7nl- u r- 4 & 1 fc. fjlrJ" I '' iter j ffia'-JJKWfc jtr rv!t w e r L.W"fJ .i : 4J E - &&v -fc- I I BBBKWW. m M l'SBar T mn jmrna m BjILBFBBbi--- . t T..--- lBm.,rv MlisT Bbk-'x 9!wBBav " "r " , Tn KmwT Peyaakaaw, Swansea rt. last ujdcr.tbc mow ' AaMtoaiMMtteT tea da wkleh hang below re ib tke ky That ratals a abese era ike day was gone Ore Ut darkest place? Tke fair sew mooa gees rouadlng on. m To tke fellaess of ker facet Tkt oar gareea reok. to smell asd slow, ' Ie wtodlag toward tke rivert Tkat sader tke Ice 1U fellkfal Sow Makes Bade aweet a cTer? Tkat tke ake4 treee are all a-tbrob Wltfa tke aweet blood In their reins t Tkat bltadly reaching tkey years and rob For tke blessed a prll rala r Tkat tke precious teeds or lire are precd Uadrr tke frexea aod, lil tke great eartk warms.tbrough bcr fraltlul breatk With tke aplrit of ker OodT ErjUMsceaee. Wkat's tke brightness of a brow? Wkat'a a mouth of pearl and eoralei Beast Taalabea like a vapor. Preach the men of mnsty morals. Should the crowd, then, asca since. Hare aknt tkelr ear to singing llomer, Bceaaie tke naaic fled aa soon As leeU the violet's aroma? Ah, for ma, 1 thrill to see w The bloom a velvet cheek difclocca: Made or dost I well believe HI So are lilies I so are roses. Harriet Prescott 8offord in llarptr't Maqa tltu lot February. Hew Mr. Coa spelled It. J ' The other evening old Mr. and 3irs. Coffin who Heed on Brush street, sat in their cosy back parlor, lie reading hip paper and she knittiwr, and the family cat stretched ont under the stove and sighed and felt sorry for cats not so well fixed. It was a happy, contented house hold, and there was love in his heart as Mr. Coffin put down his newspaper and . remarked: "I see that the whole country is be coming excited abut spelling-schools." "Well, it's good to know how to ' spell," replied the wife. 'I didn't have the chance some girls had, but I pride ) myself that I can spell almost any word - that cones along." 'I'll see about that," he laughed; "come now, spell buggy.' " "Humph! that's nothing b-u-g-g-y, "ugjyt" h replied. K "Missed the first time ha! ha!" he r roared, slapping his leg. "Not much that was right." "It was, eh? Well, I'd like to see anybody et two g's in buggy, I would." "But it is spelled with two g's, and any ; school-boy will tell you so," she per sisted. "Well, I knw a durn sight better . than that!' he exclaimed, striking the table with his fist." "I don't care what you know!" she squeaked; "I know there is two g's in buggy!'" "Do you mean to tell me that I've lorgotton how to spell?" he asked. "It looks that way." 'It docs, eh? Well, I want you aud all your relations to understand that I know more about spelling than the whole caboodle of you strung on a wire!" "And I want you to understand, Jon athan Coffin, that you are an ignorant old blockhead, when you don't put two g's in the word buggy yes, you are!" "Dou't talk that way te me!" he warned. . "And don't shake your fist at me!'' she replied. "Who's a-shaking his fist?" "You were." "That's a lie an infernal lie!" "Don't call me a liar, you old bazaar! I've put up with your meanness for forty years past, but don't call me a liar, and don't lay a haad on me !" "Do you want a divorce!'- ho shouted, spriagiatf up; "you can go now, this minute!" "Don't spit in my face don't you dare doitor I'll make a dead man ot you!" she warned. "I haven't spit in your frcckeled old visage yet, but I may if you provoke me farther!" "Who's got a freckled face, you old turkey-buxxard? ' That was a little too much. He made a motion as it be would strike, and she seised him by the neck-tie. Then he reached out ud grabbed her right ear, and tried to lift her off her feet, but she twisted up oa the neck-tie until his tongue ran out. ."Let go of me, you old fiend!" she screasaed. "Git down on yer knees, and beg my pardon, you old wild-cat!" he replied. They surged and swayed and strug gled, and the peaceful cat was struck by the overturning table and had her back : broken, while the clock fell down and the pictures danced around. The woan finally shut her husband's supply ot air off and flopped hisa, and as she bumped his heed up and down on the floor and scattered his gray hairs, she shouted: "You want to get up another spelling . school with xae, don't yon!" "He was seen limping aroung the yard yesterday, a stocking planed around his -; throat, and she had court-blaster on her knose and one finger tied up. He wore the leok of a martyr, while she bad the ;, bearing ef a victor, and frost this time otliggywTrm bespelled with two g's in tkat hovse. Detroit Fru JPrtu. v of Rockford I1L, has ob- taiaVvWdictfortM.tW against Mr. fltsteyecthe Chicago Timet. The libel suit wee based was coa- I4ni:'toter froem Rockford. wo. to be -torn wosmineat citt & . aa W oatrafeee slander. - Miss Brir by nasne, with Kawnuij, aa aiming we ai. Vinkersfi; There was not ICmndetiosi for BtaVT-iBt.anWV -- . aaaMtauullil AJ I !. a . .- - - - - T.ll- laaalkaaau aatarnaaUBBdaaail aae wsmt .. w- v ' ." ,ri "mai usaiaar use adtil. nr Mriiramix n -- .- . '.. -? -- - .. a i .- . .- . nam . . " w i .. awwvma ra . . -- aamnaMBaai Banm aaa la lajammBi aaaaaa.aM aaaa aaaa.1. laaBaaaaL BBaaaaai aaawm avaaaa I r .