The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 16, 1874, Image 5

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1- J ST
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fe- 5.
wwpaj DE-ifi ls74-
inur x-HTs roa.
Hi tor tbo who lore mo ;
Whoc bev-fj ais kinl on ' free.
Fertile Uearru thit mil'- abore tae.
And await iny pirit tuo
yor the butuan tlr tbit in! tne.
Tar the tak. by Go 1 uttign&l me.
Jor the bright boi left behind uo.
And the rood thit I can do.
I live to h-nrn tliei'" riorj.
Vfh suffered for my fake.
To emulate their glory.
And follow ir. their wak.
Bard", poet, martyrs. (.
The noble of all .
Tl hoe de"d crown h tlory'i P"f ,
And Time' smut volume make.
I live to hold communion
With Jill thru in divine.
To k w trc in n union
Twin Nature! od and mine ,
To rrow wi-cr from conviction,
To profit L affliction.
Reap truth fnm fiVid of fiction.
Aa-i fulG! e-icb bright de ign.
I Hti to hnil tha cron
By gifted mind foretold.
TThen men h'ill live by rearon.
And not alone by gold.
"When man to man united.
And errry wrong thing rghtcd.
The whole world h ill bo lighted
An Eden wiui of old.
I lire for thoie who love roe.
For th heart that love me true.
For the llearcn tbt ntnilcf above me.
And await my spirit, too.
For the right that 'ackr iiitance.
For th wring that need resistance.
For th" future 'n thf li.tnnce.
And the gon'd that I can do.
It wa a cool? bracing day in aut
umn. A travell t in a jjrny overcoat
mid u black felt hat was walking ahum
with a full, free -tride, as if" he had
noine important hu-ines and felt lik
attending to it. A heavy growth of
pine timber lined the roujjh road on
both .Mile. It was a period of tiin
when Michigan could b&nt of but few
towns or villages, and these lay widely
apart, peptirated by den-c fnre.-t-,
with here and there a Miiooth pbice
where the trees hid been cut down
and formed a clearing. Fiotu one of
then? village to the next a .serpentine
road wound thiough the den-u wood
There roads did very well when i h
traveller be.-trode a powerfu nure
footed horse, but to the experiment of
journeying over them in a carriage!
One moment -lipping to the right, u
the wheels on that Mile roll 'info a
deep gutter; now thrown uialieiouidy
to the left by the righting of the
vehicle ; again a quick succei-inn of
humps, making one feel a- if stuck by
lightning in every nerve. Under surh
circumstances traveller- quite often
ohtnw to go afoot over these rough
road 4.
It was near the middle of the day
when the man in the gray overcoat
pa-cd through a small village, tarry
ing on the out.-kirf to get him a bit
of lunch. After lm-tily eating a pot
tiou of this ho deposited the tcmaiud
cr in hi- poeket and continued on hi
way When about a half a mile out
of town, he di-envered n bill ported
up on the fence ; he hal noticed Mini-larbill-in
two or three place?, and
now, for the first time, thought of
reading it. He read :
Two day- incc a ui in entered the
village of Waverly (the one he hail
. ju-t pa-cd thniuch) anl put up at
the .Tohn-on Hou-e. He W3- very
quiet, and kept his room all day. At
night he paid his hill ami lelt. The
Mtue night some one broke into the
Ptore of tttoko. Ro & Co,
the safe of a considerable amount of
money, ami knocking down and severe
ly injuiing Mr. Uos who Meeps in
the btore, and who, on hearing a nnit
came out oriiH room to ascertain th.
cau?c. The authorities arc proseci
ting inquirie ; and. in the meantime
any information leading to the detrc
tion or a rest of the robber will be
gratefully received and hberallv re
warded. The stranger of the inn and
the burglar are doubt le-s the ninc
man. He i nearly six feet in height,
is heavily built, and wears a gray over
coat and black felt hat.
The m-in with a startled look, red
the bill over again.
"By the Eternal"!" he exclaimed
energetically, "thin looks bad. Near
ly $x feet, heavily built, gray coat
and black felt hat, I swear, I'll
an-wer that de-cription to an inch.
" What would I do if hy .-bould get
on my 1rsck? I have a large mm of
Bjoney in my jacket. If I keep the
road no "knowing when I shall be
pounced npon by a sheriff, and I
should go through the woods I might
lose nay way, and tny tinio is n.o-t
precious. I a stronger in these
itrtm ad no one would believe in mv
si. Z o u.ntter how rtoutly I
iiMDre. ao uim
Mkriw-lait. Well, thereV
tiiMBlobe condemn! by the we
circuaittantUl evidence. '.My
and felt haC What.tfcedefilMiIro
do. any ay .
rUt cle to do but b ?
lookoat both before end behind kirn.
jjMf t tRe BWlinrt"" " Zif. -
m:ttxmK2" srEi
the qn est ion under the wirccm-'faDom.
