MSSESaia:aramM m&i MtfM '' L V 0 SI NESS DIRECTORY Attorney tt Law. r. r. willcox. J. 8. oiLUxy, l illeox Jt GilkaM ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WT.l Practice in all the Courts of the J Slate. amT'Collcction Promptly Attended to oFFCE IN POT OFFICK BUII-LI-Raa Clons. - ' ; If. KAI.ET, ATTORNEY AT LAW. KOIABY niBIIS ACT llil IITATI AGIKT. ef CW, County Siprrntnitlrnt oj Public In w xfrttctton. Ctbb; Marqubtt It Notre, LAWYERS, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. " fne.fu. will . in att-nrfaiiee at rh -, t.rtr. of thr Difrict Court of the rerl . unti 111 the Kepublirau alle. A. II, IIMWEN. J AS. I.AIKD BO WE eV LAIRD, Att'ncys at Liw AMI REAL ESTATE AGENTS. MT Will practice in all the Court o the State JTJ1TIATA KEBBASKA Real Estate Agerrte, fee. "W. N. ItirilARUSoS, J. A. TCLLEVK Richardson & Tulleys, fk REAL ESTATE I: COL'CXIlTw AGSNTS Will Imy ami rll Rral Et te on Oromi aim. anl pay taxe for nnn-rwidrnt. Kt.rial Uiitiin si ven to collections. Cor rr....tiUnr foliritrtl. AM Ictterf of inquiry. r n bui'inr- pmuiptijr arnwercu. It ED CLOUD. NEB. I. Iff. Free 111 mm, J I'M ATA, 5CK. Buys ami ."ell- Western Securities. A 9$rScInut1 Ilitmf n Specialty. DOKSEY& PRESSOR, Real Estate Dealers, tiOMisuroN NEll llarr crtiUmtlr for ! a larse quart! it nf -1iiW l.aii.U in S.titlirrn N;lrasu. yvl-i int) nii'l r I imul mi (uiimii"n anil .aj Txe tor liiili-rrMdllt. - At rntion nl tirm to the piw"tt ti n f llpla"nii Itrfin- thrlocnl n'i-1 Ljii.1 ntlirra. ami ,"ecrrtary of tli" hit rior. W. K T1IOIWE County Surveyor. N always ready fo do work in his li-ir nt any titue. Call on or addre h'm at '.Veils P. 0 . Webster county. Nel-aka. tK-ly Red Cloud, Nebraska. E. S.BILL. - - Proprietor. 41mmH NlnblriN :rcll allh tbr IOC'MKt Thi hotel hatbeen rnfittnl and rrfumil)rl t lirouchout. '"otiime cin Mm. Kailrnsd .Men Kiidall iriie vi:tinc Itrd "nnd. will find tuple arcouituodatinbf at tUl Hotel. Red Cloud Mill's! We are prepared to do cus tome work. Flour Feed and Qorti Mel fop Kale. BST" Sati?factinn cu nrantced in quality of fl'tur stu.u, and custom WditK. Farmers hould be particular to aecur the best f need wheat. Potter Sl Frisbie! A. B. HAJSWER. at the Billiard Hall, REiCi.ori. j0rShavifi, Shampooing and Hair Cutting in the highest style of the art. IT-td City Jffeat Market. JOHN H. OALTON. Has just opened a Meat Market on Webster Street, next door south of 2'ark's Shot )p where he will keep aud sell fresh meats of all kinds. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR BEEF CATTLE. HOGS, AND HIDES. nl2 Bed Cloud. - - - - Neb. GEORE ZEISS, DZAMtKS IS Wines & Xaiquon CIGARS, Chela, Sntkiag, Tobacct CANNDD FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, AW CONFECIIOiSERIS, A Specialty. Frsh Laper Beer frwa " Aflope " Brewery, conatantly a haaJ. RED CLOUD, NEB. I. W. TUULEYfl, HOMCEOP ATHIC PHYSICIAN U. S. PENSION SURGEON. Office 3d door Soatl of Court House. led&taee Cm Kit tut tf led Clcuf. R. R. SHERER. Family IPhyalciM. Office ia City Drs Start. BKI LOUD. KEBUASK4. Republican STAGE LINE LT f T. I. WEBB, PropriHcr. Regular trips will be ide between HASTINGS and RED CLOUD I shall be p!eaed to carry pawnper tipon the dayf tuentioned. leaving Re Cloud at 6 A M on Mondays. Wedne davs and Fridays. Leavinp Hastings at fi A. M., on Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays. Fare reaMnable. HmJr Fare Rates IN THE Republic a Talley. E. B. SOLVES, Proprietor. This Stape Line running from B!oontinjftnn to Guide Rock connects with the line frnui the north, also the one coming from the Niuth. Arrives at Red Cloud (from the west) Mondays and Thursdays, and returns Tuedavs and Fiidnj!". Good time ; sober drivers and com fortable wagons HAMPTON 4 RALSTON. Red Cloud- IlavitiK leaded the Wagon and Black Miiith shop, lately occupied by Iru Sleeper, are now prepared to do every tiling iu the line of WAGON-MAKING AND BLACKJSMITIIING, WAGONS. BUGGIES. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Repairt'd on short notice and iu a Workman-like manner. WAflUXS AM) UtlMKS MADE TO OICDKK. HAMPTON & RALSTON. R t YKli TUX A li VEtt TISEMhSTS. J. D. WC0D3. Physician & Surgeon Will devote hi whole time exelu ive!y to the practice of medicine. Otfice at Rtvci ton Hoiim'. uS ly RtVKitTox, Nkb. RIVERIOS HOUSE. W. C. THOMPSON, - - Prop. Will entertain his guests in the most gentleman-like manner, with u good fare as the market affords-. To the traveling public we would say fire him a call. 2I7EBT0K. - - - VEBSASSA. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, 270T1BT PVBLIC AND BEAL ESTATE A5ENT. RtvertM Fraaklin Cewiry Nebraska. dClaim? for sale and tailoring done in the ltai !u le. DO YOU KNOW THERE IS A DBVG HTOBE mBIVEETON Where 3-00 can get anything you want iu the line of Pure Drugs. Medi cines, and in fact all articles usually kept in a Grat-clasa Drug Store. Pure Wines and Liquors for aedicinal use. Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded day or ught. 1Q-Ctom(r t rented with respect and an occasional cigar. GIVE IIIM A CALL. E. M. RAZEE, ErTEETOJ, ... XESBASXA. Vstietto Notice is hereby givew. That I will exaaiae all persons wko aiay desire to after themselves as candidates for teachers of the primary or common schools of the couatv, at my office in Red Cload, on the first Satardav cf Attgust, November, February and May. H. S. K4LET, Co. SuperittteaieaL VA9BKKt -wantrt frrrtwo Faperb wBnwerktefrma art, "iuki Mmm away aai k r PeU.' ami tke aretr vair. "TbeDiaaer.aaataeNap.' Tkeaeptctaffea n "Wiart k mfmjUtx iu e haw aa -xa wve eaoaafc for the staiplMt. Mli ra.M. aad taka e aickt We gaaraatM tmb !. srgtta. aad aaiek retana. AajrathreBiaa- who will take aakl oaa aalca aaaarcwe iaeae. teai for ar ateaen, J.B.FORDJtCO.. " IU Monroe 5u CWeifa. THE RED CLOUD CHIEF HEP CLOUD, NEBRASKA. LOCAL MATTERS. Aoff'cnrtn thin Column 10 Oak a Line arrival a4 Wmmrtmtr af Ball ftmm the X Ctoatf r. . JrNiATA Ijaves Monday's Wednesday's and Friday 7 a bq. Mail closed 9 p. sa. AirivesTue- day Thursday and Saturday's? p. :. HabvaKD Leaves Tuesday's and FridavV 6 p. nt. arrives Taesday s and Friday's 5 p. m. Mail closed fl p. m. Fraski.15, going east, Monday's and Thursday's 2 p. m. Going west Tuesday's and Friday's 10 a. m. PI.EA6A9T H11.L leaves Thursdays 6 a. m. Arrive.- Wednesday's 4 p. in. Mail eluded 9 p. b. Jewell. Kanaas, arrives Friday's 'l m. Leaves Friday 1 p. m. Rt.EL, Kana!, arrives Thursday's la. m. Jeaves Thursday 1 p. m. Office open from 4 uutill C p. m. Sundays. AH registered matter mu-t be in the evening before the mails leave. M. B. McNirr. P. M. riirsicH iiisjKcroair. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH- Serviees eycry first and .third Sab baths of each month at Red Cloud and Inavale. 7 o'clock P. M. at Red Cloud. 2 o'clock P. u. at Iu avale. Every second and fourth Sabbaths at Batin and Harmony Precincts. Rev. A. Maxwell, Pator. BA1TIST CHURCH Rev. Tiios. Mux low, Pastor. Services every fourth Sabbath at 7$ l M. Sabbath School every Sabbath morning at 10 1. M. J. Q. Potter, Supt. NOTICE. U. S. Land Ofku'e, Bloomiiistnti, Neb. October -tJth 175.) Comiilaint having been entered at this olEee by Jame H. Miluer, agains 1'etcr Radicao for abandonitii: his homestead entry. No. 17."3, dated Dee. 6th, 1873, upon the northca-t quarter, Sec 30. township 4. range 10 west, iu Webster county, Nebraska, with a view to the cancella 'ion of said entry: the said parties are hereby t-umuioned to apear at this office on the 6th day of December, 1875. at 10 o'clock a. m., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. Webster Eaton Register. 