-.A -H '-V "" E-jKfTa-A&Hr,-! et pw.we -j- : 3$S rw-i." 3wm j t' -ii - . iwFj . rj?s. . . j jR&rsr" l Jl (s--vr -r - k - .? - 'flf. . - A -1 ? 1 AS- ? It 51 L" & -3 if - Vf l& At&Tx E B v c r -" ;V iV" i.- 'ft aVU IK" " If We Imw. IT ire kaew the woe sad hurt-nckc. Wattlac for as dowa 'tke road, If ear Up ceald taste the wormwood. If oar barks could feel Ibe load, Wooid we waete the day In wishing For a time that ne'er can be? Would we wait 1b inch Impatience Fur oar ships to cose from real If we knew the baby fingers Pressed agauvt the window pane -Vould be cold ud s IF. to-morrow Never trouble as again Would the bright eyes of oar darling Catch the Irowa upon our browT Would the x-rinl of rory fingers Vex na then a they do now Ahl these Utile Ice-cold fingers, llow they point our mcmoiles back To the fcaaty worda sad actloaa Strewn along our.backward track. How thcae Utile baas remind na, Aa In snowy grace they lie, Hot to scatter thorna-bnt roses For onr reaping by and by. Strange, we never prize the music Till the sweet voiced bird has flown; Strange, that we should alight the Tioleti Till the lovely flowers are gone j Strange, tbatanraner skies and carihlr e Never seem half o fair A a when winter's snowy plnlona Shake their white down in the alrT Lips from which the seal of alienee None bnt God can roll away, Never blossomed In nch beauty , A adorns the mouth to day; And sweet worda that freight our memory With their beautiful perinme, Come to us in awceter accents Through tho portals of the tomb. Let ns gather up the sunbeams Lying all around our path; Let us keep the wheat and rose , Casting oat the thorns and chaff; Let us find our twectest comfort In the blesaicga of to-day, ' With a patient hand removing All tho briars from our way. Hcait-Kcwilmj Case. "What I want to know," said a white headed young man of twenty, as he stood iMjfore the Sergeant in charge ot the Central Station yesterday, "what I came hero for whs to get some advice." "Proceed," said the Sergeant. "You know Nancy Thompson, don't you?" "Never heard of her." "Well, she's a widder, over forty years old, and I've been boarding there." "Yes." "And we were enggd to be married." "Whew 1" whistled the officer. "I don't blame you," continued the young man, in a broken voice. "I'm only twenty and she's forty, but u man can't always tell when he's going to make a fool of himself." "And you fell in love?" "I did that, acd as soon ns we get through talking I'm going out to hire some one to kick me over to Canada and backl Yes, sir, fell dead in love loved a woman of over forty." Andwhat followed?" "What followed? Why, whut allers follows? I'm humau, same's any body else, and when I lovo I ovo like a loco motive on a down grade. What do you think I did in just six weeks by the watch? Went to the theater sixteen times, out sleighing twelve times, had three parties, went to three lectures, and took her out to cat oysters ten er eleven times. Fact, sir cost me durn near 200, "But it was all for love," replied the Sergeant "I thought so, and what else did I do. Bought her a forty dollar watch, a ten dollar bracelet, a five dollar ring, a seven dollar set of jewelry, a new dress, and gave her a five dollar gold piece with a hole in it 1 Yes, sir, I drew $500 from the bank every red I had and used it all upon her." "And theni" "She purtended. to love back, and smiled and smiled and looked heaps of love at me. She'd lean on my arm, talk about Cupid, and git off poetry by the rod, and it was plainly understood that we wero to be married in June. Oh, sue knew her biz, and she slid around mo as the Bengal tiger docs around a lamb." "Did sho break the engagement?" "Last niuht," said the young man, swallowing the lump in his throat, "she told me that she had been trifling with me all along. She said she was engaged to another man, aud she could never be more than a sister to me! I tell you, Sergeant, you could havo knocked me down with a straw; I braced up after awhile and called her a hppocrite, when she called me a white headed idiot, and the boarders threw me out of doors. Five hundrtdldollnrs gone, and I'm a wrecked man." Detroit Free Fress. A Petrlled Goose. The Yolo (Cal.) Mail, some days be fore the 1st of April, told the following goose story: "While hunting in the tules near the sink of Cache Creek on Monday last, Abe green, an old hunter discovered a petrified wild goose, stand ing upright, ith legs buried about one half in the adobe soil. He thought a first it was living, and creeping closely up, fired liis gun at it, but the bird did not budge an inch. He thought it very strange and walked up to it. He found it dead, and ia trying to pick it up, was astonished at its immense weight It had turned to stone, and a mark on its wing, near the forward joint, showed where the shot had struck it, knocking a piece off. He managed to raise it up out of the ground, and when he laid it down a piece dropped from its breast, disclosing a hollow iaside, from which