ESfcJSSSKSI JjJJ-TjJ' " d" j,' w & -V -3? g , c; - -. T X ' h SIN ESS DIRECTORY Attorney at Law. U. WILL 'OX. J. S. GILHVM. Wiilcox A Oilhaiii ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Will Practice in all the Courts of thr State. 3?" Collection Promptly Attended to Ub'F CE IN LjO T OFFIOF BUILDIXO. Red Cloud. Neb. ii. s kali: V, attorney at law, ' k0ta3y public aits 2sal i37ate agent. Red' Cloudy Ntbrasha. Comity Superintendent of Public In struction. Cobb.. Marquctt & Moore, LAWYERS, LINCOLN, - - - NEBRASKA. Oii. of u? will Io in att'mlr.ncc at nph Irnn of the District Court of the rctVraJ eounticr in the llepublictn Valley. 2 1 A. II. liOWE.V. - J.s. LAIttfc BO -VEN & LAIRD, Att'neys at Law AND HEAL ESTATE AGENTS. I3r IFtV practice in all the Court o the State. JUITXATA - - NEBRASKA Real Estate Agents, &c. W. N. RK'UAUDSON, J. A. TULLE7S Richardson & Tulleys, SEAL ESTATE- & COL'Gttl'ff AGENTS Will liny and cll Real Etitc on Cmnmis- iun. and i.iy taxes for'non-rc.identi. Special attention cii'itn tocollcrrlni). Cnf-rr.-imiidi'rii'c MIiritvd. AM lrtters of inquiry, fir mi liuHtici-f promptly answered. i! ED CLOUD. - - - NEB. J. JI. lreeinaii, JU.MATA, XK1I. Uuys and sells Western Securities. 9&"ScJiool Hand a Specially. DOKSCY & PRESSOR, Real Estate Dealers, ihUOMINUTON ' NBB Have ccn"t intly for sale a lnnco quantity of choi.-c l.ntidri in Southern Nebraska. Al." liny mid c!l ninds on loiumiiMan and r-ny T;ics lor iHMi-rcsulfiiW. - Attention nl?o Riven to the fffe: ti ii of till claim before the local mid Kcucral Lnnd OITiccs. mid Secrcliiry of tin Interior. ClovertonHousc CLU VKPiTON, N EBRASK A. 3i. WIM.SON vroprietor. (IoqiI Stables, (iood Reds, and S(iuarO, at Rcasdnible Rates. The Pairouatr( of the Travelling Pub lie, Respectfully Solicited. Xa Glede House. Red Cloud, Nebraska. E. G. SILL. Proprietor 4Jnml S lull !.. in fomirelloit wllb the nuvsKi Thif liotrlhayhccn refitted and refurnished fhroiichmit. Ooiiiiucrciul Men. Kailrond Men rtml all i:irtic vi'itim; Ked J'oud. will find ninple ncctUiiiodutiun at this Hotel. llVEItY ciFEED J. C ROYCE, - - - Prop. Ha just rented Post's livery stable, and has added to it several tine rip., which will be furnished on short no tice, and at reaamb!e terms. GIVE HIM A CALL. Stable West of the Valley House, a UY A. B. IIAJYJYER. nt the Billiard Hall, Red Cloud. jfcSrShaving, Shampooing aud Hair- (Sitting in the highest stylo of the art. l"-td City Meat Market. MARK H. WARNER, Has just opened a Meat Market on Webster Street, next door south of Park's SIuk Ship where he will keep aud sell fresh meats of all kinds. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR BEEF CATTLE, HOGS, AND HIDES. Red Cloud. - - - - Neb: GEORGE ZEISS, DKALKRS IK tfUIries & Iiiquors CIGARS, Chewing, Smoking, Tobacco CANNDD FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, AM) COLNFEC riOSERIS, r r N A Specialty.- Froh Lager Beer fro " Aatelop ' Brewery, constaatly o ImAr y REjyJLOUD, NJ. i. W. TtiMY, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN U. S. PENSION SURGEON. OfllSe 3d door Soillt of Court House. Ecsidence One Mile East of Bel Clcri EH. ONE7 Watchmaker L Jeweller, BEDCL6TO,WE2STEB COTOTY, 17E3. Particular attention given to lie pairing Fine Watches and S i tit fact fan Guarantied. Jl. 1V1LLCOX, NOTARY PUBLIC. Conveyancing and all other Notarial Business will receive prompt attention. "Depositions promptly and corranf ly taken. Address, KKD CLOUD. XEIIKASKA. Republican River STAGE LINE. T, T. WEBB, Proprietor. Regular trips will be inude between JUNIATA and RED