BOS' .-" f ' J eiasBaaaaaaaaajBBBBsawawawawwaai ? r ' u t THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. v MB KJfljOiSb AY MA1CH 24, 1875. w - As has been previously annouBceJ, I aa coavMtion to doshmm tajo bmb. Wrs for tbe CoMtitatibaal Coateattoa will take pUoe oi Tuesday Beat, at Hastings. It is oar desire to aee good and fit aieo Boaiiitated at that ooaven tion, and we believe that this district cms find within its limit?, men who will be a credit to the people, and win honor to themselves. In this matter, we care bat little for the political faith of the men who are toer?e or and Mill lere for their calling or occupation. Let ua have good men, whether they be farmers, doctor, lawyers or me chanics, and to that end will we labor. We have heard a number of names mentioned, in this connection, all of whom,0 far as we know, are well-fitted for the position, but as only two are to be chosen, it will be well to in quire closely into their merits, and take the best, without fear or favor. One of the last acts of tbe late Con gress was to increase the rate of post age upon transient newspapers, books magazines and general misoellaneous matter. It is difficult to understand why this was done.. It certainly can not be in the interests of the postal Krvice, or to increase the revenue, for it, virtually prohibits the transmission of a thousand articles, that' the people have been" sending through the mails. Seeds roots, cuttings, and samples of merchandise will new be sent by ex press, that mode being the cheapest. The postalrates Jiave been changed with such frequency that not one-half of the country "postmasters, . can keep, ap with the variations. TfiE assessors have about completed their duties, ahd in a short time the returns will be all in. As soon as possible the,' total valuation of the property in this county, and the en umeratinn will be jmbliehed. We wish to again call the attention of the assessors to the importance, of taking the census carefully and thoroughly. Aside from the heavy penalty for neglecting this, it should bo the wish of every officer to make as good a showing as possible for his own pre cinct. If it is discovered that anj persons have been overlooked on the reams rolls, gather them in befoie it is too late. Every man -in the county should constitute himself a '"Board of Immi gration," and do his utmost to' give all the information possible concerning the country. It is believed that every settler can induce at least one more to come, and that would double our population. If it is settlement, that is needed in a new country, tako hold with a good will, and there will toon --be a large population here, with the consequent increase of church and educational privileges, and the. valae of property. UNDER "a law enacted the past winter, it will require a two-thirds vote, after September next, to issue the bonds of any county, district or municipality. This will have the effect of hurrying up some of Hho counties, and probably in some in stances bonds will be-voted and issued rashly, and prematurely rather than to wait and take the risks of a two thirds vote. It speaks welJTortho. credit of Ne braska, that the relief bonds were sold above the par value thereof. Thoy were negotiated and told at a premium of four per cenrr Considering the gen eral depression in money matters and the uncertainty in the 'minds" of many concerning the. future of our State, we may welt call this a good advertisement for Nebraska. JosEPn Garbeh, Esq., who is well Known by all our older settlers, as a foraer commissioner of this county, aad present clerk of Nuckolls county, received the aoaiination in his district' ft the Constitutional Convention, without a disaenting voice. THZ C0UNT7'C0H7NTJ0tfr Bed Cloud. March 20th, 1875. 