' .-!i.v-OWSft-5Sa&i: araw'i mtm J j jinn ii.nfpm Wrzs '"" ' dW" f fljf-'-'-KT""' ' -- E S fcf r k IV k re i . Pir rr? !5S THt Kt CLOUD CHIEF. WEDNESDAY MARCH 17,1875 THE INTER-OCEAN, THKEE EMTMNS. Wsskly, Seni-Wtekly, an. Daily. BtUlfM lea tftaa Am years usmi nmMKuin Kepatnteaa raper. aieegwa to malwtaia aaa1 4tmd the ariaetales aae) or - awarsarioa of the rTetloaal RepabUeaa Par ly, the INTKR-OCBAN was early pasted to the rarefroBt of joaraalkrm aad achieved a cases Bapreocdeated ia the history of nek cmtararieea. By aaivereel aseest it has beea awrited poeitka ec Tin LmbXaj RcprtHMUi Pftftr hORTHWBBT, ki tkf Hot aloao oa 1U aolitleal character dees the INTEB-OCKAxT rest iu claim for aopalar fever. . It aims at the highest exeelleaee la au its aepartmeata, aad ia uu r or pro ire Joaraauam aa&lraa to a, aoatioa ossti amcBg the beat. The lNTBE-OCBAN auk at cepacia, claims FAMILY NEWSPAPER. It eolsmaa ara carefally gaarded agaicat ehjeetioaable matter, aad every effort is make to reader 14a pleaeeataadprolUhle company tea to tka home lreside. TbiCtmiicrcitl Diptrtntnt It eeaaacted witk great eare. aad everythiag nasible U done to make the MAKKKT BK POUT8 each at the FARMERS aad BU8I NBS3 MKN of tka Horthweet caa BELT UPON. The Agricultural Deptrtm't It carefally edited ay f eatlemea of ability ad experience. 2 Utmtsrf. Local ao( Owm! Xswa, Tortlpx ul Domestic fares yo&dnct Aad everythiag that goes to sake A First-Class Newspaper It i not excelled by any publication ia tka coantry. The INTER-OCEAN k a NATIONAL NEWSPAPER, One that will be found niefal and interestisg to Americans in every part of the globe. While it especially represent the UKEAT INTERESTS OF TUB NORTHWEST, It is National in ita views and comprehensive ia in ita news-gatherings. Firm ia iU political faith, it is not bigoted, and in all discasaions alms to be candid, dignified, aad above per foaal abuse. Tho INTER-OCEAN baithelargettanre aate circulation pf any aewnpaper published in the Northwest It is sent to more than 6000 Postoffices. distributed in every State and Territory in the United States, ia all the Britiith Provinces. TEBMS OF SUSSCBZTTZOV: DAILY. By mall (payable ia advance) per year. 112 00 do do do 3 months. do do 3 months. 3 uu gaaday ddition per year (extra) SEMI-WEEKLY. By mall, per year (in advanoe) - -do club of four do - do club of six do - - do club of tea do - - - Oaerse copy with every dab of tea. WEEKLY. 200 3 00 1100 16 00 25 00 year Ga adveaee) - 1 80 do - - - - 12 00 dab of twebty do - - - - 20 00 mm re eopy with every elab of tweaty. P0STA6EW.iuSaa let day of Jaaaary, A. D. 1875. Under this law the postage oa newspapers wust be paid AT THE OKPlCE WllEHK T11EY ARK MAILED. This will make it necessary for all eabscribers er agents sending as gabserip tieae to send the money TO FAY FSST AQ?IN ADDITION TO THE SUHSURIP TION PUICE. The followiag ara the rates toaepaidanderihe sew law: WEEKLY IXTER-OCBAN 15 cents a year 6EMI-WKEKLY do 20 do DAILY do 80 do , Special arraBfemaata made witk country MMiaaers tor etaobing with tBeir pnblica- ties, sample copies tree. Samale Moaey can be eat by draft, money order, express, er regia- tarea letter, at oar nss. Address. IXTKK-OCEAN. 