TFlm. r. -, t o KajiH "I n'l ling iii Ml' lpl "I igiMi.1Vitf"IHmKJt-li i in iiiiiniiiniiiiiii up V't""oj":ar.ij;' j1-. . , . -,w B- - '0&&&!SSES2 J '? . , J: tHE RED CLOUD CHIEF RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. LOCAL MATTERS. Notices in thi CvluvtiilO Cents a Line Official Directory. CONGRESSIONAL. VT. Tipton. Brownvillc. 17. S. Senntor. Y. Hitchcock. Oinaba. U. S. Senator. Lorenzo' Crounc. IieprcseuUiUvc. EXECUTIVE. FILAS GAttREK. Governor. Lnrol-i. J. J. GM:r. Lincoln. Sec of State. J. B Western. Beatrice, Auditor. II. A. KorniK. Colomfans. Trcarorcr. J. H. Wcltfter ltric?. Att'y 0n. J. SI. McKcniie. Lincoln. Sap. Pab. iWlrac. JUDICIARY. Geo. 15. Like. O.-naLn. Chief Jiftlce. Ham'i Mai well. 1'U Uaiouth AS0C110 J u" WEiSSTEIl COUNTY. J. A. Tulieyr. E. II. .lone-. I. W. Tulleys. II. r. Kill. II. S. Ksli-y. L. K. Mutj!el. W. K. Thorn, A. M. Hardy. "I (. W. Kail. V F. Mattwon. I County Clerk. Treasurer. Probate Judze. PherrlT. School Huit'L Coroner. County Surveyor County Commissioner. Art-lvnl niul lprtrtiirc or Stall from the JCctt Cloud H. O. Juniata Leaves Monday's Weduendav's and Friday 7 a. m. Mail cloed i p. in. Airive Tues day Thursday aud Saturday'.; 7 p. iu. Harvard Leaves Tuesday's and Friday's f p. in. arrives Tuesday's nnd Friday's f p. ui. Mail closed 5J p. iu. Franklin, going: cast, Monday's and Tlmr.-dayV -! p. rn. Going west Tuefeday'sa'nd Friday's 10 a. in. Pleasant Hill leaves Thursdays 6 a. in. Arrives Wednesday's 4 p. in. Mail eloed 9 p. ui. Jewell. Kansas, arrives Friday' VI ui. Leaves Friday 1 p. in. RrSkEL, KanFa. arrives Thursday's 12 a. uj. Luavfa Thursday 1 p. m. Office open 'from 4 untiil 0 p. m. Sundjp. All registered matter tnut be iu tbe eveuinjr before the mail., leave. M. H. Mr-Nirr. 1 M. C'HUUCH OIRECTORV. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Services eyery first and third Sab bath of each month at Red Cloud end Inavuic. 10 o'clock A. si. at Red Cloud. 11 o'clock I'. M. at In uvalc. livery hccond nvi fourth Sabbaths at Hatin aud Harmony Precincts. Rev. A. Maxwell, Fa-tor. BAPTIST Cni'RCH. Rev. Thos. Mt'Xl.ow, Faster. Services ever' fouith Sabbaih at 7 A P. M. Sarkatii School every Sabbath morning at 1 1 A. Si. ,1. Q. Fotter, Fupt. Prayer Aicetinr Sabbath and Thurs day evrnir-.g. All held at the bchool hou.cjut north cf town, Valentines! Valentines!! At the Post Office. Couiic and fancy. Fre-h Oysters, by the can or -dozen at Geo. Zeiss. Also fresh bread, pies, cakes, confectionary, &c. Nice thine? for.the litL'e folks, at the Po-t O&cc. Call and look at them. Host and cheapest assortment of Stationery in town at the Post Office. Go io the Post Office for paper, pens, poucils, tlatcs;. &c. &c Goto Sherer's fcr your drugs, Patent medicines &c Candies, the bcM. and purest in town, at Geo. Zeiss'. A fo'.v County Warrar:L wanted at ceby " Willcox. Save your money these bard times by gortiz to W: liens, who will save jpou money on your taxes. The P.imcetic Sewing Machine it cknovledel by all competent odgr. to be the Lest machine now be oie the public. WANTED. To purchase for Cash, 50 head of Pprins Calves and Yearlings, 1'rom G to IS months old. Inquire- of RassER Uro's., 4 miles Fast of Red Cloud. , 1Tk:c2 Id Teachsrs. Notice is hereby given. Tint Twill examine a!l persons who may desire to offer them'-elvcs as caudidats for teachers of the primary or common school? of the county, at iliy offico in Red Cloud, on the first Saturday cf ' August, November, February aud May. n. S. Kalev, Co. Suieriutendent. . ?nd to H. H. Johnson, Crct. r Neb. for circulars of the Domestic - Seville Machine ; al-otcrms