BWP.jfcWMMKJWBBMfc-''S.'aTTB-'ir.U Jl' ' . - tiVJVMHHLMW a- n- -i ,, - ., -i ri.Mlrrr-r r. i nr-iiin- - . IWi 1 raBBBrM rBBBTXBHBwHlBVBMMflHHHMHHIMriS s!wseg fc f x 9 ' m - ' W & f P -- It " M A- sr '. i MMl THE RED CLOUD CHIEF RED CLOUD, NKRRASKA. LOCAL MATTERS. Kfit'i&n in thii Cuhtfnn 10 Crntu a Lin Official Directory. COUOKKSSIONAL. W. TirCon. B'ownvUle. U. S. enatnr. W. HifbcocV. Omiibrf. U. . nator. Lertnto Crounte. Kopwmutier. EXrcUTJVE. R.W. Furm. F.rewnville. G"Tr,n?r J.J l..tper. Llnmln. Se. ol Pt. J.B Wr.irru. Hratrirr. Auditor. II. A. Kuniig. Col mhnt. T,r,c:"'?;r.e"' J. K V.rbttrr Ueiinc. Att y -0 J. M. McKtnxie. Lincoln. Pop. Pub In rur JUDICIARY. Geo. Jt. Like. Omaha. , Chief JiMb-- Dsn'Hfnn't.Nci.Mfka'.itv. .,OCto Jo. Hatn'l MikkcII. Plrltiuoalli i WE.ttTEK COUNTY. J. A. Tnllej. "i'SJ. K. II. J '). L W. Tulleyp. II. C. Rill. Ml. K. Krlry. L. V. Miin-l. W. K. Thorn. A. M. Hardy.) Prbf JuUf. -hr-riff Heboid Hll.' Coroner Cuin.ty urrejr County Corumlofiner . rv. Jui, r F. Hmttion. Arrival mul I;.rliirc r .! rroiu Hie floM'l Juniata Lcm Mndii- W.'dn.-Mliiv'ii and Pridiy i hi. Mnil'do-rtl 0 p. in. '"v:. ','' dyTlitir.dayand.S.iltiplay p :. HARVARD Lave. Tin-dav' nnd Fii.Ijx- G p " airivr.- I uu mrl I' irl-iy'-5l p m. Mail cl-f ij p. in. rit:.'Kl.!N. Rim-' m. M""' ndTliur.-Uv'.-'Jp. m d-iitfw. i TuBiMlny'i- tttil Kr'Hav'- 10 a in Pleasant Hill have Thir-dav- f a in. Atrve Wednesday 4 p. in Mail cli?cd 'J p hi. Jewell Kan--. nivo. Fiiday' 12 ui. L mvijr Friday 1 p. m. RUS-KL, Kniia-. ariivi-.-iThur-dayV 12 a. in. Ii!kVs Thursday 1 p m Officw opeu from untill 6 p. m 8unday. All rriritfred matter mft-'t !! ii the evening h'fre tho in nU leavt; M. . McNitt. 1. M. K0T!CZ--?3st 03:3 Hcurs. The lnt Office will h.- np.'ii i Sund-u- fii.m 11 A M. lo 12 M-. " from 8 I. M. inyi M. foitlie ju ))nu of nri"'''"1' I "'lJ'- Then- i im l tr rrj;itilcreil ihe muiiiii Jhu muil !cve. M R McNitt. 1. M. c-uiiui: :iiti.'iKY. I. K. CHUUCH -Rkv Cms ItKII.r. 1'a-inr. ?ev;e.- eaiih a ternatf Sahh-ith a 10 A M. cow.Ri-r.vnoN Lisrciiruri Rkv. A. Maxwfli. "a . " it e-each alteinutu Suhhatn a' 10 A. M. JJA1TIST CnURCn.-RFV. Tnn .Mi;.l."W, I'a-inr. Seuiee- cmmj . fnuilli Sahlwiih al 7 V. M. SaaRAHI Fciiool every Salihnt! morning at il A. M .1. Q. Potter. .qp. Prayer myelin -ahhaih and Tlur d-v e.veimf All h'lil at the hchoi-' lifjiue ?u-t iKi th of tow ii. Cindio, ihi host mid pi'- i' town, at Gen. ZeiJ-'. A few County Wair into wanted i ncthy WiLLi-nx. ?nre your nuniey thne hard time Fy fi-imr to Willeox, who will a jou money on your t:ixo. 1CK! ICK! IC!'.! ici:i ic:i ICK ! Good cVnr ice on hand and for alr t Geo. Zeiss'. I'rieo one cent pei pound. tass iciics. Onntrnelms Ruilders. or thn. jHinc woik done in my line will re civo p-onspt at entin hy 'civimr oi irr with me or at R R. Sherer A Cempany. K. K Covey. Fraft'cal Painter, Red Clud Neh Three months credit piwii ifdoin & The ! eme.'iic Si iinc Maelrr.u j scknowledKcd hy all competent udge to h the tet maehine now be ore the public. WANTFD. To purehao for Cash, io head of Fprinr Calve and Ycailinjrs from G tu IS months old. innuire of Ras.