'-WbMr ti' XS&!r3SW r" 'asiiAS' TH ', T&ZFTV W3 . ' vT?ij:Sj3t "- 5- - "ft -x luifa i. 1TIfiC'MSW3yg!ifWigiiii igesSSWps..?-"-!- ( - '-J . V TW5r": r ? ' .-, . ,BaaBaaaaaaaaa'""iaaPaiMpP I. T2S rS0?LS3 PAT2S. I1 $ r;i kjj M l& - t-s 77, jl J i Er THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. WBDNE8DAY MARCH 31,1875 As this Li tbc last issue before (he election of the members to the Con Btitutionil Convention we wish to say a word in regard to the importance of having oat a full vote throughout the county. It ii not as to whether this man or that man is elected, or that Republicans or Democrats triumph. These things are secondary. It is more than probable that there will be no opposition to the nominees of the Hautings convention, but whether this be so or not, turn out and vote, get your names on the polling list, and (how the outside world that thero is tomebody living in Ytrcb;.tcr county. If it should be a good day for seed ing or farm work g"nerally, there will not be half the vote of tbc county polled, utiles there is more interest fhown than there ever has been in the past elections. It will pay in dollais and cents ty poll a full vote. It helps the credit of the county to fucIi extent, to make a good showing at the polls that we only wonder that any man thinks that he can afford to remain away. The election returns of evrey county in the State arc puplish ed throughout the country, and are carefully scanned by business men and in financial circles. The veriest sim pleton cannot but know that the cred it of a populous county is much better than one sparsely settled, other things being equal. But, it will be said, the census returns will show the popula tion. This is true, but a hundred will watch for and read the election returns where one will ever sec tbc census reports. And, besides, if our asses sors return a population equal to ten times the number of votes cast, there will be doubts expressed, as to the reliability of the census We repeat that it is not to secure the triumph or defeat of any man or party that we beg of the citizens to turn out to a man, but, because it will be a person al benefit to every voter in the county, to do so. v Now that spring is here, the people generally are atoused from the de pendency and gloini that has hunz over the country devastated by the grasshoppers, last year, and all arc taking hold with a determination to win back the losses of the past. Bus iness is getting livelier, and the uni versal feeling is that the worst is ?as' - iifG uiiJi has auvauy beei een reeded in wheat and other grains, and the breadth of of corn will be nearly if not quite equal to that lost last year. A large number of the farmers wHI not be able to cultivate as much land as they intended, owing to the scarcity of seed, and in some cases, to the condition of their teams. Through the aid of the State Grange, and private subscriptions every farmer will have enough seed, to grow all that is needed, for subsistence and future Feeding, provided the season is any where near favorable, and may have been able to procure seed for all the ground they wish to put into grain. The future looks bright, and there is every indication of a favorable seas on ahead. Cahtnitie like that of last year seldom follow each other two years in succession. A season of prosperity will canse the past to be forgotten, and our people having known the bitterness of alver.