4 Pursuant to a call, the citixens of Webster county assembled in Ma Convention, at the School House in Red Ckmd, for the parpose of electing tea delegates to represent .Webster awMtylaVthe District Coaveation to ie "hcUrat;HatiBgs oa the 30th inst The Ceaveatioa was called to order fcv Dr. J. E. Santa'; of Guide Rock, Cfceira.aaof the Webster oeaaty Cen tral Coaimittee. Oa motion. David Lutr was-elected aaimaQ of the.coaveation, aadC L. Mather, Secretary. It was ovaCTfca.t the- delegates be aaportieaed to 'the different precincts fthe'ooaaty, which was agreed to. Tae apportwaauat. being as follows: Gaide Rock, 2 ; RetCSoad 3'; Wal nut Creak, 2 ; Oak Creeks Batia aad Haraaeey, 1 each. Oa otiea tjae ooaveatiea' areeeed--. edtft kaBat fiwidsff. ginfiMgnwOti. - -. ' . Re4 Cferi. C. & Maeaery fe E Tiaker, aad J. L. MtBer. Gaide Reek; Aefcer BaaUad KJt ' Jeaaeti. . WaWtCreekW. J. Vaaea aad Owk Owek,-H. Dt lUnaey. Oa CoaYcatiaa aswwesV ""- " P. LsCTX. airsaaa. CMaiub, , Saipr v- FRO KEARNEY. TO THE LACK HILLS. . A7SWW0IS3 JlOX TH HAS WHO F20?0SX5 TO PILOT THZ SZCT71SI0S. Tie Start to be Haie Before the Cf 117,1875. Itt Lour Cut, Neb., March 12th, '7& Editor Press -.Having decided to organize a company of miners to spend the coming summer in the Black Hill.-', I thought a few words in regard to the best route, and my abili ty to take a company through might be of interest to your many readers. For the Ia4 eleven years I have been on the frontier ; most of the time as government scout and have become acquainted with the manners, customs and language of the Sioux Indians. The winter of 1873 and the present winter I have spent on the Niobrara trapping. Early in October of the year 1872 with two associates I started from this place with traps and needle-guns with the intention of following the Niobrara to the foot of tbe Black Hills in search of furs. After following the Middle Loup to its extreme head, a distance of two hundred miles, wo passed over to the North Loup and then to tbe Delaqua and from there to the Nio brara a distance of thirty miles from there to the Black Hills, Jt is about fifty miles but they can be plainly seen with the naked eye. I might say hero that after leaving Loup City a short distanco wc struck the old Mormon trail and folltved it to the head of the Middle Loup. It is a plain track, over level land, aud load ed teams can easily pass ; and all along the route we found plenty of wood and water and cxcelleut places for camping. After reaching the Niobrara we found an abundance of timber, in fact it may well be called a timbered country, and the great quantity of pine, walnut and oik will furnish an abundance of building material for the great prairies of Ne braska. We also found plenty of good coal on the surface, and it is the opinion of yoar correspondent that it will be ea-y to open inexhaudtable coal beds. My companions after obtaining gome furs decided to return to the settlement, and I spent the winter alone, except when visited by the friendly bands of the roving Sjoux. In tho spring of 1874 I returned to Loup City, and last fall, in company with Mr. Green Brown of this city, we again started for the Niobrara, from