;. answer as ' a -- a . ij'iii iinn i i ii m m r. i ng4"""l"'yil' ... i !' - ' -- - . ;;.;'. A rr-i te . J jswsa, fr IP s& h. yT f - WEINE8DAY MAY 13, 1875. Ir the qneriioa was pat to every aktaea af this tows, orcouBty, "What did yoa couae here for?" tbe aaswcr ia every ease would be ia eneat le better ear condition, or ia other words to accuttulete property. Now we pet as a plaia question to oar cttixeu are yaw doiac tbe beet yea eaa to secure tbe object for which yoa left your esat era bouses, aud aeafht aewhoaMsia this wild western eoaatrj? We ask yoa, citixeas of Red Cloud, aud land holders are yoa doing your best to in -create tbe value of yoar owa property, and tbe ceaeral food of tbe comaa nityin which yoa lire? Ask these qaeetioae to yourselves, aad if you iud there is any lack of seal oayoar pert, go to work and do all yoa can to adraaee tbe interest of towa aud Bounty. Nora oa this aabjcct here after. Tbe Red Cloud Cbiefbaa a Marriage noiiee aad a weddiag notice together anduanod deaf of beery aKwrning black liaae in tbe iaiaky. Wa give .tap whether the Moaraiag is for -fhe fret er second party. Orleans SmtineL When the Sentinel tries to get off a joke en tbe netieaa ia the Chut he should any wbat he mmm. Wewiil relieve hie anxiety aa ainch aa we can, by saying that when Mr. HuBgerford has becB BMrried aa long a we hare. he wont hare to enquire "whether the Monreiaf ia for tbe irst er second farty." Juniata ia happy. The "vexed (.Bastion" is decided, and Hastings if he moans at aQ, asaaras as "those without hope." Wa "rejoice with those who rejoice" according to the wriptaral tnjaaetioB. We refer to the County Seat Matter. 072T21?WlITXlT0Jr. Saturday we took a trip ap to ill be the towa of Franklin Co. barn entry advantage for a towa comld be asked for. It ia baauti- located oa the Republiean and peon creek, which stream affords an uaHasitad aaill power. They have already a splendid mW ia opem tioa and my they have the the pros pect forJBJather shortly after harvest. The brjjJ&croM the Republican at thJ5r " fia tnotre WBioD givejfceni a direst caamaBicatioB withMjsenth aide of the county, maSnfp one of the best trading poiats oo the valley. While there we formed tbe ' acqaaiataaos of W. C. Thompson, proprietor of the Rivertoo Honee; be is the right man in the right place, and does his best to ac commodate everyone who calls on him. Mr. Boldridge also keeps a ho tel in this place. Mr. John H Phillips has quite recently started a Harness Shop in this place ; he has quite a large stock on hand and expect aa in crease in a few days. He is a good workman and will undoubtedly give entire setts&etioo to his patrons. Messrs Fuller Wyant keeps a store iathe old town site, but they intend to build soon en tne McBride Addi tion, where they will increase their atock and keep oa hand everything in their line of trade. Mr. McBride has started a store on the new addition. He is also pestBMster at that place. STATE NEWS. THE REO CLOUD CHIEF. ASMaMW See wbat it is to be famou. Jadge Kinney has named nine bane after Gov. "Gaxbat," Brother Comstook nf the Lowell Register, positively deaies that he want to Omaha en a spree. That de nial remisia as of the hub who proved snecessfnlbj that he never atraek his irandMotber. Saline Co.fttt. y The Editorial Association of Ne braska will go to Texas or aeme other healthy place ia June. An exchange sets the date at tbe 15th, aad the point of starting Hastings. They ought to have aet the suiting place at the hand nf the White Water river. f Ye meni Retold. The