-ity will be the better enabled to appreciate the good that is sure to foMow. Our friends who occasionally favor us with letters for publication "must Bot get offonded if they sometimes fail to see their favors in print. It is by no inpans an indeccation that the editor thinks an article unfit for pub lication, when he declines it. There are many well written and worthy letters thrown one side from other re-sons. Some of the best letters, in a geaeral sense, that we receive fail to appear owing to extreme length, others are delayed in the mails until oat of season, and again, two or three may come in at the same time, in which the same subject is treated, or (he saaae facts told. These and many other reasons are why letters from evea valued eorrespoadeots are often declined. T OK parties who are respoaeible for the prarie f res last Tharsday, and the eoaeeqaent distrsctipa of property lire ia Smith ceaaty, Kaasas, aad are kaewa. Mr. Warrea passed by them when eamped far diaaer, aad waned them that there was daager of getting the prairie aa ire, bat they paid ae heed to his remarks, aad the resaks have teas fearfal A kdaaea ia the air" ia a few each eases woald hare the afeat to teach soma people good rat Jaasta.Bfaper regard for 4kricawrta amiaakj at large. TnE next State Fair will be held in in Omana, Kotueiitne in September. With the oppurtunitiea before the people of Webster county it wHI be strange if somebody docs not make an attempt to place specimens of ail the productions of the Valley on exhibitiou at that Fair. It will be but little trouble to make an extra effort to rais-e fine samples of grain, and veget ables, and it will more than repay the cost in the profit to the prducer. The Nebraska State Agricultural Society is wide awake to the interests of the State, and will in the future, as in tbc past, do a great amount of food by encouraging a better system of cul tivation and improvement among the farmers. Are wc to have an Agricultural Society organized, and a county fair next fall, or are wc going to acknowl edgo that we have not the enterprise and life that was hown two years ago ? Our neighboring counties will outstrip us in everything that pertains to agri cultural and farming ititcrercsts unless we wake up and do something for ourselves. Let us form an agricultural society at once, and make preparations for a county fair the present season. If it is generally that the county is not able to do that, let us makn an attempt to unite with an adjoining county and hold a District Fair. Suppose wc propose to go in with Nuckolls county and hold a fair at Guide Bock. While we would much prefer to have a society and fair of our own, we can ce that more or less good could be accomplished by uniting with Nuckolls and holding a District Fair. We offer the suggestion and would like to hear an expression of the people upon that subject. What say our Guide Rock fricnd.s ? STATE XEWS. Wm. Woodhurtt has been removed from his position as Warden of the penitentiary, and Capt. Wyman of Vork county, appointed. Inspector Gould was instructed to take charge of the penitentiary until the newly ap pointed warden can arrive and assume the duties of that position. The Lincoln Spy has gona the road so often followed by Lincoln newspa pers. Strange that the Capitol of