W t-rvfti- :r- if - v -V -i- - ?C f - -- a( -. :?fe I.? "5- ?' lr- 4 ri F , u- it. F k-5? I. fri trw.- ;."t m. kc rfS. .r" REd CLOUD CHIEF. WEDNESDAY APRIL 21. 1875. , WOR WICK & CO. BANK R S, AND DEALEK8 IN RE All ESTATE. HASTINGS, - - - NEB. Prompt attention given to Collection!. TALLMAGLS I PAPER. THE CHRISTIAN AT WORK. "THE BEST RELIGIOUS rAPEIl" A Choice of TWO BEAUTIFUL PREMIUMS. An Illuminated Portfolio of Twelve Genu by Hcadachel, each 8lil Oi in., or the superb Chromo, "The Twins" 2228 in., after Landeer. Price $3.2f including postage. No extras of any kind. Without premium $3.00 a year. AGENTS WANTED. Liberal eommiaioni and exclusive territo rr. Bainplee and circulars free. Send Postal Card at onee to BORATIO C. KING, Publisher. 17-td Box 5105, New York. A ItfrtmUTiTe ni Chtapioa of American Art Tactt 1 TIEE2 .1LD1.VE, Tn Art Journal Of America, lane JBeatkly. A MlOKinCCKT CoKCKPTIOlC, WoitDREfCL- lt Cacrico Oct." diftncceMify of ajlopulnr medium for the Tepreaentation of tho production! of our great artuta. hu always ben lecognized, and many attempts hove been made to meet the want, Tho successive failures which inraria'My followed" earn, attempt in this eouBtrv to wtablia an art journal, did not Brorc the indiLTereuco of the people of Araer ioato the claims of high art. So soon as a proper "appreciation of the want and an ability to meet it were shown, the Tublio at onco rallied with cnthnmsta to its support, and tho result was a great arti.ticatd- cm merclal tritiuiph-TliE AJ.DINE. THHALDHfE. while issued with all tho' regalarity, has none of tho temporary or ftmefj interest characteristic of ordinary periodicals. It is an elegant miscellany of jure, light, and graceful literature ; and a collection of pictures, the rarest spcimens of artistic skill, 'in black and whito. Although each succeeding number affords a fresh pleasure to its friends, tho real value and beauty of THE ALDINE will be most ap preciated after it is bound up nt tho closo of tho year. "While other publiections rany clnira superior cheapness, as compared with jlals of a similar clars.TUE ALDINE is a untquo and original conception alone and unapproachod absolutely without competi tion in price or character. Tho proscseor of a complete volume enn not duplicate tho quantity of fine paper nud engravings in any other shape or number of oluincs for ten times its cost; and then, there is the cbroino, besides! The national fcaturo of THE ALDINE must be taken in no narrow scn?o. True art is cosmopolitan. While THE ALDINE is a strictly American institution, it does not confine itself entirely to tho reproduction of uativo art. Its miwion is to cultivate a broad and appreciative art taste, one that will discriminate only on grounds of intrinsic merit. Thus tvhilo placing bef-or tho !pat mnt of THE ALDINE, as a leading charact eristic, tho productions of tho mott noted American artists, attention will always be given to specimens from foreign masters, givng its subscribers all tho pleasure and and instiuction obUinublo from home or forccin sources. The