He Htili continued to glare; uneasily
I-ehind him, while an unx'ou' expree
moo kept 9it(ing acro.-s bis faae.
The short dy drew near it tilf30.
The man was fiuslicd aud wusry.
uddi tdy he paused and facd arowrid.
Some wind wai Mirrin?, but there
wa "ieh n heav f'ghiug of the tre
ntound 'tiin that it drowned out all
ntlur n-ii-e A daJiipno.1" gathered on
hi- for i end. On again, with a quivk
rmd -U'p. Trn minute- c-lapsed
whn he .'ig.iin ficd around.
An imlercribable echo died away in
the distant woods Forward again.
The swef n'tw rolled out in drop-j upon
hi- forehead. Once more that boding,
faint, ii aiing echo.
'.Merciful God ! I will be caught at
jst?" wa-the uian'-horKGed excla
mation, hurrying on at a half-run
Thoughts of his wife the faithful
eharer of bin every tuil ro-e painfully
before him. Hi- chilJren. too. Hi
stp now changed into a run.
At regular interval's that motirnflW
cry went celling through the fore-t
They had got on hi- track a W tvef
ley. It wa- u plain a$ day. He al-o
knew that in ncwhsett.Ied tcgion-
ju-tice wa- not slow retnotition lol-
lows clo-ely upmi outrage.
The boiling cry came regularly
nearer. Every mu-cle wa-traiiied to
the flight ; but. what could he do?
His pur-u-1.- dunbtle-s number a half
dozen or more.
;Tbe iiirtinet cf flight alone rcmaimd
in his honor and de-p-iir. Night wa
iiuw el -e :i' hind and he had a fni:it
hope that he.might elude them in the
datkiie-s and the wood.
Ha ! What i- that opening ahead
in the wood-? A clearing, h would
ever do to pas- that, for in -o doing
he would have fre-h pur-uer- on bi
tniil. He thought tupidly. He did
not like to take to the wood- for b" ar
.of lo-ing hi- way, but sooner or later
he uiii-t do so.
As he gamed the rise of a plight
knoll, in c'o-e proximity to the clear
ing, h" glutic-d buck over hi .-boulder.
Throtigh the fa-t gathering daik-ne-tJ
he di-.-eiied several hnr.-e men,
-purring rapidly lorwaid. In-tantly
he prang foiwaid the loud report of
.-everal guti" echoed through the
woods, and the mm fell forward.
The next in-tant, however, he gained
lii- footing and di-appeared in the
3Iy God! I am wounded!" he
cried, clapping Ws hand to hi- thigh,
from which the blood waa rttrmig
freely. "What will I do now? I can
elude tlftn to-night, but what to
morrow ? I will lie hunted down and
'.ung uii f) the fir.-t tree !'
lie lpf running forward deeper in
to h- w . '-, a.- fast as his wounded
'itnh would permit.
Hi- piPMiers d.i-he-1 into the wnod-
fter him ; but the night was faiily
ilottit in 'he wood-, and they soon lo-t
all trace of thf fugitive Wearied nut
and completely at i ln;s, they conclud
ed to go to the settler's house in the
'leanng and wait till morning, when
tliey would renew the pursuit.
W hen all -ign- of pur-uit had died
out. the wounded man cautiou-ly
vorked his way through the- woods to
the edge of the clearing. Here he
pau-ed to reconnoiter the premise.
Wh-n -afi-6-d that all the inmate-
of the settler .- cabin were nbcd, he
-tole up 'o i he lo-table, .and leading
out the only ho,-e :t cmtainel, he
iioiinteil him without ?-a Idle or bridle,
talking carefully until at a safe di
a nee, and then .-inking into a rcck!c.i
all.ip Ho iode all nivht, euteiing
rhe town of hi- (ie-tinution ju-t about
laylight. Iiumediately piocce.ling to
'i- home he put up the hor-e he ld
rid len -o reekli Iv, and then going
to the hou-e he chinged hi- coat and .
hat. In l'i) :be-e nearly fatal clothes
- a s- cun p!.ic in thu cellar.
fie exnmiii- d hi wound, which- he
found was n..'t -o bad as he had feared.
Heine a uVafi wound it wa- not .o
painlul but that h" could walk very
well an 1 vfithout limping perceptably.
He now proceeded to hi- buMne.
paitner, and con6dcd to him hi" pre
'iciment ; and after some disou ion
they both came to the e nulu-iou that
hc hd best .-end the hot.-e btek to
it- owner, with ten dollars as pay for
the involuntary theft.
