Ji r " ' '"-XZ rfr ' ' J fSyPI fcfe. 14 I?'- - - - - i?y'-S.:. r; r;X!4a v. -jT-Ti , HtJ.SLV i ; - , - i;jTsr-rv - . 's1' " - f V &1 ;- . i fcsS fe V9 - H.K. . -i i5Z , ;.v---v.T e, j tA Zijr "n W- .? Jit..". .-rs?i. I? , .-.TiiSc' THE KD CLOUD CHIEF. WEDNESDAY PKB. 3: 187J CAPITAL SSX074L. A bill wtS introduced 10 tlic hou-c of representatives yesterday, tor the removal of the capital to .ome point within ihc ooontie of Colfax, Platte. Polk, "Merrick. Hamilton, Hall, Adam, Buffalo, and Kearney. It i KcneraHy conceded that a very larc majority of the members of the legis laturc are in favor of the removal, but there U a difference of opinion a to the manner of duirjg it. Thoc who represent Columbus at Lincoln are very confident they have a major ity of the members committed in it? favor, and therefore are not willing to agree to any other mode of procedure, than the pastage of a law of removal which shall provide for a law of remov al which shall provide for a. vote of the (wo houses in joint convention im mediately after it receives the approv al of the governor, as to the ucw site, and they stand alone on this proposi tion. All other parties in interest within the limits of said counties arc agreed upon the bilL which has been .introduced, and which will be found below. . The first two fcclions provide for the election of five coiuuiiosioncrs in join convention, who bhall select the rite under the following conditions : Sec. 3. Said CommidMoner.s shall, before entering upon the discharge of their duties, enter into bonds in the Euni of ten thousand dollars each, with good and sufficient sureties to be approved by one of the Judges of the Supreme Court, payable to the State of Nebraska and conditoned for the faithful performance of their duties under this act And they ehall also take and subscribe an oath to fully faithfully and impartially carry out the provisions of this act. Which faid oath shall be endorsed on their bond, and the sama shall be filed in 4hp. office of the State Treasurer. If any of the Commissioners herein ap pointed shall fail to qualify as provid ed in this section within twenty days after the passage of this act, or in case a vacancy occurs by reason of death, resignation or otherwise, the remain corn mu'tioncrs shall fill the vacancy by appointment, and tho person of per fcon or persons so appointed shall take the oath and give this bond lcquircd by this act. Sec. 4. On or before the firat day of May, A. D. 1875, the said commis sioners, or a majority of them, shall F elect from actual view a suitable site ou which to erect a Capitol building for the state of Nebraska, which shall be a tract of ground of not less than ten acres in a compact fjrm, and situate within ono of the following named counties, to wit: Colfax, ufufcarfWi aiiu' iVAimiy, iitlTidL, due regard to Its accessibility from all portions of the state, and its general fitness for a Capital, and a'so a site on which to erect a governor's mansion for tho occupancy of the governor of the state, one block containing not less tBan twoacrcs, Tritbiu convenient distance fiom the Capitol buiMing. Both bites shall be selected upon con dition that a perfect title iu fee simple thereto shall be conveyed to the state of Nebraska within thirty days after the donor or donoro shall be notified f the Eeleclion, and without any cost or expense to the ttatc ; the deed or deeds thereof to be delivered to the commissioners. And upon the further conditiou that within the same time a bond shall be executed to the state of Nebraska by residents hereof and de livered to tho commissioners in the pena! sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to be approved by faid commissioners, conditioned that the obliow will erect, or cause to be erected, a capital building and Gover nor's mansion on the respective sites selected therefor, by the first of No vember, A. D., 187G, in accordance with such plans and specifications as the commissioners tuny adopt, and pay all costs and expanses herein provided for the capitol building,' to cost not less than one hundred and seventy-five thousand ($f75,000) dol lars, and not exceeding two