The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 10, 1875, Image 4

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' . Li'ti'f'"' "'" i ." 5ir.0i ii.npr,
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,-' t ,
V. "SiC-rA
" f-
t"jsTr y- . -
mt-' :
i Bsadse'rrfBSl
As m the aata, Vr suKcfct Uaard,
Lays teaderiv bar m, ceM head,
W hkh with Its eft teach sweeps awa
All Uagoriag traces of aw say.
The tmrm wlads grow hashed, aad He
la aUeaee aeetllagat her feet.
Or 1b aaaraarou tern refly
TJate her Tele. so lew, so tweet,
A ike recites, with fervor time.
Her rosary ef atarsaad dew.
Aad here aaosg the toaba of tboee
Whose hearts bo aere akall feel eartb'a wo,
Upoa bm ialla tke deep repose
Of wards I heard two days ago--
"Peace be to yoaw for peace at but
Upoa ay aeml kcrapall katk east.
Taoaga load tke traapet a echoes riag,
Aad Seree tke laaiaa of warfare rise,
8 Ull to ay heart tkeae tweet word brteg
Tke loafaf Joy of Paraaiae
Aad ae. aerese, carta's strife I Tlew,
BIbc Beaaa aaid, "Peace be to yea!"
Aad like tke Uod-sest dore of old,
BeeB wkere dark Jorsaa's watera roll.
Peace, aeat by lore, deaceada to fold
Her white triage o'er ay reatleca eoul
, KoraeedlaoiraoBewoaadroaaalgB
' To proe there la a rest di viae.
Ob, lore! If latkeyearatoeoae
Wo loae the peace oar fcearta feel bow
If hope's tweet alaglac voice ia daab,
Aad aorrow crewaa each acalag brow
8tlll,alest tke glooa, well aotdeapoad,
Beaeaboriag 'all la peace aeyoad."
DwClaAtetiea Uader DUaCaltles.
A Practloal Joke ea a Frefeeaer ef g EIo
cwtioa. fTbe "Fat Contributor," is-some recol
lections of Artemtu Ward, tells the fol
lowing story:
In the spring 1859 I accepted a prof
fered editorial position en The Cleveland
National Demeerot, and reaewed say act
quaiatanco with Artemus Ward.
On the first evening of my arrival he
volunteered to show ms around a very
desirable achievement, as I was to fill
Heowed jBir.otwdrt so AiKceeeV
folly 4atawt3 cJcloekia the moralag
I besjatr mHaaialmoat aslrBaoca at home
in OlawtJaaftfI-al liTod there all
my days, to say aothiag of my 'eights.
Artimas iavited me to share his bad
witaam for the remaiadoT of the Bight,
andll w&cepted. ;jt t -'
Adjoiaiag his room lodge! a young
prolaaaor of alocmtioa, who was eade&v
oriato aAtaWkaa school in davabmd.
He M-jest stafmagoM. ia basiaW
was,ahiraUlppato-propitiato the
"Lai's ret me professor up." saldAr-
temaa,? aal have bira orate fr,n.".;t
I romoostrated with him. jremiadad
S S -J. . , V- J.. . . t . Ti. 1.
" iii a i
him of the lateness of the hour, that T
r -- - j- .
- was not acquainted with the professor,
and all that, but to no purpose.
- "He w a public man," said Ward, "and
wl . . ' public men like to meet representatives
of the press, as restaurants are supposed
., to get upwarm meals at all hours." '
He gave a thundering rap at the door,
as he shouted, "Frbfessor-rsrl"
"Who's there? What yee want!" cried
a muffled voice, evidently beneath the
bedclothes, for it was a bitter cold night
in February.
"It is I; Brown, of The Plain Dealer?
said Artemis, and nudging me gently in
the ribs, he whispered, "That'll fetch
&v .him. The power4of-the press is iavin-
v - cible. It Ms" the Archimedian lever
which "
His remarks were interrupted by the
opening of the door, and I could just
discover the dim outline, of a skirted
form shivering in the doorway.
"Excuse me for disturbing you, pro-
feasor,'; aaid. Artemus ia his blandest
manner, "but I am anxious to introduce
iou in B9T friMid br flu ajtv .(Ia1
- z it
of 'The Democrat. He has heard much of
you, and declares positively he Jean' t go
to bed until he hears you clocute."
"Hears me what?" answered the pro
fessor, between his chattering teeth.
"Hears you elocute recite declaim T
Uaderstand? Specimen of your elocu
tioi!" ;
tlavain did the professor plead tho
lateaeas of the hour, and his fire had
gone out. Artemus would cceat o I
'Parmit me atloatV tuMaWpn
ftator, "to put onmwM cloJnaiito
Bthtthofaa." In ff'fi;
"Not at all acaasary. Tnaal my
daar boy, k ot iiasaiaiy oa aras.
jaattwaYblad oTarf right aip oaxmi
chair, and give W"Tr s;stoM?oa
Om baralag dock" aaaiag ia & side
whisper ia my eW, ' baraiag-aack
will warm him vp.
