.i vt- rf "WV3. j- . -s. AjtfTnt-irBMJffiJrjBfcifrnr rnMrr fcamamiifeTiiitJTamMmmfcrgtrJirri.Tgii7rt iw r r aWUfcaar lTaatiiinf- T f m j iy.TifcVW"TJ .n. br B101RrT4lTrcFrVif4 aHlWtTCT!W'B'.l'4jjJhjpg' jJtfcfai'j m& aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarT-immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamWr --Bar aBhBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmi ?. . rwmfcai.- i-fcii wn T'mmftaaMiir"""3" n JaJnalBlaMmStfraMaaamBmmaammm fl9B&iH - - - Saw -.-. w,w- W ,- - hi i- y.i) mwn i ,! .In i ii i Mr iwr n ' iwwhwim m ilil ifc m mi i n ii i n mniin n u mi "' m - -- ." ...ijtt. i. J ..'- unr vi .i 1FJ -T ra - ". A. ? OSIXESS DIRECTOR Y Attorney -at Law. t. K. WlLL"OX. J. S. GILliAy, wVillcox cfc dilham ATTORNEYS AT DAW, Wi 1 Practice in all the Codrts of the State. 3T- Collection Promptly Attended to oFF.CE IN POST OFFICII UlJlI.tJlNO. Red Cfcri. Neb. ATTOUNKY AT LAW, 2T0TASY PUSLIC ASS 2SA1 ES?ATZ AGtlTT; Red ChuiL, Xcbraxlca. County Superintendent rtf Public In ttnlcliok. Cobb. Ma' cju&tt &. Moore, LAWYERS, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. On fru will l( in tt nInec at each trm of the District Court)1 of the ycrcral countiw hi e UcpuUliran VhI I tr. 1 1 A. It. ISO WEN. J AS. I.AIKIJ - BOWEX 8t LAIKD, Att'neys at Ziaixr AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS. &5f Will practice in till the Com (no the Stale. XIA7A 17EBBASZA Real Estate Agents, &c. ". X RirilARLSON, J. A. TULLEVS Richardson & Tulleys, S2AL SSTA7S k COL'CTIUS A3SKTS Will buy and pell Real Est tr on Ciinni. f i. anl pny taxes for non-rrMJ. g-cat atttflti'iC clveti lo.'i.Iloctii'iic- Ccr rrtiinUtice Milicitnl. A'l letter? of iaquirr. r on huiinc'. promptly auwcretl. It EI) CLOUD, - - - - NEB. I. IX. Freeman, JVXIATA, - - KE11. Buys snd tcll" Wester'! Securities. Sclufd Jinndf a rci'ittif. Real Estate Dealers, XfLoouixnrox - - - neii Have ccti'tnntlr for ale a litrjre qnantity of chit-r Laud in Xouthern Nrliraka. A'" huy atvl tc I I xn-ls uu '"oiumissioa and tia Taxes tor uon-rrstilruU. K3 Afcutiin lo (tir tn to the proe u ii n nH claim hefire tlielocil nd cciitaI Land Office?, and ecrctary if the Int rior. CkvertonHouse CLOYERTON, NEBRASKA. it. vii.ion . iToprictor (5ood Stnblo?, Good Beds, and Siiiai Meal, at Rcasomble Rates. The Patronage of the Travelling Pub lic, Respectfully Sclicited. I9L Clftde Housf e. Red Cloud, Nebraska. H. 3. SILL. - - - Prcpristcr. .mmI lUfclf ! t'anarction Willi the HMV.Sr.t Ths btcl haj'ben refitted andrcfumi-hed fhmuchout. C4nime-cial .Mcn.ltailroad Men an. 1 nil liartic? i.-itins Hcl J'nd. will End ini'Ie accuuituudatioa; at :h"i liutcl. I.IVlltV A FEED J. D. POST, Proprietor. Hariri fitted np a larpe Stable i. prepare at all tilfces to furnish room and feed for te&m LiTeryrir on hort notice. Stable West of tie Valley Scusa, BT A. B. HAAWER. it the Billiard Hall, Red Cloud. ftorShaviBg, Shampooing and Hair- Gutting in the highest style of the 17-td irt. V City Mt Market. " V ARK H- WARNER Has jut opened a Meat Market en Webster Street, next door south of Park's Shot h ip where he will keep aud sell fresh meats of all kinds. HIG HEST MARKET PRJC&PAtD FOR BEEF CATTLE HOGS, .AND HIDES. ReiCfcwf - v . Neb. GE0R&E ZEISS, DEALKKS IS1-1 ITITines &, Liquors CIGARS, Che!!, Sniiking, Tobacco. CANNEDEEUITS OFAfiEKINDS,- A3r' CONFEC riOERIS, A-Speoialty.