to agents (C e.) if you mean business and really 'ant an agency. Nctice. To vhom it may concern. All per sons aro lierby uotiGed- that the M. P. R. R. Company have become tired of this wholesale slaughter upon their timber, in the Republican Valley. And from this timc forward we propose to protect cur own interests, and by so doing we think we sh-11 - protect the best interests of the set tlers, as we are convinced that there is no timber io the Valley to spare. " Especially to be drawn out of the State or cut into lumber, or in any manner wasted. And we hope ail goot? citi "Vens will consider these matters carefully- and lend as their influence to protect what timber there maybe left. J. T. LcmainaE, i Land Com'r. M. P. Railway. 23m6. WA2TC3B Two thousand pounds of pork, at the Red Clond Meat mariet, for which 1 "-will pay the highest -cash .iJS&. Abo some Fat Cattle. Mark IL Warneb. ' . -. . . .YSC'4 ir u-jKia ' j ft :i?2s- if; r4Wrtt SD JEI3. The advertising rates for fpaec ia The Cuiep for the year 1S75, will be as To Hows i One column, per year $75 00 One-hilf column do 40.00 One fourth column 25.00 Rueincfs Cards, S.OO do when inserted for short time, per month, 1.50 Local notices (third page) to regu lar advertisera, 5 cents per line for each insertion. Transient notices, per line, 10 eta. Under the bead of 'Specials'" set in solid Nonpareil, notices will be in serted for 25 cent an inch or less for each insertion. This last form we wish to introduce to those who want to sell or buy stock, lahd, or for the general wants of the community. Legal notices at Statute rates. At torneys aud officers of the law will be held responsible for the legal notices they hand in. lodges and other Associations will be charged 5 cents per line for all notices not of interest to the general public Standing advertisements and locals from regular advertisers payable at the end of each quarter. m Tran.-itmt advcrtiMjincntf?, aid no tices from straugers must be paid in advance. These rates will be adhered to, ex cept as regards filling contracts. So person need ask any deduction or di-count from the above-krates or conditions Wr. N. Richardson has a large sup plyofsecd corn on hand, for $1,50 per bushel. 23-m3. NEW GOODS! A fresh stock of Dry Goods and Groceries will be sold at bottom prices at the Grange Store. Into is this for High! You can buy a good pair of kip boots for four dollars at the Grange Store. Try some of that good Tea at the Grange Store. CS-PRINTS ! S&-PIX INTS ! The nicest Prints in town can be had at the Grange Store. If you want to get your Stationery cheap go to the Post Office. 24w4 Granger's, if j'ou want cood tea, coffee, sugar, and'other grocries, call at the Grange Store, nest door to the Post office.'u John G. Potter, Red Cloud. Go to Smith & Calvert for Furni turc. All kind of Dry Goods in large supply and at reasonable rates at Garrer & Co's. Good warm fall and winter shawl? and dress goods at G. & Co's. A full stock of Boots and Shoes, for the fall trade at G. & Co's. Granger's, if you want your Granger boots and shoes, call at the Grange Store. John G. Potter. Kcro-cnc, .'50 cents per gallon Gar ber& Co. Matches, 5 cents per bos at Garber's. Lamp chimneys, 3 for 25cts at Gar bers. Three bars soap, 25 cents, Garber Sc Co. Soda lOccnts per pound, at Gnrbers. GRANGE STORE. GOOD NEWS GOOD NEWS. Fur the Farmers of Webster and Neighboring counties. GRANGE STORE IN RED CLOUD. The store kept by John G. Potter having been appointed by the County Council a GRANGE STORE. Patrons of Husbandry wiil find it to their inteiest to trade at the Grange Store. Don't