fleSjS'3f3E?! w- fe:-S "maW8TH'3r Jgrftvyyafe,ciiMSji,', ir vm" t - - m.-! Iww..-, " &&&? J' X Rates of Advertising. THE BED CLOUD CHIEF. v 48 XfW- The Red 0a colaan, os4 year 103 . CCUSHED WEEKLY .AT - Half ....... lou - Qurttr" . ............. SSBU iicrt aimtiMSststs, aJ mUca H BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. let tla la C33 yr. are ssbji ta a special coclract. LocaJasd Editorial NeUtfi watt a Um lascrTiaa. &. EI. "V7"LIlsrEI, i Lrgil airtttialBj; at statsst frte. BuImh earfe f fm yr. TV ar ear iowsi ess rst-t. aai a ethsf VOLUME III. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2S. 187o. NUMBEK ID. Killtor ami rroirl-lr. tarns will be rttc. I rt -" T"i-irfcijanr"f ' -. " -.JI1E.J" ' Ki -sr ?! ta . st. r m Ti - m 1 -w ssW Hm ssr . H HI s HH HI Hs H Hs H f . m m . m f u v j v j v 11 1 i B a aa ( aw a H X JL- -L ... - .a X, &2&Z a; s Golden Hod. Like the nodding crest ol agoJdeii hcins. When the autumn wet wind biuuclh. AmonK the thicket of birch and elm On the etcep hllliddc it q:oc'.!. There, "wlion fnmajer ia joung and fair. Ami wild void rcch fCcctcd the n!r, I a, w.th hazel-rycd inaKcn CIjic Alftck! Tvlio Vuoucth How love Kocth? Tlit h97.e!-ejcd one wat Erklc a rbj-. The wild wood locre hae faded avvaj. And the golden rod liloom on tlicir Rrav: to dy Well' let a jjoldcn jicaoc ujr!e On the grave where my passion 1 e!V Let me lorRct the h7' eye-! At the bee, that jonth ard hleth. Forgettvlh the wlld-v.ood roc" fair, WhtfS the golden rod rllmbrtl upon Hie air. So let mo forjjit the maiden Clare' Alack 1 whoknouctb How love Kneih Why fhonld 1 hsh for Claii a'waj (Jeccvleve t eyes have a Rtnllc twoj ' Anil die trailed alt, r ucetlyl on me to a ' TIIK WOULD OF SOIKNCK. A .New Tulip. A new species of tulip has been dis covered in Central Asi-, which is said to be the most beautiful yet known. The (lower is larger tlmn that of the torn nioc tulip, and is of a bright orange, spotted with black. It is named Tulipn (Iriejii. Kiiirllsh Arctic Expedition. The latest advices from the EDglish Arctic Expedition state that an unusu ally easy passage has been cflected to uithiu 100 miles of the entrance to .Smith Sound; and it is hoped that, if circumstances continue equally favora ble, the pole may be reached this year. The expedition is not expected to re turn, however, until the close of 1U77. July 23, the Alert met with a slight ac cident, getting around on a small island off Kingatok; but the vessel tloatcd ofl without injury, with the rise of the tide. Egyptian Dogs. Dr. S. Birch, of the British Museum, author of the late condensed history of "Egypt from the Monuments." has con tributed to the Transactions of the Soci ety of Biblical Archaeology a paper in which he describes, with numerous illus trations, the dillcrent breeds ot domestic dogs kept by the ancient Egyptians. The materials for the paper have been derived mainly from the frescoes on an cient tombs; and these show that the varieties or the dog known to the Egyp tians were quite as well marked as those existing at the present day. Journey Hound the )Vorld. It is stated in Xaturc that a French expedition is being fitted out to make a journey round the world in ten months. The excursionists will visit India, Japan, the Interior Sea of Japau, Chinese ports, Australia, etc. A special library, with instruments will accompany tho travel crs. The party will consist exclusively of gcntlement. And the fare for the round trip is put at $1,000, everything included. The Geographical Society superintends the management of tho en terprise, although it is supported by private funds, and is wholly a private speculation. Egyptian Geographical Society. The statutes of the Khedive Geograph ical Society, recently established at Cairo, declare that the Tresidcnt and Secretary are appointed by the Khedive, and the remaining officers by the Society. The Khedive pajs the salary of the Pres ident J)r. G. Sthweinfurth besides giv ing the Society an annual subsidy of 2,000, and the use of an elegant suite of rooms. The members pay a sul scription of 300 piastres yearly. All honorary and active members must have advanced the geography of Africa, of Arabia, or ot Syria, in order to be eli gible to the privileges of the Society. It is understood that the "Marquis de Conipeigne has accepted the office of Secretary. Culture or Timber In Mauritius. 