awMMaaetfaaeaBSaCT"wMrB,ga,Bi -- - - - "nn f'-rifc 1 - - - -.- - LifaBaniFTii - kjF" .dubai:BC utwaiH.iBkMH-LHiBHVH sftw""' lwr"-"T';r, "f"-' I8 gSbffw V 3 3CV -i' iCt- THE RED CLOUD CHIEF i RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. LOCAL MATTERS. Nriices iu !h C'Anznu 10 Catle a Lift Oirk-ial Directory. CONGRESSIONAL. W. UiUrc. Omaha. U. ?' Loreaio Crn!-. Kerresextetwe. FSKCUTIVE. 5-1 LAS G A OT It. J" ' rn&r. Ij , . J. J. ;oj.t. Ue4n. Stco!ate. j 5 WV.r-ni. 'w:tri. .--,-r- 1 1. A. Kv i. ' . iZZr J. !. Mthtiai?. Linct!n. :?:. rc la-irac JUDICIARY. U-o. H. LOt" ob. C3Jitf.Tit:". itmb i ! i. -;;r"" , AtneAU jb. i .. . .. - . - --- ...- . . . J. A. Tu'loy?. K. U. Jie. I. W. Tntyi. H. C. Erfl. H. ?. Knlry. U F. 3Jtil. . i:. Tb-.ra. A. M. Kwy.l ;. v. lull. F. Mam-ron. j Csr.ty Orrk. TrB3rr.' rrouatc .JsJce. Sh.rjS-. School .-'iu't. ?rrci or . otost. Ccunty Coiamiisionen. J -j TTTTT.. ,;.-"-. r 5inu- ""TLr"rh' ..:;- I '"" "" Ji-viata Jyeavcs J:.nday 5 j j. -rom Mranstjn. mtiSt be paid in Wnl!i"vky'- and Friday 7 a m. s.jt. Mail c!-ed 'J p. m. Jiimcslue- TLtve rate wi'l be adhered to, cs-dayThur-duy andSaturday'rT p m. ; CCpt as rCard fi'lsw cmtract.-. Uakvaud L-aves Tuesday's and i Prj.ljv Ti . 111. ..,.-., Tnciavi ti.d i'iidfty'3iif p. in. .Mail dosed 5 j p. in. l"r.A.vtvUN, Jjftins en-t, Monday'. snd '1 hur-dtty'f 'J p. u- G-mii; wl Tuud:.y'- und Kri lay'.- 10 a. ui Pl.EAfcAST Illl.L lete Thurda:,-ft in. Ainvcs Wednesday's 4 p. m. Iatl clc-ed 9 p. u:. jtv::i.i. Kanri. arrives Friday'? l'J u. Leave- Friday I p. in. JUvsCi., Kn?a-, arrives Timr'dny's 12 a. ia. Jjcaves Thcr-day 1 p. ui. Ofiiw open front 1 untili 0 p. ci. Swndav. All re:istcr'i ina'ter must le in thw evening lcfrc the mad- leave. M. M-' irr, I- M. ciitttii: uius:no:iY. COXGIU-G AT10NAL CliyilCn- fcVrvH-o f.ery fir-t smd third . ah-j bath-r.f each n.nnth at lted Lloud j and li.tvsle, 10 o dock A. 51. at Kel Cloud. J o'clock I'- M at In H..nU Kverv .-m,nd ai.d fourth .-aldth? at " and Hunauny J KLV. A. -i.VXVLLI., 1-a tor. BAl'TI.T cnriiCH. Kkv. Tih..-. Mtxt.'iw. i'a-tor. Sim vices every irtutlh ab'inth at 7$ 1. J. 5aih:at!I SnioriL every Sabbath u:jMiiu at 1 1 A M .). Q. 1'ottf.u, bupt. Praier aict'fins .abbath and Thar iay ex' All held at the school Fruvej'.-t tHM-'lloftUWO, Kuro.'cne, 30 coats per gallon Gar be i k C. Fr-i-h Oy.-tcr. by the can or dozen at Geo. Zni--. 'Also fib biejd, p:e, caLeF, confectionarj-, &c Nice t'uina for the litt!e folk.-, at tl. Port Ufsee. Call und look at tlicui. Hc-tand chenpp-t as-ortmrnt of Ht-tiynery in town at the Pot Office. Go to the Port Office for paper, pen?, pr noils, elates. &c. kc Goto .-hrrt-r's for your dru?.1, l'ster.t mcdirini5 tc CandJ-s, l he bert and purest in town, at Get Xei- . A few Count v Warrant? wanted at CECfc,y " WH.LCOX. ?ve vour money ihe-e hard times kj p-ine to Witicos. who will save you snouev on your t.