Ufe- ". JnPa . f-il-'-t .WI-1 SWV - f" " r..- ' . j-- .-- - VprR" W: -SSa 3F -V ? &b30BI te- f V SINES S D J RECTO UY Attorney at Law. ?. K. WILLCQX. J. & GILUA, illcox A CSillmm ATTORNEYS AT LAW, fid Practice in all the Courts of the StutC. Collection Pintuptly Attended to l F F C E IN' P i r O FF I C IS, UIII1-DI- ted Cloud. Keb. III. S KA LEY, ATTOHNKY AT LAW, . IK3TABT PUBLIC ASS 2EAI SSTA7Z AGZNT. Itrd r'", NtlraJ;n. Jointly Spr.ri,itnifhut nf PaltUc lit- XtlKCtlOll. Cobb. Ma qustt & Moore, LAWYERS, LINCOLN', --- NrvlfJLASKA. .. ..... .rii l. Iii nit iidnnce st rnrh term f lh Pi-irirt Curl- of ihe fcvcr.il cnunticK in the KoiulHii v alio. - 1 IA. II. liOWEN. JJ. ''""" BOW 5 Sc I A IK II, Att'ncys at Law ash Jtl&L KSTATE AGENTS. . &t'tlr pinch in W Ac OIT: " the .SlatC. - - STESItASKA Real Estate Agents, &c. IV. N 111' I1AI SUN. J. A- Tl.i.i.r.1 f Richardson & TiLleys, &ZAL 33TATS & :0L'5?IN3 AG317T3 Will luiy anl ll Ileal It to on Ci::mis- r'tuu. iil pny tuxes for inii!-iiiilciiU. Sprrwl iiti-iitiTi jrivtn tM'i'!-rliwi. f-or-rr i..iiiil'PrrfliMli. Al Mcr of iiHiiiiry. .rn liu- m- ' irnuii ly nwcnsl. fKKlM'L-OPP. - - - - NhH. I. II. IT r iis a h , Jl'Sl.lT.l, xi:. Buvs :iiil et-U o-tTn Fcc-r.jitic" G-gy-.S'r ' Jl-imls 'i Sjirri-fJlif "llltlCSBV &PSIWMW, Rsal Estate Dealers, V.i.n.Mi(;roN - - - kh !!,-. r ii l nth (Tin : lnr iiiun:iy f clit'i t- ..iiii" in s.iathrni Ni;ljrifii Al I. iv .1111 m I 1 HnU on .Ullllllwioli .ilnl . v 1 tin- inn r4!il"tr. c t riiMin t.i Kivt-n to tlir j"ni-"ir Ii 11 ill' cLiiw lirf-ire tlif l.-:ll ai1 B,n'rsl l.:iii.l cfli-i-. iti.iJ fp.M-Saiy if tin; Jut nor. rCIovcrtoziEEouse v'LlYKTON. NaUKASKA. l. wilion rrnjiriitor (.iol Suiide-, (iond 1c1n aiiiiSqiiajO iMe.il, at lf:iMinb!e Hates. The ratronna' nfthe Tnivfllinp I'uh lic. Hcspi'ct fully Siilii'lttMl. Ia Gled House. Red Cloud, Nebraska. S. G.BILL. - - - Proprietor. ;MMl Slllltlt' 111 MIIfTf llllt Ullll tllf Till? hotel lia lifsn rctittml nnd rTnrni!ifl thr.iichou. O'liitur fin McnUuit.iI .Men Itn.I a i:irlif vitms Ktil J'i1ul. will find . iiilI accoti.tiiiu sluu.f 1st tlii- Hotel. Red Cloud Miifs! We frz prepared to da cus tome wojk. 7 lour pVcnl nml Corn M-:ti or - IsJr Satiartniii j:u jiraim-eu ipiality of flour !i.i and cruTo;.! i Woitic. FanioTs -houli Iw pjrticuiar j lo secure tllC oesi in seeiiwnv'ai. Potter $l Frisbie! II v UAjYjYER. at the Billiard Hall, Run Cl.orit. f--Shaving, Shampnoinc and Hair- Cuttinc in the highest style of the art. l-td Cilv JIi5Jii Market. JOHN BARBER. Has just opened a Meat Market en Wtb.-ter Street, nuxt door Kiuth of Park's Shoi k p where he will keep and sell fre?h meats of ail kinds. 11 1G II EST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR BEEF CATTLE. nOGS, AND HIDES. Red Cloud. - - - - Neb. GEORGE ZEISS, DEALERS IS Wines & Iciquors CIGARS, Chewing, Smoking, Tobacco CANNDD FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, AND CONTEOriONERIS, A Specialty. Frsh L?er Bcsr fVota ' 4 Antelope ' ' Brewcryapbnplantly on hand RED CLOUD, TEB, J9tf . i ... it-. r I. W. TTOUETff, HOMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN U. 8. PENSION SOIIGEOS. Office 3d door Soutl of Court House. Beeiisrce Oat Mik Xait if 2fi Ksal rt. RjSUEPMR. Family -PhjwiciaM. 