The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 30, 1875, Image 1

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IJRut&L p AUvei;tI$iii&:.
Oaic95. jwr ... tlj
Half - .... . i
Ojurts" t flJ
gbsft Jrtlt3at. b4 kirrrtiicxi! fr
Uts Ub taaa tw jw. are a4t to a special
Lcl anJSd UHk! NeU I3ts.t stlaCsr
fcrst tsserUsa, sat i rrat fe? rash ret-?at
Legal airrrtUiex j aUtats frier.
ftastara card t$ pr Tr.
TVs are Mir totcaa rto, asl soo?Jrtr
Unsa will lc jtTra.
KUItor and Proprietor.
s fc . . mn
The Red ClIoud
The Minnesota Supreme C.)urt de
cide that the law taxing saloon keepers
$10 each for the building ot a $25,000
inebriate asylum is constitutional.
The weather predictions of the Signal
Service, deduced from data furnished by
107 signal stations for the last year,
show that eighly-acven per cent, of them
hare been verified.
John Campbell, alias Plug Campbell,
alias Win. Burke, was arretted at Buffa
lo, December 12 h, charged with the
murder or Peter Weblcban, in Detroit,
on the 3d of Decerning.
The body of a woman, fearfnlly cut
and stabbed, was found in a field, Dec.
14th, on the outskirts of Brooklyn, N.
Y. A cigar-maker's knife was found
near tho body. No further clue.
The Kentucky State Orange have
patted a resolution favoring government
aid to the Texas Pacific Railroad, and
asking Kentucky Representatives in
Congress to use every effort to eecurc
that aid.
The Chicsgo Timet of December 8:h,
has a special giving an accouBt of a
fght near Vicksburg, between a band of
75 white men and a band of 200 negroes,
in which the captain and five men of the
latter were killed.
A German woman in ot. Louis, named
Duentz, while making some medicine on
a stove, December 10th, was burned to
u crisp by her clothes taking fire. She
shortly after died. Her husband in his
attempt to save her, was so badly
burned that he too will die.
The failure f Frtclnud, Harding &
Loomis, extensive wholesale clothing
dealers in Boston, have failed, with
estimated liabilities of $750,000. C.
M. Frceland, special partner, is also
reported failed, having endorsed for the
firm for half a million dollars.
Gen. Hendeison, who has been in the
employ of the government in prosecuting
the whisky cases in St. Louis, has beea
discharged, and Col. James O. Broad
head, one of the leading lawyers of the
St. Louis bar, appointed to continue the
Much excitement
seems to prevail
among the employes of tbo Western
Union Telegraph Company in conse
quence of a contemplated reduction ol
wages, to take effect on and after Jan
uary 1st. A reduction of from 5 to 25
-per cent: took place on the 1st of August,
and now a further reduction, ranging
2J to 25 per cent, is said to have been
decided on at a recent meeting of the
executive board.
A ttunk containing $15,000,000 worth
ot bond?, was stolen from an express
wagon in New York a few nights ago.
The bonds were in the care of the min
ister from Guatemala. They were to be
used as part of the payment due to the
United States government. The minister,
Senor Don Vicente Dardon, was ou his
-way to Washington, and when the rob
jery was made known to him he tell in
a faint and required meiical assistance
to restore him. He said the bonds could
not be replaced. One man was arrested
charged with participation in the rob
bery. A, shooting affray occurred at Owens-
!oro, Ky., December 13th, between Geo.
Murphy and a butcher named William
Itchier. Four shots were fired, three
by McAler and ono by Murphy. Mc
Alcr's last shot struck Murphy above
the eye and killed him instantly. Mur
phy's shot struck McAler in the left
breast sear the nipple and caused his
death is about ten minutes. The cause
of the difficulty was a dispute about a
debt of $3. Murphy had caused the
arrest of McAler about one month since,
and McAler published Murphy as a dead
Several murders have recently oc
curred at Mahoney City and Gilbertaon,
Pa., by masked men. They entered the
house of Charles O'Donnell, and seizing
and binding him they carried him back
-of the house where he was ahot dead.
A man named McAllister was also taken
from his Louse amd shot. A sister of
McAllister was also murdered. The
saurderers are auppoaed to be Molly
Msguires. No reason is given by the
people in the neighborhood for the
Woody deed. Upon examination it wai
discovered that Cbss. O'Donnell had re
ceived fourteen bullet, and that aa at
tempt had been made to bare the body.
Mrs. McAllister, daughter of Mrs.
O'Deaeell, was shot and instantly killed.
While following the molrFnuik Wen
rich, a merchant in good standing at
Mahoney City, was arrested as being
&eeeof the men.
The Agricultural Reports for Novem
ber and December say that the Novem
ber returns indicate that the corn crop
of 1875 was one of the largest ever
grown in this country; probably equal-
in the very large crops of 1870 and
1172. It is at least one-fourth greater
than the crop ot 1869. Every section of
the Union reports some increase.' The
potato crop is axtrordinary in both pro-
dict and quality. The yield in the die
. tokts reported is oae-foarth greater
seen last year ie. the rainy section. The
sweet potato crop entered in yield and
5"j excessive moisture in the
K Steins, aad west of tne tttsiMa
mt yield lastly exceeds that of last
A. A. Morlet & Co, merchant of
London, have failed with liabilities -timatcd
at $550,000.
