rT?9ja'ff!' " t- . )- -Tc-;tf T.-wfr.cf ? a ?! TTT 5 . W T .. 'Tfclj -- J -v -T-vr. ?SS: SSSaaSBEKPP' 'i3'sa:r?-- kt JK",ir-,-i'v - W" -- y lrJ-ti rjSSt-j' -.S& -? I' , FT 1 !. l m ! ! K f'JV w Br m '' -i s"KrfL ? r&- X Sr . , tes lm. m F? Uw 5. rv"P VW k-tf i"K - Eft IT?: .- :A? TmF yrscS' jet Ati?. -. '--! Ky - i i"r . .. IRE HE CLMO CMEF. .---; i-- HMlll W --. VlbinBDAT JAN. 27, 1875, COAL. Well, boys, what are yo looking at o cargarly ? Only piece of coal, do vym ajr, Charlie? I shoaldVt rappose yo could f nd anything worth looking At t emaiiy piece of coal. Ab, well, I mi glad my boys have found that osly a' pieoe of coal, as Charlie calls it, is worth looking at. I think I can tell yon something about it that will Bake you open your eyes wider atilL You know howas toakhed aad puzzled yeu were the other night at the cricks of the "magic .aa," who turned beans into sugar pIubs, asd did all sorts of wonderful things before yomr Ycry eyes. Now this piece of coal is the Most wowderful vieee of aajpc in the world. Suppose IteHyou that this hard black lump. oaee had life. Yes, boys, I am in neat. That black lump is really OMofthe most wonderful things in we world. It was once a delicate littfc plant, turning ever to the sun and bending and nodding with every breeze. It is almost beyond belief, ad I don't wonder that your shake your bead?. Many people older than yom would do the sane if told that the coal, to which they owe so much, and which they use quite as a matter of courso, once made up grer.t forests which cevcred vast areas.. They know it comes somehow out ef tho earth, and as loag as it continues to come and doeao't cost more than so much a ton they don't bother themselves with qie&twfts as to what it is. I have no doubt many regard it as a peculiar kbd.of rock. I want my boys to know better, and so let us we if we cau't explain the mystery about it. Well, then, in the first place, plants arc composed principally of two gases and a substance called carbon. The gases are oxygen and hydrogen. You can easily remember the word carbon. Now when a plant begins to decay, these two gases escape into the air, while the carbon stays and forms coal. &). remember that coal 'is chiefly car boa from plants. Since it has been proved that coal docs come from plants, and that our vegetation nowadays makes little or no coal, we know that when tho great beds of coal were formed everything musvhave been specially arranged for it The world wasn't then as it is now. ItvwasjusVsky and water, with hero and there hatches of land. There were gryt marshes everywhere Some times thestf woHId dry up and become land. Tlicmagain the sea would com&TSahjng inNpver tho land and form now mlbahes. V Thero were no birds in the air, o people upon the knd. OnlyeptUelhM marsh-loving -toaaiad arouudVifc the soft clay. 3L Jtti;wM quiet and desoipe, yet it was aot a dreary time. iV Jtbe marshes and on the land grew beWUul trees. . Phynts ran wild everywhere. I was a ' world of living grednT Now, T was simply on account of tho marshy land that this vegetation xnado coal, wl our own does not I told you that a time was specially planned for coal-making. As the plants and leaves decayed they fell in to the water. The gases could still scape, but the carbon, being covered aVftsa the action of the air, was left. This is the simple explanation. Silent ly, and with no human eye to se, the work went on year after year, century after oamtury. A few of the plants in those days of gigantic forests were like what we have beautiful ferns as large as many trees. Such bow grow only in the tropifts." "Horse-tails," as you call tfcesa, which are now seldom over two feet, grew then as high as twenty feet Conifers like our firs and pines and cedars, jrere.very abundant But the two most important tress in coal-mak-Mg have entirely disappeared from tUt. forests. Ono of thnsa had no , JjraiMcs but was covered with leaves pawned with a cluster at the top. times they were sixty feet high. sutjui yoja aont see now we know that trees did make coal? There are If you should put a a UNiMftMe. and would see is the 1H... k- saCT. tgym leaves HBW aometimes in the oOBtaina whoa or amod, aftdtbkia ftmad also J9l4 You don't understaad it as; wal aarl $YnM W ;:ci?:'Yat, they art saada of the -- TT 1 "L t . ""T -Vim' rfrtwin Aad ps:c J" vC3" k nr nnai timiav ftjSftWiW VMFt9SK ipalfai HiMtoa, - J.