- aaa aman aaavpBam Bare fnm Mettle ' a 0et Sad and despondent Arnold B. was walking home after one more fruitless seacli for work. Many weeks since be had pawned his Itest clothes, sacrificed his gold watch, and paid hi last cent for advertisements in the papers. He had slept in a mean room in the suburbs for a month, and lived on free lunches for nearly two weeks. He was thinking of the friends who bad ceased to know him when he had ceased to treat them, of numerous promises that never brought him anything, and, thus brooding over his misery, he neither heard the noise nor saw the crowd tb&t filled tlie streets towards the close of the day. Coming to the gate of the yard he had to cross to reach his room, be waft roused by the sight of a boy of fourteen, who was beating a large Newfoundland, hitched to a dog-cart, to make him climb, with his load, up a flight of crazy stairs. "Lca?e that dog alone," shouted Ar nold angrily. The boy looked at him with contempt, but did not answer. Again the stick came down with furious force, and was split in two upon the stairs. The dog, hear ing a protector's voice, had bounced to wards him, upset his cart, and was lying at his feet. "Here! Rover! Here! I say." The animal imploringly fixed his eyes upon Arnold's; but did not move. "Here !" repeated his master, pale with rage, and once more raising the broken stick. But Arnold did not give him time; he flung the stick into the next yard, and applied his boot somewhere upon the young miscreant's body with such vigor that he sent him reeling into the arms of his mother, who was just opening the door to sec what was the matter. Arnold disentangled the dog and set him free. The intclligct brute licked the hands of his protector and jumped around him to express his thanks. "What do you keep that ruffian here for?" said the boy to his mother, with an oath. "You know he'll never pay you. He is a thief, an assas ." Ho did not finish, for Arnold coming in, gave him a look that made him seek shelter behind his mother. ' "It is not enough to lodge in my house, without paying for it," shrieked the latter at the top of her voice,. "You must begin to beat my boy now !" "Madam," answered Arnold politely, "I have given your boy no more than he deserved; and as to your rent, you may rest assured that I will pay you as soon as I can get work." "Fine way to talk! Everybody can get work, except those who are too proud to do it." "I fear those who are top proud to work would be too proud also to live in a place like this," retorted Arnold, with an attempt to smile. "What now! Insult! If my house is not good enough for you, you may leave' it; but pay me my month's rent first." "You know I have no money," gently remonstrated Arnold. "What is that to me?" I want my rent and I must have it." Arnold was silent for a few minutes; his face grew ghustly pale. Taking off his overcoat: "Here," said he, "this is the last thing I have that can be turned into money, go and sell it for whatever you can;" and he left the house. "Beggar!" shouted the boy, from the half-open door. "Thief !" But Arnold heard nothing. Ho was walking briskly along an alley that led him out upon the fields ; there he stopped, and casting a rapid glance over the city, said, bitterly: "Since there is nothing for me there, let us go." His f ramowas trembling; he thought it was the cold: " Tis true," ho said, "I have no overcoat I must walk faster." And he started al most at a fun, never stopping until ho reached the shore. From the edge of a rock he seemed, for a few seconds, to question the depth of water, then, a leap a splash and Arnold B. was buried under the waves. His first feelinz was to struggle for life, but he conquered it immediately, and, ceasing all motion, opening his mouth, he felt the wafer fill his body, and saw himself go down, his face downward, until he was lying flat upon the sands. He did not suffer, but his mind had suddenly acquired a lucid ity it had never known before. He ssw his whole life at a glance as in a mirror, and knew he was sorry for what he had done. All at once he thought be was seized violently, and lost conscious ness. It was Rover, the brave dog, who had followed him, and was paying his debt Rising to the surface with his precious load and swimming vigorously, he soon laid Arnold upon the shore. There he keept barking furiously until he attracted the attention of some stragglers. The body was carried into a fisher man's hut near by, aud a physician seat for. A few old envelopes found in his pockets revealed Arnold's address; a messenger was at once dispatched, and found there a letter which had just ar rived for the unfortunate young man. It was an answer to oae of his adver tisements, offering him a situation as preceptor in a rich man's family. Arnold was brought hack to life; when he opened hk eyes the first thing they met was Rover's big curly mead looking kindly at him from the foot of the bed. He knew at oace how ke had been saved bis first words' werer "At last I have one true friend, if it is oaly a dog." Pssi ri MnL Ti.e poctomke was rabficd aad alua darad at Gariao, Texas, est