The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 11, 1875, Image 1

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sohc! tnt'HiQ
.31 fcuoIO huSt &
Rates of
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I 1
. B. Green of iJalloa county ratted 3000
bushels ol apples thin year.
Missouri has voted by a large ma
jority in fnvor oi the Stale Constitution-
, ' .
2cv. Jersey "lias paid up her fourth in
tlullnjcrit on her jubscr3ptioniotj$lO0,
OOO'fo (he Crnti'smal. '' ' 'J'
A fire.Ht 8herman, Texas; 2f ovturiW j
ltt, destroyed three blocks in the busi
ness puttion of the town.
The San Francisco insurance com pa
uies leport-thcir losses by the Virginia.
City fire to the amount of $543,000.
Henry E. Fificld, ilour and grain
dealer at Montpclier, Vermont, has
tailed. Liabilities egtlroatcd at $40,000.
Joaie Warner, u, German prostitute at.
Omaha, coinxriitted suicide on the even
ing of October JJlit, bv taking a dose of
sugar of lead.
IJy the fire at Shei man, Texas,, 2ov,
iBt, sixty-five places of business were"
lntrccd the los Ixing estimated at
:M 0,000.
A cveie earthquake, accompanied
with a loud iimililing-noise;'wr&feltht
Holly Spring. Mississippi, on the even
ing nt n--":!.' ' ...
I.righnm Young hts been sentenced
to imprisonment in jail until the $9,500
mid rost. ire paid in the case oi Ann
1'ltza, JiiBJiitL'ttifcjj;isiiRUhirnV "
X,"(iii,'r4Uik faiiiFTtioji" fjsfrniiiiug,
.1 ((.i:sliM:t.f)ii wnl iiif(t:it Drnvfi, I)c-
uibtr VO1I1. 'I n- tot s!,tti:ii-ii will It
.-'.ibmiltid to the jk'oj1'j in duly in At.
.So far as returns ate icccivcd, ihev in
dicate thnt the 1'ep blicans hatcruiried
New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts,'
Wisconsin, New Jersey, and Minnesota,
and thr Pemoorals Misfifslppi and
'Harry ""Ghoul "deliliemlely ?lut and
killed Joseph Sml:h at a saloon in
llochrr.icr, X. Y., on the night of Nov.
1st. They disputed ahou paying for
drinks. Ghoul was arrested.
A man named Weber, was shbt' and
iuhtantly killed by .Turner ITaipe at
Newtown, about seven miles from Cin
cinnati, on the night of November 1st.
The suit of C. O. Gait against the
Boston Herald, for f 50,000 damages for
libel in calling the Cardiff Giant a
fraud, has been decided in favor of the
The Princess Iiancm Zeinub only'
fifteen years ol age a favorite daughter
of tire Khedive of "Egypt, and -wife of
Ibrahim Pflfhn, died recently in Alex
andria'.' ' .
Ilev. Dr. Storrs has retired from the
Church of the Pilgrims, Brooklyn, of
which he has been lor many years the
, . , ,,, .. .,,
pastor, and accepttd a call irom the. Old
L . .. . d ,i -. -
Brick Ckurch, Kew York
Charles "Weston, third ol list colored
murderers, of Weisburg, the Jew ped
dler, has keen convicted :n Icw York,
and sentenced to be hanged December
,J17tiiAhc same dayuis his -accomplices..
Anton Buchtold, proprietor .of a beer
saloon in Kew York, died October 31st
from injuries received from a gang of
young rufllan3 who clubbed and stabbed
him. Threc of them have been ar
rested. The loss by the Virginia City fire is
placed at about $3,000,000. For a town
ot 10,000 population these figures are
pretty high, but the damage to mining
properties probaidy make up the largest
portion of itTS . '
A tailor named Andrew Johnson, in
Chicago, Nov. 2u, shot a ynung ser
vant cirl named Mary-AnnvClaxi;, on a
coanf'of some'tnistinderstanding in re
gard to a water hydrant. Hie girl was
shot through the heart and died in
stantly. A party , boating on the Susquehanna
at Uuandilfa, October 27tlf,creupsct
mid all ;hrown into the water. Maurice
Goodrich and wife, of Worcester, New
Yoik, and Mr. Moiehousc and wife, of
a .lindills, were drowned. The Good
riche's were on their wedding trip.
Tbe watchman of the Oxford Jron
Co., New York, on going up stairs from
the, basement ot the office a few morn
iugs 'goj saw four masked men workitg:
at thesafc He fired his revolver, and
one of the men fell dead shot through
he heart. The others escaped.
