONDS, COXFEC flONERIS, A Specialty. Taaja ifiger Beer fres Antelope " Brc"ery, conjant'yon hsad. - I. IF. tVLLETS, HGMCOPATHICPHYSlCUlf it c pvvstnv ?iiur,v.n I - - we w-t- w w -- - - - j 0?r,: 3J door Soat! of Court House. 2cdisu Ct: JCle Zsst if 2a4 GtxL R. ?. SHERER. Family Payselelaa. Ofist is Etr Bnj Slcr. RED CLOUD. HKBRASsta. Republican STAGE LINE- T. 7. VB3, Prcprf-.ter. Regular trips will be mvle between HASTINGS ani RED CLOUD. I shall he pleaded fo carry paenger upon the day mentioned, lsvntr Re Cloud at 6 A M on Mondays. Wt-dne dava and Friday?. Leaving HaMing at 6 A.M., on Tuesdays, Thursday aad Saturday a. Fare reaonable. Hair Fare Hates IN THE Republics. a Valley. E. B. H0l2S, Prsprietcr. Thi Stage Line rnnr.'n from B'ooBainjftoD to Guide Rork connect with the lite from the ntfrth, al&fi the one coming from the outh. Arrives at Red Cloud (from the wt) Mondavi and Thnrday.i, and return. Tuesdays and Friday. Good time ; sober drivers and com fortable wipons. HAMPTON 4 RALSTON. Red Cloud. Having hx-ed the Wagon and Black mith hop, lately occupied bj- Ira Sleeper, are now prepared to do every thing in the line of WAGON-MAKING AND BLACKSMITIIIKG, WAGONS. BUGGIES. AGRICULTURAL l.M PLHMENTS Jveiuired on hor: notice and in a Workman-like manner. WAG0S3 A.ND VUGGIES MADE TO ITAMJ'TON & RALSTON. Ri TER TOS A It VEU TISEMLNTS. J. 0. WOODS. Pliywieian & Surgeon Will devote hi- whole tiosc exclu sively to tbe practice of medicine. Office at P. A. Williams & Co. Drug Store. nS ly Riverton, Neb. UIVERtON HOUSE. Will entertain his xesLin the aanft I gent!eman-hke manner, with a goad fare a- the market afford. To the trarelias paMie we woald aay rive kiat a rail. 2I7ZSTQSr. 2CB3ASZA. !rl. XULMTAN, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, 2T0TA3T 2T7SLIC ND SSAL SS7A72 RivcrtM Fraaklis Coaa'.y Ntkntka. ar-tatai for tale aad tailoriar done ia tbaltaactatrle. DO YOU KNOW THERE 13 A DBIG &TORE IK 2UVS27Cy Where you can get anything yoa want in the line of Pare Drag?, Medi cines, and iu fact all articles squally kept in a 5r?t-dafcs Drag Store. Pure Wines and Uqaors for medicinal use. Physicians prewipticna carefully ceai pounded day or n'ghL KA- Customers trtnted toiti. rmptet and mm occasional cifrtr. GIVE MM A CALL. if m. bizee SI722TCX, - - - ifyaAgra IfiticataT Satrat ia hereby given. That I wfll csaaaiae all persons who away desire t uter tbeaaclves as candidates for teachers of the priaury or comaana schools of the county, at y oficeta Red Cloud, on the first Saturday if Aegast, November. Felnury aad May. J, S. GiLHAM. Co. SaperiateadeaL ! aaa,Bjai M .M X 0T3CI TU TAX-? ATXU. It is aeevary that all taxes 4a? and unpaid should be paid witkoat delay. Tax-paTers take astiee aa4 govera jaanervea accerdiagh, aad save coots. ?