& fcK.1 BBaiwBaaa " 0 f "WrtL yVRJHRHPVVWMK""1"" 'll ;f "' &..:' m , - -T k aNIL . S4 U-jkhi.irf Ml d." ahj b. ! i tu dijjieitmeht 4'I MWr4 it i 4 ft. 7 I B il V aE lfl M m V T V aS ITbPTbT y "a" 'W ,:'M J di-ptnHjlii J "I Mtfartl kwi :. j tn, w i i j i m r ' v-.-m b i m h ' .!. i I hovt lr Krr thl t!K MMi 1 Vl1 I'vi lft tf- I t Har lrrf W I fl? I M H, Ik HI I I I I I I I I I I 1 ,H N N -.'-.. Re19111' Nra?a. - 1-X.JJ ... JL XJJLy . -VgaL-4 V KJ AS X 1 I 1 I J 1' V Ji , . j i i nil V . f .L -t'-' i V lFT1IXi"ir - t'ITTlT.rfTTTlf t ri LPif he-- - y "- iFfiFxRxs K IT tfi ticro fir orii at Law- jtffCOX; J. S. OtLIIAM. Mt t lli AfORNEYS AT LAW, frI Ir jc2 in -.1! the Court of th. ' State. -50Coction 1'iouiptly Attended to 'FJCE fj POST OFF'CB V- I UkTU.DlN'O. vol. ir. KEIiCs-Or;). Xi-BIOSKAWKDXEDAV. DKC 'iG 1871 STEVENS HOUSE STEVENS & DOW, "iijmL r NO. if. rilOPKIETORS. J i"S.M'AV" tfTTf L-ywAau3S4 E5IATE V t. MP LJ W ' 3KJ. f r'C?Bk fc"f School Itomli, Ac. . 1 JpmgATK AGENTS. ; EfP.'rn'r tii 4 i Citllrlt i.f JJ2 m -IK--" y fr to - . - 2T2BSASSA Bloomington, - -Nebraska. itew iionc, Uian HimI. and every-J thing that s Lovely. '.''tat'e Ifave tlii" llnii.fi t ii!y for all poinlA Honth, pjut, and 'e,t. Gond Stahiin in connection frith fie iioue. To th travelling Public we would .lituxily Hy -G1VK (7S A CALL " Carpenter & Builder Bed Cloud, !7olra&a. I prepare'l to ra.iko cetimsite nail t.iko eimir.ic for ull JtirrU of liuil ling). 'JT-td M E W GOODS ! ft Wpf"lf' r'' uliJ 1 t.o llic.i v. n ; I. d Ij!. II. J. 6. PjTTER- (Takes this method to Inform the Public that he has Ju opened up a new and complete Stock of -,. DRY GOjpDS & GROCERIES, Vintxittiuq i jinri nf CALICOS. IURK. LIGIIT..V I'iNK, , i CHAHIMtfrX f LATVK. LxU'.VS. UKKSS I'll Ml MINGS k LININGS. OlKIS SKI UTS. V ILS A- GLOVF. ihorf wa.- lr- d. niifjd. i al Mlicr hn-t.iir the kind. Ihe rl hj , ?I 5I" tmi'l'ti ) li.Jtd with t"a'. tot the laii'lametit il iaw ih.t' li i- .mj - ' nu -tn.- !it-itatrd a moment unit Sifed iirotMH-tantv- and d ui wiN. im-, 'hri-aditi her T. AUn't war asO "Jltl'! xo ircntvnieii f , ciiiie to flip hit lc town f Mtiltrd. un j nnJ jropa srl'i hv" thj nif, a&J cLtrc WU..I .f hr eirrl " mwl ' f iif : hmJ! u Lk thi rt ih im iivJtjr. sad yuu aiaJ f.sy fur h." nat w.iit n thf lrrtt, drily rifr!ld tlw od cuUun ; "lut I will let yu ffp ! uo v. UIcii W a Iiitlr Utoni tfcsn w Kcl fur." Ii.tktb,: drnimfJ tfto lcl-aci'U tluit! ffnta hi !xi.H'i a l pt lxi coutl, Uito a Mti(xti, the ui4h iiLthc lull Uc' iuWd IV mi tho ibc n lury Mut aiueh aUttvd U tho hoi-. f til up- R.... .1.- L I . ' V. - f i u "-!. i.ii'iui;ii hit .oriu .iitin lai.'nn t .... .. . . i . .. . i urwincti it wi. Iraiurd. I h.- cnnri cnMtnit lck. Mie Dun v thr..ir , .-,1 tr. .... vl.I.-l, .,.!,....-.. r.,. ;r ,k .? - ... Ifi- ...... .1. ri lion n tne United .itaf.-s Wimild be i ""rM " ' a ctuir. MiMfod name. ! fnrmfr- in the rirunty would contMrt j tended in 4t h-axr Uir.-e p.rliciil.r.. I - W-j-d, ''ate it qdtckly.- The a certain amount of mill jur day I --"""" ""-J""",' . Z, 8 ntor-h,.u'd hkctrd dircftly l.y ' Hr. Mti.fi , I wi:h 1. rtftin. w. J Thirty fiir or the &.i,,,r. ,u,!li,.0 ,rC fcVWr tifj people, int- mo !o would ue in ,,,i' ciincti h rruony nith our y.teni d'roierti M nt, which i edaimed lo l.i pojula' : al we we no nhd nlj-ni. n. It Juld prevent bri" fiy. Ii would af rd ahiliry and liunoty. nn opportune euiicn in w 1 1 la. .Iicitn wfi. n a k iitletn.