.,s,-c Jfct "l"' T"-- ' s.Vi' i5 " $r- ss2 v '. T - 2S. "5 i r45 " -. s- - .3"r 5& tolu' t&&Z- , fc - iMf it " && -:-. PS, i 2 - ? & " t 5 & '- THE RED CIWD CHIEF. THURSDAY JUNE 23, 1875. WahtUr Comfy Coalewa, Webster Co.. Neb., lies in the Valley oi tae RepablicM. m !Vj nllr wwt of tire Mis souri River and touch the State line oa the Soath. Winters are ild aai dry; very Jittle rain or snowfalls in that seasa so lit tle in Tact that cattle lire all winter with no hay er era in. Plenty of rain falls in the spring aad summer. The rammer are not disagreeably warus, a there is always a cool brecxo especially in the evening-. The ounty Srat beaa to i-etlc in 1670. In 1971 I the county was organized witba population of 45. Its population m wrm between 2300 aad.'j80 and it rapidly increasing. There are at present 34 organised school districts within its boundrier and school facilities are therefore atapfer-botter than those in some Eastern tftaies. The apportionable school fond Iarniucs nearly enough money to pay teacher' wages. Farmers can buy It. II. land foic.31.50 to 6 per acre with ten yearn time. 'There is yet a considerable amount of Korernsieftt lands for tKtnyvtcsafi. aud pre saptlosa. A a stock raising country it is ktard 'oaxed. Cut'le di well, and for sheep it caanot be beaten, Ji in just suited iv that Fortunes aaa ba easily made by raisin; sheep aa the expense of feedieg is very small. That com. oaU, barley, potatoes, buck wheat, and ail kinds of roots and vamKabfas, are crown here with little labor. 3 baskets of od cora to the acre is nothing new. Wheat averages about 25 bushel to'the acre. Fruit doei ex tremely well. Krery fanner has bis orchard growing. Forest trees ttvv rapidly. Cotton wood, boxalder. whitowood. oft maple; and many other kinds of trees grow' into timber large enough for fuel in about three years. Osag orange plant do nicely, and in a few years your live fences can be made. Me chanics find employment and fair wages. The very but and purest water is obtained by going from 5 to lUO feet. The cost is very small when the well is bored. These wells never go dry. The streams of this county are the Republican and its tributaries, which are as follows on the sotrth side of the riverv- tValnut, Dry. Haifa!.,, State i'eany. Cedar. Hicks, Afch, and Guide Uock enrekss Ob tfetr north side -are Willow, Elm, Cottonwood, Crooked. Indian, and Farmers creeks. In the" north part oi (he county is the liluc river hihI it tributaries. Thotioil of Webster cotinty is a dark, .rich vegetable loam. The wild grass es are nutri t iis and ibdiitlant, and make most excellent hay I'imotliy.clover, Hungarian and millet will undoubtedly prove a profitable produc tion. Thor6 who hxc tried them bo decido at (cut. . Our railroad prospects are good, and w will haw. a road as soria we really need one. Rut the fanner far year will find ready jile- .or ?? prodefctiotis in the newer ountien uctand to new settler , By the tiino there markets are closed roads for oil taper transportation east will be opened. Our climate U healthful, the air pure and tiracing. and sickness of any kind is almost a stranger to the people hwe. The county seaUlU&D CLOU I on the Re publican river, near the ccttlcr.eaat aud.wet atjd.a-Hitie south of the center north and south. In it are chances for business men f even branch of trade. Tho country around ia su-h as to wan an t a good business in every kind of merchandise, tied Cloud and Uuide Mock are tho only two laid out towns. Fur thor information can be obtained from any jand agent who advertises in this paper, or at " tilts office. The constitutional convention that that has just closed its labors at Lin coln was compoaaA of aome of the hest and ablest men in the State, and the in.