the State canuot support a Democratic newspaper. Thomas Kceler, of Cass county, was sentenced to four years of pcuilentiary life Jor borrowing two ha'ter., to which, unfortunately, there were horses attached. The residence of L K. Holmes, Lincoln, was burned last week. The hrilepreTL thiC RaiThUs T5y the King Bridge Company. It will cost $10,000. The Omaha RepnUuan fays that the two miners from the Black Hills, who were brought to Fort Larmie, arc now en route for St. Louis, where they expect to organize a company and return by way of Omaha and Cheyenne. Al.o, that an impostor, claiming to be a Catholic priest has been solicting contributions in that c'ty. After col lecting quite a respectable sum his character was discovered, and he was compelled to turn over his ill-gotten gain?. Hon. M. V. Moudy, of Lowell has been to Washington, and returned. A large amount of small grains has been put in the ground, during the past two weeks, in all the counties south of the Platte. The flouring mill on Turkey Creek, Franklin county was so badly injured by high water, that it is feared it will be abandaned. The building has just been completed at a large outlay, and he bss will be heavy on the owners and a great inconvenience to the neighboring country. York county has voted bonds to the Midland Pacific R. R. by a majority of L'SO. This will probably insure railroad connection between Grand Island and Lincoln. A new billiard hail and saloon will soon be added to the attractions of Bloouiington. Frank Vancil has built the first board fence in Blooraington. A Kearneyite sat up all night, last week, with a revolver in his hand, watching a neighboring chimney. winch he mistook for a Texan herder. Ed Parker is no rmro prwtmister at Central City, late Lone Tree, and Dr. B. F. Lk has the exclusive privilege of reading postal cards before delivery. The ice on the river at Niobrara, was four feet thick during the past winter The bridge across the Platte, at Grand Island, was badly danaged by the breaking up of the iee. Grand Island, got excited, last I week, over the successful attempts of Mrs. neatly to pass coaateifeit aoney, about ainety dollars was scattered among the nercRaots before the frasd was discovered. Howard county is excited oa the coal qaetnn, aad has seat East for aa expert te investigate the matter. A 1 the v3r.se in the state which are kaowa as cities of the irst and pecoad ck, are cxdtad over the ap- proacbing municipal election!. A few of these town have a population large enough so as to be able to find a man for each office, in the others, one individual will hold two or three positions, according to the necessities of the case. While the family of A. C. Welb, in Lancaster county, were at church, the house was entered and a pocket-book containing $459, in greenbacks was taken. The empty pocket book was found the next d;y. No cule to the robbtd. The Board of Rccents of the State University wer in Session, at Lincoln la it week. Under the management of the new Board, we may look for on institution worthy the name of Uuni verity. Base Ball clubs are being reorgan ized in various placed throughout the State. Can't we have something new this summer. John Woran of St. Louis visited Beatrice looking for a site for a woolen factor', but it appears that Beatrice don't care fur manufacturing establish ments. The eJacototoii