The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 03, 1875, Image 1

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    Oe caUtMB. o jrxr.
Half - -
Qutt(tH - "
Saert Axnimrsi, aal imtto imM sr
kMilatctaaa ae ywr.wu sJtai
Local aJ Ml-avU. Xetlt IS a Me aw
Srst taetrttea. wtS eeatt for tec.
Lil atrt tat tt Uta( jefera.
Bwlsea cariU f pr yaar.
TVm r ouieetmh ua ! a etf
term will b glvta.
Kdltora sad Ffeawieters.
prominent gentleman of Cincin
offers to give $125,000 bwsrd the
on of a capacious Music Hall in
t city.
fire in Wilmington, Ohio, on the
of May, destroyed tfce Odd Fel-
s' building and other property totbc
oust of $35,000; one half iatured.
fire at Rutland, Vermont, on the
aing of Hay 15tb, burned the opera
use, the stores of Dunn & Cropton,
ley & Co., and others. Lose, $75,-
."till of Wise as Loomis, with
quantity oflumberT were fie
by fire at Loomis, Michigan, on-
lit h ot May. Loss on mill, $15,000;
lumber, $$2,000.
The Ketchum steam saw mill at Mer-
ln, Jackeon county, Wis., together
irh a larce lot of lumber, were de
coyed by firr, en the 17th of May.
, $30,000; no iiiburuttuc.
The icfcidtuce of Altlctmun John
esgher was burned May 15th at Hous-
on, 'iexas. lioss, fl.uuu: insurance,
3,00.Tlme men uuuble to escape
torn tho building, were buiucd to death.
A fire in Lexington, Wo., on the 18th
31 ay, dcstnoi d the livery stable of
Ruteell & Young, the lumber yard of
F. Beckbcrg and the grocery of A.
Loss, $U0,000; insurance, $18,000.
The sheriff at rested fifty-six strikers
at Osceols, Pa., and they were taken to
Clearfield to jail on the 17th ol Muy.
The charge against them is making
ittfests against miners. No resistance
was made.
The result of the eUction in St. Louis
lor Mayor on the 15th of May as re
ported, resulted, Colonel J. H. Britton,
Democrat, 15,011; Ilenry Ovcrstolz,
Independent, 14,904; Britton's majority,
The extensive works of the Columbus,
Ohio; Lumber and Barrel Company, in
cluding a stock of seasoned lumber and
valuable machinery, were totally de
stroyed by lire on the 14th of May. Loss
C. H. Davis, late postmaster at union
ffSprings, Alabama, plead guilty of em-
lezzlemenl of funds fr un letters, lie
was a member of the legislature in 1872,
and, -voted for Geo. E. Spencer for Sena
tor. Soon alter he was appointed post
mfstcr. Ex-Vice President John C. Breckeu
ridge died at his home in Louisville,
Kentucky, on ilonday night, the 17th of
May. He was born near Lexington,
3tn. 21st, 1821. He was several times
a member of the lower house of Con
gress, and in 1850 was elected Vice
President, when Buchanan was elected
President. During the rebellion he
identified himself with the Confederate
9 cause, and was a General in the relel
A dispatch from Pessower, Afguanis
tan, reports that that place has been vis-
Lited by a severe conflagration. Half t ic
city was laid waste.
It is reported that Itussia is annoyed
by England's persistent refusal to partic
ipate in the St. Petersburg Conference,
and the coldness of other countries, and
intends giving the force of law to the
declaration of the Brusscl's Conference,
negotiating separately, with powers to
induce their adherence thereto.
The following irom Kingston, Jamaica,
ay 8th, gives the story of the latest so
called revolution in iiayti: un Satur
day, the 1st ot May, was celebrated the
annual agricultural festival throughout
Hayti. Oa the evening previous Prcs
adeat Dominique was advised of a con
spiracy to aaaaaaiaate him tho following
day, with a view to establish Monplaisen
kierre ia the Presideacy, supported by
JL. nM and Gea. Canal. While the
Tridt waa in the church three sep-
!irate bod:o of troops weie aent to ar
st the coswpirators. Gen. uryce, re-
ittgiBaiidiatc4y opposite the BnUsh
Consulate, waa Irst aurrounaea. no -
faaed to sarreader, aad shot dowa four
Haytiea oficera before he was fired upon
aad aaertafy woaaded, when he crep
inta ta BrifiA Coaaalate aad died. A
shot lataaded for Bryce killed a servant
of the British Consul. A servant ot
Gea. Bryce'a waa atoo killed; whea the
troeaa reached the reaideace ot Konpla-
gier.Piarre, whe was a caadidate for the
Pmideacy vaea Gea. Nissage'a term
expired. He reakted aatil woaaded,
waaa he retired to the attic and shot
alMself. Waca Gea. Caaal was aset, he
was ia the -nciaity of the American
?:.WT'a Tcaideace. at the head of a
body el Mldiers. These, oa seeing the
Gararaateat force?, forsook Caaal and
led. Tfce Gaaeral weat iato Mr. Baa
v Tasideace aader the stars aad
fgtriaaa.waaJwraaaalaed. The aceaea
which followed taeee lacideata are iade
gcfbaWe. JTfce Praaideat, asaa of
, directed tae ar
aaetad. aad ar-
threagaoat the Repab-
t,aawoasiac a saaarai paaic. oere
ws&m. a starts ware viUaMd aad
-'-ii Lrt t-
Mrwaelasiac pasaioBa,
-mt mmmvm .attraflSi
i xisli t:- ""ifcs:.. '" v jr., . -
ReTeliUsaary Battle.
