.'-&$ - .-'.-9. -V3- s ?3S??t2;a5?sai?vi -33 - -fw " - ,r-i. frri lAhr- -T i,w '"' ry'.'jrf"7"n'iiTiiig"iMifj''yJ 4Jtti!SM2Tss5sSiT- '"'-- -" T '-V' yys ms f" """'"" "' 'I -mii-iiiii'iiiimiiiiiL i.iw.rin I,,,,..,, ""- " "' T '. ..I....lli .w-V. .v-t Ti,. -a-.,-v -.. - - . 1 ' SfcSS ..iHMliMiMMw?Miils-. . '--- .r.--,.A,fe----1r-1,,- , , v. , ,,-.. - t,. -j.- : . - f-MJTZ ... Tr-JTT' - jrci"s, ycl:-r?Tt".wV r... --'5TabBMmH , . i . ..jv-t.- -T'- llCESS DIRECTORY torney at Law. LCOA. J - GIL!! AM. iii!.... 1 ft"V X "" v . . . , roiiM' .i --'i cu-i :'i-iM. t'J Courts of the ! ; n Pmptly Attowlrd to i' i' P T OI-riCK 13i;il.D'' A)-li- M .'eb. K.-IKXY, ITORN'KY AT LAW, MW A A1T3 2EAL ESTiTS . C - A5ZS?. AV7 Oirf, Kehrnrko. Siiprrifitrt.imt of libUc w- Kfr. Sia-qubit & Koore, )kjt - nkhkatva. lr... -5!.'.Kk in att ndne at C9?h Ifvhc DiirJct Courts' f the 'cral L .a llits Kf jiuI.Hcbu Valley. 2 i l " T L N . J .ass. i-aiu OXVEiV fc LAIRD, MfTtfr S5T i-i 3.1717 fcJU M aV -B W I EL ESTATE AGENTS. 1'iV practice in till the C'trtf o thr State. SU. . i-A al Estate -gents, c. i:k m ttrsov, .i a. rt'LLF.ys Iclnrdson g: TuHeys, II - vt-i1 . Urtl h-l ir on u..inoiis- Itn I iay x- ir r.on-rPi'lfntK. I- i' i' iitjitl PlVtli lr.oilCCll"n. '."r- lir" "-i? rjlfitf-l. A'J !i-t:cr.-nf inquiry. ,,,.., ..T,t3 nKwerpi. h( , ) l., - - - '.rJ. ' irvcmni!) t F. i'U. p. i I Ijl M.ITA. XCB. and .Mil- Western Securities. fcr .Vi .- I'-i h: n SyScvilty. ttltSKV &i2B5SO.H, Real Estate Dealsrs, IJ' il'is" - - - SKI! ' re it r.'lv Tor sile n lrrc qaantity i. ...wU In S. uthcrii NwirasV-H. - i'.'I I rtii'l" on 'Jonaision and i .xr- ior iiii-r?il-lils. Is r-i'iffn 'I50 sum t in iw. ii- :" ii lnjfmc ihnlorjtl a":.I ifnu A r: - ii-l r0fret:i'3-of the lnft:r. i Efj csgoaNis, icunty Surveyor l -a w.ut i-c'idv to do wnrK in nis V t- it x vm-m-. CVlon or addre-.- :,t Wells P. 0 , Webster county, ..L I.. I:! i-Kn ii-i. Glcds House- Red Cloud," Nebraska. 5. a.-j. - - - rr3-r:etcr. L.u! U;:I. in 4'onniTlItui nun nif i i:irvsi. tnrsh i'.'U'Vpii r"ritte-tlnTidrefurnisbd ' mu. ii.i .nun-cm Mm.hiiiJr.rd Mfti id A it r it v.Mtiie KtJ omt. win una : 31 en ti a.iJatn.ii :! hii llulcl. I feed CJoud Wsiis.; we ars prep a red to do cus-; tome wDrk p;ir "ttjl and jstrii pjit'al for Sale. Zuf ati-tai turn pu araniren M 3 in jaliiv of il ur soi.D. and rrsTCi.M WtiiiK. rarui"-rs inoasn oe p.nucuiai .i i . ..r- i.i . i i i .. .. ..... to Koeuro itie m-i in m-.-'i'h-.i. P otter & Frisbie! URBStl Bliop- A. B IIAJWYER. at the Billiard Hall, Red Cl.ot.lr. tcyShaving, Shampooinc and Ilair- Cuttinc in the hiuheat .style of the rt. ' 17-td hCifV e:i Market. -, JOHN H. &ALT0H. X Ha? ju: opened a Meatlatket on Webs-ter Street, nxt do(r Miuth of Park's Shoi J- ip where he will keep and sell fresh meats of all kinds. HIGHEST 3IARKCT PRICE PAID FOR BEEF CATTLE. HOGS, j AND HIDES. n 12 Red Cloud. - - - -- Neb. GEORGE ZEISS, DKALKE IS Wines & Iiquors CIGARS, Chewing, Smoking, Tobacc CANNDD FRUITS OF ALL KINDS. A.VD CONFECIIOSEKIS, A Specialty. Frnsh LaeerBerfrom ""Anteiope " v -Brewery, constancy on hand. RED CLOUD, NEB. 3iF I. W. TUH.E1S, HQKCE0PATK1C PHYSICIAN U. S. PENSION SURGEON. HfTin.. ?.rl rlnnr Snutl of Court House. Lcdience Cse IT-le E&st cf Bci Clsal ft. ft. SUERER. llTuazaHy