The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 11, 1875, Image 4

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1. 1
im.Vl happy is tLc man and blest,
No wonder that It pride biui,
When some dear lite that ho likes beet
Comes Fitting down betide hln.
In landicapcs green, true bliss in seen,
With innocence in shades she sports;
In wealthy towas prond labor frowns.
And painted sorrow smiles In courts.
Since the day wc were tied with ciejaffal tics.
We have looked npom irowa with wonaer;
Wc have bad so much wool pnHed oTerotirfcjea
That wc feel as sheepish as thnnder.
In the tall a livelier color comes the bonscttop
J- abore;
InthcfallaToung j;al'e fancy turns to strings
that match her glove.
They met; that is, she went to the store,
And made him tarn hla department o'er,.
She pleasantly said she would call aRainl
Let the younf; belafi, thoig h care Jn crow ds
Ienvc scarce a break or bine.
For hope gives wings to morning cloud?,
And while their abtdo the slqr enshrouds,
If woman's love bnt through them shine.
They nrc tnmed to a golden hnc.
It Is not nnto creatures given
To scale the ptirpotcs of Heaven,
Always Just and kind;
T.uit bsCoiw GeV B'ety breath -
JLUtacdetlrlt.dMt and drat li, -
The bonnrtless All is driven.
Like clonds by wind.
4etme kiss yea for your mother:"
Said n swell too free of speech,
To an unprotected maiden
Whom he met upon the beach.
'Let me thrash yon for my father!"
Was the maiden's quick reply,
A, with ready sun umbrella.
She chastibed him, hip and thigh.
Bowing and smilinc she crossed the stitet,
With a love or a ticd-back on;
A melon rind glided rmm under her feet,
And then her ticd-baek was gone,
feho rose from her scat ifllh a martyred air.
And gathered the things the wore;
.She looked like one who was willing to swear,
But then she net cr swore.
"Come here, llUlcciaid,
c ' With the Jaunty brown hat; i
Here's a cap for your poodle.
And bells for your cat." ' :
"I thank you for nothlnc,"
neponded the elf;
"They fit you to well.
You can wenr them yourself"."
Now put up the little stove plj:c
With a meek and Christian grace.
Stuff your mouth up with yonr noscwipc,
Smear the smut about your lace;
Wish the house was gone to thunder;
Cues a little while you can;
Kick the reservoir asunder,
Mick pour feet through a pan
Clone to mcctniir mother-in-law.
The Curmi Chums was flic Etitne they
wi'ut by till along the river. Most other
roustabouts had each a name of his own ;
so had the Carmi Chums, for that mat
ter, but the men themselves were never
mentioned individually always collect
ively. Ko steamboat Captain who
wanted Ally a single man ever attempted
to hire half of the Carmi Chums at a
time as easy would it have been to
have hired half of the Siamese Twins.
No steamboat .mate wbokccw them ever
attempted to "tell off" the Chums into
different watches, and any mate who,
not knowing them, committed this blun
der, and adhered to it after explanation
was made, was sure .to be two men short
immediately after leaving the steamer's
next landing. Theic seemed no possible
way of separating them ; they never lull
out with each other in the natural course
of cveuts; they never fought when
drunk, as other friendly roustabouts
sometimes did, for the Carmi Chums
never got drunk; there never sprang up
any coolness between them because of
love for the same lady, fur they did sot
seem to care at all x for female society,
unless they happened to meet somcold
lady whom one might love- as a mother
rather than as a sweetheart. Even pro
lesuional busybodies, from whose pres
ence roustabouts arc not freer than
church members, were unable to pro
voke the Carmi Chums even to suspicion,
and those of them who attempted it too
persistently were likely to have a diffi
culty with the slighter ot the Chums.
This man, who was called Black, because
of the color of his hair, was apparently
forty years of age, of very ordinary ap
peerance, except when an occasional
furtive, frightened look came into his
face and attracted attention. His com
panion called Red, because his hair was
of the hue of carrots, and because it
was occasionally necessary to distinguish
him from his friend, seemed of about
the same age and degree of ordinariness
as Black, but was rather stouter, more
' cheery, and, to us the favorite rousta
bout simile, held his head closer to the
current. He scemetl, when Black was
absent minded (as he generally was
while off duty), to be the leading spirit
. of the couple, and to be tenderly alive
to all of his partner's needs; but ob
serving roustabouts noticed that when
freight was being moved, or wood taken
on board, Black wps always where he
could keep nu eye on his chum, and
" when he could demand' instant fepar-s
tion from any wretch who trod upon
Red's toes, or who with a shoulder load
of wocd grazed Red's head, or touched
Red witliboi or, barrel.
LJScxt fo Beighborly wonder as to the
existence of the friendship between the
- Cbums, roustabouts with whom the
couple sailed concerned themselves most
with the cause lf the bond between
them. Their seaiches after first causes
i iJ!w.nwip vcSf?l howesVtiaV
those of the naturalists who are endeav
oring to ascertion who laid the cosmic
egg. They gave out thai they came
, i 'from Carmi, so, -once. or. twice, vwbea
- " tJaptains-'with whom- the Chums-were
engaged determined to seek a cargo np
the Wabash, upon which riveC Csrot
was located, inquisitive roustabouts be
came light haartecLv Udt alas, for "the
vanity of human hope;! whenthe boat
reached Carm the Chums could' not, be
'fourfdj -not-could 'any Inhabitant "of
Carmi identify them by the descriptions
which were given by inquiring friends.
