jttrai Uyr do4 t V5uoy a4 tiinbt awl thi c't xttfee rH RED pcs.:.ia!!X') vnsaiLV.AT IN e fctnftr ifufcti i m ii i 1 1 jiimiw m a :B - m I... 3KEEja : "" ' " ' ' J 1 - a ! tra la yr cW tU oy a g CLOUD CH.EF a-M-. T" IWr TTT ' Vr-TTT-Tr-nn ! " "" if M mM Mil K M .4 M H K . WW . B M I M mW K ! U 1 fc B T C H H H V ft H J H H H ."tF H M fB M H H H & -H T Em . ffM i.ZT "E Red CIcud, Hubraska. L Mather k M. H. WaHneu EDITORS and 1'KOPRIETORS. 7 O.SXESS DIRECTOR Y Altorneyi at Law. ;; ATTOKNHY AT LAW. KOTABT ?y31i: ASS HL S2l72 AC-21i7, Cloutl, Xtlrud.it. County Superintendent of Public In xtructtun. n nOWKN. JAS. LAIRI. SiVncys at Lairj AND ri:al estate agents. V3t Will pntrlicr in all the CotttU if the State. ,.a. a Cobb. Ka-qu&ii & ftc-ore, - s A VYKI!S, LINCOLN, - - - - NKHIIASKA ncofu niU l in nit mlnnrc nt rc:i 1'fhj of lti lj-'ia-t Curlc o! llio fturl caauti lu liio i'.eiublio;in V.itk'. " 1 T. W. WILL' -X. J. 5. GILIIAM. ATTOIINEVS AT LV, VC 1 1'rjtciice iti all the Coart ofthf M..o. I.-3' Co!!ccti n I'oiit!y Attended to b'K CIS 1' POST OFFICE JUll.DJNfw. Red CIcud. Neb. ! i! IS. Friie::aa:!, jrai vta. .ctt. and solS aslcrn- &r$ctHtl jlumls n Spcci'ilty. nirtiAHioN. J- a. tui.:.f.Y Richardson & Tuileys, EZAV.33rAT2i CflL'CTSJS A32STS 9 i 1 buy iJ ! R'l tc nn Cmmi i..n. .ml ioj t ix It cwn-r-Mncat. v.ori.'l .! "n sivm tffl-.li"-in7. r-frp...ii-o hrilcd. A I lottery ..t uxjuirr. ;n ui..ne iruaji'... u-i'. ... .... ... nlU l k a-4il NEP.. p ji. n illcox, U TARY PUSLIC. (invc:itioHis: and nil othf-r Notari?! ii-ifie-'i will rvc-ivi- pr.;imt aUentio. t3lVli..itii:. ;iomttly aad vorrc. 'lr tak.o. A Wr-. RKD CLOUD. NCn'-tASK V. ft.O'SS!.',!iVA', ,irSTICEO?niKPEVCE. ,:tast push-: asd seal sstatz - AcSKT. Tiverton Franklin County Nebraska. rrf- Cl.tim for sle and tailorins Jono in thta:c.i.?ti"t 5S2S3S 2:H, te, - - iA3?aiiA3, V RAN KLIN, NEB. Gjoil Accnmmo-hilfont. Lh'ry ami i Fr.l ttnlJnt. lia CIsde House. Red Cloud, Nebraska. AI23S AIiS3. Goeil !tJM " "ontectlon w 1I e UOVSK. ,Th hotel h v?ben Urnh ihn.nrhnt. Wwp r" a -a I aad all partir r-.itmc lte.1 S.ad. will find aTpSe ainmodations at this Hotel. t3Iovs2?to2iHouse CLOVERTON, NEBRASKA. tnixsos .rronrietor. jf. - lgTofa Stables, Good Beds, and Squar Meals, at Rexonib!e Rales. h.e Patronage of the. Travelling Pab- xjj i" t VOL. II. STEVENS HOUSE, STEVENS & DOW, PKOPHIETOIIS. Bloomington, - - Nebraska. New Hou, Clean Hcd. nnd every thing that's JiOiely. 42r."rtrc leave thi" Ilmnc dnily for all nohith South, Kost, and West. Good Stabling in connection with tnc Hou. To the trayclling Public we would MUiiily 5iy "GIVE US A CALL." JACOB KOHL, Cornrrlsl Street anH Hastings Avcn u Hastings, Nebraska. Krp n nnJ at all titcw the bc?t Liquorf. Wi r ami i$ cr. . Kvrn-thiax of the best quality the market aSord olU-t'in. RED CLOUD KILLS. NATIVE LUMBER Constantly on hand. All kind-, of DIMENSION I.UMUEK. SIIKKTING. rENCINO. AND BRIDGE I'LANK. All sold Chfopfur Cofh. Call and erawine ltuiiber and prices. C. Macuiuber, Carpsnter & Builder T.J "' :ci, Selrasia. I proi.nred ti m.ike ejtiinntei aad take tontrac.f for alt i.in is of buiIJins.". --td IIks . A. Imisell, WnaW rccpenruily inform the I.adicof Red Uuud.iiil ricmiu thathci pre- (...rtxlic accute ord;r for 1W IXX-JRJ IT, Dress-Waking PLAIN SEWING of all Kinds On hand aJ for al a fine aortincnt of LACES, VEILS, KID GLOVES. LADIES HATS, kc Kiss S. A. KiUNSELL, Fin McNitt'f Buildinc.l RED CLOUD, - - NEB. HARNESS SHOP S. Vi XiUdlOTKT U now prepared to