0cc ia Cit7 Drag Store. KKI CLOUD.yEliltASKA. Republican River STAGE LIE. T. T. 32, ?r8pritor. llcgular trips will be uiude between JUNIATA and RED CLOUD, T j-linll be pleaded to carry pa.-eiiror upon the da utfutioiiitd, lcavinf: He Cloud atfA M on Mondays, Wed tie day? and Kriday.. Le.iviiir Juniata at. fi A. -M-, an Tue.-day.'., Tkurfdays nud Saturdays. Fare reasonable. Hair Fare Rales IN THE RepisbJicitii Valley- H. 2. 3C-UIS3. Preprietsr. This Stapc Line riinniu? from H oiimimrloii to Guide Hmk eonnect.i with the liii'; intiu tlte noiili, uSbo the one comim; fniin the tnuih. Anivcs a 1 l'ed Cloud (from the west) Mniid3K tid Thiirwlay, and returns Tue-dah and 1'iidayw. fjitod tiiiiij-; sober drivvrt and cotu fortnhle wnfeon. HAKPTCN & RALSTON. Red Cloud. Iliivinc Ica.-ed the Wavon and Hlack-.-isnth shop, lately wupied by 1m Slfi-piT, an now prepared to do everj thing in the line of WAGOX-MAKIN-G . AND BLACKSMITH I NG, WAfiONS, P.UfiflrES. ACniCULTURAL 1MPLEMKNTS Hepntr! on li'iri uolicc and in a WorktJiuii-lil.e inaiiuur. WAtlONS AND HIT;nrE5 MADU TO OKDlClt. 1!A.MIT0N,VHA1'T0N. K.VMTOX At)i:r'SE.V:.yiS. NEW HARNESS SHOP. Jeso II. JMiJIlips, - Prop. Iliiy jiift irncl 11 lwrm-fl in thU plnci. w..il Hiliciif thu it.itron.ijro of llio ub lir lie fill keep coii'tmitly on h;iud the liert utiittr.iil ihe i.i.rk- tiiirinl.. wl)-Hcpairtif duuc un s ort notice and rrgn:in1il(3 term. .1 Wurfc Witrrnitlnl mid Siitixf'iction (jintiaiiltctl. Slnp opposite the tfikhorn Hotel. Si7orton, Franhlin Conntj, NebrMia. ft I YE 11 7 ON HOUSE. v. C. TH0KP30N, - - Prop. Will entertain his i:ue.ilin the most gcul!t:iiiaii-iike uiaiiuer, With us Ood fare n the murket affords. T tlic ravelins pulilic vc would f.iy jrivc hint :i t-ill. aivsaroK. NSBSASHA. ?VI.O'$IiLLIVlN, .1USTICK OF THE PEACE, ITOTaLY PU2LIC AND ESAL ESTiTS AGSNT. Rivcrlor. Franklin Counly Nebraska. ! ei?-Gi.ijin. rorisile ana tAi'.urini; done iu J thc'itCMldllic. A. DAY! DAY! mil AUGER ! Having obtained the agency fur tbe State of Nebraska for OVfSSZ CZLS22AT2B 3LL 30SIS& And provided ourselvc-! with Srat class luachincry for making Wells, we take this method of soliciting orders from all who seek water supply. rtV i nrenarcd to sink wells with the ut- motspel anti in a satisfactory manner. MS'GtMt an5 other staples taVea in e- J chance for work. Being thr dulv anthorixed awnts (or this State, we offer County. Township, and indi vidual riphts for sale. SPLENDID BUSrXESS TOR A 'SMALM CAPlTAU $25 a Day Guaranteed using this Well Alger. OWEN & MONTGOMERY, PI IP SB TK2 RED CLOUD CHIEF RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. LOCAL MATTERS. Notion in thu Column 10 Cmf a Line trmm tUr Brd Clo r.. Juniata Ixraven Monday'! Wednewlay's and Fnday t . Mail cloted 9 i. m. At rive Toe! dayTburedayandSaturday'i" i. iu. Uahvakd Leaves Tae?day'a and KridavV 6 p. m. mve. Tuesday's and Friday's 5 p. m. Mail cloed 5) p. m. Franklin, poinz east, Monday's and Thursday'.