-& 5' jZl",jy ..s-. - "''- -tfLTr&.isJSrZ -. &3W f 'fc1 ! st 8s- ?V "v-yii: 'TtJ If: t vj 4 X-, f5 PliilLj. ,V ss srass - "!.. "S' -s. 1 - J'-i !. - - J .V ' 1 "ain ) i mi i. . . , Qy-st5 - " l.tfflV-?-' - V- i3L &i Vf- ' U i I P I. IJMI ilMi'jli1, . iLI) . ise-; . 4 "V-. a Si5-;P55f.jt'' s-, j, a?&&4m .. ' -i -sarr 3 l HiS&S&ftriSfcJ i t-1 , - - 'g!- i aaaaaaaaacSI 1 4v $ IP' U i r' $ABa V t .H r ; H m. itHJf -t fH " i i VL 3 j iw i u in tr hi .THE RED &0U0 CHIEF - VTBMMran WUUT AT . Red CIbdJ, Nebraska. C. L. Maixk A M. a Warnee, . IDItORS aaJ PROPRIETORS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys at Law. J. KALEY, ATTOBNEY AT LAW, KOTAITPTOUCAITDWAL X8TAI2 AGINT, tod C7oi, JVeoraafox. j'y Superintendent of luUic 1h- ttntction. 1 ' iZFi " ' The Red (3otjd 1 ' "". . yr?- saefcssfciawBjBaiaJwsa' Chief. laaaaaaaam- i : -asKUlkf 3H VOL. II. RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. IjiTEDNESDAT, JAN. 27, 1875. NO- 25- A. M. BOWEN. PROCTOR HOUSE, O. D. PROCTOR, -. PtoPEiirom, niioyiBiAsxi. Tfe TrmTIiB PabHo Will Sndtku DeMlt M fint elut is erer retptcU ?r&"1e raM tely BlTier, Of NEW GOODS ! J. G. POTTER '4 TI4ts Ceaaasin.' AVTSM fr ". J03T SILtriX. OKVTLS- M." I . . .. -iJ . 1L. n..Lft. AL..A b I. VALLEY HOUSE I J lwWi lRIS ",Bin0DIi ""nn ino tnuhc wi " jh pened ap a new and complete Stock of DRY GOODS & GROCERIES, Rod Cloud. Nebraska. JOS. C. WARNER, - - Proprietor .9 6, AB. LAIRD. B WEW A LAIRD, k awmt-Law AMD IEAL ESTATE AGENTS. r JfeY practice in all the Courtt of the State. JUNIATA - 272SBASEA , Thia lloUl Is entirely aew, htTlftc'txra bailtthe prtttntttuom, Mikitt4 Hp.with recant to - s,uooaroaT aits coirTsinsucs. BOARD BY THE DAY & WEEK At reasonable rate. 4 larie and cominodiont 6T0NE STA Bl.K has juit been added to the premiacs. Cetb, Marquett & Moore, LAWYERS. . COLN, NEBRASKA. Oaijprnt will be in attpodnnce at ech tenaBjftbo District Court of the several ccuatici in the Republican Valley. 2 1 t. R. WILLCOX. J. 8. GIL1IAM, Wnicox A Oilham ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Will Practico in all the Courts of the State. MkF$ollection Promptly Attended to OFFICE IN POST OFFICE ftof Clonal. Neb. 'City Meat Market, ! MARK H. WARNER. J Hat jafifc opened a Meat JIarkct on f.rcbstcr Stroct, next door south of Park's Shor Sfbop where he will keep and sell fresh meats of all kinds. niGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR BEEF CATTLE, HOGS, AND HIDES. Red Cloud. - - - - Neb. -7? '- It. RICHARDSON, J. A. TULI.EV.S Jichardjon & Tulleys, imSSTATSA COL'CnN! AGISTS WillWv and tell Real Ertite on Caraniis iiba, ij trxc tor non-fw Merits. Bpeoi.il attcutinn sivon to collection. Cor reii?nJneo solicited. AH letters of inquiry, r on livincK3 prouptly answered. HEDCLUUD, NEB. D.H. Freeman, BILLIARD PARLOR, T. R. LEE, Hastings, - - - Nebraska. This etablihinent hag just been fittc.l up in Kood stvle. and is juttthe place to enjoy a paine of Hillir.rdsi. 1 he best supplies atthe bar. 49Gm ConJt'Mtina t part of CALICOES, DARK, LIGHT k PINK, CHAMBRES, DELAINES, LAWNS, DRESS TRIMMINGS & LININGS, CORSETS k SKIRTS, VAILS k GLOVES, BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS TABLE LINENS. & TOWELING, PANTS, OVERALLS & SHIRTING, BOOTS A SHOES, SATS A CAPS, COFFEE, SUGARS k TEAS of all Kinds, Canned Fruits, Oysters and Crackers, Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, FLOUR. MEAL & BACON- And everything usually kept in a First Class Dry Goods & Grocery Store. -T. G- Potter. Red Cloud, Nebraska. IH aia Ura kU face to the wall Xe little children fatberles... 