Below we give a list of all the import
ant battles ol the Bevolutioa. They
began April 19, 1775. They closed
October 10, 1781 six years and six
months. The British scut 134,000 sol
diers and sailors to this war. The colo
nists met them with 230,000 Continentals
and 50,000 militia. The British let loose
Tadiana and eauallv savage Heesians.
The colonists had for allies the brave and
courteous Frenchmen. The leading bat
tles of the war, tbose.particularly worthy
of celebration, are Concord and nexwg
ton, Bunker's mil, Long Island, White
Plains, Trenton , Princeton, Bennington,
8aratbgXricowifeKwg, .Moutajhj,
Cowpens, Eutaw Springs, Yorktown
These arc of national interest. Many of
the others, are more especially local.
The disposition is to celebrate them all
victories and defeats to recall the deeds
of our ancestors, and have a good time
generally. Our readers will do well to
preserve the following list of revolution
ary battles:
Lexlnjrton tflr-t skirmish) April 19, 1775
Tlconderoca - ay, , J75
Bunker Hill June 17, 1775
Montreal (Ethan Allen taken)..... ..Sept. 2i, 1775
St. Johns besieged asd capmrcd ov.8.r775
Great liridgc.Va .Iec. . ITV5
Quebec (Montitoznerr killed) Wee 31, 1775
Moore's Creek Bridge.
- . ' ." ..T- V..1. r- it
rcu..ii "
....March 17, 1776
.. ...Juno 23. 1778
Anjj. 27, 1776
Sept. 16, 1770
Oct. 28, 1776
... .Nov. 16,1776
Dec 27, 1776
Jan. 3, 1777
July 7, 1777
Anjf. 16, 1777
Boston (llriiUb Bed)
Fort Sullivan, Charleston..
Long Island......
Harlem 11 sirs
White Plains
Fort Washington
Trenton ...
Qaobardton. .......... ....
MranilTwIiic ...... ....
SCpt. 11, 1777
mm h.tili. at Mem In' Hrlpht. SsTS-
rep. i, i.
Sept. 30, 1777
Gcrmantown - y? u ; HJ,
Forts Clinton and Montcomcry taken. Oct. 6, It .
Second battle atlJemls' llelghts, Sar-
.Oct. 7, 1777
Surrender of Bourgoyne
Fort Mercer
Fort Mifflin
Quaker 11111,1'. 1
Kettle Creek, Ueorgla ..
Urirr Creek
Sloiiy Ferry
Stony Point
Haulus' Hook
Chcmnm; (ludlanc)
....Oct. 18, 1777
....Oct 22, 1777
November, 1777
... June -.23, 1778
....July 4, 1778
...Aug. 29.1778
... llec.29.17W
....Feb, 14, 177
...March 3, 1779
.. Jnne-tl77
... Anfr 13, 1779
....Anjj. 29,1779
ADR , 177
Charleston (tnrrendered to British)..May 1780
liorky Mount
Ilanclni; ltock
June 23, 1780
.. July 80, 17UU
...Aug. 6, 1780
...Angll!. 1780
....Ort.7, 1.80
..Nov. 18, 1780
..Nov. SW, 1780
HandefK' Creek, near Camden.
KInt' Mountain ..
Fish Dam Ford, Broid Rier..
Cowpens. ... ......
taulborit........ ...............
... ..... Jan. l, ioi
March 15, 1781
. .May and June, 1781
..May and June. 1781
... ...... July 9. 1781
Hocktrk'H Hill
ninety six (beideced)...
AuRUhta (bculeged)
Uotaw Springs
Sept. 8, 178 1
Yrktown (Cornwallls nurrendered)..Ot.t. 19, 17WI
Health aad Fashion.
The Science of Health says : Not until
we deal conscientiously with nature as
we do with tradesmen shall we, as indi
viduals, be entitled to rewards of merit.
