The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 15, 1875, Image 4

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LnannnnnnnnnnnnnT Jfe we
CJ.P . " ' " Fan Mjariaril. '"" I Tte TIM Yariwew Frulfita.
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Jdihongk IrWM slrenajj Batesr
-MTWii af this rMtrsordUiry
' ' bit ere as aa artist took ia all the
roasdiags of lite scene. Jb sceaic effect,
BotEtDjfcmld exceed tke beaatj of the
tableau Uie dark background of tke
pulpit, in ancient carved oak; 'be torn
of tbe prcacber, readered more strikiag
by the robe of bit order (be is a Car
melite monk, and wean a long serge
gown, with only sandals on hi feet),
with his white cowl thrown back upoa
his Bhonlder, his head shaven so as to
leave only a chaplet of hair upon hit
brow, while the light from aboxe fcl
upon his bare head, and his countenance
so sad and beautiful, yet responding
with quick sympathy to all tlie regards
turned toward him. Surely, If he had
studied all this mitt en stene, he is a mas
ter of art
He began io speak; and from that
moment I wished to believe in the sin
cerity, in the piety, in the Christian
,' faith, of this man; for, if be is not all
(hat, he profanes the most beautiful
gifts of Providence. Never did a voice
more sympathetic strike my ear; never
did art more perfect captive and contro
the human heart. Bui merely
to repeat his arguments and illustrations
con Id give you ho impression of his
power; for it lay ia the man, in his eye,
his gesture, and his voice. In true -elo-,
quence there is something which escapes
analysis, a power beyond words, a mag
netism vibrate cltuUile, which penetrates
like lightning, which cannot be de
scribed, but which is only felt as the
K '" lntcnscst action of the human soul. ' To
make you understand its effect, I must
paint for you that couctenace so mobile,
now grave and stern, and now wearing a
look of ineffable tenderness. His ges
tures were full of energy and animation.
There was intense life in every limb and
evcryiHOtion. . Now ho appeared as if
he were the accuser of his hearers, flash
ing the light of conscience on every 'deed
of guilt At such a moment, ono might
!ciicve that he heard another Bftvonarola
thundering against the vices of the age.
fhen suddenly his tone changed, and
his manner became tender and almost
caressing, as if he would draw the mul
titude to the feet of Him whose agony
he described.
In recalling this marvelous preaching
it sccras to me that there is in it some
thing of the senses as well as of the
spirit I will not use the word "sen
sual," for it would not express my
thoughts, nor be just to the preacher.
But there is an element of passionate
emotion, which is so marked in the
writings of Saint Theresa and Madame
Qryon a mingling of human with Di
vino love, the overflowing ot a heart
yearning for affection, but which, shut
' up from all domestic tics, pours itself
out in a love for all mankind. But what
a fascination in this eloquence inspiied
by the most passionate love to Gtd an
to nienl-Jir. H.M.Fitld.
"Pabay Days.'
The children in a West Side door yard
were just finishing a game of croquet
yostorday, when one of tliem came run
ning up to an old gentleman, who had
been demurely watching the game from
a bench near. by,' exclaiming:
"Oh, grandpa, why don't you play?
It's such fun."
"I wouldn't jhic in any such non
sense," replica the old man. "What's
the senso in knocking n lot o' balls
'round through some hoops, and then
agin' a post?"
Here the rest of the young folks gath
ered about the old gentleman' to listen,
and as he took a pinch of snuff he shook
his head and continued:
"No; children ain't brung up as they
used to be in my day. Here 'I've been
a watchin! on ye a-playin' that Frenchy
same; a fuarlin', an1 a-mashin' mallets
an' callin' each other liars that aint no
such way as my parents cdicatcd me to
The old gentleman stopped to .take
another pinch of snuff and warmed up
as he said:
"They kept me at work at some use
ful employment, hoein' 'taters or study
iu' the good book. It was work in the
days- work for yotir daily bread work
night 'n day, an if any on us went to
runnin off an playin' laxy, I tell you we
got tuk across somebodys knee.
And the old man paused as memory
conjured up these Tisioaa of the past,
and he sighed as he saitf :
"Ah, them was palmy days!"
The children thought so too, but they
didn't envy him.
t6Ur Teanees.
These Vcnuscs are wonderfully ex
pensive," no matter where jiu find them.
If in the daily walks of life, ia the tender
flesh and blood that has to be decorated
with laces, satins, fine liaeas, silk stock
ings, gold and precious stones and false
hair, man has to come down with the
"gelt;" if in the pure Parian marble, that
under the chisel of a modern Angelo is
brought forth almost breathing and pal
pitating, and yet harmless, man has to
work all his wits to pay for cae; and if
in the starry regions of away ap yonder,
a Yeans dctermiaes to stake a transit,
' the safe doora mast be flung open and
tke awaej afs must be tumbled out
aad deputed, so that she may be safely
gcea tfcroaga fcer journey. Perhaps, if
strthtdekeeea the aulky wiasfcd
of thk l-$fcle triB.acroes tsksky, she
miga'tlSwl Aff ! ! ber
so expeaaiTe.
Bat, is - veaasesto
of Veai
cStaxpeBiT,aad auiaac wa peer kbt-
do.Is to oaa .?? mm.
kU TL -'
The biU that has jaM passed both
hoases of lae State Legislature in reia
doa to convicts seatcaced to prisoa for
life, electa but one person scateaced
from Troy Henrietta Robinson, known
as "the vailed marderess.n Tbe bill
provides that persons sentesced for life
shall be coaditioaaly released at tbe end
of fifteen years, provided their cendnpt
has beea each as to warrant clemeBcy;
aad they are to have their liberty for
tea years, at the end of which time, if
ao other charge is brought against them,
they are to receive pardon. If they arc
convicted ot crime during the ten years,
thev are to be remanded to prison to
serve out the life sentence. Hearietta
Robinson is now confined in the Insane
Asylam at Auburn, being one of three
women in the State Prison there, who
-will be released by the new law. Her
crime isfamillar to Trojans. Shs was
convicted in 1854 of poisoning a saloon
keeper residing near her home in the
upper portion of this city, by adminis
tering poisoned beer. No provocation
was shown, but it was proved that she
not only administered the poison to the
person who died, but also to a lady rela
tive of the deceased. She was sentenced
o)bc hung, but this was afterwards com
muted to imprisonment for life. She
remained in Sing Sing Prison until quite,
HgK ajlf, whem-sbe becaase insane, aad
was transferred to Auburn. She was
very beautiful, and to this day even the
counsel who defended her, among whom
was the Hon. Martin I. Townsend, do not
know her parentage for a certainty.
