' z& - rf K-e fe. fr -jr i: . k& f : tVJy i'i' ""-, " -V 21? ' --. . T. ;i 1- 1 c"V" N ITBEiiEO CLOUD CHIEF. JWEi KESPAY JAN. 13, 1875. RBTZ33S? wwwa Vw C0S!i33?0:;32lT52. Lincoln, Jan. Oth 1875. The Legislature convened on Thurs day at 2 o'clock nad each house im mediately proceeded to organization, which was speedily effected. The Senate was called to order by Mr. Chapman of Casa Co., and D. H Wheeler was nominated and elected as temporary Secretary. Hon. N. K. Grigg?, of Beatrice, and representing the Twelfth District, wca elected President of the Senate, by unanimous vote. The following named officers were elected : Secretary. P. H. Wheeler, of Cass County. Affcislant Secretary, C. L. Mather, of Wcbiter Co. Scrgant-at-Arai3, L. A. Stebbins, of Pawnee Co. Door Keeper, C. E. Hine, of York County. Engrossing Clerk, Geo. F. Work, of Adams Co. Enrolling Clerk, J. W. Conger, of Otoe Co. Chaplain, Rev. Clias. McElvy, of Cass Co. The President appointed Mr. Ilarlan of Republican City, postmaster of the Senate. The House of Representatives elec ted A. G. Hastings of Lancaster Co., temporary Speaker. After tho preliminaries, Edwin S. Towlc, of Kichnrddon couuty was elect cd Speaker by uuanituous vote of the Hous'j. The officers of the nou80, arc : Chief Clerk, Geo. L. Brown, of Put tier Co. Assistant Clerk, J. F. Zcdiker, of Franklin county. Sergeant-at-Arms, John W. Man uii, of Pawnee county. Assistant Ssrgcant-at-Arm9, E. G. Huff, of Thayer county. Enrolling Clerk, Miss Sarah Funkc, of Lancaster county. Engrossing Clerk, S. P. Jonos, of county. Chaplain. Rev. Geo. Alexander, of Lancaster couuty. Fridfcy nftaraton, a joint convention was held, to receive tho Governor's Mcgsngc, which is tho longest doou went we ever saw, so far as wo can remember, comment upon which we will uiako in another plac?. The Governor read his Message in clear, di&tinct tone, which was lUtoned to, with close attention, but few siens of weariness being perceptible. Tho day was fearfully cold, for which reas on but fow persons appeared in the galleries. To-day both houses adjourned, the Senate until Monday afternoon, and the House, until Tues day morning. We have had fevcral very pleasant interviews with the in-coming Gover nor, and wc predict a very successful adninij-tratiou on his part. Master Seward, is attending closely to his studies, and wo understand leads his classes in nearly if not all the branches he is pursuiniug. Last Friday was ouo of the coldest dayti we ever saw. Tho thermometer ranged from 23 to 30 deg. bulow aero, which to say the least is "some cold." Wc rather liked this, for our State has set out to beat tho world ou every point and if we have got to havo a "spoil of weather" let it Lo worthy of the State. THE SENATORIAL question, is, of conrae, tho great theme. of talk atftS'&Ktinti&D, and ir would bo" a wicc man indeed, who could predict with any certainty who will ba tho winning man. Of ouo thing wo aro certain, tho list of aspirants contains the names of soino of the best men of the Stato, fand.it is certain that, if taken from that list, the