forget the place Next door to the Post Office. J. G. POTTER, Red Cloud. A full assortment of ladies shoes, all the latest varieties at G. & Co's, Wanted. ery one to know, that Berenren & Co., are selling off their entire stock of Groceries, Cloth ing Boots, Shoes &c, at.cosL This is no humbug. Ladies, call at B. Jfc Co's, and get a nice dress pattern for 0c. per yard. Grangers call and see if R. R. Shcrcr, ain't selling Drugs and Paints, cheaper than any other house in the valley, all others know it. Every thing waruted. Dr. Thos. B. WiHiatns wishes to say that all who are indebted to him must call and settle by Jan. 1st, eith er with the cash, or by giving a note. 19-td. Initial, Tinted paper and envelopes at the Posi Office. 24w4 School crayous for 35ct a bos at the Post Office. 21w4 If you want cheap reading go to the Post Office. 2iw4 WAS7S9. for which Wheat, for which the highest market price will be paid. II SI. - .r W. N. Richardson. Notice is hereby given that a special j session of the Board of County Com- Hiissioners will be held on Saturday, February 13th, 1S7 Commncing at 10 o'clock a. m. fur the purpose of coudderiDg the question of seed gram and for the transaction of such other burtness as way properly come before them. . J. A. TULLEYS. Red Cloud Feb. Sth '75. C-ierk. 21tT, . . . - ysj- S-. ..JR. . n - " ZJ&f? '- " - " V'jwawav-- w ri jrmr V-H 2f2HEi jztft is w. -' J- " -1 " ffft1 vawJPlk. - -ayaBlrlPlrh'art. .Bsaa . jSi - ' .". , " v.. . - --i. - rf .,-- .- jn-'--i, w-issaaiiaaaaifaSaaaa SmUigjL , ,e. - - .a, ,, .awWtayaawtIamjmamum .JStsP3awawaMiiawSwawsawam iisawanaaawaWaarsaiamammmmmjafaM-S -j"--'' -'M mamtmjgfttKtPF9iVS! -,-.-,-.-. ; - , aaaauamammmmmjaummmawMaussssssssssssssM f -tafmasmmmmmmmmmmj mmmmuwaaw aiiaaawfBBuaaTsammjmmmmmmmjBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm amaBwsaawawawaiaawawawaw Zeiss wiil soon build as addition to his saloon building and turn the whole tiling into a bsiery and confec turnery store. Hereafter we shall positively de cline to forward money for subscription to newspapers or magazines, at all times we are ready to write the neces sary letter, for any person desiring us to do so, but in all cases, the party must mail bis-own letter and take his own risks. A number of families who left last fall on account of the grasshopper have returned, and by the time that spring fairly opens, they will all be back and more with them. Three feet of snow in Northern Iowa and Wisconsin at this date fine eprwg weather and farmers sowioj gram iu Nebraska. The contrast is worthy of note. California fever has "struck iu" in a few cases, and a few of our ctti sens will start for the Pacific coast as soon as they can make the necessary arrangements. Last night John Barber returned from the west part of the State, where he has been on a trapping espedition with Mr. Metcalf and Charley Barber. The last two named will be here in a day or two. Tho party were up the Red Willow Creek iu the unorganixed territory and in the south part of Lin coln count-. Mr. Barber represents that there arc a number ol cattle ranches in that section, and that the herds are in good condition, generally, though they receive no feed whatever except the grass on the range. We are in receipt of the Evening Star, a .