. wS! tzm&a C -- i H iWiin -w it.fi. i sis'fssir!s' i" gaHHfcyt1-,-,'''"1''ll',''''''''gaM.I I. ll'Jl HUM .!. -f 1L ' - . - -" -" 3 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorney at Law. T- R. WILLCOX. J. 3. GILUAM. Willcox & Oilhaiu ArrOHNEYS AT LAW, Will Praciice in nil the Courts of the State. ST Collection Pioniptly Attended to OFFOE IN PO T OFFICII BUILDING. fiei Clottd. Neb. h.SKALEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, kOTAE7 PUBLIC AND EEAL ESTATE AOSNT, 7?f Chtn1 NtbranJca. County Superintendent of Public In struction. fcobb.. Marqubtt & Moore, LAWYERS, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. One ofui will l in attendance at each term of tho District Court of tho 8evenl tountica in the ltcimblicau Valley. 2 1 If. UOWKN. JAS. LAIRD HOWE $i LAIRD, Att'neys at Law AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Will practice in all the Courts o the Slate. JUNIATA 17ZB5ASKA Real Estate Agents, &c. Xf. N. RICHARDSON, J. A. TULLEVS Richardson & Tulleys, SEAL ESTATE & COL'CTINS AGENTS Will buy and sell Ural E-t.te on Coimiih inH. anl pay taxes fur nun-rwiilciitA. Special attention Kivcn tiirollcctwnp. Cor rc."iMi:i(lcrioc ,olicito"l. A'l Ittlrry of inquiry. or on liufinc jnomjitly .tntfwcrcu. RED CLOUD. - - - - NEB. IK IT. Freeman, I J CM I ATA, NEB. Buys anil sella Western Securities. ttfSrhnnl Hands a Specialty. Real Estate Dealers, ULOO.MINUrON - - - NEB Have crnt"ntl fralo ft lanro quantity of cliiu Liinds in Southern r.ibra.ka. . VW-1 buy niiil re I lin;l n Commission and !'' "J'.iios 'or nn rtMilcnii. BJtr At cntion alo civen to thoiroe;n- li ri o' :il! cbmii Iirfore till local nn.l ceneral I Lmul Othci'S. and bcorcl.iiy of the Int rior. 4 iovertonHouse CLOY ERTON. NEBRASKA. W. wii.lso.w Proprietor vfcod Stable., Good Bed.-, and Stiuar3 Mcik, at Reason .b!c Hates. JTIic Patronage of the Travelling Pub lic, lit .peer fully Solicited. Ilea Gl de House. fled Clod, Nebraska. IB.9.SXL. - - - Proprietor. looil Mlakle In Connection with (he IIO I' .HE: This hotel has been refitted and refurnished throuchout. Counne-cia1 Men. Railroad Men ntl nil parlies vi-ilinjf Rod '"'oud. Hill find imi'l accoinraoiiauons atuus iioici. VKHV &FED J. D. POST, Proprietor. ITavinB fitted up a -ante Stable r prepare ktall times to furnish room and feed for team jfcreryritroon short notice. Stable west of tie valley House, BV A. B. HAJMTER. at the Billiard Flail, Red Cloud. "Slaving, Shampooing and Hair- Jutting in the highest stylo of the irt. 1'lu !llxi Meat Market. MARK H. WARNER, Has jfi?t opened a Meat Market on Vnlwtpr TWreet. next door south ot ?trk'u Shor Ship where he will keep id sell fresh meats oi au Kinas. IGHEST .MARKET PRICE PAID F08BEEF CATTLE, HOGS, AND HIDES. ledCltud. - - -i- Neb. - i ' 6EORCE ZEISS, Ines & Xiiquors CIGARS, . Ilielng, Smtking, Ttfctccf IANNEJ) FJIUITS ' OF ALL KINDSi ArfD bosEcnoNEKi A Specialfy. " k Frnah LagerBeerfior " rilerpr" ewery, eontIy on haMJb REP)IX)UD, NEB. HOHCEOPATHIG PHYSICIAN U. S. PENSION SURGEON. Office 3d door Soutl of Court Houe. Sesidanea On )& last of Sei.Clcui Watchmaker It Jeweller, SZD CL0T7fi,WSS3TZI COTOTT, VB. JmTPrticulnr attention given to Re pairing Fine Watches and Sii'fiicthn Guarantied. t R. WILLCOX, N JTARY PUBLIC. Conveyancing and all other Notarial Business will receive prompt attention. i&"DepoMtions promptly and corw Iy taken. AddrcM, RKD CLOUD. NK1WASKA. Republican River STAGE -LINE. T. T, WIBS, Propri;tcr. Regular trips will be made between JUNIATA and RED CLOUD, I shall be pleased to