- rA Lager fiecrfrccr AxtCopc JBfewery, cmU9tl7MamL - J BED LOUD, JiJEB, s HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN u. s. pension surgeon. Office 3d door Soutl of Court Hoist. Eedierce Ore T!e art cf 2ed CArL feT M JO XE8, Watchmaker & Jeweller, 23 CLOTO, W3ESISS C0717T7, JT2: XS?-Particular attention1 given to Rc- j pairing Fine Watches atid Satisfaction Guarantied. R. WILbCOX, N JTARY PUBLIC. Conveyancing and all other Notarial Easiness will receive prompt attention. 37"Dcpoitioni promptly and correct ly taken. Address, HKD C'LOCD.XEIMIASKA. Republican River STAGE. LINE. 5. ?. S32. Pr&riste. Regular trips will be uidic between JUNIATA and RED CLOUD, t .-hall be pleaded to carry passencer upon the days mentioned, leavmc He Cloud at 6 A M on Mondays, Wednc davs and Friday.. Leaving Juniata at ti a. l., oa TueidJi'., Thursday and Saturdays. Fare reanable. HAMPTON & RALSTON. Red Cloud- Ilaring leaded the Wajion and Black smith shop, lately occupied by Ira Sleeper, are now prepared to do every thing in the line of WAGON-MAKING AND J3LACKSMITIIING, WAGONS. BUGGIES. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Repaired on short notice and in a WorlkUidii-likfi manner. WAGONS ASD nUUGIES MADE TO ORDEll. HAMPTON & RALSTON. RED CLOUD MILLS. NATIVE LUMBER Constantly on hand. All kinds of DIMENSION LUMBKK. 5UELTING. Fencing. AND BRIDGE PLANK. All sold CJitapor Cah. Call and examine lumber and prices. FITS CURED FREE! I Any person ynfferiar froBi the ahove dis civvi i rejuMte-t t aildrc Ir. Price, and a trial bottleuf taediciau will be forwarded by Exprcii. FREE! The only wt betns the Exprcw cbarpe. wi -h owinj; to iny litrso bujincs. axeciuall. Dr. Price has mIe th treatment f FITS OR PILEPY a rtndy for year?, and he will warrant a care by the use ofhi remedy. Do not fail to send ti hitn for a trial IrottTe; it costs nothing, and he WILL CURE YOU, no matter f how Ion ftandinc ynur cae tua be. or how uiuny other reraedics may have failid. Circular acd testimonials sont with FREE TRIAL BOTTLE. lie partlcul r to cire your Kjprcea. u well as your Post 'flicc direction, aud Addrens. DR. CII AS. T. TRICE. 07 William Street, new York. L DAY DAY! WELL AUGER ! Having obtained the agency for the State of Nebnaka for 0WSX3CXXXBUT2S WELL SKITO And provided owsehes with firet class machiBerv" fot Qkinr Welte. we take this method of solickiwr, orders iroui ail wuo seek wier smyyi) . ITc are prepared to nak wells wifE'tlie mt Koet speed, aad ia a satisfactory auaaer. aa-rmi mad otker Ftl takes in x cbasjce fer wrk. Beiartkeduly aatborixrti steals fcrtii Statc. we offer Coanty. Township. aaA icdi Ttdttal nt far sale. SPLE5DID BU5IXESS FJR A SHALL CAMTAL" $25 a Dy tatr wtN iSHif ti Well AfK: -- dWENfcJltrNtGOXEIir; Bzh"Bj OMfwte lUck, '--" fel THE RED CLOUD CHIEF RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. JjOCAL 3IATfEPS. Xilicexin th(J Column 10 fcaiti a Line For Salt. The Meat Market at Red Clonl. I This is a god ' disnce for a man with J small means to secure a jrood location. The building and what belongs tuere d, together with the ood will, ts of ferrcd very cheip. Inquire al this office- -( td ArrlTfil Md Drtirlre f H fruiM tUr Krtl Ctoa4 .. JuniAta Leaves Monday's Wednesday' and Friday 7 . m. Moil clunl 9 p. i. Airivcji Tues day Thursday and Saturday' 7 p. m. Hakvahd Leaves Tuesday's and Fridav'. G p. m. arrives Tuesday .i .and Friday's 5 p. m. Mail closed :,l. p. m. Fca:K!.is, ?oinz east, Monday' mul ThtiMlar't; 1 n. m. unim: west Tiic-day's and Friday's 10 a. ni. Pleasant !liu. leaves Thursdays 6 a. m. ArJives Wednesday's 4 p. m. -Mail closed 0 p. m. Jewell, Kansas, arrives Friday's 12 m. Leave Friday I p. m. Rl'ijSEL, Kansas, arrives Thursday's 12 a. m. Leaves Thursday 1 p. m. Ofice opea from 4 untill 6 p. m. Sundays. All regntehd matter mut be in the evening before the mails leave. M. B. McNrtT, P. M. I'Ul'Rlll UIKECTUKY. CONG REG ATIONAL CII U RCH StTvicty. eyery first and third Sab bath of each month at Red Uloud and Inavale. ,10 o'cloek A. M. at Red Cloud. 