The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 10, 1875, Image 1

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    lawwHwawWaHMPSealBttSisISBislBESetiB '-'J-1"'1- -E?-: y,-.' y T" -. ..rPvrrosiJ. - - .v . ,..- ......: aaaa
lsSiaEaitii!lPK k IC-'4?''- - -' ' ' ",""'' i i JITufLr.-i-j. .jnr; r-.aaffigaahi, ,-nhriihi1iaiTNiaiiasgjajMawB,
jgS -r-V-n'r-rrmiJoi-iiirn : if " ' r ' r" "3pE "" ' "" " ''""' fl;g3cgt,Jrj - -., ,, ..-v,-
M -i
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Cr L. Mather & M. H. Wabker
Altorneyt at Law.
4 Red Cloud, Nebraska.
County Superintendent of Public In
struct ion.
Att'neys at Law
9& Will practice in all the Courts of
the State.
Cobb, Marqubtt & Moore,
One of us will be in attendance st each
term of the District Court of the ecveral
couatica in the Republican Valley. 2 1
Willeox efc Oilhani
Will Practice in all the Courts of the
4 Suite. '
'Collection Promptly Attended to
1. H. freeman,
Buys an4.wTU Western Securities.
'School Bonds a Sictafry:
Richardson & Tulleys,
Will buy and sell Real Estate on Cotntnu-
sioa. end pay taxes for non-residents.
Special attention given to collections. Cor
re$ndence solicited. All letters of inquiry.
Kf on business prouiiitly answered.
Conveyancing and all other Notarial
Business will rcceivo prompt attention.
f-Depositions promptly and corrortt-
lyakea. Address,
HfcrtM Franklia County Nebraska.
Kf Claims for tale and tailoring done in
tfc Utest style.
BUCK house:,
QfikaS BVCX, Jn&f - - r&OFBXETOS,
c Accommodations, Livery and
- Feed Stablrs.
Lm Clcde House.
ReiClsud, Nebraska.
Statl CMMCtlM with th
Thto hotel haabeea refitted andrefmrnished
tlvoMhoat. CoH.merciaMen. Railroad Men
.Wail partie.Tisitinie RedoudwiU find
! Veeoodations at this Hotel.
jlELSoV,'....i.. .ii....Troprietor.
Geod StaWes, Good Beds, and Sojiara
rJfef,atBeasomibIe Rates.
jwtaJeoC4he TVaVelling PuV
vRepectrn!ly 86Kclted.-
rlVa-era. I f -m-T f 1-K ATTFV i TTT I ,1 I .1
Bloomington, - - Nebraska.
New House, Clean Bed", and
thing that's Lovely.
Ftacrc leave this House daily for
all points South, Eat, and
Good Stahling in connection with
tne Houoe.
To the travelling Public we would
simply, say '
Corner 1st Street and HastinfsAveH u
Hastings, Nebraska.
Keeps on hand at all timei the best Liquors.
bverythinsor the best quality tnemamei i
rjJ. uta-oinj
Constantly on hand. All kinds'of
All sold Cheap fur Cath.
Call and examine lumber and prices.
C Maeumber,
Carpenter & JBuilder
Scd Cloud, Nebraska.
Is prepared to make estimates aad take
contracts Tor all rind of buildings. 27-td
Mis H. A. Hunsell,
Would respectfully inform the Indies of Red
Cloud and vicinity that ho iff pro
pared to execute orders for
PLAIN SEWING of all Kinds.
On hand and for sale a fine assortment of
Tin McNitt's BuildinB.l
Is now prepared to do all kinds of work
Harness Mine.
The best of materials used, and all
Done on abort notice and at reasonable
Shop in McNiit's Store.
Red Ctoud NebrasKa
FOR 3875.
Published Quarterlt. January
Number just issued, and caataws over
100 Pages, 500 Engravings; deaerip
tions of more than 500 of our best
Flowers and Vegetables, with direc
tions for Collar, Colored Plate, etc.