119 Lake St Chicago St. Nicholas for 1874, A Book for Boys and Girls. Of tkb book Cksarlcs Msjcllr Warmer writes: Ia tke boaad rolame of A. IfieloUu with Its glory of red aad gold, we have a perma eat addition to the literatare of the young. Never before haa ao much literary aad and artiatio talent oo-operatod ia tke service or eklldrea. It is a continual educator of their taste end ef their honor aad courage. I do aet sea hew It eaa be made any better, aad If tke eklldrea don't like it, I tkiak it is Ume tobegia to ckaage tke kind of ekildreain tkk eeaatry. Si Nichtlas for r875. .TkeacaaMctajef tketeeoad rolame skpwa thai there is to be ao ulliac of. but aa in creaeaia ita literary aad pictorial attrao tieaa, Amo&z the ether attractive feataret " Twtllect Serial Itsrlet, "Tke YSwM Surveyor i to J.l J.T.Taowaua, anther ef the Jack HaaardStoriat,eto. ufilftT COUSINS" to Loots M iiotmr, actkar ef "Little Worn aa." etc. . Tke peculiar features of A. JRdUa. which have eeadaeed ae largely u iu popularity. wui sw aepv f miim wgvn ShArtaBd aaar atariea ia VsaatMnn. caKSUiAM, ARs) AUaTIaT far trsaaUtien will appear oeeaaieaaUy, while. Jamk-lm Sj laMMta Seus. witf eeattaae ta betuU eCiBtaraat. ana.iae aaaanmeat far wiUbeealarted. Bayard travellers tanL Taylor aad other distiaguished mm airs Stariec of foreiga Ceaa- Mr. Bideiag wffl eeatiaae his aeries of de liaatralaadiaraetive Faaars ea Praatical SaBtaeta. MbBartlettaMetkaiawiUatteadto the awaartaseat ef Heme Betartsiasaenti. Taa leau.Vivaata.eae, Mew writers, ia addittea ta ear preeeat large eerpc of eeatribateia, will girejoaag aaeale of ail ages, rweaaa, 'imciwa. mclwaml Ac. wkh a aeartr BBciaklinf of faa threaghoat the volame Triee - yeaar. bat a ta Jssvlft aadttaTvaxTB tibbb c laead (Vel. K) fa eMrtr i ll LWemfs leaMi aa MtdmrndOM WsU aeaeaU aa Om yeara aaasenatiea aad twalveMaa: u.kJa. as MSI Om vaar'a aaaaariftioa 4 tautmb aaa. aecxa as ahera. aajeisaram.wa. -All iWae pnpmtd ey m. iCRlWVERaVCO. iV. 654 Bnwhoay, New Yerhu MEW YORK TRIBUNE, 1ST faigfMayaar.BasBi-waekly. as. weesuy aa a nram so aw mmwaeii Caeaaad Advariaiac Batea kly.iBeiaaaar ar atere, eaiy lejawt Adaram Zulaiscn, Jut raea, seman'BM aaa a "-' aaiaamr. Mmlsli f ArtTastirl TIME ALD1JTE, The Art Journal Of America, ItSMsetf sfsjmttilw. A MAvtinotaT Ooioitnof, Woaaaartrfc- I.T CABEX13 OfTf." HeassasslTy of aaopalMmadhsafsff taa of tka BTodaetieaa of aar kaa alwaya bee leeogaUed. attampte have been made to meet tkewaat, Tka aaeseasiva failaraawkiek ao lanraaiaUy Jbllewad aawk attempt la tkia eeaatrr to aatoMmk aa art Jearaal did aet prore tka iadifaraaea of tka people of Amer ica to tke etaima ef klgk art. Soaooaaaa prepar appraciatloa or tke waat aad aa ability to meet It wefacbewa, tka pablicat eaaeralUadwitk eatkaaUsm to iu aapport. aadtketeaaltwaaaireat artiatleaad com mercial trlaapa-TUB ALDINE. THiALDINE.wkUa ktaad witk all the ragalarity. kaa aoae ef tke temporary ar fHeJt iataract karacteriaUo ef ordiaary pafiadicalc, It ia aa elagaat miseallaay of pare, ligkt, aad graeefal litaratara; aad avUaetioa ef plctarac. tke Rxaat apeimeac of artistic skill, ia black aad wkito. Altkoagk aaek aaeeaadiag aambar afbrda a freak pleacarato ita friends, tke real ralae aad beaaty ofTHB ALDINE will U moat ap preciated alter it ia boaad ap at