:--, f SJ. S. - V ??-i - I ''I'" M THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. ; WEL'XESDAY MARCU 24, ! 875 A. B. HAJVJVER. at the Billiard lla'1, Red Cloud. QrShaviDgr Shampooing and Ilair- Cutting in the highest sty!e of the art. 17-td .- a mtn nrrilir. Arentn wanted. All f I 9U cliu.ej of working people of both rezeii. younjr and old sieke inure money at ..rV IV, r ii. in ihflrriwn localittcK. (luring tbcirrparc motncnU". or all tlie time, than at anything eli-e. We offer ctnplr.yujjnt that Fill pay banoSonvIy for eve y horn w'i"; ull particulars. tcnn. Ae.. tent Iree. fcend Fu you sddrcu at once. Don't delay, flow ' U th tirn Dmi'i look fur work or burners elsewhere, until you have learned wh.t we Offer. (J. fcTlgUW X UP., roruanu. .'tame. ADVt:KriMXa:'tir; Good:Syte mntie Alt tiron who CGDtClMblate inking contract with newspaper for the inj ertion of ndvertueuienu rhould vend Jio ceDtn tu Jo P. KwLL A Co.. 41 Park Itow, fcjlcw ork. for the:r PA.Ml'JILfcT-IiUUK I (i'li.fu..rrrnli nlitini). containing I(B Ot I . "L.f. ...... .. .....I b.timnlnj alt.iitfiricy the cost. AdvertwcwenU taken for leading nperain many fctat t a mnxndou re duction from publitbera' rated. Get twi: book NEW DRUG AND GROCERY STORE IN tRed Couclr JXeb. i We wi;-h to inform the citizens of led Cloud that we have a new toek loods which we offer at Granger prices. Consisting of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES BRUSHES AND FARCY GOODS. Alao a choice lot of TEAS, and TOBACCOES, PURE WINES and LIQUORS, IgT-Spccial attention given to Dis pensing of Medicine and Preacrip ions. We Dcjy ompttHio in Quality and in Price. H R..SUERER. OLDEST DRUG STORE IN . BED CLOU D, Opposite S. Gmrber & Co. Drugs. Oils, Pat- nt.Mediclnes. STATIONERY. Also a choice variety of FAMILYGROCERIES Constantly on hand. Please Gire vs a call and satisfy your selves that you can do no belter in Bed Cloud. H. P. Iut c. OODEY'S LADY'S BOOK. We fee tkat we would he doias oar abcriVer an injustice dii we sot call their attention to this intrinsically good Magaxine, aa4charBiiiu'ChroorThe IU, which k pren to oa4 jar M-woribtf. Rnul the Proapeetts, m) if m have aever een a copy of the MaeaxSae. sand 2Z oeata to L. A. GO I NEW, YORK TRIBUNc, -The LettJiiij America! Newspaper." Tae Beat Advert lata- Metfiaao. Daily. 810a year. Semi-weekly. S3. Weekly tt I! Trer la nhrlrr. Cpeciioen roj.Ir anl Adver'irinjr hate Free. Weekly, in club of 20 or more, only. SI. poaUfe paid. AddrcM TbcTcICCKK. N.J St. Nicholas for 1874. A Book for Boys and Grit. Of thii bookl'aarlea Daol'y Waraer write: Jn the bound Tnlmme of ft. Kiekala with it glory of red and gold, wc hare a perma nent addition to the literature of the yi-ur.jr. Never hefure has m much literary nnd and srtmtic talent co-operated in the rervice of cbilaren. It i continual educator of their tartcund of their honor nnd courage. I do not ree how it can ho made any better, and if the children don't like it. 1 think it U time to begin to change the kind of children in thistountrj." St. Nicholas for r875. The propcctunof the second ToIume?how tint there i to be no Jalliui?!T, but an in cieatein its literary and pictorial attrac t.on. AiuonB the other attractiTe leatures are Ttto Splendid Serial Stories, "The Young Surveyor" hy J.T. TuownRtDGE. author of the Jack lluzard Stories, etc. 