do all kinds of work IN TUE Harness line. The best of tuaterwls ueJ, and alt wotk WAKKANTED. uepaii:ic Done or. s!"u notice and at reasonable Prices. Shop in McNrrf s Store. Red Cloud ielrasK. VICK'S FL.OBJLI. GUIDE FOR "STo. renusnen Qi.nTr.r.LT. January Number just is-uci. and ewitsna 1IH' l'a-es, oQft'Engravines, defcnp ttons of more than 500 of or best Rowers nnd Vegetables, w;u direc tions for Cultur', Coloretl Plate, etc The most useful aud elegant work ot the kind In the world. Only 25 cents for the year. Published n fccgUsn and German. Aedree. JAMESV1CK. KED THE ONLY PAPER IN WEBSTER CO t f AND TUB LARGEST PAPER JNTJlEfc REPUBLICAN VALLEY THE CHIEF, Is u Weekly Newspaper, published at Red Cloud, Web.-ter County, Ne braska, and is devoted to the Inter cuts of Webster County, and SOUTHWEST NEBRASKA. Special all Home a on will bo given t cal matters Every thing of local or general iuterest transpiring in this and adjoining counties, will be accurately reported at the earliest poible date. - u Duiing the coming political cam paign The Ciukf will support and labor for the success of the Republican i Party. Tho interests of Immigration will be looked after, and the publisher tLire the co opciations of all who deire to ce Southwest Nebraska settled with hvc a-d enterprising pioneers. To this end furnish accounts of the re- j sources und capabilitie of the soil, the best location still vacant, and, in fact, even-thing that will teud to induce immigration. -" - -c." -c -" A portion of cur columns will be ue voted to entertaining and miscellan eous matter for family reading. Ail who are interested in having a wide-awake, lively, local newraier publishtiJ1 in the Rspublican Valley areinvittd to esamise The Cniif accT Becoate subscribers. MATI1EE WARNER,' Ettrs 4 Prtfrictta CLOUD, NEBRASKA. WS7ISITS0? .. " BT rXTHSt XXA.X. Sotae ind work where otne fiad reC 4 1 . t.& v mlit wrt. i1 The Bnwcr coxne. when life I ff9.1J Sase ores lf cp when tome creJ wke. Ami m the drearr nicht hour sn Some heart beat when s-me hcrU ''f6? I often woodcr why 'tii so. Some willf fiot where some witU Bh!U Sme lore the tent an-lwrno the CoIS I often wor.der who are richt 5 The one who strive or those who 7M., Soie hand fold, where other hand Are lifted hravrly ia the strife : And o throach as fend tliruah buti) ilore on the two extremes of III. Some feet hxlt whcrAome feet tread.,. Botae :rrBlt on wherctae hare w"C Some ae-lc. where other hun the fray. Some sword ni?t where others cbsh : Some fall hack whwe n:e move en : Borne fiJK! .url. whrt ther fluh Unti! the battle ha len wua. Some .leep or. while V thers heep The vitriN ot the true and bra.e : They -ill not r t u I ric- c-rcp Around their name. borc a grave. Faraway upon the hill-top?. Hare he purr le clou Is of even. Like the rainbow of the de.uu Teaching u to look to hcacn. Hut it teems aa rss of traiim; Through a dark and sto my night. And with fear all hope vraMUSi It b hard to tee the light. One bright morn, all full of glory, I j-hall ne'er forget its dawn. Suuthine t M its own weet tory Of lh Jarkne faJed gone. All the joy and all the slan, urtnj cnild Hood 'e yer. Came to cheer my heart's deep aaducjj. .uw o uittl to sorrow s tears. We arc on Iiro's buundlrsi ocean, llornc upon it bu ) tidr. Mating up 'bir ?ran i commotion 'Inat is circ.iag ) rcadiug wide. Vic arc in the mihtr s igitig Ul tbid hcurt-wo Id to and fro. And the hlo-lamp diin'y tjurnintr. J.erj uiuiueiit grows more low. Oa by one