ri"" BHMIflVHHll.fiI.1 r "O"- -iC kJHE RED CLOUD CHIEF. wb, Rates of Advertising. -aws i The Red Chief rUBLISnKO WEEKLT AT tair - - ., ... ....... etas yuzlcf - - AM Short adrertltcatesta, ss4 aCrttieats far lea Ub tlia oe y ear. are sabjrt to a iiwcli! rcctrart. LocaI aad Sdttodal Xotlret JO e!i ft Us r irst iMcrtloa. a4 & wU ft asaaagiamt tsJaa. Lejil adrr rtlilaj at status frtc. DtlaccirU tSpcryear. Ties ara car lawtttcatk rate, ul a 4r tanas will b fftTca. RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. IMI. E3I. "WLIlsrEE, VOLUME III. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1(5, 1S75. NUMBER 18. Editor and Proprietor. - jto3- CAOUD "V GENERAL NEWS CONDENSED. Gov. Ingersoll of Connecticut has ap pointed Ex-Gov. English as United States Senator in place of O. 8. Ferry, de ceased. The appointment of Commissionei of Indian Affairs, in the place of Smith, has been tendered to Edward S. Tobey, of Boston. The grand jury in Chicago has fouud an indictment against Henry Davis for the murder of Charles W. Weighland, on Thanktyiving day, and the State's Attorney has notified Davis that he must be ready for trial December lbt. Col. Robert Dcsanges, an ofiicer in the appraiser's department of the New York custom houbc, has been fouud guilty of complicity in smuggling goods, and sentenced to two years imprisonment and to pay a fine of $10,000. The Attorney General of New York has ordered that suits be entered against the contractors and engineer in chief of the storage reservoir water commis sioners of Brooklyn, to recover $602, 000, said to have been stolen from the city. A plucky woman is Mrs. McKeen, daughter of the late Capt. Burgess of Belfast, Me. Her husband, who com manded a Philadelphia vessel, dying on the voyage to Genoa, she assumed com mand, put in at Fayal and procured a metallic coffin, in which she placed his remains, continued in command to Ge noa, and attended to disposing of the cargo. A freight train ran into a passenger train on the night of November 26th on the Uarnffburg & San Antonio railroad, Texas. The rear passenger car wan telescoped. Henry Roberts, a passenger from St. Louis, was fatally injured, and died in half an houi. The accident was caused by a dense fog, and the rear lights of the vrain and signals could not be seen. Capt. Gundcrscn, who has just re turned to Norway from an Arctic voyage, has brought home a highly interesting relic from a sma'l bay on the north coast of Nova Zembla. It is known that the Dutch Capt. Barcnt passed the winter of 1596-7 in this port, and here Capt. Gun dcrscn has picked up, in excellent pres ervation, a journal of this navigator from the 1st of June to the 29 th of August, 15S0, being that of an earlier voyage. Gen. Walker, Superintendent of the ninth census, has submitted his report to the Secretary of the Interior, in which he urges upon the Secretary the import ance of liberal grants ot money for the purpose of the representation of the census at the Centennial. After naming the few States in which the census have been taken the present year, Gen. Walk er closes by saying that enough is al ready known of the result to indicate quite clearly that the progress of our population has received a temporary check. THE FIRE HEND. The tug Samson was burned at Cleve land, November 29th. Loss, $15,000; insured. A firo at Friar's Point, Miss., a few days ago, destroyed property to the value of $30,000. A fire at Chicago, 111., November 24, partially destroyed the flour and feed mill of A. Fisher. Damage to ma chinery and building about $20,000; Jully insured. The "Island Home," the hotel at Clear Lake, Iowa, wa3 burned, November 24. It was a large two story frame building, well furnished, and cost from $6,000 to $7,000. It was fully insured. The Boston shoe factory at Maiden, Mass., and all the adjoining buildings weie burned on the morning of No vember 29 th. Loss, $300,000; insurance, $156,000. Eight hundred employes arc thrown out of work. Htns Ehlcrs and his wife in Clinton county., a few days ago went into the field gathering corn, leaving four small children locked in the house. The house caught fire, and the children would have perished but for a passing neighbor, who broke through a window and rescued them at the risk ot his own life. The house and contents were consumed. Loss, $1,000. The residence of Amos Fletcher in Mitchell county, Iowa, was burned, No vember 23d. The loss consists of be tween $400 and $500 in cash, with a stock of groceries for a year's consump tion, $75 worth of choice canned fruits, considerable silver ware, and about $700 worth of furniture. The house was valued at $800. Not a cent of in surance. Qn the 23d ol November a destruc tive fire occurred on the farm of John Penn in Polk county, Iowa. The prop erty consumed wax a