The moot mseful and elegant work of
the kind in the world.-H)uly 25; cents
for the year. Published in EngUfch
ancV. German- ,,,,
Aedreas,- JAMES VlCk,
Roch'Ater, . .
i i v j ' a . m? a a a . b-j e-4
Acts of the legislature of tie SUte f
KebTftsfe Fassei at Elere&th Series
An act to amend section 575
chapter 58 of the criminal cod.
An act in relation to persons impris
oned under senteace for offenses
against the State of Nebraska.
An act to authorize the judges of
the district court to designate the
county where an inducement may be
found and the person tried for any
felonious offense, charged to have
been committed in any unorganized
county or in any country where no
district qourtajre held. , .' .
An act to amend sections 8, 17, 20
20, 28, 30, 44, 65, 75, 70, 78, 89, 90,
91, 100, 116, 119, 125, 189, 244, 208,
213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218 219, 220,
223, 220, 233, 242, 202, 271, 377, 401,
405, 472 of the criminal code, chapter
58 of the general statutes of 1872.
An act for the matntainance and
M V W W ...- -
... . i:i,i.
support of illegitimate children
An act for the punishment of three
card inonto players and other con
fidence games, and of persons for sell
ing on railroad trains prizes packages
or other prizes, or offering the same
for sale.
An act defining certain crimes, and
providing punishment therefor.
An act to amend section 83 of an
act entitled an act to establish a crim
inal code
An act providing for the payment
of witness fees in criminal cases.
An act to amend sections 5, 0 and 7
of chapter 14 of the general statutes.
An act to ameud section 28, of
chapter 20, of the revised statutes of
An act relating to the trial docket
in the districts courts.
An act to amend section 144 of
chapter 57, title 7, of the code of
civil procedure of the State of Ne
braska. An act to amend section 500 of the
code of civil procedure of the State of
An act to allow justices of the peace
to held their courts within the limits
of cities and towns in certain cases.
An Oft. in nrmnrlo a mothul far.
foreclosing tax lines upon real estate
in certain cases.
An act providing for the distribu
tion of monies deposited in 6uits
brought to enjoin the collection of
An act to amend section 57, chap
ter 14 of general statutes.
An act to create the office of delin
quent tax collect or and to define his
An act to amend section 19, chapter
22, revised statutes of 1S73."
An act to amend section 20, chapter
91 of the general statutes of 1873.
An act to amend section II oi chap
ter 21 of general statutes.
An act to amend section 5, chapter
22, of the revised statutes of Nebras
ka, entitled fees.
An act to amend section 498, chap
ter 57, of the code of civil proceedure.
An act to nrovide the measure of
damages in cases where proceedings
are instituted to prevent the sale of
school lands.
An act concerning the sale of lands
for the non-payment of taxed.
An act to amend the codo of civil
procedure in actions of replvien.
An act to amend section 39 of an
act entitled an act to provide a system
of revenue; approved February 15,
An act to provide for the stay of
executions and orders of sale.
An act to provide for the assign
ment of tax certificates.
An act to provide for the assign
ment of tax certificates.
An act to amend section 16 of chap
ter 20 of the general statutes, entitled
school fund laads.
An act to amend section 6 of chap
ter 12 of the general statutes of Ne
braska. An act to amend section No. 104 of
an act entitled aa act to provide a
system of revenue, approved February
15, 1S69.
An act to amend section 12 of chap
ter 70, the general statutes of 1873.
An act to amend section 1,021 of
the code of civil procedure.
An act to amend section 5S of chap
ter 14 of general statutes.
An act to amend chapter 269 of the
code of civil procedure.
Aa act prescribing additional duties
of road supervisors.
An act to provide for the payment
of attorneys employed by eeuaties in
tax cases.
An act to amend section 37S of the
code of civil procedure.