we're going home, Y titling up our latest L-rcaih. Like thfitnun thHt tall? o 'on, i indilu, Mireb. lite m Ue.tli. Oh. thf joy! nnil oh. the sorrow ! In thi .tning world of our ; IIah to-day ami 'arh to morrow. Alinles thorrti with br:ght:t ilowen. Selected Story. In a pleasant little village in the far famed "Blue Grass"' region of lvcn tuek, once lived a lawyer whoe name was Hiuiiilton, and whose character was as spotless as tne untoueueu . . ii i itT'i. - !j - People LYy&rurrebST wTio-spogei , of him, because, with a heart a- large as charity itself, whenever a poor wretch who had no money wherewith to retain counsel, was brought before the tribunal where Hamilton practic ed if there was the faintest ray of in nocence in hi case, "The People's Lawyer" olunteered his services' to help him to ju-tiee as cheerfully as if he bad been oue of the wealthiest or hiel.est b-rn of the land. Indeed Wi'.lam Hamilton a- wide ly different from the average lawyer, as poitrajed by weak yarn writers in their Wood-and thunder storie.-, beg girly play-wrights in their sickly at- tempts at dramatization, and penny-a- j liners in their treasonable adults upon the ' King's Engli-h a class of scribl ers who generally t.-ike a lawyer, and in their daubing way, paint him for the vidain ofdire idots. This, when it "..known by all who know anything about the law, that the legal profes sion is the only one in which, by com mon consent, the indigent arc provid ed, fice of enst with its assistance when needed. It rests with the in dividual phy-ician whether, or not he will t:o arid minister relief to a poor sufferer, who calls hiin without cah. We have iustaticcs where they who weftr the holy ?ab of God's ministers have sent away with a refusal thoe who have a-ked tlum to come and perform the last said rites at a poor man's grave, or have directed the messenger to the "little Ccurcl .round the earner." But in" all the couits of the land, faicycm have made it a rule, that when the moneyless niMti nvs Wal advice, it shall bo provided for him by the jadge en the bench. William Hamilton was ever the friend and counsellor of any strug gling, honest man who happened to be, in any manner, entangled in the meshes of the law, and as euch was beloved and respectcl by the entire community. "And so it happened"' that on a nniet snrishinv day, rainy yecrs g. ., . . . . . 1 when the lawyer was sr.ttnc in ni- office mu-ihe aone. a, tall, lank and cawkv country lad, whose home-spun j-ans was sadly patched, and whose homy hinds told of rough. haritVork and a rouahe hard hie, stoppea trTrwardlv on the docTSten, andlooc , . 'Pnnu. in and 'it down," said . Mr. said Mr. Hamilton, in a cheery wav, and the lad. reassyred by the kindly tone of the good nans voice, walked diSdeBt ly in and took a seat. With all his gawkmess and ks? th, and-with all hisgrcennessaod patches, there was an air of mdeadece abovt the boy, acd.a sparkle of jctel Uf4MC & hoaest gray eyas. 9slk ?' V WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1S75 .. T 1 -1 f- VJan i uo anytutnz ior you, my Ud?" faid the lawyer. ?n wK- InrJnr hn nf roiir rnn.. nes., to come and a-fc you to let me read your IhvVls at nigh:, and in the daytime, 111 work at anything for Ikl'Mt iiMurK . w w . - - vou in exehanre for tho nriviWe. I have nothing el-e to give, and I waul to be a lawyer." "What have yoa read, my lad?" said Mr. Hamilton. "Only thia one book, sir," replied the boy, and he drew frnm the brea-t of his worn