next Senator will be a worthy representative of the State. Wc" shall endeavor to keep tfce readers of Tue Cm ep informed upon all legislative matters which havo any bearing upon their general or local interest. Lamar. The Governor s Message is by far too long for publication in this paper. It had beca cur intention to give a general synopsis of its leading features, bat. Sad that to be impracticable. J4 is a well written document, and in the main practical, and full of conmon B&OS9. Atrdrrwj k rswived. It was writteu by TW typbofrapktcil erk is a very THO GUIS3 I0C2. Guide Rock, Jan. 1st 1875. 4 Wo had the pleasure" of listening to a lecture from our County Superinten dent, last Tue.-day evuninr. Hi? sub ject house of the they had been repaid for attending, The subject was handled in a manner that it would be impossible to czcel ! He folly convinced hid hearer?, tbit their lives must be a scene of constant conflict. But his assurance did not discourage them, for he ako convinced them that only passing through euch a conflict, can euccees in life be attain ed. Tho lecture musr prove particu larly beneficial to the younger portion of hi3 hearers, which consisted prin cipally of thoic attending school. And now, let me eay a few words to the scholars. You aro all awaro that tho lecture was delivered for your particular benefit, not for u?, who have grown old in tho "conflict." Remember you aro preparing for tho conflict, and your succsa will corre spond with the amount of energy you exhibit in tho preparation. Your preparation is going on in the school room this winter. If you encounter obstacles without fear, and remove them with a firm hand, your success is certain. The obstacles which I speak of arc found in the various studies you aro pursuing. You all know you take a delight in nolving problems, which at first appear so very difficult. And you must own, that the more difficult the problem, the greater the triumph. If once j'ou rcmovo an obstruction from your path, you will not be troubl ed by another of equal proportions. You must endeavor to command the respect of your follow students. The sure way to do this, is to riumph over difficulties. Thorc is a prizo in the dim future for every ono of you. You are all striving for it, I cm sure. You have just commenced traveling toward it. Obstacles are in your path. Do not flinch iu tho "conflict." Faco these obstacles with a brave heart. En counter them. Demolish them, and remember every time you are success ful, you are gaining now strength. Tho next barrier, will bo passed with greater case. Your success com mences now. Your pathway may be strewed with victories. Victories such as these. Tho respect of those around you, becauso you havo the courago to faco difficulties. Praise becauso you have been successful. Honors because you deserve them. Try and accomplish something during life, that will bo remembered long after you have passed from tho stage of action. You must all die sooner or later. Would it afford you any pleas ure if you could only know, that you would bo remembered after