1'OETIC CHIPS. TLc melancholy day bare come. The saddest In tbc year; Like frosts beJorc tbc mornias an. The woedjille disappear. The horse bit his master. How came It to pa? lie beard the Rood pa?tor Say "All flesh Is grans." And the itibt shall be filled with burglar. And thieves that Infest tbc Say Shall pack np tbclr traps like peddler. And carry tbc spoons away. The brown tbraeh Bways in the bnshes, The brown leaven dance in the breeze. The brown ronc Antnmn is here, with bin brashes. Tainting broun all this brown that one m. The epizootic day hate come. The sickest ot the 3 car. The time lor Idle Jacks and veterinary quack, And mafbec, balls and fleam a, and hordes on the blcr. Tis paid the world grows wher tay by day That mind If climbing to perfection' peak: Yet, after all. 'tis hat a cblldlf b play Man's cblcr dependence seems to be hi "cheek." On the walk a bat did lie. And a pallus chap sailed 1)3', And he cut a lively swell JIc was a clerk to a hotel ; And he gave that hat a kick. Ami he came acrojs a brick Now upon a crutch he Koce, Minus half a ionnd of tots. There In a young woman of l.y nn Grcwc up so exceedingly thin. When she wears bcr pull back She seems flesh to laclr, And her bonnet seems stuck on a pin . I!ut a fat little girl up in Groton Says: '"This Is a fashion I vote on; If I do in this rig As balloons look as bit', It Is Eomcthlng to make people tlotc on." THE LITLE 1JLACK FIDDLE. i It huag in the garict, on one of the big nails there, all around it the lumber of an old house trunk, broken chairs, a superannuated chest ot drawers, a spinning-wheel, cobwebs. Years and years ago a tramp had been taken in at the door iu a fainting condi tion. He lay all day in a stupor on the settee where they had placed him ; and, moved with pity, and in some slight con Mentation as to what was to become of him, and of themselves, too, if this state continued, tLe household did what they could do tor him. Just before dark he began to murmcr a broken jargon of English and foreign tongues, and took his littie black fiddle tfrom his side, and gave it to Mr. Urookswith as impressive ' an air. as if he bestowed a kingdom; the children looked on, wide-eyed and open mouthed. Then he died, and was buried, and nobody ever knew anything further about him; end the children twanged the fiddle a while, and at last it was hung up iu the gartet, and there had been the end of it. The little fiddle hung forgotten oh its nail; but the children grew in strength and beauty every day, and made the house nearly as lively as the ark must have been in all the iorty days before it rested on Ararat. Sometimes the little fiddle vibrated to their laughter, and ::ivti it a iaint echo from its hollow breast, but thut was all the share it had in it. What a cheerful group they were, licllc and Jessie jlnd Fred and Frank, and the twins .rolling over each other, and chuckling as if that were the freshest joke in the worU. They were just as cheerful when a dczen years had passed, and the children were becoming men and women, childish boistcrousucss was becoming high bred gayety and the special talent was developing that which belonged to each of them. Hut the general talent of that family was for charity. They had a qcnius for i' a genius, as Mr. Brooks' neighbors used to say, for timing themselves out of doors in order to let somebody in ; a little house, but the largest you ever knew, for it held the most hospitable to the rich and poor, but the -wayfarer never leaving it unrcfreshed, the sufferer uncomforlcd. Yet the means to do so much were but limited. Mr. Brooks had but a small income; Mr. Brooks found it ncccssarv to count every penny twice over, to turn hnd piece and remake, and never waste a crumb. But when that w'as all done, there was always something left for the widow and the fatherless; and the mo ment there was anything to do, cither for North strector Five Toints, or TJor rioboola, Mrs. Brooks' jdoor was the one first rapped at. And what a vivid Inter est it was that was taken throughout that house in every case that came up, from the time the littlo bright heads could cluster together, the little fingers hold a needle, the little legs run an er rand ! You could never sec a prettier sight than those bright heads, those