j-ioket a very cheap, end ver mucli dog eared cpy of the new totauient. ''My mother gave it to me before Ipj died," he continued. "It wa all she had to give, and a lit tie girl taught me how to read it. When I go home at riinht from woik in the woods 1 take an armful of drywd, and by iti ! li ight on the hcirth 1 have often read I UL book through, pjge by page. 1 'lavcjuinr iime dreamed that I wa ! a good and creat lawyer, and the ioor mtn's friend, hke you, and ' "Theie that will do," interrupted .Mr. H.'t'jrlton, ruling oil the compli ment, yet pleased; not only with the lad's ni'tie trloqu-'nee an i g-)ud inteu tion-, but alo with the fivorab'e opin ;.. .k:..i. .1 i. i.-.! ,-i :... I juu n uwii iiiu uu.v ll.tu 1UIUICU Ul I1U1J, for he was philo-opher enough to feel that he derived some selfish plea-ute f:om his kindness toothers, and meant it to be o; and while he wa- candid enough to admit tlrat much to himself J he was not so egotistical as to exhibit it to others. The lad was taken into the lawyer's office as a student, with uo other pres ent duties thin to keep the establi-h-ment in order, and tho-e he owed to I in. 1 r 1 1 uimscii in tne attainm.'nt oi an the knowledge he could derive from con-! were .ready to go on, all three of the in undcju.no. itave hi namu t. ihe ' f the j try, and ,ai.i 'IlNre, gntle stant intciciure with a well fub-d li young men were dt-eidedly drunk, 'judge, and then in a aoni-whai lu ler men of lit jurrf, u :lia evid.ncsr. tha; hnirv an.! frnni tl.- L?..fl ;vtri.,.r m, , j .. ...... .., ...M ...... W..U.. , of his benefactor. In a few month-; he had improved to that extent, that he was of great a;-i;iuui.i: iu i'll UilUilllUIJ 111 tils UUSI nesS affairs and it: a lev years he wan admitted to the bar as a promi-in young attorney. I lis native eloquence his pathos and power in delivery, and hi legal learning soon lai-ed him to such a stauding in hi- profession, that ..:.... . T II :i. : i.: t .. : ! he was -ii- ina!?e . " he could fulness, for himsi mine. During all this time; from the day the young attorney appeared in patches at the office door, until the time of hi? departure, he ha I been an inmate of Mr. Hamilton's home, and had won the friendship and esteem of lhe hou.chold. A golden-haired boy and a blue-eyed, fiixen haired little maiden, had come to William Hamil tori's heart iu tho-e vears, and they sidre.-. rn sIcpji in each other's arms, when he told them he was going away. Richard did not forget the little girl who had taught him how to read, and who was now a full grown, hand-ome aod intelligent woman. Hi grateful r- -r ness had ripened into a pure and m in ly love for her, and they were married j and he took him away with him to a j young and growing city in the far west j where, in the course of a few years, a- the city grew in population and im " -. jiortance, he grew in learning, repata tion and wealth until he ranked anions the leading jiri-t.- of the land, aad : was Anally elected to the hizb and , ,1 f. f-t.l nonoraue position oi one oi me jus- tices of the Supreme court if his adopted State, As the years passed over to the oth j0 win:ome, blooming beauty. Claude inherited his father's gener e nit nr vli'ch. av.r'i fniin hi UIM WW wwmm9Mm --- .. w - erles, sister. He had do enou vice, except that nce in acidic in a genial way. he bad bc-n led, by companionship wh naipn iuip;eyt 10 unu w liaJph was a oars lacea, naDa-ias: nd dashing fellow, who wxs generally very popular, very popular, but the keen observer IWft Rapley was a-very nea , and Harry had link eLe to do " tTuii te rrjaie ad viced by his friend, and now. what incensed aiu-t Jiarrr..aii.duu;.tr wllLiI'' a nt,,T born , ami my name i lUeWM vorbMM. and go to a Iafge citv, where that sort oi fa Halt earnest, nan jOKing, "" , "; 7s:&fcTgL -W " vrow-i uat y& w - - --. - J" . T-r- ' J . .