'EIGHT COUSIN' by Locm M. Alcutt, author of "Little Women," etc , , 'i be peculiar features of .V. IftcMn. which hate conduced to Ijrgely to iu popularity, will be kept up with pirit:. ..,. Short and eauy stone in FKKXfll. fiDKMA.II, A.DLVIl.N for translation will appear oecaHionally, while, JicK-lu Tlie itiUtfle ftox will continue to be lull ofinterent. and the department for qtry lounu rtaden will be enlarged. , liayard Talor and other dutiBRU!.hed travellers will give Stones ol Foreign C'ouur tries. . , . . , , Mr. lUdeinsc will contmuo his senea of de lightful aud luotructivc Papcis on Practical Subject. , , Mr. Bartlett and other wtll attend to the department of Home Entertainment. Tab leaux, Vivants, etc. New writer, in addition to our present Iar corM of contributora, will sivo young people of all age, FOeiim. J1hkI-n, lu rifM,iklrtiri.aud I n MUto ry, Klwsniphy, iratel, Artirntiirc. .Nutnrnl IllNtory. nHlor nhiI In door Npertn, Ar. Ac., with a hearty cpritiklitig of tun throughout the volume Price l3.00 jii, but up to Jan. 1st well end the tu-klvr M'MUK lor the year junclorcd (Vol. 10 rr only 'J.V"- l name, tlctimit'u bound in Jie'tunil Gold Will be cunt. cUrjce pttlu lor I.O. One year's ubicriptiou and twelve back number. S.OU. One year's gubscription and volume onk, i:ouno as above, sent cbnrireti puld for 0B.OO. t&'All Pontage prepaid by us. SCRIBNER&CO, Aw G34 llroudicay, New York. THE INTER-OCEAN, THREE EDITIONS. Weekly, Semi-Weekly, and Daily. K'tablijhcd less than three years afro as n Rcprceei'tative Kepublicnn Paper, pledged to maintain nnd defend the principle. and or ganization of the National Republican l'ar tv. the INTEK-UCKAX was early pnhed to the forefront of journalism and achieved a t-ucce unprecedented in the history of such enterprise. 15y universal ascnt it has been assigned position as The Leading Republican Paper In the NORTHWEST. Not nlono on it political character doe the INTKR-OCKAW rest itn claim for popular favor. It nitnsnt the hiitbct excellence in nil iU department, aud in this era of pro grcoi?o journalism apircs to a position umoug the best. Tno INTER-OCEAN makes especial claims FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Its columns aro carefully guarded against objecfonable matter, nnd eve: effort is make to render itUpleasantand profitable company ion to the home fireside. The Commercial Department lscondnetod with great care, nnd everything po.ible i done to make the MARKET RE PORTS such as the FARMERS and BUSr NESS MEN of tho Northwest can KEIA' UPON. The Agricultural Departm't Is carefully edited by gentlemen of ability and experience. In Literature. Local and General NaTs, Foreign and Domestic Cones- pcudonco And i (thing that goes to mako A First-Class Newspaper It is not excelled hy any publication in the country. The INTER-OCEAN is a NATIONAL NEWSPAPER, One that will be found useful and interesting to Americans in every part of the globe. While it especially rcnrernt the UEEAT INTKRES1S OF THE NORTH WEST, it is National in its views and comprehensive in in.its news-gathering. Firm in its political faith, it i not bigoted, and in all di.