' ' -im-maaiamaTai-'" mini mil inlnSiiMii I I DMI --a irai''T'lT!;T ' is, - tf r 5 x:' v j Si? Ft S L fe- r.y. .--; 5 I t mrw.' Bpp'' "jAulf 5 ..?.. .-3S4 Si 4 V " &EZ?Ji zaj&S-t s-i mW4 aWftT7!- vkjtt i&Ee4 a vJWS. ' nrwici .-. jittiwk .? LTTOBNRf 8 At LAW,1 - ' , Stale: - , " yUBrt--W-l , w at C&SLfiq! A"'"" .'IfimmR in ffcosfc' OFFICE I , " . .W. rvivn v ;uuiuu'" ftHEUtt, ' F ;"-' ATTORNKY hi tAW, ft , TOA1T WHX. AJTD SIM HI Sr- jl . - I v .' .-Tfc' ,-i.JW, -1H1M - J t flBW4ff St ft AW 1tn, jTttmiwra. f 'Superintendent of PnUk In- . v t ruction. Cwimyla'flu.tt It Mcort, . i sa' nrvfDC s ia vy i nv LN, NEBRASKA. M be in itt aiUaee at each "Matffet Coarix of the nreral . .2rJMiea vaweir. SU'tt .& 'ASLAIRD V IHJ & L AIBI, t.f7,- at Law oy ' & J a & t.rl'T ATR A RENTS, i s jj' ma practice in all the Courts o the State. VXllAIXA 9tl Estate Agents, c. ,JIHVUIunu"l J. A. TUIiLSTS '-infttrj irittn & Taileya, fey.'SPO &jti... r ' j, ... i "v.sm zmtmmm f. ' JfVIATA .- UALIITATI COL'CTIira AflXTI . Will fcy ami Mil 94 Est to oa CabibU Ti. 4 Um (or nfln-widonU., 4 SMetalattMtinniriraiitnccUMtiMM. Oer oiieiiea. aw iisucre oi isqvirj. , rBlMMiMpru "ft KKDCLOl?D' prumptly JtMvcrec. . - NEB. ; -,.t?.l. M. Freeman, :y - SB. j -r-- rSchonl liqifdta Specialty. MK9EY & PRKJ!OW '.i,"'-?&Si( iv Estate Dealers, r4AJkurnfnv VBI1 .- ,MT.fKtatlxforMlo a Urge qaantiiy we xbi in noumtm roonmnt. and Mil laasa on Uoiai ilwiuH aad Boa-rMidtaU. .- aar- AfaaitaB ntat4vaa:tn the ureset- 1 TaJalajMarc,tae1eAlndener.l cfTMBMl JB4aiMaieBrw2 " "" v ii - BirfT1- i- -t i ia -v-'i ;onnQuse N( ' " OLOVERttlN.NEBRASKA. Jfi. WltWON,..'.. ..........Proprietor. ,if) oiaotcs, uuuu Dew, nu oiir- . A Meak at Reasooiblo Rates. TWii Patronac of the TTravellinf Pub . .. , . . He rUwpecttaHy 8olMHted. T - oid RtiClwd, Nekraska. &Q.1XLL. - fwjritttr, La -cOanpal StAlil txMiacua)ai wHailhe IfcVrl-. MS; V--,.- Tkta aotel hutea refitted aad refaiaiabed tkmMhMl. CkiCtoiarMen.IUnread IMea aad all aaruefptantnc nen ;,da. win aa u jiattla aeeeai: s uattbifMetol. BUT & FHD J J.C ROYE, -. , vPop. Mai jam rented Peet'a lirery stable. j;eaa;aH iowm to lb nniu na r,B'V 'B Pa.. a JJa.1 a A - 'b. - iHaiiuu win ae laramni ua iaon no- tiet, aad at raowiUeterais GIVE HIM A CALL. ' fttsle Watt ef tkt Valley INm, RBBR Shop BY "--v HAMPER. ' l Hall, Red Cloud. "pBooiataBd Hsir- IW-atyk.ef the . 17-W ?ket. aBBUt -Wb 3W - n - J t BMHESTa rttlClPAU) TOK itaa CATTLK HOGS. ANDHlpBS. i" J af ,. : ;-' LM4ImlqaoM 5"-5f- CIGAR, t: . -r ."!5bv i-VNt ajm.s fK aaj k. ana .-rr. . -h SBBBt-' T .Vf1 C .M Wi .BHrnama EBatlJW1 -tJVeialaB ja!Saaat UWJ "32A M H-Jt"aiyw3aBaW v " " -Th IKOamSEIaW, mPMmfU sassfe.' : -rfZBLfSmBj----. .1.1.. -- mw - aw am aSa' - - - 'm n imam aiTa 1 aa msam ma 2T- oT JIT -? - .w T. , -T . .- It- . t V - AaWamaltfmamfJaTJan. lf"JSeWjej " iffE-JTsrajgryr-r mOMrat-SS?' wSSft amafc,wajtaTieahri. aam BsTT--Vfs'a. 9 ? w. 5. r r ilfaJTati ami 1 aBmBBBBBBBFwaw rr . ;-- mfJBnP 55L'.sfTBV'TB.T v riraiTXmmsMm.