Padre Palacois,thc priest who wast lie
cause of the outrage?, murders and in
cendiarisms at San Mignel, in Salvador,
has been condemned to death by a mili
tary tribunal.
A special from Berlin says that it is
considered probable in St. Petersburg
that Russia will propose an International
Conference in the Suez canal question,
and if her demand is refused she will
claim the freedom of the action in the
The Vieuna Ne Fres Press is in
formed that the Porte will make an ex
traordinary levy of 100,000 men In the
sprint: for the suppression of the insur
rection in Herzegovina. Egypt will send
biui in addition 22,000, and Tunis 8,000
The boiler of a tug boat near the
steamship Moscl at Bremen exploded,
December llth. The Mosel was just
ready to sail for New York, having cm
barked her passengers. Fifty persons
were kil'ed outright, aad many were
injured. The Mosel was so badly
damaged that she could not sail.
In the explosion on board of the Mo
sel at Bremen 57 persons wcr killed,
and 33 wounded, the majority being
resident ot Bremen who went down to
the dock as spectators of the shipment
of passengers. The man who delivered
tho box of dynamite had planned that
the explosion should take placo on the
ocean during the vojage of the vessel
A report comes from Bremer that the
passenger who ut temp toil to commit
suicide, and whose name is Thomas, had
confessed that thero was another case of
explosive material on board tho Mosel,
that it was provided with clock work
apparatus which was timed to explode
in eight days, when the Mosel would be
in mid ocean ; that he intended to land
at Southampton. His object was to
destroy the steamer so that he could
claim a large insurance which he had
affected. But later dispatches from
Bremen pronounce the horrible story
untrue. The case spoken of has been
opened by the police and found to con
tain nothing explosive or dangerous.
A report from Lima, Peru, says, that
in tearing dowu one of the walls ot the
old' Bah Aintrcis TIoopUkT, the ttJoa
found that the wall was hollow and
filled with human remaius. Between
four and five thousand
skeletons were
The hospital was built in
1557, under the protection of the Mar
ques of Candeledon, Andreas Huntado,
and by advice of the Spanish priest
Molina. Since then to the present timo
it has been employed for charitable
and humane purposes, for which it was
instituted. How the skeletons came to
be there is not known. The impression
prevails that tho bones belong to victims
of the inquisition. They appear to be
from 150 to 200 years old, and from their
appearance lead to the belief that the
bodies were thrown into the opening
between the walla. Skeletons appear to
be clothed, and dresses, boots and shoes
are found mixed with large quantities of
women's hair. A portion of the Spanish
missal has also been found, but nothing
of any value.
United States Postal Statistics.
The following table shows the number
of postoffices, miles of post roads, reve
nues aad expenditures ot the postal de
partment of the government r.t different
periods in its history.
I 37,935 00 $
Iowa Patkkt Office,
Dm Ifourxa, Dec 13, '75. (
The West is represented in the list of
U. 8. Pateats issued Nov. 33d, by the
Druggista Filters and Funnels. A.
E. Gsrrisoa, Newton, Kansas.
Bstween the, removable strainers a
cbMber is formed for the reception of
filtering material.
Geographical Clocks.
Samuel J.
Wallace, Ksokms:, Iowa.
Car Couplings. Jacob BrinkertoJl,
a. B. Bennett, ana la jrayeue-cwwr,
DnbHaue. Iowa.
John F. Gan-
dolto, Dubuquevldwa:
As naiddUngs pass first ,ovnr tne
sieve, thence upon and over a coarse
sieve! they are snbject to a current of
SrSroihih eack kood which carries ofT
the Impurities. - .
Tools for Puttie Brass on Wut
Fences. TOlisat Dnlin, Big Grove,
IOSbntarineBoclc Chisels. A. J. Whit
.ey, Sandusky, Iowa. QmQm
Solicitor of Patents,
fl randw of M UnkmOWn
fonnd ner the Ice in a slot fonr
aikn tbnth of cilHmiDec-e
17S0 75 L8T5
1800 903 30,817
lSlOr 2,300 SG.070
18S0 4,590 7M9J
1690 8,450 115,178
180 13,484 1S,7
185S 18,417 178.672
1880 28,488 S40,5l
1878 M92 351,232
1873 33,344 256210
KraATK Thursday. Pee. .- Tlic standing and
select committers were announced thin morning,
aa follows:
rriviKed and Election -Morton, Chairman;
Logan, Mitchell. Waoldajti, Cameron of Wiscon
sin. McMillan. Saulsbnrr, Mcrriman. andCoopcr.
KorelRii llclalion Cameron or Pennsylvania,
Cualman: Morton, lUinliu. IIowc, Frellnghny
wn. Coukllar, JCcCrecrr, Bogy, and Eaton.
Finance Sncrman, Chairman; Morrill of cr
mont, Kerry, Krelinshnrren. Logaa, Koutwcll,
Jones of Nevada, Uavarii. and Kernan.
Appropriation Morrill of Maine. Chairman;
lariwUor, West, Sargent, Alllion, Doner, Jatl,
fVlther, and Wallace.
IJontwcIl, Cameron 01 wucontin. ucrniiue, Mc
Millan, lUnKim, Dennir, and McDousld.