-eu-Mons aims to be candid, dignified, and above per sonal abutc. The INTER-OCEAN hasthelargestagerc aate circulatiucof any newspaper published in the Northwest. It u sent to more than 6000 1'oitoQiccs. distributed in every State and Territory ia the United States, in all the British Pro iuces. TS&1K OF SUBSCSimON: daily: By mail (payable in advanced per year. 1 12 00 do do do - months, 3 00 Sunday dditton per year (extra) 2 tt- SEMI-WEEKLY- By mail, per year (in advance) - - - 3 00 do club of four do - - 11 00 do clubofsix do - - - 15 00 do clnbofteu da - - - 25 00 Oaerr copy with every club of tea. WEEKLY. By mail per year (in advance) 1 50 Club of four do - - - - 5 00 Club of ten do - - - - 12 ft) Club of twenty do - - - - 20 00- one ire copy with every club of twenty. P0STAGET2wt.kettutf. Brt day of January, A. D. 1ST3. Under tats law the postage on newspapers wust be paid ATTHEOFr-ICK WHERE THKY. ARC MAILED. This will make it necessary for all subscribers-or agents seadiBjr us subscrip tions to send the money TO PAY lHkVf AOK IN ADDITION TO TdE SUBSCRIP TION PRICK. The following are the rates ta.be naid under ihe new law : WEEKLY INTKBOCEAN 15 cent a yeai SEMI-WEEKLY do 20 do DAILY do- S do Special arrangements made vita country publishers for dabbing with their publica tions. Sample copies free. Mcaey can be eat &y draft, saney.oraer, expscM, or sttn- ea, le.sev. MwvrrwK. taraw. - INTER-OCEAN. 119 Lake St Chicaga laprttarlT ail CTatapUn ol Aaericaa Art Tasta! THE .iLDlJE, The Art Jouksal Of America, IanB 5fatkly. "A MAOKirtCTtuT Cogcirrio. Wnjioiarri. ltCsbiibi Oct." The necessity af a popalar atediam for the rcpreseatatioa of the productions of our great artists, bat alwjys been lecogntsed, and many attempts have been made to meet the want. The successive failures which s invariably followed evh attempt in this coantrv to eJtab'.ish an art journal, did not prove the indifference of the people of Amer ica to the claims of high art. So soon as a proper appreciation of the want and an ability to meet it were shown, the publie at once rallied with enthusiasm to its support, and the result wa. a great artistic and com mercial triumph THE ALDINL. THE ALDINE. while issued with all the regularity, has none of tho temporary or timrty interest chant1 teristic of ordinary periodicals. It is an elegant micellany of pure, light, and graceful literature: and a collection of pictures, tho rarest spcimens of artistic skill, in black and white. Although each succeeding number affords a fresh pleasure tu its friends, the real value and beauty of THE ALDINE will be .most ap preciated after it is bound up at tbecla.'eof the year. While other publications may claim superior cheapness, as compared with rivals of a similar clais.THE ALDINE is a untque and original conception alonw and unapproacbed absolutely without competi tion in price or character. The prossessorof a complete volume can not duplicate the quantity of fine paper and engravings in any ether shape or number of olumcs for ten times its cost; and then, there is the chrotno. besides! The national feature of TIIE ALDINE must be taken in no narrow sense. True art is cosmopolitan. While THE ALDINE is a strictly American institution, it does not confine itself entirely to the reproduction of native art. Its mission is to cultivate a broad and appreciative art taste, one that will discriminate only on grounds of intrinsic merit. Thus, while placing bef re ihe pat rons of TIIE ALDINE, as a leading charact eristic, the productions of the most noted American artists, attention will always be given to specimens from toreign masters, givng ts subscribers all