"" ' " sr? -MP SC- H s I Is - THE RED CLOUD CHIEF k, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. LOCAL MATTERS. KoticfJiin thin CulumnWi Cents a Line Oflic'ml Directory. ft -- - CONGRESSIONAL. TT. Tipton. Brfmnville. U. S. nator. W. IlifVorfc, Omaba. h. ?. Senator. Lerenxo Croune. Repretentattie. VXr.CUTIVE. HLAFGAVHEP.. Oowocr. Lin!Oln J. J. U...,.t. Llncln. fcec. cf ?. J. U Weiirrn. lWsOn- Auditor. H. A.Kor.ijr. C,1..w1ju1. JrntnTtr. J. U V.ehner IIelTic-. At! T n. J. M. MoKiiieIc. Lincoln, cuu. Tub Intfuc " JUDICIARY. Oco. FJ. LiV!.Orh-. CbifJtiee. Dan,l(;3iitt.Nln.r".aC'itT., Ag,(f.:ale Jaf. fcnin'! Maxttrll. Plt-wiuouth i WKrfSTKK COUNTY. J. A. Tnlt. K. li. Jonf. I. W. 1ulics. II. t UiH. It. S. Klcy. C C, in f . 11. Tborn. A. M. Ilhrdy. . V. HMI. i'. Maltcz.cn. t County Clerk. Trworrr. Probate .luilc. stjcniT. SohoJ sutt. Coroner. County Survcjor County Coinniisloner Arritnl mml lrirf tire of Jill rruui tlio licit S'loiHl H. O T J r M ata Leaves Monday's Wednesday' and Friday T a m. Mail cVcd 9 p. in. ilinve tiles. day Thursday and Satunlay's7 p u:. I1akvad leaves Tue-day's and i- FinUi'rG p. in. arrives Ttii-dny r and Friday's 5 n. m. Mail closed 5 p. in. Fuamci.in, going east, Monday- and Tbur-day's 2 p. n- Going wei Tuesday'- and Fn'aj's 10 a in Pl.EANT II ILL leave- Thursdays G a. in. A i rive.- Wednesday's 4 p.m. Mail closed 0 p. ui. Jl'WFLL Kansas airive Friday's 12 ui. Iave.- Friday 1 p. m. Ri'ssKL, Knn-as, arrives Thursday's 12 a in. leaves Tlmr-day 1 p. in Office open fiom 4 untill 6 p. uj. Sundajs. - All registered matter inu-t he in the evening b fore I he tinil- leave M. It. McNiTT. I'. M. iitl'uiii :jikktkv. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCII " Services ejeiy lir.-t mid third Sab baths of each month at Red Cloud nnd li.avale. 10 o'clock A. M at Red CM. - ocl.uk P. M at In male. Every second and fourth Sabbath- at l'nfin and llanimnj PlrUnUs.. Ri.v. A. M.XWLLL, l'ator. RAiTisTlcnnu,n.-iKv. tho-. f MfM.ow, l'a-tur. Eunices every fouith S.ibbath at 71 P. M. . Faiiiiatii Ffiiofii. eveiy Sabbath ujurnliig at 1 1 A M J. (j. Porrnu, Supt. I'raytr niceiiiisMibbath and 'Ilitir day cxeninj:- All held at the school ioue jn.-l uoithof town. Kericetie, 30 cents per gallon Gar her & Co. ,. Fieh 0-tcrs by the enn oi -f dozen at Goo. Y.eli. Al-o frc-h 9 hicad. pies, calve-, confectionary, ,lc Nice thine- for this htt!e folk.-, at the IW Ofiice. Call and look at thutn. - Hc-t and eheaj e-t a-ortiiient. of o Stationery in town at the l'o?t Oiiiee. .j Go to the l'o-t Oifice for paper, pen, peneil-, late.-. .c. SiC Goto Fherrr's for jour drugs, latent medicine.- &. m Cntlic. the tat! and purest in to a n, at vitro. iJ . A few County Wat rant wanted at once by Wii.lcox. ?av jour uiuiicj these hard titne- by going to WiJleox. wlu will ?ae you tuoney on ym taxe-. The Pome-tie Sewinr Macirne U ueki.owle.leetl 4y all competent udee- to be the best machine now be oie the public. WANTED. To pmeha-c fitr Cash. iv hfad ot Fprinc Calve and Yeaihne-, from G to IS-iuonths ,ld. Inoniie of Ras-kr lil('., 4 n.iles Ea-t of lied Cloud. ITct: Notice i-hereby given. That Twill examine all pets mis who may desuoto ofier theiu-elves a- candidates for teacher of the primary or coatmon pchools of the county, at my office in P Red Cloud, on the first aturday cf August, Novemler. Febiuiry and May. II- S. Kalkv, -. Co. Superintendent. Send to II. H. .lohn-oti. Crete, JSeb. lor ciiculars of the Domestic Sewing Machine; al-o terms to agents Jr. r.) ifyou mean business and really Mat an isgency. Koticei To whom it may concern. All per sons are herby notified that the M. P. It. R Company have become tired of this wholesale slaughter upon 'their timber, in the Republican Valley. And