glowing faces, thoso pitying eyes, "3Iy bunch of blossoms," Mr. Brooks used to call them, and say they gave their honey to Jevcry bee that vagabondized about them. And, by-and-by, when Belle was eighteen, and Jessie was just turning sixteen, and the rest coming on, this same sympathy with all suffering was as active as of old, and Jessie's lovely face Eccmcd every day, to grow lovelier with the melting tenderness she felt to every one that needed gentle word or deed, and when she sang her song in the evening the trait seemed somehow to have strained itself through the rich, sweet tones of her voice, and to make the hearer's heart respond to its touch and always fill his eyesjwith tears. "Our Jessie," the father used to say, "ought to have different instruction with that voice. If yon hadn't been such a Saudemaniau, wife, all yo. r life, we should have laid by enough to send her to Italy and have her voice cultivated as , it should be." "Well, dear, would you throw away all your pleasant memories of pain re lieved, acd all the benefits it has wrought in the children's characters, and take it oat in music?" his wife would ssk. "I should like to hare .Jessie's voice at-j stand tended to; but, bles3 you, it might do her more harm than good." "Harm'" said Beile once, a? they talked it over. "Yes, dear; wc all have our vanities, and to nurse one's pride " "Oh, mamma, but to stand up and lift a thousand people on your voice as if it were wings for them! Think of that! Of the delight she should give so many, and then of the fortune she should make and the things she could do! Wc would have that children's hospital, and " "Very true," sighed Mrs. Brooks. "Very true," sighsd her husband., ;'I would take $1,500 to send Jessie to Italy. She would be too old to have it to do her any good by the time I could get to much money together." And just there came in the minister's wife to see about the concert she waj getting up for the benefit of the poor De Maurice children, whose parents lately organist and soprano in the little church were lost in the Destroyer on their way to Europe for some purpose, at which concert Jessie was to sing a song, if she could find the courage. "You necdu't be afraid, Jesiie," said tho good minister's wife; "there's nobody in the audience that knows a note more music than you do." "Oh, but he will thcviolinist, you know; and Madame Bcuter, if she comes " "She's coming. We're to pay expenses. And she represented the case to Signor Pazzani, and told him they were the children of musicians, and he volun teered. It was too good of him ! They arc to stay with me." "Oh, not both of them, Mrs. King; one enough, with all your care. Send one's here," said Mrs. Brooks. "Well, I should be glad to, really. I'll send you the signor. Now Jessie, sing "The harp that once through Tara's halls,' just as if you were on the plat form, and we were all down on the seats before you." And so Jessie sang it, and her voice swelled out as if a joung sibyl sang with the words, "Thus Freedom now so seldom wakes -; The only throb she girts Is when some heart indignant breaks,.. To show that ctlll she lives." And the minister': wife cried went home. One afternoon next week Madame Reuter came down, and Mrs. King brought the Signor Pazzani into the Erookses' parlor and left him. It was not much preparation the Brookscs had been able to make for their distinguished guest; they could only fill his room lull to overflowing with Belle's flowers, that grew and blossomed in every window the winter long. As for their table, it was always a miracle of snow and parsely trimmed dishes, and it was impossible for them to make much difference. They found, though, that it was of no consequence, for the signor was indifferent to every thing but bread and fruit and salad, and presently looked about him for the young lady who was to sing. "You arc she," he said, presently, to Jessie, and began talking with her about her music while he crumbled his bread. But it was not until somo hours after they left the table that he came down from his room and demanded to hear what she could do. Poor Jessie had no more idea of hesi tating or refusing than if an angel of annunciation had appeared and bidden her. She went instantly to the piano, though Belle