-1 -j-. T" " -" .T J "'- .--- . '-J: g v-? -j i--a i-fitf r? - -. SSSBBE ..BBBBKAam SSBIBI. 1BBSB SMSHP &MamflHVPvv,B TT -- .-.'tfV r - - &iaHMHkMaMPiP',aa4 aaaaa.dar sWNPspSPl','Nwig:, iy ' it- S3FXaURtmMK3BrWBBmMinWnUNB -z BE BftBBBBBWKaaWflETr.-1,- - -t -..- -. ,-bVl ' -a '. ll Si- -- - - 1 r- -T- f lit- StsSS'SBS1" JVHpBaPBVflMraa about as W xsaSSSBSavaa any -two thiags in EyrtaLaLW gra tk 'sissaaaisaaaijHHPSaB HsaHaS am - ,jpMMMMaaawasaBaHi ' tlaak aaatHHH iawaalaasKia Jsalfsaf asd lerssff. A eisgmlar story of jealousy and r veaffecoaMS to as frost Sicily. A beaatifa yoanx girl aaased Fiorina, who was tho belle of a traveling dr ew ia which she figured as the Boo taaMr, had been for tosse tissa reoeiv g the attentions of an athlete belong ing to the same troupe. By some means she ascertained that he was not faithful to her, but had another lady love. No signs, however, of her pain ful diseovery were allowed to escape. She still smiled sweetly upon him, but rcspanded coldly to his ardent carcs" la her own bosom she planned a teTn' ble revenge. One evening recently when the performance had n antt sually brilliantafter lo whipped the lions an breed them to lie at her feet she ctlMi her recreant lover aside and & " : "Do you still love aef" "Always," he answer ed. "Dot I"10" tb I should die if you BboaVl devote yourself to an other wetnaa?" "What u idea I" re glided the young man. "But I nbould first kill you," said Fiorina. "And how would you do that?" "Thus," cried the girl, at the same instant pushing him violently into the oagoof the lions. They attacked the unfortunate man at once and tore him to pieces, while Fiorina arged them on with blows of her whip. Telegraphing Sztracr&iaary. A gentleman of tho Western Uuion Telegraph offico, at No. 145 Broadway New York, was sitting in tho cable room when ajtelcgram from Philadel phia, destined for Paris, came oyer the wires. Tho messago, like all,) others for France, was to go over the cablo via Duxbury, Mass. Tho operator called Duxbury a few times, and then said : "That felfow is asleep, evidently; bntcthe cable men are always awako. I'll havo to get one of them to go in and wake him up." So he stepped to another desk, called Plaistcr Cove, in Newfoundland, and sent the following message: "To cable operator," Dux bury : "Please go in and wake up my own true love." This messago Plais ter Cove hastened to send across the Atlantio Ocean to Valencia, Irclandi who in turn "rushed" it to London; thence it was hurried to Paris, and stilljonward to! tho European end of the French cablo at St. Pierre ; the operator there flashed it back to Dux bury. In less than two minutes by the clock the mossago had accomplish ed its journey of some 8,000 miles by land and sea, and was evidenced by the clicking of the instrument on the Duxbury desk, whichtioked out in a manner a little moro petulant : "That is a nice way to do ; go ahead. Your own true love." The finances of tho Stateof Nebras ka are in a flourishing condition, with a surplus of $234,000. The taxation is at the rate of $80,000,000 of pro perty in the State, while its actual value is not less than $300,000,000. Thore are over 1,100 miles of railroads in tho State; 1,345 school houses; 210 6tudents'ia the Normal School, and 100 in tho State University. The loss from tho grasfhoppersihas been greater than from any cause siuce vhe organi- lion of the State. Cousidetvblo aid hai already been sent forward, and a bilhis before tho Legislature appropri atinX$100,000 tothe same object, which will undoubtedly pass. The Governorarges that stops be taken to have tho Stirta well represented at the Philadelphia Cc&tcnniaL -Inter Ocean. A Brutal fathsr. 