-fr Rho's., 4 ci!e r at of Red Cloud. ElCHF.LBVROER t CROW, have pur chawd the Red Cloud Steam Stw Mill. Thoe wi'hinc wwiojr doie hould brinu their 1ok itiimmediaiclv. is the mill i soon to bo wored. If Kctice to Teh9T. Notice is hereby given. That I will examine all persons who ma tUsireio ofier themselves as candidate.- foi teacher of the priman' or cmnmen ichools of the county, at my oilier in Red Cloud, on the. first -aturda&'t August, November, Feh.urv nd JJgy. 11. S. KALEY. Co. Suj-erint ndent - ?end m II. H. Jiihiwn. Crete. Neb. for circular of the Ponifsiic Sewinp Machine; aKo terms t. a?enr (i. t.) if you uiean busine3 and nallj wuut an ngeiiry. Stolen or Strayed. FronTJ. Q Potter stable, light bay mare, bmdiy tail, Bnt heavy mane. rather low aud tliiot set, when ?:art ine h apt to go into a pice. ix j-W( old. Anjyf.f ruH"n eonccrn- E&.Ruy the Dome-tic. McNitt ha a .apply of a!l kind of Mat tune OH. Il-ad the new advertisement 61 I'. It. .Jone, Juniata. GrnvZT'r, if you want snod tea. coflee,, an I other erocrie-, call al the (tr.mii v Si on next door M the I'o-' office. JonN G. PoiTKR, Red C'ou-l fin to Smith k Calvert fur Furni ture. AH kind of Dry flood- in lanre supply anil at reasonable rate at OaRiIER k Co". Good warm fall and winter -hwlr and drei".ooil-:it ..,., G. Co'-. A full -toek of Hurt- et.d 'ho-. .'o: tin! fall trade ut G &LV- -no hi,h,-t .r n;. pa-l for Wheat, Oil- d Railcy, h- Red Cloud U.ugStiiP'. 0. II. PoTTK't Cranirer's. if y..u win' "r (Jraoitor li'tt- and -h , cill at ! Grnnge Store. JolIN G. I'OTTKli. TllE CimP. ""d the W'i..L 'hieago rt Ami Mnl. will he foiii lied to .-ub-wrib'r-. for $3 00 :mt e.r, ea-h in advance. Tho J'it .! M i, is.qinl to. it not the be-t. of any week ley new-paper pubiMi.:d ! I'hicik'o. Tho-o who are already rub -eribiT-of our paper, can get terms lor the other on ap;lica'ijn. Kero-ene, 30 cents per gallon Gar er Si ('. Matche-1. 5 cents per box at G.irlH.'r'.. Limp chitu iey. 3 or 25t at Gir hcr". I'liree bars soap, 25 c ut-, Gather Si Co. Soda lOcentu per pound, at (J irbtr-. GRANGK TRE. ..'00l NKWS GOOD NKWS. ror the F.iimer- of Web.tei and N'-ighhurini: uiimres. GRANGK -T)RK IN RKl) CLOUD. The .-lore kt pt t J dill G I'nttei 'lavitit been appointed ti the Oouotv .euiteil a GRANGK -TO K. Pnp-n-!' Mol.inliy uii tin 1 i' t heir ioteie.-t to tlade at th.- Giamie Don'i forget the place N Xt ! oi i the Po-l OlTi'-. J. G. POTTKR. Re.l CI..ud. Hard ui. 1 H ud up ! I never -h ill forget, "he time- when 1 w-is h.ud Up, and nriv be bar: nji yet If you are bird :m eo lo McNitt- your Hardware to bur, F t he iH'ver fail- to make a man bi- sormw to fnrcer. Ue In- a full n-sortmeiit and ki'cp- hi- po-dT diy. t:d selU w-iv down to hot ton piiee- for eah vu bet Fir hi noto j small prfi:. qiiek a!e. an I rnady pnv. Good poeket knive at McNi t's. for '25 cents. t Wood nwp at MoNitt's. f.r $1 00. j A full a-orfmonf of 'ad:e" -he-. all the late-t varieties nt G. & Co', Wanted. Eeroy on" to loo.v that Reret'Zrtn k fo "re -elliiu! or heir entire -took orGroccie-. (J ' iii! Root. Shoes tti. at ms Tb ? no hninhng. Ltdie. call -it R. Co', anl iret a a nice dress