U i
Gently, yet firmly, did Artiaas. aeoat
tae rewctant protsmor-apea the chair,
protesting that m ecologies wereaasea
sary forMs appearance ud aamriag
i uh "uuioas ma aot make, the
i," although the shiveriag disciple of'
umaoameaw aad Cicero prjmahly
thought that clothes would make a nun
more comfortable oa such a nicht as
that -
He gave aa "Caaahiaaca" with a geod
y quavers of the voice, aa he stood
taaMag ia; a elegit short, white garment ;
thea followed Oa Liadea whea the ana
was low," "Sword of Banker Hill," Ux,
"by particalarreqaeat of a friend," as
Areemaa Ward aaid, although I was too
th Mppressed Uagh-
ear to make
a met djxag request
had it
aa iadM-
aa Ward had it aad we ait-
aW leer hoidia' omrmiw
faintly whia..r W-
off aurta, Jaat
MastWwBaT. -
Met!" ,Jmm "" ABV'af 1U faSu'"
ItwraaaiaWatwVJsaaitto ''jg'gjgj'tV.A ' ' '' ga aaat aaaea
Jaa ac the aaaaaa caT aaaahar aitaiMs w ..'""" fe'-'tl2'-'L -1' , -
ajeeaajase; aasgsMs.l aWy Taa.iaa &-Awa- mmatmamaTm
yi1"'" ltomimimmjm9 taral OaHege, eawiepwawBlBB '4af Bawmetraareav
K awaaaBk of ear visit ta aae arefes 'llami Isbml em taslaaf tfai Mat wwiaad'aMt' k.
Saaaaaa.r aaeka' aT haa 'aaasawaal- awlCSSSSSKi- - ZT !T
vsaasaswa awww wa. as wwaaaBSBWA saaai waawaflBBB aWreBaBBasaaaj Wwat.JraaBdi
BaaaaaaaabaTaaxv-V r
gwBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat gwBaa.'
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV -Taaawt -.
bBBBv aawajaMgwBaiaBk''t u - v K
gwBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawasVa , J-fBjWBjWfa.- f -- . ;Jj-- .
aowars as aa elocBtiaaaVaad
the satiafsedoa aad delight with which
we laleaed to kU uaqaled redta
tkwa." The profesajr was overjoyed, aad prob
ably is igaoraat to this day that Artamaa
"playing it oa hi
To law ycyscra.
After a few days ayeit ia rest, aad ia
viewiag the many fine reaideacee aboat
San Francisco, we determiaed to im
prove the time by starting oa oar tor
of iaspectioB, for we came aot to see
cities which mea made, bat the eternal
hills. It was too late in the week for aa
extended toar, and we wished a Sabbath
day of rest among the moaataiaa. Oar
good friends Warren, of the CoUfernim
Farmer, aad Capt Wakelee, to both of
whom we are Indebted for ammberiam
attentions, advised the Geysers so on
Friday atternoon we took the steamer
for Vallejo, then the cars for Cloverdale,
arriving In time for a late supper. In
the morning early we were ia the stage
and oa our way over the narrowest,
steepest, most frightial, momatala road
we ever traveled. Imagine sitting be
hind six horses, who are galloping over
a road cut in a steep mountain side, aaid
road just five inches wider than the track
of the wheels, turning all sorts of short
corners, and ever so many thousand feet
from the bottom of the canyon, down
which you can look if you are not
afraid. We had been advised not to ride
with Foss, the celebrated Whip," as his
driving was reckless and dangerous. A
few weeks after he killed himself, and
injured or killed several of his passen
gers. He had been puffed to death by
stupid sensational correspondents.
On reaching the Geyser Hotel, the
first thought was that we had arrived at
a railroad station, for we heard the rush
of the steam, and even the whistle of the
engine, and could well detect the sul
phureous smoke of the coal. It proved,
however, to be all Nature's work; for
looking down the canyon we saw the
steam issuing from its sides, from almost
every crevice; everything seemed to be
boiling and seething, and we do not
wonder that a poor affrighted German
hurried away, declaring it was notion
mile from every' bad place. We had
only barely registered our names when
the good landlord and his daughter an
nounced themselves as friends and cus
tamers, when in their eastern home, aad
we spent several pleasant hours together
hunting wild flowers on the moaatalns
aad Lilies on the banks of the PJuton
fiver. The Geysers are situated in a
deep rocky canyon, which seems to be
truly Nature's laboratory, for" here are
springs of alum, soda, Epsom salts, sul
phuric acid and ammonia. In one place
is a boiling spring, called the "Devil's
Inkstand," pouring out a stream of hot,
black liquid; twenty feet further on Is
the "Witches' Cauldron," in which we
boiled a egg hard in three minutes. A
hundred feet above, in, a lodge of the
rock is the Steamboat," where the peri
odical puffing of the steam is more fright
ful than curious. A few steps further is
the "Devil's Grist-mill," from which
issues a terrible .confusion of rattling
sounds. Still n you go to the "Devil's
Teakettle' tolling hot, and if you
thrust a stick into it, there is an angry
sputtering aid splashing of water that
will cause ahasty retreat. The ground
upon whichyou tread is hot, you are
enveloped in a cloud of steam which
issues in athousand jots, and though not
willing ft" show fear, von cannot heln
feeling eUttleend you hardly think' tt.
best to oweit mere a great wnue, inougn
of cousi pariecti v safe, and all that
"A trkto the Peciic,"ia rfefc's Fleral
Ceateaalal Matters.
Tie United State Centennial Com
miatioa hu chosen the following ofiloers:
iFrwident, Gen. Joseph R.;Hawley, Coa
Mcticut; First Vice Presideat, Orestes
Cleveland, New Jersey; Second Vice
President, John D. Creigh, California;
Third Vice Presideat Robert Lowrr.
IsWa; Fourth Yicr Presideat Thomas
H. Caldwell, Tennessee; Fifth Vice
President, John McNeill, Missouri; Sixth
Vice President, William Gumey, South
Carolina;Tohu L. Campbell, Secretary.
The programme prepared by the Com
suasion for the gtand demoastzatioa at
Philadelphia in 1876, designates General
Grant aa President; Charles Francis
Adams, L. Q, a Lamar,' Orators; Hairy
Wadsworth Longfellow, Poet; Balpa
Waldo Emerson, Reader ot the Decla
ration of Iadepeadaace ; , Gem. Wsa. T.
