The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 16, 1875, Image 4

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cr"'Jt. MM
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FOETIC chips.
The atove was cold and the kettle wouldn't boil.
So ihe tilted tbe cu and poured on a llttlo oil:
Oono to meet the man who blew cut the gas.
Crimea lead togrtatcrcrim.s.andHnkeo straight.
What flr t wra accident, at lact la fate;
Gollt'a helpless servant flnka into a slave.
And virtue's laat aad atrajtgllnja cannot save.
There never waa a goose to gray.
Dot that, toon or late.
An honest gander came that way.
And took her for hit mate.
Where to the aaa who with power or skill
To stand the torrent of a woman'a will;
For If the will, abe will.yon msy depend on't,
And if the won'Mhc won't, bo there' an end on't.
'Twas morbiBiC of election day.
lie came down feeling fretb aad cheery.
And bending o'er her chair, remarked,
"Who axe your candidates, my deary t"
She humped her pull-back JuH cnonKh
To sake her favorite pai er rattle;
"Their names I don't remember, but
You'll find them somewhere in my bnstle."
When Eve brought xco to all mankind.
Old Adam called her teo-man;
Bnt when abe wooed with love o kind,
lie then pronounced it woo-man;
But bow with folly and with pride,
Their hatbands' pockets trimming.
The ladles arc bo fnll or whims.
The people call them xchlm-mtn.
While much baa been aaid of tbe conductairc.
Who punches your ticket or gets your fare;
And alto of the polite barbairc,
Who daubs your face with his wet lathalrc,
We should not lorget the com doctalre.
Who tells you to alt in bis easy chair,
And rolla np hla alecvcs at you sit and stare.
While he aharpens his knife and gcta ready to pare
Your favorite com off as slick aa a hair,
And takea what money you're able to Bpnrc;
Be it more or less, he don't teem to care.
For he's cry indifferent, this corn doctalre.
Hcr's waa a face
Whore occult charm no limner's art
Could steal; whose nameless grace
illusive was, as light that falls
Where water part.
A face so fair,
So haunted with sweet mysteries,
It seein'd a faco astray from hcav'uly norm f ,
And not of one who e'er
Had breakfasted on buckwheat cake..
Or dined on beans.
Many years ago a girl and her old
great-grandmother sat together tin girl
in tears.
Said Great-grandmamma Hudson, sit
ing very Btraight, not lolling, at her
seventy-eight years, as did her great
granddaughter of eighteen :
"Young folks think old folks are
fools, but old folks know that young
folks are."
"That's because you arc old, grand
ma," sobbed Linda.
"No; it's because I was once young,"
said the old lady.
"But he's the only one I ever loved, or
ever shall love," said Linda. "Papa, ia
so cruel to me. Why should he think ill
of Lewis? He doesn't know anything
about him. I shall die if we are separ
ated." "I was going to die, too, if we were
separated," said great-grandmamma;
"but I didn't."
"Ob, tell me, please," c:ied Linda,
"had you a lover? Did they separate
you? Ohl" she put her arm around
her great-grandmother's knees "oh! I
never knew you had a love story that Is,
that kind of one."
"Yes," said tne old lady, "l nau a
lover; and I had a mother and father."
"You can have many lovers, but never
more than one father and one mother.
"Folks think of that when it's too late.
"When father said that Cecil was Lord
knows who, and he should not come to
see me, I remember I almost hated him
for it."
"When mother said she did not like
the young man either, I almost hated
"Cruel creatures that stood botween
me and my young lover that was what
my dear parents seemed to me then;
just what yours seem to you, Linda, I
have no doubt.
"And I was worse than you, my dear,
ever so much worse; for it seemed so
wicked to me that any one should take
it for granted a man was not good, and
worthy of love because he was a stran
ger, that f utterly refused a'.l counsel,
and made preparations to run away with
Cecil send marry him at Gretna Green, a
place in Scotland where runaway couples
used to go at that time to be married by
an old blacksmith.
"Everything was ready.
"I had my jewelry in my bosom, and
my little bundle of clothing on my arm,
and was creeping out of a little side
door of ourhousc, that led into the gar
den, when a hand came down on my
shoulder and a voice cried out :
M My girl, my girl, is this the way
you use us?' and there was my father.
"Dear, dear, it's so many years ago
so many years ago but I remember that
moment so well.
"The long, dark hall, with Its polished
floor and low ceiling, and the tall clock
standing in the corner at one end, tick
ing, ticking, ticking.
"Outside, the moon shining faint and
white, and the dark ivy growing on the
low stone wall, over which I meant to
climb, and on the other side of which
Cecil stood quietly waiting for me.
"My father's face was as white as that
of a ghost in that light, and his hand
shook as he held mine.
44 'Oh, lather, father,' I cried, if you'd
only let me have my will in this one
thing. You can't make a girl love or
hate by saying so.'
"He stood, holding me firm and fast
"Do you think I want anything bat
your good?" said he. 'Would I not be
glad to hare you happy? You little
simpleton, do you know that if you
kid left y house this night, you would
have gone to your ruin?"
"Omteide was my lover and his kisses;
iuide my father, stern and hard, as it
semed to me.
"It seemed as though he led me back
to prison when I had a chance of heaven
before me, as he bolted the door.
'It is imelice who has betrayed me,' I
I said; and though they would never
admit it, I knew my maid had proved
"Well, they locked mc up in my room.
How often, I cried out: "I shall die if I
am separated from Cecil?'
"I am very old, but when I think
of it the old ache ami pain come back
My girl, he had eyes like black
diamonds and an olive cheek, and red,
soft, pouting lips, and your men with
padded shoulders, and thin arms and
legs, and hollow chests, wouldn't look
like men standing beside dim.