stable, corn crib aad hay stacks. There were 160 bush els of flax seed, 300 bushels of oats, 100 tons of bay, and a lot of wheat and corn. "The fire originated from a boy dropping a -lighted match in the barn yard. No insurance. How Mrs. Sullies Tried to Sober Lycsr gw. Mrs. Sniffles has had more trouble with Lycurgus, and has been strengthened in the belief that be is totally unlike other men in fact, teetotally unlike many of them. He had been on a long sober stretch up to a couple ot weeks ago. About that time he learned that his only aunt, a rich old lady in St. Louis, had died and left him an immense fortune to get, if be could. This was a 'ore disappointment to our irlcnd, lor he had expected to be made a rich man by the death ot this (once respected) relative. Never was the news of an aunt's death read with more poignant grief by sur viving kin. A postscript to the letter oonveying the sad intelligence, stated that the good old soul had bequeathed her entire wealth to a benevolent Insti tution. This was the rusty rod of iron that pierced his soul, and made murky the fountain of hope. He tore the letter to pieces, and bent his faltering stepB to the nearest saloon. He drank he fell. Thane stars represent drinks forty driLifs to the star. Mrs. S. was in despair. She had thought his reformation was complete, and now "the old man was drunk again," with no sign of ever letting up. Finally, she bethought her of the system in vogue at certain inebriate asylums that of mixing liquor with every article of food until the patient acquires a lasting diBtaste for alcohol. She determined to try that plan on Lycurgus. She procured a gallon of the worst whisky to be had, and put some of it in the old man's coffee, to begin with. It has been bis unvarying custom to drink but one cup at a meal. That night he passed his cup back to be refilled, say ing as he smacked his lips: 'Better coffee 'nusual, ole gal." Next morning she increased the dose. He drank three cups, and fell from bis chair as he was reaching for a fourth. Ho slept until noon, and went out to dinner. There was beef soup and whisky, half and half. Sniffles ate it all, and said, as he wiped his mouth: "You're git'n to-be a better cook'n anybody, m'dear. But yer didn't make soup 'nuff." At supper everything was saturated with whisky, and Sniffles ate until he became helpless, and his wife had to drag him to bed. The gallon of whisky was soon gone, and the only change that Mrs. S. no ticed in her husband was that while it lasted he came to his meals with greater regularity than usual. She is not the woman to give up any thing without a fair trial She got an other gallon, and came near starving herself to death while she fed it to Snif fles in everything that he ate and drank. His appctito increased at a fearful rate, and he complimented her every day on her newly acquired skill in cooking. The second gallon soon went the way of the first, and after two or three meals had passed without the seasoning of which Sniffles had become so fond, he said, in tones that would have touched the heart of a tax collector: "Mirander, dear, the victuals don't taste as good as they used ter. Seems to bo somethin' or 'nuther missing." Is it any wonder that tho poor woman cave up in despair? Brunstcick (Mo.) Xetcs. Industrial. Iowa Patent Office, ) Des Moines, Nov. 29, 1875. f The "West is represented in the list of U. S. Patents issued Nov. 9, by the following: Astl-Sucklng Bits For Calves, John H. Bailey, Toledo, Iowa. Corn Planters. John G. Mole, Sarpy Centre, Neb. The axle of the bearing-wheels is mounted on crank arms, and adjustable in hangers. The arms carrying the scrapers are attached to the axle, and play in loops depending from the rear cross-bar. Whip Sockets. Geo. M. Rising, Cherokee, Iowa. A whip-socket, provided with the an gle C and slot e e, as des:ribcd, in com binatiop with the double spring S, loca ted and held in place by the bar 2, as and for the purpose set forth. T. G. Orwio, Solicitor of Patents. Ihe "Great Man" of a Tewn. This one fact remains good in Seven oaks, and the world over. The man who holds the financial power and the social throne of a town, makes that town, in a good degree, what he is. If he is virtu ous, noble, unselfish, good, the elements beneath him shape themselves, con sciously or unconsciously, to his char acter. Vice shrinks into disgrace, or flics to more congenial haunts. The greed for gold which grasps and over reaches, becomes ashamed, or changes to neighborly helpfulness. The dis content that spriags up in the shadow of an unprincipled and boastful worldly success dies; and men become happy in the toil that wins a comfortable shelter and daily bread, when he to whoa all look up, looks down upon them with friendly aad sympathetic eyes, and holds his