-truuicDt presented by them will be adopted by ma oveswhejming asajonty. Tiik grasshopper plague fins pen etrated as ikr eaet as Central Iowa. Thus far Nebraska has escaped with the exception of a few localities in the caster covntits. PEAYE-i VS. GSASSH3PPS2S. The proclamation of the governor of Missouri, together with tbj prayers and fas.ing of the inhabitants of th it afiiide 1 state, is haing a wonderful effect upon the grasshopper, and since that day of public supplication and humiliation they have been leaving that commonwealth on the wiugs of the wind; -and they are still going like arwtnalswho are granted a certain limited time in which to get out o the country. Since the first settlement of fiber banks of the Missouri, and since the grasshopper was first understood, or rather misunderstood, we halve been trying experiments on him. It has been; denottraeJ Ant if administer ed in proper quantities kerosene oil will kill him, and so- likewise will strychnine, but as this ofetiaate in sect utterly refuses to take that kind of medicine, the knowledge ie-MMbrea valueless. It has also been clearly proved that in some grasshopper eoni bi unities parasites abound ; but from the evidence so far adduced we are jpstified in saying that this state of things is far from being universal, and that no grasshopper of respectability, who has the least regard for his per sonal appearance ana standtof inso- "oicty, who understands the laws of feoalth and believes that cleanliness is aWSttoGodirnesavwill. sabtnit to the existence otkeeJneeotuavhis pei son; and it requires but a trifling flight of imagination to see the blush of tadienarion anon theoouateaaieeof the captured, reegeeUbte-leoking grass hopper wnen yow raoeJs pall up bis wiogsia search of such eviefceee of Kia fllthy habits; and he who Iwses a hope -of the fioal extermination of the locust upon the exi tence of these par asites, is surely building upon a sandy foundation. Everything that has been tried in Btrfalo county has so far been -aaavailing; By the profane man curses were heaped "apon him; but these have been received by that philosophic devastator with that unconcerned com placency and meekness which betokens a coeecioHsaess of the rectitude of his nteutieesy Baioke- has beea tried apoa him, and though, it is evideat that this practice ia legawjiil by the grasshopper as a bad habit, yot whea placed ia the balance with dVtjr k is of trifling weight. Att cart hly devices fcaviag failed, there is bat oae plaasi Me eearse open for as to pareae, and that is to follow the example of oar Miaioari aeighhors. That which aaoaM have been first is left aatil the inafc. Let aa pray. JTeaney,VeM TW OmB9l of Satawslay pvaealeagaeMBarrftaasUjarysleae by tharaia, wiad atei halPtaa vwiied tht Jaet Tharaday aightt jftar fcidgea van awaa away and oae aw WWiianiMS w kar iajavai: ailed -3 STATE NEWS. ? D. Gartner, of Beatrice has invent ed gfassaopaer aterminator, which it is claiwcd will clear 40 acres iu one day. The Lincoluites are enjoying ripe cherries. Next will come cholera morbus, which will bj more enjoyable to the doctors thaw the victims. Grasshoppers, mosquitoes and June bugs are on a par in Liuculu as to numbers. last week's report w that the graesfroppcrs were destroying every thing in the vicinity of I'lattsniouth. The Normal School at Peru closes on the 2,5 ru of June. The closing ex ercises last five days. The Falls City Band is making rapid progress under the instruction