2 o'cToci ?. 3L at In avale. Everj second and fourth Sabbaths at Batin and Harmony Precincts. Rev. A. Max well, Pa? tor. UAITIST CHURCH Rev. Tito. Mrxi.ow, l'astor. Services eVtfy fourth Sabbath at 7 P. M. Saubatii School every Sabbath motumg at I 1 A. M. J. Q. POTTEIt, Supt. Prayer meetinc Sabbath and Thurs day eveuinj.s. All held at the school !iouejiist noithof to;vn, amsm WilicoxfcGillham. Have for sole choice tracts of land, and good claims. All letters of inquiry answered promptly. NO; L 100 acres deeded land. H miles east of Red Cloud. 80 aerci good bottom grass hind, balance smooth upland prairie, well watered. A bargain. NO.i A good claim of 100 acres, three miles from Red Cloud, well watered and some timber. A few acres under culmation. Can be taken as a home stead. NO. 3. A good claim of SO acres, four miles from Red Cloud, south of the river. Timber aud water. NO. 4. 1 f0 acres 3 miles from town. 1 0) acres bottom. GO acres level upland, a spring on each SO ; a running stream through the quarter, , .acres improv ed, a log house loxto, 15 acre4; wheat. 10 acres oats, 10 acres corn. One-half the small grain nod all the corn crop will be so'd with the land if sale is made in sixty daj-s. One cow, 2 plows, 1 harrow, 1 span horses, harness and wagon, and 2 cultivators. NO. 5 Nwr 34, 3, filing ; IXf acresnnder plow, a good well, dug-out stable lox 4a, hewed log house 10x20. Cheap. For further particmlars call on or address WlLLCOX k GlLLHAM, RED CLOUD, - - - NEB. micros SALS. A splendid farm for tale about six miles southwest of Red Cloud. 45 acres under cultivation, 30 acres in s'toall grain, and the rest in com. Timber and water on the land in abuadance, Will also sell with fara one span of males, one oow. and aB the necsaary farming implements to cany on a farm. Deed will be giren to pnrchaser if de sired. Good school ndfaatajecs aI extensive range for stock. NettaWM t 1, Sec 53. town 1 rtbge 11 west ?or further particakrs call at this office or on J". C. Wolfe at his place. LOCI, SHATS9 OS STOLEff . From town 3, range 9, Sea 12, oa tne night of May 16th, o span of mnlesv dark brown; when lost had halter on. Ay information famished will be weS rewarded. Direct such information jtn 6. W. Ewens, Maoen, hFrantj - Q coiefy, Keb. 40tf HASllSB. FERMAN 1 65fer. On the 4th day of May, at the resideese .ofthe briieTs mother. Mm. James H. Fke KA.s, of SaHae Co., Nek. tn Mtsn Nellie M. Fosxt, f Weheter tV Akoat the Mate place on the creel' tne 14th. Mm, Jho. W. Poskt to L Miss Mart BletjssV of Webster tJo., by Lias n . Moser, J. P. We wtirn evikdfcs far thaifae cake, and wlsk tie wb'nm) C0Si all tnenappassn that maybe sttaiced'ia the consMisI state. -Vick'sReral Gni4e, Na. S' JuT 1875is at xOL Mr. Tiek girts a ray iat'riwiaaaJawaai of hi trit tc jCafifornia. IWc ,ata camar cahcr 'things'of interest hcsiae,ithc Guid.