from this time forward we propose to protect our own interest. -andbyso doing we think we sh .11 protect the best interes's of the set .tlcr?, as we are convinced that there i "no timber in the Va'.ley to spare. E-pectally to be drawn out ofthe Suite or cut into lumber, or in any niantr wasted. And we hope ail gooe citi- tens will COii-iuer luese uiaurrs carej IUliy ana trim us uiui tuuueuce iu protect what timber there may be left. J. J. LOTIRIPGE, A Land Cotn'r. 31. P. Railway. r23m6. Two thoasand pounds of porfc , -at flb Jlcd Clond Meat market, for IrTch 1 will pay the highest cash price. - Also some Fat Cattle. Ma&k UL Wasnss. W. N. Richardson has a Urge sap-) i ply of feted corn on hand, for $1,00 per bushel. 23-ti)3. NEW GOODS 1 A frchh htoek of Dry Goods nd Groceries tvill be wild atbottota price at the Grange Store. How it this for Iliijlil You can buy a good pair of kip boots for four dollars at the Grange Store. Tiy -ome of that good Te3 at the Grange Store. -1111 NTS ! tsrriiiNTS I The nicest I'rint? in town can be had at the Grange Store. If you want to get your Stationery cheap go to the I'o-a Office. 24wi Granger' i, ifyou want cood lea, coffee, sugar, and other grocYic3, call at the Grange Store, next door to the Pom offic. John G. Pottkb, Red Cloud. Go to Smith & Calvert for Furni ture. All kind- of Dry Good- ia large' supply and at rca-onable rateft at GARnca & Co'?. Good warm fall and winter shawls and drc"cood3 at G. & Co5. A full .-tock of Boots and Shoes, for the fall trade at G.JfcCu's. Granger's, if you want your Granger boots and shoe.-, call at the Grange Store. JoiiS G. TOTTER. Matches', 5 cents per box at Garber's. Lamp ciiimney.-, 3 or l&cts at Gxr bcr'. Thtce bar-j soap, 25 cents, Garbcr i Co. Soda lOeents per pound, at Gr.rbers. GRANGE STORE. GOOD NEWS GOOD NEWS. For the Farmer of Web-ster and Neighboring rotintie. GRANGE STORE IN RED CLOUD. The More kept by John G. Potter having been appointed by the County Council a GRANGE STORE. Patron- of Husbandry will find it to their inteie.-i to trade at the Giange Store. Don't forget the place Next door to the Po-t Olli - J. G. POTI'ERRed Cloud. A full a oi intent of ladies shoe, all the late.-t varletie.1 at G. & Co's, Wantko. Every one to know, that Ren. iiz mi & Co., are selling off their entire stock of Groceries', Cloth ing Roots Shoes &e., at cost. This i- no humbug. Lidie?, call at R. A Co'?, and get a nice dress pattern for 9c. per yard. Granger. call and see if R. R. Shercr, ain't selling Drug- and Paints, eheaper than any other house in the valley, all others know it. Every thing warnted. Dr.Thns. R. William" wi-hes to -ay vhat all who are indebted to him mu-t Call and settle by Jan. 1st. eith er with the cash, or by giving a note. 19-td. Iniriil, Tinted jayerend envelopes at the I'o-i Oilioc. 21w4 School crayons for 35et a box at the Po-t Office. 21w4 If jou want cheap reading go to the Po-t Office. 24 w4 To close out our stock we sell for a-h only.' Calico, "I per j'ard. Doit cloth gaiter.- $1S5. Root warranted $4,00. Mens -hoes, $1 95. Flannels best, 10 oents per yard. Extra sole leather GOot--. per ib. Sheepskin mitt,-, 90ots. We will rem our stoic with a good cellar for a very "small consideration to give a man a chance. 29 tf J. Hkrknzkn- A: Co iOTI4' Is hereby given that the Board of Commi-siorior.- of Webster Co , Neb , il uicton Monday April 19th, L75 and continue in session three days for the purpo-e of equalizing the a-sov-meats for the year 1S75. -til who have complaint- to enter will plea-e take notice and govern themselves ac cordingly. Ry order of the Board. J. A. TULLEYS, Clerk. Sctice Kstrlc: ITeeliaj. The Annual Meeting of School District No. 2 of Web-ter County, Ntdirs.