artistic- illustration of American fcesery. original with THE ALDINE, is an important foatureaud its magnificent platis re ui ssizu uiuru piruiri;ur iu nit' zausiac tnry treatment ot details than can be afford ed by any inferior page. Tho judicious in terspersiou of land scape, marine, figure, and . animal subjects, sustain an unabated inter est, impossible where tho scope of the work confines the artist too closely to a single style of subject- Tho literature of THE ALDINE is a light and graceful accompani ment, worthy of the artistic fes.turr- with only sach technical disquisitions as do not - interfere with the popular interest of the work. PSEJOTH FOS 1875. Every subscriber for 1875 will receive a fecaitiful portrait in oil colors, of the same sofeje dog whoes picture in a former issue Attracted so much attention. "MANS UNSELFISH-FRIEND" will be welcome in every home. Everybody lores such a dog, and tho portrait is executed ao trat to tho life, that it seems the veritable jreencc of the auitnnl itself. The Bev, T. De Witt-Talmage tells that his own New foundland dog (the finest in Brooklyn) barks at it! AIthoughsonatural.no one who sees this premium chromo will have the slightest Jear of being bitten. Besides the crocjo, every advance subscrib er to THE ALDINE for 1S75 is constituted a member, and entitled to all the privileges o Aldine Art Union. The Union owns the orijci'als of all TUE ALDINE pictures, which, with other paint lags and engravings, are to be distributed among the members. To every scries of 5.000 nibscribers, 100 different pieces, valued at ever 12.500 are distributed as soon as the eejtes-isfM!, and the awards of each seri s as made, are to be published in the next sue ceeaiag brae of Til JS ALPINE. This feat we oBly applies to subscribers who piy Jo -ae y -ar in advance. Fall particulars in cir eaJaraeataa application enclosing a stamp TERMS. Ost 5bccripJcn, tntxtliag to TEE ALDIKS ost year, the Chrcao and the Art VbSml $8.t0 ptr annum, in advance. Vn rlurr for BOStage.) kS& L.iMM. Mmtaa afTlIE ALvIXE. Ij&" " - SvCeata. -. irnrvctn 1. mr ma W w. be nbtsin If aaalr-hysabeeriistror. There wilt, be ao iL -iTji j Ujotnc cash fer eahscripiloBS i kcwitts the publishers direct or I te ueteeal canrasecr, wium roryw .. .-v. uMuIims. except ia cases -k. - ?.. .. Miifcrlfce ertiScate is givea. htari the 'Siii--i-a afeMture of Janes Mmoa. rT' z ' l . CAHVA3SERS WAHTE0. &"iWzjCZ iizzt-. --fwMapeatly a ! receivfr-feU aa4 prompt :apijrii, 4ppDIKCOPArixv '. Music for Schools. We give particular attention to the select ing of Music for school purposes. Teachers favoring us with their order newl only date whatclauofiuuiio they desire, and we dc tire, and we will guarantee to make them a satisfactory selection. GET THE BEST. The Beat KEW S-hool Singing Book : Fairy Echoes... ...I'rice.I CO The Best Standard School Song Book: The Song Echo- ..........Prige, 75 The Beet l'iano Inrtructor: TeUis Electic Price, 3 25 The Best Kerd Organ Instructor : Kinkel's New Method-Price. 