tke dote of tke year. Walla otkar pablieatioas may elaim superior caeapaess, aa compared with rival of a aimUar els?. THE ALDINE is a BBteae aadorigiaal conception alone aad aaapproaohed absolately without oompeti ttaaia prioeoroaaraoter. The prowassorof a complete volume aaa not duplioate tke qaaatity of fine paper aad aagraviaga ia any other akapp or number of volumes for tea times ltd eeet; aad then, there ia tke chxomo, besides 1 Tke actional feature of TUB ALDINB mast be token ia ao narrow sense. True art ia cosmopolitan. While TUB ALDINB ia a strictly American institution, it doea not eoaft.Be itself eatirely to tke reproduction of aatire art. Its rniteioa ia to cultivate a broad aad appreciative art taste, one that will discriminate only on grounds of intrinsic merit. Thus, while placing bef:re the pat roac of THE ALDINE, aa a leading charact eristic, tke productions of tke most aoted Amerieaa artiste, attention will always be givea to pecimeaa from loreign masters, girag ita nbecriben all tke pleasure and and iastractioa obtainable from home or feregiD souroea. The artistlo illustration of American scenery, original with THE ALDINE. is an important feature, and its magnificent plates are of a site more appropriate to the satisfac tory treatment of details than can be afford ed by any inferior page. The judicioaa in tersponioa ef toad scape, marine, igure, aad animal subjects, sustain aa unabated inter et, impossible where tke scope of the work confines the artist too closely to a single style of subject- The literature of THE I ALDINE is a light and graceful accompani ment, worthy of tke artistic features, with only such technical disquisitions aa do not interfere with the popular interest of the work. PSE10T71C FOB 1876. Every subscriber for 1S75 will receive a beautiful portrait, la oil colors, of the same noble dog whoes picture in a former issue attracted ao much attention. "MAN'S UNSELFISH FRIEND" will be welcome la every home. Everybody loves sack a dog, and the portrait ic executed ao true to the life, that it seems the veritable presence of the animal itself. The Rev, T. De Witt Talmage telle that his own New foundland dog (the finest in Brooklyn) barks atitl Althoughsonatural.no one whe sees this premium ehromo will have the slightest Jear of being bitten. Besides the cromo. every ad vaaee subscrib er to THE ALDINE for 1875 la constituted a member, aad entitled to all the privileges of AMiae Art Union. The Union owns tho originals of all THE ALDINE plctarac which, with other paint- L inga aad engravings, are to be distributed among the members. To every series of 5.000 subscribers. 100 different pieces, raised at over $2,500 are distributed as soon as the seiies is full, and the awards of each series aa made, are to be published in tko next nc eeedingiasBeef THE ALDINE. Tkia feat are only applies to subscribers who pay to one year in adraace. Fall particulars in cir ealar seat ea application enclosing a stamp TERMS. One Subscription, entltli&ff to TEX ALDINI obi year, tke Chrcmo ml ike Art Union. $6.00 per annum, 1b advance. (So charge for postage.) BtoetBBem comics orTBB ALBIWK, MCmls. TBI ALDIlTEwUl. kereafter.be obtain able oaly by sabseriptlon. There will be ae redaecd er elab