'One day recently, a respectably dressed man carried a wall-grown child muffled up, and apparently sick, into French's Hotel. He plaacd the child on the stairs and began to talk to it in a rough unkind way. The attention of the guests was attracted, and tthoy gathered around. "You are able to walk up stairs yourself," said the man, "and I won't carry you." The poor child began to sob worse than before, and the brutal manfgave it a severe thump on the head. The child began moaning piteously. The indignation of the bystanders was ex cited, and one of them said to the sun: "Is that your child?" "What's that to you?" the' man answered, "J won't tell you." "He's my father," the childsobbed; 'and hekilled- my mother just as he'f going to kill me'." The man doubled his fist and made as if ha was about to give the ehild a savage blow. One of the bystanders nterfereda&d said: - "Say, if you don't stop this. I'll call a policeman. I never saw such a bru tal father in all my life." i. he man bo ran to fumhl im kin ot, and the child cried out : - 'Take care, he's got a knife. He's goog to stick you." Sure enough he produced a knife and opened it. The crowd slimied by one, except. two. ;aa officer," cried oma of the 14 ". abe arretted.' K for something," mad v nged the knife into the child. The ehiU ed, m atarderad." d CTowdraaaadto tW-sMt. Tk-.- Id tha child in hk araw, a bat, said: VAaBT: k -' 4M!,bu MbbV"' mm ! kfefta fsrtasa. , CoasMfviaU A sharp fellow, with & bistory is the Spirituaiwt avom who has ktely beea edifyimr1"5" at Tarn awnyHalL Yaaagoka fbaad et the modus ferandi of sosm of the more startlaX kinds of spiritual auuu feetation d thereupon took ap the busineof publio lecturing, with a vfeir of displaying and exposing them. Jj0 went fross place to place but could ot get audiences, could not make the thing pay, finally gave it up as a fail ure, and afterwards, in course of rime, found himself trying to get a living by keeping a fish -stand. By and by one day there came to bis fish-stand the well-known editor of a Spiritualist pa per, who was surprised to find the un believer in that business, and at last said to him, "Now, as you know all about these manifestation, and can give them to aach advantage, why don't you go around giving them be fore Spiritualist meetings instead of running them down ?" The unprinci pled fishman "saw" the notion, took to it, went about as a mediom in the way that had been suggested to him, and has met with such feucccss that he is able to show $70,000 to his credit in the bank. He bow laaghs in his sleeve as ho tells of the failure he suffered while showing up the "manifestations, which havo since brought him a for tune, and holds that mankind prefer his present career to bis previous one. TIE DOMESTIC ! BEST. WHY? Least difficulty in learning it Least skill required to use it. Least labor to work it Least care to keep it in order. Least troublo to change it Least changing required. Doos fino work equal to any othor. Does heavier work than others. Does heavy work easily. Docs everything well. Does nothing ill or grudgingly. Givos satisfaction, Exceeds expectation. Justifies the praise it everywhere receives. A few days' trial solicited. H. H. JOHNSON, Trav. Agent, Crete, Nek. Energetic Agents Wanted. Ladies, send to Chicago office for an decant fashion book. 2-.1 NEW LIVERY STABLE A RED CLOUD, A. S. WefT Una opened a first class Lively Stable at Red Cloud, where at all times can be found tho finest i SINGLE AND DOUBLE RIGS To be found it the Weet Orders may be hi at the Bt2?iarV BaU. GEORGE ZEISS Urines & Liquors CIGARS, Chelng, Sntking, Ttbtcct OF A1X KINDS , Irw Warrta, Ua "MMim1 rti i if A - m i4af J iu aaaiaaanr f pi n . iviTVTWn -PDTTTrni! ite" ,3fiB'r " aW ll I mi W U n ft I :! - taaaaaaaVfSiaWaW aaWW . Ti -- avnv iggSsis" -s flBCCS " l aa( u --: . . OaMML. liMiirA t ..rM lv'iaaVStiBlTC! wBkaaaaVlaiMiaaaBamfapiB. rilAI fci'H'I Till lamMaaVmaY taaH1 . aaawwiaMau VU1 Aitv a -r .w. r-r .BajaaaaBaaMMaoaMCUitMtaar Mftw . XW .? 