Manufactures -KoberUon, Chairman; Booth,
Brace, English, and Wallace.
.Agriculture FrcllBghuyen, Chairman; Rob
ertson, Ilarver, Davis, nd Jordan.
Military Affair Logan, Chairman; Cameron
of Pennsylvania, Bponcer. Clarion, Wadleigh,
Bornsidc, Gordon, Itandolph. and Cockertll.
Naval Affalra Cragln. Chairman; Anthony,
Morrill of Maine, Sargent, Conover. Norwood,
and Whyie.
Jndlclary Edmunds, Chairman: Conkllng,
Frelftghuyscn, Wright, Howe, Thurman and Ste
venson. - .-" , .
l'oetofflccs and Post Kosd Hamlin. Chair
man; Kerry, Dorscy, Jones of Nevada, Dawes,
Paddock, Makcy, and Keycs.
Public Laiida Oglcsby, Chairman; Windom,
rTarrey, Ilamilton. Paddock, Booth, Kelly, Mc
Donald, and Jones of Florida.
Private Land Claims Thurman. Chairman;
Bayard, tSozr, JCdmunds, and Chriftlancy.
Indian Affairs Allison, Chairman: Oglcsby,
Morrill of Maine, Ingalls, Claxton, Bogy, and
Pensions IngelK Chairman; Allison, Hamil
ton, Booth, Bruce. McDonald, and Withers.
Kevolutlotnry Claims Stevenson. Chairmin;
Johnston, tioldlhwaltc, Morrill of Vermont, and
Claims Wright, Chairman; MitrhclJ. Wad
leigh, Chrlatiancy, McMillan, Cameron ol Wis
consin, Cai'.crton, Cockerill, and Joucs of Florida.
District of Columbia Spencer, Chairman;
Hitchcock. Dsrscy, Ingalls, Robertson, Merrlman,
aud English.
Patents Wadlelgh, Chairman; Windom;
Dawes, Johnoton, and Herman.
Public Buildings and Grounds Morrill of Ver
mont, tfhalrman; Cameron of Pennsylvania,
Paddock, Cooper, and hylc.
Terri lanes Hitchcock. Chairman, Crajiln, Pat
terson. Chrlsliancy, Sharon, Cooper, and Maxcy.
Itailroads West, 1 hairman; Hitchcock, Cra
gin, Howe, Hamilton, Mitchell, Dawes, Hansom,
Kelly, Capcrton, and Eaton.
Mines aud Mining Sargent, Chairman; Ham
lin, Alcorn, Harvey, Sharon, Goldtlwa'.te, end
Revision of Laws of United Statcs-Boutwell,
Chairman; AJcorn, Chrlatiancy, Capcrton and
KiKllMUmi VV-VA25. .. m., f.....
Education and LslHir Patterson, trnairraan;
Morton, Morrill or Vermont, Burnslde, Bruce,
Sharon, Gordon, Maxcy, and Keycs.
Civil Service and Retrenchment Clayton,
Chairman; Wrisiht, Oglcsby, Alcorn, Patterson,
McCreery, and Randolph.
To Audit and Control Continent Expenses or
Senate Jones of Nevada, Chairman; Dawes, and
Prluting Anthony, Chairman; Sherman, anu
Saulsbury. ,
Library Howe, Chairman; Edmnnds, and
Ob Rules -Terry. Chairman; Hamlin, andMcr
riman. Engrossed Bills Bavard, Chairman; Withers,
and Anthony.
Enrolled Bills-Conover, Chairmin ; liobcrl son
and Ke! ley. .
On Levees of Mississippi River Alcorn, Chair
man; Clayton, Harvey, cooper, and Cockerill.
To Examine the several Branches of the Civil
Service Bontwcll, Chairman; Conkllng, Alli
son, Merrlman, and Eaton.
On Transport ation Route to the Seaboard
Windom, Chairman: Sherman, West. Conover,
Mitchell, Burnslde, Norwood, Uavis, and John
son. . , ,
It was ordered that the bills and memorials pre
sented yesterdav bo taken fiom the table and re
ferred to appropriate committees. Senator Ingalls
presented tne petition of the widow of A. t.
Short, asking an appropriation of $10,000, com
pensation for the toss of her hnsbandho was
killed by Indians while surveying linds in Ktn
sas. .Referred to committee on Indian Ansir.
VorlrmB inrmottl wn yn,,1l t rcfern-d.
Bills were Introduced as follows: To amend an
act creating a tribunal to adjudicate the Geneva
award; to extend the duration 01 me courx iur
the adjudication or claims arising out or the
Genera award; to amend the act or July -. 18fil,
to aid In the construction of a rllroad and tele
graph line from the Missouri river to the Paciilc
Ocean. These bills were referred to appropriate
Some minor business was transacted, after
which tho Senate went Intj executive tession,
nd then adjourned.
Housk. Friday, Dee. It). Resolution adapted
adding to the committees of the House a commit
tee of eleven to bo known as committee on the
Mississippi Levees. So much or the Pieaidcnfa
message as refers to the Centennial waa referred
to a select committee of thirteen. Leave was
asked to introduce and put upon its passage a bill
to repeal so ranch of the act of March, 1875, ai eas
been construed to;eercrthc postage on printed
matter. After some debate the House adjourned
till Tuesday next.