CLOUD, I shall be pleased td carry passenger upon the days mentioned, leaving Re Cloud at 6 a. m. on Mondays, Wedne davs and Fridays, Leaving Juniata at fi a. M., on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdaj's. rare reasonable. HAMPTON . & RALSTON, Red Cloud. Having leased the Wagon and Rlack Miiith shop, lately occupied 13' Fra Sleeper, aro now prepared to do every thing in the line ot WAGON-MAKING AND BLACKSMITHING, WAGONS. RUG n IKS. AG R1CU LT URAL IMPLEMENTS Repaired on short notice aud in a Workrcandikc manner. WAGONS ASD Hfc'tiGIES MADE TO ORDER. HAMPTON & RALSTON. RED CLOUD MILLS. NATIVE LUMBER Constantly on hand. All kinds of DIMKNSION LUMVKU. SIlEETIN'tf. FENCING. . AND BRIDGE PLANK. All sold Clicapfor Cah. Call and examine lumber and prices. FITS CURED FREE ! I Any person suffering from tho ahove di Ciie3 ij ri'fiticjtcd to iuldrc'ts Dr. l'riec. nnd a trial bottle of medicine will bo forwarded by Express. FREE! TJ"only ot bctnj: the Exprcjs ehnrffc. Wjieh owms to iu hirse businAX?. ato sin.Ul. Dr. Price h:x made the treatment of FITS OK EPILEPSY a study for years, and ho will warrant a cure by the use of his remedy. Do not fail to send to him for a trial bottle; it costs nothing, and he Will cure yu, no matter of how long standing your case may be. or how many otnfcr remedies may frave failed. Circulars anJtcBtinronlals'aent with FREE TRIAL BOTTLE. Be particular to give your Express, as well a your Post Office direction, aud Address. DR. CIIAS. T. PRICE. 6f William Street, new York. A. DAY! DAY! WELL AUGER ! Having obtained the'agcnqy for tte State of NebntskVfor OWSNS CSLEBEATED WSLL BOSIKS iAsnrcs7. Atari provided ourselves with first- class machinery for tnaip Wells, we take tnis metnou oi soliciting orucra from all who seek water supply. Te are prepared to sink wells with taeat mor speed, & Ia a satisfactory manner. 4-ttrain and other staples taken- ia ex chanj?e" for work. Beinc the duly atttho'jfsed ateats for this State, we offer County. Township, and iadi vidualriifrts for sale, SPLENDID' BUSINESS POST A1 SMALL. CAPITAL. $25 a Day Guaranteed usinrj this Well Aufjer: OWBN & MONTGOMfiltfl IVmltUm - Jf4 THE RED CLOUD CHIEF REDCLOUD, NEBRASKA. LOCAL MATTERS. Notice in thin Column 10 Cv.ts a Ant For Sale. The Meat Markei St Red Cloud. This is a good chance for a man with small, tlitaiis Id Mjcure a good location. The building and what belongs (here to, together with the Rood will, i of fcrrcd very thvip. Inquire at this ofiicn. . . Id. Arritnl nul llrpMrliire f Mail truth the I1 t:iiiif1 10. Juniata Leave! Monday's Wednesday's and Friday 7 am. .Marl closed 9 p. ih. A i rives Tues day Thursday and Saturday's? p. in. Hap.vaud leaves Tue.-day's and Fridav'h o p. in. arrive3 Tilestfa- s and I'riday s C' p. ii. Mail closed fJ p. m. FltANKMN, going east, Monday's and I hurwlay h '2 p. to, uoing west Tuesday's and Friday's 10 a. m. Pi.kasant Hill leaves Tha re-days C a. in. Arrives Wednesday's 4 p. uj. Mail clr&cd (J p. m. JewKi.L. Kansas., arrives Friday's 12 in." Leaics Friday 1 p. m. Russkl, Kansas, arrives Thursday's 12 a. m. Loaves Thursday 1 p. in. Office open from 4 untill G p. m. Sundays. All registered matter must be in the evening before the mails leave. M. B. McNrrr, P. M. t'lirjRCII UlRCCrOKY, CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH- Servieos eycrv !it and third Sab baths of each month at Red Cloud and Inavale. 7 A o'clock r. M. at Red Ctoffu. 