"Oh, he was a beauty, and, though
you might not think it now, so was I.
"It was a dieary time, and my health
broke down under it.
"I had a fever, and called for Cecil in
my delirium, and when I was well again
tbe doctor said I must iiave change of
air, and n.othcr decided to take me with
her to the seaside: but first we were to
go by the stage coach to London, and
visit an aunt I had there.
'It was the day of stage coaches, and
the day of highwaymen.
"Going over a certain, common on our
way, coaches hud more than once been
stooped; the men were armed always,
and the women trembled when they saw
horeemen riding towards them.
" 'Your money or your life,' was their
word, and they kept it.
" If we should meet the highwaymen,'
said my mother; but I was not afraid. I
did not care whom we met, or what hap
pened to me.
"We rode away from our home in the
bright daylight, and we stopped for din
ner and to change horses at an inn, and
then we rode on again.
"It would be night long before we
reached London.
"I sat in the coach witii my head on
my mother's shoulder, thiuking of just
on thing Cecil and our parting.
"Should I never sec him :igain, never,
never, never?
"If he knew where I was would
he not follow mc and carry me off by
"Could I not somehow let him know,
and escape from my aunt's house in Lon
don, and be married, so tiiat no one
could part us?
"Ob, I wa3 so miserable so misera
ble! "Nothing like making plans that can
come to nothing, and burst like bubbles
when wc have thought them out for
"The afternoon faded out and the sun
set, and I saw nothing of it. The'moon
"'See what a lovely moon,' snid my
'But I had not cared te look at the
moon since I saw her over the garden
wall that night, my love on one side and
I on the other. Ah, me.
"Rumble went tho coach, crack went
the whip.
"Suddenly there was a tumult.
' 'Gentlemen,' cried the guard 'gen
tlemen, I am afraid we are to have some
trouble here. ej to your weapons, gen
tlemen.' "Then the coach came to a stand.
"The shrieking women clung to
gether. "Four masked men rode to the door.
"The coachman and guard lay in the
"One of the gentlemen was bouHd, the
other wa3 old and lame.
"They were rifling his pockets while
he screamed.
"They took out a jold watch and a
purse, and a .scuff box with diamonds
on it.
"They had already the other's money.
"Then one the largest, the handsom
est figure bent over us.
"Don't fear, ladies,' he said in a soft
voice. 'All wc wont is whatever valua
bles you may have about you.'
"Mamma began to scream.
"The lady who sat next her tainted.
"We could not see the mau's face for
he was masked and we were in the shad
ow of the coach.
" Something shines on your finger, ho
said, 'let me see it.'
"He caught at the chain on which I
wore a locket with a curl of Cecil's hair.
"Don't take that,5 1 cried. 'Don't
take that.'
"I clutched it.
"Our heads were close together.
"I saw his chin and mouth under his
"At the same moment my face was
thrust into the moonlight.
"'Amy!' I heard him whisper to him
self, and I knew Cecil.
"Meantime something had happzned.
"Two gentlemen had ridden up.
"The one who had been bound was
"For onco the tables had been turned
upon the robbers.
"Then one had ridden away, two were
bound, and one lay bleeding.
"Tnis last one was Cecil.
-'I knew now that my father had not
been wronjr.
"Cecil was even worse than he thought
"He was a highwayman, a bad man,
and a companion of -bad men; a crea
ture who cut purses on the public road.
"They were not all ignorant men.
these highwaymen, by any meacs.
"Many had good birth, education and
"Yes, he was a bad man; but how
could I hate him all at once?
"I understood that my father had
been right in parting us ; but those lips
had kissed me; those hands held mine.
" 'The ladies need fear bo longer said
one of the gentlemen. 'Those fellows
are in no condition to molest them.'
Then he said, (men didn't say such
bighflown things then) :
" 'How merciful is the gentler sex. It
i3 compassionate to the erring aa well as
the virtuous.'
"For I had torn my hand from my
mother', and knelt befride Cecil.
'They thought I pitied a wounded
robber, that was all.
"But this is what we whispered in the
" 'Amy, you know what I am now, but
I loved you.'
"And I answered:
"Cecil, I hate your deeds without
hating you.'
"Those were the last words wc ever
spoke the very last."
"Did you never sec him again?" said
the girl.
"Ob, Granumama, never again?"
The old woman looked into her eyes.
"He was a very bad man, my dear,"
she said. "Very bad, and I never saw
him again.
"I believe he died a shameful death
one day at the hinds of the executioner.
"But, you see, it was because I have
been young, not because I am old, that
I said you young folks were fools.
"It was a good while, yea, a good
while, after that night in the stage coach,
before I came to my senses sufficiently
to thank dear papa for his watchfulueH
over me. and be really glad that I had
never been Cecil's wife.
"But I did at last, my dear I did, at
last; and I married my good husband,
your great grandfather, whom you never
saw, and we were always happy.
"The heart of woman is a mystery,
and has been since Eve, my little girl."
.Beef Cattle S10-S (&1325
flogs Dressed 900 ft 950
Hheep Ltvc 450 w, 8 50
Flour Good to choice 550 fctM
Wheat-No. 2 Chicago 124 ?r, 1 21
Corn Western mixed "3 Qi 74
Oats Western new 40 G -M
JlyCa O.J ( tO
-LaaTlu a i o
a .mm - Wv "71
Butter 1G .& 25
Pork New Mese 2i5 &22S0
Beeves Choice $510 (&631
liogs 710 (&72Q
Sheep Good to choice 350 & 4 75
Butler Choice to yellow 23
AvaWQ aaa BSa
Fiour-White winter 5 50 (5,6 10
Spring extra
Wheat Spring No.2 10.J.& 1 03
Corn-No. 2 48 49tf
Oats No.2 ) f& 304
Kye No. 2 63 & 684
Fork Mess, tew W85
Barley No.2 85 8GS
-Luru a -J"-
fiT. LOUIh.