An act to amead sectiq 752, title
27, civil procedure of the statutes of
An act to provide for the taxiag of
costs jn certain eases.
An act' to repeal an act entitle! aa
ac act to provide relief for delinquent
tax payers and to provide for a sale of
lands rematBUW unsold under the
provisioBfl of said act.
An act to amend section 3 of chap
ter 67 of the revised statutes entitled
"roads.' '
An act to amend an act, to amend
an act to provide a sjitem of revenue',
approved Feb. 15 1869, approved
Feb. 27, 1873.
An act providing for the redemptioa
of real estate from decrees and judg
ment liens.
An act providing for the redemp
tion of real estate from decrees and
judgment liens.
An act regulating the taking of ap
peals from the judgments of probate
judecs and justices flffce peace
An act to amend section 592 of code
of civil procedure.
An act to amend an act entitled an
act to provide for the enumeration of
the population and and registration of
the births and deaths ia the Stato of
An act providing for the recording
of the names of all members of associa
tions doing business under a firm,
partnership or corporate name.
An act to amend section 6 of an act
entitled an act for a general herd law
to protect cultivated lands from tres
pass by stock, approved March 8 1874.
An act to amend the code of civil
procedure in attachment cases.
An act to amend section 93 of chap
ter 11 of the general statutes, entitled
An act for the more equitable ap
praisement of real property under
judicial sale.
An act to amend section 6 chapter
19 of the revised statutes, and to re
peal section 5 of same chapter.
An act to amend sections 19, 23, 31,
32, 45 and 58, and to repeal section 34
of an act entitled an act to establish a
system of public instruction, approved
February 15 1SG9.
An act to amend section one of an
act relating to the rights of married
women passed March 1, 1871, and
to repeal all acts inconsistent there
with. An act to amend section 3 of chap
ter 54 of the general statutes entitled
An act to amend clerical errors oc
curio in the publication of section 394
57 section 378 of chapter 58, section
01 of chapter 60, section 56 of chapter
68 of general statutes.
An act to amend section 51 of chap
tar 01 of the revised statutes of Ne
braska of 1873, entitled "real estate."
An act to exempt the homestead of
families from attachment, levy, or tale
upon execution or other process issuing
out of any court in the State of Ne
braska. An act to regulate the issuance of
licenses for, and the sale of malt and
vinous spiritous liquors in the State
of Nebraska.
An act to amend section 1 1 of chap
ter 2 of the general statutes and to re
peal sections 12, 13, 14, and 15 of
said chapter.
An act to amend section 9 of chap
ter 22 of the I e vised statutes.
An act to amend section 9 of chap
ter 22 of the revised statutes.
An act to provied for a term of the
district court in Wayne county and an
additional term in Dakota county in
the 3d judicial district of Nebraska.
An act to amend an act to incorpor
ate cities of the second class and to
define their powers approved March 1
1S71, and to legaliiew certain counties
therein mentioned.
An act to amend setions SS9 and
997 of the codo of civil procedure.
An act making appropriation to pay
for indexing the journal of the senate.
An act providing for the payment
of the expenses of the eleventh ses
sion of the legislature.
An act to erect and maintain an in
stitution for the blind.
An act supplemental to an act en
titled an act for the relief of the state
treasurer, approved Feb. 21, 1873.
An act to provide for the payment
of certain state warrants issued to
Thayer and Boomer.
An act supplemental to an act en
titled an act making appropriations
for the current expenses of the year
An act authorbinjr tht auditor of
state to transfer certain funds now
due the state of Nebraska froaa the
state prison contract to the penitenti
ary fund and authorizing the. future
auditing of monthly estimates becom
ing due on account of prison labor and
the transfer of sack funds to the pen-
tientiary fund.