which we returned a few days ago, with a good quanity of furs. Our "ranch" was clo?o to the Sioux camp, and I am acquainted with the chiefs and almost the entire tribe. One day while I was getting dinner one of the bravasmaiaio oar raaaaJ4 ASSrSfe?Mtf8 and because we would not divide our meal with' him, he kicked over our bread. I decided to hav vengeance and immediately gave him a horse whipping. He left very iudignant, but we were afterwards on good terms. It will take about twenty days to go from Kearney to tho Black Hills with cattle, the wagons being heavily load ed, and cattle are greatly preferable to horses, and even better than mules. I shall have the company organized and r a ly to start between the first and tenth of Mayy as it will bo best to start befoto that time and then the cold weather will be over and there will be plenty of grass for the cattle. There should be one team for every four persons, with plenty of flour, cof fee and tobacco to last six months. I would recommend needle-guns and each man should have at least one hundred re-loading cartriges. Those desiring to mine should have a pick, spade and pan. I will gladly welcome any one to join my party, bat would not recommend any one to picture a trip free from danger aud full of merriment. I have talked considerable with the Indians in regard to the Black Hills They claim the country but express a willingness to sell it to the govern ment. I do not anticipate any danger with fifty well armed men, and do not desire to start with a less number ; aad shoald prefer two handled, - Agata I wkh toatatataat frossiLeaa City to the. Black Hills the route will be easily traveled with loaded teams and is by far superior to any other. The country frost Sieux City to the Black Hills is over a rough broken couutry and a great many disadvantages that will aot be experienced aloag the val ley of the Middle Loup. - Aay one desirias any infornutioB ia regard to the party will address, . . JOHH FaKLKT, Lou City, Neb. Tbe following eoBsaaaieaUoa has beea ia type for two or taree weeks, aad by sasstake wMseasJdaaweverleeaesLJ Ma. Editoc: ' I aare aotiaad saaple of artMecJa the Ckikt. lately. a the asdaeetiea. aad was very glad te aee thai, at we seldesa hear aajtsdagoatheMbitkBaywhere. raHade to tkeartieJesTby "Famer.": aBeVD..S. Hd vrar(Iswppeeetaa4is the aaasiesaaae real aM. Ifowldo aei esUirdy aaiesj wiiav "I.rasW." terlAwew af bmbt who weeM atae werk if thay eeald get aaythiac to can their liriaa. Begelta. it the did work, there ie stet whejawkh ia aaa eheag. Aad wakaew ties ewr-rfssereaa fciaaie ia ttwSatt are saviesj th Kwaa.ef saaay hr their eeaejwaasieeav far ad we set neaiewi aidlrmthaahaWAy'wwlM hare aegawM adwedehelieTelhra lesag whw hatatw. eeeredaatwhe eeaM ave get at ahaa thatehe wsiar'sAwM eafer. As Jar sayaelf. I egpacted to art witaeat aia. bat tbe titide of . 8. Htlvcni has jt w Mm iato mf aW. He sys k kMaIre4r received aid aa4 will eH for ert if k & it. lit Sto Mrs i fr f fetac work for two f ta awtiUta an at SO etati vtr 4mj. 5ow tkst U rood! taat a -'bkJ'IiikoltM- IlHcafier I wilJ draw ioae ratH!ca myaelf (iflcu)udtaca I will hire mvc of the destitute to work for at, and I will it by the firt aad mint tk aid -iridic, tad it will uri id dattkatt from tbe haailliatiob of reeeiTisr aid. Aad I ee asny other ways ia wImib Ieaafrelp the aeedy win. do aot like to apply for aid theajMlre. For io taace. by reeeiriaateaiethiar. aiy wife aad I Biibt be able to go