'Mie managers of the ltoyal Gardens, Kew, England, have tried the experi ment of introducing different species of valuable timber-trees Into Mauritius. The effort has thus iarbcen encouraging. Mahogany (Sccietenia Jlfahagoni) has made a very rapid growth, forming, in three or four years after the sowing of the seed, trce3 about twenty feet high, and with stems from 3 to G inches in di ameter. Logwood also grows well, and has been found to make excellent hedges, superior to hawthorn. It has become naturalized on the bills and waste lands near Port Louis, and annu ally produces large quantities of seed. To show the proflt of cultivating mahogany, it may be remarked that a, tree blown down in the Botanical Gar dens of Calcutta, by the great cyclone, realized over $500. Ornithological, Wo find the announcement in Mature that two members of tho SritisliOflU thologists "Union have reccatiy Mtaza4; irnmaverv succetsfai cxaditio!ato Northern fiilxria- Amrar tria avttt im- portaat MjtvmMml&Mmpi lTl expe- n.'mt- It-T. J? "?! ' dipaa ana-abw l.OWkia, tin jomag iiwaaa4tlttaaaVef the littk. atiat tie gray; plfar, tie ajm(farthe at Bewlak's wan, taeaaaNWmultouforft' and . aMftamyjnMl boreali, tbe eggs of Motacilla ciirtola, Hie etjgs of the smew, and a new species of pipit. The collectors left England early in tho Spring, and, traveling over land from Arch angel, reached Ust Zylma, en the PctBchora Hiver, in the middle of April. At the breaking up of tbe ice in .liujr they left this point, and taking a boat to Alcxievaka, made this their headquarters for tonic time. Bamboo for Paper-Xakiiig. The gradual exhaustion of the various substances used for paper-making causes an earnest inquiry for supplies of new material. It is known that the Chinese and Japanese, who excel in the manu lacturc of paper, produce a line quality, known as India proof-paper, from young bamboos. They also manufacture, from the bark of tbe paper-mulberry, many styles of paper, some of which imitate leather, and others muslin and crape so closely that much care is required to de tect the real nature of the article. The bamboo has been introduced into various countries as a paper-material, and there is no reason why it should not be iin poited in unlimited quantities. In most tropical regions, some species of bamboo flourish luxuriantly, and their growth is so rapid that tho supply need never be drained. As to the ra'c of growth, it is said that at Genziroh the gardens of the Khedive of Egypt the bamboo has been known to grow 0 inches in a night. At Lion Honse, the mansion of the Dukeof Northumberland, stems of Bambino. yiyantea have attained the height of GO feet in twelve weeks. At Kew, the Bam buna vulgaris has grown in favorable sea sons at the rate of 18 inches per day; and, at Chatsworth, the same species has reached the height of 40 feet in forty days. The Hardens or Morocco. The groves of rose trees and the flower farms of Morocco arc said by a recent traveler to exceed in extent and value those of Damascus, or even those of the valley of Mexico. The general climate of the country is very favorable to this kind of culture. Swept alter nately by the breezes of the Atlantic and Mediterranean, and tempered by the snows of the Atla3 range?, the degree of heat in Morocco is much lower than in Algeria, while the soil is exceed ingly fertile. To the date, palm, orange and .crnon trees the climate appears to be especially suited, the dates of Tali fat having been famous even from Ro man times. The orancc plantations arc of great extent in various parts of the country, while olives and almonds are also staples exported in large quantities. Seeing that this fertile land, within five days1 steam of London, produces so much vegetable wealth under the most barbarous cultivation, it appears very strange that commercial enterprise does not, in such a climate, seek the profita ble employment for its ever abundant capital in its application to develop such vast resources. The English Walnut. The Lomo ot the English walnut (Juglans rcgia) is Persia and the Hima layas. It was introduced into Europe, at a very early age, by the Greeks, who planted it in all their colonics. It found its way into Italy many centuries prior to the Christian