Kkwatk Vondav. Dee. 13. Memorials on vari
ous subjects presented and referred. Senator
Wright introduced a bill declaring the trne in
tent and meaning of :he Union Pacltlc railroad
acts, which was referred to the Judiciary Com
mittee. Senator Uavis submitted a resolution
citing the law requiring reports to bo made to
Congress annually or all persona Indebted to the
gorernracntna list of defaulters aad the amount
of delalca'ions, etc., and calling upon the Secre
tary of the Treasury to inform the Senate why
such reports have not been made. After some
ii..tiP rMaintiosi was laid over to be printed.
RcsolaUoa agreed to instructing the committee
on Foreign Affairs to Inquire into the expediency
of providing by general law for the extradition
of iugltlYea from Justice, and also the proprlcty
or remains; aajlnms to fugitive criminals and
removlne them from the country. Bill intro-
dsced attaching the Territory of Alaska to and
making It a part of Washlngtoa Territory, ana
providing roria civil governraens iucjl-iu. jm-
rcrrew. auo a uu w aumonze van oumsuu
or a pontoon brithre across the Mississippi river
Irom some feasible point in BuSalo county, v is
cousin, to some feasible point in Winona county,
Minnesota. Relcrrcd.. Also a bin to amend Sec
tion 6133 of the Revised Statutes of the United
States permitting the National uaara to organ'
lro with a capital of $50,000 In towns, irrespective
a capital of $5a,am towns, irrespective
or Ttonntation. it ttrovmea inai no national
no national
LiSSSS&r&tofhoif ship, held in service, taken
ferred. Also a bill introduced to forfeit certain
public lands granted to aid in the oastatmctlon of
railroad 'and telegraph lines lrs-ns the States o;
Missouri and Arkansas to the Padsc coast. Re
ferred. BUI Introduced to extaad the time for
Sling claims additional to boanty under act of
Jaly 28. 1866. Referred. Ala a Mil to revise
snen statutes aa forbid the payment of accounts,
claims and demands therein named, and all laws
and claasea or laws forbidding tho payment
thereor. Referred.
Some time was taken up In the tn-naactlon of
minor business when the Senate held a short ex
ceptive session, and then adjonmed.
Swsxn Tuesday, Dee. 14. PcUtlons were
presented asking a commission to enquire into
the liquor traffic Also a memorial from citizens
( Wisconsin for an appropriation to complete
the -Ita river improvement, and for the con
struction or a canal along the Wisconsin river
from Portage City to the Mississippi river. The
Judiciary Committee renorted a bill to extend
the dotation of the Coait of Commissioners of
the Alabama Claims six months. The bill
passed. . The chair laid before the Senate the
motion of West of Loalslina, to grant the re
Meet or McMillan to withdraw hia claims to a 1 estate aa tSenator from Louisiana.
After some debate the request to withdraw was
agreed to by yeas 30, nays aS.
Mr. Allison Introduced a bill to amend Section
M the Indian annropnauoa Mil, approved
Smh,lSn,UTEard to the bonds of Indian
Referred; committee on Foreign Kela
rz .
one reported favorably on Senate hill aathor-
iia X. P. Marsh to accent nresenu from the
terarnments or Switzerland and Italy. After
executive session the senate adjosrned.
IIocaK. Tinder .the icall of the State sersral
TiUto rrlrrrrrt Mr. Blala
Inueamced a reaotauoa proposing a coasutn
tloaal amendment that no State sbaRmake any
law respecUagthe eeUhlL-hmeat ofrrtliglon or
nrohibUiactthe free exercise thereof; aleepro
Tidiac that no tax recelpta om pnolkt lana act
aaidelbr nahUc echecJs shall ever te nndtrUe
control of any reUneas aect, and that no each.
moarjirr'T-r ahml he divided among any re-
jJTfllBdwT;-r--- a raeaintiowthat In all.
nberdfnate appetatmenta nader joy 'of the oSI
ceraefthe HoMsy that weemded soHaera who
at mt dieiVedafrom perfermance of duty,
tMaMaeanfetnid. Mr. Cox earned an im sni
MttTdecurlac that all crUxeaa ef the TJawn
Ianw a. ,.! !" , ri""
aiiMnd'ammmtnTMtTrT maaDrTeterred te
the ceemmlttee en Accent, hy yjeeav ef
ml a ralatl waa aswpvea
Sf. T:3
cent public service at an rxocBMiMt exceeding
lii) 001)0) annually. JtesolntloM weie intro
duced against subsidies and graatfef laad to rail
roads ; to amend tec law rcspesMsg third class
mailable matter; in favor ol repealing the act
for resumption or specie paysact. A bill was
iurodoccdto restore the franklac privilege for
tan Congressional R;corU and pottle doc a. cats:
also a bill to divide the State oCMichlgan into
three judicial disiric s and tettullsh the
Northern District or Michigan.
Mr. Wllsor, of Jowa offered the ftnlowing reo
lntion which was rcttrredto thecoamlitce on
Sttolud, That it is the dnty of Congress to
regulate commerce on .intcr-SUtc railroad by
appropriate legislation, so that ailpssfaral. com
mercial, and other industrial intmats may be
protected from extortion and disrio.lntlon.
