,-wHRT Vyw" veSt&miizjXii jZtlZ.-.!- rl --jrvii V-- 'fSsftSpSP--'- K.'' & - - VESS DIRECTORY 1 -bw rney at Law. pox. j. s. aim am. fc Crillmra IRNEYS ATLAWi i in U the Stale lion i'lotupuy Jiicaacuio CeeHs rftlic IN POST. OXaTACJS UII-DIQ. SrH Hie, LEY, U1NEY AT LAW, 3XJCASSS2AL SSTAT2 AS217T. Cloud, Xcbrakhi. pci intend cut of Public In- xli action. arquctt & Moore, WYEUS, NEBRASKA. rill 1 in hII mlsnre at each District Court of iho icvenl le Republican Viilkj. 2 1 N. JAS. LAIRD 1 Si LAIRD, jys at Law AND TSSTATB AGENTS. racticc in all the Courts o the State. 'A 1T2BP.AS2A state Agents, &c. 1AUDSON, J. A. TUI.LKYS dson & TuIIeys, lTS !s C0L'C72!T5 ASSISTS id sell Real Et to on Coininis- taxes for non-rc-iilfiiln. titwn aivc!i t eullrrtions. Cor uliriti I. A I luttursof inquiry. iruuitly .uunurod. fl), - - - - NEB. Freeuiau, kTA, Xtll. ellri W-eMern Securities. p m i ft vut nouns a iirctiiiu. BY fc ritusso:, Estate Dealers, TON nek linllr for ale n laixo ti:uitity .mils in houtlirrn 'lmi-ka. i ( 1 laud mi I oiuiuisriuu ami r mii-r5ifi'Kiitj. Fnlion :ilt irm n t tin- proiii Liui lnsfre tin lor.it ai 1 RPtiPr.il , undiiocrL'l.iri ol tlio I lit nor. ertonHouse EllTON, NEBRASKA. N rropnciur lcN Ciood Beds, anJSjiu:: at Reason b!c Rates. way oftlitr Travelling I'uh- Re.-p'ct fully Solirilcd. lede House. Uoud, Nebraska. - - - Proprietor. Llr In CnniTllK Willi (lit IIOI.'SK. Ilia ln'cn refitted :util nTurniflil I folium em Mvti. lUii'rwnl Mrn ! witmR l.iil ''otil. will liml miodatioits at this Hotel. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN U. S. PENSION s(JRG0N. OHice Sd door Soutl of Court House. Sesl'de tte fee WU last if Xtd Clout , fc.-H:; jroAES, NEW in a i i::i ? LYCK. - - I'kop. rctitml Post's livery .talIT!. Idu-U to it M'veral fine rt, iLo fnrm-lu'd on .short uo- jwoiiablt! tunus. TE HIM si CALL., rst of its Valley House, if. HAAWER. illiard Hall, KeiCi.oi;d. r-t. i n..: ig, onatupooinK nuu nan the highest stvle of the 17-td .eat JAarJcet. IHN BARBER. opened a Meat Market on Street, next door -outn oi at 51' p where he will keep 2&h meats of all kiuds. ' M ASKET PRICE PAID EE CATTLE, HOGS, -4 AND HIDES. id,- - - - Neb. IK9E ZEIS, -DKALKES IX ts & Iiquors CIGARS, I, Smoking, Tobacco D DEMITS ALL KINDS;- AND fErrfOiERIS A- Spessadty.- :Beerfrom " AntelDe " cosUHt!y on handl 5D CLOUD, NEB. WatckiBtUr 4 kwtlltr, ttS5L091iWZXS7 C0U5JTX, HZS. && '" J6T;Prticakr ttteaiton jriyen to Re pairing Fine Watcher and Satin faction Guarantied. II. W1LLCOX, N1TARY PUBLIC. Conveyancing and all other Notarial Buirine will receive prompt attention. fi"I)epo.sitions promptly and torrn- ly taken. Address, RKU CLOUD. KEHltASKA. Republican River STAGE LINE. T. T. TCSB3, Proprietor. Regular trips will be made between JUNIATA and RED CLOl'D, I s-hall be pleased to carry passenjrer ttporrthe day.s mentioned, leaving Re Cloud at f A. M on Mondays, Wed no davs and Fridays. Leaving Jotiintsi at f a. .M., on Tuesdaj's, Thursdays and Saturdays. Fare reasonable. HAKPTOnT L RALSTON. Red Cloud. Having Ica-ed the Wagon and Black Miiith hhop, lately occupied by Ira Sleeper, are now prepared to do every thing in the line of WAGON-MAKING AND BLACKSMITIIING, WAGONS. BUGGIES. AGRICULTURAL 1M PLEM ENTS Reiiaircd on .short notice and in a Workuian-like manner. WAGONS AND l-Uflf!IE3 MADE TO ORDiilt. 1IAM1T0N & RALSTON. RED CLOUD MILLS. NATIVE LUMBER Con.