- 2 n. ui. Going wet Tuetday'ft and Friday' h 10 a. m. Pi.kasant Hill leaved Thurwlay G a. 111. Arrire Wednesday's 4 p. m. Mail closed 9 p. in. Jkwf.IX. Kansas arrives Friday'c 12 111. Leaves Fridoy 1 p. m. HrssKl, Kan'a. arTivc Thursday's 12 a. ui. leaves ThurMbiy 1 p. iu. Office open from 4 untill G p. m. Sundayn. All reirihtered uialter tnut be in the eveuing before the mails leave. 31. U. McNitt. P. M. :il(tK:il IHKKtTORV, CONCH KG ATIONAL CHrilCH Services cyery fir.-t and third Kab balhof each month tit lied Cloud ami Inavale. "1 o'clock V. U at Htd Cloud. 2 o'clock P.M.. at In avale. Every t-eeoud and fuurth Fnhhaths at Hatin and Harmony Preeintts. JlKV. A. MaXWKLL, Pa-tor. HAITI?? CfiniCH Hkv. Tiitw. Ml'XLow, Pahtor. Services every fourth Sabbath at 7$ V. it. Saiiuatu HcnonL every Sabbath morning at 10 4. M. ). Q. POTTKH, Supt. Prayer meet ins Sabbath and Thurs day evenings. All held at the school hou.-eju.-t north of town. Fuller k Wiatit of Hivcrton, keep the largest and bc.t ttoek of HootJ- in the Valley. Go and -ee them. G 2i SHERlF'SskLS. Notice is hereby given tint the un designed SherifT of the County of VVcb.-ter, State of Nebraska, will by viituo of an execution issued by the listriet Court of said county in favor of W. N. llich irdsou and against J. M. "Martin, A. .1. Arm-troti!;. uud S. P. Martin, mid to him directed at two o'clock p in , on the 4th day of Octo ber, A. I. l7o, at the Court Houwf door iu the town of lied Cloud, in said county, oiT-r for .-ale at public, auction. tlii following real estate to wit : Lot twenty (2l) iu block thirty unti (")!), Mtuntod in the town of l'ed Cloud, county of Webster, State of Nebraska. Taken on said execution as tho company property of said J. M. jVIartin, A. J. Armstrong and S. P. Marliu. Dated this 2d day of September, A. I)., lSTo. no-5 II G. Bill, Sheriff. NOTICE. U. S. Land Office, Hioomiuctou, Neb. September 24ih 18To. U. S. Land Office, Complaint having been entered at this office by Thomas W. "Widnby agniut Luciuda liailey lor ahnudouing her hoinc-tead entry, No 22"), dated May JStli, lj34, upon thu north-west (u.utur section 24, town-hip four (4), lance 12 west, in Web.-ter county, Ni-bra-kii, with a view to the cancellation of said entry: the said parties are hereby tiuiumoned to appear at thi ofiico on the loih day of November, lTo. at JO u'coek a. ui., to respond and furnish testimony conceruiug said alleged abandonment C. H. W Ai.icr.it. Register. 7-4t Evan WoitTiiixn, Jleeeiwr. NOTICE. U. S. Land Office, iflonmiiiiftnn, Neb. Auu.-t olst, 187:"i. ) Coini'iiint hariiiir htii'n tmtMi'iI .if this olliec by Canady. Johnson against Adelbert U. Freeman for abandoning hib uome-teau euti', lo ISP2, dated Marvh 2tl, 1S74, upon the iouth-wt quartef Sec 10, Mwiu-liip three (o), range nine If) we.-t, in Webiterconnty Nehra.