-lm. fiir t!m K!cfinn riF Si-hiuil Di-triet Officers and for the transac- tion of such other bu-iuess as may lawfully cjtur lforc it, will be held at the School House in Red Ciood on Monday the fifth day of April 1S75 at --''"'."" -.". ..... ... ..v.. r. .v..w. . 2 o'clock p. iu. Dated thi 16th dav of March 1575. L Y. TCLLEYS, Director. Coin Planters. Two two horse corn planters for sale cheap, to close out my stock of Agri cultural izupleineatSv 32-tf. M. B. .McNitt. .. "ti Dr. Williams wishes to are no- ' tice hat all accounts due prcviats4i j January last, will be put in the hands of a collector, if not paid April 1st. 32-tf T. B. Williams WAXT2D. T2HES.T J. Q Porter wants ail the teaass ke can get, te work oa repairing tl MfP Id. - .-. -..,jv r-kX V l.TVn I I'lUS MiiK.3lJVIi-VjrI AND THE FIRS FIEND ! t TERRIBLE WIND STORM ! SZS7STTS7IVS IBSS S2SA7 LOSS 0? ?3C?S37XXAS7 FA1S- LUS EC22LS3S. LatThurMla7 evening, about five cVclock, a loog line of black-looking clouds was observed on the western horizon, betokening the approach of a storm, but there was nothing in the appearauce that attracted any atten tion, more than a passing glance, and the remark that it might rain before morning. About six o'clock however, the atmosphere was widdenly failed with du3t and sand, "and a hurricane awfltit through with a velocity never beTorc experienced its the Valley, if in the State. There was not a minutes warning before it waj alino-t as daik as midnight, the force of the wind, and the flying gravel, tand and duit, made it impossible to stand an instant, be fore it, and those who were unfortu nate enough to be out were obliged to lie down, or seek a shelter by flying with the wind. The fury of the hur ricane lasted about half ati hour, or such a matter, during which time no mau could have stood belore it. Nearly every one on the mam streets manag ed to get to the store of Garber & Co., which building wn ccn-idercd the safest, though some took shelter in other aud to them more available places. Ruilt!ings ehook aud tottered a- if about to be torn to pieces and the alarm war fearful. The afternoon had been so pleasant and spring-like that altuoat everybody wa3 out, and a large patty of laJics were at Mrs MeNitt'.f. Of course no' one could get home, and ther j were many anx ioua hearts duting the short lime that the wind was at its height. Three times a Gre wa3 started on the east side of the s'102 shop or near Mr. Lu z's dwelling, which wa3 promptly extinguished iu the first ca-e by Wm. N. Richardson, and then by others whose na'iies we hive not learn ed. At that juncture, i a dre hud ct fairly under way. the eutire towu would have been destnyed. As the tempest b.'gati to abate, it was discovered that to the north THE PRAIRIES WERE ON FIRE. and u widening c.rele of light could be seen advancing wi'h the rapidity of a race horse, until suddet.ly the blazing tlaiue-5 burst in full view and showed in its fullest extent the horror! of the situation. Fortunately for the town, the wind c'laiged .i htly but enough to turn the direction of the fire, aud instead of jumping the creek to the north aud northeast, it swept down the ridge, cast of the creek, aud pass ed east through the bottom lands to the river, where its course was check ed. The very force of the wiud ap peared to be our salvation, for it drove the flames with such speed that they had uo chance to spread sideways. In some pi tecs the flames were lifted up and carried bodily for some distance when they would strike the earth again leaving strips of grass unsinged. A large uuiuoer of persons uarrowiy escaped being caught by the burning prairies. . lu town everybody was anxious and some were excited, but as soon a po--sible a number started out