era, and was greatly prized by the Romans, who gave it the name Juglans, said by Varro to be a contraction of the words Jon's giant, Jupiter's nut. The llomans diffused the tree through their provinces, planting I it even in England, where it was called by the Saxons Wcalh nut, or foreign nut, whence comes the modern name walnut. In Russia, the tree is called Greek nut, probably because it was carried from Greece into that country. The finest walnut trees in the world grow, it is said, in Asia Minor and along the Black Sea. In Circassia and Persia, thousands of families subsist upon the produce of a few roods of ground devo ted to walnut trees. The Building JVViw, giving statistics regarding the tree, says: "Near Balaklava, in the Crimea, there is an enormous falnut, which belongs to- five Tartar families, and which produces annually from 80,000 to 100,000 nuts. This tree is said to be nearly 3,000 years old. At the village of Par thenit, in Greece, there is a walnut tree whose trunk is 20 feet in circumference. This tree is worth 27 annually. There arc several very ancient walnut trees in England, the most remarkable of which is in Korfalk. The trunk- of this tree is said to be 80 feet high, and 11 feet in diameter. In 1627, a walnut tree w&s cut dowu at Melwyn, in Hertfordshire, which, when standing, occupied a space of 2,290 square yards." The timber ot the English walnut is HghVhard, fine grainedl and susceptible of a high polish. It is conaequeatly greatly valued, for vaaious purposes. It risjith the black walnut, almost the Nmly wood used in the construction of Canstocks, aad $3,000 has been paid for a tingle tree to be worked up in this Manufacture. England asmually con sumes 20,000 full grow walnut trees, which are imported maialy from Italy and the porta of the Black Sea. Am AfeMteaetf Wife r Forty Tears Ago One to riaim Her Dower.. The death of George Stacey, of Cov ington, bis leaving an immense estate, n wife and ten children and hi two form er wives, the discovery by the public of the existence of the firt wife, never di vorced and still alive in England, the circumstance that Mr. Stacey had once, alter marrying his third wife, sued for a divorce from the first, the bringing of a suit by the executors to settle complica tion arising out of the sure coming of Mrs. Stacey number one to claim her own against them all, are matters fresh in the memory of many of our readers, especially of those on the other side of the river. This wife number one has come. After probably thirty years of abandonment by her husband, who left her for a strange land, he to amass a big fortune, while she, unaided,-struggled along, her own stay and maintenance. All thin makes a strange, romantic story indeed. A cotemporary understands that the first wife ot the late George Stacey has reached Covington. It is a fact that Margaret Stacey bit3 arrived from England, and is now sojourning in that city at the home of her son-in-law, Mr. Sutton. She is there for the pur pose of asserting her dower interest in tbe rieh estate of her late husband ; not only the estate left by him at his death, but all the estate ever held by him since their marriage, more than forty years ago. The former, as we have heretofore stated, amounts to about f 125,000, and is all covered by the will of Geo. Stacej, which devises it to the testator's child ren by his three wives respectively and to the last wile, Elizabeth Stacey, who still survives him, the last named lady getting the bulk of it. The estate disposed of by Stacey, before bis death is not yet all ascortaiued, but i3 being looked up by BIrs. Margaret Stacey's lawyers, and, when the complete list is made up, suits will be entered immedi ately. Among this list of property is the fine Stacey homestead, No. 728 Madi son street, Covington, deeded to Mrs. Elizabeth Stacey some years ago, and now occupied by her as her own, besides several other pieces of prepcrty in Cov ington and several acres of lots in West Covington. A rough guess at the fig ures representing the value of all this property added to the $125,000 of de vised estate, coupled with the fact that Mrs. Margaret Stacey is only about sixty- five years old, well preserved, and prob ably good for twenty years more of life of this terrestrial sphere, enables us to