Nebraska Run of April 21st, contains aa excellent assay entitled "Some of Women's Duties," which was read by Mrs. Emma Tisdel of Dawson's Mills, beere tbe Grange is that place. The iarrnn aba has other luteraattaf Matter for all chases of lenders. The Kearney Prm says that the papers of tbe district composed of Adams, Webster and Kearney cona tMB, "gnBarauy,, disapprove of the More thavalecMd Messrs Laird aad Then to the Constitational Coavsa tkw. He net is that there are four MDtfSMthe diatTMt all RpbK1. ' aad (wa diMantove. and tmt n. frava. Stale Journal. Maebikd. By the Rev. W. 8. Ham, at tha nmdaaaa af Wm. R. Hem, ia Lincoln. Nek, Mr. T. C. Caaaiagham, of faaa Oty. Nab., to Mrs. Mary J. Mettrey, af Wataea, AtabiaaB aty. Mo. Mr. Cnaainghsm ia the sheriff of liabardana maatr. ami Mrs. MeSlroy iaaaiatar aTMra. W. R. Han. of araM friend Tom to the raak af aba Karaaal aaaool students nsVamtnni ta tba Ualraitr bmlTbaraday.nad Taarala Sanee Jmmml Weeaagearalsai aahiasiianjiia anat 1 .. t .kaiv. aawa nasnmanawaanmaianBltBna ewaaaaw a- ? .. .-" -.v. iJ4m&: "- " fasjaajmara i. vpp v w;$ it Wmwmmm immm mm cm trmtTmWmf rsa wmwwamm, Maanf m n m mmmmm . .- s M n - m . - rm v w . -- 3iT1wHtC Maa - rr " 1-- .. '-'"'- - . a na - - - ' '"" " -r ". - - -. iraMamaaMMS a BMsaManuaiaanaai ama.? wam aa a awaarai aaaatr vamaa 'd-J?r sill in 1 1 man i ese j. , WBj-- ffsapea(yjsj -mm'ttUMumm . .", k"W sseeisei "; Umj WMU nf Mi BWaamd Baaft. jaanaMJi rmm ' tJStom nf biwais i jytag a-aneir aaW baiM, an -uwdrW anBaaa3 ' -.--: BBMr"MBMBW? l -..VVi ... SSSSSSSaML. MBrav ? - .taK. BBMBBBBMBBBaMB'.-'C v i '-' '" - bbbbBbbH'''V-,. BBMMMMMMMMaMMC B$ TIPS' BMBBaMaBaMaBaMaBaaM' ,- BBMBBaMaBaMBBaMaBaMaBaMaBaMaM -3mmKiiP---,x.i:- ir . mB -iHTaaH' ni mmm mmmamm aataaBa irrBE iu. ariau ia tat -" - uk The Bsosquitoas hare already began bothering tbe Toed lovers who lean over pa a gate of aa evening ia Lib- TberHeaneteT stood t '100 above aero in the shads i at Iineela last Fri day. -v ; Miss Emma Brooke of Richardson Co . a gradaate of the State Normal School, aad hat j art fobbed a regular coarse of medicine at at eavtcra college and will enter the rank of physicians at her home in Salem. Saoreas to her This is tbe day when tbe colketot will start out and preset bis little bill. We expect a dun froai our washerwo bmb, but thunder we can not liquidate. State Journal. If tbe local of the Journal would cease to liquidate at saloon be Might afford to wear a clean shirt occasionally.- Brownviile Advertiser. From the Brownville Advertiser we clip the following : Died, in Apinwall precinct, on the night of the 30th ult., of pneumonia. Mrs. Lark ins, wife of our respected rellow-citisea J. R. Larkius, in the CGtb year of her age. We had the pleasure nf meeting, last week, Mr. John Titan, of Guide noes, weDHier county, jseD. He says wnea ne lett none, a snort time ago, there, were no young grasshopper as yet in his part of the country. Ex Gov. Furnas ha just finished planting aixty acres of orchard this spring. Thi makes just 160 acres of aa orchard for him. This orchard, aud bis vast nurseries, are two mile weat of Brownville. Gov. Gather is relaxing himwlf from the earae of official life, ia his old home in Webfer county. I ike an apostle of old, he weat a fshing, but is said to have fished largely iathe shade, and to be good for aotae most eegstraordinary fish stories: Those Oregon salsson are peculiar fellows. But, if Silas wasn't Governor, we should be constrained to add that one J or bis companions drew xleetle tbe longest bow, after all