wealth and power im service of their good. Frcm Dr. Holland "Story cf Seetnoalm;" Scribner for Dee. ITERS OF INTEREST. Silk worm culture is again being taken up in Georgia, and many are encooning money out of iL There is a continued fl w of currency to the Northwest to supply the pork packing demand, and to the South for cotton. Besides the growing foreign demand for American cotton good, there is alto a very flattering call for Arac'ican tanned leather. The Wisconsin Legislature stands, 51 Republicans, 42 Democrats, G Inde pendents and 1 tic. In the Senate, the Republicans have nine majority. The total receipts of the British Ns- tional Treasury during the six months ending September 30, were over $173, 000,000, and the expenditures in the same period over $189,000,000. Of the 1,834,000,000 acres of land which constk te the area of the States and Territories of this country, 1,154, 000,000 acres are yet to be explored and surveyed. This work is progressing at the rate of 26,000,000 seres annually. American Girl, recently dead, came into the possession of William Lowell in 1867, when five years old. She won for her owner in 1868, $4,000; in 1869, $18, 500; in 1870, $10,350; in 1871, $15,400; in 1872, $13,450; in 1873, $14,000; 1874, $19,650; in 1875, $7,400. Total in eight years, $102,800, or an avcrago of $12,850 per year. There urc enrolled in the public schools of the United States, 8,000,000 children. In the fiscal year the averago daily attendance was 4,500,000. Thirty seven States and eleven Territories repert an increase in public school income of $1,232,000. The total sum raised during the year by taxation was $82,000,000, and the cost of public education was about $74,000,000. The falling off in immigration is indi cated by the official report of arrivals at New York for the year ending Septem ber la3t, &s compared with those for the year preceding. The total number of immigrants landed at that port during the past year was but 9,349, while for tho year ending September, 1874, they numbered 16.380 the falling off for 1875 being 7,031. The decrease was mainly in the immigration from Great Britain and Germany there having ar rived in the past year but 2,266 English and 1,716 Irish immigrants, as against 4,564 English and 3,011 Irish in 1874, and but 2,598 Germans, while in 1874 there were 8,959. A Sceae In Cairo. As we sit in our hotel windows await ing the moment of departure, we enjoy a last tableau of Cairo. A long train of camels files by, each one attached to the tail of the one preceding. They march on erect beneath the large building stones with which they are laden. They look innocent, even sad ; yet they arc said to bristle with rage if provoked beyond measure. These have hardly passed when there follows a wedding proces sion. At the head pipes a piper upon a reed, which squeaks -mightily; then two drummers supply with great volume what the reed lacks in sweetness. Now follow long linos of Arabs arm in arm across the highway ; then the bridegroom, bcstraddling a donkey. Throngs kiss his hands, and prophesy happiness. Now follow women; thickly vailed walks the bride between two bride maids, who support her, and seem to address her with much gesticulation, as if to tease her; but perhaps they are giving her Ussons in matrimonial mat ters. Four gayly decked boys bear a canopy over her head, and she moves with an air of a stage queen. Behind these, with much talking and shouting, come the rabble; and the vile little donkey boys, congregating in numbers before the hotel, when not besieging some easy going excursionist, take part in the merry procession by pushing the bright little donkey among them. The beasts take the brunt of the bearing with gentleness, but appear not to relish the fun. C. S. Well; Seribner for De cember. The Oldest Inhabitant. A woman named Mrs Jane Sutherland fsmilliarly known as Big Jean" is now living in Upper Barney's River in this county, who is new 130 years a fact of which the old lady herself makes us sure. She. was born in the Parish ol Clyne, Sutherlandshire, Scotland, and since her emigration to this comnty has resided in- her present .place of abode, where she reared a large family, the youngest of which is'-now anjold man. Mrs. 8atherland can. still readily ccn verse in the good old Gaelic tongue, and her heariag is bat slightly impaired. She still plies her lasrs on the old Scotch spinning-wheelfaad is as good as many a woman a(neatary younger. Longevity seems a prominent trait ia her family, for her brother, Jean Sutherland, Keltic, who died aboat seventeen years ago, aad his wife, waa died shortly after ward, was bUa Uttle yoaager. The united sgcafaf m ample were 390 years. Pidlm (. 