hundreJ thousaud dollars, and the Governor's Biansion to cost not less than twenty- t five thousand dollars nor more than thirty thousand dollars, including out 4niUifya ami &M06. Sec. 5. Immediately after the con veyaages shall te made and delivered wi tfco'bond ' last aforesaid shall be axeeated, delivered and approved, the eoMwissioaers shall advertise in at least fra aewspapers published in this stale, aad Tor sot les thaa ten days, for plaBs and specifications for a capitol hailding aud a Governor's mansion, to be osostructcd with stoae foundations - aad staae or kick waUs, as the com atlssioaers auay decide, and to -cost re spectrecly within the limits aforesaid, aadUiaU select" and adept the plans . lwetMlapisfl to the purpose, and a - Teatiowahla aoaapeatjatifa shall be paid ,. -therefor by theaaar or)oaorstf each ' i(e. Bat if it sheald happen that mm are, ia the opinion ;f the ' aoaiailwisiiert, saitablc, they IMIaaaa1iracticaUe proears m4aa m saaws athcr way, r-.U:km mamI far m. abova , Breed bed. -&'.,. -it.,-,Mlla'tv nbKTfiriT ia the 2feC5-. "" ' "--T" T. w r.i j?rr-. : C - . rk rnawiag iaae w v vtheaate ta be ", aad the wark iaW aa-rapiefy asf practicable, aud to b comi1-ted on or before the time herein prescribed therefor. Sec G. The raid cotrmiLioncrs Fhall each receive cigkt dollars for each day actually7 employed to be paid by such donor or donors. A majority of the couimissioncM shall bcfctupeteut to act in all thins? herein provided for. Sec. 7. If such sites shall not be located within the limits of some town known by a designated name, the com missioners shall designate a name by which the town that may be laid out to include such site.-? shall be known. Skc. 8 It shall be the duty of the eounui.-sioiierfl to decide whether said building-5 arc coutructednd coaiple hd in in accordance , with the plans and specifications, and to accept the same for and in behalf of the state when so completed, and thereupon to notify the governor thereof and of their acceptance, and a-j soon as the governor shall be so notiGed it j-hall be bis duly to issue his proclamation an Kouncingssid fact, and thereupon it .ball be the duty of all the slate ofii earn whose offices are properly kept at the caprto! to remove within sixty days their several office, together with the public property, archives, record, books and papers to said town site and capitol building, also as aforesaid seico ted for the capitol building shall be and is hereby declared ti bu the per manent scat of government of the State of Nebraska, at which all the public offices of this state shall bo kept and all sessions of tho legislature shall be held from and after the expiration of the tiui2 herein prescribed. Sec. y. The said commissioners shall make a full and complete report to the next legislature of all their do ings as provided for in this aet ; aud if such legislature should convene before the completion of the building-? herein provided for they shall make a further report to the legislature at its first ses sion thereafter. Sec. 10. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act, or repugn mt thereto are hereby repealed. .Sec. ll.jriiis act shall take effect aud be in force from and after its pas- COiamiTICATSD. Ki. Chief: Having noticed in tiic Ciiikf of Dee. 30, tho Ibiiowing, write often giving fact2, the editor will put into shape fur publication. I said lhat means uie, and I will give you a few facts ; and in as much as it is said that facts are stubborn things. Now we will treat facts in their relative re lation-; aud first, there are hard facts as it is well-known that our winter here has hardened the ground by bard and solid freezing Mnce tho 1st of November last, aud the thermometer has ranged all dowu from 8 to 2G de grees below zero since that time, and the boys arc sporting on their hkatcs down the. hillsides and through the last six weeks and sull" "they go", aud mens' fingers, toesjind ears come up standing by old Jack Frost. If these are not hard Jacts I should be troubled to givo them a uame. And now in relation to stiow, we have had it as Iowa knows best how to give it fre quent storms for