carry passenger upon the days mentioned, leaving Re Cloud at 6 A M on Mondays, Wcdnc (lavs and Friday.". Leaving Juninta at fi a. m., on Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturdays. Fare reasonable. HAMPTON" RALSTON- Red Cloud. Having leased the Wagon and Black -miith bhop, lately oceunied by Ira Sleeper, are now prepared tb?'do every ihing in the line of v - WAGON-MAKING AND BLACKSMITHING, WAGONS, BUGGIES, AG III CU LTUUA L 1M 1'LKM ENTS Repaired on bhort notice and in a Workman-like manner. WAG0N3 AND BUGGIES MADE TO ORDER. HAMPTON & RALSTON. RED CLOUD MILLS. NATIVE LUMBER Constantly on hand. All kinds of DIMENSION LUMBER. SHEETING. FENCING, AND BRIDGE PLANK. All bold Cheap for Cash. Call and examine lumber and prices. " 7lTScITaED FREE ! I Any person sufferinK from tho above dis ci. U reiucUl to addrcs l)r. Price, and a' triil Itottlu of medicine will bo forwarded by Expres. FREE! The only oost being; tho Express charges, watch orm to my large business, are small. Dr. I'rico h.w miulo tho treatment of FITS OK EPILEPSY a study foryeirs, and he will warrant a cure by the mo of his remedy. Do not fail to send to him for a trial bottle: it costs nothing, aud ho . WILL CURE YOU, no tcnttcr of how loatc standing; ynr caw may be. or how- many utaw Dmedics nay' have failed. Circulanaad testimonials sent with FKEE TRIAL DOTTLE Be particular to give yonr Express, as well. as your msi I'lncc direction, ana Address, DR. CIIAS. T. TRICE. 67 William Street, now York .A. DAY! DAY! ! WELL AUGEfi ! Having obtained theageacy for tbe Sutc of Nebraska for . .. OWIUSCILEBRATtD'WtLL SOUKCl 1ACHDTHT. And provided o-araekes with f rat class machinery for making WeSs, we take this method of solicitta orders front all who seek water sapply. Wareprepanatesik wattt witk ih -at-osUpeed.aaaiaantirf-mtorTaaaaar. .ijrflrai m& ker ataI take im.txf efcawre for Work. n Beiw tke dary MtaoriMi 'aMits tot tkk State, we offer CoBBtr.Twaikiv. wad iadi- Tiaaai newsier sue. SPLENDID BUSIKHS FOR A SMALL CAPITAU $25 a Day GHtrrts)t4 Mh ftitWtH Amsmt OWENMONTGOMT. J j a T & t su m.m-f zwmx. i THE RED CLOUD CHIEF RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. LOCAL MATTERS. Nolicnin this ColumnlO Cents a Jam Fir Salt. The Meat Market at Red Ckwi. Thia is a good chance for a mas with iijpall means to secure a good location. Tb building and what belongs there to, together with the good will, is of- fcjrredtreiy cheap. Inquire at this office. t(l- Arrlvfti 4 tiZpuwtm f MmUm Irui iMe Urn loa4 r. . JuKtAYA Leaves Monday's Wedacwlay'8 and Friday 7 a. m. Mail closed 9 p. m. Arrives Toe day Thursday and Saturday' 7 p. m. Harvard Leaves Tuesday's and FridavV 6 p. m. arrives Tuesday a and Fnday'a 5J p. m. Mail closed 51 p. ni. Franklin, g'rftig east, Monday's and Thurwlay'8 2 p. m. Going weat Tuesday's and Friday's 10 a. m. Pleasant Hill leaves Thursdays 6 a, tu. Arrives Wfcd&esday'a 4 p. m. Mail closed 9 p. u; Jkwrll. Kansas, arrives Friday's 12 in. Leaves Friday 1 p. m'i RcstfKL, Kaesas, arrives TharsdayV 12 a. in. Leaves Thursday 1p.m. Office open from 4 untill 6 p. m. Sundays. All registered matter mn9t be in the evening before the mails leave. M. B. McNirr, P. M. CUtlCH DIRECTORY. CONGREGATIONAIi CHURCH Services eyery 6rbt and third Sab batffsof each month at Red Cloud and Inavale. 7 o'clock P. M. at Red Cloud. 