Stale Journal. TlOXlZVZ.TOhT. RlVIBTOW, Fraaklin Co.," Neb. April 30th, 1875. Editob8 Chiif :-l)espite the draw backs of last season, the Rivenonisns are still vigorbus, and the farmers of the rural districts are busy in the fields of Ceret. The addition to this mighty metropolis? of mills, bridges, stone buildings, pine and cottonwood shanties, log houses, pig-sties, sta blings and dugouts, is looming up, L:t. . ii.ii . . ... wmw mo oia town in aaoger, is right on its ear, because the youngster of yesterday assumes authority that "pap" does not feel disposed to allow. Now Sir, it sometimes happen? that there is a back action, or a rebound ing principle, like that of India rubber in the conduct of communities, snd why not with the "town in danger." In the past history of "Vinegar Hill," (as some people aro pleased to call this place) the determination on the part of the dads? appeared to be to close the gates of the city sgainst all but those who bought magnesia lime stone, at a dollar per cubic foot, and find their own water. But since the necessity of the case called for a change in the programme, a company was formed which started an addition to the town so as to be able to give all who needed sand to mix with lime, a genuine article free of charge, as well as supply the ancient city? with an unlimited supply of water, by means of Billy Kennedy's "hi-phroli-kin ram," (hydraulic ram.) All this noble disinterestedness on the part of the young scion, the "old gray-pates" of Vinegar Hill gets mad, takes a large pickle birch broom, and swears that no schooner shall pass the port at Chapman's landing, couth of town, without towering her fore-top-sail to the port Admiral of Riverton ; and admire bis empty lingo. Of course you will say, that this is bad law, and only suited to monarchial countries, with which Fentiment I coincide, as to the first part of tbe sentence, but to the second part let He tell yoa, that heretofore Riverton wa? a miniature absolate,monarchy, in tho midst of a Republic, where resided a da'y acieJi ted embassy from the court of St. James, or some such place. But now since the establishment oi a Republi can addition, ou the east coast of the Thompson Dardanel'g, monarchy ware with sentiment, and fate seal the re sult. I was just thinking that it woald be n good idea ; for to petition the Governor for a day of thanksgiving; at an eariy day aa possible, for sending grasshoppers last fall, so that the thingamy be repeated this naming one, Mr it was aurely a God send, to long-winded speech makers, and "Boca Aiders" to have the sufieriag pioneer totalkaboat, aad liva apoa. For, should the coming harvest prove fruit ful, those people mast either starve, or be supported in idleaem ia the Midet of plenty, what their bright? valuable? iatefteetaal mnntraaama wiUruat ia inglorious klkaasa, for want of a subject. Aatea, O'Sullivan. Sneakia of the addressee af the Hen. Geo, W. Fraat aad Rer. Tih- Wm at'Seyracu, K. Y., tha Kear aey Firm says: "in tnese addresses there is, af awrai tie wMal amoaat of ezairge ratten; aad it ia ta be lagretaad that it S : rtaraa " fa '. He wH aaawar battar tbaa the truth. To aaako aar naatera friatimi' mi twwaerhr'wttb the ataMaa, k y aiinsaij far as u a-ire f UaL acaaw aad tba wn oaa tnUhTaiJr fn ;'- baa eastern audiences. There prooabiy is not very much suffering in Buffalo eouuty at lean, for Lieut. Trout ears that tha relief beard there gobbled up taeVe-upplies iataaded for three other cowatiee in additiea to their owa, aad held onto the rations. It's very