-ixe. The DMiietic Sewinir Machine ! Lnovl-d-od by all cow pet wit udsf to be the le;t machine now be cic tbe public WANTED. Tn pu-rlnu-e for ('ash, 50 head o! Ppiinc (Vive- and Veaihns from G t. aionih eld Inouir? of Raster Bro's., 4.iksKa-tofRedCloud. Notice i-htreby iriven. That I will examine all peis-no? who iikij desireto cfier theu:r!rc5 as candidates for trarhrr- of the primary or co:hummj n-hool- of tbe county, nt my o?i- in ,. i .'i... i 1VCU v 'uii. -:. i. " ; . -- on the tir-t a5utiy tl Au-ut, xSo-.cml'er. I et.ruary anu a nice creai""''' J"-lr- ci! SuS I - &-. -Hi .- if R B. Send toll. H. John-on. Crete. r Neb. tor etrcnlan- of the Poukmic Sewine Machine; also terms to agents i. r.) if you mean business and reahy want an aeencv. Kotice. To whom it may concern. All ier- on are herby notified that the M. P. K. IL Company have become tireu ni . i i this wholesale slaughter upon uieir rimbcr, r the Repcbiican A'allei. An.l rnmi this time forward we riropoe to protect our own interests. , - .u.L .. 1! sad bv so doin we thiak we sh II protect the best interests of the set- tiers, as we are convinced that there is no timber in the Valley to spare. E-pccially to be drawn out of the State or cut into lumber, or in any manner wasted. And e hops a good cm sens will con-ider these matters care- tnflr ana lesu us iueir luuuru ,u -protect what timber there mcy r be lelt. J. D. Lon ridge. Land Com'r. !. P-Railway. .23mG. Td. thousand pounds of r-orfc, at Pae Ked Uona .ueat ujh which rice 1 will pay the- bistiest, casn Also same Fat Cattle. sit: Ma U. W.uxst T?n ,: The advertising rates for enace 'iu , r. .... .. i . ,-,-r ! 1 - V v .i i he miTzr lor tae year ibia. vni ek as follows: One Column, per ysr . 00 One-b-.'F column do 4000 One fourth cluiun v ,.25.00 Bu-ine-w Can's-, S J do wjieu interu! for short time, r mouth, 1.50 .incal notjcte tl:rd page to rego - br advCr;i-r5, 5 ceaL- per lice for each insertion - Tranrient notices. T" . WfJ8- Under tne heed of specub Hit in ynu nonpareil, noiicos win oe in- wrtl .or 2o cents a suli or sc, :r eh imrtkn. This last lonn ve wi-h to iatrodeec to those who want to sell or by uek. land, or fr the general xaatf of tnecotauiamfy L-epal iwuce- at Mature rare. At- torxjoys and oSusra of the law xill U hei-J reponMbe Sor t!:e legal notice, they hand in. Lrxba-aiul other Association t?HI be cbarqcu o cents ptr lino Jor all, . ,. ntiiioes not 01 iuiere.-i to ii.- cunr t ?uaditi? pdrerUeruentK and local- from rt?aiar advertira payable at " in1 the e1 of each ,uartcn 'P, -.?..-.... ..f- ..tul no " perwn me-J aU a.y aoaucuon OrUl-CilllI Ilolll llic awe uiw w eonuition.- Y. N. lUhnLn htsu large up ply of -tft-u com oa hand, for $1.. jier bushel. -3 tn3. XKW GOODS! A-Frtoh. stock of Dry Goods and Groceries will be sold at bottom prices at tbe Grange Store. Iloic is this for High '. You can buy a rood pair of kip boots for four dollars at the Graii2e Surc. Tiy -oine of that goud Tea at the Grange Store. JUS-PRINTS ! asrPRINTS ! The i.iccrt Prin;? ia town can be had at the Granse Store. If you cjip3f( 0 wirnt to iret ynur Slationery to the Po-t OiBec. '21 x A Granger's, if you want sood tea, cofi". e. susar, and other crooric. call at the Grance Store, nest door to the Pof office. John G. Pottek, Red Cloud. Go to Suiitb & Calvert for Fund ture. All kind- of Dry Goods in lare mi p ply and at rea.