-picy little Miect published at Lincoln, Neb., by the "Star Printiup Company." This paper is neat, well gotten up and full of genuine wit and keen thrust3 at the existing order of things, and is deserving of a longer life than has usually been allotted to and evening paper iu the Capital city, Lone way it be "Twinkle, twinkle little Stir." The winter term of the Red Cloud school closed on Friday last. Mr. Kalrv has nroveu himself to be an able and efficient teacher. Mark Warner has stepped down from the tripod for a few days and the last we saw of him he was leaving town with a big book under bis arm, which is a remiuder that taxation is inevitable. Judging from every indication, Nebraska will receive an uniuallj; large immigration during tho coming summer. The world at large knows that such trials as the state has passed through only occur ouce in a gener ation, and to day our sttte stands out as the best country for new homes aud cheap lands. ' If a very few of our subscribers could shove some of those one dollar bills into our office, we would be thankful. The times are harrd, but it cant be that everybody is "'dead broke." The snow has nearly all disap peared, and the bright sunshine and warm days serve to infuse new life iu to young and old. The past few days have been pleasant with a fair promise of an ear ly spring. In less than a week, the farmers will be putting the small grain into the earth, in the hope of reaping an abundant harvest. J. F. Smith, of the south part of this county, returned a few days since, from West Virginia, where he has been spending the winter. He thinks Nebraska is still ahead. A few pleasant days will give us all an attack of the "spring fever." We had it bad the last "sunshiny" day. Read our advertising rates care fully, and then order jut the amount of space you want, to pay for, and no more. Nest week, Mr. Ayers will move out to his farm, having sold his hotel some time since. For a long time he has been the popular landlord of the LaClede House. C. W. Kalcy, looks just a little lonesome since he closed "his school, but it won't take him long to settle down to business. We know how it is, ourself. The assessors are at work, and just for the time being everything is cheap especially dogs. Jut as soon as we can get time we shall make out a large number of bills for advertising &c., and call around to our numerous' friends and patrons "vot you thinks, eh?" Attention Soldiers ! The Bouuty Equalization Bill has passed and is a law. All old soldiers entitled to the benefits of this act will do well to call on the undersigned who wiil give the matter prompt attention. WlLLCOX k GlLUASI. Attorneys at Law. Red Cloud, Nebnska. If you want to buy or sell anything, whatever, advertise it in this column. Haifa dollar or such a matter thus invested will pay big interest. Commissioner Hardy was in town tliip week. There is a growing desire, in the East for information of erery kiai concerning Nebraska her resources, soil, climate, &c The Chief is tbe best medium through which this ia fonoatioB o& be gained. Subscribe tor a lew copies to be seat tar cast cru-fi iends,- - The breaking up of the ice ba carried off a number of bridges on tbe pmall streams throughout the coantjt? Immigrant wagoas are bcginattjt to pass through bound to the west.' Call at this office if you want to get a bargain in a claim of 160 acres, with water, and cultivated ground, a good team, wagon, and agricultural implements, household furniture, ic Mr. Phelps, of Buffalo Creek called yesterday, and we had a pleasant chaL He is one of the lively farmers of that section. The demand for improved lands will be brisk for the next two or three months. If you have a claim to sell, just put a notice of the fact in our local columns. It will cost but little and will piy. Richardson has a carload of corn p torcd in the building south ofSherer's Drug Store. Stop and Look ! Rufu3 Mik.