venture the statement that her claim is oi such magnitude as to make it in tensely interesting and well worth look ing after. We arc quite sure that the present title holders of property de rived through George 'Stacey will agree with us that Margaret Stacey's existence and forthcoming assertion of her rights arc matters of serious consequence. Her claim against the devised estate will be set up in the suit already pend ing of the executors against the devisees for a construction of the will, instruc tions to the executors, etc. Messcrs. J. F. & C. H. Fisk, of Covington, and ffm. H. Pugh, of Cincinnati, are the attorneys representing Margaret Stacey. Cincinnati Enquirer. A Sceae la Cairo. As we sitin our hotel windows await ing the moment of departure, we enjoy a last tableau of Cairo. A long train of camels files by, each one attached to the tail of the one preceding. They march on erect beneath the large building stones with which they arc laden. They look innocent, even aad; yet they arc said to bristle with rage if provoked beyond measure. These have hardly passed when there follows a wedding proces sion. At the head pipes a piper upon a reed, which squeaks mightily; then two drummers supply with great volume what the reed lacks in sweetness. Now lollow long lines of Arabs arm in arm across the highway ; then the bridegroom, bestraddling a donkey. Throngs kiss his hands, and prophesy happiness. Now follow women; thickly vailed walks the bride between two bride maids, who support her, -and seem to address her with much gesticulation, as if to tease her; but perhaps they are giving her lassons in matrimonial mat ters. Four gajlj decked boyijbear a canopy over her head, and she moves with an air of a stage queen. Behind these, with much talking and shouting, come the rabble; and the vile little donkey boys, congregating in numbers before the hotel, when not besieging some easy going excursionist, take part in the merry procession by pushing the bright little donkey among them. The beasts take the brunt of the beating with gentleness, but appear not to relish the fun. C. S. WtUm; Scribner for Ike. A man poasesed of intellectual tal ents woald be more bhunable in confin ing them to Ivs own private use than the mean spirited miser that did tbe same by his mosey. The latter is indeed obliged to bid adieu to what he comma alcatea; the former enjoys his treasures, erea while he readers others the better f t them. Shesjtowe. USEFUL RECIFE ? Pork Cutlet6. Fry to a nij brown: beat three eggs with tiree teajfooafuls of flour, dip each tlice in the batter, and fry again, uctil the batter h cooked. Thi is very nice. Cccoanut Pi :. Half a cuaof but ter, one cup of powdered white sngar, four well beaten eggs (beat whites and yolks together), one cup of giated cocoa nut, one qua;t cf sweet milk. Mix butter and sugar together, then add the eggs and cccosnut, and lastly the milk. Mixce Meat ok Pies. Oe quart bowl of meat chopped fine, two bowls of chopped apples, one bowl'of tagar, one of raisins, one tablespoonfulf allspice, one of cinnamon, one half'talilespoon- ful of clove, one nutmeg, 'w thirds 1 teacuptul of mousses. Moisteii with sweet cider and a little of the liquid in which the meat was boiled. A few slices of citron improves them. Plain Suet Fcddino Without Soda. On pint of milk, one half pound ol suet, chopped fine; three eggs well beaten; one half teaspoonful of salt; add Hour gradually until you have made a thick batter. Tie in a cloth which has been dipped in boiliug water, and well sprinkled with flour; let the water boil before putting in the pudding, and boil two hours. To be eaten with canned or preserved fruit. Ham Cake. A capital way of dispos ing of the remains of a ham and making an excellent dish for breakfast is: Take a pound and a half of ham, fat and lean together; put it into a mortar and pound it, or pass it through a sausage machine; boil a large slice of bread in a halt pint of milk, and beat it and the ham well together; add an egg well beaten up. Put the whole into a mold, and bake a rich brown. Pan Dowdy.