13-4t KvaM, Receiver. LEGAL NOTICE. James Murphey Probate Court, John Conolly. I Webster Co., Neb. Defendant will take notice that an order of attachment was issued in the above catie Uy I. W. Tullevs, Probate Judge, on Oct. 2Ut, 1875, for the sum of forty (40) dollars and costs. Wii.i.rox & GlLHAM, 1 l-3t Attorneys for Plaititiff. LEGAL NOTICE. FORECLOSURE OF MECHANIC 8 LIEN To Ji E. Covey and Lcny S Ettll : You will take notice that on the -jih day of October, 187;", Wi.liam L. Van Alstyne, and John D Leach, filed in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of the Jst Judicial District in Nebraska, in and for Webster County, a petition fr a judgement oft no hun dred and fifty dollars and ninety-one ecnt, and an order of sale of lot No 4, in block No . in La Due's addition to the town of Red Cloud, Nebraka, to pay said judgement on a Mechanic's Lien, and the raid E E. Covey and Lerny S. Estell are herebv notified that they are rt quired U appear and answer aid petition on or before the 13th day of December, 1875. Dated October 2oth. 1875. William L. Va'Alstvne. John D. leach. per B. F. Smith. 1 1 f Attorney for Pl'tiff. TAKE NOTICE. Red Cloud Nov. 3J. J 875. Nancy E. King left my bed and board on the 3I. of October without just cause or provocation. Any person or persons are forbidden harboring or trusting her on my account for I will pay no debts of hers or her families con tracting whatever. John S. King. Z-ihrung &, Co., keep a seat drag store and sell cheap. 1 1 2w M Fn so the Bute Joaraa . TTffl Lincoln. Nor 12th 1873. The following are the quotations oa the street to-day: Wheat, active at ..75 teats. Corn, inactive aaddll......1520 Oats, dull and heavy. 3)(.23; qual ity poor and deaiaad slixht. Barley, active; No. 2, m 4550, Rye, noofff riints aad prissa aoitaaL ) otatoes, dull wmA heavy ; 1(15. Beef cattle, per ewr.t 2(53. Hogs, per cwt 5. Sheep, per head, 2 504 00. Taraips, per ba., 102U. Chiekcas, spring, er Jos) 1 72 zn. Batter, 15(iL2(. Eggs, dull and Krwer; 1012J. Hives, green salt. 56 ; greea. 4 5 ; greea calf, 8 1 0 ; dry, 1 l(il2. Hay, per ton, 350WOO. Ofcriags arge aws Ba (leuiaatL Roi ClMi KttaH arktt CORRECTED WKEKXT T L. BAUM, C. Ceiee agar For $1, 71R, leuW tolee Sagar . T.s C K Coffee 311b. for $1.00 J06 -." ...l.(K lea par . .. .....M. . .75( J.00 Bauer par t .......igr20 Eggs per deaeB............ q Fkaaek per yard .... 3055 Browa Shirtia ser varJ Tr,i; A a KA8hm.mi v. IU I Brewa Drilkaj 16433$ 331 175tl Heavy Brewa fBootsfaeasltiariiair . 1 Woraeas Shews per pair The Ladies Benevoleat Society wiH aieet with Mrs. P. D. Moore Thursday, Nov. 18th. There will be a seciaDle is the evening to which all ate tuvited toattetd. Sec' v. Three loads of lumber U)pped in town Tuesday n'uchvbouod for Kawker City. Kaasa Notice John Barber's bcw ad. rn another column. J C. Roy; purchased a very fast paciug horse from some trading saea recently. There is an old saying "that it is better late than never," k this week we publish the test of the preaiiam list that has just been handed in. We have lately added to this of fice a Job Pres and a lot of new ma terial, aad are now prepared to do any kind of a job from a visiting card to a lare poster. Give us a trial. The officers of the Agricultural Society arc now ready to pay the pre miums awarded at the Fair. "Cheap John," as he styles him self, has beeu in town for a few days past helling gotftls, Jewelry, and uotiona at auction. This weather i- delightful, and we hoe the farmers are improving it by preparing for winter. We are in need of a load of wood at this office. Wont sotae one bring u:. in a load ? That fellow who promis ed us a load has failed to come to time and these cool nioruiugs are rather dis agreeable without a fire. Notice the list of papers in an other column that can be had together with the Chief at reduced