Wo ask for a load of good wood, pay
the market price for it, get the worth of
our money, and have the satisfaction of
warmth from the fire it makes. Suppose
the dealer knew wo would not pay for
it. He would not be likely to give full
measure ol the best quality. The dainty
bits of lace, jet ornamonts and plumes,
rosebuds aud velvets composing a bat
are very becoming to some faces. The
dressy hat has a price, it takes money to
pay for it The little lady wishes to
look stylish, pays the price, and is satis
fied and happy until the fashion changes.
She desires health and elasticity of step,
buoyancy ot spirit. Could they be pur
chased at Stewart's, or of Worth", mill
ions of dollars would roll in to the credit
ot their bank accounts. Alas, poor
child of fashion! gold cannot buy for
you the dewy freshness of a vigorous
life. The sunshine and rain drops are
gifts. Hoses in cheeks, cherries in color
of lips, come from within. The price is
service, and faithful service, too, under
tiie direction of the most generous and
most exacting physician, Mother Nature.
Her rewards arc sure; her punishments
certain. Tliero can bo no appeal to a
higher court no amendments to her
divinely tppcinted "constitution." Will
vou enter a willing student? Are you
willing to measure your life by her rule
and compass and square! "JMOi '
there is little hope for yon."
The Tewer r Leadea.
Mr. Hepworth Dixon grows enthusi
astic over the.age of the Tower of Lon
don. He compares it with the most an
cient ediices now known to exist, such
as Mthe bit of palace at Vienna" (the
next most antique), the Kremlin of Mos
cow, the Doge'a palace at Venice, the
Seraglio at Staatboul aad tbe oldest part
ot the Vatican. But the most ancient of
these dates go no father back than the
reigit of Heary III., while the newest
part of the Tower was built by William
the Conqueror, and the oldest portion
iouriaaea ia the aaciaat Saxoa chronicle,
and is claimed to have been built and
occupied by the Caesars. Mr. Dixon
winds up his comparison by pronouncing
every other aroaeaa relte of masonry
a thiar of vesterdav. ia view of the well
.established age of thy Tower of Loadoa.
At the quarterly meeting or the Board
of Managers of the Adams Express
Coatpaay ia Cincinnati, on the 19tk of
May, George H. Price, the measeager
who killed the robber in his car, oa the
Pittsburg & Fort Wayne Railroad; a few
days siace, was voted $1,00 ia gold. It
waa also voted that two taoaaead dol
lara per aaaaaa fee paid to"tae Expresa
maa' Aid Society, to be paid to the
hetraof diosaseil aaaaibera who die ia
the sendee efts eompaaj-
Cera Cat Wsrw.
Your valuable preventive (one and
one-half pounds of copperas to one
bushel of corn) I tried as follows with
great ease, cheapness and certainty, and
most marked and astonishing results to
all my hands. I pulverized two pound
of copperas at night, and tbe next morn
ing put in soak, and I put one and one-
half bushels corn in soak in a separate
vessel at night. After soaking twelve
hours, I pour ofT the water Iron, the corn
into a tub; I then add as much water as
will cover the corn, aad add to it the
copperas wster,-snd thoroughly mix aad
jjpur over the con, aad let it rasaaia in
copperas water twelve hoursT their
off the copperas water Irom the
and roll the seed corn in J. J.
T.'s excelsior piaster, aad if early ior
planting, I open deep furrows, say four
or five inches, and cover light with corn
coverer; but if late, 1 cover deeper. I
tried this experiment on a sod field of
three years' standing, plowed in March
and April, 1873. I plowed with a three
horse plow, seven inches deep on an av
erage; the ground was nicely pulver.'zed.
Planted on the first of May," three and
one-halt by three and one-halt each way.
Two days planting ten acres. I damp
ened the corn aud rolled it in plaster.
The third day I had the corn prepared
with copperas and ready to plant. I
planted the corn across a forty-four acre
field by the side of the second day's
plarting, aud there were between two
and four days' planting; all treated alike,
except the application of copperas on the
two bushels of seed corn. To the sur
prise and satisfaction of myself and
bands, it came up regular, green and
vigorous, and grew rapidly. 1 soon
found it necessary to replant. I found,
on examination, not a hill cut nor a worm
where the copperas was used, and the
entire field, except tho two bushels of
seed thus treated, was cut from two to
three hills out of five, aud I often found
from one to fifteen cut worms in a hill.
I was so worried 1 could not determine
which plan was best replant, plow and
planjt over, or ch-ck oft between rows. I
have heard of such being done, but
never tried it. I have ordered one hun
dred and fifty pounds, and I am urging
all mr friends to irive it a trial. One
bushel of corn will plant five acres,-and
one and one-half pounds of copperas
will prepare the bushel of corn. Cop.
peras can ue oougntin quanuties w suit
farmers at six or seven ce'nts per pound.