2 50 The Beet Instructor for the Voice : Ludden's School for the Voice.Price, 3 .7) The Best Guitar Instructor: Worrall's Guitar Price, 1 50 The Best Collection for Male Voice : Fangerffei...... ..............I'rice.l 50 The Best Collection for Mixed Voice : Ne Plus Ultra Olee Book-l'rice 1 50 The Best Collection for Church ic Home: The Cluster............Price. 1 50 The Best Instructor for A cord ion : Sedgwick's Complete Method-Price 1 50 The Best Instructor for Concertina: Hcdgwick's Complete Method-Price 1 50 Puhluhcd and nuiVtd, postpaid, by n8-4w J. I,. PETERS. 599 BEOADWAT,K.T The J&cobfton Uottse JUNIATA, NEBRASKA. Has lately changed hands, and U now under the manusement of T. T, WEBB Who will make it-the hest Hotel West of Lincoln. He has in connectionwith this hotel afiood FEED, SALE, AND LIVERY STABLE. Guests canied to and from the de pot free of charge. Juniata, Ada m h Co. ftcf? ECJREKA! The undersigned has just completed his NEW BUILDING, And furnished it with a Full Supply of DUY GOODS, QKOCERIE3. HATS. nSADT-HADE CLOTHINS, BOOTS, SHOES, FANCY NOTIONS ETC. I purpoto to sell as LOW as the LOWEST. FOK CASH. 49Call and examine for yourself.; HI. S:RlTTON, GUIDE-ECCE, istf NZ3. O. K. Furniture Stcrg, 2SD CLOUD 2T23. Smith & Calvert Wholesale and Retail Dealers it. Furniture. Picture Frames, iHirrr, and Vndcr'akers Cioods- WARE ROOMS. OPPOSITE "THE COURT HOUSE. -19 Omaha and Lincoln prices duplicated. Special terms to those wishing large bills and the trade.. CONSUMPTION CURED. To the Editor of he Cut. EsTuexxD Fkixxd: Will you please inform your readers that I hare a positive "' CUKE WtL COKSVXrTI3r and all disorder of the Throat and Lung?, and that, by its aso in my praeticc, I have cured hundreds of cases, and will sire liOOO 00 -" 'for a' ease' it will no benefit. Indeed, so strong is my fal'fc I will s;ad a uia'e, free to anysKSerecaddroasins ae. .Please show thUlctter to ay oao y a may know who ia rafcria from taese dbeases, aavl eWwe. fc . i. -f JtaitafuIlyTaw; DR. T. F. BURT. ic Williia- Sl. Naw Tark. I. FR1SBIE. Red Cloud Mills ! We are prepared to do cus tome work Flour Feed and Corn Mal for Sale. W& Satisfaction guaranteed in quality of flour SOLD, and CUSTOM wobk. Farmers ihould be particular to 6ccure the best of seed wheat. Potter eV Frisbie! NEW DRUG AND GROCERY STORE IN Red Contf , Xcb We wich to inform the citizens of Red Cloud that we have a new stock of goods which wo offer at. Granger prices. Consisting of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES BRUSHES AKD FANCY GOOD Also a choice lot of TEAS, and T0BACC0ES, PURE WINES and LIQUORS, lS?""Spcc:al attention given to Dis pensing of Mediciucs and i'rcbciip ioDH. - We Dejy omjieMio in Quality and in Price. R. R. SIIERER. GEORGE ZEISS, DKALXIBIH Wines & Iiiquors CIGARS, Chewing, Smoking, Tobacco CANNED FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, AND CONFECriONERIS, A Specialty. Frsh Lager Beer from " Antelope " Brewery, constantly on hand. RED CLOUD, NEB. 13tf NICHOLS, SHEPASD & CCS 4 'Vibrator" Thresher The BRILLIANT SUCCEcS of this Grain Savin. Time Saving THRESHER, isunprc etdented in the annals of Farm Machine y. Tn a briif period it fcns become Wi ely known Vnd FULLY I-TAnLl-!lEI. a tho "LEADISG TnRESHINa MACHINE." OKAIX VtAINFRK KEFrsiC to sub mit to the wasteful and imperfect work of other Thrcihers. when posted on the r-st superiority o( this cn for ivinp (rraiu, sav ins ume.aad doing last, tnorousuma econo mical work. Thbeshkkuex find it highly advant-ctoun to-run a michine that has no "BtaUrs." Ticke-s.