ssp5!sssaae M ' ?. v "?' ,l: 353 -A mmM St? Sf1' ";; -i -5- STETSS-. 4 " 3V? teSfiF ,' - 'fc'S Mt'4 rvAe SK i,' - . 4v J-'"" .-- l ..c-.-. - --maF.-.,wns " fe vgl v f fW ' J. -- inW lis "Jm 'jaawwamasjr- a a ar . m St Is?" It !: i Ya fe- &. 1 t THE. RED CLOUD CHIEF. THURSDAY JUNE 10, 1875 Wktf? Cosnty Coaioaei Wcbfer CV.rNeB.. lie 1b the Valley oi the RepaVIieaa. U 130 mi let west of theMis oari River and loaches the SU( Use oa the South. WiBteWafe'mild and dry; very little rats or mow falls in that season ao Tit tle is fact that cattle lire all winter with bo hay or grain. Plenty of rain ftlhtia'the fpnnrandsnmiaer. Xbe sasn leers art not disagreeably warm, as there ii always a cool breeze especially in the ereninr. The coanty first began to se.tle in 1870. In 1871 tbecoaaty waterranixed with a pepalation .. It population is now between 2560 aad 3000 and is rapidly increasing. There are at present 38 organised school duUrieU within its boundrier and school facilities are therefore asapIe-4etter than thoto in sons Eastern States. The apporlionable school land furnUhet nearly enough money to pay teachers' wage. Fanners can bay R. K. laud front $1.50 to 6 per acre-wilh tea ream time. There is yet a considerable aaoort of government lands for homestead and pre emptions. Asa. stock raising country His hard '0 excel. Catfle do well, and for sheep it cannot be beaten, It is jaat sailed to that. Fortunes ean be easily made by raising sheep aa the expense of feeding is very small. That corn, oau, barley, potatoes, back wheat, and ail kinds ofroot and vegetables, are grown hero with little labor. 35 bushels of sod corn to ths acre is nothing new.- Wheat averages about 5 bushels to the acre. Fruit doei ex tremely well. Every farmer has bis orchard trowing. Porest trtta trow rapidly. Cotton wood, boxalder, whilewood. soft maple, and many other kinds of trees grow into timber large enough for fa el in about three years. Osag orange plants d&Ucely. and in a few years your live fences can be made. Me chanics find employment and fair wages. The ery but and pin est water is obtained by going from 5 to 100 feet. The cost is very small when the well is bored. Them wells never go d.y. The strcamsjf tliU county arc the Republican and its tributaries, which arc as follows on the south side of the river. Walnut, Dry. Uuffalu. State Penny. (Mar, Hicks, Ah, and (Jaide Hock creek. On the north side are Willow, Elm, Cottonwood, Crooked. Indian, and Farmers creeks. In the north part of the county is the lilue river aud its tributaries. ThosollofWcb3terconnfyisn dark, rich vegeUblc.loam. The wild grasses are nutri t.ou and abundant, and make most excellent hay. Timothy, clover, Hungarian and inilltt will undoubtedly prove a profitable produc tion. Those who have tried thorn so decido at leant. Our railroad prospects are good, and we will have a read as soon aa we really seed one, But the farmers for years willfindready hale lor surplus productions in the newer counties wtat and to ncp settler. By the time 'these markets aro dosed roads for chraper transportation east will be opened. Our climate L healthful, the air pare and' bracinir. and sickness of any kind is almost a stranger to the people here. The county seat, RED CLOUD oa the Re publican river, near the center Mat and west aud a little south of the center north and oath. In it are chances for aca ef every branch of trade.. The irirnahT around, is auch as to warrant a good business in every kind of merchandise. Red Cload and Gaide Rock are the only two laid oat towns. Far ther information can be obtained from any land agent