She became known as "the vailed mur
deress," on account of her refusal to
raise her vail during the trial. She has
no friends, and will probably remain in
the insane asylum unil released by
death. A few years ago her pardon
would have been gladly welcomed. It
comes to late, however, and perhaps she
will never realize it Troy Times.
Rich and Poor ia England.
There is a pleasing fiction that -the
same law exists in England for rich and
poor, for peer and peasant. This is cor
rect in theory. When it comes to prac
tice the result is sometimes queer: If
you were Earl of Gainesborough, for ex
ample you would discover how grace
fully the theory may on occasions bend
to your wishes Tbe Earl of Gaines
borough is by no means a great man
among Earls. His earldom is not yet
forty years old; lus property nothing
wonderful for his rank; he, himself not
known to be rcmarkable.abovc the aver
age for talents or virtues. But he owns
two-fifths of the land in Rutlandshire,
and in that county knows neither su
perior jQor equal. A man has been found
bold enough to bring action against him
and has since spent a good deal of time
in his efforts to get it tried. The bold
man's name is Baxter. He had been
injured while driving, the servants of the
Earl of Gainesborough having negli
gently left a ladder in the highway.
The suit was brought in the county.
Finding that he could not hope for an
unbiased Rutlandshire jury, the plaintiff
tried to get the venue changed to London
but failed. He then abandoned that ac
tion, paid the Earl's costs, amounting to
20, and began a second action in London
which the defendant promptly caused to
be transferred again to his private coun
ty. Not discouraged, the plaintiff went
before the court of common Pleas, sit
ting in lieneh, and moved for a rule to
enter a suggestion for the trial ot the
cause in London or some county ad
joining Rutlandshire. His affidavit re
cited some of the above facts, and one
other still more full of meaning that
two local solicitors had declined to'
bring action for fear of offending
tho earl and his connections before
whom the practiced at sessions. This
takes us back to the Middle ages, when
a bailiff served a writ upon a nobleman
at the risk of bis life. In these days
he would merely risk being ruined lor
life. Tbe court of Common Pleas
granted the rule, which will be
presently. N. Y. Trib.
Save by Lfghtaiag.
During the great cholera season of
1849, a man living in Mooretown, Canada,
a small place opposite St Clair, on tbe
American side of the St Clair river,
was one of the victims of the plague.
He was taken sick with cholera, suffered
terribly, and finally, as was supposed,
died. The body was prepared fdr the
gravo and laid out upon abed, await
ing the coffin and funeral ceremonies.
In the interval a violent thunderstorm
came up suddenly; the shocks were ter
rific and followed each other in rapid
succession. At length came a blinding
flash followed by a deafening peal of
thunder, and the house ia which the
body of the victim ot cholera lay was
struck by lightning, the body itself ap
parently receiving a portion of the elec
tric charge. What followed was most
astonishing. The supposed dead man
showed signs of lifel Every atteaticia
was paid him, all possible medical
assistance afforded aad the final result
was that he recovered. He still lives ia
Mooretown and the, statements ot this
incident can be readily substantiated.
The hero of this afair is perhaps the
only maa existing who caa say that ha
owes his being to a stroke of lightaiag.
Electricity saved his life as it is said to
have saved the lives of drowaed men.
There may be a hiat'ia the afair forth
physicJaaa. There k evideaUy ao srsa
pathy between chekrm aad lightaiag.
ThgriiihiiioUtoeaeka baiag hmmc
is the doaht Thrrhar mis aaay itet ba
gaiac .;te. aufoeaaft ss albs4; theaaat
haroasaik as maat the dea, aad thar
Ksaj irhaieaafto tasaw waa it
Itat aa .am laaaasaal jad'al i V
Gate Week."
Haadreds of hearts are aaatlag to be
asefaL The thoaght of a listless life is
pssitirely psJafal to them. Bat they
are waiting for golden opportaaities
which never seem to come. Many of
them are looking toe high. While they
eagerly watch for something to "turn
up," which all ail open some grand
avenae of asefulness, they allow a
thousand little opportunities to pass un
impraved. Tbe secret of success is in
Iieing quick to see, and prompt to do,
present duty. Life is but an aggrega
tion of items. To ignore the items, .is
to waste a life.
Probably not leas than five hundred
of you who have read tins brief article,
are waiting for something to do. You
watch with eager gaze to see which way
the cloudy pillar moves. With up-lifted
hammer you stand ready to strike, if you
could only be sure of hitting the heated
iron in the right place. While you hes
itate, the iron cools and the timely occa
sion is over.
Hesitate no longer. Make no more
bargains with the thief of time. Break
up this chroBic habit of parleying with
questions of duly. Let no plausible ex
cuses paralyze your nerves of activity.
Wake up to the momentous issues that
arc ncndinir. Look outuoon UiissuffeT -
ing, dying, perishing world I Have youl reratises-wJ.ich later raedicaHnvcatia
iJ si&7 '; . . ..... M and discovery have brought to light
no tears to sited, I no groans to utter, no
prayers to offer, no warnings to sound
out, no instruction to impart, no money
to scatter? How wide the field! How
urgent the demands! now short the
time! How solemn the responsibility!
How terrible the results of neglect!
How glorious the reward of consecra
tion to the work of God 1
Channels of usefulness run in every
direction. Every tear that glistens in
the eye of sorrow, is a Macedonian cry.
Every sigh of distress is a fresh prqof
that we are in a fallen world, where
sympathy and activity ore especially
needed. Every sound of blasphemy
and every scene of debauchery, should
remind us that we are standing in the
midst of a vast missionary field. There
is a world of work on hand. Where are
the workers? Bible Banner.
It. Franklin on Inflation.
In his autobiography, page 185, Dr.
Benjamin Franklin says: "About thiB
time, in 1780, there was a cry among the
people for more paper money, only fif
teen thousand pounds being extant in
the province of Massachusetts, and that
soon to be sunk. The wealthy inhabit
ants opposed any addition, being against
all paper currency, from an apprehension
that it would depreciate, as it had done
in New England, to the prejudice of all
creditors. We had discussed this point
in our junta, when I was on the side of
addition, being persuaded that the first
small sum struck in 1723 had done much
good, by increasing the trade, employ
ploymcnt and number of inhabitants in
the province, since I bow saw all the old
houses inhabited and many new ones
building. I remembered well that when
I first walked about the streets of Phila
delphia, eating my roll, I saw most of
the houses of Walnut street, between
Second and Front streets, with bills on
their doors, To let,' and many likewise
on Chestnut street, which made me then
think that the inhabitants of the city
were deserting it one after another.
Our debates possessed mc so fully of the
subject that I wrote and printed an
anonymous pamphlet on The Nature
and Necessity of a Paper Currency.