Mr. Oliver offered a resolution tastrucUng the
committee on Coinage to inquire what proceed
ing should be taken on the part of the United
States with a view to the establishment ot a uni
form decimal ot weights, roeaaam and coins
throughout the civilized world. IM erred.
The following bills were intro6aed: lnor the
erection of government buildings at Leaven
worth; to enable the people of Utah to form a
constitution aad State goTcrnamit. aaS to ad
mit Utah into the Union aa a State; for the elec
tion of governors and other Territorial otlccn by
the people: to aid the WasblBjtto, Cincinnati r
St. Loats R. R. Co., to craatraot-a Barrow eange
railroad tmm M Sumter MtSt. Lc&4i4 CaTcago.
The Senate bill extending the duration oftss
Alabama CommisIon,(ra taken up and passed.
The House adjourned.
SwuxiUrW edntiday, Dtc. 15. Resolutions
were submitted, asjollowe: Appointing five
Senators to visit Louisiana to inquire into the
circumstances attending the late election; de
claring the United States a nation, and the doc
trine that a State has the right to secede froa
the Union as inconsistent with the Idea of na
tionality; rtqucstins the Secretary of the Treas
ury to transmit to the Senate copies of letters,
telegrams, orders and instructions, relating to
the prosecution of alleged infractions of the rev
enue laws at St. Louis, Chicago and Milwaukee,
if not incompatible with the public, interest';
that tho rules of the Senate and House in force
at the close of the lat session of Congress, be
and the same are hereby adopted as the joint
rules of the two Huusea lor tho present session;
to amend the lijth rule of the Senate so that bills
may be introduced without previous notice ; in
structing committee on contingent expenses to
report wtat amendments to the compensation, if
auy, are due to the contestants, Wm. :L. McMil
lan and John "Ray, claimants to the swat In the
Senate for the unexpired term of W. P. Kellogg,
and to Wra. L. McMillan as claimant for the
term commencing May. 1673.
Memorials were presented asking a commis
sion to Inquire into the manufacture and sale
of liquors; alo a memorial from citizens of
Louisville for an approprlatl jn to purchase a
building for the United States Courts lo that city.
HoUnE. Resolutions were introduced as fol
lows: For prompt legislative measuns to pro
vide for tho 1 return to specie payment: dlrectlnc
the Secretary of War to furnish ,a Hot of claims
landing in the Quartermaster General's Depart
ment; against subsidies to corporations; against
u third Presidential term; instructing committee
on Banking and Currency to report a bill repeal'
ing tne Nat
tloual BanklnirLaw and eubstitntlnc
ual Banking Law and substitnting
paper money issued directly Irom Treasury;
sbollsbin-' the committee ou fcrccdmen's Affairs.
The last resolution was agreed to, and the others
referred. Bills were introduced as follows: To
amend the law relating to postage on third class
matter, providing that from January 1, IsTO. post
age on pamphlets, taanslent newspapers, periou
lcals and magazines, etc.. shall be one cent for
every two onnces or .fraction thereof. Referred.
Also a bill to remove all political disabilities re
maining by virtue of the 3d Section of the 14th
article ot tho amendment to the constitution;
also a bill donating 4 condemned cannou anduu
cannon balls to the Ladies Monument Asso
ciation, Alleghany county. Pa. Passed. Also a
bill to it crease the pay or men at the Life-Saving
Stations. To extend the observations of the Sig
nal Service so as to beactit the public health. To
consolidate the I onaeddebt of the United States.
To repeal the acta prohibiting government pay
ments to persons not known to have been op
posed to tho rebellion. Referred. Appropriating
$1,000,000 for deepening the channel of the Mis
souri river irom Slonx City to the mouih of the
river. Kcduclag the salary of the President of
the United States after the 4ih of March, 1877.
Bill authorizing the appointment of commis
sioners to ascertain on what terms a mutually
bcnencUI treaty or commerce between the people
of the United States and Canada can be nego
tiated. Af'er some minor business theJlousc ad
journed nutn Frldayt """'
Senate Thurtday, Dee. 1C Varlons mcraorl
als were presented and ro erred. Tec following
bills were Introduced; To provido for tho ap
pointment of a commission on the subject of alco
holic liquor traffic; to authorize the appointment
of special ifgents to investigate frauds under the
pension law; donating the military reservation
at Ft. Smith to the citv of Ft. Smith, for free
school purposes. These bills referred. A reso
lution was Introduced Instructing committee on
Privileges and Elections to investigate aa to the
election of George Spencer, as Senator from
AlftDama, nnu to ascertain ir corrupt means were
used to secure his election. The resolution aficr
some debate waa acrecd to. The resolution waa
called up providing for a special committee ot
five Senators to inquire Into the circumstances
attending the recent election in Mississl ppl. De
bated aud referred. The concurrent resolution
from the House, providing that when the two
Houses adjourn on Monday next, it be to meet
azaln Tuesday, January 4. 1S70, was taken up and
amendod by Inserting S cdnesday, the 5th, and
as amcndcd,was adopted.
A Strang Stery.
They tell this story of a man in
Loudon, who, some years ajjo, lost, then
foutitl, then lost again, a very respectable
fortune, in a most ioman tic manner. lie
wa3 a sailor, and, engaging in the
Napoleonic wars, was one of the crew
which took a very valuabio prize. His
own share amounted to a large sum, He
went to the proper officer, and received
his golden guineas in a large leathern
bag. Proceeding along the street, he
noticed that his shoe string was untied.
