'.& I 1 THE RED CLOUD 'CHIEF; --..MrxM"rf Rates of Advertising. T. r - - The Red Cloui Chief. JCBMSITKD WEKKLV AT OakJsaa. 3 yrr ..... .... JUlf - - .... BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Short aJicrtUsscst. tU arrrtUtxU fr Lrti Ua tfcaa o& year, ar sfcjl to 4 stweUl ro&Usct. Local a4 SdHcrfal Notice & cau Ha fer trst tascrttoa, uJ S erst foe ca abqtt tssloa. LrjU a4rrtltlar a Statu price, Basiars cants US pmr year. Tae ar tnt Lnmt casa raiM, t4 aa lat Urtss will be etws. IMI. 33. --VJLEliTBK, ST. VOLUME III. RED CLOUD NEBRASKA THURSDAY, DECEM SEU K 1875. NUMBER IT. Editor mad-rroprlctor. X. - - ! M -, I -' 'aP'rT " " SHST" , ,1n Mi,, ' "- " """.fiv.ii i'1'.r' ' " ' ' ii nn i.iuuiMW!ii 111 Mm .'.i . fgawr-M '..i, u .n'JS"'. .IJ-H ." il 7 Tl w -w GENEKAL NEWS tO.NDXESED. The cfilcial vote of Oregon give Lane for Congress a majority of 207. A. Jacobs & Co., wholesale provision merchants of Boston, have suspended. On the 19th of November, snow 3 feet deep and still lulling, was reported at Evanston, Wyoming. A dispatch from Mobile .tys the pres ent cotton crop, If it can be gathered, will be the largest since the war. Dacia Pantrcss shot and killed Peleir Jaynor in a quarrel about n hog, No vember 19th, at Franklin, Virginia. The majority lor ratification of the new Alabama constitution will not be less than 50,000, and may rtfncli 60,000. At a Centennial tea party held in Washington, Iowa, recently, a petticoat was exhibited said to be 500 years old ! A. S. Gailord, of Michigan, has been sworn in as Assistant Attorney General for the Interior Department, and assumed charge. Judge It. It. Ilccsc, one ol the foun ders of Ijavcnworth, and Probate Judge of the county, died in that city, November 19th. The ceremony of unveiling and dedi cating the monument In memory of Edgar Allen Poc, in Westminster church yard at Baltimore, took placo Nov. 17th. Indiana has 479 lodges of the Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows, and a membership of 20,000. Twenty-three new lodges have been instituted during the last nix mouths. Mark M. Pomeioy, better known as "Uriel: Pomeroy," pioprictor of the Democrat in New York Citv, suspended November 17th. His liabiiit cs are estimated at $140,000. No asiets. John Claik, who f.hot i.fficer John Tiuvcr, was hanged in the jail yard at Itochcs'cr, N. V., November 19th. When his body was cut down an attempt was made by his friends to resuscitate him, but without success. All the murderers of the four Italians at l)ener, Colorado, have been captured and will be tried soon. Several of tho band have confessed the crime since their incarceration, and it is now be lieved that all of them seven in num ber will be hnuci3. Gov. Ilartranft on the 18th of Novem bcr issued warrants for the execution at Pittsburg, on Thursday, Jauuary 6, 1875, of Wm. Mutray and Frederick Meyers, convicted last March ol the murder of Godhard Wahl, and sentenced to be hanged April Sd. Ilenry Nicholson was hung at Cow fchatta, Louisiana, November 19th, pro testing his innocence of the murder of Marcus Young, the Jewish peddler. Nicholson's brother, who was also a murderer, aud sentenced to death for the same murder, escaped a few weeks since. The action of Chief Justice White in discharging Brigham Young from al leged contempt, for disobedience to the order of Judge McKcon, requiring him to pay alimony to Ann Eliza, is satis factory to the Government. It. is the opinion of the Attorney General that the woman in question in marrying Brigham Young violated the United States stat utes, and therefore could not avail her self of her own wrong. A wretch named Wm. Tompkins, at Council Bluffs, after making previous attempts to murder his wife, went to the Bryant House in that city, where she was temporarily stopping, and with a jack knife inflicted eight or nine wounds on her back and lour in her breast. The poor woman managed to get out of the apartment end w.13 getting down stairs as best she could, when she wa3 caujrht by an attendant. Tompkins was ar rested and held to bail in the sum of $5,000, which he failing to secure, he was sent to jail to await the action of the grand jury. At latest accounts Mrs. Tompkins was still lingering, but her recovery is considered as not probable. Tompkins is a well known and promi nent farmer near Macedonia in Potta wattamie county, and is an Englishman prone to be excessively mean whs n under the influence of liquor. Several weeXs ago he broke up housekeeping and went to Council Bluffs. An important feature of the proceed ings of the National Grange of Patrons oi Husbandry, November 23d, was the report of the finance committee recom mending that the salaries ot the officers be increased to the following figures, which was so ordered: Master, $1,200 per annum and expenses; Treasurer, $C00 per annum and expenses, and Sec retary, $2,000 per anBuni and expenses. The bond of the Secretary is fixed at $10,000, and of the Treasurer $5,000. The election of officers resulted as fol lows the Master receiving a plurality on 10th ballot: ' John T. Jones, Arkansas; Otweter, J. J. "Wood: oz .aucLigaar'ueciurcr, a. teward, A. 11. ; -Assistant btew- lead, of New Ellis, of Ohia; :5HcDoU; Secretary, O; M. Kelley, 4 Kentucky v?ato Keep aiejfcjeep- er. O. iMwiaie, oi !' jars.J.T.Joas,oC . B. BtYedMtjKpwa; VBBKBH.V& MMO"Wr - ffaMMt Cawaaaia. av b. BaVaValaVSTC 'X.Mm FIRES. A steam tannery was burned at Monc ton, Nova Scotia, Nov. ! 