It was well received by the common
people in general, but the rich mon dis
liked it, for it increased and strength
ened the clamor for more money, and
they happening to have no writers
among them that were able to answer it,
their opposition slackened, and the point
was carried by a majority in the house.
The utility of this currency became, by
experience, so evident as never after
ward to be much disputed, so that it
grew soon to 55,000, and in 1739 to
8 0,000, since which it arose to 350,
000 trade, buildings, and inhabitants
all the while increasing.
lawa Refer. Scheel.
A Dubuque telegram to the Chicago
Tribune, dated June 25lh, says:
For months past the papers of the
State have been fillea with accounts of
persecution and brutality in the conduct
of the State Reform, School at Eldora,
Hardia Co., under the management of
the Rev. Joseph. McCarty, The boys
were whipped on the bare back, stretched
up by tbe thumbs, fed on maggoty meat,
and shut ap for days in foul cells, until
at last, and in order to appease the popu
lar clamor, GovrCarpcater appointed a
committee composed of the Board of
Trustees of the institution aad citizens
to investigate the matter. The commit
tee, after a laborious and patient investi
gation of many weeks, ind the charge of
brutality fully confirmed, aad, after
consultation, at p. m. to-day, decided to
suspend McCarty from the superintend
cacy, it having been shown, ia additioa
to bis other crises, that McCarty. was
guilty of raaaiag off impnrtut witnesses
whose testisaoay was desired by the
coauBUttee, aad suppressiag evidence.
Gross irregularities hate also beea found
ia his books, aad these are aow under
Not vary loag siace, therife of Pro-
fsssnr ft jarit rose oae aworaiag aad
ceeded, accordlag to eajtusa, to. pat oa
hat stockiags aad shoes. At a
gii.j m,v AaaakavaawV --iaaifi a mmA .rnavsaaaen neasa ntvasn na.aamaaai aa'Br(.aan aaav aai -aaaa? aaadiEafcTMafs "rBBt aBHear nnnBinaT nBaanaaBaatanBaenwBB- anasaat apBBB aneaaavtaT anaSanalaT annnaT tanat BBeaBSanlsat aaaaaa) r iBnannnl
as av - aaaaea'AaaaSaaa SB,BnHtrg- aaaaMaaaaiB.aaiBafcia, att?'j j t? v .eajjai SBBBBra anBea, anaaBs aniens aa annaBBBnaaa aa nnnsn anannv aajaj haeta Baasad aaaaa saans thaBawat ajBBBjiaa aad) aa se-v J
apea BIS StbaW, iBeairiBaj eTantSWaa tfea analtbiaajsBWaBBBBn eeaaneaa'n1aatBaBaf aaaa Jaft -aa Sanaa snaaaannBVnnv BBBsanWaaea- MsnnrBnrBBBSaBakBBMBT IT aaaaasiaB,aenBBna 1,,,l"'0MflMininanM iii'B w fd
Mj. snTa "VMasaaar n rifaUav asaaaaB flBsdaaelBaavaaanBl teaseaanadl naswaanflf aaasaaSaai aWaaaaaiiai bara afaaavinaaiBraaasiaaa niuSr ans aaavaWBSManMMaa jjJijlBia- j"WTr"y. JiSft J"annr aaBnl
alenV aTBmlffai'eaV faV eaaanaT ns!SaKnjaan PB taaBawa- eBnaBnBBBb ataansr'f - Ww aaBnasanaasE W aBBBBs wBaBanaVVkBBBswaaasaBnnasaa ssaBBBnaanBarBT anBaa anflPaanant anantnT tfanavVe war'V taWBasw aaaaannnn nBatanV VRaBnVna Vaaa VaVU annnW aaavakaaBbaBnnnn'at VwaannnV Bnnnn annnnnnnnnnBBnntannnnnL '1' IBB afLn!
aWannnl Pennf' feSnWelW "e"wJ -Uaa iaPnlJ ,aWWeW- ' SaanaV a a j .- mmmm9.. , aa s !T -. .. St -L ? L."' W Masnrd wg anWanW eanaVaa99 eatv'enBBBnnnnnBB tnefanBasV Be HB anaBBat "JfJJl'JTTMCJBBnnnanTnnnnn - V
aafasnt 9AfCaanlaBttafM; W eaanMafsa Um HaaW'll VT efJV Bt- Bt9m9mWmmk 9annBnnnL.aaneaff -, anrannnnabata LanaBBaanffeaa annnnnnnnr fl-nnnk andnnanaaHan aWsnnfaP aseMsWnnafX "W a f? mM
n a-T.afBVe-.le. eananss a naaaaBBaBBantaahal - JZm a T. WTTJ rr -- TTaa. - - g ? Tz -- "1 l 4 , VeHManSnV nWaBeVBBBnffnj anaTVJLBar SSV BnanffnafaWaaVV , il aa I I jafaaaMtB.naBnnnaBnjannna " IH
aa - as t i an a a .m nnr j- "Ta . - . an " -a. . aaanr aaanjaannnn. m aae vsbbb- eaaaav aassnanpaann' nPBtsrfananr aaaanaBnaBBnnHHHBnBPVe' Bnl anann aannnnnaBnnnnnSnnnnnnnnnBB BBbganaBBaBBnBaaBlBBlaBBBnnnWaBnnnnn BB
.rr .cj,, do, ssrSs s&gswa&i AifissLfsjs&s WSSjiHHWpfc, . . M
flsaaVXV BBnanVaWaa'alvannnanV ItsTsTafsnns eWBB'eT'A sBaa1 flflU aanannnV ennnsennnntt aHanannnaannl' daBnterteanaaL BBnnannUBBBnnBfBBnnBa nantannan -T Lmmmmm , aL-fr-jP LEPj UBtw OBb1
1 - r le. -v5-' 3p- v- ..v-c LrXm
- ' ' &3& . " - . SJfZ -ba&-'aanaH
L1 - 6?r 4 - 3 ' i- J -,-' I':r'.- & " ,4d-dJbssslT.--- "Tant ''anannnVnnBnnr nnanfl
rneaaa Psalasaf UeBearV
BftMtsctaB. Lsnla Ca O-Am- S4. tffH.
Dr. ..Y.rc.BMe.K.r.: Amt Mr
YwiSmw. Ooldca Mcal IMcotwt. lr.
MurfiCaCanfc Keautfjv trrM(Htetret-
Ctt MTViCK t BC tiiXBMM!kMCaMMtoatft
UMtleMMfteMifcly MelM. I fcatacaapll
cute e4tMaf crofftla.ataalfctiler ltdf Is
rnipitob aud grt blotch mi Mr Itat
made mnek HtM ttt I csald not knrcrfclr
confetti wltboat erasing ae MticJt Mtrrlui ; o
csstiHtr wuU?nvr.4, UBt il rnlsrgrd, ealsrpnl
or "Uick Beck, "! 'T ! wmmteta b.Hln.