Sbermaa, Grand Marshal; Gea. Jeeoph
u. wuunwm, maner Of
Oa tbedial plate of the great clock
the twenty-four hoars are marked with
the atejaa of tho aedlac aad the aaaaea of
the moon. Above thie ie the
aittiag ia state upon a platf
nllMphaay aad Aaceaeioa, the
doer oa the right of the Ylrgia irnnns.
aad outwalks aa angel with a big trum
pet, waiak he Mows, aad shea bowing to
the Madoaaa, aeease oa; he is foUowed
by three gentltmss
Moorish msasrehs. or
or the three sacresl bags. ac ac wl
-. ". i
abteckatnight These ail
aerty nana through the
waiea iaamemmaalv
Qa taa --- . . ka-as aaHL aaat :n
aaiahahkai waftaskft aaasaaataWaa
amiM aeaai t aaaawase,weasa ifr
The ltemJaaa4TkeirTealea.
Near the towa of Caraaeia Brittany,
Fraaee, there is aa extensive plain, sev
eral milee wide, with a flat aad barren
surface. It is the last place ia the world
a tourist would care about visiting, if he
were traveling in search of beautiful ob
jects. Ia wiatcr the coldest winds
blow over it with wild force, and in
sammsr it ia unprotected by trees or
shrubbery from the scorching shafts of
the sua. But it ia aot wholly uaiater
estiag, aad I propose we make a short
visit to it.
We will suppose, then, that you and I
are stopping atoasoi the quiet taverns
ia Caraac, aad have wandered toward
the plaia lor a walk. Just outside the
towa, a bit of a hill rises high enough
to show us the surrounding country.
There are few houses or trees on the
plaia; bet it is divided into several av
enues by long rows of unhewn, upright
stones, which, as far as the eye can see,
are ranged in almost perfect order, like
an army prepared for a battle. There
are over a thousand of them, and they
stretch across the country from east to
west for nearly seven miles. The larg
est are twenty-two feet high, and the
smallest tea feet A few have fallen
aad others have been carted away; but
originally they were placed apart at reg
ular distance.
Whea you &come nearer to them you
will see many signs of age upon them.
They are seamed, mossy and battered.
How old do you guess they are? No
body is quite sure, not even the wisest
of the historians, but wo may safely say
that they have held their present posi
tions '.for over eighteen hundred years.
For eighteen (hundrcd years they have
clung to the meager ground and with
stood the combined assaults of time and
storm, while generation after generation
of the living has passed away.
How did they come there? The simple,
credulous people of old, to whom all
fairy stories were the truest histories, be
lieved that giants brought them and
planted them; but we know better than
They were erected by ordinary men,
and you may imagine how much labor
the work cost at a time when there wer .
no cartB or wheelbarrows, much lees rail
roads or massive cranes. Years, per
haps centuries, were occupied, and to
the builders the undertaking must have
seemed as stupendous as the erection of
the East River bridge seems to us.
Similar stones are found at other
places id Brittany; but the most famous
collection'is on a plain near the town of
Salisbury, in England. This is called
Stoneuenge, and consists of one hundred
and forty stones, the smallest of which
weigh ten tons and the largest seventy
tons. The remains of men and animals
have been also foundJn the vicinity, and
these have given the antiquaries a clue
as to the objects for which the stones'
were raised.
Nothiag.positive is known about them.
but it is supposed that tliey mark the
temples of the Druids, a religious order
which possessed great power in France
and England luring .the century before
and the century after the coming of
Christ. They obtained a complete mas
tery over the ignorant and superstitious
people then occupying those countries,
by the practice of mysterious arts, which
often were extremely cruel. They pro
fessed to know the hidden nature ot
things, and the forms and movements of
the sun and stars; but in reality they
were not as wise as the children in our
primary schools, and the simplest tricks
of a good modern conjurer would sur
pass their most wonderful ones. They
were astrologers and herb doctors as well
as priests and historiaas, and they at
tributed a sacred character to many
Human sacrifices formed one of the
most terrible features of their religion.
The victims usually were criminals or
prisoners of war; but when there were
aoae of these, innocent and unoffending
person were sacrificed.
The favorite resort of the Druids was
an island opposite the month ot the river
Loire, ia France, where, once every year,
between sunrise and sunset, they pulled
down and rebuilt the roof of their tem
pleef and any priest who allowed the
smallest. part of the sacred materials to
fall carelessly, was torn to pieces by,his
The oaly traces of the order teft tone
art the rude stone buildings at Stone
heage aad Caraac. Betreetiag before
tto lUmjM, the Druids weat to the IaU
of Anglesey,. ia Wales; aad whea they
saw tasfr conquerors following, they
made preparations for a battle. Among
taeir preparations aot exactly foriae
battle, but for what thev expected to
follow itwere immense altars, oa which
Romans who should be loft after the bat
tle. They were quite sure that- they
would need these, altars, for their oracles
gave them every reason to believe la an
amotions triumph: of their anas. Bat
the Romsaswere agaia victorious, aad
"w AJnaa'aaaBawsvmr werUtae eaea aa
ria Alexander Waiawright, ia BL
at the taaeral ef a flaa
tyaa-eajsavr Oar
Joha Hartaa, ie deed. Ha
ditWibelad,ato catelie
ha stick k tall, aad tke cacfaag at the
e aaoi trv ha asaad. A
. a-Mle,a
as takea, hii geJIey
aw. sxtmaaaaewitaattasttwaaaaoaaAas
' , i awTaaajaaUawast, arista walarlag alswtfc M
ri "'- smh Bsaaiaaaftor jhaa ta.ths aaatssT asaass of -f
aaareaa was reeiatlv taywa.a-wllsa?aatogtve each oaBtldsra AJ
.- s-taT Ijphaaa,. saaat,jfawlMaeav aaat'eeatpraaaaa la tho hartwataam.9Ms "
BHs apassa 9rm -, a j . .-: , aalaaas at las eaa'Hi of lbs aatalai
. , wwaast waaaaaBaat Baa SBSBBI ZT3aak,akiMaalmaaamsam-aaaar BBwJ
B -Saasw ftaaaa. aaaaa 'atAaa awaaaaaaaaaasaaaee aaaara. ibo aaaav -j.