-ch having rented the shop over Mitchell k Moharts' Hard ware store, is now prepared to do all kiLds of repairing on furniture, agri cultural implements, &c Remember the place. Come early to avoid tbe crush at the door. , s Post is driving a big business, we should judge from the teams that congregate around his stable every night Sheriff Bill and II. G. Milncr called to-day just as we were going to press. Come again. Our farmers are lively, getting ready for a vigorous summer cam paign. A large number took time by tbe forelock, and prepared their ground last fall, and those that did so can now commence putting in wheat. There is still some difficulty in pro curing enough seed but piobably all will be supplied in time. Any person wishing to purchase a good quarter section of rand, can get the best bargain ever offered in Webster county by calling at this office. Soldiers Bounty. The bill equalizing bounties has finally become a law. All soldiers who served during the Rebellion, including soldiers' widows, are entitled to re ceive $5 331 per month bouuty, !cs the amount already received. I shall giv special attention to the collection of these claims, and shall make every arrangement to promptly collect them. n. S. KALEY, Att'y at Lay and Notary Public. To close out our stock we sell for cash only. Calico, 7? per yard. Best cloth gait ers $1S5. Boots warranted $4,00. Mens fdiocs, $1,95. Flannels best, 40 cents per yard. Estra sole leather 60cts. per lb. Sheepskin mitts, OOcts. We will rent our store with a good cellar for a very small consideration, to give a man a chance. 29 tf " J. Berenzen & Co. TAS2 ITOIICS. I have a store room to rent, suitable for Hardware or dry goods, situated in the town of Red Cloud Neb., the best tiading point on the Republican river, or I will sell the entire building, it being a two story building 33x30 feet, the upper story is occupied by the Chief printing office and a mil linery shop The lower story was formerly occupied by myself as a Hardware, store; being postmaster here I had to close out as I could not. attend to both. M. B. McNitt. 29w-2. NOTICE Is hereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Webster Co., Neb , will meet on Monday April 19th, 1S75 and continue in session three days, for the purpose of equalizing the assess ments for the year 1S75. .411 who have complaints to enter will please take notice and govern themselves ac cordingly. By order of the Board. J. A. Tulleys, Clerk. LEGAL NOTICE. Tn the District Court of ihe 1st Ju dicial Distnct, State of Nebraska with in and for Webster County. Patrick Barry, vs Michael Cook. Maria Cook, Solomon Brunswick, Hyman Brunswick, doing business under the name & style of S. Bruns wick & Bro., defendants. The above named defendants will take notice that the plaintiff in tbe above entitled action did on the 27th day of Feb. A. D. 1S75, file his peti tion against you in the office of the Clerk of said District Court, setting forth that the defendant Michael Cook and Maria Cook gave a mortgage to plaintiff Patrick Barry on lots one and two, block 14, in the town of Red Cloud, in said county to secure the payment or one hundred and fifty-five dollars and interest according to a cer tain note referred to in said mortgage. That the same Solomon Brunswick, Hyman Brunswick, doiag business under the name and style of S. Brans wick & Bra, claim some interest ia said premises, under and by virtse of a ceitaie mortgage gives to tbem by the saidlefcndaata Michael Cook, plaintiff asks judgment nn said promo scry note for $155 00 with ratercst at 10 per cent, from the 20th day ef Feb. Ib4. ai that said premises