and supervi-ion of Prof. Willie, and as evidence of the fact the mot indiffer ent of our towns-cople remark upon the increase of the number of tunes they discourse. Brother Mather, of the lied Cloud Chuck, is diVpoecd to sympathize with towns thai are thus blessed(?) but he is evidently is pic judiced. The next time you visit the city, brother Mather, the baud will give one of their be; t for your special. benefit, with the firm belief that you will be highly edified. "Music charms the beast,." you-kuow. Pernape-if the- editor of the Palls City Journal knew that it was our un fortunate lot to become a citizen of Palls City, jti6tia time to hear the first attempts of the brass band organ ized there several years ago, after hav ing just passed thro' a similar exper ience in another burg, be would think we ha4 cause for our prejudice. We arer however,- fond of being sernaded and' when we visit Palls City, we are "willing to be edified. - A- man in Falls City advertises for 10 bushels of pumpkin seeds. The-Nemaha Granger thinks that $75(000 will not exceed the loss by grasshoppers this year in that county. The papers generally rejoice over the disappearance of the map iu the Lowell' Register. The Adams Co. Teacher's Associa tion met at Juniata June 12th. The Brownville Advertiser respect fully declines to publish the New Con stitution for the sum of $10 for two insertions, but may publish it before election, as a serial story. The Grand Island Times says the grasshoppers nave destroyed every green thing to be found between Schuyler and Omaha. The Mu-ical Convention at Brown ville was a decided success. A S. S. Convention was held at Hasting last Wednesday and Thu rs day. The next convention will be at Juniata in Sept. The M. E. Church at Juniata will soon be completed-. Two cases of sunstroke eccarred ia Juniata last week. The victims were two fat hogs belonging to Chas. Kroll Wm. Jones says he with oiher per sons recently killed cer a thousand .snakes ia-one den-near the mouth of Walnut Crock, south of the llcpubli can river. Juniata Gaxtte. We should call that a pretty good "snaik story." Presume it wasn't a very good day for "snaix" either. The State papers all agree in extoll ing the economy of the Con. Con. Out of the $15,000 appropriated for the expenditures of the Conventi jn, only $10,000 were used. Edwiu Parkinson who was a guard at the Penitentiary, shot himself on Monday of last week. He was Icamog on bis gun, and by some accident the guo was discharged, killing him in stantly. He lived at York, bis father being the pastor of the Christian church, and himself a member. Geo. T. Isbell, who has been for many years connected with the Kansas press, has taken charge of the local columns of the State-. Journal The following little local 6hows that he re grets having remained so. long iu Kan sas:: In our report of the. Oliver affair yesterday we inadvertantly located Beaver City in Kansas,, instead of Ne braska a melancholy result of remain ing in oneSute too lom IF die grasshopper honor? were to be offeaad in. Nebraska as it is in Min nesota (in OBe county $3! 