It would cost 1J3 cents per acre. I is
cheap, simple and certain with me and
others who tried it last year, and I re
gard it as a valuable preventive.
Hustle Flower Pete,
Last oeason I had a pretty arrangement
in my front yard which was much ad
mired. When the winter's wood was
hauled to the house, there were some
hollow logs, amongst it. These were
sawed off about eighteen inches long, the
decayed wood was scraped out, then-
dllcd with rich earth and manure; in the
center I had a rose bush, and in the next
moss pinks; on the outer edge I set slips
of Ivy, and Wandering Jew; in one I
raised some sweet peas. The plants all
grew nicely, and they were certainly
beautiful ornaments; a source of pleas
ure to myself, and admiration to passers
by. These little arrangements are but
trifling, but anything that makes home
pleasant and enjoyable is worth seeing
about and trying for; and trifles add
much to our happiness or discomfort all
through life. Rural Home
I'reTentlAB f Mllaew.
It is said on seemingly good authority
that a mixture of molasses and water lib
erally sprinkled on a plant will destroy
the mildew, the theory being that a thin
film of sugar is left on leaves and branch
es by tho evaporation of the water. This
deprives the mildew of air and kills it.
It would in time injure the plant, but the
next rain or thorough watering washes it
off aad leaves the breathing places oace
more opea. The application should be
made as promptly as possible, aad in any
case it is likely that some black spots
will remain oa the leaves, where the
mildew bra wrought its work oa the ex
terior cuticle. The proportioas may be
about six parts of water to four of molas
ses, bat absolute accuracy is not essen
tial. A weak solution of commoa glae
is also recommeaded, the action aad ef
feet being the same as with molasaea.
Chrutia Unitm.
Vale ef ETergreea Treee A
A well grown cvargreea tree gives off
continually an exodiam of warmth aad
moisture that reaches a distance of its
area la height; and when the tree plant
ers advocate shelter belts surrounding
a tractor orchard of tfty or more acres,
when the lalaeaca of ach baltcaa oaly
each a dtetaace ot the height ef the
trees ia said belt, they do that which will
prove of little valae. To aaseUorate
climate, to assist ia prevention ef injury
against extreme climatic cold ia wiater,
aad of the frostiag of the germ bad of the
fruit insuring, all orchard should have
pleated ia aad amoag theaa Miaascrimi
astaly evargnssa trees at dietaaces each
of not mora tkaalJO feet apart. Sea a
coarse pursued, wa have ae aoaa will
rdarsruairaaalthtatae trees aad he
. 3 - - " ,
We write of a Christmas gambol a
gambol which, if begun in fun,yet left
its life-long mark on the lifeef more
than one we hope to introduei to oar
readers. Time of innocent mirth as it
is, there are often strange afysteries
brewed, as wolt as punch, by th side of
the Ule-loir. and there may be asore po
tent spirite while the fragrant fames are I
rising man ine inner iucicwi wu.
Very, very different in his aspect is
Christmas in town, or the aaiac time
bonorcd old pcrsonaec in the country
house. It is as he appears attae latter
that wc wish to intfjdace bmb to our
readers; so we will ak tbie-for .the
. j. t T . Mjh.S atfl
nonce Ho loc 9.U'imi4'imcM aaaie-
deep in snow or slush, or the same under
a sea of black mud aided by fogs and
fmokc-b-'grimmed walls to make all
things desolate. Very different is Eldon
Hall in the-midat of its trim lawns, fir
girt park, and copses ol red-berrfcd
hollies. A decidedly jolly place to
spend your Christmas was Eldon Hall,
and thither e will at once take our
readers, relying ou the privilege of old
acquai n Ucesh i p.
"I am not good at statistic," said a
friend of ours, when asked how many
pipes he had filled and lighted that day.
For the same reassn we decline to. state
the exact vear in which the events here
recorded took place.
It was the evening preceding Christ
mas Eva that in a somewhat remote tower
of Eldon Hall, which, by the way, is a
most Elizabethan-looking structure, with
no end of turrets and corners (generally.
Evelyn Crawlord sat conversing with her
friend, Cicely Burnett. They were old
school fellows, and tho present evening
wasjtbeir first meetiug after a separation
of quite two years
"lteally, Cis, exclaimed the younger,
raising her dark, gypsy-like eyes to her
companion, and at the same time throw
ing back a mass of jetty hair that, let
loose from its bands, fell in masses over
her diminutive but beautifully formed
neck and shoulders; "it is so Jolly to
ha-e you here all to niy.self again; it
seems quite like old times, and I could
fancy mysell back at Mme. Haut-Tons."