be ceid to Hj tbe same aad tbe defendants areiHrtifcd that thy aie repaired ta I otter aad answer said petitk?s oe er before tkeSth day ef ApriL 1975. r 3d 5w pf 15. Att'y fa Hfc Wr 23 CLOTS SSS83L TTCTHTflTftS. The following is a programme of the exercise of the school exbi- f bitioa, last Friday Bight. We would gladly give a more ext ended notice of each performance ia detail if time permitted. Suffice to aay the exer cises were creditable to the school and showed the careful training to which they had been subjected under the efficient instruction of Prof. Kaley. PROGRAMME. Singing by the School III go. Truest Wisdom Mary BeaL Give to the Poor Vm. Mitchell. The Old Crow Ida Macotnber. Katie Lee and Willie Gray Mary Smith. The Wind in the Frolic Corela Ba'dwin. Which ia the Bet Emma Smith, Ccla Garbar. Gerta Sherer, Fredic Richardson, Corda Sberor, and Mag gie Lutz The Peddler Charlie Kaley. Obedience Mary Beal, Elvira MunselL Morning in Spring Eliza Tulleys. We are but Minutes Ja. Maxwell Little Chicks Christian Zeis. Singing bv Choir Happy Farmer. Tell my Mother Wm. Barber. The Little Orator O-car Potter. The Little Shroud Emma Weber. To Bed Anna Ncff. Is it Anybody's Business M:ggie Lutz. Lo'Ji thai. Rooks' Poem Flora Burgen- Charlies' Dorg Carlie Weber. Kissing Party Hattie Smith. Little Iliids Dora Zeiss. My Pets-Minnie Weber. Neighbors Eliza Tulleys, Mary Beal and Martha Brown. Woman's Rights Charlie Kaley. Little Birds Maggie Macomber. Angel Harps Wm. Parks. The Little Aspirant Fredie Lutz. Song Billie Grimes Mary Beal, Elvira Munscil. Time Clara Weber. The German Orator-Edward Smith. Singineby Choir Was it Ri ght. Who Knows James Holdsworth. The Hcrmitess Leila Bildwin. Uncle Bobbie Carlie Weber. Prisoner-Wm. Jackson, Jno. Allen, Wm. Barber. Intellect Not Everything Mary Hummel, Sarah Tullevs, Elvira Mun sell, Martha Brown. Mary Beal, Eliza Tulleys, and Alice Rogers. Song The Pretty Husband Mary Smith, Emma Weber. Adams Speech on Independence Herbsrt Bather. Suppo-e Mirtha Brown. Give the Little Boys a Chance Win. Parks. Mrs. Caudles' Lecture Mary Beal and Herbert Barber. Singing by Choir Whistling Far mer Boy. Little Whim pie Hettie Leach. The Hindoo Mother Lizzie Weber Roaiance John Allen- This World's a Humbug William Wiggins. Frog Hollow Lyceum Herbert Bar ber, Prest ; Juo. Garber, Sec.: Eliza Tulleys, Mary Beal, Elvira Mun-ell, L;zzie Weber, Geo. Garber, Alva Wicirins, Frank and Fred Sleeper. Closing Year Sarah Tulleys. Singing by Choir ''Good Night." CORN! CORXl Richardson has just received a car load of corn which is offered for sale at $1 per bushel. KAE3ISS. At the residence of W. VanWinkle, Esq., Red Cloud, by Judge Tulleys, Mr. Israel Brown, of Red Cloud, and Mrs. Catharine Tiernet, of Smith Co., Kansas. 1 he office returns its thanks for the beautiful cake and wih a long and happy life to Israel and his bride. THE NEW YORK LEDGER . For ninetceen years this Great Lite raryPaper has been a welcome visitor at our fireside; and in all that period not one sentence, line or word, has ap peared in its columns to which serious objection could be found. Ofauni ormly high moral tone, it inculcates a taste for reading,5ani its young read ers intuitively learn ro abhor vice, and to love all that is beautiful and Itrue. Filled each week with the choicest Po ems, Stories, Sketches, News Items, &C it is sure to become indispcmible to every family in which it finds its way. Mr. Bonner promises to make it better than ever for 1875, and what he promises ha more than fulfills. For specimen copy address; Robert Bonucr New York. LEGAL NOTICE. In the District