pwre, clear water cosuaenced running. Iufeithers were Tory natural, and its appearance was calculated to deceive o lifelike. He took it to his cabin, down the canal, a few miles back of Wa&aiagton, where it can be seen by those who wish to see such a straage aad uausual sight We should reaad every day of stirriag actaoswitk an evening of thought. We ; of onr experience, except i npoa it Boree. - 2 VT Bf i-' & -? One if little Jeanaj's CMtMllfM THE O'rOMCX. If there is aaythiiig ia same this inimel Is Irish, but there seat aoaetkre now, and them in the colinies call tlteir sclis possums, like they was natift. Pos sums is bigger than a bird, bat aot so big as a dog, aad lias a sharp nose aad a long bald bedded tale which k all ways cole aa ice, never mind the weather. It jus as if their tales were ded aad the funerals was postponed, but this aiat so, for their tales is mity lively if yon hare, ever see 'em roun the bars of their cage. I herd a Baan from Ostralia say that they was no place in the world were satire bad been so good to her creatares, aad he said, the saan did, that it it waseat for the poesum's tales how cud they hang by 'em Irom the branches of trees like they do, but wen last him wot they hung for he didn't know. I spect its only to sho the aint afradey. . The she one has a tobacco pouch on the outside of her sturamack, and wen the little ones is friten they creeps in It and wen they are snug they don't care a copper wot becomes of their old mother wich is outside. When the dog fines a possum and it cant git to a tree itjies down and pretexts it is ded. Once there was a dog which diddent kno about possums ioun one a lying like it was ded, and after roling It over a wile and smcllln it, the dog lay down by it and went to sleep. Wen tho possum saw the dog was a sleep it got up quiet to go a way, but jus then the dog opened its eyes and see the possum stsndin up. Such a friten dog you never see, and such a friten possum you never see, but the dog most. It jumpt up and made for home, bowling at every lecp, and fore it got home it had changed from a black Newfounlarn pup to a old bull dog as wite as milk. A man wich had a pet possum and a chicken wich he thot ever so much of was a sittin at his table ritiu one day, wen he sec the possum come in the door and try to sneak under the bed. So the man said Cleopatra, wich was the pos sum's name, come here and do some tricks on the table, but the possum need ed lots of couxin, and wen it was sittin up on the. table, beggin like a dog, the man he d his chicken go yeep, yeep, ycep 1 Then tho possum she started and stared all roun the room like she said wy, bless my soul, were is that chicken? But the man knew were it was wel enoughf. Then tho chicken went yeep, yeep, again, and the possum ran to evry side of the table and looked over the edg, and then come back to the middle a shakin her head like sayin I cant make it out at all, it beats me 1 But wen the man he cluckt like a ole hen the chicken stuck its head out of Cleopatra's pouch, were it had been put away to be et. Possums is marsupials, which souns very fine, but I spose its jastcos they cant bo anything els, with 111 eir cole tails and them pockets on their slum mackses. $20,000 a Year Not Enough to Marry on . SajaJSHJuWcape.-ifewkT" crowded with rich unmarried men, afraid of tho expense of supporting these gilded butterflies. There is a bachelor at tho Sixth Avenue Hotel, whose income is $20,000 a year, and still he says he can't afford to get' marrie'd. He's a proud fellow, i.nd says as a single man he can have the best horses, best room and best box at the opera. "If I should get married," he said, "I should have to stint myself or overdraw my income." "How is that?" asked a friend. "Well, now, come into the parlor and I'll show you. Yon see, ladies aie extravagant now-a-days. They dress so much more than in Europe. I mean, they don't wear rich diamonds like the women of Florence and Milan, but they wear rich dresses, laces, shawls and furs. Now, I'm proud, and I wouid not want my wife outdrcssed, so I have to keep out of the marriage business. Do jpu see that lady there?" he said, pointing to a fash ionable caller. "Yes." "Well, she had on a $400 panniered, wattaued, polo naised, brown gros-grain dress, and I wear a $G0 coat She wears a $1,200 camel's hair shawl and a $500 set of sable, while I wear a $70 overcoat. She wears a $70 bonnet, while I wear an $8 hat She wears $200 worth of point ap plique and point augile, while I wear a $G shirt Her shoes cost $15, mine $12. Her ordinary morning jewelry, which is changed every year, not counting dia monds, cost $100; mine cost $50." "Well, how does it foot up?" "Why, the clothes she has on foot up $2,325, and mine cost $206, and that is only one of her doren outfits, while I have say three. The fact is,' said he, growing earnest "I couldn't begin to live in a brown stone front with that woman, and keep up appearances to match car riages, church, dinners, opera