rates: eash far aabceriptioas mast be seat to tke publishers direct, er kaaded to tke local eaa reaver, witkoat respe- I nihility ta the publishers, except ia I BT , ZT??0 " ? I aiac-eina asMHiv i iuw Duma, President. CANVASSERS WANTED. Any person wising to aet permanently ae a local eaaTaater will receive fall aad prompt iafematioa by applying ta THILDINE COMPNT, 58 Maids- Las, New Totk. Music for Schools. Wegtveaartiealaraaitatiea to the select lav Music feraekoel maraeeea. Teaeaen favoring as with their orders need only state what eUseefmaeie they desire, aad we de- Kre,aa4wewiUgnaraatee ta eeustaotery GET THE BEST. The Beat aTaTW8eaI Staaaawl l , Fairy.Beaeea Prtea, The Beet Staadard Seaeel 8eac ieek: The Beet Pmao Iastraetar: Zhe Beet Bead Orgaa Iactraeter i JKttkd'allew MethedPriea. IB laaaraatar far tfc Vm . aofertheVeiee-FTie, IM wemar lawsiAm1: WanaUliawtar PrUa.1 SB Ha Beat GaUeetiea tor Mala Teieee : Baaarfeet Priee.1 Si Tka Beat QsUeetieaj far Mixed Vaieea : Na Ras Ultra aMee Beok-Priaa 1 9jrcK2"Ckmnk':ii se Taawuwsar-. ,. rrtea, i. aa Taa Bast Iactraeter tor Aaaadiea : 8ceWMk'aCmBleteXetaedJrieelSI The Beatlaeti actor far Ceaeertiaa : iMaJekCeaailaSeMetJsaa-Prieelow PkWskrt9nimWnh ae-4w J. 1 PETERS. iMX10A2AT,X.Y Mi NEW DRUG AND GROCERY STORE Be ., --- Ifefc. We wieh to nforai tke eitiieM of Red Cloud that we have a m ttook of goodg which we offer at Gnoger pneee. CooBTatinf of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES BRUSHES AND FANCY GOODS. Alio a choioe lot of TEAS. an. T0BACC0ES, PURE WINES and LIQUORS, aVSpecial etteotion given to Dis pensing of Medicine tod Preeerip ions. We Defy ompelitio i in Quality and in Price ft. R. 8HERER. OLDEST DRUG STORE IN RED CLOUD, Opposite S. Gmrber & Co. Drugs, Oils. Pat ent Medicines. STATIONERY. Abo a ccoice variety of FAMILYGROCERIES Conatsntly on hand. Plea$e Give tu a call and $atufy your selves that you can do no better m Rtd Cloud, Ha X. XaUtZa; BARBER Shop. BT A. B. HAMMER. at the Biiliard Hall, Bid Cloud. avwrSnarinf, Shanpooing and Hair Cmttiag ia the kighsat styla of the art. 17-td TALLMAGES 1 PAPER. THE CHRISTIAN AT WORK. "THS BB8T BBUOIOUS paybb" A Choioe of TWO BEAUTIFUL PREMIUMS. Aa IMuriavAed Portfolio of Twelve Gtsns by HsanWhal, each 8jxl0i in., or the saperb Chrosao, 'Thb TwLfd" 22x28 ian alter fjaadseer. Priee $3.25 iachrdiaf poeasge. No extras of any kiod. WttUrxwwiasstiWayear. AGENTS WANTED. IdVaraliiaimliriBiaad axaleaitesenito ry. Hemalse aad aireahiti Aaa. SaadPaetal HORATIO a JUNG,AViser. 17-td Bos 5105, New York. $5ta$20s waaUd.AU sfaeibiaa aecale ef aad eU make mere saeaey laracia ar aB the time, taaa at farerery heara aafaaradcaasaaftaaaa, Daa't delay. Mew icaaetisaa, Beat leek Sar week ertasiaaai atacwaara, amsM yea aava learaed waat we afar, O-iruiaoa A 0alSrtIa4,Maia. far taa in ef. aii miss am cam atTali aaad fitt aa Oae f aVaarau. A Oa- 41 Bark law. Xew berk, tar taair BAMPBLBt-BsXMC (aaaesv-eaeeasa caVhiaa), eaarBtanaac Hats af aajwaaaaa; eisa. We aiTBaCTaalaarSj Cwassai Qeed: : Byate naaaamr aaamtam wma aamaaaaaa O. W. Dowrr. Cast. B. B. Pai Notary PabUe. XRSEY V FBESSO, Rati Estate Dealers, BLOOMING fON MBB. Have ecaaUaUy for sale a large aaaatlty ef choice Leads ia Heathers Nebraska. Alee bay aad aeU leads oa Commiesioa aad pay Taxes tor aea-raaideata. 