death ? You may bo forgotten. Forgotten. Ponder upon Ibo word for a moment You do not liko to think of it. It is a harsh word. It is a cold word. It is an icy word. You cannot bear the thought that soon all memory will pass away. You would like to be remembered. Remembered. There is consolation in the very word. Your departure from this world will be made pangless ! if you havo the assurance, that you will bo remembered. You can gain this assurance. Perform somo deed worthy of remembrance, and the world will not forget you. Yoa arc now preparing for the performance of this deed. Improve every moment, or your life will be only too short foi its acooinplLshiuonU --- ScnoLARS Friend. ?BCC32DISGS0? aSSfcOUSCT C522- January 4th 1S75. Met pursuant lo adjournment. Full Board present Minutes of hst meetings, read and approved. School Tax of Wm. G. Love, ordered stricken from Tax List The following official Bonds were approved : Peter McNitt Justice of the Peace Red Cloud Precinct, L D Thoaas As sessor Batin V Wm Leetsch ' Oak Creak G P Cather " Harmony "AM Clark Con stable Oat Creek predact, Andrew Kinoaid Road Supervisor Road Dk't No. 11. The following accosat aadited and allowed J A Talleys, salary $100 S W Printing Co Stationery $15,35 H S Ka&y, rent &c $53 Tho Treasurer is hereby ordered to receive 'from D S Gray, Trustee far J N Converse k Cix .$l.50a00 in fcUfor all taxcin interests aud penalties ee the folbwiug described landst, for the I jtpms 1873 k IST4, and receipt in fuK , -.t,. . ... . . tor was "Conflict." The Echool , 2D-1-1 1, all of 1-2-3-4 & 7-1-12, E was crowded, and at tho close M"J- " i'J-i-J-, anoni-i-i lecture, all were nikfied that -" - ';'; te aae. ProTidg MaufJu "Zlu ury within ninety days from date, and providing further that not more than 1,200.00 shall be paid hi warrants on the different funds: W 22J-1-9, w a 13-J-n. Si i-i-i-u. E j 17-i-u, E 1 20-1-11, E 3 2C-1-U, w i 24-1- 1, w I 23-1-11. E J 2G-I-11, N E i I ? - w - w 32-2-9, N 1 3-1-2-9, W J 10-2-11, N E 14-2-11, N W 14-2-11, I . all of 22-2-11, W 26-2-11, ail of 24 -2-11, NJ4SW 32-2-11, N I 34-2-12. The Board thea adjourned sine die FRANK MATIESON, J. A. Tulllts, Chairman. Clerk. Jan. 5th 1875. A regular pession of tho Doard of County Commissioners convened Jaa. 5th 1S75 at 10 o'clock a. in. Full Board present. Minutc3 of last met ting read and approved. Frank Mat tcion qualified for tho office of County Commirsoncr for ensuing three years. Clerk instructed to procure a book for Treasurer to keep account with Road Districts. Curtb Real appointed Road Supervisor for Road Dis't. No. 7. L. N. Edson having failed to qualify. Official Bond of Curtis Real approved aud ho was duly qualified. The following accounts audited and allowed : A M Hardy, Comr's fees, $17,00 Frank Mattison, " " $21,60 Geo W Ball, " " $14.00 E U Jones per cent on collections $202.94. The property of Uriah Beal, consis ting of wagon, mule team and harness was ordered placed on tho Tax List for 1874, at a valuation ol 175.00. The order of December 8th 187-1, calling an election to vote bonds to