pnttern for 9e. per v.ird New rood at ?''e Grants Stt-re John G. Pottei. Red Cloud. AH)! AID!! Dear vc ! Hear ve ! all von nrdini Tl ml Ware, oranv thing n-nt'lr ket-t in a Hardware Store. MeNi'r i- cettttiL' a nw -took nf;ood 16 f A. S. NefTha opened nr a first r!a- livery -table in the rear of Smith a billiard hall, and ha -ntn- of h- bet ' ne" in thi- part of the ronn'rv Onler for team- cn le left. wh. n br i nlxent. at ihe Rillinid Hall. hi advertisement. Read Chattle Wor-gage Sa'e Wheren defau't ha- b- en made in the payment of a certain el'a'tel n oi-t cage, executed bv RoIkti llr intcten. of the. county of Webs'er an 1 tate o' Nebra.-ka. to Georce W. Izcnbv dattd May 25; iS74, o -icnrx; the payment of a note of ( vru dite n tenuic. Terms of as follow-.- No- tor Kichtj lour dn'Jar- an.! t nt five CM.t.-"tfS4 25). nude payfdf h-xi? days aHer date alve mentionen. an 1 dne.'ulv 2-i.h. IS74 b irimr in'ere-' j at thi at" of tucive I12l iht vnt p" r ..n which there l- n.. due a . . iiimmil tha -inn ui eishrv fnr tt ar- nitd iwetiiv-ficct;t-(84 251. ?"' i:. - tere-t from ? ut -Mai 25 -aiJ in-rtcier wa- filed f.r n-e-od in he ofii v of th- muipy c!erc eb-tor eount, Ncbr, k.i. on the 7 .. da of Oct Iki, I5i4 at 'he louti "I 6 15 p. m , ami rec 'pled in paist-s' f6ai;il 67 of book "A" d rbauei m rtsagiH The- forr, an ( by vir tu of ud ehitel nt ruie. I witl .tilt r,i .iT. ia. ..I., r.. K. ki-hd r Li.i ?. :i ' .t: ..;". .i iK.. f'..nrt il .n io d Ibu , WeUter ..onmy. N-bra- a .1 i ..ll-.... .L..KtL.l htAtuiiVi ".I Ll..,..l. to wit : One oke of oxen aho it -eren yeai old, onea drk n'd clor and the tfur . UKht ml row w t A wmtr- wee anu ". i i .-I... ..! ... ail iV..e. ,-ia inn: in tt- ( ". - - - - t P. m. hn day Dec- i 17'h. 1?4 Terms o' .-hie mh J ,z 1... ... Inn t tl:i 1hli , WY: .: x-n 'llncle Sam" has ju-t ntrired a Urue I"t of the fi'ri appl.e ever hrooclit t.i thin nia keu Dr F z. of fior rton tlroppi.! in ap'l left a two il.dh- wil'iatu. thcre bv M-ttiinf a jflnnou? eXamplo to the ii tg aenetation. We wu'd lilt to have two or thre of the fifty who pnlniid to bring u wkm1 do o 'oott. ai we are eetting hert of thai nrt:rl. Ano'iicr-- w)mi bad in iejl no- . If 1 f .!- t -. vx. ktt- I tieeN wil I-. ll'.o a- -...- i- r .- -,.-. for th. .-y-.. m of .he -a-oe. There will be a i-ria' e-mmniii e,it!on of I'hari v lde, A F A: A M. on Sa'urdiv idtfht text. Ruv xioir ood a home. The ji-reba-H-olR 1 C'i'ld -tre aelual'v -ellinc I wr ha:i tt the railroi 1 In proof of thi" we have h:i.d sev tal -t-ttp'oeiit- d trim? the !a't we k Mr Swift. Sr lo oMhi- Re 1 ("on 1 pritp'Ttr to Mi O'i'b-v-'fe of Olijo im I raf'ei in lov of. ' f-15 c Mi -Vif' will n o. to J-tiiM 'ii (' vr biv- G o !met". for "i: drujr-. I'.'lll' fit. i IM--H (v. . l ui'"' i,rt- !, itnTr Io of the CCtOl'tie "lr en T- "del" e-i'a' r. bleb ! be rtinpled at the Rilliatd Hall Try them. On tie-fit. t pn2C will be fUn ' the e.