-M) who vt half-.-lav- i. . i i ,. faoil, rut cim; into ., . , .1 . -. . . tie mur i un" :ii:rtfeiii"iii. i n" saniictii''n tee- I fnou 10 ti Ii tnw hi coiuplainl al the po- litf !aiKn, hut, a it sppcaro-l that Xpuritiitiiil wa I rid with hU OWU nt uu duiuat.1! could b rcco er ha heeti neatlv tiki iii.n.ilx ill I !. . ... t r. . . m rrl. j v... . , . ,v. - i ii i jiiuriv iiti'i i-"i iiir in.'ir milk ?4rfJf cjpital and venality. Take. ', cu"t ork tw.uh tu ".n.ju.rt u. . i-jr j: ,1Wi m.t !. .r il,.. -,-. m.l.,r 3 ri- :.. ... .i.. i i .. . " ...... u'-.t.-. ..;. ..:-. our own nviMiturr. ' ..- hum: n:i nnn Nm or pawned. receted hit !oiin.l far ihir .,!.. -.r..7. ... ...mm u.i' u.?r td, l.fkitiK on told hi:u ti .top. My ' 0d tli. ir fi-tor t a e-t of l.fiou. ; ' chiW,' hr M.:d. "why do you vanr to ' fr ui - maohhiurv. anI cum.' 'W "3 ilh-arlK.aiuifulIiairr My urnJi . nicmvl om-wtion. !w""" lflt4MC , 7 f I AN p. v V i 'ni-iiii.H Jl. Hnniw Ti aiijucii vx niuuic. A WYE I! S, 9 t COLN. - - - CARPENTtR & BUILDER. AV'ul 1 repctfiilljr Infirm tin- cilizi'ii" f ltd i;i 1 nnu 'iciniiy inn lie i iir.ii.Tfl n iln nil kiti'l of work in hi. ii' n jfinrt no lirc and re itoniible it r ins. S'ali.!uttinu ttuir nntp I. (l'ileruiy bo left with Geo. Zci at hie plnce of busiucM, Bed Cloud. - - - lTcbra:ia, DKNVEH HOUSE Billiard Hall. D. W. DALTON, - - - Prop. HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. Th' hnll h in lnel Iip"ii filtcil up with ta M ri ol the bcM in nu'" c uro. Chnicc Wilier, l.iqiiu naml Ciir at the liar i "' ... ... .... i . . x. .. , . . .. m itLKrilKn'AND U.NIILKA 'UK!' ..MU-jLIN nynerieally con-idrnd. 'Ihero arr j "' tin it- : not a penny in the hou-e. h-.s three uud a lulf crni. Tnt j. I M3" '" . .inp--ij mai yp TAHLK ?',Jf!,'1Yv JJ-: ....... vp . )1rtenentl0M. Seven aie repuhli- , n,l h.m krtntzrr hn huus ) 4N no, to My. ii eheo-e MdU for thirtn and ! wl"n ,,c uw, ,,,,M" lhe oth,?r niht M IW.NI, l) : . ALL- &MI1UIJM.J. - ... -.-'m!-i"IxJt?iM?t rat A.sjua JjfJilclnM. wid the Miai.Rr, ;tf that - hulf cent? kt pouul, the 'tei-mmi '" lU MM,Ct' ,,f rtft,r" """'' hl t4H1ti-A t tt'lrfftK'U IIITU J 1 -fi - "oii-ii election is pendinir. Fir U n ' i ca-e I wilf buy' your liair?atiTrfrecftTd '"tfn centWiwr 'j IWT a5ia-f8',in' to JSm ItMintb. -..i. It?r4l. ' ,9W,9 lllinA -m4 3 ...ajority of u majority. Any can- ' will Biv. yoi, :, hundred uildret, for ' for the.r milk. The 'a.rr. ' y-ym nnn ami 6e h3L f TOFFFP IIRAR A TEA nf all Klnil "' ,",aru w"" h"ieor iwnlnetiNcaii I '' He ?uv e the poor jrirl the note, ate price per tmihin f"r ui. '"'"l for Mr. .1 .ir. .' j' UUrrtC, OUUMnO O. ICHOOI dll AIIIU-J. nor hare more th.n on-or to to Ida,,-le.Meht of h?chh..d dried her tears, du.im.th-, oi.t ,lMr -ha- l-ren l... I " -"-" t- t i . . i . 1. . fc k. . . - M . llit l.iiiiK-rH nr l lit Canned Fruits, Oysters and OYackers, Chaw n-7 snJ m king Tuba cos. FLQU.3 lAL&GAOG. di-.li, in . i na'-, and the in. m-i,t hi" no ni(iaio:i :s .itiiiiiirii;.! m Ix.st eenti .iiuierH and took up (he haiher'.- hear? int' the I. ek.- in hi hand, he toL the j avenge th.-m p.-r imiith fiv dolkir ! ,",,", CDKjl And verthog u-l t i.t n -T. '-jr. 'l.i Dr. G .od- ,V: Groier Stou. Potter. Red Clcud Nebraska. htidy, tin: n.-v In it- i-fr-er upon tlu , "se.-.t hair, cut it oir alone, and put t for milS; .il.nu th fr.neM in n.Hition ! "" ' W Lujihd. linn- fh.irae, i.t' forriiptinii j , it circfully in hi pocket book, thus recctvn.e. :hc protlt.