-tantly on hand. All kiuds of DIMUN8ION LUMJlElt, BHEEriNG. FENCING. AND BRIDGE TLANK. All bold Cheap fur Cah. Call and examine lumber and prices. FITS CURED FREE!! Anv tcron pufferim: from the nliove dii ca" i r-iiete.l t'i aililri'" Dr. Prior, nnd a tri.il liottloof luoJicino will bo forwarded by Express. FREE! Tlir only ot liciiiR the Exiirw chnrRC. w-kh uwinc lo my liirso uusmr", arc f mull. Ir. Price bill mulotho troatmeiU of FIT OK EPILEPaY a ptiidy for ynr. and he will warrant a cure by the ue of his remedy. I)o not fail to scud to liiin for a trial bottle; it coi-l imthiiiK. and he WILL CURE YOU, no nvitterof how lonir rtandinc your case nn be. or how many other remedies" may lrtn tailid. Ciixulaand tcalimonuld sent with EiiEE TRIAL RATTLE. He i-articulir to cive your KxprcM, as well ax our l'ost ' 'ilice direction, and Address. im.ciiAS.T.riucE. 67 Wiiliam Street, new York. JL DAY! Em s . THE RED CLOUD CHIEF- RED CIX)UD, NEBRASKA. LOCAL MATTERS. Notices in thit Column 10 Cent a Line Arrival lpartr f MalU f fum (he Krd Clowl f. . Ju.flTA Leaves , Mondsy's "WedneHlay's and Friday 7 . m. Mail closed 3 p. m. Axfnca Toes day Thursday and Saturday's? p. re. Hakvakd Leaves Tuesday's nd Fridav'p G p. m. arrives Tuesday's and Friday s 5 p. m. Mail closed b p. m. Fuankus, going east, Monday's and Thursday's 2 p. m. Going west Tuesday's aud Friday's 10 a. m. Pleakakt Hill leaves Thursdays C a. m. Arrives Wednesday's 4 p. m. Mail clobcd 9 p. m. Jewct.l. Kansas, arrives Friday's 12 in. Leaves Friday 1 p. m. Uussel, Kaunas, arrives Thursday's 12 a. m. Leaves Thursday 1p.m. Office open from 4 uotill 6 p. m. Sundays. All registered matter must bo in the evening Before the mails leave. M. B. McNrrr, P. M. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Services fiyery first .and third Siro-. baths of each month at Red Cloud" and IiiavMe. 7A o'clock i. M. at Red Cloud. 2 o'clock i. M. at In avale. Every econd and fourth Sabbaths at Batin and Harmony Precincts. llEV. A. MaXWELL, Pator. BAPriST CHURCH. Rev. Tuoa. Mux low, 1'astor. Services every fourth Sabbath at t V. M. Sakhath Sciiool every Sabbath morning at 7(7 4. M. J. Q. POTTEB, Supt. Praj-er meeting Sabbath and Thurs day evenings. All held at the school houfccjust north of totroi J&aaa J . . n . f t ie corn u tae nepsujicma vauey m the best io tkc State. Tim GJxttcsiys there trc 125 persons who attend Sabtath School in Juoiata whea it i't cltmdy." , A fine fbower last Tuesday morn ing stopped the harvesters in their work until the aftersoou. The grain in general is well filled and that that h bcinf threshed is turning oat a fair yield. The Red Cload Port Office is bow a Money Order office. Mr. Coleman, a gentleman" who came to this place about a month ago from Pean., has just returned from a short tour in different sections of this State, and now he intends to make Webster county his future home. He isagcaial, sociable appearing fellow and we are glad to welcome him is our community. The following item was omitted in last week's issue, through mistake : Report of the Red Cloud Public School for the term ending July 2nd, 1875: Whole No. scholars carolled 74 Average daily attendance 59 Per cent of attendance 80. C. W. Kalsv, Teacher. The Red Cloud Brewery ateaated up for the first time Tuesday morning. They intend to have beer for sale in a week or ten days. WANTED. A second-hand Job Press at Red Cloud Chief office. the Go to M. B. McNitt's for your wall paper, he has and will keep con stantly on hand a largo aud well te Iccted stock of tire gayest, neatest and sweetest patterns of this articlo ihat the market affords. FOIi SALE. One Champion Light Mower. Price $115. Will take stock in part pay. M. B. xMcNirr. 