Beer Cattle-Fair to choice $ 5 'r T$ 6 12',4
Hogs Live 700 (To 730
Flour-Fall XX 375 450
Wheat No. 2 Bed 1 -9J4
Corn No. 2 l'-. 43
I'tlvB 4V
AaVC"-iv-O. & v(
Pork Mesa 2100
IT 1UU( , Uv
Wheal Bed 1 1.1 180
IsOTIl k5 (to Ml
Velfl " Vy av
ufti lvj lt?i
a J C 4 Wv lu
X. OrK 1 j Ov
XtiU l wv
W ItiUi,
Wheat No.2 1 20
Lorn ii M& "
Oata No.2 30 31
Barley No. 2 2K U6J4
Kye-No.2 70
Flour wholesale $225 275
Thcat.... .... .. ......... 47 ou
iOrn . w, ko mr)
vais ...... ....... .... ....... .f lv a.
Barley S5 40
Rye 55 00
E6gs 22
Butter 2) 25
Hogs 625 G 50
Cattle 300 350
ThoAndfeas Atlas.
This great work which has been in
process of publication for more than
a year past is at last issued and is being
delivered to subscribers in our vicinity.
After examining it we are surprised at
the information it contains and that it is
free from errors as it is. To be sure
there are mistakes in it but they are
very few when we take into considera
tion the magnitude of the work, and the
immense number of different persons
who were engaged upon it. It contains
all that was promised and a great deal
more. Not the least valuable parr, of it
is the list of post-offices in the United
States, and the census of Iowa for 1875,
both of which are uiven, and neither of
which were promised. Wc cannot in our
limited space even mention tbe different
items of information to be found in this
work, much less describe them. Suf
fice it to say tbat the volume is well
worth the price asked for it, $15, and
we hace yet to hear of a single subscriber
who is not perfectly satisfied with it.
Drumming by Mail.
Chas. Gossage & Co., the popular Dry
Goods Merchants, of Chicago, take a
novel way of attracting customers.
They send samples of new goods and
specir.l bargains all over the country by
mail with the circular:
" Madame : We enclose a few samples
of desirable goods, just. opened, respect
fully soliciting an inspection and distri
bution among your friends. Any orders
with which jou or they may favor us
shall have most careful attention. We
send such goods, (when ordered by mail
directly from us), subject to return if
not satisfactory, or to inspection aad ap
proval before payment when sent for
collection, and free of all charges, ex
cept cost of carriage. Parcels, of leas
than four pounds weight, can be sent
by mail at the low rate of one cent per
ounce, when remittance covers goods
and postage. A complete organization
in our Order Department enables us to
guarantee the prompt and satisfactory
delivery of goods at the lowest cash
prices anywhere known to the trade. It
ordering from these samples, please
state if any other than the first selection
would be acceptable, should that be sold.
All letters should be addressed to Oic
Firm to secure proper and prompt at
tention. Hail orders solicited and
goods or samples sent to any part of the
Such enterprise as this should, aad is
meeting with the reward it justly de
serves. A dispatch from Arizona conlrmstae
report of the defeat of the Soaora revo
lutionists in tbe fight at Altar. Three
officers and 34 men were killed and
wounded, and several hundred horses
and other property were captared.
The Homk Sewimj Mackixe. There
is no more important subject of selec
tion presented to the family than that
of tbe sewiajr machine, for it involves
questions of economy, durability, case,
convenience, aed even that or health.
The machine which most nearly com
plies with all these vital qualifications
is tbe Home, for which Johnson, Clark &
Co., 141 State SU Chicago, are General
Ageats ia the United State. As its
name implies, it is a machine for the
family, it U light, yet strong, easy run
ning and swift, simple in construction,
and complete In its work. It sews the
lock-stitcb, aad is adapted to every fab
ric that enters into domestic life, per
forming its task in a manner unsurpassed
by any other machine. In the matter
of combined efficiency and cheapness,
tbe Home triumphantly bears the palm,
so completely distancing competitors
that its general adoption to merely a
question of tbe realization of its merits
which must very presently obtain. In
tending sewing-machine purchasers are
recomended to examine the Home. A
great inducement for tbe purchase of this
machine is thatnotwithstanding it is as
good aafany other, it is sold for 25 per
cent. less.
Persons wanting scwing-mschincs
would do well to send to the above
House for their latest circulars and terms
to cash purchasers.
Fluid Lightning lnatantly curca Neuralgia
Nervous and Sick Headache, K&cnmatlim and
all nervosa ptiat. Druggist keep It.
Kaacx Flga, See advertisement of Rev. J. D.
Vaa Dokb, who haa Jke Saest lot of Essex Pigs
in the market. They are unexcelled.
VegvtlM. Tola preparation is tclcntlflcall
aad chemically combined, and so strongly con
ccntrated from roots, kerbs and barks, that In
good effects are reaL'ced immediately after com
menclng to take it, Com.
Norman Heraca. In another column will be
found the card of Itugy A Trimble of Wyanet,
111., Importers of those gtani French draft horses.
Ther have the aaest stockSof horses ever brought
to this country, tiet their prices and Improve
yoar horses. They are a reliable arm.
Tbo Photographic Copying Company of
Burlington, Iowa, is giving employment to hun
dreds of men and women aa canvaarera for old
pictures to be copied and enlarged, eitner pUln
or colored. Agents Wanted In every count vnd
town in the West.