The liev. Thomas Toller of Kettering,
an English Independent minister, S9
- veaxsolfaccon Soulay, September 23,
" resigned his charge, alter a service of
fiftv-five years. iHia father ministered
to the sime cEurch lor ihe preceding
forty-five years, Hr. Toiler conducted
his farewell services without any assist
ance. A few days ago Charles Patterson shot
"5 and killed-R. IT. Porter, chief herder of
Bosler's cattle, on North Platte, in Ne
braska. Patterson w& arrested and
h!dlM& pftheigbt oTOrto-,
Kar.OOth Tariht of maclrrH min frw-iV
I J him out and hung him to a telegraph
15 .. -poie. ine snerut oTerpowerea tne mod
l aid cat Pattanoa.dowB in time to save
&W&'l&iatirj flfc rfobslIUiesie'e
taok him out of lail aad hnnir him nntil
llr. Alderman Jesaop, of Sheffield,
UBg!and,1iM girtn frOOO jTotSa s5r
hocpitii for womcn,aB that town.
-Ix5ui?a M. Alcott diefC35Terf Jaile
fuily. She irf dcEcribed as tall ard
supple, with a face full of keen, kindly
XriSpcakerlIlainc ins ktarted on a
ttour oflthe British Province?, aceom-
panitd by his wife, Mis Miry A. Dodge
(Gail IlamiltoD), and tho Hon. Eugene
Hale and wife. pa j; 'i ',.
i.The Pin:es3 Frederica, daughter of
the -Tving of Hanover, is said to be
without doubtrthc most beautiful Prin
Ccss'Ih Europe. She is the devoted
companion of her blind father.
King Oscar II, of Sweden, not only
;ccccdt.iii3 wothcrafi King, but fol
lows in his footsteps as an author also.
A. volume of his pocnip, eesays -'anB
sjechei is about to be published in
.Prance, In Inaugurating the Britiuh
Channel tunnel, sets the icat of the
world in grneral, and ua Americans in
particular, a Rotable example, by not
talking lcJrever about it, but by going
to work at once. - -
Friuilein nadwig Gieve is the name
f a new porttait painter who has lately
aritcn at Duescldorf. She is said to
jatnl.piuUircs that rUal the works of
Vhwvt. II;dtzu KimniiritT of deaiu aid
fii mucin ufhatidlin:'.
Kiihitiii Young has selrcti-f a mtnw
bur of per. 1.115 to labor in foriign coun
trii.s in iiiisionarie.i of the Mormon,
abomination. Fourteen will -go. to
Groat Britain, me to Switzerland, four
to Scandinavia, and eleven to Australia
and isew Zealand.
The Emjrtss of Austria had a delight
M time in Paris, lccauc hercmained
incog, and Teftiscdto le bored by offi
cial fluukeydom. They say she nte ices
and cakes in the nstaurantsJtMtlike a
common person.
Jo Jefferson has contributed $500 for
a monument to be erected in Central
Park, Xcw York, to the memory of
Irving, the creator of "Rip Van "Winkle"
and Jo JeiTeraon. The statae will
probably cost $20,000 to $30,000.
GeaeraUW. D. Waahburn, of Mione
apolif, Minn., made an assignment of all
his property for the benefit of his cred
itors a year ago, and now the assignees,
ftermjiiuj all debts in full, have re
stored to the General 'assets to the
amount of $300,000. If a man must
fail, thas the way to do it.
Iowa Patent Ofkice, (
Des ,Moine8, Oct. 30, 1875. (
ine nesi is rcpreseniea m the list ol
ilT . 4 .' ,
tU. S. Patents issued Oct. 11. bv the
JollU M. Mav O.ilnr
Iiapids, Iowa. A solid wheel and a vane
pivoted or joiatcd to a principal casting
or part that revolves horizontally at the
head ,uf, the post that sustains the mill,
tlIcTccJtCihc-whicl.and the vase bciag
brought parallel when stopping the mill.
Thexe is a vibrating bar used to revolve
the wheel and vane, and to hold them in
any position relative to each other.
Clamps. Wm. L. Walker and Benj.
G. DeVOC.KentOB.Iowa. Tlu rrosrail
of fences rre Tclampcd to th posts tiiy
""u',u' ujjjui pituo Having a groovea
horizontal plate, and a slotted vertical
plate -provided with a flange, having
recesses for the Teception of the post,
when inserted in a slot in the shank ot
the lower piece, .which is T shaped, and
provided upon the upper fei. of its
horizontal part with projecting stjds,
whieh-tiHn suitable holes in the rail.
SBed Slats. Thos. L. Odell, IowaYalls,
Horse Collars. E. B. Crawford, Sioux
City. Iowa.
Churns. Wm. P. Jones, Clio, Icm t'A
uaie j1 astemngs. wm. Leach, Omaha,
Neb. A pivoted rod has a weighted
handle upon one end, and an arrow held
with beveled wings upon the other.
This rod is upon the post, and a plate is
secured upon the gate. The plate has
an angular slot, which strikes the arrow
and automatically locks the gate.