House JUNIATA, NEBRASKA. Has lately changed hands, and U now under the management of T. T. "WEBB.. Who will make it the best Hotel West of Lincoln. He has in connection with this hotel a good FEED, SALE. AND LIVERY STABLE. . ui iutyltJ pot free of charge. Juniata, Adam Co. Neb GEORGE ZEISS, -DKALKB8 IX- Wines & Liquors CIGARS, Chewing, Smoking, Tobacco, CANNED FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, AND a CONFECTION KRIS, A Specialty. Fnsh Lager Beer from " Antelope " Brewery, constantly "on hand. RED CLOUD, NEB. 13tf J. Q. rOITER, I. FR1SBIE. Red Cloud Mill's! We are prepared to de cus ttne wtrk F1hp Feed nmd Cni Ml f Sale. ia Satisfactwa gaaraatted in qsaliiy ef loar sold, aad custom woac Farawra hoald be aarticalar to aeean tke bast afaaed vWeai. Potter & Friabie - i G. W. I)ost. CapL R- B. PBM. Notary FtoWie. DOREY V PRESMal Real Estate Dealers, BLOOMING TON . - . NEB. Hare cn?t-n:ly for role a larze quantity of choi.e lanJj in Southern Kcbnuka. Al buy snJ fell lands on ComiaisioB and toy Taie tor aon-rcsidtnu. ?r Attention alo ruen to the pro -n-titn of nit claim before the loral nt ft-ncral Land Offices, and secretary of the Interior. THE DOMESTIC ! BEST. WHY? Lcait difficulty in learning it Leaht skill required to use it. Least labor to work it. Lca:t care to keep it in order. Least trouble to change it. I east changing required. Doe, fine work equal to any otbei. Does heavier work than others. Does heavy work eaily. Does everything well. Does nothing il! or grudgingly. Gives satisfaction, Exceeds expectation. JustiGes the praiso it everywhere receives, few days' trill solicited. I. II.JOI.VSO.TriT. .4 cent. Crete, !tk. Energetic Agent Wanted. Ladies, send to Chicago office for an elegant fashion book. 2-2 AUCIIIU.ILD It. UIN'XF.AR. NCTAEY PUBLIC. HEAL 3S7ATE. AGENT, A:TD ATCTI03323. All business strictly attended to and all correspondence promptly answered. Specia attention it'iTcnto payment of taxer. Collec iion. and Real Estate Practice. IllVEKTOX. Dr. T. B. WILLIAMS, jctiaaiiiy MT ilJMll'lttll, Tenders his services to the public and will attend to all 1'roftw-ional calls. OGce at the Kcd Cloud Drag- Storo. O. K. Furniture Store, EED CLOUS 2TS3. Smith & Calvert Wholesale and Retail Dealers in furniture. Picture Frames, Mirror, and Under'akers Good WARE ROOMS. OPPOSITE 'THE COURT HOUSE. Omaha and. Lincoln prices duplicated. Special terms to tbo&c wishing large buU and the trn&r. WOR WICK it, CO, BANK US, AND DEALERS IN REAL ESTATE. HASTINGS. NEB. Prompt ttectioB tirea to Collaetioaa. 466- EQREKA! The Hndenigneil hu jart coxplcted hit NEW BUILDING, And fsrai'hed it with a Fall Sapplr of DRT GOODS. GROCERIES. HATS. &2A97-XASS CL97SDT3, BOOTS. SHOES, FAXCT XOT102TS ETC. I raryete te cell m LOW a the LOWEST. FOR CASH. m. :kattx. IS1" .-- .-jr ty Aa -t-Sjv aVear cw --- The WEEKLY ENQUIRER. n?trfbctha?ecj!e, a Fritai of tia 'Farar asd Izdtrji: Sacses, A BEAUTIFUL NEW CHKOItlO ENTITLKD 'TERRY'S VICTORY !" Glvea ta Kvrry 2 OO NntMcrlber. Thi picture reprwl Cos. (Hirer II. Perrr in the act of p-uitif from une hip to another in imall open boat, durinc the heat of the tmt'.Ic, eaposed to tho ire of the enetuy. It Sfcasires 16 Ij 22 1-2 Iiuhes, I artistitsPy fini-h-d in thirteen colors aad it undoubtedly th nira U triable chroinu ev er offer e I r a premium. SinKe copi of it ctl at S3 W H have at