who advertises in this paper, oral this oSco. Mr. C. C. Gooding, of Michigan, a brother-in-law of L. C. Olmstcad, of Inavale, made us a very pleasant visit last Saturday morning. Mr. &BfinT! -""nuroja, nav- Jit4UdlluJljUlifjeFlo tfaaj State to ascertain for himself and' numerous friends in Michigan the desirability of migrating .ttuuier. Mr. Gooding told us that he was very mnch disanpaint- ed with the coadition and nature of California. Tho reports and rumors exaggerate the good qualities and omit the bad qualities of the State. The tillable land is but a very small por ion of tho whole surface ; and while a good yield in California surpasses a wu yieiu m wis country, yet the average yield for a number of years is the former State is but little, if anv. More abundant than the average pro-. auction nere. LWornians cannot depend on more, than three crops out ef five sown, of amah grain .while corn cannot Be raised at all, save in highly favored localities, and tho yield is very small Mr. GeodJog gave us eome informa tion which will make us listen with complacent self-satisfaction to the stories of tie large and Ittscieug frnit and vegetables of the Paciio coast Cherries and apples, although much uperior in size aud more tempting in appearance, lack the flavor and jnicy taste, of the same fruit in thenaat. Potatoes, turnips, beets, anions and lettace are especially unpalatable-com-Pred with the productions nf the Mis ssippi valley. A Yy Jew dwrrke and a taste of the notataetv tnnipa. ud maguifieent lettnne f!eed-or in formant Thwojiah'tyin theirmitaad vegetables h orevalent onh inregbas requiring, iirigatiosu. The sMahem part of t State at Los Anflelae mi. Sm Diejco. been grossly 'nriarerjreaeBt. Themis nothing, mwHtaJcstnmte,L'Mteer starvation. We shall which would be at all - attractive to eastern men. The dry 'see? are very long, so much no that November, the month wmem the. winter rake eom-. mence k called the Byoicieg anaennu Almoet all who emigrated vthither are ery much dimpnoiatcd,f ami theee who are able are returning. Mr. Gooding, an we hare said aheve went teCaMfemk far the nmreetef determining whether it wetwfrimrnhls fer himeajf ami fiiemk w Michiale twwere to that Se.-,H esarinaien m that men nimrmi tii de each a cemmrynnd ken-revert wil he decidedly amravetnMe theJ - pre' ziT'-2lj't -&-- BBBBBBBP "VJBP B. BBBi BBUBUBa UBL- SBIBBB BB'BfBBBBBBBaSakBMBBBBBB a aaBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBMBBaBBaBBa. . - F ' Sf I . BBT . B . n - r .... S3 . hw '- r-- JT C " r T . . Tl .TT ' i . -. . - -- -n TBIP1I -Mr " RF mr " -- 4 m an- "- ! I ' - -l--JLA . -. " ' BB ----J- -&&s$L .1'f sSES25S&i:. RSiKSBR!SaS3k SSK &fa&si2 Ste?r,!T '' rrrnfff SmSSK-.T MfejHy W r -enrn; lHfinlnmlMamm fcttmTrr&sfiiFllbW SSS'Jjj SWl-l!SSs?Sr eUS !mm'fnrflSlmWfc"s; ? K " . waa. JHMt-j------ 'aHBB. X i 'f - ! i . " . . - He. .'-. - ,IBIwHB'::w .?" i " , T . . f7 - i -- " ", - i K 4IW - - MBjJnSSHnv fw y . -5 j( '.J ' 4 . '.. " .J" - vv A nlatnRpar visHor exceedingly. In the nonrsje of his conversation he made some very flattering and cheering com parisons between the condition of Ne braska aid the condition of Michigan, in its early dayr wkeoffc took sevnn years chopping andf tgrnbbinr to dens Kroana-Famcicni.'' w a1 paying crnn. Mr Goo ling wDl nMke favorable re port of thiseounfy "to his friends in Michigan, and expects to return with aboetV)f them. Come on, ye chop persnd grubbers and follow the plow over our sun-illumed, grass-robed, stump-bereft prairie STATE NEWS. Harvard has oar hympatliy. They have just organized a bras b .ud there. The Graud