and sea sidefor $20,000. I'd have to become a second-rate man, and live in an eighteen foot house, or withdraw erer to Second avenue, and that I'll be hanged if I do!" and he slung his fist down into a nice silk hat in the excess of his earnest Xaltnni la Pnrra. Love is a thing most nice, aad aanst be fed to such a height, bnt never sarf sited; what is beyond the mean is ever ill. Herrick. Never respect men merelv for their riehas, but rather for their philanthropy: we do not value the smn for its height, but for its use. Bailey. To be ihineaced by a passion for the same pnrsnit, and to have simiku dis likes, is the rational groaad-wora-of lasting friendship. -Cicero. When affliction tanadar over ear roafs, to hide our heads and na into onr raws shows ns.no men, bnt J Jstrtnna'a stores. Ben Johnson. Carina!! JahHees at LexfagtM aa ineere Om Hmmdn Tf -. There were from forty to fifty thous and people in atteadaace at the cole bratioa of the one huadreth anniversary of the battle of Lexington on the 19th of April. This battle was especially important as being the first In the great straggle which retailed ia the estab lishment ot the American Kepablie. Long before day carriages and wagons were well filled and pedestrians began pomriag into town. Booths and extem porized merchants went ap-oa enary corner. At 7 a. m., the whole towa was alive with moving, beetling bamaalty, and monster tents with their gay decor ations and flags, and streamers flatter ing from every house presented a most cbeerins: and iaspiriag aspect. The ar rangements ia every particular were most complete. The moaster teat in which was to be served the grand Cen tennial dinner presented a striking ap pearance aad were the most perfectly arranged and liberally supplied ever seen on a public occarioa. It was four hundred snd ten feet long and seveaty feet wide with a central wing one hun dred and fifty feet long, with plates for three thousand seven hundred and forty persons. Every seat had been disposed of, and most exorbitant prices were asked and offers made by those who had and those who had not tickets. The main tent in which the oration, unveil ing of statutes, &c, took place, was provided with scats for four thousand, every one of which was secured. The first train from Boston came crowded, and from all other adjoining villages hundreds swarmed. The procession formed in divisions,the State officers coming first; then Presi dent Grant with prominent military and aaval officers, Judges of the Supreme Court, Senators, Representatives and other National officers. Vice Presidrnt Wilson rode with the President in a four horse carriage. In the Third Division were Governors Dingley,of Maine; Weston, of Vermont; IngersolI,of Connecticut, and Lieutenant Governor Vansandt, of Rhode Island, accompanied by the Portland Mechanic Blues, Amoskeag, Providence Light In fantry, Gen. Burnside and the Ransem Guards, of St. Albans, Vermont In the other divisions wero the Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati officers of the Harvard College, Masonic Society of Massachusetts, Historical Society of New England, and delegations from large numbers of towns from New England. On arriving at the"grand tent an ad dress was delivered by Ralph Waldo Emerson and a poem was read by James Russell Lowell. The procession moved along Alain street to the square, thence up Monu ment street to the old bridge, and across to the provincial parade ground where wero tents for the delivery of orations and for dining. E. R. Hoar acted as President of tho day. Afler kej0ratioa4rr-dining"' tent was filled, an oration was then given by George William Curtis. Before its conclusion tho chilly winds dispersed a large portion of the audience. A large num ber of bands were playing in the city. "Paul Revere's ride" was toasted by a grandson of Revere. Senator Boutwell and Governors Ingcrsoll, Peck and Diugly all responded to the toasts. Judge Hoar read a letter from Fred. Douglass. This closed the exercises. By five o'clock the visitors had all left the village owing to the severe cold weather which was becoming more un pleasant hourly. In the evening a grand ball was given at which the President and party appeared. The scene was very bril liant. The President left before the oration was concluded and was driven in his private carriage to Lexington. Gov. Gaston and staff went by train. The day was excessively cold with snow oc casionally. After -dinner Hoar made an address and gave a toast to the 19th of April, and Speaker Blaine made a patriotic response. The fellow who asked for a lock of his cirl's hair was informed that "it costs jnenev, hair does." Died Sadeealr af Heart Disease. How common is the announcement Thousands are suddenly swept into eter nity by this fatal malady. This disease generally has its origin in impure blood filled with irritating, poisonous mate rials, which, circulatiag through the heart, irritate its delicate tissues. Though the irritation my