to try to fight back the firery element, and pro bably assisted iu turning the course of the flames. Early iu the evening it could besecu that something besides the prairies was buruiug eat of town, aud it was reported that Dr. Tdlleys hou-e was burned, but fortunately this proved to be a mistake. All day on Friday and Saturday re ports of the destruction of houses aud property throughout the county were brought iu, and as far as pos-ibie, we will give a list of those sufitring loss. It will Le seeu that the greatest num ber of losies cousisted in stables and contents, theie generally b-ing more litter and cauibu-tible material lying around .-uch places. Josiah Ca-ebier, one mile east of town Jo.-t stable, considerable grain, a number of hogs, aud a large pile of wood. Dr. Head lost stable, some seed grain, two large stacks of hay, a wag on, and about forty rods of fence valu abe, from being constructed of nice cedar logs. The fire "jumped" at least sixty rods when it struck the sta ble, there being a w'di strip of grass ! and forty rod of cultivated land f.om wture lt "lied up" to the stable, Chas. Teachworth, on Indian Creek hjst hi suble, bay and graiu, of con- Arable value, a sp n of horses, double-harne. plows and other agri- 1 CUJlur!" ilP't:meots, and two nog. ! The house caught fire two or three times but was saved by hard work. Mr. Welch had two hor-esin thb sta ble but he succeeded in getting thew out in time to save them. Mrs. Fisher in the saatc neighbor hood as above, lost hay, sheds, nod one calr. Is the sheds were a plow ad two cultivators belosgiag to T. J Wiighw Mr. llilkey, alsooa Iodtaa Creek. I lost Lay and sUble-. Wm. Bessoa, oriadian Greek, ta b5e buraed, wk oas horse,- doobte harness, brckkg plo, atirnaf alow. 30U feet of ative Jeaaer, 3t)0 rails aad.300 cedar aoeU. ami k ana m!v tU Kvcme excrtiew tbat tie a 1 . . . -r W - aeaSt-Srf.- , 5il ,--rrJ. bouse was eaved, the burning tomber being only about twenty f et disUBt. Mr. C. L. BrockmsB, liriaf lis miles north of Red Cloud, was com pletely cleaned out, losing hosew household goodi tab!e, J8! awount of teed wheat and cors.Tber wis no one at Lome except soe youn children . the oldest of wkem wai a j girl fourteen or fifteen yeari oTsgc lhey succeeded in carrying the stove out of the burning house, but could save nothing ebe. C. W. Fuller, living somewhere ner Kim Creek, last everything7 hcue. subles, team, nothing about the place being fated. leter Donolly, in tho same neigh borhood, had Lit house burned, and lost his teaui in Mr. Peek's stable which was also burned, Mrs. Donaliy was in the act of putting the childreu, two little girls, into their bed, when the fire struck the house, and taking the chi dren she led to a "dug-out" just iu time to save her owrf and their lives. Everything in the house was destroyed, even to the family clothing. IrMrs, D. was somewhat injured by the flames while trying to save her child ren. The stable of C. D. Peck was burn ed, and contents, with two hogs, aud the team belonging to Mr Doaclly, mentioned above. David Ralstou lost stable, hay and t of harnes3. On the" farm belonging to Chas? Potter, and occupied by Mr. Grugs two mi.es west of towu, the stable was burned wi.h four calves th.ee of which belouged to Mr. Giigg-', and one to r. Miilcr. E. R. Pierce, three o: four mile. north of town, lost one mle, and an other so badly injured as to be worth less, one cow and cu.f, set of double turncss. new sadJIe, ajd other articles ia a stable which was burned. lu the nest part of the county on Fanner's Creek, the luss3rf were many and severe. The following- list com prises all that we have heard of iu thai section : Allen T Ayers stable and hiy. an-1 Chas. Thorn p-ou a horse, that was in the stable. 