-cr-Ap-oa." that handles Damp Grain. Lone Straw. Ueair.jrs. Flxr,Tmotny Milieu and all such difficult drain and tttds, with ENTIRE EASE AND hFFECTIV'E XESS. Clracs to perfection ; sarea tha far aser his thresh bill by extra jsavinr of crain: makes no "L:tmcs;T rciuirw LESS THAN NE HALF the usual Belts. Boxes. Jour nals, acd Gears; easier taaaased; less repairs: one that sraitfrtifSrs prefer to cm Joy and wait for. even atadrancvdprica.wHl30&cr machines arc oa jobs, Fearsywiaa wHIh t9i ! IS kMne JiaMta- rawer. Awa cclnltfjr r MrparaMrs '-ulamr'' Jipr j tar RTKAM INIirEU, aaa l watch thrr : rewen. If interested in rrain raisin?, or ihrcthlcp. write for Ulan, a ouCirrLusfitHwlwi I: TaH ir titulars of eiiea, stylea. prices.' terxr. XlCSiZA, KHCPAM . .. aL-CVtf I-. JfielawJ J. Q. P0TTEP.. St. Nicholas for 1874. A Book for Boys and G.rls. Of this Look I1iirlr Dtitl'y Vinruer writes: "In the loucl ro'umo of St XitLolai with it ulon- of red and cold, we Iraro a penna ncLt addition to the literatnrc f the yun. erer before has k much literarj end and artutic talent eo-operated in tne service of children. It is a continual educator of their tateond Of their hemor and courage. I do not e bow it cao be made any better, and if the children don't like it. I thick it U time to begin to change the kind uf children in this coujgB?a7w--v TS 'Hfholas for r875. The prospectus of the second rolumeakewK tint tuere uto oe no xaiiinx on, oji an m crcas in its literary and pictorial attrac tions, Amons tha other 'attractire features are Two Splcniia Serial Stcries, "Tho Younfl Surveyor" by Ha Hazard Stories, etc. 'EIG2ET COUSINS" by Locitu M. Alcctt, author of "Littlo Women." eU. The peculiar features of St. AicMa. vhich have conduced ro largtly to its popularity, will be kept up with spirit:, . Short and easy stories in FI1KHCSI i.U.HAS, AMD l-.VI for translation will appear oc-aiocally, nhile. Jca-I lite UlUUIe llx u.ll continue to be lull of interest, and tho departmctit fur utrj youny reatUn will te enlarged. Bajurd Taylor and other dirticgul-ihcd travellers will tivt Stor.ti ol Foruiu Cuua trips. Mr. Kideinc will contiauo his series of da lightful and instructive 1'apcis ua lrttctical Subjects. Mr. Bartlett and others will attend to the derartiucut of lluuia E tcrtaiuiueuU, Tub leaux, ivauts, etc. New writers, in addition to our present large corpiot contributors, will Rive young people of all ages I'Ooirin. JiiiKlt:, Nti rlvn, stkeirlt-).:ind laT m illoio. ry, ltioKritpby, Iravel, AUvonturc. Miiinrnt lliMttiry. Uut-ilonr nnil In iuur nirt, tVc, ., with a hearty rinkliiiK of fun tliniuzh ut the vulutuc i'rleo 8t-ev -. but up to Jan. Ut