at first be only slight, producing a .ittle palpita tion or irregular action, or dull, heavy or sharp dartinai paias, yet by and by the disease necomes firmly seated, and in flammation, or Hypertrophy, or thicken ing of the liaing membrane or of the valves, is produced. How wise to give early attention to a case of tnu kind. Unnatural throbbing or pain ia the re gion of the heart shoald admonish one taat aiiisaotrtgnt; aad u yon would preserve it from further disease, yoa mast help it to beat rightly by the use of such a remedy as will remove the cause of the troable. Use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery before the disease has become too seated, aad it will, by its great blood-aarifying aad wonderful regulating iwopertiea, efect a perfect care. It contains medicinal properties which act apaciically upon the tmwaea of tne aeart, ortagiag about a haaltfcy actfoa. Sold by all Irst-class druggists. CCBXD. ,, Bockport, Spencer Oo lad, Feb. 1, T4. Dr. R- Y. Fierce, Baaalo, K. T.: About two years ago I waa amUcte a disss sr of the heart, which at crsaasd a preaaare aroand it. Isawaa ofyoarOotdea leamae saa 1 for t of tha heart. I boatioa,aad altar threa hettieal smtsiely jalkred aad asm GraaafaUy Tirrjany. Adirem W.T. Dart, TVs M oiaea, Iowa, for &e apUay catalogae of "Domestic" imworBa. .. With a 1 yoacaaewt W.T. Dart, Domestic" nattera dteseet, Bead -to Iowa, tor cir- calars tmt 9$ styles. -Prideam Asthma Spe- cific will relieve she worst ease f asthma ia At aiiaaHi, aad tresa aaa to three bottles win eject a ass msasat care. It ia eadonesl try she medical facmlty, aad eteryhettrnkwawaatefl to do what is claimed tor K er seaway wfaadea. Taoaesads can toaUfy to its ewkacy, aad persons aflUctei with taw terrible om phwntaaoahlaet tail to try it If yoa cannot shea is St from year local dreg giet seed direct to the prepnatoc Wholssele agents ia Chicago, Fmller, Falter Vaaechaaak, Bteraasea ft Raid. Prepared oaly by James Pridham, 49 Geaseee street, Waakegaa, III. Xllklac r. This is a sctaaea that ia tsaDaften far 1 His by F. Wnw, cf State itlUMe. a4 aU famcr Soya Ceatrv. lews. Ha ia tell aad Kirls wUl Wl it with ealisat. sst care la aaetfcarcoUavfc.n Haawv wairVa Baaia.-O.W. Oles, af Fir' atoata, las., la Ue -teas sasa dealer of ta eoaatir. Ha Mils awrs aeadi Sjr eae dollar lata say otaar sealer to taaesaatry. H Is aerfeetlr reliable. Jaal aes bias eailar aaa get j r tara Basil eass seas aiaat It or tare gar de as. ATalaafetoWrab-Cvrfs4v aaoaM yaa e a caey sf Dick's macrcloeeilr costal alac S,tis recclaU. It is ta aaast TalaaWa work u tas kin rar Ila4. Seat far iaScx Ire. Jtaay of tka racu ar warts kaadraoa of 4oI lars. AAdrma Dick Fits tonlm Aas aU, K. T. 98 KraiwiwsM far a Dollar. Iowa Camera and otkarawaa will tkla year plaal keacea aad windbreaks wDI aa wall ta read tka aarartlac- aaeat of wsu atortaa Haa la aaetker coiaau. Tkey aell Sfi tresa far eaa a liar, aad traasplaated Arbor ViUe, 8 Jack kirtTfor f vet 1988. "Great Owara." ffa tovita tke atteatloa of oar readers to J advarlisasiaat, aatfer akote kesdlBg, of Means. Grime A Mejer, proprietors of tke celebrated Kaex Frail Farm aad Marsei tea, Fittsbar, Pa. Tkeae (eat lesaea are tkoroacklr reliable aad will do jast aa tkey pmaalse la their adrertisemcat. We advise oar readers 10 scad to tbea for plants. Improve Tour Faaltrr. Ia another eotawa will be foaad the card ol T. I.. Haliwortk, JCaq., of Chelsea. Mas.t oaa of the ssost eitearive poaltry-ralsers la tke coaatrr. IIo has the choicest breeds, aOD tkea lidadaaa. Brown Leghorns aad arahaaas. We bare seen tbere fowls, aad tka? ar all prawtaai birds, great lay ers snd of pure blooo. nggs most careful! shipped aad will alwajra batch. Purchase eggs o f Mr. II. and donbl the valae of yoor poaltry. A Hoaaa la MarrlasML Bandreds In the Wtst are aeeklag aa escape frost oar terrible winters, aad ia response to many Inquiries wc would axivlse Maryland aa tue beat refuge. Splen did farms, aaild and healthy climate. Coldest weather last winter 4 degrcea above zeio, aad only IK laches of snow, that only stayed one day. IUflroad sear aad socfoty Irsi-clua. Land cheap Hoe card of C. JE. tihauahao, Eaaton, Md. Map Iree. - Drlf eAFr-EK. A regalar gradanto of both rJrltlsh and Americas Iastitatea. X) yeaia a tractleiBg physician. Treats only Chronic Af eclloDB aas all Dlaeaaea of the Ktdaaja, Liver, Langs, Heart, Throat, Head aad Nervosa system. Snors of voath sad abases of manhood mot aucccssinlly treated, aad often after other phyl ciana have failed. Ladies eaa Sad apeedy relief for complaints peculiar to their sex. Address lock box 260, or call at tka omce,S17 Perry street, DAvaxroBT, low Foaadrr aad Maehiaa Works. One of the oldcat estsbhskments ia Central Iowa tamed in tke manufacture of eaicines, boUers, aad other kinds of machinery, thai of Leaghrsa mills ol Dcs Moines. They are also among tke meat reliable, employing ia all departments none but the best mechanics aad macklatata. Tkay have recently