ran before her to play the accompaniment. Belle had to play the prelude twice over, though, before Jessie could command her voice; and in the first measure it trembled so that she was afraid she would have to stop, and she was pale as death. "Courage, cour age, my child," cried tho signor, and she took a little and went on; and soon she forgot the signor and her fright, and was singing as freely as a bird in the wild wood. "It is grand! It is deli cious!" cried the signor in his own tongue, which Jessie and Bello under stood tolerably. "It is a voice in a thousand. In a thousand I A voice in millions! It is the nightingale's! and it must have care, study, training- Italy!" Jessie shook her head and felt very much like crying. She knew if she ever showed the least desire for Italy, her father would cramp himself, her mother forego her comfort the children deny themselves everything; they would sell the piano, move into a meaner house, live on little, give nothing away. She had never intimated that she thought the thing worth while. Now she shook her heart and ventured- to say in such Italian as she had, "It is imnnihi,. Plcascdon't speak of it; it would only' make grief here. But thank you for the kind words." And then the Signor gazed hard at the lovely face with its madonna like oval, and its great, solt dark eyes, and said: coming is impossible. Now I must seek my violin. It was to come by ex press, but has not, the good house mother says." No; it had not come, and what was more, it never would come in its old suape. the express had aet with an accident, and all its contents had been shattered. The violin that the Queen of Holland had given Signor Pazzani, that Jaques Stamcr had made himself in the Tyrol two hundred years ago and more, was uuuung uui a uamtlul of chips. It was an intensely cold and still winter's day; there was not a sound to be heard in tbc village, save cow and then a distant sleigh bell, the dropping of some huge icicle, or the loud report of some nail as it sprung with the frost in the rafters. As the signor sat there now with the broken volute of his violin in his left hand, and the other wound in bis hair distractedly, cne of these nails went off, as you might say, with more of an explosion than usual upon the frosty silence of tho afternoon, followed by a clear, resonant note that for a half moment seemed to fill the house with a silvery vibration. They all heard it, and looked up bewildered; and suddenly Jessie, with a joyous cry, sprang to her feet and darted from the room. The garret door had been lvft open by some body she found. In a moment she was back, and had placed in the hands of the signor, whose mood of frenzy had been succeeded by one of fcilent despera tion, the little black fiddle. "It fell from the nail," she was saying. ''It was that we heard. It wanted to come and comfort you, you sec. Is it good for anything? Can you mend your own with it? It is so old !" "Why do you bring me this, my child?" he asked, sadly, but took it, and rin his eye over it. Something seemed to strike him as he did so. He bent his head quickly, lifted the violiu to his ear and tapped it and listened, ran his fingers down its lines, took out his handker chief and dusted it minutely. His hands began to shake, he was holding .his breath; he was comparing the meas- uremants of the little black fiddle with certain figures in the memorandum book drawn from I113 pocket. He peered into its every dimension in a sort of mad haste. He took a magnifier, and then with a bit of chamois leather began rubbing the end of the littie black fiddle as if he were polishing a jewel. All at once he cried out: "Alio I 1..Iwvl.l : 1 i 1 : ..,., drcii, read! 