-ka, with a riew to thcancelh tiou ofaidntry: tnesiild "parties are hereby sumhi(iiied to apiear at this office on the ith day of Oclobir, 1875. at 1 o'clock p. in., tu respond am fur nijh testimony conceruiug iaid alleged abandonment. C. H. Walker. Real-tor.. Evan Woutiung, Receiver. NOTICE. r U. S. Land Office, ) lsloouinigton. Neb. V August 31-t, 1S7;". Complaint having been entered at this office by George Hudson againM Eli Robp for abandoning kie boiue mead entry, No. 11KJ2, dated 31ay yrh, 1S73, upon the north-west quarter sec tion 10, to wuhtp three (o), range nine (i) west, in Webster county, Neb., with a Tiew to the cancellation of said entry: tbe said patties are hereby summoned to appear 'at this office on the Uib dav of October, 1S75, at u clock p. ni to respond and furnis 1 h testimony concoriuug said alleged abandonment. y concoriuug said a! leg' nent. C, H. Walker, Becister. Evas Worthing, Receivi n4 4 NOTICE. U. 3. Xand Omct, 1 5j kumgt.Ncb. ' August 31st, 1S75 J Complaint having been entered at this office by James Witt against John entn lo. l?8a, datedJDd(pMulJaii 50 tion4, towli&hTp tUicatHfl nmTntu (9), west, iu Webste'r. county; febli' witna view to the ranee -latum of?aid eMry: the, said -Dartlei. are hrehr iwHnmoaed'to anmara-hi &cenf the 5th da j ot Ocloncr, 4J7.Cin o'clock p. tn., to respond an-l iarai.k 1 tesunofiy coBcexwn.'sid tfleged ar'anoemei- a 5 n m x. . L-Tin - . -- ar. " Tor psre DrucPatwit Medtctos iitapstauoncry, Gla. Patty, Ure and dl appliances belonging to the drop iradf . call at Dr. Hazce'a Pre Store in Kivcrtoa, cast wde of creek. n" f Got. Garlxir and lady arrived id town ibi (Tlitr-by) veaiag. Call at Dr. Ilazes'g Drue Store in f Hiverton, for all kiuda of Drus.-, 1'at- et Medicineji, family recciptf. All diug freh and true to oaaie. Pricey to suit tho times. n-tf llcv. A. Maxwell will preach at i lied Cloud, Sunday evening, October 3d, at G.-30 o'clock p. tu. The Fair grounds and Floral 111! are now in readiacA. lri Featberly of la Port City, Iowa, arrived in town bat Saturday She U rii-iiing her daughter, Mrs. S V. Ludlow of this place. llie lioard oi 1'ircctors oj me Webster County Acricuhural Society, .w.. .. , . . .!' and the several differeut committeea are requested to meet at the Court llou-cinKed Cloud, uixt SatunUy the 2il of October. Everything the .fanners need, uch un Orocened and Provisions, Dry Goods, Ready .Made Clothing, Boot:) and Shoes, at Fuller & Wiaut'u of Rivcrton. - 'tJ-2f Uncle Pelcr McNitt returned from Misj-ouri la-t Saturday where he had been to buy .sheep. He found them i-o high that he did tiot make any pur chases. .Mr. Haney of Ratio called 3'cstcr day He says everything i lovely in hi noichbnrhood. and that their main want; ii a' thrc-hing machine. Everybody "Jtrcpartj for thefutr. Let u-i make the be.xt slmw possible. Some of our readers will notice this week a red cros on their paper. Tide- is hitnply to let you I-now that you are behind on your sub-eription, aud we are very much in need of money at prc-eut. AH lake notice J The B. & .M. It. R. Co. offer to take any aud all agri cultural product, that the people of this county may wi-h to send to the great exposition at Chicago, and from there to the Centenniul nest year, free of charge, if ihe people will bring them in to our county lair. .We have heard indir'ct!y that there was a mam moth .-qua-! .some whcie iu this conn ty ; if this is the ca-e let it and other things of like proportion be brought to the Fair and we will fee that the rail road company get them. In this wn we will adveiti.