- a. ..m THE REt CLOUt CHIEF REB CLOUD, NEBRASKA. LOCAL MATTERS. Notice in this Cocirma 10 CemU o Hnt Arrival mm B)eartarr er aalta frwwa lar ate lie !.. Ji'Mata Leaves Monday's Wednday'" and Friday 7 a m. Mail ebed 9 p. ra.. . rrwres Tues day Tksreday and Satarday'p 7 p. be. Harvard Leaves Tuesday a aad FridarV C p. tu. arrives Tuesday and Fnday'a 5J p. so. Mail closed 5 p. . Kbaxkli. gninr east, Mowday and Thursday's 1 p. tn. Going went Tuesday's and Friday's 10 a. m. Pleasant Hill leave Thursdays 6! a. at. Arrive? V edoesday a 4 p. to. Mail closed 9 p.m. JxTWT.LL. Kana. arrive Friday' 12 m. Leaves Friday 1 p. as. Rl'KSEL, Katas, arrives Thursday's 12 a.m. Leaves ThonKiay lp. m Office open from 4 untill 6 p. as. Sundays. All rcriMcred matter 'mnt be in the evening before the tnaik leave M. B. McNitt. F. M. caacatvai iiaiccTBir. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Srvit-e eyery tirt and third Sab batbaof each month at Red Cloud and (navale. 7 o'clock p. M. at Red Cloud. 2 o'clock P. x. at In aiale. Every hecond and fourth Sabbaths at Batin aud Harmony Precinct, Rev. A. Max WELL, Pator. BAPTIST CnURCH. Rev. Tho-. Ml'XMw, 1'a-tor. Service every fourth Sahbath at 7 J P. X. Sabbath School every Sabbath morning at lo a. M J. Q. I'OTTER, Sopt. SOTJCE. U. S. Land Office, ffice, 1 , Nt-b. hlS75.) Blnoniinatnn Deo-tuber 4th Complaint having been entered at this office hy Michael Snyder againt Daniel Vincent for adauduniii; hi homestead entry, No 1648, dated Nov. 5th. 1S73. upon the north-wot qndrtor, SectMin 26, township four (4j rani;e 12 wcfit, in Webber Couotv, NeLrtrka, with a view to the cancella ion of .said entry: the paid parties are hereby j-utumoned to appear at thi. office on the 17th day of January, 1876. at 1 o'clock P. M., to respond aud furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. Webster Eatos Regit-ter. IS-4t hVAS Wortuino, Receiver. NOTICE, U. S. Land Office )ffice, 1 1, Neb. i, 1875. Blonmington December 14tb (Jomt)laint having been eatered at thin office by Emanuel M. Sunday against Peter P. Shake for abandon ing hw homestead entry. No. 1918. dated March 10th, 1874. apoo the northeast quarter. Sec 14, township three (3), range II we-t, in Web-nter county, Nebraska, with a view t tbe. cancellation of raid entry: the said partieM are hereby summoned to ap pear at tbi office on the 27tb day of January, 1876, at 9 o'clock A. M., to rc.poad and furnish testimony con oerniag fraid alleged abaoJanment. Diipobitioa will be takes before the County i.lerk ef Webster county, Ne-bru-ka. at hk office at Red CToul on the 17th day of January, 1876, at 1 o'clock p. at. W ebstkr Eatow, Regirter. lS-4t Evan Worthing, Receiver. NOTICE. U. S. Land Office, Blooaiiucton, Neb. V N.v. 18th, 1S75. Complaint having be-a eatered at thisoffice by George W. Shuttsagaiat Hiram E. Phelp for abandoning kis hnuiertead entry. No. 975. dated AdtjI 2I.-t, 1873, upon the northeast quarter of Sec. 2, townhip2. rane (II) eleven Wt-t, iu Webster ctiunty. Nebraska, with c view to the cBctllation of raid entry: the said parties a:e heteby .summoned to appear at this office on the 23.1 day of Dcceaiber, 1875. at 9 o'clock a. m., to respond and furtiin testimony conceratog said alleged abandonment. r WtBSTKa Eatojt, Regiter. 