3Ir. Wil-on, hsd considerable hay burned Mr. Riddle hal his hou-e and stable de-troyed, with all the contents of both, and a a!uab!e yoke of oxeti badly injured. Chas. Hunter lo-t eight head of cat tie, burned on the prairie. Wm. Gaiter, lost stable, one hor3e. three tons of hay, and many- small ar ticles about the stable. The family living on the farm for merly occupied by C. Harris lost the stable, hay, grain, span of horses, double harness plows, and five hogs. Mr. Kincaid lost stable, hay, har ness, one hog, aud other thitig. E. 11. Joues, lost two cows and two hogs. -" - J. Mitchell suffered some damages, the nature of which we hare not learned. Win. Baker, three or four miles northeaU of Red Cloud lost stable and hay. This is all so far as wc have learned, but we fear that other? may have suf fered more or le-s damage, iu other parts of the county. It is reported that great damage was done ia Frank lin county hat we have not learned the particulars. It is almost impossible to estimate the aggregate damage, but we think that iJaXOOO would be below the fig ure, and it is probable that it be double that amount. While each in dividual loss was comparatively small, it falls severely upon the sufferers, following as it does upon the misfor tunes of the last season, and it will, undoubtedly, be impossible for thoe losing teams to replace them in time to put in the spring -Tps It is reported th it the Gre on Far mer's Creek staricd from -the remains of a stable belonging to Mr. R-se, which had been bained a few days previous. The fire that caused the destruction on Indian Creek, and the country north of Red Cloud started in a draw three or four mi cs south of Hummel s on E'Oi Creek, by thecrim mal cirlessiiess of some teamsters, from Smith county, Kanas in fact,.! there are reason? for believing they purposely alloweB the fire to get out, in order to see the prairie blirn. These teamster h-"l eanfped, and were cook ing dinnef, and had a small Are that could et-ily have been put out. Mr. Warren and Mr. Shults both of Red Cloud, passed while these parties were camped, :iud warned them against the danger of letting the fire spread, but to no puf)oe. There being but lit le wind during the day the fire did not spread very rapidly, but whea the hur ricane cams up iu the evening, it traveled with such rapidity that every thing in its coarse was bumel, with out a moments warning. , It is the iinperiiive duty of the civil authorities to procure the arrest and of thoe instrumental iu bringing aboat these losse. Ths guilty parties eaa be founds with but little diScafrj, and it is high tune that as eraaipfe is made that ' will cacsc people to be f BMire carfs! hereafter. Ia writiag aboat the fires we bare almost lost sight of the ttorm aad iu effects. There was bat litrfe daaiige oocaaoaed by tke wiad coaadarasgrts fary. The froat was blows oai ef tfee blacksmith shop aorth of BaMMa'c store. anS aowe h'gkt articles k4w . away from several Iwiw atoit Jewa. 1 Scvtra rat-Wildig were itmoUk ft. .?4- 3' V . VE. ,.,.. , ... - " " -" "' - 1iiggg " BBSZ-Z f-ft L So far as we have been able to team there was no serious damage from tho wind alone, anywhere is the county. LATES. In Harmony precmst there was a great tooanl of damage dene, the losses being estimated at over $2,000, the detaiL of-hich will be given next week, i i TI105. Kennedy. R. B. Fulton I and H. Holdredge, all of Walnut Creek, have been welcome visitors -ince the last issue of this paper. The orS ce returns its thanks to J. D. Leach, for coarti-ies showu, "may he live long and be "appy." We got so much dust in our eyes lat Thursday night, that we have not beeu able to ice straight since. John Sabin. E., ofGuide