ta lftk of April, bj Mexkaaa., Dr. LataU ailkd. Tka Csw3ai Heamc aaf mm. ta aaiWiaf;,bt-as sar iikstfi it coaMaetwaofssii. Hew te Succeed well la Lire. Do not stop to tell stories in business hours. It yon have a place of biwiueM, be found there wlitii wanted. "Never fool" in business mntters. Have order, system, regularity, liberal ity, and promptness. Do not meddle with Imsioes you know nothing about. Never buy an article ymt do not need, simply because it is cheap, or be cause the man who sells it will take it out in trade. Try and avoid hard words and person alities Pay as you go. A man of honor respect? his word as his bond. Aid, but never lcg. Never give what you cinuot afford, simply because it is fashionable. Learn to say "No," No necessity for snapping it out dog fashion, but say it firmly and respectfully. Have but few conthlants the fewer the better. Use your own brains, rather than those ot others. Sale of a Wife. A corr'pondeut of the Utica Observer Writing from Rome, N. Y., tells a curi ous story of one Hozckioh Wright, living a few miles from that city, who lately sold his wife to one Torrcnce. The agreement between the parties is repro duced as follows: "The agreement wit nessed That I, Hezekiah Wright, of the first part, for the consideration of three bunches of shingles, one-half acre of unharvested corn, aud one-half of an acre of unhaivaafed potatoes, do sell, assign, and transfer all my right, title, and interest in aud to my wife, Mary Wright, to Jcseph Torrencc, of the second part." Signed and scaled. After the instrument in writing had been drawn, the same was read to the wife of the seller, who witnessed the same, and agreed to become the proerty of the purchaser, and accordingly gathered her personal effects and took up her abode with Mr. Torrcnce. An ex-rebel writes to a S&n 'Francisco paper that Barbara Frictchie did hold her flag to the window. He shot at it himself. The John 1. tlook Mansion of Haven port. Iowa. Since the death of Mr. Cook, of Dav enport, this mansion has been vacant until recently. It is one of the finest resi dences in Iowa, costing about forty-five thousand dollars, originally, and here latterly it has been painted and papered throughout and all the modern iniiove ments attached t'..at makes it a model of beauty and neatness. It has been furnished by Dr. E. H. Hazen, with new furniture throughout. The Dr. has fit ted it up to accommodate his patients. For years the Dr. has had an extensive practice of the Ear and Eye, while at the same time be has been one ot the medical faculty of tie University &l Iowa City. He has had the benefit of some of the most eminent physicians of not only this country but of London, Paris and other foreign countries to ena ble him to thoroughly understand the treatment of the eve and ear, some are not surprised that he has had to provide a home where ho can receive his numer ous patients. Davenport is a flue city, and thero arc many flwe residences, but there are few if any that give such a tine view of the city and surrounding country and tor many miles up and down the river. . If you ever visit the city of Davenport and waut a flue view do as we did, call on Dr. Hazen and be will show you to the top of tho Cook mansion where you will be more than delighted with what can be seen; it you cannot thank him by publishing an arti cle of your visit, you 'will still be wel come. For All Female Complalnbj in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or the change of life, Dr.Pierces' favorite Prescription manifests -such a positive remedial in fluence as to call forth the loudest praise from all who use it.. Mr. John A. Kimzey, druggist of Knob Noster, Mo., writes as follows: "Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y- Dear Sir: Your medicines sell better " than any other I keep ai.d give universal satisfaction. The people are especially delighted with your r avontc Prescription and it seems to be a favorite among all that have ever used it." It is sold by druggists and dealers in medicine. Asthma. Pridliaui's Aotbma Spe cific will relieve the worst case of asthma in five minutes, and from one to three bottles will effect a permanent cure. It is endorsed by the medical faculty, and every bottle is warranted to do what is claimed for it or money refunded. Thousands can testify to its efficacy, and persons afflicted with this terrible com plaint should not tail to try it. If you cannot obtain it from your local drug gist, send direct to the proprietor. Wholesale agents in Chicago, Fuller, Fuller & Yanschaack, Stevenson & Reid. Prepared oaly by James Prxdham, 49 Genesee street. Waukejran. III. Cno!c Poaltry Baker Fwwlea. Tkese geat.emea, wnose advertisement appears la an other cowaB, kave started tae Forest Oty Poul try yartta at Ithaca, N. Y aad have takes great Kb to stock th-Jr yarta with very anperior aad k class stock of the varieties named In their card. We have loag known them aa trusty aad reliable geaUemea la all ikeir batiaess relatioas, Mr. Jrewles betag tke eficieBt secretary e( tke Iikaea Pacltry aid Pet Stock Aasociatioa, aad kaTiag keeaa faacter aad amateur breeder far some years. We caa