The uri'i that tcolc the horse back
wa- in-tructed not to tell anything
about how it came about.
The real burgl ir in thi ct-e was
afterw.ird captured and duly punished.
The ma'i ibt nine so near losing hi
life by the eimilarity of hh dress to
thai -f 'lie burglar thought seriously
upon thi- coincidence, and was inclin
ed to condemn circuui.-tan'ial evidence
in any case ; foi had he ben captured
that night, the similarity of dress and
of-ii would have probably hanged
him in Te- than twenty-four hour.
He wa constitunonuiiy a urave
wan. but he never spoke ot his run
He wa constitutionully a brave
for life snd narrow escape from murd
er without s shudder and s fervent
feeling d"th::nkful!nes to God for his
miraculous preservation from death.
A Council Piaffe lawyer ate peanut
in Orturt an s wis fined ten dollars for
oon'e'i'i'. Ti-ejudjre reainrked that
he wa determined to aphold the
tu'.je-ty nftha law if it killed the
ratire fnut emp of the Sooth.
An elderly maidea purchased one of
the Kcvptiaa marauiiesat the Niaaia
HWlk Ma-wtm, th other day, for a
rlor ornament She mi it woald
, . k.n m man aroaaa.
TY T)LtW ;.. . ti r-..? ?-A-
Gfinger. fft coeupatKiu o-.-- "- .
fl t .P..-tn. 4r TllliL.t
untu reopftiivt '" "" ;
iogtvw wliioh uuty h- In- fa'th
fullv ivrfornipd dii-iii h- -uurnrr
and autumn, ui il a U v d.y- av .
One eveniiK- U t vr.-pk the !. -was
oh-ervi-d cut ::.g up -o it" v v
tTHnip :i. tiitf. tii'i.-h t.' b- j i -r
LI. ..r,;,iM.rra H W Ml (J IH.V.- O -
. . , i. ,
cow on
the run from one t ;e 'ni
.winging hi- hand and hu ing f n- ' nd be rUrent re u t- in uWi- ui
iwoikio in "'- f tt-e-t in ihe fineitrn. nculai- j!U fol m-
ticailv until tire 1 out. then he oud
sit un the door s'ep and wipe the per
spiration from hi- brow and re-t a few
minutes when he would up and at the
cow again. Hi neighbors thought he
wan craxr. but the nex nforning he ex
plained that hi- cow had brok-n in'o
hi meal bin and eaten a lm-li-1 or two
of meal and he wa? ex 'rei-inir her for
hes health. This x.-rci-c did not
have the de-ired effect, however, o
-o the Doctor employed mdical -k II.
They treated her to ra-t'T oil. Ep-o-n
-alt", Aver- pill, vin.-gir bitti-r, ex
tract of Jam act ging-r, ad variou
other remedies known only o iln-
vt-r-ed in Materia Medica. but !' w .-
out avail. Finilly, h. pon-ii't-d Mr .
will mail. in iii, '
Smith, landlord of the Hunt i"n ,
.. . .1 j :
Hou-e, who-e reputation in th' ti-i
ncs i excellent. Smith had bei-n
very htu'cer-ful in rai-in.' cr-. and be
and he informed the honor that he
il-edyea-t. Wi-t wa j'K tlir thing
reuuired in thi- ea-e Hi ih.-ory wa-
thit the mi'al ha 1 bee ii" a !nrl mo
in the eow-' sMnnch, anl ibe yea-i
would work it off So the Doctor,
willing to do anything to save hi' pet.
got five eollon of baker'- ycart and
fid if to that cow. If wor ed so that
it rai-cd her hide in everv direction
until it wa- a fight a- any dnrn. Tne
lat tune the pucter wa- on th -tree
he said he would have to tap the cow
in order to permit the carbonic acid
ga-H to e-cape. It is to be pre-utne I
that the operation wa prforni'-d -Ufj
ce-.-fuliy, as th' morning after horca
ca- wa dragged nut of town.
Hercaft.T, the Doctor will confine
hi attention strictly to hort;enl'ure.
ind b-y his aiisk. Aumm, ' ) ""
nil. Wa-hingtoo Trving once a"u 1-1 f
a man of superior rrnipoity ":- a
great man, and. in Id-own pfi-u-iMti,
a man of great weight. Win n h c"
to the west he think- the v;t- up up.
Han's Ua:?:fich Fricr.d.
There se'iu- om ptohibi'ity thi
Mr Charles D. Town-i u 1. th.- aiti-t
may within a few yean biouiie 'hi
Ametiran Land-eer. le-i-t in tint
depTtment of art ileding with tin
second noble-t of animal-, the dog.