An act to appropriate $500 to carry
out tne iatent' aad meaning of sectioa
1 cf an act to aaiend aa act entitled
aa act to provide for the enumeratioa
of the population and registration of
the births and deaths in the' state of
An aSt to amend sectioa 22 of aa
act entitled aa actio proxidefor the
erection of a pfftfte&kry, aadTofifittg
and custodsy of state convicts,
red March 4, 1871.
act supplemental to an act cntitl-
act to provide for the erection
penitentiary and for the care and
y of state prisoners, approved
fak. 2, 1873.
iw act to provide for 'the payment
tfaxpenses incurred in repairing the
ipptol building.
-Aa act to provide for the payment
Weutstanding indebtedness of the
Hibraaka hospital for the insane.
Aa act concerning the publication of
Ilka laws and journals of the eleventh
J$(m act for the payment of the pres-
'ml eatstandtng indebtedneM of the
aard ef Immigration.
AaytJo provide for ,e iosaraaoe
of the public buildings of the state of
An act making appropriation to pay
for extra work done and material
furnished in the publication of the
general statutes of Nebraska.
An act making appropriation to pay
for the printing of reports of htate
An act to aid in the construction of
a railroad on the west bank of the
Missouri river from Omaha to the
south line of the state of Nebraska.
An act making appropriations for
current expenses of the years 1875 and
An act to provide for the payment
of certain outstanding certificates of
indebtedness against the building fund
of the State Normal School
An act to provide for the govern
ment of the institute for tho deaf and
dumb, and other purposes.
au act to build the south wing to
the hospital for the insane.
An act to provide for the publica
tion and distribution of the road laws
to road supervisors.
An act to provide for tho expenses
iucurrcd in repairing, furnishing and
cleaning tho Senate and Representa
tive halls for the eleventh cession of
the Legislature.
An act making appropriation for
tho payment of miscellaneous claims.
An act providing ftr furnishing
clothing to certain inmates of public
charitable institutions.
DEBTEDNESS. An act to enable the electors of
xi.-v-wurrvy m. wu. siULtjrtif. Ne
braska, to voto bond tor tne purcnase
of seed grain an regulating the distri
bution thereof.
An act to enable certain "counties to
borrow money or issue their bonds in
aid of the agricultural interests of
such counties.
An act to authorize the trustees of
school district No. 2 in Hall county,
Nebraska, to issue bonds to aid in the
erection and furnishing a school house
in said district.
An act authorizing school district
No. 50, of Richardson county, to issue
bonds for tho purpose of erecting a
school building, procuring a site there
for, and setting, asido a fund to pay
the same.
An act to authoriz the commission
ers of the counties of Colfax, Platte,
Boode, Antelope. Howard, Greeley
and Sherman, Nebraska, to issue
bonds for the purpose of funding the'
warrants and order of said countis.
An, act to amend section 4 of chap
ter 35 of the general statutes, being
section 4 of an act to enable counties,
cities and precincts to borrow money
on their bonds, or to issue bonds to
aid in the construction of works of m
teraal improvements in this State,
and to legalize bonds already issued
for such pu poses, approved February
15, 1869.
An act to provide for the funding
of the warrants of the city of Grand
Island, Hall county, Nebraska, and
for other purposes.
Au act to provide for funding the
indebtedness of Furnas county, Ne
braska. An act to fund, or discharge, and
pay off the indebtedness of the city of
Rulo, in Richardson county, contract
ed prior to the first day of May, A. D.
QS73, and remaining outstanding and
An act for the issuing of state bonds
for tae purpose of providing seed for
the citizens of counties devasted by
grasshoppers during the year 1374.
Aaact to enable any precinct of
Saandera coaaty to vote bonds to aid
ia the coo traction of a wagon bridge
across the Platte river and to provide
for the eoastractioa of the state.
Aa act to provide for the funding of
the iadebtedness of Harlan eouaty,
Aa act to authorize the registration.
collecuoa aad redeaiprioa of coaaty
Aa act suppleateatal to aa act for
the issuing of State boads for the
purpose of providing seed' for the
driaeas of eoaaties devasted by grass
hoppers dmiag the year 1S74.