1 a ' aiaaaaw .. . : ji' - A f- j i&aEfcm irkw fSH , ---t , .atam'-aa-alaaaTv. .. yJy ibmti VrTgaaWIi i tff pntr Irt Strtet tH HaaWaw E. B. FOOTE, HI 121 LsHulu irtnt, r. m. Man. 'ww nsc. An Independent Phjsltity TICAT3 ILL 0Mi M CHEOHIC DISEAS1, AMD Letter from aU porta f th Civilized Wtrld. IT lit M1IMM. VAT If CflDiicliBj a Medical Practice Ml I TBJUTWO Vaaarau PatienU im Inapt, tit Watt India, tha Damiaioa af Camaia, and in craxy Itata of tha TJmioB. ADVICE GIVEN BY MAIL FREE OP CHARGE. Wo nfetnl MdMaaaar Km 4aria iht pMt tWnty jmn Umtai falljwriyorqulU,OMML AU wcted'wlta Mk mm an nHUf whtdttr tbr w eoawoaicmtwl by latter or to tmoB.vmrT9i rth Doctor rfcto favaicteaa. Tfc tottar an att wittHa tea. AH taTtHH at a dlrtaaea aw wwlrad f aacxtasdad list of pUte qamtioam, wkJaa wia am raniikad by mafl fraa, ar at Um efloa. Aaa. ploU ayataa cf ritering prevaaU MtaCaka or aoeiualoB. Caaa book rar aeBaonai, awajit ky tha phydcUna of tha artaWUhmeat. Var baa eotalutiB aand far liat af o.uatioa. A aixty-pafa pamphlat ol trldecoaa at aaaaaaj aast fraa alas. . . AiUrm Jr. S. B. FOOTS, z TSS, Hew Trlb Da. Toon la tha Bth of "MWCit 0m K09 Boas," a. book that raachail a clrcalatiaa el arar S50.000 oojrfai; als af MPtAM Hoi Tale," ora raoaatly rublUhsd, whlak aa aaia ao tha axtant of 70,000 coplea ; aUo, of "BOCTOB IX SioaT," whieb U now being pnbUaba to aariaa. OOKTxma TABLM at all, anaiiaaa tha ftnt-atlooa walk (waha la oat ot rint), will b. arot fraa i ? ta aiUiar Dr. Toora, or tha ftmr Kll HWm US CB?M7, whoae otBoa U 12! Kaat SStk Straak Agaau both men and woman wantai to aaB tha toraf olnf worka, to whom llbaral froSt wftl ba allowad. Tha Daginnlnri "mU fortaaao harrhaaa mado la telling Dr. Tootta poaoW work. "Tun Hon Tu" at jartiamlaatj adayUd to adult, and " Bcimcb at Stobt " U jaat tha thing for tha yoeng. Bend foravaAaaM toblao and ata for yoaralf a. Tha fonaar aatwtai tnaHitnda of Queationt whieh ladiaa aad gMth man faal a dalicaey abont asking at tfeair ahpictesa. Thera U othlng to Utaratura at D Uha aitaav ... !! MM B !! as tha roregoing wotkb. aa only ba had of Oaoamora, VICK'S FJLOSAI. UI1JE FOR 1875. Published Quarterly. January Number just issued, and captains over 100 Panes, 500 Engravings, descrip tions of more than 500 of our best Flowers and Vegetables, with direc tions for CuUiir;, Colored Plate, etc The most useful and elecant work of the kind in the world. Only 25 cets for the year. Published in English and German. Aedrcss, JAMES VICK, Kochester, N. Y. HARNESS SHOP S. V. Ludlow Is now prepared to do all kinds of work IN TDB Harness ine. The best of materials used, and all Work WARRANTED. REPAIRIfte Done on abort notice and at reasonable Prices. Shop in McNrrr's Store. Red C!nd NebraOU. At-" S. T AKCMIBAL K. YISVBAtt. VOTAIT PTOUCt, Bit 1327,13 . W. gaaal aT ok aa raaanaaaaa j0oaa.-aa -nTMmm Ajjujui aa aaorm t ' ia ( , I ar fM I .v.iaTFv L? - aai Fsar A U M Allkasineaa ajfitlr ' III to -5?- 'J . aai all eerrwroniaajaja jlpspaly wavmaj e '35- Cka attaatias avMHhaaraaiaitaftr' " j R Jl.. AwaLCmMf Uon MsiSlMBBaaa) nactaaa 9 i ' ' -aaWH vfes, .' aaagaavg -? am aaBBB aaaiBkBV 1 J4- r . . - avaarajaaaaNa Tiftl:Hall. nPWii " -iSi-tT ' " . jm&V!t w (l aaaaMl !K Si.Ss.K - :Xb waMVrrit Jawiajaaial K, . JF!.Srf': MmjmWmmUmr humUlmd mm-AtX- ii""P '" 3 - m - . T.