Several fine example of hi- neat
nientofthi noble -object will b- in
the recollection of many of our
reader notably some of bc ptus
tires made for the The Aldine, and
at least one beat ing the reputation
of being finer than even anything
of the kind produced by the great
FWli.h nainter. It i the ht-il oW
the dog which Mr. Town-end .-eem-to
hive the exc-ptional mi-ion to
portray in that particular a-um-ing
the same po-ittuii. a- comjiarcd
with ordinary painfeis of the d g.
that i held by di-tingui-hed pnr
trait painters in contredistinction to
tho-e dealing with the lull figure oi
man. Perhaps the very 6ue-t th'ng
he ha jet done, i- shown in the
chromo, ""Man's Unselfish I'rie-i I."
forming the annual premium off.-ied
bv The Aldine, and now ju-t bemg
I upplied to th i-o entitled to it. Tie
very nobility of dog-ho.u! t- .-lio-vn
j tu gne J,cad bu-t, tho-e of
Newfoundland, with peih:ip shaue '
softening cro-ss with the great Si
Ben-inl. affording u .-n'-ject iputo a
capablo of being loved a- of loving
How grand i the whole ' ! how
more thin hum in are thu-e eye-, full
of a fixed an 1 niving attfiiti u ! lnw
perfect is the silken gloo of that muz
zle, with the clear nostril-, the tip f
the soft led tongue, and the mere hint
of the strong teeth t at tear a well
a- defend benath it ! How gracefully
tall those fine velvet ear-! how
thoughtfully corrugate the nable
brow that might oo thinking om a
problem instead of merely waiting the
welcome commands ot his ma-ter.
How tastefully, and yet how natural
ly, is the neck en circled by that
creamy curled fleece, from which tin
head ri?e a- pro idly yet uncm-eiou-y
a the daintie-t lady.- frm h r
ruff! How perfect, in .-hurt, aie ail
the details of his. admirable pictui. .
the mere pos.-e-ion i.f winch, m any
h0U--e, will he quite equal in effivt to I
a long sermon by the tim-t ? . no-n. d J
proteer, again-t cnulty .. am.. ,.-.
and much more lasting thm i.u t :
tTie expostulations ot -ir. uev
The Aldine does well lh "- "
prosperity asd the roni ot w- patrm
1d cxecutin?mi off:rin -o vseeptb"..
cxllttachrSlu to the itk (
.-.."i:C i.h7S? and a we vbare
IL Kli " . . uk-M I
alredy remarded, .Mr. Towise'n .tha j
aftiiw, in it tnakfapiJ stride toaa.d j
the head pfTiving artuts in tha ciav
of delineation.
It U atiderstood :ht the origiml of
thisfne picture will be one of the
eaaay f ae painting held for distiibu
iioa. taroaxh the a An Uuioa, to
all Mibstribew fcr The Aldiae.
. Taa eabcriptiea prita l 16.00,
whwh JadavrTat TV Aid, ww year.
0 D "j -V 3i' zi:
tttf A.'.frx: rir: A" C JOIT AAI. OF
' i- -j e i n -i
Jo- j .c ' ii -"er. f i n r
n'l - 1 n i-i wj i,1,. a it 1, h
. t- ioi '-a! Il : tJl l'h
foitra I
i i.'. i'n
i .'
. I
eh o no rcs ji:-i'o t t ! cm -r. a
d trci-t I hi .nnri i fr t vll to tSe
pull i whi'- il f vr t h k ' !
Itr UI fr i r It I' mi" ut
o:tati n ou !ticitiOa
Part I. II. HI au-1 IV ar now rea ly
Sutton s
LSISU3S-H07:. 1233::-LV.TT.
Tub- co nip fie i K) p irt. isi.el for-
vUei i inrt will (.inla'n an el K t frm i
picf. riiri'i illy iiuraveJ ou 'tie
! ',
Luii'l n Art luurnal
at p-fe with'n th i"i' r refh. 'njr-v-in-4'i-ver
Uo ore ofTitl at IcS- than fie
line-' the mo lit.
;hf-e .tjt have h en 'he ttrac. n of
T2Z znvnrj ast jcuol,
Kach pir' will cnn'H.n 2&i n In ti . in I
cl xli'ijr 'lie t-ltjra-'t liontl-in-ci- n h-i
ll)f. fPr . tj;. r fit l"ik-f. 'i-niy
l:" ' r'! n rri n . -V1 ! wi" fi?
vihth-fir.i p.N 811 'h !' I I ' '"'
,.tirf w.r- w 11 - wv-hv pre- '
oi :he the i tae !'f "wj "i ! r r.
. ,. ,ltUri iAltl ,..,, f,. a , .,awe
At a C3i of 25 Honit a Part.