50 per bush el. it would pay aa better than any other arops wouldn't it The Columbus Journal has a column devoted to "Sheep Notes." Bah ! The young men of Columbus have a new and we presume very iaterest ing amusement They feed toads witb tobacco to see what faces they will make, Where's Bergh ? Thermometer 102 in the shade at Beatrice, June 15th. A child Bear Tecumseh was bitten by a rattlesnake last week. Gov. Garber, andC. H. Willard, depatp auditor, have gone to Colorado to speed a week or two. Both these guardians of the interests of the State Have been closely eoafiaed during their sojoara.at the Capitol, and a little re creatioa will do ahetagood. JoaraalL Doualas Co. aocLSaunders CJoh- are to be coaaected-by a bridge across. the Ptatte The editar of the Scaayier Regvtet rejaieethat the retara cf his "betta fcalC' aVeaavhafaajoara ia the ease Hiaiiiad Dodge who brokeUat NeBt 5ty; have beea re-captasad. A the 8tar papers aaaaa.totaiak the Coav Cans was to eeoaoaueal by half whea taey aafwopriatea oaly $10 ' for each newspaper- which gives the new coaattutiio two iastrtiea.. 'Some of the Black Hilli gold hunt ers whoe nroperty destroyed by government troop bavc engaged J. C. Cowan of Omaha to institute legal proceeding' fir the recovery of $22,000 damages. Fabbury Gazette. The ccnnmenccment exercbes of the Omaha High School took place on Friday latt. They passed 'off very pleasantly. The army of grasshoppers that moved north during Saturday, 3onday and Monday extended from Omaha to North Platte 20 miles. Had they alighted there would not have been enough crops left in the State to have fed the chickeus. Omaha Repub lican. Arrangements are being made for the Nebraska schoolma'ams and I .schoolmasters to take an excursion to Minneapolis, Minn., to attend the National Teacher's Association, which convenes there on the 3d, 4tb,and5th of August Excursion rates $18 from Omaha good for 30 days. Who wouldn't be a sehoolma'am ? The etorm of Thursday night which visited Omaha also did a great deal of damage at Syracuse ; a full account of which we find in the Star. About 20 buildings were qidhsr-totally destroyed1 or badly damaged. One man aud one woman injured but not fatally. The Plattsmouth Herald contains a beautiful steal engraving of a festive grassnopper. LSTTEE FSOX THE WEST. Che VENN E Cm. Wyoming, Ty. June 12th, 1875. Ed. Chief: Hoping that I shall not intrude upon your time, and thinking that a few lines from Chey enne would not be altogether uninter esting, I will venture to send the fol lowing : Cheyenne is situated on the line of the Uuion Pacific K. IV, 516 miles west of Omaha, it is the terminus of the Kansas Pacific R. It., it is a City of about 3,000 population, and has many fine buildings, both public and private. Amone these may be men tioned five churches ; the Presbyterian Methodist, Congregational, Episcopal, and Roman Catholic There is an excellent public graded school here, which in every particular is equal to any graded school in the east. The school building is a fine two stories brick, 30x50 feet, and cost about $13,000. The court house is a neat brick structure, two stories high, with a Man.-ard roof. Tho countyjail and Sheriff's residence are locate iu the rear of the court house, and are connected with it. There is several fine brick blocks in Cheyenne, and a very fine two story city hall, built of brick. There is two banking houses, oue National Bank, and the other is a private banking house. I brie are hotels in good running order, of which 'f tot i)yer's takes the lead. There are three new brick hotels being built here this season, tacT largest b called the Ford House ; the job of building it was let for $25,000, it is to be comple ted by the first of next September. There are also several new brick storeo being built. The couutry around Cheyenne is a rolling prairie j the grass is very short in this vicinity and but a very little of it, yet the stock looks well, and have had to pick their own living all winter. The ranchmen brag this up as a great stock growing couutry, but in my opinion it "can't hold a candle" to the