9th. Loss $25, 000; insurance, $15,000. A fire al Irwin, Pa., on the lflth of November, destroyed fourteen building, including ten stores. Loss, $50,000. In sured. Tho residence of James Ferry, near Elkhorn, Nebraska, was destroyed by fire, Nov. 17th. A defective flue was the cause. Loss, $800. The large sawmill owned by Iteynolds & Emlaw at Grand Haven, Michigan, was destroyed by fire on the 19th of November. Loss, $50,000; insurance, $30,000. The steamer D. K. Martin was barncd atl3'taFcn Island Nov, 18th by the over heating of machinery. The passingers and crew were removed in small beats. Two men were badly scalded. Two barns belonging to C. Cummings, Usccola, Michigan, were destroyed by fire a few evenings ago, with their contents consisting ef faix horses, four cows, three wagons and a large quantity of hay and grain. The fine residence of Hon. John Meyer, formerly Stato Senator from Jasper county, Iowa, was burned at Newton, Nov. 17th. The fire originated In a defective flue. The house cost $15,000, and was insured lor $8,000. On the 10th of November, a fire oc curred at Marysvillc, Benton county, Iowa, destroying a large barn filled with hay and grain belonging to C. W. Downs; also (he store and stock of J. B. Barrel, whose 1 083 is about $15,000, on which there was no insurance. FUKEIU.N NEWS. A Paris dispatch sayd that Alexander Colin, the painter, is dead. The London Morning Star gives prom inence to the announcement that E. Ward Hunt, First Lord of Admiralty, will resign, aud will be succeded by Lord Henry Lennox. A special from Berlin states that in telligence has been received from Herz ogoviua that the Turkish forts at Goran sko and Nicksick must shortly capitu late to the iusurgents unless provisioned in time. A telegram from Constantinople states tkat the Porte has urged the Russian and Austrian Ambassadors to remonstrate with the Piince of Montenegro, because so many of his subjects arc joining the insurgents. News has been received from Slavonic sources announcing that the insurgents have captured an important fort, with nil its garrison, which was commanded by Zubci. The insurgents have also oc cupied several strong positions in the vi cinity of Piuva. The German Empire will have a deficit of 5,000,000 thalcrs in 1870, to meet which it is proposed to raise the excise duty on beer and tax operations on 'Change. Taxing beer is not a popular measure in Germany. It was tried in Frankfort in 1873, and terrible riots were the consequence. A telegram from Constantinople con tains the following war news: C,A serious encounter occurred on the 12th of November at Piva, in Bosnia, between sixteen battallions of Turkish troops aud a large body of Insurgents. It is re ported that the Insurgents were com pletely routed, leaving COO killed on the field." A dispatch of Nov. 23d says: After Gen. Kaufmaun left Namanghan for Khossend, the Kuptschinaks rebelled and invested the citadel and the Russian camp. The Russians resisted success fully for three days, when Gen Scopleff returned and and attacked the Kipto- hacks, who fled leaving 3,800 dead on the field. Anarchy reigns throughout Ehokaud. Lire Stock at tke Ceatcnnlal. The managers have solved the prob lem of how to meet the demands made for a show of fine bred farm stock at the Centennial, by leasing the stock yard grounds near the main entrance. The grounds are passed by the Penn sylvania Railroad and street railroads. The present sheds will be removed, and neat stalls erected. Water will be supplied in abundance, and every con venience promised which may be needed. Persons who intend to exhibit should make their entries now, that space may be provided and retained. It is pro posed to show stock according to the following plan : Horses from September 1 to Septem ber 13; neat cattle from September 20 to October 5; sheep and swine from October 10 to October 25; poultry from October 25 to November 10. The residence of Mr. Neft, in Wapello county, near Waugh's Point, Iowa, was destroyed by fire a few days ago. Loss $2,000; Insurance, $800 in the American of Chicago. We should remember that it is quite as mach a