At length they became known, in their;
collective capacity, as one of the insti
tutions of the river. Captains knew
them as well as they knew Natchez or
cccdcd in Ihiu latter named ojieration,
he would, by insensible stages, draw
himself away, and ive ninwclf up to
enthusiastic admiration of his partner,
or, apparently, of his conversational
The spring of 1869 found the Chums
in the crew of the Thnnett, "the peer
less floatiDgalace of the Mississippi,"
as she was called fljj "thoae newspapers
whose refortstt liad ithe treedom of the
Bennett's bar; and the same season saw
the Bennett staggering down the Mis
sissippi with so heavy a load of sacked
corn, that the gunwales amidships were
fairly under water. The river was very
low, so the Bennett kept carefully in the
channel, but the channel of the great
muddy ditch which drains half the
Union is as fickle as disappointed lovers
declare women to be, and it has no
more respect lor great steamer loads
of corn than Goliah had for David. A
little Ohio River boat, bound upwards,
had reported the sudden disappearance
of a wood yard a little way above Mil
liken's Bead; where the channel hugged
the shore, and with the wood yard there
had disappeared tin enormous sycamore
tree, which had for years served as a'
tying post for steamers. As live syca
mores are about ai disinclined to float
as bars ot lead are, the Captain and
pilot ot the Bennett were somewhat
concerned- for the sake of the corn
to know the exact location of the tree.
Half a mile from the spot it became
evident, even to the passengers clustered
forward on the cabin deck, that the
sycamore had remained quite near its
old home, for a long, rough ripple was
seen directly across the line of the chan
nel. Then arose the question as to how
much water was on top of the tree, and
whether any bar had time to accumu
late. The steamer was stopped, the en
gines were reversed and worked by
hand to keep the Bennett from drifting
down stream, a boat was lowered and
manned, the Chums firming part of her
crew, and the Second Officer went down
to take soundings, while the passengers,
to whom even so small a cause for ex
citement was a god -send, crowded the
rail and stared.
The boat shot rapidly down thestruun,.
headed for the shore end of the ripple.
She seemed almost into the boiling mud
in front of her when the passengers on
the steamer heard the Mate in the boat
"Back, all."
The motion of the oars changed in an
instant, but a little too late, for, a heavy
root of the fallen giant, just covered by
the water, caught the little craft, and
caused itto carce'h so violently that
one man was thrown into the water. As
she righted, another man went in.
"Confound HP growled the Captain,
who was leaning out of the pilot house
window. "I hope they can swim. Still,
'taint as bad as it would be if we had
any more cargo to take aboard."
" ilJVs the'Chuma,'' remarked the pilot,
who had brought a glass to bear upon
the boat.
"Thunder, exclaimed the Captain,
striking a bell. "Below there! Lower
away another boat lively!" Then,
turning to the passengers, he exclaimed:
"Nobody on the river 'd forgive tne if
I lost the Chums. 'Twould be as bad
as Barnum losing his giraffe."
The occupants of the first boat were
evidently of the Captain's own mind,
for they were eagerly peering orer'licr
sideband into the water.
Suddenly the pilot dropped his glass,
extemporized a trumpet with both hands,
and shouted :
"Forrard forrardl One of 'em's up!"
Then he put his mouth to the speaking
tube, and screamed to the engineer:
"Let her drop dowa a Uttlt, BiU!'1
The sounding party headed towards a
black speck, apparently a hundred
yards below them, and the great steam
er drifted" down stream. The speck
moved towards shore, and the boat,
rapidly shortening distance, seemed to
scrape the banks with her port oars.
"Safe enough now, I guess," exclaimed
Judge Turner, of one of the southern"
Illinois circuits. The Judge' had been
interrupted in telling a story when the
accident occurred, and was in a hurry to
resume. ,
"As 1 was saying," said he, "hehardl
looked like a professional horse thief.5
He was little and quiet, and had always
worked away steadily at his trade. I
believed him when he said 'twas his first
offense, and that he did it to raise
money to bury his child: and I was go
ing to give him an easy sentence, and
ask the Governor to pardon him. The
laws have to be executed, you know,
but there's no lawt against mercy being
practiced afterwards. Well, the Sheriff
was bringing him from jail to hear the
verdict and the sentence when a short
man, with red hair, knocked the Sheriff
down, andj; off galloped that precious
conple for theVabash. I--saw the en
tire" TO ,iH
"The deuce!" interrupted the pilot,
again dropping his glass.
The Judge glared angrily; the, passen
gara saw, across the shortened distance,
one of the Chums holding br a root to
the bank and trying to support the oilier,
whose shirt hung in rags, and who seemed
ftich 5aes liwti't asked the Cap
tain. "Give me the glass."-
Bat the pilot had left the house and
1W - . Se - j
taken the glass with him.
t Thcjjrndge continued:
" 'Ft-aw the whole transaction through
the window. I was so close that I saw
laaJSherifFs as3ailant's very eyes. I'd
know that fellow's face "if I saw it in
a fn -
- T t
'Why, they're oodi hnrtlexcUimad
the Captainr-"theyTfe thrown a coat
over one, and theyre icre?ia'iarfid1
the other; What 'Sthe They're
Fiaokishaw Bend, and chowed them to
diitinguibhcd passengers as regularly as
they showed Gen. Zach Taylor's plant
ation, or the scene of the Grand Gulf
"cave," where a square mile of Louisiana
dropped into the river one night. Cap
tains rather cultivated them, in fact,
although it was a difficult bit of busi
ness, for roustabouts who wouldn't say
"thank you" tor a glas3 of French
brandy, or a genuine, old fashioned
plantation cigar," seemed destitute of
ordinary handles of which a steamboat
Captain could take hold. Lady pas
sengers took considerable notice of
them, and were more successful than
any one else at drawing them into con
versation. The linguistic accomplish
ments of the Chums were not numerous,
but it did one good to see Black lose his
scared, furtive look when a lady ad
dressed him, and to see the affectionate
deference with which he appealed to
Red, until that worthy was drawn into
the conversation. When Black euc
comin' back without 'em need whisky
to bring 'cm to, I suppose. Why didn't
I scad whisky down by the other boat?