-onable rates at Gauijeu vt Co's. Good warm fall and winter shawls and dress goods at G. & Co's. A full stock of Roots and Shoes, for the fall trade at a. k Cos. Granger's, if you want your Granger boots and -hoes, call at the Grance Store. John G. Potter. Matches 5 cents per box at Garber'?. Limp chimneys, 3 .or 2ozii at Gar- ucr- Threc bars soap, 2o cents, Garbcr k Co. Soda lOcents ier pound, at Gnrbers. GRANGE STORK. GOOD NKWS GOOD NEWS. ! For the Farmers of Webster and Neisblwrinc counties-. GRANGE STORE IN RED CLOUD. The store kept by John G. - Potter having been appointed by the County Council a GRANGE STORE. Ps:ron of Hu-bandry wiikfind it to their interest to trade at ihc Grange Store. Don't forget the place Next door to the Port Offie. J. G. POTTER, Kcd Cloud. A full assort uj?at of ladies shoes. all the latert varietie- at G. & Co's, Wanted. Every one to know, that licrrnzsn & Co., are .-eliins off their entire -tock of Groeefie- Cloth ing Roots, Shoes it, at cost. This is no humbci. " ' Ladies, call at B."Jc Co'?, andjrt . . . -- . w,.., ' sr.ercr. am isckhc 3'u- w i wi.i.c. cheaper than any other bouse in the ; valley, an omers t.u n.. thine warated; Everv Dr. The?. B. WTdUms wishes to av that all who are indebted to him.J i um-t call and settle by Jan. 1st. eith- i cr with the CJsh, or by giving a ttatc. , ytj. , IiaperaLd envelope. at the Post Office. 24w4 School crayons for 35ct a box at the Post Office. I lr 21w4 If you want cheap reading go to I the Pa-t Offiee. 24 w4 FOR SALE. A quarter section of as good farm ing land as can be Found in the valley Forty acres under improvement Runainp water and springs Well situated for st ck purposes, there be- j . , ,. - - t- - . --.,- gain if sold soon. Call at this office. Stop and Look ! Rufus Miksch bavin; rented the shop over 3Iitcbeli & Moharts' Hard-. ware rtcre, is now prepared to go all tiads of repairing on furniture, ari- , . im,,kaicnls. ic. Kemember j tSe-piacej Couie-eariv to avoid the J crush aLtbe dsor.. J . ' - -i - j Aug. fterWc'ff, one of the lively I citizens of Walnut Creek, called this 1 WWC.' ,' i 1 v Tfc T t. I - I L -- lj L -LW':irr Z ,IOrupH. ... -; ! ct3 of Walnut creek precinct, return- d on S-tnrdav h-t, having met wit Ii e.i on . urus.. a.i,' fair success. j Lutwcfk the faricer of this vicmitv nut in con-ider-ble wheat, . fur tj,e.a-t few day, the wither ha teen rather dLrcblc, !& P' ?ied . for few days. ILc Unmnsd ys that from ixen- , -. ,ttj . ti . . t ,.!iC,2 , ij-u.c iuu.ijt .-..- -j' -- - . eTery ngjjt, whsch il give iOtne laea rtril, irHj artount oF trarel tnai I - " - pasei through this place between j an-ai and the railroad j T T Wtn.-D0WI1 to all of our citizen.? as the "mail carrier, on -. .- - Afn . , ,.,,, . tbe rau t'. h (be JacoBs03 rase al JunjaS3f au j wil, c- oa the hotel j i,U;siueS a"t l,at 0kl and rwpular stand .... .. lo.T1 ,tl(l ftu . Kvorv on' om to duuiita iroui thl place sliouW gire him a call, andjou will find him a goc-d Jsndiord, and a ; ,4enare man." J. D. Post nas fold his "clain:,"- and will build a hole! in this place, the present sprint. O. L littles and Mr. Deveroux of Guide It ick called juit as we were j:o ac :o ire-5. Mr u 0f Iuavale; C. Lne, Asher Real, and