1 WELLS! WELLS! All wanting welld bored will do well to call upon W. W. Hauvey, luavale, Webster Co., Neb. 8A..Good notes taken if desired. 37-3in -If you waut to ficll jour barley for Brewery purposes, be careful to have no grains cut by the threshing ma chine. Every grain must be as nearly perfect as you would desire it for 1 choice seed grain ; for good Barley we can always afford to pay a highcrpricc. Respectfully, etc., 47tf Red Cloud Brewery. SPECIAL UASTES'S SALE. DAY! WELL AUGER ! Having obtained the agency for the State of Nebraska for OWZKS CXLXBSATSS WELL BOalNa UACHIXESY. And provided ourselves with first cfott machinery for making Wells, wt take this method of soficitiag orders from all who seek water supply. We are prepared to sink wells with te st roort speed, ana in a satisfactory Buaser. O-Gmin and otker staple takes in ex cftanKc for work. Beinjrthdnly authorised aMts torMs Sute. we offer County. Towaship, aad jbOi vida&l rights for Kale. SPLESDIB BUSINESS FOR A SMALL " GiWIAli. By virtue of an order of rale issued out of the District Court, of the first Judicial District in and for Webster County, Nebraska, in an- action wherein Levi Moore is plaintiff, and John Korncr and John Burgenthal and Mary E. Burgenthal defendants ; I will offer for sale at public auction at the front door of the Court Houmj Hn led L!oud, JNetjra!ka. at 2 o clock p. in., on the 14th day of August, 1S75, the following described real estate fjwit: Lots Xl and 12. block 2, io the town of Red Cloud, Neb., in paid Webster county. Given under my hand this the 8tb day of July, 1375. H. G. BfLL, Sheriff and Special Master Commis sioner. 47 5t $25 1 Day Gutrnteei'ii tJwWfllAwfaV. OWE MNlfJKlK6Y- 1 By virtue of an order of Eale issued out of the District Court of the first Judicial Ditrict, in and for Webster County, Nebraska, in an action where in Patrick Barry is p'aintiff and Michael Cook, Maria Cook, Solomon Brunswick, Hyman Brunswick, doing business under the name and style of S. Brunswick & Bro., defendants. I will offer for sale at public auction at tne iront uooroi tne uourt llouso in Red Cloud, Nebraska, on the 14th day of August, 1S75, at 3 o'clock p. ui.. the following described real estate situated in Webster county, Nebraska to-wit : Lots ouo and two, block 14, Red Cloud, Nebraska Given under my hand this 8th day of July, 1S75. II. G. Bill, m Sheriff and Special Master Commis sioner. 47-5L SPECIAL UASTSS'S SALS. To Peasioaeri IwHlbeattbe office of Dorcyand Pressoo Blowsmgton Praaklia Co. Neb. on the first and third Wedaesday of July, August, and Septeeaber, te cxam:ne tbos eatitled to Peaaoa. N. L. Whitney EkaeateiaSarfecm. 4w The mill at Spria liaacfee Imb been damaged by high water so that it wiU beMpossible to grkrf any for soaw tiawv - lie Red Cloud Mill will be ready a fraad ia a few days. , "Mr. Phelps of BafWo Crtek, call ii yikerday aad showed as a sped aseoof his oats. The head oa ea sulk aieasurcd 14 iocImb ia loagth, Thirtaea stalks of like proportioa grew froai'oae grata. How's that for oats? b Taia is tile ktet ebJediM to tbe Cbdcf: JLloanatMiiar towiplaiaa of ks aot coauiaJBg aay talrraphic des aalces, ad says that if we woald oaly awrtheea rigtrt fraea the wires k woa Id be sKTaioe, liea he weaki take the paper. XluVw asoaAarreaaoBafefe as