- ?K!5S53amm-i-M-m--a ., WT ' UlPamP JBmmmmlemmB lBU flBI;i mt a-aV-TBa mwt .smBBBftJBBBBBBBBSa.:BBWBFmmmA BBBBBB, . M, SB am -aWBBBbSBBBBWM. a - &BWmmmmmWUJI'JklJvJl-V Jva?5 em?rA:S -" .. ' "ft" Ig 2L. ' . Pslak MlllBmJ-rrtlillMrfa S B-BBBmummi W 'rtTi Cj-a -ft hLV?-' f- 'msmmT JammmtdBml mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. - i"- tw mwgHBmmmmmmmmVmV -"!mTe JB"" BmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamawT . " Jsstf-iy. - L.. i . . jt... ', V 3K ft. S. PIN8I0X itntoicoif. Al. 3d Jmt ftml of Cwert Hi VBUB Bl V WWF- OMiOtiMiffMaMi. B. . itm :. .i' JiWI-Vi'. UDCLOft, cowtt, ndl. - "-"ft Sf ut IMUif 'tftntioMbM to B- , MkiuTifi Ken JC 'Cr? ;&J&fcien Guarantied. it .Vi. e WtLLCOXy libARY PUBLIC. c-. CoTeyeini and alj otber NoUri) will tciche prompt attennon. rDepoMtioiw promptly and corr takea. Address. BKD CLOUD. NEBRASKA. Republican River TAGE LINE- T. T. WX1I. PrflprTetor. Reg alar trips will be made between JUNIATA a RED CLOUD, I shall be pleased -to carry paseeiwer uoon tbe dava meattoned, leaTimr eaTirur Ke Ctoad at 6 A, 31. oa Mondays, Wedne davs and Fridayn. Lcaviac Juniata at 6 A. M., oa Tucadaya, Thuradaya aad Satardaya. Fare reaaowable. HAMPTON k RALSTON- Red Cloud. .' Having tea&td the Wagcm Mid Bfaek Naith ahop, lately eecapied by Ira Sleeper, are bow prepared to do every thing in tbe Hue of WAGON-MAKING AND JBLACKSMrrilING, . WAGONS. BUOGlEvS. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Repaired on ahort notioe aad in a Workuan-like namer. WAGONS AND BUGK3IIS MADE TO , ORDBK. HAMPTON k RALSTON. RED CLOUD MILLS. NATIVE LUMBER .Cbastaatly on hand. All kinds of I3IMKNHION LUMBER. ag3iiaigsftgay FEXCI5Q. ,n . AND 15IUDGE PLANK. All sold Cfirapfor Casks . ' Cull and examine lumber and prices. FITS CURED FREE II Any aerton mffbrio from the aaoTa di- aaw U reqanted ti addreM Dr. Priae. aad a trial aetileof medicine will be ibrwarded by I v FREE! The oalr ptt briar the Ixpreaa enartet, w iea owia to tny large basiaeia, are malL Dr. Priea ha mala tke treataieftt of FITS R EPILEfY a idady for years, aad be will warraat a care by the ae of hb remedy. Da Bet fail to aead to him for a trial bottle: it cueU aotbiBS, aad fie WILL CURE ItHJ, ao matter of hew loajt tandiaf ynar caie may be. or fcow aasy other remedies aaay have failrd. ' Cirealan aad tettuaoaiala aent with PHEE TtCIAL BSTTLE Be partiealsr to give yoar Kxpreat, aa wall ae yoar Peat OtacedirecUoH, as ia. Addraw; f DR. CHAS.T. PRICK. fW STWilKam Street, aew York. '? aw, Bi.TS iteii-!1 , 'Jf. $25. DAY! WELL AUGEE ! Hav'Hag obtaiBed the agency forthe "S VM miRCILBlBATXD WILL KDtt auiamreiT.. ABmBtwBewwehree with irat- fthaaaiathttw-wf aamaitiBg orders frees a who aeek water ampp! Uaiak "; jj : .at ao. a " ' BeSBJ DAYlH . v -BBBkBB aaaeteaasa.aammiaaaaBmi"-?' - 'ami j-a - mimt 'jamm mBmasmlsmi mmffXmml 1 mmwammBBalBB) ammmVamwmT emmwffJi .smsasmaBi feMMrfe f)f 'ji: . l . ' -v tf . .. .-J - ' gg U 4" -O.