-oftlie.-ah-of their 7w""lt arc ud l-tiifhia eiuioria' t-lf-erion-. have bee .me no- , !,:y'inr one hundred iloriu lor a Mtii:Ie ' calve- nn I pMiiti:: alf th wh.iy from ' '"'r''1 '"', tua-tet. The hunler h liugjvd tiie Jfc-r ia- 0,000 for hi place, to "Ktit ePn, .-entK anybody but corpora trim- and lobbyi-ts, who arce to rcimbur-e him. The electoral collece -hnuld he ahoj. NHRKASKA 1fn will h in ntt n.linr- at ii)i if1' 'J lirict Cmr" oT tho rvcnl 01n Ihe Kt'imlilicaii VhIIvj. 1 ItlCtlAltr.HO.X. J. A. TUL1.EYH jchurdson & Tullevs. ftv- . v J. WTlTf W mu tim J .. v.11 OL'CriNQ AOENIi si.'- i'Anr M -11 Rl Kt ta on Cmnii. Tina il ""J f - t . " ' t fiy l.ixr far on-triilivit. ' l'rciHl mtcini'.n tiriii tciMvti'"i". for- M?'crjii.liPitril. A I l.tter-ofm-iuiry. 'T'T. a . I r puiv proiup 17 .ui-wrni. y Tbrl). - - - NEB. ." A . I-, - Dr. T. B. WILLIAMS, JF.i 111 1 iy li.j sieiaii, Tfnderi" hi Frrvice to the public and rill atti nd to all 1'iof. .-ioual ealls. C'SJcsnt the IU1 Cloud DrufStor. i,xym:i: a fi:ki HIIJ.IAICD P.4KI.IIR T. R. LEE, Hastings, - - - Nebraska. Tl.i p tnhli-hinpnt ha jut hen fi'tpiliin in B'" I "t r. iindi just tho plnce to ciijny h emnf of H'lli irIii. Ihr liotAUpplie.4 at the bar. 4(Giu !VORWirK -V0. B A N K E H S, AND DKALEUS IN , llASl'ING-?. NKB. Protnnt uttentinn civen to Collection. -lii-O LUMBER LUMBER W L. VANAL-7YNE il & D ILO VIP, - - - - Villi AM SKi DKAl.KIt IN PIHE LUMBER. LATH, SHINCL$ Doors Blinds Sash- -Vfouidiris torinus an.l in many intanee have r ". He took the poor irirl'. addre.-. tin ir milk, which thev btiui home ! ciiim. yuu'r Hfifug Out uivt been pr iv.-u t the siti-ficti in ol un- 1 '" c-,,e ,,i; .-hotild want to buy another from the fuitnry. fbr thtir 1 i.-. Thu y' Woe ,1m lv prejudice I inind If a p-irty jia!:,t ,',c i'am rati-'. 'Ihe charitable j it will be . en that b.r imik luue n j -- 50,000 for hi place, he .-et ab ojt ",:" '" l,nh' de-inated a- the chief of cow will imv a farmer per war. ixt ! 'a. ," an 1 no longer repre- ,;' reat industrial euterpri-e within the I dol'at. The oik o? unik ii.r jo, J tie- Cl,i- livciiiit; to the laetory doo 1101 - materi.oMv mteifere with the dav' The Arcraga Barier. j labor h tfo- lild. The ..he.-o ,..k ; ',lM "" "" ?'"" art and i ui ay ihey h ue no uuuide in fio Inn; i V,u'' ,UUt- I hi ,,,,, ' huhday or Mied, beeau-e there ?. no i.roti-mn He i' "1 a .state nf ner-idration. and i de r tn-ir ehepi indeed, thm . Lh,,,,,t- no-nr ol th- year, It tirtul for M.ltliiiir dipute as to the eountiin: j ' t-ri-.i-y : he wear a paper collar, hi they re unable to h'l all tic ir ordei of vote of the tate.-. The house of . It J-'cr.- are pudy and Ins naiN ate in ! !' Iilile 1Mpit.1l ?- lerfiiirrd on the repre-entat ve b'vam.) rotoit- on tin- i mourning 1 vitbutlv for -ome near re- l3ft "' l'lc fanner or 10 iii'itactutur. lation. he -niji ami -nip away, '"' ,r,,m I to fi'U, a- a re-ult, i pinehiuir your ear, nipping our eye- ' fdi.-ttibuteil in a community each lahe and your jaw uriti you think he tnonth Now, we ik acatu, i theie ui)t nave cm oil enough d hair to anjtnuiir tcjuirtiiv; no more cnpiul lill a iuattres He alwav .3)?. , U1:l w" pay any tirttei than a ehee-e "Sliamiioo. ir?" to uhieh von av fftory ' No," and he wmen you reply ".No ! two octave 10 mo uu-wcv a tin. eounty hiKlier. "Head's very dirty, .