Court of the 1st Ju dicial District, State of Nebraska, within and for Webster county. Solomon Bruuswick, Hyman Brunswick, doing business upder the name and style of Bruns wick &, Bro's. vs. Michael Cook, Maria Cook. k Patrick Barry, Deffte. Tbe above named defendants will take notice that the plaintiff in the above entitled action, did on the 11th day of March, 1875, file tbeir petition against you in the office of the' Clerk of the said District Court, setting forth that the defendant, Michael Cook, gave a mortgage to the defendants on lot one, block 14, io the town of Red Cloud, in said county, to secure the payment of one hundred and eighty dollars and seventy five cents ($180.75) according to six several notes referred to in said mortgage. That the defend ant, Maria Ccok has since become the wife of said Michael Cook, and as such claims some interest in said mortgaged premises. That the defendant Patrick Barry claims some interest in said mortgaged premises, under aad by virtue of a certain martiage gixcm to aim by the defendant. MfcEael Ccok and Maria Cook. Plaintiff a-kHJadrmest for theswm of one blaired aod three dolkrs and thirty-five cents ($103.35), with mter eet from the 17th day of March, 1S75; aad that said mortgaged prcraises may be sold to satisfy sail aotes aad mort ,& tkaMfcey paired to appear J wwr aU m.L - , &. gages, aad tbe said ddeadaats are a- aad aaewtr sai aa-tkios on er before tie 2fe day of April, 1875. H. S. Kalxt, 305w-pf 15 Att'j for Plsicnffi- f i FOR SALE. A quarter section or as gocd farta Ing land as can be found ia the ralley Forty acres under improvement RacciniT water and springs el situated frr stcck purposes, there be ing a i:ood rancc adjoining. A bar gain if sold soon. Call at this office. FR REST The LaClede House, in Red Cloud together with ah tbe furnitarc, abo stablinr. This popular Hotel is ccn- trally located well finished and will be rented on , farwabte lerma, tomes- II. S. Kaley, Red Cioud Neb GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK. We foci that wo would be doing onr subscribers an injustice did we not call their attention to this intrinsically good Magazine, and charming Chromo, The Rescue, which is given to each yearly subscriber. Read the Prostatas, and if you have never seen a copy of the Magazine, send 25 cents to L. A. GO DHY, Philadelphia, Pa , for a copey. GEORGE ZEISS, -oxaLxcaix- Wines & Iaiquors CIGARS, Chewing, Smoking, Tobacco, CANNED FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, AND CONFEC riONERIS, A Specialty. Fresh Lager Beer from " Antelope Brewery, constantly on hand. RED ULOUD, NEB. 13tf J.Q.P0TTER. I.FR1SBIE. Red Cloud Mill's! We are prepared to do cus tome work. Flour Feed and Qoru Meal for Sale. TSZ ZKZSST XA21Z2T TBZZZ PAID HTCASar03772SA?. 9St Satisfaction guaranteed in quality of flour sold, and ccstom work. Farmers should be particular to secure the best of seed wheat. Potter & e- THE SUN. DAILY AST) WEEKLY FOR 1ST5. The approach of tb Prwidental eSectioD rires unusual importaoc to the event sol development of 1V75. We fball eadcaror ta describe them fallr. fhhfaMjrsl fearlessly. THE WEEKLY SUN ba now attains circulation of over seTentjr thousand copies. Its reader are foan 1 ia erery fcute aad Ter ritor. z&d it quality i well known to the public. We shall cot only endeavor to keep it fully up t) the olds'aadard.but to ia prove aad add te iu varietr-and power. THE WEEKLY SU5 wUI orstitsue ta be a thorough Bewnpapcr. All tbe newi ol toe day wiil b found ia it. cosdeafed. whea ua inporfamL at fail leazth wbn of moment, and alwayf. wetnui. treated ia a dear, ia