Republican valley, of your State. The grasshoppers are very thick here. They are' small yet but are growing larger very fast. I don't see as they can hurt this part of the ter ritory any way, for it is no farming country. There is a beautiful stream called Crow Creek, which heads in the' Black Hills, south of the North Platte and flows through the western part of the city of Cheyenne ; on this stream north of this city one mile and a half is situated Camp Carlin, where the military and subsistence stores are kept. Fort A. D. Russell, one of the largest military posts in the United States is located one mile and a half aorth of Omp Carlin, or three miles aorth of Cheycaae. One mile north ward of Cheyenne is a beautiful artifi cial lake, filled with splendid fish. This r lake-wnen full is about three miles in circumference. It was made by bring ing the water from. row Creek through, a ditch about six miles which, empties into a natural basin. There is also another lake of the same kind within the city limits in the east part of town, and is about the same size of the one north of the city, and is called Minnie ha ha. It is filled with the surplus water from thu other lake. There is quite a number .of miners camped here waiting impatiently for the Black- Hills to open. There seems to be no doabt among the miners, but what there is gold ia the Black Hills in paying quaatkies.. A good many of the miners have gone up to die. North Platte aad are waiting there. The In dian chiefs arrived here from their visit to Washington day before yester day, and are still here waiting for the government to purchase them horses, which it has doae. . The ladita ageat boaght 19 splendid Americaa wanes, each hone has a new saddaBawd bri dle. There is one horse ipwefbr the chiefs except Spotted Tail, he did not want any, aad said he would rather h ace-the aaency. They, are to start hoarthtr eveaMMr. lhey say that they want a "heap of aaaaej if they give ua-the BUst Hills." fae agaat tafcFnMV that he thoneht that rwaehHiaawaaidae epaaed? baa war nxbt aara Tmes- are ail dressed-a Iadiaa eotaate witaV Baiat aa their faces aad feacWrs. their hats. Sad Oaad aappom a new plea: hat with a tarkey faatiar w it. S..A.SiLBOV Ssrftsrral7. The eontcnts of Scribncr far Jly have been described as follows : 'Kear ney at Seven Pines," a ballad by Sted man, illustrated by Darley, take the lead in the July number of Scribaer. Next we have a profusely Uliotrated sketch of "The City vT th Goklen Gate," by Samuel William, ene of Ibe bet known editors of San Francis co, who writes apparently with discre tion, at well as euthii.ia. Not the least interesting part of Mr. Wilham's paper i that in which he deMrites Jobu Chinaman but his article is lively and readable from bt'ginniog to end. Col. Waring's "Farufcr's Vaca tion" is this month descriptive of -The Bight of LaManchc;" he given u a very bright and racy article, with a great many illustration'. Dr. Hol land' VStory of Seveooaks" is contin ued ; Frank H. Stockton writes about -The Girl at Rudder Granger;" Mr. A. B. Johnson, private secretary of Charles Sumner, presents some more "Recollections'"tf the Senator; J. B Drury has an eay -on Darwinism ; Francis Gurry Fairfield prints, an ap pendix to his paper on Spiritaalism ; and among the other contributions wc rraic a story byl'rof. Boyocn, author of'Gunnar" and "The Norseman's Pilgrimage;" something about -The Middle-aged Woman," byMa' Davis; aud a poem by Mi?s Houstoaia daugh ter of the celebrated Sam Hjjjteton. In Topics oDhtuTime lF Holland writes about ."Ola and New,"" now consolidated with