-ah," fanner would do wtdl to iuve.-tUM'e ' uU'rc"' Ir.inn-.. .. a w..rM of r ZTJ HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN U. S. TENSION SUKGKON. Office 3d door South of Court llou-i. Residence One Mile East of Sed dead. Urn:. Tarred Paper- Etc And every Aitie'c u-uallv kept in a Ii.t Cla-s Lumber Yard. T GUAIIANTKK-fO'niTILiCA'TI-: AVY'IULL THAT CAN BKGO'I AT JUNIATA OU HASTINGS (iiefion of Grant' election, am II u Wade finallv reinlute I a etavo deci-ii.n 4 that the vote of G.orida uiiirht h eoiinteil if it did not .tllee' the genera! re-ult, but it diil. it wa a iution for a'ter-coii-idcrntien. 1 1 the elector. from t hi .tate wire in.Mriieted to eat their vote which i pre-uined to repreent the pnpui.ir will for a particular man lor pre-i lent, and hou!d ea-t it lor 'O'lie one 1 le, theie i no rem dy or pen illy In cm! one or two vote-hould con I Ihe A Mine F.ir I lifctt.lnn. .M,i... 1,4 1- in j: Hd tune, and a u-ual filltnl I -enrvh Ih id thu oteiorUliv it fill the very u.e of nti. faction. Kour pietuto of ho ea-ou, "StrinK',M Summer." "Autuiu" and "Winter,' each .ith vep-e of illu-tnitloti, .re vnt at once Mime of tic? tuo.t proij. mnt decikMiiii' and ihe liowt eio;rav. that will pay any bfttei than a ehee-e ,' ,lnr !,n l'r,l,,'. ' I Iwind ern in ftetorv? A.liir nim.li- I..- 'I' hieh-e!. tHtietiii.o. Thu ' O J say.. "Kli, air! ' to them, an 1 1 not near .-o well adapted j V'11 '" l'--'"ri' M.miiiiuhi. ' uftr C. "No!' two octave ! t (he bu-me-. a thi. eout.ty. nn''' ,",l"',r. ' )"" Aiweriwui ar.j,t to wtncli il you have experience, ytiu me matter. 1 Ictc 1 in ticcer-ity 1m te-pond, "I alway have it .-," and ; ,l4 '" -end to Ohio lor orlr ehee-e, cut off lurther dchnd. Il he ha i when at home u can tnatnif.ctiiie a I treith awd dei:ii. Liuo Itl cirdul and elabortitn tail T charming ptefwri' appfopr. ite fij1 tevenije. He draw hi.- finer-i in a Jut a jcood an article, and iu:ead ol ' mmmih, ' Winter pot ol axle jriva-e, -ended with miik j l"m pureha-i rs bicoiue .elhr. bV. L'Jitii (imfltr. diine i. D. POST, Proprietor. V -FT'mir fitte.l up a lint Stable i prcparol ll timM to furnih room and fucd tor te.nu LiTrjriir n hort notice. 'SUWe West of th3 Valley Eoase, A EH JO.ES, Watchmaker & Jeweller, ' 82D CL3wD, W33ST2S COmTTT, 1T2B. -Particular attention civen to Re I'aiiing Fiuo Watches and . S'ttisfiictinn GiHirmitinl. - H- C. WEBER. ""tiM annnunpp to the people of Uel CTMsiiuwil tioimty thit li i prei.nrl todo ll kin-N of M:ic,,n wi.rK n rhort notice -nd rra,.niblp term-. All .r er niny be Mt nt th..fficHt,ra Ik rc-i'lcnce fi.urniil. n rth r-f "tiled Cloud. . -'. t,wn 2. rango 10 wi. Cily Ivat JIarket. MARK H. WARNER, I7a jut npfned a Meat Mai kef nn Web-ter Stn'et. next door .outh of ISrkV Sboi v ip where- he will keep nd sell fresh meats of all kind-, HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR BEEF CATTLE, HOGS, AND HIDES. Red Cloud, .... Neb. La Clede House. Red Cloud, Nebraska. ALLSN A7S23. - - - Proprietor. Hood Nlnblo In -'nnnrrlloii with Ihr ii.i;.tKt Thi hotel hay been refitted anil rcfurni-h.l thronehout. foinmc cift .Men lilnMl Men anil all puriie" viilinc Itti! 