WBr vSajaajgOj asW aaa IM 'laataasi adSiBL BW aaaaaaJ Aaisaaai Bawsmsaaa ta aaaaassasa.
v , i - .w a aAiraaw a a w aaaaaaaa -wawiwv t aw aHHWajA a pavma. aHav
a L . v. - - wtes.S, vaaMaAa -aa aMvMaaaaatf'at r
arwAaBflasd aaaal awasaw awa aaaB.sasaasi asT -. ? i"r Ja aar -
t r . -."" . ,?,ip1,,sw aawBaawf-abaw,aaaa'.a v i
Bwaaaia'J - m. -.. -i aasaaaaaiwBWBawamSaBSBwaawaBBwBwaa
aaaaaWv. BawassaV.aa SasaBaMgaa. aaa aaw aaa asss jwaa. aa a, wwwx awwawwawr
aaanag aaa a vsaasW fmwwawA wawav waataaaawawaa)aaaaaas aewaaseaswea
tweL,aTaaaaaia aataar. uasAVAar. sawaAaaaBsr as asasah aataaah Sswaaaatv
Dr. PtereeaGeMea MedteaJ Dteeermy
will care a Cough ia one halt the time
accessary to cure it with any other med
icine, end if does it, nal bjf dtyi it vp,
but by remoting tke cauemtbduig tke
irritation and healing the afeetai farti.
For all cases of LaryBgiti, Hoarsenses..
SuppreasioB or Low of Voice, Bron
chitis, Severe Curoaic or Lingering
Couirha. it will be found to surpass any
medicine that has ever before been offered
to the public It is sold by all dealers
in medicines.
, Read aotice la aaotaer
Sead8deeaia4e Ckae Watte. Ualt.
aadaHateeceB beaatifel slut card aad
cue. We bare aeea hla carat aad pruBoasce
taea apkadld.
Ploreo Well Aaccr. Tberc la ho better
iBTeataoct far a aaa to make than tajlag a
eoaaty rlcbt aad oae of Plerce'a Well Aagera.
Proa f to f KM) per dar caa be eaally aadela
every eoaaty 1b Icwa. we bbto exaalaed tale
unr aad proaoaaco It Me auetr for Iowa aoll
aad to aake aoaey. See catd la.aaotbcrcolaaa
aad aead for catalogae.
Tfco Utonary Ooaa-Wo bare receired a
taalaeB copy of the "Literary Oea" froa tao
Pralne Club Aceary. HcaootaaK, Mich. It la a
flucataceat, laire, eiaht page paper, ailed wtta
choice aad dellaatfal readlar aatter. AceaU
beald write at oace.
Wg prealsaa aad tplea-
S)S7 a TTeebu Ib aaoiher coIbmd we pretcat
tbe card of J. K. Kasaey, Xaq., of Detroit,
Mica., who baa forty aew BOTeltlea for aceate.
either ladle or ceatleaen. that tell at tight aad
iauaoaao btoSU aade. We bare examined the
ariidea, aad proaoaace thea the Sacst we have
erer aeea for agcaU to tell. See aia card and
write hla.
Tobaeea Habit Cwreel-Oae of tho xrcatest
dJacotertea of the age ia that or W. CrlttcBden,
aaa. . of Detroit, who cure all atlag tobacco ot
taelkhysad dianaUBjc habit. Mr. Crittenden
baa carea haadreda, aae we hare talked with pa
tleata of ala, who sit e tae higbeat ttBtlmonUI
aa to alt aare reaedr. It only coata 50 cU. for
the preacrlptioB. Try it, yoa chewer. and be
cared. Bee card ia another column. Wo thmll
allado to thia again.
Develop Tear Yoaaar Trettera.-
In another
comma w
lill be foand the card oi Metra. Hum-
parey A Lewia, ef Lockport, N. Y who mana-
lactare aad aell toe welrhta for aldlas tho dercl
opaeat of trottinz horaea, particularly the young
eaca. The faateat trotter on th torf nac them.
and they ace a aoat Inralnable aid. All owner
of yoang horaea ahoald try thea. Thoy are no
axed weighu, bat adapted to all hones, ttcc
their card. .
A Good Revolver at a moderate" prico la a
want that haa long been felt b, the American
aportamaa aad gentleraaR. Thia want haa bees
eapnlled by tho Ilazard Mfg Co., of il&icauo. 111.,
Ib thQir new Baffalo Bill Revolver, which they are
retailing at two dollar, and which foraccaracy,
diaianee. durability aad boaaty of finlt h ir aeldom
equaled by good of more than double Its price
Any one derirlng anything 1b this lino will do
well to give thea a trial.
Meaey-aaakiaa; Article for Areata. It la
aeldom that ao attractive a combination ia offered
to agent aa that of P. P. Gluck, of New Bedford,
Mass. Thecbromoa are attractive, and aoll at
eight. The prize package ia alaple aa flour, and
tho Imitation gold watch tbe aoat money making
article ever offered. It cannot bo told from a $100
gold watch, aad ia aent for your examination be
fore parcbaalnir. Agent rejwrt more money
made on the novelties offered by Mr. Glack Ihon
oa aay other, tseenre the agency for jour town
and aake aoney.