the pleasure and and instruclion obtainable from home or foregin sources. Tho artistic illustration of American scenery, original with THE ALDINE. is an important feature, and its magnificent plates are of a size raoro appropriate to tho satisfac tory treatment of details than can be afford ed by any inferior page. Tho judicious in tcrspersion of land tcapo, marine, figure, and animal subjects, sustain an unabateJ inter cit, impossible where tho scope of the work confines the artist too closely to a single stIe of subject- Tho literature of THE ALDINE is a lightand graceful accompani ment, worthy of the artistic features, with only such techuioal disquisitions as do not interfere with the popular interest of the work. FSSIaTCJU FOS 1875. Every subscriber for 1R75 will receive a beautiful portrait in oil colors, of the same noblo dog whoes picture in a former issue attracted so much attention. "MAN'S UNSELFISH FRIEND" will bo welcome in every homo. Everybody loves such a dog, and tho portrait i executed so true to the life, that it seems tho veritable presence of the animal itself. The Rev, T. Do Witt Talmago tells that his own New foundland dog (the finest in Brooklyn) barks at it! Although8onatural.no one who sees this premium chrouio will have tho slightest Jear of being bitten, Besides the cromo, every advance subscrib er to THE ALDINE for 1S73 is constituted a member, aud entitled to all the privileges of Aldine Art Union. The Union owns tho origirnls of all THE ALDINE pictures, which, with other paint ings and engravings, are to be distributed among the members.To every series ofo.OOC subscribers. 100 different pieces, valued at over 12.500 aro distributed as soon as the se.ies is full, and tho awards of each seri s as made, are to be published in the next suc ceeding isuo of TIIE ALPINE. This feat ure only applies to subscribers who pay lo one year in advance. Full particulars in cir cular sent on application enclosing a stamp TERMS- One Subscription, entitling to THS ALEUTS one year, tbe Ciromo and the Art Union. $6.00 per annntn, In advance. (No charge for nostage.) Speclnea cental of THE ALBIXE. 30 Ceata. TRE ALDINE will, hereafter, be obtainable-only by subscription. There will be no reduced or club rates ; cah for subcriptions must be sent to the publishers direct, or handed to the local canvasser, without respo sibility to the aublishers. except in cases where the certificate is given, bearing the thefac-sitnUe signature of Javu Scttos, President. CANVASSERS WANTED. Any person wising to act perna-ently as a local canvasser will receive full and prompt information by applying to THELDINEC3M?r, 53 Maiden Lane, New York. Music for Schools. We give particular attention to the selct .ing of Music for school purposes. Teachers favoring us with their orders need only state what class of arasio they desire, an we de sire, and we will guarantee to Bake taeia a satisfactory selection. GET THE BEST: The Best SEWS'AoolSiaginr Book: Fairy Bcaoes Pnee.f 60 The Best Standard School Soar Book: The Song Echo Pn, 73 Tba Best Piano Instructor: Peter's Eleetio , Phee. S2o n. 1- VJ n..,. tmmtntnm - " J? V.W" -i" . . --- k iakeis Stew jaecaoa.rnce. 2 50- The Best Iartneter for the Voice: . Luddea's School for tbe VocePrice, 3J0- xae eefcwiir ". . . WorrmllaOuitar Price. 