tfijSWa, -jaayaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaalaijlJJ-, - V -'" V ZzT "S esSBBBBBBBBBBBSBBWE BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BWjam?' .jjlAagiBaBlWyTBaBBBBBjaBjBBj if iirnmiK-i ..i-. .-. aMaWaMMaBBasaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaMaaBSk- aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl V'vV iv - -THIi-.r . - 4S-JSIiUJ'i x- VO"..;-- - " 5 -', -?r ?- EBBBBBWSBSBBbI P3ti; fJ-J" i- V 1 IIOTIWM 1 tT-- -- "W""., L7--- "J. . -J -- - .....- . .-. . - - - . - .-.. - '. Ljat . '-4 "'.4'' c fBBBBsKI asaaal !&Z T BSBBBBaaV' MM . bsbbbV Ulssl m v :'3-"3KK'1sbbb! && ' " SisbbbwB"-1 P bbbbbbbI Av&.rV7n'WMAKarnnMa f t v - - -r I 1 t It i The red cloud chief . EEB CLOUD, NEBRASKA. LOCAL MATTERS. Notices in thi Column 10 Cents a Lin Official Directory. CONGRESSIONAL. W. Tipton. Brown-rille. TJ.5. Senator. W. Hitchcock. Oasaiia. U. S. Senator. fcerenzo Crcatue. Representative. EXECUTIVE. R.V. Fare, BrownTiile. Governor. J. J. tiorper. Lincoln. Sec. of State J.B Wcner. Iitriee. Aoiitor. -H. A. Koenir. Columbia. Treajarer. J. R. Webster Beatrice Att'y Oen. J. If. McKenxie. Lincoln. Sup. Pab. Iastrae. JUDIC1ARY- Chief Jastiee. AwocUas Ja- eo. 3. Litre. vhn an. Dan I Oantue"raitat.iT. ftaaH llaxwell. PUtemoath J ITEriSTER COUNTY. J. A. Talleyt. County Clerk. Ji. !J. June. Tr-nrcr. 1. W. Ttillcye. Probate Jnire. WatX'. P.HI. Hberitf. STTS. Kalcy. School Snp't. L. K. Maseeh Coroner. W. E. Thorn, Coacty ScTTeyor A. M. Hardy. 1 C W. Ball. V County Coajmraioacrs. P- Matteson. I 1 , Arrival aa Brtar af Malls " fraaa Use Kl Cloa P. t. mata Leaves JJ&naay mF a . edneMky'e aaa Friday a. m. n eiofcd Oam. Arrives 1 ucs- day Thursday and Saturday'!? p. xn. Harvard Leaves Tuesday's and 'jafrlav'y 0 p. m. arrives Te:days and Friday's 5e p. m. Mail closed 5 p. m. 7banklin, golriir easH Monday's end Thursday's; 2 p. m. Gng west Tuesday's and Friday's II a. m. Pi.kasant Hill leaves Thursdays G a. in. Arrives Wednesday 4 p. in. Mail closed 9 p. n. f Jxwell. Kanre?, arrives "Friday's 12 tn. Leaves Fnday 1 p. m. Mussel, Kansas, arrives Thursday's )t a.m. Leaves Thursday 1 p. m. OfSce open from 4 untO 0 p. m. Sandaye. '; aUl registered matter riist bo in the evening before the tnaitf leave. M. B. McNrti P. M. CHL'UCZI lilttECTOET. t 1L E. CHURCH. Ret. Ciias. Reii.T, Pastor. Service! each al ternate Subbatb at 10 Ail. CONGREGATJON'LIST CHURCH Rev. A. Maxwell, l'a.t:r. Serv ice? each alter nate Sabbtth at 10 A. M. BAtTIST CnURCIJ. Rv. Tno. Mux low. Pastor. Sertlces every fourth Sahbath at 7 J P. i. 7AAATn School every Sabbath .looruhsg at KJ a.m f J. Q. r01TE, Supt. Trajcr roeetinc Habbatb r,d Thurs day evcainps. All held at'tbe school fcouejust north of to"wn. --. Frch Oysters by til can or ica at Geo. Zei-?s. Aho fresh "bre&a, ps, cakes, cnafectiotr.ry, kc N'ne tbinj?: for the little folks, at ae Pesx 05cc. Call and 3ooV at Rest Bad chcarcst aso.?ricnt of St5tjer.cry in town at the P c-t 0&& Go to the Post Ofnce f r paper, pens pencils, slates. &c fee BARLEY! BARLEY"1! ! For lc, for seoi, by Berenzvn; & V). Now in yoor time, fsrniera h secure fvci for the coming sprjne. .00 bufheli on hand. Berenz In & Co. Goto Phcrer's for yoiir drugs, 'jont medicines fcc Carters, tbe Hest and purest in Uvs, it (ico. Zeiss'. A few County Warrants ranted at scebj Wulcox. - - Sstc your money theso h rd times lgoinff to Willcox, who rill save -" money on yonr taxes. Tho DomeMic Sein Macliine it acknowledged by all cfeupctenl d?es to be the best machine jiow be ere lie public t WANTED. m- To pnrchaM for Cash. 50 lu-id of Spring C1ve and Yearhnc from 6 to 15 months old. Inquire of Ras.