'oui. will fitnl ample nccouiuioJutinns nt thi Hotel. J. It III LLC OX, N1TARY PUBLIC. e Conveyancing and all oth-T. Notarial Buine?s will receive prompt attention. IDepoBition promptly and correct ly taken. Addre.., RKD CLOUD. XEBIt.VSKA. VALLEY HOUSE! Red Cloud. Nebra;ka. .'OS. C. WARNER, - - Proprietor Thi Hotel i entirely new. harinc brn built he preeotseaon, and is fitted up with rrjanl tu osw'.ni)OMVi:u, THZ CHICAGO AT HASTINGS, T.J. iWltDOK YARD! NKB. Hid, the lemp'a'i m i- pitent. Wuy . I, ... nemr Hie peo.ilu a- coup-tent to ami ae, ami, lielore you can chooe .vmttor-, by diiecl Miflrage, a- hi fciiful iiiteuJ, ,-uiear. it all over iepree:itatire-? j j"our load, and ruin it in until you 1 A Ci ii-ii- lontId be taken once in 1 look like an animated gun WJb. , tow jear.- 'JW i- too ?on fe the , 'I hen hp ho wyr weak bay ruin down t The mo.l.1111 Noni.an bore is up are. One man lepieseiViotr a half your ha ok and over joUr -Iiirt, arrange ! po-cd 10 be n frt- t, 'tween tho An.l.-. .i and Tao ITcrriaa !;cr:o! I'a.tim Y "fhe I"ir-t Lf-o." tell wr' intere-tm'4 torie. in irtaeroM',"n,:r ' and the nii in.) Ih..i.I ,tin- ' W liitill devefciod 01,.. .Hli? ''J"f ? t - " ' J" 1 the paotfti-ivtf nc ,at. and "Tho j KivtiL." uhieh (Orf ,!.at t!l,'ru ,A j bo other jaiU''11'"1 m,"a l,M,i" ! ,. . 1 ... a .. ..-... million ol people in a new counTj, your lotk. 111 aray that would iii'ike J lu-iori ( Mmuih) an I thy old I.e.ivv where there i everthitn; to d nnd ' Socrtti. look like a thunder blatd Noimaii breed of Franre. Ho tom auolhei, in the 0I1L reiiie.:uiiio( one I idiot, and collect hi. stipend with an bine mam ou 1 iue de-iruble in a firm Ii. ....!,.., I tl. ,,... ...1 .-1 : .. I .: ..r. .;,..!,......, 1 ;.... i,rt,- t : . .1.. n . .. ... ' s .......... .....-. 1.1 1 vm-n; 1- uollliril.i- , 1111 "ii iiu"h-."iiwi -.i-n-iiMi .eiuu i " -1, ami i- ill uivi'iliv k'nlH IlL' llltf .,1 .t ., - 1 ,. 1 .1 1 . . 1 . 1 1 i Ir 11 .... . . . lti'o Uoo, finptctmriil .itory ifi lively nothinir to ilo, in ioimI or per.on put your i.it on, you are asiulted by lavor. rle 1 "ptntid, yet deil Aa ' 1, . , ., . ..,, . .a a t w u iui Ban 1 j - - - iwrM u i hardly eipialiiy before the ' a -mall boy wiih a '"rue hruh. who i r.iat imwilar -trrmrih. i- robif, h-1 , 1, ,0 , , fl t u ',. . .1 , a ... . a , . , , , !.'"" vi.ii-iiiiH" 1'UIIIWI . I- II IU IIIU under broii.,,',t" or "iinetl Mlk. John '. '',4'' "!rMJ " have gtveu u one of ',c m,,'t -" a' "I'Iih ombihit a' . ..... ... ,. o:iio loeti, in "M4ry ol tin a al afjair- law. We say four yen-, b-'e.rne tint tunc he you in the abdomen with the : g od wind. 1- niolttately luvr in ' l , . , , , , , - 111 ..I 1 t - , . 1 ... . ' ol.c el lit:ii'-aut Ji.' , rh 1 Js of woultl he a co-,veniieut term aecirl in ' -tr-wend, raji your nb with the wither-, etiabhiik I im to tkrojr irreat . n ' . .1 . ... . ; . ., ' , l.i- e ... . 1 it'ieoJI riem -!i ur:tt wh o lovtxl to the present contiiutioiiai provi- j.i'oile, ami conduct. hi iiioveiuen'i loreo into the collar; -fiort. ' av 1 . . . . t t iou!.inothe. matter!. Oiti'ibt L'rmib- with -11.-I1 uiHtteily Mnteirv that you neck, larwe bre.,-t unl 6U''T- '""" ' ','. '"w ?"' .ef,,a,1,!, ,tf 'l' "... r 11 1 .- 1 1 t 1 1 1 , . , - 1 . .t 1 1 enl !. l.oJioiiiiri opn- to Iraveittr4 a liatn. uit'-t fall over htm or piliablv bribe : limb- and round f...-r. ' wthal. po. . . ' ... Belief Coauaiiress. him uiili ten ecu Lc ..,,., 1 , , , , . .. .. , 1 em tit. Uuiiomm opn- to traveler'! a 1111 or pitiably bribe ; limb- and round feet, 10' wthnl. po. ' . f- ,n 1... .. L ..1 ..I .1 Ti ,.fie.rtwt Uwyt tw towii i v -. tiuu wu. - r-u-.