2 o'clock P. M. at In avale; Every second and fourth Sabbaths at Batin and Harmony Preciucts. Rev. A. Maxwkll, IVtor. BAITIST CHURCH. Rkv. Tikis. Mux low, Pastor., Services every fourth Sabbath at 74 P. M. Saiuiatii School every Sabbath morning at 10 i. M. J. Q. POTTtU, Supt. Prayer nicotine Sabbath aud Thurs day evenings. All held at the school house just north of town, Bargains in Real Wiilcox & Gillham. Have for sale choice tracts of land, and good claims. All letters of inquiry answered promptly. NO. 1. 100 acres deeded laud. 1 J miles east of Red Cloud. SI) arres good bottom Urass land, balance worth .upland riTrairic. well Watered. - A' banrain. NO. 6. A good claim of 80 acres, four miles from Red Cloud, south of the river. Timber aud wator. NO. 4. 1 (it) acres 3 miles from town. KH) acres bottom, fU acres level upland, a spring ou each SO ; a ruuuing stream through the quarter, 40 acres improv ed, a log bous-e lax 1 8, 15 acres wheat, 10 acres oats, lOacrescorn. One-half the small grain and all the corn crop will behold with the laud if sale is made in ixty days. One cow, 2 plows, 1 harrow, 1 span horesf harness and wagon, and 2 cultivators. NO. 5 Nwl .14, 3, 9, fiiing; '!0' acres under plow, a good well, dug-out stable Itix 45, hewed log hotfse 10x20. Cheap. NO. 6. A house and lot in Guide Very cheap. Rock. NO. 7. 100 acres 4 miles from town, teen acres broken, lays well, be sold cheap. Fir wiii NO. 8. A good claim 4 miles south of Guide Rock.- 30 acres uuder cultivation; good house and stables. Weil, and springs of water. 1 5'acres of tiulber. For further particulars call on or address WlLLCOX & GlLEHAMV RED CLOUD, . - - - NEB. Get the Best and Cheapest. The Reed EreaEinff Plow is the best and cheapest. You' can find them at the Post Ofnce. For Salk. One yoke of fine brge seven year'old cattle,, well-broken and perfectly strand". Call on or ad dress Alex, Rutherford Red Cloud Neb. . TEET?!mTEETHl! Shercr has a good set of instruments and will extract teeth on short notice, and in a manner that it will make it a SIcasure fffsfeacT of something to be readed. Give him a call. GoloM. B? McNittV for your wall paper, he has add will keep con stantly on hand a large and well se lected stock of the gayest, neatest and sweetest patterns of this article that the market affords. Paper Hanging. If you your wall paper buBK with mootki aad without a wrinkle, call on Miller and Van, also for Kalsonuaing and graining. &&AVD w-AT.T.- fhere will be a Grand BilT aV Rea" Cloud on Saturday and Sanrday night 3rniy?rd.- T&e best of nutti will be nricHrided-and plenty of room lor nil. ' roi ul One Champion Lisht Mower. Price 11d. Wffl take -wokin' .it.nv. M: B. MoNirr. .--. --The old niaa has got hose at las. No G Hoppers here Id aswaat te 1 aay thing. We need rain rfoifc badly; ctiil rao of (hv crop are looking Well ., .- .rr . vuce os a nine mere w.juubr Ucl),ne Ilow un for fatuilv man, who took a boat ride dowp on I ia the v.'il.on. We certainly wnalj the will dam, in cbe water he ftlf; and UM.' D0 oiheTm It wor,s xUh cluil fa. he wid -The dam"-weU, would you di;,y 0-n lln, cluih. cambric, t.rlc kuow the- rest ask the said young fnSQ. . nannci and leather. It doc not j r-in,.,i i,., . u -V-,w.,l ,...,.. r.i up and they intend to hava ono.of the bc-it and largest celebration's etar beH in Webster county. -Zeiss has finished off his new buildiug and the same is baatifily painted and papered on the inside Hon S. B. Galey and tfrant b ftllfttl M.a I.Hlli a( I n.jIv A Ittn down from the railroad on Tucdar evening, They will return to day. Dr. J. A. Tulleys has gono to Lincoln to attend the Grand Lodge of the A. K. & A. 31. This is a small town and it has its share of