'Solo la disciplinm V A. Stradi-varius, Cremona, I. 11. .' It is his, the Giuseppe del Jesu's, when the great Antome was his master. That is his Ecal, 'I. IL S.' Oh, the rogue! '3ut he knew music! And Antoine Str.uli varius has had it on his hands; has looked at its side, its table, its ouiw, its lustrions varnish; has drawn the bvw across it; ha3 said it was good ! Q 1 ick ! where are my strings? We will see; we will see. There is no bridge. That is all right. Tho. bridge would not have answered. Mv staincr bridge is whole yet." He was silent in a long but hurrica unrolling and fastening of strings, an endless tuning and hearkening and tuning again, and then the walls of tho room were vibrant about them, and Signor Pazzani was playing on the little black fiddle, and the sweet, .powerful sonority, the sauvc, silvery, intense tone, the mellow, but majestic strength, were ringing in their cars "like the humming of a swarm of angels' wings," said the signor, suddenly leaving off with his bow in the air. "Ah, look at it! What grace iu the curves! how severe tho volute! how Strain's Early Bay. A friead who kaew Mr. Baraaai of old has accldea tally discovered among; some old papers of aboat 1831, aad shown us, the following curious card: "PHINEAS T. BARNUM, IlOAnriiKG cv tiie Dator Week, 54 Fbankfort Street, New York." This was probably in about the year 1830 or 1831, preceding Barnuafs ad vent in the career of a showman, with "Old Joyce Heath." He had just been treated to sharp persecution here in his aatlre State, for his liberality in matters of religious belief. Until about 1828 or 1829, it was not competent tor a Uni vcrsalist to testify in a court of law here in Connecticut. The Timet battled for a change in the law, and to good effect, too; and, in Fairfield county, Mr. Barnum, with his Herald of Freedom, did effectire, if somewhat violent, service in th? same direction, and for his attacc on Judge Daggett and the court's de cision, he was arrested and put in the Danbury Jail, nc served out his sen tence, and then went to New York, where, it seems, he set out as the keeper of a boarding house. A few years later he conceived the brilliant idea of launch ing out Into the showman's business, a career for which nature had more pe culiarly and )rc-cmmently eniowed him than any other man, before or since. He got an old Maryland ncgrcss, took her to Boston, and had circulated and read in the Churches an appeal for aid for her to purchase her freedom she havicg raised enough money, into about f 300, and was, moreover, the same old aunty who had nursed George Washing ton! The "sell" was perfect. The ministers went to work to aid the con tribution, a larger sum than was asked for was raised, and Barnum's career as a showman began. His old negro wo man "drew" like a house on firenot only in Boston, but all auout the coun try; antl the success of the scheme led later to the "woolly horse," and various other wonders, and finally to the best traveling thow that this country has ever seen. Mr. Barnum is unquestionably a genius if a peculiar one Hartford Times. KDVCATiaWAm WAHTBO-Tacacaw ta learn telrgrepfclaf Taltlaa la a MM eat of aalarr attar eltaa- iiwUMcmi qdbrx cm TkLKUBaral IKSTmmC Seaalle. M ow tad St. Leu. Mx, cur. ao. walcVwe at tnralaali eatad to learn teieffrapalar. d UK oatti on new liar ralaalar art'k operator. Salary froea Battalias per awsta. Partlcalare aaaUed free. Aaatca N. W. TKLKUKAI'H INSTI TUTE, JaaeerlUe. Wit. TJHYERSITYifDgSlOINBS. TBS Fall Trraa of this laatltaUoa will ope Sept. St. This school effera czeellcat aTaa Ucta to atadesu. Sttaie4aiUa Capital, with patcat taacaara. a eeuege coarae, and aaplo felllUe la all departaaeata of taijr. For cauiocac or clrcalar. apply to r. m Dra Motaa. 1STS. OTT. Pret't. THK vRvJa aaQaaBBaafSaBBaPLw .aV-nrvWx jC a wfjaVilal'. B J I aaaBBRsaaarBm r bj B " vsaMasBBa aaaaaaaaaBkBnakivBaaaaBBa 'aaaiBR- WHIELt SOAKED IN OILING OIL. -a- IMPROVED RACINE WAGON. 7(D7 18 THK ONLY BTAHTaa 8TKATT09J SCHOOL la Soataera Iowa. Ufa fteholaraal. tUa.M. Send for circular to I. BUBUKWi, FrlaclM, Barllafftea, lawa. The Best Evidence. The following letter from Ktv. K. S. Hot rVP ? Kchnrcl. S"fk. a.., "ill be rtaU with Interest by auay phyilcian. Al tbo anfferlnr from the aame dleae aa afflicted the on ef the Iter. K. S. Beat. No pcraca can doubt this tcatlmony, and there ia no doubtf about tho curaUre power of Veuetixs. Mr. H. R. BUtM-Vr Sir: We have good rcaaoa for regarding rour Veoctuie a medicine of ttc greattit ralut. We feel aaasred that it baa been tho means of raring onr ou life. Ho U now acrcntccn year of age; for the last two ycara he has satTercd from nccroaU of his Iej. caused by eerofnloua affection, and wa no far re duced that nearly allwhoaaw him thought hU recovery Impossible. A council of able physi cians could Rho us but