atae other proffered" saggestioos we awraaeiTedlateJy-froai taose who A Good Sewing Machine is a house hold treasure that no family can do without. If you want the best, tho Wilson Shuttle should be your choice. It combines in the most perfect man ner, all the requisites of duribility, simplicity, case of operating and per fection of work, and is sold for less than any other first-class Machine in the market. Machines will be deliverd at the nearest Rail road Station to your place free of transportation charges, if ordered through the Company's Branch House at St, Louis Mo. They send an elegant catalogue and chromo circular, free on aplication. This Company want a few more good agents. The Red Cloud Sewing Circle will meet at the residence of Rev. Max well's on Wednesday July 21st, at 2 o'clock p. m. A general invitation extended to the ladies. In the even ing there will be a sociable to which the gentlemen are cordially invited. By order of Committee. Farmers having logs on the yard at the Red Cloud Saw Mill, will please claim tho same and roll them up, and mark -them -plain. Terms, either cash or divide in the log. Also those wish ing sawing done can depend on the mill running the last of each week, if there is loga to saw. J. Q. Potter, 4t Pro'p of the Red Cloud Saw mill. Eugene Andrus arrived from Red Oak, Iowa, last Saturday. He is an old aej tier of this comity. He reports crops as being in a poor1 condition on account of the heavy rains in that local ity. And says that the corn will proba bly make half a crop. Wo understand that the mill at Rivcrton has been damaged to the ex tent of $1,500. W. H. Ludlow sends us tho first pickles of the season. We called 'em splendid, and we could whistle the rest of the afternoon without much diffi culty. Red Cloud was visited by a tramp last Sunday. He happened to be a square fellow and paid his bills where he stopped, and those devoted breeches the next morning were in their accus tomed place. Probably they wcfe'nt 4th of July-pants is the reason they didn't go. A. G. McBride, an attorney at law at Kirwin, Kans,, called on us last week. He was on his way to Lincoln io attend a forgery suit Numerous- refreshing showers nave gladdened the hearts of every one in this part of the country for the past two weeks. "The wind blowetb whero it listeth" but we have .escaped so Jar from the terrible wind storms that have swept over some portions of this and several eastern states. Last night the wind blew the upper parr of the liberty pole dowB, and broke it ia two. No other damage was doae as far as' beard . from. J. L. Miller tells us that several I of his old frieads from Sterling this State called on him last week. They hare been west on a buffalo host aad to look at the country, they report ao hoppers aad crops looking well. Harvcsusf is bow the order of the day, evea oar "heakhy eorraa poadeat" has goae to-recaperate his muscle, gathenac together the goldea graia. The high water of laat week took oat aboat 50 feet of the Red Goad Mill Dam aad k will take abaata week to get the Mil raaaiag, bat Farmers wiB fiad loar aad feed ta aellar Wekaafe. Will ae ready for MWwVeai'witk waw aaaekjaeryr -Lart week-ic- ear karrj we e looked Mrcral 4oeaL that wr taiawert W.L-Vaa'AWra aad"Ware ia towa dariagibe'femrtk. Mrs. J. a Waner wee to Jaai- There will be a Sunday School CoBcertheldat(hs3bool House next SuayJaly Jsth. j, ., Ot&E-RoOv, Neb., 1S75. - Ed. CniEP : Allow me to congrat ulate