2 o'clock P. M. at In atilc.' Every second and fourth Sabbaths at Batin and Harmony Precincts. Rev. A. Maxwell, Pastor. BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Titos. MnXLOW, Pastor. Services every fourth Sabbath at 7 P. M. Sauiiath Sciiool every Sabbath morning at 10 I. M. J. Q. Potter, Supt. Prayer meeting Sabbath and Thurs day evenings. All held at the school house just north of town, sin Willcox & Gillham. nave for sale choice tracts of Iaedj and good claims. All letters of- inquiry answered promptly. NO. 1. ' 160 acres deeded land, miles cast of Red Cioud. SO aeres good bottom grass land, balance smooth upland prairie, well watered. A bargain. NO. 3. A good claim of SO acres, four miles from Red Cloud, south of the liver. Timber and water. NO. 4. 1G0 acre 3 miles from town. 100 acres bottom, CO acres level upland, a .pring on each 30 ; a running .stream through the quarter, 40 acres improv ed, a log ham-c 15x18, 15 acres wheat, 1 0 acres oats, 1 0 acres corn. One-half the small grain and all the corn crop will be ecrld with the land if sain is made in shtty days. One cow, 2 plows, 1 harrow, 1 span horses, harness and wagon, and 2 cultivators. HO. 5 Nwi 34, 3, 9, filing ; 30 acres under plow, a good well, dug-out stable 16x 45, hewed log house 16x20. Cheap. i vn "A house and let in Guide 4 A' V Ue Rock. Very cheap. NO. 7. 160 acres 4 miles from town. Fif teen acres brokenrlays well. Will, be sold cheap. For further particulars call on or address Willcox & Gilltiam, RED CLOUD, - - - NEB. FAUC FOB SALS. A splendid farm for sale abont six miles southwest of Red Cloud. 45 acres under cultivation, 30 acres in small grain, and the, rest in com. Timber .and water -on the laird im abundance, Will also sell with farnt' one span of mules, one cow. and all' the necessary farming implements to carry on a farm. Deed will be given to purchaser if de sired. Good school advantages and axteBsive range fof stock. North wea t it Sec 33, town 1, range Jl weat For further particulars call at this' J6fcron J.C. Wolfe atwisphoa. ' 2T,STBAYX2ttlTtJlBr. Front town 3, rang 9, Sec 12, tWnight of May 16th, owe spaa ef males, dark brown; when lost toi halter on. Any informtfon famished will.be well rewarded. Direct awdt information to G. W. Ewaas, Maeoa, Fraakmt couaty, Nek 40tf Mlia mm aatavetW v From Se. 18. tows 1. nan 13 ail: MUek two-year-old Mey w4 m marts. Aay isfmatien wiM he wl rewarcac tt TirftniroranatiaM JLMrBtnjtkaw, Bwerton, RankhwtX, NtiT Camai iWrfUrky ww W iU -. able sow adaya, if yo BhmeeVevwaamKami a aa knew - Ktchiag qweks is aH MwjamoactWSeyr H i vTi. Jf 'fe Look for Ira Sleteer'aaaw ad. ia' -tit' , 't """w mj ' j-r A QRAWD CELEBRATION TO BE HELD ON THE 3rd Day of July ! PnUxbary ICeetiaz Hall 2s9s2a7 Zrniaf. v The citiaena of Red Cloud met pur suant to fiotice, in Sbercr's store at 8 o'clock p. ai., Tuesday the 2nd intrt. Mecting was called to order by Rev. A. Maxwell. On motion it wai aecided that we ce'ebrate the 3rd day of Jcly In th5 village of Red Cloud. MewrsE. T. Fern, J. li MilKr, Rufus Miksch, II. G. Bill. Ed. Kel logg, and J. C. Warner were elected committee of arrangements. Messrs A. Maxwell, J. A. Talleys, and W. N. Richardson, were cho.en committee to procure speaker. Mark H. Warner was chosen Mar shal of the day, and Mat hew Stratum, of Guide Rock, Deputy Marshal. A. M. Hardy, of Guide Rock, was elected President of.the day-J. Q. Potter of Red Cloud, Geo. Knight, of Inavale, R. B. Fulton, of Walnut Creek. N. Haney, of Batm, T. C. Laird, of Oak Creek, William Thorne, of Harmony, and T. J. Ward of Still waterVwere elected Vice Presidents. Chaplain of the day. A. Maxwell. M. B.' McNitt, 11. G. Bill, and J. Q. Potter, were appointed a commit tee' to secure music. J. 0. Warner, Luther Mick, M. B. McNitt were appointed a committee to solicit fund?. J. S. Gilham, E. II. Jones and J. R. Willcox, were appointed committee on programme. Meeting then adjourned to meet on Monday evening, June 7th, at tho School House, to make other arrange ments. We ought to feel highly favored. There ha been no rain along tho Mis soar river lately. The Lincoln Journal advises us "western counties" to wait and see "how grasshoppers pan out" before miking; arrangements for Fourth of Ju'y. 