-tray law which i of imprest to eery PirtoT and roek owner- in the eoimtr It would be We to cut it out and prcccrvo for further informa tion. Ktr'v tn-t wecV thr On'Pha-" ia ed throoitb town on tliir Wiv to he Sui h we. r. There werenveia' buti ded. of ihetn. and h-v had !' their movable property along including -quaw and iiioo- Win'er hist wp-k. -n w two or three inehe deep, and a general mid winter appei ranee al around. Pe.iutit weather, tliouuh rather rool and wintry like. Grander call and re if R R "herer, ain't -ellin D'ugj an I P.iiut-. cheaper my other h-m- in h va!'-y, all ot'i.T know it. Kvery hi g Wirntjd 1 'ipn a" fiom be lla-virs I V'C f l'l i' oiie pei..ei hi. 'iee Knlirvf -:.i':n; :hv. :d"o.i" ut b-t pl.e-. fh "d ' ir of ili it pip'f ml ilv i'lti ine -o.uethitL a1' "it a "-out leletfr.n h p o,s" k" Wi' al-o atirm 'hit any oue w!i -r a!- the .K-irit iV.e jifti - -nt t;i tho d'-:itiif . woii'd tuak" an orn 'ii ti t .ipp.' tr in aloti -i b a telejrnph o!e. provided his feet were bij:h enoiiL'h above .'round to give ill a g od v"n;w of hiJ carcass. Talmaoes Paper. The Chri-tUn at Wmk Now York) riultswi'li h b-.-f of the r'!it'i'l- rt.kt:- Dr. T-t!tn tee i it- active editor, nl h' nermotj ire pu' h ii il evelo v ' io it- co!u on-. Th' i.j'ii y.l 2."j pei MMiium e-'V ire'i.d a potaf" n I le'iver; iii'di'1 " pr m iiiin, a ' Po-foli " Tw-'v i)-ii-." or a cp. of Lm hs'vr's "Twin-" Witho it th p up'i ii if ii -mlv $3 per aotiu ii pitage pr'piid a aViv AiM'Ut- will fiu I ihi a -uwi. List week A S. NolT b-t on. bir "b'a-k-'." a- fi'.e ; 'eVii a- ctt be li.,.l i tbi e-elot 1, oit n wi- iip;eiren''e ... !. t . t , mm i w - I'-'io' ' ' 'i e ""eiig TJ- frnr r iir.d G t1 Te '-p. v- arc it in.- nee ;o- in P t. : I'vl on ' qVor nirth f Co r. Jim.- No 2 L-i w. ek !'-,id- I. Croby mid G. W. 'D'omp-on. of Rivcrton, e-i'ded. Mr Dev r' who wa- we'd kt own to ui-iny of our penpb and a former res:denf ofth 'Otnty, died at Forsyth, II'.. in Sen. ls:. Indian-of erety gc, color size and sex left bi n pa-iijr t'ir inli for a we p- F" t tie Oonh. tl an h P.W'iee :p m has. The. I'wnt e -re gotn S nb t itke iK-e ion of iha'r or t;-i'rvi-tio i and will not he a.i Co u-- aca-n In -on p'ao they I be it tr nh.'$ni' fflpi! ev 'rr thing hey could ret hold of. Tn JIar.nnm thry took ba twenty five hnslvl of wheat frn uraiik M e'e n, n1 'f I repor d 'h tt tltev run off :wo rr thrtje hor-'- fnun thl vt.dnitv. W hop? the d ir will on eo'n wht n a idkiniil bea tart a vvht in N -bra-ka a- :n hontf po'itici "r. 1st fh"- It i tioies int t w f our t4 x -n f'l lr. "tr ?i(J - , ,. rear i ii.i.hi .. uarti fur rfri.- t ..- t 1 . nr " !'r " !l r'''e'- !"lM Mi r Si" mivS- o- vho b -? i St-e'.i-s j M"mbr M-i-xi. ?nl t -neb t rys nrnnirj cc,;in wp TV MnMr. -Mm nal t. if not the. b-t Ma.-i e mMi-lwil we can cef rebiee-i rates for our pa'rnn. On arcnun o-fhw cllangt in ih ar-'val an I departnri of the mail bav t-Kntrtwl lkt tnbli-ttrkit 4ai $ r. j-, tirj i n- , oi ni ar.r t i etim--iayit, ni I whtdiee, wilhetDor -ti.fariirT loonr nh--rib.r-.tIinnSitnr.Ity. I - - T- e. b imT .vt. ht- trying! to fill ap . 