Qranjrers, Attention. In another column
we give place to tho card of Harper Bros. Urangc
Supply House. They have been in the buslueo
over two years : hat e an Immense trade tn Iowa
and the entire Northwest. Tholr prices beat the
world, and they are a prompt ana reliable firm.
Farmers and all others will no well to buy of them.
Something- New. The French Queen Syrup,
prepared and said by Dr. C. Francois, of No. 81s
Olive street, S . Louts, Mo. Is recommended as
a sure cure for croup, whoopingcough. colds,
bronchitis, and catarrh. It has been in ue In
France lor many years, where it has invariably
relieved Buffering, and It highly recommended
by eminent French physicians. It is told by
first class druggists throughout the country.
Price, 50 cents per bottle, bee advertisement in
this paper.
Te Bookwnlter Engine. The want ct a
small portable engino and boiler, to constructed
aa to be famished at a price within the reach of
crcry onu, haa long been feit. ttuch is the Book
waiter Engine an engine which foreffectltencss,
simplicity, durability and cheapne, cannot bo
surpassed. For processes requiring light powor,
inch aa wood-sawtnj, running cotton gins, ele
vators, printing presses or cheese factories,
pumpinp water, a large variety of firm work, and
in fact all light manufacturing purposes, this
eoginc ia expressly adapted, both In construc
tion and cost. Bee cut in another column.
A Great Invention. Wc call attention to
the advertisement of C. M. Untngton in inother
column. This is an old established Norelty
House, and by far the largest in this country.
All who want novelties, needles, chromos, etc
can rely on Mr. Liniugton for good goods, low
ricea and prompt aad honorable deallbg. Tbe
amp Filler and Halety is an article of real
merit and practicability. We sreak from actual
experience, having used it several months and
found It just aa represented, and wo recommend
It to all who uso kerosene aa being worth many
timet the price.
A New Thine; in the World.
Dr. C. Fbancoi'b French Queen Strcp
a sure cure for croop, whooping
cough, and severe colds which settle
on tbe lungs even in consumption,
chronic bronchitis, and catarrh.
The French Queen Sirup It one of the most
powerful remedies that haa ever existed In the
world. It is an old French remedy which hss
been in use in France for many years, and has
given great relief to the suffering. It Is well
recommended by all French physicians in
Europe. Be tare to get no other, elold by all
first-class druggUta and drug dealers In the
sountnr, at 50 cents per bottle. Addiess Dr. C.
FRANCOIS, No. 818 Olive ttrcet St. Louis, Mo.
Dr. MeAFFataC A regaiar graduate of Brltisn
and American Inatltates. ) years a practicing
physician. Treats all Dlaeaaea of the KU'neys,
Liver, Lunge, Heart, Throat, Hovi aad Nervous
aytteaa. Errort of Youth and Abuses ol Man
hood taccetarally treated and even alter others
have failed. S1U0 forfeit for any case ol Seminal
Weakness or private eiaeaae of any kind or char
acter ke undertakes) .and falls to cure. Ladtst
will and proper treatment for disease.! peculiar
to their aez. All letters containing staaapa for
reply promptly aaawered.
ConiuUaltonfrt. Send for circular. Address
Lock BoxaSO, or call at osace, SIT Perry tweet,
Davenport, Iowa.
Schenck'e Mandrake Pill will be found to
possess those qualities necessary to tho total
eradlcaUon of all bilious attacks, prompt to
start the secretions of the liver, and give a healthy
tone to the enUre system. Indeed, it la no ordi
nary discovery In medical scisnee to have invent
ed a remedy for theae stubborn complaints,
which develop all the results produced by a here
tofore free use of cal meUaalneralJuatlydresded
by mankind, and acknowledged to be destructive
in the extreme to the human system. That the
properties of certain vegetables comprise all tbe
virtues of calomel, without i'a Injurious tenden
cies, ts now aa admitted fact, rendered Indisput
able by scienUac researches; and tho-e who ate
the Mandrake Pillt will be fnllr satisfied that the
best medlctees are those provided by nature la
the common toots and herbs of the fields.
Theae pills open the bowels and correct all
biliosa derangements without salivation or any
of the 1J ariose electa of calomel or other poi
sons. The secretion of bile is promoted by these
pillt. as will be seen by the altered color of the
stools, aad disappearing of the sallow complex
ion aad cleansing of the tongue.
Ample directions for use accompany each box
Prepared only by J. H. Schcnck Sob, at their
principal oaUe, corner Sixth and Arch streets,
Philadelphia, and for tale by all druggist aad
dealem Pries) S3 eeete per boil
()A New Teat Cards, 3 ttyl et, with name, 10c
U postpaid. J. B. BUSTED, Nassau. Rente.
Co. N. Y.
CCCCV DICC If ycu want a fine lot of pare
LOO LA I lull 'sx i if, aaarcss
Pisk' corners. Wis.
PERMANENT aad profitable employment caa
be secured by one lady la erery tnwa la the
United States. Address Ji HENRY 8YMONDS,
68 Devonshire street. Boton. Mass.
OOTPKUm t ta A
aad S3atnlal Mtetery.
enr uoosapeca , wun
I Man Emm. Chlcaco.
.--., ,. nw Dlkt. mA
lw Seat free lor 2 Stamps. Addreat
The oldest Magazine la America. "A Premlua
Ckrosno," Tan Monarwe Cux, will be given te
every sttbecriher, whether single or ia a ciab,
wko pava ia advance er 1S7 aad remit direct
teUiaoace. Address
L. A. GODEY. Philadelphia. Pa.
WAHTSCD -AUEMTS la all part of the csmn
try. te canvass for ear new bene. "7JU
Wsn) Os Crafsnr." by Paebe A. Haaaard.