part of friendship to fee deli cate in its demands as to be aaaple is it perfonaftscea. J. T. Boves. V Death of Vice President Wilson. VIck President Wilson died very sud denly at Washington City at 7:30 on the morning of Nov. 22d. The following order announcing his death was issued by the President the same day : Executive Mansion, ) Washington, Nov. 22, 1875. ) It is with profound sorrow that the President has to announce to the people of the United States the death of Vice President Henry Wilson, who died in the capital of the nation this morning. The eminent station of the deceased, his high character and long career in the service of his State and of the Union, his de votion to the cause of freedom, and tli2 ability which he brought to the discharge of every duty, stand conspic uous, and arc indelibly impressed in the hearts of the American people. As a testimony of respect for this dis tinguished citizen and faithful public servant, the various Departments of the Government will be closed on the day o the funeral, and the Executive Mansion and all the Executive Departments ir Washington will be draped with badges or mourning for thirty days. Tho Sec retaries of the War and Navy will issue orders that appropriate military aud naval honors be rendered to the memory ot one whose virtues and services will long be borne in recollection by a grate ful nation. U. S. GRANT. By the President : Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State. The following telegram was received by Scrgcant-at-Arms French, of tho United States Senate, lrom the Governor ol Massachusetts: Boston, Nov. 22. Your telegram announcing the death of Vice President Wilson is received. Massachusetts deeply mourns her loss, but in the midst of her grief she is proud of his pure character and hie dis tinguished public service. Signed. Wm. Gaston. The following dispatch has been re ceived by the President from Hon. T. W. Ferry, President pro tern of the Senate: Gkand RArins, Mich., Nov. 22. To tho President, Washington, D. C: I have received with profound sorrow information of the death of Vice Presi dent Wilson, and share with you this great loss to the country and mourn with his personal friends. T. W. Feuut. Sketch of tho Lire or Tice WilSOB. Frcsidcat Henry Wilson was born at Farming ton, N. II., in 1812. Had he lived to February, 1876, he would have been 04 years old. At ten years of age, he was apprenticed to a farmer, with whom he remained until attaining his majority, when he quitted Farmington and re moved to liatick, Massachusetts. There he learned and wrought the trade of a shoemaker, pursuing his studies a few months at the academics of Stafford, Wolfsborough and Con cord. In 1840 he attracted attention as an eloquent and forcible speaker in behalf of General Harrison, and during tke ensuing five years was an active politician on the Whig side, twice repre senting Natlck in the Massachusetts House of Representatives and twice the County of Middlesex in the Senate. In 1845 he was a delegate, in conjunction with the poet Whittier, to carry to Washington ihe anti-slavery petition from Massachusetts against the admis sion of Texas. In 1S4S he was delegate to the Whig National Conven tion and withdrew from it upon the rejection of the anti slavery -resolutions. Twice afterwards he was elected to the State Senate and in 1852 was the Free soil candidate for Governor of Massachu setts, being defeated by only 93 votes. In 1855 he was sent to the United States Senate to succeed Edward Everett. Here Henry Wilson found kia true sphere. In the great Council of tk nation his voice and vote were always foaad on the side of freedom. His speeches discussed al most every National project decided while he was in the Senate. He favored the freedom of Kansas, the Treasury Note bill, the building; ef the Pacific Railroad. He was tk author of many important mcaawrcf, aasong them the bill abolishing slavery is the District of Columbia, the bill to antnor izc the employment of 500Vl$i volaateers for the war, and the xaeasan for abolish ing the "Black CodcHe was Chair man of the Senate CommuMwoa Military Affairs, and while holdias; that position was noted for the amoaJsVoff labor that he performed, and the" c cess that his measures attained. Ib1S7S he was elected Vice President of tk Uaited States, which position be oleaiaied at the time of his death, Nov. It; 1875. r W. R. Davis, auyor Carrolltoa, HL, a prominent and vNMMaty dtisasi of that tows, literally blew Us head ot with a shot cu, Nap! ir 17th, dariag tke funeral cei i igjf f Baal Wright, who shot kiajaJaT aarM Uya before, sad whose nJmm vera taken to Car rolltoa, his foraasr kesae. A Pelrile Forest ia the Defcrt. From Divid Hideout, who has been engaged in preparing a section of a petrified tree