From "The IndiptndtnL"
abject of each importance to bonaeholder aa
mat oi a eooa, nanatome, aarablo oa-nt for
their dwellloga. Wlthla the pa t few year we have
walehea the progre of the Averill Chemical
faint, ana nave had frequent opportunities to
test tt fully. We think It just tb article to ap
ply the seed, and give it our hearty indorsement.
Examlntr nd Chronicle advisea Ita reader
who are lu pursuit of a meritorious article, to
use tke Averill Chemical Paint.
The Champion Hoc Kiagvr aad Holder
la advertised la thia paper, the ring i formed
from a alngle piece of wire, and 1 o made that
no aaarp enda are left ia the flesh when It la In
aerted, which Is very easily and quickly done,
"vlth the plachera made lor the purpose, while the
animal la aecnrelr held by, tbe holder. Iho ring
being double, ia la effect equal to two ordinal y
or aingle ring, aad iaut effectually prevent the
catar, III., aio the aaaafactarersi
uik inns ruoia?. vnamnera at lmnun, or ue-
Ask your
hardware dealer for them,
We would call the attention or our reaficrs to
the card ef Carpenter Billing, Dea Moine.
lowav wholesale dealera ia plaia and stamped
tinwaye, Japanaed ware, UnBera, atock and
trimmings, elaasware, Ac. These gentlemen
have lately started In business, and by fair and
equate dealt Bg are balldlag ap a large Jobbing
trade. They aanafactBre all their plain tinware,
ana warrant all work taraed out by thea. They
also deal ia all kind or barter, payins hisbest
market price la trade or caah for rags, old metal,
necawax, wool. cc
Blblo Preacrlptloaa. Medicinal herb are
recommended la the OM Tesuaent, bat no min
eral draga are aeaUoned there. "Tbe leavea of
the tree are for the healing of tbe nations,"
say the Prophet. "The weak eat herbs," aaya
St. Paul. Oa this point philosophy and Iloly
Writ agree, aad the wisdom of the Bible' veg
etable prescription la Hi oat rated la tnese later
Uara by the carea of dyspepsia, liver complaint,
ncrvoaa aaladiee, lang diseases, eont, rheumat
ism, etcM arcoapUaaed by Da. WautBa'a Via
boab fiimaa, coapoaod exclusively of Califor
a.a herbs.
Pratt Packa aad Beaton Olft Kg
Caae. we call attention to tae card. la another
colaaa or Mesara. Iagbam Leslie A Co., or Ben
ton Marbor, Mich., one of tbe aoat extensive
auafactarora of fruit packages and egg caaea In
taecoaatrr. Tbalri
that their return la aeedleee.
:g caae u raraiaked to cheap
coata obit out
cent per aoaen to aaip egg with thia cue. They
also aake ualleck'a patent berry boxea. poach
basket, and everything made from veneering.
Bead lor their price lieia ; It will pay yoa. Teeti
aoaial Ilka tala pay:
Dear Sir: Harlaa; aaod the Benton Gift Egg
Caae eeveral aoatas la aklppta; egga to Chicago
aad eastern aarketa, I aa prepared to aay I re
gard It tally a mcceaa, aad ahall continue to aae
it lBprefcreace to other caaea, aa ay egg Snda
readier aad better aale.
Yoaravorytraly. A. H. PIKLDS.
CalMvaaav la a anar aad
very iaportaat 'invention, and ia used for the
caruvattoaorgardeae. It ie a great labor-eaving
aacaiae: It will do the work of are aea with
ease, aad readattBraoalag comparatively easy.
It doeaalaoat every thlag aboat the gardeaaad
aaraory. It caHlvatee the groaad deep or hal
low; It works tae aide of aweet potato ridget,
cuta atrawberry raaaers, rakea the ground, Uya
off tao rowa to plaat, aad covera tbe teed for the
enltlVBtfoa ot oaiona, boeta, paranlpa and all
vagetabMe; wkere a borao aaat be dispensed
with. It la Jaat tao thing. Tho cultivator can be
raaUtaoeaallMtvecetabloaof aay kind. The
draft ia ilght aad oaay, tao operator ataade a
straMaV worts with aa aaca ease aa with a coa
aoa hoe, aad doaa tao work of Ive bub. The
caltlvBtorawarraatedtotlltheoUL The weight
UaboatatolSlba. Boa card la another colaaa.
Dro Wrka-B. 1 aiateblar A Cn .
corner 3d aad Locaat atreeta. Dee Motcee, lowa,
cleaa, preaa aodrepalr ceata1 eiolarBg. each aa
coata, paata, voata, etc la a aaparior manner at
radaced micas, they also cleaa carpeu, table
aad tdaaoapreadh, tad ladlee'draoa good of aU
alaaa. Thev aa atnu1 elotblas arlthoat takiav
la piecoa,aad warraat tae color aot to rab off.
All klads of draw gooda, aaawia. allka. ailk vet-
dehUaca. Ac
ia a atyte eaperiocto that of aay ether
i aoo sen w tae coaairr. Br
doaorlBttoa of ailk uivnnUa
arodyad witaoat lajary to the taztare tho
a aa aartaa; aw aye betag lastaataseaaa,
aaatlv aba aooda are aot lalaraa mt hailiaa-
UacaVi or alkalies.' All watk warraated eaaal
tttakllihairat la tao eoaatrr.
a - a
tloa to tae advarUaeaeat ef
la this wseic'a teaaoof oar
Bsjataw At aavaaV a Caicaaa aad Plaao.111.