made large additleaa and Improvement, doubling the capacity of tkelr works, aad Invite orders from all parts of tke State. Sec their card. Blooded Cattto aad flheow. In aaotber col umn will be foaad tka card of T. L. Miller, Sbo of Deechcr, Will Co.. Ills., proprietor of tke High land Stock Farm, aad one of the most promlaent breedera la Illinois. His specialties srs Here ford Cattle and Cotawold Sheep ot the Barest strains of blood. Mr. Millar mikes his owa im portations, and his prices very reasonable. The many farmers aad stock-raisers of Iowa and Ne braska, wko are desirous of Improving the valne of their herds aad making sheep ralslag pruftta ble, will ao well to write Mr. Miller. Ia Ceasaaaptlea Caraolor-Of that there Is serious questioa; but there la ao doubt that the dread disease ia piereatable. It is, strictly speaking, a diaeasa la tka wags that is, it Is a deposit In tke lance of scrofulous matter, which ought to be carried oat ef the system altogetker, F.w eounteractlag tala tsadeacy to deport, te movlngike acrania, atrcagtheatag tke system, gently stimulating the digestive organs, aad the liver aad ktaarya lato a healthy actios, aad tor purilying the blood, ao remedy yet discovered equals Da. WAUtaa'a CaxrroaaiA VmsaAa Brr Taaa Fowell'a Star rnsaaa. the superiority of Powell's 8tar Wood Pamps U evtaosd In their general adoptloa. Mr. Powell has coallnaod to add improvemeat after improvement, aatll it woald seem aow almost Impassible to make far ther Improvemeat. He waa oaa of (he Bret to adopt the patent porcelsla-llaed cylinders, aad has used thouands of them ia his pamps. Tkev are highly recoaamaaded by all who have used them. Particular atteatloa la called to this improvemeat. Mr. Powell kaa kad aeveateea years experience as a manufacturer, aad employs none but skilled meckanlca, aided br tka lateat improved machinery. More of the Star samps are sold la lows thaa of aav other hied. TBst LAttk'o fstfCND.-Ho uaorTM ladr ahoaMfcowltlMatlt, Addnaas Dr. F. A .Korea. Ho. dl7 W. stoaroo 8C. CAiosmw. OR 8 Al.K-fii.ort Horn nulla aad Boll Calves, grades and tkoroaghbreds, at prices from flu to S30O. Cbas. Wood. Badea P.O.. 8. I wiU Co.. Mo. PLYMOUTH BOCKS. Brga f&OB par IS. Write for list of premlama woa aad offered. C. C. COBBnTT. Kew Losdoa, Cobb. KOTOW GRAFJE. Two ae 3-year-old vises of this excelleat white rrsoe, for oaa dollar, seat postpaid oa receipt of price, H.W tjKDKRHIlXCrotoaLaBdlnaK.T. MILKING OF COWS aw made easy, also time saved, by s simple, ahaap aad dsrable contrivance. Enclose stamp 'or circular to F. WKAY. Itate Caster. Iowa. TVfONEV'SAVSD 18 MONK Y XAKNSD 1 J. ud l.aa will bur wore Garden aad Flower Seeds of G. W. Otoe than of aay othar aeater ta the United States. Prima sesLerop of 1874, aad are all geaaiae. U. W. OLKa, Plymouth. lad. OMION aaUUX-ror sew seed of narly Yel low Daavere. Yellow Globo. Bcdtliobe aad WhilsPortsgsIvarioUoa, address L.W.CLKM ONS, Seed Grower, Pleasaat Taller. Boatt Cov. Is. tvalsaoMfaa- fanastlea eoaearataf lmptuva- seaia ia ibo siasuw, ey aaareasiag 8. HUTCHrKBOM. GriggsTllle. Pike Co.. in. A rpLX TRMKB,twa jaars. wamatad tkrifty. -BightdoUara par haadrad. gfarasaasi. af- teeaiacaas. J. A. BKOWK. Moamoath. UL rTWJRjf XTkel RAandEBBt HLAkth Mr aula! Tkekardteat JTsd Bmhirtr. Stood tke wta- Uraof ISTSSaBiaJaroa. aUporl,a;taBerma. Addrsos MRS. BMMA BROWK. Aftoa. IH. IMUPORTRD OMIOM BKJtD. TeUow. Bed aadWaJte,attwpoaad;aaJSla latsarar Mlbs. Add rasa 4. TOIi, Boasted. Cask Cx BL Rrowaoll'aammty -D:atAca.aiaiaarl per is. Jersey castas. mpwy vo-, iaa OSTkBUIXIOM Mi asV8asdllasm,l.asad bTtkoBatTaaTaodla. S yoaraotd. Ttos seada Hot. sLM.TBOMFBOM.ac. sw wmetomue pries uew, wis. sicta iNcfcLofllMA 6 e aCBIFrtaadFaoCBaaXS. FneaasV Boat free of aoomaa. Ba FnatSaXD. ladesi DICK SCM.Y. dmffAsmFBffeacaflalofBmVlewpal sjpi paB. LAWYB1 BKawoa.9Hx7. twmcte.: U Decaleoaaaoia ar Traaafar Fsska CimissoaBorsrlaoFo. C?T. C. AUm, twoaaMaawsrivA?aTO asaiatartasfJoa aoorrseed U rfr. Fmw A Cei YtJBPt mk. . . --t. mniBiemoommuatsNimBBwomosm rwsarst a sinTX(aaWaRWRmaaraor FSmmoaaaamao -.r. -- "TLra.- -.---- - . .. roimvm .."F. . . Jmmmmm!S:.. eoaaasa at naovsry and jtsgth at tisse saaatrad . . jLCT SmIm. ooaoaatATrrst mr suta ottblTjo "-- -.? BzT2r TZS2?Z w --- -w - --- 1 o - - " - w 1 momum aaau maw--, nrasmmm am an mrmBBBamBBBT nan Bamnsasmormanaa-. mmam oaamBBBBBmBBaBasBBSBSBSBBaamammam daamsmStHmoaTaBaBo a8FFBaa mam , ,- 1 Gmm sfsBnwmm aaat WmY' WM lVspMmmwCCmw Jm UstmPsFwvsB JsmC Jsl,PmmaafiV JsmSsFWrnmsRV m aaaw KsWJsadass"amW EsTaoxmRl mmmmJBF faWamSBaaYBmmuVmaemBBrSB Smmmsomv ommmHi flSfl fsmR anBmtBBtmmtsmamf taK Bmml Bmmm8Bl mfBufmRapA.