-" w THE REOi f.jWIOvCHIEF KIB CLOUD; NEBRASKA: LOCAL HATTERS. jftmimtMuCmnnlO CmU Umk Atriita iM eyriiire r MMIa rrHBi eke atoei cieeki r.e. Juniata Learee . Moeday' WerfaJay' ad Friday 7 a. . MaileJeeed 9 p. m. Airives Tuee- r eyTlnradayaadSatvrday'aTp. m. Habvabo Leaves Taetday's ad Fridar'a C p. m. arrives Toefday's and Friday b 5 p. m. Mail dosed 5 p. bi. Franklin, gnajr east, MoBday'R and Tbnrsday(a 2 p. w. Goiag west Tuesday's aad Friday'a 10 a. aa. Plkasant Hill leaven Tharsdays 6 a. as. Arrives Wednesday's 4 p. m. Mail doted 9 p. bi. Jewell, Kassas, arrives Friday's 12 aa. Leaves Friday 1 p. bi. Ruskkl, Kansas, arrive Tharsday's 12a.Hi. Leaves ThBrsday 1 p". bl Office open from 4 unGIl 6 p. a. Sundays. All regiatered matter must be in tbe evening before the mils leave. M. B. McNrrr, P. M. .CSiVSHH "23jr CONGREGATIONAItjCHURCH Services eycry first aid third Sab baths of each month at Red Cloud and fnavale. 7 o'clock t. m. at Red Cloud. 2 o'clock P. at In avale. Every second and fourth .Sabbaths at Satin and Harmony PreciscU. Rev. A. Maxwell, Pastor. BAPTIST CHURCH.-Rkv. Thos. Muxlow, Pastor. Services every fourth Sabbath at 7 p. M. SABBATar- School, every Sabbath Biorniog at 10 a. m. i. Q. POTTIR, 8upt. ' Prayer'aieeting Sabbath and Thurs idayeveaingsv All held at the school Itoewe just Borth of town, Go to M. B. MeNitt's for your wall paper, he has and will keep coa staatly oa hand a large and' well se lected etoek of the gayest, seatest and sweetest patteraa of this article that the market affords. roasiix r" Obc Champiofl Light Mower. Price 1 15. Will take stock ia pan pay. M. B. McNrrr. WELLS 1 WELLS! ! ' All wantiag wells bored will do well to call upon W. W. Habvky, Inavale, Webster Co., Neb. J-Good notes taken if desired. Sl-3m If you want to sell your barley for Brewery purposes, be careful to have no grains out by tbe threshing a chiae. Every grain must be as nearly perfect as you would desire it for cholee seed grain ; for xood Barley we mmm pay aBajnBTesrl Respectraily. etc.. 47tf ' s Red Cloud Brewery. -SPlCULJOSTZS'ltAlX By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the" District Court of the Irst Judiatal District, in aad for Webster County, Nebraska, in an action where ib. Patrick Barry is p'aintiff and Michael Cook, Maria Cook, 8olomon Brunswick, Hyaian Brunswick, doing orjosa under the naBie aad style or S. Braaewick A Bra, defendaats. I will offer for sale at public auction at the fnfltdor of tbe Court House in Red CloBdlNeoraska, on tbe 14tb day of August, 1875, at 3 o'clock p. m., the following described real esute situated in Webster county, Nebraska to-wit : Lots oae aad two, block 14, Rod Cloud. Nebraska Given under ioy hand this 8th day of July, 1875. -.5 n? . G; Bill, , Sheriff and Special Mjuter Ceaiorie aoner. ; 47:5U SnCZA&XAmi'SULL By virtue Of Sm orilpr of aak immsA out i of the District Court, "of.the first Judicial District ia aad for Webster Couaty, Nebraska,- in aa aotioa whereta Levi Moore is plaintiff, aad Jobo Koraer and1 Joha Bargeataal and Mary E Bargeataal defeadaata; I wiU offer for sale at pebfic auction at iK'te"1 door of Court House in Red Cloud, Nebraska, at 2 o'clock p. m., oa the 14th- day of August, 1875, the -followiag deems reel estate to-wit: Lota 11 aad 12. bloak ? : towa ot Red Cloud, Nek, ia said Webster eounty.i Given under mj haai this the 8th day of July, 187. ' " Br n. tit l " Hk:aT.Jjl3i-jr. W41".