Dr. Smith of Guide Rtfck, called o us Tue&da-. J. Q. Potter wants a thoiBand luad ol Wtilos' brush to repair his dam. Inquire at the tailL Rufui Miksch can do a nice job repairing furuiture, and especially lim ine up cxne-seatd chairs, with nevr eane-rrork. Jurt as we had decided to bras; a little on the quikty of the "line cut" at McNili's we found that it wa all oue, but he says he will have kouiQ more in a day or two, jut a good and a little better. Try it. Dr. J. E. Smith, who reside on Willow Creek, called last Thursday tie informs us that he has been exper imenting in v.oolrrowimr, with satis factory lesults, and promised to send us the exact figures, to show that it will pay to keep sheep in this country, a promise we hope he will soon be able to fulfill. There is no question but that this i- a matter of great interest :o this section, aud we wish to collect the facts and publish everything tear ing upon the subject. Cool windy weather for a few days past. '"Winter lingering in the lap of spring," you know. The LaCiede IIousc has been rented to II. G. Silf, of Guide Rock, who will "keep tavern" therein as soon as he cau make the necessary arrangements. On Thursday evening last we were pleased to meet Mr. W. 1. Lui low, who had just returned from Iowa, after an absence of five or six mouths, lie was glad enough to get back to Nebraska, and suys he would rather Gght grai-hopper- hero for twenty years than to spend another winter iu northern Iowa, and o woid they all -ay after remaining here a year or two. The difference ia the ciiunte is greatly in fjvor of southwest Nebraska, and other advantages will 4;e equal iu a very few years. . I have for sale, broom cDrn seed, of the best quality. Price S-trj per bu-hel. Will enter into coatrac: with anyone wishing to plant, to prepare the brash for market in the best man ner, as I have th-latest improved mi cbinery for tint purpose. Address. Elrov Pettets;. 11 tf WelL-, Webster Co., Nib. We renre; to I-arn that a portion of J. Q Puer'.- dsm on tire river w-nt out last Saturday when the "ice broke the large body in the pond held the iie From above and made a vorv large gorge which thrtw the water . around on the land into the pond be- i low and ,-oon' raised thf c ice in the ! Lpoud which a ver the dam without doioc any damage, bul in tne ajter- cooa J.C i:-alurday, the gorge above-1 broke and the ice atid water came . doff3 :n snvh a $5 that it swept 1 evry:hing iieforc it, earring away abVitlSOFwiorihedim, which 3Ir. I'otter propiies to replace as kku c i iKLib!e. Hc estimates his damage a: nearly $2,000 . Don't forget the Convention -on Saturday zest; It's John Bcrenzen this time, and to say that he is the proudest man iu America don't half express it. Mother asd soa are doing well. We have received a well written and somewhat humorous article on the vGreat Aiierican Desert," vhich j we intended to publish, bat Und that it is at !cast three times as long as it should ba for insertion in thce col umns. We caunot publish anything f that covers over two or three closely written raaes of foolscap. The entire household of The Chief are either sriek cr lazy .this week. Jim has gone to Jaaiata, "Curlv" sts np too late sights to en joy good health, "Butch" hasat done 4'groins" yet, aad caa't be pushed J to hard work, and the "oidisaa" loafs j around too msch tote ali'sbE asa Tn j the oSce--thee cxco.m are &&rei Ifcr the thinuess of tius-paptr: I The Promt's Feirxrflt is res- ceptib'e ot eay prooi teat . ccu? .Machine ha. tcen a greater uies'iuz I w . ! , ,v r,,,- nf Ameri-n neon .' Inin llanyiuvenUonofthe pre century. - V .