There's an awful amount of time bemj
wasted here. What's the matter, Mr.
Bell?" f liouted the Captain, as the ioat
approached the steamer.
"Both dead," replied the officer.
"Dead? Now, ladleo and gentlemen,"
exclaimed the Captain, turning towards
the passengers, who were crowding for
ward just below him, "I want to know
If that ain't a streak of the meanest kind
of luck? Both the Chums gone! Why,
I won't be able to hold up my head in
New Orleans. How came It that just
those two fellows were knocked out?"
"Red tumbled out, and Black jumped
in after him," replied the officer, "Red
must have been caught in an eddy and
tangled in the old tree's top clothes torn
almost off head caved in. Black must
have burst a blood vessel -his face looked
like a copper pan when he reached shore,
and he just groaned and dropped.'
The Captain was torry so sorry that
he sent a waiter for brandy. But the
Captain was human, business was busi
ness, the rain was lulling, and n big log
was across the boat's bow, v lie .shouted :
'Hurry up and bury 'cm, then. You
ought to let tlfu second boat's crew gone
on wilh that, and you have gone back to
your soundings. Tliey tens the Claims,
toJbe sure, but now they're only dead
roustabouts. Below there! Pass out a
couple of shovels!"
"Perhaps some ladies would go down
with the boat, Captain and a preacher,
too, if there's one aboard," remarked the
mate, with an earnest but very mysteri
ous expression.
"Why, what in thunder docs the fel
low mean?" sDliloqnizcd the Captain,
audibly. "Women and a preacher for
dead roustabouts. What do you mean,
Mr. Bell?'
"Red's a woman," briefly responded
the mate.
The passengers all started the Cap
tain brought his hands together with a
tremendous clap, and exclaimed:
"Murder will out! But who'd have
thought 1 was to be the man to find out
the secret of the Carmi Chums? Guess
I'll be the biggest man on the New Or
leans levee; after all. Yep, certainly of
course some ladies '11 go and a preach
er, too, if there's such a man aboard.
Hold up, though we'll all go. Take
your soundings, quick, and we'll drop
the steamer just below the point and tic
up. I wonder if there is a preacher
No one responded for a moment; then
the Judge spoke :
"Before I entered the law I was ihe
regularly settled pastor of a Presbyterian
church," said he. "I'm decidedly rusty
now, but a tittle time will enable mo to
prepare "myself properly. Excuse me,
ladies and gentlemen."
The sounding boat pulled away, and
the Judge retired to his stateroom. The
ladies, with very pale laces, gathered in
a group and whispered earnestly with
each other; then ensued visits to each
other's staterooms, and the final regath
ering of the ladies with two or three
bundles. The soundings were taken,
and as the steamer dropped down stream,
men were seen cutting a path down the
rather5 steep clay bank. The Captain
put his hands to his mouth and shouted :
"Dig only one grave make it wide
enough for two."
And all the passengers nodded assent
and satisfactieti.
Tla.c had been short since the news
reached the steamer, but the Bennett's
carpenter, who was himself a married
man, had made a plain coffin by the time
the boat tied up, and another by the
time the grave was dug. The first was
put upon a lorg barrow, over which the
Captain had previously spread a table
cloth, and followed by the ladies, was
deposited beside the body ot Red. Half
an hoar later the men placed Black in
the other, coffin, removed both to the
side of the grave, and signaled the boat.
"Now, ladies and; gentlomen," said
,the Captain. . ,
The Judge appeared, with a very sol
emn face, his coat buttoned tight to his
throat, and the party started. Col. May
of Missouri, who read Voltaire and
didn't believe in anything, maliciously
took the Jadge's arm and remarked :
"You didn't finish your Rtory, Judge."
The Judge frowned reprovingly.
"But really," persisted the Colonel, UI
don't want curiosity to divert my mind
from the solemn services about to take
place. Do tell me if they ever caught
the rascals."
They never did," replied the Judge.
"The Sheriff hunted and advertised, bnt
he could never hear & word of eltner of
(them. But I'd know either one ot them
at sight. " Sh h h here we are at.the
The passengers, officers and crew
gathered about the grave. The Judge
removed his bat, a-iU as the Captain
uncovered the faces of the dead, com
menced :
"I am tl'c resurrection and the life
Why, there's the horse thief now. Col
onel! I beg your pardon, ladies and
gentlemen, 'He that believeth in '
Just then the Judge's eye fell upon
the dead woman's lace, and he screamed:
"And there's the Sheriffs assailant!"
One thonsand barrels choice Michi
gan, Illinois and Missouri Apple3 for f al
and winter use. New Chestnuts, Pre
pared Mince Meat, Fresh Cranberries,
Fresh Oysters, Choice Crackers, Oranges
and Lemon;, for sale by C. C. Cox,
Keokuk, Iowa,
Ilotao-opatblc Pharmacy. la another col
naa will be foand the advertUenent of Or. II.
N. Small, ot Chicago, who has charge of the
Hahnemann Homoeopathic Pharaacr. This Is a
grnwlns Institution, and worthy of the confidence
and patronage oi the pablic. The Doctor keeps
everrthlcR nsnallr foand in a pharmacy of this
kind, and is a very pleaiant Rcntlcman to donl
with. Sec card.
Dr. McAFFEK-A regular s;raazate or Ilrius n
and American Institutes. A j tars a practicing
pbjciclan. Treats all Disease of the Kidneys,
Liver. Lunre. Heart. Thruat. Head and Ncr.otu
system. Errors of Yonth and Ahns' ot Man
hood successlnlly treated and even alter others
have failed, f luo forfeit for any cae ol hemtnal
Weakaecs or private ciscase o( any kind or char
actcr he undertakes .snd fails to cure. Ladi't
will find proper treatment for diseases peculiar
to their sex. All Icttirs containing stamps for
reply promptly answered.