-. ... wociia im oprau xuascer uoajaai sioaer. 4751 NotMe'Mlmrslw tireBL that I wfll oa the 2lrdejr of Atgak' 1875 at twoodoek P.M. at tha ideor ef the Court How ia ReM Cload Webstar Csuaty Stateof Nebraska fee ht sale at Phc aaatkm the ftHewmff kads,tew1 Lota Iva aad x (5 A 6) ia Bkak M (5)' ia. LsDae's ad- ditiea to taatapefRedCkjad star Cear liaaka; assaHias' to the cemamad of v erde ef sals is Medlewi tfti Wrist Court ef the feet Ji ---' "V-f i. ' tiffaa4A2 Cevejr wata: -.- . -.i Tf aaJHwsiiSK, - - m - rfJsmT. si7fc e -.. - T v -lit " -l .L TBaMcireAitflfrTlhliilI UWlirTT awmsaawuyammamiamsmmmua-. , ?' A gee smammmwam m : W-WawSSaTXlaaMww.V tUII I . ?TTe1 Wesilti - ,,- A , . sv aw veaupaamj amy. am-maaw - . y ... .. . - ..-33 r .TJagXS27-g. amamTAUJWi Jnlim far Asm ms 11 - WWMKBf VHI fJaV ' taaa, whslsmls dagaesr amaW;tamw NAILS,- aUUBf, mjuia, wu riiam' maafeVaWi ?? mrmTmi mmamfmH uBamammmWmmammBmmaaBw-mawT. ! 'i-eamafsfi . 7 " . .. . - ' a ;3f rt --Bf"y- r? Sm aflhs aai laTaaT --"i -A 5-t- ? - - . J. S7T: 31 TsT -..1 .. v.lm IVf- GKAV DaTWUm ruwm, ' - K. JtfcM4! jv Hadr BF mBmaT BBBBBBB ewmwwaamww SBaam mrWBBBB f 4aam,A - m -: ' saJ SB - Smmsaaam amsi SBBBm aBmBam maamamasmaaammmfl amaaSmT KS-awaaaUj Smw a ammama- a 1 . a maMaSSBtW Smags3pmlai.ima JPhggB-IWIO !J!i!a?'!ytJft,'S? M.taMr WWisrimiaV ifj. TP"5"PBBawjBjammawv SjSnSjSJsBx aSBUSBawaJl.lz tercel? ?? JJtrLiKZ 2l--Sjr'-- "W. " aw- amwu v.aawa'. p. wms wrw. - .-JTTW",W aiBaaam'amBHH rM'" ..1 ag.C l-i-.V :-- mii.- :..--. " JjJr'', . w - . w ,.. v -r'T - WpyWMfeg fhmerem&samuaa rtffg" "eir-"'. .fffJ??!1"! 0tnUfVMlymmif " -v --V -kc- mmmBmmmBmmmammmammBmmmi - .amammmamwBsl f . -- jr. "- ? r-rr$ ,Mfc-fi Leokat Che. R. J ewai. bSaHa oftW uMieat scck of gooels lUtt M. 1L S., aad defea U price aad saaSt. , We Mdcrstaad that Jasob K. AsmeBaSBBfatSS has lought SUt Geo. Zeias, aad seated Chaa. Potter's ewhtingia waist he iateade to pat a btasard table. We received a ptsaaM & Mr.8iaithofBelille, ReaaiaicCo., Kaa.. also Mr. Cex. el Jewel City, Jewell county, Kassas. Prof. Weigh tBMuV ef TeeasMeh, calkd Tuesday; He is Oe. Sapt ef Johasea coaary. We attoaded the soda! aerty giv en by the ladies of the - Sewiag Circle, at the residence ef Rev. Mazwdl oa Wednesday evening. Everything passed off pleasantly, aad every one present seeated to enjoy theauerres. The levies have commenced thear work of charity and benevolence ia the right direction, aad we wish theai success in their new undertaking. We have Just read a Centennial Song, by VT. N. Hale, of Smith Co.. Kansas, whicrr has