Furnaces for Steam Bni!ira- Kandlw
"Moses, Ciiuten; Towa rr3u ;
. v. "uniu,
Solicitor of Patents.
Ltw Kefsras.. I ' il i. J1
Ainoung the incidents eif KnulLli Jaw
reform arcMhe changes in legal noaien
clature. L Years ago the old-fashioned
names were abolished in thitft ,.! J
modem terms were intjoncetln1anrlWa!
place. England is now folio wintr the ex
ample. The London Late risMsmcatUBsJ
wi . .... mi&caM
"v" SSPftK "ctbbb ist ori
IfoTembenRxtHlferwili be io such per
son, as attorney or proctor, both of which
hues will be merged in thcha&errswi
v " I
i'-"" t buiiuiui. i. ami uccomes an
action. 'Bill' and declaration alia
Xllt Bfk vf i-hl 4 A Za. 1 t
disappear, and become statement of
claim, or statement of complaint Plea
and 'answsr become defense, 'replication
tecoaaarosplT.? tPcmim' and 'motion
for new trial both stand their ground,
hot lii II r nTjTaintinsa. rrmrfMiM7ii '
error, pleas In 'abatsmcat, and new as
signments, will hare disapBearejjyme
twm for jaiaSBSBt is a new tena to the I
cosamoa lawyer of Eserlaad ami the eqmi
5s . w - l, -sri
mono iot oecree.
? will-he
SioiMr fruits are sore difficult t
than flic apple and pear, but i
it be
jdone sufiicicfiUy early in prin!
Huminay beto treated very oricccislul
ly; the peach is rarftj aiitt, it the"
Xorth, but it sneceed at the Sauth;
- j -
4 form of grafting called Imading. A 1 -
ithoogh fruit trees e grafted with
Bcionj? of ripened wchkI, there arc some
trees which will only succeed when
gum woo isiwcd far both scion and
stock: this kind ol gra'tiag is
herbaceous. 3Iauv evergfeena can
grafted in the ordinary way, but the
pines only succeed .with tierhceoa;
grafting, and the came may be said of
some nut bearing trees. Ornamental
trees of various kinds are propagated
by grafting, especially where it is de
airtd to-Bcrpctuate some individual pe
culiarity, such as a pendant or weeping
habit, or foliage of an unusual shape
or color. Some weeping trees which are
naturally low, a3 the weeping beech,
aeh, and poplar, form elegant specimens
when grafted upon a stock eight or ten
feet high. Amorg ornamental trees and
shrubs grafting is reEorted to as the
most rapid means of propegation; some
times a variety cannot be multiplied
ff-adily-frorH cuttings, but can be grafted
upon tonic related stock that will grow
rapidly. The choicer species of clema
tis, uo.v to much przvl i t-rnamcnUl
rhnibcrf.-, take root with gu-at difficult,
while i-onic of !he older LinrfH a?nkc
root freely; the fioriat glows these fnm
cutti.igH, and grafts the more difficult
subjects on tlieir roots. The fine double
camclliss will not grow from cuttings,
but are piopagated by grafting upon
the tingle ksnds which readily do so.
Epiphyllums and other trailing cactuses
make fine plants by grafting them upon
a stout "stem of Ceretix triangular in or
one ol the pcreskias. Successful graft-;
ingof 4he- flpjUfTapon the maple, the
rose upon the black currant, and the
like, is impossible, although instances,
of it are often narrated. AppletonU
American Cycloptadia "Grafting."
('iIii'Tlm'tlie Kjre.
A New York pictorial publishes ah
illustration of "Comin Thro the Rye,"
and blunders into what -we presume is :
the popular misconception of the ditty,
giving a laddie and lassie meeting and
kissing in a fiald of gran. The lines
If a laddio meet a lissfe
Coada' ihro' the rye.
And especially the other couplet:'
A' the lads they smile on mo
When coain inro' tae rrc.
Seem to imply that travereing theTye
was a habitual or common tiling, but
wnat in the name of the royal sgricuT
tultural society could be the object in
tramping down a crop of grain in that
style? The song perhaps suggests a
harvest scene, where both wexes, as 16
the custom in Great Britain, arc at work
reaping, and where they could come aid
go through the field iudecd, but not
through the rye itself, so as to meet and
ktsi in it. The truth is. the rye in this
case is no more grain than Rye Beach
is, it being the came of a small, shallow
stream near Ayr, in Scotland, which,
haviag asithof bridge nor ferry, ras
forded by'pcbple going to and lr s the
market, custom allowing a lad to steal a
kiss from aay lass of hi3 acquaintance
whom he met midstream. Oar con
temporary will sec that this is the true
txplaatttari; JiObe will refer to Burns'
original ballad, in which the first verse
refers to the lass wetting her clothes in
the stream: '
JexiBjr la a Vat, pair bodie ;
Je&Br't Kidoadir: .