15-4 Evan Worthing. Receiver. THE ONLY PAPER IN WEBSIER CO. AND THE LARGEST TAPEat IN TOE REPUBLiCAJT KiLLBV. THE CHIEF, N E W S ja 'j. AND .10 If rittliaj 4SlH.f job fflirk eaflT(tt4 h It MASKiTWJaXNBi; 4 r 4 Cafc paij for egga iefii wred at ttc Valley Hoaae. Tke County Coaafci-sioaara kav iag declared tke office ef Co. SaeC vacant, and appointed aae to fill tbe vacancy, I would give notice to all who wi-k f o Ito exaeised betweea sow aad tbe first Monday in January, that tkey will find me at my office, one door south of tke Court Hoase. J. S GiLHAX, Sop'L There will be Comaiamoa Services at tbe School House at Red Cloud on Sunday, Jan. 2d, 1876, at 11 o'clock a. ., to wbtcH Christians of all orders are cordially invited. Also there will be serviced ia the evening at 6. o'clock A. Maxwell. Pastor. The new Prince Organ for public services has arrived. It Is both good looking and good-toaed instrument. It will be used for tbe 5r.t time pub licly on Sun 'ay Jan. 2d, 1S7C. All are iuvited tu come out and bear it. The Ladies Benevolent Society will meet at Mrs. Ira Sleeper's, Tuurrdsy January 6th, 76, at 2 o'clock p. m. There wdl be a sociable in the evening. Sec'y. The Red C?oud Schools will be gin .next Monday the 3d. itut. All in tending to attend are requosted to be on hand promptly. 1. W. Tuileys, Director. When you come to town jmt lo)k at that :gn in front of tbe new har ness shop. II. S. Kaley and family arrived home co Frid&v last from Ohio. Christina pa-ised o!T very quietly in ibis place. W ven went so far a to prepare for church, thinking it wait Sunday, and might hate Ubored under the mistake all day had we not bal the pleasure of partaking of some plendid turkev and other cool thing at the re?idence of Mr. Richardson's, which reminded us ot the diya of yore, Lt Saturday we had the p'ea ore of mcrtiut; Mr. M. L. Garberof Guide hock, who made us happy by subscribing for the Chief. Mr. Gar ljr isa genial whole-?ou!ed ffllow, and we were glad to make his acquaintance. Riverton had a bi dance on last Friday night. Everybody wan there, and all seemed to enjoy themselves. Next Saturday will be the first day of tbe Centennial year, al.i or Leap year. It is seldom that these two years are the same, so seldom, that we hope the girls will take ad ran tag of tbe occasion. The Chief -till sews its own button on but i willing to give up the job and surrender at discretion to the prettiest, loveliest, and wealthiest girl in the country Don't all come at once. Croquet still continues to be the recreation of the day. Ouce in a hile the wind bbws a little to J raw for tbe fullest enjoyment and comfort of tbe players. Bat the ladies have abundance of pluck, and the boys dont like to complain. -Eight youBg ladies accompanied by one"fe!Iar" wended their way through aud across the ditches, after the so ciable last week. We would sagger t the adoption of some mean to secure the larger attendaae of a larger num ber of young aaea at these entertain uents in future. New Honey Locust Seed, choice quality, gathered in the fall of 1875 ; for rate by H. McCormick, 17 3m Broaaville. Neb. One yoang man in town failed to get a - preseat on tbe Chris-tnia tree. He was too old fat the presents given to boys, and his face wa too smooth to be remembered by the young ladies. The Masontc ball and festival last Monday night was an affaii of the first degree. Ever body seemed t Pbjoy theaiselre. The new organ has come. The chntch and Snnday school excrcie.