J aW uffcred fruai trrriMc ckroalc eaUrtli.
and 1b bet 1 w dlcmfd AM Me m bar
ilcntome. 1 had trird aaiay doctor wits no
teaeSt. I laUr procarrd oae-fcaJl dorm bultlra
ot yt'Bi tioldB Medical Dleovrrr and one dozen
bsTcV Cat at ik kVmcdr aad cwomracrd tbelr ate.
At fint I w badly dlK-oeraptti. sal. alter taking
I on r bottle of tbe Dlpcorety 1 brN to lfrur
aad when I had takes the rcwalntog 1 waa tctll.
In addition to the sac of Diacorery I applied a
uation of iixllao to tho goitre or thick Beck, a
jrra adviac io pawpblel wrapping, aad it entirely
disappeared. Ynr I)lacoerjr la ccrtaluly tt
saoat woBderfal blood sedleJuo eer Invented- I
thaak Uod aad job, iron the deptha of air heart,
for tho great rood it baa done we.
Very cratcfally. Mm. L. Chaffex.
Most medicines which are advertised
as blood purifiers and liver medicines
contain either mercury, in some form, or
potassium and iodine variously com
bined. All of thce agents have a strong
tecdency to break down the blood cor
puscles, and debilitate and otherwise
lertnaueiitly injure the human system,
and should therefore be discarded. Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, on
the other hand, being composed of the
fluid extracts ofnativo plant, barks and
roots, wttt in no c:ise produce injury, us
enects !cing strengthening anil curative
only. SarsaiiHrilla, which uml to enjoy
quite a reputation as a blood purifier, is
a remedy of thirty years
gn, ami mav
well tnyo niacr, as It is
doimr, to the
l - mofO positive and valuable vegetable al
iscovery bve brought to Hht.
In scrofula or kioir's evil, white swell
ings, ulcers, erysipelas, swelled neck,
goitre, scrofulous nillaniniution, indo
lent inflammation, mercuriul allectious.
old sore?, eruptions ot the skin and sore
eyes, as in all other blood diseases, Dr.
Pierce's (joldcn Medical Discovery has
shown its great remedial powers, curing
the most obstinate and intractable cases.
Sold by all dealers in medicines.
J- aon, Jnd. O.K. 1Ialixkt, Priuclpal. Sit a
atious guaranteed.
M1SSTOKKU. ureat Invention.
WOOD. Madlaoa. Ind.
TTALUABLK Maryland land aale. Low
prices and catty term, for fall particulars
address II. J. ULACK1STON, attorney at latr,
CkcalcrtowB, KcutCoVMd.
St. Loala Inebriate Asylani,
1106 Olive Street.
Oplam, morphine and the liquor habit cured in
thirty day without pain. Send for circular.
In another column wo advertise, a "Llq-ld Ink
Eraser." It is certainly a thing every family and
businessman needs. Write tuc manufacturers
for sample bottle and special terms to agents.
Money-maktBs; , Articles for Ajrenta. In
an adjoining colaiun we eive apace to the card ol
J. 11. Whisscmore, oao of the most extensive
dealers in fine oil chroruos in the country He
imports in larcu quantities, enabling him to sell
very low to stents. Mr. W. is tellable, and
agents will do well to write him. Just think of
it 18 beautiful mounted chromoa for $1.50. They
ell like hot cakes.
Brown'a Betel. B. Sllloway, Proprietor, Ce
dar KapidJ, Iowa. The above bouse is one or
the beet hotels we hare round in all our travels.
i1,1".41?101" ,n wer3r respect a line, four story
brick, flited with the best oi furniture, and In
fact, under the present management, is a model
of neatness from top to bottom. On their tables
is loand evcrytbinj; that the market affords. It
is a home for the traveling public. They run a
"bran new 'bua" free for all the guests who take
n "Brown's Hotel."
- fC ye-renewlng; fountain, ue that sought
for by De boto, should burst from the earth at
every man's door, thousands would seek It. Such
a spring Is Da. Walkxb's Vineoab Bitters, the
greatest medicinal blessing of modern times, but
multitudes, misled by dap-trap and pretension,
dose themselves with poisons In disguise, while
this well-spring ol health and vigor Is accessible
to all. It purifies tho animal fluid, regulates
every function or the body, calms the nerves.
Invigorates all the vital organs, and la au abso
lute and uafalUng spcclflc for indigestion.
Valuable Laud In Maryland for Sale; The
bleak prairie winds ot Iowa asd tbe West, to
gether with the terrible winters, are driving hun
dreds to seek a warmer dime. Maryland, with
its warm winters, never below 4 degrets above
zero, and cool summers, offers the most attrac
tions. Its peaches are famous, while tbe near
ness of tbe ocean insures all the luxuries of salt
water flsh, oysters, etc Valuable land is offered
at low prices. See card or D. J. Blacklston, sq.t
of Chestertown, Md., In another column, lie is
a prominent lawyer and deals extensively in
lands. Write for particulars.
Central Kansas. tuv rcceui auionor the U.
S. Uovcrnment in opening the famous Kaw In
dian Bescnre for actual settleis gives access to
the finest lands In America. Kansas as a Statu is
the most lavorable to locaUi la. The Neosho
Valley lands have produced 80 bushels ef corn
and 40 of wheat to the acre, while other crops arc
in proportion. The Department of Agriculture
at Washington reports the crop prospects In Kan
sas at W per cent better than any other KUU-.
Splendid farms can be purchased at cost of im
provements by reason of tbe grasshopper plague
ol last year. See card In another column of
Roberta A Llnzee of Coancil Urovc, Kansas.
The Opium tlablt and Uraakenneaa
cured. The slaves of opium and the haplcts
victims of aa appetite for alcohol arc aow assured
or a sure and speedy care. The SU Louis Ine
briate Asylum, at 1108 Olive street, presided over
by three of the best phvslosn in the West, is
effecting wonderful cares. Dr. Ilubbard passed
three years at the N. Y. State Inebriate Asylum
at Blrmiagham, sla-Jving this specialty. Dr.
Widney graduated at the Loutsvi.le University,
and is physician of thirteen years standing
while Dr. Gibbons graduated in Philadelphia and
has had exteasi vc experience. The a ffl icted seed
no further assaiancc, and we say put your cae in
their bauds. .
". Toiw.II" MaTla sormj.-In a few
days T. C. Miles, the famous veterinary surgeon
or Charleston, III., will arrive in Iowa on a lour
oT the priadpal points in the State, a list ol
which we give elsewhere. Read his card. His
the fairest proposition ever Btadeo horse owner,
and could only come from a master in his profes
sioa. lie never fat island we have talked with
owoers of horses which he has operated on. and
they are 1ob4 in his praises. If you have ridglint:
horses, be sure and virit him at one of bis ap
pointments. We knowSurgcon Miles persoaally,
and he is the owner of four or Sre farms ia Illi
nois, owns lots of horses himself. Is oae of the
first citizens of his couuty, aad in every way re
sponsible. S;e his card In another column.