-,. " " - ' ' BrfoaTB Jsins9mm dmmdmXVsa MBntM Waal 8B8W aRRfMBReana I8)BB8 HRRVaFev BmmRfBRfnBBmSFTsU hm 1 -m '' maas"--SswmilSvoxletles, Slsa.iMPBaJALFBXIB lift 1 is 11 1 A. W. Fasaaaa. jfHer M rcooata tses JisUss Meam oWler et aJaai WarBm, DPCRy aOa:BmBSBasaaa smmtsaaamijg Mstlml Bash ; Jssasa Browa; T J. Cepp, cooa- MfeMRpraXI, dt MRARA. FrowV. sJiaakw LBLFaTaqQMa,oau tpsaJHar. , ORsesad worao.rerasrFwHot.aoa Coast. Ar, Mo. 8 Csasij on aet, aaiasa. Moos. AaaVeas '2i"i?r.CO-'. BA8T RR8 M4MMBa.30WA. ATSS aaansaa, seasy y .ailawVCS ISiS:TXwWLWt "-UGHKAA HlUM -",BTr--::-..T- -- T.r- sBmommaBBRoaommm. w arnn tin ubmiu swsowfmBsaaeassaaMasmmJa. - s5 IWWSK $mfirejpras -mimti WejMsamBsm SWsK aRammhllHBma y,ff.y' aaam ml SaaamV aammmmmmt SatsmmmmfsL Yam oammWtSawSsslo WaWsnyBammmf. BoaatT ammRmmmmmmmmm. Tatftt hWfan, wiaWiss VA1T M1TEK eat UKasT, WmatntooSf Jfajia snaamamVi sa&mmVa&iaUS ft! lrt lOTJ UCT1JT Ul fDf Bfl 4mB JTlT T iTaTall l J Fmaamlwii8mB?mmaa.a.a "IJmTTm-.Tisl .-- BRa-nu feaaL moxaas aBaoada aaal saaaaaoasaii AoaaBaaoaMtfJBJSBaaaa8SJStn ha flhsaataav R. R.CAatti waotaaoie draaatsx. MaB t JM T mMmMmmmmm mmMm SS So IkHBCMLM-kmAavUkiaaSV rmosBSmOOO. IoBfa.eoaBS 8m mmr HadHMa wmmmew xomomuraams mBaammmuHBUwawoa mmivim)aijmemuvmmmmBsox.ima wwmim. mosmnsaaasois ky m mufmt ov a akMamm a bom bb l& 9 maL. I aeea ma so a; msK. ma-AM m a bbbbh k aasaad ansa Cater IsatHa Oa . fsoad society, ohurehes aad assaaw. areolars aad jmaao freo. Chre CMy Coloav Asaaca. vaaot mty, ;teabarCJ .a. J" M .ft F . 7J AJ "amsdva TaBTtMwS - AtoaSallMaeel Bvcrgrsraa aad other Wa Bmwk. BLWW1LXIAM, Gelbart twera-orta WBXiAaaamos.AhUD.Ma aad othorWsreorr uu aMabtukedtSM. Frl8.Ask.Ulsa:nisa,U 1; aas XKer, a m-, s,os; w. u- bub. rwr muv-ay. k, waa, b Ac Best variotlea Soort BL UBB.BM; OH MesKs, Wi to ft,a per X. Hew Clalagas woa. . a. CRAM uawiao. t scM! Isso rbsw amd direct to tke xrowrr ill atww aad are ttmo so nlaatraiod Catalogae aad toallappHeaaf. aeodslxcoau Mraes D. C. BK&IKAKD. Mooat Lshaawa. CoL Co.. N. Y. 2M.0O0 CHOICE HEHfittENS, N ory growa, oaa to ur a rest Big, cessans- lac ca, aaswiaa aaa v aiie rime, zvvrmmj oraco,a'sa wv. Arose v aa aaropesB Larch. Hare eaco aaa twice traaspaaie. aad are ia aaa aaaaitlsa. will ao saw ot bet prteos ia largo aaaallttos. aa wa deolro to Ska aiamad. Aadrosi, with aaaaUtv waatod arloaa. aTUSOOVE A MILL". aWeita. 1 win so eea as aotiom dear .for III. FOR OKK DOLLAR. IS arbor Vltaj. if Balaam Fir. aios ptaata, taatd.farai.wa. TraasoUated Arbor Vtt. 4 to 8 lack- as. te par LBMl W,9 for faa. Catalorues, with dlrscttoaa for plaaUag. mailed ftr-etaap. WV, MORTOX A SON. AlUa's Cnraer. Maine. mm AGBNfo la evory coaary, to swi "NAVIN'8 KlFLANATOKT OTOIL" The book coataiaa 800 oc- taro aaess. la tally ill ast rated, aad aeally bound lalastaar. It gives the symptoms, causes aad traataont of all tke diseases of horses, catt'e, heza, sheep aad poaltry. 53,000 copies have al ready been sola. Agcate snake from 110 to f 13 per day. Fer terms aad territory address tae pabllsher. J. B. YKAQLKY. Iadioapolla. lad. mmi To sell tke Puittlca.. PersoBal aad Preaortr the Halted Btatea. How to exercise aad bow to preserve them. By Theephllus Parsotis, L L. D. Tke last aad great est work of its renowned author. A complete Treasury of LecaiandCoBStttattonal Knowedge. A book essential to every cltlaea. For fall ue acripiloo. aad tetms. addres C. B. BKACU A Co. 1S Clark street. Chicago. HI. IMPROVE YOUR POULTRY. BROWN LEGHORNS assd HOUDAN8are the best layers and most prefltaMa fowls bow known. 1 eaa spare a few fresh, carefully l.andied ejjjs of each of these breeds, so packed a to hatch after going 1,000 miles, for ft.OO per dozen, or BO tot 3 dosa In oaa box. Prom Sne atock, well ap to exhibition standard and warranted pore blood, aad to arrive safely. Chicks for sale In tho fall. Serd for circular to THOS.L UALLWOKTB.boxSoS. Chelsea, Mass. CARPENTER da BBEMMJUC " WhalesaJe and vTI VI A O Retail Dealers la XAjBLflla Clab rates given, and will ds plicae n BasUrn prices. To the (Irani era we offer apecial rates. Send for clrcelsr aad price lists. Address CARPENTER SHERMAN. OS Main Ht Keokok. Inwa. Apple Trees, Boat Grails, &c. Apple Trees. 5 to 7 feet. Irst-class, tf wr 100, ISO per 1000. boxed. Apple Koo Grafts Host Leedloe; Varieties, warraotrd No. 1 $1 pur l'.OQ; 10.0W, ti Soft Maples, 5 to 1 fret, f 4 per 100 ; t per 1000. Peach, Pear and Cherry Tieea and other nursery stock at currat rates, for sale by PETBK iicGKANK, Bloomlngton. Ills. JOHM H. COMER, Goshen, Orange Co.. N. Y., IMPORTKTt AND BSKBDKK OF HOLSTEIN CATTLE. Mr. Comer will make an Importation each month, aad having aaperlor tacUltlea will Import to order. CasUstt rirvsri-ltrt TirrUllss. Cles;ant Books on Gardening! arZwJa.CT ta oar easterners. New IOO pace llnatrated Catalogue nmr rcntly. Vreetoall. .WOOD JBwLLOWS, tlate Wmu& Hm.) GcncVa, n7V. "Powell's tar wooe! FaKB9, WaakrgmN Fans l'amos. Wood EaveTrosgh Tabiat' U yoa want the axar of these articles, go to yoar hartwera or agricultural Implement stores. II they do sot keep them, or will ant (eiiaem lor you.acna aireci u he factory. Cataloguca and price 1st mailed upon applicatloa to J. F. POWKLL. Waukegaa. Ill MASTA'S Pulmonic Balsam is a speedy aad ceitaln remciV for Coagb, ca tarrh. Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, InMaeaxa, uoxplnc Cough, Ast hmn, aad the va rious aaVcttoa ot tte Lungs aad Chest. me aiwaii am .01 1 nose sRktsd wttn Colds Cough, or wltk any mssase or ibo iaago, wractad to tkls TalaaJ ble remedy. The sea son of the rear has al ready some whra. oa aseoaat of the suddea ensures la the weather, colds aad coughs are easily taxes, aad If aegleetel mar lead to disease ofthelaags. What ta seeded aader sack dream stances is a reliable remedy speedy ia affording relief aad effectual ia arresting farther procreee of the disease. Sold by all dragglsts aad apothe caries throughout tke country. ., WANTED LN'EVEliV TO W.N. Oaeiwltskleafpattoaan tke ceiehraeed Combj aatloa Haaao Fastener. All horsemen aekaewl edge K to be the boss arraageawBt f.r a hama strap. The hook attaahmeat la made of wraaaht Ires, la aaiUbla sixes for all Uads of kamrs. No sttehea to rip. Caaaet sHp around wbea tka os are oetac-aacaiea. is eaeap aaa yJ ate. oeiia as ngai. Ageats souoie tsr er. WUl be seat a sample to aar address ready for sue, postpaid, oa receipt of s ceata Bead for etraalsr aaa price 1 sC Addrsos COVBKT, pateatee aad mwe msssfaatarar ?uwi ocogeot.aiT.n. 1, of atarilBftem, lawnT SIH 8lDO!tlIOLiJllto c bl warn no. Drawr ta all kteda of BrrncAi. ttmmcmAnmm, aoxllagtoa,Iewa.SBdrisslveiooriaaasetoftke 0i Hall Ylomai Btrmaaa. AJoaaoad stamp fer calamgaee of fceet Mamie, Piaaro, Orram, die. -jr. J. FJUKT am CO., as or every voriety. T, aeaaa Jar cotaJogaa. ms Merth Water Street. BDRUNOTOM . IOWA Biulinioiiliilijaiiary Far Ite Treatment ef Caaeaw. IBM, til, 11 aMIBaYHsfM(B5S aadget aasms Shat w Amasaai OsJda . . Al 25FHTC2 smaammmmmmmmm ImmWfmmB atmrmaajaaasaEaaajLa waaraMoaai ait m cwmt fcM an vmnan, v. ICm OuoTHUsOHOa. ana oeusio mauetou vai vmssor smsam box mn - flit. . m maTm aS.:' eoJorglvtoaoB utisatcf Ue adrsataass sBmd 9b i. . fwl II IM1 ! nirn w mmM mmm B Bp raw mmvw am m. 9rwwma mfmmMmwwm -a sTaaTttMltMIA FARMS.-DrrtellvrVt Averted tferrtla lamrmoiieo w it bag far aseWaVle omes. srtaarrs sad away Induce eaas Ws. S2f,M Ureal borsmtas. Mild laucrmeata. Otwiag sea iareursaort. Aoar.ee WM. F. MUOBB A CO. amfelk. Ta. -IdhMARTLAaU rARmay U Wese rrm 12OUaia0a. Nosrfaiiroedaadaavl oakle sok araler. (wHk all tea tasarWO la Talbot Oa..l asHdaadkoaltky. Tltl aadfltsa. .B.8i? uabtwloa losauoa. free. Ad- NAMAN. AM Kasl(w.Md lmtHt Sit l aa RamaaMo eaai ueSBJurr farm cuJ- .1 .i - --- - mm tM. aaatt. BOOiBaM. aieyetMaBtaddroa loOOOaMlO ofosedaotlMssoriaaJrom asoditaca to tares stmee waoei suaa) hlt Ptas, tarse Mease t, at kr-tttfiat-n. Commorelal Narry. Freoport. IK. FISH fert Setae. & feet deep. ft 75 S3 4) a NET? li BWat v&lrUl nadr I J All slaw. Lists lew to twde. ) ead for prlre ilet. UPOLrM A CO a. L-le. Mo. VVffJA 9f fXlJUri natadokeoVmoase For large oaaatlHce writs fer ap. eUl rats. AUOD8TDS a. TABBB. lSft.HdaadmHapriort..TvW4a.O. 8 BSD FOB THB Hatiiiai Haii Cin -Fluter ! THE REST ABB TslK CRRAF1 Orders Dom dea'ers solicited. Msaitetturcd by itr a nALowia.ttuiccy, 111. W. H. Baxua A Co.. s-s veai aa Chlcem imiumE3n? family Medicines ! A Ha the result of aa experience of thirty years ta tuepractlce of a seeeessfal lAystclaa. Hitter Toole An extract of mo s and b-rba. ao Judldunaly aad medicinally cumblaed that ev ry part of he diseased beir receive the help requited. It Is not clalmsit as a poaaceo for all the Ills of lire, bot lor dypepia. blllto and ilvsr complaints, lever and ane. ctiulera. dehil lllty ant all dlaeast-a of the Utmsch, liver and dlgoitlvt. organs, It la an ettVctaal remvdr. Aaa provectle aaiiiat fowr and aue and malarious dUeaes, It la uufQroa'Sed. It strcsthcaa and builds up the d billtatcd svstem. aad givrs re aewed vigor to all part of thu b-dr. aC log's Core Acts aaa diuretic sracoant In eases 01 drupy.mnt, gravrl and d seae of the bladder and ktdticj. purifies the blood, enrre rcrolula and erupute di-ac. rheumatic and aearalgtepalnN and all diseases of the urinary or gaaa. KxooctormBt- A prompt rmety for coughs, asthma, cioup and all dlM-aset of the thro.t, lungs and cheat, and the first slt-a of consumption and typhoid fcver. Liver aotl Aran IMIia-Are prepared ex preatly to aid the tonic lu ruring a uto and chronic cases, they aa without deolsttsg. Crimean f.talsnent Opens the porra of the deah, and penetrates to the bona or rat of pain, givlag relief t man or beaut aa pcdily as any oatward applicatloa cea. For sate bv all drasrglats and dct-m. X T. IIARrillTPKAtO BiirlliiKion. low ThoOnlr KeltaOlaOin DUtribatloM la Ike Jeaatryl D- SINE'S 17d RROIJI.AR MONTHLY - SIFT ENTERPRISE1 To be drawn MosMtay, May 3d. 187. two 6BAN CknlAiA or SSOOO OO EACH IN CASH! SSSIBiafflUlmffl 1 lioise and Bsagr, with sttver-mouated harness, worth fSJU. One fln-toaed Rosewood I'lano. worth 13601 Ten Kitmllr Hewlntr Machiaes, worth Sieaeocht Thrre tiold Watches aadChatas, wort fkS) each. Three Utdd Amcrlcau Hunting Watches, worth StSeacbt Tea Latfles' Gold Iluutinr Watches, worth f 100 each! aaa Cold nuJ Stltir Utr Hunlk) WaUtU$, (ir. aU,) trcrth