the true nag ia itt and should be in tbe home ef every Aavriewareftiaeii. WwSAasvikrjejetaa it and recoaimead it to oar 'readers, and would feign give it aa iasertioa were it not copyrighted. Copies in a neat form can be obtained at thisofice at ten cents each. There will be a dance at George J iVU) UU UiC CI CUIU Ut LUC 9kli, SII are invited to attend. Music by S. C. Watson's band. The Red Cloud Mills are now running day and night. New wheat ia coaling ia very green. Farmers be careful to have your wheat dry before bringing it to the mill u49 3t Potter & Frisbik. At last we have it ! We prophe sied that it would be here before assay months had passed awsy. At the com rssacement of this discusaioB the Chief was assured that there would be no dress in Red Cloud this year, and the spelling school fever wss act UMtiaed to afford peraiaaeBt enjoy ment aad entertainment. The Chief has therefore been eoastantly in favor of something ia the nature of a "Sew ing Circle. It would be useless to expatiate up on the delights aad amusements which spring from a 8ewing Cifde. Agath ering of ladies full of that charity to wards aHVaad malice towards aono, for the puraose of making garaieata rortnearcate. xoung men aad bach elors wiU now ht generally over-hauled Our faults will's exposed to the light of day. Twenty 'pairs of keen eyes will scrutinise our d- ily eouduct ; twenty ripe mouths will be iUouseiag oar will feel that he is no losger uaaotioed; The most bashful will be trotted out to public gase, aad the most virtuous will discover his viciousoees, and thee those rosy lips will curve with the sweetest smile sad whisper the most hooeysd welcomes as we are asbered iato their presence, after the deetitate have been provided for. Then wont it be glorious? Ed. Parks showed as the best spedmeo of wheat we have seed this year. Barrel, 'our toneorial artist caa give yoa as aiee a shave as yon caa get anywhere in the State. Some one last summer borrowed a poet suger of Barney Swift, in this place. Will that, person please return the same ta this Ofioe. Every thing cheap at theMiUiaar Shop. Oa Sam Garbers farm near Guide Rock, fvs acres of ground produced 250 bus. of eerisy. 50 bushels per acre net a W yield: Undo Sara has tome of the best cigars in town, we knew this because we have 'sampled 'em -UBtrimmedhaUat the MiUtaer Shop for cost. Oae year ago to-day the grass hoppers fit in our midst, devoured our crops aad laid waste oar land. Howdif fereat it is to day. Mr, L ; MaaseU brought as hi tie arss reawing earsot uc mmw mwbammmm xfr-- 1 - .. ,, Master Charles Stevaer preseatsd as with same aiee cherries,, . Rev. N. CRobtaeoa State Ages of the Presbyterian Miaaim will at the Schoel Heaseaa Stm- dajJay25ihatlla,i NOTICE. Notise is hereby ctvea that the ImmaasW faadiag the iadahasaams ef asTUe MMKlBf OCaON UtftWOT OW av-v.wm. aftlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlmlm. " . . a a tr a rn-MifVlw mmmammammammammammammammammammammaaSmmm t - - smmmmmmmmmmmmmmar wjM"mt .! vrmcenes- jrsrrnmmm1,urt ,..