Portanle Kaciaea, m another column we
present a cat of the ongtaal Skinner Portable
KBglnemaaafactaredat Jtrle. Pa., as improved.
It is aow the best coastractcd enslac of its kind
made., It ia no short-lived aprlxht boiler, bat
oae coaatraciea ob I he first scientific ori ocl ales.
They are from 3 to 8 horse power, aad being made
at one ef the great railroad centers, tho very
lowest freights are obtataed to all parte of the
country. Over SOSertheeBgines are la aw aad
civ ike beat seUefactieau lartact; Mr. SkiaBer
aaa too grcu a repetation to lsjare it by ataklBy
even oae poar eariae: They are takias the place
of all others te drive threshiajr machines, saw
ilia, etc Send fee tall particalars aad bey no
other if dsrabiltty aad power are desired at a
moderate price
alar ladder We rive in
another cotasaa a eat ef the American IIbt Ted.
der, naaaraetajed ay the Ames Plow Company .
MestoB. It is. streaxiy and simply made, easily
coatnreaended aad managed, asd so contrived
that it caa be seJUMy adjusted at wilL Aayoae
familiar wltk tae aseortoas aaslaesa of "hayiBg."
so called, will at once appreciate the varae of a
machine that will Mghtly dlstrfbate a heavy swath
or May so that 1U stalks and wisps shall lie In all
direction aad exposed to the fan aad air. and
detala rasa aTy, too; and this tke Tender dees,
and better than we eaaposeiWy describe It. The
oust attna U anre te nredaee a broad rria on the
Itce ofeack beaolder, wbleh ends ia laagkter aad
approvaL Teaaitareal value seemx little ir any
skert of the nwwtnc mackrae Uself. Send far
f ndlea, Anentaen. In aaether ce'aatn we
civ rnace ta the attraetlve card ef tke Ellis
MsnaBcrartac Gsv. T Waltk-m. Mase sole
aaafcrtarere f Kma' Kfih Aveaae Stcckiar
SBpworter, wita nataas eiaant. Ladiea
frem as ts ass per day, wfcick lady
in maay lotaHtlea an doing. Qy jUeVs
Jaat, tke klgneat aaasarlty eat faahioa aad reaa,
says: MaVlancJMUweaaBaaoaBit tamea
aasi ETli.; Fifth Areaae Mtecklat Sapportcra, a
salraC wWefe we, new hare hesere aa. These
sanaettars eansplyaaeel leaa ialt.iakarlBga
1 1 any immmmm ansas wa Baaasat tae nor si
Tner an Bands la atvem dinVrrat
dnldrenaTsmasjeyear aid anwarda ts laaBaa.
i ae price
"C"! aaaa asa aanaseat aanaaa as elaean. f be awtea ltaat a - " .-.---.- aajiiiijfwi . ,.. javae tae aaaaav isa saase. aana anas aananes m
. -;" ., "Jr,"J,?" s"nwt ne r nssena nana asn Madam mm. aiaaatle. vnaatat ea ti n uniaasii r faaaesaan Saaktai Waaan m- - 1 -S
&: mly
fer rtrvuUc
TAM prwaTW to h to Iowa la JCIy. vca, aac I
-laarin vilt tae JMtaortaccewtf aftoawd atacM.
naarlr. All thoa arta rwctiBC aece wwi
p caav Bwct aaeat la SaitoBriar fiAcea aaaied.
with Ibetr ho-: . Jmlr : Ka
mbbb, 4ly St a: tiajBBwa. Jaily SHfc;Oa
kaliMMM. JbIt Iwtk: Sahara. J!y Hthu
1m MlB.iMl913UlM4 13th: lntUuala, 144k: Mtedulllown. July 1th: -tr
KalJ. Jaijr 17th: VImUm. July ISHh;
SfckuMtrvllta-,Jlr3lh: Inwa :lly, July
S2il: ColHMhaa Jartlin. July SSatuSSth.
Ay otie eeUls op a cJua.f ; Io a at wa
Uma on a railroad ea wtlu? bh; at Coiumti
J a sr lion, l.ouN Co. I will to them alter the
above apioiutmctits are SI i-J. Ileitis a i( ranker
to intny, aatlt faction will be cfn to any I work
for, or n pr akrd, they to Iw the Judaea, 1
have unrcevafally cutntrd oyer M) ridgtloc tbl
year. I'nc. flirtl for oo illslliij;ritraicd n
th'.atrip. ft5Jl tld Tor ttiliue on any rid-jUiie.
1 caanot rarccanIuliycssuatCc 1 nn ranee osereo
at 10 per cent to alt tklnycar. Iwi roue )et hfc
laaared. I alao offer teu dollar to any mas who
lao) hl horre ia ten dy alter 1 trim hlei, tbe
botae to be wnrknl all the time al any ordinary
work. I lye aot lo4t a lionn; XhU year, and
nearly all hare worked aa though we bad not
touched Ihrm. T. C. M I l.KS, V. H.
I A DAY. How aceata nak It. Kxaiple
I trre. COK. YuNttK CO., 8L Imtr. Mo'
RBtunieriBUBrS, Adureaa t w
' aa cw cisariaiBiaii, sj.
AUKNTN 'ATKI for oar t'letorlal Vam
lly IMklM, 13V UiuttraUoM. and otber
publlcallou. Kttra indacrBtrula. Addrea, Un
circalan.COOl'KlUTlVS UIBIJC A 1'UB.CO..
Maaratine. rws.
BveoPhcrel AND
".arge profits.! FRAMES.
Jt SON. ic Molnr. Iowa.
-a- Tht wheel hts bo aupertor for durability,
simplicity or powir. The (trice is 0 jcr cent.
b-Iuw other firt cls wheel. Send forptrtlra
lars. Address J. MAV.NK, Hoiuriitit?, OUego
Co.. J. V.
ZS.ueO Arnni. Klue locaiious in tviterii
Maryland. Farms with all grades of laiprovc
mettU and at all prices, for sale by
WM. S. KIIKIKI.V. Dentoo. Md.
A. beautifully HlcMr.-iio! Monthly Magazine,
devote, exclusively to Poultry. Ojilt Ojk Doi
la u a Vsau, tortuald. Tieats of diea-cs oi
fowls and their remedies. Tells jou how to make
poultry profitable. Kndorsd by th- iJltuots
l'oaliry Avsoclatiin uthe rkht rotTLTnr rai-Kit
runuiiixo. Send ten cents for a sample coi-r
C.W. 11BATOX. Farmlngton. IIU
Short Horn a,nd Ajrakire Cattle,
IlKKKftlflllt: PIGS.