with coaSdeace assure tkelr customers tkat ia AUug their orders tkey will do ao to tke ealire aatlsractin ef tkelr patreas. PeuUr Oryaa. llAnea. X. T. JL Cat aula Kertww. We know of bo iavest maateoiare of retaraa aa tae silver miaeaof Colorado. Kick velaa af ore already devtloped, aasl yoa save bat to parckaee aad reap tae re taraa. A mine ealy oae mile from Georgatowa, wank at least ,, aad payisg Lsaely aad ia Tittagtkccloseet scraUay.kas a tk&J laUraat far sale at saws. o greater caar.ee waa ever aaeraa. see card la aaouer cefaauu Mr. ford la tae Uatted SUtee Depaty Muietal 8ar- veyor or tae xerrmery aaa a geausmaa at tae klgkest iateanry. A partaer aad a lHUe aaasatr are aaedsd te develoo tke miae. tkteiaraemar. Write Mr.BradJnrd for fall par ttealais. issd emliakSasMdi eaaerieaee kare skawa eertsia aabstaaata fsrmeriy lledea ia mescal atactke are aai samgaaejsw; yet aesae at laeee eaastaaeee aara foaad taeir way ito medtcar campeaade at tka Bfeeeattmse. te tka peat aaagercf theaaea IiniTar TlTTtm Da. WaxKBa'aCaureaaiA Ti .satae eoatrary, ceatala iaJarlHL.belag apeeed exsJarlrakr at luauMraia. aorau af tae Brer, kjdaers. akto. aad dteea.ive aadmcBrsrviagtk Moam,tay are tae wuaanfal remear kaaaa. mm BBBaata Bentea aaa amai as saa BBaaamsBB Bramaaa.uwimaiat aaaawi' taa awasaa. IOWA. MaeiMR4riB (eater late a fall tataweieafDavca pertftk ) at tats ttieent Ubm Tke eitr te ear- Briaeslatibe kiss ifcrr. It la suit at taat it BoaMksllel bitiSMiMef) lepttir we tea teto nasHtratlaai Ha kaearlfMl aarf aaaltkv Wu Us -natal Bliaamasa ef fcwaHea e tke treat iraaa-eaatiaeaial saMway rate, aarf ea a ceatoml Beiater tkepaetStteaaeslfearhrer. Mtaaiosllsi Uttalaetea-ea ef tke richest afrfcaitatal re teef taWet,wHaM fa aaVsatagee tkat ckeaa 'nanaatt iUaa attas. teem Is reaatebe Here tkat IT eke esaaVaie f kwarere la tke ra tare as lake kee lata poet Ster rear, tkat it will sot oalv be tke aaaMttaaenaaa petal ea tke Mis ieslMi. bat the ifilil estacriaa of tke aertkweet. Oae ef tke stoat kaaoftaat iatereeu la ewstetka with tke sveearrltj of tke dry is iu waetesale Uaie. We beVere tkere ia set a braackofbsmaeestkatkMSjeta wketeeale rrp rwratatiTe,aa4ttte resawsarte tkat all eaesa to bedouutaa esteaetto aaeTyceeaeraaa basiaesa. pM traoe aaaaallr reackee lato It ariluoas of dollars. Tke eeaatpr isecaaat caa kers Sa4 ev errtbirr ke weate, aa4 trees tke aivaatene la ektap traasportatiea tke aJere are enabled to daollcaleeaatrra prices. Tkere is ea reoa war tke SMrckaata eC tale State skeal4 act perckase la Dayeaport all I key was, an tkere U a reaeoa wkytkerskeaMbartbere-aaaMly: tke railroad eoBBcctloM ef tke WH effsr tke eeastrr saer caaat easy access ia tbts aaarket; and tbea kls exptBsea la vtsUaa tke city are less, while ke caa bar as reasoaabte. Ia seen, tben Is bo bet ter poiat la tke West ft tke e'lstilbstloa of freight aad aja-rckaasUse tbaa Deveaport. It la pleaslag to as to see a we.tera cltr takicr. aa laterert la BMaalarrariBC. bav-Bpori is a c .ssmerclal points aad as tke prosperity of a city depeadsoaker eesasserdal leladoas.ao ta tke West, ao atatter what Ike elesarau of sBccea otkerwlae, tU asaaatsatarlaf lateresU sire It a solid basis. WeaiBft apeak of a lew ot the bull ae mea wkesa we kaJ tke eleaserc of calMes upon, whose cards are leaad la aao'kcr cnlaata. and whoaa wa reeeauaead to tke baslacss sua of tke West. While la tke city we foaad a borne at the Soorr Bocsa, oae ef tke pleasaateat hotel we kare foasd la all oar traTels. It Is situated on tke rlrer bask, with a Tlew of tke paeelsz sieaa eis asd all tke Itffa aa tke river, aad also a view of tke city of Keek Islaad aal tke Island. It Is coBTealeat to basiaess. aad Is a homo for the traveler, ia every respect. Tke koese is well far aieked, aad wkatever tke market affords Is fousd oa tke table. The sane proprietor. Mr. J. J. UBrapDivBBMBMcaatgeortt for maay years: and tke heat coasptlsaeat tke boase can have is, that the nests waat teietara. The lUvsiroBT Bcmmbas Cou.ro b u one of thogsod iastitaUoas of tke city. It has made extensive improvements receatly ia Its room. aad has bow, bo doubt, the best arranged and most complete roosaa need for Baslncss College purposes la the Northwest. Daring the pst j ear ahoatBve kaadred different student have been in attendance. It Is a noble college and deservty success. Dat. Eobbbt & Fidlab. paollsbcrs.book bind ers, printers, and wholesale book dealers and sta tioner, am among the 'ire bnalners honscn or the city. They have receatly moved Into their new home, which is oae of the larjjcut houses of the kind, and th-r are doing the mont extensive business of any similar firm la the West. Being enterprising, the have Eone extensively into the publishing baslacss, and one of Ih'lr most Inter esiioz puollcationa Is a geography of Iowa, enti tled "Manual of Physical Ocojrraphy ami Institu tions ol the State or Iowa." by Dr. C. A. Whito. The vast amount of InfonnaMon Riven, wnlch cn be found nowhere else, renders tho work both In teresting as I tastnictlve; therefore we take pleas ure ia recommending It, aud as we havu been a teacher In Iowa, aad lelt the need of snch a work, wejuope It may be pat Ib every school ia the Sttte at once The publishers have done their work well, the price Is reasonable aad the work shoald have a Urge cale. Send for a catalogue of their publications. Scuool Fubxiturs FaoroBT. We call the at tention of our reader, and especially our school officers, to the card of M. 11. Cochran, manufac turer of school aad ckarch furniture. We have visited bis factory and seen samples of bis work, and know that for beauty, strength and comfort, it Is unequaled by any In use Its chler excel lence coualsts in the fact that 1st. The cstlns are made of the best breads of Americas and Scotch pig iroa. 2d. He uses the best qualities of hard wood, which la thoroughly' kiin-dricd. 