- ' ". . t(..ft?r ! lirrurn'n'iirLK i- " '--.. - . If- .1.: .: a... ... 1 1 extend the circle of hi u-e- and altogether maudimc quarrel w.ncn "-"-" ' , . . , . tW .- bwwr !uoJ rV lHeati, I , and at the same time, make often occurs under uehc::nstaccs - ,.--,. onJtt- 81wl Cnai ,Ui of W r tbmli Uui elf a fortune and a creator and which both had Xurgottcii in a ....., ..., .. . i ..1,1 . .n ., l....... .,. l rZu both loved the tall and gentle friend, Ralph, riding behind the other two. (r0Med8sj w t!C tuMnltfWl, bla,jc otr f.y whom their father and mother ca''ed I sudd nly leaned forward and stuiK j ?omc ujca who were at the tavern, i i t lie bll of Ui W!mr : b7 ! Richard Vorhecs and who used to Claude a heavy nlow with the loaded j . qj - ial Uf feg efoI Jo;r AfA tell them fairy stories and trot them butt end of his riding whip, wn'ch tweeU CiamIe aDj ,iarrv stifled to J he., now, I eh,re him will. ,jury, on his knees, and they wept them- knocked him sepselc.-s to the grourM. j . ff , . f that the at tl uiBrder of Htrrr l'4w,t. Ln J .....,. ., - r ,: l ri,;,.h Vad tumbles bareheaded near the place ot toe iur- ! t0 a3 0n window, am pintisg tu er side, ilium Hamilton s oo&ie vain for nis hat, which had tumotc ' 7 i i . , , , , j - .ii,;- r,;ii,fiil hr.r n-l der, proved taa-Uct. anJ otucr y the Mitting an. he ws I head grew gray, and at bat he went on. mounted his faithful nore, anu f ... f , . . . , . - i ,- i . . -.- -.t ... ..;-;.. !. Ivlv of his cea.-es tdcatitied Uoa s hat, wntcu 'yontiUia ytw hare jut ard away to dwell in that oeautrtui man-1 without perceiving the ioij oi ms itlu-,i ;rl, ,- . - '.' river. iraM,,ox.ra.tomc.nMUlt0ciai. hu n331, wna uh !m on b.oJ ie u- ii i-i rn i a- . . ; !.ii )iinr.n.l thai he ! I'ated 13-itle- ; "ojjio jt napr?nel iLsinffliatH Hisgolden-haued son Claude, had jecture how it had happens uw ne I?.rT.-. i trt, t i ., , .' ,,,.,, i i.- it ,. i i r. u;n-n,.i,n nkw atsash' Then Lalph Hiplcj. pale, W ' falortn brocsat apanl Ufneeiri, grown to be a man, and tne blue eyed wa left alone in such a praee, at sacn . ,-... t tu -vnr. i . . . l- , , -. , . l ... i, k ;,,.' mew: dffiaiit, and having IM s3tap-- t . wky rfrath. to ave hu j w fhrt . rc:rLi rtt-nf rrw inn run. nsxen-naireu mtu maiucn was a witcn- a mace, ai uc a nu-ui mode-t home, was all the good man j taken by a couple of piemen wno ,- 5 a ria:n h . dori, rrcay, on hida?h-Jt Uig had to leave, and with a small salary lived in the fame ii where ..e . tf8rillf oa th- nijbt in ,rt di,tre ul iad, jefawwlrif . aa'deputy clerk of the county court, dwelt, who had been att.ndmg coart j -d j . fc the Tonn,; man maintained in tolerable ,n a nerghbonng town- and the three - Cbade ' ceciuned by the w? tT ike w34, comfort his widowed mother and lath- traveled the raammx d:s.aDce to- ,'-" . . . . -luxrf , cnarunnc si-ter. v.me. Kalph too, loved the sweet irL but i r.. ,1 .-.! 