purchase seed was rescinded by a un animous vote. F Houchin Road Supervifor R. D. No. 9, authorized to get enough old bridge lumber to build bridge across a ravino in said Dis't. J L Miller, employed to put shut ters to windows of Court House, and fix the the door securely for the sum of $20.00 in county warrants. Treasurer authorized to pay redemp tion and interest to date on tax certifi cates on W. I Sac. lT all of Sco's 2 3 & 4 & E Sec. 5T. 1. Range 12. Board then adjourned untill Monday January 18th 1875, at 10 o'clock a. m. A. M. HARDY, J. A. Tulleys, Chairman. Clerk. STATU NEWS. Thermometer 6 dcgree3bclow zero Jan, 4th at Grand Island. "Siah" BloSjzctt was roccnlly killed on tho B & M Road, being a brakesman on said road. Only 47 marriage licenses were is sued iu Grand Island the past year against 143 in 1873. but tho Times thinks there will be at least 200 in 1875. Tho Cedar County Advocate has changed hands. In tho Omaha Republican of Jan. C. .Mrs. Moblcy of tho Grand Ldaud Inde pendant vindicates herself, and says the next "tool" will "meet the samaif not a worao fato" than Wiley. Tho Omaha Rep.t favors the re union of Douglas and Sarpy counties. Quite a shooting affair took place in Grand Island on Monday Jan 4th. Several shots wcro fired said to be aimed at.Juo. Kraft by B. L. Easloy, late editor of "Orchard and Vine yard." Easlcy was bound over in the sum of $ 1 000. Xi , is reported that tho Lowell Register is to bo resumed by F. M. Comstocfc and that ho is to receive a bonus of 1,000. The last is rather doubtfull. R'd Cloud Chief. The RED CLOUD CHIEF hr.dotttitcr; v;c doubt not, but what ho would doubt, that he did'nt koow any thine about it, if he was asked the question, lie states in his lucid ray that, "it is reported &c." If he was in our office for a fow moments wc could soon convince him If ho knows how to work that 'reported is no name for it, aud the resuscitation of the Register was an acomplished fact We think any way wa dont doubt iithat a coltpla oFbour3 resuscita tion would make of Mather, a Lather. We are indebted to Mrs. A"bbot for presenting; us with a fine lot of nice and delicate cake. We person ally, made a feast of the dainties, therefore thesa thauks. P. S. Send some more, Loxcdl Register. We hope Bro. Comstock will gzt a square meal toon or he will not feel like going into the "resuscitating' business as he offers to do. We'll come when we have time. TALLMAGl THE CHRISTIAN AT WORK. "the best religious pater" A Choice of TWO BEATTIFDL PREMIU&3. An mumiaatod Portfolio of Twelve Gems by Rendscbel, each SJeIO it?., or the superb Chrcmo, 'Tns Twiss" 22x2$ in., after Lander. Price $3.25 including potate. No extra.1 of any kind. Without premium $3.00 a year. AGEST3 WANTED. Xien2 eeauaiircM ad czclmsr territo TT. SwBtrles ax nrsstsxi fr- Sc&d Pctial te tmrl AfmTi-i iruro n t NEW LIVERY Arp , RED CLOUD, A. S. EefT Has opened a first claw Livery Stable at Red Cloud, where at all times can be found tho finest ' SINGLE AND DOUBLE RIGS To bo -found inthe .West, -- Orders mag be left at the Billiard Bali: GEORGE