well send tho va'klvx NL'UBEd tor the yeur just closed (Vol. 1) Tor .ly VJ.HU. Inn fuiuc. rltunntly bound lit lUd unit (7otd wilt bcM-nt, cltitrtf' pitltl lor HI.O. Ono year's subscription and twftlvcback nuuiijcii. !.. One yearV subscriptijn and volcmk onk. liol'ND zls above, cut cliurtS fiititl lor ftf.OO. E'&'All Postage jnfpaid by us. No CjI tiroudtaiy, New York. First in th-3 F::li SataUcfei 1C5C. Dail $10. Weeklv $'. HiiMincHH Jtcn. ltnilroail ornrlitlWV 1'ontiiy tJfticcTn, anil czIiltm, Al ien t ion J rJ37' ii-ac m-z OIAHA KepUBLISAN St earn IS oo h -a N D- ' JOIJ PIUNTIXG AND BLAHS LOOS lIAU?ACrU3X2;3 Establishment. after many years cxjieriencc, with superior fucililic-j, a:ul tho BEbT WORKaMEN to be found in tho Went, will fill any order, large or small, in I he be.t .-tyle at short notice, and at the lowest pness. OUR BLANK BOOK WORK and Binkiti of every description can not be surpassed by any firm in the state, and chalicuge comparison. Qounty Work A Specialty, and County Officers will find our forms the latest and nip.st' iaiptoved. Sta tionery, Seals for County, Dirtrict and Probate Court?, Justices of the Peace, &c LS3AL AITS C03QJZSCJAL BL2JZS, tKDar.n3,-DAV tones. EKconw.Ac, in ready made stock, furnished at tho lowest prices. Orders by mail for all kinds of J B Work executed with the utmost speed, and dispatched promptly. ST. A. D. BALCOMBE, Manager "Republican," Omaha, Neb. OLDEST DRUG STORE IN EED CLOUD, Opposite S. Garler & Co. Drugs. Oils. Pat ent Medicines. STATIONERY. Also a cloice variety of FAMILYGROCERIES Constantly on hand. ricase Give us a call and satisfy your selves tJxii yvucan'do ho Utter in Red Cloud. II. I JLutz, TEZ Z55ZS? XAES2? ?2XC2 FAD iKCAsaroawHSAT. ADTE3TmN'fl:rkpp: Good:Sytc- rustic. All persons who contemplate rnxkins contracts with newspaper for the in sertion of adrertbcmcoM should srnd 2u cnts to 1eo P,-Kaw .ll k Co 41 Park Row. New ork. for their TMPHLET-3(iuK nittytrc!k c.ti"on). con'ainbijr ristr of over iifJO newspapers and estimates. sfcow:nit the cost. Advertuement taken for lewlicjr. papers in many States t a tr taundoas r duction from publishers' rates. Oct TiicnooK ARCHIBALD It. KIX5TEAK. SC-7AS7 PU2LIC. S3AL. ESTATS. ' ' A021TT, AS3 ATJKIOilSSS. All buriBtl strictly attended to aci all earrciondeBC promptly answered. Specia atUatios circa b? pay meat of taxef , CIIee Jeu and Real Estate Practice. KIVfiRIOS. M' M The WEEKLY ENQUIRiClt. A rape? fer tla Pcajle, a Kend cf tis Firmer aad Iniutnal CI&ko. A BAUTIPCL NEW CHItOn ENTITLED "PERRY'S VICTORY! Glvrn l Every S-i oe Natowrlfcer. Thi picture rcprseats Cum. Olirer II. rerry in the act of passing from tne hlp tu aaoth'rin smalt opn boat, durin; the neat of the battle, expofed to the tire of tbe enemy. It Hcare: 13 I? 22 1-2 k:hs -, Is artNttcallr nnlhl in thirwn colors and iM uiyioaoicuio ur most Ui-uJ.Ie chromo rx er oCerv I ks x premn Sine'c copi, of it olafJSW. rte bare hi K.