the faintest hope of his ever rallying, two of the number declaring that he waa beyond the reach of human remedies, thai even amputation could not save him, as he had nui vigor cnuugu 10 enaure mo operation. Just then we commenced giving him Veuetixe, and from that time to the present bo has been con tlnuously Improving. He has latelr nsumed his studies, thrown away crniches and cane, and walks about cheerful and strong. Though there is still some discbarce from the opening where hla limb was lanced, we hac the fullest confldencc that In a little time he will be perfectly cured. He haa takes about three dozen bottle of VEGKTINE, but latily uses but little, ashei'i Clares that bo is too well to be taking medicine Respectfully yours, K. S. UEST. Mm. L. V. V. 11 EST. The ranee of disorders which yield to the In fluence of this medicine, and the number or ile lined discard which it nacr fail m rnr.. ... greater than any other slng'c medicine ! hlth J crto been e en recommended for. by any other j mail iuc iiiiicir in runic ijnseK no. 1 ruin These diseases are rcrorula ami all ErupihodU cases and Tumors, lthuumatUm.Cout, Nenral-la and Spinal complaint'., and all Inilaminatorr symptoms, uicers, an Bypuliltlc dUcacs, Kid BK'BVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBDBBBBBBaaaa&KMRMaBraBBBBBBBBBBBBV'BW sV awr Jr arm VaaP. -rasW ,"r" " wtT M VJlfra'lVV JBF Vaar tJ -BkJBT -ar'aT" t-Bw m aarY w &1YV aar M rnrTfVnr "Itr l VVr uSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM MANrFACTlKKl HV FISH BROS. fc RACINE. WISCONSIN. CO., The best Sarvuti Weeels, used only for Patent Wheels. The best Second Growth Timber put in Plain Wheels. L 1 XJaawVl Y' a"saaKaaaaasaLJ I JM tt'iurnnlitl to N tho IU'-hI Fhtbhii!. the ltost Ironed, and the Host Pro IHHtlowd Wagon in tho Market. ) Ask your Implement Dealer for FISH UROS'. Wagons, or semi to Factory for Price List and Circular. THE ROCK FALLS WAGON ney and madder disease. Dropsy, the wliolo train of painful disorders which so generally afflict American women, and which carry annual- Itoniauco of the back steps: A sweet spiritucllc girl standing on the piazza with a dry mop upraised; a huge torn cat emerging stealthily from beneath the steps; sudden and terrible descent of the mop; a concussion; a last quavering yowl ; the torn cat straightening 4 its quivering limbs in the agonies of disso lution; return of the sweet, spirituelle girl through the backd"- "Ma, I've mashed him!" An old mam named Jacob Deering at Peoria, IU., was found in his bed a lew days ago, with his throat cut and his clothes saturated with blood. Inquiry showed that tho old man had tried to commit suicide, but had not strength to accomplish it, and it waa thought ho could not recoTer. pepKla, that universal curve of American man- noon; ueannurn, met, constipation, Ncnuus uess. Inability to sleep and Impure blood. This Is a formidable list or human ailment for any slnglo medicine to successfully attack and It is noi proDaoie mat an; one article before the public haa the power to cure the quarter of them excepting the VEGBTlNK. It lays the axe at the root uf the tree of diseases br first ellmlnatln" every Impurity from the blood, promoting th c Mxrvuunv, opening me pores tne great escape Ijef, ot the system-Invigorating the liver to its fall aad natural action, cleansing tho stomach and s trcnRthcnlng digestion. This much accom pllsbed, the speedy and tho permanent cure of not only the diseases we have enumerated, but likewise the whole train of chronic and constitu tional disorders, is certain to follow. This Is precisely what Vegctine does, acd It does it so easily, that it ia aa accomplished fact almost before the patient ia aware of it hlmstlf. .fTaaCEiC-UIX, VaByg-. BsasaaftilSV la .m-mfmmmmJ&SJ m'm. W .jaB3" I L.