Rock, was in town SaturJay. To him we ' are indebted for information concern . ing the Mono and fire on Thursday j night. Hi reports ba iness brisk iu his place. As soon as the arrangement- can be made there will be several building erected in Red Cloud. Excavation ha been begun jut north cf the school house by Mr. Springer, who will soon begio to build a residence. "The spring time has cone. Gen f tie Annie," wi what one of the boy I wa. singiiir when the storm struck the town la-t Thursday nijiht. He did'nt reach the choiu?, before be changed his mind- v McNitt planted early pottfoc last week, and thinks he is the fir-t of the season. Other are planting potatoes an I unking garden. The Comtnisioners meet npxt Tuesday, it being the regular quarter sesioT. A large number of "schoo1 mirrns" wer? in town Satnrd.iv for the purpose of getting thir credenti al, before the summer school com mence. To on and nil we sav, send reports of your schools for publica tion. Something les than two year ago step's were taken to ecure a per manent locntion fir a ccnieterj". Several meeting were held, a com mitte apprin'ed, which did all it could do, a we understand it, and then the nritter was dropped. I it not about time that something was done ? By making a careful calculation we find that the fhg-polc in our town will just comefortably accommodate four men, if the ropes are propeily adjusted by a singular coi'icidencs it appears to be just that number to whom tho people of thi county are indebted for the terrible disasters of Ja-t week. oa't forget the School meeting next Monday, at 2 o'clock p. m. owing to the hour, which is a very incon venient one, mawy will doubtles stay away, but it is important that all at tend. Seward Garber, th? on of the Governor arrived here lat nigh. He intends to sty some time. Buy yonr good- at home and in the long run you will save m'onoy by it. There is'nt a town in the State where everything necessary for com fort or convenience can be bought a cheap as in Red Cloud. In some cases certain articles may possibly be sold cheaper, but in taking a general average our merchants caunot be un dersold . Now that money matters arc get ting somewhat ea-ier, wa hope that such of our friends as are able wlil send in a part or all of what is due. The expenses of the of5:e are heavy, and are none the 1-s b ciuse mon y :s scarce and times bard. It takes cash to buy paper, and hired help must be paid sooner or later. Wc have not kept a standing duo ia our columns as three-fonrths of the papers in the State have dona for the past sir moth, neither have we personally asked in-di-iduals to settle. The Chief ha run more home reading matter thin l any paper in the State in a county of cqml wealth and population. We believe that all will acknowledge that under the circumstances we have done all that could be done to keed afloat, and to isue a creditable county newspaper. We will again ask our subscribers to pay as as fa-t i s tbey ft! able to do fo. The Family Sewing Machine The invention of ihe WiL-on Shuttle Sewing Machine exerts an influence over domestic comfort unequalled by any mveBtion of the last hundred years. As an ecoaoacxl arran gsm t n l it enables one perou to do the work of ten in a superior manner, and with unspeakably wjore coaifurt. 3f achiaes will be delivered at any Railroad Sta tioa desired, free of transportation charges, if ordered through the Com pany's Branch Hcme at St. Louis They esd aa elegaar catalogue aad cfcroaio circular free on application. This 4oatpaay want a few aaore good ageatav - TAKE NOTICE. GcideRcck, Webster (X, Neh. March 25th. 1S75. Sarah E DSesersxm Tb-triag lefsaiyi bew a4 beari wkheat caase mr w- acstjoa; as awraaar ar aarraaa are! tm4 harauriafrar tra Taerww ay 1 ao9Qwat,ferIwilaay w 4Au f her j Mtfl MM I MtialJ I 1. M. VtcKwrncts. ig - .