Von$ultationfrei. Send for circular. Addrers
rck Box 360, or call at office. 317 1'trry street,
Davenport. Iowa.
IOR SALE. Ohtcago Suburban Lots at $100
each Sl" down and f 5 monthly for balance
tr thin a shor dlstan 0 o city limit, with
hourly trains and cheap fare. Send for Circular
Ira Brown. 142 LaSallo Street. Chicago. 111.
FELT CARPETING 35 cts. per yd. FELT
CEILING for rooms m place ot plaster. FELT
KOOFiNG and SIDING. Fur circular and
sample, address C. J. FAY, Camden, . Jercy.
3C Noath Clark Street. Chicago.
Stirgic I Instruments, etc; also, llediclue
Cases and Medical Hook for domestic practice.
AijoMi TIM.
rcrytin and city In the
In .rArvlliiun nnfl OttV
I'n rHi ?,Tmi iibtiir wtunuu
iiivij -.. -..-- --- -
UJustwnntetery house nciMa.
liisine oni inicuuun iu mo
world that will r!tle!r pro
inntMln t4t annlf find dllll
from coining under door bot
toms, carpenters make ioi ui
money lianiillnc It. Scmlatonce
I7ir .nr rlrrnlir. WIIAOV.
r-:i!'CK& o.. solo jiaiiuruc-
ttiriTH. ma Clark fet.. L'ulcazu.
The Iowa Carbonated Stone I'lpe Work,
MfluuPictnro Drain. Sewer, Well 1'Ipc und Chim
ney Fine. Till VI 11 3 sts1.. Des Mi Iuc, Iowa.
11. WILLIS, Sup't. W.M. C nTKUET. Prop.
Especial attention ii yhi-u to tin- manulactur
iog of entire Ch iiiiic Fines and Top.: they be
ing less In wtlght:indcHt by one half than bric'i
Hues oftlio name caparlty in drali. Tho due
being round Insures a perfect dratt. cither for the
burnln? or wood or cal; nre v.trrauted to with
stand the extreme action of heit aud frost; arc
readily aud safety put up by any per.-on; are made
of different patu rmj and s .es. S.'ul lor cash
price list.
Fpeodily enred bv Dlt. BKt'K'S only known and
sure Beincdy. Af 'HAlM'i: tur treatment
until cured. Call on or nddrva
Dr. J. C. SECS. 112 Join St, Cincinnati, 0.
X Prime Onmrtor to t! t
lUrrl'xl.or ttne about I.
mirr j. en ibf r.b J'l,'ns,",
BTterIe aau mreUllcU
oftlttcta! trtrrat. alia
lheltrtldieoTCTle in the clie or irrnn!urtloo. jwwttIi
the txtaiitxioo.La. TkU It to Intrrwtlo fork of MparM
with nuornxu eoirarlncs actl cvnulni TaltM Icfhnsiut
for tbne vbo are Btarrirt! or contra plate marri w : atllt It la a
brok that ought la be tux'tr lock Md ary, ami cu t Wft cirelrol j
tout too home. Beat to any coe (joi pil! I for Fifty Cent.
Addraaa Dr. HuUa" Dtauenaarr. No. 12 N. i-UMbrt- Hu LooU.
With 1QO Cartrldma. 83 00 :2DA10ioId : otptt one warran
f p.t . aallsfactton pnaranterd. IlluMlratft Ualoqu Frr.
WESTEltK tiVN WORKS, Chk-marp. III.,
84 and 36 X. WASHINGTON ST. CoioasfO.
Ipposlta FWd.liellrr a Co Betall Prr ,00008 Ston?,and
adjolnln D. B. FJslrti Wholesale MlUInerr btore.
SEO. 3. PALMER, (taW Of CUT Hotel), Clerk.
O. 8AKTDS, Prepvieter,
IIH'ERY ONE to know that we wilt send, post
J paid, on receipt ol 25 CENTS
Five Handsome 12-loch Lithographic
Views, in 3 Colors, of the Great
"rhowinetho five different bulldlnps." Valuable
pictures tor any one to have. Address
S.XV. Lithographic Publishing Co , Chicago
US cents and a 3 cents stamp for
Confidential Circular
IS colors, mounted on card board, size 7 bv ri
inches. 3 new articles. $5.00 per day. Agents
coining money. Address
Dlnffton, Wells County. Indiana.
Birniy Foot-po tctr Scroll Saict ana Lathtt.
An entire revolution in tne
construction of foot-power ma
chines! The old style thrown
aside when these are known I
Thousands now in use I 11,500
to $9,000 per year made using
them. One person out of every
three who send tor catalogs o
these machines buys cnc. Sty
what paper job read this in,
and address
Box 3.014 Koekford. Wlnnchazo Co.. Illinois.
Can actually be
made with the
mean it and are prepared to demonstrate the fact.
Our Aueers arc operated entirely by horse power
and will bore at tne rate ofO feel per hour. ThcT
bore rrom t to C feet in diameter, and any depth
required. They bore in all kinds ol earih, soft
sand and limestone, bituminous stone coal, slate
and hard pan, and we make the best of wells in
quicksand. Good active agents wanted in every
state and county in the United States that is not
supplied. Send for our Illustrated catalogue,
terms, prices, etc. proving our advertisement
bonajlat. Address
Bloorafleld. Davis Connty. lows.