4a4 eriiom ceaUatW wire. Lctkla Urn bis face to the wall. Cat loth 'shaming tear.?: eevated the Wood -drop, l-'er tie detoUuad yean; irtkacala ef b!ati hemert-. - ' JaiU wheat felds bUckeaed in x dearth; ' Kwrder and faaiina. sflH let looee.Bpoa artb. AJJye earret of ar-time Oiyboth side poured likecaia. Cete4 cf ail . aeration, ,wWaVJ .swt 4s4eiaw"ss - Aad these, whom he redeemed as trasses Br the xower in myriads stiown. Why, every one was a human lifo, A life as food cs his own 1 Or. T. B. WILLIAMS, Family Physician, Tender his services to the public and will attend to all Professional calls. OSee at the Red Cloud Drug Store. LUMBER LUMBER W. L. VAHALSTYFJE CLOUD, --- jyEBUO.SMt DEALER IN Sk!fMVXTHT"W3 1Mb A a"jli"y !- CTJB.VO-WJE4 ifjliaVCStiyV H C. WEBER, Would announec to tho ieoplo of Red Cloud and vicinity that he is prepared to do all kinds of .Mason work on rhort notice and J rt-iunnnble terms. All orders may bo left at tlii? oflirooral his rcnidcncc four inilc north easJ ot Itcd Cloud, Sc:. 3). towa "J, rango 10 est. J17MAU, KEB. Boys and sails Western Securiticai Bonds a Sccialty. I WouIdrMl'ecfo,,ynfo"nheLadicsofKed m" f r$ooi -jLxilffluamsvcs. Jns.. -. paop&rcwm. nCft-r FRANKLIN, NEB. C"&& Accommodation, Livery end Feed Stalls. M tlmm Clssdit Bouse. jf - - PINE LUMBER, LATH, SHINCELS Doors, Blinds, Sash Mouldings Lime- Tarred Paper, Etc- And every Article usually kept in a First Class Lumber Yard. I GUARANTEE TO DUPLICATE ANY BILL THAT CAN BE G07 AT JUNIATA OR HASTINGS, i Let him wish that th&xncd life ended. That death had covered defeut ; Bat tnose lives cry out for vcnpiince From (ana aad Tillage and street. Hear it, victor and ranquuhed 1 Hear it, o'er sea and land. Ye neighbor-realms whom it reaches Asa murmur faint und bland. For ifye are deaf, God listens; Aad ifye are blind, lie sees, Aad mocks at your diplomatics. Your child's play .of war and peace. There is an Eternal Justice Although it may tarry long; Though .the weak may appear down trampled. Arji the right seem with the strong. But ye who in eamp or council Go sowing war's bloody seed False patriotism, sham glory. Ambition and lustful greed; Who stand by watching and item not Tb.it fierce flowing cricson tide; Knowthere is a God that avengstb. As well as a. Chrut that died. Hrnka and Mr. Carrablen. Mr. Car- rabies, by the way, waanot!tbere that morning ; to BaeItoa(told Mr. GlUttr Mr. Carrablea foreman, instead, who, in a becomingly eyrupalbiiiaf lone, wished kiza eveceas. The evening came, the pi net, and baog about the. pa?5tgcj oi the vast building matil deepest twilight, and.'until Baselton was pretty nearly tired of beio on his feet "Now," nid the Sergeant, uncon sciously dropping his voice as hepoke "we wiJ! taka np our quarters. If we cn jjlygct there unperceived, I havt arranged what I think you will find a pretty good corner." "All right." returned the exhibitor, in the same guarded tone ; and they 4T4eBoie!es3!3on, awtn& oiclor twice a constable; but the presence of the Sergeant of course prevented any 1 1..-- Misti IS A. Munnell, Cloud and ricinitr that sho is pre- parcuto execute orders (or Iiori:, MILLIHBRY, Red Cloud, Nebraska. jAILSN TBZ3. Proprietor. 