-w- -w- " Notbil.j ebe h2S done to much to e6 uc " , . , aQ(j molileryf tjje palM;8t, overworked r.i... 1..1 .hn c pin. , Most iel;ef fr0:a tne burthens !--..- i.n. T-Vitv fi;h?r and bu4,amj fail; jQ ,lis Jq if hc neglects j t0 eiido be Lome win rtich a tri- UIflIh orM.;encc ,2 the' ViUon Sbnt- .tb Seeing Machine. Machines riM i . , .. , ,. n.:i A cf,.;AO j ik; ucjivcreu uk an.) i.iiv wiv.uu Joa lJiay tlire, free of transportation ? ,. i-barce.-. ordered through the Coin- . V jraay's Branch LFou-e at St. Loui Mo They ?tnd an eWant catalogue sad j t chromo circular free on application This Company want a few more Rood agents. HAE2IZ3. ANDERSON STONES-At Red Cloud, March 13th '75, 31a. David A.MERSN end Miss LAURA A. Stones, by I. W. fulleya, Proba-e Judge. ? :a! Ctirl Tistric; Hk The Annuel Meeting of School District No. 2 of Webster County, Nebraska, for the Election of School District Officer-, and for the transac tion of such other business as may rawfully came before it, will be held at the School House in Red Cloud on 'Monday the fifth day of April 1S7-3 at 1 o'clock p. in. Dated thh 16th day of Mareh la75. 1. W. TcLLKYd, Director. R.ufas- Miksch. has put out bis sign over the Hardware Store. Look at it. TIT T5,V Gl'llE iroric, March 7, 1S75. EuiTOKbCuiEF. The citizen- of Guide IWk met at the -chord house at 101 A. .M , for tbe purpec of or ganizing a Sabbath School. The fol lowing were elected and appointed : C. A. Lane, Superintendent. John Dunbar, A-sis't do K. O Parker, Secretary. Mrs, Win. Sabin, Treasurer. Miss Mary Sabin, librarian. TEACHERS. Mrs. E. 0. Parker, Mr Judson Biily, Mrs. D. McCaliuni, Mrs Geo. Daily, and Henry Curtis. E. 0. Parker. Secretary At Goide Rock, March 6th. 1575, of lunc fever, Franky, son of Andrew and Minerva Goarcke, aged one year and oine months. Where ii now onr IoreJ ono? Whsie, Oh where? Safe in a land immortal S.ifc in ft coantry rare, ,. Safe'ia a'heaventy portal. Safe in a manion fair. Saf with the supernal. Safe with the blest to bow. Safe with the master now. m tT lli. I have a store room to rent, suitable for Hardware or dry good?, situated in the towu of Red Cloud .Neb., the best trading point on the TX publican river, or I will sell the entire building, it bring a two story building 33x30 feet, the upper story is occupied by the Chief priutmg offiee and a- mil linery shop The lower story was formerly occupied by myself as a Hardware store; being posttnasier here I had to elo-e out as I could not attend to both. M. B. McNitt. 20 w-2. LEGAL X OTIC E. Tn the District Court of the 1st Ju dicial District, State of Nebraska with in aud for Webster County. Patrick Barry,") vs Michael Cook, j Mana Cooa, Solomon Bruuswicfc, ,- Hyaaaa Biuuswiek. doing business under the name & style of S. Brtras wiek k Bro . defendants. The above named defendants will take notice that the plaintiff in the -l ....... 