-v- HIV ,iJT lining " .......... Keep con-fatitly on hand the fa-jre-l stock of Dry Pine Lumber in thej We very much 1 egret to hor of and to 1 :?! ML,. !, Barlor for Ecrse: W. st. Al-o 113.1 IM9 II IMI.III SG, LLUK, TARRED PAPER, :iml al kimlof 5 II I Ka I 3T U ISATKRfAL Our toefc i well -elected an? purchased direct from the raft and wi'lbi -old a low -i- 'b .nve-. i?l&S$ ST imiRBOI2m Hastings, Nebraska. inclination, inane jf the di-trihu'ion ol he cannot be con-'rCl' "'' t et he -urpa-efil oih r I'reed. perhap-, in pulling loiin K'ol roinl pir.j.nnd tiriiiitaiiiiiii l ihrouali the ! iy. Hi- m bonk 4, though tlt tt'wt plaee iurrij th m-i-t (Kipular re rt-, "What Keep- Him?"' Ial to 1 piin ful doubt whither ilojic cm ! any lover at oni r:niiiif on ojj;h timl dJy t hemt-try teil u. v.d experience . i...;,.. ;. about fifte-n hand., audi -VBV' ------ T -. . . ,.,,. ;,... ,1... . .1.... 1...1... : ' . . .-... , ,,. . , -,. , I i-n oi'li tt knfii ilm iiiui nt th if ffk. various donation forward to our -'"".-ichii-ih. ion. oane 1- j wei-h' irt" i.ni 10 1 vt pouncn. .- - ..." .!... r -.. e'.l one atnotlir the. ri.he,t t,f unin, ir. f-. HM.i :,,'1 ,r, W.ijtMU' Irtiof uoitifh ei- til M.iit: oir ino-c ,-unerine Hirtiiu neve-' ' i.-". - , -r- aric- of life. It i too sU to be the '"' lc.h-fonuiiiK ingredient-. Ac. Azzizzz :zr a Cot. ea-e, that if matter afrnot ct.nduet- ' ''''" chfiuis-L of ackmrnle dge.l, ed accordimr to our' wn particulir ' !""ority it i e.pecial!y rich in - A yoiin gentleman with a medium notion, we Mi-pcst-fr-re i- -ninethine '"",l""' Kl'iten ugar, gum and ;4- Ized. liglit bmwii tnu-tachean 1 .1 -uit . wrone and comii.-e to rind fault ' plnte of lime. Standing cniWrahIy ui- c,,tlLS ,,,, r The fict i, we-; too .u-iie;ou of j ak the fpfte-fion, :rl ihi-i,tfi-l 1 iit i completl by a geiic1! ad tw. I interior vieWH of ''Sr. Aijdi Cathe dral. N irth Wil,' itvpin up tho ' aim.. . rt .. ............ .- .1... ... . . I . "1 ilt'TT.H- 'IHTF" "" t'" '. I I III! .'intl ll'llful-tll. lA.III. ' " ....... ..1. .4..I.I niiti.M. ... ,. . one and anoth'r-h ive not eonfi lenee enoiich in our-'dovr man. A ytein can eaily leilopted, by which every oiieem b' protected. Irrc-iioii.-ible j eomuiittivuien, or agent., -hould be . r- - - - -.-... w i w.. ..r.u .... m. I. till- , I" I I over oat in theie nartirwar iwn , . .. . n ,1,,. :-.,.. er-dir .t..t.. . KM-- lw-" "" vt "- feed of barley Inriug Mtnutc.I n- rntue into a hotel one aftcrn-Hoi, an J 1 "f'''.?' .. tvjnal tothreeoroit.-. ft. view of the 1k.r j,,,,,. f.r a ga. of Maderia 1 '" f,4 ",,M,r "-"- w' lact that oat. have lecome a very un-, turned to the ,.., a. v ore or.t J ' '?" ,uUl !!1 l"A tmy' "M W""" - .. .. .-- - . ..,..,.....--;. .. .... fiTiaiii eroii of r vear. it 1 re br 1 ..-......! . t. .. ,-i . . ..: 1" "'' u" . . , , , mii . til il 31 -p e 01 ll'jl. " me farmer. to W. fooling out for Mime ; 0fwiy vn..ltt .lllC, Umlir.-! to ac- njuis nri to The Atdme. one Kiy Wuy, ! -nb-titute. and we kuoi of nothiti; We kr Ml cept. The exipii-tte tliiei J aroljnd ili.-eouHvnaticed. No article- should ar- ti ltd .. ?.,i 1... :. . iikeiv tcanwer as nar ev. t e knoir . i. .., :.i tfe l-"-u ut u:, iiirues or persons I J wuieiuiitinu.iy nnu mv . j iriilant taking a receipt for the varioti . l,nt ta a c2rfa,n cxtcnl ,l l a hejth j "I want to unti- a bet of -nm- kind; ifrafs and amount. No local aaent ' ft'1 an l -""'antial food for hor-e-, ! j0,.t cur . wi.jt lt j,. HI b t ' isny o matror or iuanI, but who cer C0KF03T A1?S COJTVSUISlIi RED CLOUD MILLS. NATIV LUMBER Constantly on bind. All kinds of DIMENSION LUMBER. 