Partrlilsre Cochin and II. U. Ked Game Fowls
For particulars and catalozncs. andrcsa
FMgewtiod. PoughiscrpsSe, N. V.
cv v.nv.Pk-.
TOE Celebrated Kaw Indian Keaerre now
open to actual settlers at lour annual pay
ment. Improved firms at cot o( Improvements,
hj rcaaen or the grasshopper plague of last year.
Kansas now shows the finert gram ad "fruit
prospects of all the States. The Neosho River
Valley lands have produced a high is tO bushels
of corn and 40 of wheat to tbe aero; other crops
in oroonrtion. Address
ROBERTS & LIN'ZEK. Council Grove. Ksnsts
25 cents and a 8 cent stamp for a
Confidential, Circalar
let colors, moanted oa card board, size 7 bvll
Inches. 3 new articles. $3.00 per day. Aent
coining money. Adorers
J. li. DARKER A CO.,
B.nffton, Wells County, Indiana.
a a a The Proceedings of tho Flor
LI AIM 11 A a Frnlt-Orowcrs' Assocla
I" II II II IH tln, at it Annual Meeting In
I IUI I Mill January last. (Mpp. extra
targe vo. Pull or reliable information concern
ing Florida, and the cultivation of the Orango
and other tropical ard acml-troplcal fruits.
Mailed lor 9S cts. Send lOcts. also for a copy of
The Florida AorieullurUt. Weekly. $3 a year.
Aoarcsa hauva c t iarasoBvnic, riA
Plesse say In what paper yon saw this.
4 rri.t'eCaunarinrteUrf
(jrr',.J. of tk SAt tv
BMitrrk' oi mrUtiitt
t ftrr.tiftflAn- nfpiMTt
aUtmanrrouetitnmuKS, aa4caaialntiIuMelsnMUa
ft tbM vfao are msrrb-ltir cntmplaW aiarrt(e; ailll It U a
Nuk lbt tmgfct to b iArr Jock saa r,r4 But Irrt nttlkJr
abent tbe Imna. Btot t tcy ee (at paid ) for riftr Cmti.
mw r. Bta Olipwmry , . 11 K. IOat te. St. Lrola.
The Orlclnai SKINNKK
2 to 8 horse power. New lo
cation and eticaper f rnlshts
to all parts of the country.
.OvurMUOIn nsc. No short
I veil utiriht holler. Ad
dress KU. SKINNER,
Erie. Pa.
1 IUJ Olive Street. Uu Louis.
For the treatment of the (Mum ami Liquor habit.
President and Keident Physician.
ln. F. Q. nUUOARO,
Secretary and Resident Physician
Cnntultlng Physicians: S.T Newman. M.D.:
P. nervals Robinson. M. D,: John li. Johnson,
M. D.; W. M. McPbeeters. M. D.
Relercvs: J. T. Hodgen. M. !.; T. K. Prcwltt,
M . D. ; T. S. Moore. M. D. ; Ed. Mon tcomery. M. D.
Manufacturers of
all 'kinds or
Boies aid Basket.
for fterrles or Grape.
Warranted equal to the beat.
ltentan II arbor. Mien.
Sani.McRKU.u Pres'U J.U.
Ualted States Depositary.
Capital, snrptas, asH.eoo.
Samuel Merrill, S. F. Spoffonl, J. II.Menlll.
Mie Strsas, W. li. IlaUb.
Chicago V0rrrtpondentt.X. Y. Vorrttpondeft.
Uu on National Kaak, (importers and Traders
Ii.Urecuebanm JtCo. National I lank.
lUilmaa, Son Jk Ct.
'TXJK WAJTT AUKXTS to aeril 25 eent and 3
crni aump for sample bottle oToar Wvut
Ink fsater. This preparation wilt reatove ink
spots or writlnu from paper. Ilaeo or other sub
stanro immedfatelm. without iajaring Iho fabrie la
the lease If jim A BxCantT tit Uic ricy
In viur Town. JlelCrl I County or SUte.
send firSamrlo little with clrcnlw and special
.terms to a?r nt. Put ap in large and small bottletf
Ipricc C5 aud CO wit a. andaent oa receipt of price
1 to anvpartof the U. H. Address K1N.SU4N t
IXFff. CO.. U) and 'M Flftk Ave, CMca", IXtJ
Tlrt Dowy rYCilaitr Hty 9m,
anUXATIOllISTS sey that It fa
cat ana icea tsaanta ta aaava a -.- .n-.
deaU. It U terrlWe to thlak ef ear Vediee after
lata a farasas and actasity
atthar -hatUed mm." te
BBaaaaasaFF aMc4. Mr4
rTfsiWTaaaBaaaaaaTBBBfaBgfftrw-'--' Tf
Q C311
I ..T' j' Bjfj el
saM sTBaw "Sfy SMTOBgV
aaBaeaBk ast - - -- - m W. ' BBMBBBr aBBBl rBBBi aBf BBSH . aBl BBi en : ' AaVaraaVaBBBBI Al aaBBBBBTaa aBBBBBBBBSBI SB aBBBBB SBBB naaen"nSBBB aaa SSTPrl n ..aal
saMasW ia-a a IH ! II ! " - "" If altaa llltliM alh -e a,-L '-as mZ - '- - - Z-f
Mi- SnnnfMi4tsnnnlr ktkh. fteaajamBBM aa triaallala - -.- --? JTm awnf ntntenn sMI sVaMJjaf aenfcani gJannfWM aWC M M
tMlft.llAla. BBBBnaanCanalaskel ani IS -- """""Tlf mm m? "" B""T PafW ManfnffaBenrW Jnt eVefefJvnananal WmW IHHanVeVIv "-"I aafaaaaa -JB
aaBanar BBBBBBBBJU aaBBBBjaBdBBjaal WM . mammmMmtmT ntanainnw anaaeaaaaann. antaf nkkanaBannnnBannV-V' anSBBnt an naSMBaaane annf ftanaanankBanav .au - ft . - -"- - " "9 M
Maw-.... . -rzrrr -- k. '. .TT 'T-S'-?T7r---!r-Jrz" rr aaeyey. i i a j ee,ii.wi in j an f . . ;a
mwmmi. n
aiMmBnnw mxwabs. cauataa ox.