small people; who, although small hare lone snout, with which they rcot up every filthy heap id (he I nupc hi uuuiiig a Kernel oi gossip, qr a taste of bcaudalous swilL The likenws of some of these people to swine marLcb!e. Rooting in a dung-kill fattens th'q hu'mar hog as Well as the other. There is about the same melo dy in the grunis of both'. They both have the same preditection for mua and filthiness, and think tho desire to be covered with slime is the natural Jaste of all. With hoggish generosity they distribute their dirtiness among th ir neighbors. These Iong-snootcd scandal mungers are the pest of any town, and if left to trVemsekes will make tho whole community odorifer ous with the smell of the pig-ty. We arc iu favor of enforcing (he herd law against these human rooters who are all the time rooting up their neigh bor's premises. They are very easily distinguished. Their gruut is swinish and their smell offensive. They know something about every lady and girl in !he village. It is impossible to think of any one they have omitted to squeal abofiL It is a armors to the commu nity that they arc tolerated. They have scattered their filth over all the town, and it ii time to take measures for our protection., We suggest that a Pound Master be appointed with authority to take every snoot caught rooting iu another's affairs and: rut s fring in ft. These persons, or human hogs are always ou the move, first to one place and then to another with attentive ears, to gather something to tell to their next stopping place. They have become so-vulgar iojjiejg remarks ttaaT 1" ..8 .uvu.niuiarM Texas herders will not dnve nor allow their femalo kine to pass through their midst, and even the female cur droops her tail in dismay as she goes by them for fear they will insult her virtue and modesty. Where then does human ity stand, under their observation ? We have beeu thinking seriously of this matter, and in the dearth of news have concluded to publish these scandals as they reach our cars, to gcther with the names of the authors. " liberty pole, and giving the names of Belfast Ginger Ale, Soda and a t3 g;gners an,i lne several states to Miueral Water, for sale by George wuich lhcv belonged. Zeiss. Also Ice Cream and Lemonade. . p Lutz. CRAND CELEBRATION ! JULY 3, AT RED JAMES ORATOR OS Mark H- XKtuvnor MARSHAL OF THE Programme. SALUTE- FKO cE'ssiam MUSIC PRAYER? if MUSIC. Decimrmiiin of lnepen ene'e.- MUSIG. MUSK. BASKET DINNBE ON THE GROUNDS. Toasts Mi Speeches nnftrsporisi witi Misic lit mre Cr4itUv Invited. Thcy are going to have a grand celebration on Walnut Creek, near the State Hte on July ord. Arrangements have been made, tod a grand tfme Is expected. pVK FAVOP'lTlEfKTTINO MACHINE The checpct and bo?t Sewing I " ...-...' .l : ..i... -i . erator m any war, neither does it re- quire an iuscs-aiit stoppage to find out where the ditilculty U, z twoe :x- '" There m no difficulty. It ruds ; niooth!y and evenly, hems, fells, tucka 1cm and binds, it does the ' ucaumui work on 1 eamDnc and uncn. it al.o nas the , uent of keing tbe cheepct Gr.t-cla.,3 Secio? machine. It drw nat ret nnf .-... ,. .. oi oraer nor urea neeuiea nor sup nor puck'cr the cloth. So complete hu the Wilson Sewing Machine been made, by the skilful oailiua ion of braiq and muscle,' that it baa left nothing to be desired. Machines wii! be deliverd at the nearest Rail road Station to your place ftvo of transportation charges, if ordered ihrtm rte. Company's Branch House at St, Ljuis Mo. Iriey send an elegant catalogue and chromo circular, free ou aplication. This COU)I)aoy want a' w tuorc good ageuta. WELIiS " VK?iI7" All wanting wells bored will do well to call unou W. W. Haute v, Inavale; .Webster Co., Neb. 5uGood notes taken if desired. 