SF'I-T M -'S?-- W: t 5st - . " WILXj fW) ' 1. :.-!- .. V7 a - m V. .it vashS :--. A Clwt, Hartf . A bard, cIom aua n Soloaea Ry, gothlaf et value 1m -t away; Be hoarded ul aaved ; Aad placbed asd thared; And the sore he hid tbe more be craved. Thehard-earatd dollar be tolled to ealn Brought bis little bat care asd pain ; For little be apeat, Asd all he lent Be made it bring him tweat per cent. Sack wh the life of Solomoa Ray. Tbe yean west by, and his hair grew gray; Bla cheek grew this. And hla aoal within drew bard as the dollars he worked to win. Bat he died one diy. u all men matt. For life Is fleeting, and man bat dust. The hcira were gay That laid bias away, Asd that was the etd of Solomon Bay. They quarreled bow. who had little cared For Solomon Bay while bla life waa spared. nit lands were sold, And hla hard earned gold All went to the lawyers, I am tola! Tet men will cheat and pinch and tare. Nor carry their treasures beyond the grave. All their gold some day Will melt away Like the selSsh savings of Solomon Kay. Heme Life ! France. Foreigners are apt to take their im praMions solely from Paris, which at tracts them by its brilliancy. Floating on the surface, they see a great deal of gayety and folly and vice, and hastily conclude that this is French morality and French life. Bat Paris is not France ; nor, indeed, do they see but a very small part of Paris. They have no access to Freach society of the better class. One must disengage himself from this first impression, if he would judge justly of the real character of the French people. Leaving aside these frivolities of a gay capital, and seeking the French in those interiors which are generally closed to foreigners, we find there a very strong feeling of home, in both senses of that word. First, the love of place, of a fixed habitation what phrenologists call the organ of locality is largely developed in the French nature. They love their country, and never leave it but with re luctance. Hence they make poor colo nists. While the English and Germans emigrate, the French can hardly be torn from their native soil, And not only the country, but the province, the city, or the little village, which gave them birth, is always dear to them. Go into the country, and you find families that have always lived in the same place. Generation after generation has come and gone, and still they cling to the old spot Children, and children's children, are born and die on the same farm, in tbe same moss-grown cottage, beneath the same thatched roof where their fathers lived and died. This single fact the love of a fixed alwde speaks much for the home feeling of the French, especi ally to Americans, since it appears in such strange contrast to the migratory habits of their countrymen. With this love of the birthplace, the desire to have a little spot, however hum ble, where one may become rooted to the soil, is one of the strongest passions of a Frenchman. It exists among the poor est peasantry. Even the common labor ers, who go to Paris to find employment, always have it at heart to return to their native village. The popular songs which the workmen sing at their tasks almost all have reference to the country to the spot they have left, and to which they hope some day to return. This is their safeguard amid the temptations of a great city. Out of their little savings they send back something to keep alive the old people, or to kelp their younger brothers. And the height of their am bition is, by many years of hard labor, to save enough to return, and buy a plot of ground, and build a little cottage, where they May pass the rest of their days. Every family which is a little easy in its circumstances, though it may spend half the year in Paris, has somewhere in the country, buried among the trees, a retreat which often has been in the fam ily for generations, and which is cher ished with as much love and pride as any baronial castle. Only extreme ne cessity can induce them to part with it. It Is the first spot which the children lean to love, and which remains equally dear in manhood and old age. True, the same families, when they come up to Paris to spend the winter, live in apart ments, and this has been thought un favorable to domestic life. But is it half so much so as that life of boarding houses and hotels, (a thing unknown in France, but so common in America), in which there can be no such thing as do mestic privacy f As to the home in its more elevated maaahur, not confined to the place, but including the feeling which unites a family In affection and in a common in terest, on circametance contributes greatly to preserve and strengthen this among the Freach. It is the social equal ity of Hembera as the same family. To this ao contrast can be greater than that of families la America. A farmer la .New Xaglaaw has half a dozen sons; one ro mains on -the old homestead; one goes to a city and becomes a rich merchant; another to callage, and eaters a profes sion. Thus ia a few