I S i ; IS it a' her patticoiUe J
Xaclnsryport (Jfa.) Einiid X
WAsnnfGTOS, Nov. X,Thetate
shows a decrease duriBsr October of
$4 069.015: coin balaace.t73.7Bl.4Jir
dejBMimbf. IsffiendersiorrseVmptisBi
or certificates of deposit, $S0,8S0j00$i
com certificates, $15,SaS,10pi
s m
Total coin Soada
ujmjtmT !
Carttacalcfl of deposit ' HAWmjmr V" "
TacuoaaicazxnKr.,,, m.wijam -zkv--
. - , I V - - m . Mil.. . .
uai luiucsi
am -. . . -.
Total Aetet
' 'tM
SMS1 ..
fnsjaTt13 '
Special fcpaaiw kcM
w icoeauKiea senir-
Iowa -j
John Bright
cfttt that in mental
ot inferior to boys.
beys as one star from
sd it voalsl he
&: i2 ,
QMjhlaLTHMUT itajssja1i .
Tttrm m - - - . vn - -m r- v -
BBBSBBBkaf-eaaa SMtaivtav. - -- .jbb resaauaa or
Se1 to F&Mii;-; ;.T" flliigsWashiBftoa
ta lEtyc bbjiMu sa lawSal , . . Tae BSOe
latn ieu t ' TrT 'Y ". T' fot w4eMlke
alaaea M tetefwt-BaHr lsz. mSS 1,"t
t?TTT"'MTr?f'? aa Is leeelrti
aim 'the - " aa-' fiaaailv
pbbx. ixmitmmff tmm. .was jav amBMiwaars to Mir n ahnr & i aw ini
-" . a?BMa ''.- - !2-3 J V - - - -L r m - JT i "B . -- . . . -j.
AaBBBaBaBaBaBKkaaaaV' HaaaaTtaBBaBBTC aamr- fJjpjmBaaml BsBBBBaBBBBBBaaafaPCkaaBa , - .
.BhiVrVmKeBaBaaBav aamW aaaamsBanBnir& aesaaVaa710B--m Meaaf-leBaaBBaBaBml aaaaaalBBaM
paw-r - aaa rseiTinmi-e atoaaiij mil sail Hi ap asi tafteeshnie, 'eaaaMs1-a in iiulm
twhteheiaa:U accardaaee with the nielaaissL-IWMjrLwa
Garcdoa, a small town orksrisb in
Wilts countr, England, naj &e uoaor of
cootaioing, in its vcnerabljlarch, a
xnoaiHncat to the rucmorv If General
"Gere'i' anccuwji a me-
' , . , 1 I
monal which, in the heart oevcrr a- j
triotic American, is replete .with two-
1 clitiona flic mot tender and-stwrd. The
T,1,tc of Girsdon Is ahontto miles
irora jHaiKsuury, and the wprch is a
quaint Gothic etlifice, sitoaM ia the
!kAl S,4 A PIaIi .....l mm ..2 J .
""""" y nti,u .ltuill ,UHI
with ancient tree. For generations
past the coHttry people of this charm
ing spot have been iu the habit of con
ducting fctrangert to tin.- chorcsi for the
purpose of pointing cut this venerable
'memorial of the architect of the Ameri
can republic, the Father of his Country.
The monument was once a superb
specimen of the mural style, and even
now presents evidences of rich and curi
ous workmanship. It is to be seen in
the chancel on the left side of the alter,
and is finely carved out cf the stone of
that part of the country. It is sur
mounted with the family coat cf arms,
which form a handsome emblazonment
of heraldry; and,"although erected more
than two hundred years ego, they are
still burnished with gliding, and the
following interesting inscription ap
penr :
Memory vf
aY7;, - .-.
JMtcly Chief lieuirttr
r lie
Of Jieioten, Piety, and Charituc
An exemjdyarye and Loving JlutUtnd, a
Jenaer father, a Bounttfulle Matter, a
Constante Jlelieur of ve Poort: an,T m
Thoa of llh Parish, A Perpetual! fiene
faetor WItom it Plea ml
" God to Take into Is Peace,
Fr-m ye Furye of ye Tnzuing Warn '
Born May XIV. '
He Wan Hcure Interred
Jiry XXI r AnVni.lW.,
-Utat. Sue. 04.
Heart Alio Lyith
f Dame Anne,
TFik uho Dictated
January XIIM; anil Who
f WatBeryedXVm,
s.. Anno Dni. 1645.
The ancieut English homestead of t he
.Washington iamilr is handsome -rr
old:fashioned, and Duilt of stone, with
immense solidity and strength. The
timber about it is chiefly oak, and in
several of the room3, narticularlv the
old hall or banqueting room, there are
rich remains of gilding, carved work in
cornices, ceilings and panels, polished
floors and wainscoting, also shields con
taining the eame coat of arms as on the
mural monument in the church, carved
over the lofty and antique mantel piece.