1 k?' e- Irt'o .i' -ir n hirjr.D . Will rom- nn lw kirn rnoacb tnl hru f n t nfc ac r v'izic eir- CnMianr in O-der to ffjve U5 a , ,. chr"t wrifo the tb-g up Si V" 'a- i we of thr- n3wT,1 wM.vrwHijaffr.i Abratn So Ut, . fll ran.? we learn that a we k a.o S.'irJy am) an it hive nrawi'- ti e oecured in the norli we-t p.rt i.r He county, an J eey body bd to nun nut ami make a lively 6ht to "ave. ai n ., n;.iri..r Vn oo prnoertv Al-o, (hat lis:riet o. u ha-ju-tbiii-hol a fine hool house !St36 a frame boildin erected by Sylverer Day, who had the contrict - ri :. .:j . ,l.n. l... K-r ..rtmn. - - " - i.hi.olaiiv-ho..h..u.einh&v.i..ijsIj(lkpfiw j,.. ,T M nM I 1 irtn t r"d on . , , n...Mttn .... j .j,,,,, , ,.(. g.,e ,,,.. j . w i irint, . chuo- r.fbuf- t'a'o, .Lin jt'i I we'il return tbauk- tn a pub! e manT. Tomorrow i ihiok-iviuv' diy, and wiil be pioperl; oh trvud a- .-ueh in many 'aye-. - !'ro A. D Wil-imn- of ihei L -well fir itrr, i- now a travel ii.e --lM b-z.t of the l.'.coIn .- r .... p r . . "-tt'.tti.. h ", 'o'vr . ". paid 'Oir mvoi a vit to leHtn hc tif. ! l ih un:r in ill' in't-t ..f r'otb nz The G rui , !.., ud.rl ettdtii.' aid h - t' t d. . d -etit ln- to I am tljt?l protHi'le 'U'oi'W-'PUud... --- - ; d Lin Fnlay. W. L av. u . i, . an ii-ryne I ! t !.. and Raru Swift, of .Juniata, anived in low , and remained until Sunday Harny U rj licimr in the poo-o, -ion of a Iran new b 3. of the Swift pCT -uaMon, n.arly two weeks old. )n Saturday evening lait Gove nor Gather put in an appearance, an 1 was wormly welenmed by hi- old friend mid neighbors. Cap. we will alw-iv-call him br that familiar :itl io k- hearty. :i.d is iindoui tel ly well pie -ed by the phi im in ij irity I13' wh eh he w.i- elected. He wai accoiiip.inied by .J.n Liiid E.q. of Ju.iiiia 'I liere wcte forty teams in town at onetouit on Sa'uiday la-t. Pretty mol for .i Clou I Ninty nine ick- of fliwr ha lieeit roe ived 1'roiii the Oma'u iil 'oeic y. and ao 'iojc ai the Pot office awanng de.itrib.jtion. Wil' itnie !MM or three tif the -r.oie vho have p.-oined :o briny in wo.Jen n'terp'5 n dy oiMtrtfii i'ry. Th--o-izm ' o t:u !.-! 'i- n .: iir iiiitr,1 , i" ; ; Xt . F301I S!733:3X Hall op Pion-kiu Ludok L 0 f O. F RiVKitr 'N, n t Nov. 17ib 1S74 I Kd. t'liiEFt t a tesrulir in e'tng of Pioneer LL'e N .45 the f'dliwiug resolu ion wa- adopted. Kfmlenl: Thtt Pi meer irige hendiy tender to Win 0. Thorn ps n ami Raitiutt Asbbtom. their tiio-r -i'lCe e 'Inn -, for the g n,r.eis !o-n- ti.e.i ! one lot eacli in th- town of It ver'oti K R N (J JotiN I!. Mit- hki. Se. - " L.''LK1)K HOIISK A T. AVRES.Prop. GeO'gP W N'l'Jlt lo.v.l-: IJ ( II V III ir.d ; v:lIh Inirale ; f J .bo K-e :'-e. P. 'J-'.; G t W - N'eb. !': C. II. 1'otlrr iU-A V. .1 H Kl! -r lT ?' N.b. t ('to' ('rv K;vcT'r ; lei i ' iii;t. R' vert 'n J iu11- Y x e"Vi.r't !w ; H. Mi-ne ft' U ek ; Cr eWn-fon (Jiib : '; '. J S I.- n e; ud; r: ;t i ! ij.iI L .'! I-iae.te; P T. A'eM. ,1 Lull U d i'lotil; M rk W .. r ul Liv Hid Cloud : J. H. W ntei-ten ind IaI.v. Sqtt-ilunek : M S. M-r h Hed Cloud; Kd. Fern Ke-I Cloud: Mr". Fern Hed Cloud; fienrge !'. Weldon Red Cloud ; Fred. Allen J.-.I Cloud; John Dtinlar N b. I'ii-: Ntelio!a Cratiie Nib. City; P. J. IVt-er Hed Clou 1; IF. .11 Linn '. lowt: ' 11. WHUn It." C"; A "W-irht He! (loud; Hari Wei loo Red CI oi d ; W Ii B.r-le Neb ity : G-n. UroTr II S Army; II P,Therfor.J Ntrb. (tv : T Rather t. N"h W. N Kekeiy CrMe Neb: .J C Holeonib Walnut Creek. Rt port of li.. U-1 C .u I n' Ii,--ehno' fir 'h tenn enling Nor. l;jrh. H74. Wh iV nipnl-r?h-i1 rsenr-'lel 65 V ertte diilv i"."ida,.