certain they doat intend to suffer: but other counties where thoje up pfiea were inteaded for have perhaps been inconvenienced by their action. Omaha Republican. . THE LAND OF GOLD. One aftht letaised Slack XQlsXlstn Ulb ft "Bee" Separtar All AhflttZt FreaitaaOaukaBM. Charles Collins, the "Wild Irish man" of Sioux City, who has the credit of being tbe originator of the present Black Hills excitement, ar rived here Thursday afternoon from Cheycne, accompanied by the imacrs, fifteen in all. who were taken nut of tbe Black Hills by tbe United States troops. The party, with the excep liisofM. R. Corderro, of Wichita. Kansas, went right through to Sioux City. He remci ed over here and will start for bis home to day. Much scattering information has al ready been published concerning the new Eldorado, bnt as yet we have not seen the whole connected atoiv of the miners in print. We have obtain ed from Mr. Corderro, "who has been there," the whole narrative of the partie'a winter experience in the HiiU, and we think it will be read with an eager interest by the public, whose attention is now turned to the new gold fields. Mr. Corderro hails from Wichita where he has made his head quarters since I8G7. acting on and off as government scout, guide, hunter and trapper, and ia evidently a man who bad much experience as a front iersman. He is a regular plainman ia appearance, being thick set, heavy ssjuare built, with black hair and black area, and dark heavy moustache, while his skin is tanned a dark brown, almost tbe color of an Indian. The departure of the party of min ers from Sioux City early last fall is already well known. THEIR BODTK from that point extended over seven hundred m3ai ia a circuitous wander iag. They went up the Elkboru, crossed in n northwesterly direction a streets called the Kecapaubai, struck the south fork of the White Earth river, reaching the Bad Lands, and thence to the north fork of that stream thence to the Bad River valley. Thirty-five miles further on they had to build a road all tbe way from the breaks of the Cheyenne down a dis tance of ten miles. They traveled from there 215 miles, a great part of which was unnecessary, but which was the result of their ignorance ot the route. In fifteen days more travel ing they came within 95 miles of the Black Hills, which in a direct line however were not more than 40 miles distant. After n most eventful march of seventy-eight day.-), and after considerable sufferiBg, the party reached CDHTAR 8 PABK on the 23d of December' almost dis hearteud. The first thing some of' them did was to prospect, and they obtained fifteen "colors." Others did the tame with a similar result, and they became satisfied that there was gold there. That same evening A MEETING was held, and it -was decided to build a stockade, for which a location was at once selected, and on the moaning of the 28th, tbe men went to work with n will, and in a few days A STOCKADE, eighty feet square, with four bastions, making it on the four corners 90 feet pquare, was erected. It was composed of logs thirteen feet high, one foot thick, interlaced and pinned, with other logs inside. Six cabins were built inbide; they being finished on the 15th of January. On that saoie day a part of the company began PROSPECTING On January 25th they were reward ed with the first good prospect of three consecutive pans, weighing a half dollar each. On the 27th the same party took out ten dollars worth, which was given to Gordon and Wicher to take back to ?ioux Ci y tor exioniuon. uorjon and wicn r