Beucalh the house are extensive cellars,
which, with the banqueting room, seem
to Indicate the genuine hospitality and
princely style of living peculiar to a
"fine old English gentleman all of the
olden time.' And, indeed, according to
the traditions and chronicles of that
region of country, such was the ceneral
character of the heads of the Washing
ton lamily. The walls of the house
are five feet thick, and the entire resi
clence is surrounded by beautiful gar
dens and orchards. In the old parish
archives the Washington family are,i
frequest instances most warinlj referred
to as among the benefactors of the
parish; and from the very earliest re
corded times they teem to hare been the
lords of the soil at Garsdon down to the
artW ef thek leaving.
This moat interesting stage or traia
the history; of the Washington has been
IheiuhyeeHof much painstaking lares
tigatioa. According to Mr. Cnstis, the
st-graadfathcr, John .Wsshiagtoa,'
casaefrom island probably denial
b3t the jeer 1657; he came with his
Brother Lawrence and settled near the
Petosnac, between Ibpc aad fcriage's
ereekt, fam Weatsnerelaad coeaty. Jena
Wahiaton atibseuently married Ana
Pope as his secoad wife, by whom M
kail lam ... T--T -lj ,Vi .Si
a aanghtcr. Lawreace married Miltwed
" -"m "bwicucc uu j una, aaa
Wanar of the aeighborin jSmfi
wowcesarr, and they rhad,ttajeimM,
Aejrnetinc aad JOMre - the
frtsfastiae; was the fatter
, tff i -M t
saaigsoa,tne uraoftae
ilr -Pakrmwnr ..1 1 '. 19ta
- Jrir ,
I so t
hahoBaeia .which
was bora me aaarto
ass w-ra'mraWctidW
kovse steee,
leitlity hnisas. beea caaaea tor she silimsa er sweausd agaia a aaiatia
? ) . . -- . . - M
saTftaaaaaaamm aaaaaTaam -aamV faaaaaaaaTaaVaaaaamal aaVrVaaal aaaaSaT 1M aWaaaalBBaaeBanaBaaaaaa1 anaa. -aaa-as) eamaattaan-4eBhaBMam
-aTJf"F f-ffP"" """" ta"Tpaa BamsBBBssaam ssas suBjv.BBSBBaa jjff; fff mMBsBaesVBBaBnaaaanm wIL veam Waaaaaaal XBsaaM
rBkklra.jMv. 'am t.-i . . 1 - . - . J xpw . v
.bbba -ko aa in
.''SPJt m mMummimmM.mKa' ammm 'Was'JHmBBBBBT WBKaBBBBBeK
style of bvilding so preralest at thai
period in the Southern scttiessecu
rough, simple, and iadicatlBg the. pur
suits aad habits oi farm life.
Honat Veraon, the suxt frtiaoua scat
k '...: . r ti .
- -----
w. iut nauuii;u.,n lamiiy. carar IO l
Oeorge Wasliisgtoa by inh itance, aad
derived its name from Admiral Vernon,
ia connection with whose command
Lawrence Washington, George's half
brother, had m-ed in the English op
t rations at Caitl rgtrr, wkeic Verto
was in naval command. Lawrence had
nceiTw this plantation as his share of
the pitcraal landed estate, and dvi&g at
an early age, willed it to his obIt
daughter daring her lifetime, and, in
case of her decease without issue. It was
to go into possession of her uncle
George. She died when quite young,
and the great estate came into the hands
of the latter. The high opiniou enter
tained by him of tho location aad value
of the plantation may be judged from
his own words, as contained in a letter
written by him to Arthui Young, the
celebrated English agriculturist, in 1793,
in which he sajs that no estate in the
United States ii more pleasantly sit
uated; it lies in a high, drv and hcalthv
country, three hundred miles, by water,
from the sea, aad on one of the finest
rivers in the world ; its margin is washed
by more than t.-n miles of tide water; it
is situattd in a latitude between the ex
tremes of heat and told, and in the
same distance by land and water, with
gwd riads and the lV3t uavfcaliui.
from the fedcrul city, Alcximlrin and
Georgetown -distant from the first
twelve, from the second nine, and the
last Blxtccn miles; the river which en
compasses the land the distance above
mentioned is well supplied with different
kinds ot fish tfalt seasons of the year,
and, in the spring, with the greatest pro
fusion of jhsd, herring, carp, bass,
tench, sturgeon, etc.
Soon after his marriage, which took
place in 1759, Washington settled per
manently at Mount Vernon, and for
forty years it was his loved and cher
ished home. He was one of the most
extensive landholders in North America;
for, besides other great and valuable
tracts which came to him frcm his
father and with his wife, this Mount
Vernon estate the most valuable west
of the Potomac covered more than
nine thousand acres. On this be raised
in one year seven thousand bushels of
the finest wheat, and a much larccr
quantity of Indian corn, with, of course,
smaller crops.