-. yfL. 1 elwiaiavsaai rr amaajaame as awm , , - , $.- - . ' AajaBuaaBSBjiaiot j .. & "", ' WSr WimMmAutmmmwammmam .mma-fsmm j amamTsSmBPim - - aa . I ..wktf-- : wm9mnmihMem, Wmrmmmmw9MWM: 7 STZZLTZJTTz: TL - .' ,.s-v..af . fr. T: -. :3fWSV.- V J.?";iawwammamw ySBBWaBmvv i H y - SaiJ aka SWeaaml . 7. .- --. -v ? - -- . i--4- S'm?nW&W33f&Fm VmWJL d. , LZZJZU-ZZ CAMMITaMMAlO - MM 9P9tVft1r -SaiMSSamimTEfMM: ?JRfW ". "A V7Z TZZTir .vi T il. ' r -mw ww.. . oaWL-.,ma-miil .Vv Ja?. mw iismaassl jmfmmaiami -V . . . - - -- ' ' A , ."TL -s- . - r a mawmawmawmmw-eamaw mawmmmwn.mami -j- amammmr mawamamaa mam, -makaamai nt ,. ,v aawaaaawa aaaaw awaaw. wmawmmamac aarwa aawammm- mm mamamama t . jl. xvamaw msvwmam mew .awmaw-w'mawmawar waaaawaaaamaamaau aa mawam mam maiamiamwB. i . '. -,. . .-. n-?laav -.: - - - jl ,..,SSlf!. .. tTvim- &c.javti-t. UVUTUN. V stftajrfus', Frank h. Co. IOC ffj.iTOaXafm?: Bumtsss geasr t3fapaawatehe)fadu1lat pres eac, aeteary hi the.fleruI!icsuTVaiJy akme, hat m meat eTthw states ea of' mv Aad Ifsaahiemie suite of things w ahl states aad looabues, I do not awe that we have muhcue to find fiauk, hat ought to be thaakful that oar prsaawets for a good sad bountiful harvest are so lair sad prommhig. Last aaasoa. when ft pleased provi. dame te try oar pativace with a scourge that Beady .deprived us of all our hopes; many of our people felt dev peadeat, aad ao wonder, for the doud that hovered over the valley of the RepahHesa, waa black indeed ; and it took ao small amouat of nerve to stick to the ship so apparently aeer sinking. J There were some who deserted her, aaa oy so doing, kterully eoumttted saicide, or ir net, done that which U eqatvalent to it. They murmured for the feeh pot of Kgypt, aad returned to slavery under the task masters they left behind them ere they came here There is no man so free or so independ ent,,aa ha who holds a clear title 'to a portion of the lead in tbe country he veiharwaoat this, fheJra"a1vniGaIU the chattie ef capital in the hands or beaded moaeaoiy. Ixwk at oar sea board states, Peaosylvania for in staace, where the working m-tn u ground to the dust by tyrant monopo lise. Labor in thoje places strike for a higher compeasation. Capital refuses to grant it, Hence ao issue that par. allies tbe entire workings ofahutot vitxy breach of business in the .coun try, not excepting even the farmer to some extent. Still the farmer nor hb family does not experience the suffer ings that those do who havo to depend upon their day 'a wages for their day's aread. Strikes, as carried on at present, is aot-the kind of strike that labor should make to gain a higher wages but' a bold aad determiaed strike for tbe west, there to become the independent possessors of the atil; whers the la borer need have ao task master to sup port ia idieaess , with that which God gave him for tbe purpose of applying to better use.