-SflmmmmmWmWc3 BW'JbJ- ljsgatBjaaaarjrByBaaaaaaaBsaa a .w aBaasaaa araaaar fvsaaaaaaaaaaswaaByBaaaaaaaaaaaY C3BBaBBBBBBBBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB7aB laBBBaBBBBBBVsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlaBBBaHB?JlBBa9SBBBBI - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmifmmmmmmmmmmm2 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBrBrBrBasBr VHBBBBBBvaBaasaaBVB?waaaV by Marie tho UNION MAXUFACTUItlKC: COMPANY. nui.il rAuun, wiiti&aiiiK uuu.nti ILLINOIS 1 view ot the rhort time this wagun has been on the umrket. It hi t in r U ftmUtlo 1 r.iu!ml by few and excelled by none In the country. It And. rllfr i!i whrr lie.t kmn .ur proof of IU superiority. Adapted to farmer, teanittcr and ciUrm-. fend for prices and terms. Krtry uf-jjjt W4rratl The Dodge Excelsior Hty Prttt, clastic and bounding tho tone! and color How purple, and rich, and full of lus ters it will come out when I shall, re store it!" ho cried, gayly smiling' on them one and all. "It will be mine; you will not think of keeping ii; you can none of you play on it," he began to implore. ''Its a Guarnerius, the Quiseppe del Jesu's. It Is worth money it is worth more; you shall have a thousand, you shall have fifteen hundred, you shall have two thousand dollars for it." "Oh, hush, indeed," cried Jessie. "Of course you shall have it, sir. It is value less to us: it is yours." "Stay, stay a moment, Jessie," said her father. The little black fiddle is mine. That poor old vagabond, fallen from his high estate, gave it to me. It is a way bread has of coming back upon the waters after many days. If the signor wants 1o pay me a thousand dollars for it, we will compass the other five hundred by ourselves, and you shail cro to Italy." The next mornintr Signor PazzAni went off with the littie black fiddle tucked under his arm, and Mr. Brooks went to the city with him to secure Jessie's passage in tho next steamer that sailed for foreign shores. And the little fiddle had somo share in it, after all. Ilarveft Jiamar. Central Iowa District Fair Articles nortfer i MeatleB. Eagle Inox Wonns. This extensive manufactory of machinery located in Des Moines, Iowa, has now greater fa cilities than ever before for promptly filling all orders. Engines and all kinds of machinery, as well as iron fronts for buildings, and all kinds of iron and brass castings are furnished on short notice. Among the specialties is the Champion Stalk Cutter, a machine which has never been excelled or equaled uy Buy inner. 11 13 ngnc 01 arait, aim pie in Its action, neat in construction and durable. Tho special attention of farmers is requested as to the merits of this machine. It Is easilv onerated and does its work in fine style. Arrange ments are being made for its sale by all first class dealers throughout the West. For particulars address, Eagle Iron Works, Des Moines, Iowa. The United State Organ was awarded the first premium at Des Moines, also at tho State Fair. They are among the finest instruments we have seen. Those wishing terras and territory should ad dress "Mclntjre & Kimmel, Princeton, 111. Hi fwVMaNcwPriMsisa, ANIrM. VsryftrtM. ll!T' Ml. atsa ar wiOTMwar. VbWM sBsafca BsVsbbbbbsWbBVbI wC CO . ''""y. . aaa Buimmn BpmtM. MstMJwartACsuMl ar RmcuuIss. VMJCAQQ, Can actually be made with the S!!ViJLBi !? reP,rt4 "ie0Btratethe fact. wmMi "" " Hepared toderni YV 1JW operate eatlrelr b &ors tw.; 2eVi fWJaTVke.?,i,.r:W feel Pr ar:Thev 2?.!?' U? 8 feet ,n dlQeter, and any denth wqr. They bore 1 all kiaJs of earth, ioft dld "' ! 'tone coal7.Ute i.v",.I ,Dl1 wo t bt of wells In qalckaan t. Good i:rtve agenU wasted la every SffnW r'i;,n,T Vu the Unted States that is inSt K3?!U?' 3tfai f ouL l"tted catalogue tofiWZi&Z PfOTln oor "J'ertlwnTent 1 Hh "KBAT WIMRN WKLLAUOKRCO. WnnsjlsJd. Baals County, fowa pLRASANT aad pwftable employment for men SoaBforWW,,eaCM to hsd b " "b.cri" "What Wmum Should Know' S5if?.y I0""- clllnr woaderfuIlyT Some lady areata have eaU . rAi J," 8p8aBiSte"B' "nt '- w aratstaaao TIUH8 BJRK JAFE AND RELIABLE. Have Yon Weak Lunga? Have You Congh or CoM ? mJrj r-r-r-c r"c-r? rr-f r-rrrf I JUbi; Wlllbu.." It would have been ludicrous, if it had u out to itscelf. There i not been ia reality harrowing, to see the signor's grief and rage when he heard of the destruction of his dailine, and had the broken bits puc into his hand. He remembered nothing more about Jessie's voice, about the evening concert; he sat down among- the fragments, like Marias in the ruias of Carthage, aad bewailed hiauelf. American fiction. It seems as if American readers must be tired by this time of the ordinary English society novel, procurable in any quantity at a cheap rate. It has to do with a form of social life more conven