"So cannot I," rejoined her compan
ion, casting a glance round the elegantly
furnished apartment. "I see but little
here to remind me of the bare walls and
the deal furniture save your own dear
self, and you arc so altered in everything
save kindness to vour old friend that
nothing but the old look cau make me
tnink you are the same dear Eve we used
to call the gypsy. But I must not tell
you all I think or you will become vain."
"Nay, Cis dear, we will leave that
theme for another time. Now let me
hear some of your own adventures since
we parteu, and you like Franco and
"Tne daily round of toil a governess
has to undergo would interest you but
little; rather let me hear from you some
ot the characters who are to come upon
the stage ot our amusement during the
next few days. For us, who are doomed
to be lookers-on rather than players in
the game, it is at least some satisfaction
to be able to get a glance behind the
"Cynical as usual," replied Evelyn;
"but here, dearest, you must and shall be
an actor as well as a spectator in all that
takes place."
"So I know you would have it, love,"
said Cicely, imprinting a kiss on her
companion's brow; "but even the will of
an heiress cannot command attention to
a needy and almost friendless girl."
"It shall! at least in Eldon Hall," said
the beautiful and somewhat willful Eve
jya; but now for our programme to
morrow; we have a grand meet of For
wardshire hounds here, and I have told
papa you must have old Swallow, unless,
indeed, you prefer riding my pet, Excel
sior. Swallow, they all say, is much the
.better hunter, but he is neither so pretty
nor so gentle as my bonny little bay."
"How charming l" said Cicely; "then
I shall have a real hunt; and I daresay a
great big, ugly, raw-boned hunter worth
ever so much money. Well, Eve, I must
aotdisgrac him if I .can help it; they
say I rode well as a gM when when I
had I mean ere I was turned oa the
world as an orphan. Forgive me, dear;
it'a not often I give way in this fashion."
Aad Cicely seemed for a time quite
overcome with her feelings.
"There, I am better now," exclaimed
she, after having indulged ia a good cry,
ia which her companion perforce joined.
"Aad teU me, is aot this Mr. Hiatoa, the
master of the hounds, yoeng aad vary
Yomag he certaialy is; aad some thiak
"My Evelyn amongst the number.
Nay, do not blush, dearest; report says
yea are already jia, and why saeaM
you Mask .at having won the heart of a
saaa yoaag, rich, haadsoaie, aad ia every
way a suitable match P
"Report, taea, asserts what it has ao
warraat ia saying, I assure you."
"Nay, ao coaioameaa to-night,"
ah ether, ltiasiac her ffaehed aad excita
ll really asm weary aner my
aiaat retire. If
it, the loss of a mere fee
-tir"iJ? iaJ&Aw-
heater is nothing to a girl in your posi
tioa." "He is not a were fox-hunter, though
I admit him to be foad of the snort, and
all .say he stands aari vailed as a horseman."
I here, you dear lime emiiusiasr, i
will concede Lisa aavthmg you like, so j
I may not be kept
hear bis merits oi
from my pillow to
lemerit discussed.
Good night.
We may not follow Ck-el y Burnett to
her chamber, and catch the thoughts re
volving through her brain as she lay
that innocent, fair-looking face upon the
pillow. Many a'scheme that works be
neath blue eyes aad golden ringlets per
haps might be unraveled could wc do ao,
.but it may not be, aad oaly by the re
sults can we guess at the speculation
which drove sleep from her pillow. For
it was an unwilling guest to her ; at least
so she told Evelya rett day, though the
excitement of mtet'ng an old friend
scarcely seemed to satisfactorily account
for the fact.
The morning broke clear and bright ;
every tree was silvered with hoar frost,
and a deep rime covered the ground, and
many an anxious conjecture was raised
amongst the party assembled as to the
probability of it being fit for hunting.
Perhaps the most really interested of any.
though apparently quite unconcerned
was Cicely. True, Evelyn's maid had
discovered lor her a habit that fitted to
perfection, and her hat was a most piqu
ante affair, so that it would be a great
pity not to display them. Girls are
naturally anxious to occupy the place in
which they show to most advantage, and
Miss Burnett knew she shone on horse
back. Atlemjth the frost on the boughs
turned to glistening beads, then drops
beuan to patter on the ground bencsth,
the white rime disappeared, and as one
by one scarlet-coated men appeared be
fore the house, all fear as to the hounds
being stopped was at an end. There was
hutce feeding at Eldon Hall that morn
ing, for old 'c'quire Crawford was not one
to neglect the rights of hospitality. The
lord in scarltt and yeomnn in green
might be seen side by side around his
ample board, white flagons of ale were
freely dispensed to the rustics and serv
ants who led the horses to and fro with
out. What a scene it was as Mr. Hinton at
length gave the signal to throw off, and
the hounds were put into the laurels (a
sure find). More than a hundred horse
men, to say nothing of carriages and foot
people, all eager for the spert, were pres
ent. Cicely felt all its influence, and her
eye sparkled and brow flushed as the
Squire lifted her upon Swallow until the
old man thought her handsomer than his
own loved daughter, into whose ear Hin
ton was at the same moment whispering
some compliment. A fox was soon found
and nearly as soon killed, for it was a
show meet, and the fpot people felt priv
ileged to surround him and u halloa " in
every direction.