- ,J-iw. . : ajaja-fcaTPia '& FT k rrj'anau-i u.t-Lvrui'itusf THE TER-OCEA?. THREE EDITIONS. Wiekly, rtnii-Weekly, and .Uily. SUbliaIc,l9tktBtljrM?pan co . Kana!cUtiTe RcnubhpiB f'apsr. plnlcrd Hiiiaialaia bJ drfemi the ameiplM ami or nmtulio of the National Kcpubhcan l'ar ty. the INIER-OCEAN ww aarly pa-hed to tat fbrcfroat of joarnalura nnd acbicrri n taaeeMBBPrecedcntrd in the hltorr of ;ach ilirpriiaa- By oiveraluieatithasben ajiaaed petition aa Tst LaaaHH Resafclicas Paper In the NORTHWEST- JCot aloae oa Its political characttrdoe tbe IUTER-OCKAN rt ib clalta for popalsr tiror. It aimi at the biebe-t excellence in a it departrnenU. aod in this en of in gadTa journal Um apirci to a poj'mou T'mINTEK-C oss ma ocsu aa 1NTKK-OCEAN makfi especial clainu rniuiuA ivuii"rt-Ciik' Its eolHBiBS are carefully csaHed anint aMoctioeabla matter, and erery ctlort i tnak raador itaplexantand profitable company a iae aoase ureriue. ht Commercial Department m eoadectod with great care, and erery thing fowible done to tnnke the MARKET MK- yPOHTS such aa the FARMERS and JiUSI- PiESd ME of tbe Xonhwtat can RELY urua. The Agricultural Departm't ifcarefnlly edited by gentlemen of ability fd experience. Literaturs. ueai ana aeneral nots, rcreim izi Dancstis Corrc. fcUOC J Aad ererytbing that goes to make A First-Class Newspaper It s not excelled by any publication in the cu ihtry. The INTER-UCEAN ii a NATIONAL NEWSPAPER, Oi e that will be found ncful and interesting to niericana in ercry prirt of the glolit. XS iilo it especially represent.- tho UEEAT IMKRESTS.(JV. TI1K NORTH WEdT. it is '. (ational in it view ami comprehensive in in lu news-gatherinir?. Firm in it.-i politlcnl faiib, it is not bigoted, and in all discuifms aitis to be candid, digniDcd. and abovo per focal abiue. Trie INTEU-OCEAN has tho largest nzcre aatfe circulation of any neir;paper published ia lie Northwest. It is snt o more than GOM Pojtoffice. distributed in er;ry State and Ttiritory in the Uuitcd, blatea, in all the Urlish Provinces. , TEE1I3 OP SU3SCSIPTZ01T: DAILY. fiyjnail (payable in advance) per year, $12 00 do do do 3 mouths, 3 00 Sui day ddition per year (extra) 2 W SEMI-WEEKLY. Ry mail, per yenr (in advance) - - - 3 O) do club of four do - 11 M do clubof six do - - li W) ilo lnboftcn da - - 25 00 ( iee copy with every club of ten. WEEKLY. By nail per year (in advance) - - - 1 50 5 00 UIc of lour uo Ch of ten do - - - - VI 0J Ch of tw.ty do - - - - 2;) 00 utfree copy wita every cluo or twenty. jnCTACC- Tho newpostauo uoinui law take effect the Istcky of January A. D. IfcT.'i. Under this law flic poMiure ou luewspipors wust be paid AT lllK Ot'KlUl AfAltKD. This V.'HEltK XII KV AllK ill mafco it nevessary fur a r J&scribera mi lent erodisr u snb.Tip Lnev TO i'AY POST- tionto send the AI.tlN ADDlTIffN TO TH u su Jivnir- - "" ? ii .z-r - . .a .. .. w k TIO:t PRICK, "ho fitllnwmK are tho rates to be paid unlirr 1 new birr : WKLKLY lNTl'.(tOClN 15 cent? a year SEMI-WEEKLY do W J DAHiY do fcO do Special nnanjeients mado with country puulbuord nr ciuomuir wuu uicir imuucic tin. Siunplo (Jpivs tree Samplo tp'u-R free. Mcncy cati bo sent fcy draft, nnriey order, express, or regis sent fcf draft. niTiey or tered. letter, at our risk AMIVii. IS9 Lake St. Chicago RED CLOUD MILLS. NATIVE LUMBER Constantly oa hand. All kinds of DIMENSION LUMBER, x SKaTTrkw. ;Jf dTTrasu 'LANK. Gf&tmJkJ im IfJawber r.ui prices. Jl'X "ns aoipruD Pre noi2aiqreM i?5 03 9 CnVKOQ'K H - -tcro&ts SupiaTS i psortia nm lwioui mjiapaoj. isoHi w ! srsastA -BiPud pw"ix nu Wiagaawjoasnqiiq3nmi ni eai aj3i ajB4TB jo 9Tnxa ia.iranu jo vpis aanJ9onaKI pas LPQ,53Jm?3-SS2 aaQ-nc amioai-anTH l3nrajJ,:2 MfiBaBa B9idBBU BdS JtPl0SI E9ja Vn MawX'Ra:sua aaaaKI "iS TMW5W1 BBWIHI C PS ranoai.v wrt inn wn jo norrstcCT-i HQJMT3aaJeoeiaTtaiintcutn4-moI MSHPij iua ain Xmsod WX w wnwii, ) w hv -a POO iaipriawwmauiiaMpa3 rMttoai amtm " WH r t&spra 'zaxn aan jMwa( -umj lnufausi pw 'MWl 3 m aawowawaiaaraji fjari jJ ataritlaaiaal mJbt mn aoaoacw nappep awRfliiiwiwitwi ntiw-aj3 jo tutniiKai2aaiaaaaLum' p( jJaaMi aj waitwaoafaaa -issOMEiiaAca) aajtn'rgsat am aaauacX jauaa ajmoa afO .