tional than our own, with scenery less grand and attractive, with personalities more feebly individualized, and with events and incidents as much less inter esting than those of American life as the conditions of English life are more' artificial than ours. Men may talk as they choose, or as they believe, abonr aire as being necessary to the creation of an atmosphere of romance. We do not agree with them. A child's apg nf ro mance is its own childhood. The life it lives, and the things it sees about it, form its romantic realm; and the childhood of a nation is peculiarly its romantic age, not only to the age which succeeds is nothins more interesting to an American than a good story, either of his own time or of the time which has hardly retired from his personal memory. Dr. J. G. Hollaad: .wcir iur n ureas oer. 9nlhe 25th of October, a boat sunk while taking people across the Missis "PPi at St Louis, aad afx persoas were arowaed. A famous pen portrait of the German Emperor is probably the finest piece ot penwork in existence. This piece was executed by one of the penmen in the renowned Burlington Business College. X-adlea auMl Ajreata can aaake "big" aaoaey idling the new and popalar work, "What Woman Should Know." Sec advertisement in' another column. Mystery Salved.-The great aeeret of the woa- ucnui aacccas.e vegeuae. It strikes at the root of diaeaMly parlfjlBx the Mood, reatoriac tho liver and kidaeja to healthy action, lnrlgo. ratine the ncrvoai yate. Com. an? a !?KZA "S" fraaaate of Britm ? lave Yon Pain ia Yonr Ilrcawt? Have Yon any Thront Ilwcaw? I Tare Yon Conanmptlon ? USE Ph. L. Q. C. WlfflAETS PUB TREE TAR CORDIAL fABUKSftOL, iBiYeRn xn oo.'s CsMsi iMiiJ MJHiJ lMasBmiT ii MwMcaft, OBPOta44ae.CrWll f. uriiifi ffjiMatit AM) inajemce Speedily enred by DR. BECK'S oarf known and sure Remedy. . CMABSIB fer treatment antil cared. Call on or address y Pr.J.C.llCr.UaJskalUOaAMtlta ' re Yon Weak and Iobnittol ? "o Yon Snflcr from Indigestion ? Do Yon require a Totdr ? fa vc Yon No Appetite ? Do Yon need Building Up? Do Yon irish to b Strong ami Healthy? USE Db, L. Q. C. WBRARTt PIHE TREE TAR CORDIAL Sold by all Druggist. Principal Depot. So. 232 North Seooad St.. Phlba. Me Tour Fortune! " - aaasss aKvwaaaarai a hftSSfSVXifiy1"? ftaroUere wIfJ5j1Ied tUforfe,ltor aajeaaeolUeaataal eakaesa or prtTate ciaeaae of any kiad or char actcr ha ttndertakea aad raila to care. LaSm will find proper tosataaaaifcr eUseaaes necaltar to their sex. ail letters coatalalax ataaifia far ConiuUiomnt. Bead for circalar. Aadraaa fwUf tS " eumrTT A IOOK FOR THE MHUOff ! "gyssafjsslsavaa. TtisissaissswsasaiaarasAsi ba VSS3 WOOD'S HOTEL cuiar to J 'TOTBUBMAKBIaSO. Jaat las laiac saata aasasia aw Mr. . ..t c; - zr i-r- - . dc. viiatr, mcx taOKMS lor lOwr GawnusMtst. aad CasteaaIaIrHlatsrT. WORLD BOOK i .j. vsucsajo. Maaiifs;WKIZII raflSkl ra sl i Tm GRIND GOLDEN DRAWING or THE LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERT kea place8srfwrstay.Dae.SS.187S,poelUTly CAPITAX. PRIZE, $100,000. 3580 Prises, amoontfag to $002, All la GtM. Oae Prize to every alz tickets. -OSLY- 9t,M0 1 kkeU at $09 U. S. Carrearj. Tenths aad tweaueths tc proportion. Order tickets aad write f r circulars to LsMavaaa state Lattery Ca., sck Ban HI, Paa OmUm, Kaw Orleaaa. Competent and reliable areata wanted tbroash oat the coaatry. Unexceptional gsaraatees re-qnired. I Our Readers I jr"r Iwarltl) nU lard ti rnt trn rt mm for ji: y irrlniri nj uf lit u. .nFsVwaW awj VsTW BsnW fjBVaaPanBsTHaV BTTapxVBsWsnnVW . ;a- Sh In lt tliti Votunw tZ -Tltr tU-nt IVrlMllral Ktrr I'NMUsjriTjj. 3J far Ihe fnmlly t'lrrlr. , 3f"rrofuly lltitml.-.l -i:i.Vt with I lticei& "jg JCcauliis; ana Useful information. J JS" " "" & grA.aitracliie Moatlily fr Yoan asj Old 1 ar ' -.. m t- ZL;r-r.nmni the tTllltant tlt of t:rund 91 Pribi t ( rtiQ flrtt U sue Klraaat Jtar .ST 3T wsmmI I'inttw. rrlalt Ittcr s.iT I Im mitt- L- lt!irf now urfrr llirx) prlr for nIfffi- ,-f7 ltitntlnitttlintoUtraiwMlBsan. wuUIOC jM" tllilrtyrrif'ircry ofcriiirr . 2l. tor irrmtln fall, rrnin'iun'rtTn'iiHrilh- . ZTUmntMi lrlrd. "lraul 1'rtar SmmJk jf-iimXi tT9 la Warkrra," jv ay- It rilliiay you rM. fo-t Bpn oor r f. Tttakwrlftlnn. OM.r' dollar a jr.rllJt Jff I'tttlastf WrrnU !. g jfT lloil.rhol.l I'utill.ltlnct '"..it -fl' O tIos;. II I'nrk Kaw, .N. V. jj. Ofr """ tt 'irP".r-itifc-,'''"'t'nr'''')r cpT nt Ui . -. ' ,IlT.