99" Atteatioa also givea to tke proeesa tioa of all claims before the local aaf general Lead Ogfocs. aad Secretary ef tke IaUrier. THE DOMESTIC ! BEST. WHY? Least difficulty in learning it Least skill required to use it. Least labor to work it Least care to keep it in order. Least trouble to change it Least changing required. Doe6 fine work equal to any other. Does heavier work than others. Does heavy work easily. Does everything well. Does nothing ill or grudgingly. Gives satisfaction, Exceeds expectation. Justifies the praise it everywhere receives, few days' trial solicited. H. . JeHSfBwtTrr. Awcmt, Crete, Saw. Enekoetio Agents Wanted, Ladies, send to Chicago office for an elegant fashion book. Z-rf AKCHU1ALD li. BtiaSEAsl, K0TAS7 PUBLIC, UAL ZSTATZ. AQENT, AND AVCTI0H1II. All basiaeei strictly attended to aad all correspondence promptly answered. Specie atteatioa givea to payment of taxes. CoUec iioas aad Real Estate Practice. KIVERTON. Dr. T. B. WILLIAMS, Fa Hilly Physician, Tenders his services to the public and will attend to all Professional calfe. Office at the Ked Cload Drug Store. O. K. Furniture Store, &SD CLOUD NEB. Smith A Calvert Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Furniture. afictntre Franes, Mirrors, and Undertaker tSvals. WARE BOOMS, OPPOSITB TAB OODBT UOUSB. BwT Omaha and Linooln prices duplicated. Special terms to those wishing large bills and the trade. WORSWICK mfcCS. BANK R Sd AND DBALXB8 IU REAL ESTATE, HASTINGS, --- NEB. Premat attaatiea givea ta CeUeetieaceiS- EUREKA ! TW aadcragacd has jaat ecmpletad kb NEW BUILDING, Aad fcrakhed it with FaM Saapiy ef DBT GOODS, OROCBaUES llJsJTf -lUBI CLOTlDfi, BOOTS, SHOES, TANCY NOTIONS ETC. I p aiaeU ta saH as LOW as tea UTWMT. JOB CASK. feryeazaaiC M. STRAAISW, iinSllOGmV I fcPjriSaaiS&y i ffa'tal bCTsbV'wI ma saTawJt aawam 1i The WEEKLY ENQUIRER, ATtytt 9k iktTmfU, fried f tke A BEAUTIFUL NEW CHatOHlO INTITLED "PEBRTS VICTORY! tf lom a Krrry Rskwrisfr. Tki pletare rear -cents Com. Oliver H, Perry ia tke aet of paaciag from one ship ta aaotker ia a email opca boat, during the beat of tke battle, exposed to tke Are of the enemy. XtafMivMlf ry 32 1-2 befces, Is artistically faith ed in thirteen colors aad is uadoubtedlo tke most deniable ehrbmu ev er, offer at aa a premium. Sinxle copies of it aeU at 3 00. He have at a great outlay se cured the exelasive control and sale of it, and therefore are enabled to preecat it to our pafroas as above. The KrWUIRKR still stands pre emiaeat asasrst-elaM Newspaper. Iu various de partmaaU allotted t J Uitetials, lannorois, Ifricnltiral, PMtry, Ccrrwratcderica, TeUfjapMc, And Sentrrl Ifewt. All aire eridcaceof tke eare and paiot taken to eappty. its readers with all tke ' Anil aad a rariety of reading that caauot fall to interest each aad every faamber of the hoase hold. Subscribe, through our agents or send direct to us. We desire an ageat at every Post Office.? aad where none are yet appointed. let some of oar friends apply for the ag eacy. ADDRESS, FARAN k McLEAN, Pub's, Cincinnati, Onto. DENVERHOUSS: Billiard Hall. D. W. DALT0N, - - - Prop. HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. This hall h u lately been f tted np