-asmcry, health, strength and understanding. It is strange, that mea can't see this. The virgin soil of oar youBg State, as it were, smiling in the Up of nature, offering labor full oompeneatioa therefor, to all who chose toeome and ace pt of it Yet mea will cliag to serfdom in the cast, aad wrangle with their equals, about what their labor is worth, rather than be 1 free and independent tillers of tbe boU. There may be other vslleys in tie west, equally as good ca this for the heme -seeker toeome to, neverthe- owa expeneacc, that there caa be no better. And though the people at preseatia it living, arc mostly poor ia rldly cash, they hare energy aad (ttnttraraioe sufficient tocarrv them through the most tnin&r ordeal nf , & ui...... .asaSyfrc-.s v., ' ''jrrrrf-iiN I'Spi 1' bbbj b;y 'YrSu iiyBBrmm bl 1 1 1 pin MBMMiaaaaMaA.aiHaaBHBBBBiKaBBMBBBBaBiMiHBHnBHlHHBBHBBBiBBHa. """ " I ' ' " I M -- . -M T 'l t j hanLthitMaod rwreniarTr-VL.-.iwLl?l,r "Ji!l,,. tsrtaJameet Jif.- awa Mcuaeupa aou reverses, tuaft" scasoir'r ml. imaerr.fc.Tho table alwaf prorMwt with Of brighter ero-neritv .., nnnn thebeat the smessv-iferss, awdYraali tmh r w --w M'VH them. Thus situated, good nature and hospitality being their leadiog characteristics, they extend a cordial welcome to all those who principally like themselves lies from the service of employers and rented farm:, to eome, possess the lend, snd be lode poodeat asea. O'Suluvan. Votiee to Teaeaen. Notice w hereby gives, That I will examiae all persons who may deeireto oler themselves as candidates for tesehers of the primary or common schools of the county, at my offieein Bed Cloud, ob the irst Saturday uf Aagest, November, February and May. H. S. Kalkt, Co. Superintendent 1 a 1 . Farmers having logs on the yard at the Red Cloud Saw Mill, will please claim the same sad roll tbem up, aad Lsark them plaia. Terms either cash or mVMajajas Mf . Also those wish teg sawing done caa depend oa the ma ruBung the last of eaeh week, if there at logs to saw. '; J.Q.Potter, U ' Pre'p of the Red Cload Saw mill. waxtit. A.secoad-l.r.Tak Praa. t.the Red Csead Ohio slice. S. Garber 1 Go. lsakA.M. deals 1 A4aft. 1ml.ml.lllftlllHkJsk" "J. SAU..mWfca-m.afadBaXaWTr . , - . W43.?? RirERTON UOVSMi W. si TWmtKSr - ' !ru Wiereeiertsia hi ftaeWia the moat jstlemaa-fike aSuawtr, sua ssioed lare as tbe market affords. .. ?' Is thrtraVthar tblii we weaM aaj & himaeatt. 1 ilviJffai; - - sTatAtXa. L OtLLI TMiij JUSTICE OVTHE PEACE. y3TU7 PT7KK AVD UAL XSTA7S v AMUT. rwvertea FraakNa Ceeety NeeviwluL SW Claia for sale wad ulleriaf dsae la thelatutlyle. AMOSEHHNTS.l BOWklNG AUey, AND Target ShmmtiHff. CARL AVEBER, Han just opened a Bowling A lie. mL NiamOaJkovaW.AMISiresa' the nmss are cordially invited to eo aw and enjoy themselves. !lhmaUo a Urge supply of caa dies, aataTeraagee, aad Umoas.' Id OlXlk, OIKQIt US1. AWD . LIXONASS. ' Always oa hand ia their ecason. Give him a eel. - Oat leer West eftie Xa Oleie.Sotis. CITY DUUG STORE Red Ciwr., Nebraska. MY Drat Stare