PRT3 I ri ill C Jr PtHCH'ft.
un: art j''i;vi
c.j'nr!-te in 12 m n hl inrt-. .it SI eneh 'te- '
pHMlijci'g i e liit tuil i k I (Mir 1 1
frouil e curlier miIu ue. t ho Altlitie.
Each monthly p irt will coot tin tx -up-ri
p'ate-wi h eiouipiiiyingileiriotiv tter
nnil w'lethcr f r liiut our or fr.ininK wil! be
entirely ii'-yonJ c aipetoiun in prico mtit
tic chiiric rr Eiery mpnssiiin wi'l e most
eiiri-fully fikcn mi the fin l tont-l pap r.
hii I no piin- will be ii are 1 1 in k tin- .ho
rkhest pplu ion l i'r wh ch h is won,
in i iiiurv' luu-ly hort iuie, a w.r. '-wide
r puiuti n
E pcinllv .i-or itl f r
Scrap IJuok llftft'oti'itf 'tml Ihmclnj fVi
flip .
A liKeol ti n nf Mi-tiir- of .Iia"- cot
iio-ami on Imuttwr r ii--i.iib,i-uliji. t
hivcl.e n ut p in hi tr ci ei-ivtl .
nnil in- now oiT r-l tit i ri-o in t-j. k.1 u
nuke them p hi' ir I-. ever s .
KimlopcX 1. i'o ta-nin .r.) li.iiiitTu
I'lur :n iik i n re i x.-u.'l wil bo -ent-iKisiiit'oe
u.ii to . il 'ililrt for " K IllH.
t.AK. A 1 ocral ilii ou .t m .igout ami
Scrap Saolss.
.pi nlil si.irt'iien' orsf"HF BOOIC
Ii . i.e.-n -xpr - y preparoil tor the h li ay
ni n. l' lr S' ut l morf ieri:ment ,
nif'C't I'm In f r g ii. I m n o
'.lJ 0 d v U R
No. 1 H It - ii i. h si '
S i
'.TO fip. i x"iG n"h"
No 2 ii i 'i "i'tt
J) un ' '.lo i hi
Vo .1 . ui Hi ' c-. -V f l' rd' Rll
.iu-i niMii eyri.h. -0,v 2.i
Lut'eifJ i i.nlitr ' I ut 1 i wi"h IImj.
tit, y in in ii il pil Uir ditto! Ill"
t n c.
r"j i? VT"i 9 "? i TJ T "ITT ?
In cmuiliinc itli re e t.-'i r ,w t. 'he
u' l'i LPII Imv. itrjn...' -- inn ftn-nyo thri m -t i.uimui' J,.t w f ? wlrnn' -d in savWirf '
. .lie f r n.i?t -mr "Ut Iruiiiii'i:
The u n y in tejl tic ii'i uJ n t I tf ,,.,., st ,,, ?-. '.;nf.;. f: ,
xur u ut. mi ii huil e H"l urerli e. '' '
loiillactiihfKl.i-. r i-iiiiyici Tine
flltoiier t li:ite -in '"1 e-aii iil-emlj
attn Inil bor 'ci. ami thi imo ! "c "' a
i7-ujeot 1215inc i : with ftUr .fc'
Six ..tthi--i f-r$ 00. whin -election is
tel' tn iuh'i-h"r. ...
rtMilje ts. I"x02'in..3).-: with glis. 4c.
7 iui.jf.t. Cxin.. 15.-.. with Bl.i h 40 .
lJ'Ui.jett- 4xl'J i ..oc. with ut'.. l.w
Sent bj mail, wi.hout k!"". . stPal '. tur
5S Maiden Lane, New Voile
Lea-t difficulty in leainmc it
La-t skill required to use it.
Lea-t labor to work it.
Lca-t care to keen it in order.
Least trouble to change it.
I eat changing r quired; -ft
loe 6n? work cq-ulto -my other. .
Doe- hcivi r w ir'- t'tln n'h r.
Doe- heaw wiek "i-d..
Do4 (erthng eli.
D.h- nothing il' or gra Igingly.
Give- -iti.-f iet:on.
Kxuet'ti- expectation.
Ju.tiGe- the prat- it everywhere
f r- i v -Mn;'-fil.
i. u.j;s v-". rm iji.
... .n 4. U'.-f-
wwaiw ..r - -. i
LiTj ItwiwiH'Hs r 5iiV
'leiTJiil fu-hiiin LtrV
D. !'KOCTi)H.- - lao?KirruRr
2S320JT, 1SX33AS&L
L 3 fAA-riiaE
Tfc Tnrtfiu PaWie wni i4tka Horaff.
btrrtatosiCTWj rtt-C
a-Ctfric r 7 Wriy. W
?aciataaBBBiaa.J.u . b
iiiTtibster County.
iftG pom
i Tin:
3. G4RB ? & Oo.
RRneral aierchandisf
''O, (P'sr
F U R X I T II It K.