-, Nutttbrr $t;t lying Vrit.'unei e. "47 i 35. A O IS Id , i. it Alr-'bn; Granimir. G- ,.! U "d". e. H :..r.- .C U Kauy0 t Red C!0UJl Retail Hafkfiti 1 CiiK.rCTCO VCCCt.Y T 0fSXt A COSiANT, x i ( Vrll? . r Vm W a ilolitr ..f.. ilT j A (j,.,, j;llltar .' ( (' i'i,jf.v Soxar "i ; V'l C- flT.H;Sur S . Iprk IJrowiiCjusar ..... V-s - . ,o-. u h; (,j . GumowderTea pet fii l.litl tii ?'1'0" 1 ouiiz n.vvn I i' : Smoki'rl Sliuiil lers .... 1.1 Mutter -.-.. I tt,-J Four. AXXX. il broil 2 To Keif tiantiel- .! Wfiiii' to 5gii.f0 Twiiled do fiO Rrown Slnittuc -Jirlfi Sprneiie and M rrimaePiint l'-j (Jommou Piint' I" Drown Deimn...... .... ........- ItliH ..avv RniAii iMwlinir 2:1 i27 2 1 '0 ...i :o a? "' ... i V" H'of-' 2 .... ..... I . 'l - 2 StnNi ' 'buvvP.-At i I"-!"- H""'- i I5rav .-lu.,i.- ttl . A Z.t rd;:r,J -' .51 Aixsrlnn h:. Z9 I i ?,-.?K 1 ; 1 : -: j 1 ': Tilt .ILDi.YE, The Art Journal Of America. lMai4 cinlbljr. -A MioyirirKVT Cosceptiok, WoMOKirrL ltCimiii Oct." Th nrcitv or a pnpuUrrntliam for thr repr-eiitHttiin of ilm rlucien of our r!U trtis ". bj tnylifn tecozult l. ail many iit'ein it- h ivn tteci in ele to inrrt llipweit. The urctive liiilur.- nhifh o in ana'-ly f.llio ra 'i aurin-t In thi ciein rv to e tni h mntj urn il. i'i'1 not prove the ind tlrrrnrr i f ihe pr.iplr ef Amrr Ica to the ctu'on' f h g' urt. So an n n proeer nppr- iition f the want nl nn liility to njp-t it wr ho"n. the public once nli.l with cn'hu . m I it support ami h-jrMuLwi Jjcrett irtsicanl 'OUi incrlil triuinpli Tllri ALI'IB TUtiALUIN ".while i-ue-l with all the riralarit. hts n'U t th trtnimriry or t .. .-f. :.i.mji K..ri f t.ri i , t.f iir'tinrN ,.,... '.. , ,.,.,.,", mi-reUan-. f pii-n, : iiht, arel urit-f'ul 'tr-jturc : nn! .eiiitcn'.: ifyiotara. til rtr- ft e' iui" f .wi--;" -i'i in j:-cJi Hfii ..h e. .IthfsyJj r-it-ri .1 ...'-j ::u'i'. r i .r., - n i '. r f e', ' fc " e l-.oity i . L!I i. i ' ui'-'. lrt"a - -her t i b mi t i t i "lo ! tlic yr.i While t.'jr jeib u ta j cLiitn -u,-n r Iiei.ri m onipiie I io. ri aU-I" . Min l ,r -I --. I JlK 'M'lEi" unique in I oruiri'tt " in,rp,I ' I "" in i nn .m'Ii.j i -il..t'atc i w !i ui t'f.iK i tion in pnt-vr chunrter Th" .'6eroi it neui'ieti volume mn u -t dap'iciti he q i till y til fin p .tail I'ujr ivire in n tub r or tia u icr of olume Jo ten time its cu.t; a id then, there i the thrum . beside ! The tfionl feature or TK ALOINK niurt he Liken in no n irrow .eu-e. Tiue r is co'inupotiun While THBALDISK ii - ri"ily Ainci 'xn inn uliou. it doef n t con Que itell rntirly t" tho rep odu tion i .a:ive art. Itr mi-'iun i to cil.iv-jt m b ii nl anl api re iati- art ts'ttr. onr trmt wil! li-criiiioar only on rfnuneis of iutri . c in r'. rinif. wlile p.i?iinc bif o he pit r m niK a- :!"aJin.jhar ci en is the proiac im l lh tuo t Atn-.rican trtisH. .iiit-ntion i.l :ilwiyb given tu ?p:eiui n- lrm it reign uii;ter. in M na-wori icm all th pi -a'urrt ami and itift ucti"U o-ittiwabJe Iroto h iue or foreg n nirco I'll" .nil".