started for Sioux City February 3d, arrived there on the 27th. On the 17th of February two of tbe party Blaekwell and McLarne became dis couraged and AFBAIT) OP THE INDIANS and started for h't Laramie. On the 6th of March another party of four, Warren Williams Donald McDonald, Henry and Thomas started for Chey enne. Warren and Thomas faithfully promised to ritura with he'p, which would have been needed iu May, as the Indians are troublesome then. In order to shield themselves from the charge of cowardice aad "weakening," they created a ialse tyaipathy for the stockadVrs, and told exaggetated tales of their sufferings, when no such sympathy was wanted. The tniilitary officers, acting under orders, and in -eited to greater activity by this ym- patny, at once started Tor tbe stock ade with a force from Ft Laramie, jratded by -TYillKu.? ana McDonald, who bad remained at Ft Laramie, and wba received $50 each for their ser vices as government guides. Ti.a troops' never could have found the stockaders without their guidance. xae wncsauera aau pten'y or pro l ,J)0 r-oods of floury 400 pounds ot' bacon, 24 bead of cattle, aad sagar aad coffee to last them for fear moatba, aad if they could have received their mails, to have learned tba feeltBLs and movements outside, they woakl bare avoided both In dians and troops. 8a tbe stems of their auafcrings were Mere inventions of tba iamciaatioa. Tbe laar.s aever bothered them at aN, and bad tbey dene so tbe atock adars bad 30,000 roaada af amnaMiea aad ware faby armed with aeadk guae revolvers aad rUaa. tbk cocirraT, jutv wmat cioovaaa. WAS TbaaatlyataaffsraBttii taa wtatar aroaaaetia aa aaa tba galab fcr urn auma. Ia aa nkwe did taay fail ta gt tba "aelat" dewn Ian ar six fcev aad a Brasssat af tbraa to Mrtattf va aaau aar fcPJ JN,saat af gravU. Tain nay . m aaaft aasl k' 'fit. tts fiaai aart .tatouajt. ahmmawjli naaitbar aide,af tba. aMleavftalfcaa afaa aoattwa baiag put through to bed rock. OwtsiawW thai they were ia what is called ayfamtcr. "the centre of the Misera! bad of-th Black H'tlls." At ieast 30 ar 40 MmW of silver and gold beating ariB specimeaa of which Mr. Carlwra ha with him. Ia theea different ledge they imak down 40 er 50 been, mmm of them being 20 nr SO feat dee, la one place they ank down, ia a ledge called Douglas ledge, fmm which n piece of rock was taken. It was harri ed, ground and washed in a ra, and ten or fifteen "colors" of gold taken from it. As to tlie nilver, thry relied uK)ti the reports of othrr?, who could be depended ipaa fee vrraeiry. One man ayed the silver takea our. and bald it went $120 to tbe tea. ROUTE The most feasible route nnearding to Mr. Cordero. would be from slaM any point on the Union paifie pedaHy for men from the South and Wert, ai.d Omaha he considers the best oaifi t ing point. He iutend raisiag a warty at nnce is Kansas, and be within sight of the Black iiills within sixty days In case the country is not opened hy that time, be will remain within tbe northwest boundary of Nebraska till that event occurs. TIMBER, AC. There is any amount of timber ia tbe Black Hills, principally Norway pine of immense growth. A Mr. Lo gan, a heavy lumber man from Ran Clare, Wis, who was one of the party, states there is enough pine there to fence in Nebraska, Dakota aad Kan sas. It will Male from 100 la 1,500 leet per tree. ThedootVof s avak ade cabins were Made of jHwaUfrMras, twelve feet long, 17 to SftacfceTwlaV, and an inch thick, hewn out by mean of the broad axe alone, and did Bot have a single knot in them. The bight