the list six or seven weeks, but you know that snowing seems to be au easy thing enough. But on the 8th inst., the snow was flying fearfully from tho south-cast wheu suddenly it whirled from the north-west and it blew a fearful gale, and the air was darkened with the fly iug snow, and this stjte of things con tinued for 2i hours without intermis sion, piling the snow in drifts from 3 to 4 feet deep; bearing up loaded teams in many places; well we thought this will do, but we hardly had time to recover from tho fearful shock, when on the 12th at night the same feaiful tragedy was played over again for another 24 hours aud to heighten our wonder we pick up our county pa- ijlt auu rcau as iouows : a very pleasant fall and winter iu deed ; I said, oh ! consistency thou art a jewel 1 well if I name this part of my article, I should call it a snowy fact and a fear ful cold fact, and stilt it continues up to present date 17th snowing aad snow ing we seem to be encased in the snow shed of heav.n, aud should it stop be fore I close I will let you knowjnd as my burrouudings seems to itupmsFuiy mind with gloomy fotbodings and hav ing a special inspiration "for poetry, (a thing not unusual for o!d 'uns,) you will pardon the havoc made of sacred rhyme, in the following : " Oh laud of rest for thee I aia-h, TVhea wiil cold wtater end. And I acaia shall bo restored To iay Nebraska friends. And now, Mr. .Editor, least some of your numerous readers should draw falc conclusions with regard to the above, I must explain by another po etic effusion : Jfotrestftom seeded toil to earn The daily bread we seed. Bat rest from those cold winter wiada lhat freeze my old bald head. And those facts are practical and al most of every day occurrence. Aad now let me say that a few plain facta through the Chief, meekly giviaa; a statement of the weather in the valley would be very acceptable to your read-' crs m this scctioa of country, as I am frequency aked 'how do you think: it is to Nebraska. I can only answer tbere aiay be soaae wiater bat noae to compare with :hix 4 Give us iheruo aaeter evidence, aVrfiud that cliatatc has much todfaarkh the fecliags f people ia detertuiatBg the choice of hoaiesfar I find a ftaeral eaqairy with rrcanTt the Waafc. yt thepresaat, A&ea,' W. J The following is a' letter received by j J. 0. Warner, of this pJacc, jrom i Omaha : Omaha, Neh , 1 Jan. lKJth, 1875 j Dear Fkiesd: When I got to this place, tbfirfct report 1 hard was that that "red-headed preacher," (I refer to the wan who was going to show me such extreme suffering,) has !"n here and laid in a heavy cox plaint against me, saying I ha 1 not taken the proper course to inform my self as to tho amount of suffering in Webster county. He also said that I was uiii-kd by the committee. I wish you to read this to the committee and writJ me ahich statement tbey sup port. I would like for the committee to send me their receipt for tho:e sup plies immediately ; abo send a letter stating whether tbey endorse my pro-J cecdinga while I was there or not. If Mr. Kirkwood is going arouud tomake such statements as that, I wjnt to meet him with the committee's state ment. l'le:.se tell the Master of the Orange at your place to write to Mr. K., and tell him he had better write me a letter, straightening this matter or I wiil publish him. 1 lca-e attend to this as early as possible, I would like thc-e receipts aud their statement bofore I make my final report. Ad dress me at New London, Iowa. And oblige yours in haste, J. P. Bang ham. STATE NEWS. J. Sterling Morton and Gen. Bush land offered their resignation to the Stae Horticultural Society, but their re.