One volants, aandsesaely iUas traied. The grand
est Ceateaalal beok ia the market. B. B. JUJS
SELL. PabUaaers. Boston. Mass.
Now ready iar scent a. Positively the meet mag
alScamt State BOatery ever ambushed. We want
MO analgetic men te canvass Tamzx awsras ea
8.FBALB CO.. CMeace. IH.
Maw Baana awM atovawvar sWwlwW
l-fOMaaatlAla.lC aWOKa MsaMtinea, araaaa.TaaaniaBgaaj"i.saa I
ssaUsL SSfTflTfi'-l IsMftfVasM-BatBt. flvS- ante- Csa4tesLalat J.-!!!aLi(!Ba'lyaBarVIM aaaaanaant MWaAaM sTBtaftaf I
CaTataanana aRwaa-nt EaTtnaTnattanTal BBnantsBBaT-Bi aVsTnT ana3afannTWa-nn. aW-BB-S-inant Vf TT T?P 9saaBTtBB- wBaftTsal aanaaawsat I
Z ELL'S ENCYCLOPEDIA. New. revised edi
tion. !,) Article. 3000 Engravings aad
18 pleadld mane. Areata wanted. BAKEX.
DAVIS M CO.. Philadelphia.
, . m ma . aur
In arooeJ territory Descriptive tce aem
Aaa. win auger vo.. ex. a"
array irea W erfcs, BarllafUa, Uwa,
Manufacturers of
svBtl GaaoraJ Wnffclantryi
The celebrated "DRAW-CCr Hatcksr'
Machines. Ckepeers, hand and power. SfwaT
srs. Laud Preiaee. Warranted thoroughly mads
and the best In use.
Correspondence solicited.
34 aid M X. WASHlBGTOaT ST. Chic are.
fcportte TeM,Lrtrr Oo" RrUlI Dry Oooin Starp.aaS
atlMatafU a Ptak Wholesale Mimnm Sbeu
BfcU. S. PALMER, (lateuf Cltt MatrO.Ctark.
O. ., rreenlecer.
Importers cf French
PKKCilEItoN and
ses, Wjranet, Bureau
Co.. Ills. FinUlat
honttfor $ilt(Xtp.
Write lor particulars.
Te Loan la lews, Kaatora Nebraska nad
Northwestern Mtasoari,
Upon Improved farms. In sums of aMS and ut
wards, for a term of to 3 years; interest at iu
per cent., parable tcml-aanually.
Funds supplied nn suoirr xotick and at as
DCCBO batb of commission. Applv to
found! Hlnff. !
Morphine Uatit
PpewWy ciirvM lv IIt. BKfK'S nri'v Lnown ant
mtv lU'imi!. -N '" VKlii: ir irvatmriit
until cured." Call cm or aiMrv-
Pr. J. C. BECS. 112 John St.. Cina'aaati, 0.
A u-m ImI m
f tcflj
&4 mruUMi
Of ti.H
fail ;. w!H
UUtatdlOTTTkrln Ihr .-tarr trtmlwlUm.BrrmU
ItuttotnTicli-n ta. TM,iio llrrll
ia. TUItliaUimtla( ( .x
with tiumrruu nutmictt. 0'1 n.iula , !ut to tofermaue
r tl vbnare nurrt.tur.-titf-Ba(l.u Burl,; Mlil It la
brk IhltecjhtwU-ooJiT lI &4 r7.ilbllrflrwTtratl
mtoallbsbuu.. (Witmof o(I"'ipUlhf rtljCnlk
AiUrw Dr. U.i'- IHmuut. Ka. 1 J N. UMiiL. He LmIa,
The Great ExcclNlor
Well Boring and Mining Machine.
This is the only perfect weirftorlnr machine
of the sgc; bores a nolo 'J, 3, 3.orl feet In
diameter, at the rate of from 80 to 60 feet per day
and bricks or tubes the rsmc from the top with
out anr one gnlnc below the surface. Thousauda
of dollars made by opcMtlng and selling thee
machines. Write for price ol aaarhlne and com.
mltslon to agents to HEWITT A KVELETII,
ropnetors and Manufacturer. Rsclne. W.
Abbott's fittest furtlauU Cuuer.
-m, THICK 30. Complete with
9 m shafts, and delivered at any rall-
VBt-aaaBnar road ata'lon in the western
rR3RmfaBaBBi states, nicely finished and
yLU I I I fully warranted. For sale by
watJjJJ Agricultural Implement Dealer
centrally, or ent C. O. I).
Tne Ovlatt Independent Runner Bob Med.
The only sled in ex
istence constructed on
correct principles, for
strenirth. case or aran
andu drsblllty. Prices low. Send for circular.
A. A. AbBOTT.cor. Beach AHehorst.. Cblcam.
froGtFarawers Boiler
True, Fekd axx Fcrxx.
Sold by Best Merchant.
taught by Best Farmers.1
Send for drcalar, and address all orders to
W, H. BANKS sft CO., Oenl Ageats,
34343. Cmnmt Mrt, CM1CAQQ.
The Dodge Excettfor Hay Pratt.
I a Hw rnrtSaaptsV
All Iroa. VeryStrtaf."
Prow a resaS kala, ar toft. ttm " r tan.
Cm W Srirta tr bora. t wttrt powtr.
Mil IIS W. BL BAKKal at CO-
Farm Mwthlstry. Bdt, aaS Nirtwsr SttaJtlM.