4v . CMstvll with tli : 2 - HVHEt This hfliel hasboen refitted and refurnished throtiithoW. Commercial Men. Knilroad Men ndall parties viiting Ked C'oud. will find SkKpIe accoaimodatloas at this Hotel. CL LOYERTON, NEBRASKA. V Dress-Making AND 'LAIN SEWING of all Kinds. On band and for sale a fine assortment of iACES, VEILS, KID GLOVES. LADIES HATS, Ac, Hiss S. A. MUNSELL, In MoKitt'c Building.l WILLSOS,. ,Mpropnetor. GooA Stables, Good Beds, and&mara Meals, at RcaeoMble Kates. hrhe Patronage of the Travelling Pub lic, Respectfully ao'taiea. y OAvmhlican V IftNE. SJAGE jtegkr tript Will be .made betwe vUPIiA a RED CLOUD, ta-3 "u ki4sed tny paeacrs rSZC aWs awtii-, mrmztM & ED CLOUD t - - V. i I NEB. Lati m E cities! r. . JflInttre9 Cashier 1st Nat Bank, Claricda Iowa. BANKER. VSTISGS, - - - NEBRASKA. NEW HARDWARE STORE j MITCHELL &(M0IAET 4 Have opened a new store and have just received a full and complete stock of HARDWAftE, Cutlery, Carpenter and FARMING TOQLS, COAL and WOOD STOVES. We have also a Tin Shop connected with our Store-ware. We manufacture Tin, Copper & Sheet Iron Ware. Our Stock is LARGE and .well assorted, and we will deal as low as any house west of Lincoln. A, 6r e i V, - $ A LIVING STATUE. In the height of tho Exhibition sea son of 1862 there was a great deal of unplcasantne.-s, mystery and suspicion generated in the Industrial Palace by a constant succession of petty rob beries, which took placo nearly every night at the best stalls. Articles of valuo were stolen from drawers and boxes; money left by stall-keepers often went, unless very eecurely stow ed away; .but the depredators did not venture;oa,.tian Srjy huJky articles, or on breaking open any rccoptaclo which would requre great force. They knew their risks, that was evident ; aud that the thefts were committed by some person or persons connected with the Exhibition was also beyond a doubt Watches had been set. trans had been laid over and over again, but all in vain. When too much had been done in the way of planting watchmen no robberies took place at all; and when articles had been pirpose'y left, apparently forgotten, but in reality fixed by the minutest wires to bells which sounded at the slightest touch, they were left untouched. The thief, if only one, always 6toIe, too, from places in the shade, bo that be could command a view of the more open spaces, while he himself was unseen. One morning, as the sergeant of po lice was going lus early round before the building was opened for the day, became upon an exhibitor and his staff of assistants, who were grouped round a box which was open before them, and at which they were looking with apparent interest. "Good morning, Mr. Baselton," eaid the officer; "a very fine day wo are likely to have." "Fine day, sir I And a very fine night we have had too, I' suppose," que&tionimj. Some large boxes left. apparently by accident, at the undo of a Rtall, were in reality eo placed that they formed an almost perfect ecreen, and, without any reason to suppose that they had been noticed, they slip ped in, and sat down. Presently the moon rosi ; and ns it climbed higher, aud its liht grew stronger, the building becamo visible .1 a A . tt. t inrougnoui wan a ngnt wmcii was most unearthly aud ghostly iu its char acter. This impressed itself very much upon Baselton. "I had no idea, Sergeant," be whispered to tho offi cer, "that the placo waa such a ttrange, ccmeteryfch sort of a spot n it is. I must own I should not liko to be on duty here all niht. However, I have brought sotne little refresh menu with mc, fo let us make out- comfortable. In silenct they ate and drank; and in silence, save for the chiming of the clock, or the occasional trcd of a policeman, the hours cropt rata on. lno policeman passed within a couple of yards of the watchers repeat edly, but whether they knew of their presence or not, Baselton could not judge. The length and weariness of the hours grew at last intolerable