::! fJrout Vaiietvof oiloT .uir
i)iir-fo. .;' Dj Good-lias be.-n .-e-
I -cied wih .-peeia" ii-fentice to the
want- of the People, and con.-i.-t? 'ii
part of
ClNtJHVM", . &
I'he !.:die- f Web-tr Cc un :u!
'l l-p- t '"-. l'ivif' 'r .?fV Hi
. W -i'f
JIN . V i .
k 'I . . T-W
miii'hf into Soutl w-'-t Ntl.;ii-li. aii
ttljieb will he -old at I 'nee- thai
Defy Competiti .
.il-.i keep on It un! i n1 .ln.'
l)f vari us kinds and extra o.u:il:ti.
in 1 for .-ale eithei by the -uit'or .-iiigJ-ii
t Jlv. iJ L-ii irn. x -s1-
' -.IHJAI".:
nd everything el-e in that Line.
Canned Fruits in VarietY
iL Ui & V rAL
CC t&a
BOOT. &,S OE3.
: .. . . . -M
'In to -uit the w.-.nt- ol ver foIy.
,ltrU:iVT.tbi a? are cj J
, . , -. j6Wfcfctk e
"'r!- '" " -w-
.ulrmiU iff-h ts -rfci-Wat . t
i '
J' I5iii5ii lvU:f X
fFor Ca-h- CiI and hnik -1 or (io.i-
ti.t ! o tail n it.iuirr h rrion.
Music for Schools.
1T cire prt1 ! -tteetiuo :o th -l
iti' Va-jo fo'h'.'l rarr- " Tr"litr
' r rM'tHilrlrn"-l o-'yw
vh - t. v. ; i -" v-" ' 1-
TKe nt 1 V.W i-tl .-irc'nr ItoV :
Fairrtehir- .. .I'n-e.i 00
1 t lis' -!?.!irii- hu iJs Bv-:
J hr tir. ch t . l'ri-e. 75
Tec Hr: ' im In-u ;
i 1 t-i t'- Kt - F c-. 3 -iS
' i'.- It ll',ll'-B't"f .
hnil ' N Vi-thi-l-l'tic. 2 Z-0
itr Ii. -t In tru-it rfrthe Voice : .
u.lJr- -h"a -r he Vo CfF ic. J cO
Mt l:.tiolu In't-otf.r:
W",, r T.- ..uii.r . " nrr. I vO
T 1. . If. .. J-..II.. ... in !!
ninfrf- -I l'rire.l "
I"b, H - :i - i 'r i-ll-e-
.r ij. I il '".i .' rn 1 J
Ihr l 1 -it u ..r itsi me', .
Fbi't "'' I "'
Thr'i...i in.-r- ' r . :
-r.lrw'- mlrl Mrlhi-l Pn-el
fit ' In-trt ,. ft -f tii:
i-IK V- t IU'irt Tlli - rioil -AJ
l'JJslir I tit,. .. i'Vt. t-l ;"', b'j
nS-Sw .1 t . 1" ' ! -
99 2E3A3WA7. . T
To -ex'ure
ThuB &. R-B. LANDS
IN U'!'. u NKU.
An now ill nrirk-t. in nrc olTere I
at t,i rn, a and n.N TK KAlts' TIMK
to actu i -etllei-. i rule? vniog liom
j$1.50 ( 5,iO $tr acre
With :i iiht-iai ileJuciiou for cash in
I be-e S.ind- r' aiming the be-t in
In H- Miibiii-an Villi v. and are
anil h. ui'i f L"iutiou.
Lee EstsJI,
lc:al assitt F3H WSSSTSS C07.N'TY,
Will at all time be r.-arfv to give all
iii'tiruiation iti regmd to location ol
iauii, feiii.- ' pif. wot, Aiv'
i.-.S rvL-jA'Ua i.u..ant'
J li.. in tie' t'ireular- f th- it k M It.
' i.J . 'm . m mii-.-in I'M 1'itu their
.ei'oi- -ni i tin uiUautiie.- ..rScreil.
Tin iircha-er cm p ' a-h, or di
vnle ill.- inn .nut in n i hree equal
pin-, pa:ii;g one llu ! dnwn out
th ni in 'me yi . and mi.' third in two
.ni-. wit tiuere i :r en per eenf
:iiniu:ilt ; i r he can 'IKN YKAKS
time in'whieh to make up the miiii ly
-mall iiiuiuil p.ii uietita ut .-ix percent,
lo-t b'lj on 'Iih latici plan 'f
TK.N VKIt t KK'Tfl
In v.'t .eh a- the j.ureha-er p-iy-ai
t.Nemil Cl ''C vea'.-' IIIt'Te-t "toIX
percent, on h" pnc. lie mike?