3 3U sTssKA Csstsrf Acres, CUICJLQQ.
E. II. Hazen, M. D.,
Corner-Brady and Sixth Mtreeta,
Office Ia basement of Infirmary.
Hours 8 to 10 a. m : 4 to C and at 7 P. m.
cabinet mm.
Three Highest Medals
At YIE55A, 1873; FA1IS, 1847.
ECLABED by eminent musicians. In both
hesmlsrhere. to be cxuvalzd. New styles.
with sacstlsaortafil improvements ever made.
XewSete and Ceaaalaatiea Stens, Ha per
r las sin aad ether case of new designs.
OBOAXS seld far eeslt, or for monthly or
qnarterly payment"; or rented aatU rent pay for
Catsjecaes and rirculars, with fall psxtleaJers,
free. Address
82 liaJM SL OHeatjtx,
7 tt Casrfas S4rt M. La. Ht.
mm saw fli ! as nw Lmtt, as ear j
wtwajeMMtictim.inii a;aniAaaaa
an, "a f) teaanV bbbbbI bbbsV-
ansnananwanT ?
bbbbbbbbbbbK 5
nawt!- " mm
jrr L MMtMi
sarscSaTJawasBBnan. 9bsbI tbv
BsnsjsSj fJeetisvasaa. tavtec, aanssnea. wranfae.
aaaaalaswaBBjseasrar nawaaaar. tmimmmrmmi.
"irir i"'yTr ami a. u. mirMtmZ
ssf.iv.en nint wssiiismiinrtPi inanji
AWjAnpMsaaaaditrsV 1 Caaah
WBjfljtnfUUPCMij imaaTataist.ltet
'jfaJtaMfam faanaannnBtJBBl fkeaaTna tstaa CsnatSr TaTanaatjaaa' "iasBnl aMatnaavL
.sntsawav aanaatEmam yaaanijji saaaasEi aaWB saanaBMaaT saWJgEfEaEjfc
-rTULatMACT. g-SJg S--i-f.: I
TU IssbBI If Bstn OfflBHIT.
Sanaiarillia ai its AwcialB.
i Seem tatlalM Tkey Dalr
Ostar ealer vstaHj - - "
a tlM ats tas sywa. sad aa v.
a. tvwm
tat er itim.Hl HafS er
ai la aawawastsi fMsiy
111 lillllllll -TBI ii
i.T.SrseWailaTte- asA Ffjts sad snU
IssUsf f
!n iSsaaUs. ban, a-s-ifs. sisiiisssila
r. i . a .1.111. - - . i it naiiia- aars s """
Uc. AUUsssiSB?ssssasj8MliSMrslsstl ass ssenj
a . h a ea a taaaiar am aa est
uU -7-oT."mW W wmw -Jk
kU lrr" a strMCta aad r'T. 5
i. .j :i fMiB mS basws sttwsMa, assas.
mUmtt. UN eu, V wsstves away aa4 Jf
Utvsis Ja imssis gnmwmnj i i -g.
Ia mm wtMra U tTvana has
Mllufc-t sai
-" "w v .. -,. .. iiu &.UWUI. ia iaai
mm iip.wi ."" -- - : :
Mll TT. uiraauvr, rrww ..... w -- v
uaiiMit f Us aSisiiisss sawassnai
MM.1U Uj. dlisna) ejj
iitM U Uw ss. jwiass. , JJ;
Mfiiaaa. variMas vats. U. U SAaaSaaAaS
IIAal will rtselfw awajr wmm !
U vtras ( U tiMM mat us
m -- -- -fc- tl Ik
ol CkwaU. Serwfataws r SyslUlilU 4J
ar U Us ms. -U mwr sad Ssd
tesnTtac Uslr Sssh aad wwlfW lacrai
i.. ... i I. ar aiaa Uas tas I
tSwatSlanans Us f tUal stUMr
i u at laswuw a mm
i iaaaUfw at art ssreaM ssd srtvsa
nvo tU 1M. it U1 sprtsS sj4 MSSIsesU -aJ
--i..ti. AtawMils HA SaAsHlWaal
.t,k w.u. -wsi iiia" mrr nmrrss waai
Wiitr aa4 laerMas la hmUk. MrsasU aa4 Sadj.
4..ik A. liUmhIm tt Us Immm aad TatarmlMS
rtUiiiU. armfala. IttUUU DuaasML wi
I DIsSMrwaUsvufMM
raaVsdW easts waiaatsra be
until UMnauoa w
,. t. itiuii wntk ik aalanu vsatasua
HiUm iMUva-Mts). SisMlvtas suss Is tas UOfct.
ats . all cwm a t.B-Uo. at Us " aU4-.leLrals.a-sW-rawsaa4
CTsftas ,'-
la UBtors. aaiMSL ears iaara aaa jr" r2.2
rrr: '
ntintl sots
laraM, atwMw. aaa wr wm
in la two- 4
l raaaaaanaa. tuaain ta an
urriaU twas r Sussst, was
Us haa mT tonnai a cataUwi vista. aaSvasrs
arul s.B-ttU n is
. 1" " ..-..
trrw hoar f silsusw Ulttsr.warsts jfTmnmy
tkiilnM U satoelakaMSl aaS atelraUw l Us ska. It
I I roc ess. rs all U aUsMfwS f salfUaa WS
nl ff mat Ux aalMtaaala. s4 Vf IU froaAsftal. sIsmsI
ranrausral afwaey. II rwtoews Us hpls U lirt Ift
aJa?.iMivfaar Ul grart rsstssy siaass alses la
lis atUhl ul tmvvr.