-eu Rro8., 4 nnles East of Red Cloud. T " " Kctice tc Teacisrs. Notice is hereby given. That I will Sxtimine all persons who may dnsireto &5(T themlvcs as candidates for tehar of the primary or common ahools of the county, at my ofSee in Red Cloud, on the first Rturday of Auccst, November. February and Jlaj. H. S. Kalet.. Co. SuperiatcnemL ; Sotd to H. H. Johnson. Crete. 2Vb. fer circuls of the Domestic 5Trinc Machine ; al?o terms to agnnts (CvV' if 3nc mean business and really want an agency. " A. S. Neff has 0cncd nna fi."5t las5 fivery stable in the rear of Smith1 s liliiard halL and has some of the belt "ies" in this part of the country. Orders for teams esc Le leit. rrhtn Ii is alsent, at the Billiard HalL Rea.t his adTertiaement. S372A7 i.Wi. zTaken up by the undersigned, Kvinjc J on Sec 29. town 1, range 10, on thet 23d. dy of November. 1S74, a Texas j Stesr. four vears old, white with small 1 stown 5P0t5 on neck and shotrfders 1 crop a offricht ear, and tmder-bit oa I leear Jxo. Beatjchamp. T.ed Clond, Dec. 10, 1374. I take this method of informing the ' ths public tliat-I have sold y stcck: of Hardware to 3Iesrs Mitchel & Mo- sairt, of thw pbes. v 2. t?X0: knowing; them ch-es indebted to mc, N wiD confer a favcr by caiEng and s 1- leicg either with cath-or ny note, as I wish to snaare ap the Maks. -. , 24w2 aL . HCSMTE. . ; jBawieaper thaa ever ladies calf fcifoi-; tvrnv .taj Dr vmu. J.-- Graage Stare, g-J- G Tana. - - -- - , NEW GOODS! Groceries will be fold at bottom prices at the Grange Store. How U this far High! Ton can buy a good kip pair of boots for four dollars at the Grange Store. Try eomc of that good Tea at the Grange Store. CSr-PRINTS! SPRINTS! The nicest Prints in town caa be had at the Grange Store. If you want to get your Stationery cheap go to the Post Office. 24 w4 Read the new advertisement of C R. Jones, Juniata. Granger's, if you want cood tea, coffee, sugar, and other grocries, call at the Grange Store, next door to the Post, office. Jonx G. Potter, Red Cloud. Go to Smith k Calvert for Form tnre. All kinds of Dry Goods in large supply and at reasonable rate at Garber k Co's. Good wans fall and wiaUr shawls and dress goods at 1" G.&Co's. A fall jstrvrfc of Boots and ShoiHL for the fall trade at G. k Co's. Granger's, if you want your Granger boots and shoes, call at the Grange Store. Joun G. Potter. Kerosene, 30 cents per gallon Gar ber & Co. Matches, 5 cents per box at Garber' s. Lamp chimneys, 3 for 25cts at Gar ners. Three bars soap, 25 cents, Garber k Co. Soda 10 cents per pound, atGarbers. GRANGE STORE. GOOD NEWS GOOD NEWS. For the Farmers of Webster and Neighboring counties. GRANGE STORE IN RED CLOUD. The store kept by John G. Potter having been appointed by the County Council a GRANGE STORE. Patrons of Husbandry wiil find it to their iuterest to trade at the Grange Store. Don't forget the place Next door to the Post OtSce. J. G. POTTER, Red Cloud. A full assortment of ladies shoes, al! the latest varieties at G. k Co's, Wanted. Every one to