- 's- .nt t' Firry: i-erryi! ,. - mxw UAI ICC ' EM Ne w.Ferry tt Guide Rock. crcjsiDg tit ah titaes. " 32 tf WX MONTGOMERT. Seed ! Seed ! Seed ! i A. M. Talbot, or Guide Rock, has about two hasdrcd bushels of .eed wheal, fifty bu-heis oats, ten bu-hcli spring ry and one hutlred Luhels of pure Early Ro-c and Early York Potatoes for wile. Sampler of the ' prain at County Treasurer's office. Red J Cloud. 32-lw Ter.chrr't lwliltc. There will be a Teachers Institute held in Red Cloud on TburvUy and Friday. April 22d and 2.11. L75. All teachcrr and others interested of tbi ! and a'djotnici counties are urgently in vited to attend. It L- al-o desired that every teacher prepare a short address essay, reaJing exerei-c, or declamation to be ready when called for. I shall I -hall endeavor 10 secure entertain ment through the kinduess of the ctti- cn of Red Cloud for all that in'sy at- tend. An examination will be held on Saturday following. 11. S. Kaley, County Superintendent. LEGAL XOTICE. In the Di-trict Court of the 1st Ju dical Di-trict in aud for Webster Col, Nebraska. lcvi Moore, y. John Korucr I The above named defendant will take notu-e that on the 23d day of March ls.75, th plain'iff !evi Moore did file hi- petition in the office of the Clerk of the Di-tiict Court in and for V. ebMer county, Neb., setting forth that on the 2'Jth day of June li74. the said d feodint made executed and delivered his promi-ory uoto to plain tiff for the sum f $3,,,S 4S, due on or before Sept 1-t, lb74, w:th inttre-t nt the rate of 10 pet cent, per anumu. Th it a- a consideration of said u ate plaintiff executed and delivered to you a certaiu tltl bond ot lot- If and f2, block 2, in the town of Red Clou J, Nebraska conditioned that upon the paimer.tof said note with iuteiest. the sai 1 plaintiff would execute a deed ot wariauty lor the same. Said iK.'tit:on ptay- a judgement again-t jou for the stun of $.foa.S with It) per cent intere-t from Jure 2'Jth, 174, al-o a forcelo.-eure and eaneilation of said bond and a sale of -aid property to satisfy said amount, inter- st and co-ts. You arc al-o fur-th-r notified that you are required to appearand atisWirstid petition on or Lcrore the 3rd .Monday alter the 23rd day of April 1S75. H. S. Kaley. 32-5 $12 Atl'y for Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE. In the District Court of ihe 1st Ju dicial District, State of Nebra-Ua with in and for Webster County. Patrick Barry, J vu Michael Cook. Maria Cook, Solomon Brunswick, Hyuian Brunswick. doing buMne4 under the name & style of S. Bruns- I wiek ifc Bro , defendants, j The above named defendants w'll take notice that the plaintiff in the above entitled action did on the 27ih diyofFeb. A D. 1&75, file hi peti tion against you in tho office ot the Ckrk of said Di.-trict Court, setting forth that the defendant Michael Cook aud Maria Cook gave a mortgage to plaintiff Patrick Barry on lots one and two, block 14. in the town of Red Cioud, in said county to secure the payment of one hundred and fifty-fire dollar and interest acordpg to a cer tain note referred to in said mortgage. That the same Solomon Brunswick, Hytnan Brunswick, doing business under the name and Myle of S. Bran wick & Bro., claim some interest in said premises, under and by virtue of aceitain mortgage given to them by the said defendants Michael Cook, plaintiff aks judgiueut on said promo sory note for 155 00 with interest at 10 ier cent from the 20th day of Feb. 1S74, and that said premises be sold to pay th? same and the defendant are notified thaf tbey are required to offer and anwer said twtition on or before the 2Gth day of April, 