ZEISS, DZALER9 15 Wines & liquors CIGARS, Chevvlun, Smoking, Tobacco, CANNED FRUITS OF ALL KINDS, AND CONFEC riONERIS, A Specialty. Frosh LagcrBecrfrom " Antelope " Brewery, constantly on hand. RED CLOUD, NEB. 13tf HARNESS SHOP Vu Isiidlo-c? Is now prepared to do all kinds of work .in tueJ Mamess ine. The best of materials used, and all WOrk WARRANTED. Done on short notice and at reasonable Prices. Shop in McNitt's Store. Red Cloud IVebrasKa. ARCBIBALA K. KISSKAK, 1T07AB7 PITSLIC, ESAL E2TA7S. A2S177, A27D A7CIIC1TS33. All baine;a strictly attended to aad all correspon Jcnco rromptly aarwered. Epecia attention circnto payment of taxae. Collec- i.ioni antl Ileal Hetate Practiae. illVJiKTOX. DENVER HOUSE Billiard Hall.' D. W. DALTQ?J, - - - Prep. HASTINGS, NEBRASKA, This hall h u lately been fiUed np with U blc3 of the beat inanafsctarc. Choice Wines.Liaaors and Cif ar at the bar JACOB KGHZi, Careerist Strett art Hastiap Avcia Hastings, Kebraska. Keeps on band at all thaw the tott Liqnor?. V. ineanI Ber. Everjlhinjof taebttaalUy UiemaTke aSbnb. Bi9-aa V I C K'S FOB 3S75. PcDLisnKD Quarxeelt. Jinasry Number jot icd. ac retains oer J00 Page?, 500 Egravirjjp, descrip tions of more thaa 500 of our -best RoTreand Vegetables, with direc tions few Caltare, Colored Plate, etc The most useful xrA cWgat wnH: rS tie kind ia tbe wodi Oilj 25 ceBts I a&d Gcrsia. Aediw. JAMES TICK. FIIE 1 l5Tsr53grKi k fc. km a ix -wr tv - - -, w j -- - THREE ED1TI0K3. i Weekly, Semi-Weekly, and ' Daily. KtaliH.hr4 le than ibrcaynr? oj?9 n a IUjrer UKtrc KojjaWien I'ajKrr. r4cxtl f la.vjt'fcin n't4'hdtb-iri,iaji r-nitix-ttin r.f tljr NuleniU Kipnih'-'ii Par ty. Uj?lN'TKIt-K,;.X'srcr.r:.v !ij.lw.iv the furc'i'-m uf j"-.mItJi at aicHiturnl n f ur vrt usprrIDttJ r thr history tf i-h cnterprtK. . Ky uauernal aicut it hi U.en ai.-igr.c-J ioditioa &j "" ( The Leading Republican Paper3 It, the NOltlii V EST- t Nutnlnnc on It io5ilir.i! chnractcrdocth'! rXTKtt-OCt.A.t' n-t its rbiia for pojmlr furor. It ota Rt the hixhot cxrriWae in all Jts department". aol in tL't era of ir Kniiir? jf.-irnuti.-rn a pi re to a pu$iiiou itmontr tlif hcl. Tac lXf Llt-OCEAN cakei especial clairas FAMILY NEWSPAPElt Tti co!nrais r.rc carcfalljr ?narld affsict oljcrtinat!tt matter. ani everv I'ff-ir: J mitkc to rsdr UU Hi'aataitJ pruElaLlc eorpacy ioa to the home fireside 1? eontlapt'"t wi'h rrot crrc. cnl ercrfbitxr rHiS:i-i4l"u? t i aii'.Pi'.i- M UVhT I-',-1'iiftis ft hu4 ,luF .i..u;Rs aal V,V I XIX JMKh' of the i'yrthwcat csa ltt-LY Ths Anricultura! Departm't I? carefully edited by gentlemen of ability and I'jciicrieaco. In Lkexture. Lc:d aai GDasral ITors, Fcrciga tzi Ccncstis Corrcs pcudcnso Aud everything that coca to make A First-CLtss Newspaper It is not excelled by any jmM'ention in the Country. Tho lNTKlt-UC&AJi "u u NATIONAL NEWSPAPER, One that will be found useful end interesting to Aincric.un in every purt tho x'c. Whiio it tfxitciily rrprocnt. !bn Jri.i-.AT IXTIUtKSJa OF TJ1K :-i(KTl VWf.il is National in its vietvsnn icninpreheovive in in its i)ev.s.K3theriii;. F:nu in iLs toiitieal liiith. it i.