to him, and seeing that the Sergeant wu as cool and wide-awake a9 when they first entered their lair, he whispered : "I feel terribly drowsy, Sergant; I always do about this linio. Five minutes nap will make me as fresh as a daisy. Rouso mc up, if, you hear anything before that time." His companion smiled, and in th-j paine subdued tone, gave tho promise. Nothing did happcu requiiing Mr. Basclton's presence either before or after the expiration of fivo minutes, although the officer stealthily looked out a hundred times during the niht. At last the darkness thinned away, and then, after a bhort gray twilight, dawn come ; and the Sergeant shook Baselton by the shoulder. "Yes, yes ; I'm ready," etammercd the thief works in, aad can pretty well guexs in what quarter he will next try. I believe I can catch him." "You I" exclaimed Ba?e!too, with an emphasis which was anything but complimentary to tho officer. "I can. You have a good deal of in fluence with tho authorities, and if you will ask, I Miall be taken off regu lar duty, and detailed for special cr vice; and I can then catch him," "Well, tell me your plans," ud Baelton, "and in return, I will tell you this: You know there aro X5t) offered on the quiet for tho apprchen son of the thief. Find him, aud ! LwiU make itIXIGO. dXhc constable ui.!Ja14Jowrrinif His voice, spoke to t!w exhibitor in wht-per. When ho had finUhrd, Ha. c! ton fhi ped his hand on tin counter with a force th.it jarred exory article around, and exclaimed ; "You ate riht. Are you ou duty?" "No, sir," taid the mati. "Then,youha!lbe." Tho application for tho constable's change of duty w.n doubtless made, for he disappeared from lih accustom ed patrol. During the next day or two, Basel ton boime Icquaciou on tlm FttVject, ami in conversation with .Mr. GKer, who took a very kindly interest in the matter, owned that he had clunked his opinion about the matter of the tobbcric. He w.i- convinced, hu nad. that if tho thitf came by night, ho would have been caught long before, but that every body wa3 on the wrous hcnt, and that the thefts were really committed in the bu-tle of di?ng for tho evening, and then, not being found out till the mornine, it "was naturally supposed that the thief came in the night. Mr. (llis-er wa much struck by this view, which ho com mended highly, and urged increased vigilance about the time spoken ot. While this was going on, there had been no fresh depredations from the counters, and Countable Lowc!ifif had been absent from duty, although no one seemed tcJtave noticed it. When the visitors departed at the cloj-e of day, all the interior of tho building becamo depressing enough, a the light faded away, und there were no places more cpcclral in their aspects thau those wt-ro cluakr.il iaot clowly tho white ,tatue, which were crinkl ed about. Nymphs, Vcnuiei, Bac 1 o lso and A polios, Grecian hunters, eriptural and mythological figeros, all looked equally ghostly in their dim d hh own. There for a while, not very hne enough to axsure hTsa&lf that m trol was cowing that way ; th nsac, ami to a few tep wa at tb warwt couster, and had triei key in the lock ; one Or two attem fall cil, but at list a door opened. ad hU hedd and houklrs wera k to tiicht,' he reappeared with a wnall box, which be placed on the ground before him, aad then tried one or two keys. Again the lock yielded, the fld wai;ihiowV bock, attd a few articles wera rapidly transferred to the aau pocket. Sutnc object, however, :ntd un known to hiui, aud ho kckl it ui agjiiut the dim light, cndcavofigto make out what it