8.) Cttil Stand- lhe Fathered Railway," Geo. Stephenion, k is now jastly called the "father of railways," was the child of poor parents in England. Unable to sen I him to school, they em ployed him at home as?a nurse for the younger children until he was eight years old. His chief 4aty as a nurse was to keep his little brothers and sis ters from under the houfcbf the horses which drew the coal car on the "tram way" a wooden railroad leading from a coal mine, which ran fcear his father's door. At this early age, while watch ing the coal trains passing, he conceived the idea that iron wonld make better rails than wood, and' at if he could Hfof uporrSfbeieJs tlrs1&eag4awaseh his father tended as fireman at the coal pit, it could be made to draw as heavy a train of coal cars as could be moved by a great team of fifty horses. The idea did not pass away from the brain of George Stephenson when he was removed from his home at nine years of ae, and hired out, at four cents a day, to tend the cows ol a neighboring farmer. He had enough of leisure while watching the herd in the field to think over the subject. He even built an en gine ol clay with hemlock branches for steam pipes. I suspect that, like Little Boy Blue, he sometimes let the cows stray into forbidden meadows while he sat thinking about engines on wheels and roads of iron. He could not study about them in books for two very good reasons. In the first place, no books about railroads and locomotives had been printed, since neither had been built. The other reason was that George Stephenson couldn't read at all. He did not know his alphabet until he was nineteen years old. Little George, or "Geordy," as the common people nicknamed him, was next employed to drive the horse which turned the winding machine, or ugin," as the colliers called it, at the coal pit where his father worked. He then began to think of a plan for making the steam do the work of the horse, and one day astonished the colliers by building on a bench, in front of his father's cottage, a model in clay of an engine which turned the "gin" and lilted the coal. He was at this time so young and small that his father mace him hide when the owner of the coal mine went "the rounds" to pay his hands, for fear ho should think him too small to receivo sixteen cents a day wages ! It was not until he was nineteen years old, and was set to watch an engine, that he found time to attend school and learn to read and write. He worked steadily at his old idea for twenty-five years. He made tie first locomotive with smooth driving wheels. It had been thought necessary by some engineers to construct locomotives with cogged driving wheels, and a corresponaing rack on the rail, to prevent the wheels from slipping. But Stephenson successfully set aside all these contrivances. He was nearly fifty years old before he found men willing to risk their money in constructing an iron railroad to test his locomotive. When, at length, the first railroad was com pleted, between Stockton and Darling ton (two English towns only twelve miles apart), the procession with which the day was celebrated was headed by a man on horseback, to keep the road clear for Stephenson's locomotive and car, and ladies and gentlemen on horseback and in carriages kept pace with the train by riding by the side of the track. But after the procession had proceeded a short distance, Stephenson, who was run ning his own engine, impatiently called to the horseman to get out cf the way, and, putting steam on, be ran his loco motive the rest of the distance at the ter ble pace of twelve miles an hour! St. Nicholas for December. Uibralter. An American writer, dating bis letter from Gibral ter, says: "The more I see of Gibraltar, the less I wonder at the tenacity with which it is held by Eng land, and the dislike the Spaniards have for the English tenure nf the place. The strength of the position is something wonderful. Nature and military art seem to have worded together in making "Gib" as invulnerable as it is possible to be. Nor docs the Engineer Department allow modern progress in either guns or batteries to pass unnoticed. Of the former there are some fifty or sixty about to be changed for others of a much larger caliber. Even as It is, the army of men has never yet lived, nor has one of the fleet ot ships yet been built, that coald for two hours withstand the with ering flre of the guas now in position on various parts of the Rock." The hour of Mr. Jefferson's great tri umph in England is clouded with a great grief. His yoaagest child, a boy just 4 years old, died ia Loada two weeks sgo, after an illness of four days. This child Harry, the pet of the house hold was bora in Chicago oa the aigat of the Great Fire. His death brings sorrow to one of the happiest homes on earth. By peremptory command of phy sidaas,Mr. Jefferson coatiaaed to act Ta HagaeaalH la America. On the revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1035, at least 509,000 Hu guenots took refuge in foreign coun tries. From this time, for many year, j their cause was completely broken in ! France. In 1705 there was not a single orgnaized congregation oi Huguenot left in all France. So early as 1555, Coligni attempted, but without success, to es tablish a Huguenot colony in Brazil. In 1562 he sent out two ships, under the command of Jean Ribault, on a voyage of exploration to Florida, hut the at tempt to establish a colony was unsuc cessful. 