Vu (vaaaaiaBBannnnnnnnnnnnnn
The maBufartufrT k4r r tul mw to tliaol lK fjinwtt of fe tUr. fttvt Wt tMt Itarivvar
t jil ef U,t jnr in ttStt t-,i,i rruitrfu-ur tbaauita. (Wi'nlmin tkM t l4t.i Vlr ,m
tertl ihrrc thou-Jtl fir Iwi. N vthrr WMufctuf r f R-r t IUrtrt iw .', ts?
w i-roditte w.ruany ttt fatrvic tt-iutdii4y lrtiimuU (tout lt tlfmiot wmmumUf, it !,
iliwa l h-tl weV.
It it ll niJ aitv1 dnraUf, a. if it r J tr ftfe4J in ittf il ffe ttjm
ifrA'fjrr.f-r w tkm r-ij, rfk tU- wita tx H if tkwi t toe
Sc.rfl (MuwtMrat minalACtJ' vl dralrt lfrK-&t tnViif iJ wthlj utf.tiV ttt, ,J slj(
e aiK-cit.l l 1ij.-riT of, 4 tbi .c itiwliu of tKr itarxtt IlkiivUH, t tK alWiapiM u
X tip H jr-Hrf cf thrtr n. (Hnltoe Mr tlil' tf tS tirjv., tirrf ,-wJig ti ,ry
e tfitrffttr tf4f (itir A'fr". S inrr tin 1U ta trttJlnt ifcat fc twiitit IUtt't t ,
'J t mir'tj jnj t'tutrtjtm, loV ttr it tk r-ilt of yrr at etitwtK 4 K kim wr -! !
,rr yO.OOO f tmet. 4 it ilrt li . r, )-ua,v4 t .ry ll i hf lJ, J lil Ji
:;t rtxttintw t ' tk UrX tatii.
W bae vtim ! itloMe lctl rMt tn f"-tr 'trf r rinty, K.n.ill Ur gtiiUA t- nVtVU
artevtcr at iLrtr Mvcrol itMnvc, ami u wk. -tKfwt tiox ur ...It. tauf UluiJ r
StuCACi, Mav tvr, tS;t-
AN1 fMlUPKItATIllN or tub PATRONS tr
UPaltANDItV. Uy A It. (imnih-r, Master ol
lonrabtatetlntitce. l'nhllh'd by ttVtl.Wm. JMf.
4ftlrc ol I'alrvfs IltlprrUm Moine. Iowa. a
letir-, !nitd In rliUti. lly mall, otjje prcptid
J31 US ierropy; by etprrf or freight, to pock
a! of Ave or morr.91 ot) per copy.
Deputies and Mater are rartutly rtrfiqeted
to rail the attention of their respective (trances
til this hook. Srpri Ut ropv at onc-.
Or. 4. Walkoi's Oilifoniiu Vin
Cl?r Itittfl'S tiro a purely Vegetable
jirujiaratlon. made, diielly from tlio i:a
livo herbs fouiitl on tho lower ranges or
tho Sierni Nevada iiiouiitai:i.s of Cahfor
ilia, the medicinal properties of which
Jtu extracted theiofrom without tho no
of A!e hoi. The quaUitm b almost
'Jaily itsJietl, ' What In tho catiso of the
unparalleled success of Vixi:oai: Hit
I'Kits f " (.".ir jnswer is, that they remove
tho 'iiiua of disease, antl tho patient re
covers 113 health. ''iey are- tho great
blood piirillcranda life-giving principle,
t perfeet Renovator and Invigorator
of the m st (mii. Never befoto in tho
J.isU"V of tho wnrM ha A medicine liecn
'oitiMitiii(!cl jmh.caIi5j? tho remarkable
tta!ttuu of Vi.VKo.tR ItiTTFtRS in hcnlin tho
ick of tvery tboeiMo matt ia heir to. They
ire a treiitlo Ptirinttivc oa well a-i a Tonic.
ruiiuving CoiijrcAtiua or lutlatiimathni of
tho Liver mid Viscera! Orgaus, hi liiliona
The properties of Dk. Walkkk
ViKtUAit lttTTK&caro Aperient. Diaphoretic,
L'aruiinalive, Kuritiou, Laxative. Uiuruttc,
Sclative, Couzter-lmtant, 6mJ'Hc, Allcr
Uve. wid Aoti-UUioua.
R. It. McUOlVAIaU Jb CO..
Inijt:iiit and Gen. A rt-. n KranrUo. Cnlif-rniit.
aad cor. of Vjultinrtm and Churlton St. K. V.
Hold by nil lristaltla nsal IaVlrr.
Now ready, aa4 far safe eferjwhrre,
tmraenrea the Thirty -Sixth Volume with two
timely historfe ppera-one a alear atd graphic
description of
The ltattlc of Hunker Hill,
lly florae K Heudiler, and the other a Tery
1 uteres Ine'-ccnuniof
AVa.Hliititon In Cambridge,
Narrating tbo Incidstit of his trsldcnce tiwrc
Jaringtbesieceof itoston, by Alexander He
Kenale. These a'onr wonld make the namlnrr a note
worthy one. bat it is rich in aUrartion be ides.
Cites ait f-nlcrtalnlesdcvcrlptioiiof I'aasltaar Ike
uautraet e: u mis, ana
Writes of An UbeoleO rinUnliHian,li(j
Ing aa Kssar on Parisl. tbe Italian poet.
Contributes two HensaeU from Over hm, and
there are other txx-m br Mrs. Pbamos Anna
Kmclb, CiiitivToriirR 1'. Ckakcii, T. K, At
otucK. aad kooaKfawcrrr
Henry .fames, Jr., ctintlnnra h! dellghtfal
serial novel Roderick llwdswH, asd there is a
e'evrr stoty enlitlctl Itruhe dall, by II. H.
Johnon, a nw writer.
I.lahtnloe and Lljchlnlnat Itaads are trralett
of by I'ruf. .folin Troarbrldcr, of Harvard;
Koefal .tMrta nf the flersitaw Kavnaavatle
School, by Prof. If. If. Ibtynn, of Cornel',
and The Kusalana la the Kaet. by Geors M.
Tbe departments of Recent IJtermtnre. Art
and Kdncatlnn Btaittaln Ibrlr nnal rxcellcacr,
and nnilrr Iho Isilr r there la an iBtrrest'ac a
rosntof IbeWoaman'sKdarstlonal n-Tsanaat
n Kwctasxl.
The Publishers refer wllh prloe ta the feet that
tfcc six nambers of tbe Avlsmtk; pa hi U bed this
year havecitiialeed foar p-m by toaanauiw,
two by Ixtwatx. two by Wurman, aad ob by
Kbtaxt. wiilcb are amimt tbe beet that tbese
leading Amcrlcaa pots have ever written: Dr.