wa. To hU hrrcr, unc of the statues sptaoi; from its pe destal to word bun. It m itittnta neou, but thu Iksh tru enough, tho Sgure nil m white morcd, ami leapt upon him ; then with a fearful yoH, which rang ftom end to end of the building, the thief fell in a Bl upon the lloor. Alarmed by tho jcream, two or three oBiiafrs were jdiJy at the ,iot. and turniac, ou their hntonu were nearly m much astcnishril In their turn U scG,4whitCJ:heCti figure 6tanuni by The side of a man m cod- vuliion?. When thtir momentary surprise had ceaed upoii th ir diicovcrtng who the hsctvd figure was, they 'proc?ciad,to uutVtcti the prostrate mans scarf and cujlar, sprinkle J him with .water, ami lifted him from the ground, hi Mrug glcscaci!, and a few long breath rfmiouncdd that he was.ucouiwjr, to." "1 don't know him,". ald oert the constable. "I do, though " exclaimed IowclifiJL "Well !cf all the parties have supiw-'cd, I never white, when the twilight or night had the exhibitor, then opened his eye.) come from which direction me very wide indeed. Why, it's day light I I must have slept"- "Yes, of course you hae," inter fallen upon thorn. Fo, in the gray of the evening, all the ttaluary looked mystic and unearthly enough, as the stony figures looked ftom their pedM- al.-; out none looked moro repulchral than did a tall ihcett'd figure which oclpied a pcdetral slightly screwed m t could could havtt suppoftcd AiVrt. Why, it's that b!ed Gli?r from tho ttall next to oh! UjotfUoti; a fellow that loohrt as if but ter wouklu't melt in hi mouth." "Where am i? who arc you?" taid the inioorablo culprit. , 4 Oh, we're partimibr friend of your.",'' rotcrucd the officer. "But I saw I aw ono of thoic thingt move," said the man, looking timidly round with fi dreadful shudder Lowcliffhnd tripjiol offhii whiturau ment by this iiuit, and to it did not shock the wretched Glister's ayti. "We will tollyu all nbout that in the morning," slid the conttibJe. "What you have got to do is to come along with u." It wa eo ho had to "eotac along; M and directly tha exhibitors and their staff mutere(t in the building, tho in tclligenue ihw like wskvlikO that Mr, Gli er wai in cu.tody for breaking into the stalls at night. It was a shoo!: to a larg circle of his acquaintances and admirer, who could har.dy hcb'evQ it;, aud whan. on his lodgings being searched, tbtf bulk of all the articlo mifius frouj tho counters was found, the thing KCenied moro incredible still. Mr, BMe!tc.T was csjiceiilly astonwheti, becaus he visi tor migutny two or three Iarci b'i'1' - a ,uu uuguc iiavc,cccn taken in the distance, and iu no dim light, for a Jewish prieit, or a Druid, rupted tho other; "bnikt us go out . . quieuy. i uon i myr.j our men seeing or anything of the kvr.d ; hut had us, of course ; b, others need know any one come near enough to inspect nothing of our warch." it would have been seen that the, !nn -- "I thinb: the Ife your men or any body ebe knovr about the way we kept ourwatcii, thrfbetter, ' said Mr. Basel ton, as they left the counter ; In fact I shalL'regard it as a friendly thiog if ym say nothing about it." The Sergeant smiled, but kept his own ceunscl; and it may be hinted that Jaselton was very liberal fellow, althfTugh somewhat hasty. It turned ou. that no pilfering had taken placo tiat night; cor did any occur for two Call and See-Before Purchasinjj Elsewhere. Opposite the Lumber Yard. U Red Coud, Iffebraskmi ' :cbange bought and sold on all t of the United States and Europe. COO Coamty Warrants, NTY AND SCHOOL BONDS Bought and Sold retorted the exhibitor, in a tone