know, that Bercnzen k Co., are fclHmr'.'ofF their entire stock of Groceries, Cloth ing Boots, Shoes kc, at.cost. This is no humbug. Ladies, call at B. k Co's, and get a nice dress pattern for 9c. per yard. New goods at the Grange Store. John G. Potter, Red Cloud. ers call and see if R. R. Sherer, aV selling Drags and Paints, cheaper than aiTS01" bouse in the valley, all others knST lt- Lvery thing warnted. v- Dr. Thos. B. Williams wishes say that all who are indebted to him mu?t call and settle by Jan. 1st, eith er -svith the cash, or by giving a note. 19-td. Initial, Tinted paper and envelopes at the Post Office. 24w4 School crayons for 35ct a box at the Post OEce. 24w4 If you want cheap" reading go to the Post OSce. 24w4 Wheat, for which the highest market price will bo paid. tf2l. W. N. Richardson. WATSD. Two thousand pounds of pork, at the Red Clond Meat market, for which 3 will pay the highest cash price. Also some Fat Cattle. Mark H. Warner. Corn at Dillons, Juniata Nebraska for SO cts. per bushel W. N. Riehardn has a large sup ply of seed corn on hand, for $1,50 per bushel. 23-m3. Nttice. To whom it may concern. AH per sons are herby notified that the M. P. R. R. Company have become tired of this wholesale slaughter upon their timber, in the Republican Valley. And from this time forward we propose to protect our own interests, and by so doing we think we shU protect the best interests of the set tlers, .as we are convinced that there is no timber in the Valley to spare. Especially to be drawn oat of the State or cut into lumber, or in any manner wasted. And we hope all good citi zens will consider these matters care- fcily. and lend us their iftflueace to , . . . " " "" " 1 "J w iVAW I. U. XiOTZKIDGE, Land Comfr. . P.Railwev. C3m6. A. N. Neff has a very ffne span of job8 Mares, which he wishes to ex for a large saaa of Geldigas or iip. ules. Any one Wb4ing to exchange rnli flad him at the sew Livery stable ii i Red Ckad. 34 w3 w i. C2SL IVe the citixeas of Towa Raage 9 Vfchster CwaatT Neh., da retara-er thiaaks ta the aeaak f Staatoa BL, ta 30, 2Z1S TUS. Tie advertising rates for space in Tnz Chief for the year 1875. will be as follows: Oae column, per year - $75.00 One-half column do 40.00 One-fourth column 25.00 Business Cards, 8.00 do when inserted for short time, per month, 1.50 Local notices (third page) to rejra- lar advertisers, 5 eeats per Use for each insertion. Transient notic, per line, 10 eta. Under the head of "Specials' set in solid Nonpareil, aatices will be ia serted for 25 cents an inch or less, for each iasertioo. This hut form we wish to introduce to those who want to sell or buy stock, land, or for the general wants of the community. Legal notices at Stasajte rates. At torneys and officers of the law will be held responsible for the legal notices they hand in. .Ledges and other Associations will be charged 5 cents per line for all notices not of interest to the general public. Standing advertisements aad locals from regular advertisers payable at the end of each quarter. Transient advertisements, aad no rices from strangers must be paid is advance. These rates will be adhered to, ex cept as regards filling contracts. No person need ask any deduction or discount from the above rates or conditions. Local news is scarce. Read the new "ad" of Mitchell k Mobart. They have