I lire othei p'jni'Mit . each f MX act
tit at the eonimtiicemeoi of die
rtcoml, ihinl and iniinh year-. At
the lOiniiifiiu ment nf iln lil'th far,
he pay-one Sleuth of the piiuripal
ami oiie year- iu'en-i " fie remain
der, and the -ann-a: tie eoiiiiie nce
iiieu ol each -itece-ive yi-ai un'il all
ha- been pa d it lb !! 'f I''1 )ea.
An l-uyei 'n pv mi In"- at any time
vi'! g''f" wir-mfi d-:ul free of all in-iMJtii,'r,ii'-'
5-l"y i j J? it
.,. .b,e-I.til... ' "IO"-'
TJ jf j ti Rt
HASTlMf-i- ua.
, , , ,, best loca'ion- till vacant, and, in fact,
Kxebini"- '"ugh' nl -ild on all. ... , - t
riti. -o' te Uni'.'t Stt - mJ Kotope. Sven thing thnt will tend to induce
i!-jr War awl,
11 o light '"' '
Rrfrt'iires ft lrmition :
It F. At-i". Trcilent 0V IV 3laal
Bant . fl.icam.
N. R. At a'K Pre Mnt FirntXafwnal Bnk.
.Tiin.r4.I .- . ,
J. n!! mmiii. hur PiSs tiiaal
Eaok. I'caocil UI ff !
rj. ij: CaKi- Trz. Oit wS' of To.
C. -.!-" J i. ClerS tfi'-fwr CViart. Xowa-
The anJri;nr'i Jiiii -"mptti-i hl
5 K n li I I L V 0 ,
ii r
r.o'trs. SHOES Edxaij
I rn-.t 1I WW il LOWsT.
FOR CAS'!- '
VCU 4 Maia fer raaw
ii. K.irrN.
I- a Weekly Nrw paper, puhli-hed at
lied Cloud, W.b-ter County. e-
hr.i-ka. and i-deoted to the Inter-,
cm- of Weh-ter County, and
Special attention will be given to
all Home and Local matter Every
thing of local or general interest
transpiring in thii and adjoining
counties, will be accurately reported
at the earliest poshible date.
During the coming political cam
paign The CitiKr will support and
labor for the succc-s of the Itepublican
I 'arty.
llie interct of Immigration will be
lookcf after, and the publi-hcr deirr
the co operation- of all who dcire to
I 4A1.i5llll,1wr.l Nehra-ka Mltldl with
hve a I enterpri-itig pioneer. Tu
, j
I (til-i no inrru-n arcouni" oi mere-
... , - , . r .t i
..... 1
-ourre- and e.rmhihttcof the wil, the i
A f-ortion of ourcolarnn will bede
votcl o entertaining ami miccllan
coo matter for family reading.
All who arc istercted ib haviag a
wide-awake, lively, local new-paper
pobIibd in the Republican Valley
areisTifard to examine Tmx Cmcr
acdjBecome abcriler.
EOrttv 4 Prtfrkttv
123 Lei'Jiiifil 1T8H115,
An Independent Physician.
nunr all foriiii or
ad mcitTm
Letter from all parts of
th Civilized Woi-liL
Coiiictct a Meal Pratt;
"Vnm'roni Patient! in luropa, tit "
Weil Indiet, the Damiiron cf
Canada, and in f very SUtc V
t the Union.
K Tlnl nV. ta or Wt.Ho. rtrno rf f
Rat .lHii.1 tt. l t-nij Jf lt. . . ..
fmly itrrl ur ua W c . A . f
Brtr,l lh rfatlj new ..,
hrt f ilwy o-amunlil y
r ; v ia-f ! fcf DUf nl- rf
rbfhia. TH IW " - " ,
1. .--i.w m. tAtw AP-rvftn!
" . . ...--J
mrttn.fl IK.'t qurtHas a . v
fLrio-tit by "'' fn.rM lh t-C- Ao.
j.U .jMni of rwi tcrlitg . r
ft,f.,.n,i C l- V or u!ll, ..oty if
tb 4i)..4- wf Ift" nuUi'hm'Si f- fi
tviituliatum nl fir H f u' m
A tlxtf iig i-uiiyhta ut Ja f '
mi fir !.
AJM4- Xr. EL n. rOOTK,
TV3 uiti.
"A ' '" w
p. riT u ifc of itr pict c
W Hm...' l-'k lfi ribt m" '
,f orr U.U vv . ! ' "Xl "
TU." in"t rn-nilT l Mi-u-t. which t .'4
k ino .il.ut of tO.tMl i.l. . !. - !