'f. vchU mai.lndr ; in-tinct, svuMed him, and with j womsa!y tact, hrU him, aW. an 1 for thj, Ralpy RapVy secretly and , -j-m & -- . - - ---j , det-i.U hated Ilarrv Talbot, who had never drcatuei that such a pa.vi!i wa, lutktii low, and dark, aod treach erotisly in thcatatuh "f hi- oomrarie's hofotn. They aoobted ti;ether frevlyas brother-, and Harry often told Ralph of the jy and hope with r.lnth Ins k-e for Calhe Hamilton V3 freighted. One bright May morning, Chsde and Harry and Ralph, woll mounted, rode about ten taHea into the ctmmry to attend a rustic picnic They start eii o early that the dew still ji'iftetH'd over the grand blue-gra-s pasture ; amonir the tre the feathered son? ster warbled their swecU-st nrtt?-. and every htds-e was joyu- with the tuu-ic of the spn.'mtiiiie. Full of youthful buoyance, Claud and Ihrry were a J hntv.i the bluebird's which xtnf along their way. and Ralph xcai seem- mgjy a- Happy a tney, out in in ', -. Imtii.t' i- tin.- l.nt in hi- t heart rankled the venom of jfrakm.. ' hate, and near it hy a keen, br.wd i blade which he had placed there nith ; .: : ....;... fl ... T.l. i Uiiuuciuui iun.ui ajjiiiii. li.". ' i hot. f The trio attended the jiicnic, and j -iwiit a jolly day with the hard hand ..d rnuntrv bovsan-l their red cheeked and buxom sweetheart-, and it wa , nearlv dark wheu thev started home- 1 . fl IP1 war,j. j of stately iiranng. and dignified mien, , Sud.lniy than ftvui h WMt ivhik- After goin-; about a mile they halt ( dressed ic bluck brualdolh, and w oso oli:ow near thtt Ahki whn he ed at a cro3-rnds tavern, and ujr. J lair wa unxed with the til.er, thu ' bad ottro taken a dg vound t.-ta-a preying invitation from Kiljih took J five and forty joar I nt g on.but whoH J merit the paUr drvwr fjrih an Jd a dai of b'Uibon Several time- ! dark uray ejea bsp.U' eojuenee ami I alnmnoe, and turning to tho calender thfs was repeated, until, when they ability, to-e quietly J'ruui hi cat, and '. for May, he paired it to the foreunp .lw..i..I. n f.r n, Kihih w.i- incerned. I i . t i t -,.. 1 . . i the iniGX-ieation was lor the mol pan fcieued, and the whiley dealer te ni.F-iu iffinn tin rr. tit itr-i. ! "Ralph Rapley pliyedofTon those Iwys by throwing hi- f.q-wr away.nd . he 'aim half as drunk a be lets I 01 Just before inountine, Ralph tnan-J cced to push Harry rather rudely! IlKliaVU IIVII UVJ -v.,.-..-.. . im-iin-t flaiile who bofame snnic-' n few min ite.. 1 As the voumr men rode on, it he- Anmn ,,1'liliml tknf Flirrv anil Claude. v.ll.iw VIIV.WI.fc. .---. -i were gettinz to be more and more in- juch ' j i tOKKated, and it was aWin as m n? ihpv cculd do to keen their aad dl-!. " After they had ridden tliree or ftur miles, an J wore now pacing where the road led alonz a dark, north hill side which was thickly timbered, and in the next labtant while that --- , -..: i:... ,i : .;c ,. r... itr- I M.nsiur Kuuv -liuuv "i -. ' -- ., t . i i. -r !. 1.:, I....... a teiriUiC iwwie-K.in-; nuw ? .. pocket, and plunged it into Ua.r, iatoxicaJid Talbot s heart: Then ginos the. j rooaj mitC who wounded mans how! a wvere cl L.a g,, a cbrk lnhh falh- Mret over the head with the whip, .he t,.,m .. , . . . v rr . i pa.n-stnckcn animal daalied ou to tnc , lower side ot the road, and .larry s , lifeless body tell with a dull thud to , the earth f The nderles horse Zapped away in , the aartne-s, ana me iuu.'.ch sii... , ,- t" " am i ! Ciaude, a well as Ralph and Harry, rtke him, but Llauucs, ' . ;i! .-..rr hit ma,.e. anew of its wnerrabout-, and that the still Wi.erc niii masit. ( ,i- .i I weapon produced in court, a havmj: in vain to eve hors stood felL ,.. I I - f K.MMlfi r1,frt f?k T auer a .. - "";"., ,fll!uwu!Ufcy to his sen-. somewhat sooerca u the terriffiJ blow he had received, and .I.