to a daace aad pay te fiddler somerTiior. ttereby awi'tinciorue ia deitrioa individual who u to proad to receive pablic aid. Aad thea if I ebosld "draw" I could losetiaej when I felt a little "under the weather." gu to the nlooa aad "take a little foacthinr." and thereby help tbe ealooa keeper who perhape aay be a aaa with aoal to aoble to accept pablio charity. And then if I could draw iom rations jait bow. I know where I could trade tome for jewelry for iny oldeit daazbter and thereby help ioae dMerrefaa people wbi do not like to k fotaid. Th;re are several other ways in which I could help tbesuCerinr by receiving aid my self, wkien I will aot take the rpace to men ibn. Vat it is very stranga to me that I did aot think of ifiese things bfure. what a large aaaount of good I night have done. Charitably Yours, GALoor. STATE NEWS. Kearney has been visited by bur glars, and a saloon mourns to the ex tent of sixty dollars. Tbe troops stationed at the new mil itary post on the North Loup in this State, have been ordered to Ft- Lara mie, to assist in stopping expeditious to the Black Hilk An expedition to the Black Hills will start from Kearney about May 10th, under the guidance of John Far ley of Loup City. It is estimated that the trip can be made in twenty days. A company of troops have been or dered from Omaha to the North Loup. The gambling business in Lincoln is dull just now, and there is'nt even a faro bank in running order. The county seat fight in Adams Co., is getting hotter every day. The two county papers have lost sight of every other interest, and are "pitching in" for all the game is worth. Juniata appears to be ahead, thus far. The election takes place next Tuesday. Fairmont boasts of a city prison, and the Bulletin says it is not popular as a place of resort. The various counties interested in tho suit for the collection of taxes from the B. & M. and U. P. Railroad companies are paying Judge Briggs, of Omaha, from fifteen to twenty per cent of the amount collected, which is not very exhorbitant, considering the services rendered. The Juniata Gazette says that four car loads of wheat from the State Grange Relief Committee, have been shipped to that plaee for the Grangers Thhlntiaens of Furnas county have been furnished a supply of ''stove pipe" hats by the Aid Society. They must be a "high toned" set up there. And now Coleman, the editor of the Beatrice Express, is going to leave the paper and the city, and hold some office in Washington. At- this rate Beatrice will be depopulated, and its brains and "sinner" being engaged abroad in the service of its country. Lincoln Journal. That comes of being on the winning side can't you understand these "leetlc dings ?" A correspondent of the Lincoln Jour nal gives tho following concerning our neighbor to the north : There has, of late, been quite a re vival of business at Juniata. A num ber of new dwelling' were elected late in the fall, and a large and well-appointed steam grist mill is now under way, and will soon be finished. Mr. Kichenor, one of its proprietors, is an old mill-wright, and an inventor of considerable promise. Messrs. D. H. Freeman and A. V. Cole have made large sales of agricul tural implements, showing that the farmers, though cast down, are aot discouraged. Meesrs. Freeman & Cole ars popular and companionable gentle men, and folly deserve the success they have achieved) The Jacobsoa House here has re cently changed hands, the popular Jacobson retiring to bis