- not hi trl. nud in alt tiscu-5iuJ aims to be cmdiJ, digniticd, aud above per tonal abuc. The INTEH-OCEAN has lhelarfcjtnR?ro aaio ciroubition of any nuwpapor P'iMifhed in the lo'orthwfst. It i-t rent to mote than 0000 I'oKoQiccf. distributed in crery isiutv mid Territory in tho Uuitcd Stales, in all the Lritbih l'roviaxt-i. T2E1I3 0? SU3SCSIPK01T: DAILY. By mail (payable iu advance) per year, $12 00 do !o do 3 mouths, " 00 Sunday ddition per year (extra) . ii W SEUI-WKEKLV. By mail, per year (in advance) - - - 3 00 do club of four do - - 11 00 do cubof iix do ... V, (Q do clnboftcn do - - - 123 lO Onorcopy vrith every club often. WEEKLY. By mail per year (in advance) - - - 1 50 Club of Tour do - - - - f. (X) Hub of ten do - - - - 12 (X) Club of twei.ty do .... it) 00 oneje copy with every club of twenty. " PfC 5T AfJST -. The new postage. TWO i tnti- . Un tnkw cnot ba lft day of January. A. D. 137.'. l:nder Una law tho iioctaw' on ncwsimt'tis wul bo pd AT THE Ol-' HCM WllKIlK TlthY AHl! MAI LEI. Tb' wilt make it necM'ary fur all yitbtcriben? r asttiU rendinz uj !uUirip titi!! to send the m mey TO i'AY l'fT AUK l.V AIDIWN 'i T1E sUli-CKli'-TIO.N PIUOI;. Tho folio wins aro tho rates to ! imidundT ihs nirw la'T: WKKIvLY INTMt OCLVvN 15 cents a year SKMMtfiEKLY do 13) do DAILY do SO do-. Special arransortK'nt1? made with country publishers for clubbinc with their puMica tions. Sa'iiulo cripitK trvj. Mcucy can ba f ent by draft. ni-Miey onler, express, or rvjrij tercd lctr, at our rtelt. dirc. IKTES-OCEAW, 119 Lake St. Chicago tfED CLOUD RllLLS. NATIVE LUMBER Constantly on hand. All kinds of DIMENSION LU3IBF.K, SHEETING. FENCINO. AND BRIDGE PLANK. All Eold Clieapfor Cash. Call and examine lumber and prices. m . iv.u -r hLsio'j u'i tiv ah a'tos -rc3 'apffty erg i3r tjjj pcrs r?iroia auui itn: -qi arr.vni J3.3 rrsrj jctjoCuoj tapviwci; jrota srri svzwa ryc3.ia tsnrtoaiu rwtsotixinilJr TMr.13 asstl jo m am Xq axn :os r c ai - sqi ;o :no itinra pev da lap jfr i:n &:c 'inarea jo stura jaidnxa jo np;g S5i;ostmvi jnrs uoscn nKSSinJfl -uo;cca sjns !i Tf?dTsXi2 -w'a aios rwiJ-Pis -HHaia-soixi ioctv?o -snog piiia w:doi7,i 'xioii; -ttijziQTtf T3r-!ra liss iin3XeIi3 ta "IIS . Taxrssi sswjta ct pet jBrc2:o rtra?A Ftre Jin qiiosori,as3 -niJoc!j!2oonSMrp5uaJS3icraJiS'cd e Xzfzxz jo iuan at;i stasio4 -3ibsx pooai ir eji:j m -prfra ro tispis 'mr loEI vfi jo ?wsj(i xxu janarauiisi pax csingpxrmn 3TSJ w3 -W.io ;! i t.oocjcaoA ;o aacp ac? iZa?s jo pstntm 'tfQioSasax BJ ffutitMe3t . a jarf 3JJI qr'Q ?50 -5il3JCtrJOirflt3 5 ani 3J- s(niX wcrtsS iiino pospas s stajo KOpKsmTcaf -ywn art J ontiriny j k;s:xv wna "JjrMx 'n 1 a?:i pa pyj j -jK je ?J a? ?soi t IfJiWB WPI mtUhU P . ,df S mnrmm l?SKafi'lgMisa Ml lb H s wv i ?