1..1 ,....;., .JC-J , ,K., -Ttl, , nf P , . a , -- Sl. his rmti- ,: "a ssraics; wu in the oraee ol the Clerk ot said DL-trict Court, settine; W"b that the detenilnt .uicr.aei uoos 1liUff VawA Qti and. t6Q bloat 14. in the town of Red Cloud, in said Dunty to secure the payment of ono hundred and fifty-five. dohars and interest according to a cer tain t.ote reFtrrtd to in saia mortgage. Xhat the same Solomon iVuaswick, Hyman Brunswick, doing bustaes under the name and style cFS. Bruns are nctiaed that tney are required to outrano"aawcr saiti pennon oa or . ." c-eiore tue exa uay oi Apm, iow. ii. a. IvaLET. 30 5w pflo. Att'v for Pbictlfi. fAw i rnnv m.' . .- Richardson has just received a car load of corn which is oSered for sale at ?I per busheL GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK. w r-u.1 ,v,f wa t,'U m oar . -v t-: .;, MA f U au4Mcrwci a uij. ..- -- their attention to tblsintriBsic&try sood Marasne, and chanmag Chraao, The -r. t - i t. - ... .V-.c--tr- ttescu-, wmcu is ziva jj snh-criber. Read the Prospect, nt ifyoa have never seeaa &;$ tCi Msazice, end 25 eeats to L. A. GO if yea have never seeaa f:4 " DEY. IkddpbJa, Pa , for.a eopey.l wick k Iro., claim some interest in i tfce notice that the plaiotm id ttie i fTi jijKatS. said premises, under and by virtue oF &bove emitted action, did oc the 11th faesikrJi.rt3eBt kaprwni- a ceitaia mortgace given to ihem by 1 fa of JIarch, 1S75, file their petition Bcntfesare in tlra WEEKLY al aad its the said defcn:aa3 Michael Cook, Uuainst you ia tbe once of the Clerk pewysb foaad 6a aad ce-plaiatiffa-ke:jdment on said promo- of theaid District Coart, settincfjrth j Thennalxr oaaes iadepeodest ia fAi sor" nole for $155 v.H) with interest at tiiat the defendant, 3IicbseI lwk, tiesW.ineruifcj tt WMKLY eG . 10 F-er cent. From the l0:h day oF Feb J re a morteage u the defendants oa j atdk&tk ;S3u to. &74, and that said premises be sold fot one hbek 14, ia the town of Red j pnsapie. ' eiecawaf u.e to r.av the same and the defendants rirtm in saM mntr. to secure the I OTS52.lrl"S:r ViT T "J5 " A. T WEBB'S HOTEL, -: i FEED? SAZaZS, AND -. r LIV ERY STABLE. Juniata, Adams Co. Xeb To clo.-e out our stock we sell for cash only. Calico, 7 per yard'. Best cloth gait ers $1S3. Boots warranted $4,00. Mens -hoes, $1,55. Flannels beat, 40 cents per yard. Extra sole leather GOv-ts. per lb. Sheepskin mitts, OOcta. We will rent our store with a good cellar for a very small consideration, to give a man a chance. 29 -tf J. Berenzen & Co. NOTICE. Is hereby given that the Board oF Commissioners oF Webster Co , Neb , trill meet on Monday April 19th, la75 and continue in session three days, for the purpose oF equalizing the assess ments For the year 1js7o. -ill who have complaints to enter will please take uotice and govern themselves ac cordingly. By order oF the Board. J. A. Tulleys. Cler i THE .YEr YORK LED G Ell For uineteeen years this GroatLite rary Paper has been a welcome visitor aVour fireside; and in all