f--LiS - .?"V.i( JC"i If rAs, S"- TT2. ewmmm K-v3 J'. I'--- . - " " 4r, oj" -V w "Jr 1 p.-' a Y L- f$W 1JST&- Kvr. lilir r . Ta0:S .Z& ro -$ m 4'- I .c iii f?n& 55S JvJSt X A, fe'C'e Srr'! . ira--r" W'-ZSnk- Sv-'TX x? J7'" aw i - Wblx V ifc'-'-'c: lllpe Im'i FMclIty. Ontaposlt! IharcloTtd, Three whole day together; -'BB5ift,-AW like to lore tetee awire. If it prove (tlr weather. THaa akrit an1f ivif lit r(n t XThcka dlfcorcr ?k- ila the whale wide world nejaln.";. . 8ea leemiul lover.' Hot the pitc on't is, to praise Is doe stall tome; Lore with no had made no lay, rr,3tlSadiBt'l4it.he.f : Dad It any bees but she, And that very face. There bad bees at least ere tliU A dozen doses la her place. Sir John Suckling. ' ' FAKJH, 0KLHAK1.AN1 fJAKDKN, r Feed for Yeaac tWskea. They want no food for many hours -"'; ' after they are batched, as they are 'then digesting the yolk of the egg, which 3MI constitutes their first food, and acquiring strength to run about. When they be gin to peek, they should be fed -with soft food and very small grain. Unques tionably, the best solt focd Is an egg ' f " beaten ap with a teaspooniul of milk, ,f i and heated in an oven by the side of a fire until it sets into a soft custard. Chickens fed or partially fed en this -$ . make wonderful progress. II they arc to make large fowls, they must be fed soon after daylight; if, as is too often the case, they are lelt hungry for three '$ hours in the morning, they arc always - stunted in their growth. They mn9t be "T fed the first thing, and while they arc young every two or ,lhreJ hours during the day. Borer FreveRilTe. Gio. W. Shaw furnishes the following jft precipe to the Wetitrn. Farm Journal:' One gallon strong soft soap, one gallon thick sorghum. Mix, and add one gal Ion of lain water, with one pound of coppeias dissolved in it. Bring this to a boil, utirriug Meanwhile. -If too thick to use with a brash, add strong lye. If loo'thiB, sift in Hate, or, better, sulphur. Clean the the dirt from the tree, to. the f depth of two inches, remove the borer, and ibea apply the mixture to the tree, from the ground up, eight or nine inches. TIim, should be done in the month of JuBe, for the borer eggs, though, if car- , Her, it causer the tree to make a better growth. "Mr. Shaw does sot state the use f adding the sorgum, and, unless the .wash is applied to more of the trunk, it hardly seems worth while to add so many Ingredients, such as lime, sulphur, and copperas, whose chief value is to destroy fungoid growths. But he says he has applied it fifteen years, with good success. He is after the rountl-huaded '4 SI -borer, evidently, in workings low down. The Cherry. IfeRatHt'ltoBtMrietiea, of fruit are - t very pro-' ductive when the trees are set in a rich, deep soil. But to this rule the cherry seems to be an exception. Although it is fa very hardy free, it does not flourish for any length of time in an extremely rich soil. This is prpbably.QwIng to the fct that in such a soil the giowth is very rapid, and the wood docs not become J HVW,iclUy baldened.; The bark Is also liable to crack and the tree to become diseased. On wet land, too, there is but 'little chanco of success with this fruit. If. it seems desirable to set the tiecs on moist ground, care should be taken to have it thoroughly drained before they are set. But it is better if they can be put on a sandy or gravelly loam. The "Uees will not grow as fast for a few years as they will in a richer soil, but. they will, be much freer from disease and a, great deal longer lived. When there is too rapid giowth, and the wood does not ripen, root-pndRng may be resorted to with advantage. In some way the growth of the tree should l?e checked, or it will induce disease and death. New England Farmer. -" - leas fcy(Weewa.M4 .Insects. j It is estimated that the value of pro duce annually raised in thiscouafry is - $2,500,000,000, of which amount nearly, or quite, one fifth, or .'$ 500,000,000, is lost, according to the American Xatural i$t, from the attacks of injurious plants and animals. A single campaign of tlu anny ; worm cost tbc-farmers of Eastern mssachusett $250,000. worth oi grass. 'Missouri alone loses from $15,000,000 to 'i&OjCCO.OOO annually frominsct depre- I:datiohs. Tlic annual damajre to the v apple and pear crop from the codling moth nmounts to several million dollars, and the. work o the curcujioisf equally costly.- A riartial remedy fs fotetourd iaa close study of insect Jiabits, with a viewto ascertaining what insects there are which hold the depredators in check . sad destroy them. It is bardly possible to estimate the havoc, annually wrought 4 thtaesjrftplieraaidtlie potato beetle, &L r'eiiiplaid my bird or. insect which would reduce smh pestswould be a substantial benefactor to the farmer. AiTtO tauiryaHnu fpiiaatier, in the common vernacular, weeqs, inc only meihcd that is fai bk is tokill them it 1 ineir very gerauaauuu uj uiwua. uj proper agricultural machines. The Country Gentleman affirms that the an- ,3Jfic ,Hwal growth oi weed -katait "couitiy GOTI Saats-sMnOOnsfVr'eSouih to lead a compact train of wagons long enough to span the globe. t , v Am Aauitear m Bees. A lady wrltiasr fro-JPkiIadelwiia .r.-eI - . V "x. l-a. awL-srTfc t j- -- -5 gtvestaw) etmtrm - . .-JX. KJBL. & iacr ------ - - --.c- ." side of- bee keepiag: About f our jw afio I jMt six T aoar kava atnfASMS'1 .! K r Tz.. ' a. .