years the relative position f efferent saembers of the fam ily ia chanted; aesae are rich, others a may become distiagsished, ethers are wholly uahnawn. ' aHttssi France sack changes are very ran. Families remsia not only in the pseaa, hat m the same station of The hwatson tills thegroaad; unaessassMi aesi'parsaes the same AH the-STsa-n of lift are so isH the ramhv are iaapsaaihla far--a to gt f-r abet the. ft leekap Ufa. the lePMM to him Willi envy. The same equality exists, to a great extent, in tbe better classes. Ia commerce and in tbe liberal professions, the son takes the father's place, and all keep along on about the same level. Tbe paternal roof is the ral lying point for all; and when the child ren group themselves about the aged parents, not divided by any great dispar ity of condition, they are bound togeth er by a common interest as well as mu tual affection. .Fran Home Sketches in France by Mn.JJen.Ty W. Field. BBBBBBBBBSBSBBBBBBSSBSBSBBBBSBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBl The Blae Handkerchief; A Traaalafloa frosa the Freach. About the end of October, last year, I was returning on foot from Orleans to the Chateau de Bardy. A regiment of the foreign guard was marching abreast of me and on the same road. I had hastened my steps to hear the military music, which I liked so much; but tbe band ceased playing; a few taps of tbe drum from afar off alone marked the measured step of the soldiers. After an hour's march I saw the regi ment enter a small field surrounded by a clump of fir trees. I asked a captain whom I knew if they were about to ex ercise. No, said he to me, they arc about to judge and probably to shoot a soldier of my company for having robbed the man with whom he was quartered. What! said I, to judge, condemn and execute at once? Yes, said he, it is according to our articles of capitulation. For him this was unanswerable, as though all had been provided for in the capitulation the crime, tbe punishment the 'justice and even the humanity. Besides, if you are curious, added the Captain, I will get you a place. It won't take long. I bad always a passion for these sad spectacles, and I imagined that I could learn what death was by the face ol the dying. I followed the Captain. The regiment was formed in a hollow square; behind the rear rank, on the edge of the wood, some soldiers were diggintr. a grave. They were commanded by a first lieutenant, for everything in a regiment is done with order, and there is a certain discipline in digging a man's grave. In the center of the square eight offi cers were sitting on drum-heads, the ninth, on the ritjht and moro forward, was writing a few word? upon his knees, but carelessly, and only that a man should not be killed without some for malities. The accused was called. He was a tall young man, of a noble and honest face. A woman advanced with him, the only witness who was to testify in the case, but when the Colonel was about to interrogate this woman : "It's useless," said the soldier; "I will confess all. I stole the handkerchief from this woman's house." The Colonel. You, Pierre! you were always an honest fellow. Pierre. It is true, my Colonel, I have always tried to satisfy my officers ; and it was not for myself that I stole it -'twas for Marie. The Colonel. Who is this Mene? Pierre. Tis Marie who lives yonder in my village near Arenburg, where the great appletree is. I shall never see her more. The Colonel. I do not understand you, Pierre; explain yourself. Pierre. Well, my Colonel, read this. And he handed to him the following letter, every word of which is present to my memory : Mt Good Friend Pierbe: I profit by the recruit Arnold, who is engaged in your regiment, to send you this letter and a silk purse which I have made for you. I was obliged to hide myself from my father while I made it, for he con tinually scolds me for loving, you so much, and says that you will not come back. You will come back, won't you? But if you never return, I shall love you all the same. I promised myself to you the day you picked up my blue hand kerchief at the dance in Arenburg, and brought it back to me. When shall I see you again? What makes me happy is, that they say you are esteemed by your superiors and beloved by your com rades. Bht you have still two years of service. Get through them quick, for then we will be married. Adieu, my good friend Pierre. Your dear Mart. P. S. Try to send me something from France, not that I am afraid that I shall forget you, but that I may wear it al ways. Kiss what you send me. I am sure that I shall find the place of your kiss again. When the letter was read Pierre re sumed. Arnold, said he, gave me this letter last night when my billet of qaar ters was received. All night I could not sleep. I thought of the village and of Marie. She asked me for somethiasr from Fraace. I had ao moaey; I had pledged my pay for three months for my brother aad my couaia, who had returned home a 'few days before. This morning when