- aaay be expected to be of increa-etl interest. The nigan at present is at tie rrsideaee of Rev. A. MaxwcH, bi.t is aiwaysf -at the service of any who atay wish to a-e iL -One far ent-rprisini yoans aaea wan sees fxirchastng a rinc aad corropottding jeelry tke oker day. We iaterred tkat to kin at lt the -New XcarJa iu.be ot-e of blcascdae,- Tke koys arc beztatng te prepare far tke New years remlurioas. by driokiag tkeir but drinks at every op partasdty. SHOOTING!! SHOOTING!! A shootiag match wiH take alae - Friday Deceaiber 31 -tat Red Clesd. It k to begin at JO o'clock A. M. aad coatiaae all day. L. Baaa. B. Yaadjke. Caar CotB. See. of Coam. Ckriataaas pssd off wkkotttat fight, a aheotiag aMttk, a,' daacc ar aaay of tke aectiaionied ckristaaaa fes tivities. Tke Ckristaaa tree Ckriatasra eve wa a ifcarioae afatr. Every kedy waa reacaaijered, evea tke CkieC Gw ae McBrid-a (er aey ikiag ia ike kameas Kae. H aaW aetkiac kt fire)ariBaatkraad dees good work. MrBaawyaf xaxasers a lwvwasf faavywrt w9 "T?4 - " Kia iata kav Seta!! lawjiraiix. At tbe Setool Hotuw, New Year's Eve. Doa't forget, free to every body. Cotwe oae, aoaae all, Coae great, coaae aaB. Tkcrc'U be apeeckaa aad aoag, Motly skort aad aoa bag. A fyroaiiaeat and leaiiag featarc of the exerderi will be riagisg out tbe oldamd riagtag ia tke new year. Ia kick tke ckidrea aaay all joia at first ringing i past seven. Tke la ringing will be at half.paat twelve. Ete--y- body in reaaeated to cuce prepared witk aekwtioas, or original appropriate tbosgbta for tke occamob. Let u joia ia a banaouioaj aad eatbasiastic feast of welcome to the Ccntraaial Year ef our own beloved ri-ing z'oung America. Intrumeatal a. well ts vo cal may be expected it variety. By oider of the Committee. The Amateur Minstrels of this place will give oae of tbair coaric and sentiaental prf-rmaocei at the Ma- sonic Hall, on Friday night Dec 3It, Immediately after which tbey wulgivo a dance. Mutc by a full Ethopuu band. Dance tick-t 50 cts. Harvey Jc Vance, Attorneys at Liw. Ooe hv-s ia a draw and the other on Sunflower FlaL Dun't forget tb Centennial inauru' ation. Tht literary exerctxis will not Cummence until 9 o'c'ock. :ron tota2-?ate2s. It i necesar that all taxe due and unpaid should be paid without delay. Tax -paer9 take notice and govern your-elvcT accordingly, and save coats. November 30i b, 1875. E. ii. Jones, Treasurer. NOTICE. U.S. La.np Office.) Bloouiinctori, Neb. Xov. I0:b, 1575. J Complaint having ben entered at thi office by Perez Thoit agaiu-t Willijm Ii. Maluiu tor abandoning his homestead entry. No. 1433, dated September 