-aaawv - tTm WkTaaaa late aram.tfce pawtBter.Have-oily two kiads of hires (not havieg aeesi Kr. QaMibjVor others, that haTe, deaVt, y aacnts.) Mine are the Laarstroth, -af M wjftrti b BreIW r m.J2.1TW g,"r- WW. : t.yTl i etfMT'rwspecttaw liatlar; fro it I MtKm9tmmm kKaajafjfB a m&lS$itttomv&7 large swarm. The first I bad froai a Langstroth hive this past seasoa filed another Langstroth hive and bad begaa tonke comb 1b tlie'tpare boxes. A neighbor thought there were awewrj- five or eighty pounds of honey collected by that swarm. Another reasoa ja favor of large boxes, is, the bees seldom re quire feeding io spring, as the atcrea are more ample. Last spring I should Bare lost several in the box hiyes (coataising about twenty-five pounds) only. I gave them sugar, boiled in twice the qaaatity or water, whenever the weather was mild. I also set pieces of boaey in the comb, when I thought they had used their stores, which is easily seen by small pieces of comb in front ot the hive, or hollow cells. I have been giving my bees rye meal these two or three weeks for pollen, whi;h sets the queen to lay ing. Hie young are tod on pollen, which cannot be got till the swamp wil low begins to bud. Rye flour shaken before each hive (a teaspoonfal to each) is soon used up oa a' sunny day. The hives will thus be filled with bees to collect the fruit blossom honey, by thus providing early polfcn. I have two apiaries, one facing south, the other east- A swarm from either side is placed opposite to where' it is taken. The bees facing cast swarm about three days be fore the others. I saw a statement some time ago made in the Spirit of the Timet by-4t person who had observed day after day ua large quantity of bees outside of one of his hives, and thinking they were anxious for a new home, he got a dustpan and brush and carefully transferred them to a hive close by,rwhere they joyfully took possession and formed a new colony." If this is practicable there are many hives Himilarly crowded, particularly where no swarms have issued, which might be turned to account. I would be obliged to Mr. Quiaby. or any experi enced bee-keeper, for his views on this subject. Perhaps somo lady amateur in this line would favor us with her experi ence, which will tend to encourage ama teurs in taking the little care necessary for the increase in thta climate of the useful and interesting bee. Our garden would'secm quite lonesome without bees. In winter they are left on their stands, sheltered by a shed with roof, back and ends. Corn fodder or bay is packed about them, except in front, which Is left exposed so that, the. bees may know their own hives when they fly out on a sunny day. A few times this winter T nrUpH th ! nrtl ...-.. vrrvuV ww wwwaa atuw let the sun melt the frost on the glass. i- i -A sf - leaving them open a few hours ia mild days'.. Tl(o bees warmed up and flew out, taking new life, and the pollen given them, and it also, served me as an .inter fngand useful pastime. Beginners in bee culture should read some good book- on the subject. Mr. Langstroth's I found easily understood, and ia language bcau f if ill and refined. Emblems. In Heraldry. : ThewWtris.lhe lily of heraldry: The lion, the kujg Ql;casts, was a fuvor ltcaymbol"It'was used by all who were in any way related to the kinj, and kings bestowed it upon his chosen followeis. Among 'birds, the eagle was most esteemed, and of fishes, the dolphin. In the time of tho Crusades, when so many soldiers of different nations were assembled together, more emblems were needed. Every soldier who went to the Bioly War wore the badge of the cross upon the right shoulder. " Aad ,they added to their emblems the crescent, ihe scsilop, the turban, and other devices. There were many kinds of crosses. Tho Cross of St. George, the Cross of St, Andrew, the Cross of Malta, the Cross croslct, any many others. The Cross-croslet was often filched, or pointed, at tho lower part. It was car- I ricd by pijgrims.on their journeys, and could be fccedin the ground so that they might perform their devotions by the ways-ieW As coats-of- arms became more numer ous different knights took the same de vices, and the different coats-tif-arrns came to bo so much alike that it made confusion. Then strict lawsawere ;madet regulating the attitudes of the animals and the number and position of the charges. For example, one knight might, display upon his shield a lion rampant, that is, standing up" ready tor combat the most .honorabljposiUonoiUhejlion. On another there might bca4i gttard an that is, with the face turned front- wise looking round to observe the enemy; or rcgaaiiyuiTug the heaturnecl backward, as if urging on his followers;' or passant, walking cautiously, as though searching for tho enemy.-7Frtpi'A(jJiouJ3 ueramtj," AJtmMIdoae, StJlfieMUu for 3i ry B?'-- Si A ccofding to his last iirami: tAwti-Jf of iHjjliiini ment, the actors of America are 'tneMfpl !". picctf. rect Tielrsof Kwi1 forest. His im mense property-TaluedatoverflOOwV-f uwijwas so deviscd that 'Americcn from old aire dis actors -who- ease or other causes .ire' MabieTto ubtain employment, 3hottfd" reap its f vac. yfaAbave now elapaad a,v;iS.a? .u.u me ucaiu or tbe creat tratrediaB. and so far as can be learacdao a4tpc h 1 Jii r -f." 1i I ucca nucea oy nis execntozarto carry :t the pnrpose of his will.' Arrajiawaaaaaaa. for calling & meeting otall the actbra tf the couatrv are beisiar nad 'Vm - . . AK . .