rates. Our readers will please notice the advertisement of the Kansas Farmer aud Am- rican Young Folks, publish ed at Topeka, Kansas. The Farmer i an old established and prosperous journal. It i one of our a'jL'at aud beat We-tern Agricultural papers. U Ut. Jotmal ef Agriculture ani Farm;r. We call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of this old and reliable Agricultural and Grange paper that appears in another column. It has been published in St. Louis for a great number of yearn aud is the lead ing paper of its clas in the Southwe-t. It is reliable and trustworthy, and if any of our friends desire to take a first class Agricultural Journal they cannot do better than to take this oue. The publishers are making their weekly report of the markets of St. Liuis and other large cities a promi nent feature of the paper and doubt-Ict-s all will find them authentic and reliable. Give the Journal of Agri culture and Farmer a trial and you will doubtless be pbascd atil profited by it. ulz Gt Persous doiring to take other papers iu connection with the Chief! can get the following by sending thiougo us at the prices given below. Weekly Inter-Ocean & Chief $ 3 15 Semi " " " $4.50 " State Journal " $ 3 60 Daily " " $10 00 Scribners Monthly, " $ 5 20 St Nicholas, " " $4 40 The Kansas Farmer, " $ 3.35 Daily Post k Mail, " $ 7 00 WVekly, " " $2 05 Wanteii Spring calves for which I will pay the highest cash price de at Rd Cloud. Peter McNitt Rctneiu!cr when in Hastings to cail and see Zehruug & Co. 1 1 2w Ju-t see how cay it is to pay for your paper. If you havn't the money you can pay for it with a-y of the fol lowing articles. WhcaL Oats. Barley. Corn. Rye. Buckwheat. Flour. Meal. Potatoes. Cabbage. Squash. Bar ley. Beans. Pumpkins. Wood. Pork. Beef. Chickens. Butter. Egg. And we were nrrer yet kuown to refuse monev. It will pay you when in Hastings to call on Zehrung k Co., for Drags, Notions, Oils, Stationary, School Books, &c &c U-2 For some four or five weeks past we have been bothered by not geting our paper in time to issue on oar reg uhu- day, antill this week we have not heea Mere than ooe day bel.inn, but as we did aot receive it untill "this Saturday sight" it was out of oar pow er to issue sooner. Owe of oar yoang men ia town is hi trawbie. He used to be a very pop alar ysuag aiaa with both sexes. But ty is fast waning. This state of affairs is attribu ted ts a flsorishing aad sensitive plant afthespaaies ot Jot's Comfort ers. OwrMterastiag friend made a saU the other evening upoa the object ofhu tender passions. In bar nraseace snulas baniahad all his pain. AH thought and reeoUaotios of bis antic-" i tion ravshed froai his mind. Infinite happiness throbbed ia his breast, and Tibrated through his being. At last thw tone approached far the saai ia ttisasjiga nl those endearments aa in terestinff an those nngnged aad an in mpiii iii naansini With trembling eagarusaswnr hero sided up to Air be- wred and mnubed his were raassswi with that coy which an nintaeinas thek Tkaxfaiiaeas afUata, medatty natil in thn jnt nr sting isnnwins nf -- i .u-a-i: iJ-S ajBBanawaWBWB oTnYTv-a aTP - nnmmnawn-mw B-Bra-f-s-m hnriaal In her haanst with a pasmanai- mal grab which west through the heart aad buted the hoil oa oar hero's j GodelM'ighty,Helleoiaajaajha,Mr MaaadJeBOJephat," ad he tore around that room Hae a young khta ra a Gl The Beit day he received huge package from the Pot Office cuataio isg sis letters, ooe note written oa the first page of hymn book, four loses ges, oae last year's valeatiae, owe can dy kiss with ssotto and a gatta perefca nag. Aad thus two tools wrta but a single tHoaht, two hearts that beat as oae were torn asuader by aa iacideat tna triflina Prof. Williams, representing the State Journal Co,, made us a very pleacaat call this morning. The Pro