Physician. Cco ;r City 2ms Store. RKI CLOUD. SEBUASKA. Republican River STAGE LINE. Regular tripfc will be tcudu between HASTINGS and RED CLOUD. shnll be plca-fd to carry pncngor upon the days mentioned, leaving Re Cloud at 6 a M on Mondnys. Wedne dava and Friday-. Leaving listings at fi A. M., on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Fare reasonable. MMMrFare Rates iy the He;u1Jican Valley. E. 2. HOLISS, Propfletw. Thi Since ljine runninp from B'ooininirtmi-to Guide !Uck connect with the lirie from the ninth, also the one comini; U(m the foUMf. Arrives in Rld Cloud (from the wet) Mnndoy.aud 1'hnr.day, aud returns' Tnedavs and Fiidays. flood time ; sober drivers and com fortable whkoii. HAHPTON & RALSTON. Red Cloud. Havinp feacd the Wagon and Black Miiith thnp, lately occupied by Ira See:"r, are now prepared to dtJ every tbin in the line of WAGON - MAKING AND BLACKSMITIIING, WAGONS, BUGGIES. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Impaired on hhort nctice cud in a V oi km in-like Uianner. WAQOS3 AND 1 rCCflES MAD5 TO OHUE1J. HAMPTON t RAITON. j: vr.t: ro.v a d veu tislwexts. J. D. WC0D3. Jflirieiati tSurgeouf Will d-.'voti' M" whole timo cxclu- Mve'y to thij practice of medicine. Office et P. A. Wilttams & Co. j.ruc niu.c. - i? c i.S ly RlVKRTQX. Nkb. hive in on house. W. C. THOMSON, - - Prep. Will t'nfrr7a:n his nucptsin the most ' pent -cinaa-liko iumiiiut, with as good i iare as the market athrd.s. T tht; travplins public rs would ay eivS dim M cull. .. - prsTOlI. - - - li3SASSA. ..----- t, UStice o f ti i e peace. uotab? ?t?sic ai:d esal estats AG317T. Rivcrlon Franklin County Nebraska. 3-CJaiins for i-alc and tailorinc done in the Itawt sti Je. DO YOU KNOW THERE IS A 1KUG STOKE IN SIVSE701T Where you can get anything jou want in the line of Pure Drugs. Mtdi eines, and in fact all articles usually kept iu a Oral-class Drug Store. Pure Wines and Liquors for medicinal use. Pbv.icians prescriptions carefally j compounded day or ii'ght. SSrT VWtTl .. ..... ... H.tv. Mlf A OMtuWIMII GIVE HIM A CALL. E EJVS2T0JT, RAZEE, .- - lESEASEA. 2so:s to Teacirs. Notice is hereby given. That' I will exnthine all persons who msy.desireto oiler themselves as candidates for teacbers of the primary or common schools of the county, at my office iu Red Cloud, on the first Saturday tf August, Norciibar', February and May. H. S, KALBr, Co. Saperiutfcndent. lriworkorfroici rf. "LUU MLmmr awnva&'ihr FeU.' wi tfct Kt wtf.- "The Innner. a& ta aJJ ". 'agfg r H"r ky of a plmet tm cohr hm)f aMHk exienaTe ecoarb for ta eiarplew. uNWir '-jr.. i .-I.- . ml-Ui W I mi lllll J .-4. uul mvK lid OHI.'C .IH1IB Anyacuvepema wh wiOr ttke bM eaa j& "-" - J-SJS&Src.tarui THE RED CLOUD CHIEF ItEti CLOUD, KEBRASKA. LOCAL MATTERS. Z7 I Xoticenin fAw Column !U Cnt a Ltnt Arrlvnt And lrprlre f MH from the Rrd Clou f. V. t . t VrAr'c: i . ! Wediit fd:iy's and Fridav 7 3 ra. I Mail clo:-ed ft p. m. Atr;rc luei- dayThurhduy and Saturday' n 7 p. tn. riAKVAItD leaves Tuesday's and FridY! 6 p. in. arrives Tuewiay? arjd'riday'h 5J p. ia. Mail closed 5i p. ta. FftAf.'fCLiX, pmuz ''stt Monday's and 'ilnr.-las-'s 2 p. in. Ooinu wet Tuts-dav's aud Friday'.- 10 a. in. Pleasant Hill leaven Tl.uri-day.eO ft. ui. Arrives V. dnesday s 4 p. in. Mail do.