15tb, 1875, uimu the northwest quarter, Section 2. town ?bip four (4), range eleven II) west, iu Webster county. Nebrj-ka, with a view to tbe cancellation of oaid entry : the said parties are hereby summoned to appeir at thi- office on the 20:h day of lJeceinber, I 75. at 10 o'clock a. m. toe-pond and funitsh testimony con cerning said alleced abTudonment. Webster Etox. Reitl'ter. 14-4 Evan V okthi.vu. Receiver. Joarsal of Ariciltara zzt Farasr. We call the attention of our readers to the advertisement ofthi old and reliable Agricultural and Grange paper that appears in another colnmn. It has been published in St. Louis for a great number of years and is the lead ing paper of its dav in the Southwe.-L It is reliable and trntworthy, and if any of our friends desire to take a first das Agricultural Journal they cannot do better than tc take this one. Tifie pubfehera are making tbeir weekly report of the markets of St. Louis and other large cities a promi nent feature of the paper and doubt less all will find them authentic and reliable. Give the Journal of Agri culture and Farwr a trial and you will doabtless be pleated and profited by it. nlz 6t A Fine Art 3t ig'tzinc For Thr Ttmng For 1878 After two rear's of proPrity. aaeiarnpled i&taa-BaU of juvenile literature, tluriar which sv. XicHOLaa has coasohdaied with itself all its -.ivtixe coiaetitnrr. the pat luhe Id'I themclvr in a poitioo uiprom-i-e thmi ih C irJ Vol am e. r-etniac wnh the BBDibrr for Notetuber lu hJl. ia iu anttfU-1 attractioaa or Girit nd Bojrt. sr pan rren the rrece-iiac tolatna. la ad dition to vBtnaatioaf fruai tha rituar atttfTKrtat sr Aairstica. there will h tcrie. Poemr. &! Skcehra. ty sotse of ih kMt Proaiaeat ipi,h Au thors. Amn:iatnti hare ten vixJe for a vcty iota: e'tia seriej of v?r on TlirtSCS CA3XL3, Br Mra. OLIPHANT. Treatlavof iu liuuiry an J ihe Child-Life of "uccea ire RoI (JoerUias. csaisnA 3. 03. zm Will cootribaU to taa aew rolaae. L07X3Aat WHJ -.rite Varioraa Birtbdiy GifU. aal har short slot tea. Som article oa "Art-onoa5y for Toan IV pic h'Tahei Btvaai'cd by the popaUr Kaciah ATo..eeae RIGU-vaVO PROCPR Then wifl he a aewtaaad tto 7 of Life ia Ieia"by atAYVRTATLiR. Ia the yreBar !f siaVer. t;e ofecias of th- t.e rolwwe. waa becaa as rnVtVliS SXSXAL S7C27, Ta Bov Eaat -bawt. By K. Orrtaa; taw !" of a party of bcy ia Tha aliara?a GaM Miae. ta the eariy day aftaettWd Fever. J. t TwetwaiCfiacc. AwthTr the Jac Paaard atoriea. w'll C-r.triaata 'osa hishly l'ttiir.s rkctehaf adrrttare eA " CaTe. TAIaKM WITS1 IHLH B leadias Qh"n. will h a leadica- fatar ofthe aewT4cac aaiil aUea4en will 'INCIDENT OF AMERICAN BKTORY. W1:T rrrri'ed jHetorral illtrti. TTse Tri depart sen tx. Jieki-tJte-tl pit. TV 9iddU fhx. Utr Box. amd th' aaraa nr Vet UttZr W4. r to b Essre arrlirtaai ever The FreVh. JtiB. aad Gaiaiaa Morica. fir tracal.tja. which (aawaBwvedawpnaa'ar wHl brrqct:n ke ae' volaaaa Sara n'lh Sacs' wrlc of Ta Vewf PWiaaar. mf f Cntvv' hare aaai uiaT enre-y Tor t. Sj.