you upon your tuxcvon to the sole proprietorship of the piper. I have read your fir editorial, and as I have generally found you a man of your word, I bavc faith that the pajr will be hereafter published and man aged in a business manner a far as your industry and energy can accom plib it. I have the faith also that the peopl of this coauty will take a more thorough' iatereet in be paper than was formerly the case. I like your idea of appropriating a portioB of year paper to the aw of the farmers. We need a medium of com munication. In oo other btniacs' of occupation are mea so divided io opia ion about matters which would seem to be earily ascertained. On methods of farming and the crops which will best tm ia this soil we some of us think alike. By the way, Mr. Editor, as you have requested us to ask ques tions, will you please answer this ques tion. Is this soil and climate adapted to the successful raising of oats ? I have heard coniderabIo di-cuwon about thk, aad would like to have the ophnoaof tbeCnitreo the sabject. But I EeSeveyoasuid camaaanicaiioas must be short. If you pablisb this, please don't publish my name an this is my first attempt at writing for the press. Farmer. Wearier Csvnty Coniewti Webter Co.. Neb.. Ha io the Valley of the Republican, is 150 milei Mt of the Mia ouri flircr and touches tne Stale line on the South. Winters ara mild aad dry; very little rain or taow falls in that mssob to lit tle in fact that cattle lire all winter with no hay or grain. Plenty of rain falls in the sprint; and sneamcr. The ftsasaen are Hot disarreatTy Warm, as there is always a cool breeze especially Th the eveninfi. The county first began to se:tle in 1870. In 1S71 the county was organized with a popalaTfon of 45. Its population is now between 2j00 and 3XJ0 and u rapidly increasing. There are at present 38 organised school districts within its bonndries and school facilities arc therefore ample abetter than thos in some Eastern $tatcs. The apportionable school fund furnishes nearly enoush money to pay teachers' wages. Fanners can buy K. 11. land f roar 51.50 to G per acre with ten years time. There is yet a considerable amount of roverntftent lands for homestead and pre emptions. As a stock raising country it is hard 'o excel. Cattle do well, and for sheep it cannot bo beaten. It is just suited to that. Fortunes can be easily made by raising sheep as the expense of feeding is rery small. That corn, oats, barley, potatoes, buck wheat, and all kinds of roots a.ni vegetables, are grown here with little labor. 35 bushels of sod corn to the acre is nothing new. Wheat averages about 'i bushel to the acre. Fruit does, ex tremely well. Every farmer has his orchard growing. Forest trees grow rapidly. Cotton wood, boxalder. whitcwood. soft maple, and many other kinds of trees grow into Umber large enough for fuel in about three years. Osag orange plants do nicely, and in a few years yonr lire fences can be made. Me chanics find employment and fair wages. The very bcit and purest water is obtained by -going from 5 to 100 feet. The cost is very snail when the well is bored. Thwe wells "nerergo d:y. The streams of thii county are theRepnblican and its tributaries, which arc as follows- on the south side of the river, Walnut, Dry. Buffalo, Stato Pcany, Ctdar. Ilieks, Afch, and Quide Itock creeks. Ou the north side are Willow. Elm, Cottonwood, Crooked, Indian, and Farmers creeks. In the north part oi the county is the