- We listened to an able KrniMby f ' i -UiiLts. LEGAL SOTICE --- . .m ,4fe. . -fl Rev. White of the 31. E. ITnurch, o Kearney Junction, last Sabbath erco mg. Wc are hariB? pknty cf efrch frjjt ?howera now-a-days which casts a aluJw f living retn o'er tkc 6e?d of-? wheat and other small gnffn. A grrat many farmerj have corn tealy for the plow, and ay they never had better projecU for a good crop. J. D. Post has just fetorned fifom Beatrice, where he nurinad a G t team of ponies, which He will aid to his livery stable. Geo. Zei-s has the frame work of his new addition enclosed and will probably have it finished by the first of next week. He intend to give the boys a eocial hop one of these days. Tor some of the "iltcdgcd"-tfst butter we have een in Nebraska .we are indebted to Mrs. Holccftub. "Mrs. Burtis sent to this office a ba'f-dozen ex&s which for size arc not olten excelled. We meiaured the largest but as it didn't quite come up to that one mentioned in the J.trnilta Gazette wc wout give the fijjarCA,' Mr; a S. Wells bro't th'e firt onions of the season as far as our ev. lericncc foes, to town last Thursday. -J Asher Beal sa3s he will count trees with the tuot uf his neighbor. He has set out 14,35'J since tfc'e firat of last April. . Joe Warner has an epg th'at beats the juven ic egg layer at Juuiitl. It measured 'Jxl inches. What a huge "shake up" that would make. J. L. Miller's father-in law, and wife, have been in towu several days on a visit. -G. W. Shepard of the U. S. Land Office, it Bloomingtoo, aud J. R. road. There are ouite a uuuiber of uin going from Riverton to that place and they are in need oi more hands. r. W. Vollintine, of Republic? City, was in towu last Friday. We understand he is going to Riverton io take charge of his flouring mill at lkat place. A little disturbance ocmrred in Berenzeu's store one day last week By tho meeting of two pugilists. A show case demoralized, a little blood spilled, ard a nose out of place, was the result. Bctb combatants are now i-atisaed and peace reigns supreme. Wc weald mildly suggest that when parties come to a misunderstanding that they settle it out of doors, where they canjiave plenty of room and show casus can' not be used for a fort. We understand that last Friday a young man brought -a large span of mules into this place and sold them k Mr. Barry, of Smith county, K'a3&i, for the remarkable small sum of $1o5. He says he brought them from Ells worth, Kan. Mr. Barry deposited the money with W. N. Richardson to be paid at the expiration of twelve days, providing the sale is valid. -There were more tcarns in town Tuesday than we have seen for some time before. We guess it i?ds on ac count of it being aid day. L Mr. Bobier tells us he his forty- five acres of pasture fenced in with a good board fence. Sherer has his Soda Fountain up ami in full blast. It works like a charm for we tried it, and Sherer set 'em up to the boys in good style Tues day afternoon. 'Go drink and be m-.-r-ry, etc" 5lec3?er hrrs a lot of machinery on hand which he offers at reasonable turns. Ed. Smith has on hand some very nice Oranges and Lemons. Go and try them, they are cheap. We might try some of your tropical fruit Ed., tempt ns aud see. Ed. Smith's pony was bit by a rattlesnake last Tuesday morning. Proper remedies were used, and he is now rapidly recovering from the bite. SSorty Batch has purchased a canary, and L now tryinc to catch a barn swallow for its mate. We think tbe two together wonld make sweet mssic fir Shorty, the sweef motes of the canary fcr tenor, and tSe' cand grating noise of the swallow for bass. The "Old Man" is away now a days attending to Constitutional affairs and if any of our "high-blood" read ers get ofended at some of our per- Lwl tice, they will do ns a'favor by keeping cool till he gets kerne.