a gt-at outlay -curette exclufive- control an 1 ia.e o! it. aud thcre'o e arc enabled to present it to our pa'ron; a jIhjvc Tbo rNWUIKKR still stand pre eminent aa firsl-ela'j Newspaper. It various dc partiuantit ailoucd t. Editorials, Euaorsc:, Ariltra!, Poetrr, CorrespcniesM, Telegraphic, Asd Qsserrl News. All (tire eri lencenf the care and pai taVen toruiply iL reader w.th ull t&t ne- and aad a variety of rca ifng that canuot fail to interecteach ami every member of the house hpld. Hubecribh hrough uuraicnU or cud direct to us! Wc desire n aircnt at crery Post Ofli?. and where iKne are yet appointed, let sumo ol our fneuJs -pply for ths arcucy. A Dl)U ESS, FARAN & McLEAN, Pub's, Cincirsati, Ohio. DHNVKRUUU&E Billiard Hall. D. W. DALT0N, - - - Prop. HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. Thi hall h lately been Gtted up with ta bles ol the lit-rt inaiiufrc'urc. Choice Vinc,Liiuo:s and Ciirs at th bar PROCTOR HOUSE. G. I). PROCTOR. - PiioiMtiETOR, HE3S0N, 17SB2ASZA. The Traveling Public Will Cud this Hotel to be firt cla in every rcpect. "Carriace r'ir:s daily to HoU'iccre. the ei arct Ution on thn St. Juo A' I). O. 11. K Vliy Icsit Market. MARK H. WARNER, Has ja-t oprnrd a 3Ioat Maikct on Web.-ier Street, next door wtith ol' P-irkV Sho: ' )p whore he will kct) and sell Irch meats of all kini.-'. IHOHKSTMRKKT PRICK PAID FOR BKKK C TTLK. HUGS, NI) HIDES. Red Cloud. - - - - Neb. ."naiBiasDur a. m.aajtat, T. R. LEE. Hastings, - - Nebraska. . Thin o tnl)lih:nent lias just been fittcl up in roo I Ft.Ie. nnl is jut the place to enjoy mine of l'.illiurJs. Ihe best sujiplicj attbe bar. 49-6tn 7. SV llr Entire, La e Cashier 1st Nat Hank. Clarinda, Io wa.l BANKER. HASTINGS, - - - NEBRASKA. Exchange bought and sold on all cities of the United States and Europe. t onnty Warrant, COUNTY ND SCHOOL RONDS Bought and Sold. Reftre.nct by IWntMi'on : B. F. Am-kx. i'reside'nt Cook Co. National DanV, Chicno. N. U. Xiirse. Presi'lent First NaUonWl IUnk. Clarimla. I tra. J iRS Urkkh im. Onshier PaciSe National Bank. Council Dk-flV, Iiw- C. C'CABfKTKR. Governor State of Tow. C. Lindirmas, Clerk Superior Court. Iowa. 6-Gm e. n JOE, Watchmaker & Jeweller, 2SSCL0?D,2SSTZ2 ZQTTJ77, 1122. Particular attention given to Re pairing Fine Watches and Suti'fitction Guarantied. I. W. TULLEVS, HOKGEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN U. S. PENSION SURGEON. OSce 3d door SoatI of Court Hou:. Icd2sa:e C-? 3C!e Zisi of Sod Clni. Republican River STAGE UNE. T. 7. TI23. Prcpriste. Regular trips will be aiurle betweea JUNIATA ani RED CLOi'D, I shall fee pleased to earry parr the 4aja aatnel, Iarinr Red Cfe4 ttSAXAi Moaiajs, Weds aaTsaa4 FridajM. Learisr Jaaitfa. at 6 A.'M oa Tae4ar, Tharaiayt CBIWIWMTa. An NEW GOODS! J G. POTTER Takes this method to Inform tlie Piblicthathe has Just psned up a new and complete Stock of DRY GOODS & GROCERIES. Conittiinj t i rt of CALICOKS. PARK. LIGHT k 1MNK. XlKEdd TIU3IMINT.S WNlMiS. VN COHSK-lS Jt SKIRTS, V. jl GI.O - ..N KLKACIIKI) AND UNULKA'JIIKD MUbUNS TABLB LINENS. TOWKWNtj. PANTS, OVKR-ALl A SHIRTING, KOOTS A HIIOmZH, HATS fc AF, COFFEE, SUGARS & TEAS of all Kinds, Canned Fruits, Oysters and Crackers, Chewing and Smoking Toba:cos, FLOUR MEAL & BACON- And everything usually lept in a First Class Pry Good Grocery Store. -T. Cr. PottCPa Red Cloud. Nebraska. THE CKICACO LUMBER YARD 