An act to provide for the funding of
taa.warraaU.aad outstsadiag" iadfcbt
tdnass of rVbjter eeuaty.
"Aa act' teniae ad the reveaoe
ari.MDg from the taxation of works of
internal improvement to pay the bond
issued to construct or complete the
An act amend an act entitled an
act to provide for the registration of
precinct or township or school district
An act authorizing the commiwioa-
ers of Jefferson county to provide
funds for the payment of certain out
standing warrants of said county.
An act authorizing tchcol district
No. 37, of Richardson county, to isue
bonds for the purpose of erecting a
school building, purchasing a rite
therefor, and for settiog aside a fund
to 4:y the same.
An act to authorize the board of
trustees of school district No. 9, of
Seward county, to issue bonds to pay
the indebtedness of said district, and
to build a school house therein.
An act to authorize the county com
missioners of Sarpy, to appropriate
$2,000 of the surplus road and bridge
fund of Sarpy county to buld a poor
house in saii county.
An act for the relief of Henry A.
An act for the relief of John K.
An act for the relief of school dis
trict No. 1, of Sauuders county, Ne
braska. An act for the relief of Frank M.
Farber, sheriff; Hon. PaulSchuinke,
Asa Stearns, Peter Smith, Simcn
Blum and Henry Hoonyer, of Oioe
county, Nebraska.'
An act for the relief of Hcrliug &
Co., Chicago, Illinois.
An act for the relief of James Queen
and Frauk Keys.
An act for the relief of John Rath.
An act for the relief of Cole Bros,
and Hart.
An act for the relief of O. B. Hew
itt, of Nemaha county.
An act to provide for the relief of
J. R. Meredith and George Uolman,
An act for the relief of S. B. Pound
An act for the relief Asa Rathbonc,
James Weitcott, George Scatner,
John Oaks, George T. Woods, Harlan
Baird, and James Preston, of Dakota
An act forthe relief of Saline county.
An act for the relief of A. S. God
fro V.
nu mi tuo ieiiui'-oi cnoor'ai3-i
tricts numbers 52 and 91, Richardsou
An act for the relief of Daniel Gregg
and Nathan L. Simpson.
An act for the relief of E. Rose
water. An act for tho relief of J. E. Cramer.
An act for the relief of Henry At
kins. An act for the relief of J. C. Cum
mins treasurer of Cass county, Ne
braska. An act to amend an act, entitled an
act to quiet title to certain portion of
the city of Beatrice.
An act to piovide for the establish
ment of a fiscal agency for the State of
Nebraska in the city of New York,
and prescribing the duties of officers
in relation thereto.
An act to change the name of Mar
ket Square in the cify of Lincoln.
An act to amend section 1, and to
repeal section 2 of an act entitled an
act to authorize the county commis
sioners of the several counties of Ne
braska, to purchase lands for their
respective counties at tax sales, passed
January 30, 1867, and contained in
chapter 66 of the general statutes of
Nebraska for 1873, and to empower
such commissioners to sell any tax
certifitates owned by the respective
An act to prohibit the catching of
game and fish in certain cases.
An act to guard against accidents in
the use of tumbling rods.
An act annexiug certain unorganized
territory north of Valley county to
Valley county, for judicial, election
and revenue purposes.
An act to prevent stock from run
ning at large in Barada and Speyer
precincts in Richardson county, Neb.
An act to aaiend Mctioas 9 and 41
of an act entitle J aa act dciniag the
boundaries of certain counties; ap
proved March 3, 1873.
An aet to legalise aa oficial act of
Joel Waroe.
An act to repeal the law reqairiag
the registrattoa of voters ia certaia
cities oftae 2d data.
An act aaaeadiag aa act eatitled aa
act to provide for buOdLag a bridge
across the Big Blaa river, approved
February 15, 1869.