I arose to leave, I opened the window. A blue handkerchief was hanging oa a liae; it resembled that of Marie's; it was the same color, the same white strips. I was weak enough to take it aad put it ia my sack. I went down iato the street; I repeated of what I had dene, aad was about returning to the house when this woman ran after me. The handkerchief was found upon me, that ia the truth. The capitulation deasaeMs that I be shot. Shoot bm, but do net despise me. The judges could set restrain their emotion bat. ta voea was takes, he to hmOas4aaa,he four francs. The Captain gave them to him. I saw then he advanced toward the woman, to whom the blue handker chief had been rectorcd, and I heard these words: "Madam, hore are four francs; I don't know if your handker chief is worth'any more, but even should it be, I pay dear enough for it, and you ought to excuse me for tbe difference." Then taking the handkerchief he kissed it and gave it to the Captain. "My Cap tain," said be, "Id two years you will return to our mountain.1: if you go near to Arenburg, ask for Marie, give her this blue handkerchief, but do not tell her how I bought it" He then knelt in prayer, and marched with a firm step to his execution. I retired then and entered the wood, that I might not witness this cruel tragedy. A few musket shots soon ap prised me that all was over. I returned an hour afterward ; tbe regiment had de parted; all was quiet; but in skirting the edge oi the wood to regain the road, I perceived at a lew paces before me traces of blood and a heap ol earth, freshly made. I took a branch of fir tree and made a sort of cross; I placed it ou tbe grave of poor Pierre, forgotten now by all the world exceptjnyself and perhaps Marie. A Happy Family. A Richmond (Ind ) newspaper vouches lor the truth of the following story: "The lion has not yet been observed to" Ho down with the lamb, but something equal to it has happened. A white cat, with lour young kittens, set up house keeping in a box where there happened to be two young rats. Instead of de vouring them, as would have been natural, she adopted them, and afforded them the 6ame nourishment that she supplied to her kittens. One of the kittens and one of the rats died. Yesterday we called to see the happy family, and found the three kittens and the rat drawing their daily sustenance in happy promiscuous ness. The mother cat bestowed frequent caresses upon her little ones, and the rat came in for a full share. It seemed to enjoy the 'love lick,' and responded in as affectionate manner as possible for a rat. After all, as n matter of prudence, that young rat had better move lore his tail gets too long." out be- EconoHtlcal Young Women. Thirty-one young ladies in Warsaw, Ky., have signed a new kind of pledge which reads: "We, the undersigned la dies of Warsaw, desiring by our example to promote economy and to discoun tenance extravagance, and thereby lighten in some measure the burdens of onr husbands and fathers by prudent re trenchment in our household expenses, therefore pledge our words of honor each to the other: That we will not during a period of one year from the 1st of May, 1875, purchase any material for wearing apparel the cost of which shall exceed twenty-five cents per yard. And shall further promise to observe a strict economy in all our household per tainanccs, and cheerfully add by those delicate sacrifices to the general stock ol home comforts too often dispensed with for the frivolous outside adornment of tho. body alone. A $.00Book for $1.50. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, in plain English, or Medicine Simplified: By R. V. Piekce, 31. D., Counsclor-in-Chief of tho Board of Phy sicians and Surgeons, at the World's Dispensary, Buffalo, New York:. The above Work a book of about nine hundred large pages, profusely illus trated with wood engravings and colored plates, and well and strongly oound will be sent, postpaid, to any address, for one dollar and fifty cents making it the cheapest book ever offered to the American people. Other books treat iiig of domestic medicine, of like size and style of binding, and not nearly as well illustrated, with no colored plates, and some ot them containing no pre scriptions and makiDg known no means of self-cure for the diseases which they discuss, sell from three dollars and a half to five dollars. Were Dr. Pierce's Work not published by the author, printed and bound with his own machinery, and were it sold through agents, as other like works are, the price of it would not be less than four dollars. For when tbe publisher pays the author a fair price for his production, then adds a profit to his investment large enough to satisfy him self and compensate him, not only for his labor, but also for the risk of pecu niary loss wnich he assumes in taking the chances of the enterprise proving a success, and when the State, county and canvassing agent has each received his profit, they have added to the expense of a book, that