Adorn and beautify the head is iho great desider
atum of all female society; yet no art can equal
the magnificent beauty of along and luxuriant
growth of lije silken tresses I Bat many ladies
hair falls out so ispldly snd becomes sc&hort aad
thin that tber can t suddoti a "club" without the
aid of "dead kiir,' shorn perhaps from some
diseased scalp. Wo will te:l you how to sto
your hair from fallinz ont at oner, how te make
it grow Tery long and very rapidly by the nsc of
a mosi ciegant ana nigmy permmea natr isrcss
Inz. which at tec ranio tunc cleanses aad cools
the scalp, and Is free from sugar of lead, sulphur
or any other poison.
mosey and we will do all the above under cor
tract, or make so charge. Gentlemen who hare
been so unfortunate a to lose their hair aad be
come bald-headed can by the use of the same ar
ticle create a growta of a wkatr all over the kald
sp t, aad we'propose to effect Its growth Baser
centner, or make no charge.1 It will alto arrest
he hair from faMeg oat aad clcaase the seals
from daadraf; It will give a sew growth to whis
kers nd luoaatache. and as a fragraat hair dress
ing H has aasapenor. Jtaay persons are ready
to ay "hBBJbu;' bat, geaiieaea, you ea max
unuai aau awTe your
and in case of failure, yo do sot pay. Talswoa
derfal:iffessKBtfoeaassi hair to grawsixasat
in length on the head of a Kea tacky lady, who
Aftfl iMMhfU SlBf hMfaMt,Psl l'Bfatt tiaa aaaataaSBtaW
of maay gtiessaa was aad Teeem bald frost 19
to S Tears. PrasaT poallrre aad saarMakasle
froaa saercaaats. srsaclssta saMteta. tnggittw.
etc free. The? ardeln alltaded to Is' kaowa aa
Or.J.SWtM a'aSJltTallaaW.a'ssStl I II I S. WafaJa
lsoMaxaH.maaraottI,of3av9IJ. Cam be
xarsed, fatt sBMBted. Sea EBtparstoalasa.
Call oa year draagist or adsrsas J. P. PJaOal
GOOLE W,Pkrre, KT. UMatOtt
Molaes by L. B. ssnk.
tii f inns v warn Miwsm.
Sanaparilliao and its Ascciates.
ClaaaapMaa srea aatl rlt ava Tar traits
Oero rafter Taiag a Tmw ITkM or
1. Ooe4 tpints. 4tmpra.-aaf f wtaaaraa. Uar"
SMlaaehely; lacnaM ani baidcaa cf eb asl natetr. ttc
t atrl1h iBcrtaara. affut Impnru. rafuii tt tml,
so bot soar eroctailata r Urrh. rl ifctsa.
ata aaJ aiitrtf aWf. aW rr!k aa4 a lrrpua.
J. Daaarraraar or uU. Uxcbea. plorlcc l.t i
lac (J clear sal healthy. & BnM B1 rva Iti tarUJ
aa4 tltmJy arraaraar tl a (tear abrrry r aaUr rolr;
atT raaaas traaiy f rca the lU4r thrnajrb t.U iwln
vtUMCt rata or acmUutc UuU r Buallawat; H u
4. 7atarki dtnisstiva ef -jnaaUty a4 fre-t'y vf t
Talastary iaalatdiacbT5Tltf aSirt4 ttatT."tib
eertllnty f Txraaaeatcora. laerruoi artoth ubiUtoi
lath aemtiai gltada. aal fuartwoal Ura.a toterri
ta the aetrral oryaaa.
a. Vallow tlan U" Mt cf th tj e. aal C. ,wartV
aSrra arrsrsan d Um akia ctaafA Ij a or Ixtly
as J t-eiltiy edit.
C Tboa taffertat froa area rr nteratl Ibc
taberclet will rtilua Ttt UuaSt In MreWraUa treW
tt loath fbirp cr mural frota Utvlaara, air cvlla, krtecu
r wiadrit. threat cr biJ. tlHaiaUhlaj f tha trriwofj
f coach; geaeral laerea f raxmlb UiraarViit tl
Um: atcfr cf aijbl mo!i aui rilai aai !': vf
wcatacM arucaJ tk aniln. lej. acalicra. atrrctiatlcm
ofcoUanie!uUi.ieaa cf aaCeatloa; hart trtatluajaai
faruiTimi of cunfh oa Irlnj din cr artiar in U. wf
ag. A 1 AnnnlB( tjmptxi tn&vilir aad ajr!y
7. AJayafrd,r tha NABS A PA SI LI.1 A 31 it
takes, new ii(ii cl rrturtm ttrilth tri'.l arpn '
tlM)JlBirrTealaita;ti an4 runty. diMi !! dJSta
Ua. atJ aft f JrcJja aJ to para jku. tujrj, tenia
easecTJ, LarJ tar. etc, t rcaotta-1 away aa.i tha unavaai
ma-JavcoJ aaj Uealthy; nfetra. feter aorta, i'uiJ ttnt,
ctroale aVIa dieta gradually duar(ir
ft. la eiM obera tha ayatea haa keen amUnleJ.aaJ
Mtreary.tiaiektllTtr. Corroia Sotlltiata (lla fnaeipla
coattltocnl cf tbe aJtrrtta-d larurartlUa) iocUU-l ta
aomeeavsa wtth llj J. of retain.) Li amnataud aad
Lccuma dcfontcl la ths bjoet. jtinU. lc..cailacri, of
th loiiea, rieketa, tftnal eartUurta. contortion,, attlu
awe!fiD(. unwH tejaa, ate, tlx MAItBAKIf .
ItiatM will reaolta away tbe deroaiu aad eiuralmt
tlie Titus of ttit iiseua fram tb ijiun. .