Iai trU' altk. a Uw 4m will la mm aw.a4ajra
Sotuis ia us air mnian mas "
nimmutmJt .us ,! Hmmma aVwalS
..k. u.i.t.u. u. j.. kulM rrtMSAaMr
STinV ror hiUSoMa Wwi-m. hIIm WuU. Sla -
Will Afford Instant Euac.
laiXAifMATtun or Til- BUaliOER,
litrijiaUf atkmi or the bowels,
co.xonrioN or the lunu.
rAunrATio.f or the heakt.
uvsTEKica. citour. oirirmEHiA.
CATAaaa, mn.UE.HZA. iieauaciIe.
Tas asy-all-a f U BsXAT StKLIBr la Us
part parts aaar Us paia ar SiSVis.1 aais- -111 sJtart
sssa aa wwStfwft.
Tw.atT Snes la half a Ist.Ur ml vskar sfU. la a
sMSMata, mt crakts, irai-fi. aoua btomach.
Travalsrs nnll alwarswarry a Wen. sf BtABW A "
UXItr iU mam. A few Srwps la valsr UI prat sal
r pals erwai wsssfs vaisr.
Price S Ceata. Beld fcy DmnUta
fssfssMy -ssliliss, dussST aaS. wHk mmmgmm. Bffss,
t-fala-. parif-Tlaiai asls-iisiUis. BiSW.r.
MLMM. tar Us ear all iimrlnt t Us Mcmmk.
Urn, SWeslSL KMasys. aBs4lrs, KrTa DUraaw. Hms
swhs. Cwaa-paUoa, C-sMtssi-s. lasls-sU-a. Ur.tpsls.
BilU isss iss. Bill. rsr. UtaaaMlwa f U .-,
ru. sal aU Osrasewsssss tt Us lateraal Vl-rwr. War.
fasIsS U sfait a patls !. larly vajwUUMaala
las a sanij, iasrals sv tilstwiias Iras- aj
MmTUmmm Ua fclUelss: ijejIiSM raw "la. ttm aXs
ssamerisOwBSll Ovtna
C-sa-pa-ia. fassrs gum. ratlsass f I'.. BUal la tas
Haas. Ac-lit tt tks Slnfc Maas-a. lfa. Uars. D-ajsaS
c r-ww, -uaaai ar mmgtm is km sasa-arn. ax
Uaas aiakias ar nwtSarta. M Ua fll f Ua
t-B eCU Baas. Umrrmt sa4 Dil I
ria-atrls at Us Haart. C-wklaa or Saf-aaiis I
skaalaalrlaf paatata. Otwaaa at TiaUs, Db4 a Wj
star us M(kt, rr aaS DU rais la las Haas, IHSrlan
yat IvrsilrsaHs; TaOavaass af Us sals ss4 Era, faia
la Us aaCaaal. IAa-s. as Sasass llsa-as af Mass
Art4aa .BABWAT. PILS4I win fras Us
frasi all Us aaaTS sseal ilaartaTS. artee Mm
ispMreea. aou ax dbuoouts.
NEW aad lBp-craat tmarovimsau. a-MsAo-ty
ef ceastractloe, tasrsters least llahle te
amdeateferear. twsetsetaasiity.tss. Beet
sa talc -aas-c. BsvesCtlylsef sse-.
Every ergaa warmatsd. geld em avoauty er
l-aT-erlrjermea-a. Clx calms a I fcae.
E-Ekava nmriM or mvne.
- - -JJm axfB-a. CBICAOO. ux.
tapviat U yunmiki Ummn !
ffkoH JfOGjrs !
SMSaSBTM Offtaaawfen In aarv aValfw-i muHiU.
at wUUtmU prtem. ftas.tfact-ea oarsetsed.
.v.-Swnarswia tail eiaiaastises aadaew
lictsaiw as ready aad wril heatMieaav
1 1 aji-aai -as
m - - - &a(baBTaa-a-aiua1 VanaaaaaaaaBBn naaafaWe
isnantaTt entsaa) tBaaBBnTtBTtaTsafsa aasBaaMs '! aBaBfWatBIBB) aavaa snacaTA
X isasinissss sf spsta, Muns. jffS JUS as "n.Zi2
- jJtl .!?'!LS tSL?E& ?r-5
gsttLSS hensersm "
awmtly tt jfsrnss m rLnTi sV aasamiy i J
A TUww states
mU kMlstT ml.
atesvsl -VAaditl ABTa VbHTK.
Wsvs-wa Mrssd. Slew Teras. IstemsMia waru
IfcaT-Mateaafst Waal tatl MaBm TsaV-
lnaTaXAl-BTLrat. A aad TKW TOKaU-Taa
flattens martted wiu taetr a a st coaSSeaUy
immWmmmmmw 9 aaa. BBaV-taaaT. Baande aaaaanv
aaannBnnBnnBBa-a-i ama. Baa-taaan ar as asaar. A
mmtMmmmmlBUrmmmmTiWmmnm mmWmmm.
T. LOUIS. -U. Tas crest boslsc
tea west. Katahiuaca IXP. A
CE. A. V . rrVt.
which we are far-li
aa ted u 1-arn ticcni
"l-t.I I.W - "
'-W w-.- V...4T .... ... .
iimuDi.t -ru uxrvort n.
from a-to aiuti per aaosi-i. rriicaur & ,
free. Addree- S. W. iNvr,
-Ta Ottutn..