fesor is a very pleasant geBtlemaa, and we enjoyed this viit very much. Tis Shesp QBsctles. The number of persons of ihi? coun ty who have invested money in sheep, and who are contemplating such in estmente will be interested in ever-" thing that psrtsins to this branch of bmiue-s. The following extract from a letter written by Moses Stocking, who is accepted as excellent authority on thin subject, will prove of iuteresa i "Every county in the state is Well adapted to the buine-, Sheep keep remtrkgbly healthy here herd well shear well and breed well. The cli mate is mild is a rule, the atmo-phere is pure and bracing, waf r good and a very large portion of the vegetation of that resinous character so highly relished by wool bearing animals. The cold portions of the year leing free from rains, they seldom get chill ed from being wet. The great portion of the rainfall occurs during the sum mer months Snows seldom wet them. Good shelters arc tPcessairy, but more as a protection against wind than snow. The will grasps of the prairie when cut in season ond prop erly cured, make exelent hay. With good water, good shelter, not over crowded and fed regurlarly, sheep will thrive upon it. But with the us ual treatment bestowed upon them in this country they require about one bushel cf corn each to bring them to gras in good strength. It comes back iu wool and lamb. Merinoes are the best sheep for the country at pres ent, lis they herd better, keed more healthy in large flocks, occupy loss room in the sheds and shear more wool in proportion to live weight than anv other aheed. Beiug more numerous iu the coun try it is also easier te keep up a flock of them. We have kept sbc-p in Saunders county for the past ten yars. Our flock has ranged from 500 to 2 000 head aad they had been free from dis eases during the time. To day there is not a diseased sheep among them. The average weight of clip for several j ears past has been seven pounds per head, and grown wool at a crt of ten cents per pound, worth in this market an average of 25 cents a pound. On oar lands 2.000 Merino sheep wovld summer together as out flock, without danger or disease. A less number would be preferable, however, as smalles flocks do better, and the dainger of injuries from crowding b proportionally less. In winter it wou'd be advisable to devide ap iuto lots of 100, for convenience of feed'iBg, and to avoid injury from crowding. Nebraska is emphatically a abeep country. The erection of a woollen mill or two in the State would impart a wonderful impetus to wool-growing. A mill would pay at once. Water power is abundant and cheep. We have small power to donate for that ? urpo-e." If Mr. Stocking is enabled by bis ex lerieuce in Sanders couaty to speak thus, what shall we say of the capa bilities of this region embracing the valleys of the Republican, Piatt, aad Lodge Pole? One great advantage possessed by this country over' Eastern Nebraska and Iowa, sheep husbandry is, that our climate is so much milder and drier that no grain ia required to bring the aaimala in good condition to grass in the spring. It is true that the sheep not unlike the snttie, wintered in Western Nebraska are in better sou dition in the spring than ia Eastern Nebraska, Iowa nr Illinois, where grain is freely fed. This statement may seem too sweep ing tn be true bat its truthfulness is demonstratrd every year; and persons at the fcast, who are enough interest ed may come and see for themselves that what we say is f alley reliable. Adawu Co. Gazett. list nf aoe'ai-oed letters remaining In the Red Cloud Post Office Nor. 2d. D.EmnL Awthnay. Barry. Wise Gondwin. T. O. Hewe. Mrs. Raehel Halstaad. CInrk Johnson. 2 James Mnrtay. Peter Newhwrgt. WiSam W.