Island' Independent is regposeible for the 'statement that as iron ottuc has bceu found near NiaP brara. Two Ben, Cornelius Rice and Abra has Koebe), were recently drowned in the Loop River, jnst sooth of Co fauaba, while engaged in getting a spile from the river. A prominent member of the Con. Con. played a game of base ball with the gamin of Lincoln one evening last week. What of it ? Wont those boy be voters in a few year? Strawberries aro plenty in Lincoln. Would that we were there. The Slate Journal questions wheth er it would not be better in a new country to change from a County School Superintendent to a District Superintendent, two or three counties to conipiise a district. A revere hail ttorm visited Omaha lust week. The quantity of glass need ed to replace the broken panes of the City HaU, is large. Mr. Beard's hot house and plants sustained serious damage. Tho Omaha Republican is refponsi blc for this Hail stones fell at Platts mouth that were nine inches in cir cumference. It is thought that the June rise of the Missouri river will bs tho highest for years. J. D. Calhoun, of the .Lincoln Star, was married on the 30th, to MissOdua M. Alderman, of Brown villo. The Lincoln Star thinks the McWa ters murder needs investigating, and calls on the ofieers to explain. If the officers wont, the Star will, as it knows all about it, and thoy will let McW's ghost haunt said officials at every feast If they don't "rise to explain." A lot of the Harvardites turned out and broke a lot of prairie for the min ister, recent!. We don't' know how big either "lot" was. The wife oOfeJcfoes Mclvin died liBSuttpjhHast Thursday. She whs J " -" mod by the upsetting of a lamp W. H. Somers, of Beatrice, has planted three-quarters of au acre of peanuts.' ' ' Gov. Furnas says $2,000 would not cover his losses from tho hoppers. He expects to have a quantity of apple, peaches, and pears. Gov. F. has been appoiuted by the Am. Pomologicol Society to deliver an address at their Chicago next September. No grasshoppers at Fairmont but f plenty of gophers, which are doing severe damago to the corn in Fillmore county. The Warreusburg (Mo.) JVW tell how Prof Straight has set the exam pi? of utilizing the grasshopper as food. The editor of tho Ntvo was present at the feast,. with a-number of other gentlemen aud some ladies, at tne home of the professor. The Noes says:. We were helped to soup, which pliuuly showed iu. locust origin, and tasted like chicken, soup and it was good; after seasoning was added we eouid taste a delicate mushroom flavor and it,was better. Then came bat ter cakci, through which locusts were well mixed. !The noun had banished all silly prejudice and shafpened our appetite for this next lesson, and bat- tvr cea . quaa.qr wiuappvarcu -misv. Bakedkettets were then. tried, (plain hwppers, without grease or condiment) and either wither without aocompaui mentSjit wiVpronounccd kn excellent dish, The.aeeni w 'a closed with desert a la Johav -the Baptistbaked beast and hooey-ehd if we know anything, we can testify that that distinguished Scripture ehamcter must have thrived on his rude diet in the wilderacse of Judca A s Prof. SeraisTht was ence the nrinci- pei of our 'Pern-Normal School, we beheve.--xft)iCMfe Asvertaer. If the g. hoppers come here, we can enoughto last through. the winter, aho. Lincoln wants four carvfoad3 of fresh eggs. If there were four done here we befieve they woaki sell, for egejs hava been "skaee" this season, T 7 Dr. Rich of Bendshona City who died in Mayrof rheart disease, wae n brother of the editor ef the Nemaha Tam)y'trnei. - :, The editor of theHnetiags Jewrne .wants to awa-dvnhled harrel shot gun: whnrt nwapw Dagne. gg ready for athoey aeat wex?