$ aj5 tst 2JKWDRUGAXD GROCEIIY STORK Df I&va oad, lob. Wo wjyh to inferra the citizons of Red Cloud that we hero a uait -toe ofxtoda which .ve oifcr at G ranger ioncci ft' Consisting of DRUGS, PUfiTS, w i ' GlLl3, VABSISHE8 ' BRUSHES AMD FANCY GOODS. Abo a choice lot of TEAS5 and T0BACC0ES, PURE WIHES and LIGUGR3, CSpccial altention given to Dk Iienbiiig of Mudioiuea and Pruiortp- ious. We Defy ompclilion in Quality and in Price. R52SrSSuS!S. J O i'3 f'J -" . IB JACOB SON'S SX3 3 FEED, .EaS, AND LIVERY ST A BEE Jamina,- Adam Co. Icb Watchmaker & Jewei!ar, r3Pa rticular attention ivea to Ra pairins Fins V'atcbfci uad SaliffaclioH Guarantied. HOMSGPATHIC PHYSf CiftH U. S. PENSION SURGEON. OScc 3d dcor Sea of Court Uotfee. H T .jf ?fc3 Qmgmb Hnra fe & Wt TheTJ!;rt! I Zrmlm4Um fjiidNr tv rrtrrAao res tt bait. Itst j i $ite tfi 3iifeimt mmm miil MM K I MMNtf NB.flM Tja &im if it. y WU fcw. 4 WjJ W -. i.. i rtr- w, m efmi .--- muh iw m Hk 4 Tt rt4-!w TnmW- "T" i"' ' rrF wn.f Umt. U wm W f tk ht .iMr 1 ItSS! Qf BlflMC&UKVOBt. P.t WmttMruHWiiifiir LimHasv WMLllA . IMsiae aMk'Ud , H.T .It fttl tkk wgoar osff ajto iu,s. il Wf njvwi lwVl! pare rtker4,f tt- 3w v. 4 vli:. i. tW urtft t Il4stkrtSn w. Wl J8avJ fcr':i k. ( .; a W K.rr- UsjgneatiT ilr, a l . ?Aa, r-t- ! j tBVeMM9f tv rl. Tfct ' . c'lJwSattnkMLtt ' -?:" ' rv ;. II ia intiri L4'nkJHteMt' t i''X - at 4ti(!Tn3MMHdNMMtMtt Ik Uj vi Sfefi- Wl'rfi.al. nrJ'.:. rt. r s' im I l?bcr. a vtd4. r;i taiiw . - 4rft. ct'tv lt uia? ardor, wr .-ti 4.m;4 lt!ir. iI hk . All l(t wm?4 a ,Jl.f IA ri 1 1 r ;o FOirr 4Sd mai. un atand w !wwniata. o4 f-. at) 9tVlta ( . etfjp. nlil ba lakaat i MnitWwM wwaiw.iootkitu, the kimm cowAanrs Hew JPaIScaiiits. the auhsej Tan vt JouSAuor Tht rrtanM r!iww',. !! an'y wirff tar i W!boa'. i I id .! , -J . t . te ! Uoal li" -.jr'. I .-u! ' i.c- l."fs. i. aj-tb In ct;. 5 i k- .-. A fe let i-t -I k'ki. i r jii if . ' . . j.fU! I.,piJjr;fv r,!i,n iisl w.-rn .- jr te.i. r And UowW-at r tnla n-. m.!V b- urwt ie the n rt-- irtiwi aa4 fcw U- M t'Mi'S fet - l4KnMtH(n aa apiitU). Tarw r, II. Iff u4 IT a awr Sutton's Ta bo aowaletvi ! 4 part, i l i aicutty. Ktw.a pari ttUI mtaln a cr rawHr fav. ffcr. i rijsi.xiiy pr. cJ MB tnai faf fiatf ; Londvn An JoanuU HEPRODUCING at a ! vHMe AjpnKr rth..trT mm c -cr Krara acrad ai Ua tbaa irre tiasw taeaatoi'at- TbV3tmii aaltMia Jaii T5 Lc:rDox as? ;:2ii Eaa jrl ftt waHi 9 aTar. Ia ptAte Mfr. A iHfli lU' p-. rt ajy ittn:tnfj io t&ml f W. W.U u fftv-a ith tlM iral prtj aa4 lb nr't.u'w 4 p ntira wwra wilt fca antfias 9tpnmmimn rfia"Tb AI lPr.rJ,vkki t tew af MMMtala aauuilM aa-t Talaafei At a Cai of 23 eftttt ai frt. Part 1. 1 II lit Aaa J car Paatssan. Tsie Aim JoieAi Ceatpfote ia 12 awotbry aarta. aft lla- prodijlr t baa fla)i pura fel?tr' -" ffbra U urtit vIwimm af lik juatiax. Xaeh wwataJy yart wtg aaatla !jr 'wifay,f js f btwf. rt-ilr i-5a ta 3--4 l(t4 .rr at pinlit la zpA r4 &. V rica pr --1- ! l a i veitjt Im4 , la a ureiwaly ntaat tiaat. a ial-w puftatiri. &HS 7BCX TSJ AiGEBr nar.ari f r. Jfernp nfHUmmmt A IaraM-awaf ilaiataa, af HwH Sv o4 !. crr rertta? J am? t ba-a iet np tftwa a Vsiv r?S -. 4rr,nrf.rl aft tna ta'4a4 i tawta taata 9Miar la a? try awm TtrS. 1. W wiW acravtns . t aaw if '. st wtii ? ' !WhMHM HJWmi -xjarfwiar v '' vw LAK. A Iitewl JRaa to 04V waw tlcHij. Se9P jBooIss, T9U9 WSPX9 pfaww wiili i-'wltay, $ i a tio chMrur E Cjt na-MM&S t:i bawaaaa x prar nrwtM fc tw lwl r (wapi.la ft aw taat tewMrf c a MMfcM It Mauaatft a 1 tawMwf um a tear, aid )(af. Wp - - - va ia m krfe ). nt& !v,. .... .. m. iW."