-crHTil. rtwif ntMHrltnr tffpuli!l-tl0n rtmmUH'nrjtrttilly .ami Ol'ltjlfc 3frur1 for It. i'OC H . tit flrrtnr tu-lV -JnmrrtUrt tortm.r'tt nr little mum. ll-d& "jfTa ln-Mnw yo l!l fln.l It rolumu vc t Mr -jr-tnclUntoT jotjrown rrivUnif. " Agents wanted everywhere. '9f Write to u-tat bre j'jn it thl. IA jisslshfihkbshBisiskhki! sEJSLrae.50 WK HaCastrtdaaa. Stan rnTjaaaaU : mrrrj txm mm- WKTKaX CM SSOSUCa, caarafM, IIU, PsaAotaat tlsCarBricaiocajrj BnBBSnT HCCiwaa Seatreaffjr2naaapB, . XsaaaaBnarSa atiajC IOR SAXK. CUcaaoSabnraaa Lata Malta each-f 15 down aad fS aneathly tar Yijaars w thia a aaori snataa-a o: etry llaaita, wttk aoarly trains aad ah sap fare. Banal far Clrcnlar r j,. grown, ins taaaue atnat. "tlrsaja, HI. Almninoiu and Ornamental BUILDING PAPER ! Snlsh. casta ! thaa onc- ptaaterlat: and wall paper. It r than coataaoa hsiidlaz "- - - '- - ' --- -1. "- '" sa . m i bbp IMP0RTIIITS2K1aiSS-a'y - rm?.ttttZk. r- v 'aZmrr-r ";-- ZTr k." - aaaaaix m-m suaraa r mm. a pQTaat. Csaaaaa. mm saaasaaa aiasnna Js araaKawiaaa m tka a7 Baaaa?aaaannaBsaaBaa m as aa isai rT Tlsa Xaaiaak IBaBB I alaBai a snDanaaaal lnTBBaanl aanatanasaBaaaanaHyjJSIIJga g ' "J tmM mmmWaOmmmmlimmmmLmZiJ!t'Sf anaankaaVaBBBaBiB aBsTsnaWJaaaBsBsamaTiaa aans iiwmim AaaairVBaj MMJbjjbbb , BatSfnaaaaa.neearaainaa;Z ua araH aaaaar BafffsBnanaitSvatSv1'-0'. I Mrta aa aiach aaananaaaaannanananwaaitaaTiaaVtfcaa T"aV M IBv-i-sr-. r- y?1 rjHsaMuiiili1sjiSisaaiaisiaiBiaiaiaiMa VI a I -aaj rB-i -aa I """ aiiBiiaia-aaaaar 111T!MSSfW W. Wmm 1 "-- JjJLd A to-a-r-laa-.W. raoaaa ia alam ml mlmmtm wmyrjm aaenaananBB-BBaaaBnBrt- . Tisr final. i yaisaaawaaa saiMi. I aTBaaas aad mm. B'anMS9 Rmmt.mmm Mtmmlt tm- - wMm lAaaBa mmmmMm -BBBr "' mmt'P9mfmT menu aansa aaaa jjmmt$. asanas sanapsaan am sjawnnr sancat anal at aw tmjmmgmmWMi aaa aaa atjaa laaaBaj ...isnanaaanB snaanw. taw I I aVaaana is aiann Pr rnr L 11 II PaaaasnanaTlZalVI m- IJBISgkLWmmwmrOmT anaanaaarMwiT Ol-llU ManaBMIIsal laallflsf "T-aa OB -aaakBsV aa wa"aaBjrian (aaat aaaa) Bu 9 "ana.aaanananl ant aannrwBBaVBBaa7rban anaBBBvBaarana aaat aaaaBl lananaa. S T aTaaaBaa nB bsTbbbt a Wm&zssssHBm. I",,,",,3a&11 PENSIONS! To Whom Pensions are HATn i:VI2HV f-lolllr mmT XkJL J JaIU8AIiI.Kli whllu In the 1X and diciiarxe of duly, either by arrUlmt or otherwbe, nhotiM have a Jwrwlfm. Tb limm vl a finser entitles TOtl to a unrutUm. A mritin (BO Batter how slight. Irw you a prntioa. The Ioa of a too rivc joti a r-min. The Iom of an ere Klren roti a ttuiin Any Inlnry wlllVlreyoa a trnlon. PENSIONS "svTSSi who are sow drawina; a ptuon. are JnUy en titled to an increo-, All pervfti who think they are entitle! to a'TIlsb'r lute of IVn.Uii shoaM send mo their cM lVnIon urtinmt". and If entitled to an Inrrriu. I will t.rtjrnrglt a.saaa-aa.v aBaanBaaBi aaanV aanfa aaanaBn1BBBvnBBaBBBxfBkaBaafH raaile for ad rice. ajKlno feca erer" aiel nnlert successful In oollecuttsr yooi cialta It Is Ji.it aa easy for tse to fit your clJis : tied, and It can be dorti lt.t a well ant quickly thricn the mall a If ynq wrre rfrwtit youril asnjod rwoslajspt for cwj.y o I'eu iloa and fioaaty AcU. Addrt-M, P. II. TITZaZSALC, cnlUdPUt CU'.tn Asmf, Io-lUnlU. lav!. On : letters nutk I O. lxx H. Iasaw BH wimn. PMraauE uii nm Aftsf fcn Pe Mr. Irfj far-, ajapa, w aa, ac au rr a iiu MiwitMS, ttmriMf lWr k- n t tM tVf f r m MrrlMM mr'. . - kf W M m4 iWHy.tlLiiili'iini w. at atiaaato, a". 14 M a. ckj ivmi, tnttCAOo. faraaeathlac. It FKX.TC CKIUNOfiir axvo w rxa aad aannro aant ale. adareaa a J. WAT. eiarwfc! Cheap and Durable ! DUT fBl Ml Craa a&IIZ. BOYER FAM MILL. MlmpUf DmrtmmU. MgUUnt. OrimU aay Ua4 f -,, conjr wmir nn. W.H.BAMfJ5aVOa MAMf. "ffHiB Taifaan CtafM. P. X. 1ATIS a CO. tafJaV n TiTLac a risixr in x cij&ccrt rBaV v WBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT BBr aVaB jf.BnaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaf mmm mmmmmmmlL mmm nnf7 W- . aaamfc IIHmzoltOffV r a !. . cmj ANSlNDriANOS. t aari laairfcSa --. --- ) TOM A P'-JiZZOt. Cei3i Aaa- a. -- - .. .-, -m ya Ca- 147.-. AB.T TOO Tatlr-aw4t ym Uanaaah aaai M tm a aaa af a a leaaKCasaBVwtfk aa-raam a aaat aad rJ BL Awff P i mmVtwlZl y-- -