1 nG Tba Best Collection for Male Vo.ce: Saagerfcs -. .Pnce.l 56 Tbe Beat CoIU ctioa fr Mhxed oiee : Ne Plas Ultra Q Book-Pnet 1 Tbe Beet Colleetiaa larCaatek Hoe: Tbe Cluster- -; Pnce. 1 5 Tbe Best Iastracter tor AcetKa : SedawJekVCeaawle MesaW-Pnccl' The Beetlaetrwettjr for Oil iswlai : Sedgwick's CaawtMeasaa'-Pm'? Published and mailed, po-pd, by iiS-Jw J- F PETER8. SS9H0ASWATty.TJ G. W. POBIIT. CapL R. n. Prsr. Notary Public. DOR8EY ic PRESSOR, Real Estate Dealers, BLOOMING TON NEB. Have ernntly for sale a large quantity of choice Land in .utbern Nebraska. Also buy and re'l land on Coramirsion and psy Taxes for non-residents. if- At'ention also given to the prosecu tion of all claim before the local and general Land OSccs, and Secretary of the Interior. THE DOMESTIC ! f .--r v :-- ysuuw"' BEST. WHY? Lcat difficulty in learning it' Least skill required to use it. Least labor to work it. Least care to keep it in order. Least trouble to change it I east changing required. Does fine work equal to any other. Does heavier work than others. Docs heavy work easily. Does everything well. Does nothing il! or grudgingly. Gives satisfaction, Exceeds expectation. Justifies the praise it everywhere receives, few days' trial solicited. H. II. JOHSSOJT,Trv. A Rent, Crete, Arts. Energetic Agents Wanted. Ladies, send to Chicago office for an elejiant fashion book. 2-Ii ARCIIin.tLD K. KINNEAR, NOTABY PUBLIC, SEAL ESTATE. AGENT, AND ATJCTIONSEB. All business strictly .attended to and all correspondence promptly answered. Specia attention given to payment of taxes, Collec tions and Real Estate Practice. KIVEBTON. Dr. T. B. WILLIAMS, Family Physician, Tenders his services to the public and will attend to all Professional calls. Office at tho Red Cloud Drug Store. O. K. Furniture Store, SED CLOUD NEB. Smith & Calvert Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Furniture. Picture Frames, Itlirrrs. and Uuder'stkers Coeds. WARE ROOMS. OPPOSITE 'THE COURT HOUSE. tfj? Omaha and Lincoln price? duplicated. Special terms to those wishing large hills and the trade. WORSW1CK &CO. BANK R S, AND DEALERS IN KEAL ESTATE. HASTING3, --- NEB. Promt attention given to Collections. t0(j- EUREKA! The undersigned has just completed his NEW BUILDING, And furnished it with a Full Aupply of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. HATS. 1SAS7-XASS CL0THQT0, BOOTS, SHOES, FANCY NOTIONS ETC. I- parpote to sell aa LOW at the LOWEST. FOR CASH. JVCall and exaaiae for yourself- M. lRAXr!lr Zr f A !Ti-,7!rK. Kn&rgffl &UXDS icav 15tf The WEEKLY ENQUIRER. A Paper r til Pwplr, a Tricpi of tlo Txrmt aad Indanrol Classes. A BEAUTIFUL NEW CflROUll E5TITLKD "PERBY'S VICTORY! Ulvea fa Every M Nabwcrtaer. This picture reprents Com. Oliver H. Perry in tbe act of pusinc froni one ship to another in a saall open boat, daring tbe ueat of the battle, exposed to the fire of the enemy. Zt Xs&rarts 16 t7 22 1-2 Za&cs, Is artiticdl!v ftnihei in thirtcn colors and is undoubtedlo the most dciable chromo rv er offere i is a premium. Sing'e coin's of it eilafNtW. Vtehavnat a great outlay te curet tho exrlus.ve control .ml ml ol it. and therefore are enab!eJ to present it to our patrons a. above. The rNUUlliKRtill stands pre eminent asafirt-cla?s New;puper. Its ariou de partments allotted tj Eiitcrials, Eusns, A?rircl:sra!, Pcetrj, Ccrrespcciease, Telegraphic, And Qeserrl Ncrs. AH give evidenceof the care and pair taken to rm ply its readers with ull tte unc nnd and a variety of reaJing that caniKit fail to interest each und every uiembrrot thehoujc hold. Hub.