homestead, and Mr. T. T. Webb, tbe proprietor af the Juniata and Ked CIoujlstage fine, taking hb place. We presume he will fally sastain the popularity of the aoase, as he is a pleasant, intelli gent aad eaergewe gcatleaian. la some places in the east part of 'the State tiware coBptaiaiag of mad This-69ands a little strange to us. Has. Jtseph Garber, of Nelsoa, NackoBs coaaty was aoaitnated by ac daasatioa far the Coaatkational Con veatioo, froaa the district compased of Nackotts aad Thayer coaatiea. The Crete FStt with, aomaMada kU -" s . . ,iw, T XiA-n ts vtiains crve wav awv w AavaA aappliet ia Geraiaa aad" Boheaiiaa, aad efers to patthesaaK wto Chiaesc or Pottowattaaiie, shoald aay of the aaaaa ha fbaad ia taa caaaty. Capt Asahf , aae of the aaat law yers of Beatrieav waa at Waahiaftaa, .after the patkioa af Sergeaat-atArass of taa Saaatfj hat ha fiilad.taaake the Ha qaaitiai af Tataay haada la aid ia the asaatraeiisa af a aiil is agitat wkiaaaa af Aa wsVaTtaa; aky af i.Clajasawy. 6 Jrsaaia aaa araearad 10,000 aticafblfleyiaOaWwraferthe Cape ftsT- MBSBY aV rKESMft (tail EtUtt Outer, ij. BLOOMIKOroX - . N'UL Have ecBsttatfcr for sJc a large oaaatiir. of choice Lands ia Southern Nebraska. Also bay and se.l ttl oo liaaisaioa aad pay Taxes tor aoa-resMtnts. air Afealioa slo riven to the proeem tnn of all claiuu before tbe (oral and geaeral Land OSces. and Secretary of tbe Intpfior. THE DOMESTIC ! BEST. WHY? Least difficulty in learning it Least skill required to use it - aSV Least labor to work it. i , Least care to keep it in ordef. ' Least trouble to change it I east changing required. Does fine work equal to any other. Does heavier work than others. Does heavy work easily. Does everything well. Does nothing il! or grudgingly. Gives satisfaction, Exceeds expectation. Justifies the praise it everywhere receives. few dayti' trial solicited. II. H. JOaflNMOK.Trav. Aa;ntt Crete, Me. Eneroetic Agents Wnnteil. Ladies, send to Chicago office for an clccant fashion book. 2-3 ARCHIBALD K. KIWJf CAaS. KOTAB? PUBLIC, SEAL ESTATE. ASENT, A1TD AT7CTZ0HEE1. AH baiinees strictly attended to aad all correspondence promptly aaswered. Speeia atUntion given to payment of taxes. Collec tions and Real Estate Practice. KIVERTON. Dr. T. B. WILLIAMS, PJkyaiciiiii, Tenders his services to the public and will attend to all Professional calk. Office at the lied Cload Drug Store. O. K. Furniture Store, BSD CLOUS NEB. "i rw ' Smith A Calvort Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Furniture. Pictvre Fraiaes, Ulirrcrs, and Undertakers CSaadt WARE ROOMS. OFPOSITS IHB COURT HOUSE. 19 Omaha and Lincoln prices duplicated. Special terms to those wishing large bills and the trade.' WORSW1CK a CO. BA-H-fr Sr-. ANDDEALIRsW 2 REAL ESTATE. HASTINGS. --- NEB. PreaiDt attaatieeciTa ta Galleetiaaa. 4fi6- EUREKA I Tte aedersigaed has jasi aeasrletfaiW NEW B-UrtsDINa, a"d raraieheditwith aFall Swaaty f wVocnuKs.-' CATS.' ttAOT-sUlttOflTiatvi' MOOTS, SHOES, rAsbr XOT10N& ETC, " T raaraaaa teeeU as LOW ae at rost-cua. " , W. latATTwWf U V" t .