- rn,,.-, fall, and after fcarchin: in a..w .w ... . , , an overhang - j ins branch ofa trde. t Wit hin half a mile he was over . .- .---. Se:hc.r . , ., - v. , Ka!ph Uapi-y Mf W,J "l7 . the fearful waktag thoughts ana nor- rible drfeims of a cowardly mr.ro.. c . aiw liK h - , -r - , . tieiHui.aw .w... -.-..-. that he had feL n wd.T to fctep iroai f lofcteptroai 1 lanng teurc5cy agajoa a irccu 1 1 --' Tfcl that ClaHle was overtaica. bare - head i - . i tine hts severe bru-res to NO- 33: J tht hL bat vi found there, and ad- j ded to tic, the evmwioi of lUlph . f in lhe fle Claud W held for trial, ; - , and ht-a. de!od to b an oniall- abl oo. sik! biM the ey of b ; heart bftkco bmW, ad c.wUv - . stricl.-a !r, he w iaen awa atl 1 ickl up to the murderwr cell f the watMy yal Two U? and r' .war. CkwUe Iidtot hy in tint fehn's dunscon, ni.:l the atUirnay for tho Stute wa having the trial posjwned, Jroai tnc i term of the wart to another, and ' eircU was w-mg made all over the . country for the mw.ng w:tno Ftnally, in the jwrson cf the kecitr j ofa gatnbKcg hense in ijan Itano, J Ralph Itap'ey ws found by a drtoc- txve and was brought to Kentupky, and the trial oaeie on. Poor Claude, alu.oeit urvken in i.rit and bleached ani cmmaoiate.1 by ht . lung conSnommt, was i reushl int cwurt, manacled and in chains, but he ki;e.v he had ii-t committal thw fear !ul ertm for which he vri arraigsuf, an 1 thenf re h stood bfur th bar with n manful look of itmucetra. which aimuft put to thaine thi vth ..- had agreed anions thuaiseives. that he ' was guilty. j After the arraignment had baeu ; maJe, and tlenuiie ofa ample of tho villa.? lawyers had hen auntwrie- I eJ a the couvl npp-iiiiunl by the ! iUrt for the tlefendaitt f.ir th 1 , Ilamiltou'h hid no money with whh i to employ abler enunel a tall mtn ' voice, rwricsttftl tlsat he, too, shoukl ' .!ki u-.rl . -jl mm li.lit l.ol fi.i. !... . ' - . w "" " wui.svi .v. mc i-ii- be enrolled as counsel for the pit- ' oner. hite the strange Lwjer couferrwl j " iint nit .-luiiiu nni ... I a "!W moments vuli the other attor- ne' fur lhe deP-nsc, a flutter of aj- j pLut ra through the croad, and as t he turned toward tho prisoner bin I l-8?. bcuwob'it ey-, Ciaule ra-p-d j "'" "aai an ' 'Ihktj him wi:h grak- tear, anJ tnc joor ti'.art broken uiolii-. soon a jur wltne.-s swi Wlln!s WMU ! "Stand up. Claude Hamilton 1" i .. , . Vou are arraigned I ?a:u w:e juif 'a tJ,i c0UrS -lard rith as"J !" tried for. the mtiidcr of Hairy Talbot, in tl is county on the 15th of May, j Ii . Arc you guilty or not guiky?" ! "NoUuiltj !' f Cfearand firm, dutitct, loud arrl I musieal. ranc out the vowe of Utuud j J"""fc -1-" ..,,- (..tin rOUtf B'-.y lUUliivl in a .i . .. : ' i.:..i. tate of excitometit, aud that alt ..r.L..-.. -t. .Mr.il ft ! forf iittifli ,. . i ,. rnr. .i, illlvw W iii.fcU n&utu j wv -j .iwm LL'NIUCU iijav VUIV v&-a4 ihey feft . oJ djy qP fc .. aj tm ,,e haji IUu,i a la.ve bowrt-katf, Irooi a bu- jb;r ft . ' been fouud uenr Harry Talbot a dead '- . ....., ; - .. . - 2 wu'"1 iRe . . , iUC "" "" . "",w ", ' ! b-v of lbe crurd' bC4e be ha teeo iforctfi to bear witn agam-t ftt : f.icnd, w. brouhl to the sUad aJ j Iih Lowie-luifir. aa:T2 he fell dead j ., T ,L ;3.rojBCS.3 a rev ; vinieteCSt whhiprorc-JCa-id , ?fr1 c!rtrsrter rciore ' -aB,B" Uie fact that few ceareai inc d hl , ,- a jry i j we3 . ao.j jj. j,. altray bit- oed sthn-& ry Im3tl f-t, - 1 laa.tUMt, U? ti. was coiiancticu auu i ij 'fi v... ..