-e our county to the hct aJvantagc. What better weal her than this could the faruior.i ask to pr- pare for winter in. We look a look at Mrs. H. F. Lutz' fine stock of jewelry the other day, and would .-ay to the buys it id just the place to get "your girl" u nice present. Everybody prepare to come to tbe Fair on Wednesday. As we only have two day.T Fair, let us make those two days interesting. B. I. Hinmau of North Platte, called last Friday. He is the Demo cratic candidate for J udeship for the oth Judicial District. cxt Wedtiesday will be the Gist day of the Fair. A Democratic Cou vention. and speaking iu the evchiug by men from abroad. All to comcon tiext Wednesday. Thc.nunu.al meetitig of the Web ster County Congregational Church wil! be held at Retl Cloud. October 10 and 17, beginning on Saturday at 10 o'clock a. ui. General invitation. is! most coidially given to christians of all denominations and also to the pub lic, to attend. Rev. II. N. G tcs, or Omaha. Sup't ol the Cotmregatioual Churches of Nebraska, will be iircient. uG4t A. MaxwkII., Pastor. 'All that want new gods for the. coming Fair, ouht to go to Bautu's New Chicago Store, where they can suit ilie ai selves best for the Iccst money.- There will be a Sabbath School Picnic held in Ash Creek District No. Jv inJU r. Reauchamp's grove, Thurs day uOth of Sept. All adjoining Sab bath iScbools arc cordially invited. The annual meeting of the Web ster Co. S. S. Association will be bcld at Red Cloud on the Bret Friday and Saturday or October next. Commence on Frid.iv at 3 p. m. All who arc in' Jereled iu thelSrS work are cordially invited. Entertainment free. lied dead,, Sept 10th, 1S75. FitiNic JJoRiN. Sec'y. a "r Fa&SieKo, mcrcbiiafeiTncchaascs lawyciB, doctors, aBd tnea of -all trades and profession;:, lei ns rally at tbe polls on the 12th of October and poll every vote that we have in this coanty.; lei usxc-Wir.tbe oat-siders that wa have a fewAotoauowa jawbea afe,oaocj.ct wet c if. There-are, three candidate ictniiaiior, Jadtfeaaap u: J. JUL ;watbtjja RepobEaan soownw iVI e ffiaajrall good Republicans to sap port. Wc have, always been united in thouiy, let us continue so. tl 1 - "WELLS I f 13 1 amatiajc wells bored will do weU tpaMaapa W. W. -Hakvkiv : laavak, W&xkcriiQ -Neb.-S-Good aotcs takca tf desired. 3T-3a -1 .iin " i : s. 'JS. TKTED. 7axBrie! feaal 4Trt CaMtt f vHMa tkeecxtttti dy. jW bkfi i lacBntapsf aasa anee via ae aaaa. l W fi liriiaiCoavitGbaW ""--Tke icrudert ball of tbe www will be b5d in Ked Cload o tbe aftcT aioon and evening of October Tib. Tbe chatopioa band of Kaaaat will farntsb the uiu.-ic, and a good tia.c i aatid patcd. Come one and all Boy try some of tboe fine tngara at 1L IU Sbcrcra. Rm V.tnn r,rth KMr,.r I'r , , ..-' , it , . f h- -truck a fat talc. Go.! fur ebitcr. To judge fmnt tbe amount of goods 13um hu on baud, be i bound to do the biggest trade in the ralh-y. Anyway he ha- the largest aud uiot complete stock tu Red Cloud. We have positive proof that cot ton can be grown in thu county. Dr Uaaley chowed us a .pecimen of his own production which i pronounced j by experienced hands as being a good as. they ever aw. Tfie sample wtr ttv. wniii tiLnli"! aftr th 2l),ll ol jav W. II. DtHlce of Nebraska Citj was entenccd by Judge Guntt to be hung on the 14th of Januaiy. He was convicted of murder in the first decree. The Evening Star is to have a pres of iL own soon. We uud- r.