-Fairhmr ffimti:l tPwiLZ i.1WaR"KaalilL.' iisif Vi ---- n .. r - ?. 7rr-7rr. a w mm tee tec r;-frennne'tne' umuit I !. !. fci -ail-i--li" ---.- -- -.- - - .?. . RaaaBBBBBBBBBBa. mRR awsBBBfBBjBBw mBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjramnnaaf . ' ii l " anal - anmi .-r mnjaBBBBBBBBBBBBBTBH sjbw, mswrnnjarmnB A man in Bianwis Co has 160 acres of branm anrn. Tbe Evening Star nsataine n whole column entitled "Womaa'a Work." Calbouo wan mamel a few days ago ami thinks he know nil abont hmme kotpinff prebably. ? f Oat nf an oiehard of 7.00O, great and small, Judge Mason, of Otoe Co.T has only one pear tree with leaves on. all the rest having farni Acd food for the grasshoppers. The Star and the Journal don't seem to agree on their tatiaataa. very welL The Journal of Sunday says the Con. Con. "ean begin to see the end of its labora. The articles on legisla tion, legislative apportionment, nod schedale are abont all that remains to be cleared up." While the Star of Friday stated that "one month had already been censnmed aad they are not more than half through." XUTOSTAXT TO OUSSS01TS3 SV7- nssss. Department or the Interior. General Land Owice, Washington, May 11, 1875. Registers and Receivers. Gentle men : Referring to toy Circular Letter of January 5th, 1875, (copy herewith) transmitting to you a copy of the act for the relief of settlers on the public lands, approved December 28th, 1874, I have now to inform you that, upou the earnest representations of Senators in Congress and other distinguished citizens of some of the Stbtes embrac ed by the act aforesaid, and from con siderations of humanity believed to be consistent with the general purposes of the legislation in question, I deem it proper to so far modify the instruc tions embraced in the concluding para graph of my e-aid circular letter as to hold that the benefit extended by the law to preemptors who, by reason ot the ravages of grasshoppers, are com pelled to leave and be absent from their lands, may also be extended to pre-cuiptors whose crops have in like manner been destroyed, but who have nevertheless continued their residence upon their respective claims. Those whoso crops were destroyed or seriously injured in 1874, will be en titled to the extension of one year from and after July 1, 1875 ; and when the injury occurs in 1875, the extension will date from July 1, .1870. To the end that this class of pre emptors may not be confounded with those whose crops are not destroyed or seriously injured, written notice should be filed in your office by those claim ing the extension prior to the date when their respective period for proof and payment would other wire expire. Respectfully, S. S. Rurdktt, Commissioner. "THHDTE2ir Litter From 3 en. Grant Defining his PcsWcn. President Grant has written.tbe.ibl wngjetserri-ecn. liarry vuuc, f-iresiaeni or me recent i ennsyivaman Statu Convention: ExKcuTtvE Mansion. Washington, D. C, May29, 1875 j Dear Sir: A hort time subse quent to the Prcsidentiil election of 1872, tha pres n portion of it hostile to the Rspublisi n paiiy, aud partic ularly ?o to the adminiitratina, started the en of "Caejarisra" and the "Third Term,'' culling lustily for mo to define my position on the latter subject. I bdlicve it io be beneuth the dicnityof ttie office, which 1 have been twice called npon to fill, to answer such a question before the subject be present- d by competent authority to make a nomination, or by a body of such dig nity aud