He put his kig of gold upon a post, and
bent over to tie it. At that moment he
, . , . .. . hnrriprf off
"aa eeuwi "j r.w e ol
prisoner by the Moors, and kept in
bondage by them for many years. His
story of the bag of gold wes laughed to
scorn. Meanwhile a man came along,
found the bag, advertised it as found,
and, having nosatislactory response,
used it to set himself up as a banker.
He thrived; time passed on; in forty
years he retired, rich. One day an old
man called upon him, and claimed the
bag ot gold. The sailor had returned,
had heard by ohiccc of the advertise
ment, had hunted it up, end found the
finder. The latter told him that if he
could come the next day he should have
his money, with compound interest
added. The sailor went away, and nTer
returned; and to this day it is a mystery
what became of him, or why he never
went bach to get his own.
Ladies, yon may friz jour hair, do it
up high, let it down low, have it nanginr
on your backs, 'scrambled overyear
forehead, "banged into your eyes
puffed up at the sides, worn waterfall
style, tied up in a doughnut, or any
other way you may pleate, and it will be
all right for Fashion says so.
Two sons ef JErin wut standing hj a
hydraalic press, -whesv one called oat to
the other, "Jim, I'd like to pet ye under
d cqnane the devil out o'ye." "Wosdd bovP wa the
tk lisrnaae the devil owt d ye. and there'd
'Uuii,.. Wra
Mauarhrater The- Cotton Mills ami the
Mill People Thw OM Factory Laws
The Cham plea lKg of KncUaU l'omaaa
Palaeo Visit lag- a lfel htlae, aad a
Wire Factory.
There are thousands of men, ruinea
and children, working in the cotton and
other mills at Manchester, but the gov
ernment hrs them in charge, and they
are amply protected. Whatever of op
pression, poverty and suffering which if
said to have prevailed here a half cen
tury ago is not apparent now. The em
ployers have not changed; they are juat
as selfish and human as they were then.
But the inexorable law of this country
has stretched forth its iron hand over
them, and iae least deviation from the
path of prescribed action closes tho mer
ciless fingers upon them. The ope
ratives get to work at 6 o'clock; have
breaktast between seven and eight, quit
at one, recommence at two, and ceaso
for good at half past five or six o'clock.
If a manufacturer should keep them a
minute over time, an-1 was reported, he
would be promptly hoisted in front of
the nearest magistrate, and subjected to
a fine of $250, with the additional dis
comfort ot having his name anil offense
paraded in print.
As to wages, the children earn from a
dollar to a dollar utid a half per week;
the women from two to four dollars, and
the men from tire to seven dollars. The
women and children wear a coarse shoe
with a heavy wooden sole, and when the
hundreds and thousands pass over the
pavement to and from work, the click
ing of the wooden almost deaf
ening. They, as well as all Lancashire
working people, have an unfortunate
habit of nick-naming; and so popular
become these titles that men have been
known to almost forget their surname?,
while their neighbors entirely lost sight
of them. If a man's given name is
Tom, he is called so by everybody, to
the complete exclusion of his family
name. If he has a son the son's name
and the father's arc blended. For in
stance. If the son's name is Bill, he is
known and ever spoken of or aIdres?:d
as Bill of Tom, and so on.
In the entrance of every factory is
hung a printed card bearing the names
of the national inspector of factories,
the district inspector, and the certifying
eurgcon: also the name ot the public
clock by which the hours of work arc
regulated; alio the hotirs for" mealsTund
the following abstract of factory laws,
which 1 reproduce here for the gratifica
tion of the curious, interested, and
philanthropic. It will also furnish my
readers with a clue to what used to be
the order of things in Manchester a hnlf
a century ago :
No person under eighteen can be em
ployed until his or her name has been
entered in the proper register.
No person under sixteen can be cm
ployed for more than seven days without
a surgical certificate.
No child can be employed under eight
years of age.
Ho boy unuer ten can oe employed in
brick, works.
No child under eleven can be em
ployed in i rinding in the metal trades.
No chiM under eleven can be cm
ployed in Fustian cutting.
No lKy under twelve can be employed
iu any part of a glass factory in which
the process of grinding or annealing
glass is carried on.
No child under thirteen can be em
ployed for more than six and a half
hours per day or before one p. m. or
alter twelve at noon, and not both morn
ing and afternoon of the same day.
Every child under thirteen must at
tend school daily, except Saturday,
either in the morning or afternoon,
whether at work daily or not, and the
parent is responsible for such attend
No child, young person under eight
een, or woman, can be employed on
Sundays, Christmas day, Good Friday,
or, in Scotland, on the Sacramental Fast
No female can be employed in any
part of a factory where the process of
melting or annealing glass is carried on,
or in grinding in the metal trade.
No female under sixteen can be em
ployed in brick works.
No cnild, young person under
eighteen, or woman, can be employed
after six p. m., or before six a.
, or
after two p. m., on Saturdays.
At least one hour and a half shall be
given for meals to every ctfld, young
person, or woman, between 7:80 a. m-,
and p. m-,; and no such person shall
oe auowea 10 remain in any room wunc
any work is going on, or to be employed
daring a meal hour.