Iow tor Moorside Craigs," said the
master, when the "Whoo-whoop!" and
"Tear him, tear him!" was all over.
" How cruel,'' said Evelyn, "to go to
that horrid place ; you know, it you
find, wo must keep the roads in that
" Is it, then, so very difficult ?" asked
Cicely, her eye again brightening.
u Not to good riders well mounted,"
said the Squire ; " but far too severe for
old fellows like me, and ladies. In fact
fewlif our best men care to ride when
thafrouad is deep 1"
Moorside Craigs was a small covert,
overlooking a fine vale, across 'which
foxes generally run to some woodlands,
about ten miles distant, and was com
posed of gone; brambles, old thorns,
etc., interspersed with huge boulders of
rock, from which the place took it
name. Oar priacipal object is not so
much lo describe a fox-hunt ss its con
sequences, or we should tell how Finder
caalleaged, aad how from single notes
the whole pack at last joined chorus.
That our reader must excuse, and faacy
oar friend seated oa high ground, anxi
ously watching the coarse of eveatsJ
waea oae of the whippers-ia is seea to
hold his cap ia the air at the lower corner
of the covert.
" By Jove, he's over tbe vale I" exdainu
Hintoa, clappiag spars to his horse, and
half acraaabliag, half sliding dowa the
slippery tarf towards the poiat iadicted.
" He's far Boegbead Woods," cries the
'Sqalre ; " wa ssast take the lanes, girls,
aad snake aaata. Co aleag," aad off
ae baatler, followed by Evelya.
Met aa Geriy. Tarsia; Swallow's
head, she faced the dasceat, leaped alow
wallataWaostoas,aad wassooa raciag
a large pastare ia company with
Hiatoa, the whips, aad some dosea
others. The beaad ware well away, the
aad it was oaly as Hia
toa taraed his head for a asosseat oa
a craasoecef rails, the he be
There asia.was, Ina aa a reek, yet grvieg
.iTi.-..wk. it. islaiii sBBSfinraaishsii sf tea - -saaam T
lklsa.- Wkkmtif ,'.- - --i . fTa. V ; K-MI BSH TABBBSbsd frSSV atfBBBB. Mat BBS) SBBBMsd Vgtjsttal aiBBBBBpTE V I
nMM ,- - - - - -i -. - - - . naaka. mr wavMSSMPMai m skpearear aave isi Ma mmmr tasksucaai is-me tfcansMBa-a' bmmi mm sMaavav a'MBSha.BBBBBBBBBrVaBErV2-. - -IBere
SS aaaaiT aa aaa aaaaaaa ware XUmbk a wasaaawj! mcs.s, mmm . as k saam-a tuts wrBaBaBnBBBwawaavwawaeaBBaWaWaWFT3iaaWaV .
eaaM ae kelp ndl-g hi Taabaatie .: ' le lMgiaaa' hlsimlll.!, ' BPWhJa.
-mWmWm7s "H
jc --auWsBBW j .tit' '-tsBraRal!
BaaaassTr J -Jn? J rr-faama
jajaaBaaajPF J --ic?V-- t '-sBmaaaasl
-immmmmmW-T-'- 7r,-M&-f-' x - BaQBBBH
.immmmmmWP r-'-rS? A .'BBBBmJ
ewaaaaaaajK' -ts' " -1 f- M-i bbbbu
,aaaaaaaaaaaafi '-'i,"V-aVj- rf - ilar ""iM' "IbbmBT
aamaaaaalrliBy' &mmrj-5j tJ& Sr?
?- . .niiaaaBaaaawsBftr . r-gmmW.rzztr '--jk. ?&.tkjjrjM
w-y.. . .!.;;. -i.v;ji-lrrsaaaBaWaWsWswa is -t-r
in. i I .mi ibssii ,1 i inn A-jmjaiLesx-iLMmAjm-L''' ' ' ' TTfi? Kr. " njTrfSLriJi T - -(VnyjfrHTJT aBaMaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaa asaaaBBBBBaCL. fr:S J!bbbbPp' - mmStr! 13.
Z. v "-" '"" "A"TTTnar Tall"' 7Z." Paiassawawaafni- tT m.LZ' '
Those were not tLe dajs la which wosaea
rode so much or so well as at present,
and he had never sees an j thing like it.