-cd 0 p. m. JLWKLL. Ksiis-is, arrives Friday's 12 in. litaves Friday 1 p. m. Ri;ksi:;., Iun is, arrive.- Thurs lay' a 12 a.m. iA'avc. Thurlay 1 p. ui. Oflic.' ofeu from 4 until! 6 p. m. Sunday. All registered matter thil-t be in the evening before the niaih leave. M. B. McNitt. I'. M. (IIURCH UfKCCTMKT. CONGREGATIONAL CIIURCU Serr'iTds eyery firt.nail third Sab bat h of each month at Red Clond and Inavalo. 7 o'clock I'. St. at Red Cloud. 2 o'clock P. M. at In avale. Every second and lourth Sabbaths at Batin and Harmony Precincts. Key. A. Maxwell, Pastor. BA1TIST CHURCH. Rev. Trios. Ml'XLow, Pastor. Services every fourth Sabbath at 7i 1. M. Sabhatu School every Sabbath morning at l 4. M. J. Q. Potter, Supt. NOTICE. U. S. Land Office. Bloominuton, 'Neb. V Octobcr20th 1875. J Complaint having been entered at this office by Jame. II. Milner, apains Peter Radicao for abandoning his homestead entry. No. 1733. dated Dee. Gth. 1873, upon the northeast quarter, See. 30. towns-bip 4, tango 10 west, in Webster county, Nebraska, with a view tn the cancella ion of said entry: the haid parties are hcruby summoned to appear at this office on the Gth day of December, 1875. at 10 o'clock a. tn., to respond and furnish testimony concerning fcaid alleged abandonment. Wkhstkk Eaton Re'pisten 13 4t Evan Worthing, Receiver. LEGAL NOTICE. James Murphey Probate Court, apainst John Conolly. j Webster Co., Neb. Defendant will tako notice that an order of attachment was issued in the above caue by 1. W. Tullcvs. Probate Judue, on Oct. 21st, 1S75, for the sum of forty 140) dollars and costs. WlU.COX & GlLIlAM, ll-3t Attorneys for Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE. FORECLOSURE OF SIECnANIC'S LIEN To E. K. Covey and Leroy S. E-tell : You will take notiee that on the 25th day of October, 1875, William Ii. Van Alstyne. and John D Leach, filed in the ofljee f the Clerk of the Di.-trici f Court of the 1st Judicial District in Ncbrus-ka, in and for Webster County, a petition far a judgement of two hun dred and fifty dollars and ninety-one cents and an order ofsale of lot No 4, in block No 5". in JjaDttc's additiou to tfio town of Red Cloud, Nebraska, fto pa said Judgement ona'Mcchanfc'R Lien, and the said h h. Uovey and Leroy S. Estell are hereby notified ihat they are required to appear and answer aid petition on or before the 13th dxy of D'!ceu.l-er, 1875. Dated October 25th. 18"5. William L. VanAlstvne. Joiix D. Lkach. per B. F. Smith, 11 5 Attorney for Pl'tiffs. TAKE NOTICE. Red Cloud Nov. 3d. 1875. Nancy E. King lrft my bed and board on the 3d. of October without just cmsc or provocation. Any person or persons are forbidden harbbnrrg or Tus-tiug her on my account fori w"fl? pay no debts of hers or her faunae's con tracting whatever.- John S. King' Z eh rung & Co., keep a treat drug store aud sell cheap. 1 2w Fnin the State Jo urn a . Lincoln Jiad:ct' Lincoln. Nov 12th IS75. The following are the quotations on the street to-day: Wheat, active at 75 cents. Corn, in.irtive srhd d'till 15(o.20 Oats, dull and heavy. 20aJ23T; qual ity poor and demand light. Barley, active ; No. 2, 45(tt)50, Rye, no offerings a"riU prices nominal. 