Eight half holidays shall be given in
the conrse of the year to every child,
young person under eighteen, and wo
man. Mill gearing and dangerous machi
nery must he securely famced. Factories
mast be kept limewashed and in a
cleanly state aad nxeaas must be
arfnntail ta
carry off dust, to promote I
Ulanon, eta, and to prevent orer
-1 -
The above laws are scraalesly ob
served by the factory owners. There u
no possible evasion of the law, nor
bribing f the msgutrates.
T had just time to take n mn owt to
the Poesen Palace, which u the W
gmiabed title of the comnsisdam
of Beile-Yne. It was easy of
heinr scarcel v twe miles tresn the
aval nmrt of the city. A dag show wen
tne) ncmmtfal feature this day, smell mm
nertkwlariy fismi of dogr. The aftsr-
noon I came into the city I found two
mastiff's in the depot. In the confttaion
I Uiought they were two freight cars
that had by some inscrutable means f,ot
off the track. I was glid to find they
were dogs. The larger o! the two was
called the champion of England, aad
added other laurels by cirrylcg off the
prize at the show. It is a very nice
thing iu England as c a in America
to have a champion animal of the coun
try, for so lou is the owner assured of
an income. This was the largest dog I
ever saw; it was the largcat dog auy two
people saw. I thought at first I would
buj him, but partly hesitated on learn
ing U10 price, 2,000, and completely
gave up Uic idea before I left the depot.
He waa secured by a chain in the hands
of an attendant, a man who appeared to
belli ckroaic state of perspiration aad
protestation, and he was an erratic dog.
lie made violent and entirely uncxpeoted
dashes at various object, or openings,
and wherever he went the pctipiring
individual was sure to go. He snapped
him off bis feet every other minute, and
in the interval hauled him over square
coruercd trunks, bumped him againat
other people with luggage in their hand,
or shoved him over highly indignant
but utterly Lelplcss bojs, whose unre
strained curiosity had led them too
close to the performance. The last I
saw of the keeper he was passing
through the door in charge of the mas
tiff; :t boy was running after him with a
hat, and people on the sidewalk were
appropriating elevated places with won
derful alacrity. The champion was here
at the exhibition iu the large building
erected by the Pomona Palace proprie
tors for such purine?. He was hitched
to a solid brick wall, and was looking
round upon evcrjboJy with a mild and
forgiviugcye. The party who struggled
the ironical title of keeper, waa sitting
on ti box mopping his forehead, and
looking dreadfully unhappy. I asked
him if he had been iu Manchester be
fore, and he said he had not. "What
do you think of the city," I asked.
"Well, sir," said he, despondently, "it's
but a precious 1 mall bttof the town I've
seen at all. What with caring for that
beast and holding on to my hat, I might
as well hnve my bloody eyes bored out
at once, for all that I sec about inc.
Passing through a stteet or a saw mill
is till one to me, and that's the truth of
it, sir." Something in the man's manner,
so sincere and open, convinced me that
he spoke the truth, and I made no nt
tempt to disprove his statement.
The display of doj;s was large and re
markably fine. Tho predominant breeds
were sporting untmtls. England is
overrun with dogs despite the annual
tax of 1.25 on each. People who at
tend conventions and yet up riots to ex
cite sympathy for their impoverished
condition, keep one or more curs, to dash
out of almost bidden doorways and snap
at the plump leg and freeze the sensitive
spine of the strolling pedestrian. Bat
hunting hero is an art carefully culti
vated, and whoever can afford to carry a
gun, and buy the right to "use it, has a
retriever; and packs of hounds are
scattered broadcast over the country.
So retrievers and hounds, of the numer
ous varieties tscrc here in force, with a
powerlul array oi mastiffs and lighting
dogs, and a sprinkling of St. Bernards,
New Foundlands, and poodles and rat
terriers. It is rarely that a half dozen
dogs get together without making some
observations. Pretty much all the con
versation in the room was carried on by
them, and when fifty of them spoke at
once, which they quite frequently did,
the audience became immediately at
Pomona Palace gardens have no im
ported attractions unless it is Scotch
whisky. It has fine walks, fountains,
games, turf, etc., and a ball which is the
largest for dancing purposes in England,
being nearly three hundred feet square.
It is a popular assembly hall for trades
men aad political meetings, and Disraeli,
Gladstone and other notables, have ired
the hearts of the citizens from its hand
some rostrum. Rostrum is a very good
word, although its true meaning is not
always preserved by spelling it with
an R.