31 any departed for North Amseica even before Lc revocation of taJMaJtafMaaUsJlome sctilcd in and around New Amsterdam,now New York, where their family names arc frequent. Others found homes in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Virginia. But South Carolina was their favorite resting-place, and a large number of the foremost fami lies in that State are of Huguenot origin. This class of immigrants has contributed, in proportion to its numbers, a vast share to the culture and prosperity of the United States. Wherever they settled they were noted for severe morality, great charity, and politeness and ele gance of manners. Of seven presidents who directed the deliberation of the Congress of Philadelphia during the Revolution, three, Henry Laurens, John Jay, and Elias Boudinot, were ot Hugu enot parentage. Applctont? American Cyclopadui, revised edition, article " gxttnot." Anecdote of Andersen. A friend of mine, who was quite an old boy when this happened, once came very near losing bis eyesight. He was brought to the hospital, where nobody knew him, and the room was darkened, so that he could see nothing, cot even his own hand when he held it up before his eyes. He had Iain in this way for a whole week, and almost wished he were dead, when one evening there came a gentle tap on the door, and a man en tered and sat down on the bedside. My friend did not know the man ; and even if he had known him, it would have been too dark to sec his face. "I am Hans Christian Andersen," said the man. "I heard that you were sick, and I have been sick myself, and know what it is. Would you allow me to sit down and talk to you, and tell you some stories? My friend, naturally enough, was very grateful, and did not object to being entertained. And almost every night for two weeks Andersen returned. When the thick curtains could be drawn aside from the windows, he read aloud, mostly his own writings, for he liked better to read his own stories and poems than those of others. This is only one of a hundred incidents of the same kind which the people in Copenhagen tell ot him; and no one will wonder that, with all his peculiarities and odd habits, they could not help loving him. He was a dear and beloved friend in every house hold ; from the King down to the poorest artisan, every one knew and honored him. Every door and every heart was open to him. They no longer lectured and criticised him; every page that he wrote was eagerly grasped by young and old, and read with pleasure and gratitude. St. Nic7iola$ for Dee. The Ortgin ef Raslasoa Crusoe. Robinson Crusoe was published in 1719, with the following title: '-The Life and strange surprising Adventures cf Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner, who lived eight-and twenty years all alone on an uninhabited island on the coast of America, near the mouth of the great river Orinoco." The publisher, who purchased the manuscript after all others had refused it, is said to have cleared 1,000 by it. Defoe was ac accused by his enemies, who were nu merous and bitter, of having stolen the idea and even the materials of "Robinson Crusoe" from the narrative of Alexander Selkirk; but the charge was wholly without foundation. Selkirk was not wrecked at all, but voluntarily went ashore on Juan Fernandez, which at that time was as well known and more fre quented by ships than now. Crusoe's Island, as the title of his narrative states, was in the northern hemisphere, in the Caribbean Sea, near the mouth of the Orinoco; and the most 'probable proto type of Defoe's hero was Peter Serrano, who in the sixteeath century was ship wrecked, and lived alone tor several years on an island in the Caribbean Sea, aear the mouth of the Orinoco. His story is told at full length la Garcilaeo's "History of Pern," a traaslatioa of Which was published in Loadoa twenty years before "Robinson Crasoe" was writtea, aad could hardly have escaped Defoe's notice, as the book attracted great attention, and Serrano's story is in the Irst chapter. AfpUUmt' America VfdtfiiKy revised edirioa, article "De foe, Daniel." Was. Strattoa has beea found guilty of the murder of Was. Cohen, colored, at Memphis, Teen., aad sentenced to JO years ia the penitentiary. Constraint. Down iLroah the orchinl nJroJ . Whrrr. br&dlectow. eeh hardest! trr Kane rail of lrnlUfe jellow, T mornlBf. and the atotan ten Miono on the lYe of uld tad ilua With ratlU&ec olt nil sirllo. There cme blmh npon her cheek. 