Taswanavwatsta atesewaflaatorstaMyaarwa
totastaaamef IowvMssvaaka aad the ether
lares graiB grow tog Batss of whsMorthwssttaat
MtoBBBinaarySaras ta aawaartalaglaeoaa
asaaaUsaef taea. JLWmh Wthsao urvst
aa.waarsMaajsal.layJaeh larger taaa that af
mam ijha sap aa aa this eaatlasi af aawaaatiy.
It to, aAsaa. asc slsasartag all atbar. Waea a
baaaUag IfTaaafess, he Issras that tala Ls,
timshaa Vr aasrvaajaaw aaayw waw7 wwm a a w " Srtl
Sapaajajasf. JBX. n M. a la BaraHi tag mm a was -M
aaat tei- evwaaatjeis seals aaa salfasaasAtroaaseaad -
" mnr mmanamiiaamHim am Tmaarmmmr mar ggS
aaalis T aaawawrwaaaswr.aartaaaaMa Ml
aaaaaaaaajaaaa; BjBJgMS aaaaWJ Maaaaaaay MBBajajsaawFaag tawV awawaf JaT "-
asaaajBtoaeffattawasl ato rcsasr. to bs so-
aBMBaaaaaaaaaaw bbbV ftaaa BaaaaaaaT aaa gaaaat aWaaaVaaawV Mm
swaaaaaaawtoiastBaat hat bssa lata a aai
. .A . . seaa hwwM ta aa awaajaVaaf seaW'veae tohs aaa?
"!. SBaSwaaaBrSaaai aiaS! am, aaaar awswasa as as a
of taoaaMaaarorai
1 BBtrewJjjwaa--laad'bVaAaS
MJ hLkABdad fmA eaa flaaaaaa taaXa aaaaaaeaTaaai
an uaaaraaeaanBfjaruaa nnayy oW KWWmm aromas, unaaaay ami
raHdaf aad not aaoaat of sower, botag -rally
adopted. Tfeta Una atte aake tao loot
tool lata wbeel bnrao wao la a. Itbaeaevor
Bulrdtooaiwworkaad gtre'ta alcaoet aatfe
aloa.aadBaaaaeeaaaylntBraaiaaa. Tala
ana awe aaaHaatare aortaaia
here aay ferfc, das aad aacaiae severe
caaraiBC OMrr aa wiae awe, f
Btowt. caHlTaton. ac. aad la atet are
aeet extaaotve aaaaactaron of tao beet daao of
awa taBteaoattla taoeoaatry. Tbyarelaee
oagbly reliable aad aaoet coartenaa fMtleaea to
deaTwlta. too tbeir aaaoeaaoaMaWaad aead for
i tltaetrated clrcalar.
UDSEANbaY. By A. B. Saedley. Mao
Iowa State Graace. rabUbedbyOeo.Wa.J
oace of Fmttvn $ Utir Deo Molae. Iowa.
pafF. boaad la cloth. By aaU, pootaae ptafal A
iaS per copy; by expre or trcLrat, la pack
am of Iro or more. II SS per copy.
Depatie aad Maatera are earaeaUy reqaeted
to call the atteattoa of their reepecUve Oraafea
to tala book. Bead for copy at oace.
11 ow
aceau aake It. aaa pie
IUB a COM St. Leate. Me.
free. COB. YuM
VC U eta. tor a) colored jUctare.
I O A. CHILD, box ne, DaTcaport. Iowa.
Sold by Ante. Addreaa M.M. LoTBi,k(. Pa.
BnflafC Papera. Waatacesia. ead aiaap.
PUUriO.LrL- Paibcbilo. Kolllac Prairie. Wla.
" I Bead roar
I friend' ad-
abb, Wtt rhi
An Bight-page Monthly Paper for
Moat reading, choicest atoriea, large t prvrni-
am, accbi wantea. Aoareea
TUB LITKRARY GEM, Schoolcraft. Mich.
rtmumjn aM arM ow via
wHa thea la barta a BMark wM. Ikrauk
MK,aa4 ta tita aa aaMtag Uw a kamaa,
?" "? fjnwtr StM.' aai FBR DAVOUAK
ANTEKO Mtkrctiiinn. raa iNna
CH AS. D. aitRCB. rara. tataata.
"Beware or II. M. ilrowa. lie haa a forged deed
fur the SU'e of Xehraak on ay anger.
h wuvhvuvx rvrtoJT -
$57 A WEEK.
AUKNTS WAMTKD-Ladlca aad grata. 40
Noreltlc: all sll at aishU AIo aaeJUa
Noodles for all Bowing machluea manufactured.
Will cnd tt doaen Needle on
cf Sic
Call on or addreaa N. K. RA
No. 119 Michigan Avenaj, D-trolt
mailed to any part of the United Stateaon receipt
of as ee. 20,fl00 already .old. Beat aaytMag
of the kind ever aade. For accuracy and distance
it haa no eqnal. Addrca all order lo IUzabd
Mm Co., Chicago. III.
N. B. We have evcrr revolver examined bv an
experienced run smith before it leave oar shop
and can warrant them perfect la every way. Lib
era! discount lo the trade.
Chicago Scale Go.;
6S& 70 W. Meareo St, Chtrage, 111.
4 Ton Hay op Stock Scales, - $00
All other ize at great reduction. All Bcalea
xcarranttd. Pull panlcnlara npun application.
Manufactnrera and Jobbers of
Alto keep on hand a fall line of
Tinners' Stock and Trimmings.
Stamped Ware, Glansware, &c.
Serd in your order aad give aa a triai. Cab
paid for Itag. Old Metal, Feathers, Boeawax,
Wool. Ac.
215 Walnut St., PES M0I5ES, lOTtA.
Hay & Grain Rake.
at eioae of aoaaoa of 1874.