-K -. iF'J'rltD' ... iA C -i it WW4UWJ wai iiKuaaaa a ia ex S'aaraa zr. . . i - . istence of Francis Scott Key, aatkor of rStar gpangfcd Baawaff"Jf said te beQa poesessioa of bis akter nova res idJit of Sm Fraacisco., A lift aiafd bwstia plaster has be. ZZSii ,wawet M saial to be a sueceacial piece of workaadtlMbroBsestate proftoaaalawi. g-;-j?-"-i1r-2',1, - i. ,Bx.aawlaTii,irooBDiy oe oefHC4 ireta it C-af Mr. Lack carnaa oat his priafe or -. y? ij. : "ks et - " --r --' jal btmSJwCfaeei. .-a.-.v- f FeyaUr Arte Io an article with this title in Seribner Mr May, Dr. Hollaad "write as follows : , It the eatire conglomerate educational system of America there is so depart BMat.ia which so much time and money are absotately thrown away as iu tlte ornamental arts. The teactteK ia this department fail entirely to comprehend the end toward which every Jeesoa they give should drive. It is sot for as to point out the remedies for their imper fections, but in the jutme of a suffering and disappointed people, to call their attention to those imperfections, and to demand that they shall either be rerae died, or the costly fare be withdrawn from the boards. Oratory is oue of the most popular arts in America. The man woo can. speak well ia always popular, and the orator holds the hearts of the people in his hand. Yet what multitudes of young men arc poured out upon the country, year after year, to get their living by public speech, who cannot evea read well! We have had something to say recently about the unreasonableness of the people concerning brilliant preach ers; yet, after all, there is something to be said for the people. "When a minister goes before an audsence, it is reasonable to ask, and to expect, that he shall be accomplished in the arts of expression that he shall be a good writer. and a good speaker. It makes little difference that he knows more 'than his audience is better than his audience has the true matter in him if the art by which he conveys his thought is shabby. It ought not to.be shabby, because it is not neces sary that if should he. There are plenty of men who can train the voice. There arc plenty of men who can so develop it, and so instruct in tin arts of oratory, that no man needs- to go into, the pulpit unaccompanied by the power'to impress upon the people all of wisdom that he carries. The art of public- speech has been shametully neglected in all our higher training schools. It has been held subordinate to everything else, when it is of prime importance. Lawyers' J-'e la Georgia. k The Atlanta (Ga.) Herald has the fol lowing: "Yesterday, in conversation, some one remarked that Gen. Toombs never crosses a court house door for lees than $5,000, when Judge Lochrane re plied tfiat rthero was nothing strange about that. 'I wouldn't take auy case - s" -6,er ,uc lnan ,VW. IU1S "!4;caMed'M)e i i t-m rwv crowd to discuss legal fees. and it was found that several large feps had been paid Atlanta law!yers since the war. Mr. Hill, in the celebrated Mctculf case, received a $100,000 fee. Judge Lochrane a fee of $40,000 in the Bruns wick and Albany case.' Mr. Ilill re ceived a fee-'ot $25,000 for his manage ment 'of 'Kimball's case. Judge Lochrane received $15,000 as a fee frorn Mrs. Kuri ball in the Kimball House case. Iu ad dition to these csises, there is a case now pending between Henry Clews fc Co. ami the Cherokee Ittilrotd, involving $275,000, iu which ihe fee will be large. It is said that Judge Lnclirane'a fee as attqrnoyfor Clews will be $25,000. God made both tears and laughter, and both for kinti purposes; for, as laughter enables1 mirth and surprise to breathe freely, so tears 'euKble sorrow to vent itaelf patiently. Tears hinder sorrow Irom becomiug despair und mudncds,und laughter is one of the very privileges of reason, being confined to the human species. Leigh Hunt. V r v Address W.T. Dart Des Moines, Iowa, for the Spring catalogue of "Domestic" patterns. "VUlLa 25 cent 'Domestic" pattern yoa curf cut your own di esses. Send to W. T. Dart, Des lloincs, Iowa, f or cir J culara containing over 800 styles. Asthma. Pr id ham's Asthma Spe cific will relieve the worst case of asthma in five minutes, aud from one to three bottles will effect a permanent cure. It is endorsed, by the medical faculty, and every bottle is warranted to do what is datutaVif Toffit or money refunded. Thousands cau testify to its efficacy, and persons afflicted" with 'this terrible com plaint should not fajl to try it. If you cannot obtain ic from your local dru'g- S'st.r jQKd direct, Jo '-'the proprietor. ii uuiuu igwu iu . jjtuayi'j ' uiier( Fuller & Yanschaack,;StGvcnson & Reid. Preiaretl oaly bf Janies Phdham, 49 Genesee street, Waulteftan,.in. IIIe4 Saduealy of Heart-Disease. 4 iHow cotnttoa, is jthe announcement Thousaiawvaaieaddcnly swept Into cter itj$ij this fatal malady. This disease jreaarally has its origin in impure blood fUett with irritating, poisonous mate., rials,"; whicb,circulattnjr -Urouga the hearty irritate its ' delicate, tissues llMMth the irntatidn may at first be oaly -slight, producing a tittle palpita- twsi MJaaaCJiUorj, or dull, heavr or sfTMJhfs, yet by aad by the dssease becomes firralv seated, aad in. 