37-3 in WOOD fWOOD f Bcrcnzen fc Co., have a large amount ot wood sale in large or Miiall quanlities to tfuit. Notice to Teachers. Notice is hereby given. That I will examine all persons who may desire to ofler themselves as candidates for teachers of the primary or common schools of the cortnfy, at my office in Red Cloud, on the first Saturday f August, November, February aud May i 11. S. Kai.kv, Co'. Superintendent. Corn Planters. Two twe-horse corn plauters for sale cheap, to close out my stock of Agri cultural implements. 32-tf. M. RMcNitt. Hon. II. 8. Kaley hai gone to Missouri on local haziness. Cclhr;ioo iiotia The Red Cloud Committee on Pro gramme for the forth-coming celebra tion, haVing concluded that the decla mation of the declaration of independ ence by a tad less tbau eight years of age, was not in keeping with the pop iflar aentTJen t oT proprie ty. " HKiT T, the father of that lad, btintf a disabled soldier and patriot, and honestly not concurring in said conclusion, and not wishing to interfere- with or disturb the regular programme of the occasion and also having obtained permission from parties supposed to be vested with authority to grant1i ; I wo'uld advertise that after the regular pro giamme has been carried out, no pre venting providence, the lad will De claim it from the cross trees of the 1875. CLOUD. LAIRD, THE DAY i DAY. AMUSEMMTS ! -o BOWLING Alley. AND I rlWliff .VJbAAJV. . J CARLWEBE1 IV, t liaslu: onentM a fowling Alley, and bhooting (.tallery. nu a lover of ,ne games are conlisily invited to come and enjoy themselves. J He has al?o a large supply of can ' nts, oranv-eSj and lemon,. !C2 ?3fAlt 5UJ3S3 3S3S. A1J3 -illSADS, i Aicajs on liana in ttieir eaon. wive mm a can. j Cm 5r We :f t tt Re Hwst. ' ii 'pv nnir1 l"iviii.' V 1 JL I UUtuijl KJli Lj Red Cloud. Nebraska. MY Irur Storc In R&l Clod. Dfur are pur. Mock i nmipUtr. proCts. motto Ii (juick ;alc and amall SA )Ih What you wmit. AA.lA Vur buainfM ihcrr. y.ME Tn your nriibor. .V.1.IAT 'Hiat you have bern llirrc. Qk There any thins you want. nhw tt in wy liurul truiJ. wJI; mxilhuu syrup llic thine SHEHElt OouiiunW'rrccrlpllCti Correct SHt-.ltKH Kun the City Drue t-ture. v URH Ell Hm the UrreaWk in tht Tllty SHf iU.'It Saysc-uj urn! tiffor otirfdf, Oice. Him a Call Before I' arch as big iihneh rrt. Dr, Peter Head. Jejuni I j' lMiyMieian. OfTi-r- hi services to the publir, and will attend to all profe:ionulaib. 0f5ce Over Sherer's Drag Stere. RENNECKEBS HOTEL." A. J. RKXNKCRER", - - - f'uop. Sis miles Soathxect cf Bel Clrad, ca the read to Smith Center. A. J. I'.enneekcr lias nriin opened hU hot I and would call hi superior fneil iiies lor provMiur cntrrtaintuent for mitn anil be.i-t. The tHb'e alw;iy pnivilrl with thu Ie.t thesf.isun atlonls. and Frr.h Fih every da v. A road has b?cn owntil to tht Hotel through the larui of tho proprietory whirh' mhorU'iis the mail, ami in oper. to ait tratei except tho driving of 'ooc .tock. O VK KrS.NKCkKR'H IIOTXL A TBlAl. aThc under-iictied ha aNooprnrd a fish ery above the He I Cloud bridge, where a full supply or frwh Csh caa be procured atnny tiiuu durinic tho cumin? rc.i.ou. PAHTIK.S winhinK freh fih can get them at the flihery between the bridvS and the (1ouriur null. I will :itiu be in town on .iiturd.iy of c.ich week nt the corner orSher er's dniK ?torc, uith a ot Heidi Iih. 0tf - -- S .A. V J3 j r- YOUll GRAIN ! By getting one of the IW'Covmick latest Improved llaCilinCS4 IT HAS TIIK IaTU II VST DRIFT The best facilities for SAVING Grain, And ia acknowledged as being one of th'. mt durable Bracliiucd ever manufactured. Foil' Sal i: Br FRA SLEEPER, Who is agent for the.