-""1 - - - - WlWW(.KIA, " Law r r4r fc t- iaw). -- a I firaa iy aty aa. aaaVaww. mi a9l M i.niai f TH3 A!iB ?CS.?i25t5 rM: - TTh .; ftl.OXSi a a ,- 4 wbi43P t4 a' . Ti " I aw a?A & ' f ' ' - J ctar t aMa H1 " ua v tsa i iwrnr aarf way '- 4-.-- ;.-,.: i ,ww il ft -aia t41.ltr w-- rw i !v . as-! - -' -f-t -fifcSMr fct. ii aUwa ; i wiwWf. - .. f ' ' " " "" a. PrjbKll a-. J V S5awv fey. yrwTt:. t? iV s'iEV."l-"5 Swikfa.wmt4(.fMK'iMl fc -. prJr. a2TTASfflaa wanted. 7& i2 59S5AST, . . . -. - i CrAMJi5.i-dEU, GMFE1T1S & BS21SE8 yM ? aw?' t! r, ' Ar ." j-j - iiiim .-;-, & A . .4 ..:i - . A- att WjWfT jr w 4 , MMSrnawaWa two. -I Hill I U T I ill I a tSftE Wl.&sMfeeM.Zsrhfc pitfT x&GizzL '- " Sssrss. A IcjtrUTt7a wi Crr.-;'.w jj ka&sisrx Aii ZJii mm MBtr. TmmAxr Jvvai Or A; Cllitjr. y,' - rC 0t" n w$r JRWk " Hf ntTwi wT it iri&MiUt i gnM Mtfrx. m '& )mm afcM-l I &... n.m- i rr tjl itjz;: mwwu t wttti tawVH - I t SwWftit : -i-;t prBir w?rutakMi f ?h ,' MM t nxMiH wa nt rt "-u . awMhl Iwua-tJU 1LUI J. TiKAlAOnCvaOa IimwI '- .'! I'ntflfllB". M WM l WV t-.- r xf . ' w kwmifl' -' , wss Vt, Mb3 -iir-ti! ''- ..;??( -?n f iHAr. It. - ' afLr':UrUt i 1 X -4 ftk bvai jps' s ri i"a-5j3'! rfa Wfc2fSK',S-t'5 s :.. & In jr'tW-f. tt ' iu mm MI ftawaawc m u ?W a wwt JNta wT TH ' Brent a tokttt & a atM" ' -. fnftig Aawstoft ,3aKtfeijV ,.uai s. It , la ivt. wj a?vl. U an "i. Tttt At.;t -X a4. d( x fe. v fat r Aw fjIrv & 1 1 ifar:tiaiwl ta aato -Hi fat ,f lviMriar A' ': , i i.inmx9iM -- r - r .ramw ., f tfrVljayWtoUatfc ay ft twtatlar t. Yt l?-iiaf Hal mj. ael a,W., . ,-.-. . a Mr' fcaa tfra at wtfri TJw -' iw-'"''J ci ' i ?- f t.'rib t--A'jistl wW?-i-' '. Iaie.tftta iU ib v .1 vr i , t r- I M Ptr'jstfcx is-;. MjfcW.Jjtf f-wr 1- Wtt4RdK"- Ia-U . o U t wIwhm pc'wr- U a ii r t t jura-ttsmtriif t Mra - ttotaMwr4 f.aUUt : k animator l.'-iVlrr--f t V ft 7&I tt 4 it ifjii ! t- .im ftjpt ii S! . aft It! Alaaai.l. j ' Am nraiw aferal a 4 aaa U fMurafWWiHum. BWm H ayawja afy U v- .&iMUtts4 tlt tl AldIMJAra 0ni l Taar'a-aMrtS-rt '! af I T A5 WaaV8a. bfcb. -- rf3JMwjaJKiil t .-. R mi HtcaHMl4.WHiba w'N ' r t m ara m, aw j-a rt' -II a-' : twMaa anywafT' AT,- ' t an lalTaaa'laaw iai -it r w' ' , a, ra a- n ' twidi - p lr T ALCCT3 a tar, ln C-;;; i- ; i 4tfafc wjMli)ti c ?' fTUat Ai.r J HJ aT.-T-USir. taaaatW.a- mhr.'.r '- jwa' J' a. TSr aflVMfJ or 'aJb as-. r t r- r 4. gMt T f 4 iff !- j l';;."'-? fclH "; ' la1 " wa r . ib & t'- aHUk- , . r l!r! tSft " - ' ttm wV--' ' - ' 1 ., r '' v- - -' .'1, a S to ' SBALDlfcfJKe(p J. IDLjcarcr rp2$f tr a r .- - fc . --; 2d T ':-.: t:'. ; N t II- t tu ! in -1 tisis. fc'',?- p K-J ? )SlwHSiHaKWwaBttdBlawK wiifc mm r m3mmmmmmmKmKmmiaWlmrf vsiikTSii ; v r WH4MPiU .r" mmmmBmmmmicvm-. - -CiVff!S A CAM t t $&- r, a. i.i s .?- -' "'-d4 ' V .- r? . "- h m ?. StJOSSa! s " . - . iCitc:rlv sSssafe i?- t -- 5w"fc- SwSaawawe5a- ?ii w:AVitAJiv -- .jfej.V: .. lU,mJn&aXlU paidkM tkeTreaf - - ..WWWBWMWWWMWwVBwWjSSlit ' 'i