1 thought my time had cose W feal;. Sbo tcsaul o ltd mad tender; 1 touched her ncrwj- dtapled hand. list foond bo word at mr command. Mj barnlBj; lore to reader. At last we patted beneath a tree. The branch that tbelteied her acd me Itcached low it laaclosa fruit. "Ik cUil, prajr," 1 Read plead: "I canzot cannot," aolt the (aid. Tm In my walklns salt." Scribmr for Diutninr. Alice Caiy. Somo time sgo an article appeared in the New York Keening Post, relating to an early love affair of Alice Cary. The writer characterizes the story as a fic tion, and says it is but idle gossip. Another writer in the Cincinnati Times thinks the story may be strictly true. Mr. Mary Clemmer Ames, who was an Intimate friend nf Alice Cary during the last years of tho poet's life, u ontt of the few persons who knew the story, and in her book relating to the Cary sisters she refers to it in this wine: "Whatever her mental and spiritual gifts, no mere ambition cculd ever have borne such a woman out into tho world to seek and to make her fortuuc alone. Had Alice Cary married the man whom she then loved, she would never have come to New York at all, to coin the rare gifts of her brain and soul iuto money for shelter and bread. Busincis interests had brought into her Western neighborhood a man at that time much her superior in years, culture and for tune. Naturally, he sought the society of a young, lovely woman, so superior to her surroundings and associations. To Alice he was the man of men. It is doubtful if tho most richly endowed man of the world whom she met after ward in her larger sphere ever wore to her the splendor of manhood which in vested the king ot her youth. Alice Citry loved this man, and, in the pro foundest sense, she never loved another. A proud and prosperous family brought all their pride and power to bear on a son to prevent his marrying a girl, to them, uneducated, rustic and poor. 'I waited for one who never came back,' she said, 'jet I believed he would come till I read in a paper his marriage to another.' Can you think what life would be loving one, waiting for one who would never come! He did ccmc at last. His wife had died. Alice was dying. The gray haired man sat down beride trie gray haired woman; life bad dealt prosperously with him, as is its wont with men. Suffering and death had taken all from her save the lustre ot her wondrous eyes. From her wan ind wasted faco tbey shone upon him full of tenderness and youth. Thus they met with life behind them they who parted plighted lovers when life was young. He was the man whom she forgave for her blighted and weary lite, with a smile of parting as divine as ever lit the face of woman. She had many and flattering offers of marrisgc, but she never entered into a second engagement. With all her ca pacity for aflection, hers was an eclectic and solitary soul. He who by the very patent of bis nature wss more to her than any other being could be, passed out from her life, but no other ever took his place. It was in this desolation of her youth that Alice Csry resolved to go to New York and make a home and life work for herself." Death of William B. Aster. The telegraph announces the death of one of the wealthiest men and the great est landlord in the United States, Wil lism B. Astor. He was the oldest son of John Jacob Astor, who died in 1848, and who left the bulk of his immense lorlune to him. The father accumula ted his fortune in the fur busiaese, and the son ha) increased the portion left to him by rentals from improved real estate in New York City. There is little of interest connected with the life cf William B. Astor except as connected with his money bags, aad public interest now will center about the disposition of it. It is a briefly told story. He is re puted to have owxed 3,000 bouses in New York City alone, and his rentals would iadicate a lortuae cf about $50, 000,000, or double the amouat of his father's. He was not a schemer like Jay Goald, nor a couaoa clipper like Yandeibilt; he was simply a landlord, aad his whole life was devoted to col lecting his rents aad watching his agents. His father was a liberal, gea erowsman,aad left bequests which wiU always eaase aim to be gratefully re membered, both in this coaatry and in Europe. The Astor Library in New York, which he founded, will always preserve his memory, and the son has greatly iacreased it usefalnesa, having donated a valuable piece of ground for its ealargemeat ia 18M, aad 59.0M for the parchase ot books ia 18M. We believe-taat he leaves two soaa, Jeaa Jacob aad William B. Astor, Jr., who are