-Haianjailiinai ejaua JWrJBaojLrpwBa: ai31wi8gaa'a i gag jw Itii" i "w iwi tti - atfwtJu.i 7TiaT"Wga'XwaPW lh J AX.ajtt .,! g M Jf"Jt WaWM " "-TaWaT aW3a fKl-r M Jaaaf KVaV VbbVbVX Cy - vXE!9KSk Baaaa-aaaflaVaF C"BBBBaVit-P rssTszttt ,OTI,-W ftayssg"" -"" " ' . NEWDHUGLND GfiOCEEY STORE in Bed onf - - - Tcb. u e wi?h to inform the citizen of lied Lloud that wo have a uew stock ofgooda which we offtr at Granger prices. IL Conslstingtbf "X. DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES BRUSHES AND FANCY GOODS. Also a choice lot of TEAS, and T0BACC0E p PURE WIKES and LIQUORS, JSpcc:al attention given to Dis pensing of Medicines and Prcicrip ions. We Dcjy omjntiiio -t in Qualify and in Price. R. tt. SlIERER. JOMITJ --aa -s JACOB SON'S FEKD, SiiLE, AND L I V E BY STABLE- . v- Isr'Ai- Jamiaa, Adaum C. R'efc EH- JOXES Watchmaker & Jeweller, a-Partictilar attention snca to J.e- pairing J-ine atcaes sua Satisfaction Guarantied. ri I V r JJOTEL, H0I0PATH!CPHYSiC!AS U. S. FBSSlOSSffRGHOJr. ThTblrl Im CtrcitlAtlon lw thoCltj TtTK rilirAlO TOST AN" M-It. 1 nnic-rnaljj- a iel lc Sb liv.iset, frnrir.t. rart triite tKl cieat atlrniana'pp,r rntiihfli Ifef 2?rj wft. It i H5"-.VJ)n in tKJilie. h4 l(-t xnd bt of iiil awl pr dlarw and orix4ln-l irnt.'l uroi, It rVet rMiri- arr auturtr-!?. uiBtahataiv. id rdiUe Tb ntta t( th maKaant 1 "P1 iw; l- i hv brf n. nu wwl w. t ma a fr. v. vt tvr actMHr. mih : ict os.jei Ba-. crjtir ra i ai raaaaxaa-r- j i . ' . . . . . . crl.ltr. It i one i.f the Ut t farailr ltrand Ua a c-ja?untljr tiMruin. lr cuutiaa. 7BBM5 OP SUBSCKtlTIOX. D:i.t by nail pr annum ftr Jansarr 1. to'tura prtiaid--..-... .-.4.n I) :uy ix tnntb .... . - -... 3JO UtlLV three ujntlu....-. ....- 1.70 THE WRFKLV POr AND MAIL Hs bcn tnlarre'l to t.x eight-column tac ofia,iiof ta J)'!r. an I -(i".m all tne with -nluatl foreiff: inl 4wr;w wrr- ( iponJenT. thtnt stories f toe day, p!m- , eal. Cihirtn. vcty. aivl hcr artf-. ! witi mafket r-prt prfMrM xjrl ff r if coantry.rcaler. anil crefuHr tlia up to the hvraf,9in to pr- Tn..c i U jh- re9e it iic Jn-ikcs it une the lifywt w.li liin thee-utr ' iUr4tni a beret'Ura oneol th che.pe.t. tbfrnr.n4kljab3nptwa price bmnir u.f Ifa ... OSS POLUAaAMJ riKTt ctyT. to which tnnu be s4xlel !? oenH ra'tace, j tu be prepai.l. ftr Jami.ry 1. by she PM !Unr. in nrroniitiwe with tha Uir wh-h e intft opfrAtun at tht late. Etr ordinary jrluni ( nrt t ffTrol t ruber hr who j j- lirto'uMncc ruuy be mcKo i4tfcr hv drnft. cxpit. lot otflc rlcr, or re,;Utcrw letter, uiuur xv. ., , .. All lttr h h!j1 be ftMrri04l tr the CltlCrtllO PC I ASD .MAIL CO.. w and SS Dearborn street. II t'icr lit ai it in hiivmc- v4u. "' f Important bnt brief new letter nre ollet ed !tnn all part of the eotintty. ntlea will bo taken o; aaoM'tuauJeunnunlwt!.tii. THE ALDINE COMPANY'S "New IPtablswittas. SOLD 0HLY BY SUBSCHIPTIOH. TK ALPItfK. TUB ART JOUBXAI. P AMBItU A. TbM rplendid eneri'MMJ ! not only wall su.tjunl in ovcrr . tluea, but i bne ? Htnntly devolepel and im5rl. It l-4y .tnnl wirhout ft ril in tha wholi rtd tf ivori'idieal lttrtir-. Thu bMitifl do, portrait. ".M' t;n'dtl-li Frlaw.1." a elirutno tr-sJ ' cvry mibaorioar. i ft dr-cblx bit. and will if pwalble. ld in Uln poptilarity wl i h th. wirk h i?atl. The AHT UMMN fiH'rt aL proiMi"! creat and bncfit'ent reuiti, in itru!nar jmMwIii terint in the Bn art.. 'lreularatd tub In totmution ou appliaalion. Parti I. II. HI and lv are now ready. Sutton's- ISISUHE-HOUa hisscellaity. Tnbo cojuplcto-lin JO parti, isiutxl far itlchtly, . , k , hach part will contain an elecant frontt rdee. t.riititiilly eiwniv! on iteel for Uio Loudon -rt Journal llli PRODUCING- at u pneo within tiii nopnUr roch. ensrav Ui3 never before ou"c-d at lew than five tiuus tho araounU Ihcso platwhar been tho attmctinn of TH3 LOlIDOi: 1H7 JOuHKAL, Ich part will eon'a'n UJ'inrn p-j?-. In otauins tho rlejjft.-jt (iMi'e. v ir pint fjper. A superb Ji.ic p.?f. ri j; Hliif.ir.it din r-lnt ex-. v I b- c.rtn with the fin. prt. and th prii.