-ignati us were laid over, with a hope of making them icconsidcr them. Mr. Fletcher, the ice man, and two of his employe?, fell into the river yesterday morning, bntv having their pikes with them they succeeded in drawing themselves out, chilled through and entirely exhausted. Omaha Republican. Presume they passed several re marks about the dam, ice giving way &c, while they were pikcing their way out. The Merchant's Club gavo a Re Union Banquet at the Grand Centiul, Omaha ou Tuesday Jan. 25th. Many distinguished guests weie present and the evening was "pleasantly and profitably" ppent. The Elopists, Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Cuth bcrtson are at thn Grand Central, saith the Republican. There was a meeting of the Botrd of Trustees of. Hastings College, at Hastings Feb. 2. Mr. W. A. Piatt died at Grand Island on the 2.th of January. He was the father of Nathan Piatt of Juniata. isler" will do if that tsTvu" fails "tog'ct the capital. That enterprising cus has gone to tremendous expense iu getting out a map, proving be3'ond a doubt that the "city" of Lowell is the centre of tho universe. There is no doubt but what that map cost him at least 23 cents, and unless he can in duce the legiIaturo to locate the capital in that classic town, bank ruptcy stares him in the face. The map looks like a patent b rn-gatc, and from its" color we should judge the artist's mind to be clouded with grief. The capital removal lobby increases with the arrival of each train. They will not make a forward movement until after the senatorial fight Lin coln Spy. The editorial excursion to Galves ton, is nearly a fixed fact. Editors will govern themselves accordingly and get about four wecku'. editorial ahead with the scissors. Spy. "Pickle" Butler of Lincoln lately left that city in a hurry leaving sever al creditors in a decided pickle. The Journal says it is supposed he took some $2000 with him "about one half which amount it would take to liqui date his whiskey bills." Suppose he used that" for making "whiskey pickles." This is what the Omaha Republican thinks : Even if the grasshopper relief bill should not pass congress, so as provide our frontier with sufficient grain for seed, we dcub: the policy of issuing county bonds. They area dangerous thing, 'and stay with the tax-payers. It is better to rely upon the aid of societies, end individual contributions. President Grant has named Omaha as one of the points at which he rec ommends the establishment, of a Branch United States Mint. Mrs. WoodhuH will lecture in Omaha in Feborary. The editor of the Republican Valley Sentinel wants to know who that man was claiming to be Gi'n. Ord that traveled westward ly a few days ago through Gosper eoaaty, "cntting off every bachelor in the county except one from the Aid Society's list." As a bachelor, the Sentinel man pn poses to stand ap for the forlorn of his sex. Thaaaaa (elaimiaf to be Gen. Ord" was undoubtedly an impostor, and the single aoen who inhabit the Republi can vaRey wilt be likely to make- him ap-into rniace ales the next time he veatnres ont oa tWArraine. Seriou lyt ae ana with,a heart ia him woald, ta cold weather, 'cat offV a bache lor from aul ia the thane of fael aad dMJmmg. LUatUJeurml . E. B. FOOTE, M.O. 121'biiirtiHL Aieine. Cor. E. l&thSt.. HEW YORK?. ... . . ni . . I An inoepenoent rnysician, TREATS ALL FORMS of" CHEONIC DISEASE, AXD XZCKIVSS Letters from all parts of the Civilised World . IT IIS N1C1IAI WAT W - ConttE a Medical Practice HI IS TMATIKO Vnmerons Patient in Europe, tit West Indies, the Dominion of Canada, and in erery State of the Union. ADVICE GIVEN BY MAIL FREE OP CHARGE. Ko mineral laediduaa oieWetertoaa drajca ' Hs durinz the iat twenty yem txfleA u f nllr naarlr or Ottit 40.000 caefc AU UcU ncctcd with ech caw are carefully ivcorded, whct'wr thyt comrannlca!d by kttar or la perton, or olerrt by the Doctor or hit Mwdafet physician. Tha latter are a3 aciestinc mlktl sea. "y All InralU at a dUUaat.ara repaired taanrre an extended lUt of pUta qrVeUoat, ichiir t furnUhed by audi free, or at the oce. Acoso pkte tyrtcia of rcxitcrin prevenU raltUke or eonf iuIoiu Caw bo6k never contulted, except by the pli) aidant of the eUblIhmnt. For free consuiution tend for lUt of quettlont. A tixty psge pamphlrt ot CTidcncea of raoceaa ent f :e alto. , Atdrcu Dr. B. 33. 