3d. He bsa the best wood-working msrbiBcry, and cmnlbva onlv the he.t wnrkmi-n. Part lea unwl. lng school or church faraiturd can order direct from the factory and with the asoursnee that tbey will get Just what tbey order, and that everything will prove just what it Is represcBtcd to be. Child i. Co., manufacturers and wholesale dealers In b:ota acd shoes, (established in 1861.) is one of the largest houses ia their line ia Iowa. They have four men on the road showing their goods tu tbe country trade. A specialty is made of their own manufacture, aad their fine "Davcn enport Bool" la a favorite which a' ways gives satisfaction. Tkey have advantage of tho trade. In bring connected with a large wholesale house In Boston, whlck enables them to compete with the heaviest houses In the West. If you arc in the trails, give them a call when yon visit Daven port. "W. C. Wadswobth A Co., jobbers of dry goods and not lose. Tbla arm was eeUbllsbed tn l&tt, makinglt aneof the oldest bouses In their line in the wholesale trade te Iowa. Ther building t 40x150, lonr atories, with basement. They have a number of men oa the road to aapply the trade, the builfiesa exieadiBg throughout Iowa and Nebraska, aad Western Illinois and Northern Missouri. If yoa skoa Id see tke piles of goods la their aoBsu yoa might think they had enough to supply all the western trade. Kvcrything that Is kept by any wholesale dry goods or notion house can be found here. W. P. Bissau, wholesale dealer la hardware. Everything la tbe hardware line caa be foaad here, but a specialty la made of builders' hard ware, p-iints aad oils, also pitch aad lelt for gravel roolng. He has mea oa tke road, and in doing an extensive haslBese. It will pay the country merchant to give him a call before buy ing; elsewhere. S. P. Brtaxt. wholesale dealer in boots and ahoes. This koase was established In 1864. Mr. Bryant baa a manatactory ia connection with bis house, aad is maklBg a specialty of Sue calf boots of his owa maaufactare. Mea are kept oa the road to supply tke' trade, which la extenatve. Everything la the boot aad shoe line can be found here. Mr. B. la among the live mea of Daves port, and deserves kls share of the westers trade. ausoir avaxs, carnage maaaiactarers. Ea tabllsked in 1SS8. They have jast got lato their new home, aad are emaloviae: abeat so men in making Sae carriages and spring wagoaa. The proprietors arc both practical workmen, aad the best of material ,my la ased, aad aoi.e but tke ocst mecBaaica employes, ao tbey caa warrant every tklag. Bead for tkelr catalogue of cats aud J. Ziaaxsjux, p"aao maaBfacturer aad dealer in pianos asd orgaas. Mr. Z. kaa had an experi ence or over forty yean la manufacturing pianos. Bis iostrameata an Srstlss la every rcrpect, aad warraated to gtve satlsiactK a. They canLot be surpassed la durability aa4 musical qaalltie, and contain all tke latest ImprovemeaU. His prices are low. as ke telle direct to the peraoat wanting tke piano, elvlag tkem tke brarSt of the redactloa to tke trade. All wko waat a irst-class plaao at low ratee skoald get oae of his make. Bead for price lists. DAvaBToaTdtOo-wacjIeeale dealers ia greea aad dried fralts, both fbreiga aad domestic, also oysters, batter, eggs, potatoes, ate. They save several travellag mea selidtlag tae trade. Tkelr basiaess aaa aetaereased tkat tkey are compelled toeztead taeir pi as sat aaartera, altaoagk tkey are to-day as Urge as say trn.lt koaee ia Iowa, aa they expect to opea a fall 1'ae of faacy groceries. Any who are dealiag ia tkelr liae will do well to give tkem a call. B. Kaacsa Co lohbers of doklBr. olece goods, tailera' trimmlaga aad geaU' faralaaiBg roods. TklaaooBlar kemse waa eatakliaassl la ISM. Tkey kare the largest stock tkat U carried by aay koaee ia tkelr liae la tae West. Tkelr stock af ready ssaaa rlatMas; is wortb aeelBe. A specialty la maae af waster, wooleae, aad taeir prices skow tkat tkey are eempetiag wltk eastera Taey are tae Masse arm ia juaveapcrt ia i exteaaite traae in afactarer af cleara aad wkolseale dealer la taaaeee; alee a large aad wen eciecisa stock or leaf teaaccomr cigar maa afaetarere. Bis fsdUtle far msaufacturtag ci gars are aet sarpaseed by aay ffactery la tka West, aaapaaylag apwarae ef a kaaarusl skUled workawa. Tale facfanr wa eeUbHabed in 14. makJBgtteaeaf tka aldest as weU aa tke largest koasee la laws. bsggiM aad eaflB wages. XstabMskediBlittt. Thia la tka eldset orrtage lacaary la Iowa. All theU work ie warraated te give perfcet