originally cost about $1.25, so much thf t the' people have to pay not leas thaa $4.00 for it The People's Medical Adviser, on the contrary, is placed within the pecuniary reach of all classes by the author, who adopts the plan of the Grangers, dispensing uith middle men and giving the benefit of their profits to tbe people, offering Lis book at a price a little above actual cost of publication. That those desiring the book may run no risk of losing their moaey ia sending it through the mails, the author advertises that moaey ad dressed to him at Buffalo. X. Y- and inclosed ia registered letters, may be at bis risk of lose. The author's large cor respondence with the people upon medi. eel matters, which we' are credibly informed frequently exceeds three hun dred letters a day, aad requires several traiaed aad skillful medical ssejrtsata and ebort-htud reporters to eaahle him to eatertaia aad answer them, as well as hie large daily dealian with disease at the World's Dispensary, appear to have peculiarly fitted him for writing the Woik, by readeriag him very familiar with the every day medical needs of the people. He endeavors ia this work to answer all the aameraus questions relat ing to health aad disease that have been nJarssaii to him bv tne people freea all partis of the laud, aad hence it coataias important iaformatie for the young aad VMep sbMWw eMsrm srMasaSaWa ssmsraKlS smesHl ssVsSa rkawwhereeketo befosad. All the meet prevaleat diseases of both sexes are aiao aUinrr aad fully coasUsfsd. and afattfaaMauastekaewa: UaHka H awLu-4. - l.i fWmk imsss sum wumgutmt M MmmmtgJt vsawnini TfcjaMaf, Hygiaasj, VMhpsMMsalB, Marriage, Reproduction, etc., all of which are treated in aa original aad interesting manner. It is a compendium of Anatomical, Physiological and Medical Science, and combines the latest discov eries in each department. Wc call the attention of our reader to the advertisement of the Moberly Gift Concert. We are aware that many so called but dissimilar enterprises have been organized fo the purpose of ob taining money under tne pretence of giving so much back in large gifts but the gifts advertised were never actually distributed to ticket holders. Thoje who are operating such enterprises are doing so for the purpose of making money, and when they find that a draw ing is impossible they resort to postpone ments, or even worse, to compromise. This has had its influence in destroying public confidence, and many are prone to unhesitatingly condemn all such enterprises as being alike. But the Gilt Concert to be given in Moberly, Mo., on tbe 31st day of July, unlite many so- called schemes, has for its foundation tbe accomplishment of a very charitable result, and the citizens of Moberly who are conducting the enterprise, and whose honor and reputation and means are pledged to a fair and honorable distribu tion, have no interest whatever, not even to the extent of a salary. They have very uenerously donated their time and their funds to aid one of their fellow-citizens, whom they induced to construct one of the most magnificent hotel buildings in tbe State of Missouri. When the panic came. Mr. McQitaid was compelled to borrow money to complete tbe structure he had begun, which he has done in a style that makes it the pride of the city, and this plan has been instituted to dispose of the property at its actual cost, and the other priz.-s are all there. The people of Moberly aru justly proud ot the thrift and enterprise of their city. Its rapid growth and com mercial interests have characterized it as the "Magtc.City" of Missouri. A priyate fund has been raised to bear the exense of conducting the concert, and the money realized from the sale of tickets is deposited in the city banks to the credit of the ticket holders, so that in the event tbe concert should fail, all money will bo refunded. We believe the people of Moberly will redeem their pledge, and you cannot invest one dollar in a safer enterprise; you are sure to get the benefit of your ticket, though you putchise an unlucky number. For fur ther particulars see advertisement in another column. Moberly Daily Enter prise Monitor. TEN SMART MEN wanted to sell Dr. Naphey's new large Family Medical Work. Situation mauent. Salary or commission. per Two general agents wanted. Address F. L. Stqwe, Pes Moines, Iowa. Fon Sale. A 12001b drop lever cale, Chicago Scale Co. make. A bargain. Address 11. B. Speed. Pes Moines, Ioa. Fou Sale. A new silver tongue organ valued at $275; will be sold at $135. O Address H. B. Speed. Pes Moines, Ioa. Flue Cigar. The attention of tbe trade in railed to the card ol Page & Co., Jobber In line cigar. Dcs Molues. Tnu names of a few ppi-cial brands are Riven, bat they deal entcaalrely lu many oholce brand. Orders solicited. Trunk. Keokuk is becoming a manufactur ing place ot conquerable Importance. Ao-ont; the leading enterpriser or this kind is the lan;e Trunk .Manufactory of George Koliertson. which is turning oat goods equal tu style and