-eat ouilay e cnre.tth cxrlasire c mtrol and sale of it, and tftciw.ore are enabled to present it to our pa'rons nt abov. The KNCtUIUKR til sua.h pre eminent aa firit-ela's Newfpptr. Its variuuj de parttovnts allouoi t. Editorials, Eumorci3, Agrfsaltaral, Pwrr, - CcrrespMieace, Te!oraphi:, Asi Gsserrl Hews. All Kive evidence nf the care and paii.s taken to su.-ply its reailers w:th ulllke nd and a variety of Trading that caiiiot fail to interest each and every member o: the house hold. Hubscribh hroueh ouraseuts or tend direct (iiui. W'e desire an agent at cvory Post OCice. sn.l where none arc yet appointed, let sumo ot our friends pply for the auney. A DDK ESS, FARAN & KcLEAK, Pub's, C:s::rsati, Ohio. LKNVKKHOUsE Biliicpd Hall. 0. Y. DALT0?i, - - - Prop. Hastings" Nebraska. i ,Th5i h,n,!Jl lately been fitted up with ta bles ol tin owl manufucure. Choice Wints.Li.uor and Guar at the bar PROCTOR HOUSE, G. D. PROCTOR. Pitoi'iiiEToit, ES3S01T, 1TEBEASSA. The Traveling Public Will tiudthis Hotel to be first darn in every respect. riirri.i7e r irs daily to Belvircre, the eiarcsi.Stulion on tbe riL Joe A 1). C. K. K KARiC H. WARNER, Ila- jut opened a Meat Maikct on Webster Street, next, door south of Park's Shot 'h p whore he will keep and sell fresh meats of all kinds. HIG HEST MRKET PRICE PAID FOR BEEF C TTLB, HOGS, "J ND HIDES. Red Cloud. .... Neb. Bfi!.?XEiD PARLOR, T. R. LEE, Hastings, - - - Nebraska. This e-tnblishment ha' jut Ijcpii fitted op in jjood stlc. and in jut tho place to enjoy a ciiuieof Hilli.tril.o. The but supplies ntthe bar. 4G:n cJ. '. M Entire LLa'o Cashier lt Nat lck.Clarinda, lowa.l HASTINGS, - - - NEBRASKA. Exchange boueht and sold ou all cities of the United States and Eui ope. Gtinly Wnrrants, COUNTY N'D SCHOOL BONDS Bought and Sold. References by Pcrmkxinn : It. F. Allkx. President Cook C. NatFchal" J JJanK. I hic.io. . .. is, .MiK.-iE. President rirtlationn! i:ank. Clarinda. I..wa. J iflK BssKSHiM. Ctshier Pacific National Hank. Council DlufTs, Iow.u t'.c:i Cakpxntkr. Governor State of Tow'al txncBxay, Clerk Superior Court. Iowa. G-Gm k. n JOXES, Watchmaker & Jeweller, RED CLOTO, WEESTS3 C0UltT7, 2ISB. SfParticular attention Rircn to Re pairing Fine Watches and Satisfaction Guarantied. I. W." TVLLETS, HOEOPATKiC PHYSICIAN U. S. PENSION" SURGEON. Office 3d door Soutl of Court Hone. Eosidssts One Kile East cf 2ei Zszi. Republican River STAGE lilE. i ti 71 VZS2, Prcprictcr. Regular tm? will bs ciide bctwetn iUXIATA and RED CLOl'D, I fhal! be pfca.:ea to carry pryB.cer upoH.the rlsys BacationeJ, leaving Ke Cload at 6 A, 3C oa MtwJays, Wedae uarsaa Fridsjrj. Le-iTinj Jututa at C A.X.,31 Tuaday5r Tfaar-d22! aad S tarda js. fare Teaaosahle.- NEW GOODS! J G. POTTEf Takes this method to Inform the Public that he has lust opened up a new and complete Stock of DRY GOODS 4 GROCERIES, Covtitfititj in JHiri of CALICOES. PARK, LIG I1T PIN K, CHAMBKK8. DKLAINES, LAWNS, DRESS TRIMMINGS k LININGS. CORSEfS Jk SKIRTS, VAlLS .V GLOV. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS TABLE LINENS, k TOWELING. PANTS, OVER ALLS & SHIRTING, BOOTS fc SiIOS, MATS A' CAPS, COFFEE, SUGARS & TEAS of at! Kinds, Canned Fruits, Oystors and Crackers, Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, FLOUR. MEAL & BACON- And everything usually kept in a Kirst Class. Dry Goods A Grocery Store. -T. G. Potter, i - Red Cloud. Nebraska. THE CHJCACO LUM8E YARD 1 AT HASTINGS,- NEb Keep constantly on hand the latest stock of Dry Pino Lumber in 'hi West. Also TARRED PAPER. and all kinds of BUILDING M1TI5 U I AL. Our stock in well selected and purchased direct from the nifty, and will be :old as low aa the lowest. O. O. OAET'lMi Hastings, Nebraska. NEW HARD WARE STORE! WUOLIiSALE AND RETA I L MITCHELL &-M0RnRT" Have opened a new store and hare jitat received a full and com plctc stock ol HARDWARE, Cutlery, .Carpsi&tcr aiiul FARMING TOOLS, COAL and WOOD STOVES. Wc lure also a Tin Shop connected with our Store. Wc manufacture Tin, Copper k Sheet Iron Ware. Our Stock i. LARGE and well aborted, and flc will deal a low m any. house west of Lincoln, Call and Sea Before Purchasing Elsewhere. Opposite the Lumber Yard. Red Cloud, LUMBER LUMBER W. L. VANALSTYME RED CLOUD, --- JVEBttdLSeMCA PINE UMBE LATH, SHINGSLS DoorSt Blinds Sash Mouldings Lime Tarred Paper, Etc- n 1 arery Article usually kept in a FintCla-s Lurclwr Yard. I GUARANTEE TO DUPLICATE ANY BILL THAT CAN BEG07 AT JUNIATA OR HASTINGS. LIVEB1 A J. D. P8ST, Priprittir: Vararttf4 n a tart e Stable k rer ai art trta tm t m h ra, aW f4 r tacaa Lirary tic a hart atk, t t DEALKR 1?T IilUB! U2TE!! Kaxwe'l It Dingee . Wih v iafina ti4 fMJJe tht th hr aade extisnTprtrraUwatAseaznttsr Lm. aad will ktrp oa hat.d a FULLSUPPLY l? ?1 f;-Ci WiKt, 2ki wUl ha fold asyrajwaajBa :. tke Pbiccf ! a3a wt e3f 4' Cl3i. hrMys oa '' rHi Frr. Tii Thtnt taf'lreniittiutt In the City tub nrrcA-Jo i-ost asto a.n. T nn!f craSty font- fii t bo tu Hv.44t. r;.i,. W'Xt atrrrfiH? i4 ft rt-rtHfn ne.tr'r CMbihJ in A Ntt t It I Hrpir5i ttt riJw, b tk ltrt i4 bt ! 'peijl aJ r 4Wtar nd tf tt .! SUBTll !. Iv MVt rc.ort Alt tiH. evnprtkenmtx, 4 rctiUn Th 1b of h ntMtml b hf b, n-l will Imt. t rake irh. kr -a- aiwi p y uirr. . !ta U tc. m BiJrr thai.-, fUli ros-J d r"-o.r. e-4. r-J latxluabU t cut n I muMrj mi. rtdtrv ti I re f ! bt t fcwUy pApr J h n coaitnity iarta4a 4r caUUea. THUMd OFSUItfO'.irTIChV. UituT h) totH pr anaam after Jaury I. tM-U pr'tv.t. ... . .. i.' 0.tvi nmntb .. .. lt IiAtLi tbr injcth. ,.. l,H THE WSKKLV lHa-r ANi MAIL Ila bn f nbirj:el lo tut atcfct"pt! twt ' heUf lb l!lr.aijd W-UHn i current fwtrat siv Jtxwl wt tko wi. nh valnabN fSrrlcn nd dWt fmttm. tt-nfrlrairr. h: PlMfr ut li,t hy, pttti rl. f.htn elBiy. aa4 ir ttt- 4 withsaak rj rt pr-sjxl cKtl(i ttntry rr-ler, and r teftjN trvl up iu Ik !) nlH 14 t frw-a "fta.fBK If a Its ( In iie Mike it e-aa ha Uitt k hp in in rntrr u r"nn anTMJir .n-oi ihr- hrp4t, the iWSu! ruUt.tpt.9t pne bctnf uly us wi la a wt r vrr cTt. to whih nut ! Mt ft-tewnenl iHtr, t 1 .rpaiJ, Jtr January I Ly b pl. IWicr. In rrord4 w.ite the U whtrh ( ititvor.tin it ltil da. l'.UiUjiJ?y Imtu tra'H'j mjr 3t-e I t ra rr r Jk trfcr tn ril lb Itxrltv f ur 4nk tt - ltH)Manr tuny W twaVe rrihr br drfl. up j. l'Mt otbou ortler, r Trfltrtl Jrttrr. at ur rk. .MI lttr huull bo .Mr.