- Put apples pared and sliced into a large pan, and put in an abundance of molasses or sugar, and some spice if the apples have little flavor; not otherwise. Cover with bread dough, rolled thin, or a potato pie crust. Bake a long time, and then break the crust into the fruit in small pieces. Children arc very foud of this, especi ally if well sweetened and baked long. Snow Pudding. To one half box of gelatine add one pint of boiling water, two cups white sugar, and tho juice of two lemons. When coo!, beat tho whites of three eees vcrv licht and spread over the top. This is an excel lent pudding, especially for the hot summer weather, and should be mado the day before using and placed on ice or in the ice chest. When brought to the table, dish out in saucers, and turn over it a sauce or custard made in the following manner: Boil a pint of milk in a tin pail set isto a kettle of hot wa ter; as soon as it boils add the yolks of three cggn well beateu, with sugar to taste; let it boil until it thickens, then remove; when nearly cold add a little salt, and flavor with vanilla. How 850 Was Lost and Won. Our friend, the Colonel, is continually making investments on a small scale, which disappoint him in their results. He has a spendthrift of a young nephew, who wrote to him from St. Louis the other day, saying: "Dear Uncle : There is a fellow down here who offers to bet me a f 100 green back that no one will lend me that amount of money. Now, I have taken the bet, and if you will write me a letter enclosing a draft for 100, saying you will lend it to me, I will devidc with you equally the $100 that I will win from the fellow. I will send the $50 by the very first mail sure." He sent the young scaegrace the $100. We happened in his office when he opened the return letter, a day or two afterwards, inclosing $50. Tbe Colonel shook his fat sides as he read the nephew's missive, which ran thusly: 'Hurrah 1 We've won the fool's money, dear uncle. Here's jour $50. Much obliged. Yours, Tom. "He's a reckless rogue, the boy is," remarked the Colonel, "but yon see he is uuuesi. ii u uues tu ue agreea ail our family always do that." "But, Colonel," we remarked, "you say you sent the boy $100." "Yes- draft lor $100, and here, you see he sends me my half as prompt as the clock." "And you say that nephew is honest, and has done the fair thing?" "Certainly don't yoa see? here's the $50." "Yes, bat where is tht $100 you sent him?" The Colonel's smiling face suddenly became grave he scratched his head then pulled his mustache thea looked at us for a moment with eyes and mouth wide open. .'Sore enough," he muttered, "I hadn't thought of that. He ought to have sent me $150. The young rascal has dome aae out of $50 clean as a whistle! Well, well I I am aa old fool, that's a fact." And.the old Colonel pocketed his $50, tore the nephew's letter into little bits, threw them upon the Icor, aad stamped his right foot upoa these with a sarage disgust. Chicago Jovnat lira! Ceartahlp at Oat-Here Galea. nY HRET HAUTE. Is 3fr. naiteV new Serial story in ' Seribne"''$ Monthly for December, tee , hero, Gabriel Courov, give his little ' rstcr the followbg mendacious account of his visit to the widow Marklc on business matrimonial: . . , , ,.,,- Oily had drawn a small box, her favor- , ite seat, between her brother's legs, and j rested the back of her head comfortably against his waitcoat. When Gabriel had lighted bis papc at the solitary can dle, he gave one or two preliminary putfr. and then, taking hi pipe Irom his moutb, he aid gently : "Oily, it can't be done." "What can't be done, GabeJ" queried the artful Oily, with a swfit prcconcep- tioa of the answer, expanding her little mouth into a thoughtful smile.. it "That thing." "What thing, Gabe?" "This yer marryin' o' Mrs. Markle," said Gabriel, with an assumption of easy, business like indifference. "Why!" asked Oily, "She wouldn't hev me." "What?" said Oily, facing swiftly around. Gabriel evaded his sister 's eyes, :idI, looking in the lire, rcpaated slowly, bu with great firmness: "No: not fur fur fur agift!" "She's a mean, stuck-up, horrid old thing!" said Oil j fiercely. "I'd jest like to why, Ihar sin't a man az kin com pare with you, Gabe! Like her impu dence!" Gabriel waved his pipe in the air depre catingly, yet with such an evident air of cheerful resignation, that Oil) faced upon him again suspiciously, and asked : "What did she say?" "She said," replied Gabe slowly, "thtt her heart was given -to another. I think she struck into poetry, and