-, .. .... i ii-..iiiai. ill rami- u mrt i nan witm r rn . - i rw i ij its' u bi & ib i i n !& mi rxi - i -. ...i.. -j.i i. .. . Li. .1 r.-i.. .. .u -. .. :!,! A lldBi IIVU. - - w ., v , rum mofW ii ?tBx for ih$ frtce tsiia pntl fwad I'k r5ro?; with xtv cib irate k1 tHtf ecoh. He awrncl up tle cT!U?ne a rain. t OUudc to x Urtho tuaa dwok aii !Uljh Ki&jV. Ji cct t ! uvty, aad ri:leJ hi? tn'jV wa Mt(Hrtd esfuuitamiil pruof. ll dr&ll n tkrf 'rfUeV) tCV wd. Uh anful c. wrth.W tin , t3ndo. ad tv ifcr aisl cr, ftd, ! ,n eo .Jm ikmlr rt) ! aJ . M. i w t jMuM. j TU lW tail, dhilly dw.trwJ, Srtfj ri and cwy-fcourf U-t "t after fmg. j "ilaj it tiNate the wurt and jjrntlc- 5 bs of tW jwy,' It tuntJ to WiviAe j a " . ,Uhnr up, yMtf. r, Ir Ixtort the tla r&s dw, i bohere yvu will be a fro uiao." ., . Then turutng t tlwjttry, ha s4drc- I od thm m th etwral tatttJ-f the oim: fr al ul twenty mi.iut, in th uiot ovarportg lrit of oratory tint :rr I'wtt fram hawiiu hp, IL l pWMsmsd ;b aaz t tt xpaMf wa j two ma fraxmests, and tl inj? Us h J ind tlw .i.-ceji-iaaUai erLnt, nmf unaLd ths wbd f lk liorrtbla dotahV.. Dp i:hM camo frwti every look and gture, d vrrds oflM(nd elequoow HKirii frtMB hi tftxtth h a torrent hi wtr ffjtu a munu'.aiu trran. He pok of Rt ph RipVny' .. ejgn HttKwiH on tkot lata! iluy, " U(iu Mght, ni k; .jartijg wheu i' Anl now, mk tfe, ha CirtuM " ""aJ ewroi imiiiro i lnLl onn, thnl wi that Woodj gUt vftlui I a h wf Mujr. In by 1 ,r n? "n1 ' imfwii. Hint awiu . I. . a . ..i a i-.. (Ik hand ol' Claude iiauitltun. ' on the niglitol thit tionni crime the mean ilhl not tAie, And if it had Ralph Itapley ooukl ntt hove c tfra ded loi by Cbudt H;uiilion cc ft ...... . J north lull mle, in n uutt-c fart, w in it deep dnri hude. ilurcover,' you knw thut WjtKim Hamilton, who ha !.tatd to tfton at this bur, and bat- tle-1 unpinl. f..r the le: -.1 rkht of inHr ua of thu vnljif w nt t?r tho lauicr ui a aiuMtrrvt. i suyt? it. to that Claude Hamilton wu mi innocent man. After iiKflki?g like : ha.i ben r!,t' wit: re-Uiiol, tb M lnwyr piocecdd ith Itw rfwwch, ami timii vcrythimf became a quttt a th whfy.fr fthc lifhust brcze. Ht.nd; ' Ktyb UtirV ht ma t 'iew Uohs, an I tint tTr he pak tho ; iuiw iwu mwi 3 w-.ur.i1 um ..! tr,. . 'I'.u. ..' -. i. -". j that potent nation led bu natncally . L..ii.f Uif.irff It J rv.rtwtif "'in nf . . .,. . ,j. , iivvii . f-i i. i- ,l.i, UzxUX donb!6 irrime." , At iIm ii.t R.lpS Kapler foil lo i,e floor. Hm acru-mg cooK-wnce h.J . ,. , ... . U1 HMPH-IW lM Mv wH.tw inv i f fcU Jife fl95(?l f Kf f j.,, . j' ! Jo for th, , ,vc ftf CSHi. hh, he J,ad iarderl limy Talbot, and ; Mnaky ijaj ,,bl fJf Claude Hamdujo of the ?rinrc. . i Cbude. 3iid hi i-tcr anoV aiUwr, .. .t OT7r j,, Uj . ,, attorney a hood. .n t n. cj j 'iaJ CD,j ibankci him.aBd' . . . .. . ia...i i. u. u ,;. -,-ei . uciw mi-. ..- .... ..v.. f fc a . Mo ' opot mvxu,Tnp ft. I weurouwr r, ,.c .a v j ,00,,,, t u fc n froai i?tiKtf? Jsth on th ftcaff li. " 1 stated that it had Wa 'ufedMlW parcha aH the wr ws 9 eir j of 8j fjr d . 0 : wise W a pli:ah!e t.. lie? ai-J hm had as dsabt that he fcal tew sb , ttr iranaar fcairci eJfw- . " " " . . i hs Ij-id fr se User? vUei $, dU ntrh. & iWrl Mi ! d Ur hi, fiiirY ft .ib - a il. ! . w..f tf Ia I Aft - mJkt 4 14 ; 4 ,2' k I ., 'la-.j; . . - ?,!- vi3 : .JvS, i . r sji fc. ..- j.i . .rrftfc' - t ----- . - ., -- !JalSsi ..CH'iPg.a , ..-,-i .&. rJv'rtt .s.Af.-f- , &- f jr CSib atCL3 S" C f9 s2&2xe