durability to the work of any other factory. East or West. We refer the trade to the card of Mr. Robertson. Colorado llortlfmltariat, This Is a quarter ly periodical for tbe horticulturist and gardener, published at Ureeley, Coloralo. at if cents per vear; or with aurem.um of a plant of the -Hocky Mountain Ited K&spberry," and a packet of "Wild Cucumber Vine seeds," SO cents per year. Send 5 cents for specimen copy, to Foster & Co., Pub lishers, P. O. llox 330. Ureeler. Col. Croquet nad Chlralrle. There arc Improve ments tor 1873, in Croquet and Chivalrle. The West t Lee Game Co., of Worcester, Mass., an nounce for this year Croquet with patent ornt mental wickets and candle sockets, so that la the erenlng the grounds may be lighted where the lluht is needed. In the more intellectual game of Chivalrle also, they annour.re Improvements. See their advertisement la another column. Choice Poultry. In another column we give i.l ace to the card of Edward Fester, of Kenico, N. Y., the celebrated fancier of poultry. lie has the choicest strains cf Hamburg, Polanns, Leghorns, Brahrau, Brotro Turkeys, 4c His reputation is a sufficient guarantee tot choice fowls. Write him for price list. Choice Vegetable Plaats by Mall. In an other column that veteran aad noted gardener, 8. Gray, Esq., of Norwalk, Ohio, gives notice that he will send by mail the celebrated Kaosu mond Sweet Potato at only 63 cts. per 100. The choicest varieties of cabbage and early tomato plants cent at low rates. 4cc card and write him. We know him, and he does a he says. Berkshire figs aad Light Brahma. We call attention to tho card or Sprlcgcr Urothcis. Springfield. III., the most extensive breeders of Berkshire Pigs and Light Bran mas in tne West. Their pigs sre of the best English strains and recorded fa the American Berkshire Swine Asso ciation Record. Wc know them as tbe most courteous and reliable firm wo ever did business with. Victor Scale Co. One ot the large and sne cesslnl manafactoriag establishments of the west Is that of the Victor Scale Co., of Mollno, 111. They are maaufacturine railroad, etocc. coal. warehouse, dormant aad portable scales of every size, and warranted superior in quality and cor rect. Fhe Company have an oSlee ia Dcs Moines at the agricultural warehouse of N. T. Vorse, where a full line of their scales Is always kept on hand, J. H. Mead being agent. See advertise meat ia this paper. IVmltry Raisers, AtteaUea The -real try Record. Among the various periodicals de vote, to poultry, the "Poultry Record" stands tie-ealaeat. It is a btautifaJly illustrated monthly magnxine, exclusively devoted to poul try; ably edited, aad only obo dollar per ear. It treats of diseases of fowls and their remedies, and tells you how to make poultry profitable. It will pv GOSper ceauoa the rUbscrlptloB price in one issue. The Illinois Poultry Association en dorse it, See prospectus la aaother colama aad subscribe. C. W. Beaten, Esq., of Farmlsgton, in., is tae eoiior. - The Fever aad Agate ttoraw la fever aad ague districts, the "shakes" of the coatmuaity, at the time wfeea QuUiue was la vogue, were sometimes summoaed to their doses bv taesoucd of ahem: hut since DauWaLKSJi's Vbbbtablx Vncne am Brrruaa nave superceded th it dangerous drug as a'speciSc for iateraitteat aad remittee nvers. ao suca ressedy is meeded. Tee ska cease ot their owa accord fur that atchlesa remedy, Vinegar Bitters, aad la a few dura are eared. This mighty satidete Is literally extugulehteg periodical levers, dyspepsia, aad hUlieue earn plaints, throughout the leasnh aad hroadth of the OPIUM litaprnB Beeedlrr cored bv DB. BBCTTB euly known aad saie Bsaaedr. mSP C r- . .. . i i JSW IW uam cureo. uau om er aumi pf. j.c.ng.113 ; it,Btia 1'dweU'sSter WJ Pimps Waaktpa lrm Tmm pe. Wnrtl-Te-TTSvrTnblnf;. Kmutst thesneref CIGARS. BB I tMlafiaia? --h.T Tl dMEMLA taeydoasOm tawuu.arwillaM ' p settaaat Car jsa.aeael eireet JhMUMaactefT. Canliifuse aad uriaw J P;wauAueaaaa'karloaia JuRRjgg J.F.It)Wuirwiraaaue)aa,Dl leMawte FINE -wF-WJlAli aMtauaflMf; -?JM--. esaeT' j m. MUtUl OF JUHSPWDEKCE AKD CO-OPgJUTIOJ or m PATBOSS OF UUSBAMIHtT. Br A.B. Smsdky, Master of Iowa Grange. faMUhed by Ge.Wsa. Jeers. tMcm et JVst s lTWpsrDes Motaes, Iowa. SM pages, heuad la cloth. By saaU, poets re prepaid ft as per copy; by express or Srlgt, la peck ages of five or merr. f LBS per eepy. Oepatles aad Masters are earnestly requested to rail the attention ot taeir respective Uraagee tit this book. Mad tor copy at eaee. BOOKS.!?? i Waat-ueuuT feed Pai iLawKolliag Prairie. IVKKV FA MIL. a' WAMTttiT. Moaey la It. -So.'dbyActs. Address M.N. Lovau-Erie. Pa, UM Kegtoau Book aad map suldV Uoodspeed Pa bow leasy. mutieita can DS ensuing ssoue. cttcage. VgAm FOR UATLN.-Lirtu fira -1-i 1L50 Dcr dotca. Call. Breaee Turkera. Call. Breaee Turkera. HM for. . - .. .m... .. .