-Stoddard. H.S. Knleyis cractiaga hthlamg in tnwd to ba used by Mr . Wiggeus as OnrTannnrml Artist Barrel Han- his shew irwhEd. to Sharer hdmayue tnmnintal W any this in hi Taka thw Chief and pay as in WELLS! WELLS! ! AH wanting welk bored wfll do well to call snow W. W. HabVET, InaTak. Webster Co., Neb. E-Good Btrtea takca if desired. 3T-3-i ONe"hCNDRI?D CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AN1 lloW TO WAKE THEM. The December Number of ST. NICHOLAS wtUeoatala aa admlf able article entitled j "One Hundred Christmas Presents and Hon? to Male Theui." This article i full of practical des scription, by the aid of which gtrU of all ages, and boys, too, for that matter, can make beautiful and useful Christ mas Presents for all their friends aad relations. It will be Keapv November 20th S25. A. DAY! DAY! WELL AUGER ! Having obtained the agency for the State of Nebraska for 0WXI7S CXLZS1ATSS wtLt 10IHT3 aUcinmT. And provided ourselves with first clas machinery for making Wells, we take thW method of soliciting orders from all who seek water supply. 1te are prepared to t ink well with th St ia6ilcjccd. and iu a atiUctury taauuer. avOrain anl other tajIa taken ia ax chanar fur work. Urine the dul aatboriird acarit for ihU State. wpi?ef t'wuntr. Townhi, and indi vidual right fof .'ale. SPLENDID BUSINESS FOrt A SMALL CAPITAL. $25 1 Day Guarantee- using this Wall A.fjer. OWEN k MONTGOMERY. Onide Bck9 - - Xefc. S.G Co. ARBER DEALER.S IN Dry Cfmods and Groceries- BOOTJ4 ma.1 HHOH HatSs Caps. &, Ready Made Clothing ! We kavs tfc Larfat Stack ia the Vallay aai will Mi ba aMaraall GIVE US A CALL, ONE ALL. 8. Carber & Co. r.d Med Um4, BTeb. THE ONLY PAPER IN WEBSTER CO. And tub LAutttErf PAPBnt IN THE REPUBLICAN VALLEY. THE CHIEF, mas d m Va mn The intnssnm nf ImasigJ atmn wtbt looked after, and faKr nihlishti dtsiiss the operation sf ail who desire tn sae8anthwsatNssraska anttlni with live and sa I srs rising pisniirs. To sesasdciapaiBsanftWssw;thc sTsrythinaT thai w3 tend Ut nvAnn kmngntiaa tn aha valer. AnwhenrsiatimlmJa harang n lirahr, Iswal siwinaasi nnwliirtanaWtnisy U aaammar fMM Cmitr are iUXfitWAXNKB. mPmm pnhGnhaaTi iaritad MAHTIN POPHA. rsiats&s RED CLOUD BREWERY. J. BERENZEN fc C6. Webatar Street. Na. 105. A GOOD PCHE ARTICLE OK LAKR BEER CONSTANTLY ON HAND. VALLEY HOUSE. J. C. WARNER, Prap' I slways reaJy fo atfend to and make enrnfortaUe hia patrons. This Hotel is eutkely new, having been fitUJ up for the e.prewi purpose of the traveling publio STAGE LEWES FOR THE RAILROAD OS JtONDAJ, WEDNESDAY, 4 FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK AT 7 O'OLOCfc A. Mi I Claim tt Have the BEST STAlLl Wee af Liacaia. Always keeping on hand a good supply af HAY AND GRAIN, ANo a good eonvcysnee for (he purpose of conveying passengers from ibis place fd ariy other at rcnsoaable rates. It CUud, 0. L. BATTLES & SON. DEALERS 1N- SHELF 4 HEAVY HARDWARE, And all FARHiNG MACHiNERY at Griaa s-Hcaa, aultman& Taylor mnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnC" HORSE- PO mnnnnnnKHmnnmnnnnnnnnnnnnwnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm nummmmnnV4 A good assortment of XA1LS, KAKES BOLTS. CORN PLANTERS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS CARPENTERS AND SlASO' TOOLS, I'AINTS, OU&( NEWTON WAGONS, GLASS, TINWARtf, GRAND iJETOtjR PWW3, with Wood or Iron Beam. with Wood ami Iron Beams, And Everything needed by the Farmer of Mechanic, UT Fine Tabic and Poskat Cutlery; O. L. SATf LES 4 SON. Gsaiale LUMBER LUMBER W. L. VANALatYME tlED CLOUD, JTBBtlAtlkA, PEALEEIJI PMfE LUMBER LATH SHMCCLf 0ors9 Bfm4i Sash lltotttiMf g Lfctie, Taifteaf Ppf, tc Aifinli i i sj tVtii fHrt Cnms Lwmnef Yard, s I QHklU&Ttik TO DCTLICATE JOHN BKRtaSEN 9? nt Aelsrmjsk L WERSs Ait RllX THAT CJaV I sl -f 4 r. 4 i I Jtt OCH" AT JUNIATA OR BArnK7 - K'. ' -f- . jl; 0tr ST..-"' lltlMHl.ljw.M aJS-t! l- -a-JfeMgyJgji, feA),. Fsml fC' VAjpfi'.-yjSigS