for the Centennial exhibi tion, we learn the following relative to the petrified forest in the desert of Northwestern Humboldt. Oa the plain, about thirty miles west of the Black rock range of mountain?, stands one of the greatest natural curiosities ever dis covered in Nevada. It is a petrified forest, in which the stumps of many of the trees, now -changed into solid rock, arc still standing. There are no living trees or vegetation of any kind other than stunted sage brush in the vicinity. Some of these ancient giants of a forest, which flourished perhaps thoaaaads of years ago, when the climate of Nevada was undoubtedly more favorable for the growth of luxuriant vegetation than at present, rival in sizo the big trees of California. Stump?, transformed into solid rock, stand in an upright position, with their roots imbedded in the soil, as when growing, that measure tiom fifteen to twenty-six feet in circumference, and the ground in the vicinity is strewn with the trunks and limbs which retain their natural shape and size. Mr. Hideout, determined to secure a section ot one of these trees for the Centennial Exhibition, with two other men, spent twelve days in cutting it from the stump. This was accomplished by drilling all around the tree and separating it with wedges. The specimen it three lect high, and eighteen feet in circumference, and its e&timatcd weight is three tons. It stands on the (.tump from which it va3 severed, ready to lc loaded iu a wagon. Mr. Hideout docs not feel able to incur the expense of bringing it by team to the railroad, though he had once made arrangements to do so, but the other party to the agree ment failed io perform his part. Ho is anxious to call the attention of the Cen tennial Commissioners to the matter, and see if they will not furnish the means to get it to the railroad. The country in which it is situated is an in viting field for geologists Winnemueca Star. The Duration of Lire. In ancient Rome, during tho period lwec b 200 and 300 A. D., the average i vtion oi life among the upper classes vu thirtv vearp. In the nresent cen- Itury, among the same classes of peoplo, ...... v.a it amounts to nlty years, in tne six teenth century the mean duration of life in Geneva was 21.21 ycarp, between 1833 and 1841 it was 40.08 years, and at the present time as many people live to seventy years of age as three hundred years ago lived to the age of forty-three. In the year 1693 the British Government borrowed money, the amount borrowed to be paid in annuities, on the basis of the mean duration of life at that time. The State Treasury mado thereby a good bargain, and all parties to the bargain were satisfied. Ninety-seven years later Pitt established another tontine or an nuity company, based on the presump tion that the mortality would remain the same as a hundred years before. But in this it transpired that the Government had made a bad bargain, since, while in the first tontine 10,000 persons of each sex died under the age of cwenty-eight, a hundred years later only 5,772 males and 6,416 females died under this age. From this fact it appears that life, under certain favorable influences, has gained in many, and. probably, in all its forms and manifestations, both in vigor and duration. Mcmoraada. The ordinary routine in bending metal pipes, like gas fixtutes, brass band in struments, etc, is to fill the pipe with melted lead, and bend to the required curve by force. The wrinkles that form ia the. inner aide of the curve are then hammered out by hand, la the place of lead a square wire spiral spring is now employed. This, inserted In the pipe, acts as a flexible mandrel, and by its aid good curves may be obtained, and much of the usual stretching and crowding up of the metal avoided, while the after hammering is not needed. For square pipes two flat strips of metal are em ployed to reinforce the spring and pre serve the shape of the pipe. Patents on this method of bending pipes arc pend ing, and it seems destined to be of great value to the copper, brass and iron pipe traders. The T rail exhibits a disposition to change its form. It is now being rolled with a wider flange or base and a thicker head, without increasing the standard weight of sixty-seven pounds to a yard. The material of the upright part h re duced to make up for the increased sine ot the base and head. Tbeheadissaade asore nearly square at the aides, and the edges of the base sre thinner. The ob ject of this is to increase tha resistance to wearing by the flanges of the wheels, and to prevent ihe rail from eattingiato tke sleeaers. Ia place of theaoCehee cat in tke rail to boH the spikes that kave been found so destructive to the life of tke rail, holes are new drilled through tke hese, and through, these the I VM OT . WH4 