Scribnrr; Mtiterna tional Copyricht;" -The Parochial Schools ;' and an "Americaa School of Art." The Old1 Cabinet. contains "A Confurion of Terms ;" -Tbouj-bt in Art;" "The Plea of Hdhiility," and "The Pickpocket's Kxcu-e." Home and Society, Culture and Prog ress. The Work's Work, and Brie a Brae have their usual variety. The publishers promise that there will be no falling off of interest iu the summer months. Ji i YEKTON A U YER T.SEMESTS. NEW HARNESS SHOP. Jn D. Phillips, - Prop. lias just opened a harness shop in this place, and solicits the patronage of the pub lic. He will keep constantly on hand the best material the market afford. tRepairing done on s ort notice and reasonable term. , All Work Warranted and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Shop opposite the Eikhorn Hotel. BiTtrtca, Franklin County, Nebraska. RIVER'ION HOUSE. W. C. THOMPSON, - Prop. Will entertain his guests in the most gentleman-like manner, with as good fare as the market affords, , To the traveling public we woild say give hint a call. EIVEETON, NE3EAS2A. itl. SULLIVAN, "JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, - r - i : "t-tv i - K07AS7' PUBIJ,AD AX, JJTATJ5, Rivertoit Franklin County Nebraska. sra- Claim for sale and tailoring done in the latest ety I e. Red Cloud Mill's! We are prepared to do cus- tome work Flour ' peed and Corn Meal for Sale. Satisfaction gaaraateed in quality of flour solo, and custom WORK. . Farmers should be particular to secure the -best of seedw'taa Potter & Frisbie! BUCK MOUSE, 6S0S9S BUGS, Job., - FS0T1IST0S, . PRAHKUN, NEB, G'jod Accommodations, Livery and Feed StalTn. 4- PROCTOR HOUSE, i G. D, PROCTOR, Pbopetok, ZISSOXESSASXA. ' T8 TrarelTns PaBTie Wrir Sad tharaTetel ba trst class in every respect- . Ja-Crriaaa raas daily to Belrte, the matron othCJoDfCVsU K LIHC Tvlaf Maxw.ll 4 Ding Wiea to iafcra the imhlie that thf tera aaade exteasfve araaiaaatieMM! "--- u4nikaMaaaita ' l FULLSTJPPLr r i. to-aevtftSe Uumm4M thw aaUie, afll kNMaVNMMMtiitM. P. ' Five ailw wast f sUd' ClmL 12 HJBl! 1 H. A. 1. unwell, Wonll repeifllv Isfuna the I.Iirof Kcd ClouJ and vicimtr that b i prv- paredtt 4160116 orders for MILLINERY, Dress-Making AND PLAIN SEWING of all Kinds. Ob hand and fur sale a fine aisurtnicnt of LACKS, VEILS, KID GLOVES. LADIES HATS. Ac Miss S. A. MUNSELL, In McNilt's Iluildi. RED CLOUD, - XEti. HANNESS SHOP S. V. Liudlow Is now prepared to do all kinds of work IX TUB Harness line. The best of materials u.ed, and all WOrk WARRANTED. KEPAIRIXG Done on short notice and at reasonable Prices. Shop in McNrrr's Store. Red Cloud KebramKa NICEOLS, SHSPAED & CO.'S ' 'Vibrator" Thresher The BRILLIANT SU'CKfiSnf thi (Irain SavinK.TinjeSavinKTHKKSHKK. 1 unpre cedented in tho ann.i! of Farm Mitchinu y. In a brifperioil ithjhtrtiine1 'ideb known and KI'LLY HTARLI-iti:i. a tho "LEAblXOTI KESHlXt; MACHINE." eaaiN raikeim nr.rvnr. to sub mit to the rafteful and-imperfect work of other ThroshcTn. when xwrtetl on lh vt swajerimtty-olUilaesKi. far Mvtair-rraefaaM btf tine, aad doiar fast, thorough and econo mical work. Tubrshekuex FIND IT hfchlyailTantniteoua to ruu a machine th.it has no "iJcatetT." "IMckc'."or"Apion." thiit handles Ihunp rain. Long Straw. IIatMnj:.. Flax. Timothy Millett n nil nil such diflicult grain and feeds. with ENTIRE EASK AND EFFECTIVE NESS. Cleans to iorfection : rf.ivea the far- aier his thresh bill by extra savin? of grain; makes no'LitterinKS: ro'iuires LESS THAN NK-IIALKthe usual llelts. isoze.o. Jour nals, aud (Sears: easier man.