authority as to not make a reply a fi'r subject of ridicule. In fact, I have, been surprised that w many sensible persons in the Repub lican party should permit their enemy ro force upon them and their party an isue which cannot add strength I th party, no mutter how met, but to a body of dignity and a party of athor ity of a Couveutiou to make nomina tions for State officers of the second State in the Union having concidered this question, I deem it not impropper that 1 should now speak. "In the fint place 1 never soaght office for n second or a first nomination. I was called from a life position, one created by Congress exprestdy" for me tor suppoeca services renaeru io jne ReDubllc. The position vacated. I liked. It would have been most-agree-1 able for me to have retained it 'untiLl such n time aa Congrr as might have comented to my retirement with the rank nod a portion of the emoluments, which I much needed, to a home, where the balance of ay days might might be spent in peace and the en joyment of domestic quiet,' relieved of the cares which have oppressed ate so constantly for the last 14 years. Bat the pnblio good called me to make a sacrifice without seeking the office for the second term.' The no mination was tendered ,aie by an unan imous vote of the delegates ef all the State and Territories, nelected by the Repoblicaoeof each to represent their whole number for therarReee ef mak ing the nowtaatioa. v I cannot -"say X wis not pleased at this, and at the overwhelming endorsement . which) -their action reeeivwi at thevnlcetien following, but km net be. remembered that all the eecrivqe,, except that of comfort, has been made in'.aceentmg theirsttemk Tnen.teench a fire' of peKeneJ nhwee ami sknder.hashscn keptnpforthe last foer.yeani, pot withstanding the eonscientiene per? Jbrnmnce of my dniyr to the, beet of nay wsMetmamnxmr., nnengn- r mbk, in th sight ef -aheeejnant- aeemV, many twaee more enhjaat to isweav: mum tan enotoretmont .jreeeartne people, who alone govern ltepe&nemM aweh endersnaent-wasi a' sjratsnentiew that kmeeshrrheimnnan Imen'nntiretV ntednad eawtymL. asl .cs dewier tlw third term. I do not want k anv ntere thin Idid jtke tree. I weeid net write or utter' a' ward to a4aswthewaiof the pteesmr'and hwvtna-.thetw.ehoimw . The qnostionot uie munner onermeaHew: "" i mat ? r- r ' " "- ' w - eie anv one gxeenuveeanomy, emarfyin tl;e shaee of a nrepawnan tne Uoaatftnuen? en a t . amm mnmmmmmmi w . smawBYmnmnm amm mi mmmmmmm zzt.rz Ai-a. aj,3a? a-- i, z i .-' i - - w " - nemmmmmn n-mmnmmm? " n. -r ib tm irmB.w vv . bhbv- --pi Bkt k pr -mmmmm J. jt p , a . i m- .b i. s - m & ; ab . i ii . -t ft.'w- !- r"Tir 7 - m i a .- . it- m. L-ms b .k. mmm . - i -a m .- tire Weanea he has been ekfct in ernes, will wrove nnfoitmwia, if nei dieaetrene. The idee that any man cenld elect hsmeelf President, ererea nominate himeeif, is preporterne. It is n refection on the inteUigenee new netriemm nf.tae .people te hmms each n thine pomibie. Any man eni jkitrojr bis nnantee for'enfee, bet ne ene can force an "election er even nem ination. V "To recapitulate: I am net nor have I ever been a candidate lor a nomination. I wowtd not aeeept n nomination if it were tendered nnleas K should come under stefa ctrcumataa ees not likely to arriite, I coogratakte the Convention over which yon presi ded, with' the harmony which prevail ed, and with the excellent ticket nnt in the field, which I hope will be elected. "Your obedient servant. - 0. S.Grakx, 1 To Gen. liarry White. President "Pennsylvania Repub.ican State - "Convention." RENNECKER'S HOTEL. A. J. RENNECKKR, --- Prop. Six