- V: tiliiliU ltd," t G. W. IBSS7. W "'aAs aTsO-.,.1 wjrjn w ml m The WEEKLY ElYQUIRKU. Aftrftrtaw?te0t, a Trial af tka tarsaraad laiartnai Caasc V A BEAUTHOL NEW CHatO.HO KS TITLED "PERRY'S VICTORY!" eivwa ( Cvwef SS HabweHber, TWe, ptctare relrf-nts Co. Oliver II. Perry tbe act of passing frro one ohip to anotaer in small opea boat, daring the neat ot tbe battle, exposed to tbe fire of tbe eaUiy. ItaCainrM 16 ly 12 M laciai, Is arttstieallr finished in thirteen eolors and is asidoubtedlo tbs most Ue-iable cferetao ev er otferel as a premium. Single ctfif f it seil at S3 U). Me have at a great oatlay -care i tbe cxclustve control and sale of it, aad tberefore are enabled to present it to our patraas above. The KNtiUlUCR utill stands pre-eminent asaarst-cla.s Newpptr. Iu vaxioas de partments allotted it Editorials, Hasorov, AgncultnraJ, Poetry, Cormpcale&ee, Ttlsgraphie, And Ot&crrl Vsws. All give evidsneeof tbe care and paius taken to sapply its readers with nil tie tc and and a variety of reaJing tbat canuol fail to interest each and every member of tbe boose bold. Stlbscritih ibroufb OurMjlPBLl or irn.l twirect to us. ' "ed wire an agent it every Pout Office. aad where none are yet appointed, let suae ot ur friends apply fur the agency. ADDRESS, FARAN & McLEAN, Pub's, Ciscis&sti, Ohio. DBXVEll HOUSE Billiard Hall. D. W. DALTON, - - - Prop. HASTIN6S, NEBRASKA. This ball b u lately been fitted up with ta ble of the beat manufacture. Choice Wines.Liuots and Cigars at tbe bar PROCTOR HOUSE, G. D. PllOCTOIl. PaoruiETOR, HS3201T, 27EB3ASZA. The Traveling Tublic Will find this Hotel to be first cltirs in every respect. "Carriage rurs daily to UeUieere. the enarest Station on tbe SU Joe Jc D. C 11. H City Meat Market. MARK H. WARNER, lias jat opened a Meat Market on Webster Street, next door south of Purk'iShot h)p where he will keep and sell fresh meats of all kinds. HIGHEST MUKET PRICE PAID FOR BEEF C TTLB. HOGS, J NT) HIDES. Rsd Cloud. ..... Neb. BILLrAISD PARLOR, T. R.LEE Hastings, - - - Nebraska. This e'tablishment has just been fitted op in gooi stle. and ia jiutlho place to enjoy a e:une of itilli.inls. The best ttapphesatthe bar. 49-Cta aa S. 7Ir Entire, La' e Cashier 1st Nat Hank, Clarinda Iowa. BANKER, HASTINGS, - - - NEBRASKA. Exchange bought and sold on all cities of the United States and Europe. i onsty Warrant, COUNTY ND SCHOOL BONDS Bought and Sold. References by Permission : 11. F. Frc3tdent Cook Co. National Rank. Chicim. X. B. Morik. President First National Haak. Clarinda. Iowa. .. . . J jhx Kkbr-iiiam. Cashier Pacific National Bank. Council Klcffs. Iowa. C. C. Carpioticb.. Governor Sute of Iowa. C. Lisdsbiux. Clerk Sui:rkr Court. Iowa. G-Gai EH JO.ES, Watchmaker & Jeweller, 3SD CL07D, WSBSTZ2 CCTOT7, HSU. Particular- attention given to-Re pairing Fine Watches and . Satisfaction Guarantied. HOIKEOPATHrC PHYSICIAN U. S. PENSION SURGEON. Ofice 3d door Soutl af Caart IToa-e. Batidcset Oaa IQla Aft af lei CktJ. Republican River STAGE I-INE. T. T. 5- Racakr triaa will he JUNIATA Hi R CLOUD, IshaJW mm the ae asaaaaaad, laav: rHNcaac Weiaaa Csaaal at 6 a jt aa MMiara, M riMBM. w es w s- A.JL. oa NEW GOODS! J G. POTTER Takes ttit mitoito Mtrm the f efekc ttat he Jm eaec a new tad casjsMte Sleek rf DRY GOODS &. GROCERIES, ContiMin? m irt of CALICOES. DARK, LIGHT PINK, CHAMBRKtf. DKLAINE.S. LAW8. v DRESS TRIMMINGS MK. s,aM' CORSETS k SKIRTS, VAILS A ;? VlA BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS TABLE LINENS. A TOWELING, PANTS, OVERALLS A SHIRTING, BOOTS A S1IOEB, H ATS St CAPS, COFFEE, SUGARS & TEAS tf all Kinds, Cannsd Fruits, Oysters ind Crackers, Chewinf an. Snoking Tsbaccos, FLOUR, MEAL & BACON- And everything usaally kept ia a" First Class Dry Goods A Grocery 9lere. 4. Oa PoftaVa Red Clsuti Nebraska. THE CHICAGO LUMBER YARD I AT HASTINGS, NEB Keeps constantly on hand the la-geit stock of Dry Pine Lumber in the West. Also