- If yon wait to be happy, virtuous and wise patronix? those who adver tise, and go to see John G. Fetter's new goods nhicb he is nelEugt Gran ger prices. Mr. Jan. Steaser has fouwdai horses, which strayed away fTwnrHasCr; ings several wAksago. Jkey ware taken up by a man living near Spring Ranchc. Mr73. new has Aeatfc charge at the end aTa knafe .Miss S AMnueaB la, just re- ceived aa addttioa to aafalready large alack of miliaery goons. And the way tbe laM are getting3' rnfr hats- and" RepoHotthe Red Oiead Sakcl C kit Maun MJTm-Uic7rk -17 mJt . nMW -J- -a..-.". .-a. -tZ aaiawamaar at snanvuTS.aBfuaacr aw: r ilcUonald, Uounty Ulerk oi trankhu i" manner mat it win make it a , dred $-(K)j dollars due pUintilf with county, were in town last Friday. f pleasure intend of something to be "uteres from May I.'.th. IjTI. or that -W V ILinU -eiKr. n ,ldrca,le,1 ve him a call. aid preim-es may lw miH to ay th.i -W . h Hatch, of Rive ton c .lied - rvFlTS arne Vou and "cb oi'y " on us on Saturday last. He intends r,UM r,I'" by notified to aiiwer isiid feUtiou on soon to start for Granada, Colorado, Al1 wanting wells bored will do well or before the tliird Monday after the toiakechafgeofa gang of hands on w oil upon W W H vitVEV I.Uh day of May 1875 ,tn a. m- t .t f c. v -i Inavale, Webster Co., Neb. John F. Black, the Atchison, Topeka & St. le rail- firtft1 nn(N tn :f ,, :i Bv Wniim .t Cfi ,i.r,r ' J&ff&tXSi nlWciaaaCi j lSana??mf .itif Ii iT-1- K-?immmmmFr 1 .- JBPBihmcraHwy' W. Kalet, Teacher. -K ESTRAY XOTICE r m. . - . . . jii irif ar aB 11 iarnup by u,e urrcer:mfri, on In the Ut.tr! Conr tb M Ja- VMI.L.K. T JiPBfc m Sec. '2. iovn. , nutce !:, on the rffcnl lhnrwt ia mf ftr fcb:r Co., W m "" -gl icthilayof AprJ, HT5 , Owe cost 11 NebrasEi. - jh years M. color a light red. bruin of Joun F. Black. fl tail whi;e, under crop in riItt car r. , rjrj 33-w Avr.vsr Pir.iKTdk'Mi. Red Clou I, Ajuil 2inh, 1S75. sc'uUol'xotjceT Notice w h.reby jriverf that scaled I plotonl will bi received l the tTScl of I. W. Tulleys. in Rrd flond until th2 2Sth day of May, J.S75, for fami-h-! ini ten conl of wrxvi for the ue of j the schoof honse in lut. Nu. 2. Wood ( to be .ond, fotlr feel in leai:th. and I to re delivered at the School Houm; I in Red I!oml; on or befuri the lt da of July, 1S7J. I. W.Tl'I.lhvs, 3'J- td director. , Hctice to Tacisri Notice is hereby given. That I will examine all persons who maj desire to offer themselves a.t candidate tor j teachers of the primary or comtnon school of the count), at my office in Red Cloud, on the first :aturdar cf August, November, Fehraary and May. II. S. IvAi.Er, Co. Superiutcmient. One Champion Lijjfit .Mower. Price $ I J 5. Will take stevk in ptrt py. M. B. McNitt. Corn Planters. Two two horse corn planters Tor said cheap, to close out my etock of Agri cultural implemenls. 32-tf. M. B. McNitt. Bcrcnzcn & Co..