'That is good advice. Suppose if there is no hoppers here by tho 3rd, we can theu get ready and celebrate. 17 " .. Set the Best ana Cheapest. The Reed Breaking Plow is the best and cheapest. You can find them at the Poet Office. Last Tuesday evening thero was a social hop in Geo. Zeiss' new building. Everything passed off pleasantly, with good music, and plenty of ice cream and other refreshments. We, have heard several remark that it was as pleasant a gathering of the kind, as they ever atteuded in Red Cloud. There wero several of the "boys" over from Juniata. Notice Ira Sleepers new' ad. in an other column. He sells machinery cheap. Carl Wi ber has opened a confec tionery Shop in one of his buildings west of the LaCledc House, and has everything fixed up in good shape. Boys go and take your girl and have a nice dish of Ice Cream. We understand from bear-say that a couple of "roosters"' and their "dar lings" stopped at the Valley House a few evenings since, and that one of them got married. He didn't make it manifest to us though. Probably it was modesty on the young man's part, therefore we wont iay anything about it. O. L. Battles, of Guide Rock call ed on Monday. He reports business quite lively in that place. We want all the farmers through oat the county to consider themselves a committee' of one to find out how much grain there is sown in his imme diate neighborhood and send in their report to the Chief, so that we may make an estimate of how much grain of different kinds there is sow in the coanty. This will let the outside world know that we have not been idle this spring. T. T. Webb and wile were in town eTr Sunday. Mr. Webb is proprie tor of the Jaeobaon Howe at Jiaiata,. and reports business brisk in that Hbc. Something for the people. Be careful of yonr poaltry, and do not let yonr fowls stray ef year awn domain, especially jn the eoaairy, for a aiagw tarjkey or chicktn may do notoW" dam age ia a short tima. The foHowlag k a copy of a net aae man received from BMactjpMor: Sir, I have yaarTarkey Gob-, bier in my posatastoa, and .am holding him for damages done by him. Ifjainr $2.00 damages, X wtU please aeme' wp and aay Mid. .charges aad remoV yowr BTOBerty, aad obKfe me ami aareyea troabw time ami ckpeaee. .2" Fom Sals. One yoke 'ot'flee mrfe sevea year'old eattW well brekea aai parfeetry gonad. Gal oar, or ,ad dreea Alex. BataerfbrdKad' Cload Ka r . -SemMtUacawA week ace the BeeAly Irea. mored ee'tle;iaaaV ff?c amwa. weaf ef tew; ihtf aave 414 aeree whtek they aect of jfeKir. K. B. aheraV of eattie ae E2V .TO eawrap aaBaaaaaymFamm nam le da mm jmaaai i flt its' ?J?J " ' tiarV iA 'JwBiiaealmilemW wf am ;. h There will be a big Bowery dance oq Saturday and Saturday eveuiug July 3d. dancing to continence imme diately after speaking. It has b"6en whispered around j among a, few, and talked around among more, that a particular frieud of ours i married, he wodt admit it to ui although others say he y it u a fact, we think the beat thing for him to do would be to quietly ael-em-up. For