Thia Rake has bee la aae elevea yeart, aad
aaa takea orer Owe Taoaeaai PIK8T PBaV
MIUMS at fain and ield trtala.
It to tae Beat aadl Moat
Bead far Descriptive Clrcalar aad Price Lift.
Maaafactared oaly by A. A. Abbott at Co
Chicago, IU.; Y. J. Wllliaaa a Co DaaMaa;
era! areata for
eHBftan, laarar m wear, veaacu aaaa, goa-
ir ion.
Wlieeler & Melick Co.
MsaararJars tao aoat apprsvsd ktads
saal Daahta-awaanaal
Bar ess, raw aad thrwo aias
Lever Power for oae, two, aar. six.
kotua. Tfcr atra aaa cieaasr.
aaa Whan ia ntraa prrsnrnar luzimnim, "ar
bis Btsaa Baglara. Batacls Msrhlaas. Mans
Hsy Pecks. Dog atd Post Powers fCharatsg.
AeJ: Ctdsr aai Wlae Mllla aad Prssses, Pes.
CaKacs, aud-tawtof Marhlaa. Plows, .Cat-
-4laa Beat 8telaatM
W1 IMVa.
aliahw saatit BtTfaaat
aBaBoBaawwaaa sBBsssawflvw' as aBaaaaara
tw wtt 'Waft
evta aawtaor eirfaaa we alto aa to-
UmWJKBMS. mtQ.HKa y ta.n witcvr' v
ucs.eiezasLa iti uameA
a-fgnKaam'ST Mi Pa.; lad
aBBBaaaaam faaaaaSBi ah ai rakea, k
gMaanBaaaaBBBaaaaHaBBBaaW head plo
aBDLWjHBBSatflP XaeJ la
af aMarfo "aa I
I TW iraaaaa. aaaaaaasaj Bawawaawasaaa' w i n i a a esw s faFsr-awsPwaBwam. saaaavav
BBr aartaMaa mmmmmmmmmmmmmmam' jhatgaf Baawaaai' Caaaaal
(BaBaaaaai----ifwaaaaj sS; awBat aaaa
H LmmmaVmammmw naaamwmmiafBmawmmjmammwamm
attA BBaaaavltAVm P'sawTraal 1 aaTafsrTl SJtmi
kwaaaaaaaaa?aBHBaM D TrTSSSfSSfsr 9mm B Tal1"
IraaaaaaaaaaaaawlKammwBrBa. CmVu n$ mamM nttm aaaWmmmV, Maumm
TAfaaaaaBWaCaaaaaaaaaai A eaa ataaaaat aaar ssagw? aar
mummaaammumuBammmmaamaamaamamaX "MaWeav wVaMsUaraaawaaa
awaaaaaaaaBaaaaarV'SaaaaaaaVa ta-MlajBBlafea aAawaas awreav aaaa
-gsBaaaaaea-a , k PrTlijg Mw
liSff -man Wi&m
atamV VAawdmwaassaawaaBr ' awaawaswa WawaawA. aBMBBawawZawresS
vtajf xaJTjaBBmmmTMMMt immm mjWBBBj - BmTmmmmmmSki3mmmmmS3XKMB.
paaaaaaaK aeaaswaK; aasaaggi gsag . p . ',asaaaaw
aTaWaW.vsWw aaaaaxssBBMaaMla. Agww,L,",
waiaBTaJa fa fw - I taaiVaTSBlem
aUMmm maM wnck
Tae aa:
ale gf a VaraaVaaMaVe)
ef De
KaMsIlL aatafsfaajtaaaMMaaf.
It aa set aaia aaa, aa4 tae snaai'
a fall aaaesl until a ef tat wlrefj
with tae Urae sateslnJ. Tkeee
barbe are aaaa ef lural mbbbtbb'O
wire ta arevaat rwat aaw rajeala ag
poaS af tww No. IS wiraaeaeaeS
ot waiea atwwwaai aeawaeatM
say keire4aMawiB Slip art (aaallvg
tve lasaes,) taey are faaa twawja,at
haldiaar that tsaoha laaaasalT, I
tketr a4acee; waea sjeaaaieawMi it 5
weigh frosa 17 ta IS
tae rod, aaa sells
seaaa leaos caa ae easily
We visited tae
aeeery at Del
.1 U &...! 1
a law cAaaiiua ubs gaaaaaa-a
scarcely a year atw, Ibq
I roeeisiaarUaeatoawrit
aow occaaias a Brick awiwlBtr.
two stories aif a, 70x190 leet, witag
steasa eagiae aad a Urge ataeaatS
of aaacaiaery, eeaployiag 70 aeaas, n
raraiaar oat osaw tkraa tnaa air alow 1
with preperatioae fer largely ia. ft
creasiag the basiaess. Lsrge?
aaanualai ef aa - aaaa -
ased ia tbe vieiaity, aad several'
laraers wish wbosb we abated,
highly approve of iL Bat two
straads are aeaally ased ae a cat'
tie feace, proviageatiiely eJkieat,
with posts two rede aaart. Waea
a closer feace ie waated. three wires are
Maaf. BramaaaaS
tag the aaaiber of poet. Upoa laqalry, we foaad ao iajary had beea J-"" aWl
fence the past chaageable aad extrsaae wiater, as the twistiag of the wires al learnt
aafficieat for all coatractioa and esaeaeiea, which has doae so saach te lajuro tae
single wire feace. siagle straad raa aroaad a stack of hay or graia, has proved j
coaiplete protectina, aad coahl he ased ia dividiag a paetare or comae hi in fewl-
iog off. Large aaiMiaU of Ue wire are bciag daily shipped to other States, even
to California, where aa order for a car load easae while we were there. Over fort j
tons have boea sold frosa the factory dariac March aad April, for home use.