-cribh through our agents or send direct to us. YVedcfirean agent at every Post Offlce. and where none arc yeiapMinted. let some ot our friends apply for the agency. ADDRESS, FARAN & McLEAN. Pub's, Cincinnati, Ohio. DEN VEIL HOUSE Billiard Hall. D. W. DALTON, Prop. HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. This hnll h is lately been fitted up with ta bles ol the ben imimfjcurc. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the bar PROCTOR HOUSE, 3. D. PROCTOR. Proprietor, EE220N, NSBSASSA. The Traveling Public Will find this Hotel to be first class in every respect. 4QrCurriage runs daily to Uclviccre. the enarest .Station on tho St. Joe A D. C. R. R City Meat Market. MARK H. WARNER, Has jut opened a iMcat Market on Wchter Street, next door south of Park's Shot r p whore he will keep and sell fresh meats of all kinds. HIGHEST MRKET PRICE PAID FOR BEEF C TTLE. HOGS, J ND HIDES. Red Cloud. - - - - Neb. BILLIARD PARLOR, T. R. LEE, Hastings. - - - Nebraska. This e tablishment has just been fitted up in gool stI. nnd i just the place to enjoy a game of Milliards. 'Ihe best supplies atthe bar. 49-Gm J. S llr.Intire. La e Cashier 1st Nat Rank, Clarinda, Iowa.l BANKER, HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. Exchange bought and sold on all cities of the United States and Europe. County Warrant, COUNTY ND SCHOOL BONDS Bought and Sold. References by Permission : D. F. Att.v.v. President Cook Co. National UanV, Chicago. N. 1). !ir,e. President First National Rank, Clarinda. It.wa. .Ltiix IlKKKSHnr. C.ihier Pacific National Rank. Council lilnfis. Iowa C. C Carkktkb. tioveraor State of Towa. C. LixoKRUix, Clerk Superior Court. Iowa. G-Cm e. n JOES, Watchmaker & Jeweller, BSD CLOTO, T7SB5TS3 C0TOT7, !TEB. tSfParticular attention given to Re--pairins Fine Watches and Satisfaction Guarantied. I. W TULLEYS, HOMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN U. S. PENSION SURGEON. Office 3d door Soutl of Court Houe. Sasiianct Ost Idle East ef Bed Clcil Republican River STAGE WNE. T. T. v7E33, Praprictcr. Regular trips will be made between JUNIATA and RED CLOUD, T clin lw nWcpd tn rrv ra-enreT? pes the diys Beatione, leaving Red i Cload at 6 A. x oh .Voadays, eaae dam aad Fridiv. Leaving Jaanta, at 6 A. 5aM o TaasJaja, Tkaradajs aadSatardaya Fare xateaa&c NEW GOODS! J. G. POTTER Takes this method to Inform the Public that he has Just opened up a new and complete Stock of DRY GOODS & GROCERIES. Consislina m Jirt of CALICOES, DARK. LIGHT k PINK, CHAMBRES. DELAINES. ., LAWNS. DRESS TRIMMINGS LININGS, CORSETS SKIRTS, VAILS CLOUS. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLIN TABLE LINENS. & TOWELING. PANTS, OVER ALLS k SHIRTING, BOOTS A SHOES, MATS at CAPS, COFFEE, SUGARS & TEAS of ail Kinds, Canned Fruits, Oysters and Crackers, Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos,. FLOUR. MEAL & BACON- And everything usually Lopt in a First Class Dry Cowls GrOMry Store. -T. G. Potter Ret! Cloud, Nebraska. THE CHICAGO AT - HASTINGS, Keeps constantly on hand the la'ge;t stock of Dry Pine Lumber in the West. Also JSLIXOS, MOUMItfS, TARRED and all BUILDINO MATERIAL. Our stock is well selected and purchased direct from the rafts, and will be sold as low as the lowest. O. O. OL,lBIi