Kiuie time pait lhe Republi can River has been up so that fisher men have nut been able to betoe. but it is down now and Uucle Jack prom- arises us some fish Saturday. We I'itcaei! io day ttj somethirg that was indeed truly remarkable Master Freddie Lutz has committed the whole of tho Declaration of Inic pendcuc to memo'y, declaiming it te markably well for a boy of such tender years , ucdtulti dly Fieddie will make one of the best speakers of the age iu which be Uvea. Patronize home institution this office needs all the help' our patrons can give us these hard timed. Will the people plea-'o accept my resignation of the office of Marshal of the day at the celebration on the 3rd. of July as there are others more com pctent aud experienced in such mat ters. Mark. H.' Warner. A Most Uit'ful Article in every household is a reiving machine. The Wilson Shuttle Scwingftlacbine com bines in every degred fhc most perfect machine yet invented. It is elegant in finish, simple to learn, runs smooth ly and quickly, aud what i more im portant is the cheepest. The Wilson Machine has received the highest praise from all who have used it, aud stands at the head of all sewing ma chines. Machines will be dcliverd at the nearest Rail road Station to yotir place free of transportation charges, if ordered through the Companies Branch House at St, Louis Mo. They send an elegant catalogue and chromo circular, free on aplication. This Company want a few mere good agents. Notice to -School Boards. To District School Boards: You will nlease take notice that by an act of the legislature, approved f February 125th, it is made the duty ot School District Boards to furnish immediately to the County Clerk a statement of the amount of Bonds heretofore issu-d, and not already paid, the date of ench Bond, the rate of interest, and when aud where it is payable. Yon will make this statement as possible, and unless made in time for the County Commissioners to levy the tax required to pay the interest on your bonds, no tax will be levied for that purpose The" law m'akesit the duty of the C unty Commissioners to levy the tax at the same time other taxes are levied on the fir.-t MondayMn July. By order of tho Board of County Commissioners. . J. A. Tllley, Co. Clerk. Red Cloud, April 7, 1875. 3t 6 - --.- irCorn Planters. Two two-horso corn planters for sale cheap, to close out my stock of Agri cultural implements. 32-tf. M. B. Metfiiiv E STRAY NOTICE. Taken up by the undersigned, on Sec. 20. Town. 1, range 12, on the 18th day Of April, 1575 ; One cow 1 1 years old, color a light red, brush of tail white, under crop in ritcht ear. 35-5w August Pierstorpu. Red Cload, April 20th, 1875. WELLS f WELLS ! 1 All wanting wells bored will do welt to call upon W. W. HARTEf, Inavale, Webster Co., Neb. B&.Good notes taken if desired. 37-3at f OS SALS. One Champion Light Mower. Price $115. Will take stock in part pay. M. B. McNitt. " SHERIFF S SALE. Notice is hereby given that the on-: dersigned Sheriif of the County of Webster, State of Nebraska, will, by virtue of an execution issued by the Probate Court of said county, ia favor of W. N. Richardson, and against John Boesoh and Samuel Gieger, and to him directed at two o'clock p. ro , on the 8th day of Jane, A. D. 1875, at the Co art Hoase, in the town of Red Cloud, in said coanty, offer for sale at public auction the following goods and chatties to-wit : One light ay mare, nine years old, with OBe white hind fort mln niw lumlim'su. on, thimble skein, withoat bor. Taken oa said execatioa aa the pro perty of raid Joha Boeecb. Dated this 27th day of May, 1875. 