with to bies of tho best manufacture. Choioe Wines .Liquors and Cigar at the bar PROCTOR HOUSE, G. D. PROCTOR. Proprietor HIBSON, KSBSASIA. The Traveling Public Will tad this Hotel to be first clam in every respect. evCarriage runs daily to Belvicere, the enarast atatioo oa the UU Joe Jt D. C. A. K City Heat market. MARK H. WARNER, Has just opened a Meat Market on Webster Street, next door Bouth of Park's Shoe Shop where he will keep and sell fresh meats of all kinds. HIGHEST MRKET PRICE PAID FOR BEEF C TTLfc. HOGS, I ND HIDES. Red Cloud. - - - - Neb. BILLIARD PARLOR, T. R. LEE, Hastings, - - - Nebraska. This establishment has just been fitted up in gooi stle. and ia just the place to enjoy a game oi uuiiaras. TB the best supplies at the bar. 49-Cm 7. S. fflrlntire, Late Cashier 1st XatBaak,Clariada, Iowa.1 BANKER, HASTINGS, - - - NEBRASKA. Exchange bought and sold on all cities of the United States and Europe. OMancy Warrants, COUNTY ND SCHOOL BONDS Bought and Sold. References by Permitsion : B. F. Alluv, President Cook Co. National Bank, Chicago- . N. B. Moasa. PresideBtFintNatioaalBaak. Clariada, Iowa. . Jons BsiuRta, Cashier Pacife Natioaal Bask. Council Bluffs. Iowa. C. C Caapia TIB, Governor State of Iowa. & Libbssmab. Clerk Superior Coart. Iowa. 6-em E- M. JOXES, Watchmaker & Jeweller, ISSCL0VD,WZSST22 COTOTT, 2iX3. BwT'Particalar attentiost giren to Re pairing Fine Watches and Satisfaction Guarantied. I. W. TUUL1TS9 HOSCEOfATHIC PHYSICIAN U. 8. PENSION SURGEON. OSee 3d door Sowtl of Court Hoase. ItdaaBeeOMlO: lartef ledCIsci. Republican River STAGE I-INE- T. 1 TBS5. PrsjtirtaT. Wagwjii tnaewislbc betweea JUNUTA aJMl REO CLOUD, IaaaJpe Biiaml to carry aaajUseekyasacKKcje,laaiBcRd Clams at 6 a, M. ea Moadara, Wedaea mawaawl Fridawa- LewtiaW Jawato, at a. M., os Tweadaysu naTSaVye NEW GOODS! J. G. POTTER Takes this asthsdtslsfsnntss Public that bs has Just spensf sp a nsw and csnplsts Stsck sf DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, Confuting in jxirf of CALICOES. DARK, LIGHT A FINK, CHAMBREH. DELAINES. LAWN9. DRESS TRIMMINGS A LININGS. CORSETS A SKIRTS, VAILS A OlOVK8. BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS TABLE LINENS, A TOWELING. PANTS, OVER-ALLS A SHIRTING, BOOTH fc SHOES, HATS fc CAPS. COFFEE, SUGARS 4 TEAS sf all Kinds, Canned Fruits, Oysters and Crackers, Chewing and Smoking Tsbaccos, FLOUR. MEAL iu BACON And eferything usually kept in a First -J. Q. THE CHICACO LUMBE I YARD I AT HASTINGS, NEB Keeps constantly on hand the largest stock of Dry Pine Lamber ia tho West Also BLIND. TARRED PAPER, and all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL Our stock is well selected and purchased direct from lbs rafts, and will he sold as low as the lowest. O. O. OLIVER Hastings, Nebraska. NEW HARDWARE STORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MITCHELL & MORHART Have opened a new store and have HARDWARE, Cutlery, .Carpenter and FARMING TOOLS, COAL and WOOD STOVES. We have also a Tin Shop connected with our Store. We manufacture Tin, Copper A Sheet Iron Ware. Our Stock is LARGE and well assorted, and we will deal as low as any house west of Lincoln. Call and See Before Opposite the Lumber Yard. Red Cloud, LUMBER LUMBER W. L. VANALSTYNE RED CLOUMf, PINE