W ml im !! ail In tka mail h . I ntr Ur Useaaljr. Jl T11H WOBLD OF SCIKNCL. Exploration of New Guinea. The expedition under Mr. Mickuy, of Sydney, which left Australia four months go to explore New Guinea, has become disorganized and is returning. One of the results of the enterprise is the dis covery of a large navigable river in Naw Guinea. Soath American Silk. The production of silk io South America is rapidly increasing. At an exhibition recently held in Buenos Ayres, samples of raw and manufactured silk were displayed, that compared favorable with the best silks of Asia. The climate of Braizil is well adopted to the culti vation of the silk-worm, which feeds on Polma ehritli, or castor oil plant, that grows in abundance in the country. The Government of Brazil is contemplating offering subsidies for the cultivation of silk-worms within its domain. Electrical Exhibition. The International Exhibition ot Elec tricity, to be held in Paris in 1877, will be divided into eighteen sections. In that exhibiting the Fistoiy of Electricity there will be collected, ns far as possible, the instruments which weic used by Davy, Faraday, Voltu, Arago, Ohm, Oersted t, Ampere, and others, in making their discoveries. The eighteenth group will be Bibliographical; and a library as complete as practicable will be formed of books, papers, and periodicals relating to electricity. A petition will be sent to the administration of the National Library, asking them to olfer their Systematic Catalogue of Electricity for the use of the Exposition. The rUmble-Boc. We noted, a few weeks ago, that an Acclimatization Society of New Zja land had applied to authorities in Eng land for a transportation of humble bees to their island. In answer to that re quest, two nests of the required insects were lately dispatched to New Zealand by Mr. Frank Buckland. They were packed in separate boxes, and every pro vision made for their welfare during the voyage, which, it is expected, will ter minate in January. Humble bees arc ad natives of New Zealand, and their preseace is desired there for ths purpose of fertilizing the red clover. The pro boscis of the honey bee does not reach down to the pollen of the clover, and, therefore, it is no help in transporting the grains from flower to flower. It is expected that, by performing this esscn tial service, the humble bee will secure the production of clover seed, and there by enable the agriculturist to extend the cultivation of this useful crop. A. New Meter A Chicago man has perfected a new motor which appears to be in a general way similar toKeely's invention, though differing in application and effect. The Chicago motor, like the other, derives its power from water and air, and is conceived on the seemingly contradic tory principle of multiplying force with out the aid of force to begin with. From the practical tests made "by Mr Thomas, tke inventor; it has been shown that an extraordinary apparent pressure can be prodoced by bis apparatus though it has aot yet been demcnetrated that motive power can be obtained ia acoeertioa to the amount of this pres ent. Seeing is believing, and nothing else Is nowadays, and antil Mr. Thomas succeeds ia applying his motor to strain afcaa or ia some other public and practicable way, ao oae will be likely J SeigThbor's Babj. Acrot in ar neighbor' window. With !W draptogf of Jn and Urc I c. 'ncth Ut Sjwicc rin;I-t, A baby'i innocent fcr. Ill feet in crimon Jlpp?, Are topping tbc polUtu-d Kla; And tbc crowd in tbc trcctf lock c;aril, Acd nod and alle a the pit .! Jut here 1c ay r otugc window. Catching fllet in the inn, With a pjlcbtd sxd faded apron, htancU a; own little one. Ilia face ia aa pore and handsome An tbc baby'a or the way. Ana be keeps my heart from t)rnUn:. At my tolling erefj- day. Sometime when the dy is ceded. And I alt in the dssk to ret. With the ice of mr alccpinx d arils; Ilajcsed close to my lonely brca?t, I ptar tfet By llbef,a bibjr ' ' Kay cot catch heaven's ros at!, Eat that aome may crown the furebcad Of my loved one aa they fall. And when I draw the Blocking- From bli little weary feet. And klaa the roy dimples In hla limbs ao round and nv.'tt. I think or the dainty Krmcnti Some little children wear. And that my God withhold them From mine to pare and fair. May God forgive my envy l know not what I taid; My heart la crushed acd tronb!rd. My neighbor's boy is dead! 1 saw the little coffin As they carried it out to day A mother's heart is breaking In the mansion over the way. The Hxht Is fair in my window. The flowers bloom at my door; " My boy Is chasing the sunbeams That dance on the col age flour . The roses ot health arc bloqmin;; On my dailinc'a check to dnv. lint the baby i one from the wiiiduw Of the mansion over the way. ( to invest largely