- hare a hrrc amount of wood sale id afge or small quantities to suit. teetuTteetii u Shercr ha. a good set of instruments and will extract teeth on ihort notice, 37-3ui The Pride of the Great West. -The Wilson Shuttle Sewing Machine iscxtreemely simple in its construction elaborately finished in its design and ornamenting, combining great capac ity and adaptation to every variety of family tewing aud manufacturing. It embraces all tho important and essen tial elements embodied in sewing ma chnes patented in the last twenty-five years, together with the Iafe important improvements ami patent- of eminant mechanical expert and inventors in thrcrap!oyof tho Wilson Company. The west has reason to be prod"! of the Wilson machine. Machines will be delivcrd at the nearest Rail road Station to your place free of transportation charges, if ordered through the Companies Branch Houe at St, Louis Mo. They send an elegant catalogue and chromo circular, free on aplieation. This Company wsct a few more good agents. SCHOOL LAND SALE. Notice is hereby given that on the 16th day of June, A. D. fS7o, at the hour of 10 a. in., at the Court House, in Red Chrad, Webster county, Neb., I will offer fbr sale at public auction to the highest bidder upon the terms fixed by the law, the following describ ed school lands in said county of Wcb- I . .'-It--ii) Att'ys for Plaiutiff. stcr, to-wit: T. R, Sec 16 and 35 1 north 12 west '" 16 2 12 " ni 30 J " 12 " uj set 36 2 " 12 " n sw 36 2 " 12 " sec 16 and 36 3 " 12 " sec 16 and 3C 4" U5 " swl nei 16 V A Tf wsel 16 1 - II " sw 16 1' 11 " sinwIlG 1 11 " sec 36 I, " 11 ' nandse"16 2' " 11 sec 16 and 36. 3 , 11 " c 16 and 36 4 " 11 " w swj 16 1 " 10 " ne" swr 16 I,4 " 10 " nw 16 1 ' 10 u sec 36 I " 10 " sec 16 and 36 . 2 . 10 4 sec 16 and 36 3 ', " 10 " sec 16 and 36 4 " 10 ' sec 16 and 36 1" 9 " secl6and36 2 " 0 " sec 16 and 36 3 " 9 " sec 16 and 36 4 " 'J " 20 lands will bo sold for less than seven dollars per acre nor lea than the appraised value thereof. Said sale will be adjourned from day to day till all of said lands have been offered. J. A. TfLLETfS. 37-6 Clerk. LEGAL NOTICE la the District Court of the 1st Ja dical District iaaaaV for Webster Co., Nebraska. Jamas LaOac, plaintiff, V versus Edwin E. Covey, c. eney. ; The defeadaat in t5a above astion will take notice that the phuatif above nftmk.neT did. oa the 36th day of April, A. D. K: file his aeUM mtheaoevc named eovrt, sect forth thathesani acfeadant Kkwm VL Co vev. U aiaBhted ta the mm aJMHtiff IwrjH'UfaBase moaeyof lotslbar (4) are t5), aa4 fix (6), m Week five (5). LaDac's additkm, so the TiMageaf gea Ooaa;lanioaaliag cathcaamaf forty-ve (t4$i aaan. with iacereW Jrvat.tha 221 day afArr, At D. J74. and that phuauffakiaC'a reaaors Kea oa Istsa aati 6 afaaid atamijca, PIuKtiaTasks iaaaaaae iar the rrr of fcrty-fifci fm; akalara, .with iaaar- eM from the '221 st ApoL A. V. ;la?aMVlait-ais! lata .fife ami sis csdi4i citify aai the TihraaY afJi a. - v. isia. ia.?. v & -3ff.t-w ,-M AU'xs for plaiaaiC John G. Potter. Kihubeth lVttcr, $frl E. Pern, Jamis M. Baldwin, ar A. X Svhuter, H. B fvcteham. and Iidura Weil. ! doing buine urler the 6rtu j mime of Schuster KvtchaiaA: j n . and J. C. O.-dru, S. T. I Beck and I II. Harvey, do f ing buine under the firui J name or J. (j. Ds'dea i Co , j Defendant's J Alfrel E Perry, A. N. Schutcr. !!. B Kctcham, MJore WVd, J '. 0:dcn, S. T. Btfck. and D B Harvcj now ruiderit deieudict will fV,c no lice I hit John F. Black oT the county of Red Willow, in the htat nf .. !raVa. 1i! nn th rli .1.- r ...,)! .. 1. . . T W 9 i. - . - "; "-- : '; ,''J pciiiiiin in tne I'tstrsct j Lourt within aul for the county of I Webster, in tht State ol Nehnika . 