saustao tloa. Tkey as Birtklac bat tke beet material. aad employ aaaa bat taa bast werkmea. Sead lor owe ef tkem Brie Ewes. Maaria a cwkoleaale dealer ia i a Ce wkeassaUe dealer ia greea aad Ha. batb leresga aad dosatstic. oyster, v.eaBStSwar.etCnaad a geasral com baaHMaa. rimsiismsati aaHcltesl for arma nana, bath ask. mlerlea grata aad prsdaes. Tbey caa refer ye to say of af Da icsyQaX itatbetr Tketr trade teas Itasa aay boase liae la Iowa. Habturm, aaddsalesBla oreverT daMyefl aatti ikla skseJd sail aa larH itwi BAtlfomT. WebareaatsiawsMrsfaae HiipiHs ef laws deesaisAtoa. ws desire M aaaafcasBw saaa ajaejsgaaawaa. as wakava saver kaaaa ABwaowwatasmalalisesil- taeie sjeaatomem, aad tabs oar ma lertavwawwssw ism aaaa aimti rem ever armz aaayvwawwaam aaveapert ta ami k aaaaeeiaaaa. W. M.TamAM, awaeval beak asset Ma kaa aMBaaa I naaiaaSaaaanawaBtwa. AH wtaa-ijaa haMfe SmTSsmmmfafar ammmmnTslat Smmmmwsmmml mmmBB wBEwat wmas anVaaMVadff anfBaVBBB' BBBBaumumam, EJEJBEfSBSBSi JmVsBl aawaVal WE aw SfSTssmW isati lalamwsmlsBsi m stwi wW taf fast 4mkwimi9mmtm t"P-W "?. T YVI VI L bV 1 eeJaaslie- ni SSblsa man aa aSaSm "- .BasaTwaF aaW SV awassfemsTsf afs iwrwasarraaa -..-' --r- .tttt" "v.--fi y.-.- ruiMaidls IsSSaias srae a r arm rmlifsfiii tssctssssrjEfiA'st 'rSrf&Sttissxsr'- S- UMai,naMtaa waakw amj aGa, mmm ."7 " X'. m. . - . - 1 SlaMSa Vajaa "!"" """"!"" USSS BSlblasr vmaawum iw jusn imaaButaaa va.: a. i. jl r . . - t? . '?" - -..... . a amam aTaaaa eat.......... ....... .. bwubsbb m vaaB. mtmmM BaWnB SBa SaWaaL. aaaiaf aalav Ssav vhm sot p............ ........ r.. SMBBwarB aaaa" aaanw aaaa aiaavw aw wmo- SB)AtaBwgBaBBSBamBaBmaB'to atai an sjniemBaa ama sjbbbb bbbbbsl h asm a mraa ieeeeeaM te wkesa we woali refer ail wto waat fait Irlnrmstlnn ef Pawaaert. He la as old rsstdeat aaakaabeca SB the laad bstslarse twvaty sewa year, aad eaa give say laSsnasHaa tqjaees sek tac a aew hams or asw basis lecaiicm la IHvesapset. or ear pert ef Iowa, aa he Ie wII ac qataated tkrasagwoat the State, anlae taadsta aril la many of tho craallr. If yea desire eel ietior.s saed. latre paid, toes asgetlalsd. or aay etker isiorsaatius abwat DereapsVt. adareae Mr. K. iMry. ill be foaao ta card ut T. K Uallwixtb. .. ef Chelsea. Ma-s.. oae 4 the most eitraatve aMHrT-ralspra ia tb country. He has lb choicest arertis. assuag lb lladaas. Brown Ucahorae aad ftrakmae. We kave aeva three fowls, aad thenar all premium birds, girat lay ers aai af pare bleed. Egg aet carelatiy skipped aad will always katcb. Pareaaa effg of Mr. it. aad stoabH- tb vaiaa of yer poultry. PedsMsw-Cktata Hsrs smmI tfla I'omltry. WeeU-ra Burners aod stock-raisers who desirr pur bred Felaad-Chlaahogs sboatd address C. aU Huxley, Esq.. Maniamllc, lad. He breeds from tke laest stratas oaly. aad aaaay vf his matured hoc weigh from bSO to iaJ lbs. He also deals tn Light Brahma cakktae of choice! kind. He Is Ib every way wliable Bey of him IsapOTtaMl mm freaalmmi rwU. AlUfonr readers destriag choice Imported Brahmta aad Breeze Turkey" can procure rcg of P. F. Taylor. Morris, lad. II U lock baa takee many fljt pre miums, asd a t pertnllr re llr Mllklac Masto SCa-y. TUia la a science that la Imparted for one tmp by P. Wrr, or Mate Cea're, Iowa. He Is reliable. nd all txTtuet twya aad girla will ha 1 It with deliirhu bee card in another column. fja. Dr..). Walker's California Yin egar Hitters aro a parcly Ycjrctablo preparation, mntlo chiclly from tho na tivo licrlas fouud on the lower ranges of tho Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, tho medicinal properties of whicli aro extracted therefrom without tho uso of Alcohol. Tho question is almost daily asked, ' What is tho causo of tho unparalleled success of Vinegar Bit tehs f" Oar answer is, that thoy rcmovo tho causo of discabc, mid tho patient re covers his health. They aro tho great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Keuovator aud Invigorator of tho system. Never beforo in tho history of tho world has a medicine been compounded possessing tho remarkable qnahtica of Vixkoar Bittkrs in healing tha. sick of every diseao man is heir to. They are a gexitlo Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of tho Liver and Yhsccral Organs, ia llilious Diseases. Tho properties of Du. WALKEr.'s VtxKOAR DlTTKKS are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative. Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Altar. live, and Aati-Uilisas. it. II. JU-LMIVAM? - ffl.. llrupUt nml Orn Asls ?.ui lYitifi ("lifirnia. and cor. of Wnjliuictun :iLil L's-'ii'... m N" V, Holil 1v nit frutX'''f nii'l D-nttrw. The Oatlr KaUable Ulft DlsuibaUeu 1st tke Veaatry! mm. IN VALUABLK GUTS an aiunsaiM in L. D. SIJNE'S 173d KEOUE.AK MONTHLY 11 Tobo drawn Monday, Jbsm 7th, ia7i. 1"U IsKARU LAflTALS OF SfaSS 2S J96H BLUISH t Two inaea mi.waw I XI I fITT TT ft s riTT .: Kwa.ltAbilllllASil 1 Uerae and Baggy, with stiver mounted harness, wonhJ0. One Ins-toned Rosewood PUbo. worth ,5901 Ten Family Hewing Machines, worth glOOcach! Three Uold Watekea aad Chains, wortk f ki) each. Three Gold Americas Hunting Watches, wortk S125 each I Ten Ladies' Gold Basting Watches, worth 100 each! See Gold anJ 3ilvtr