far Lor three nights after, a fact wh:ch 3Ir. teaa pleasant than that m which hs Glisser attributed to the influence af oeen addressed. "Mere's a pre$$- Mr. Baseltoa'a vigibnce. He took afKr I Seven pounds worth of Sctf.'ch great interest in the exhibitor's Dlan. 41 "J nCi " Reference by iVmtWow. B. F.f Allkk. Prcsideat Cook Co. Katiomal BaBtJ Chieaco. N. Br! Mqesb. Presideat First Xatioaal Baak. aarial -ia. Itiwa. Jcjhm tuEsaaif, Casaler Pacific National" Baak Coaaeu BlaSt. Iowa. C.CQ xcruTSJu Ooreraor Stata of Towa. Cliisqnjua. Clerk baponor Coart, Jowa- 6-Csa THE CHCACO LUMBER YARD ! AT HASTINGS, j NEB Keeps constantly on hand the largest stock oT DryKaeXumbor ii the West. Also SIiI9rJaS9 MOtTIiBErGS, IIMB.I r. Wodacfij viar 'If I wTOIEWlCK V. ANKERS, and dxalirs nr SAL STATE. aawaUkiadiof ' " BUILDIUG MATE1U1 Omr stack U we8 selected aad pachased direct freat tk rafts, a4wilW wJd a lo w a tae lowea. - A . OLIVER pebbles set in silver brooches. ear. nags, and so forth. the whole ftTthem clean gone." The Sergeant, with expressions of regret, said he would secthe officer wlw had beea a dutv. Af R4enimn ... m w i itvu Ipronesaea to navo lost All confidence i the police, and aWted that if he were to watch, the 0iief would cer taia be dscorero the very first aigac xwisnyonwottJd try, then," said the-Sergeaot; "J would obtain per- axssion (owakfb with yon; and if you can tnrrvs giwiy sapfport yon. AItharjght when he made this last aseeriiOB, Mr. BasItna rro.,i.Tw othiag at all, yet, after a little taJt wita tha osfieer. tW ?;. .rff.1 the thief, ad hia Ulkf Ja-lia owa pnoc aatttacat , were strf wwacT taaaake awai voksteer to watch; aad it wa amaVrlkat the Serfeaatasswsld etoig and paid hfm aeveral ccinplimeats, wnicatne latter rehired with but indiffereat grsee, having reasons, that the other knew not of, fur thinking but modestly of this same vigilance. One morning a little while after the fruitless watch Mr. Baselton was in n very bad temper, for he hid sustained a tresn-ioss a pillar eome short distant from hi counter, tlMmghtfuIIy bitting the 76 nffT2 tvvm1 e- -1 y ::nr -zrz.r'r o iu uiiu. a juoseu round sound and saw a DolieG robe was of lineOi not alone, and that the face was kss that of an ancient hero than r. modern one. And what was rather strange, this particular pcdesral was empty all day, and ouly occupied at night. Standing at this particular spot, any erne could ice iu cy.-ry direction for a J considerable dUance, and there was scarcely arty hidiug-n.'aca near, tuc Uruul qji his pedestal had no doubt reckoned on these facts having grca w-:gntwith the marauder. Several nights had gone by, and no discovery made, and yet Ned Loweliffe crcpr lently to his selected station, rS ,,-. . .iu as suming his disguise as tbt 1 a statue, patiently watohtAI, ,1 t thedatlneas; so prf tJ"ah r. .1 ' .yTt that do v.uo uuk viusu tar' C could have iots; from the Itwi his bail made quito a confidenof tho young man, and had theu&rlificalioD of remembering how liMiimnelf had revealed to ?Ir. fuiier tho varioua' plans for deieojg tho thief; and that.ifithiot been for Ixiwcliffj inittr ysrthe ruso of attributing the J pilfcK to the afternoon instead of thciiight, he prbably would have put the young: man on hi guard against the tchemc which had proved success ful. Ho recovered hh waleh and other articled, paid his hundred pomu' chafi fully, and gained a reputation with ths "force" for theyextrema riadina3 with which he cl hi nanie dwn to their subicnptgrt fur dt-erv' iug objects. iMr. ujtss2rr proved h ' bail ca?e, and h; was-,t tc