-nfed: less repairs: one that Kniin raisers prefer to cm-loy and wait for. even atadvanceil prices, while other machines are "ou Jobs," Fear "! marie with ff.a, lO stnel 12 hne 'MbrhIciI" Powcn, nla n aucclnltty r NiariilrM "Ieiie," rxpreaaly Tor RTKAN 1'tsfVEK. aad tu snntch oilier II wme Powers. If interested in grain raisins', or threshing;, write for Illustia edCircuIars;eat tree) with full particulars of sizes", styles, prices, terms, etc. NICHOLS, Slf KPARD :.. Jtatllc CrtrL; M!hipiii ADVF.RTIKI?T:lMmp: (loodzSrsf mutic. All persons who contemplate making contracts with newTpjprri' for the inj sertion of advertisements should send x2" cemts to duo I. Rw ll A Co.. 41 Park Rw. New tork. for their l'AMPHLET-BUOK ninetwerenth eilitio-i), cont.tiuinjr lwts of over 20UO newspapers and estimates, showing the cost. Advertisements taken for leading papers in many States at n tr mrndous re duction from publishers rates. Getthkbook First in the FieliZstatlisfced: 1858. Dail $10. Weekly t'2. laeaw Nea. Bairrva Offlelstla, Caaiy OITicerw, aatl then. At Icallww I Omaha Republican Steam Hook '- -AND-JOB PRINTING AND BLANI SOOX SA2nJFACTU2IH3- Esiablish talent- after many years experience, with superior facilities, and the BEST WORKMEN to be found in the West, will fill any order, large or small, in the best style at short notice, and at the lowest prices. OUR BLANK BOOK WORK and Binding of every description can not be surpassed by anyfirra in the state, and challenge cumparisoa. County Work A Specialty, aad Couar? Oficers will find out forms the latast and most improved. Sta tionery, Seals for Caantyy District awd ProBaU Courts,. Juttieea ef ths Peactv&c. LKA1 xn C01tXlCXA 11415, m, ir tneKSV-ascencte, ia ready made stocky ftrckfced-atthe lowest prices: Ordars byawil for ad kiads ofJoa Wokk arecated with the atmoat saead, awl dispatched promptly. ST. A- D. BALCOMBE, Maaaccr "RcablicaB,,' Omajia, Nkaf I a V Ua Tilt aTjaCtjfcftM Htie JUMATA, XKBUASKA. Has lately chancel hand, and t now uuJcr the tuanagement of T. T. WEBB Who will make it the best Hotel West of Lineoltr, ffe has in corraection with this hotel a good FEKDf SALE. AND tlVERY STABLE. (itic5.t. earned to and from fhflr de pot free of charge Juniata, AdaniN Co. Nth The WEEKLY ENQUIRKK. A ?4per for thf Ftsph, l rVicad of tht Taracr and Indoctrial Clares. A UEAUTIFIL NEW CHROnO ENTITLE "PERRY'S VICTORY!" Ulven t r.virj- H'i a NHbrrllr. This pictnre rvpr )! Com. (Hivor II. Ptrry in the m-t of ,iiiiis from one hii to another in h neHI ofmhoaty daring the neat of the bntile. espoxtl to the tiro of the enemy. It Xcasazes 1G Ij 22 1-2 lacaas, Is artistically finished in thirteen colors and i tindoubtcdlo the most dehblf chromn rv erotTere I ns a premium. Siiijr'e copi-s or it scil at S3 (M) e have nt n great outlay re cured the exclusive control nnd ale ot it. and therefore arc enabled to present it to our patron a above. The KNUUIKKR ..till stand pre eminent as a (irst-elii's Newsptper. Its various de partments allotted t. Editorials, Humorous, Agricultoral, Poetry, Correspcadenef Telegraphic, And 0 ncrr! Nws. All gfra evidence of the care nnd ai s taken to supply it readers with nil tt nnr and and a variety of reading that ranuot fuil to interest each ami every member of the house hold. Hubsrribh through ouraaeats or chJ direct toes. ' Wa4raa accnt at erery Post Office, and where nnne are yet appoinlH. let some ol our friends -pply for the uguicy. ADDRKSH, FARAN & McLEAN, Pub's, Cincinnati, Ohio. Smith & Calvert BED CLOUS - NSB. DEALERS IN FURNITURE, In Red Cloud. Neb , at their o.d stand, Ti delightful to see what they hare on hand. They have a nrj'My. it may truly he said Of th jt which is needful