UMBE , LATH. SHINCELS Doors Blinds Sash Mouldings Lime. Tarred Paper Etc ad etery Artide wsmaUy kept i a First Cla-s Laaiber Yard. I GUARANTEE TO DUPLICATE ANY BILL THAT CAN BE GOT AT JUNIATA OR HASTINGS. J. D. POST, Prtfrittsr. FsrrfawlawalaayalaTgs9aahlrai aftaU aaaee to facaesa Livscyriaaoa sheet Wknmms W tf Class Dry Goods A Grocery Store. Potior, Red Cleud, Nebraska. MOUIslIffGSt LWK, ! just rewired a full and complete stock of Purchasing Elsewhere. lffebrmska' JVEBRA8KA. DKAUCR 15 LIME LU3IE ! ! axwsll 4 Pints WiahtoiaSamaaeraUfc W maaaextaamraarsyararieaete: Lama, aad wiH kae ea aaa4 a PULL SUPPLY Usaeetfaa ef mm aaaUc. whiea wBeaeaia flic rtftce Five warn a Baal CSed 722 rSCTLS'S ?A?22. T &? ytwr?po? fc tie Vtti. TaTlrcl la Ctrrmtallom Im Cliy the ciiicaho rosrr am mail BBlversalty JoareJed t be tb lttlitt, fpicStt. t eat-rprl'lner hl ehrpt RetHooa "! rf ubit'hol in the North wrU It i KepaUiean In pullur), h tb ltet nd bt ofl and prexditfatrb and of Kwlnl genral new. Iu nrket reports mt complete. empnhnilvr. and C liable The aim of the maniaeturnt 1. i been. nd will be. to make a frb. iot oas.. ami spicy aewiepr. with Iu n."j in eoadeaa sfcape, eiy ra aoa rcmier ed. aad Invaluable t dly aad country eub cridera. It i one of the bel of Una II y parr aad has a eoastaatly iacreasisc cir caiatwa. TfUJMS OF SUBsCUIPTIOJf. Di:tT by mall pcranaum after January 1. po'tage preaald. ...... .-l.'rJ Dailt threa wootb...... - l.0 THE WKKKLY POST AND MAIL Ha been enlarged to ilxeUbt-oolBtnn pares wfthe.tfeof lit Daily. aaU eoutata all the carrent amoral aad local news of the wr. wiih valuable forelan aad rfnmeallo mrre rpondcac. the Jrt torlee of the day. politi cal. fhlon, KfcUly. aad other article, ami with market rvpotts prrpered sprely for lt country reaUrrv. and c.refullv revUed uv to the hour uf gulp to prr. Thuhiu in crease Iu site make it oae the Urat week lias ia the country. It retaaln heretofore one ol the ehepet. the aaaual uUcriyuta price being only oaa pollab ann riarr cam. to whirh mutt b adll fSOeeneenU ltl. to be prepaid, after January 1. by the im lUhcr. in corlaaee wtth lb law wlub r - into operatiua at that date. Kxlroollnf IndueemtnU are rSartHl to .uWr ho prafer tnavll lh ruclo of our club ratr - Kemittance may be make elibt-r by draft, eipre. I't oClco order, or rvtirtd lctlrr. at our ritk. All le(tr lioutil ! aItlreel t the Cll ICAOO l'OST AND MAI I. CO.. as and M Dearborn street. Important but brief newt letter arr eollit ! troia all parts of the country. N notiae will be takes ot aaonymouicommnulcallofta. THE ALDINE COMPANY'S ?few Piibl lent Int. CfLO ONLY BY SUBSC.ltPTION. THE ALDISKtTIIK ART JOURNAL Of AMERICA. Thl p'enIM rnterrie U not only .l U'taInrl in every fr4ture, but I Urihg run 'aatly ilevelotl enl lmnvnl. ltt-tr itamU wlhiut a rir.il in 'h h'l nrll of IeriiHlical liintur. The lieiuttful ilo, portrait. ".Mn Unelflh Frifn-I." a ehromo prrefiite-l to cvny tirrinr. I a drviilctl iiif. anil l if i.ll)lp. ai to tb oputiritr which lli- work h cnmxl, Tlf ART I'Mi'N frniore alo ir iiiixr- at ami brrvRrrnt m uiu, in rni.lnr vulltc In tcrr.t in tho-nti urt. t'lrculan anil lal' in loiiuitian on ai'iilicatluu. Part I, II, III anI IV are now roa.ly. Sutton's LSISUSS-EOUIl