-ii-jr ( the entire w;r will t5 it wsfhj- rtrrecaUtU)u of the" lb e 1 mo Ptv'.'.-wiiteh I' a Ar tev of FotncthiBa bwutlful an i raluAule. At a Cart tf 25 Cents fart Parts l. UaUII AasJjfBtwaK.. TBE AI JOURNAL &?'3ak','iBJOlhly pA.rti.atSl en-h Pe- l!4TBrtbe bWtTair-Pur' iIj tr.t'-n taa earlier f olueaei t ihi Aidin. Eaeh mosthlr Prt will r .ntiln ix .uparl plate with a-ip .! ; nottvi irt au'd whehr Pr hinctH r framing;, wilt be entirrly -; Jinl e rapes m n n pnorarla Hc t!iaic r lltuj mj ' -n wbJ fce iwiwt c.uefulfy tVen ou the touwl lajjr, an: n'i P-in will b" : :'"H ia-.lt a tfcia be riehe-'t prwlnr ion -f a ir-- wbtah h "w, in a inarvidouily alw.rt tune, a wortd-wp.e rvputation. GS!3 72011 TZZ ALDVJZ, Jpeciallyaiwr'fl f r Frrirp Book attwfwa and J'rtteinj C7 A Isrso colla'tion of pieturej, at" 'liferent jixc and on Ioit ercry e,r.cJvabe!UtX!t hare ben tut IP in an a triu-tivo cbptt. andareeowolrwl at a prbe biten-lrd to make them papular la every ttc. Envelope No. 1. eontaininc bwot.fijl encrartnn . i now raady.asd will b aaiit. iKtetoirce paid to sr.d addrw for Oh U 1)01 LAlt. A Itbcral diwouat lo asenU aad teucherx. Scs'aL'SJ Soolss- artta'i.t ofC'R R'-S j ,r- iy prevail JVr tha awl iay pr :nt -fP- . A apten-lH have taea expr- TereVt can lw aletd fr fc-ecilenian or bdy, old or yooaj. Vo. I. Ilalf burnlj eleth Wc. cHt bak. Vo. 2. iialf Mrf, i'h sidaa. stlt ak. KJp. i:i-t ta-hw . -- 7.W T,0. 3. V t B-wi-eaw. sTeOM ware. Uerif9Hru:okI.at t-enttiy ray aiii. pn-paxi, oa receipt of it price In ertoplisn-- with rei3i4I rtaet. tha pnbher of T ft LUISR hT- prepar-J isjprweiiraoftsAnyof Uitir ms SMsusatol plaetf.rpasH-psrtoetfrawlas. Tne cau a, e m3a.-i os a bestt'lfsl UnU-I KTrn-m i. iiK a kti-lft r4 Utrxirr nur. Toattaelithrla'. U It only lei carJosner to rte and Cotl eM alriy tua bedlrtrfeJ.aa-itbUiaay b oae by I 'srfatjevf.Hrb'.lc';. S: with rlw." Fix fiii frJitJ. wha relloo u iti to fcW'tffc'. , , , , .!.'.!.. iii!U: in-.2a.i wita al-i. . I Ttardee.xVi'3- Ilt'Ji sten!L' 12 rusleets. jUB to-, w wjia w. i fcenibyttil.w:lhoatjls.oi-aJ. for rrice. CANVASSEIIS VASTK0. TH3 ALI-nrS C32?.7, 5S Ia3IeB Lane, Ke icL CAHPEtiTEI. & BOILDEn, WeTrfJ rTf3Tlr laferaifce eitjiei f I Bei aXKlTiti7wtJirrejweJ i all Is4 cf rrk ta fc Sit irt aaf tlttssdrtff3sii.tirefc a4wTu. sttir- V- H. (seeenlterh.esa Wuasfssja, l4r"5 Ar5 T.! af W ..Zls&lJTEt f X T .ti Tun Virr Jot?SAL Of Aiicwca. inntd 5iwtkiy. v Macx . tncer Coscrrrto.. Wo3awC- . tT CRtK Oct." ltr of ppJilir mcJa fr ti :U f th. t-ed-a of .r , ... . , alwtr bR tct(rasJ rrt rti' av ?' '. . . . Tix-nfcr aaJ nmw Uenf- ! " " - t.H.wa8t. '. :bccWtarewhch. c.t ta . ,HtMih an rt Journal, d. I not I,ro the inc 1flV raa f ft lll f Amar U t- ta eU bM of faltrh t. iM aoon a a. Prpar appr, UU -f h wftt ";1, " aMHU to rac t It J"W". h, "b, l no aua w , Uh tntbn U .upport. i ... .-...i, . a a xwt art!tic an4 cota- H4f4 tiir iv.wi ' nierctal triuui .... t.r v t tiihai.di: rvnlarit. h XK.whllA liucl with all th tone f th lmrrflkry or &? teri'ilc if culinary an e'fni nIUny f 1 ffraetrfiil litarutnra: nl a '"' Iniwcst prrimlUMl. It purr, hsht, tad ... f , .n. tU rrvi jpcltnen of cllecttan nr tlr "r1 , , Althuh tiK ik I. n ' oa white. Attala eah nwllE X Jftnr auru- . plramre t iU W4. th r.tl r.lu. anJ bcanty cfTUK ALDIN'Kwtll 1 mwt a prccIalaJ aAar I . i B! P t tk c,c e f thtSieawt Ua tfser puh!ict!eu .y claim jupirlr ? "j&w"1 rlralfaMiU' i r clw.TIlEMi1WKUa , unt'o and ru . , j,i-. Uwl nceptton alun a ld'itey without cowi'ru i&rnciar. Tho pri"rof icta on not duphmo thaJi apcr and enntlai: sn ny tlon in prlaeor e etiiplet vd quantity of tlnar other thnro or I tlruaaUacoat; an beside! i ouber of oaror br ta i then, taore t m ur.4. Tho na'lonal f muat bo takan in i )! pal itan. stMrc of Till: ALDINB no rraw e-n. Trua art IMIT!tKALllNr.ia ." tsatiruUon. It de n-i aly 1 1 the, rapmiaotwii of nb n t t