-tand that heretofore the State Journal Co. have d.me their printing for them. From the state Journal. Liaccis ifcriei. Lincoln. Sept 2.1, 1S75. The fallowing are the quotations on the street to-day: Wheat, active at i0 cents. Com. inactive and un-cttled ; prices weak and almost nominal at .'5 cents, almost uon i iu the market. Oat. dull and heavy, 20,,2.: qual ity poor and demand slight. Barley, inactive and loner : No. 2. 'tO'Ktt'i;t ; ufierincs small ; No r, and rejected at 4.(i..i.), and poor demand. Rye, no offerings and prices nominal. Potatoes, dull and heavy ; 2Ufu25. Beef cattle, per cwt., 2(iu. Hog.-, per cwt.. 4&4L Sheep, per head, 2 fitCl 00. Turnips, perhu., 10im20. Chicken:, spring, pcrdoz., I 2"i(7t,l a. Butter, l"vS20. Eggs, dull and h.-wer; 10i2i. Hides, green salt, o&u ; green, 41 (.5 ; green calf, i(2il0; dr, 1 Ifiil2. Hay, per ton, :J UO 5U. Offerings Iare and no (ieni;t:id. Notice is hereby given that on Tues day the twelfth day of October, 6tit. an election will be held iu Webster County, Nebraska, at the places hero inaftcr mentioned fur the purpose oi elcctinghe following uamed officers: Three Judges- Supreme Court. Six Regents State Univenrity. One Judge Fifth Judicial District. . Ouu Cu. Chirk, cue Trcaurcr, oiu Sheriff, one Prubaty Judge, or one Co Judgv, one C). Superintendent, oni Co. Surveyor, one Coroner, and one CommL-isioner Tor the Fir?t District In each precinct, one Asse.-.-or, twi Justices of the Peace, two Coiutubles, three Judges of Election uud two Clerks of Election. Aud in each Road District one Rjal Supervisor. Also to vote for or agaui-t the New Coustitition, aud the two propositions separately submitted. The pbee of holding the election iu each precinct rrsll be as follows : Red Cloud precinct at the Court House. Guide llock precinct at the Schoox IIous&Dist No. I. Walnut Cro.-k precinct at the School Hou-e Dist No. o. IiiavaL at tho School House Dist. No. II. Ratio preciuct at the School House Dist No. 22. Harmony precinct at the School House Di-t No. l Oak Creek preciuct at the School House Dist No. 5. Stillwater precinct at the School House Dist. No. 21. Potsdam precinct at the. house ol Joseph Tolkesdoif. Which election will be opened at 8 o'clock in the morning and will con tinue open until ft o'clock in the after noon of the same day. -By order ol the County Commis sioners this 2oth d.iy of August, A. D, 1S75. J. A. Tl'ixevs, Couuty Clerk. D'O TOO KNOW THERE IS A t-1 bSUG STOKE 7 21722732 "WTierc yoa caa get anything you waat in the hue of Pure Drug. Medi- rcincs'and in J'j-h all articles asually kept ia a-Sfaiclass Drag "Store. 