MghtSr t-orne years afrr the datcr t -wh:KticV" of J Sd2. A 'w-yari-cTa 3tcr7. ThotreaaofrOTQjo ftUit of.Mw Grsca K.Kr.imnlllcr of Newark azaint 1 LCharIv w n .t.a .....a.,i I .;' I.. ... ,.mi,f.iirtii. m j the New Jersey Supreaw Court, wu concluded on the loth iat. Both litigants arc well known iu Newark so ciety. Wvx Phnjmer demanded 2;,fcf aad te-tiSed that tha ciJip aov- ed a period of j& y-r and four 'akjfcaw. gp 'i1 moafhs. srflnstmQ Mr. Coopfoa had givcrfjcr a diamond riBg. writ tea lontielters. kised hsr at eerv uim , , . , ma, nuzzca uer go we rarivr sota.. v m --- a bj r w . 1 a ythmg firfadj, 1 will Tbom he very atach di&iJed for his standiagei33e byjtim. ifo ugh to touch him gincd tint he differed -gies around. yet comparatively early in I , imuuu ihs vu ,,- . ,. j I ig uugsca ueraa iae raiur sou, ort aistanca from h'.'s. , . " " . --"" f,l hr mi .a iatlip" uereana mere to aaake everything .7,7 ", " w 1 1 1 VICJIU,, U. MIM, lOtT, M1CU uvr tw be his wift, sad the iwd coaseated. Her testiaiefiy W4i eaialy corrobera- at the ch'fTe, fiwliag hiasself a iiufe crumped from staa img so loag is ooe poitien. 1 prepared to ssakc ooe of the gasrded 1 Iiil,j VtA jr - . ., A X.JU9 - , V "" j jusccu iu uiuutgt; ia aur-f icg the evesing; bat jat as he eoa- xaeceed carduity to draw oae kg be m.. t.Ji rs - jc ?ii WCT03, aad turaed hind the other, i stopped, roBedki, iuui tue susa, Mi tbe latter was to to boated. sot "I aai afraid yo have iad a Joas, ey amid the au., "aa Jwpa k is netverj eenoaa; bt at aay rate I sioald like a word or two with yon." "WL. r-ri -r. h m - ja arw sat.a- sssr r srmnad- cfMia.A. -ll. . M .."I. . 4MKHOI. lit TrJ'."? WVD. TtJeetajoJdwatck.aad wu viraeuy, tor a waa utposawte f atwWtiaae f ike tight tha eyes eagerly roaad, and thea retMiaed so aaotioakss he scarce- br&itld Withttep alatott meittAus bat wA quite ao for sek a feteaers ewn a was gikkdroad the aagie f a eooa ter dose by, aad Maediag .dee by (ed by Mr?, lmaier, 3ii? Grsee'a mother, aad Chizic Vrnvtmr, fcr brolher, aad Mr?. Eiaily Ifimamer, the krsthers wife. Jlr. Copfoa id ia fatim that ii.sHwrrgajUKi mlm irnemw? 1. teter, adt a awsetbirt. Tn. tJyioft, aad U UzuA aecaaOfe ardent tJua torn I S99mg kd$a. He &JaItij to fm Strict ailtaee afaaewjeaaed e ekhtr P tfc Swrwaat Mr. Baadioi prattj ulbi mnt- LfaLJ it.n. i I -.-.mm !! .aotHit jc to a seIdWtaaakovjMcffilJ kaew af ythiag f k, awleat ataae af yowr krery fore' fcjiT." ' "Tea are te scree, Mr. Baeehoa," tae atswr, aaaiawr k uml- Lowchie, paused; ssepptd, locked rooad the Ior ia evety aixrztteHibem. sat. apoa aaf adjaeeat edssstal, ad 1 IeaaiBjr agaiawttke kg ef a Hagealea, &tesed. Ifth proeeas ofprspiratiaa we at wkaty aSeat aa, Lowakie. beads caisae paa kit JaveiUad ae ke f- f did mt.k aS othahk eaekat raid that kri kdytMcaberaf! He daed'kai to beaasMt fc ia Hay &rj -- , aMi si k,. , , aaaaa - V 1 imHiteiN: u r-i bJHflPnp V( 1 Wi Eii II a CT7,eejiaaw l - v 3 f? ft 1 i na llASTTNGS, ... NEB. rk maac ks wuMaa A a,irirr I at Ike ,--- -? J, ww aar, i jwrc aad TK. anas n -J An'tlkB r u,r . t e(MI w- . - - ."J w . -J WI - Vr w? vj t, wT-: " . i.-wi'kai srMarrfsV-a Ihssr-sraat- awBBsaBaaarra awapanaaaa- naanpsasl I'M ,a$3rwac . x -ssBte; W -Sr -. ' - I . , . y,,v-ofeia3ti -n . jst -- - . it 1 i JrSSS?:- -' .- S3! ,! r- a &, ?t" ? i ' . . . MT f w- a :?AfSg W. i. v .. - Av Me . i. - -. .: iT'-t - x lT0tfflg.?? -" -J J. . w-J-- -tJ $;' ZS3SSSiAf - Z . ,-f Ei SS& ,..-?l rSES ? ".-k. $Siz . - tv- r. iirZi J- e '--.' ", i-i -. " (FfSJS rnnrri Hastta Ntsmka. as kfaneliieii t fa bIm tav twmm m J -i.T w-il - ,