the beit assort ment of hardware this side of Lincoln. Give them a calL Wc saw Dick Garber' s smiling face on the street to day. The saw mill is looming np lively f thi3 week. For your nice fresh candies go to Ed Smith. B. T. Hartscll ha3 returned fr om Kearney with his family. The bridge boys have gone to Scandinavia to build another bridge, and "pool will take a rest." Joe. Warner drove the stage over to Juniata yesterday while Webb was taking a gentle rest, in the way of "hymeneal enjoyment." "Shorty butch" is sick, too auch dog. Fifteen teams stopped at Posts last night, and nearly the same at the other stables. Young folks should go to the Post Office for Valentines. Mr. F- - lost his favorite canine the other night. We arc glad to welcome the Nemaha Grander to ocr exehcage liit. Rev. A. Maxwell will preach at this place next Sabbath at the school house. All are invited to attend. Daniel Mearns of Stillwater, called Monday last, and made us happy three times. Call again. Alex. Spires of Salem called last week. I wish to acknowledge through Chief, the reception of a large box orfckvF sacKs oi uour, r., .saecational Church of ITT - T . distribu- weeping vtater, xeb., tJ tod antnnir the mamlwra n? Con- gregational Church of Wehsterfel and other needv families, and tn ri . J - - . w turn my heartfelt thanks to the donors. A. Maxwell. TOD VA5TST. Who is there among our readers that deals in wood, will sit eamly at home by a good fire and read our paper, v v I wa dk k. a a n bk A mM a X trying to get out an other one. Please bnng us a load either for cash or on subscription. AXUSSXSS75 TQ1 72 W2ES. Monday night chin music on the street Tuesday night Change of names. Wednesday night "Bur" changed shirts. Thursday night prayer meeting. Fnday night spelling school. Saturday nignt all get "glorioasly happy." 232T0S XZBB. Business dull. Mr. Wm. G. Thompson eosae bade to towa to lire he baflt hist a dug-out last week. The hoys at Botchell hose are hao- Pfx they Eve frota the "top shelve' at the Elk Hora Hotel this week Pap A"hbura is goiag to put ap some ice this week. Two of our towa lads where eaaght the other evening while stealiag hay. H. C Lohff& Bro., have aot disolv edyet. Wells Webster Co. Neb. Jaa. 15th lg75. j The fbflowiag persena ware elaeted oakarsof Hamoay Graage N 53S. Master OeoTWaaa Overseer Lectarer Chaplaia Steward AYe Stewart JasAsexaadar LSMiSat SB Kena WASarwh JGeasea HroyPetfera ACSaOth i MAlexaader Secretary Traaswrer Gate Keeper -Lady As?t Steward Hattie MeCag Carea Mr 51 Bay Paaaew . ar . - STATE NEWS Maris is the bmm of a saw office ia Fraaklii Cowaty. The "Neaah Graafer" The State Grasre of Ohio km r nearly $25,000 ia asoacy to tatGraac Relief Soaety ia this SuU.- Fof a long time a largavlet af tools and maehiaery Ukuaiaf to the Kiag bridge coaspaay haabeen stored ia this towa, hat tha atoraiag taey ware started for FraaUaa couaty to be ased in ereetiag a bridge over the Kepab&r caa rivsr.jCearay Prtm. "Paid, O. K." is good fbr6jears. The grata shipped from Plattscsoath o7or during the past year is as fol lows: Wheat 404 ears; Barley 74; corn 12; RjeG; Oats, 1. The Juniata Gaxitt cautions the farmers against planting all wheat aad noeora this year; thinks the grass hoppers may Kke a ehaage of diet, and go for the wheat, next time. This u what the Omaha Repu&U thinks : "Even if the grasshopper relief bill L should aet pass congress, so as to provide oar frontier with safictiat graia for seed, we doabt the poHicy af issuing county bonds. They are a dangerous thing, and stay :rlth the tax payers. It is better to rely apo the aid of societies, and. individual contributions. President Grant h&a named Omaha as one of the point at which he re comends the establishment of a Branch United States .VAint. Mrs. Woodaull will lecture io Omaha in February. The Lincoln Spy says: "Our old friend Chauncey Wiltse, of Omaha, is on the ground early in the fight to help make another United States senator, and also to place the capital oa wheel. Cbauncey is one. of the old wheel horses of Nebraska's legis lative lobbies." Gen. Ord recieved ia one day last week money to the amount of $1,127, 30, for grasshopper fund. The C. & N. W. mail train from Chicago, due here Tuesday night, was delayed several hours by a freight train off the track between Clinton and Boone. At Woodbine, the train was thrown from the track by a broken raiL A brakeman was slightly hurt. A lady passenger was also slightly hurt on one of her shoulders; her arm was not broken as has been stated in one cf the city papers. The lady received every care and attention that the officers of the company could bestow, and she was doing nicely at last accounts. Omaha RrpuUican. NEW LIVEM W-r"-! STABLE AT RED CLOUD 1 A. S. lYeff Has openeSl u? "" "Te Stable at Red - (?"" WDere M " times can be found finesl SINGLE AND DOUBl To be found in the West. Orders wtay he Itfi at the Billiard Ball. GEafCrE t DaaLsaaxa- Wines 4 Uqao r CICARS, Clvtifflirg, SaMkwi, Tttacct, CANNED FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, AXD eONFECriONERIS, A Sedaky. TrL Lager Bacrfraai aSDCLOCS, itt aaaaaBfcaBBaaaatlrBw . " aajBBwatai VaTBaaav tap aaBBBBBBawaaah m " a,aaBwa t savawK.T Wm aaaBBBBaLr j- mmmf WwmwWkMM aBp.SaV h jelfa mmMWsmnj je-aaaaau BaaTTwwfoy ... yy ale MjapTrOamZaWrat 'aVaVtBaawaaL ' Jk aUaa9Satwa7 JL. jaaew.aaaKrQcala a larya aaaajabr' TfcaWally mmJkjSSmivS - -t WTUE NEW YORK LEDGER. sg .. , . t a M-aj i i i. i ! . j- i van !. ( Mann i l ill ti iiJMfc T Jl jp lm H ; j rar aaa eiw years this Own Lite rary Paper has beea a welcosse Titor afttwrireaUe; aad is all that period aot ee aeateace, line of word, has ap Pwt4 ia iis takaa to which wrioos & 1 Hem roan be foaad. Ofauni mmij high ami toae, it taculcates a sate for readiagjaad iuyoaazread amataiu'vtfy leara ro abhor nee. aad f ta sera all that is beaodfal aadrue. Filad eaah weak with the choktotPo taat. Stories, Sketches, News Iteaw, , k b acre to become indispeaible taararyfsaidy in whkh it finds its waa; Mr. Boaner proaawes to make it hatter thaa ever for 1875, aad what he aioaiises he more tfeaa fulfills. For ptwajea copy addres; Robert Bonaer Ne York. GODEY'a LADY'S BOOK. We feel that we would be doing oar lbta aa injustice did we aot call tbaimtt'Atioa to this utriasieally good Magiiae, aad eharauag Chroaio, The Bea, which is giyeo to each yearly wJoaribar. Bead the Prospectus, and ifyai have never seen a copy of the MaaVwe, aaad 25 eeats to L. A. GO DisTr'Biladelpaia, Pa , for a coney. J.WILLCOX, j NOTARY PUBlLIC. CsateyaBcing and all other Notarial Basnets will receive nroruDt attentioa. positions promptly and torrnf . ly fcken. Address, KED CLOCD. 