1 outoes, dull aud heavy ; 10(15. Beef cattle, per cwr., 23. Hog, per cwt.. 56. Sheep, per head, 2 504 00. . Turnips, per bta.KK20., uurmvu c 3F! V v h tli... lWI Eggs, dull k&3ei JtfaiSlJc n;j - Z!ci:iAm - T:J'JttVi - 5 :. green tUT, $&1t ;diry.l rijMar 25th Ci the day of thank&gir AHUd. I I I 11M WCKI VTPPB.. BflT.. Hay. per tl ittiOtt. Ofirfl n , .'-m JbLvainu Large and nol 1 .i (etfClot k.-is'Si: -CORRECrR C Coffee u im Yellow Coffg- - -s"i ?i" z. -w? v ' ' X" - - Nf Choice Rio Rtee 8 lbs.. ' iz:...wi T.? V" - a T m. f ita per !b: rrs-v- tterper lb Egg per dates I. I-'UJ .i.- uQrr v- 'irfrr im i ir Ty?lfca. AmW. 'sF-fmmm .- &. k. - -aUUflA! .BIJH -PT7-WiBVf - .feJ" tm TiimiTmnW 'vtrflHflV -wR i.?- Z?fjt Sk-V. sESJSCZlSSSl' Sk - lh' :Prints .-.w.u.igT..y.4ir.....Tirf I " TV "ll. ... ... IVtot u n. n-u:- '. . 9x B;;;r:issf WoiavK Skerr 9W&3S&h A little "iQpleantne" cccured on the street lat Fri'Jay. No dstujge ! done however ercept to one tnan'f lace and another njanH IlaD'L Every farmer that Dec-eity dce- not compel to Jell all bis burplus corn will undoubtedly make a payto? in- , -,ilhUiV j tn,, ;, orer. ObliUnica to be a father of a L I Tl-. . I . I . Douneio: oany u.iy. anai wbi .Mdlcr thought when he weighed their j little 9 pour.der the other day. . Mr. Hlnib. hro!hs?r of J. C Iloieomb, is out ruiticatmg among friends and relatives on Walnut Creek. J He is a member . f the craft, and an ' old "'eland by" en the Chicago Tri bune. Go to the school meetiug Satur day. A ne butcler now runs the Meat Market in this plzrt 2nd keeps it well stocked with fresh uieat Uncle Sam has ordered a lsrge stock of boots and hoci for the win ter trade which will excel anything ever brought into the place. Oh i thou renowned obituary poet, O. W. Child'., A M. Write im up a stausi that will .-uit that man who vis it our wood pile at night. Something familiar will dcu-o it winds up with "gone 'ttfTueet hia ," for we squandered a quarter for something ''annihilating" this morning. Ifyou ever have occasion to take a ride up or down the Valley, try H. B. Holmes new covered hack. It is the moot comfortable and easy riding vehicle on any Hoe iu this part of the State. Last Monday was the most like winter of any day we have yet had. Whistling winds, with shingles play, the merry birda have ceased thfir lay, and we are shivering without w od to day. Aud everybody squeals if they don't get their paper ou time. Bring um a load of wood on sub.-cription, Just to see us woik with comfort. Wfe under-ta'nd that Walter Luce living on Walnut Cieek, absconded to parts unknown lat Thursday. The dance at Park's last Friday right was a success and everybody had a good time. Mr. Outhwait has hi house ready for the plasterers, who arc" at work on it. Mr. T. J. Jones arrived iu town lat Saturday. He has been sojourny ing in Benton count, Iowa, for the past winter and summer. Our readeri- will plcae notice the advertisement of the Kansas Farmer and Aim rican Young Folks, publish ed at Topeka, Kausas. The Farmer is an old established and pro.-perous journal. It is one of our ablest and best Western Agricultural papers. 