9. If tltoib3are taking theaa radietae( fir tho cart
of Chronic. Scrofalooi or Hythilitle diaeaae. Itaweraralaw
may U tht curt. fel Utter," aad Bad t(.lr (antrat Lcafta
Infirotlas. thalrfleah aad weight iacraaiias or trea t.rtai
iM own. It is a run alra tint tba car la rogrrMtag. ta
tbeaa diaeuca tha patict cllbar feta letter ur worae l
Tiru of the dlaeaae la not inietite; If art arrea'ad an J druan
from ths tla-jd, it will arret J and coatnna t u lerialna tfia
caniUtntisa. Aiaooaaitha fiAUM.1 lltll.l.I
makei tb I s'Jeat 'feel Letter." etery hnnrruu " I jr
Utter and inereaw ia liealth. atrenrth and Cel
Tie (treat rower of tbli remadr i in dicaasi that t' at,t
deatli aaln Conaoaitioa cf tba I,cir, atl Tutfirst -
I'hthW. Scraf ala. Syrdulota Uueaaea. AVaUtt, Uwcur
uttaad Ulceration or tba KidoT. liat.N.TI
Water (Itstnti noiu teluf iSivt-1 wfi-raeitLeia Lir
tol naou.tbi doiaeaxay w.tS tbe pMafal trti-m tl
ntlnj Uief e lnitrnmenti), "diiTia tton in tin Llsldai
aaiin allcaJtsof lafiaraaitioa ef the llladder and Kil
ntrj.ia chronic easel of luoorrhea and tteri di-e
la tuDon, Bodei. hard Inmi tad rpMI'iU uleera; In
drojay; ia Teaeresl acre throit, nlcen. and in lul-rrieaol
tba lunr; In K"3ut. drsrr''1. rb-unnlUn. nc;l. In mr
irildeiit ltliialberj terribUfjricaofd -- bert
th Immin h!y Lai bcan a coapltta rek. a!thr
tew hinr tirexUMn'e i wrtnr". whiroln tbn ril v,n. ,
challcnjri tlis ajtnnbhinent an I alinlmioa f tb . k It
Ulai.ichcaic:!. wliera all Urt ifetmrea or tt'c-j int
cutolT Iroat lit? tinrort'Jnit. an t ly I'j w ti l-if a., almvit
iufrnitural ayney. itr-n'rct On. li a aw lilt
ant BSwaaLataacawLart ttn greit rio-ly atajU!ai n
ita mibt an i otrer.
Ia thaerd'aarr a'.ia dnex:t Ibitceery oolaaurat
1m troitMn.wilb, afswdt-'awill ia taot ca. aa a ll
botllet in a mm aggraiaud fjraa. work a raiatal
Thoaa aOicted with ehronie diwift ahooM rnrchaaa a
package containing on dsiaa toUlea. Trie SIO rr .
or M r-r Lalf doiea UtUea, ar 11 lr bottle. Sold by
Vill Airtinl Instant Ease.
i.ll..l.Mt.TION OF Tiff: KIDNEVS.
ilKE TIIUOAT. DIKKICtil.T uiieatiiinu.
rho anfcatinn cf tlia ItKAOT BREiIEr to tha
(mm cr tart.bere the fala or diScutty taiata will a7or
ct andcuiufuit.
Treatydritain l.alf a tumlter of Ur will, la a few
tnrtnei.ta. cur CltAMPtv SPASMS. SOUR STOMACH.
Traveler iboald alwayacarry a bottle of BABWA
RS'.ttIS X with tfieai. A few drop ta waUr witt frcat
licknet j or palna from chioja of waur.
it is uETTEit tha:; frencti nrtAN'DT ok Brr-
I'rirn ."0 Centa. SoUl by Draj:sUta
" r i'y tit U, .ujaa'Jy eoatad witi svMtfna.sarfa,
' t?,r. ry.clcacMaadatrtnrthaa. BAt WAY'S)
i I f A. : r tho cars of all siaordtrs of fbs Staaaack,
I. i. .writ, KiJatyt, Biaddcra, Nerroaa Ditcasao, UeoJ
a . - I uttirtioa, CaiUTtneia, ladisotUoa. Dyriia,
L: h.uja.'j. llilliout Faer. Ia3aBMlatioa of tha Bow!,
lMc, and all D-ranrrmeata of tha lataraal Viagra. War--jnto-1
to c3ect a r-mtlro ear. Partly stfgtaal, aoataia
ir.r nn n'reury, niarrala or d)1teri)Bi draft.
ri-()U:r;t tho f'.llowlajfyniwtaraJiBcfn.ia BHav
rrrr. "f h Iiiiiio Urcaac
O c 'j-.i- -n. I-ir.l Piira. fnUam jf tao tftood laths
'1 1 1 Aridity "f ttie Stcraaeh. Naoie. Heartbura, DiafaaS
t 1 -I fdllnr.. t.r Weuht in l!ia Suitaach, Suar Eracav
i "-i.ikcne. or Klntunnf at tho Pit of tb Stotaaca,
un. i..f Cie ll-m.i. llnmed aad DiScalt Brtathiac
Rcvnnj Hlht Heart, Chnkia(tr SoSocatjag Stnaatlaaaf
alien ia a ltnr cxtara. Oimo of Vliioo, Dot or Wja
r't the i(. jSt, Keer and Hull Pala lath Head. DtSdaa
y i.t l np:rtii n; YcIIowceu of tho Tkln aad Eyo. Pala
a the SiJe. Chest. 1.1 U. aad Sadden tlsalM of UU
Rj-ntng ia tt. KUilu
A ttdnea of KAfWAT PIEtldl will freo Um
tyvl-m frum all Ih aiura aam.d diaordara. frl? SB
rn tiirrboi. SOLD UY DKUOOISTaV.
Rrit.l '-rAE.'SF. A9TB TBH7E."
.Vno one letter atarap to BAD WAT r Mb. M
IViarrra Mil-ret. Mrtr Tairk. lafonaaUoa vorta
tkniada wiU bo sent yon.
l:3srQ,TJiie'E3 for
insJIt markaJ with their cssss at co&fdsaU
T. K. J. ATKES 9059,
Dealers la
Watches, Silver Ware, Ac.