'flammation, er.Iijpertrophyr.j: thickea- membrane or of the H&w iwiasi'io rive early attention to a cacedfthi kindi Unnatural throbbing or paiavliu th6 re-4 gioave&tnc: beavrtt shoaM .admoaiah tone ttst.alliAnriht; &Hd-if jtm woald preserve it from further dioaate, you mustjielit to besrf righdyby the-ue patfi aaatea.reMSlyi f.wiil. TtaaoTi: the aMatal the trouble. Us Dr. Pierce's Goldea Medical Discovery before -the disease Has become to (Mated,' aaa it wJU,Tyaita gtaai brood-purifyiny aad woKla-rM Tifja) st a I, PTOiWtieft, cflfect a jserfaxwarre. .? It coatdas Bediciwal waacJratjt spwctfeaJly p f tha heart, rHiain?-abV,at "m acUoa.-JSod by all-frstclaai '., V . BJrABTTMBKaB COMBS? - ' B1ImrhJ4' . .ist- a. t .- jrtm . xaaain.xi.'j.z- twoymngo I waa aatk.ted wita a'rrtaaatasi of the hmrt- arbiek af tjaaaa craeeii a preaaare araafaalaWaaBioal afBteptata: 1 aaw as adTertiae yo2r Irdtafaa) Xedical DiacoYary. the aasae aa(affMac-tr I Hw boawat half a rJoawtboUJaa, aad after .eiaff tana bettlaa I waa eatarely 'relieradaavi aaa' ar. jiaaaaT-Ja)ad hwaJtt. , . ''ilrrTti ?Viii ar?. .&,: GraialaalyywMra, lllklac Xaata Baarjr.-Tal U a clcre that 1 imparted for one stamp by F. Wnjr, of hi ate Ceo-re, Iowa- lie tarcUaW, Bd all firs-cr boy aed tfrla will hl U with tdlrht. bee cart In VMM. (Nr mh ft4a. U. W. OIc, of Ply . 1st. to the " m'4tSr ot tka couitnr. Ha aella meet r-r owe eour tkaa asr outer weaterM theeoaatry. lie ! serfcctU rellable. J a aeml a awllar a4 jki by re tarn mail caewga ao4 to slut tvo or tare gar dcc. . A ValwaMa Wwafc. twrjwawy aaoaM pm- a' copy of Dick' gacjiiowtila co talc. tag CtMrecMpU. It M rle awwl vaJaaMowork ut the kind erer saMUhad. UmA Ut l4ex Ire. Maay oT the miata a? warU kasdreda of l Ura. Addrvaa JMekAftlsaoftUUM Aaa U X. Y. S ETorgraawo iar a PoUatv-Iowa tarmera M other who will tkto year slaat kedea aed wlcdbraaka wW 4e wall to rad the a4Tartl teat of Wsu M ortew oa la aBoihereoJoaia. Tbey aell tj treaa Iar owe 4, Mar. aad traoapUated Arbor VjUt. 8 laehe high, for W per 18UU, Crrt orr." We iaatte tma attention or oar reader to the adaertfesiest, sader above headiog. of M e.r. Oriaiaa A M er, sruprlctora of the celebrated Kaox Pratt Fvat asd Nantetie, l'ittabar;. Pa. Theae rc! leates are thoroaahly reliable oad will da joat oa they prowUe ia their adrertlaeauat. WeadvIeoarrealeratondto tbera for plaaU. Inarsw Your Poaltrjr. rill be fbaju the card oi T. f In another co'.araa . Ilallworth. Jtaa.. ot uneJaea, ., oae poaJtrjr-raiera la tho of the Mont exteavlve coon try. lie ha the eoleeat areoda. aaiesr Uu-na i liaadaas. Brown Lechoru aad Brahaia. W hare aera th fowl, aad they ar all praaiaai bird, great lay era aad of pare blood. Agga aiwt carelBllr hipped and will ala-aya hatch. Parchae esq; o'f 3tr. 11. and doable the va,oe of yoar poultry. A Homo la Matjlaad. Haadrt-d la the Vt are aecklaa aa aacape lrosa oar tcnible winter, and la reapoaoa to atany tccinlrle wo woald acTic Maryland s toe bet iefue. Splen did farm, add and healthy cliaate. Coldest weather lait winter 4 degree above scto, and only VA Inche or anow, that only taycd oue day. Kailroar! aear sad aoclty fir i-claa. Land cheap, bee, card or C. K. B'hanahaa, Easton, Md. Map tree. - Dr.McAFjrKK. Arexalar ;radato of both Urltlk aad Aserlcaa Iaultutca. a yeata a practlciast ahjraieiaa. Treat only Chronic At foclIoD aad all DUcaaca of the Kidaeya, Liver, Lang, Heart, Threat, Ilrad and Nervon Syntera. Cnora of youth and abne ot manhood tnoi aaccetnlly treated, and ofu-n after other pby.l claca huve failed. Ladle can lad apecdy relief for complaint peculiar to tfcelr .ex. Addre lock box aw), or cll at the oS,S17 Perry street, DATSNroBT, low Fouadrr and MmchIbo Werka. One of tho oldest establishment in Central Iowa t-ncaed in the maanfacture of enelue. boiler, and othir kind of auchlaer', la that of Longhnn A IIIUls ol Dea Moines. They are alo, amvufc the most reliable, employing In all department none but the ben mechanics aad aiachlntat. Tbcy have recently made larje addition and luiprnvetueuu, doubling the capnclty of their work, and ir.rilc order fraii all part or the Hutu. See their card. niooded CaUIe aad Sheep. In another col nma will bo fonud Ihe card of T L. Miller. Kxu., orDeecher,' Will Co.. III., proprietor of the IilgV land Stock Pnrin. and one of the most prominent btucders in Illinois. Ill vpcclaltlc ere llere ford Cattle and CoUwold blueii oi the purest strain ot blood. M. Miller mites bis own Im portation and hi price very reasonable. The many farmers and Htock-raUers or Iowa and Ne braska, who arc desirous of Imorovlnt? ihu vuluc ofthelr herds and makin-r sheep raising prova ble, will ao well to write Mr. Miller. 1 CoHUHBBUtlnii Cnrultle? Of that th.n; is serious question; bat there la no doubt that the areas auoaso is tiieventablc. It Is. slrictlr streaking, a disease In tbe tung -that Is. it U a matter, which deposit in the Inns of scrofulous ouht to bo cairlcd out of the system altogether. P-r counteracting this tendency to deposit, re moving the fccrotuia, strengthening the system, gently stimulating titedigesUve organs; aad the liver and kidnoys Into a healthy a;tlon, and lor purifying the blood, no remedy yet discovered equal Diu WALxaa1 CixiroRMiA Vikxuar 11 it- Powell' Star Pump.