Ot.iV(X WrDixi Houses baafarBlsbrd teo
brillbabt artSclrs, in his happiet elB, aad e?n
trlbatlons have also appeared tom Maraao
Ckua Thaxtkb, atise I'sw-s,
wri ere: not Jo aaeettaai Ma
. aad other (a v arke
Mtestseippt Wrer pm htrre beeat as widely
The lirt of attraetaoaa for PfTJ
here. In early aaatbera will be
doe net step
rota at raid a
Anteljrraad.hal Panera by Mas. FnaBcie
Aaa RrBBLa.and atrreral p antra en stmU
by Cmablxs Fbaxcm Au tat. Jr. i a Kw
American 9fsvel by W. li. Ilownxa will
follow )fr. Janves's story. Satabo Tartoa
messes in Aagast ats -Aaeaansi Day la
Wslmar;" aad In nepfeaaber tbt. Gsmws a.
Waarae begies a aertea ef aanera sf area
praeUeal va'ae. "
Other eaatrlbBtloM are expected freea tae
writer aaaed above, who have ae lose area
idealised with the Atuxtk; aad the Fabileaese
will spare ma yabta or trpaaae ta necn tae waea-
xiae. where It has always sfasd. AT TUK UCAO
TantMBt S Wa . - --- aa
II. O. MOUU11TOX AUD COwJ'ASY. laoetoa!
.MatuJS4s)toei. XSeajaaaiat
iter eaanwd aaia nr
Baalltoanr -" IJI
baatlfal Oil Chsaaaaau iwtr
II. asoBBted, eat raesint U 1
SeU Car M aa aee TT a
seacy;nu tke Wat pay-
agency eat. J fas; bod j imm
bajajteTaree. We have work
BaWOWscT BaTf eU flPtTS aMLrm eaTBanaSa
a atadatftla, wnese er tpira tlaae.
TJaae er traalntt. at hiaan or
trareHasr. Iaslass ft far a aeoatv Chrosaee br
rrtarnaaefl. TaW2Matta.
XXT A TVTPTl Aawatn. sar the beataetf
ww jMm aav tmt ntea
aa. neaAeidar. swaVtel. naaanc jars
er narsaaaery. asm a aaece aa
ygl afCdseV fSaLJ
BanffJ anffJwIU
na Bnff
' 199 Vaahinton Mtreet. CU1CAOO.
KxaMos the most tatrMrttnt A(ricalfnrat prrvlar
or Amrrira to be cut, cured and sttweit In Um
la ono lay. Impmrea tbo ijaaUty aal Btereat?
tbe raloo or the bar crop. lYerenU all rik
tUatajrc from rtorma am! sudden abowm. ta
pic, darable ami of llchl draft. Was awarded th
New Pjtlanl Agrtcultunil rocietya A
?nt. at the Ortt rttlJ Trft, at Jmktttt, Mf
asbcuig surkrto all others, aat the best aa
only ,rfcct wtarhliw for loiVHsj; or tarftbae hsy.
a7aw.. ma-It --
msmI U Mtekmmn 3t, fTmm rerf
Iccatur, llliuoiN.
Kur the treat went ofdls ot tir, rlH
foct, sptBslcnrvitBrv, hare Up, aad all evforal
ttss, catarrh, iroHr. 4 of voice, all discs- of
the throat. In verted lid. spot oa ti st. cata
ract, all forms of blliulne. plJ., Ctlnls. lrojt,
grtvcl. tamors, cancers, all tarries! ditraav.
Uttferenccatltev. Itohcrt Xackenay, JJfja, ,
S. r. tirccr, Horace Iterd. Uov, It. J OjIIiv, '
lli-n J. It, Uoria, A. A. Murray
bend fur a free tllast rated pamph'rt,
AltlTiJirjTSALJ J !S
T0ofl wish to know bow to atafca a new suit
JL oi nair grow an overyear DaII lonng oe
married lady, do yoa wish to stop your hair front
falling out! IK VHH !a'j to make It erow tuani
and more rapidly! Yoang man. da job Ib to
promote a new growth to your th'skeis aad
ntonsucber lbi yoa all with to um lh ju-l
highly ticrfuraed halr-drtta Ing von ever a-d in
y oar life! Io).m with joar scalu cleats. d of
all dandruff aad sraptlot rmderlngyoar trla
cool and clear T -Dr. Newton MmittTs lUIr Kv.
storativo" will accomplish all tba abov. and J.
l'.JJioaigoore A Co Ixxtlsvills. kf will cm
tract to do all th above, or make bo, charge.
I'articalars tree. I'rlre. $1 per lM'i.orUftr
fl, expressed ou receipt ol prloa. Tbl Is not a
hair de o color I lie lulr. bat sclpntiec cinM.
nation, which produces a growth of new hair on
heads that hnve been bald leeatr Svs years.
1'roof Indlapauhle. Ladles nte a Urge aiwotftit -.
of rieal hair, bat now or own can be mmU l4
coll licantlfullr around yosr hcxl. "Vaj
Fifth Atcmhi
SUwklaa; MaMsaflaf s
With I'alent llasM,
ror Utt is. M laeewaad
No more beeklos or bt. W
bifis. wora bv v-ry lad
who vb health sad .
4r- Mon tbaa tfcr-jnrt-r,f,f
1 aefeili
an are cstNl by wear
ln gull-to.
Vttr sale by all dSW,
in Isdies' anoVrvrr. dry
aftnda, fancy nl. rft.
MaaerartarvdMtlr It
" WaltbaM.JIas.
MamplM Children's, by mail.StaertiU.
Mamplcs LaWtee'. by to all MceaSa
seeatfy Isaptvesd for J?J
perfect coseMord ralsiaaf .'
a. It baa aswe pelaas sd
tMtmr X4imr mmA mtutm
J. aad has the
and tilting lever In
exnafieace Utae any
asses h njoeiant
U aaenaaled. The kaM 0
ie asweye in tsaw
friction aad caaMine It t
: o work Mrsely la a.y
sitkm of the Sneer bar. aad nreaUartr
H for reagb land. For drcalars, addrase
. 1 Mitt anaest. -atadlasn. Wbu
aral Agassi
Chicago Scale Co.,
9 'W.
4T Hmjt BiockHmlm, -
au otaer ateae at areac teenanasa, Att
saaannna9nnnnnnnnPllJBnnrRlnv 'I
gyjaaai .nannnnnnrN X&IVMW
aaSaannnnnnnnfrtVV "BnaT"
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a aannnnnl , a. aaaaaa
aanananl T ananff
,i WBHBBB1 . . BBS
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aLlatiy taken east tan anlwds.aanasran
IstetMved arted as illijllf anhlillil .tBBn ha
snSs"aaT -P'ssBnaaa'a) 999 ewBraf eeaavanaj asas fla aaWanssaBBaaBBanaai
raaamatanX aataataan - - - -- a-aV-A
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