Dealers la
139 aad IX Mala Sirau KEOKUK. IOWA.
cxaAXTaa& rrr rarxa
Star 'Well Anger,
OoHaa? taU nridlTJCTfjaasaat
rcacevreosr &Mfjc3efroaCaajaaas
aaCWcaaa. IfU artocrera araaow tmW
ari paiTtttorn awaractsas
ajarr zsanxoxiAxa
auasuarr zssnxoxiAxa wvwmtmmwm-
mf nai laveMOaawtat aa aSaaar AaaBaSB
'J- a w
sxssrewrarlll irajHsjaa
-.-w .
Great Durability with Hamlsomo Designs,
mask oriLY av
ran rani mm,
612. Cli C1C & 618 IT. UUXtSSSEES. STUIS, MO.
We have received. I u i Vkkm- famous new booV, f,Triif Thonsaint
Lcaguc.H Lnlcr tho Sca. It U an tuteusely tnterratlnj: Account of a !on:
and adventurous trip, and lay.-. Kore tho niytcrle of the mighty deep. It .sunken
treasure ships, darks Jinc eavcrus and strange mooters. Though the ordinarr
price ot" the look i t! 00. thi edition is sent, jKHjpatd. f.r ' .'" tvn't.
The same pub! teller. also issue a similar edition k-1
by Maj. Wuyti: Mi.imi.ix, which thoy send, nojtpdd, lor v'V y wt whUlha .
price has herctoiitfe btcn $1.25! It is n rcm'kab?y cnlcrtaiidn' romance, of
which the Loudon (Kngl I'att Mall (faztHe ta-;s: uWo haro not read many lxk
so lull ot promise." Tnrse wonderfully cheap editions of ysv brvks, which have
heretofore sold nt high prices, deserve the attention of every rentier, and we advUe
you to semi for them, or call mu your newsdealer.
Addrc.44 liONNKLLKV. 1.0 YD -v CO, I'ubUs'to, CMiik"-
11 wmbM I m Lstjf' " " If "aSSSarCl-j9 ajriff
'"''''friajspssjisL. 2ys?Ts, ..-- r
IN Tlcsr ol thuihorttlrac this wacoti has bo en cm tlu rnaif.r 1 1 ac.p r tar'PJ a iirt4kt
by few and cxct'Jli'd by nono in tin country. It ilna rc.vt tr sal tvt.orc )iot Unittn mr
proof of Its supcrlorl'y. Adapted to taimcr. tratuaiora nnd t ..'. ijw u-jtu '..'
?cnd for prices and term.
Bkw. s" "" ,. ar TTaa i j aa Java ak l B"H'SaBSPf4baBaa-K
"- ,T'''l-ar'' sfaTT . V aonr a. i mJS f -t V - -""'""""-. X - . - "V
VhTmWKCXslaVanJtlBjWBnv ! . T-JaaaaaTass,,aaaata'lsaaawiraa
BBBBsaH I W I X .Hilin-1 i a ., a a S, a. - o- a, -.o, oooyoay M .'f ' K ' JfaaaaTfc laaai'oLaatS
H J """ETSB"3W5t-laatti
aa aaatS0FKa3VMMr - " mL I HfA, HvT alBiB
Ifll aaaaSssaaaV BBiaP "iBBBaaBiw
SEGOND-H All PIANOS. &rti?K&"&
thst wc will sell rorcanhat law rach; rcn o Iatp, ii)uol cases, urirranted lur C jexti.
Greatest bargains rvcr ofli-rcd Is Chicago.
KKKIV. TKMI'I.K OF MCNIC, 02 Van Uurna Mrr,riilcaxo, 111.
rtrANTKD i ounu c:en to lcara iclcKiapbio
Tf Tuition to ie pId ont or Hilary utter sfn
t ion Is secured. HLXKU UTV TiLKUKPH
INSTITUTR Hcdalla, ilo.. and St Iiuih. .
nd Kansas City. Mo.
YalllHR IICI1 wteU 1 1 Irarn te,crapl!n'
lUUIIu mLfl and Uko of!lcc on. i;ur line
wnlcn wo nrc furul'nlnc wl'h opc-atrn. Halary
from f 10 to S13J per mun'h. I'artl'-uU-s mailed
frc. Addrvs N. W. 1KI.KJUAVH tXTF
TUTE.Janc-vlllf. WN ' w
rpil Kail Tim of this TnMltnllou vrMl pn
-l Sf?tlt- il. Th'i strhlaot rtfT.-rsi nTf fasti a.4ltr.n
taeatortudsntf. Sltaa'cd at tha tanltal. lth
compstent teachers, a colk-jso coarse, and junp.c
facilltle In all dopariaacau of study.
r ur taumiuL-or circular, apply to
Ilea Molnc. 1875. F. JalOTT. Pro- ..
Ilnainrsa Colleco ami Tnlf-graph Intl
tato is nowr entering on lt tilth year with Ricatlr
ImproTed facilities, placin: it far In advance of
any similar initUutioa la th Stat-. Jn picas
ntnes of locality. neatne & id clrganco or ar
raoKesaent. oar roomn ccrtatn'y excel. Our
course of study ! entirely practical, and rully up
to tha demand of this procr-fslrc We t.vse
an eScIent teacher for each department, sod oar
entire programme 1 earned oat with tne creatcst
harmony. Send surap for circulars and specl
mens. rcuATt: Jt Tiioxrfcox. Oitnmwa. Iowa.
la Soutacrn Iowa. Life stcstuUrsblp, kSe.aM,
Send for circular toD. KMIM, I'tiacltaal,
mrmrgAmwriM. to
To Whom Pensions are
XT .JL f .-DISABLED while in the lin
m linrt
an 1 dlxiiarse of duty, cither Ljr aeddcot or
(tUicnrUe, xhould have a pension. The lo of
a finder tntltles yoti to a pcaion A raptarr.
no ntlef how slisht, kivcs you a xsticn.