that period not one sentence, line or word, has ap peared in its columns to which serious objection coald" be Found. Of a cni ormly high moral tone, it inculcates f taste For read;ug,5aud its young read ers intuhiveh learn ro abhor vice, and to love all that is beautiful and 'true. Filled each week with the choicest Po ems, Stories, Sketches, News Items, kc, it is sure to become indisponible to every family in which it finds its way. Mr. Bonner promises to make ifbeteer than ever for 1S75, and what he promises more than fulfills. For specimen copy address; Robert Bonaer New York. LEGAL NOTICE. In the DL-trict Court of the licial District, State oF Ne IstJu dicial District, State of Nebraska, within and for eb-ter county Solomon Brunswick, ) flyman Brunswick, j doing busincM undtr the j name and style of Brass- j wick k Bro's. e vs. . 3Iichael Cook, Maria Cask. & Patrick Barry, Den u. J The above named defendants will .w . . I navmentof one hundred and eiccty w ?- . . ...i dollarsaDJ Seventy nveceots tfiw. o) ' accoraiag to six several noiesj rcierrtu to n aid mottnee. Iliac the deleou ,. Mar Hnnkr "ha tfte become the t-. -l ii ,i i n. -,2 . U - m-tm -- - - , , - r : : .-j ,. a wiie oi sua lUiccaei uw, a auw , claims some luieiesi ia aiu uin vt - interest ia said ccr Imaged That the defeadaat Patrick i, A- zT,l.rt : M J and Maria Cook. PLuBtiFa-ksiadrmentfor thewsn of one hundred aad three doUara awl thirty-five cents 1$1G3L35, with inler- -t.t'-.x, t-,j, . r -.-J, 175- i . i .k.. -.ia ,- nrHij iut J ba asU to satisfy said notes-and cort- f -vu -d T?.j,i AnTvi-t are m f.-a V.rr X"-- -T "IT7.. . f.JV 1 r . tjj . --... .. t rj sa.i T rr in.r ,r- T.ii.i i . .1 Lir - ' - . t . -. - t -? 3 Ue3&iS day of ApriL IS75. . IL-S.KAL ri Ki"7-s- 3fS?spl5 3 " mortgaged prexiscs, under and by I uw.whr?rtpraiittaJBe.6e virtoeof ceruin BorUsce P'f? I Tei& the ,ax. fv him Dy the defendant ahehzid C script- it bw S!SSJSfC'tb 3. aj: r.v im rtrrtft feare ta WUsfcLT aC3 attaw- fALLHAGhj l Tur PUB1QT1A!. AT WORK i ,,Jto Wllllll."- "- "T1IE KEST-jiEtldloCS paper' A Cbok of TWO BEAUTU'CL PREMIUMS An 1 Ha ruinated Portfolio of Twelve Gem by Hernbchel, earh lx m . 1 or the superb Chrome, "Tue Twins" 22TJ? ia- after Ind-?er Price $3 5 including .pa-lage. No extras of any kind. W ithout premium $2.0J a year. AGENTS WANTED. nr. SetMjA-A -end ciryzlzxi tr. Sa4 ltal . rvl at Qt to UOliATIO C. KIXG. FvhfuAer. Xl-vl Box 5105, New York. GEORGE ZEISS, DEALZU1S- Wines & Liquors CICARS, Chewing, Smoking, Tobacco, CANNED FRUITS , OF' ALL KINDS, A N!i CO-NFECriONERIS, A Specialty. Frh Lager Beer from " Antelope" Brewery, constantly on hand. RED CLOUD, NEB. 13tf J. Q. POTTER. I.FR15BIE. Red Cloud Mills! We are prepared to do cus tome work, piour peed and Qorn jyieal for Sale. THZ HI2S23T 22ZTT ?S!:2 PAH) 2ICA3H?03 772S?. 13 Sati-faction guiranteed in quality of flour SOLD, and custom WORK. Farmers should be particular to secure the best ofse'ed wheat. Potter & Frisbie- THE SUiS. DAILY AKD WEEKLY FOR 1575. Thear-proach of the Prwidenal elfctwn pive, naujoal importatrr to the errati asl ieTelor.n:ent of IsT3. V.'e haJl r.dTir to deerib th'tn fnlly. frithfcllx o-l fead erIr. THE WLKKLY SUN h n atuinei a 'ircalsiwnOfoTerseTeatr tboaant copies. It reader" are fount m erry state aad Ter rtorj.anditflqaalttrx wrll knows to the puHie. We hall nt onlx endejor to kep U felly isp ti tie oM s'aaiard. bat to tKproT ed add ra im raneir and power. 