from to S3rt) soeA. Gold CbaJnr. Silver Warr. Jewelry, Ac NnrabrrnrUirt0,V. TirkcU limited to St 08? AOKNTX WAJKTKDTOsKLI. TICRETa. to whom Llboral PrrsnloNBO will bo 00ML Stogie TtekeU, ait Ma Tirkea.aai Twelve TlekeU, 8)18; Twenty-Five. aaa. Clrenlars containing a full Itat of pi lacs, a de scription of the msnner of drawing, aas eOjer iaformatloa la reference to thr DiatribotloB, will be sen l to any one otdering them. All letUrt must re aearesea 10 ORce. Xxeelitlor Build. I tag. Cor, Race A Loag worth. i L.D. SINE. Hex dSS CloelOBOll O. THE NEW TOMATO. H00SAC. TUB BEdT TOMATO IN TUB MARKKT. It waa raised from seed by D. L. Fleming, of Toronto, Canada It Is about the else of the Ar liagtea, kav ng the smoothceca of the Uradt aad Caaada Victor. Its Savor is for superior to aay tomato ever offered before. The meal la very solid, having bat etr tew sed. It is fall as early as the Grant. For market gardeners aad euanlng establishment It la not aurpassed by aay other variety. 1 have the only utoci of lata seed la the United State. I shall p. see my seeds la tke hands of the leaclax arrlcaftarsts aad hortl cuRarlsts of this country for trial, aot be! ng eon tented w th my owa Judgment. I will forward b mall fres or postage. 1 package SSc. 3 packsgve 4k. 3 packages SOc, 4 packages 73c, t packages, fl.00 Addrrs r. w. SKit'H, seoasmaa sod riorlst. (8ox s7) nttssetd. Masa.H UitThland St4ck Farm HEECMER. WILL CO.. IXL.. Oa C. D. A V. R. R.. 40 mlls Sootk of Chicago. Tv affTT T HTI lsaprter aad Breeder of .LIliiLlB,wsrk-cou- as oeet proaoecra are xae best. Tkey- are better grsxers, bettor Sjbssis asd win Bsaxe Hsrger aawa Sttci far Stk. far a girea e,sssat of s'dT'StBo HEADAG itlsaavstoaitsamt that the XX- ofCKAN- KM AND MEMP. eemblaed br I Sorseo St- Phils-. Pa.. U.KR. an moat nstiaots eases 8tekHeaJocke. aad U NearsJala aad Kerrouei cures the Msrvoasor saeeJoc far Prepared testis; aS cts. obex. Soot by moil. First-claso smell tarssker Swr to six aucse lever power. Win taeash aad clesa twoatru Imwsov BnBsjBJWymaea smw mrntsaBBSL mamw" HjaWTr. anTBTFJCR nLAMlTFACTVRIMG Off. Kvasoi stars. id Farm Boils. Ctreaiara 1 TMt5 BET OJatAJFB. BAfJaULaaor lomr trlsi. is ms. giaaias, caoap. ursasar as wttk rat ef Seine, free. f. M BABCOCK. Leckoert.y. T. Imt WKlllB rUIAID "" '- - - aar iu JSbnaammi sVsTas j0hm$i "W9 L. Hereinros nLsBmls H. . rAi eiimasaraar of DysofC. aa ahwoiate ' ---- rmf" --.... , ... ...,..... .,,n, , '----THi'tlfMsmoasSsja tiATBTXrORT ADTERTt!trJSENT. umill: . 1 a- n IOO W" rwwr m- ." ", , payiag tkelilabest reek prteesj '.Lxr,. "iwt Wi him wot " " a SC rosea roreisorn "7 -j keodfed oa eommhslon. UWS'SOse. "--" r t iMtter m. E Co.. ... fi iln i.r.. -! ii fi Kim rn." -... aTalL--. Mt tanoort. Iwa"ad WTKTlTSSELL, "fgaVsRtmmlamamsm ls WW sW"JwBWtJCT Paiito, OiU, Gliu, Felt, &c. No. 3 Rrwdp etaeet, IttvrwKFt lawrn. Ask your mcei for tke estofeeira DAVENPORT BOOT! Mode and Warranted y 4Tlm.llol Mr sT!srm Pilllil 1001 lllllHIlt JMMJJLVL Vaoww VWts waottsata asALsaa i ! BOOTS ADD SHOES, o lHvewiort, Iowa. H tvo S w ft e ' mmmmfaaDF MaTON, EVANS & CO; Manufscturrs of FINE CARRIAGES foe. 1 It and 118 East FoMrtti Mr.. lRVr?Hort, Iowa. Dr. J. Walkc rM f!n1irnrio. VIH. e?r Hilton nro a purely Vegetable incpanttlon, m.ulo chlelly from the m tivo licrlw found on tlio lower rangr of the fc'Icrra Novnd.t mountains of Califor nia, tho medicinal jiropcrtira of which aro extracted therefrom without tho uo of Alcohol. The queMioti Is almost daily asked, 'What ia tho causa of tho unparalleled ffticcesi of Vixroam Hit rKiwf" Car iinswcrU, that tlwy rcmovo tho causo of disease, mid the patient re cover hia liealth. THcy are tho ureat blood purifier and a l!fc-girlnf; principle, a perfect Jicnovator ami luvlonitor 3f tho system. Xercr before la the Lutory of the vorki bu a aaki8 tera somnnilel pownr the rsmaxkahls qnalittM of VixaoABlIiTTaas in healisw the rick of crrry dieao man Is heir t. Thrr ars a jreatls rargtllre as well at a Toai, rwicrlni? Congestion or Isaaaimattoa of lbs Liter aa4 VlacrrsJ Orfaaj, ia Ililioaa Dubusea. Tke vrpertte of D. WAtstKB'B riaaoAaTlrrTSK ara Aeerit. Diafaovtk. Csrniinatlra, KarWoaa, Uxa4va7lrarrft 3samtlTe. CoaxJar-Irrltaat, Sab5e, Alters tire, and Asti-Uilioaa. M. PJcisONALO ex CO.. A KOK FOR THE hMUJOMt GUIDE, vgzzrzzzi ZZZ&Z&LVZ T TJ tes! r rm n-n. waasaaain timt All Right etT.TVat AlOiM-V uiAn rariowA. - ar" ammtaH'sFwVml Immmmmmt BoR aaBaaamok - emmmdBimm I s??w?iWSlT5J?!lSl,t pwnsiiirr. "rW mo ho sooamtemot .smwet. rsaaamraaoxPsSg ' Biomv Waa jU.tt.WA m - ' ' -! AND Soring Wagons! pfni Jm"SF -amrSsBLoBmmmmmr'nB CfBaal mmmmaVv Bmmmmw ammmmwlmmmmlwmmmmmt emmmm BmasoAaetetre! end for !- It ao am B. atauaoUlah 'M Chirm mwmma7sr3oms.aotf e-w Bwuemw a saa maaj Remaiksso,, ---- - TT TMZa, mpX.fVT-' smraa. aons. Com. raaaiiii Ceraa. sl. - " ' -tftfffi!"&? g7-Jf? S?8 hBtaaj Fjislsfa. tu. l-MSsA?miSmai5saB f f . I r l? t 'Jr. Ml -j' iw L A 4Wf r & ft Jf V v 10 KJZ ilii ,'t" 5;"' - s. " , ww -.,-f "jKaJjK1