3TOOTE, x 788, New York. Da. Foott U the author of "Medical Coh HOS Bassx," a book that reached a circulation ot orcr 850,000 copiea; alw, ot "Vlaix lloam Talk," more recently puMiohei, which ha sold to tho extent of 70,000 copiw ; alto, of "Scxasca is Stout," which ia novr bcinu publUhed in erica. COXTZSTS TABLKa of alL exceptiag the Brit-mentioned work (which 1 out of print), will be cnt free on application toeithcr Dr. TooTr, or the Umaj BUI Pstlixb 21 Cf U7, whoie office Is 189 Em 88th Street. Awenu both men and women wanted to m-U the foregoing works, to whom a liberal profit will be allowed. The beginnings of amall fortanca hare been made in acllinK Dr. Foot popular works. "Flaw Home Talk" I particularly adapted to adult, and "Sciexcb w Siobt" to jttt the tiling for the young. Send for content table and see for yourselren. The former answers amnlUtude of question, which ladieaand gentle men feat a delicacy about asking ot their pbyildaBa. There U nothing ia literature at all Uie either ot the foregoing works. "Bcxmc W Sxo' can only be had of agente or of the Pnblkbasa, Once more, Aarvn.fa XTCTaaxitocl. APDUE83 AS ABOVB. VICK'S FOR 1875. ruULISIIED UUARTERI.Y. f'inuary . -.... it mr an m . T 1 ft . VI lbllKU VjUAKlMil-l- tjsituui cr jut issued, an J contains ovpt 'ages, 50O Kngravinps. drfCtip Number -. . . . 100 Pi tions of more than 5U0 of our best Flowers and Vegetables, with direc tions for Cultiir., Colored Plate, etc. The mo.t useful and elepant work of the kind in the world. Only 25 cents for the vear. Published in EuglUh Kochcstcr, N. Y. HARNESS SHOP S. V. Ludlow Is now prepared to do all kinds ofwork IN THE Harness inc. The best of materials uyed, and ail work WARRANTED. REPAIRING Done on short notice and at reasonable Prices. Shop in McNrrr's Store. Red Cloud KebrasKa ARCHIBALD K.KIXSEAK. NOTASY PUBLIC, BSAL ESTATE. AS2OT, Aim AtrcnosiEs. All bosisejs strictly" attended to ua all correpondene promptly answered. Speei atttation sirntopayaamtofUxaf. Collec lions and Real Estate Practice. DENVER HOUSE Billiard Hmll. D. W. DALT0N, - - - Pfep. HASTIMGf, NEMASKA. Thte hall h lately bee gttei with t Btet ot the ben BBafxe'cre. Choice Wu)ee.Lija:s aa4 Ciara at the tjar JACOB KOHXr. CtracrZstStrMt Ami KtjiiopAvtM Hastioss, KeiraskjL , Kacfweft bal atari Uaaa the Wibraal Bvtr. Erer7tir thciMlir7 acarau. THREE EDITIONS. Weekly. Semi-Weekly, and Daily. ErUbluhtd Its? thin three year aso as a Reprcer:atlve Eci-uMn-in I'ai-er. pit-Iwol to maintain nl defi-nd (he principle- anl or eauiution of the National Kepubhcan Tar ty, tho IMER-OCKAN wa earlj ra-het to the forctmnt of Jooniliia and achieved fovceM unprrccJentcil :n the history of u-h enterprise. . Hy nnlrcr.l rvrrcut it hx! Lccn aligned position aj The Leading Republican Pz$zr In the NOlti HVKT. Kut alone on it. political chract:rdeth" INTliK-OCM.-f ret it claim for popaUr favor. Itnimi at the hichc-t exrcUrncO'iaj all it de:trtcnt. and In this er.i of pn sr'C'fiTe jnjrnahm ufpircj to a pofiiti ir.i:: the Uivt. The lXrLK-OCUAX makes special clahaa FAM I hY N KWSPA PEU. Tts cotartn. arc carefully Ruarleil sjrain't ol'j"ct,onablc matter. nl cverv cTort if innkc to render ItU plcasnt.in'J protablccotajany ioo to the houe SroiJe. IheCommercial Department lt condactel wi'h preat care, and cverythins iw.ible i'tionclo uinkethe MAlfCK" IK POIITS HehastheFAUMKrUa an.l I1U5I NKSS MhN of tho Northwcil can IlhlA Ul'OX. The Agricultural DepartnTt In carefully oliteil Ly gentlemen of ability and experience. In Lkcrcttrs. Fcrsisa and Soaeztic Corro: pesdesse AuJ evcrj'thins that gnca to mako A Firsl-Cliss Newspaper It U not excclleil by nny !!iblicntion in tho country- The IXTKK-UCEAN is a NATIONAL NEWSPAl'KU, One that will bj fonti'i ucful ami int.Te?tins to American, in every part of the globe. While it especially rpprinnts Ibo UKKAT INTJUtKSIS OF T1IK NoKTIIW KST. U is National in it vicwsan'lcomprchciuiro in in it news-gathering. Firm in its political fuitb, it i not bicutel. and iu nil discussion. aim to bo candid, dignified, and above par eonal abu.'c. ThcIXTEU-OCEANhastbclnrgcj-tatrirrc-aate circuln ion of any ucwpupcr publi?hed in the NorthweO. It i nent o more than fiOOO I'ostotDcej'.Mi-tributcl in crcry Stato and Territory in the United States, in ell the British Provinces. T2S2I 0? SU33CBIPTI01T: DAILY. By mail (pavable in advance) per year, $12 OO do do do .'