3-i!n,t ihe above uimed defendant- citing forth th it the -atd John G. Potter and Ehrabeth Potter cave a mortgage to, the aid Alfred E. Perry on lot u.n iiU in b!ock twenty mx (Jii in the iilage of Kel Cloud. Neb , and lot ten and eleven (Ju ,t 11). in block one (1). in iWehatd-on'a addition to' Red Cloud, all in said Web-ter county to secure the pay-sent of the um of A fee iifiodred (.'W) doJlars aL-cordm? to certain notes referred to In siJ tcort "age. and alo to ecure A E Perry agamt his liability ou cettain joint debt.- of the said John G. Potter, and Alfred E. Perry, a-umed by John 11. Potter, and that the said Alfred E. Perry assigned said mnrtg-ige to de fendant James M. Baldwin, and that said James )I. Baldwin furtlier a--igu- I ed?aid mortgage to plaiutilT, and' that t since trie giving oi saia mortgage, tne i defendants composing the said firm of I Jebuster, Ketcham & Co , and I. C. Oirden & Co.elaitu to have acquired iorje interest in the pteuiie . mort gaged, and praying that .-slid John G. I otter may pay the sum of two hun- LEGAL XOTWE In the District Court of the 1st Ju dicial District, State of Nebraska with in aud for Webster County. Joseph R. Bobier, Wilfiam RicterJson, Jlrs. Richardixin. wife of W. Richardson, first name uu- j known. J The above named defendants will take notice that the plaintiff did on the 27th day of April, I S7.i, file his petition in the office of the Clerk of the District Court, of Webster county. Neb., against you. The object and prayer of said petition is to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by you to plairitilF. rrpon the nw". Sec. 32, town 1. of range 10 wct, dated Feb. I'Jtb, lb3, fur three hundred and forty dol lars, due April 1st, 17.. Said petition prays judgement against youtor the sum ot two hun dred and eighty dollars with ten per cenUntere-t from the first day of April, "S75. You arc required to ans wer said petition on or .pefore the third Monday after t&e -'1st day or May, 1S7JC H. S. Kalky, 17 4t Att'y for Plaintiff. Notice. To whom it may concern. All per sons are herby rrotiSed that the hi. P. R. R. Company have become tired of this wholesale slaughter upon their timber, in the Republican Valley. And Irom tLia time lorwara wc propose to protect our own interest, ind by so doing we think we tjhSJf protect the best interests of ("h'c set tlers, as we are ccnviu"ed that there is no timber in the Valley to spare. Especially to be drawn out ofthe State or cut into lumber, or in any manner wasted. And we hope all good1 citi zens will consider these matters care fnlly. and lend us their influence to protect what timber there may be left, J. D. LonniDOE, Land Com'r. 31. P. Railway. 23ixs6. Notice to Schoof Boards. To Distbict School Boards; Yon will please take notice that by an act of the Legislature, ap;pr?7cd February 25th. it in made the dutv of School District Boards to furnUh L immediately to the County (Jerk a statement of the amount of Bonds hereKr7,e iu d, and not already paid, the date of dach JS&rf, the rate of interest, and whsa and where it is payable. You will make this statement as possible, and unless made in time for the County Commissioners to levy tte UTT required , to pay the interest on your bonds, no' tax will be levied for that purpose. The law makes it the dety of the r onty Commissioacrs to tery the tax at the same time other taxes are levied oC the &r?t Moaklay ia Jaly. By order of the Board of County Commissioners. , - J-. A. TCL-.ET. Co. Clerk. Red Cloud, April 7, 1575. 