in sock In the new in- , veaiit'ii. Scotoma;- ef Weed. Some useful tacts bearing ujxn tbc seasoning ol wood for commercial pur poses are presented in a late French work on ''Indigenous and Foreign Woods." The pioportton of water con tained in wood varies with the time of the year. Schubler and Neulfler found in the fir 5S per cent ot water in Janua ry, and 61 per cent in April. In the mh, they found 29 per cent of water in January, and "0 jwr cent In April. These facts show that trees contain more water at the time of the ascent of the sap than in winter. It has also been found that small branches contain more free water than large ones, and these last contain more than the trunk. The presence of the bark Tetardi the process of drying. An experiment was tried with some trees that were felled in Juce, and placed in the shade. Those from which the bark had been removed had lost il.oi pei cent, of water in July. 38.77 iu August, 39 34 in September, and 32.62 in October; while those on which the bark remained had lost in that pe riod only 0.41, 0 84, 0.92, and 0.93. Utilization of Wale Products. A little pamphlet on the utilization ol waste product has recently been printed among the publications of the Science and Art Department, South Kensington. It would appear from its statements that no Mil3tuucc is too unimportant to res euro from destruction, if it can be made to serve any purpose of man. For in stance, corn cobs are recommended as fire lighters; as also the cones of tho Scotch fir, which are solo in France under the n.tnie Allwneutt dtt iAindti. The seeds of vegetable marrow, melon, and allied fruitd, already largely take the placo of sugared almond among confectioner. In Chins, the seeds of the watermelon are used for food; and junks, laden solely with them, ply from place to place. The seeds contain a quantity of bland, sweet oil. A saving in the manufacture of olive oil his been lately practiced. The pulpy portion of the fruit was formerly thrown away after being pressed; but this is now subjected to chemical action and powciful steam pressure, and a yield of about 20 per cent more oil is the result. This oil is inferior to that obtained from the first extraction, and yet has its value. Tho seeds of the olive, which arc crushed in the process of extraction, are finally used as fuel or as manure. Keeping Poultry In Orchards. Some farmers make it a practice to keep their poultry in their orchards from early spring until cold weather sets ic, and they find that it pays. A picket fence should be built around the orchard high enough to prevent their flying over, with suitable buildings in one corner of the yard to shelter them at night. Thus tituatcd, the poultry will thrive and prosper, keeping themselves in good condition, and the increase of eggs will be greatly augmented and their useful ness enhanced to their owners, at leist, on account of the myriads of insects and worms they destroy, and which will more than repay the cost and labor of building the fence. By keeping them enclosed in this manner, a large number of fowls may be retained in the orchard, and the continual scratching which is done by them will prove advantageous both to the soil and tree themselves. Colonial Farmer. Prepare for CeM Weather. Stock that is housed (and ail stock should be at night), can be made com fortable by the exercise of a little care and forethought. The grain and other food fed to stock should be made to do the most possible good, by protecting the stock from cold and storm, for it is the fat accumulated from this feed which enables the beast to meet and ward off inclement weather. No man can afford to allow this feed to meet the wants which cheap shelter csu meet, simply because the shelter is tbe cheaper mode of economizing r.nimal heat, while it is also the more natural sn3 humane. Every farmer must take his choice be tween the two modes. There is no escape from this, as the beat must be furnished by one mode or the other. It is of the utmost importance that stock go through and come out of win ter in good flesh, for If it be farm horses that arc to do a spring's work, or are to be offered for sale in the market, the necessity for good condition is apparent, It it be a cow to come in and do service at the pail, or in raisins her calf, it is equally aa eaer&tiaL It is none the less so if it be young stock, because if there is none, or hut little growth, there ia no advance in values, or but little at best. There are no tacts arrived at upon the farm, by the simplest mode of reasoning, that are any more manifest than these. Fester Farm JawntaL Tbe recent survey made by Mr. Fox the geologist, has developed the fact that immense beds of ceal underlie Moeltoa as well as the country suTroundinc H. Miuin is already taUced