13 13U Willcox Si Gilbatn have moved their law office to the building now owned by S. Garber. Windy, chilryt nd every other kind of weather the past week. Over coats will soon be in fashion, followed by shawls, furs, and other warm cloth ing. Vol. 1 No;.l. of the Watcrn Leader, published at Beaver City, Furnas county. Neb., is on- our table, and presents a creditable appearance to it publishers. May success attend I the oew enterprise. School closes two weeks from next Friday. We have just received another lot of new job type and other job ma terial, and are uow ready to do job work of all kinds at reasonable prices. GUILE BOSZ XTEU S, Abe Garber ha moved into town, and now i.eetlpies Stratton's old build ing. Wm. McBride, it is rumord, will move to Red Cloud, shortly. There is always room for one mof d The finners are alfeaJy well into their fall ploughing. Not uiucb of the corn has been husked as yet. Asfaer Beal has built himself a large pine barn, corn crib and corral, which makes things look as if A-dier expect ed to do something next vear. XTVS OF HSW3. Kearney is building a new Church. We hope it will be ued. The B. & M. have taken the trouble to burn the grass on both sides of I their track to avoid sef Ufi'g tue prairie on fire. Republican roosters crow all orer the United States while the Demo cratic persuasion are ou tbe sick list. JTheJastof the Pawnees left their reservation near Columbus, fur their . Lai. in 1a Indian nJattnn IliiV & u that tbi branch as well as all tMlwtot the MoUle KeU man taaj twabaeL l9: presidh has teigtnted No- kflpij-FT,sjt'r -. prayer tkroHghoat the Uuited r is dwtaaciiig Octobar ro i. . I weather. Tt mast be de- for eastera people ploddiag m snow aad sleet to read of t mmmmm aiaiBr weatker im narKf i? - -W ' 1 1 :$l i i n. ..u ur. "J2TjIJiW'Wi" vm " mv S State Journal haaters aiat thea-4eata at the Hiaarswa River. Uriac aew Colaaiba aaaiad htm irtit Mra raSMC Tb ti Si&i.n cf tit -- We l.ve once or twice before this put notjeo in the paper that at a cer tain time we would stop tending oar paper to ail those who do not pay ia advance; but after considering iUi circuujtairre that surrounded a great miny, and the fact that ome wousd be Ucablc to pay until they had rea 'ltd Something from their crop this fall, we bare po-tpoued takmg this step an til now. Tbi facts are that this of fice ba not paid its own exeu?es lor the past year, because many were behind on their sub-vriptioa. Now in order fur us to tnske a tuccess of the paper, and be ab.c to give you one that will be worth your money, we must have our pay. Th amount that each tuau oweai.-comparatively trifling bat when we come to look over our books aud .-uiu it up, it amounts to about $50;j to SG'JC'. To us,' lich if we bad at p.esetit, wduld enablt ti to furnish you with a better psper than we cau posMbly at preent. Now in view of all thin we propose to coai mence oa the first of December oa a eah basis, and insist on having our pay in advance. We consider all oar subscribers gcod for what they owe us, but as a matter of business we are compelled to take tb'u step. We pro pose to make the Postmasters or some other person at the several differeut tiDce in this county, where we send papers', our agcata to aollcct old sub scriptions and receive new ones, and hope tbatbis step will meet with your approbfftfon and that we may both be mutually benefitted. The Webster County Sabbath School Association. Some of the things It did at its annual convention, held at Red Cloud School House, Get. l.