-el t '- OIIICahu li).vr NU MAIL OU 1 .U 4i Uoarbvru tmt. Imp-rtAtit bt brl'cw U:"f ?' MilJ. cd trwtu all tMft tiftha fwiiatry Nt natira Mill be Uijn o. anoninoutnmiiue4tlin. THE ALDINE COfSPANVS n OLD MlY BY SU33C.11 Pf I0S. TUB AtPIMC: TIIK ART JOURXAf. OV AMI! RICA. Tl.l i.'rnlM jiirpl l i it only wJ .ultituil iu over; fMlum. but i If tot lwu attily dnwrloi-iM ji(nnit, ltioIy nnhd H8l ri. 1 ia ih hJe norfl o pc tmllrai HMf.:'. 1 mm I,-jitIO 'l portnut. "aUh". tin o8-h Flil, k uad Urtlni i MtU. In r.$im9 i ii- ti'M I )oBlfcti n t af rt. viMta t lln wu rf, .tauMH. J art, :. I!. IZ! aaU 1 V s aw.r rendy. Ttr mttur't'i in W irt. bu-l Ir i.lahtlj . F..ili r-'l w'tl rmtin an rUat rvitf pi.-. njrH-Ur ir.jrnl m Kl f.t lb ItKI'R MJiruiNG at h piHr wtl'iili th Prl t rVh, -Orftar Uigfn'ftar r r illvl at t taQ fifu tii-m t rt'tm .lit. Thrfo pUtcbvu imta tbe U(nettiii of Yoik pjir will tun ninTF i!t w. In ttlaHiKr ll.f rt,t r .41 !. Ih hx.ru miitaiH.i'H nru 4n r W. w?;l wn .ih th tt pn a l k i -f ffid" Mlf nf ;i m 'lr r-vMtM-Q rth "Tim l im Prr w.-U t- tt-riv t- ui'iub.c4luHi) beuutiftii , ralMblu. AU Cost or:3 Ccnh a Part VxM l.UJe III At JtT PraiUJitrt., Till- AST JOVE5XAW Complete In itm, lili -it.3t$l eh 1U- j.mhIuHi sf-eVtt tnh p4frfriitrttMii lnm i.ic mrUnt t be AidT. f!irh inflt thly l Ht tin m.x CUpTt p.4ta i h MHwi4ntct'm ; . , ,tt. r atn xWinr t-t ). ..r ,r It .m.urf, j4 be' (ittirrly Iriw4 l.ptkit , (tt r . t$ ihorBCr ltwy utj,fi.ifc, stVl bv awl' ea-ifKni t-krn mi lb 8nt fni pm.-.I nn.i n Vint tit $ 1 1 wVtbl. iki y i?rwu- imt Mr ,rf tfcrb Hfn-n, ...i wwHOThti; rt iiwe. x,rV r puUti.it Kin Ilp-flWIr ajnl f r A Inrit -llwtln f picture of irtfa Mic n.J an lntn erti o-nr, UM bjt' bAt'h- nmtr-p Iriati h tritrhijt ,' rci.iiothrta Ppuisr is nnirj tnut. Knrlopr So. 1. ytnlnln M U.itKu (inrrarms .ii.nv tr. ami wilt b -t. av pall i . . ,Plre.. fr uSY. Uot K. A l.bcial diu-t i tziul fciid Scrap Uoolzsa A f.tftttl HMrf nai.i. .,tTl f a tHtt'rf r- b-- n rji tf y pt,l fr,r jfa, Jfj -- a.n aid MjMiiM r Mri pra0r ttrST.8 W ,Mt '-' 'nuan i -' ff- 3?J laefcrf ,, , Villi .. M 'R?: 1- !!& r-v acd-ntWrrryrteb.'-G l J " 11TO rAt ysy ... po!-pabi.,6.-Ii,tof tbe TEE AL33E ?ACSE-?a.707T3. Pi lbh. 0f T,i K AMI VBai";;SJtf ItUyUr PAut rfatfrafcj aaLf-Satt Hl?fc,t';1 on a'if-l ?ud r-l JM5 . U kcir t;t rt& Tr? ? l; aal. wfra j; hVV.lii1iIi 2. -t.i, t. ,-j,. KIK, CANVASSERS WANTED. , UTT JITI'rW rMn.vM. 53 Maidia Lane. New Yotk. ? ImIoI hit, a.rf i i U pVJ, ( J ll'lrt whWi ilfr ne hi ctl. tkn . ItT l.' 1'F.S -- jt- U0-- MkUK roi 7 e hU &' JCf . t'i tJ f &r. 4 m. -.-. .kAx. wzi&r.jrr l--i -- .t -. -.,..,, d-pajo jr CBJtSI.Jlli.LBK, DARfJENTER 4 EUILDER, , -. - . noMKMt 1.a m,. ST i MWJM. .-- . i n -t jti .1 I ' V l1 M t i sjii J je -vi Zmr t:i ,' fP S3S .;:-V tM5gjfc3! t ar. fes i? ii " .TS : -t 3: V r .-, t. i "5? r - ! , -w A-.' &S:iJrjM&. t-w ?- '" - -r!' "2: Jrml . s.ssS...r.,.V--"'s'jr- v A. . " Sf. 5-. li5 ?7S2sliSi5&as.S. r'.'ife'i-rSrSS5I5CI-i'.it-5t --. .-WgiiQ, - . . j- ,3r . i - a, l iCTS-1 fsSi-iL.-.'. :vi' 'j l- ".J I M ' Mi I I -. -wHtfc-!