-1 r. r. ia i iuk. jsorns, iaa. .. .m... .. .' Kv. OlCK JSNcVCLUPiCUlA OF seat KB-CB1PI-8 and PROCESSES. Price fsV neat free or postage. Soeclmea Index reatfrre. DICK PlTZGKKALD.pablIbcrs.oJ3ABBU.X Y C.B. LltlXLICY. Martinsville. Moraau County InL. breeder of Poland China Hoc and Uht Brahma Chickens. ET"Plgs, chickens and eggs for sale. PURE, BRED FOWLS. so eggs fee hatching. Send sti KOttSALE. Alllhe eadlux varieties : al- etrrs fee batcning. ecna stamp tor liiustraieu Catalogue aad Price List. Address WM. K. STITT. Columbus. Wla TTAMUUmOS. Polands. Spanish. Leghorns, XX Cochins, Moudans. Brahmas. Bantams, Bronae Turkeys. Ibtucn and Aylesbury Ducks. EbwABDFggR.Kcnslco.Wctchcicrco.. ? Y. MILKING OK COWS bow made easy, also time saved, by a simple, cheap end durable contrivance. Enclose stamp 'or circular to F. WKAY. State Center. Iowa. AUKNTH WAMTKU lor our Pictorial Fam ily Itlblee, 1U UluttrotiOM. and other publications Extra Inducements. Address, fur circulars, CO-OPBKAT1VB BIBLE PUB. CO., Moscatluc. Iowa, SI80 PKOPIT on a capital olsXso. Mew pal ent. Agents wanted and territory for sale. For circulars, addresa R. LAWYER, patentee, f.ttsbnrg. Pa RICH SILVER MINSC worth 976.B90. Third interest for gM.eeo. Map and book ), with views and ore S3. Stamp for details. J. M. 11RADKORD. Georue'own, Col. BtotaerIaUeaeLJ Bcnwrceior.BiamM. Address eprf Caw, Clmrlut II. . MONKV SAVED IS MONEY EARNED and Bl.OO will buy moru Garden and Flower Seeds ol tl. W. Oles than of any other acaier In tho United State. Prime seed, crop of 1871, and are all genuine. (. W. OI.KS. Plymouth. Ind NOUTH TEXAS. Half Million Acres Texas La for sale. Send for our Land Journal. J. J. ALSTON A CO.. Pari;, Texas, VEGETABLE i'LAXIS A SPECIALTF. CABBAGE, TOMATO aid SWEET POTATO now ready. AUo small fruit plants, sunt by mall or express. Serd for price list. T. II. McCULf-OCU. Monmouth. Ill rtfuMtAKYLANL rARMH, li. tncls from tPao to 300 acres. Near railroad and navl gable salt water, (with all Its luxuries) In Talbot Co., Md. Climate mild and healthy. Title good. Pamphlet and Mp. h wlng location, free. Ad dress C. E. SHANAUAN. Att'y. Esston. Md. lies Mm! at Meant Ueiler V Ima Wwrka. McDonnell meara, prep. Office and works, corner Plrt St. and Oouri. A v., EAST DES MOINES, IOWA. Orders by mall or telegraph promptly attended to. NUUUKt! NO PAT! Ir. Of. BtAX, Kotitb Cla St Chlcairo. may be coiinOontlal consulted on Chronlo and Nrro Dlnease. Cures warranted, til liooLr. -Jtrated. sent for Se re cer SI0to?20J An article which fetalis at per day! AGENTS WANTED One Dollar sent tm receipt ot Fifty cents. Or, a ccnfideulIM circu lar tent on receipt of a three cent stamp. Address .1. II. BARKER k. CO.. Blutnun, Wells Countv. Ind. BUILDING FELT This water-proof mate ria), resembling line leath er, is for outside work (no tar $btttint($ und) and Inside, Instead of plaster. . Felt carpeting, etc. Send pies. C.J. FAY. for circular and saui iwsnrn, n J . DAMAGED WIRE. 1VK HAVE FlFrY TONS RUSTY WIRE. w Number 9 gauze, suitable fur Fenrlne purposes aad Railing Hay. Price, FIVE OEM'S PER POUND. For lots of nun ton or more, a liberal dlseouat will be mado. EGAS A BOWERS, 38 Dearborn street. Chicago. Ill- 1855. 175. 126 PIANOS, 257 ORGANS, From 15 different fac tories. Small Uoods. Sheet Mnslc VAX METER & GUEST, Successors to Laage ft Yta Meter, Wholesale and Retail Dealers. BURLINGTON. IOWA. Pianos for $150 and upwards: Organs for T5 and upwards; Gui ars, ft; Violins, $1; Zithers fit; Accordeons.$2.50; Banjos 3JS: Piano Covers K: Organ Covers, $3: best Italian Violin Strings 33c Best plaa sua terms to dealers ever of fered. Write for term aad price. Can's INSTANT INK POWDER FOR schools, offices, farmers and all wanting aa Instant and always reedy Ink. One box will make a pint of lleat Black I ah In Sve min utes. Ink rinie from this powder will not spoil by freezing. E. R. CAKY. wholesale druggist Des Moines, Iowa, agent. One box (to make one pint) mailed to any address, postpaid, for 35 cents : f 1 35 per doxen. CARPENTER BHEKHsUf . " Wftslesale an. mpAQ Retail Dealers In lrL)9i Club rates given, and will duplicate Eastern prices. To the Grangers we offer special rales. Send for circular and price lists. Address CARPKNTKR A MUKRMAN. 4 Mala nu. Keokak. Iowa. NANSEMONO POTaTP and Cabbsee Dlaat. Sweet Potato Dlauta.br mall, postpaid, eta. per 10: exareru, $3 per 1.000:5)00. U. Xarly Cabbage. 50 cts. r iuu; II per i.uuu. irrumueaa ana rat uaica. wo, fS. .Early Tomato, 30 eta. per doxen. Packed to carry long diitaacea. S. OKAY. Korwalk. flnron Co., O. TUB POULTRY KECOKI. A beautifully lllcstrated Moathly Magazine, deroted excloalvely to Poultry. OxltOjti Dob UlM a Yrax, postpaid. Treat of disease of fowla aud t hel r remedies. Tall you how to make Fonltry proiublu. JSndoraad by tb- Illtcol oultryAsaoclatijBaaTHBWtaTrociTBT rarsa rcsLisHKo. Sead tea cent for a sample copy C.W.I1KATO.. Farmlagtoa, III. C AN C B Cars! bjr Dr. BmaaPa DlaauTary. Semedie. with full urettoa.eat ta aay part of the world. Sead forpaatahicta aad particu lars. AddreM H.T.B05D.M. Ii., Pesuaylvaala Caacsr Iaatltute. 