-The superiority 6f Powell's Star Wood Pump is winced in their general adoption. Mr. Powell has continued to add Improvement alter Improvement, until it would seem now almost impossible to rcako iur ther improvement. He was one of hc flret to adopt the patent porcelaiii-lincd cylinders, and has used thon-anrls Of them In his pumpr. Thuv are highly recommended by all who havu used them. Particular attention is called u this imptovement. Mr. Powell has hxd seventeen yeara experience a a mannf. cturer. and employs nof bi akilled mechanics, aided by the latest improved machinery More 6f the Star pumps are sold In Iowa than if nar other kind. THIS LADY'S FRIEND. No married lady nfaoald be wick-oat Ik Add res Dr. F. A .Koyea, No. J17 W. Noaroo Nt Chlcaro. niAMUUItt KOCKM.-Kcge f:i.0U ter 13. Write for list of nn-minms nan r,H flT.-rf! ffer C. C. CORBKTT. New London. Conn. C1ROTON GHAPK.-Two ancU-year-old vines 'of this excellent white "enpo. for one dollar, rem (wsijiaiu un receipt or price. ovr unuKKiitLUi j. Crotoa Landing. N. Y. is iLainu ur tows low made ciy, aUo V.a.,time aa contrivance. time saved, by a simple, cheap and durable enclose stamp 'or circular to P. WHAY. State Center. Iowi MOKY SAVKO IS MONEY KARSKl) and Sl.Ow will buy more Garden and Flower Seeds of O. W. Olea taau or any other aeaier In the United States. Prime aeed, crop of 1971, and are all genuine, u. W. OLE8, Plymouth. Ind. NIOM KK1. Por aew aeed of Karly Ye- lOW Danvcrs. Yeflow Gtohe. Red Glnlui anrl wane fortugai varieties address L.W. CL ONS, 8eed Orower, Pleasant Valley, Scott Co. L. W. CLEM I. every wdere can gain valuable in formal Ion concerning Improve ment tn the HAKKOW. bv addressing S. HTJTCHIN0!I. OrigcaTlllc. Pike Co . III. APP1.KTKEKS. two yeara, warrantea thrifty. Ktght'dollars per hundred. Evergreens, fif teen inches, same. Address J. A. BKOWN. Monmoath. III. TURNKR RASPMKURY PLANTS lor sale. The hardiest lied Raspberry. Stood I he win ter ot JS7S-7S uninjured. $15 per 1,000: 12 per 1C0. Address MRS. EMMA BROWN. Alton. HI. IMPORTED ONION 8KKD. Yellow, Red and White, at taper pound; $38 In lot over 10 Iba. Address1 ' T-" J. to:. Boacland, Coolt Co , HI. Browne! 1' Beauty and Comptn Surprise Po 'atoea.HOOperbnAel. LlgntBrahma'Eggs. $2.00 prr 1.1. Jersey Cattle. C. Y. C. ALDN, Sonman, KipleyCo.. Ind., nrhMlLLION Naraerj-irrowtt ru ajrewa 'Soedllaaa, 1, and 8 yeara old. Tiee aeed by the pkt oa. -and lb. Send for r.'holesa.c price HiUIi.M. THOMPSON, at. Fraacis, Mllwaakce Co Wis. lICaVa KCYCLOPDlA OK a ftU- LciiP-ra and phocbssks PHe A. SBt freear fMMtage. Soeelmen iBdex'rcatfree. DlcK A FITZGERALD, publisher. No.W Aanat.. N.Y. SI80 PROFIT oa a canital of fttt. Sew oal eat. Ageata waated aad territory for sale. Per circulars, add res KLAWYER, patentee. Plttsbarr.Pa iwcaocia, atat aoMpaia. Ageau waatad. ataaap for catalogue. J. A. BDNT. W Liberty U N. Y. A GKXT WANTED fat ear Ptctarlal ran-' --..Uy. aMIrtca, tSSS Waalralieaa. aad, other poBiicatioas extra ladnceneals. Address, for cUralara, C04)PaSAT1VM BIBLM PUS. CO., Muscatine. Iowa, EGGS FOR HATCflllf G-Froa chole fancy , grta: ; 10 varieties. Also, IMPERIAL PJCKIM DUCKS MGGS; $10 per doaea. Bead atamp for circular. Hrf B. FKUTlKe, Jaf, ' -V Cfce"TtreeU8alcaa.Masa. A GENts,RJtATSlIsi.-.-e will pay ageata regalar ameatair ealarr or aHew alarre oaajBiestoa, to aeU tear celebratea uu 9cnc- BUCai 4 KWTVKT. KOt HlBg lB Addresa HBKKMAM CO. la the world eoaeta to. Caaaeca, Micaifaa. IUAOJCK 8EICD aWatatv ihmcatok vaa at FraiUaed Manerr aed Gerdea. lor Bed aad YsJlawr Maaaeaaoada. FraJUaad Walie. Seath era i OaBlanA Mvirm- Bead ar nrtee list to ---rmz .-. ! JOHsC"TUIiL, FraltUad. . Maaenck Caw. III. TEaUK "DOCKS, White Legaera, Hoadaaa ?aj,aad Llfht avaaaaaaiia their seaeon; also eggs. pa of 5; papers avalltd free oae year to par ehaaer'. -deadSSc far "Method for aaakiBgarK Tifaal-v4j, -waiter aad aaauaer." K. H. MA IMBb. Maiden aa taavHadeea. M. T. ieatoe WBaTlV-Improrcd tanas.. $&50 '""TnfJPIH ItlTl'Ti MITtnnii OaoiklliUla-i to fM per acnkssair teraaa. Geodeeildias, wwrt, waaraaia. n from Xeax York aaata.TSbemra oa Meaa Yeraeaatcaea aad acaoeta. atikt was ter.aeeltaTcllaJe. Addree. for ntalegae. - 'J.C.IXTJMMaUt.CameTMae;Md. THI- STOTJIBAIIB W1G0M. Twwty Tiafwvap 11 Sw-tet, m m m win! TOKSALJS-KijorVlIorn Hull and Dull Calves. -a. grade and thoroughbred, at prices from 5i to $300 CiiA.Hooi). lladcn P.O.. fit. JnU Co.. Mo 2BEAVTIFVI. TRNCU OHJCUROM OS, aaovated. SKx?, for SS ct.: S Gem, isjcta. ; HDecaJcc-auwk or Transfer Pictarca'St eta- r. , TBiBa7 . - - a.saasawMrfc.. , ssbW- k V-87naV-JaaBBBBBBBaCaiBr mjz WfaajsV raatac mz attaaag all am aaalefaie aVe fsMltmii "-"-1 -- Vb-dkar arw aaltt laLaaaaV aaa BTrBm - T , t swft sw WIW 'aT" "-,--- - zi "-. 