The neat object of attack war a coal
mine. Fancy a coal mine, if not in the
heart, at least in the liver or left kidney
of a city. I don't like coal mines, I
think a coal mine is the last place n man
should think of visiting after a hearty
sapper at midnight. I have thonght
there could be nothing harder'thsa saw
ing wood, bnt getting coal transcends it
I watched at the mouth of the shaft n
halt hoar, and saw tons npem tons of
- 1 - - -k "m - --
I Mvt .M.MA .. rrt.M A r.rn.n(ii TtlT' 91a
taace or 1,000 feet and from a notlzom
tal distance ofoae mile, and hiving fat
my throat and back half fall of the grit
ty dust, retired perfectly mUsied. My
friend has a Are brick manufactory, 1st
the city. Me follows the vein of clay
just as they do that cf silver, aad brings
it from a shatt three handled feet dees,
an4 from a tannel rssschjmf a halt mile
the city. Theneapty has lasted
thmtj years, and will meekly haw, him
J eigkt hundred ytvs kmfer, if he dons
not lose hkv health in the
Tills tcache u hw iisi.rtaat U i
tk! ore of ttr health. Prow IS cams
mine wc icl to a wire factory, Us
Jolino:i A: Nephew mlU, ttvm vhsem
cime the wire t)U swarf Urn
bridge over the Ohla ri.-r nt Crnieta
nali, and from blob also eoane? a ktt
proportion of the ire that sstatala
many of the bt is;r- in America, kshI
which is cohwhelvunt by the rtrtimk
government in their ariatiralte telegraph
system. 1 ssn- the pig of l4 iswUexl
in the furnace, letups! erf by a six torn
hammer, rolled Into bars an lack Mmt
and twenty feet Irate;, and thence) feltat
Into wire.
This last wai Uy Ui the moat ialrrt-ai-
ing proccsi. The bars were t Unset lim
a furnace ami taken 1 ut at owe ctstl in a
red heat, and Introduced into a sarin of
rolls through which it became nsttnd
and reduced to n diameter of a quarter
inch The moment it appeared Iroru tho
last roll it eras neitcrf by a b y armed
with a pair of pinchers, who 1.111 with it
to a bobbin, oa which it wm carried by
a scries of revolution into a coil roadv
for the market The men who handle
the hot metal from the furnacv to the
rolls which mould it into ktrs, receive
fn m four to five dollars per day, and
rnaur of them drink twelve ga!lon of
beer In a week. Ten gallon arc n plen
ty. I should think.
Kngland and Kjrjpt.
It i only n few w.e' since uu ll.
cussed at some length in oolumaa
the relatioua of Kgjpt and England, nssrf
the probability of the latior finding it
necessary, on an early day, to lay her
strong hand on the tnolont land of the
Pharaohs. It waa our ooinion at th
timo that the disturbed condition of tho
Turkish Empire, and the rompUmtlrHM
which miht aritc among the ('font
Power, would hasten this event. Th
event hinted at has rr-ivcd much sooner
and in a way somewhat different to what
wo hail expected. Kagland Incomes
owner by purchase f ono hundred and
seventy-seven thousand sharos of the
Suez Canal. For this, it appears, stie
has paid the xlgypllan Government noinc
four millions sterling. In addition to
the power which thia arrangement gives
England over the Canal, !e is to re
ceive from tho Egyptian Government
five per cent interest on the purchnsc
money. Some five millions more will
enable her to buy out all other claims,
and thua become infcticfs of the entire
canal from tcn to sen. Tho Loudon
Time very appropriately sjys; JA
breaching timo most csaentinl to Egypt
is secured, ami the value or the purchase
to England is rcat." Tho purchase waa
made or political reasons, and tit r re
fore, the Importance of the step :a hardly
to be overrated. Naturally enough, tho
news has created romidcrabiu excite
ment in financial and governinciitcirclon
in Europe. Tho French press admit the
imimrtance of Ihc event. The Monitor
ays there i3 no longer any doubt that
England hai an eye on Ejpt; and Jx
Tempt ueclares that the purchase gives
England the virtual sovereignty of that
country. It will not be at all wonderful
if the transfer of the shares shall have
the effect of forcing soma solution of
the Eastern question. Evidently Eng
land ban taken a new departure in her
Eastern policy. It is the moat audacious
piece of work done by any ltritiah Gov
ernment in many 3 car?. Wc can trar
in the transaction the daring grtiiu f
Benjamin D.iraeli; but we can sen &Iim,
the collected wisdom and the calm
courage ot Lord Derby. It it certain
to add greatly to tho popularity of thu
Disraeli Government. Whatever may
be its immediate tffjett 00 the affairs
of Europe and the Est, it mutt b ro
garded as a wise and politic tp.
Egypt is necemtry to England ami her
Indian Empire, and the change, when
completed, will be a irttn to Eypt and
a benefit to the world at large. The
Loudon Times judiciou y remark that
"an acquisition of in cotntnrding an
interest in the Suez Cuial-an interest
which must inevitably tend to Jaercc
will lead the Goverameut and r-?iple)
to concern themf!vc habitually with
Egypt. Ji'rank IjeW Iltutirated
Miipnlftg vTheat Weal.
X curfoaa circumsiarsc', which we &
rice as takisg place in Ohio, is the im
portation of Wheat from Maryland to
that State, to enabJe their miller t
make good flour cf Ohio grn wheat
of the prevent season. It i notably the
tact that V.'eatexa wheat is, this season,
poor in quality, osisg to wet weather
during the harvest season. The Unrctl
averares in Western States arc IHtnojj,
Indiana, Ohio. Kentucky and West Vir
ginia also give low averages. This dots
not, however, mean less bread, bnt thit
of poorer quality than usnaL The
wheat of the best quality this year is
said to be the New England States, In
Delaware, Maryland, the Sovth and the
Pacific Coast.
The eahimet shew of the Wheeier Jt
Wilsew Sewk Machine Co., at Bridg-
pert, CensL, was dsswoysd by Ire onthe
night of Dec. 14. Loan, f 100,0: in-
& T
.-. 3. .
Zi 31 J'x.