nxiarissj, moui-mags, hme. TARRED PAPER, and all kinds of BUILDING JIATEBIAL Our stock is well selected aud purchased direct from the rafts, and will be sold as low as the lowest. O. O. OLIVER Hastings, Nebraska. NEW HARDWARE STORE ! WHOLKSALE AND RETAIL .MITCHELLS MORHART . nave opened a new store and bare just reccivod a full and complete slock of H1RDUAKE, Cutlery, .Carpenter trod FARMING TOOLS, COAL and WOOD STOVES. Wc have also a Tin Shop connected with our Store. Wc manufacture Tin, Copper k Sheet Iron Ware. Our Stock is LARGE and well assorted, and we will deal as low as any house west of Lincoln. Call and See Before Purchasing Elsewhere. Opposite the Lumber Yard. Red Cloud LUMBER LUMBER W. L. VANALSTYNE R ED LLOlIf, -- JVEBRASMC. PINE UMBE . LATH, SHINCELS Doors Blind, Sash Mouldings Lime. Tarred Paper Etc- Artiefe araally kept ia a al tttrj I GUARANTEE TO DUPLICATE AT JUNIATA OR HASTINGS. L D. POST,, Pfipriaiir sfawiaa aaasi a r !arjf ftsiraraesare sr-, llalaa TPaaSalttaTllaj Nab' First (Haw Lasaber ITard. ANT BILL THAT CAN BCGOI ! S! fis U IsrfWrsa tbe jasWJe tfect giiejWTWaewwaasaite aswikewaaaa4a FULLSUPPLt iWBMSJttk of aba aUsr. lUsk wMaas4daX.- tlie -flew salaa weat f Eed Clea rriaa SeeA3i)ef tsv 711 TXOFLS'3 PAT2H. TSm CisatTett Vivrpar -s ":tt. TtswTsslraflsiCiresilailoM ""ni TI1K CIIICAaO IH).17 SU Mr, . anlrersallr aceaed t; U th , , ,7 spkittft. mst earerprltns and rt.JJ nrw8 swi'Kr pubuhlin the ..w wft. It U Kepablicati In tliti- 6 k latest nd bt ofprcial ahd rrt,W( aad of local aad geavral amt. It. en . m Mta.1.1. a....-1. it il.l.l- Tk. .!.- aT . bar beea. tad wjtl be. te taake a frt. I""1'" ""- -'" v . o.. wad spicy acwiir. with it . coadrasml hs. ly 'read and r.r ed. aad rsvalsable t chr an.f cnqar, , .1 4 soriarr. it v one oi t bt ( u, . papers aad bas a evastaatl; iacrsuur ,,'JL eafaUee. - TF.BMS OrSUB3Ci:UTION-. Daily by wail pr annum After JaQrr 1. ro'tsjr pretaid. J'1 OttLTftx Bittataj)... DalkY three atbstbsu.. THE WEEKLY TOST A.NI MAIL Has bca enlarged to six eight-cidumn cum iftbeskeof tbe Uailr. ar.J contain ., 14, current general aad local arw of th ri. with ralusble rurelgn aad donmtic r. r-.-' spocdence. lbetstrlcof thcdir t . ' cal. Cisbion. nciety. aad other am. '. t. wltb saa'bet rrports prewired -sr..,i jiff it rJuutry readers, aad curfullr rr . 1 ip to tbe boar of going to pre. Tbouc ,u ,v create Iu sit taakrs Hone tbe Urjr.t m remain a bun. r one ot the cbetBMt, the aunual utr, s.s price bsiag valy oaa poluab am riSTT CCST.-. to wbich nsutt bo adld altera cent ttxlii llsaer. la aceerdaaee witb tbe Uw wh hgo- te t rretwiia. alter January 1, uy mr r-L teVs eaetattua at that date. KxtrtonUnj taiiw a a caw sea lassHtscr hr prefer to aril lb saaetTw egear club tx'et IteinitUnre ms.r be waVe eithrr y draft, express. I'ost oatce order, or n-tuUu i nor rLlk All letter shouM be addre"-! tirk THE ALOINE COMPANY S Xew Publicatliia. CD fNLY iY SUBSCRIPTION. THE ALDINK; TUB ART JOURNAL Of AMERICA. Tbts Pt!endld cnterprU I not ml ( stistainol In eVfrr feature, but l bn g r 'Hlltly leelojd and lnmror.l. Itt r stands without a rival in 1I10 whole ri I f peiiodiral liierntur. Tb lcui.ful ,t portrniU "Mill's t'nelnh Krtrnd ebrorao preoetited lo every ubcr!ttrr it drctdcil hiuand will If KVbltt. aM 1' liiutarliv wbich lb! work ba ssinil Tu ART UNION feature al.n lrinir caa and bnflrent rv ulU, in r"UlDt i-ulj.