1 furs 'Wires aariLiqiMrs for Bicdiclaal aae Phyckaa ptc-criptioai caxcfuilj coatpouaded day or night. " fS ta? t " ' S.Caa7ao Irenled tcitk iaauf oj J anuCcsiiOAaV' cigar. GIYEHDfA C4LL. -. f , H 3Br M 'MAZMtiR, 2fP3S7SJ:f 85iN TafcUrCicirT Yc!lrrCSrk. U ia tit Vstity i thZvblts&,iV'ii.lr tiXiftMi toari Rfttr s4 tatAr tit $vu Uat cm U Snih. VlateM re rSild &d dm rr hit! fl r ts$U ia taI s IH tti fet lAaie:Uf IiTtI !! iU o iT tt crats. Ittatx of rate Ml i& Ike prii "1 "scsiar. Thv 2arr r sot f 3iCTtU7 -. thr I lwJ C ! hfr rfpr(ali ia tit rrrsiaf. Tie ' ,3Bty Snl UMJ UHl!(, ' i 1Ci , J the count frae4 with a" rtaltin '; J'' H .- b,t-r real pre cui trjjio it cl Kthoal dutricu ritbi SU bvumlrtc nd ci,t-3 rllitirt arr lhrcltr iiafilt Wltrr thm thur in vobi Ka.-T.crn stairs. The J'i-MionWr ttMtl land lurni.be ueartr rtvch actttey t j tearhr: . I'araitn rxo Uij It K. land frtu; !10 Iu itt per arte- witli Irsfran time. There u yet a eotuiderabte aiaoost f rTcrsaeat laod for hotseteadt axrd p? eropliotu. A a rtock rat.iat eoitutry it U hard teiseu Cat le du wdl. aad Ir her H ctsnot he heatcu. It U Ja.U aited tu that. Furtu ie ea& be easily taadc by rabies hc the eieneof f-.liaU rry ttuatl. Thit etirn, tial. barley. pilatie buk wheat, and all kind? of rxu aal vec;abl. are crwa i -r f4fl 9" m W-WV .- here with little latwr. ii bushel of hkI rwra tt th"acre U nitiubt new. Wbut average shoot 2 bahelt tbeaere. 1'iiNt dte treiuilr veil. jcrjr fnuer bax hi erciurd iruxin;. Kiret trM- rw ri'idly. Ctton wood. Uijialdcr, wbitcwojj. ufl wattle and iu' T 0er ltsJ'ef tree iitv mlo timber large ciiiuli for fuel iu alJJi IlLtcr jar. ;ai: orunc tiUuuda tely. and ia a few yesr jrnir live lenci aa be tuilc. Mr .hauic find etai' yuieiit ui fjira;r. The rcT3r-bt.-t nnd wft water i oLtalticd bj yoiti-frmn J toltW feeL Tho eol It very -mall when the v. ell w bred -Thee well aererirod y. Tbctreaaof tWitcoucti are the Hculilic4C and it ir.bui.nrm wl-ich are axfulluw un the toutb tde of the river, iVuluut tr. HuffaU. State Peer?. C df. .1-V., Atlit and Juide ItcV crrck. Om the aorth iil - arc AViI1jt. Kliu. Cftunutnl, . risked, lu'liniithitd Fanner errk. In tbe uortti irt ot the county ii the Illuc nrer nnd its triliutarictf. Tlftvt 4it',.Vcbl'pnansy ha d.rk. rlh vejetable lo.iin- Tlie ilil rriU.e are nutri tious an .nbundtnt. and m.tke mt eacelleMt hay. Tiiilolhy.eJoier. Huiic-triart and uilll-t will iindiiubledly rove a .mutable rixlu tion. Tbu; wti'i hie tried theu. tu dcaide at lea't. Oar railroad lroJ'fc1 are soH. nnd we ill have n n ad on niunaf we really need one. Ilut thefarmorr Toryeur ;ilfiudrand -ale 'or furpln iinKluetmi.f in the ni-wer counties tet ami In new icttlcr. Ity the Hint- theie nurket are cloccl nid for ;heaier trhiiM.rlatiin ft w''l be orcned. Ourrl'innle i hiMlth'ul. th-nir imr and hracinr. ami f iokne? of iny k nd !a a!unt a tranxcr to the ei'lc lire. The county eat. ltKU CLOU I n the Ile rublicnn river, nr ir the renter ft and rtet and a liitle routh il the ctnter north and jouth. In it nrr chne" Inr buinvs men of ercrj branch of trade. The country around U Mii'h ns to irar nut n cuod I'ucnn ? iu every kind of :nerebandio- lted Cloud and (iutdc iiK:k arc the only two laid nut town.'. Fur ther inlnnitatititi can be obtained from any land asclit nho ud tribes iu this uer.oiat this office. Notice is hereby given. That I will examine nil persons who nitty desire to ifler theni-clve! a cnndidH:'rs for Tpachers of tb'? primary or common schools of the count, nt my office in Ued Cloud, on the fir.