attes Statlwwt of ltd Cleti. en tks read te Smith Center. A.J. lUaneckerhassgninonenedhubot 1 and woald call attention te kit nnemrfaeit iiieafor nroviding eatertaiaiaest for man and beaU The tab'e always provided with the best the aatMon affords, and freak ?lafc every day. w A road has bees oneaed U jUm Hotel through the farm of taw nronrfeaer, wkiek shortens the road, aad is open-as au travel except. the drtviagof looiVstoR. y " e vc aavaacEia's nerM. aenfat 9-The under-igaed baa alsoon aansk ery above the Re4 Cload bridge, wwereafall tapplr of fresh fsh eaa be procare at any tiaie daring the eouinc'eaaoa. PARTIES wihing fresh fish eaa gettketa at the fishery between the bridge aad the noariag aid. I will alao be in town oa Saturday of each week at the corner ef Shar er's drag store, with a load ol fresh fish. 40tf HiVJiRTON ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW HARNESS SHOP. . H. Pkillips, - Pr. Has just opeaed a harness shop in this rlace. and solicits the patronage of the pab ie. He will keep constantly oa baaa the best material the market affords. . w3-Repairiag done on s'-.ort notice and reasonable terms. AU Work Warranted and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Shop opposite the Elkhoru Hotel lirtrion, Trasxlin County, Xtbracka,. R1YBRTON HOUSE. W. C. THOMPSON, - - Prop. Will entertain his guests in the most gentleman-like maimer, with as good fare as the market affords. To the traveling public we woald any give hira a call. BI7EST0K, NEBIASXA. iti. o srrxiVAi, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, 1T0TAEY FUBLIC AID SEAL ESTAT2 A92STT. Riverten Frasklis County. Nebraska. e Claiuji for sale and UOersac done in tkelatMt style. Red Cloud Mill's! We are prepared to do cut tome work Fltmr peed itmcl Crn Mal for Sale. mnT Satisfaction guaranteed in quality"' or flour sold, and custom WORK. 'Farmers hoeId be particular to eecarethc best ef secdw'ua Potter & Frisbie! IIUCK HOUMC, tXGtCffi 1ITCI, Jia., - - PlOFIXETOl, a -. t FRANKLIN, NEB; ive. t.i rdeef Amcomwfdotioni, Zrsery mmi Feed SUiUn. PROCTOR HOUSE, Q?D PROCTOR. - PmoRismX)R, ' 3"'- k "xl . f ,T "' r - i Kr2- - " -"" n r ! iHvf -S u TTlmrMlefcnmTmmlatlte MimsjIsiayinsffBDiaaMet. '- .aiTjMa.( $ itt "'J-S J.-r'-iS - -v. iT t !-' v. 74- USI43J I It 4w? -i - ?B?Srlir - 00? v FAWCT . Jr-J -;--- aK;-. ... :-... - .. - . . --r.- z' J - wtvnnwmVNl. nnnrni awiamnr" - - . eome i .-i- . M, r-i, 2S7L. i. .iu -J - - - vv; 1 -- " ' r ' . . :: 7 m. -.4. -m av int a- """ :p "- -k r - 'w ar. - - mar narmeni emmm s mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmr jt L-.B1 a. araar-aaiaBSPaisaMaBBBBr., sr at bbh anatssssaaaaaaaa ' anaaaaaa sa.aa . '.sssaaaaaaa t. ssssaaaaaSBaBaejersa av sasssa' j .x - r r - .t?. w- a rafr samaai aa BBBaaa.sBr aaaai at aaBLaaBBBBBBBBBBBB' .Ci i. bbbbbbbbbb ba. bbibbbbbb. tbbbi bbt be.bbb.1 jk i bk. aa aa..aa . - -jt. -a. - 5aaaawa " ' ' mmm " , t ' ." & T m - .,.- -- - .rjJ, . - .. im ' V "ri tfA MIm . A. Mai WWreW:t rati inform the Indies of Red CU4 aad Tieiaky that akeia are- naweu eewte ariaea ftr BHX.I.IVKRY, Dress-Making A PLAIN SEWING f.UIKMt. OaaaaiaaJ fer ealealce ajsertsaeatef LACES, VEILS, - KID GLOVKS. LADIES HATS. 4c its S. A. NUNSELL, e fin McSkt's Ballalag.l RED CLOUD, - - NUB. ITAxNNESS SHOP Sn Vn Ludlow Is now prepared to do all kiade of work IN THR Hmrne line. The best of materials used, end all WOrk WARRANTED. REPAIRING Done on short notice and at reasonable . Prices. Shop in McNitt'b Store. Re4 Clmiiel IVefcriisKa. NICHOLS, SEXFAXS C&1 ( Vibrator'' Thresher The BRILLIANT SUCCESS ot this Ornia