1875. U. S. Kaley, 30-5w pf 15. Atl'y for Plaintiff. LEGAL XOTICE. In the District Court of the 1st Ju dicial Ditrict, State of Nebraska, within and for Web-ter county. holomon Brun-wiek, Hytnan Brunswick, doing busne-s urder the name and style of Bruns wick k Bro. I Mrcbael Cook, J Maria Cook. & Patrick Barry, Dc fFL. J The above named defendants will take notice that the plaintiff ia the above entitled action, did on the 1 1 th r day of March, 1S75, file their petition tfxainstyou in the ofScc ofthe("Icrk of the said District Court, setting firth that the defendant, Mtcbae? Cook, gave a mortgage to the defesdants on t lot one, oiock 14. in the town ot lied Cload, ia said cousty, to secure the paymeni of one hundred and egbty dollars al seventy five coat ($130 75) according to six several Botes referred to in said wo.tr re. That the defend tnt, Maria Cook has ooe beeoasc the wife of said Miehiel Cook, and uscch ckiawi some interest in toi avMtgaged preside. 1 hat the defeadant Patrick Barry ckran soe interest ia laid raortg ged preaiises aa-ler and by virtue of a eeraia adrtre given t him by the deUmimmt Mkhml Caok aa4 3iaria Cook. Pkatifa-k-sjwnVtwatfw tSeawta ef cweltsadred al thre 4dtaa aa4 ihirty-fi easts ($108.35), wkkiatar et freartae I7tk d f Match, 175; aai that mU awrtgaxsl avaaswaa aacy heaaU foaarjsty tfaaaBJS bbbbbbI aaBBKaHBM mfmamm AflM) aaj awaai . iBBvnjBBBBtfjMtfaaBWMHaBaTfiMWBiaV MLA nmStiiaEm 1aJ-M't Jry - f--v ?v --S: " m a v i -"" -k. jjri. .'L vEi izr j" sms -t--. i 'ncBBBi w - r 1. v icbsbk vAf4 that tWr art ftaai taiaarl .ABmmmjwmlmmmWWmmmmmmm-: -- - & ,k--- ?y - -f , . -Mi "V "V rf --" ji--rgMr,MB"a"afw ii' ' " T JTa55PrTT3BBrPKj SSaB-" amm. aaaj a waaaj ithw. - EaawajraBBaaaaaaaaajBBjaaaBBuppBajB 5-1--3BbT JM5o-ir &; aw WaiaaiaV f!irfiPh ; 'mmmmmmmWianML 1 , C'mm - ; .., '- - -- - -r: - aaWJr. " - ,- &m - mlWBS -fc- - " rt :imm niiaaiaaainiwrfr'"""wHni1r jtmmrmtKfflnmm'i iMFIaaaaTjjkiilwfM mmmmmmmmmmtmmsasssmaesBaammammmwmtammwmmmmmmcr'. m -;- j . frijwgacWa, p ,.$ -'-r '-r?yv XH mmmmmmWmWmmWmwmwmmmmmmmBmwmWmWm Good VALLCT ni' h.m J. C. WARNER Prop Is always ready to atteud to and wake comfortable U pitrf. Thu Hotel U entirely new, hanag Wen Ctlbi op for tKe ipr rrpo4 of the travclirut public grQE LE VVES FOR THE RAILROAD ON MONDA V, WKDNES ....... . - nn t- t nil U'tTU' T ? H'OI AfJC 1 I Claim to Have the BEST STABLE West tf LtaHbfc Always keeping on hard a good supply oT HAY A N I) 6 11 A 1 Al-o a good conveyance for the purpoM of conveying pasiegt?rs ffoai thfs place to any other at reasonable ratrs. 0. L. BATTLES & CO; - DKA1.EK5 IN- SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE AGENI FOR THE Irffe itffea ISM W HlrHC, yaaMN. wlatHgM Ka$afaiSBrr WM. ANSON WOOO MOWER, Hover Excelsior Reaper Combined With Dropper or 8'IJ Ktikc. THE NJSTW MAISTN'Y. THE I. X. Buckeye Drill. Superior Br omtcmmi $?eler9 Fountain Lily Seeder. PADOC SUMiYllAY R4KK. SVX If !!! W And all FARftiNS MACHINERY at Grange Prices, V "laZifVBBBaBs 2aii !&, c Also Victor Brcfcliinj PIoW- ChHrtcr Oak and Eellpnc Himc; ALL THE VARIETIES OF II EAT I SG AXD PAHLOIl STOVES A good assort taent of NAILS. RAKES, BOLTS. COT?; PLANTERS SHOVELS, SPADE3. KUKKsT CARPENTERS' AND M V'ON'S' TOOLS. PAINHS. OILS. . COOPER AND NEWTON WAGONS, GLVSS. IINWARK. GRAND DEIOUR PICA'S, DAVKNPORr PLOWv with Wojd or fron Beams. with Wood aad Ito Baaia,' And Everything needed by th Farurfr er 3leek!c. MTFine Table and Pocket Cutlery. O. L. BATTLES & CO., Guide Sockt TREES, TREES! THE VHtnipmi will hivjRiady Hr BtNvtry, AarM 15, 1875, at We RmMmm i CLOVEN TON, WebatarZCountyNavV iuLKeowor FRUIT AND FOR r 5 L DRiLL. Hthrmmkau n "'Cmbf" --aP B? B' f.-' 'tswKx B ' -aaaaa isaw9v"aaaBE acVajr" tTwl SKI ."?&- i