7 UU WEEflLY SrX wiH ca:i to be a thwjota ri-7fpter All tlia newt of she day will "rfoand in it. ewnaraici. when an imrrJasd. at foil ieath watm of noment. andalwayi. wfTHt. trtard ia a clear, is- lliiooralsa to wake the hiSUlIA 5UI the bet fatally newnler ia e wond. It will b foil of entertaiaiar J arproprUte readiar of erery . l; win rnat cothisj it wiD alway conw'j: th xxyzmicT to oBcat in n KTiFww - irt; ,.r,rTClj:Lu:eae tastitatwex. Ithaxao - - , . - i . C- .- ' learot ks. ,. .. ws?"":;:..? -" v?-v4 4 tv- rii- ifr .JrZLnrt r-Ttd ia iueolsas Tfe. frir of the WEEKLY ifVS U ea4 w - i. J i-.n.-Trlir.Bttlci oaiFn. u -- .- '4rl1saaLlm j ou hr-lr lars w i6"- i r.-r-i !thi eapen- of xr i Vfif. r s j -HSaRSSSS&S5i?35 aieatodj wrte taeztesd it esrafaUs. U-dr tie ew ill r ttv !f,-L mm rt ti mr. itH. ... .. - .ant wjt ferartar. Wm ire m rTlSas asoia. . m r.t . a. six iBjBt d,V jer. yisc : -" .! I r- Hm-; line fe-ace f tweatr-Urii efifcw. Jir ".- . . . - eiraa wxes: i jr. Ti mn : jaSk.orTc. ;rw,iuwJ'ww VALLEY HUUdt. 1 v .& n--ig J. C. h alav. rcadv to tsd to and . . This Hotel U entirely new, ho ttttea up ior me Prc pf of the travelinc roh6c STAGE LEWBS FOR THE RAILROAD ON MONDAY. WKDNES DAV. AND FBIDA V OK EACH WEKK AT 7 OTUiCK A. M. I Claim to Have the BEST STABLE West if Linctln. - Always keeping on haad a god aup;4y of HAY AND G R A I Kj 2 , Aio a ood conveyance For the purpose of coareyia pa?c?T lro this place to any other t reasonable rates. Itcd Cloud; Xekrask. 0. L. BATTLES & 00: DEALERS IN SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE; AG EX V FOR TJ US Tp-,jBg."' jsff frLjr. r Cj vJsB "a mi WM. ANSON WOOD MOWER, Hover Excelsior Reaper Combined With Drop per or Self Ruhr.. THE ISTE-W M A.N"N'Y. THE I. X. L DRILL. Buckeye Drill Superior Br omc9l Seeder, Fountain Cily Seeder. PADOC SULK VII W RAKE. SPVM HAUW And a!! FARiN6 MACHINERY at Grange Prices. Also Victor Breaking PIo. Charter Onk an si Eclipse Sloven. JiL THE VARIETIES OF IIEATSG AND PARLQlt $TQVES. i A good assortment oF NAILS. RAKES, BOLTS, COILS PLANTKRS. ' SHOVELS, SPADE3, FORKS. CARPENTERS' AND MASONS' TOOLS, PAINTS.. OILS COOl'ER AND NEWTON WAGONS, GLASS. TINWARE. GRAND DETOUR PLOT'S. DAVENIOUr PIXiWS, ' with Wood or Iron Beam.. with Wood aiid Iron Beat And Everything needed by the Faraer or Meh3K. JirFino Table and Pocket Catlcry. O. L. BATTLES 8c CO.. I Gaide Itock, . - - TREES, TREES! THE Undersigned will haveSaady far Delivary, April 15. 1875, at kisesldtocs in GLOVER TON, WebstertCounty Neb: ALL KIXOS OF FRUIT AND FOR ST TREES "Si Qoajtikfci to Ssit ParAassrs, Wiwtt be wiS SsH at ssunut. ! . m - -jt fjfl Tmwmmsst ujan rtkLummr J ri TsrfBJwf ,-- : "&uzc r v - M II i 4INI WiUvWinirruiJ- j Jk ' tsake oatafortalk- hi pro. . , ,. . ... - - - KeVnwiut. 1 VIS C ff I 1 ni - it -j II j Mir- .?r-:. - . . . i-iiii i i !.! . TfiMBBfT r'MBMBBBBBBBBTBBrKiiBiTMEHBPB8BfHMMlK,ii