5EBRASITA. sic for Schools. W trt partimlar attcatioa to tie telect icxtf 3fa?icforebool jmrpow. Tacbn farcfiBc tu with their orders need oaljstat waafdasofmasietHer desire. aa we de sire, aaa we will raaraatM to auk l&ca a fatkftttorr aeiaetioa. GET THE BEST. Tm Baft XEW School Stasia Book : Fairy Echoes Price, 60 The Best Standard .School Soar Book: The Song Echo Prie, 75 Tie Ben Piano In tract or: Peter'e Electic Price, 3 23 The Beet Red Orpan Instructor : Kinkel'e New MethodPrke, 2 50 The Best Itutrmctor for the Voice : Lolden'i School for the Voice Price, 3 50 The Beat Guitar Instructor : Worrall's Gaitar Price. 1 50 The Beat Collect ion for Male Voices : 5aR-erfe: Price.l 50 The Be Collection for ATixt-1 Voices : Ne Plas Dtra lee Eok.Price 1 50 The Best Collection for Cksirch A Home: The Cluster -.Price. 1 50 The Beet infractor for Aconiion : 'SeJrick's Complete Method-Price 1 50 The Ben Instructor for Concertina: bedrwick's Complete Method -Price 1 50 Fidkked and maiUd, post-paid, by J. I.. FETER8. E99S20ASWA7.X.Y niLLMAGit'S IT PAPER. i CHRISTIAN AT WORK. -THE BEST BELIGIOUS PAPEE" " ACfcaicerf- 0 BEATTrPUL PREMIUM3. Aa Illuminated Portfolio of Twelve Cams by Headache!, each SjxlOl in., cf the superb Chroino, "The Twins" 2x23 inM after Laodeer. Price $3.25 ticluding postage. No extras of any kiad. Without premium $3.00 a year. AGENTS WANTED. Liberal coin aiiisions aad ezclasive territo Irs. Saaples and circulars free. Send Potal Card at once to HORATIO C. KJXG, PUJisher. 17-td Box 5105, New York. THE COPPER STRIP, JUN IOR FEED CUTTER For cutting HAY, STRAW, or CORN FOD DER. Bailable to mix with Chopped Wheat, Oats, Rye, or Barley. This Method of Chopped Eeed is the Cheapest aad Best Feed for HORSES, MILK-COWS, CALVES Tbir Feed Cutter is V SELF-FEEDING, last a Life Tine will be on exhibition at. Red It by the First of Jaauary, aad m, ,s aold oa time to suit tha luaea wiflt. ?ONSIBLE PARTIES. aareabo, the Friend aaav m-m aa D W W ST MMMMMdMU AND BROADS SEEDER. via aw ar aaaraaf ', .VERS, iCbod, Neb. m'UOMYi JUSTICE Oirrnc 3a?CE, voTiir ruL3 ajd hai1 O.W. Cwtla. SsUoPaUi. Hk Vw iBk .liters mj.MM.awnmw D. 8. H WBBBBBM.kaSLJ SSawaTa A. - liaiir '' aaiaWBaaaB). saaa. laTaaaBI aai lie paper, aaarjaaa, AaWafJe aaal CVtalav avVauOrSa wTeaaaaBflwaT rwit aaaaa. aaw.. arknaT' aaw.aaaawaaraaaj-aaaiaaaaw JMa.criM.i aiaJaaZi O. K. Fanilttire Starve, SIS CLOUS YZ3. Smith A Calvert Wholesale mnd Retmil Dealers in Furniture. MoImm rrM I m. avwa , fa laaits. aaitl Undertaker G4. WARE X003CS. 0PPO5ITS THI COUET UOUSS. " aTOauha aad Liacolo prices duplicated. Special terms to those wishing large bills aad the trade. J.Q.P0ITEE. I.fuauiE. Red Cloud Mills! We are prepared to do cus- tone work Floor peed and Crn Meal for Sale. TSZ HI8EZST XA1ZZ? TilZZ PAID SrCAS2-F03W3SAT. sT Satisfaction gusranteed in qnality of flour sold, and custom WOBK. Farmers ihould be particular to secure the best of iced wheat. Potter &, Firsby- The WEEKLY ENQUIRER. Paper fer the ?ph, a Frlesi cf lis 7aratr aai Z&dnstnal Cliant, A BEAUTIFUL KEW CHROXO "PERRY'S VICTORY!" Olvea to Every SS Bakwriar. This pictare reprrMnts Coat. Olirer II. Perry ia the aet of pawine from one ihip to another in a null open boat, dnrin the Beat of the battle, cxpoeed to the fire of the eaemj. ItlfcasirailS by 22 1-2 ii Is artuticaliy finished in tbirtaea colon and if andoabtealo toe aoft deniable chroma ev er onercl premium. Sinte copiet cf ft Mil at 13 CO.