of these trees is from 150 to 170 feet, and trees two feet iu diameter at the butt, will run up fifty feet with out a single knot, and at that bight will measure 18 inches ia diameter. There is a dense forest 90 miles long and 15 miles wide, as far as they could ascertain TOE VIEW. On top of the peaks, one can see clear to the White Earth Ri;er, and the eye wherever it sweeps ever the broad expanse rests upon heavy tim ber below. There are three peaks. No. I and 2 are the ones that Custer was on. No. I is perfectly bald. Har ney's Peak, the original oac, is high est of all. vThese three peaks lie in the form. of a triangle. OTHHR RESOURCES. " No coal nun discuvured, but plenty of jet, used for bracelets and other ornaments, was fuun iu gfeat quanti ties. There ia plenty of wafer and the country is splendrliy adapted for graz ing. When the traiu reached there, tho cattle were almost iayed out and useless but in a lew days they entire ly regained their format condition. They only lost one ox, which died of old age and hard u?age, IN CONCLUSION, we will state that Mr. Cordero is firm ly convinced that there is gold and silver in largo paying a'Ugtines in the Black Hills, and that the opening of that territory will prflvo the greatest benefit this Western,country especial ly the Missouri ValUy has ever receiv ed. He has not yet made a dollar nut of his trip, but he would not take $50, 000 for his interest iu the Black Hills. R1VEKTON ADVltTlSEMt.N?8. NEW HARNESS SHOP. Jno a. PhllliMs, . Prop. Has joit openH harness thop ia tfais place, aud solicits tb patronage or the pub lic. Ha will keep constantly on hau4 tha best material tbe taaiket affords. 9-Repairing; done rcasoaablc terms. on aiort notice and All Work Warranted and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Shop opposite the Elkhorn Hotel. SiTsrton, Fraaklin Connty, Nsaraska, RIVERION HOUSE. W. a T3QXBZ0X, - Prop. Will entertain his guests ia the most gentlemau-like manner, with as good tare as the market afford.-?. To the trsrelins public we woald ear sire nun a caiL EI722T0N, yxsiisxA. itl. O'SVLIalTAlV, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, N0TA2T PUBLIC AND 1E1L ES7A7S ACFZ277. Rivertaa Fnwklla Canary Nebraska. SW Claims for sale aai Uiloriac deae ia tha latest style. BUCK HOUSE, 620S9S BITCZ, lux, PlOnilTOl, FRANKLIN, NSBr M3od Aecemmndationtt Lherjf ami Feed Stabbn. PROCTOR HOUSE, Q. D. PBOCTOB, PMrminoat, H3I0V, XXI1ASXA, The TraveTia jrahHe W7W I Ishss MBrst aUMiaaTsxyi ircMteHvtoMvieara, cm tha 8. JeasaBVC. A. - !! WlahUl exwastvai aaSi FULL8DPPLT ??- amtoaasaaaarta ' - " " T " MjatMitka iiaaajsaf ana asiaaa, wasaV -. toaftaa eiaat Baa Clav htiasa ea SiaaefaUasr. -"eaja.aa MIm ft. A. Manuell, Taf iwrctfn7 fsifcrsa tne L4la of ft4 m Cloa4adTicakyatelMisi are- r Prtlt t rian Ur )I II IIIUBR T, Dreasalaltini " asAs A5D PLAIN StWING.f ill KMs. Oa ajsTiaA for sal t 1m SMwtaiswt LACES, VEILS, KID GLOVES. i:tf LADIES HATS. . Hits S. A. MUNSELL, rtaMcKUt'fBaildiac.1 RED CLOUD, - XEH. HARNESS SHOP- S. V. Iaudlow Is aow prepared to do all kinds fwerk IN TUK limme time. The best of Materials used, and all Work WAR1ANTCD. KEPAIatlWO Done on short notice and at reasonable Prices. Shop in IcNrrr'a Store. Red Clwiid NfbratKa. NICHOLS, SHSPASB CO-'S 'TiBBATOf," Thresher The BRILLIANT SUCTRiSr this (Jrain Hario. Time Savin TUKKSliER. isnn.r eedented in thonnon's of Farm Machine y. In a brif period it Hm bota Wi leljrknown' and FULLY KaTAIiLWiEH. a tbe "LKAM.saTIIREHIIINU MACHINE." 