1S19 Chtaut Street. PhHadeluhU. P. LOUGHBAN UILLlS BUILD AKD mXPAIK N XV. TBSBSHltKS. RKAPXBS. Me. Faeaaryaad atarhlf Saoa, eeraer Lecuat am Preat Streete, - OSS Jf OIXSS. IOWA. A HOOK FOR THE MILLION J A rrf ar CmW I GUIDE. mmj.mtbft' Mi rva f ri !HBUht r kx - aw.at aat lie) ci ri c troifrVfft h W. !) FAJtMJUS." pji.im.ffigeb m jy'Jjf STEIi ERG NES UD N IEBS GRAIN 1 ATORS. MunlmMB. ua aerSisitt-iwlsiirsrni4Tiv,re ie aissiwsl'it.e. 1tjiMlwmt(rtiraSaf mii iii m sii !. sltn'.lssyslMlanii IUrt -tsMrHieeiiiliWiirr1nw;iaKI SWttlrTJ(efact-arr.tietiitilii If it li t 3 . FpuCewPetir, aderte l kTS Pwthfle '' amflfced. aad -imi lauTraau 1111 maalarT t U. J.SA9LW, -liSt tti ftfe MMfeSMt JBfBCA. TiBB tore OM. ? ii,,""--- tu S!irr"" "'" xaa masuuv wsawws ..- ..... i m mrHB ejja vjs; ?t "" ' BaaaTwiem jaMuami.....--.-.j-.. mM iafa Caiadal uueafea W aear fcae aar aBayear M lirtlac in uaij war EST lai ! i fc iW kftam. .Hciurauy. ansm - Croquet and Chivalrie for 1875. two oFni ftni LAWK OAMSM rmOQUKT wkh Patent Oraamea'al Wlckrts aad Caudle U ? jlu !f . Usay other kind. The post ot the wicusU ere ot hard woJ. wlib awtst '- 2tf, ets : thry are sere raawilyeeea la the dim twilight. aa4 set tnaty I tbe ? JX,tT sockets eaahle oae to light u the Crequet ground, cc Ux&t btfu aa it i Jte4. ia tt fS trrAT O r5 has bees creatly lattrovrJ orrr last yrar la many esseatltl H"K JEM.M.1MJJLMU at the same tlavs reduced la prU. Tbe feteat from Croauet. aad asecA . t- ... received asuiriua oftrstlmealsls Jerrasu aartleewbo Pnce lists, with rules far utevlag both gum, MtTBCATIXK AD KNTsV aOaflT Proprietors Maaumcterrr of Farm Wtesl Mills, sues, rarklag Hexee, Ac Crtittinl job work solicited. Maseatlae Ptaalag aal Fee! Mill. w.t xisjc. I Cor. of Mulberry aad Keoad St., c. w. Abbott, f MUSCAT! K, IOWA. We are agent f.-r a pump made expressly tor wind power. GEO. W. DIJU-WAY, Importer and Dealer la Crockery, Glassware, Chioa, Fancy Ware, Sliieware, looting Glasses, Cutlery, Sc. No. ;ai Scored St , vv.'R. PTTTor:. Superintendent. .M V4C ATlNst, IOWA. s. k. lKm-K. Secretary ud Treasurer. Hucitiie -UnficUriif Csijaij P. if H., xaNurAcrcKxas or Flows, Cultivators- FARM AND SPRING WAGONS, Suvcloa, c-bo. MUSCATINE. - - - - IOWA. Capital Stock. Fifty Thouaxnil liullarm. Owned snd controlled by the Patrons of lias bandry. Onr object l to manufacture and soil al as low price ait first cU Implement ran be sforded. Send for price list. AMENT 4 BRO., JJannlaclurcrs of FARM AND SPRING WAGONS, Fine Buggies, Carriages, 4c. Opposite Court llouc. Mf.HCATINK, IOWA Always on hand, wholesale and retail, nr cele' iiWag.Bs! THK IIKST IN TIIK WEST. 925.000 HOTEL ONE DOLLAR Tour $5,000 Prizes ! $12,500.00 inJCish Premiums! Muberlr itt Concert Association. A.T. 1I1SSRL. tleoeral Manager. w-The Mebrrw ill It Cnaeort Aasoclatlun will civc a Oraiiil Concert at MOHKKI7Y, MO., JVL 'M, 187.". 75.O0O Tlrkft to b sulil at arli, uam- tiered from one to seventy Oveihuanllnelusnr. Ttierzccedim: low price of ticket bringing It within the reach or all; anil will tllttrlbnte to the ticket holder . 7&M Miftft AujMaatiNir to $5700. The following prominent anil well known ctll zeus have been sekctrd to act Doti eoranilttee for thu purpose of supervising tbe Concert, and wnople!K!themselve to guard acainst every t hi D( that is not Just and right to ticket holder, both in tte disbursement nt funds and in the manner of conducting the concert. It Is their duty to Inspect all Uok and records, and 11 at any tlm the rtlalrs are Impropetly condarted, their Indication or the fact will 1 publicly given ; otherwise ttuir guarantee is a stir protection against any possibility of wrong or fiaud. UKMXIUI. SI'I'ElirislNll tONMITTKK Hon. T. I. While. T It. 1'aiton. H A. Martin. Col. W. L. Young, It It. White. II. S. l'rle.i, . 1 Oritllih. COMMtTTKK OK 1iI&L'RMISTS. Will Firth. Wm. Moodr, II. Lnvr. J. L. Wrlht. executive orriceiw. . Th fallowing gentlemen bara content rl to ret and do all In their power lo the following positions. A. T. HltsSKL. Ueucral Manager. P. V. WILEY, General Ticket Agent. W.J. II LLECK. Secretary. Those widely known and soind tlnancial instl tatl'ius, the Mechanics' Saving lUnk.Nntl Avery AWooIfolk. Danker, have lh en setrctid a de p sltoitcs of all Hiuucjs xecclved ftoiu sale ol ticket. llEriREXcz Vonnan J. Colmnn. Llrntenant Governor; Hon. Then. Ilrace, htateticnator; Hon. Wm. Quaylc. iUtpresentatlre; lion. II. M. Purler. memlMTif Constltut local Convention: Hon J. II. Hurknoldrr. Maror of Motxrrlr: Joel hmlth. A. P. Terrlll. City Couocil of the t.lty t Mn'xr ly. Media lc' Savings Hank, Avery .t Wur.lfolk: and for farther reference any bnslncss or irofc. slonal man In the dry of Moherly. THE STtJOEBAKER WAGON Tweity Tears ago the Smallest, To-lay the Largest Wagon Works in the WorM! I'afflog ani adrerttalBC will ool malatain the reputation ot anr m4Baftctured article for any length ot time. If It has not real amarti. Twenty year goe hell! his wamasaysar. To-rfajr ws bniui le.ev. IK went better ertdeace of the superiority of the "Btaaleaaaer