- w e have at a areat outlay e-cure-J the exclasire control aad sale of it, and therefore are csahlad to pretest it to ear pa-'roa as abora. The hNQUIREK still ttaadj pre-eainent asarst-da Newspaper. Iu rarieoj de partajenu allotted tj Zditanals, Saasreos, Agrinltiral, tMirj, Ccrrarpaiinit, TalefraiUe, 9tie??l Xm All me erideaceof the care aai paia take? to sapply iU reader with afJtltnev arl and a variety of readinc thav cannot fail to interejt each acd erery mesi'jer of the house hold. Saberihh throafh ot aceat or wad direct taaa. Wedeaireaa aceat at arery Poft OiBce. aad where aoae are yet appointed, let oae of earmcada apply for the agency. ADDSEfS, FARAN 4 ScLEANa Pub's, CisdassiL Usli. THE SUN. DAILY A2B WEEKLT FOR 23T3. .The appraeea of the Freaideatal election fires BBBsaal isaportaaee to tha erect aad '.relopsaeata of Vfis. We ahall erdeavsr to describe the fallr. faithfally aad fearlefi-r. TfiK WKKLY EUX kaa aw attaiat a nrealatioa wfeT?TTCTeaty taoaaaad eapte. 1 IU raadersara leaa4 ta erery Mate aad Ter Iriten.aadhwvaalitTix well kaewa tr th I paMk. Wo ball sot emly eadearor to teep aad add te k Tariety asd power. TIE WfiEKLT SCX will eoatiaae U ha aawaraawwaper. AH tie aawtaTth aay wiH faaaa ia k, ocad eased, whee aa iaiXTa4. at CaH Icacth wha af awaeeat. aad always, wetraet, treated a a dear, ia tereisc and iattractira ausaer. Itkoaraimtomakethe WiKKLT SUS the beatfafciJy aewrpayer ia the worrd. It will befalot eatertaiaiac aa4 appro prive raadiacof Tery ort.htwfll ynaoUuac to eStad tha a at terapaloai aad delicate tatcc It will always eeataia the soft Bter- estiaa Keri aad roauscea of tha tor. tart- felbr e4ej4 al levbly priad. Ihe Aarkwttaral Depameeat uaprmi- seat atara ia tha WtiaCLT SU5. ad ita artisJe- will always ha feawd free aadaie fial ta thw turner. The awatber of afta iadeea4ect ia fi- tie a iar-eaiirg. aad tha VKSKLT U5 m thm paper atperiaHy. It helosjo ia xe party-, aad ahayi ae dJctaeioa. eestesdiac r pradpSe. aad lr tha ateec&a i tha - asaa. It cxpojaa tae eerrsptioa thjudie naccataeeaaatrjrawd thresteas the oyer tarow af rceahCaaa avtkstisai. It ia M taarof kaaraa. aaa aaaka a Urea xrs Tie hwew'or rn-rr E&i . tie faa iaawararecalariy reported ia to flaatri dfayrf-a,&feirPr. aAy-szeedaaaaa. A tkk bartly War the eaaaaaT af aaaar aad przataaar ? areaaC aalaaaanaaaaraiMcactor '- Traiatwa. ITsdartha aew Wut aaace cacsat k i i" """ . i. . -f --- i ! ia MTiat rar -.ania-twBtrwi aaa ewwti aaa aaJea.ira xata afc- jal TREES, TH E UrierstffMtJ win 15, 1875, at CLOVER TON, .Webster County Nb v ALliKtNi)5 OP. FRUIT AND FOREST v TREES la QoaatiUes io Suit Parchaacra, Which haj9 ail at And take Pay in Breaking, Stirr;ns, ot VtV Call on or Address, M. EVERY LADY rETERSOWS THE CHEAPEST and Postage Prepaid on Thi rpnUr Monthly Mcaine 01 VE5 THE WORLD. Kor l?7X it will he rretly IMtJES Fourt Colored Frshl be riva for onir than Magazine of the clan of . tterwnV Thrilling Tales and ciren.1 Jane GAuua. Marietta liollf aad Dauy - MAMMOTH C0L0HED een ;-Pleii'irt t l'Utr Twelve UolorJ rtcrlin rtiem. twtl Jtawfciol? .a. Nine Hundrrl v,ood CuU.Tweati Juot rce- if l. AH hw wr TUG DOLLARS rear. ttjUi rri-i br tUerMwaer. oraWlir le .. ... r f.. rnBiuaeilnjrwfteTe. All trjt ni'romir