9jmi jHUMBaKf aaasweV W9 Bat coaae Meatb atd aalta with Cha City Oeleay, feaadd by anssH after 6af Jaattc Cfc'a. Good aoclaty. a.o HM tk caarakua awd aakaila. Clrwlwa aad aiaai frre. Addrra Char Cltr CoJoay Aaaoe'a. Ckaae City, Xeekleabant o- - LI Hmbtli Cfcalew Claaltolw. Is W l.M ... ft fa fu ..., i aju mm Ec-rcrwaa at ether m my Xawioivu varirile , MlxeJ Alas rail Ha oi mack. IL W H IkbllUSi Mm, lit.. Vtrorto WnxtAJU Vmo. H.D. Ustsit sUubb'hed 1. TDCCC Per t.tOrAh.nicta&: Eiw.au I KttO.tt : os Kr. 6 ia.. at.se: h vru low catusa. fl.QB. Per We-Ky. c. tree. IIjTO; B. Oak. fl.m; Ac Ac HtH Tarietlr hect Potato Biaata, wH packed Ic mm. i.T. prt 1.608. Cttalojae trrc K . CKAMS.t. Sew tkntoa. yercer Co. Ilia. !ll&! CUlatrilC GTawl Flower aat Cardew OnHrtLnO aMU. tfead dlrjtt to tb ruwtr and get seed that will gruw aad are trwo tat aaaje. A fniawdld Iltaatrated Caialorae and Ataateor Gold to all appllcaau. Scad six cents Iorpota. Addma D. C. KR.VINAKD. Moaat Lebaaoa. Col. C. X. Y. 200.000 CHOICE EVEKCREEMS, Nar err crown, oae to thrt e feet- htch. cosaptla lag Scot en, Anirlan ai.d White Pine. Norway Sproce. Ita'aaaa Hr, Arbor VI t aad JSuropean Larch. Have beca once and tarice transplanted, nd are In fin coadttlon. Wilt be old at bottom prico ia largo aaantltle. as we deatre to clear the ground. Addnr. with oaantity waated. for price. MUSUOVE X M ILL". tUtct'a. 111. jWaaw CMCOrCCUC roKDNKlltlLaK. J U M tnlittia Arbor Vtbe. & Weeo- tag spruce, aad 5 Itilsaat Fir. nice plants, JLfsf 6 to 10 lacae. matuaid. for !.). Taw.wwa Trans jJantrd Arbor Vtue. 4 to 8 Inch e. lit) per 1.007 lO.Oue for f. Cataloraes, with direction for uiaatln-;, mailed for stamp. WM. MORTON OS. Allen' Corner. Maine. MPHJ AUKNTS In everrronniy, toaU "NaVIS'8 KXPLASATORY OUTOlLM Tbe book conuius 600 oc tavo pages, 1 tally llliis'rated, and neatly bound in leather. It give the symptom, ranse and treatment of all the dlcae of hones, cattle, ho?, sheep and posltr. 50.000 copies have al ready been sola. Agents make Irom 10 to f 15 per day. For terra and territory addr-ss toe publisher. J. B. YKAGLEY. IndUnapolls. Ind. To sell the Pollilca Personal aad Property Klk-ata of a C'itisea of the Uaitei 8tatea. How to cxerc.ai and how to preserve them. rJy Tbeophilu pjrsons. L L. D. The last andgreat rt work of tti" renowned author. A complete Treanury of Legal and Constitutional lCnowede. A book wsrntliil to every tltlten. For fult dc rriptlocand tetms. adUres C. 11. 15 EACH fc Co. 163 Clark street. Chicago. 1H. IMPROVE YOUR POULTRY. Bit OWN L.F.OHOKN.S and 1IOITDAVS are Hhe besi layer and mot profitable fowls now known. 1 cm spare a few fresh, carefully handled eggs of each nt thco breed, so packed a- t hatch alter gjlng 1,000 mile, for $-1.00 per doicn. or BVM) for 3 dozen in one box. Prom tine stock, well np to exhibition standard and warranted pnro blood, and to arrive safely. Chick for sale in tbe fall. Sc-d for circular to THOS.L HALLWOKTH .box.vn. Chelsea. M as. T- Vm Vm CARPENTER SHERMAN. Wholesale and mri A O Retail Dealer Ih XaWLl9a Club n.te given, and will duplirate Kastcru prices. To the (Jrenfers wo offer special rates. Send for circular nd price lists. AddrcM- CAICPKXTKK& N1IKRMAN. U MmId StM Krokuk. Innx. Apple Trees, Rool Grails, k Apple Tree. S to 7 feet, first-class, fc p.-r lOU, $30 per UO0, boxeL Apple Kooi ttrnfts Itf Tadlar Varieties. warranted No. I $1 per IMA); 10.000. $.. Hoil MapleT5 to7 feof, $1 ier 10); $31) per 10D0. Peacb. IV-jr and Cherry Tite and other nursery lock at curriut rates, for ralo by PETgtt McGKANK. Bloesington, III. JOHN H. COMER. Goshen, Orange Co.. X. Y , IMPOUTKK AND IJKKKDEIl OK HOLSTEIN CATTLE. Mr. Comer will makb an importation each month, and having superior tacllltlc will Imtiorttoorrler. Cisiscat !Tsrs-Bi Vtjrtatlei. jElegant Books on Gardening:! avvj4 jraMf jta,ir aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaawaaaaaaawawaawa to our ruatOHiera. ."Vow IOO pace IIIUMtratott Cntnlozuf tio rculy, Frootwall. VOOD it U-LLOWS. t'uto Wootivfe iftiu) Goneva, N. V. i'orTOll'cf tar U noil 1'tlBlp.i, Waukegaa Kurui I'amps, Wootl Eave Trouirli Tubing'. II you want the bkt of these artfclec. go to jour hardware or agricultural Implement rtorer. II they do not keep them, or will nt g't them for yon, ruud direct to ne Isctory. Catalogues ana price .1st mailed upon application to J. P. POWELL. Wankegan. Ill MASTA'S a wa a balsam a socedy and certain remely for Courtis. Ca tarrh, Colds. Hoarseness. Sore Thw.it. Bronchitis, Inflaeoza, llotping Cough, As I limn, and Ike va rloaa aa-ction ot the Lang and Chest. i nc attention ot mose afflicted with Cold CoNgbs, or witu any disease of tho Langs, la llrected to tbl value ble remedy. The ea- a7ar3aaaaaatS'aSBB' ' rear oa i rcaay come wncn. on account of tbe ruddea chances In the weather, colds and coughs are easily Lam, and if neglecic I may lead to !lseae of tbe lung. What ia needed undrrnch circura stance is a reliable remedy speedy in affording relief and effectual in arrcnting further progress of the diacase. Sold by alt druggitta una apolbe canes throngbont tne conntrr, WANTED IN KVKIIY TOWN. 'One reliable agent to sell the cclcbraced Ccrnbl nation Haste Faatcner. AU bersemea ackaowl edge It to be the bos arrangement for a bamc strap. The honk attachment la msie of wrought Inn. In anitable sizes for all kind of hamea. stiches to rip. Cannot slip aroantf when the hamea are being buckled. Is cheap and Ten demote. c!ls at sisht. Amenta doable their money. Will b sent a samnlc to aarart reaar tor use, portpaia, on receipt or 33 cee Send tor circular aua frice I L Addre COVEI.T. patentee and so.e aaaaBfactarer Kanaer Villaaw. aeseca Con wtv.y. Y. Baslaeaa Hoanea ef Barllmrtoaw lewa. SIM sfc.NOOXC DOLKAR to C. H. WSIITIMO, , ' Dealer in all kinds of XCSICAL MERCUAMDISr. BarllBgtoa, Iowa, aad reeetre rosrrarD a set of the Beat Fall-Leesth Itallaai Tiella String. Alsoserii sUap Jorca'alogcee of "" Sheet Miiaic.'PiBmo Orfran, etc. IT.