fa ia Res Cloaa. Draaaare Mire. 8tnk U rowplrte. (rmSta. motto U quick la aaa ttuall NAME WhatyoawaaL SAUK Yoar, bwiaemi there. If A Ml 9AM 'M Tn ynkr aehb6r. m That raw bare beea there. mfmkTsefeaajrthlaayoa 1 Lrft ia aurliae oftrabi. SaYear ebIM ailia. ya waai. JBwsfj aaathiac ayraa the mias. SltKMSH CemaaaaSe BfeMriatieM aatreet HUH KB ItaaethaCttr Drew More; S'HKKL'H Has the largaet ek ia the raller MiUN tiara a aad tee for jroanetf. Give Him a call Before Purchasing Elsewhere. Dr. Pat or Head, Family PhynlrliiH. Offerahis services to the public, and will atteed to all urofessionai calls. Oflee Ovir Siertr's Jraf Iters. 'reiifiauncEi'C'STiOTELr A. J. RENNECKER, - - - Prop. 51s miles fnthwettsf leAClrwJ, ea the real tetmlthCsiter. A. J. Renaaeker baa arala oaeael biahatT aad weaMeall atteaUea tohiaraMr iatmeil- varr day. A road haa been oMaei to-'hia nTetal thmagh the farm of the proprietor. wMebr, "WtniiH roaa. aaa w opea 10 ail tnvet cieapt the dririac of loeae stock. - o;t aisaacKBa'a sorat a tbial, es-The aaeleivined haa alaoopewesla StV 1 abere the BeS Cloa4 hridte. where a fall apply offreeh fjh tm be procared at aay time dartee tha eomiac eaaoa. DAKTIBwiehias freth ftth eaa cat tbem L at the Isherjr betweea the brklta aad tha taariataiU. I will ale be ia.towa oa Hatardararaaeh weekatthacoraerefKh ardraatere with a lewd of fresh Siw. tetfl SAVE; YOUR GRAINS By getting one ef Vk't JttrCrmick's toe impmed Machines IT MAS THS UGHTIT JB AFT The heat fimihtiss fer SAVINC Oraki; And u asksewUdctd as hmageas ef theassttdamUa asseaiaes ever ; k 'BBMbHIBiIHB .aaSa-eiB9FS-BBFBK. WhoUseW these Celeeeaesd mtmmammammammmmHmE. U 1 - !. m maBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiSrBmmmmr i 3, vi- JSri - VALLEY HOUSk. . O. OT AlilVnila FMp. as always reaeV as aamadfta aad ' This Hotel is entirely new, haviat Brnese of tic traveliag pshlic. STAGE LKWES FOK Till RAILROAD ON 4 i . WEDNBSDAY, k FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK AT 7 UNLOCK -. m: I (fair k Kivi tit iEST STAWLE WaWf . fLinctHt, Always Kcpirii: oa'haiid'a twod supply of . & H Y AND Abo a good ceaveysaee for tbe putaoies of eoaveyinf from thLt plv te'iby oilier &l reasonable rates. Keoi CI.Mtl, JT'-- 0. L MTTLES & SON. DEALKKS1N- SHELF i HEAVY HARDWARI; AGENT FOR THfr wBwSwk a Br'SmmEv"' 'BmaVmmiBmwl 4 wjmjStSSSSXn - - ..-, Bmmmmw?BmmBSmfi'Jimv -"-JjxJat itmJ mMBmmmmTssB BmmmmmmBsiBmmmmsfBmmml l 'II'b'wPIZtJ' irmaKiMii ' ammmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmv WM ANSON WOOD MO WEr Ktver Exctltitr Rttptr CMIINCIT fotk Zipper sr ihtfRmto.' -iiE-iEW 3rtA2Sf-Y r AfMC ftVLKV ml AY Ami ill1 FARMING .' (5MND inM Victor B . Mtoe AULTMAN&TAYIaqr THRBdHMjrif rJ MOUJITmCD HORSZVOWERS . ---''.- it - ' .- 'r I-" - Jmf m. - f. r V his k Wea ,'Vii. - ., - A & mr tae. vir . iS. monhat; i. 6 Y I , XebrswIciB. stYr X J PLO (1 HinPl jnALih 2 ,- -ijfe L ilTmtlmTJ ?" , - .-, ? va F Vs. . I i m I M ' I' v ajS - ifff f ri3Bt 'si ' el M A r w i w i-