of. j Anattal Krport of General Mtereu... The following is a synopti of the an nual report of the General commanding the army. After stating the geograph ic! limit j of the r.viom comaand, he ay: The aggregate strength of the line of the army, according to last reports is 1,340 officers and 24,031 enlisted men, mide up as follows: Five regiments of artllcry, 70 cfiicvr and 2,M mcu. Ten regiments of cavalry, 422 ollicers and 7,20G 'ucn. Twenty. five regiment. tf infantry, MS ollicers and 11,000 men. Available recruits, hospital stewards, ordinance sergeants, etc, etc, .3,321, During the prut winter the troops ia the Departments of Miaiouri and Tcxsi were employed in an arduous and revere winter campaign against the Kidown, Cheyenne and Com anche Iudtaus on the border of the Staked Plain, that have for years been engaged iu committing depreda tions on the Texas and Kansas frontiers, resulting m their dissrmament and tub" jectiou to authority. If the military commanders can have tho control over supplies needed by thesyjmllans, a they now have over theirr-persons, I am convinced by my rcceaf visit that a con dition of pcicc carf be maintained. The Sioux have recently made Incur sions into northern Nebraska, mostly to steal hams and cattle from the fanners along tho Pacific Railroad, and north of it General Crookc is of opinion that the w holo army, acting defensively, cannot prevent them incursions, aud suggests that troops bs stationed in the midst of the Indian?, so as to watch them ami prevent them from leaving on pretense of huutiug. This In impracticable un lets the army can have supervision of the nociary supplies of theso tnUs within the reservation, which i not cow the case. The report of several commissioners which have, under military escort, re cently been engaged in exploring tho country, and in negotiating with thefc Indian?, will throw muoh light on this subject. Generally speaking, damage to life and property by tho Indians is be lieved to ba lets during tho past year than say former year, and the pronjKict is that as the country settles up it will be lcis and cf each year until all the Indians are established on small reser vations. But until they acquire habits of industry and farming, or in stock raising they will need food from tbc Government, because tho game on which they hitherto subsisted has diminished very rapidly. Honesty. We have somehow lenrned tn make a difference between those obligations which we owe to one another as mcu, and those which wc owe to the Govern ment and to corporations. These ideas aro not a whit more prevalent among office holders and directors than they are among voters and stock holders. Men arc not materially changed by be ing clothed with office and power. The radically honest man is just as honest in office as he is out of it. Corrupt men arc the offspring of a corrupt society- Wc all need straightening up. The lines of our morality all need to be dra rn tighter. There is not a man who is willing to smuggle, and to sec cus toms officer betray their trust while he does it; billing to receive the results of ihe sharp practice of directors of cor porations in which ho has an interest; willing tn receive the patronage of the Government in the execution of schemes aot based in absolute necessity; willing to take an exorbitant price for a piece of property sold to the Government or to a corporation, who is fit to be trusted with office. When we have said this, we have gives the explanation of all our public and corporate corruption, sad shown why it is so difficult to get aaj great trust managed honestly. All this official corruptiou is based oa popular corruption loose ideas of honesty aa they ae held by tbe popular mind; and we can hope for ao reform until we are better based as a people ia the ever last iugpriaciplea of equity and right doisg. If we would have tbe stream clear, we must cleanse tb fountain. Zr. . G. Holland; Serihur for Tic. The bicsaial report of State Treasurer Christy, now nearly completed, shows the total receipts for the fiscal term of two years ending November 1st, were $2,175,870 47; tbe expesdi tares for t&e seme time were $2,117,344 70. This latter item shows a decrease ia the State expenses of $32 ,304 39, as ccmeerad with the preceding two years. There is now in the treasury an unexpended balance of cash of $56,525 77. The acheol fend of tbe State is now t2M 2.- 894 70, a sum larger by $233,371 15 than that of the great State ot Near York. We have a State faaded debt cf $300,00 the War and Defense bond isssed ia 1641. These bonds are net dae aatil 1881, out the State has several tisses e45rred to pay them. Tee solders haw refused to accept the aneeey, i ferriag the asaaal sera per coat est wnkn is promptly paid. -j -" 4 bi &KP-53? "TgBPgsssaswwa