Aa act providiBg for hotdiag taros
of district court ia Merrick coaaty.
Aaact to aataoriafi the goreraof.
rrMMier. aad kad coamkaoaer of
the state of Nebraska to asaaage, dis
pose of, aad coarey certaia real estate.
Aa act relative to the mbdtrisioa
of sec 35, ia iowa 9,' aorta of raage
16, west of the 6th priadpal aferidua,
aad for legaliztag the saae.
aid tettle atrtaia
NO- 30-
pontroTersii between the state of Ne
braska and Jaracs Sweet and Neisoa
C. Brock.
An act to amend section 15 of chap
ter 67, entitled roads.
An act to vacate certain "road."
An act to amend an act for a general
herd law, to protect cultivated laud
from trespass by stock pafd March
S, 1S71.
An act to authorize cities to estab
lish and maintain free public libraries
and reading rooms.
An act vacating certain surveys of
the town of Sutton.
An act to provide for tho issuance
of duplicate warrants.
An act to provide for calling a con
vention to revise, alter, or amend the
coasUiuuoaoftuo state afNabrotra.
An act to provide, for tho sale of
lasd set apart for a model farm.
An act concerning the estate of
Henry Hooper, of Nemaha couuty.
An act to vacate certain portions of
tho town of Table Rock, Pawnee Co.,
An act providing for the printing of
biennial reports of certain state officers
An act to locate a state road from
Creighlon, in Knox couuty, Nebraska,
by way of YYaluut Grove, ia the same
county, and Bade'rs to Troy, in Holt
An act to rcgubtc escheats.
An act to amend section 9 of an act
for a general herd law, eta
An act to provide for the sale of lots
iu the city of Lincoln.
An act to provide for the further
distribution of tho statutes.
An act for the relief of persons hav
ing rights of action or demands upon
the Nebraska colonization company.
An act to amend aeciioo 17 of an act
defining tho boundaries of cci'tain
counties approved March 3, 1873.
An act to amend an act eatitled an
act to establish a system of public in
struction for the Stato of Nebrf&ka.
An act declaring a certain act of the
city of Lincoln legal.
An act for tho protection of etock
An act providing for the holding of
courts in the counties of MadUon,
Pierce and Antelope.
An act concerning inn-holders or
hotel keepers, and their guests.
An act giving a lien in certain cases
to eccure the payment of the purchase
price of aceda purcadJa.ta vaar
An act to rcgulato tho sale of illum
inating oils.
An act to form a new school district
to he called district No. 87, in Lancas
ter county.
An act to locate a state road from
Kearney Junction, Buffalo county, to
Bloomington, Franklin county, and
thence to intersect a state road at the
Kansas line, at the' southwest corner
of the southeast quarter of section 3-1,
town 1, range 16, west.
An act to amend an act entitled an
act defining the location of Albion, the
county seat of Boone county, in the
State of Nebraska.
An act to extend the provisions of
the general herd law to Knox county,
An act to provide for the relocation
of county seats.
An act to create aad provide for a
state board of immigration.
An act legalizing certain actions of
the city council of the city of Omaha.
An act providing hhort hand report
ers, for the district courts.
An act to amend an act declaring
section lines, roads in certain counties
in the State of Nebraska, to far as the
same applies to the coaaty of Seward.
An act to amend section 12, chapter
49, of an act to provide for the ap
pointment of notaries public; ap
proved Feb. 8, 1869.
An act granting to the city of Lin
coln, a certain lot of blocks in said city
for a market placo.
An act to aboIUh the bureau of im
migration, and to repeal an act ap
proved Feb. 27, 1873, eatitled an act
to reconstruct the slats board of ina-
An act providing for the more efi
cient government of the state Univer
sity, and for the disposition of fasda
belonging thereto.
ABaettoasieadeUoBJi.ll. 30, 23. 31.