J Baalaaas Collesr nail
Tslacrsfh U.(i
tate la new satertat: on ;t uia j
raraiian .
imprwTVH SKUlU". i.ia c . ( I- I.TU 3 4
any similar iasUlatioa ta ths Sut. In ;X4J
ntsea or locality, neetne-a ait aUftafa ,
raacemeet, our room ccrtatnly tri ( z
coarse of ttndy It esttrsly practical. oj ft ,,,
to ths d-maad of thhprocT-lTa. Wi
aa eaacleat teacher for each department, nj
atlre ere-framme ia carried oat wtih ta t ..
harmony. Send stamp for ctrcUra mi
ens. rvo.Ta ATonr-oj.Oitamw, towi.
. iit.i.- ,--i. . .. .. ,.. .
la Soathera Iowa. Life Meetnlarshlw. VJO eve
Scad for circular to 1. HUKOKM. rrlo!!,
UnrllnaTtosi. laws.
At the Keck laUntl Hualiisaa Cllaca.Tt
srsih and Nhort ItaittI tnatltnia
Best aaa larcst corn ofTcsctvr. i at4
Doardtn. Club. An Operator of flfirwa t
capsnrnco in chre of Teleciaphy. Too l
Basst reams in the United Mutes. K1mU...
abort Hand Heportet ra4aalrd. Kwrj o.
completing is e.aranteed a roaitliin App!
epeclmsns of l'enmsnhlp (tallac w,hr j.
saw this nolle-) toTlljCO. V. 1'UKY IVn.ij.
Mock IslaaJ, ill.
(ZAv.i Je&rrcM
I. Icht Kmlnrnl lrorrra aa Inalrolur..
1. The IWat am! Mo-t KWant Ittuai.ta lh Wi-rf
A 1-nanUnsClan. (lood HoarU about fi per vl
-.Three KlnKtaaa I'enmen roatuol! rap. J
ft. ttullTti1UAlantalorlnmx-Unln !-- r;!a.:
A r-mmerrlal Law Inraluabla i liuath mrn.
1. ("oBimerelwi Arithmetic thnnnh t4 nr-ftu-i.
A t'rtiale,l Ailrntr. tr IrnltiitTrlTt;
a.Thrija.lvnlae-fffurilnlU) uutuia-. uwl
AiWre-. ur I irrnUra,
MOSTAllPK A l.tI.I.lllttlIHK.
l'l4ie stale where you aw thl.
2. FrS 'f n 5
k -
n . a
e -.
e ra ' - r- -
m - - an
aa..e -.
With this Attach
want a
Lampssplosluii U
Bseaass lb TfliK
l'HKVK.NTa t b a
FLAME from rraeh
iBKtksKa in Ihe lamp. VVtih It a tjtmp u
iieai wtcaveat rsniovina; i.ninay, ana,ia
er Mnrasr ; savee time, ail tnd a mum 1 b
eefely of life and property require that ou lamp
hoald be wttboot o. Masnple nt t..ipU
forSSct. Ageata waatssl. C. M. I.ININU
TON, 111 Wtatc BUost. Chtcago.
Saa a mar Sinaa. a.t4 1.
anas r-S. rala af r-Ula ttm M
-4 px.Sar Parata-4 wfiv v
waaar Weed a.srtsj ataa-Oa. "
rraatss aaa aauiaa e.
Sa4 lUHvafa PaarUitt-,
K. BOYLE, Proprietor
This Iloose hit ba thoroa.hly rreTUd
aad newly famished thcros.bri. -d the r
mieter ia prepared toofer extra Jsl8tu t
the traTsIlaz pes lie.
aasaarst. .. USJ aad nVJ.e) aar
r w-t-r-.Cl-.-ri
.aaVJSmw Csjsajsjissd-sA
4 i 1 I tawa,VWV
i mitt
S 2 s" 5-
j.., . if n p
ti - a a
m -ore Si 5
aflm saaaT llra'1
PiBBaaaS Flller
EanTBi -B-BaZf--XaBl CJAUaJ-i--.
wia Ban ar laay
Bel ft) '-Baal
CEntnATirAwm. -
70S ClwBBaiiyttt.. tT. UMrM, MO.
f"'- Taa-lwiraWlaaaa-SiiSaa-t-aa-aa--jey
" " "F-e-a-w -vw aa aara aaaar, aaaaae-i -awarai 7-
rsln1 ii I am. Artwf taaaaa4 t riaw.
mtmt Wmmmmmm M iWiiJ aSr-w aa j 1 1 1 1 rl A s 1 -g -
mmmmm a-B e-v
Cesapact. suhstaaUal. ecoaoa.1
cat aad eaaily aussd. Gear
aateed to work well aad 2
rail power claimed. EsrSa-
ataUer eam-Utm. iscladt-2 rr
ereer. Pamp. c (ind boxtar
at tne lew price of
Tmww ?!
i - 3IJi.
Iran en cars t Ssrisr-sM. ow
BalBBaBaBaBn. rtaas-d. OB-.
afaaBBBBBBaaawer Mi Lil-rtr st-J-ewTstk
.rw e
DAAirnriiATiior ZZT.
wwnwi rsni nmmmtmmm , mm-taa-r
aa-sa. ssd aaaa-Ta-aaj aS Trfmm rjwa.m. r-ar
eaBBBBBB-aaB-araBBaaa. ar-BBw-BBa aaS B-aaa-raeai a
mmZmmrmfmm7mlmmZrm B--
mmm, Br. j? A. ?SMSSJ3W
m !!.- aa-B-BB-B-SaiaW.
. Fee
-aaaaBaaaaii-was-aaa-B. aar-aa---. aVai
e,Sa--aaa-S aMpaaBBBaa. aaaaa-sta sjr n-l g i
aaaar-aav eaWaaa-aa-. TaaBaa.iailiaiirSf-a4 t-
Sysaaaayaaaaaaa-- Caa-aSaaSaaa Baa ua- avu-