? month, 3 CJ Sundny ddttion per ye.ir (extra) 'i. W) SKMI-WKKICI.Y. Ky mail, per year tin advance) - - - .1 0J do club of four do - 11 OJ do cubofsix do - - - M (X) 0ao copy wi.h every club of tcnVi it i.i.aui. Fly mail per yesr (iu advance) - - 1 50 - - f)0i) - 1UW icinluor-txn do VlliU Ml 1I'J IAU r : f . yhfb of ttrat.ty do - - - - 20 W oni fret cojy with every club of twenty. POSTAGE:- Tho new potasc " lnw take effet the 1st day of January, A. D. 1ST,". Under this law thcpotazeon newso.ipers wut be piid Ai THKOFFICK yili:KH T11KY ARK MA1LEP This will nuke it niceiry fur mII subscriber or acuity r ending u nub-Tii-iioni tii MPnd the limner TO l'AV l'OST to bn paid under ih new !h.t: WBKKLY IM'Kli O EAX l.i cents a yea: SUMI-WKLKLY do ai do DAILY do 80 do Special arrangorrents made wi h coan'ry publisher!) for clubbms with their public.i tior.. .Satuplo cpiis tree Mtneyeanbo sent by dratt. moneyonler. cxprc, or regis tered le tor. ut our riiX. ddrcj. iiVTEK-OCEAK. !!9 Lake St. Chicago RED CLOUD KILLS. NATIVE LUMBER Constantly on hand. AU kinds of DIMENSION I.UMUEK. SHEETING. FENCING. AND BRIDGE PLANK. AH sold (Jhcopfor 6Wi. Call and examine lumber and prices. tja'ivai sxsinnnHa mv mj mo 'X'S. T19 noiywio pan ttot9rt(VVM J - T iej oaspauj treg nMy -rug pa Kjs0UTua fsrejsis Jsnai aii) psoTnaaa jaaa ni lauoJfJiBi rafmoji ma wn rnizxug jtbswia rnmxid ifwsmajowo anmaso4:joaa4iXsaffioai si -i sn jo ibo fVfu? P -ft mn an 'anrtm jo awn juire 9 sns artjot3eBCKI lo JOSBflf "nnsvof -uotoaffa 'iVWS tpi apeHaOa "w3 S 4PIIPl'S S-suajL-Jtarx 9pBSQro oa stHWHd dan.l "roOs 'mvnm 'munat. JttS in9XwiondcJ3 tmstia !! JM Maeta cBOfnasfP mliO ru30iA P -n aqtjoBOfictHartfi -H to B0ftsateo3 2r(A3f9J sj isxs rapajvo! wJhrpji je inasa aq 3Nrwrod at x aa wm atsnaai fisiax w mv hm. rrrrj.Xqp9aB3ajTS99KT 7S nawca il fatiifl ataqt Jpiai r aiaaprjf .n 'POOia 9Ti JO SMV96KI "WAS A BSfaUlI V WJWiWTI bHKI laao para at tawstataang ajaMjaj3 ffMia Aaaiassnafarii A Me m ifwanioHlaB ifnrt ajswogaq wm iwpcwp m xasdsap tmm ti n ym i K MepwT J0 PWwa wXB3i c an mom mje inmxnM jaqy ajaMlfaifndq aao rwbditfljeaJauda -9 aai an aweatf M -si vf P aiMaar:jsaaifiwansfaij'sai asnje auunamgai UB 3 mefmtd "war nsjrMii an ! mx. rm ? & asrt f fsaalfaiaajr jaaj MJipt'ia iO j tnmfBHX 'l"MO al'aa,3 aXJ.ai ar laaaata! WFm aMf: TmtmW-ri - ,T . mm- " m ' ' "' . . I ,. u MAM MM. JBMB MM miiriST CX B&txM sr i t y . ...? NKW DRUG AND GROCEUYSTOiii - i.i" 5ed oaiI, !IVeb. We wih to inform the citizen of KtJ Ciotitl that ko have a new locl. olj:ool which we otftr at Granger pneer. -w , Consulting of DRUGS, PAINTS, . t 4, OILS, VARNISHES . BRUSHES AND FANCY GOODS. Also a choice lot of TEAS, and T0BACC0ES, PURE WINES and LIQUORS, 5ySprc:a! attention fzxwn to DN !cti:ng of Medicines anJ l'rc?crip iom. We Defy ompt.lHio . in Quality awl in Price R. R.9!IKRER. JOHN -JACOB SOX'S HOTEL FKKD, SALE, AND - LIYERY STABLE. Jaa i ii . Adam Cm. IVch E- H JOES, Watchmaker & itwtffer, ssaaiParticnlar attention civn to Re pairing Fine Watches and Si iff fiction Guarantied. I. W. T1JLLET9, HOWEOPATHiC PHYSICIAH U. S. PENSION SURGEON. Offc 3d iMr.Setk of Cmt Hee. M 1 IM ' The CK?C3i SS3? fa 'r 'r TlielhtraiMrirrnlntlBai IsHhcrity THE CHICAGO IW.ilJJJiy nirr;iy soaceJol Jo h the U""j rt'.ciet, tnt entrfia an-I ehi rrnon ner-?er rnluHh-J in the North Uici n 1 bet nf ;Kd3 ami Pti: and of local nd srner.1 new. ".irif"l wrU it i. ;i.n!:itn in riiin-. " " , J h .. tn. ml will be. t mke a frwh. ir ,w...n.t5P ry nerrJrr lh U ,'" cu. ami ibt ius"i i vt v r" "J V " u fcrriera. It i ' f "1 "vl"1' Papr and tws 4 CwksUaUy nril -J elf calatloa. TKIiMS OF SUUSCIUI'TION. Uaiut Urwall per annum after J.naary 1. lo't prrMbl ... - Jj D.u.rU laoath. .-. .-.. . y-i Luiuv three m.r.:!u.-. ... w TIIH WEEKLY rOST AND ilAXI. Ha. been ( nlrxrd to tx cUht-cctainn P . f.u. :..iii.. li.;i nml Mttl.ilriS nil tiic r-irrrrt scurral and lo.ml ccr of th weW. wl'.h taluabla furtstfu aul Uule ?" f FOrlllI v. m ' '" I"- ' v ww"---'r eal.t.fihin sKty.n4t other artiie- and with wvVot 'XiTtLurt! up t country re Irr., aa 1 e telu" ,rY7 " to the hoer of some t. pre. Ttiovith it la- ereaofnuo waX-iHoetbe UjfOJtwee- Hraiu tboountr.