wiltifftttt a rWt!y Aaiir cMaac IteWf nU. itatire art. It Ueul aad aapre w !t diaeriMtiiMit a Htrit. Th. whtl reafTUK ALU I uriaila. Ue prtu Amarteun anit. rfrrn to riii xfvsa: Ha telbe awl Inatauau-wt o ftoacin tOMraw. The artbrfk il MNpnary. ariaHanl ltuMunt tN'nr. araaf in ra tor? trMUMvat t d ml by any Inferior toraarba f lal luttitMl u1Ie-, c t. IttirXM'bla wb. poa4 lk arii atyl f .W ALOlkaiiaSf want, wtvtha t t ualr u- h Sw: tltlr nrt taste, one thai y on .'ronti-U of Intrinjie i)taain? If re tbe pat K. m laftillns ehurat tlnn" f the mutt notei it ealKn vill alwan ba 1 1 frMn Jureisn ma.ter. .t all tho pljaure and ttttiaaMa frani htomn er ii?rittton af Anorittn ttkltlK AtDI.NH. bn am! ut a(rnaMit pL?: pfarit ' t- tiw m(. f.4 5tb than et be 1rd piro. Tde J'idka la KrljM wvli Avar, noi lltiin mi unalMtaa later- n !! tja tf the M-.ia. . t u 4rjr to a cl lb iltaratiir ,( TU'. ar 1 i;evfal inwdni tc n lc (Wier. with , dletit isfaM a da not prH.tar intt4 f th Interfere wti'p lb wark. P222C' Kery whwrlk tKHi'itL-it iKntratt noble de !- n: res iws. r Jor 1-73 wfll rlra a h- il k', of ta ao pitjurvi In a latmr Uit'ta attmet net I mil M Ktt-ictu HAM'S UU fci-FtSH rnlt'tG" will b tf''Mm! bi',arrjr kAme. Krerybo U ! U. 'Uhii5!ort pj t?rt l?n-l rpf 3n rhieMriKtTiHirV M . T u i lit iaiUH" j ll I US" " a'-" foundUsii jirg ithe ,t5t Jl!t4lilriM Urtsa atltl a noHa o rittwl. & who jc will ti.iri) tbiilebtvt iii.amaVjr arofbtlBif Wturo BiMethaenT r--!,ry dafi'ejjb'erJb- K f r MI 1 eHttat--l a- ql tti all th prtrlfi of ertoTHKALb.. maniber. an-1 entb jSsrHnc A.ri Union. TJi- ln -n ii A1-UIN1 pbture irtrv ae.d nri' amofjj the ' abrr,r's. lr d oer f2Wt are i! jieaia U full, and U m inrvli. are t be ceadlnr ! mt'f U. or!! at f f all Tl! B I v!lb, with other pAina & Tt t Im dllrlbiitl J. To c ery tUt of S.O? flftrent piece, rale at ribttd a n a-t .h Jt awanl of ah cria l akU bJ i Iha ne it itie IK AMU i'. lblfat ureoal? apii;j b iaUfribrr vrbo p In oneywrln adon- f, full particular In eie- cular intonapptl fJidiou mlo.init a 1 T. EK31S. ir, the Carrao tri Jiu An Udco. $5 00 pr - izza, la airaso. (Ko ih tye for botg0 . Nprefuirn re ten ofTMK AI.9l"fK Jo Cent. TUB ALPIXK trill, hereafter, ba obtain able only to b e iptlen. Thara illbr,e' rrdaard arePib r tin; euli for saberiptiaaa iaat b t t" 'tfie publU?if direct, er haadad t'hiU. ' eanmMer. without retpo slMiity U the (.'flUbant. exwpt ia wa EwrM.r i wfc,T- U .wi XL'S.. Um eat- -irttfa h tiren, Laarinr tha ibnda Sicatctre f Jakks t'ena. rreblt. . CAHVr mEP.3 WAHTED. y Any pfn w fnnrat per-sesly aa 1J Mraer w'X Tferm UU ! praat iofaraaaafea by ApptylA? to THE ft- LDLS COMPANY. p iHen JlaaeKsw yxk. . bitten nibcr, Carpenter & Builder. ItCIni, 2Tiraia. I pre Jt" t jnai9 er!iate aad Ukar A mm .- x.1 VU . ... : .. -M- CdQU - iU i aw ak,i4-iTJi TOiAiaI aW-V-aV I STEVENS HOtJSEr SEYEHS .& DQW, . l raisjirroB?. Bloorjirigton, - - Nebraska. Xsw ;Joni, Da Bad, and eTy-f-FUissrs !Tr till Uaxxm tUTtr fa a f P-iizi Btinth, Eai. aad Wtt. -5- jd eutt-ciioa wkfc - . at. . vr' j S- aMaawal ailliri.- riaai Oidfaa7 ls ii Ca.Zif s$ ktf 7o 1rftlkTelihaii-pi4 "ss? -p- je jgiaw -i awatja. Oft 3i 6lwSofKii oTCwwrt Howe. Ci' J"T- j MKTttU .i ' ' . -t . aWdSt -!' SIYJB CSJUali"' sy:--S'-P - -tvj-r- -to . ,j 1? -Tjc-J S-j --. t 1 "-St-JS? -i'- jv- .-y, fefc . 1 y . ;5r , &ii 5-. rv K 5 -i -- T4 v vo j- .y.-t,. -. M :Si.r.: -. Jr - ' rJgraagPSfc:-;. : -6S .:JS&J SirftSAi f S fai- . V r r3&1--3T ; i?5-glil - " atria aJVi-"'J waj-J ii m .-i:jw-i. ,' Jrrfi&-Miaiai; -.. iHiua. ncuiasaa. a -. tim m " -s - ...t -mvmk .....v . .imj . .a am ... aBamB ... .t . tv ,. -fa Tf mijanfHaM--" i .' Uji:.. aai a a ana i satsr . j NVBeaHaaaaaWtx; . v-s. w - ' : - !" - 9: . .asBaaaaaaaaaa. -,. a - -HY? a? - - mmm ii I,W "IIS.11 (aaaS 'b i F '- -s fe'-B'Xi?t . . &. . itV "aBBBBBF- :us iJ !., "x-sr - : j -- -- . -l ' -:aaMnaMaaM5-v-' ."J v. IT(: ' - -, j-"iBBBBBahdaMaBaaaB