said : "My heart Uli another , And It nerer can he thine." Tbet is, I think so. I disremember her special remark. Oily, but you know women alters spout poetry at sech times. Ennyhow, that's about the way the thing panned out." "Who was it?" said Oily suddenly. "She didn't let on who," said Gabriel uneasily. "I didn't think it the square thing to inquire." "Well," said Oily. Gabriel looked down still more em barrassed, and shifted his position. "Well," he repeated. "What did you say?" said Oily. "Then?" "No, afore. How did you do it, Gabe?" said Oily,' comfortably fixing her chin in her bands, and looking up in herbrothor's face. "Oh, the usual wayl" said Gabriel, with a motion of his pipe, to indicate vague and glittering generalities of courtship. "But how? Gabe, tell me all about it." "Well," said Gabriel, looking up at the roof, "wimen is bashful ez a general thing, and thar's about only one way cz a man can get at 'cm, and tbat ez, by being kinder kecrless and bold. Ye see. Oily, when I kam inter the house, I sorter jest chuckled Sil under the chin tbet way, you know and then went up and put my arm around the widdcr's. waist, and kissed her two or three times, you know, jest to be sociable and famil iar like." "And to think, Gabe, tbet, alter all that abe wouldn't hev ye," said Oily. "Not at any price," said Gabriel poi itivcly. "The disgustin' beast!" sid. Oily. "I'd jest like to ketch that Manty hangin' round yer alter tbat!" she continued, savagely, with a vicious shake of her little fist. "And just to think, only to day we gave her her pick o' them pups !' "Hush, Oily, ye mustn't do anythin' o' the sort" said Gabriel hastily. "Ye must never let on to any one anything. It's confidence. Oily -confidence, ez these sort o' things alius is atween you and me. Besides," he went on re-as- suringly, that'a nothin'. Lord, afore a m mariiedf hfi hez togo throQgh kind o' thing a dozen times. It's ex pected. There was a man a3 I once knowed," continued Gabriel, with shame less mendacity, "tz went through it fifty times, and be was a better man nor me, and could shake a thousand dollars in tbe face ot any woman. Why, bless your eyes, Oily, some men jest likes it it's excitement like perspectir.'." Two sens of Erin wre standing by a hydraulic press, when one called out to the other, "Jim, I'd like to put je under aad squaze the devil out o'yc." "Would ye, indavde, mj boy?" was the answer. "Squaze the devil out o' ye and tbere'd beaothiagleft!" A darkey who was stopping to wash his hands in a creek, didn't notice tbe peculiar Actions of a goat jest behind hint,' so whea he scrambled out of the water aad was asked how it happened, he answered: "I duano '-zactly; bat peared as ef de shore kinder hlstedaed fro wed me." The Flamiago. Tbe rci Satalneo Ce op Irora tfcr ioath. Krura the Jarul all wltarfci arl ptrrijpj la U roast, tie drained on ti- iy like a Ststlug bri. J!10"!" ba'atn rlr,f 'i ,a lhe tacpur td,' aadthe ! dank When the wind Wew-att. to la ?a h went, Red -l a la tne rirmaaen. AndtarerJ afldc. wlih a :ook alaol. Al tbc Jcad;r CJe ot ltc corBonim. And tae oglt.oM ht ncnilml jtar. Vrura the bright ol til Tasltcd tyrl $. When the Hind Mew rct, to lhe fields hr apod. Wtxre the Moe-Td ceatlan lift it hrad: And the iew daiheJ red to a tcarlet dj On the lily' brratt. a he fioatei by ; And here and there In the tllrtt ddi, From hit wins a scarlet fratber fell lie tailed oc hit way at tbe mariner i all. With itost heart fearing no wind nor gale On and on through tho land be wen. Like a 3 ret and royal xnc aenjrer tent. Till be came at last to an an den 1 towi. Never on ma; or chart laid dove Uii wearied wise beat toil and low. For the dreary ttrccu ware.ef aawflrdnow. Tbe faoatea were coasted by two 'tm&XZS3 And the footttep cambered were faint aad few. The f hlpe that bad tailed to that (lient tbore Were bound, mow Iocke3.tnuat ma.t or ou. The thread had vanitbrd a dreary wreck. With tbe tropic bird, on the lonoly deck. Hi eye crew dim In tbe old. was llcbt. And bis royal plumage blanched tnow-whi lie strained hi gazo to the farthei t north. And asaln on Cutttrlnj; wines went forth. And tailed away, with hit plumage pale Forever bid by a nowr veil. Whether he drifted eat or wen, And t;azcd on a mthtymottctaln cro?t. Or a clorloat tea with turret