- it r.in. n"5;''' oneol the choPt. the annual ubrptJon rr Kih-..a!r . " .u.i...i ...iri.. ..r ihn ii-r. jHimi- price belt)? ualy MXC POULAR 1X1 riCTT CKST!. to whi-h insiU b aJdf d fifteen eewts ri.ta to be pictl I. alur Januwr I. by the .par lUhcr. In accordance wth the U MhsefiWoJ into operation at that date. fcAtrsordiuiyy indu anient are rffrrl ti .br Uer J3 prefer to avil h nelc ofoar elnb rat m-Uctnltlinra may bo nunc ci'hf lt drnlt. epr. Tot othco urder. or - tcr;4 Ictter.atiinrrijK. . All letter h mid bo n'Mrrwcd to tit rillCAtlU l'OST AND MAIL CCfOand Dearborn street. Important bul brief new. Mfr rc olW tnl iruni all pntt of the e untry o tic ill bo taken o anonrnou9 communication. THE ALCKiE COIWPAHYS JVcw I'ablicalEiiri. SOLD ONLY BY SU33DSI?riSN. Tin: a'.pini:: Tin: aht jouhnal of AMKIIICW. Tbip!endil enferp'-J"" l Mt atdy well utnincl in every feature, bat i l Ihr eon- antly derrloptd nnl l:u-rovrl. It to-day iitand vri'hitut n nval in the wholo world of Pe.iiKllrot literntur. The b'ointitul .I07- portrait. ".M-im Un-elft.lt 1 tieml. ea'omo i'rernie m "cm rmvwm'it ' !.i...i 1. ; :...i.. in trnT.ii.i .t.l 1.. k . .-.. u . ba ill..uaiail t M dd to tho itted. The UVVI'IV'I III'!""" . .--.w.. 1 Hl iHiimlitrity which ih s Kirk hi rnoei". I he Alir UM'I.N feature cl o P; ! ,Fr?Hl and bcnef.eetit rr tilUt. in sroujta tublie n- tcrcjt in tho dao rt. GircuUi aud lul in- toiiitattJU oa applicitton. Tarte I, II, III aud IV, ire now rcaly. buttons LEISUaS-EOUa in3S5LLAU7. Tobi complete) in 10 parh, l-sued for- riBbtly. . , . ., Kucb part will contain in elecint tnmtu- idc. iriirltiJlty euetared on. steel lor the London Art Journal RrJPIt'JDUUING at a pneo-wiihln tin nopuWr roah. eturav in2i n"vcr l.t'ore oiriod at lei thai live tin c. the nuioutit. Ihoio plates h no been tho stlracthmof THS L01TD02T AST J0U2:7Atf Karb p.irt will ctn n!n Sfi'i-a'to jui'". In chiding tie rfepint fionilfpicee. on h".ri i.lnti" i.-inT. A aut'trl tilt iMr. rHily J.UluuOjojtulio.trilaiL ddv wjlj be gitjn entity worn wii: t-e worliiTsprivcnUtion of iht'Tha AMtio Vn" wuleli i 1? ir ra tic cpouiclhinc bctutifj! au i raluibtc. At a Cos! of 25 Ce.nh a Part. , PaitTa 1. Hi lit Ann Jct ri'iittturn. TH5: ASIT JaUK.MJ, Complete in 12 limn f 1 1 pnt U. nt $1 each Kc- pi'xlucir? t-obct full piK llutritlnt.s from tho enrlicr voNime of he AIdla llaeh monthly p"t will contain fix 'ujier phite. iri hceouip4iiit.irdrriiiltvi n Uir nod trlivtlier rr t in tnxor fr. in inr will ha ei.nrily Inyonde tiipvli'iim n prl vofurlt lie ciuir-p tr Koty nprfai)iii it be iuat carefully t.iVen on I hi flnert toned pp-r. anl :i pi:i wilt hcsarcl t mike I In .hi rirh'.t produ. ton of a pr- nhteh hae woo in a carvlouly rhori time, a w,rt'2-wide rtputnti.u 02i:s ?B0U TH2 A1D2JS, IprekiUyanor .I f r Serttp Hvk lliutrntinni and Drncij C?a Cvp . A larateollti n of picture of dlffrnt pizc and on lnnl ever? r nrelrahlcsttbjeet htrc be 11 ut p ia an ; true i-c ccrrl ipe. endure rsr oJ red nt n pre iirrodid tii iiue them popular in erery ssne. Envelope No. 1. containinr 'i0 braotlfn' fiinrlnsr . 1 f.ow rir. and will it ynt i,'.Htt.i psi I to iml iwldrra for ONK I)OL iAK. A 1 bdivl dicouat (o ajjcnU and t.achers. Scra.p Boolxs. A fplenIM a.'jrtai:. of -CUM IKKS hare ln ,xpr' ly prepared lot the holi ay rt-a. 11. aixi i.m pr r-ut of more tnuaaaot 'n-e'est can be cIcUd fur ;;ntliian ttt la-ly, old ot your r. So. 1. Half fmnniLelAihsMe. srllt baek. S0 pp. 2x inch . -........ . t$t Xo. 2- Half w8hd. -loth side, si't lek. o 3 rull ioree'. ber-let hoiri'.a-ill i asd antiou. very rich. V) 1 p . IZW Letlere4 to order in atM atle eaeb lioe. i-'ent y wy la-il. post-paid, on r cript of the price. 72S A1S.S3 ?JLS32.?A2T07r5. Io compliant ith rer tfl rejaet. the tablihersof T11K A LDI'Bhae pr?arJ iMprtioBJ of taaay of th-ir most ocaatilul plate f-r pae-pAriost frinivg. The eats aie ajouatfi oa a b-atirol list! szare mat. ltb a basdme re-1 t-ir-Ier lie. ' Toatlaehthezi'. it I oaiy leit To the raMi'Sser t pa,t aad f''d iTrr an aln.ly atta hoJ border, aaJ thij tsay he doa by a ehil-L 27 eabert. 