- J; HURT Jb CO., .Waofcsase aaa Retail Dealera la. Of every Tartety. Seed Sweet Potatoes a -. aeaai for catalogae. gay ort h Water Street, BUKL1XGTOX , lOrTA BurllDgonliLftrniary rer ue xreataacai M uuscer. PES05if aMIrtedwtth Caacer'shoald not fall , either to visit tale Janiteifos or eced Jar eir eaJar giviag aa acooaat J the advantage eCersd Iar the treatmeat ef tela daaawr? disease. Aar aaaalcatloa aadrred to Dr. Ford A Co- teuaa; eaditJea bad are aff t he aatJeat. rise aad lecaConor the caacer, will be adrid aa lathe eaaaeeeerrrorreryaad length ef time repaired f reaao v the aaaae. -lasocxseUtbekaltraaade see of. "Dr. Ford la a graeaate of aaedlciae, and eaaarxia tae Ve-t of refreacc. A, thoroagk care will be gsetaaterrf la all case Badertaken. Befciwaeee ai-W. Paaeee. teHrr Mercaaat Mattaaal Beak v Jaawa Brews: T. J. Cope, coun ty aa-iHor. -" J " iy Addsan .- rA- FOBD. M. D- A CO Bex aa.Baillacia. Iowa. ISM.-- iai. l26PttR0S,- 2S7 0aaUS B wVFVpVVafarWy VAXMETEat GUKST, WastawWawawW, awW taWeW PasaWfS BVBLTSOTUM. IOWA. forfMSJ j-x-saaaaaT l. rumomc aTMpsaaaaantJp tLT Tw,,,ait SMaK -w f '. aj13r7igjBa( .ssBBBaff fafassarajgKisr aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaBBBjaBBBaw , bbbbw w airita i af W tertee." aajwa eanaA aeaaf .fl ka mmt aaa saai aaar -w -? &4 - wyt. aa aaaeaa,aaB. aaaa. axaaaae areaa aae eeasejar -vKvaBK.aKB.aBBaBK.SK-riaaijaaaBBar am mmmmimm. e ai:in. smuhm TssaAadaBBraaaaa taeeaa a - .T??"i- mMmt. --jj"??, -"L. .yS?' "Tw,aea WW 1f? aay aaawea, aay aaaaaawFaawasav fj i'znifi - -. &m, trT t'3i &' ' -- - , 1 nttYIKIStJttA FAKH-rM:tsHfttl AUastaaretlajiiftl3cmaHMt t alt .k lag Ut VlrKV Ko. Urcat bargala. Mild wlatcr aad aajr luactrw!t. timwtag e . , . ,Aifa.aa WM, P. MOtiKC Ctl Maffetkx V. ft J aMAYtilt rAKaUw t- trc4 Irom 'iviitoiiMn. Narttraa)adMtl nble Mk waifT. (with all ! laxstK) la TalN.t CauMd. CHJaJlWdaJtaf. Tle g-L Paasaalft aad M. hSwMe afawt. U. Ad- v. k. nHA.iAii Ai, ii j. t-.B. - -m .B .1..?...,. A .-. ,. . . . UlTiTfl -rar-H "(J HlJllU.abaUVUl4. tnvrWMttOi pcrawna wtaary saras ew tivaUoa. Co4ka wklt a aaow. iat. poarpild, ey,tlild9.ft Addree ,M k ATX3A8IIALD. UarrrMarliSff. O. 1ak Iklbd. K:KtiKfctO(! it b 4.WJJ$WrM ciordoatthUf(lar.lroa o.dttng M thren time traasp aaUd tc, ).! shtt( Pine, thrr time traaspUnted. Write for w Ut roa waU aad ivt cxla rate. I. K-MPIKLU, tVmcrcUiyvcry. Prvpt, I1L teel . S fet df P, f 7i m a " M Sk sa 7 w Matt aaaterlaL nvaay (iirw. II afau. Ltt low to trute. iiBd for price llu. tUDOLPU A CO.. u Ln1. Mcv 2 -i rCPrr basbet 7m0Jk1bc tlrai.. Jtxl JVp awl ail aUld o awl all a-io seaa. ai i uijo ecd uwase. por lsrgj iuattUe write for tptcUl rate. ' AUOUsTliX H. TARKfL IU14iaadlMHap'flor8..T-llo.O. dCXD rOKTUK Mlml Eaid Con -Plaster -! TUKJIrXT AMD Tlir CHKAFFST. Orders ftomdea'rrs Plleltett. Manmactarrt! by popk a Baldwin, gainer, m. W. 11. Kisk .t V.. rtle rent at Chlce, DR. UREKfiS Jb'aniily Medicines ! A ks! th result of u experience of thirty year " In tiie tracttce of a succiiul )-hysician. Bitter Tonic An extract of roo s and herbs, so Judiciously and modictnal.y combined 'hater ecparto ha diseased bodr receive tha help requlied.! It is not clatinetl a a panacea for atl tho Ills r life, bnt lor dri-peD!, billion- and liver convlalnU. fever and aue. di.-lcr. debll ill'y antlhll disease Of the rtomacb, liver nd digctlv prgans, a Is auelT. ctiul rvmvdr. As a lrcvcntht against Iu'er aud ague and maUrlous dlec, k is cnnrpstl. It strenethen and bnllds upithdtbtlltatt.d vum. and give rv m'wed ig- to nil pArts of ton body. Klng'n Cure Acts as a dsurotic evacuant In caeot dipy. gout, gmvl and d.ea.ie or the bladder and kidney, purine th blood, enrv crotuld dod eranttc dt-easc. rhertmtic and neuralgl;palns, aud all disrate of the urinary or gans. Kxpetfnratit A prompt rcnnsly for coughs, astttua, eroap and all disease, of the tbroit, lung andchc. audtlic first stage of consumption and typh!d fever Ltvrr Mint A run I'llU-Aw preMaml ex- presrly to aid the tonic n raring autc and clironlctaec. they net wlihiiut depleting. Cruntati l.talaatoitOpetis the lorc of the deh. Mill pvnetrstes to tho tione or scat of pain, giving ifllrftt man or beast as speedily as any ouiwarixappiicauoi) csn Por sV bv al druggt and dealer. K T IIAIti(lTKKAt'U. iliirllnvti in tnwa. rboOnlr lUllaaleftMIt Dlatrlkattoa t taa voaairyt nc L. D. SINE'S . 172(1 KKOULAK MONTHLY Te be drawn Moaday, May 3d, fS?.k. $5.000 00 EACH IN CASH I raelWall.. Ilinif TIT fl OIT 1 11 0' so Mid Iiugg.,rlih vl'vcr-moaatedharaest. worn s). One flnr-toned Itofewood I'Uno. worth $.vflt Too Ptmllr Sewing Machine, worth ftOOrachl Three t,4d Watcjip andChilps, wort $X) tarn. Three Uld American Hunting Watctics, worth IX each! ' Ten Ladles Uold Iluntlne A'atchc. wurth flUO . each I SOr6oAfv; JSJir Itttr Hunting WaUfu. (ttt aU.) xeorth from S to at:? facA. Gold Chaln Mlfvtr Mare. Jewelry, Ac Number of dm ,VO. Ticket limited to W U00 AGKMTtf WANTK1 TO SKLL TICKKTN. to whom Liberal I'remliini will b aalt SIaa;IoTlckita,SII Jla Tleketn, S3 1 Twelve Ticket. aUO: Twrttlr-Kltr. 10. Circular containing a fall lut of pfM. a de scription of the manner of drawing, and other information m reference to the- IHtrlbtition, will be rent to any one ordering tbvm. All letUrs must re aarv cc to Oir.ce, Excelsior llolld- '-I Icg, Cor, Kace A Long- L.I MlNK.IIo43S Clrx-inuatl O, woiia. THE HEW TOMATO, HOlSlGT rfHB II1MT TOMATO IN TlIK MAIIUET.