IX Mioi,"Wt lnw l "C I WJ'
COIttt "l m.i
f mil. irptt lh" t"'1 "" l-'"1 wwk '"h '
U mil r rij.ui v ' t - -
, u roorr ih ,-, ui. riV
A ,.4 uah t .w " -
lh f.r"n "N iua..m .i"'-!"" - -
b ll.i. ! o'',' mnmU '"'
k... tea iMil la !! 'r um i-i- --.
. .. . ..... a.
' w.11 "riut HO T.Ul- lM.ilf
' ia4 ll.'lts wJ "Pnurni Ii"1
Hit Ik lilX f. Ihr . MulW""""
ktiM vm1 m.' f. j..r-t. TU fum i-'
moKlnrf n'"Mn" h!'h '-t,rt "' "
woft'y''u',""W!u',,'1,,r tKK
TUrrt to notfttitii In llirini ot !l li
i & r..i"i wi. "fci"r " " '"
m only fao fa! -t .bU f l U- f. Wl4
,(oaataa W aarataca
ADtaaaa aa aaura
Surveyor of Wdbstsr Ci
Filt prom il"tt it in .tit otll.
Or.lri for work iay t lft l Ctark' :!
In Coar Hu. at !Ui Clout.
Jdti H . Wtotr fSJV'
5 t If
All Ifln'li orrr.alrn i..n nn '"rt ) -'
ami oikoihW. trm H.fp..-tuj, r .
Ob.tir. tite., mln to orirr.
aka I iar W r Hc. Ill Br-r.
Atacmnai.ta k. ki.ixc
All oB'iat itrleUr ttt4f( l
orrtfpacxiMc trnmpitf Hin4 Hpai
fctt ntlon firMti p7Tst of ui. rH- if t
Jon ;M Ttii.t FUtat PrMtlo.
T32 ?20PL23 7M22X
ThaChKp-st 2?cwsji? la ti Tti-
Tli'lfclrd laClrenlNtlvn ltlirii
THE rnirtr,0 PiHT ND MA IT.
UnTprllT -IB' til In b th lvr4
.pifi"! mt talrprinr -.n'l hrr j
Mrne.n nrmt..r -iib!iht In ih Sir4'
'rfl .. i. i.,..,, i. ii' i.,u.
ft.ri)'n rnwit-,r.
i.,, .,wl i-. ,.r.. ii - ..i!....l
., f ui.y ,B.f,i --. r.. L .v.i
t r " rrlt, rTBprthnri l
rvfl bin Thu aita of Urn tntmfrmit K
h- fa. rvl -.ill 'i, a mik m frrt. rltt
..,. (.J f er ntfw.ftapr. with it c in s
efMla-l .hif . ! r ai-l rBtVA
tl nl lliluMl tr s-l viji tf $w
.rrliU". It i tint ? th tw i fniiyA & a c-, Yustt lacrri ji nr
u ilt tx motb. ,
l:tT tbr a -ait
Ha b ralaral 19 a t!K-9l M '
lh i?ofth tiix,! til
carrcut lenrrat iMwi tMrfftS '
wilh lnW- fames ! aflje twfr
fonJiw. ih f-rtrif tfctiJf.P'
rl, f " i-ltr l Jf ltki ri
wit- m-ii rr ri vrvtfrl tiKff
t"". rjr rr.t.r, oJ e tfliHrfrt? & -
'olhthlirn. rwi'titiM. Tito"a
rrr l x kr k i Jh ft-t
ii m ih?e3atr It ftniMiiKtM
9ett tar pe.ta
(rie Uuf ial
to is wtMt tMfl Iari '
i t jrii-l. ftr Jrtr 1. Iv
i f1-
lofe.r. ia tm4i ,a sa Jw : rr.
iimrr, ia areoniacw wish i tv -"
i4'afc8UarrfWt tWtrMf '
RlJUt km k aaiiw Z
dwft. !!. rt av vHMimr riM
tttr. at . rufc . ...
Atl Utur. U 4tmmAjjZ.
Desrbora Krt. "
Taflfj Wt hritfn taltaw ara tf" J 1
Miimill prw f ik Dtry. X
in b u'm aari-i
f j
o. necier - - . .. : i ..-. ..
tdraMea in lift at "-J
-'rffc-f .
:?-.. -----l": - TfiSSiAsfci-ai?
-- 5-A1y VS "-X;
' .
-m A
rf? ",?fc
' S?
i r.!
-- v
Prf 'l
Ml aa ahaia w tha
z:VM'jr.2i ::"v :
.iiiKTMi''. mn . .rf .
, laaar .r.j . . - sbf v
- MW " - " 1 BTr - aiHHVr1 i 3aaw fBW