41-2 H. G. Bill, Sheriff. WOOSITOS! , BeveaceaNk Co., have a large amount of wiod sale in large or email taaotities tf salt. . SCHOOL NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that sealed toaoaals will be reeeived at the oftce. of I. W.Talleys,iRedClowd. aUI the 23thMiy uf May, 1B75. fbr faraish ing taaeerds of wood fbr the. ace of the seWal hoaae ta Dwt No. Worn! ItobeaMwd, fear ftet raOength. ami to be eMtvercei at in' ssefeoel Heaae in RrtJ.Clead, ea er bfWe the let de ef Ja, 187S. j L W. TuLiWra. je-aa . .Betieeai Xetieemharear Thatlwil awwemwaaaFm " Bm"aawal wefaVw aBaVJBT rnVJawJaTV vv eemmeiw af the rrimsjj n maj ' sekoojh ef tha eaaaay. at-mw eeaee laf RfdCWad. i-Seaiara Aamaat. November, rsataaii amt- Vl k- H.a.JLaur, CITY DRUG STORE Red Cloud. Nebraska. MY Drar Sion I la Ttol Cloud. Drurre pore. v Slack i eompIrU. I pro il. motto i qaiek lea aal ruall XAXK Vht too want. . A UK Your tunnn there. SaME To-yoar neighbor. IS yAMK TrtjfOu hare bta mere. Tkcrc any thine ru want. 'Ilia mylLeultrald. l ocr chill alitor. My soothins tyrupthe thin. SUKHEH Cotnpoandf prrKriptloas eorrect Sit i- IW.ll Hon. the City Drue store. SMRKEK IitbeUrgeiiekiBthoailey SJJEKL'lt eoaje and ree lor ) turcli". dire Him a Call JJtfore Purchasing Elsewhtre. SAVE YOUR GRAIN ! By getting one of the IMr.Cormick's latest Improved JflachiHC8. IT HAS THE iiGHT &T DUAFT The best facilities for SAVING Grain, And is acknowledged as being one of tho moat durable nmchiueu ever mauufactuied. For Sale By IRA SLEEPER, Who is agent for these Celebrated Machines iu Webster county. CALL and Examine MACHINES TT .Ilcforo rircuaiinr. KLSliWJIKUXlJ nt'i-td LEGAL NOT Ice. In the District Court of the lot Ju dical District in and for Webster Co., Nebraska. James La Due, plaintiff,' versus Edwin E. Covey, - t C. Covey, j The' defendant in the above action will take notice that the plaiutifT above mentioned did on the 26th day ot April, A. D. 1S75, file his petition in the above named court, setting forth that the said defendant Edwin E. Co vey, is indebted to the said plaintiff for the purchase money of lots four (4) five (5), and six (C), in block five (5) La Due's addition, to the village of Red Cloud, amounting to the sum of forty-five ($45) dollars, with interest from the 22d day of April, A. D. 1874, and that plaintiff claims a vendors lien on lots 5 and 6 of suid premises. Plaintiff asks judgment for the sum of forty-five ($40 dollars,, with inter est from the 22d day of April, A. D. 1 874, and that said lots five and six be sold to satisfy said lien. Defend ants are required to appear and ans wer on or before the 7ih day of June, A. D. 1S75. Willcox & Gilliiam. Att'js for plaintiff. TEETH I TEETH!! Shcrer has a good set of instruments and will extract teeth on short nblidc, and iu a manner that it will make it a pleasure instead of something to be dreaded. Give him a call. Notice. To whom it may concern. All per rons are herby notified that tho M. P. R. R. Company have become tired of this wholesale slaughter upon their timber, in the Republican Valley. And from this time forward we propose to protect oar own interests, and by so doing we think we' shall protect the beet interests of the set tlers, as wgare convinced that there is no timber in .tbo Valley to spare. Especially to be drawn out of the State or cut into lefaber, or in any manner wasted. And we hope all good oiti tzena will consider these matters care fully, and lend as their influence to protect what' timber there maybe left. J. D. LOTIKIDGK, Land Com'r. M. P. Railway. 