-t and 2nd, 1875 : The convention was called fo' order by the President of the Society; Mr. A. Wells of Stillwater. Mr. E. B. Peisce served as Sec'y pro tern. Hon. H. S. Kley delivered an address of Welcome, and Rev. A. Maxwell a Sunday School address. Various important topics weie discuss ed during the six sessions of fore and afternoon' a'nd evening. The Constitution was so changed of amended,' as to provide for four S. S Institutes iustead of the Setai-Anuuifl Convention. The Institutes for this year were to be held as follows : One at Cloverton, one at Walnut Creek, one Guide Rock and one at Stillwater. The officers for the present year are as follows : Pres., I. Frisbie, Vice Pres. Dr. D. Fetz; Cor. Sec,, J. Q. Potter ; Recording Sec.'E. B. Peirce ; Treas. D. Lutz ; Etecu ive Com , A Max well, Jas. Kirkwood aud Mrs. J. Q. Potter. Much iuterest ia the cause was manifested by these in attendance and it is siuc'erely to be hoped that still greater interest may be felt by the people of the county in general. D. Lutz, JBy vote of the CoBveatkm. NOTICE. U. S. Land Office, )FFICK, 1 n, Neb. i. 1S75. i Bloomington, Nov. 10th. Complaint having been eulered lis office by Perez Thoits agait at this office by Perez Thoits against William H. Mahrinir for aba.ndoiiins his homestead entry, No. 1433, dated September 15ib, TS75, upon the northwest quarter, Section "JS, town ship four (4), range eleven (11) west, in Webster county, Nebraska, with a view to the cancellation of said entry : the said parties are iiereby"sumiuoned to appear at this office on the 20tb day of December, 1S75, at 10 o'clock a. m. to respond and furnish testimony con cerning said alleged abandonment. WehssTKK EatON, Register. 14-4 Eva Worthing, Receiver. Joarnal of Agriculture and Farmer. tV e call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of this old and reliable Agricultural and Grange paper that appears in another column. It has been published ia St. Louis for s? great number of years am! is the lead ing paper of its class in the Southwert It is reliable and trustworthy, and if any of our friends desire to take a fir-t clas Agricultural Journal they canuot do better than to take this one. The publi.-hers are making their weekly report of tbtf ararkets of St. Louis and other large cities a promi nent feature of the paper and doubt less all will find them authentic and reliable. Give the Journal ofAgri culture and Farmer a trial and you will doubtless be pleased and profrted by it. nl Gt Fersons desiring to lake other papers in connection with the Chief can get the following by sending througo us at the prices given below. Weekly Inter-Ocean & Chief $ 3 15 Semi " ' $4 50 " State Joarnal " f 3 60 Daily ' f 10 00 Scribcers Monthly, " $ 5 20 Sr Nichobs, " " $ 4 40 Tire Kansas Farmer, $ 3.25 ifily Post & MaiL " t7.0tf Weekly, " $2.65 Wasted. Spring carves for which i will pay the higoeft cask price de at Rbd Ctoad. Peter McNitL Jast see how"eiT7 it is to pay for yoar paper. If yea kavs't the aaooey yorraaa pay for it with aay of the fol lowing articles." Wheat Oata. Barley. Cera. Rye. Buckwheat. FiW. NeaL Poutoea. Cabbage. S4hash. Bar ley. Beans. PampkiaaT Wood. Pork. Beef. Chiekeaa. - Batter. Bfgs. Aad we wen aetar yet kaowii to rafiwe aioeer.