-h-cla. a4 'he rt artuns of th Anj will ea rnhata fr M a-Trirl if rawiac 'or tfct tfmr Art Wm0mmUe Ter Taw Teew. IVCsitw .saawaoca or aaaay iatmxtia aM tawv -et featajfaa were aawae i th- DeeaSer nn fece. Pt irwa.swta ee;iaM aider the aute ;aial witarai ad" MAST H APES DODGEi Aajav. tfawra wfl hwaawrad hy Har a rVafiaftitaaaat-taiaaaTt ir the at-traetJoawaad-Tn.. Th aiaaii-i W wi:j ireTMRher Tae raava iBsaiaaiaaU aM fan tk ra-Siiat far ChtMrc? Brar SasTfaVa .WjwmJi urawgd efriur cj All a i aad i feawiriair aar aswa aMC awzw are W ated ; Waste ! 2.000 babcUi of Cora, aad 1.000 Label of wkeat, by L. Baaaa, Gea eral MercbaaL altlf WELLS T WELLS I ! All waatisg weSs kwed will da to call a dob W. W. Havet. well 1 navale, Webster Co., Neb. -Good notaa taken if desired. Z7-Zm ""ONE HUNDRED CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AND HOW TO WAKE THEM, The December Number of ST. NICHOLAS willcoetain aa admir able article entitled: "One Handred Christmas Presents and How w Male Them." This article is full of practical de scription, by tbe aid of which girla of all ages, aad boys, too, for that matter, can make beautiful and uxfu! Christ mas l'reents for all their frieads aad relation. It will be Reaiit November 20tk S. Gabber 1 Co. DEALEU IN Dry Goods and Groceries. BOOTH and SHOES Hats, Caps. & Rtady Made Clothing ! We have the Largest Stock in the Vilify an. will not be undersold. GIVE US A CALL, ONE! ALL, S Carber & Co. cd Red Claud. Je. TA.KE The Newtaxser Farnishiaa THE MOST NEWS For the Least Money. ! THE CHICAGO POST & MAIL Now ia it aleTeath year, claiu the patroa- ace of the pubiieoa the broad gruod that it if. emphatically. The People Paper! The price of robcrfption of both Daily aad Weikly are made to law u to brias he pa prrs within the easansef erery taaa wbt. caa atTanl to take aay kioJ of a ntppr. aad the new o tbe day it ratoor importaace ii to coadcBse-i a to emtraoa eretu from all ! puiot accesuble by teleitraph or aail. Of all important bappenicas. Led or (caeraL the iper will couuia tall acd grspiiie ic cooau. 2tpaklxcas ia "clitics, a heretofore, the Pnt aad af ail prosbea ta fireiu t?a; egjru to tbe isppirt of it party in the orntuK ireidetitial Campa.fTj. aa wetj aa in eaiaoi political poltu. at coaiata. aad ta labor for the GRKATEST OOOD TO THE ORKATXST The Daily Pet aad Mail la. for iu rue. the Cbeapeat ewipajer iu tbf 'wl. and haaf-.r jearte pruatueut a the leadtss eapo neatof Cheap Joaraiiwat. ehith aaeaas U jive the j-e-jvle the new uf the ! a; the towut pMitlefic-arr. The paper in fmrnuh ed to rabaenbert by avail, po tace prepaaa. aa follwWf : laily. pv aaraat IS.0 1 Daily. 