Having. Time Saving THRRSUER. aranpre eedented in the annals of Paras Machine y. la a brief period it has ht-rome Widely known and FULLY KSTABLlsHEI), a the "LEADING THRBHHINO MACHINE." .kai:: m.iNr.RH kkimr .0 sab- -ttittothe tratefat ar.J i-operfcrt work of other Threshers, when toste4 on Use vast 'aperioritjr oi thu one. for saving mi if. sav ing line, aad doing fast, thoroaahaad eeoao raical work. THisaHKau-xrixa it highly adrantogeoas to ran a aaehiae that has ne "ffcatrr," "Piekers.nor"Apion." that handles Damn Grain. Long Straw. Headings. Flaa.Tiaeothy Millett aad all such diOcult grain and seeds, with KKT1RR KA8K AND kJfWBLTtlVK NKW8. Clears to perfection : savee the far mer his thresh bill l.y extra savin' ofgrnin; aakee ao "Litteriagsr reqairej LESS TM AN NX-HAL? the asaal Bella. Roiea. Joar nala. aa4 Oaars; easier aiaaaged : less repairs: one that grain raisers prefer to employ and wait for. even at advanced prices, while ether aaehtneskare "oat job.." VNiralaMsaawlli .S, ie aaS M liwrac 'JMater t'ewrrs, ! m aaelallty r aeaaralan Mala.n ezprcMly ferTliAM lrBH( aad U saatea atfeer If um reacrs. If Interested ta grata raising, or threshing, writ for Illastia erf Cirealan(et tree) with fall particalars of sites, stylo, prices, tanas, etc HICH9UI, HRIPABl .. , JJaMlt Crtth, MUligan AmWCKTISIJICI r Cheap ; Good : gyste matie. AFT persena who conteaplate asking caatraea with newspapers for tka In sertion ef adertUemeatt sfiooU send H!i cents te One P. Rwu. k Co.. 41 Park Row. New York, for their PAMPULKT-UUuK (uimetpMtmth tdttio?, containing lists of over 20 newspapers aad eetiaates. shewing theeeet. Advertfeeaentt ukeafor leading papers la saaay -Hate at a Uraeadea re daction (hm pablishers rates. Grr tmb book Flnt 1r the n14-IrtabliJud list. Dail$10. Wrrklt$2. Me Maa. Wailraaal eMflclala, iy wnicen, aa eHRcra, At- Omaha Republican Stemm Bk -AND--JOB PRINTING AND XAXVFACTIIXro BiUMHlkmcm. - manr .ream ezperienen, wkh annerier fnettkiee, end the iBEST WORKME& toWlwaaiintheWaet, wiH finny rder.'kMe er ameJI. in the heetetrle 1 ahertaedee, mm at the OUt BLANK BOOK W01K 1 - 3I ! el-a. aa Mi he aarnnaed by any firm in the C0mi9WrkA SptcUUif, .t mi Cnemty Ofanwji find ear fcrme wmnn HMBCv msmnaa 'amvmVJn. nmanwHBamw, mmaW ef aim yzJ' - i& ' ' ' nmammmmmmnsl nmnf mmmsT fcl JmTl Mmmmmmmmmmmn! mmsi mmmn mm ssssmammmmmmmmmmmmmmi BH 'lEmUCmmmmssI KM lHlH rnVvr mmmmmmmmml .- - TBI' . -' mmVammmmmv" nnT. nsBBBsBrnBsnn wejj nLJ&nl tUnsBBBt jmmmft -mmm rertjennay,. aimmmi ,. : VEmMMkQIMXMim rnmnamt. I.UammmmeCjmTlfml :nj't n - -"-- af --- m i -- i nr.nmwwasuamejBnjnanaamjejfpaM TfceeJj JVSlAfk, 5EBJtASnl..- -"14 Hnektef ehanged namk. ami ie now under the management of T. T. WEBB Whe wilt make it the heat Hotel WemofUnerJn. He has itr connection with this hotel a good VERD, AND LIVERY STABLE. Guests can red to and from the de pot free of charge. JuMolAtm, Aelamn . Net The WEEKLY ENQUIRER. A Paper to- tinPsls, a Trim sf tit Farmtrand ladntnal Cliww. A RKAUTIPUL KEW CHRO.HO INTITLKD "PERRVS VICTORY!" Olvoa ta K9frj a en naWcrfWr. This picture reprseots Com. Oliver II. rerrv ia the act ot paseiag frea one ship to another in a saall open boat, daring the neat of the battle, eiposed to the Are of the eneaiy. It KeanirM 16 hj 23 1-2 Incise, Ts artistically SniheJ in thirteen anion aad is aadoabtedl be aost dwiable ckroao ev er olere I aa a preaiaa. Single eopics of it seil at S3 00. He have at a great oatlsy se carad the ezclarive eaatrsl aad sale of it. and therefore are enabled te present it to our patrons as above. The hNQUlUKR still stands pre eminent asairst-claM