23. 31, 35, 35.39. &t. &. sad . aa art eatiUed
aa.aet to iacorporat dtiea of lb fini daw.
arprered ilmnh'x. 1173.
An act to aatkoriM ta treusnr ef Platte
eoa&ly to reksa ecztaia taxes.
Aa act ta eaeoarac ta oaaaiaa aaaaa-
veleaiac of coal wum sa4 otaer aiaerai ia
teresta ia tie SUtt of SearaaVa.
Aaaetreiaiacto palite aeaoata ia cities
eftfcoteeeaa cUm where graded aad hies
seaook arc or betWUr mxr fco aataalkoa.
Aaact aataorisac aartiea M. via a )'
lsadtsaleetaiia Ilea of aectioM 13 aaiaSto
aarcaaMtfea aaaa aim ta fUSaeim
Aa aet to repeal aa act catitfai aa aet ree
alatia ta BaUie ackoab of Xearaeka Cky.
aaatoaroriiaaoaaf Jartaair MBpori. -aroTaa
Jaaaarj 15. VHZ, Aaa alao to rtaaal
aa aet oatitiodaa aet t ' aa aetoati:
tlaa aa aet recalatia taaaMie acaoob'af
Vcaraska Gtj. aa'to previa aaaifer
1hair U73.
Aaaetta raotwaa aaeea aad aviaa firaat
raaactUraiataaatatof SoeraAa.
Aaaettoaroridaforaaoxtaa tomUftaa
eSatriet eacrl ia Taar r mi. JaBMoaa eeua-
AaesCti vjaaarsSstaia-fBdesa f Sot'
Uao4'' oitioa to Paw Ch la raw
aoa eeaalj. r .
AatflU prattd a aaifcm SMtfcaa oi
eteulaea4 rttoUaa-tewa afce.
AaattaTaate .. J. al Jfi
aad lao (Uaotf aa4 a!ir alMals UeroM-
ef Mary OeertVi aidJUoa to te a ar
Btae River JalSaliae roaet. 2f Waa.
Aa act to awoad axtUa t of aa act tee-Uiat-taaa
of rftias,af tao a4 .
eirt aaAitrnoatt "a astfeaftur
Memorial alittreslaUfa umW
.mi.. ; !) tttUUkart tf eraXX.-
!tatteUr ; Oauaa. ia tae Slate el
MarUladoiat realaU ooeorlM
tae le f Uadt 4l or taoPawateaai
OtIa4UR la Uw Stat efNeWmAa. .
Joiat rewlftloa fa reUtfcft tv tro reeeal
of tae Red Cteed adtii TU U44a
aceariM tram tae llt' f &e Stato.
Joiat rvtUa eatberUla tao j.Mla
tloa of InUUtire mal for therl?X
Joist rltfB rrUUe t tie eeatraa
tloa of title to ?iol lnde In NeorMo-
& iarilud Joiat roeUtloa rtUtUe t
the dtrtrtfcttiioa of d la that t-urtle f,
Xrbrax nhich La a dtii-4 hr
rrahror. .,
AUiaarUl aad Joiat reolat.o ia reUiba
tu tie o?!ct aa-I tur-rMrUtf cf the Ki&aI
of the MUawurl riTtr. -,
JUaiorUl ai Joint rooUtfua. wUiUuy
rrstrratloa U t M!cuteta.
Joint roMiiuttoc reUllac to th iT-ltcUia
of the erproprutlon to the it iiwa,
Joiat ro!tloa eaocfnlae !I rel"
by the Brooavllle. Feit Cjnjeyh4 !'
rallroai. trow the Hate of NtUwk.
Joiat wtlttUoa,diattX0ntj l tle
oSeo of rrteat of the Uali rlly !,t,t
the :ool JllUl JtHrkl la Iho-jrw tKli
aadorotWiarfor the Ellin of W twy.