- J. It was raised from seed by !. L. Plemln&of Tomnto. Canada It I aboat -tbe stse of the Ar lington, hav ng tbe smoothness of the (iraut and Canada Victor. Its flavor t tar superior Ut any tomato eTcr onVrol befurc. Tbe meat I ry soMd, having bat very tew -ed. It is foil a early a tbe Grant. For market gardeners and. canning ertabSI'hment It Is tiotirjMclbyaB)r other variety. I have the only tock (it this seed In the United Ktates. I shall pace my serds Sn the haeds of tbe leading acrlculianst and nortl' CBl'orl'ts of this conntrr f-r trial, not be! ng con tented w th dit oea Jangaeat. I wit. forward br mall fre; ofposUge, I package Kut, 2 package k, 3 package aSe, 4 packag: 75c, 6 package. 11.00. Addrr P. W. I1EAC3. Seedsman and F5orit. (Cos rPlUdcld. Ma.n IliirhIandSt:ck Farm ItKKCHCR. WJI.L CO., ILL., On C. D. A V. K. R.. 40 mile 8o:b -f Chtcigo. Tv WsTTT T TJTl' Importer and Breeder ef a ui prouaeer are ine best. They are better grufra. beaver feeders aad III mate largrr gsJa than auv other breed Stick for SriB.g.' qaauty HEADAGHE. ltlatta.uita73 Uel that Ihe EX- TILM-TotCKAS UKKKIEM AS MEMP. ceaaMaed by Dr. 4. f. MILLEK. H SBrnee 8tJ'hLu Pa permaaeslly cora.Uie met ostiaate eae of ypeetle. Kerroe or Sidtliea-lachs. and i aa boiate jhcUc for earalgia aad Xemsa.. Prepared la telll; sm c;. a beat, ztenx ny maw Firtt-eUM small threher foar to lx etfe lever power. WliMhyeth and cleas tweety to tWrtr basbela of wa6t per bo-tr. LYXYKB, MGiMCrACTTRrXG CO . ,-- Clariaeiall O. Case 3UH aad Kraporaior. SU-b Esjfisc. Cbaxch. Scaeel aad Fans BeU. Circxtora seat 9am JPUVveUJUa'- JPIaAXT TH 1JET CiKAPa?. THE ALFJf, after kma (rUL it that oae. Saweg a'rect. Mrsiatv. csesp. CtraUar of aardyTarie,wltkcfSeauIree. Lfl BABpOCICLoOpoft,K. r. DliftjIXfca AVkfcTtrfcM:Hir Dei J(3ttMmmtorlrmm BUOOMMBXI. A WKARA. Frwa.'. OBee aad work: earaar Ftrt at. and Coarr. Ar ZAST-DKa MOIKBS, IOWA. , Order by aaall or telegraph protlrnecded to. LOUGHKAN t HILL19 BCrXa AMD BETAIK - TMMB0MEBS. XBAFXBB. Ae. Mraiaeaetnearara?aaa - DaTMOfMBe. IOWA. Freat lOSTalTIlIrufllER all waawtac lak. Oae aer taaeeaaia- wfSi M( ffNH THE VICTOR vfcir m nnio n MpBhfQMBBaaaaBjBB--' W ""aaaaaw ?-. vSsSg BFT EMBPBBE Horarnrdi! sm$mmms flajl " ' alwa raeaV rAYrrtKT ADVWTWWEJrr HLXtiHcwKit . ara -," LliKSH ; tan agaica jiij kt wtwklr saaratt. Trt e ff!"l swiff r. An kiad of rMnnvtiK kuitfAi mi Mal. lAet:fci ar Jf, ptat .a. wmwrvacrivT. lavmaort Butler m tgf w., 213 Terry St., ttateaawTls lwwa..aa WhIeiualc Faiit!, Oils, Giaa, Felt, &c. No. as Krwdy !. lHYCjiwrt. r' A,k yoar OK-redanl for iiia ceUWaiod DAYE8BORT BOOT! Xa4 aMl Warraawlr Child fc Co., WHOt.t,t.a BIAtBR t1 BOOTS AUD SHOES, l)Avenorrt Ioww. MASON, EVANS I CO., Manufacturer of FINE CASBIAOES AXI Spring Wagons! Io. 114 Mud 1 1 rt oarM Nt DHYCHMtrt, lOWH. lr. J. Walker's CalilVMiiia VIh- P?rar Hilars r.ro .1 ptircly Vefjetabla preparation. mruJo cliicllr from tbe na tive herbs found on tho lower ranges of tho Sierra Xoratla mountains of Callfbr n!a. tho medicinal nronertlr nf w-hlpk aro extracted Uiercfrom without tho ttae of AlcchaL Th rjueatlon la almoat 'Lilly iuiketl, Wltat Id the cauw of tiie oiijKiraHclcd success of Vixbgax JIit rKiaf Oar answer la, that thoy remove the cauw of t!lcac, nnd the patient re covers his health. T'jrre thogtvat blood purifier and a llhMng priiciile, a jerfcct Kcnovator ami JnvJgorator of the sjntcm. Ncrcr befora in Urn i.litory of tbe vorld ha a Ilcrne Un iirHandcI poweif the remerxaLifl reiiaring CongcsUon er JMsamaUna rf me iaxct ntta kitcerai Orfaaa, la JHltma UtseaaKs. Tiie properties of Dx. Waljckm's rixscAR lltrrKxa aro Aperient, DUafeeretic, Carmlnatire, KatrJiiea, laaefiv. naeHt SedatiTe, Cotiz?r-IniUfit, interSc, jUter ive. and Aatl'Bihoaa. . al. JeeOOMALS CO.. Bruct adG. AT-.I Fraariw.C.,UWJs aad cer. ef Wjubbagtow and fWHs sax, jr. y M r all DraHUttiita aMl aval. aaaarlared eejal law UUr VA tt IL iilli aU CaaVa a book romHt mujoHi m wm t rnsn i i T uttTzrZ. t.tn-i-s. ..j.-? r- .?" y te aiarl 'Saa CiTTP pr MwfaVIi. JSJ aicrH.8sa,r; aaveK. w jar awe or area ea fciraawjusai. w if TTaam Mj&N TOtVOAMXV- caea aaipfaiad fanae. n eeaae ef waFe,eraeraa f tea ea prcauEeyaWa ttml ttaaatltr; T MMKM9 w W vBvw9BS Oaf afVeaBw' 3rWaWHB eaBaaaal aaab' 1 MfStStM! m PWX T. ""VifwwnjcB ' ., ga, J?Twv I hill IWL .aaaaaaaf' - sswa aaw IR aaaViaawasW ve aa BaSaaaaaaaaBtr W'X aaaraaaawvMarr33viT arwaasEaaaaaaf wfiawaflBaaaaaaBwwa?BKIaar BBj s7 paajC-yfn W aaaaaaaaV fl O 3o S aaaaVl '7 ak Mr 7WafeBByvfaaVsa9 MM "1 ,-M AaaaBa waaJa t .Baaff raaaaFaV MkaasaV usistC3 Oi v l.TbUAa UlTTBKa Jft DeAlcM taw tick of rrery ilif mux it heir to. Thcr arc a gcstlo rurpative aa Well m a Tottl. r.-ymih wTwwmfiwiii..tifi,.M AIIRiKtlt Wfaiat ef araaal W. " n i.oaa.i" Tj aTT' BaaBBaaaaaw "" awLkk IOWA. aas; talasesit at 4 jaEaaaBBiai ZZk. n xm wm bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV aMAaawMlfMi aaaat VBBBPaaaaaMw: BBSaaat wXawaaeasa a bbbbbbbbbbbbbw i " T TawFBTaw- JsaaBft ABjrVaBjft, FBaBBaaApafasaKpajBBr. ' i. X ;i Z0t J r 1M 'iA m "? -?i it "0 r-11 m y W 4AUB salllaaialal ale I "' aaawaWL SaTasV s4,,.Sr-5. ZtS'C & -j i-hut!& nhsSt I4&4$t j .. .J-.- -- r-v .a St-.- Sr-jtat ?&&& ' """ & i ffteK - - 2ttfcteJ e?. -2lt":t v.-j J?J-I1 ami JzkSfrzzs agEyrs I v. aa&--nTff 2.3Sa,?!S5iiSSi.&,ca 5 -r' 4 . FrtiiLiT r. TT 3W , !&ZJi f-B, S-.-SK -X". -?jg &&j'jSs$$s&!r u ' V" &Si 4 i ,& ,a&a- -s ptl $45