Newspaper. Iu vartoas Ue partueata allotted t. liitorialj, Ianereis, AgricRltmral Foetrj, CorrHponitnce, Tslafrajhic, ai toMMt ! "K IwT. , AU give evidence of the rare and pairs taken to sat ply iu readers with li and aad a variety of Heading that canaot fail to interest rach aadaveryaeaberof thehuwc hold. Sabscribh tkroagh oar agents or sud direct to us. We desire aa agMt at every Post Oflce. aad where none are yet appelated let subm of our frieads -pt'Iy for ah areney. ARDRR8S, FARAN & HcLEAN, Pubt, Clsdnutl, Ohio. Smith A Calvort UD CL0T7J) - - - VII. DRALERHfK FURNITURE, Ia Red Goad, Keb . at their eid stsad. Tie delightful te see what Uey kave aa head, They have a utty. it aay traly be said .Of that which is needful far the liriag er dead. They hare hedstc-ds. cradlMahlef k chairs Bafiu, bareaas, aad all kinds of sack wares. Cribeleaages. eetteee. aad aattreM. too Which for air kiada of fvlka aad ages will da. They kave wagons aad korsee far children ta sell. Which will pirate wire aad aabke exeeed ingly well. They p t eash far theaa tUaes aad selaet thea with can. Aad will sell thea as eteap as aayeae dare. And wa my te yea all, hath yeaag aad aid. Theyll net refaee greaataeks. eilver er geld, Wa invite all ear friends aad neigh ban ta call. Aad they doubtless will lad they deal fairly with all. Ifyea.atae.IdothiakyeaaaaeartaIalyaay Ae ao aaa Ma say the ariea k tea high. CONSUMPTION CURED. Te the Bditer etf tka Care. " Kbtuubb Vataa: Will yea pfM infera yaw raaders that K have a positive cemren R aadalldiMrden ef the Thraat aa3 Laaea, ittaaaia my.iavtiea. Ihssra eared kaaa. ede affeaaaa. aad wW ve $1,000 oo ftjra aaaa k wiR aa atraac is ay h. I wffl twa. ta aay aaaatat Baai saaa hat latter to naowwha a yakkfaltyTean. DR. T. 7. RUST. .HCWewTark. EUREKA ! Xka NEW BUILDIMG, AadfciilmilkaaeanFami f jcAsny rtJPftx J. BEREHZEN 4l CO, i -, f h J?AL.R IS lr - GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. mT"WOOD for JJLI.Cy and de lhrawssd at lawer Ratam. NEW GOODS ! J. G. POTTER Taktt tWt MtMl te khrm UmPmMIc that kt kat ht ptMel ip t itw oi cwMkU Sttck if DRY GOODS & CROCERIES- ConmMing tn jMtrf of CALICOES, DARK, LIGHT A PINK, CHAMBRKS. DKLAINKS. LAWNS. DRESS TRIMMINGS A LININGS. CORSETS ft SKIRTS. YrAlL8 GLOVE& BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS' TABLE LINEVS. ft TOWELING. PANTS, OVERALLS ft SHIRTING, BOOTH St HOEr HATH Sl Am COFFEE, SU6ARS 4 TEAS if ill KMs CuNMi Friltt, Oytttrt tui Cracktra , Ckiwini aai Snokinf Takaccta FLOUR MEAL 6l BACON- And every thlnRinatly kept in n First Ckse Dry Goedt ft Grocery Store. -T. Oa Potter.' a Rait Clari. Nakraaka THE CHICAGO LUMBE 1 YARD I ;" at HASTINGS, Keeps constantly en hand the largest stock nf Dry Pine Lamhtr ir the West. Attn TARRED PAPER end alt kinds ef VIJILrOIXCe lATERML, Onretoek is weHsefeeted and pnrchased diwtt from the raRs, aw$ will he sold as low an the lotet O. O. NEW HARDWARE STORE I WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL MITCHELL & MORHART Have evened n new nftnre and here Jimf iwentred n fait and cee? yfetr etockof HABDWABCt Cutler j, Carpenter m FARMING TOOLS; COAL and WOOD STOVES. We hare aL a Ta Sfcen eenneetel with enr Stem. We wanafaetar Tin, Copper ft Sheet Iron Ware. Onr Steeki-LARGE and weleaeerted, and we will dl na low Cal amw Saa iafm fM-Cmtainf Eteawfcara Of p eaite tha Lnmher Yard, Rm1 Cloud, --.. JMmhTmmlKWu LUMBER LUMBER -. W. L. VAMALSTYMC urn clou, ? - "-W s RRALRRIX - -v Utli tt.Kt.Z7.hS - NEK. OLIVER. Hastings, Nebraska:; jrmwuAMK's, r - ef tx... i2i- THSHmOEL !" . 'C5 ,- f-- 1-T3 5. r ju ri ' A- $&k? w I Vt A V ftu! . i