It appears that the original mansion
was built by Lawrence Washington, and
possessed, st his death, but few architec
tural attractions. Under the manage
ment of its new cccupant, however, a
greatly improved, appearance was given
not only to the hqusc, but to its sur
roundings; and lor posr.e years subse
quent to Washington's death, the nlace
presented the identical appearance winch
it wore when the great man passed away.
A winding cvenue leads from the public
road to toe mansion, and on entering the
gateway, the visitor alighted in the
midst of what appeared like a small
village, on account of the numcrou aad
scattered buildings devoted to the menial
purposes cf the place; further on, these
houses wore a neater appearance, and on
coming ia view of the mansion of which
these formed the appendages, the simple
stateliness of the stntcture, and thequieA
and secluded loveliness of the situation,
were at oace mde obvious. The roof is
ctewaed with a cupola or small tower, a
cosamea thing upon the old seats or rich
Virginia planter, and the building itself
is two stcries in height. The portion
aeamet the-rker,and which is fronted
wltblijjBtjpjizzt, is an addition which
was mtdcbv the ceneial an arraacn.
meat by which the beauty of the -whale
was strikingly ircjeasedi: The style ia
which thir portioa of the work is carried
oat prodeca,in a very considerable de
gree, the effect of a stone front; and
thoufh there k certainly nothing grand
or palatial in the aspect of the mansion,
thaseli an air of great sucsMnce aad
comfort aboat it.
la the hall, or entry, thtrcwas hung.
hWom the key of tie -Trench
basdleBBdaftrwmnl hmmi mmA ihJi
hm a glas cc aa ebject f peculiar
aii Tiauorf. .batter it as a
Y . . t . .
,IftUMslahe renowned frktress. theverr
t-aame-dl wfich, ia fwaaer times, strack
tofnieaa tif- hearts with terror. The key
1a ar r
bj a aaeaas of formidable size, or
Jkttvt iaJSala almn as
?r!' "z
aBtfaacneaai. aac oaij canons eraan
liUi . wii .
By uw sfetad ia taraiag;it maelidaad
ef aa'eval shape;
J 1 --L m f - .
to. aase
Wlawy which par-saa. was a tragical
! iw ifea atr.
.j. r ' .. .. ,. .
m tae waatc. to he a eerr
aSate-iagarfalw ataal a4- an
-ClJ: -i Z. m- m - '
A vtrj- a!J togrwa Jlttte CpTt.
WHa a teitr UcrmU aa alamd rj.
. . -. - . . ..-. wr. w...... .
I A a&eat. &!! ralcv bmi !..-
j AuA lUrt "If ' ict
' That oar roaUtfTer hire w!ktt to !
A t ban! Jot ad HttSr Gjp Tie,
Taoajjh rLi t&coreat bkv wa never awry
llr uM up ta 4ta. mZ U tarea:.
e Markeaad the More, aaa tcntbWil tbr iwtr.
Acd-be n-Ter Etr&rd bchtad Um. lioor!
lie aac at hl wort, did llti.'c C.yp Tl.
A XKrovrful uss that be wltticd to die.
Aad 50 to t&e bright (Mevtlal Lacd,
Aa aafi'l there with ate aaata to taatd.
Wlta xJawa" ea hit"' la hi h4,
We jrew ttrr foad of httle (ija Tie;
lie teTer wa ksovtn to cheat or la V.e-
Re went to church, and he learned to ;ci
Aad be prated o bard that we all sjrrrtl
TaaLhe xnt a rx-cucd ',braBd, ladrwi:
lie Itlt ery e d, eld little Oj- Tic,
Aad he nipei a tear Uom hit almuad rr.
Aud be saBg- hiorrowful mag all aaj.
When the tUvcr poooi were ttotea aay
Krosj the tecrct drawer where they It. 1y
'Bat tadacryet wa little Orp Tie,
Waea we halSei the Mc pnliceawa eljh:
And he looked en Gyp at a child of eia,.
And he called hia ier and rrayer 'too thla;"
And he palled oat the joon with a reonifal grin
From the folda or that Woae, ewed afey In.
We want no more !!ke little Gjp Tie;
We think of hi prayer with a dread rut Uh,
And hit mrrowrul oa; that ai all oflj butht'v
ltnt e want youth to cfcb aad to Mab.
Who hai the profonndet beller In Joh!
CVam O. ItoiUxtr, n &eribmr.
A i Forty, "
1 be run ( life has crod the Uuc.
Tbs tu aimer ihlne of ItnjtatDed libl
IVlcd scd llltd-l t btrc I nnrt,
F .' trnl dajrnd fiu! nlpht
ltiv alter oci:,re tfwmdlln-lioHrf,
Youth s'oJnK htipcfbtvc drtppnl a jr.