mtrar8 etjpior"! w m orvstav'i tt,t "Prter-oo " In LSTi. in addition to the umiliaantity of bt trle. FIVE ORlUf.S'AI, COPYKlfiHT XOVKLETTES will b ciretuby Mtr. Ann S. etefhtns. Frank U UcsedUi Aheid of aU other. Thtt Piti are n-rare'l oa.tecl TWICE TIIK tfSlTAL SIZE. an onesoualled for bei" . They will t apertly colored. Also, Household aail othr re ceipts in hor ererythui iateretimr to Udtee. f f U B : oupcru rrcmium cnyrstviuyi To ererrrerwaaeUiocaD either of thefouowiozelabs hr IT will be MntfTaM.amiir of oar new antMlendM rnriotintfor fraaityt. (fiie 21 inche by 3CJ. "'htuava rtK3 Interrtew with fli VVifp." Thi L a rtvz tMUia LMir,ff. and tho WWt lirihw premium ever offercl. For laroclubj, will beea brf-sw. aa extra eoim.m thf Ja- an wm uv rxu iu avjumuoe :-o-: TERXS,.(Aiayia AdTaaerr $2.00 A YEA POSTAflB PREPAID 2COPIKforS1 3COHIK5 USi 6 COPIES 3104W 9C PIES" IU.OQ 12 COPIES fU.W Postage Pre-Palloa A-ldrefj. DoetTaKli CU ARLE3 ' Specbaer lest sraai if writtea for. 0. L. BATHES & GO. MALERS IN- SHELF and HEAVY HARDOTARU, Charter Oak and ALL THE VARIETIES OF HEATING AND PARLOR STOftffa A good aseortrceat of NAILS. RAKES, BOLTS. CORN PLANTERS SHOVELS, SPADES. FORKS. r CARPENTERS' AND MASONS' TOOLS. PAINTS. OI fJ. COOPER AND NEWTON WAGONS, GIAJ?. TINWAR& GRAND DF7TOUP. PfWSt DAVENPORT PLOWaV witn w ooo or iron Baras. Aai Everythiag needed by the Faraer jaVFiae Table aad Pocket Catkry. O. L. BATTLES k COu Oaide JUek, m m BT A. B. HA.YJVER. At the B9aM BaS, JbxD Cloud. JfirSharinf. Shaaiaoeiaw aaef Uajr- .., .. . CstUac ia the aixbeat ftTW OC the Art. i--a EUREKA! Ta aaaamcaad haajait seatpleiad ai N1VW BUIIrDIXG, AaJfaralaakwihkaFaH Saaafy af DET GOODS, Rocngcs. HATS. BOOTS. SHOES, FANCT JfOTlOMS ETC. - M J5 lavmraataaLtWlR. L TalATTOfr TREES! Iwvt rtti.y tV Whrtry, A Iks Risf fence ii ) . WILSON, Cf-ovinToyr niitees ?aics ronaei iv SHOULD TAKE IT- .Tf.lG.lZI.Yll. BEST In the WORLD all Subscription-. MORE FOR THE MON'EV TKAX ASY ISt int.rove1. It wTl ciiotaia ON'K TllOUriASfS" Iu Novelettes Are Tke Best . . ataor. FASHION PLATES. - X y g Br THE PtTnLIbHCHS hi Chib. with aopyof J faperb ieAUa'v mtaTi hju w f .smion v irtiBtcrrjew witn ui n iw, ivantar-mi t r.s,, 'rvtace Fre-P&ld Ob tho dab. w.H bth atJtsTi A ebpy ol lb Xfi line and Biezoiint. Vn:itofoa i'ltif i,-iusitxv trrt miS! Wirx." to the ptms cettiac ap the CIa. - , ., u ,m , J. PETEI SON. . 300 Chcfcti Sl PLiladelahiarPa -. ' elifMe Httm. wuir wcoa aaa iraa or Mechanic awfhM 4 Dfafji Wk4ta aWaaWatftaa at aaa ;m wnaBftvifw jb? , a aaaaa rULLSlTFFLr SaaMata ggtA"ii""il ft m w44aa IWmUk -.-- f. a FSw ariUa et af awaaaJMwftfaarac. 'v . -' v -'. " - a'' - '' aift M JaMaOlrii SM - aa s jhMMM - J " aaw 'i ' ; rattawaa? ' aT -i ffe aaaaay4iaaavaaaaiiaj." v r , .-, -1T ' btbbm . aaaBBBBaax aaBBaaaaBaFawaaai - T r : V- - . -. . 4 ."-: - - ml M fcib . :Baaai ' -Ml 1-1 1 j 4t -- .! .i-V'i mr sa Vii.-1 -- ? X iP-aavfsl rM jBBl JkW- fltaal vaaaw lac W IV mi - aWaal Hit k 4.BBBK - 1 ImWmm. 4paaW1'aBBBa-a KPUaaaH VaaBBBBBBBi t aaBBBBBBBBB aaaaaPwaaaT aaBaaaaar' - 4aaaaL aBaTi BbBbBBbBB ...- -5aawT- ml aaaaaeaapaf, 2m" i- wwBawwBBraBF 4 BBk - r? -a'Wtaif w3t i-lr- Ml . -. -r.i x:: v-- -. .- 2? i aat ,-fi -- " i-tft :fc32 H La." 4. . -I" ,S-tf.!t hzmmZ-: " " . C . r.. -. n. ' : iSaWv''3? J .- -, ifaa Jiviei ... j aMMgHL-K.igeEea tw. . V" .V.A.- 4. t