terertia ar.d instructive bb inner. It is oar aim to make the WEEKLY SU.V the best family sewjpaper in the world. It will be fall ol ecteruinin? and appropriate reA-liac of every sort, but will print nothtoc to offend the mat rcrupuloaf and delicate Urte. It will always cosfe'.n tbe mott inter extinx itorie and roaasees r.f the 07. care fully selected aad ItfMy pristed. , Ihe .Agricultural Dprt3t?nt i a promi nent feature in the WEEKLY 5C.V. and its article will always be found fresh aad use ful to the firmer. Tbe fcumber of men radeesdext ia poli tics if iacraar. aad tbe WEEKLY SVS is tieir saacr especially. It heloaas o rs party, and obeys so dietitian, eoatrodis for principle, aad lor ra e'eclktn of the test men. It exposes the orruptioa that di rrsces the country and threaten the over throw of republican innitstitms. It has so fear of knaves, aad seeks so favors trout their supporters The atarkets f everr kid aaw the fus ion are regularly reported ia its colssas. The price of the WEEKLY HUS it oa dollar a vear for a sheet of etrat pace, aad fifty-tix coluass. As tha bar br bears tit ( expenses or paper asm pr-ata we are aet able to mke asy dMceust er allow asy pre miasu to friends who may asake special elvrrts to extend its drcsiatioa. Under the sew law. which require pay meat is airaace. c&4 dollar a year, with fe&ty etali the af prepaid sxxtaje' added; is tb xau f aaa-seriptkos- It m aot as : ess ry.te get. up agimh isorperto have the ffiXlvLY bQ at this raic Anyone who sesiw one dTLu aad twenty eeati will cet the paper. paetaaH. for a year. We have" bo JraveHiar agtmttL lW Weekly ew.-Etsht pace'. ssy siz cetasss .paly a year, ecataae ... m.mmmn jramtM Ta stall acir -paper of tsresttv-.i(a Ia5y crraisn wear lay. Sara caaaenar . a!asassCdrsCi L"a, Tsff liaTafi-TXES,"itwTjrlCfc7.1 VALLEY j, c. WARNER, Prop Is always ready to attend to and make comfortable hu patron. This Hotel is cutircly new, hiving been fitted up for th expre porpomi cf the traveling public gTAGE t.kWKS FOR THE RAILROAD ON MONDAY. WHDNKS- DAv AND FUDAY OF HVCH ! Claim tt Have the BEST STABLE West of Lincito Always keeping on hand a gixd supply of HAY AND G R A 1 N, Also a good conveyance Car the purpOiO of coaveyioj? pacwrer frosc thr place to any other at reasonable ra'tis. lied Cloud, iVebriwikinv 0. L. BATTLES & CO. DEALKltS IN- SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE, AGENT FOR THE atfM11" WOKaJ 1) ePa 'Jr- t5s7Bsai pPVr m?y jRjaMaaT-K- f&f 'H A JmaWlaBaLaT''wfBdHt aVeV WM. ANSON WOOD MOWER, Hover JExceisior Reaper 4Jolnbinc4, With Dropper or Self Raise.- THE NEW M A.N"N"llSrG. THE I. X. L. DRILL. Buckeye Drill, Superior Uromcn$ti &dert Fountain City Seeder. PADOO SULKY n Y RAKE. SI'Y HAafROW. And all FARMING MACHINERY at Graiifle Prices. A f A 3Baw S3atlBrl5fiei-.. waMRMamailHMMX Also Victor Bromkin Ploitf. Charter Oak and AIlpne 8iovefi ALL THE VARIETIES OF 'HEATING AND PARLOR STOVES. A-good assortment of NAILS, KAKE3, BOLT-?. CORN PLANTER?,- SHOVELM. - SI'ADES. fURIW OARPENTKftS AND MASONS TOO I A FAINTS, OILS, COOI'BR AN!) NEWTON U'.ViONS, GLASS. TINWARE GRAND DKroUR l'UJVS, DA VKNFOKT PLOWS with Wood or Iron Dcara. with WooJ au-J Irua ffrrsmy And Everything necd-d by the Farmer or 3Icchamc. Fine Table and Pocket Cutlery. O. L. BA1TLES & CO., Guide Bock, TREES, TREES! THE Undertisned will kaveRady tir telivVy, Aril 15, 1875, at hitjResideiite in CLOVER TON, WebsterCounty Meb iLL KINDS OF FRUIT AND FOREST TREES f a Qakiat to Sc Pwfewaam, rfkZxv(lSu " AmitakaPayiw Caloa Jl. HOUSE. WEFIK AT 7 0'CIXCK A. M. Iwebraswlcmr WfUJOIf. Ciwrimir: JMrS ftk 9i - """ " - c - ijf U