- .llitratio: of .la-M-m 'ceui'ry. "ri.:iil i h I'li. A' L'l . is -in nneorttiH i.ture. i"it ii' mi.c 118V- nt ptalr re , p tu ri it . rial ' ih .-jti-fm-f.r. r-fc"3"eit .iliai:-:h 'H co ' alf il ttlby-.n, infe't r ie. T ' judi- it.u 11 tr-tkrr. U'U t lart -ef tn .a. "ra . !! in n ' nx' s" " " J'i. ' l " - ;l 4 : ,-- ' " pt ' '' w r V .tin ih.- Jt.t t c o 9.7 W 'r; i b litivn.. . 71L i v t,:i?.n x i ..-.iit Jly W til- " !! on ' 'i .'i i i i rr c iiu ac wtuk. ip - !. l - ta i - ) r i . . p.i -r im rcj. 'Ii e P311TI ?0H 1875. E.rry juWriber lor 1KT5 will rrc-ive a ba'itiful tntrait in oil color, of the mine noble dig whon picture in a lortner Lmuo attracted jo rautb atteotioo "MAKt's UNSlLFPsH FRlENC" w:Ube wslcom'in err y h..rn-. Ererjb-idy love-uc.d f.and the portriit ira cut d i true t' the li e. 'h tt it -eetai tnr e i t;e pr. fence o hr annul itrlf. The rl f. T. l'e Witt Tal uagr te thtt hi own Nrw f tandUnd d t (ih fi'iwU n 0 o .klyn; brk tit! Al'bnngh -atur I no nerhoce ihiprrm:a ' chr mow:libre tho s!igtt rar of being bitten. Re? i lr the crrm. rverv ailran -r aberib rrtoTIIE AbOIKorlT5H c.)ni'itatl merarxr. and entilled o all therriri' f Ald'ar Art flii m Tht'nonowniithrerlgi al " ' TflE K DINEfirtnreii which w'tS th-r r-a! t ir?and ra-T'in. are to be dttrl-n' itn-r g th iB'r.h' Ta nrrr terir" tf VW aK-r-'Ket. 100 ditTr-rnt plre. ad at over f2 500 'e ! rtricf'l fnoir ae r i fni. an I tbV a-'- -r coeh ri n. n.). ...m. i-. h nn' li v. :- ,vr .xt 13 reeiling i t,orT.;55 .W'T". Ibu feat-i-r ri-!r i.ij,; M a3ruT' ' e-r P.r fcnr T -T Jo .: -...-. . wt - ,r in -. - - .- J-. t .n r'ln l ; t tJT- - TEHi On? S-rit-jM. saUUiaT ALDP ni Tear, 'Jh: 3hr3t tal ti ArtTWoa. No ehrg for --gr eiihale r-le aftHe ALMSir. sw rf. nffwu'l.'?wlr. a?" iburintwn. Tkt wilfcwe r : e rh fr nbr'9'w t the BwHtJaH-r 'H-e- t ! wrai -.wi lt rtrr- ilfrBer ere i tiri liSre 5 er-w kri a tfe f Jaara cCTiw. ErT W!flT Mat wotww ew'trva Er-walva aV aairrHayt rtaafft CUA?. KaJOXEi1 ADVER'MT. THE HIGHEST PRICE IX CASII PAID FOR GRAIN. - ALL KINDS OF GOODS SOLD BELOW GRASSHOPPER PRICKS. Ilrcnffiin; .Yrrdefi il 7 The M20 '-: ir i f'&'ittif m Mod: ,IljMr - ... NK1IRASKA -USPKNSION OF HUSINESS KVEltVTIIIXO C. O. D. The Climate Impairs Our Health!' 4 Lbs., Minus 2 Ounces. Bast RiO COFFEE for $! 00, or 4 Pairs Grang rs Socks for 2 cents. oh In Tour Tim to KITY I1MI ! Bi:iU:XZKX A Co,, Kel I loin!, Xb i '. I,. B L S & (. I. :!-. I.KIi-- IX- LF and HiAVY HARDWARE. H Ji rtvr Oak and llipie KIovvm. ALL Till: VAIHEI'IEX OF 11EA H W; I A7 I'ARLOU STO Vh'S A 'iMid aH-ortment of AIL-. IlAKE-5, W)Lr. COV I'LWTKK. SPOVEIA SJ'VDK. KoiSKS. CMlPKNiKHS AND MALMS' TOOL-. P MNfS. OIL-. i DO Kit N: NKWTON WAUuNS, ;l- ll.VWMIB (JitAM) DKiDlIit I'm) S. DAVKNPOIirjM.uWS. With W IMI.I ill (toll lletllllS. And Kvtry'hiug te-cdid b) the Farmer or .Mechanic. NaT Fine Tuble and Pocket Cutler'. o. i.. nvrri.Es&co. Uiilitc Kurlc. SfrlirjwUn. N:.W !HU(..N'i ir;0i;:JtYTOjk I t.-y ieil CtooIt - ie,U. We wi-h to infirm the citizen- of Red C.oud that we luve a new oikwfi.