Aud Jwa bay barely leave the dr a&i
That culdly acorr' a winter" day.
I am boI ynnnjc, I am not u'.d;
Thcflufhoi' morn, the annaet calm,
ltln and deepening, each to each.
Alert midway with a anlrtnu c harm
One aide I ee t he tnmnier fltM,
Not y?t dlarobed of alt their frtun:
While retnr. alonj the bUU,
J-'liwo the flrat ttnt of ltoly nfcr.-u.
Ah I middle TKlnt where cloud." and :rrm
Jlake bsttle Rroand of tbla By lire!
Where, rren-raatched, the nljht and dr
Wajre ronnd ta their aepteaaber atrtfe.
I bow m to their thrcslealnu ale:
I know, when that ia ovcrpaat.
Amoce tho icarafal nanreat daja.
An Indian aaamer eomea at lat.
The GsmWer's Mtsry.
The reporter sat dowa by tlw ihsbby
genteel and listened to his stor . It was
a life-sketch full of incidents in ike
career of a gambler, aad so illustrative
of the retribution that always comes to
those who deal in iniquity.that it is here
with published.
'In the first place,' the gambler
began, "I am nearly fifty years old,
barfing entered this mundaae sphere, as
you newspaper fellows call .he world,
nearly two and a half score yean ago in
New; OrleicH. My fatlwr was a .rich
planter, the owner ot many slave;, a
deal of land, and a large lot of gay aad
gaady jewels. 1 was hia only child, aad
I may aay the idol of bis old heart, for
my welfare seemed always uppermost ia
his mind, and all. that was accessary to
raise me up in princely style was. done
by the old gentleman and mother, who,
however, had the misfortune ta be much
younger in years than my father, but
Bone the less kiad.
"Our household twas the happiest in
tltc Jaad, want, caie, disturbance or
anxiety being foreign era -with whom
none of os were acquainted. This reiga
of happiness had existed in our house
hold from our birth. I had never seea
mother and father quarrel. They aerer
bothered themselves about lb legs to
come, other people's aflalrs, oraayof
the numerous Imaginings that produce
family jars, scorning at every trite to
take offense, aad living as peaeelelJv as
is possible here below. In the saidet of
this happiness, my father's oady heather,
much younger then himself, lunitaTimar,
too, jxrbaps, a physician by prelaesiea,
an Apolloln igure, gay aad graceful ia
manner, aadcharmiag in eeavenetloa,
came to visit us; it is no wonder my
mother became ensasored of htm. To f
mskealoag story short, aaeircadact
reached the eyes of my father, aad thaa
he he shot my aacle ia
caasicg three deaths ia
;tbaof my uncle, hie own, sad mother,
she dyiag of a broken heart several
months subsequent to the tragedy. The
other two died from wouads irf Jcted by
theaaselies the dacl. Thae, at Ike
age ef.sialraisn,-wag I thraat apea the
wide, wide world, ot which I hed'mtt
liwJe nwaeiBfMdlBK-aad so
Hid yew doT aeked the n.
DeO seji the other: -I felf k wish
ase eUheirs a erf get Vsab-
Ihsgj-whkh I rever
for a year or two
Hi I
the reBener.
. . ... . .
. L f
with a jpsatty girl
grief to her
nlriaUtoly I kwT in leee
- " r - -m aawmaBBBsnBBji passet
-A lattle girl asd"aeea hen to" a.
aaay eawing ta wheat we both sdeeed, saat wta asrvai
rapai'isen. . mite as hi leee aa! asmaa. Fee
a while I for?Ot .gambling. rtwiTml to t
gie it ap aad Btver think of th; thoo-
saaaa I bad loaL I a4e an uuunma
tia of ray aUattK atd, sonnd, rf had
loa aely half left je by mj-lather.
The liacloure .tartn;.Tt mvTe
ne oeairr M game gafe, to fn HarV
my loaari, wad ojkc ttforr I picsgnt
recklelj into the wrs of mla My
wife and child wctt urglcctcl. mr
y drifted emt of my gnup. I drank
- ""- ""VJJ.
eitLhada-t a.awv.lWtem;
moary drifted out of my gnup. I drank
heavily, quarreled frequently, sr pan ted "
frotn fri-if1 txA a-Ka alt.iJ,,"'; "
had gone dowa lower ami iosre;ran1, at T
the age mentionrd. lived la the garret
beta reared: My wife velvet gow'nj fr '
"..wm.- ... ...v ...', .a nuiii & liu ..
aad fine tlaezr were ttow htra, tattered
and wor e than nay of our servants In
foiKcr deya had Utu permitted to "wear.
Is the mldat of thi horriele aUte ol
aiaks I made aa alartningtHacery!