1 AT HASTINGS, NKB Keeps conit.ii.tly on hand ths la-Rcn stock of Dry Pino Lumber in the West Also TARRED PAP2TR, and all kinds of 15 II I I, a I x O M'ATERI IL, Our dock i well .selected aud purchased direct from tho rafts, and will be fold as low as the lowest. O. NEW HARDWARE STORE ! WJIOLKSALE AND RETAIL . JUJ3CCH :ELL &-M0IHI .RT Have opened & new ptore and have HARDWARE, Cutlery, .Ctrpcnter and FARMING TOOLS. COAL am! WOOD STOVES. We have al. a Tin Shop connected with our Srore. Wc ni.i'iufactiir. Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware. Our Stock i? LARGE and well aborted, and we will deal as low as any house west of Lincoln. Call and See Before Purchasing Elsewhere. Opposite the Lumber Yard. Red Cloud, LUMBER LUMBER W. L. VANALSTYNE 11 an CLOUD, - JMIR1SK,1. PINE UMBE- LATH, SHINCELS Doors Blinds Sash' Mouldings Lime, Tarred Paper. Etc n 1 every Article usually kept in a First Cla.- Lumber Yard. I GUARANTEE TO DUPLICATE ANY BILL THAT CAN BE 001 AT JUNIATA OR HASTINGS. LIYEBY AFEED J. D. POST, PrtprittK. Farfa IMH alacat 9taU wrrr atailtwf faraMir ifnah MaMalNat af tkaTaCaf Iiaat, n O. OL,IJj Hastings, Nebraska. just received a full and complete stock of Nebraska DEAX.F.H IX LIME ! I.IJIK ! ! Maxwell 4 Dinftt KUh ta lafira t& nhU th,t tfc- k rm Lkt. aad will ke o haa4 a-c-"4wr FULLSITPPLT tjjt tfc; imam f tk MbBe. wlM aeUat.afaatk itT kka tfe WciM Tit Chc;er. Smjajer ia ti- 7T;tu - f Th f fclnl ! CtrrHlHilAM ib. (l; TtlK OIltrAflO 11J5T AN! M Mr , nnifrmtty once:e.t i l.e th h.-i ., rieit. wnt enterprli mt rr., ltrnoun neippcr rnWh-l In ia ., writ It i HtfuoUen In wttH. k ', latnt nl hl of recll aiul rr...t,,- ,. ati'l f Imvila'vt nr-l tttm, 1m .,,,. reiurt are ejorlel. nmrliMM,f .- reliable 1)ie aie cf the mitwt.i,.,. , h brcn. nt will b1. t roaVr a fr. . ou.an. ! cy newspaper. ilh iu ., , entitles! stV. el rrAl tn.l t-a.-.. 1. n4lalohU t elty an-l e-m-f, a2iI. ! (a ftNn fif ttA Khk rrt "", "- "" .,.' " AMnHU UJ lit a cuoitantlr lnrc.i.j , oiUtion. TK11MS OKSUltfCUIlTtON. DaiuT ljy wit prnnun aflfir Jao,uT 1. t.ur jtct'il-. . ..... M ? D. Iut fix moi.iti ...m M ... , UtlLT thr uunth....w- - t -; TUK NVKKKI.Y K.-?r AXD M ML !? Wn f nlrsel m x rlsht-rlams f. . t ftheinf ihr tJalty l-l HMti . enrrrnt cenrral ml liosl n" f th ,., with Taluatln furetca ami ilHi,r , iixtnjroee. iUlt ;orlrf tA)at , rl.thicn xmiety. tl ulher . , 4 wltn unfeM rrrl prenrel khjh.. , . , It country re.vlcr. nt e rerun 1 .. , to tho hour of acinic tprM TWi. , ereae in ntm uuVt' llne 'he lt-g- t lira ilk theuntr. it rmm. a W- r- , tliatthe chrtl,tha auimal ui t.,- . Irtce heme ulj- oxt noLLAx avu r kty rt?i 2 a iTiC to which rnt h a.Mil fiRctn cnti in hr txen.ttl. HT JaiiMtr? I. uy lUhrr. ! atvonljfiee With ll l nhaki .. iulo upertton at th-tt tltr . w (uilil etiutiU r trrre I to i r r . m prrfrr to avlHh UireUe 'f tur eln . KetiiittAnrtf may be inukr n . !rft. eiprw. I'lMttiCtcounler, at tWrt letter, at our nk All letten h-util 1m j'l'IrMifl . -,,,, ClltCAUO P01 AND M.Ul. (.0 . UcArburn trft. j Imjwrtant hut hrlf new lrtpr -el ttum all taru tfih ouitr N r :( will be taken o. snoutnouruintnii. .. B THE ALDINE COMPANY JVew Iiibalc,:.lxn-. LOLD OMLY BY S'JBSC:llPriON. tiikami.nm:; thk art joirnm .,y A.MKKK.V. Tl'l t,"nU 1 rn'ert"!? I tt ? r ) ni-lntiicl in er ffiii', l"t m k-1 k j-alilly le"ll'nl on I iinnnl. ': t ,f ftntl