SFuDEItAKCrl BKOS. WITQ CO , Kf)LTII BKXI. ISfW. Chicago Scale Co., S W. X-arae m, CMeafw, III 4Tm Hmj or Stock UrmUm, - $mO Allot her aiaee at great redaerlea. All tealeu wrraafsif. PclIaartteularuaeajaawtlMtleii. Bat COtOatAOO alOtf aixf iCErf nuOAaWaailCaVSCuaiiAVIOM. Lv eued M-nerlr. Oa ear Hst ef artmlam 1 ta he feead that deHdeaa wild. Smr Kusfhuwy. (feaaat srewiacat aaaHtaae ef aoAw fet here Ike aea lewaV) kaewa ae the "AVeky Jfeaa raiMtta-WKel Caeaather Ylae, ex- iz i. lfyeaweaM telrrUaf Lsaaaertee-Mrtae ItwlU It wW aear ysa. -Jtacky M fata uleeta, ceeu each : tee M : ffjl aer u-ttd ay meH. Klld Ceeaatawr Viae" aiads. M rear aer i araC ea4 eeate Car imrlt,aatt lata emaaat vrmatiau toe eee Tear fe m crauu far oiia rear. fOaTKB CO. .P.O. hoc Ha. CraaisT.CW. IIOIOI T80KI F1CT01T. filMMK oSUCTS99 PrwfV, Maan-KTaisret-allklaweef T BUN K S ! teas. iowa. JVLOJN GT TO IOA ZV IOWA. r 59H75W l- llaHxTAJs. UJW KrEaaHjPhaaw lr" .rTmjt. Mt F aTvlflTHaalIPa aarartaafaaaeaeaeBaaaay. KVaTK OFrKRRB TO TM rCRtJC.1 tHjrolih itst qit W I'1 .. ii j.w um ttuieeut aru it' I. ' bate boa jut the se.cWMUagU very lgly iiuiaeai uu sen. . - . .- l -.., fc.a wtll be rarauueu oa aueu. Dr. J. Walker CalifcmU Via- euar lUttern aro a purely Vegetable jireiaratlon, m.ttlo chlclly from luo na tive herb found on the loiter ranjrea of tho Sierra Novntlamountaioaof CaHrbr ina, tho medicinal proerticjt of whklt nro extr.ictoJ therefrom without tho nso of Alcohol. Tho oucatroa ia almoet dally akcd. ''What U tho causo of tho unparalleled success of Vinegar Hrr tkks f " O-r aiusu cr U, that thoy removo the cause of ducaso, and tho patient re covers lus health. They aro tho great blood purifier ami a lifo-givlnt: principle, a petlcci Kenovator and Invigorator of tho system. Nci'cr licforo in tho Imtnry of" tho wurKl 4vi a medicine len coiuKititulrtl pofuteMiti tho rctnnrkablo ttaJilie of V.Ki.tK IIirTKtt.'i in hrAliujr tho nek of every Jim-ami nun i heir to. They aro it petitln 1'urpattvo as well as a Tonic, relict it'). Collocation or Inilnmcutioti of the Liter nit.1 Visceral Organ, lu lUltons l)t.;jKi. The ropTtiis of Diu Walkkk's Vt.vcdAR ilirriR.t are Aperient, luthorrtle, Canninalire, Xntritioua, Ixaurc. uiaretlc, Swlative. Cou:ur-lrrtum, SuJonfie, Altera live, an J Anti-HtlH-u4. It. II. .MrUtXAI.Il .W t'O.. DruintUt and Cm, Ac., San KriicU', tdjtmii, atkd er uf V(vJilniflm and l"hitliH Si N. V. SsM tiy all ItrNKKlXi ant IKaUn. VICTOR SC1LE CO. JT-5. " V " X MANCrACTirilKUH OK VICTOR SCALES ! IN'CI.UDINO Railroad, Stock, Coal, Ware house, Dormant and Portables, All SiSBOal. E7ERY SCALE! ARRANTED. Arrangement" hnvp liren mad hereby a lull lino nl Uu Victor Krai- kept on baud at N. T. Vors s Agricultural Warehouse. ! Mirtnr. Iowa. Por further particulars addtn VICTOR SCAI.K CO.. Mollae, 111.: or Vktor Scale OfMre, leu ole. Iowa THE TAYLOR Hay & Grain Rake. . at do of season of !7. This Hake has Leea In u Ivrn vesr. an. is IP$afc leXmf e Cl5 yL i STk.vrr- jQJbFjtl -V. "wAV " .BPlf THf aF irM------------------F T. I M RllLJSflf' Jf LPsPK W n iMSGhp) I?Ww,PmBh ciwiHryu- ---w-----------------S--Pyy 00.000 In TTaoS ba taken over One Tttttaaad PlfutT i'HK MIIMH at fairs and fleld In.U. It I the fct aa4 Mnt JVrfct ak mtarr, Ml;. v - Send fr Drscrlptlv Circular sad Prlos I.lt. Manafcturcd only br A. A Abbott fc Co . Chicago, I'l.; V.J. Wliit&ma A Cou. Duuujfl: Khogrt, Llnngr A Wcl, Council Muff. gn ral asent tor Iowa.1 CAUajrrasB anr raise R. B. PALMER'S Star Well Aiigor. PaccatHMjsr&lCIL riM( Wama, Qm t afaap 9entst HI nswff. feteVrelfi WTutt U I HfiwitrA (4 lUmttma Tir&ngk llenti iXo iftc At It S tot et.rt ad rart prrOrt W ,'! Awrer ever I ur tnUsa Owlaart-Uiera4trr'-lrriMlMr tlmm4 rrwro tfir mVsattctnry Irutn (, lUMdgua taCMen, I'u. wUrrnnf are av raJPy9 rfuerrdl'tfll mtt order rattiT. . KioHKrrTrrriuoyiALa rraatcsrau. Hefttrm Istnrtiat la mnf Ker Aatsm. mr tar per sew i rmrtM ;aiaej'fcr "87jftWELLiL'.EftCfV' ae.ava aeata caaal ar caaaae, m. A FORTUNE FOU 1 Wyaau ateeXhly 1911 etAwUerttfsfm aet 0U4 IsfUielCr Ticket fleacJ.Mfrrf. OaeeaeaMi'vrvery. rilta ExtraartHMrj Bwtlm. Z T r ! a 9l9-a Cue rrtee of SWe 1 Caas rrtae ef ... x.ij 1 Ch friew mt mmmmm m m r wv. ......... .. ... . w 515 Caati Prlz amoBsUsjf to $350,000 The tret txtrrda-ry Drawler was ret4d orrr hy 04. Patrick. Pree't e Bra rf Trad. The areead by Oeveraor Jaaaee. Third Vr TOkt Xrider. TheU9nkt,fJm4na.l'rfe twaVaate. lrawa eeerjr am Oae. Ageate waai-C Liberal ear. Woe fsfl pertlc alars ad far Clrestar. Alde ta Wsuaarr. 'Ja. PATmC. I era le CHy. Wy J. Ji.aramie (.-try UMtte uatea a-virmsa. aetwe Cerre aad Ordee. FISH , NETS! Mead Car Bttaa aata. All e. LMiimiB Jhort motetUl. Heady , a, Seeu. aeey . .-.. w KCBOLPS A CO.. Bt. Uim, la. Highland Stock Farm OaTJaCaiKaT. Wf IX CO, 1VU. OaClt.dcY.B.Usaalie 9oe4h of Caie rTflnfardcHHBH tm Trv-np!i-T- mim m . r tmm aullKI MBoSk MhtenMnel Wat Ttt. v h 0- - -.?"JsSiaw4, mais-1- r A-jJ.Avyi j. 'fc V j, iS'- i.e'rs,- e.. , IX t .,.J 1 &- ?tt&L i5ij:. ??-4