Ihe wire is soaked ia a preparatioa of 11a semi oil aad pat ap oa rmla of con
veaieat sise for haadliar. Seat pies will be seat to aay one free, and aay tutthcr
iafonaatjow givea by addreeaiaa; the Barb Feace Cosapaav. IM aTalli. Illinois.
MANorACTvaao r
OAaaatOH, DaaOalafsl
The aaauuctnrar have special raaaoa to thaak ta fanaeri of low fur th fvr shows tbU ll,rm(r
ie sale of last year is the Stat bclac nearly four thousaadi. Our order for thia aoa alrJy.Mr Ml,
tceed three thousand Car Iowa. No othar auaufecturtr of Rrapr or Harmit an tUuw tuch a ut4,
r produce ao aaay or so Strong commendatory UMletoai! frost the farmlag tomoiuBiiy. wbsra tgaiua.
Ulaa ia what ws area.
It ia well aud aad durable, aad It it mtmtj mmd tim ar tf4tJ (m kttfimg it im rlr 4asjLV
Tkr Jttmtr, asar tAsm u-A( aak these she u it if Uk u not tni.
Several stuasasal aasswcnwii aad doalars heretofore taskiag aad aalling Mtf-raks rim, aaJwh
tv aaected to dlaassrora of, aad tesght the inareductlos of the Martb llarvrsisr, ar now atiMBJga
it up Harvester sf taeir sws, piratiag our pate I for th Bwrpet. tArrtij, tttutJimr tie ' tj
x lUrtttttr fir tkir KmrM, Mo urtaar caa laQ to receUert that such compttlag Itsrvvstcr ara Kn
4 Umtritd mmd UmctrltimmVtm our ia the result of year of saria aad ha Wn tocaftlr ut4
t over tO,000 Caraaara. Tkt Mmrtk it sw Sxerimrmf, ws promiaa to keep ii la tU ld, aad 0at tl
tsHcsstiasetobethwWstsMd. v X
, ws bars prompt asd reliable Vacal agests is searly every cousty, who will W griiud to rahBMma
arvsatar at task aevsral warsbeaats, aadto suhe peksa fee uaas or caah. as aaay U dtsirad.
OAMMOir. vgwkxnm riwau,
BWtcAco, Mat ht, Ojs. IM Wsstlaajea aHreet, OKXOAOO.
Are yon going to Paint t
Averill Chemical Paint.
Uaadreds ef teataseaisls frosa ewwevs
asaptc uara ot cotors laraaaaa nee ay deejays, aaa ay
Geo. W, Pitkin, 86 4 87
Betag a
doss so)
- - -
'1U aassatse, aa roastot ef -Baal
Sar fa aa aaaav Ttf a
liaiaaaf laaaasaa a aa. taaatif
saaiAaaJ i aaaaawaaBaBaaaaaa awaBBBBB aaar eaaaaasaaa eawaaaasaago
atialW a paeaaja mtmatommj. ami a siaaa,ef towjaj.
Mam law tL'OSrfmimWamammfWmZ
W giaaw "' '
aaaat bH
aaaam aaal
avaaaaT aaal
.aaaBf BaSJ
aBBBBJ gaaBj
aaW aaal
aaa aa!
aal aaal
V aH
aaW aaw
aaa vaaal
"MSB msmst
BbbT aaal
aaf Baaf
gava bbbbbi
aaaa H
lL I :::r
ased or a board at taehbttoat by tacrsaa.
ef the aeat
ia tWceeatry,vvth
Mmrket St., ChkAgo, His.
ivasaaa ax last attalMd lata art sf hog rlaiai. Thoalr
lavaatad thai will sawctaally prsveat aegs frost motlaf.
saabtotlaaaadaavtsa to aaara aotsi la the 3oaa. I
or arnauoa, a la wtasr nac- vn or
swrtefawtawssaal to two or tares of as ether. BMkethls
riae; aaaapor thaa the chaawt. Msaoy ssvd la sts the
tataam asg aagsr. uas nswstms aaa ia won usai,
PrleaasfBtamara.7ksasa.l Xaslssivs MaaaJactarvra.
PrlwefsBMpt,aBsrMa. Oseatar. imsoia.
tlss af Maw aTaar. ?Se sssh. laMTaak , of t.rt taes.
r K .
Br. J. Waiker'g CaJUwtaUTiB.
WUnTw are a aaraly Vaar-uWe
chieiv frees awhVtt'
Ure aaYha foaad ea the Sewer naeee of
usb atom Mevada aaomaulna ef O&ifer
aia, the leirirhul propertje af wfeka
are extracted aaersftesa with neaMBj i ase
of AkaMsaL The Oweetioa-ATJwo?
''What it the eaaae of the
aaesaai af TlMBOAB BfT-
f Ovar aawtwsr fa. that thrr resooTe
aia aamlth. They are tasf;iti
ariieraai a htiriaz prlopfo,
a assist: Beaevatur aad InTigorator
f aaa issiBi. Kerer before la tbe
esjd has a aastriaa Um
maaamt the rtaariairts
at YfaasjAB Birnas ia salhrg tia
ef every aaaae aaaUbeu-tvW
t aaili Taiaaifsa as vsll aa ar tame.
CsaaiaeliB ar Iafaaaatioe of
liver aaal Taaseal Orasas.ia 1
f Da. WjuxMtfa
-Irraaat, &mciia01"'
as, mmuumatm l&y..
wnsjci WrJ'l
swaj wa ------. SISS I
taaasawattaaaL Waaw
- -.
- -" " i. t ? t n