3UEEriNG. FENCING. A3aWfeE 1lak- r-soldjfflBBmixA wi. BOARD BY THE DAT & WEEK At reasonable rate. A larr nl comMfKl:ni TONE STA BLE has j5tben added to th prcmifea. .ftould ie to individual, wit hour .-, 1 ftr'1 wiU W f,,r it-11 if"r""1' for this ; Mnv ., rriM,. a .hillu.z'. worth ol ' :...:t . ... :... i.-.:.i.. 1 : 1....1. nuno-e alo'ie. to av nnthini? nf the - ...-k v ..: jsiujtidi tc-vciii, ic-iuL-.-neuiimi; a uooft, - . Clear '' .' -..mi hiii-, k'ii hasi QKf AV -v f - -j- j J dKI i to . - aa . , -- r HARDWARE ? LUIElLiVE!! i V 1 4i n .??lHHk Kent L-i4 . JmHHw) prices. MaxvreU 4 Dingee Wih t.i inf win the pablie fVt thy hY matie extenoe preparation-1 aaaufectarw Lia. nd wiH keep on hand a FULLStfPPLY to me;t the temand nf the public which will be cold at tasosaMe ra es. ifcer the F-ace Flm biiImi Mt nf R1 PlmiL tirti) nm i or SW pf Riw. T am now as in the ptt. rtady to 4inplv tnr cntonier and the public genealy. with anything in the Hardware line.it priee hat d-fy comju'ti tion. Jfy motto U "Small Profits and Quick Safe, for tha Ready CASH !' I keep a gnera' assorttnnt of Ha-Iware and a full line or FARr1 RfAOHJWERY, TABLE ND I0 'KET ITTLFY N ML .d TIOUFE TRIMM! r!WKK. ."3a'E.TKILS andMxSONMUOLS. SDLRS HARD WARE, a full 3ormu-nt FORKES.SHOVKLS,:pnnK IIOR5. HrjOX s?KAT f'R!GS 4C, AC. AUi intOdMS, snGAR BOXES. BASKETS, and BATH BRR'K. B MC jUe-i CUnil. . . . i t trifift.r ii-ioltirt'ifi ili-f i! ..,., fl". .-.1 . - ,-nowiug to wnoiii itiicii article were ' -a- "-- ""v . Ut-'tnen. ........ T. .. . inert. Itv tin tiln no IrMiiii mii le " ' . cotundtted. No one W hat thi v tf n"fl; ?' ippmr a g a-01 ter .n one Girir nil reetdpt fir of the bjr r-oi -at a pliin old t;entl- what they do not receive, and the j " ,,:,t ' lh diHerence leteeti a mat wnu ,,.,kd a thotigh he tnigh putlie can at any imc a-certain if the 1 spendthrift and a pillow ? One is hard , . a f4rmvr. He et d wn hi- gla stuff las been judiciously di-p i-ed of j "P n'"' me other i soft down. '. an,i ,.l.l,rc..-il ihe erpii-it-: 'Hie recipients of th-c don it ions, '5jongc bsths" re iteoinmended. "Well, MLter. I'm not in the habir are too often at fault. We fear that 1 The best ray to get one is to go to of making b-ts bat einir you're an 100 many per-on feel.Ii-po-ed to take c bathroom, take a bath, and tell I Jt h l don't cire if I cntify advantage of the c'-nero-ity of the ! the proptietor to'charge it. Joo. -50 I II bet oti a Jvnrt-r' worth PMMle, by a-king f..r and rccehing j . M:lirafnW man .av. 1, -1 ,lLp to of site that I n pouraqaartof ,Do- o.orMhao iiir jut proportion, ! ,p -ot.l .a V..l, ui.B ,. ,,i : Iae into your hat and turn ii out m -he fJielnion of a nctahUr who may j , , fi , .- w to a .-olid lump of carrly ia two tci Ik: in srreater di-tre and where mod I utcs by the watch Vl.t. ... t eel. lie it jr nut tt t ho trf a ih a. J i t. i j --. -... k:... r ..-: :. . - - - - ,. ,. -. ., r- . ,. uunu m.my ...c.c... it.tu t.u... ui-,,, .u . anj - , f k I-JOB, ! Wie rxqui-lie, UflDg J known. tcnl accm shoaM exercise J t - i.,. ... . ... "' neart. cnrai cire ani juttcmeni in matting tand tell a diMue.-tie taJu tMively. Lt LdKtiti Brv-T." the tii! Ktorv. ruifi-ircl to hi a Jitjrary reniun of G P. K. .Iaiti''ol inc ea.v in interet. tn introduce a rare figure, in th new -.rrant cmiug to Bra..