-t Jaturdny of August, November. February and May. 11. S. Kai.f.y, Co. Superintendent Farmers having legs on the yard it the Red Cloud Saw Mill, will please elnim the same and roll them up, and mark them plain. Terms, cither ca-h or divide in the log. Al.-o those wih- ini; sawing done can depend on tiie mill running the last of each week, if there is logs to saw. J. Q Potter, It I'to'p of the Red Cloud Suw mill. S.G I Go. ARBER DK.VLKRS IN Dry Goods and Groceries- BOOTS aud SHOES Hats- Caps. & Rfady Made Clothing 1 We have ihe Largest Stock in the Vaitoy and will not be undersold. GIVE OS A CALL, ONE & ALU S Garber Sl Co. c.d SedCfoaHa, CITY DRUGSTORE Rid Cltud. Nebraska. MY rDrnr Store if in Red Cloa4. irratrrc pare. Stock i cotnplet. fprnStn. aiotto it nack. tile aad. jtataU SAME Wkat job wxat. SA&C Toar aiias tfaere JfAXE TwjcBraeishfear. SAME Thit sou hare bees t&rre. IS TkenaartaiszToa wast. it n ar rise ol traos SfTESER Ctmpmmh prtocxipiitms.cimci RH-KKK RaatbeCitrXrnirStr. i L.tlfVl'l ., . .... . ...... .-.. iiiA' br-caBej;ffTj-rf. -.... ivtiavmimvnm urn. ijb wyiaiHj - Cite fu m tull Before .r - - MARTIN TUPKA. htPS2iS67T RED CLOUD J. BERENZEN & CO.. Webster Street. Hi. 105. A :001 ITUK AHTICLK OK LvOKtl IIKKH TONSTANTLl' OS HASD. VALLEY HOUSE. J. C- BARKER, Prop is always rcatfy to attend" tt and male cara&rtablc LJ. Ktran. Tbw Hotel i ouurdy nuar. lia Uit fitt-i up for the exntcfr purpose of the travoling public STAGK LKV1 FOR THK RAILROAD ON MONDAV, VKPNIWl.V.& FUIDAV OF KAC1I WKKK ATT O'CLOCK A. M. I Claim to Have the BEST STABLE West of Lincoln. Always keeping on hand a gcnd supply of I A Y A $ i) G Y A I J Also a good conveyance for the purpo f annvrying pafltajcrs from this place to any other at rca-ouable rates. ilia !.. 0. L. BATTLES & SON. DKALKRS1N SHELF & HEA YY HARDWARE, And all FARMING MACKiNEBY at Grar.QC f rice. AULTMAX& TAYLOR MOUNTED and "DOWMT HORSE-POWERS. rvCj--53i.R55 "'-fcSBiSi, A good assortment of NAILS, RAKr, B0LT2, CORN WiA-STKltSi SQOVEL9, SPADES, KOIIKS CARPENTERS' AND MASONS' TOOLS, PAINTS. OILS. KEWTOX WAGONS, GLASS, TISWARK, GRAND DETOUR PLO-VS, with Wood ot Iron Reams. with Wood and Iron B-am, And Everything needed by the Farmer or Mechanic JaFine Table and Pocket Catlcry. O. L. BATTLES k SON: Guide Rock, - LUMBER LUMBER W. L. VANALSTYNE RED CX.OV&, ABBR,1SM1. PINE LUMBER, LAtH SHINCELS Dodrsr BKndt Sash Mouldings -. i 1 . a . Aaa aary Artieieay srp: is I GUARAJJTJEfctOtffttCATr AH BItL TftAT CaJ BB00l iJ2rtATA OE HASTI5C?- 40 IIS IIKRKSXKN &, BREWERY Xt:frH-kitf XeWnaftlul ht;.r . & TOStJPPf0t Tarred Paper Etc mt ,-.'- ! 4a9NBC sJxk Uariaanu-iai f" i I & & if- i :;. jr - iRa . T'j C -. lU.4 ca i&simz'm? tir-nn yaui . .-- ,a.. - .- .lniiW tiifi $fb imitrAH ".-: ; ?r: ,.,.. - '- JaT-"' itV-' ,;Sr :- a. - fmy:$Z .-.. - . . - - ,.... - . .i .:! SV S- it. rT i'Hi -'" --? ""-.S' & 0? sC.i ix v i !T-. t 'i'- -- I .& W. S t. r . -'-- .. i . . ' -V. " - -- r-sxisrvr . -w.-r25 . A . .-, 8CTil fS&CB&i 'A-.- &iy- s?015i i wcstVAJWfe?? f&?j mmM. t?. .: SSSSj3si2 PE . n - ' ''Je?