bigb, Reaching far up in the polar tky. Or drooped in death on a was'c ol cow. Hit recret none thall ever know, lie lived hit life on his errand scat. And tracked the path ot a continent. Whoever ha croca to that tllent ptraml Hat patted bejund to an unkn.wu land. Buried In now, and under the eater. Frozen and ttark lhe rentiucl wait Till the 'now .hall be KP.cd from off hit ttrratt. And the pathway cleared to the great Norihw ett 1 Saruti D. Clakk. in iHctmbtr Jtlanth. Valuable UNcorpry of Kmery-Moue Near Setlnlln. II some energetic gentle mau, with more money t.ian he knows what to do with, desires to double that money in a legitimate enterprise, he will como to Scdalia and work the quarry of emery stone which was discovered in the north western part of Pettis county about one year ago. Probably you do not know what emery btonc is, or the valuable practical uses that it can be put to. As to value, an emery uheel one foot in diameter and two inches thick, costs about $20. Emery is a mineral or stone of amazing hardness. The atoms or crystals which foim the stone are regu lar iu shape and have sharp and cutting edges. Emery ij almost as hard ai a diamond. Grindstones or wheels made of it, and turned by steam, arc used in manufacturing establishments for pol ling or grinding all kindi of metals, hard stone and glass. A small emery stone, revolving rapidly, will in a few moments grind the hardest bar of steel, or lump of Hint stone or glass, iuto dust. For polishing rough castings of steel, brass, or Iron or other metals, it is vety valuable, and in a few moments an emery will do an amount of work that a man could not do in a day with a file. Hence its value. Dozens of emery wheels arc used for polishing or grlud ing purposes in the large midline ahops of this city. Deposits of this stone or grains of it are rare. Emery depoiits arc rarer than gold. Sedalia Democrat. Xew Mexican Cattle Kin?. A letter from Santa Fc tells about a "cattle king" of New Mexico: To the southeast of Santa Fe, near Fort Stanton, Ss the famous Chisum cattle ranche, con taining about sixteen hundred sections of land, on which Mr. Chisum has at this time eighty thousand head of cattle. He claims that he can fill rn order for forty thousand beeves, sent him by telegraph from New York, on ten days notice. Us this as it may, he is the "cow king" of Mexico, to use a provincial phrase. He employs in all about on: hundred "cow boys" and "cow punchers" and in other words he cmploja mounted men to picket the ranch day and night, winter and summer, to see that the cattle do nut stray off the pasture selected by him for his own use. And like a sentinel walk ing his beat, the cattle guards ride up and down the lines and are relieved with due regularity. In the fall about this time, they have the "cattle drives," which means taking these vast herds from the distant ranches to market. They find a shipping point at Wichita, or Great Bend, Kansas, or at Granada or Las Animas, in Colorado. And whenever it is known at which point :kc important "drives " will strike there is where tbe vulture are found. Tbe cattle men are rough, gen erous, tnd often intemperate, and the gamblers and prostitute of the entire land look forward to fall trade with great anticipations. Very often the officers of the law are set at defiance, the cattle men and licentious women run the town, and tbe entire proceeds of ten thousand beeves squandered in a iiagle night. Denctr iVor. The most reserved of men, that will not exchange two syllables together ia as lcglish.ee ffse hotue, should they meet tat Ispahan, would drink the: bet aad eat a mess of rice together. Eheastone. A fkarmlar Komaace. .Mba-ul.tr ltrt(uonll Alllai 4M.I Wait Cam of It. It i a popuUr jing tftAt H t!w world love a lover," aad It nuy boU true that all the world lorn to read of lorcr. Some ecr ao there appeared in the Chicago Inter IHtfi 1 kctch of a singular unnurc. It wj related that the biide tailed fur Italy and the bride groom tUrtcxl for Arhona, wlthla two hour alter the neddirg ceremony w concluded. The akvtcb, widely copird at the time, wa true in tuUitnnrc ami dc'ail. but the romantic coloring of the marri.tge,o to jcaV.