Joiat relutla.reUtiaa- to UaraofSUle
priwa laireeU-r t
Memorial aJ joiat resolution esdorraf
rrwUcat Uraatacd Ota. Sheri Ja.
Azjaciatlsa sf Lailu xci ChsUtata.
A discrimiuating correspondent ot
the Rochester Democrat indites tho
following exceedingly forctWo and in
controvertible commnnicaticn. The
assertions and statements contained in
it are pre eminently worthy of coinid
cratioo and an attentive prual, if it
instruction are heeded, will reult ia
much good to every community. We
commend it to the careful attention of
our readers : 'Bccaus a lady is seen
riding or walking, or asociating with
a male friend, we are not to presume
there i anything wrong in uch asso
ciation. To say our wires, mothers
and daughters may not bo saMy loft
alone with any gentlemen, under al
most any circumstance, i prepoterou
Every true CUrUlian geatletuaa will
applaud this chivalrous declaratioa,
for such is the sentiment ef virtuous,
intelligent people everywhere, aad'
that s"cioty u the very best and high
est which most elevates woaiaa ia the
ocial scale and reosf confidence ia
woman's virtue and judgemeat. Yet
in every commuuity, not oaly aaioag
the vicioua and ignorant thl eeua'
and dregs and moral pffriabs'butirfaM-
times among men and woatcn pretend
ing to great respectability, there are
low-minded, bigoted, costeaiptible
slanderers, whoso venomous, toegut
are ever roady to hiss a lady who asay
be seen jJtal -
man of her acquaint aaoe ia a frieadry
manner at all. The fear of such aak
madversiom tend to separate the aexee
prohibit association and demoralise
society. Ladies think that to escape
slander they must be prudish, dflant
and unsociable, constantly on their,
guard against the least appearance of
familiarity ; and thus that huuasiziag
elevating, refining social intercourse
which is tho charm of civilized life, U
so much restricted that it i no wonder
our saloons arc crowded during all the
long winter evenings, often all night,
while around the fireside of away
homes tho females of the household
aro as much shut out from the world
and the companionship of men as aro
the inmates of a nunnery, or an origi
nal seraglio. American ladies msy be
trusted to take care of thcmlres, and
gentlemen never intuit them under
any circumstances. Husbands, fathers
and brothers are the ones to advise
them as to proper associate?, and if
other pcoplo would just hold their
tongues and mind their butmctt, the
world would be oven more plcasanler
and belter. After all, it is, folly, it
would be cowardly arwell as unavail
ing, for a lady to try to shape her cob-.
duct to please the idle gossips aroued
her. As Hamlet said to Ophelia. uBo'
tbou as cliaile as ice, as pure as seow,
thou shalt not escape calumny." Tke
best way if to do ai aear right as wa
can, do the mot good we caa, foflow
the dictate) of a good healthy coa
science, seek the opproval of tried aad
.trusting friends, and pay bo aUeatiew'
to the babble of prurient fools. '
?k X& XewrptyeT.
The Council Bluffs NevpareU saye'
that persons afiicted with aa Keaiag
detire to start aew papers, wiM fca
interested is learning that deriaf the
hut four or five we As' two auadred
daily aad weekly aewspaaers have
suspcaded ia the Umted StrWC ac
that ever eight arillloe dollars have
beealost ia the pubitsfciog basins
dariag the past year. Of coarse, the'
paate had a great deal to da vita i
bat aa-nher great caWk teVuvmW'
of aew joeraeb started every weed fcp
aaaow fated loess who
those already started serve their
soaeleade. If we had half ae:
papers aad twiee aa good eaea, tlw
Hadtag pubtie would ha eeacAted iea-
aseasiy ; eat yea aught as weM i
uke to eerrtet a typegrafhw
"ia a atenetvpe aeate, aa ta.
to asake aoaa- peepis.
they caa't rwa a aawspeavr
taaa aayhody assa. Oeataaee J&
It is caeagalec aae
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