-- in lercst in tbn find art. Circulars uJ fiL ia loitnatioD on application. l'arts I. II, III and IV art no rJj. Sutton's LXiSwis-noun xiss:slla::?. Tle comyletnl in 40 part. ImukI fr algrilly, Kucb part will contain an elrrant frxotl' Lice, 1 riginally etirarel ua steel for lb induii Art Journal REPRODUCING atapriro within the popuNr rcj-;h. mtr inas never betvre oQured at less than & times the amount. These plat bare been tb sttrutlen of " THT lOlTSOlT A27 J3T72.:aL - Kcb pnrt will en (i'n'J''t'''If p" in eluding tho clegnnt fr"niliccK on h filate p4pr. A suprrtr Ue pno. m r llumintdtn rvd t g.l-i. wHl jtr wiih tbe nrt piirt. aqil lb pnniiis ftir entire war will be - worthy rrpriitt oflhe'Tbe AMine Yxrt" which i a gssxj (ce ofioaiethiRgbimlful an 1 valukit. Ala Cwtaf 25 Cent j a Part. Pabti I. II A III ARl JtT ri'atlaltSD. "" THE ART JOLRVf Complete in 12 laoBtbly part. t II K- piiHlucingthnbeSt full p4ite llutr-' -r from tbe earlier volume of i be Aliiu-' Kaeh monthly p.trt will rontain n urr plate wiibMCooiupanylngdcriKU1 it'r abd whether for hiotfng or frsnt'ii? wU' entirely ltjnu c mpctltloii In pn- eor rw tic character Every imprcrsioti will t m rarr fully taken on the Knet lml it-r. and no pains will be spared t make tin in ncbcttpruda ion of a pre which ! ". in a uarveloasly sawrt titae, a world-iJ reputation. GEM ?2CK T22 ALSVJZ, Especially antrtcJ f r 4 fcmp Book Ilturtrtlln tnji frttf nes) Oifnet. . A UrgcoHJ'iIon of pictures of dltr'ni jue and on almost ct ery ciceiablt , wve Iten pat up in aw a trrii ei.vl"i' amlarp row offrrrd at a price Intend"! to snake them popular ia every tenia. Envelope No. IV eoaUlnlng M beutril enrravbig . l bow really, and will b ot poUe pabf t Bi ablret fur OSK WJ LAR. A liberal discount te agents aaaj teachers- Scvmp Books A splendid aseortsaeat f SCMP HVKS bare been expre sly prepared for thw bli r rases, and so prcat of wire prajoa iatereet caa be aeiecUd fur gentleaiaa lady, eld or yoaeg. Jfo. 1. Half boaad.elotb sPlcs.itt ba'k syM-l2xJ!iacbef rtIW So. 2. Half bowad. eloLS -i. gl't back." UO pp. I2sl laebes.. - 7. Jo.X rail ojoroceo. bevels! iidt. gilt aa4aathae.veryrbb.Supp. , tlSn Lettered U order ia gold at 25u b ts r m? asssil.esj4asw, aa rert ' TU siLDOTZ TAOZfAKZTR. Isj 1 OMBtiae witb retxated mM Wfaersef TMKALDISKbs. pe-fr jaipraeeiasMefsaaayef their ts-xt bsaaUIal aat KrrptM -partogl traaticx. - . . TbfcUaW4oaatedeaabaUJat tiet1 srjare seat. ib m aasdsasae red thrift he. TJUaebtbglaM. it is only lelt fr. ;aU.SaT Vi pale as 1 ftd ever as airesy atta .bedberaarvawdtbisaiay be dose-fT 27tWect.liir.iar.24 with gl.' Six oftkUU UttWJM, wbca sclcctioais rfit pablkbers. 9.st4eete. WiC'w-.30e.: witb gtM. V. .rt,.WAU.-.wih gl. -12sasiete.iislli..A..ik u. I'if. feat try ami. witi?at g!as. post-paid. Ut AKVA83itltS WANTED. W v-. V.b I -w A Via. CBstt L JftflLLCU, CAtfElrTEit 4 tUILDU, f1! Hr ered 0 aJI btodst eg wk Ut hU Hf J5?n aw (erasa. fast aster t fire gaar- OtasswUleet wkb G.Z4ae alWg lUGnl. All letter siioum oe ainrr(i tir. . CUICAUU IOST ANl MAI L CO.. sd bJ$ Dearborn street. " Itourtant but brlefnews Irttrrsar w' 'ii 1 truai all cart of tbe country. N ih h 4 will be taken ot anunyinoucwraraiitif-i..Qt. h ! i a f I I p-- r -? ,&. r7 fe' .- u v KJ?5.C Tt ? .m I ',J-S7. SfiffiiSixfZ- '- --S-r.ti'4 57". '" tzi i -w T 7 -i. ' V-JTS-- -jS1" vJ'i a . isr- - wr trM r&JarvifS!3G?.Sh 5rrf r 5 u J-J. .-. -r - ' feS-s:steSSh m4& . ZZStZtAsZ, .twAe-ig tfV- .- 5 rf.. LTJ-iL f.Z-TWHm m jV 7u)-IWiK&9-1l -- -A-fcaWfir . ? ' -. -j?riLi -.. a: kj. e- 2taaawsBwawsBrVla1SV9!tesfW - VlTT3 ' '-"fEEJ r