-,ws. la It tit at bluh. The laptc of t'tne and thrhnge ot fortune having brought one ot the par ties of ttie singular acttding to Call tor nia, and plec-.il the othrr welt on the road to hiattluntc Unto in Italy, it it now iu good time to jfivu the coutlau- aUoaf ft'SyytolOi is tins : a bou t tour yeari ae -yixssr army otlicer, Lieutenant Philip Keade. - who, by the way, U a nephew of the i111tnort.nl lien itutlcr, attended church in Topeka, ICic..s. There are llvinjj witnesses to this .tvsortion, however atu nular it may appear tint an otlicer of the army a nephew of ( !d Ikn'a found hi way t the anctury uf grace, lie did go, and while there one voice of tho choir improved him a awectly rtiip. thctic. The music touched hi soul, .tnd his heart went out to tint jtMi? twnllat. He sought her acquaintance, obtain.! an Introduction, and for months w Idled away the hours uucon.ciousiy iu the cheerful Mtiuliine uf her presence. He learned of her ambitions, and listened with all the fervor cf n youthful cnthu jdast to a rccltnl of her aspirations. She longed for ftme in the great world of the opera, but there stood poverty, that twin companion of obscurity and enemy of genius, interposing otntaclc in every path promising to lead to the goal of her ambition. Yet hc did not despair, and had planned a girlish way of he-r own to reach Italy antl study under the in spiration of grunt musters in the land of poetry and song. Sh-j had already begun to give music lc.Mins, and even lud saved a few dollars, as the becinning of the fund. The young army otlicer ad mired the heroUm ami applauded the dhring pluck of the uobtc little woman. He had faith likewise iu her future, !o lieving that her talents wr.uhl nomu day engage the attention of the ocg loving world. Kicker iu pum thnu tmwt army ofiiceis, and generous withnl, he protlcrei her the money to complete her musical education, which she in proper pride de clined. However, .the obtained mcnnn by ingiug in local concerts to pursue her studies in Boston, and little was heard of her until the Eastern pipers, as already intimated, announced the wedding of Lieut. I'hillp Keade, U. S. A., and Miss Minute Heals, of Topeka. It may be interred that the marriage wj. the condition of her accepting money to pursue her studies in Italy, and it Is true that mere than three yeam time has elapsed since the matrimonial event, aul neither one of the pair ha seen the other. In the mean time she applied herself with all the patience and dili gence of feminine nature to cot slant study undrr renowned teacher, finally making her ihbut and winning word of praise Irom the most eminent critics. In a recent letter from Italy to her husband, who U now in Sin Diego, in charge of the military telegraph line), the lady herself telU the rest of the story in the charming candor of girlish simplicity. Although ermisiou is granted to give the exuberant epistle in ejtn, lot the edification of our reader, the subsUucc thereof will suffice for the 1 urpoe. The letter i dated nt Milan, Italy. June 12. and after the customary and very appro priate greetings of Mrs. Lieutenant Philip Keade to her husband, opens with the announcement that she has jut signed an engagement, for four years, at a splendid tnd increasing rate of sa'ary, with ScsUlenni, a celebrated IttHan imprcssjri?. The dtbulanu opens at tbe Foglieno Tneater, Florence, in Auber'n new opera of the Prodigal Son, produced for the first time in Italy. After this seaaon the is to appear lUCCeiiUelr in in all the leading theatres of Italy, and will thence extend her triumphant trav els to other parts of Earope, probably visiting tbe United Stitrs before tlw ex expiration of tbe pnsent engagctoent. Other evidences re giren of the marked tuccei of this deterring lady, aad a brilliant future u before her. Her fin ishing Instructions were received frost Sigsor Gilli, a faxaocs Italian teacher. Such are the ultimate malts of tne pious turn tbat iaddee tally befel a nephew ot old Bra Butler ose Sasday morning, and led his to intrude Into a quiet sasctury ot worship ia s Ksasa town. Sa FrautUco Buluun. Tbe other day when a Detroit grocer spelled tagar S h-s-g-e-r a friead pointed out the word asd remarked, Tbki-wora iin't spelled quite right. "Ha! I see, laughed the grocer, "ose weald think I had no education. Asd he crossed it oat aad wrote, a-h a tj-o-r.. i. k f '11 - .2 j I IW'HssEii " "V "a?" r t y"m- .0 Y