3t 6' GODEY'S LADY'S flOOfc We feel that we would be doing oar sabficrihers an injustice did we not call their atteatloa to thisiatriaacatSy good MagazicC and charmsag Chramo, The Raacaf which is given to each yearly scbscriiMr. Read the Prospeetas, xhd if yaw hare acrar aeaa a ccy ofthe Magazine, seed 25 eeat toL. A. GO DEY,PhilWiA!a,Pa,fira eop-y. SrjrfWs; if. mml teMaake aCwrkfari wttmmhtm MraHilM JU lint. rrry Mc.afft. 4cmwj AuaK JfarmC pcrtaTal :. axar. Gr.ZTMjmXCrii'tpri. Vnimm. fcTtag w. c mMrVimutW kivmvm awt HUiIhm. Bc7tIaaSrMa: J. C. W ARISIER, Prop 1 1 b alwiyi rady fo attend to anj make cwmfortabW hi patrua. ThL Hotel L eutirel new, liritc Isren fitted cp (vr th captr (4rpoM of the traveling public STAG E LE V ES FOR TH KK! LK1 D ON !OND. V. W KlN E3- DAV, AND FRIDAY OF EACH WKKtf XT 7 O'CLOCK A. M. I Claim to Have the BEST STABLE West of Lincoln.- Alsny LtcjHnc on hand a good up!y of II A Y A 1 & 6 K A I Alo a goo-! convcyatK for the purpose of tavej,irigpaa?ctitr twtn this plico to any other al reasonable ril?i. Itccl lUl9 0, L. RATTLES & CO. -m-;i,kusin-SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE AGENT KOJt TUB wammBBwJwr "vummmmaml aAumma- , - -vA ammmmm BTaTaTPk -?$ -ammmaj maBEXc Ja jyfi&rrr tt- -', f jmmmm hjBM'?ie?S?jFfBmwLaPBWj3afcg a4ttiamanimmKE5nsnLPkj4aiTmmj X WM. ANSON WOOD MOWER llorcr JExecisior Reaper Combiwtd With Dropifct or l$clj Ra'c. THE ILSTEW M AJSTN Y. TWE I. X. L DRILL Buckeye Drill Super ior UronHcant Seeder 4 Fountain Cilp Seeder. rAINIClILKVaiAYRAKa S1V afl,mtKW. And aril FARMiNG MACHINERY at erafftje Pricts. ammmmmmmBmBaammmmmmmmm"r yK'TPSamm-. Also Victor BrtraMng PlorWy Churici 6mk .tad Eclipm flivci. ALL THE VARIETIES OF UEATIXG AND PARLOIt STOVEsi A good assortment of NAILS, RAKES, BOLTS. CORN PLANTERS, SHOVELS, SPADES. FORKS CARPENTERS' AND MASONS' TOOLS. PAINTS. OILS. COOPER AND NEWTON" WAQON3, OLASS. TINWARE. GRAND DETOUR PJXJW3, DAVKNPORrPUWS. with Wood or Iron Beataa. with Woea1 ai'l Ircw lhaaf And Ererythb; needed-by the Farmer or Mccltaafe. mrFiae Table ac'Pock'ct Cutlery." O. L. BATTLES k CO., GttidcRoek, -. . mr .pin .Red Cloud Mill's f oldest drug stok in "r" 1 - j-if- 4PSW We art ared to do cw7 1 "jTr , . A a; tM work - - - j s&ik Drags, Oils, Pmt- K ntMadttolnaw. WL ftimr F ' rH':'Lj Jfe-aV ; STATIONERY. C Ml M Balacf . . ' .' . . Jf l rASIl VCtffttlmmVmramV IK . . ataTSaJiaiaetiaa gmaracc at . -' Tj -mmmwftS :Tyv MM J71r",.ig. sjaaSrr efSearsoLd. ami cirfx - 'is- "F'"? ; 5KJ ZJZZZrr wom Farmars i haalkc mwiicalar -Cniiilaaih cjhajMWJI sj&j&" jMEV Wm'ir,m t a mm tVt U'drJ t . ,aSSSSS&- '-Jaw's Jfa jaw." - x;--ammmmmmmaWfflr v' aarn; - M- iaMai. - v.MBmammmim "ammmkBfcffisamLamammnifrY- f!TtJd- - - -aSSSmTP TjammmmmmmmmW-lmW "Li .3"T!"? K . . .... vSSSSSIT!SmjMmfil?SSSKC JF L aVftftAr mV a?aaaJmaALiSSSmr SSmSSSSSSSSmF mM aclrjMkfi. J Jtt Wi mal ll ) -? "SSSSSmmPcmpki JmmmmmammaMSSSSmaaGL "apwiSSmmat BmaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmBmaaSSB Sa -if jriammmmmmmmmmswBaTBmTM ' .. a.amampiiSr".- mSSSsVfVfV Jmr- Evmmml Kj?MKflBaaaaaaaas6aiEBF .Br 'MLi i r m ? jKKK . ssaaa .mammmmmmmmmS?r'.. mubk. , lar-r, T' s a k-z- -? f rwr- BB1 -, , jBSSSSSSSSSBSSmmmiataMamBamSSSSmLaaBBw ttowsi'jr Fz. -& JcallimSELifc-Mt,"r' . S sJiSe :iia :,j, j. . -' t !?'- sdt"' .. -?&&' - -jj& -ife ' $&& r k - . -iElte. -.-r fBgfeteg1r,, rfittawaMWir1' '-m - " Ka s-rJauml -- ,lfp-r- -r " " ' ?" : "?:. W. .. ViSTCmmmmi