Hastings, Nebraska. NEW HARDWARE STORE ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MITCHELL & MORIHRT Have opened a new store and have just received a full and complete stock o! HARDWARE, Cutlery, .Carpenter and i FARMING TOOLS, COAL and WOOD STOVES. Wc have also a Tin Shop connected with our Store. Wc manufacture Tin, Copper k Sheet Iron Ware. Our Stock is LARGE and well assorted, and wc will deal as low as any house west of Lincoln. Call and See Before Purchasing Elsewhere. Opposite the Lumber Yard. Red Cloud, - LUMBER LUMBER W. L. VANALSTYNE jijsncLoun, '- jvbbrasko. PINE UMBE , LATH, SHINCELS Doors Blinds, Sash Mouldings Lime, Tarred Paper, Etc 0d every Article usually kept in a ilrst Class Lumber Yard. . I GUARANTEE TO. DUPLICATE ANY BILL THAT CAN RE GOT AT JUNIATA OR HASTINGS. uveby fb i J. D. POST, PrtprittK. Paria Itttd p a tart c Stable K st all &ae lo faraka rtw aa4 fe4 for taaa LirKTriai aa aort s&tka. ' StsKa tfiiaTaCaylia, LUMBE ? YARD 1 NEB UL1IE kinds of .- - - - DEALER IN MME ! wsre ! ! Maxwell A Dittgee W;,B u Inftrwti !WIe that tan & mvle xtew rrpratl3 t mattftar Liaie. ed 1II aacp oa FULLStTPPLY to t the HtKaaJ of A jMJe. akb j U4 rr..- Metmember the Place I lira 0 of 1M Ocac UHai ea .trm' 752 ?25?LS3 ?A?32. 7SC!tt?t ireirspipcr iz i Te:t. Tht Talnl la Clrvatallaa la taa CHy THK mCA,10 1057 ".XI MAIL N athfrllT tn4rd to fce Ih ltt.tir.t, liir.t, m$l rRtrprtm n.I rhr.t aft-nt nr pr ot"!-t n i Nrih t. It i IUWn n r-oftii. hih tr.t ml tfia4r4pth .&.! of lwt al cwrf?al nr. It. mrkat rrtTl are rr-lt. frHrr. ami rtliiHlc Th Mm et :! immtfisfni i h brn. o4 "ill t'f t waV frh. lr . l p y newfarr. It. tu in rocjlfrctl hr . ttlj rf fl -t rnmfcr et. UnrIuaWet' eitjr ! win:ry ut fcrlJer. It U n ft th ht of faHy fjrHT i'I b coataatlr mortuisc ir mUtiao. TKBMS0rSU5"i;irTl0S. DitLT byamll r-r annum ftr JBttrT I. -otai;p prri - - vC Iiltv tntotfa ...... . - J. lUtLT thrr month. .M...-. X.i THE WF.KKI.Y IiXST.AXD MAIL Ha l.sn nlrswl t rht lnmn ruM ufibe.tf tU Im!t. ! ntrtn. lt th ctmrnt gtirl al ll new. of tb k. with tulnabts! fenrlffa ft'l ilni'i cwf,r tftryl-nre. thrift tonr of tli Ujr. lilt m. &aln virty. ! ohr . na Willi tilt'k rrp"" frITrl Htr.l 1t limnmlTr rvAtlet. nl e rtfullr ! ov lo the Lour r ln ttt rr- riujca It Is crr. i ii nwltf IIodo tho Un.t . ItMln thcs.uRir II rtu Ui hfrtaftr ta thrwt. tl anu4l utnttUa lrice bttat nlr OKI llilLlt ASP rlKTT CT. to wbloh oul lw Mrl aftfncnt rtj. so be rffjiJ. Kllcf Jannrf I. hjf lh tub JUbtr. In HnUt with tho taw wbUh r intoMpcratiuukl iht dti. Kilrenlloar icJiu-rnifnl. arerffrr-l to Hr hr mbu' r-r!r toavil ih ilc iforlub rt rf KrwitUnc may l rck lihr br ilrajLrw. tMt9rUcr, orrrgi.urcu Ictirr, atiurruV - ; All IritJ-r houM I'p aMre.l tft taaiKi rnio;o i.l AMI MAIL CO,JrJ Icorbiru trl. Imi-rt.ut but brief orw. Icttrre oiirIt r.1 trHi nil iru f tho ctuntry N notl vnil X-e Ukcn oi anonywacimnuiiWsHoti. THE ALDINE COMPANY'S . New liihliealiat.. SOLD ONLY BY SUQSCaiPTIOM. TiiKAUMxr Tin: uir journal of am nun a ThN I'oti'll l rlrfifl l nit only wrll Uiinl In prr fmtu'. but i bttf con null) iIfjrlMiil himI imrt -!. IlliUy ImhI ni h(it ji rivalin tho hlr nrbl uf r.iwlicai liicratur. Tbo br.ultful Io pflrtrnil. M"n' Un-rllWh I rtcuil." a oliiumo irwntN l rvry .itbfrlBr. I. lekl.l hit. and will If riW. 4l tMth ilHlriy wtiWti Oil. wwrk hc fcln. Th AllT I'M'lN fnalBf" l- ft- lul t an.l