"Poor Camilic, iny wife, vx thteat
eaed wltli death, ilet lac told me that
coaaumptioa would kiU aer, but I roubt
do Bothiag, forlorn stfd friendless, a I
was. The die,ac grew upon her, and
when, after several erica, I waa aotJi
cieetlj well to go alom, I knew liuntan
aid couhl nt ver avail her. Made dc
perate by her approaching dcmijc, my
wretched condition, and other harrow,
log circumstances. I once more Mniht
the earning tabic, this time in a differ
eut 10I0 a jupcr. i e, sir, a rOpcr t J
who i Hk s'm f one of the vt'sllhlot
ol ru thcn-cis, Vwrndei to lie life vf"
a .roK:r for u gamb!iu.houai-. The
thtnight wat lutler enough tt. make nte
brow mjactf Into the 3tt!u!ppi, and
only my wife and daughter crummI mo
lo do othrrwWt I flourinlioJ, thottplil
soou nir to be a dealer, bronchi my
dear oai out of their misery, and run.
-longed my wifo'a llfr aomrwhat, thomh
alic soon diet!.
"What did you thctiT' Ajk'eO,.the rA,
porti'. --
"Continued with the gjmbltrf, won
back a great portion of my losses, anil
was once more livinr in the lap of
.luxury, when more misfortune overtook
aae. This time my daugnter wis the
cause. I had alwsys managed tc have
hei at school. She was as blight aa the
was beautiful. A pretty rosv
chedtcd, Hght-Jialrcd little darling,
whom I cared more for than all the
world beside. Pleasant ia conversation,
agreeable in manner, rich but not gaudy
ia dress, loving and gentle in dlspoai
t('B, she charmed all with whom ahc
came ia contact, and hail numerous ad
mirers. One of thete young men wiw
visited Jier was the son ot a wealthy
banker; handsome, well educated, and "
winning in mancer, Jir oon captivated
my little one, aad made .brieve .Le .. .
would marry her. -'.
"Tlie dear little thivc believed him.
and was-fto wrptcd xt in tits proniitca
tbat sho kept the affair a secret from her
father until at last he discovered, how
matters stood, and forbalc the fellow's
preseace in his house. The little dove
oi a daughter pined a war from this
time on; Iter plump little cheeks lot
their roseate hue, herIps'lbelrlierry
blofsom, her eyes their sparkling- luater,
and her voice its lich melody. Caa yutt'.
BBderstaad why?"
I have an idea, air," said tip 00c
who llstcaed, but I raay'U wrong; I
suspect a crime had ln commit!c1.
Wasitaor --
Ves, it was trur. Even as bed lm
done the mother, so was done the dangfc- ...
tcr. A few sncnlhs ended the afsir,.
Poor little Emily died in giving birth(
to a' child. TLc little infant followed ' '
its mother, and they cow rest iide by
side under Hi? tod, while I, the enly
wax f ivor of the family, ain a mucrable.
God-fcrsakea wretch, doamed todrag
eat a weery esieteccc for vcara to ensir-.
Gambling did it. So Hi it do to others,
so has it done to thousand. God help
as; Got help us. Aad ttcjcaa forgo:
that he was a gambler end an outcast as
he wept over the bitter memories of a
wasted life. Gad help us; God help,,
--IjtuuilU CrUr JnruaL ,
Terjr Feemy IaeVetf;
t .
The Jollowia- stirv iId TrrZ fc
Baarkahle iasiance of the appseclaekHa''
ef humor: A German "aoIdW u
dered : Iftjlaaiei for soaesJlegd art
of iaawhoraaaeSoa. Ynit, isfiyliaed
in aTlaait araa CtmI . -.-.! i aiT
jarVai. compaayTlili
frklaahaiieUV htfl
thewnrthy fellow, s"mmT -f 'ilaplaj
aag ceiaeacee of tfreV tirivW;
It ef sawatfnUe iWghtor. Taef s
eaacmiaafr, regardieg HrTa iTfrtfi ' "-'
;tiamiBj:hy aa mBmrn' hmiSi
rieiei e; the mere Frii
laaaaasa. WBaata--Sa-w a-m-l
BaVaaBaBBk BBaBBaBBaBBaBaaBataT aasa 9aBBaBaBBaBBBaaatahaa.' - a' tcsxl
mmmJt "aa a oanasmy SBKCfBafe aa
sreeh 'it M -- Ez&" - ..'-
" m l9W "TaTi taw wlaasa;
- :r
.A .. .w . aEv. . - BBJS-
--WJT ajajj aV
? "V-
t f
f ft
j? .
, -4 . aj
m x
1. s
-. .'1
1 !
Zi ' a
if A
- 4
- -.---' a
i a
"vS riALi,;it-
See. ;-.
i -f.y
gSfej 4? ,