43BtAI!f Blvf.nriLH RV.VVHT. to sub mit to the wasteful and imperfect work of other Threshers, when posted on the v.st superinrily of this n. for marine grain, nav iiis time, and doing-fast. thoroohatd econo mieal work. Thbksukrmix nan it hichly adrsntKmous to ran a machine that has no "Beaten." i,icke-s.".ir"Ap'on." that hnn.llfn Uar.ip Hrain. Lonir Straw, Heat' tags. FUx.Tiuioty Mi'lctt anl all such difficult grain nod seeds, with K.NTiUE KA3K AM) tFKKCTIVK NESS. Cleans to perfection: sarcs tbo far mer h' thresh hill i-y extra sarin r ofjmin : makes no "Littcrinirs: rpuiriM I. FS T II A N NB HALF the asaal Belts. Boxes. Jour nals. and dears; easier managed; les repairs: one that grain raisers prefer to em lor a , n wait for. even atadranccd prices, while uthor machines are "oat jobs." 'MirlarafI' wills a.9 1S sid 13 hurae 'lesstei', Ps)etrw, siUo apelitlUjr sr stesaaralars "nlwsif " MpresslyrsraTMn POWTEK, asssl csMalekehr tflssrse Pemcru. If interested in craia raisiar. ortkreskin. write fur Illust.a ed Circulars(CBtlree)wi:k full particulars of site, styles, prices, teres, etc SICUvUI, AHEFABm t CA.. BattU Crttl; ilichipt amTERTiniac: t raen um; Good:Sjrtte. wbo eeateaiplBte S mat!. All tw.nwin aakiaa contracts with newspapers for the in sertion of advertisements shoald send !$ cents to Oao P. Row u. 4 Co.. I Park Re. New Vork. for their PAMPHLIiT-20UK (aiaefy-aerearA edition). eoaaiatBK lists ot orer 2000 newspapers aad estimate, showing the co.'t. Adrertifeaseata Ukea for leading papers ia many States at a tr nn-ndeas re daction from pablishers rates. Grr rat book First la ths Rsli-laliiisd 1853. Dail $10. Weekly 12. MnalacM Hea. Btallrostsl fneUIa, Csxissiy mmccva, aasl Mlitt At aeaUaai: Omaha Republican Steam Book -AND-JOB PRINTING AND 100Z ysV9RJ7A0TfUJt afWr asany wkb rasantisa, aaa taa BEST WORKMEN ta be fbaad in tba Wast, wiH f 1 nay order, large er small, ia the bast ojrfc at abort notice, aad at tba lowest OUR BLANK BOOK WORK aad Binding of every deseriptiaa aaa aatba aarpaseed by aay fraa m tba iff Work A SpetimJhf, OMoars w3i Sad aar Manse a sbsh isapewma. ..aMar rar aadPrabaMCawras, J WtMJ S?fev i fiii ai shad a aba T. A. l. aULpOBBMMV .9L."C! !i?r .fycf"-- Vi X . '- 1 VtaBMBB I Mamai amaf MBBaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMM W fV lfl UFLmBBBBBBBBBBBBM Bcf IbbbEbmbbmbi BBMnU MaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaM v(A flaaaaaaMaBaaaaBBaaaaaal mmmmmmamt . - "'- T m . .. - - fc i . t u , wnaTsfJ arsTaPJr MMaVMSyS iBjaaavaMlaasBastaaed araMuali- C -i jlw. - - K- w ar- Tate af aeWaj MnHa jqaiATA, NEBRASKA. Has lately changed bands, aad i aow Binder the managemeat of iT. T. WEBB Who will akke it tbe best Hate! West of Lincoln.. He has ia connection with this be el a good FEED, SALE, AND LIVERY STABLE. Guests can fed to and from the de potfreaefekarpa. JajMlnta. AdnllaC. lie The WEEKLY ENQOIRKK. A Paper far tbe People, a Friend of the Parmar and Isdustnal Clause. A BKAUTIFUL NEW ClUtOiHO ESTITLKD "PERRY'S VICTORY! CHvrn l Xvry n aejfcrlfcr. This picture rcpr-snuu Ctn. Olirrr It. Pcrnr in the actof passlnfruia one ship to anothrr in small oprn boat, .lurid the heat ot ike bat le. exposed to the fireof the enemy. It Uhskm 16 by 22 1-2 la&H, Is artistically finWhfd ia thirteen colors and is andonbtixllo the most diabte chromo ev er oSTere I s a prrmiam. Iriz'e copies of It sell at 93 00. n e have at a crest outlay se cure! the exclasre control an I nale ol it. and therefore are enabled to present it tu oar pa'rons as alwire. The KNUUIKKR still stands pre eminent asa8nt-cla .S'ewsppr. Its