Less and less was his attention bestowed
on the hounds, aad more on Cicely, as
the chase sjed onward. Their couipaa-
ioil9( aropfed to the rear one by oae ; he
uotcei it not. As it appealed, iastinc-
tively picking the firmest ground and
most practicable places, she sailed along
as if by magic, while old Swallow nobly
repaid tbe confidence repotcd ia him.
At lencth Hinton conscious that tbe
pack were disappearing momentarily
from view, to emerge dripping wet on
what seemed merely level surface. ''Good
Heavens!" cried he, "here's the brook.
You must not attempt it. I know a ford
close at hand." And still with a linger
ing eye on his pack, he reluctantly turned
A quiet smile was Cicely'i only ans
wer, as flie patted Swallow's neck, and
then setting him skillfully at it cleared
tho watet at a bound. She heard the
beat of II iu ton's horses feet as he turned
to follow her heard the thud as he
pitched, and the splash and struggle that
followed ulicn the bank gave way and
horse and rider slipped back into the wa
ter, but she never turnded her head.
When he once more gained terra firms
Swallow was more than a field ahead, and
still going straight as his name implied.
The water had hakcn off the few remain
ing stragglers, aud Hinton struggled on
the line of the flying pack and their fair
attendant alone in a hopeless stern chase.
At last, crashing into a field, he found
the hounds snarling over their fox, and
was just in time to save the head for
hiasclf and the brush to present to Miss
"Kcally, Mr. Hinton, I Irar I have been
most imprudent in deserting my com
panions in this lasuion, out l couui not
resist when the bounds went away so
beautifully. Am I very far from Eldon
"Nearly twelve miles; but I sec my
whips in the distance. When I have de
livered the hounds into their charge, you
must allow me to assume the othce oi
guide, and escort you thither, for the
route is somewhat intricate. Nay, I can
take no denial, and as I am already en
gaged to dine there this evening, you are
ajready conferring a favor by saving me
a lonely ride."
What passed during that twelve-mile
journey has never transpired, laceiy
was quiet, nay almost absent, during din
ner. Nor was there any conference that
night between the friends in Evelyn's
boudoir. The latter chided her friend
irentlv for run nine such desnerate risks
the next day, and told her that Hinton
had spoken so highly of her riding that
sho ically feared Bhe had come there to
steal her sweetheart. Cicely smiled, and
and told her that Hinton was more likely
to be chagrined because she had fairly
ridden away from htm. And when church
was over and dinner discussed next day,
she entered into the Christmas gambols
more gaily than any child present and
their name was legion and declared,
when she kissed Evelyn, and departed a
few days subsequently, that it wa the
jolliest Christmas she bad ever spent.
Within a month of that she was a
bnde at the altar; Hinton was the bride
groom; and poor Evelyn, ere another
year came round, was in the churchyard,
whither the old Squire soon followed
her; and Eldon Hall long since ceased
to hold a merry Christmastide. Knglitk
Excellent Whitewash.
The following is said to be tbe very
best of the numerous recipes Jor white
White chalk is the
best substitute for
ime as a wash.- A very fine and brilliant
whitewash preparation of chalk is called
the "Paris White." This we buy at the
paint store at three cents a pound, retail.
For each sixteen pounds of Pari White
we procure half a pound ot the white
transparent glue. The sixteen pound
of Paris White are about as much
as a person will use ia a day. It is
prepared ss follows r The glue is covered
with cold water at Bight, aad ia the
moralng is carefully heated, without
scorching, BBtil dissolved. The Paris
White isr stirred ia.with hot water to
give It the proper milky consistency for
applyiag to the walls, and the dissolved
glae is taea applied with a brah like
the common lime whitewash. Exsept
oa very dark aad ssaoky walls, a single
coaf is safikieat. It Ss aearly equal ia
brilliaacy to "xiac white," tar snore
expensive article.
AIMgHar Laalher,
A oathera paper states that the
afactnre of alligator leather has bow he
cosse aa iaportaat breaea ef iedawj.
The akiaa cosse calefy free Florida
sad Loaisiaaa, aad the
skiuiagAke animal for their aides Is
exteasively parsaeJ
very year. They are
ef she
United 9taer: aed a aaaaberi
T . rtrm uwa. isstMHsaHfBW m
United frBet;aad a saml iris wpsrhi gltm r Ism,,, full snwa JlXi ,jf
---'"J sJ Fraaec The Fiiaih sfJi JVm. JLW .
A Carlea Ctweay.
AlfuaM Wat Twltt
Dirty .