W5SCSL1AS7. Tobc coinalctrl in 40 Jart, l.ol f rlBbtly. Each part will contain an eUrant (nmUr rice. oriciiMlly entavtl on tel Nr the Lonilon Art Journal REPRODUCING at a price within th rpulr reiwli, nr r Ins mver before offofl at la than tie time the anion tit. Theac plate have been the attraction of ins Lo:;u3:r am jouskal, Each pnrt will eon nln yn ! p" li elmlina the rlrtfa.it fruntupir. n l..e Plate patMir. A ucrb ttl'c? . ft Uly lllumln ! it rel an I g M. "ill ' utt with tho firt f. art. ail t!i" itiiU"i -I the entire wnra will be worthy rprf.uttHa of the "The Al-'lne I'rr.M wblrb . r-n-tee of tomethioa beautiful an I valuable. At a Cost of 25 Cents a Tart. Pt I. II A III Aaa Jist I'rtM.uira Till: ART JOlKXAf. Complrt in 12 monthly rtj. at 31 meh Ke- piiHlufina thnbeat full jAg H!utr4tfij from the earlier volume of I he Ablibe. hUch monibly part will -ntiri t nr plate wnh crfiiiiolnil-trli tlr-t w trr ai,d whether for Unfu or frtinin. w.ll t entirely beyoutl r-inrtitlon in pri-or r?i' tie cbaraeter Eveiy mprtitior, wiil b mod esrefully taken n the finl tofiel t, nl no pain wilt be .pare J t mjlca thtathe ricbet pr'fian ion of a pre which ha i, la a mnrveloaly ihort tiae, a wcrH-wkle r'putatiua. on nox tsz ALrnn, Epeeially awrtal f r Srrnp Book Illtutritia aH I)ratnf C!a A large eolle'tlon ef pletare of Jiffrrot tire anil on Inft every e"nreivMirtab;e:t havebeB pnt qf la en a tractire envelope. SD'I ere now u&fl at a priee ln(cvll to make tbeut pop alar ia every ea. Envelope 9To. 1. centalnins U) beaatifat enrraving . laeow reaty.aad will be muL ortasre paH. U st4 aMree fr ONE lOl' I.AK. A liberal disceuat U agettU atwi teachers. Scrap Books A fpl'Bli-1 rtaiet,v uf (.CRAl HftV.$ have bn esprty prepared for the bolt ay av)S. and b pr-t ef bwtw frrnaueaS iatiftt esn be HecUtl ttt geatlvataa er lady, oll or yoacg. Xo. 1. HlfUaal.rloth.Me. gilt Uek. r.p .Irt.twt,,. . , , , t KM 5o. 2. half bnitB.1. rl'.th ei!ee. i?t baek. M- 12 W a'h. -.- 73S" 5o. 3. t-ull Bi'jrtx?eo. beer) I bmrU. gilt aa-J aatii8e. very rUh. Se py.... ZJA Letter) tn order In rM at 2Vst rb line. best t-7 my mail, set-pali, oa receipt cf the priee. In "tBpliat-e wtth ree H riat. t.Ve eablMberaefTtlK ALDINE have prer4 iaaprewavefatJiwyof th'ir avxt besauful aate fr pame-portost fraaiisg. Taw cwu ara tsaatei oa Wot!fsl twtl asara aft Wb a haaime red tinier liae. To attarh tlfa a1a. it is aely left t-r the eartosaersoBenaaai &H over an alreavfy atta he4 barter, tnl this may be lt.e by a eh4. 27 satlert. 12xlS la. 2Se with gJa.50! Sia el thU.ua ftr1U0. Wt sefeettea i SeittA paMusvr. Beert by saail, wjthoat gla. port-FU, let erie. CANVASSEBS WANTED, TZZ iSSSn CCH7AX7, 58 Maislea Lane, New fczfe. AS L MILLKK. CAtfENTEH k LHi.DEH. Wwt4 reepeeafaHy lafermtke eMceaa cf aaHJawa:aawi inaH7tataetefaere4f aeaef aaaaaar were; la fete ttoe tieaa4iwejeaalile.Urma. SatWactiea gear aVawawBwL, OsAanmajr Ulett wi Oee.ZeSas at his laenmay ael awaawaawar Caf BaaaatAaaawa? nynmsnm la fSvavaTaavVsmfx 7 MuU-zu.VAxVAi lie.: wk gl. ef. 12raJet.lliWtefcc- with cUn i'fL - 13 ft aere4 1 fcertaiV T lieagaariV a X S-i ,TS-4i9 - rSfe'r t w?-- i. Vi r' 'i'JJ. . i-B-aAl- 35 i c . vi-- . 5l tj$ii VSZSTi ZzT - SA i .. - S , , : v - K itqysri T C jcgbCV , yg"-, , lLrsti-. ,,