ltr ItutUtnij Watttu; (in all,) trortA from $30 to faoo tech. Gold Chainr. Sliver Ware, Jewelry, Ac Nnmbcr of GifU 6.500. TIekeU limited to SO QUO AORNT8 WAMKDTOSKLL TICKKTH. to whom Liberal Press loans will mm pwld. StatKle Tleketo, SI t 81a Tickets, M t Tarelva TiekeU, SIB; Twenty-Five. 9X9. ClrcBlare containing a full list of prises, a de scription of the manner of drawing, ana other iaformatloa Is reference to tbe Distribution, will be seat to aay oae ordering them. All letters mast be addreeed to w7iTte. Clnclnna! O. m UUKh! NO PAT! ir. jr. KJEAir. aaa Roots St. Chicago. Buy be coiiSunUal eoRSBRed on CUroalc ami rvo Disease.. Curra warranttl. Orct jjwelf. V "joated. seat for eet mBmfL A BOOK FOR THE MILLION 1 A rrlT-CWwler UH StmtedLor !1wm t la GUIDE. aurry. e tte bk;lableat a i:trtc i aba n tmUUme I c tbaenaal (mm. ' MtnaSlaMttrln at tSa actean f T n nnnrairUai iniiiaia nuniilfHaa.. TkUiiaala TkU U aa larrtlM tk f XS pace iak aBar lumfcn. aM awautju nlnUt ktnala Sar ! haaraaurrilarr4trUta marrUr: atia II I SMS MaatwfcauScr tack taat kT.aSBM krft cfrr SaSkaaam, SM to key miM paid ) tar rvtr Ctau. S.Bwas,nijMiiijt.bB.aifciata.L. IMPSOVE TOUR POUIaTJaVY. HBOWX I.MOMOBNS aasl HOfJDAXS are "tke best layers aad most profitable fowls aaerkaewa. leaa spare a few fresh, carefully baawled eggs of each tC these breeds, so Becked a to hatch alter goleg 1,000 mile, for atAe per doaea. or XO tot 3 dosea la ace hex. Jrram iae stock, well apie exhibition staadard aasl warraated pare blood, aad to arrive salrly, Cklcka for sale la Ue sail. Sr:4 for circular la TBO$i.L.HAU.WOXTB bexSSl.Cbelae CHOICE EGGS FOR HATCWIfi. a.aareaow booking orders from oar eaww- fmlly eeleslsd rwle, at tbe foUewias; fa- SC08 MiM! swSBmawmf - ss Jb"Pw aWaf 4Qg as ea 4WJ Brewa la-zaoras.... WaJteCWTpolWi . Silver apatiglid Bambsrgs asacx ARiasa j 36 Eags warraated freak aad carrfally ; acked- n.a ranses erenagesgsoiHataei will receive tkie aar free for staiiaz where tkey saw Uta. Areata fori Ageaxsl AaeVese tryOrma. SeaAMc far copy. B AKEB St FOWl,E. Bex i SK.ftaca.N A FORTUNE FOB $1. SlvMS Cash Priaas asaoaatisg to jliMwi be Oa4.raUick. itsflsasif ISTUSIBSWSI Tkeaartb.byJi TMfwbyTMkwC rtes SB SBT aSBBk BlBa Ba BV. .aeaB BS BTB1 BLmMBBI Baak. B S Bi a a B W V.SxirimlVimill rfwl Bl.lsllBlllll lfflamjBMs.maia ram m ibj i m?i wiiilv,,b ir 11 Ihbl 4!" -"xTJawgC lla llllllaii mVvmrxerBj4 Taa Mill aslaJ s&jurzz&sr Gift knteiprise BIFT ekmw DATaUirOBTT AVmmfMm . naaasa tT ?j --t" " T . .r..a..M anvi vatanrvHii avw. Sea rtwe pastas rp- ilaar la rfMatsw BUMka; at, bar Waetratesl aibfee, Kaiiaa i-aikaHr aad PressstaaU Aeerrsa W. M.raKKAR. De'saacet. lewa IT WICTTThe eajtrtbaMsm l,laa, ef the II COS I NrietetmsB Ltsb la, CewChtc. ifm W. by ever tea) pajia amhr ta Iowa, the free asa ataaaejt eas aaif tkeswetof Ue otd raUa. Areata waatssj la every twwa la Iowa. Jr B.pfa.t'e Aft. Davsepert, Ie. J. BL. IXXaiBwB. KAYS BLaXS. J. M. KLDKIIHiK. LAO AGENT, No 3 Brady SUeet. DAVENPOKr. IOWA. years Ia laad baaisea. Collect loss piomptly saade; Usee paid; real estate beegat aad Mild: ioaas aw(tatesl; aaetracta ef tlbe tar airbed. KSTABLlSMlD KSt. G. WOEUEK UKOS., Maaafactarers ol all tke latest styles ef LIGHT BUOODn, CAmatlAOaTsf, Express aasl I1a Spring; Wayea. All work warrantsd. Jlead tor price tlet aad cuts. Branch honae. Doaver Col. rsaavvsiBMrf. Iowa. iHENOasyoar esjgs. We are VBg tae aigaeai rasa pttcre into ur weesuy mararu Kgg cases farataked shippers. Ail kiada of rstonucs: ikaadled oa cnmmUalon. I Aerate for avtcveaa patent egg ricases. Raatof refeieacesetvva. fiYeiiort Bitter it Egg Co., S1.1 ferry HtM IHTfaaart. Isiwa.- W. C. WAD8WOKTII & CO., Jobtxrrs of Dry Goods i Notions, 1S3 and 1S3 West Heei4 Street. DAVBSrORT, IOWA. We are now prepared to offer for luspcctloc on of tho largest aa best asxirtrd docks or Drj- HJootl.s, NotloitH, Hosiery, Slwwla. etc.. ever on sale In the State, aod watch w 1 com tpare A wc lavoraoiy witn tfie Chicago Hataiaea, sd gnsisatce aatiaractory prnt. Ak your merchaut for tau cslcoiatcd DA VENPOUT BOOT ! Made aad Warranted ;iy Child & Co., WUliLCSAUC UKALKU9 1 BOOTS 41 SHOES, Davenport. Town. W. P. BISSELL, Wholesale Faints. Oils, Glass, Felt &c No. AS Brady ataeet, DHveamert, laws. u. aaar :s. icb. f I RUhttked 1 ABg. 15. 18T1. b. k. rnaa K.KKAUSE&CO., Jobbers of CLOTHING, Piece Goad:, Tailirs' Triiiim, and Gents' Furaishing Gaols. No. 130 Ea.t Src-ed 8t., DAVESPOKT, IOWA OHlcr. No. HI Grand Street, Mew York. J. ZIMftrCBMAX. PfA IkJaQ Manufacturer of Vlrsi-C'laaa Ta.a.la Ji3u I have no area Is. bat sell blt Biaace at whole. sale prices to private neraons. Have bad aa . pcrieBce ot over 40yeara la msnufactanag plaa. Ueneral ageat tor the Taylor A Farley and Pack ard Organs. Warerooma aad factory, 13) Main Street, Vmrrmu yet, Iowa. SCOTT HOUSE. Davenport, Iowa. J. J. HUMPHREY. Prmmrietor. This ITouse kaa oae of tke moat pleasant loca tions. It fioate tke river, aad commaad a view of the Mississippi Bridge, tke Catted States Ar scant, asd a leag stretea or beeettfal eceaery ap aad dowB the river. It Is eaaveaieat te aad for tke basiaess esmmaaity. aad where tk weary traveler may expect to Snd all tae comsarta ei a rirat-Ctoaa Etowaa. This koaee Is areweaaced (by tie patreas) th bmeS twe stoltor hwema weejt of JTaw York. Free omalbaa to aad from theTPaasa. EaTABLlSBEU ISM. Nicholas Kulineii, vaxcracnraaa er FINE CIGARS, HOlISiLE TOBiCCOIIST. DAVaWrOBT. IOWA. FECIAL ADVAMTACSSI rSm. STH P. BRYANT,"" Maacfiaelarer aad Wsmtesal Peeler la BOOTS AJTD SHOES, ajraaw asreev. m J I aa aai rvaTaw BtLaeSt atata OmVA atoasams. IDWIl KTAIILI11E1 IN ISM. "SaWawBI BaWawM TjBmBWaWaWaWawBl EaWawB kmkmW -Hc"bW S fafo& XfemtmimmMmmmmtmmmmtmjmm,Wmmr A BnasasrC3aav asaBsardaaewiaSaer aaih. 4.Tareolfstrtemreaasej saawjeaJyeaafyaa. ariimmsiiiyiae laislaeblstobeaaasmasau t- faaavaaMiaS ajaaaamamaa.SBaaaaaBaaMS BMaaaaV r Sfc""". ??"