-c Celcljfiteu' .Machines in Webster county. CALL and Examine MAC1MSKS IJ I Uefore PurchajiinK K!KtTIIEK -Eli ! nli-ld Notice; To whom if may concern. AH pcr qti3 are herby notified that the M. V. IL R. Company have btfeonie" tired of this wholesale slaughter upon tKeir timber, in the Republican Valley. And from this time forward we propose to protect odr own intereits, and by so doing we think we shJI protect the beal interests of the set tlers, as we are convinced that thefte is no timber ir the Valley fq spare. Especially to be" dravrn crdt of the State or cut into lumber, or in any manner wasted. And we hope all gootT citi zens will consider these matters care fully, and lend ns taeir inf nence to protect what timber there aay be kit tLD.-LonniDGB, Land Com V. Sf. P. Bnflvay. 2Hm6. $4a C9fl Prdy. Acent vaslci.AII v elawei of workiaf k'coule of both cx.yoacc aadoli cukt nwre raaaer. i won ior . i a taeirovn iocainievaaiTB: . i . . . . ... Jm " taetr fparv oamU, or all lne tise. teas at anrthiar !. We offer eacIoTaieat that will jayhxadvaiely for erery hoar' work. ran particalar. terau. ae tst tree, scad .vyoas addreMatoate. Ija't delay. 5ow U the lime. Doa'tlook for work or hasiBM ofrr. G.nTTaW.Ca..PmuaLMai.!L iiaiicrt.wiii yo Bare lvaMUtt GODETS LADFS ?OOK- We feel tnat ve would be fotsg onr snbacribers an injnaCioe dH wt Mt eat tnek attention tn this intHnaninlrglodi Xagazine, ate fcf A Cnro , Tie Raece, iicn ia vrtT?Mmmdrjrfj aabscriber. Rcai tne froctisawi ifyoa have new naeira-enp of the 3faieaarnn, serin 25 cert. f L. A. GO DEY, PaHadelph-a, Pa , for n corcj. VALLEY HOUSE. J. 6. OTARHTBR, Prop. L alway ready to attend to aud make coaforublc bb patrca. This Uotcl is eutircly new, bavins been fitted up ft tc xpr3 puriOi of the traclfuj; public V STAGK !,KVK FOR TI1K RAILROAD ON MONDAV,' WEDXlSrVAV, A RflDAV OF KACH WKKK AT 7 0UL"dcv A.M. I Claim to HaVc the BEST STABLE WUt of Lincoln. Always keeping on hand a good supply of HAY A N H G Y A j AUo a good conveyance for the purptiMi of cgnTCnn; pawers from tlits plnce to any other at rcavioable rates. Re4 etiiiiii- 0. L. BATTLES & -DKAI.KHS IX- SHELF & HEAVY HARDWARE; AGENV FOR Till) nnnnnnnnnnnv'i 'j i. " - " -i nH nnnnLu' Kjrtfe" tU'Wi "' jirnnnnnl nr 'siS'jfitJ- nnnnK35? jn?n I i-;l3z553iCKBjiBCfSnnBl pj??nnSnMBySnnnnnnnnnnJ nnnnnnnnnHnnVS5niin3nnrnnnnnnnnnnnni WM ANSON WOOD MOYVEl Hover Excelsior Reaper C0MBINEO IF if A Uroppej JULelfJiMlicJ .. THE NEW MANS Y.' THE h X. L DRILL. Bucketfe Dvill; Superior Uriid: bast seeder m Mountain titff Seeder: . PADOC SUMiYII AY RAKE. SI'Y MA nt !'.- And all FARMING MACHINERY at Grange Prwmr; VLfnnnV nnVnnV 1 nnnnnnnV. 'CnnnnV' -4Lnnnn nw Innnnnnnf' lnAnY LnW nS( nnnnnnnnV nnHnnVTvf "nnnV "nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnV V nnB nnnV H 9 JnnnnnnL' W Charter Oak and ALL THE VARIETIES OF U STOVES. A good assortment of NAILS, RAKES, BOT3 SHOVELS, SPADES, FOHlft' CARPENTERS' AND XASOXS-TOOLS, PAlXTSohk COOPER AND NEWTON WAGONS, GUS9, TInVaKIC GRAND DETOUR PLOWS, DAY EN POM PlklWg. r f with Wood or Iroc'BefttB. wkkrWnnd'aU Iiw VttnnV AndEvefythnccaVnlwFamWefKecninic. ' Sj, Oaiile lUt-k, mimw t .t . - i Kfifcrwii I... 9a5,t n o & d H fl tt M o 0 U O ft o - ?Hpe Miiel. EATING AND PMKUCtt !- CORN PLANTO& 4,jfflfr L& z ) 3 14 9 1 1 V- !iB5?,' MHI ;teS&i &5986K X