wlu a riolli'l lwU ,( c ici'llral limrntur. The Ijn.ufiil 1 ixirtrail. .Mn !'n etft h lnl . rh'rtmo 1 re!!! n' cm i ilreiUl I t . a-il ii if Hwr l tl 1 ,(k. Mii.iI,irt' . It IfH .Ii work h't" i r AUT IJ I N femi.ru l tr . fitnl lv eilvetit re ml, th iiiiMm t !! iu thn tlo r--. t'ireuUt m :. louuatiuu mi tii,U..tl'ifl. I Tartf !. II. Ill an-1 IV are nw r.l " Buttons Th eumaleteJ In W irt. i.l 'r bik-htiy. Kash iart will eontnln an el'ant f u'' Lire. rUirirflly enrircl oil t"el V ' tu uii'luii Art Journal KKI'lfUJUCIXI! at a pner wi'hm th iipulr rr-h. tg" . nnr le'ore ntru.cl at ! Hh mi time the atito nt. lhre plutephitvo been tho sttrarti. 1. ( ' TH2 Lo:ro:; a?;T jotjz.:ai Kacli iart wl'l eon i'n 2li"a ti r ,. clmllnr the Irtr4iit lrHtlf:Ue ( ii'n tilatr tijfr. A ajwrb title ! rtii li'Mtn.t.C.rtl-M' M. wll . t with th firt art. fl th trn 1. r iJ entiriwiir will he worth riiM"' o f Ihe 'The Al In Ir--" wliMrii 1 . te oJnoaicthim heantiful mi jti'. At a Cast af 23 Cents a Pari. Vim l.IIA III AuRJinr I'tnttitirn V TI1K AUT JOIRWL -'omlct in 12 monthly irt. at 51 et, - I-M-lm.it.ffti eb.t full j.itr iJl'i-ir.t. i frorntfce earlier toluuie . . hw Aliluf Itarh nointhly tnrt will t.ott r x vr PUlrt wl baciuiHt?iyiiutriiai . - nml wlicihr for l-in Ii,k or fr-uioi? entirely yon.l r nivtitin 'n jr -..f f tic rhurnc'ar Ki-.y wt.fr.. a. r v. -t carefully taken on the tiiint tn. f I " ' I n.!in will trmre t iu ! nch-t jir-lu- Um l a .r whwh h inn ifr;.)uly hort tlin. wtr. I - r putdtiu csirs ?hcx ths Aisr.:s, Especially atior J f r ' Vrrp Diro!c Ilfuitrfttiom ami ltnite.mg v A liriteriH"'ti;n of r!ctur of .li(V"l lie a t.J on rltaritt tct rvcrlruUrnt - I liar, l,en put -4 in an a troe! e rr,. . n"',"'ffrl at a irjce intend. X 'm tnake thciq popuHr in erery en.. Knerlor! Xo. !. conUinlnT ? r etifraTiint .U fcow riM.ly.ar.fi will U i "'""Vll to rI aiicjre.il for ONK I" ' .. i A Jbral Jicoatt ut acuu a-.' tdacher. A rtrfi')h! amirtstetit uf CCK J 15 ' '-1 Hare teen Mjre tf prrpare.l f.-r th b r.fert ran he ehci4 Ux ftr.tlrn.-t. a w,mDi ounjr. a&tl actiiH vr :! v. - ir ----- ---- r-f s tyrai .. .---..- ir.n, v ii, - -; iuere4 to onler iu oJ t 2Ti, (Vli llr,. . y ray msM. pott-pfcii. uu r'eeipt -I tb aC TffiB A12CP2 ?AJ32-?AITS77SrX Vi,?"'!''" wh rirl re-jie 1 e tt.MiheTofTiiKALDIXKhr j.rrp 4l WW.Miow of mxhTof their W-Xl bao -1 plate Ut rairw-partoat frMMtor. am mat. with a hacH.'..ae reri bnNr I " To attach Ihe la. it it &b1t- t.n f. t eatwer to tvt aa i foM orrran aJ'e,r ' l f,5 Lwrt. wl ihU xsajr U dvoe ty SnWerti.laiUiw 2. j,a ,. ', btx Gftt.uc IfirilW, wheft relcctoBii es tfl pshhbrr. Bjet. jf!4ia..3e.i with ft. I Irl1! ty:.. with iIih. 1 . r X "a41 lli8t !. Pt-paiJ. hr CANVASSERS WANTED. - T22 ilfitn CCaTAJT, M Jlaidea Iae, New York. CMAS MSILLBK. ClaTPrMTf. . mutt nro w" a.n aa aa)iLiKn t!i!rZ&Kimrmt1e rrha f ??' rk m hu lii. Jn hrrt o- r U UnBCu ftrthfaeHaajpiar- ?'?; Ift fc .. albU ajLt'J Jav-f laiCaii. A v ' RP- lTxhl ncH.. . !T 1 VJIW. . 12W Inehej J. .. r ft v . Y all Moniew. brI i b.ni. rilt A m. -,SL v: w - feS V" . k 3v V jssr?. f.t:-: rz&iejs ' 3 S&tr&Sr - -t -- U -fAJ ST f-i& m -A,"Ve & ?ir-f y - -- HgzggSSi i -se3 V: '- ? . y JftST.Mr r ! T-X srr ?!. .vj?fi-ri-iwH3. "s v - j:j rr c ;r-vTv--vri, Lj-.! T ." .'"'Jit.'. J . - 'S.fCvfcail &hr?i&&J-Ji. "-'. -e"-; &Z&&g3&j&5ii i -s. . IF I I V isf -Si sjtp-t j-rsssasa