Tlie los of a toe Rives yon a jcaUnu
The los of an eye sires yon a pcnua
,.nr Injury will ciTejjoa a pcrulon.
D"E nXfiTarVltf 61 ln'i'aci.
JrXaTC 9X W JM B MA.VY iraona
who are aotr dravlpg paricn. arc jnUy en
titled to an inereas. All ;etvriM who tnisfc
they dtro entitled to a Tllzber Eate of If nrloa
should send me their old Ivn-'ion CcrtlSsatc.
and if entitled to n fTremaae. I rillrrcnrclt
made for adrke. and noiecs ereraesedBalcss
successlul la collecting yoir clalav
It Is justAteaayfartecaotctycur clalcs z
tlcd. ami it can be done lt.-t aa well and a
qtiickly through tlie siaII aa if yoa were yrenf
yimrit aso-cua laosiasuit Jor cojty o. tra
u sua bounty acu.
- AddresN
JafccdSUies CUlm Aseci. IadUnapaUs,Jxd.
Oa aU UiUn snatlc T. O. Cox M-
Our Fireside Friend.
Tfce aaastaf ea tae rcxalsx eaV.tlaaa ef "Oca
Iraastsx 7jhkxs" Sot tie aassta besisalsx Asj.
zrtkaaieBoIis2;8rr.ifc,i dslre. saaoasta te
fear laaircsl mA tatty iZeilars aa4 tiirty-fear
cssatsJMiLl.sialB)sjca tacsl el itMTfoutM.
arsaersataoMsai trrealees pms ef stattar
as Ctrsa latlasi asast aosst atmrr
latlMWewt. Accstts
y I ' y y
An Ei&sy is Price.
Superior .uiulioi.
MM .Nil nu
-JLl-Eg-M-J. , .. -!"!
I. ralcaUu-l fSe two).rfkr kssao. -aaasr '
wftA Wit or taoUlaf r-L Ca;U fevltla
Ocrdier.tTwel pvjCy "rUt wj a t V
Ml fer. Oifeaiar Wssxl iaartss: MlUcti.
raS(I Ia t-, ul far f If flaj aad cUta .3
AaaVen W. K. BAjmu CO
Faraa afaaktaery, Rndf. aa-t H.rlvu. Siv.t j,,
94 3SHth 9mn.U 44, CUlCAViX
ItFansKrs Boiler,
ivsx Vr.Kii axi Ft'ET. IsBaB S 9 i
"aaaBfBBfBBfI (Ci.
Sold by Best Morc'iantt. -wttmmmW i
sought Ly Bestt rmMmtE5L "
Setjtl for ClrcuUr, aaj a-llxeaa all order to
W. II. BANKS & CO., Gcn'I Agmu,
34 39 So. CmmtU Blrt, CXICAQQ. ?
IitiKlry'a fajtrnt MIlla I'aiat for 0btaigl,
I In, Iron atMl f!ravl K'tuf.
THIS l a fir and watcrprrwl paint, cpvclaHy
drsIsrM for ohln;! rKif . AncH r.-fflot
painted will outla't a fwote Unaliitrd. and a
rtw xmi tal'l Jj.t three Umr as lour Le alr.t
ett. As a taattrr of e"rtotny. rn" f nerd paint
more than anr o:tcr part l.oi.'dlait. I'tfc-
cents per cun. 2ad far pvnuhil A!
jtsctctf. )V I LLLStj. JM KM:.
Canl Agent- 1st WxIbHJmmi 3itr.Cale4S''
fSNtiTANKXI-KIHMEXfr ft 1rb eor.-A-
sfastly 8d In Io!k county rfiv ', ari
In eererai other coantk for four years, and ta
ry ca- Is a .acee N iJotfWe
bo otnUsloa--Bo treaMe wnh irrrrlar d-tcnyiXr-L.
It protect both iht ktwm sad t&e
Ux-psjrr at less expsae to cU&er; ancotiats r
BaorccsiUy kept asl wore e.!Jy sndefstMri.
Borj tfctirin: to a .a this sy.tsai for l7i will
please address the acaerflfseel Itsfsr fcr pr
salasioa to Pons Coubty wfics. JoH' .
WKKK.. Jrfix ri. D- JaMtMF. lona.
Sl . j f.
W FV 'fa-a
Make YonrFortniifi I M
mimlirimmvn "" w
Takes pUceSataritsjgsssatt's.BaWaf.HsiKttly
3-i priiiimt)tiisitjf; ! 44900
AlllaOoka. 0 PrUe lasVery li tJcKt
-OJUT-. " Ir ' t
f Ojaodi Idcete at $0,00 C. S. Crirr j.
Testa srd twcaaeUu fr prepenietf.
Order Utkru xd -arite fcf drcsars to
lata Un r,T'ot OBeo, Vw Ortrataa.
CTBatx: aad rellaaSe arrata waa'ed tlareara
attiM sosstry. Uaeztetiosal rucsatcsar re
qat'Saf FrtstUstcC.,
lav. lass.
lACKSTS k-r;
kw rr.--.- .. . . -
r-mm wwwwv n BH.. mMSk BBBF MRBaaiBSW
SL'"i'.1'ia l7 WORLD BOOK "
saaaaaaTst ' .
t -
awatojaM.,!! amaMmmmatma
--. i-L.
''aaaftaa taaiaawi. .-gg
- -61'-?
" -24w
v5-t; ---Cl--,-pjaaaaaawjaaaaaBaBja
BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaS .
-X-- -. .B waw