Uluo river and its tributaries. The soil of Webster county is a dark, rich vegetable loam. The wild grasses are nutri tions aad abundant, and make norf excel lent hay. Timothy, clover. Hungarian and millet will undoubtedly prove a profitable produc tion. Those who have tried them so decide at least. Our railroad prospects are good, and we will have road as soon as we really need one. Cut the farmers for years will find ready solo lor surplus productions in the newer counties west and to new settler'. By the time these markets are closed roads for b caper trannportation east will be opened. Our climate is healthful, the air pure and bracing, and sickness of any kind is almost a stranger to the people hre. The county seat. KED CLOUD oS th Re publican river. ncr the center cast and west and a little south of the center north and sonth. In it are chances for business aen of every branch of trade. The country aroand is such as to warrant a good business in every kind of merchandise. Red Cloud and Guide lEock are the only two laid out towns. Fur thcr inlormation can be obtained from any land agent who advertises in this paper, orat this o&ce. R1VERTOX HOUSE. Will entertain his guests in the mpjtf gcntlcman-likc manner, with at good fare as tne market sTfnroX To the lr7rffcg r aMic e weald ray give aha a call. VALLEY HOUSE, VZ7TKZS, yiBlaSTA JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, rOTAST rraj: ak SSAL ZSTATI Assir?. Rlvertaa Fraaklia Ceaaty Newfatka. aw- Claims (o the latcat style. aw Claims fur rale an J tailoring done in AMOSEMiNiNTS ! o S BOWLING Alley. AND Tmrgt Shoot ing. CARL WEBER. . Has just opened a Howling Alley, aad Shooting Gallery, and all lovers of die gaates are cordially invited w eoute and enjoy themselves. He has alo a large .supply of can dies, nnls, oranges, and leinou. I& C2EAX, GXXS22 SZ22, AX2 LSXOXASS, Always on hand in their season. Give him a call Oat Door Watt of the La Cleis House. CITY DRUG STORE Red Cloud, Nebraska. aaaaajm JTDrnc Store is in Red Cloud. IvbtS m Drags are pure. YayH W Stock Is complete. profits. Wal motto is (juick sales and small SAME What you want. AAMK Your uinri there. SAME Tiyourneinbb(ir, SAME That you have been there. aftjV There any thing you wauL tT It in my line ol traid. H s Your child ailinc. Wilj soothing syrup the thing. SlIEKEIt Compounds prescriptions correct SIlkttEK Runs tho City Drug Store. SHEltEH liMthelargeststockin the valley SlIEllER Says come and see lor yourself. Give Him a cull Before Purchasing Elsewhere. Dr. Petdr Head, Family Fliyiciam. Offers his services to the public, and will attend to all professional calls. Office Orer Sharer's Drag Store. 1. O. OTAR1VER, Prop- Is always ready (o attend to anil bmVb wmfortaUe hi ratna. This Hotd w eutirrly acw, haviH lccn fitted ap fr t!x cxpte purpose of the travefihg public STAGE LKWKS FOU THE RAILROAD ON MOSPAV; WEDNESDAY, & FU1DAV OF EACH WKKK AT 7 O'CUH; A. M. ! eiatinr i KavV tie BESf STABLE Wtt f Lmctrn. Always keeping on hand a ok1 supply oT HAY AN D G Y A I N, a 4 AW a good conveyance for the prvw tf nrnwytng ra-ngcrt from llils place to any other at readable rates tied Iuti KekrjMkit -. 