ia active basiaeas la New York. Chief Trihnu. HVXOUOVS. An Irih doctor lately vat hU bill (o a lauy x follow. To curing your husband till h Ucd "The prhmuur at t..o bar cvra to have a very smooth faer," sJd a spectator to a jailer. "Ym replied the Jailer, "be was iroord Ju Ufore he ru brought in." A little two-yrar-old Clyde girl, wit neuing a snowatorm ran to her mother, kajing:" Mamma, look out of the win dow, and sett the popcorn falling." "Mother, doc the Lord Uke the daily papers!" "No, my child; why elu you ask so strange a question t" "Welt. I thought ho didn't it take our mialater so long to tell Him what't going oa." A Philadelphia girl's lover got Jilted because he made fun of the Centennial. There are several married men in lhila delpbia to whom making fun ot the Centennial would bring no relief. The girls don't like that sweet little Sunday .school King, "Put your armor on, my boys," because it sounds aorauch like "Put your arm around me, boyj," that It make 'cm feel lonesome. "Oh, why, why am I not man ted to some one else?" !! she, as lie walked Into the room in section v and absent mindedly mt down iu the slop pail. "Madam," ald he, "thus (hie) only time in tao years e're 'dcavored to nolvc same problem. ' A Vasnar girl wiolc home: "Dee Paw-paw, we study Latin fo owahs a day, Fwcnch feven up and science cvah so loung. The good matron's nurah let us go owct. Won't you send me my Icggins and skates for a poo' little girl who lives in the village? Don't forget the heel-straps." Some of the llhtillssioRior A jr. Age, doubtlcu, brings many states of body aad of mind which are unexpect edly unpleasant. Among the unfortu nate experiences of old age, a popular writer has mentioned the conviction that your middle arcd children are an irre claimably stupid set oi jwople. This U probably worse than a similar convic lon with relation to your progenitors for tho sense ot responsibility is greater in the former case. We think that there must be disappointments which arc nearly m harassing ai this, but of which it is almost impossible to complain, owing to their apparently trivial char acter, and owiag, too, to the fatality of their having a ridiculous suggestion for others. We all kaow that the troubles of this life arc not always ol tho heroic order. There was a man who was haunted by a suspicion that he had an unbeauti ful profile. We positively know that be went through a large part of ids earthly existence trying to hide his side face from his fellow mortals. Now, Imagine a person who has always cherished an aversion to a certain kind of baldness, for instance, and then Imagine this per son gradually awakening to the fact that thfs very fate is in slow but unre lenting pursuit of him. We have no inclination to dwell upon the misfortunes which accumulating years bring upou mankir.d; but litncr upon the other side of the picture. Something goes with youth that "never comes again," but something cosres with age that youth could not bring usfl We speak of the disillusions ot ad vancing years, as If s ich experiences were always unfortunate. But certiinly there arc disillusions which are most fortunate and comforting. To childhood of a reverential sort there is a glamour, an air of superiority about every grown up person, gool or bad. Of course, drunken men, thieve, murderers, and the like are understood to be "bad." Although there is still an indefinable reverence on the part of the child for even these yet, on tae whole, Utey do not greatly trouble him. It is from another source that a thousand vague perplexit.es and alarms invade theyouag and sensitive soul; it is hta nstural sad iaculcateu rc7erencj for growa-up per sons who are intensely disagreeable to him that gives him such warn a j emo tions, such terrible mental distres. You cannot easily tell a little child that his Instincts are correct, that your neighbor, his godfather perhaps, to all outward appearance a pious and praise worthy member ol the commsnity, has, in fact, a warped and bitter, a sordid and selflsb, a vulgar and deceptive moral nature. Perhaps, you yourself, have oaly lately come iato this knowledge wise and wily and fall of years though jou are, yet still with that lurkiag fetichlsra of childhood. Perhaps only now, aft' r many bitter aad remorseful aad melancholy experiences, "that tyranny is past" for you. So, in this sense, it is true that among the satisfactions of age are certain of its dlsillnfioes. It may be said that it Is a poor outcome of the law of compen sation, namely, the discovery of more evil in the world than we had imagined. Bat, if evil exists, and if it mast be dis eoTcred in unexpected places, how as act hatter that we should aad It where we hare nil along vaguely felt its meeace! TX GCtf Cabinet; Stribner for item-btr. I -iftfZjgtcT