- lfopj, iround wlmni in ty r.iy pywibly b oren joref the" pt of the tory than i.Ihw- at the fir-t g'.ince. Th jiulnT. frow holiday rio lackis 4 little irr 1 o variety, i cpcially neh iti iortry, Mrs. L. 3L Blinti coii ributuir a vet little' p.nT tulle I New.Yeir IViH.;" W.Jfwru J. tevrran a jwljly .on cm, with th chill tit Ir of Wmrtr an J orrwr;" Henry Slorfi'd 1 e-nih' on. aid I a. odd i- ei.rviibW. "Tne M .ktj f 14 ?" t. . .iiiu.-a-, arj tne ilo.T.f-,? -m ".Mary of th WiM 31 ,-' i t i. -. - - . j w off hi bat and harming it to th-firoi-r"'" w'r' mouM lxr t. r ., . - .... 1 tO Ol 111 V r.-ISil (ef lrtn ef. u ; a reai !: nit. r -pUttj'li I i . " ry-f a a. w - - - ----- - - . w fc""- f wi, . . fin.' di-tributioo-. and anv o,,P taking ' J n re " 2 rewara onea o j . , . . .-. . . T 1 A.lweJ.raisrfrr hi- 'latermtft- 1iantger the peneroa, hearted a ' ia "; for the champion oU lleiI:B IVfc fat a el .0 e-uhh-h ati Art FJ ,Wn, r'far ihtorTerre ef J.m.U I. ..r.,1 ,"r" '"" l"u ll iwc- e.cr .- . ....... -,- ,.... t Xtl41l-rt VfOa. I wriAfi 4 1, .uttivn Ii.... k nv-lrAf. k..t . . HJCJI It v U1CII Lit' lS'J lit?.. WCHL .JUL AIITJ. . . i .... X . t. . bought fire cent onh of twnana. Here l a : verr ;rcttr storv frr.m - t.t L ., ,.t - - - ami cave ine oov irje ib3 races w 1 'Stafrci Tz-z ir a s?' u .'5- ..j .x. 1. ... 1. . i-J wic well-ifi urn !,;.. . t . . . . .' . . , . f7uesrcu me irirs-KrentT 10 sena lor a " n xnjr ( near 01 tne Cleveland featlemm. wno. ' - . am ad .ii.,.:i.... :.... , , . , . .. , . 1 quart of tnoU'r. ' """w iw worsofart :r...t :..:..- i j-j .1. tt- TfT'chnp -ort. nt teffoerrtu Km, v.Tiiiuiunij( uv nuoureu uouai., - , . , . . i,-.. .... .' utai s me iiihi i ri-e in tht. ttnrx. wntenne U4j lo?r. weiit out anrt ,. ., f. . .. -' j ,-u,. .w, ,- . . cent. ai nre- mrnling nrer a tin. iiif, vasatni a. errtaqu.i.CltbCUf't'Jr- an,: PctJ!Wif wh thi- apcriJ "? wvuntlj colkctin?, miQS cent stamp to tfas lr k-pr. I " . "' ij f,.nlit!iJ aairirj- ttU The rnobiv i- brought, arvl th- " f 5fWfi t,Wt-. Sub-ert oUfarnzr wuh" j crirs. tMy-terhs-r; t',a ."ffe 0jf ,e,cb' "''iW countenrvi. nnnrfl it intn the daa- ' AUhsefora, tuar. vr- ..11 t. .1 - : ..,.UPy0n-oi trre pa;ioj UU weH o'eB10nrtrted fact that that ciry : j when a widow has once deterarincl to 11 1 e j f .r 1 . .i . . - j - , . ,- . , . ,' .- -i 1 - 1 - -i. i- ay s hat, wh Ie the exqui-ite tooV out cawoio, al iifa ticket in cad eirl entered a htrbT.- shop in g" navtsg deigns is tke time direc- t- ,.k .A . .t - - ' :a ifw di-irILrT.ir. ... . ,- 3iiv . it - . I hls Witch ro note th time. G'riBz r-inwK ot art ramtumtt. tean. and told the pniprh-rnr that "on may S3 well r.tire at once. TheLt,,.. .-,- .. t. i -I Tne 'ticiui-wKTni. u-t 5r - JZ 1 1 "' ,f,":u,;' ; " w"' "-"" UMfc0i Signer BlraJike adroitae Ae ex- L,Ue" ew York Ckr 1 j r '. 1" - tt . . - . pentmerp!ce'! Jtirtirli- table nl 1 mj, a wean 10 ourzain tie A trcod eowet Tnr kwtn iu Mn K j - - -. . 1 - k -J r - "- av-wB -ijr vaia u- iv bhi ivt? v a . - a -a -. - " --t j .-:-.- -:-k. ni 1 .,... - . . . 1 --'".-' tt 'ic nw mg im 1 i'r'n r&Mfari .Sr7rAi.i;5 jnu. ..c . no mure, c.a oy ty,8f a &nnca or IigbteJ fire derful proe-a of &. j iper to hdJ -.ZnZ-r ;- A, SBBn og " fWK ''s ( H ' - s 3tl fi a 1. s. IS Idr f v "1 S . 4 - - - y. V -- - kHS .-;cy f-l- sfc' . tra- ! - t'' r '- .. '