12jcJ5 ice. 25e.: with s:l.!e 5Ix otlhiii tortlW. whea etios i left to pabiiiher' 6ijset. l'isQ3-J?3..2V.: with flaw, t'x: TtutittU.Vj.xAtAMu. with xJa. 4Qr. beat hj BSAil. vlthoat xl-w, poti-aU. far i trie. L CANVASSERS WANTED. iW yiuldtn Latxr, 2tcw JTerk. CHASLAILLEi:, CARPENTER 4 BUILDER, .sdftfy iaferaatha citf . UWajniarrf.BrkiahrJa;ileIIm-C. waasjefn tktaadresaad.Urau. SitsicUaaw. -. 2iOii. - - - - XMnujL 'Af. A ItTrapestaTtrs -i r Ancrfcaa Art 7. rkVSSTZ 5f .. BT 7. &AJC4 9X.MJB" ' Tub Ar.TJocit.vAi. Cr r I?.tnfi! "itttti A yi&axiruitXTQaawnt-i 1.x GtxuMr. Orr The neiy of pop rrnreJcntatlon of h pr-1 - J cri rtto:. ha alw .y and many ateifk hna the W4BU, Tho uce'rs f larartaMy fllool 'h counre to e'tabtih on ait prove the fndluVrcaae afh - , lc to Ihc &lw f hkh ' proper appre iilrn of i'j ability t n;-t It er " nee ra'Hcd wtth ntlKte . jt he rcutt w rt raertUl triumph-THK A!. THrlALDINR. whtlr. lo rrsobritr. h nuno of h , ,. , ,. : .,, iiemii. w . Ah j ,,..,. I uhl, and srcful L I e.lltian of pnt-iran r. J ,. ,. , , . .w j H J artUtie .kill, in Ult- an-i h ea,j, su.ceWHnj numhar J ..irMurot, its frieixU ! r lro l iwri IbeAntrofriiK AtUlM. preeiiHei after it U b-nnd uo t the jo. WWW" "ttitfr pu claim superior chenpna, a rivaJaof a ioiUar v.u. Til '" untouo aad orts?nl enrp uapproachrl l.litety ii h r tUalftpriaaoroharattor. Th" t a etiwplet roluie ami nl I fja Rtity of bus ptipe and c r tt!. r shape or oumlwr " time it cot; aud thoa, thete 1 ' bCitdrs '. Ttd saMonnt fvilarc of Til rnurt bo taVen in nottrv ' : Ueotnoolitaa While Tllr. ' trletly VntcUnn laalfuit 1 ct.ntltte luelf ea'Ireljf t th r Atlvo art. U inibti v t broid and appjfaciavo 'l t wiUdUeritninutMly oMru tuortJ. TIiHS. whT' Uaoirf roamfTUi: LiI !. l k cristU. the rnlualta f b' Amerlaau attl. anUj r 1 glrta to phi n frwui tor.; ctva t ubV wit t' V nnl littuclin irtUlan I furetfin o.trcw. Tho artl-tla IN MtratWn ' ! sonerT. original wWiTtlK A' ' . . . lmr.orUntruur. OHdlJiatJ- I Important rntur. OHd I j j aN f a b nnre npp.t'Bfl t ' j rttiint l ! ithaqrV ' ,r """ , , i - ol by our ItJer''-? !!. i." I trrerlB of lanl oia. iia Ktiitaal sulst. MU au u t. Imp MtMo tr ho t ei.r.fiiit the attl.t tan ' ' sty'e of i..Jwt lha U ALtI:.l.irntanil.-Aff. . . meat, wo thy of the artl.ii ' lll .rh fwillliMl d fcli ' inirrfe'c wi.h lha t"t. r 1 1 work. bi-stfil t" 'rttii in oil o lu'ola dec m!m pJoIum i nttrnntod so oiueb atitlh- "MAW3 u:i3a-n:i ? i j 1 o r ulllb. w'r.Bt-! 7 H 'J m oifetiel a .1 :. nd tlu p" o trum U the lifa. ImI It " . prcneool 1I11 an mil I:- n ;vj c-l.hti, tU Uiat w 5t fuundlaad d ebo timmt 1 It I' ij at it! AlUiiiii'i nattiral thi)reuttii n ohr mr w.l ' (rut of boln hU:j. '4 I I1M thnMi. every , I ertoTIIKAIJUNKIbrt 'l member. tnl MiUUoil t all j, 1 m1 Ald.'nc Ar: r.ii Tim J" 8 -tt n tha t?i Al I'INK pletr. wlilafi. w I le and tntrifat. a aniaoa lh air.hT- Te .wbrfib .. Uf) diffrfffU t " oror J2fi6 at d HiUttkt4 ssi" l full, nod Ih ator I a.ninl-?, ar oIih'4I kl eenliaff i.ueof . IV AL: I urr only apf"l ta tnlm" ono yr In a l"iro. Pal' eulsrs.nl on apptaltn ALDI1TS ono 75ar, tHe Z. . ' ( rtt 1 i "'I - ' . t j. Art uaic.t. (St eharze fr ' 5jCIrHru ri.jitm nX TJIK t.OlM .lo nlJ. TUB ALDISKMH. hrra' - H r.l.tn ntv vi i,iLr!kibin. In f t '"I roluefd or Jnb ; earh (tr - mul ba nt 10 ti( pnHiw . J i ' hsn.t4 tn liiH tuml iarr & til 'fti tlbtllty Vi tho w'tUhmt. 'I wher tb ?ftiet4 h ss ' ? theftto-.hi ! .natde f -'s r rejiilal. CA?iYAJ5n3 WA?ir Any rrwt wlfinrloat prw ' ?- tx?al Miamr will mea faJt aalT -! THEALUINBCOMPVNV. ZH JlsMcn Line. Xcff r Carpenter L Buildir. Zi Ia brrarI t trakr ettfcnUr .t tkl j tontrjc Us all a m of inut Lcr. T. STEVENS JIOUS STEVENS & DOW, PKDPstirrOIW. a Bfocmingtin, - - Hsbrask u ILiua ff. r.i tjB "-'. 7" wi; ni ery-j .Fg tiut.it jyTe!y. sarffajre leave hk !!m, rjsily To Vr. r. a .. . "u i" j GIVE XJ$a C ,trf "" f "'-? Laa T- 'E--S5f.? - i- wr. :-. -lri w x V tot j-1- :l f-rs-e&vsryr.Si 'aAiwftffloiBlj; y j; . sv MS? Bf.r-rr-ii f --& ' i- i wx f. - -f ' vz.rsjr a . i .; -V?- XJ , . F -" ? '-'' --? -i, --jd. ''V"4:y.y if..-,T a-j-rtr .-j-1,- --- . , in''- - i ? i. --5-W - it "K ii -a -ta..- .-jk. -sfc -a r ..-. - .-". H Ji!etLi? j JS. e?- 3 - aT- Ja tr JiS . r--itVV Ti. - - j. 1 II m - . S- n ? j-rr t- J. -- -"WW tr l . ;. K- . . , - --t ". - --"-i-ift! .. w -".