- WELLS! WELLS! !, Ail wasting well? bored will db ell to call upoa W. W. HA'atfcT, fuavale, Webster Co., Neb. a-Good notes takca if tlesifti. Tt-Zm "ONE HUNDRED' CUIUS TM AS PRESENTS AX U HOW TO MAh'L TUHV. The Deceralief JuuTber of ST. NICHOLAS will contain' an adaiir ableafricle entitled' "lse Hundred Chrtiofa PrcaMts aflil How to Make Them!" Puis article is full of practical de scription; by ihi aid of which girl of all aget, aud boys, too, for that matter, can make beautiful and useful Christ mas Proents for all their friends and relations. It WILL BE RtADT NovctfBca 20th A. A DAY! DAY! WELL AUGEti ! Having obtained the agenc- for tie State of Nebraska for OWSKS CELE2SATE3 WILL E01QJ3 iQamnST. And provided ourselven with firat-class- machinerj" for making Wells, we take this method of soliciting order from all who seek water supply. Vert prepared to sink wtlli wltk tap mi noil rpeed. and in a atiiu:u.7 afior. VGrain aad other itaplei takan in a etiance fur work. Beinthduly utborixrd aenti forthii SUU. we offer County. Township, aad ladi ridual rihu for rate. j SPLENDID BUSINESS FOE A' SM.CiL CAPITAL. $25 a Day Guaranteed using this Wei! Auger. OWEN & MONTGOMERY. Guide Rock, - - 3Teb, S.G t! Co. ARBER DEALERS IN B&M Goods and Groceries. BOOTS atl MlIOH Hats. Caps. fc Reddy Made Clothing I We have the Largest Stock in the Valley and will not be unticrsoltJ. GIVE US A CALL', ONE & ALL. 8. Garber iu Co. THE ONLY PAPER IN WEBSTER 0. AND THR LARGEST PAPEat IN THE- REPUB'LICAjy TjiLLRYi THE CHIEF, E W S AND 40 K If tialiaj miktJf Ilk Vat jiaflj fttasi ARKK ATtfit Kct:ya N MARTIN I'UPKA. f2&rS!!7CXS RED CLOUD BREWERY j. BERENZEN &fCO.. Webster Street. Hi. 105. A GOOD PURE ARTICLE OF LACER BEER CONSTANTLY ON HAND, ? VALLEY HOUSE, j. O. WARNER, Prop It alwayi ready to attend to and make comfortable hi. patroa. This Hotel ia entirely new, having Uea fitted ap for lb. txprw parpose df the traveling public: STAGE LEWE3 FOR THE WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY OF A. Srf: f I Claim ta Have the BEST STABLE, Wast of Lincoln. Always Keeping on baad a good aupply of HAY AN I) GUI N, Alw a good conveyance for the purpose of conveying pas-cngcrt from tnls place te any other at reasonable ratca. Rei CJloud 0. L. BATTLES & M. -DEALERS IN SHELF fcffcAVY And all FARMING MACHINERY at Krasfe Pries. AULTMAN& TAYLOR" THRBHHiJVG "aBBrTTraTr 1 k raaaaafaT MOUIMTED" and iJWl-f HORSE-POWERS. XVtBtST' "w Ki PV 5sf sajaj BJJtr X good asflortment of NAILS' KAKES, BOLTS. CORN PLANTE SHOVEL SPADES, FORKS CARPENTERS' AND'SONS' NEWTON WAGONS, GLASS, TINWA grand' SKjotR rrxrA-3, with YVood or f roa Bearaa. with Wood and Iroa And Everything needed by the Farmer or Mechaaic. S9Fine Table aad Pocket Cutlery. O. L. BATTLES & SON- Guide !Bek, LUMBER W. L. VANALStYNf RED CLOZW, DriAtzxni PINE Doott, BKndi, Stfifi. Moulding Littie, Tarred Paper Aad very Articlt m&Bj teat ia m - 1GDABA5TEE TO DCPLICAtl ANT BILL THAI BfJOOT AT JUNIATA' OH KASTTKOF 36UNB&RSK" Of 733 f RAILROAD ON MONDAi; EAC1I WEEK AT 7 O'CLOCK iilrjMk. . X HARDWARE, WtTX,, r TOOLS, PATNT3, OILS. T . - Hek LUMBI JrBBR.lS, LZEI a Fkwt GWm L&? 1-Msg-s XU. j&1Z1 -.! -.Z- .TirJ?--- "f .-?& "