various de parttnants allot! ed t. Siitorials, Samorooi, ArTicrxltoral, foetry, Corresponlsset, TeligrapUt, And CJraarrl News. All five evidraceof the care and pai-s taken to su, ply its readers witk uUttm mem aad td a nsfittr t aaaalaavBMCaasMMH fail to inicrm eeen W4.vja9aaaanare)i the kease noia. aasssrnja M uirect toaa. , Wesireaa.MpMaanajJPfjt oaiu FARAjjf IkLEANa Pub's, Clsdn&st!, Ohio. O. K. Furniture Store, USD CLOUD VII. Smith t& Calvert Wholetale and Retail Dealers ia Furniture. Wbtvre Fi-abmc. iflirrerrn. and Unalcr alee a (SoaHla. WARE R0OM3.-DPPO3ITB TUI COURT UOUSK. Omaha ' and Lincoln nriees duplicated. Special tarars to those wishing Large bills aud tha trade. CONSUMPTION CURED. Te tie Editor of the Chie. BantsMKB Vatnra: iWiiljea essM iaforsa tkaif aaveapovitlva year readrrs cvatK raat cwaavmsTiaw aa4allsUaorian of tW Threstt aaJ L aa4 that,' tfr ka aae In aty .praetice. X ea hWrvsis f m.U vUl five iva $1,000 00 i it will aa haselt. Ia4ae4, . svJaiav I will sea4 a aaaaaarfa. Sre. ta aa safferar aslireesiaa - fleasa shosr this letter te umy oaa yea aaay. kaew who is saJeria treat Usse lis eases obltf. Teata, DR. T. r. BURT. VWiUUaiHC.XeeiTeTk. EUREKA! The nalnwianil aaa Jast eeeaatttaj hie NEW-BUILDING, '!&''' SAT BOOM, &' 'js ..&, ATS. r' Moerg, SBoe&rJNcr yrondxs etc. IlSMiessaBssilVeHrsB'lfcelWnrr, fOMpaaaV. " "T va j o jta? 2 '" Swaaa WKKm& NEW -4 J G. Take taia awtkea ts iafwn ttw PakNc that he has Jaat apaatS as a new aad saasleti StMk ef DRY GOODS GROCERIES, CamMtina ta aarf ef CALICOES. DAKK. MOOT PINK DKESS TRIM.MINUS 4 LININGS, COKSETS A SKIRTS, VAIL8 Jt OLOVKS. IlLKACliKP AND UNULKAJIIKD MI'SLINf TABLE LINEN& A WWKLINU. A PANTS, OVKU ALLS A 8HIIITING, . BOOTM ftHOCH. MATS aft VWH9 COFFEE, SUaURS 4 TEASif iM KMa Ctinttf Fmitt, Oytttrt an Crtcktrt, araMWlirf aMM arawawClarg lvam.Cwy FLOUR. MEAL A BAOON- J AbJ ererything asaaliy kept in n Firat Claaa Dry UeWs A Ureeer) Slot. -T. O. Pottsjr, 9t CUed Nsbraskj. THE CHICAGO LUMBE t YARD F AT HASTINGS, KecDsaonstautly on band the largeit stock of Dry Pine Lumber 1 tha BLIXIMi, MOrLMGM, I.I TARRED PAPER, and all fcinJaof BflLDINO HATCBIAt Our stock is well selected aud purchased direct front the rfb, ami old as low as tbe lowest. O. NEW HARDWARE STOilfi, I WHOLESALE AND IlETATL MITCHELL & MORHMIT Have opened a new stare and bare juat reoeircd a full and complete atock of HAUnWABE, Catlery, Cipcater FARMING TOOLS, k COAL and WOOD STOVES. We bare also a Tin Shop conneete with our Store. Wa asanufaetare Tin, Copper A Sheet Iron Ware. Our Stock is LARGE aad well assorted, and wa will daal aa low as any hoBse west of Lincola. Call and Ste Bsftrt Opposite tbe LwMbar Yard. Red Cloud. LUMBER LUMBER W. L. VANALSTYNE RKD CLOUD, -- PINE LUMBER, Doors BInds3 8ash Mouldings al srery ArtUU uaaJIy krpt ia a First Clasa Lntabar Yard. I GCARACTEE TO BtllsICAT? A2Y BILL THAT CAN bTgOT AT JUNIATA OR BASTINGS. MWTVH PUPKA. I. BERENZEN A OO. DKAUCRS IJf GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. - GOODS! POTTEK I NEB JK. liUI O. OL,iJj Hastings, Nsbraska. Ptrchasinf ErttWrrtrt. XmbmmluLm jrJEBttrf.f. ) - 4 EL I BKALBB I.W LATH. SHINCELS ?L aMMBMaaaA' . Va W , Lime, Tarred Paper. Etc TOON BEKKJZEX. & 'm--r 'xi. II V I 4 la .-.wsejesa . 'm.n's pifK :j t. bj.- ,m, iaitirSH 3fcBanaaaaaaan t.I - -.n ''Li - BaaMMat" "K - - - ... .v ' .. . . - g?.,-.. - , & 3 ' "" -- -. l--MssasaanaBaMaBaMMMMMMaMMMMMneas n . m, sjrfw a, m swai i nil J i a i . in , . , . JJ1.,. ,-., ,. M,., ., . .. . g 'dBM' - t.. 3. - JLziiaMaH BBMaBaaMaBaaMaBaaMaBaaMBBaaMM .. ".