?"Ba""aja faeawwa. kT 111 aaaBjwiwawbsawSbyjweamm 'mmi-atVSJw)BWwa. OAVatXIMUtT AtorKKTWKMKXTH MARTIiy & CO.. GRAIN. FLOUR, PRODUCE, OYSTERS. TEAS, tomi, tmi u4 Fartigi Frntsv 8sMk ihI Driest Fl-h, BfAlsOyeare,e4s. Car la4 roaea-t Jltfs4 Sr tTl and Unaurr ttrfirl bklatf aad)obbl4ri. tr. rteat aad Krdy a yy wwi- iximiiwrTHr; tautt FANCT GROCERiES AND FRUITS. Frrak 'jOyrtm h Sprrinliy. CSBmlsslaDealria Kag. Hatter. laaa, re)Urr aent lstalsw ia and IM Malt. St PaVEX'OXT. tOW.. r" S V Is Your Life Insured ? The Charter Oik life Ins. Co., OK 11AKTKOH1). CONS. , OYER $13.1Iw.00 AaVJET. IlitH Lower Ifatea tkaM mi)' other MlltHMl CHHMlliy. Forfu'l particular, call oa orsd!rcs A.J. XMITM. Oea'l Ageut. Itavenpwrl, Iowa, or W. II. ItEOWNINU, bup't or AgBelr, Clinton, Iowa. MaSON, EVANS I CO., MaaaFactursrs ef FIffi CABRIACES AXI Snrintr Waanno! r II aawagi-ar s Nee. US and 110 East TaMrth S Ivenport , Jo wa . DAY, IGBEBT & FIDLAR, tlBccesaors to flrlgs, Wata'jn A Hay. 317 WJstra.,. Bavenport, lowi, MANUKACTUREns OT B TO ANT SIZE AND STVM?, B Xf roH O s9L OOTJUJTITilS, O N Bank., K K msschawts. S JOB PKINTEH8, IJIMi:itS. rrBUsHtaa or White's 6etfraph)f ef tiwi. I'rlce, T5 cent a. Hwrichs' EtefNRts if Physics iMcetlpervoluafer''''' Hiiriclis' PriiCfftes tf Owtmstry. rriee ajtjMprr volume. ' 'M'? tM Reports. (VOLS I. AXII II.) frfce f7JS par f Clame. TEMPLI' COMPENDIUM. Price asA. Eeta'a giptwu la fJn faaaraar. PrieefJJS. wwi Stsrtat Cart Rimm. Agswls Ut tbe Safot, Inkstond. eeau. Seapf seat br atu Price T5 Stoaarksiaemle sa4 Is Ue Bsatest tVa. .arL?1 ,. books nt anypablisber.4 . BOSIEarr riKHLAK. faenprt hum. Btt4M irtssx M.lTCMI.Jjt Mnbmmi. jdT Mwmi Crit.BreaMTarkayetaiaBm Tkf ILEI5i Of COW aarw aaw m A-Umc sav4. by a simper, cheap 4 easHnvaace. JteeJeeeetsesa'breMcalar j. ad ear i arable aaiee rtmmm mt eafcaUar to V. WBAT. Mat Cmt. I.. . C.aSMBJU.aXa', BarMavnils. sWaaa (JsaatT IasU brreder of Poiaaa Chlaa IwuUlJt Cbtckeaa. BTae.eMaicMsadeggs OfSAfSt i ft mm Mf i.m ,u eaaMlatwkltf jrnpe.Ssr mm dedar. MM ea remac ! mmmWLMmmmmrmaf(kudmmmA r..r i. v.Mta r m.ZLzrz'r:i VmtmmMimtm. rm i,ZJi7ri:5 e awawfaau a. ay. OLSMt. --- - fL allaraaU.9 for ear Laad emsaal. J.ALaTSBai CO-Farts-- JVLO-JM ' TOXOAViaiOWA, "av.MSSWS OS BBMBB BBal BaW - Waawis.T-awtlT m HB -Ewaw Bamm smmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmw BBW BaWB mmmmBWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaawsV r TAmmWl ' " LsamfJ 5 2 2 y eH Jaf -5 C I J O 9 samfVammmf a, as laririT mtmu ir ii I ma fsisiait to SB araase far 3tiasaaj. ""ms"T -SawSfsweBBBB 4anBBkMsaB ee rscBTawpaAxp, " ' V I - 1 ;y s BafMJBmBlEweS ThtWBBOt Klkd. The C-stesa He if, was M ky aBabtSa,,aaea Warakam, aamyja miL i ji ijfcgjbqsBStawOak." B ,AmmmLmZ r Mm, mm rmmj. BaBwawJQr v aBaBBBBBaBBaatakaiAa a !?. . 'm.-.. BBBBwesB, aaa, ai.w. JLawsm as -aa. aTBsia, xwaaaa ama awvBBBnaaiaBV. BmBaatmagaaBBaiaaBBBmBBBi aaars aasmvmr samaaBSB. jaemsaas aae aaBBeaaaT. BwBBEsaaaa-? 'TBBBBBBBBaS BBMmjBBBK aaaaaVAaa- f -fiiMaiiarinSI for tka SMSJldinar nwt 4m a Vaaatf tS vaaTam --- -- - - eiaa lav aaa W W aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaBaBHaaaaTavaaaaaM M BS aaaWVBaBt .Baaaaaaaaa a'Saar - - ' I EwSBmaaBK- aBmawSBaP" -,v.w ? - w "ajtoaaaanom star w amtamtaaXt ajB-aa Bbr, SA EBBajm. jg aaaa BmSB atraa sar saw. wSfsei ar. av. saaaaaaaaatmama .m.rxwmmjummmmm,,mymmmwf BwSawSawMBwBataamm C I u .m. aasaaamataaarwywaMwUlaewwiakbam taaaaaay aaaaaBVia km fa. B.B, I aaaams CBa la mm. ska Pasaa ls safrl -sra.-m, - - WAA ESawSawaBJawamawSawm fir oobmbms MoaaaMsa. ahwaaMmsaiaaai maaaaaaStoamaaawaawaamr-' x. BL Mmmmmmmt wmtmim laaawat- taawawsim BammaBL baStMaa CBsaaaa aaaOaama. BJw&WwMiaBVM'na. aa bAbTSb- BBBBBBBBBajvJBBBBBBBm ir Hi . si "Jii awaaaipaBiaWiwiaiaaaaaHaajawi aVa aaBaaaaaaajaja aaaai aaaaaaaj aSWWari awanaW aaaaaaai avtwvas yaaaaaiaam vaaaa. "S V VSBMVB Bf aWamjflBa PhmawSawSaBOwSawSawSam U -J- w' 1 ? . - - , - -w- T"-S --, , 'T. BBawSawSawSaWaSwSawM - . V BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjaBm EBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnBnt '3i . kmHa'J " t BaBmBWBBWBBWBBWBawaVJmBBwMSmm ie PPPPPPPiBEEaBEEEaBaSi7&.j law. EBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB EwsBmawBawBawaawaawaaB JSBaHBnW- mMiimMiimMiimMi ' c " ;T - ' 'o ' PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP a, - BfTTBaTssmTTBBwtBB EwStwStwStwStwStwm i- -s -. .. - - . . .s?- PamawSawSawSawSawSawm EmBEBBEBBEBBEBBEBBEBBEBBEBBE $ - jr?.