3 ttnmha 11.70 " tixmou.hs &.y - 1 atosth rO aMi; ia Zosi esl? Tws casts aUsjl Jr les than Hall tbe Cot of other Daiiiex. The lea-iiec feat a res ef the Dapy ITs MARKET KCPttatT H htcharecareTaly artpw eI by eap erieaaad iaei. at a Irjreapc.e. aalcuver th the utaxtaecurao. the ifarceu ef ihuacu. tieueraJ aad rpecial relafnua from th- lead lugdu. f ihia aad Littien euaatnae atitl tarther eaLace the ra aeof this particaUr J-partiaeBl t.f the prpe . tissiac atea thr a boat the c-aaU7 caa rely ta tbe aur Ket 4 JoUticT suftaet'ofltaad itall a heisa; ccarate aad coaprsheartre. I'ablijhed erery afiexstoo . the pap rfar airhet taepabhof taa .Vorthwnt with its Smnt aad JIarket Kep -rt at t-at of tAe Beratbc ppers, a cata la die time aad a satiaa- ia aaoaey waieh fraIaea atea ia the eoaattyeaa appreKte. loaddiliratTtitka eetai feaUre. the Pot and Mail aire the beet Special Tetecraau Ccciseaee far Jaiae Sf ea the Asaooated Pt'SB iri-patafcea. Cns Cerrcepnedeaca. aad Geaeral aad LoeaJ Sews et all kiaia. Ia all aiatten that tead Id atake a sharp. fpiey aad caterprfrie daily carpipr. the Daity Fat aad Lul will at be (rtid waat-ie- FoHowiac the plaa pntvtd Sy ike Pally. Taffi WEEkiLY Post and Mail tiaa heea redweed ta sjriexe,aa4ashecnpUoa fr oat. year tow cea osly ONE DOLLAR! TaeWeeIywiflc3aia: he Xew ofthe Ve k. tae Bert e Sferiw. Cimtt J read-tvc fcr ilea ff all tralea aat pref-ieaa. IVtmj of Artf Latdrata e. Faiaiec. feedwtyet, MARKET REPORTS Caral!y rarised dewa t thahswr of e7 topeaaa. Xa ererfthiac !twiit he. rtae priee. The I si Wttry wiakiatae Wnaaef every Exttmmtlmmrjf Imdmrwimtt Are oBerwi t-jaawara Sei Jer aatet&iaacawf tke tke Fata. awtKe. ewat 7 a vaaj ca. MARTIN PUPKA. natSttsmzttri TJt RED CLOUD BREWERY. J. BERENZEN 4c CO.. WelHttr Street Ne. I9i. A GOOD PURE ARTICLE OF LAGKE BEER CONSTANTLT ON HAND. VALLEY HOUSE. J. C. WARMER. Prop Is always ready to attend to and This Hotel is entirely aew, kavbg purpose of tke traveling public STAGE LEWES FOR THE RAILROAD ON MONDAT. WEDNESDAY, A FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK AT 7 O'CLOCK A.M. I Claim to Have the BEST STABLE! Weil ef Lincoln. Always keepisf oa band a good supply ef HAY AND GRAIN, Also a good conveyance for the purpose of eoavejing passengers from this place to aay other at reasonable rates. Red Cloud. 0. L. BATTLES & SON. DEALERS IN- SHELF & HEAVY HARDWARE, And all FARMING MACHINERY at Grinae Prices. AULTMAX& TAYLOR TUREZUMJrG .fl.lt ill. YES, aaBfafafBWBaapBBKg- arrjpB"jakt5ri fJaaaTaaW MOU1VTTED" and "DOWiV" MORSE-POWERS. VrwaeJIlBIFPSE LBK aVaasaa SEaaSaiaalwr A good aaaorisotat of NAILS, RAKES, BOLTS, CORN PLASTERS, SHOVELS SPADES, FORKS CARPENTERS' AND MASONS' TOOLS. PAINTS, OILS. NEWTON WA0O5S, GLASS, TINWARE, GRASD UETOtJR PI)WS, with Wood or Iros Beaaia. witk Wood aad Ires Beasts, Aad Erery tkioc ace4e4 by tke Faram or Meckasis. afrriae Table aad Packet Cwtlery. O. L. BATTLES 4 SON Galae 4ek, IVeartlaakaf. LUMBER LUMBER VV. L. VANALSTYNC RKD CLOUD JTEBK&BKA. BlALZm 19 PlfllE LUMBER. LATH 8HINCEL t a Doors. Bind, fth Moiilelirigi Limes Tarred Paper- Etc . joux autwutir make comfortable kit patriae. Uee Sued ap fcr tkeeiprew Xeraka4 .4r, r weflii BTiraf Cla LalVr Yi rn r -r 13tf - ." j,.Tiw. own, isto 16 (f H. Jones, Treasurer. J if yaw Kfueimvwm a an fji a ? jwwal. Itiare ear aiwt W RKD CLOODNKB wtiahave tGUAaUirfEB TO tafrrLfTATR ANt RIlX TRi.7 ' -a BB OOI AT iUinATA OB aVArriBtt , Etr4Pripritlii r Awaejta'j. N Y. c weati SIX