0, L. BATTLES & SON, DKALKItS IS SHELF HEAVY HARDWARE, AGENT FOR TIIE S. Garber 1 Go. DEALERS IN Dry Good mn& Groceries. ROOTvH mad SHOES Hats, Caps. & Rtady Made Clothing ! We have the Urjttt Stock m the Vallty and will Mt he HRderMld. GIVE US A CALL, ONE ALL. 8. Garber & Co. MtVERTQS ADYEBTrSEMKimL NEW HARNESS SHOP. s a, riMtiipft, - aait Baa yaftjjMesHi aancaa saw -mm . -n . - .. .... . BkB ISPJU.S w m cHsaaaawCr eeestaatlosr kasU ta jgaaassstwat MZJmmL ""w1 ' JM War; WZrraiteldkSt&tim Gututulmt: QkoroffKetWEiklwraHaiaL RENNECKEPS HOTEL. A. J. RENNECKER, - - - Pnor. Six miles Scn&wesi of Bel Cloud, on the road te Smith Center. K. J. Renneckcr has again opened hl hot'l nnd woukl rail attention to his superiorfacil iiies for pr&Viding entertainment for man and beasl. The table always prVrridcd with the best the season affords, and Fresh Fish erery day. , A road has been opened o this Hotel through tho farm of thu pfcrprietor. which shortens the road, and is open to all travel except the driving of loose nock. O'VC KKSXgCKgR'S HOTfiL A TRIAL aB-The undersigned Bus also opened a fish, ery above the Kea Cloud bride, whereafull snpply of fresh fish can be procured atony time during the coming rcAson. PARTIES wishing fresh fish can get them at the fisher between the bridge and the flouring mill. I will also be in town on Saturday of each week at the corner of Sher er's drug store, with a load of fresh fish. 40tf YOUR GRAIN ! By getting one of ' the Mr.Cormick's Mest improved MacMines. IT HAS THE LIGHT KT VBfAtVE The beet facilities for : SAVING Grain,- And is acknowledged as bciaa; oac of the most durable aaachiaea ever manufactured. For Sale Br IRA SLEEPER, Who is agent for these Celebrated Machiaee ia Webster coaaty. sftALL awl Exassuw MACBIXJfi-IT Btf-tf atssssTzarK jcSriasrii'-:J- A- aasl dawsafccsVaaBBtsaX. sssk bbbbbbbI BBUKfljKana l.'jySv'ifcMBtjSaBBl UliBil WM ANSON WOOD MO WEI Htver Excelsitr Reaper GOMBINEO With Dropper or Self Rake; ! THE TE"W MANN FABOCSUUnrnAYRAKE. spvs Ami all FARBiNS MACHINERY at Sraagi Prices.' GRAND MOUR PLOW. and Victor Breaking Plow AULTMAN& TAYLOR r -iBsV faV bbbbbBPbbbbSk93' a. yJrjHHHkjrflHL E L rBBBBBissssssssssssW Natiee. Te whom k may coacera. AH aer- are aervy awtiied that tbe M. P. R. K. Compaay bare weoeaae tired f thk waoleeale alaaxhtar waw tkeir timber, m the Kepabficaa Taller. Aad Asa tLie time forward' we' proaeee tw pretact ear awi iataraeta, iaad'ar m deiac we" taiak we abal iasieat tae aet Meraaia af tbe aet-aawarwawwVaaaedtiatftait ww awetwar m uw vaacy te ssssaer. fpeeiafiy to be driwa awt of the Stair' af afaam aanatssai iaNsssssssiVaBaBV'jaBV: jssaarV aBmjaaajsaav Madi JhaT Wba a ck aaaaar.aactaBMaas? aaaaw aasarasi'aaaV z J.B.XorMiAas, LamdCeeir M.P rt MOOJBTED" and DOWN" HORSE POWERS. ?-i .t . 3P!tSBssMBmpWBBBBCw95 - ysa4pasjaiJAcjsBBaKF!anipspBFB PNBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaaBSfMMBL x i A good aeeartaewt of ,. - NAIL' RAKES, BOLTS, CoikrAXn3& SHOVSLS; SPAw3. fWKI - CAiJirramyAXD'MAoTObtt; TAim;duj ', JIIWTOK wioOMB OtA9fl, TIN lTAaUaf GlND PKTOUlt PLOWS, -J- -r witbWeedor! JaWtarytbaacaasjdaaiaatJ T v i -- .. r - t - - jr " , at ttwwBeaaair WmlmiJ'&mt: 7 ,: t-t --i - - - r " JT aft ewBBBBrJBBaBBBwawaaex ..v jaW-Baai ' - 1T5irSfe-V SlaBBBBBBBBBai , - . JSsStkWm fcNsBssssssswaal S f ' . y. - '-SBBK" a. ? .ktkkkkkkkkkk " - "- '. .. ii,P- BBBsaaisssssssssssH m-m- BfJ I i IJBlssssssssssssssiaaVWssssssssss aanMBBaar JawsaWaaw ;:' i- c- JbbbbbBsssVb-9 v"- BaassssssssssssssssssssssaBBl - " - i i I'faasTaaW i ' aissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssal jkikkkYkTkymkTMmkmwBBFjn' 'AkkkkkkkLLLLkm a IS oafa-nst w LUNlUe JMWt - -iMw;ij, '. if". J. its&i ft-xr- Ztf- W. . tla-i--Mm -W- :TK1 "kow bow toraa a twapaper."