23m6. SCHOOL LAND SALE. Notice m hereby given that on the LlCCh'day of Jane, A. D. 1875, at the hour ot 10 aT-m., at the Court Hoase, ia Red Cload, Webster coanty, Neb.,. I wiH offer for sale at public auchoo ta the highest bidder anon the terms fixed by the law, the following deserib; ed school wade ia saidctunty ofWeb ster, to-wit: - ,,. T R. Sec 16 aad 36' f north 16 2 nj 36 ff- " nisei 36 - n a)swi36 2 see 16 and 36 3; " see TTand 36 4 swiae16 1 - wj eei 16 1 ir awl 16 K " awUf 1 see 36' 1 J. 'K aaadeerl6 ' 2.. " seel6aml36; . 3. aeelfrai36 4 " wewrlt . 1 r awrewi'16- 1' " awi 16 - lr - ea36 1 . awe 16 aad M. 2 eeeJeVaadaS 3' aee 16 ami 36 A " aeelaad36 1 U me 16 aad 36 3 , U see 16 aad 36. T '" eeel6aad36 .4"''' ." 12 west 12" 12 12 12 Hi 11 11 11 11 11 -,!?- Iff Id 1P 10, 10 10- lr it i it '4 J-c tf u ( . At m t" "KCjfiT m th exrtoliaytiMa milt t .tS i&g-m ' is UL mOk !'-- aJ.. -r?m t "vftw m a . i m , VALLEY HOUSE. j. C. WARIwTISR, Prop. la always ready to atteud to aad male comfortable hi patryo. This Hotel i entirely new, baring U-n filled up for the exprcj purpox 1 9f the traveling public STAGr: LEWKS FOR THE RAILROAD ON MONDAV. WKDNK4 DAYAND FRIDAY OF EACH WEEK ATT O'CLOCK A. M. f Claim to tiaVe the BEST STABLE West of Linci!: Always keeping on hand a good supply of HAY AND 6 J A I N, L m Also a good coovcyanca for the purrjpse'of conVcstn j; paMgcr from thk place to any other at rcaonable rates. . j Itcd Cloud. KrbrjMili; 0. L. BATTLES & SON; -DEALERS IT? SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE; Agent for the 4 BmaamwVxaNPIemmma! ammtmefcma1A4;";3amml BaaWJmaaTBVL7aYmiimaiyaTaBaaa fVCc!SBiHtfKamW emammUamammaJ99ai9QPBaBmBm rammmmmmmmmmmmmlr irwa AaaBaBaaaajieBmaamaalPaaBammm WM. ANSON WOOD MOWER,' Haver Excelsior Reaper Combined With Dropper or Self Rnket . THE N"EW MASfNY.' THE I. X. L DRILL. Buckeye Drill Superior Broadcast Seeder, Fountain City Seeder. PADOC SVLKY a AY RAKE. . SI'VH M 1RUOW And all FARMING KACrfiNERY at Gratft Prices. t4 . , . !mBmmmle9aBmmmmammi zBaaaawEruHB9awAaBmmamxIa.-' '""' 55BW8mmaaBTaaBmPI "- eSatiele IUrkr Red Cloud I V art prtf arai it ia cJi- Cni Meal Tr 6tle. I w eaafiff ef ieararxCK. C94TOM vowc Faramti'fliaaid he to aeeare' tnc'aett mtMwhix if. " -M- r" A. - Si 2 mi Also Victor Broaking Plow Charter Oak mad Blim MmVerC JCLL TBE YARIKTIES OF BEATING AND PARLOR STOVES. A good assortment of NAILS, RAKES, BOTS. CORN PLANTERS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS CARPENTERS' AND MASONS' TOO W. PAIJTTILS. COOPER AND NKWTONeWAGONS, GLASS. TIN WARR . GRAND DF7TOUR PWW8, : DA VfiNPORr PLOWS, with Wood or Iroa Beam. with Wood aad Iroa Hcama, And Everything needed b the Parmer er Mechaaic. mB-Fine Table and Pocket Catlery. O. L. BATTLES & SON- ' iwtwtrfc; mma; MmamamaSa amw cBTmmTmmml ' ASBiAfS It&i-' rt.J idX'&' &?? - ?TeBrmBU jtefrCE'OPTHE PEACE, VOTAIT rSKSZ A3TS 2ZAL ZSTAlT AS2X7. MvmaM FraaiwV Ceawty. Hearaika - GODEYLADr'S BOOK. We fori that we wwald he itnmg ar jwhotrlbaM se mjaettee did we net eaX; tmir Mmmtitm. aa thaaM4r;waaV mmmi laarmAcChreme.Thc i-gHee teeaehyearry avpaatBe a reeoectaa, if yeas h rverseea a eewy mmmmmmammnmTw aammmaT W aaaBBaarml bbb m DMT, " - . sstaiaes, W09H is Sj i -u i I n9 W. U.v, j-iftSJfi r '$ t.-i i. l57--' .Omk; l!S1l.:&la-:, FMtr;Fi v' H t-n?S- - .2i E "-&-5S, SfS i.'Wrrt?V!. ' - L " ? ' f j, KV r" &gx&a .s 6--- 5i L'-Zsl&a.-.&i -ri a JA VtlUVC AVCaat-t; t .2.i.oiBereoiain, , ,-Mz w . aV'