Ix-nrfi'iU rr utt. in fuliMr iubW ln Uim in tltc , r.. Cirvutpi uml ftil In" lutiiiikltun on aM'iKNiilon. I'artt I, II. HI onl IV r now rty. Sutton's- LEisuHz-iiOTJii j::a:CiLLA::T. Tbo coinHctcl in W ifl. 1mu1 for-' nlflitly. I.ach -.irt will ronfin n rUfMNt front ! tlri. onstnotly nigra l "t ftrl lor tho ondoii Art Juurnal iu;ritoi)ucNG at a pncp williln iIip i"filr rr-irh. n?' i inc.n"cr beinr itfleifl at !' tbu & tl(iM the mnojtil. Ihrfo lat. Imve been th kttratia of Karh Mrt will e-n an 3j,a't mr. (ti. rloilinu th rl)flHl finnli'i'MT bo iint- ixijxr. A MHri t'H" txi". iwHy iltarnirtcf 1 In rrl mil A. will ( rn with tit firl it. at'I th n''""" f lh rntirr viittA wtll be - worthy r'rriiiUon of th-"Thf Al in i?rt " wttk-h ! r tec uf uuicthiniT IteAutlful au I il'JVI. At a Cost of 25 Cents a Part rKTt I. It A III Ac JiT Pi ni.tr urn. 'rat a irr jorRH;ir Catni-trte In 12 itmnlhb patt. at SI rtirh K- niiMluriue tK- bt full pe iMulnti frotn the earlier volumci of Ibn AIIin. laeh monthly frt will mntn ii mf-m-pinlrw Hi'h.icrfmi'"iylbl'"ri'tlr. n ttr anl whether f'r bmr ttfr trmn 3. will ' entlrrly b')'i lii""tlti'M In n mr ar tie elmrmrter K-ry nwr..n will h iuf c.ircfull takrn m tin flm-ft t'lnl tlr. ami n ii will hrarlt' rnikr tbi tho rieho-t fricluc ion ! a frr wlnh h. won. In a iimrrrlou'ly bort titae. a worii-wiJo rt'IMilJtlvH. gs:s raoH ras aldis., Eft'Cfially aorleI fr Semp Hook Htattmli't' and trntrinff inntf A Htz- rolli'tlnn nf pictuttt of dlffrfnr rttf ami on k(u)tt etcr) cnncjirh! ml-Jrl Itaru berti tui "I in an a tractive rnveo. xnl t now otfVrrl at a rtro lutrnll to wake thtin iwqUt iu ef ry cao. KiitcI- So. 1. eonUinlnc W btt!lfl rmratUu . U now ta-r. nl will h- fiu jlascf iaitl to nl B4hlrff fr ONK I01 l.AIU A l.betal I(cunt to gtiU ami. ttaohcr. Scrap Books. A f.ltnlM ortjnrn of BCitAP Y.WKA baro lji n rxvt ly t'rrtmrc4 for tho b!i ay rsn. an-1 fc prnt f more nnanrnt intert csin b ltfl fr veutlewan of lady, hi ar youtjy. No. I. IMf Uan.l.rlbiil. rllt bTt. ZTQhv. IxMiaIi . .-.. .. 'tjit No. i. ilalfUnU'i. -hth uln. gilt fcsk. t-rt yp, 12lft itM- . TV No. t, t'ttll wrf. brlT-l boanl, Jt " atxl aati-fue. Ttry rih. .0' rt. . 1WV IUert". I order to toll at 2ft rh line, ni ijinj mail. i-f,-pidd, a receipt of tbo ! rice. T32 ALSHTZ TJlZZZ'TJLZZCUZZ. Ib t3jlian wltb ritil r"itjri. Ibo t'iiUbrr ef fllK ALLrlNK hare fr'jrl irnr4'tn ef raaoy f th'ir rcMl buual t2ate rr p-prtMit Xnmnz. Tlla- awatrlot bvntifal tintl ror to it. h h43'lom tl tofJer tinr. Toatucti tb ". it i Iy let Utlh trtMer t iat aai f'tl er at alre-4y aita LI bur.Jer. and tbu stay bo done by a eMM. --$., 4. 1.tf- f, . w!.V. .1... fit-' six o! iu in? tit 31 i, wb,a eleUs te- I. 1 ljv,-ri i.i. w. f -r. ! tm M i hnt by tooil. witbolt lJ. t-CJt-pid. far' prke. CANVASSEKS WANTED. 2S AlnuS CCI?AS7, 5 3Iaiden Ian?, Ne Yoti. CBAS I, .HILLEK. CARPENTER 4 BUILDER,- KU rurpetfally lcfrs tJ eith& of Re J CltmA at4 MnsJ:y thai bo i? rnrtI it A.Q nil T.fe1 of wrk ib i aart xittiu'lrrtttzzhttUTvu. ;tifiilirsir aatevt. Ojdcrcr tel'Sft tt Ct. Zw tLf p!a f bfloof . ZtlOsA tttilo f-ainer. Gtmlun- l''i.frl,i-.nr. with elif. t 7 rsirfeelif. 4' .!' in. . l.: lib ilut. it.-ui. iLr9'j. fi . :.i. - v J y el K Tier PhaLiuhia. Pa , for a.'" ooner iW S-1" ' .'-- -. -v - v - '" ,;tS :s- L .ffjS- ".'.t m'J- ,v !- v S2- ." i && &$ :-S?': 'Sri "o JJii T- -C--. v. 4, -i: fc--c?i52-- . -,?v