for the living or dead. They hare bedstead, cradles, tables k chairs Sofa, burenus, and all kinds of such wares. Crib, lounges, settees, and mattrct ei too Which (or alt kiuds of folks and ages will dx. They hare wagons and horses for childVe to sell. Which will oVe wives and babies exceed ingly well. They p y rash for these things and select them with care. And will sell them as cheap as anyone dare. And we sar to you all. both young and old. They'll not refuse greenbacks, silver or gold. We invite all our friends and neighbor! to call. And they doubtless will find they deal fairly with all. If you come. I do think yoa can eertainfy boy 1 Aa no one can say the price is too high. CONSUMPTION CURED. To the Editor of the RK. EaTKKMKD Faigso: Will you please inform yoar readers Urat I hare a positiva cisiE rmm. vsBvnrrf and all disorders of the Throat and Longs, aad that, by its use in ray practice. I hare cared haadreda of eases, and will gWe $1,000 oo fbr a ease it will no beaefiu Iaded. so strong is my fai'h. I will sead a Nsale. frre. to any sufferer addrowiag rr e. Flease show this letter to ny one yow ay. know who is f aferia froia thes diacases f aad oblige. tfaithfally Yoars. DR. T. F. BVRT. Wiffiaai tfu Sew Terli EUREKA ! The madenigaed has jswt eessIttd kia NEW BUILDING, Aad farakhed it with a Fall Sapply of Dir GOODS. 6ROCIRIE3. MAT. IZiCT-JUSKCLOTiarff, BOOTS. SHOES, FANCY JfOTlONS ETC. I pan teH awlOWaa th LOWJCST. FOWCAitt. aM?ii iac ssTwr9eatr M.- HI ATIrnHV. VXB. NAflTIX Pli'PKA. J. BEREN2EN 4, CO. '4 D13KI.KK IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. . CF'TVOOD for SA t-E, and de livered at Low Rates. NEW GOODS! J. G. POTTER Takes this method U foforui the Public that he hat lust opened up a new and complete Stock oT i DRY GOODS 4 GROCERIES, Consiitimj tn nrt of CALICOKS. DARK. LWiIT 1MNK, CI 1 A M B FS. 1K LA I N KS. LA V NS. DRKtsS TilMIX(JS k LlXIXCtt. (U 1 It l.rr .1- hM IrTX V A I KM A- C.t.ti V V RLfiAi'llBir ANM UNBLKACIIKD MUSLIN TABLET LlNftS. TOWftMNU. PA.Yia, oYKK-ALlsS .V SHEUThN, BOOTS A giIOS, IfATMdt AIM COFFEE, SUGARS & TEAS of all Kinds, Canned Fruits, Oysters and Crackers, Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, FLOUR MEAL & BACON- , And cvcthitK uauwHjr kept in r Kirst Chsc rj- ffod1 A Oroctr Store. -T. G. Potter. a Red Cloud, Nebraska. THE CHICAGO LUMBE I YAfcO C AT HASTINGS, Keepcontar,t1y on hand the Irjre.iC sfoclt of fry 1'iue Lurulirr iff the West. AUo - BXtlNlsNy MOUMiliVCiM, 1.191 K TARRED PAPER, and all kinds of miCniXCw 9IATKKIAL, Oar Btoct in well hclcelcd and pui chafed direct from On mlia, ut will be sofcl as low as lb? hwet. O. O. . NEW HARDWARE STORE I WHOLESALE AND RKTA 1 1, MITCHELL & MORHAET Have opened a new store and have stock of U1BDWABG, Cutlery, Carpenter FAKMING TOOLS, COAL aad WOOIr 8TOVK9. Wc have abo Tin Shop connect S with oar Store. Wc sinafactaT Tin, Copper k Sheet Iron Ware. Oar Slock I LAHGK and well aatorted, aal wa witf deal a low as aayaWaae west of Lincoln. V CaH and See Before PirdMsin Elsowhert , Opposite the Laailcr Yard. nnd Cloud, - - LUMBER LUMBER W. L. VANALSTYNE KBB CLOUM, YEBR.iSK. WsULBE IX PINE LUMBER, LATH 8HIMCEL0 Doora. Blinds Saalv Moulding. T sV. Lime, Tines; paper. Etc-v iSS BJCGOl-ATJ ajWaiBS3aKKaVaaaKaaaaa spJ &&- JOHN iKi;Ky.f. jT I NIClb OJLMVj Hastings, Nebraska. just rcccfvca folTantf complete . nrbrmslsatr ' -s5- f 1 I vv J: 'rs.tsMrr-e, WW' A-rt- "c -: -i,s,t &&,&&&- t. a?. -Xj. r 7-". 1Z&' qesa z-ojgsrs. ls?S&& Sir ,, x fc- CtfOssT AsBS3-AS- e ;z. aaaaf-Pasar. k "v aaaaaaattLt zFtC" T2&5s-T . fj BBaaaaaaaaaaaafelaBaslHBW " -''f- -Mtz--