The Madrid correspondent of the Loa
doa Timet give the following accouat of
the emblematic ceremony of washing
AjKHtle' feet, a recently perfumed by
King Alfonso:
The rvltgions ceremony attended by
the King, which is performed in the
chtpcl. and to which the public are freely
admitted, was over by noon, and I wear
to the "Prince' Staircase," oa my way to
tbe "Hall of Column," where the cere
mony of the day wa to come off. Ev
erything about the Madrid Aleezar ia
grand, it not strictly beautiful; the
commanding site, with the review of the
dreary yet vast ojcn country, ami of the
bhrak Gaudarrama ridge; the court-yard,
with its massive but clumsy colonnade;
the chapel, with Its wealth of marble aad
frescoed vault; finally, the "Salon de la
Oolumnas," a spacious vestibule of mag
nificent loftiness, a stately entrance to
the somewhat too gorgeous suite of state
apartments everything is on a large
scale and admirably lfitting a great
imperial home.
It was not without a terrible struggle
that the peraou favored with a pas aad
clad, the men in uniforms or sombre
cveniuu black, the ladies in the brilliant
colors of their brand new finery the
black mantilla alone being dt rigevr
could force their way along the corridor
aud up the portals, bret with an unwashed
throng, among whom I detected a
sprinkling of undeniable pickpockets.
With a good deal of wear and tear,
however, brave men and pushing womea
managed to get through, and by the time
I entered a compact mui of silk aad
velvet, broadcloth and gold lace, crowded
the saloon, the spectators, more thin 800
of whom were ladies, standing all arouad,
jammed upon benches, row upon row,
leaving barely the most limited pace
open for the. performer. Within this
space the twelve paupers, or apostle, t
upon a settee, each of thtm with their
bet foot and leg bare to the knee, aad a
well "prepared" for the occasion a by
dint of much F.onp and water could be
contrived ; the King, in his grand uni
form, with a towel tied around him,
apron-wise, followed by Cardinal Moreno,
Archbishop of Valladolid, is his scarlet
robes and skuil cap, and around them a
great staff of grandees and marshals, and
array of golden uniform only distinguish
able from fie no less sumptuous liveries
ol the court menials by the star, croeses,
cordons and scarfs of their chivalrous
orders. The Cardinal went first aad
sprinkled a few drops of perfumed water
over each of the bare feet in succeMioa
the King came alter, kneeling before
each foot, rubbing it slightly with his
towel, then stooping upon it a if he
mcailt to kisa It. The ceremony did not
take many minutes. The twelve men
then got up; tl.ey were marshal fed in
great pomp around the hall, and seated
ia a row on oue side of the table, with
their faces to tbe spectators, iathe older
observed in Leonardo's grand picture of
the Last Supper.
Ia tbe rear of the table, on a high
platform, stood the court. In the middle
was the Infanta Isabella, Couatee of
Gergenti, heiress presumptive to the
throne, upon whom, after long dUcaasioa
the title of Pnacess of Asturia has heea
lately conferred, looking tall aad saajestic,
and even somewhat stern aad haughty
from her elevated station, and with tbe
only grave countenance in that vast as
semblage; she was simply attired ia gray
silk, and wore an ample white slaatilla.
By her side, right and left, aad bealad
her were ladies of honor. Cabinet Minis
ters and a multitude of State aad palace
digaitarie. Oa the extreme right steed
the diplomatic body, the heads aad sub
altern members of all foreiga legation
the English, and, I believe, the Dutch
alone excepted; the European represent
ative ia their uaifbrau, the Asserlcsa
republican ia plala eveaiag
Aasertesai Apples la faffed
Nothiag aasoBMbes the Eaglfaa snore
thaa oar system ot barrsHasj spplss. Ia
thai coaatry the crop is placed thialy oa
shelves, ia fruit hoaass coasaracisd for
tbe purpose, sad ao oae taiaks ef
seadisg them long diet sacs to saarket.
Oar Rhode Island Greeaiags aad Baid-
wias, therefore, which aow go
barrels ia iamease qaaatitjes
Jaem considerably. A good deal ef thas
is, perhaps, dae te the varieties am asaal
there. A few years sgo the Newtewa
Pippia was the great Ameriesa Apple hi
the Loadoa asarket; bat siace the sail-
of that variety, thoe two
have ia a aasasare takes its plsar. It ia
BOCftv aasBF WCwCVy aaasaK
ease eswee aea-aaa
tmmt. JiJt aft kataflr SAaaaaW ke-
a ," v a i. -m dsn.
sesssa a usssj w sasajHsjasav isinv jsansaws ,
Aeewt 9Mtt -- T? TT &
ssksv is law? camaaxaMasftsmBBeisw &
Ihi Tailiia sea am ill Ibbmbj Bias shak "
- -- .t llt tMZ. C, i
" ,
r a 1
- - vt
A. M.