- nich e otlr t OraoKt:r prices. CoBWJ'ting of DRUGS, PAIMTS, 01 S, VARNISHES B?U3HESKD FASCY uHOO:-. Al-O a Ch'te Hit of TEAS, mi IOBACGOEn PURE WI ES ami LIQUORS. flpr-c'a! arreatWrn i'n r-dii- iw-ing of JfHcBwai a-l Pr-cr: , j ,,.; t IF- 'Deiy-VmmpttUm im QHiity mnri in Pi JailSSmmim .a S,- :.l. M-....1 IL... It oo .twj .nu i run wcaiija, JOH V iVl. J A C 0 13 SON'S HOTEL, FV - D; sAlc?, .ixn UVERY Sf ABl.R- 5T' j i tf ' -V -ft -" i?r 1 - jfCjtftf.? , jj-ji ' d. :;5k': " a r--r"-1 tiisiixctsr niE usst AM) i T2T3AT122: Mercantile Ci At rii ar S t), Su Vh aM ul rr4! C4 now In i atatli ytr in Kirti cbnrof u4Vr, rl NTO ,rr3n)f taem:t K'ial ht orthecity. u It Unit . "" -" . o toilrucfor. tiil' Vu Kuialhr4 eUiTf-1 woJoii ih.5V' rre Nu rvnej rtat ! th Hirl!- club t f I 's j-r nr fiivt'It frcra l!fr & kaTil l .ttr -t mtVr dit'USt t t Friiral.ln l.N.ColW- lUP. MO I in ltttl4'4tl9 Yf1i rn lnnt na Affects hi'ut-it"! 'olnit. Ihr n y t'tJl with J pSr -.! . I It th r .-r..s) fr latntiRr t, tt r tt"- fmrB o' pfar II J WJ rjs Ii -tt i'"1 auV. TTtU irrKJ.'N9 . a tbr rnrin' rrh!pfir40prt If k-to r.Tlrrphins Pb.ncar -m blt. o. P lSf ta4t , t. jt Vo prrp'f It ni-ery Ij rln of Aocounr fr uo h ! Vi 'I'ffi. iret't V..nat PnMHI mh? c tyrttl her AH tiWe w intfu;ii fo h fm HI hll Th. CCty Tltrapb I chol In the H t0ubl by Oj.tJ ctul "le ) coiiJaatwd t KrtWitk," l'olbcsr I I'awin. &e.UF1 A cmcuui AddrV-S BAYLIES 00LLE6I KK0KUK. U)? Two Amcri Wagazinss tn ' .: : ..:"-" t. r :- wtrnr mi wen iwn nii'-i r"l lftlTi . .1 . t. a. ..-it m . . t J " 1 1 cie irmn? t.ntuiu t'ai.cri ta iota ll'.tf ll't 'r, ln r?it wKr,tbotji "" i i ii .ii. . - rrt.trr . ,t i.ia'it W't 4rv -olitrine 1 to owal!lt,5j Jf.tnl y c.irrU. rf tha pril CtIt.l till ug iun hty Kftl U brl Uw a tinttoii a?l vnrtrly of mul!. "Jlltx .Ir r..o.rrul bTlUn w rib. Mtll exu u into eunninc Ibait tho KU.rWt f f rvt JliI lirt iho lht and tL-itl Ml mnaft with ruly artwttii pwrr "At1 tt our ai.I twenty orlf Itiki artirU. rM$,l 'I "of know wtilchlo cbtHiieAt bit. fur ratli ! all r tr. Hni." Not only U It true ibt ftthnt't Mat ri-ntUi'' h'ltli'li AUi(nt. Lot it It ' l-i ofihe Awrtlean Montbli." In t' eat. rAfjrgr nal-i Ml Irt.rr of n i 'utnti'nof Atnrrtrn il It hi nrrer brrn tvnp(nii hv', mi 'tell d ItliAJa lrr page 4 tt.riirr rnriuty In I o.oitfilbv Mil t.f ih ,t tii'lird Amrr;it.n Mnn'.hllrt In lltrntrr cbirtr, i In th HH lh an I ablll'y oflt hHnrbi5 nir ratou. enjoy. An r'loal pr miiivni-. ( It oodittor "UrtH Willi th 'l9nl(r W f "liUnj it th-t-l iuiiiii c to tK" wtold. ofw'jrhthtt a nr ,ur ainoiM'tt . 1 t. and thy etint with p ii m id plrxurJ', to the .M, an I Jan nuiubrrt. rritllr Je'J rnr.1, in I .i-k for tbrm aiinlliin and frful cm arinm of ihrJr n rltt i tr..t of rehrr tBa4ttli tl ibtr rn th lrplt.t Um paWj. to jtrlr for MUf hlhr tir!!en' H tb tut r A ffekf rfi tfr.allle iletnan.l Lai utall4f . A. -? . ...": " "' .-v,nii,.riw. In Khcl oi I fiir -t Mrbola avrlbntr' V ' - . - .7 .i(j.i m t r imy rrrm.j) rabli lrirliiK to t-nro an r.ttin of tbrrl fcndt f hr flrt l-i.i ?olurawhm tnli wpl. hi la rint. Thrterrc of -it ,N nisi la tiff Cil ha brit rrtt mirti rniurk t,U that t ."Vribnrr't M'triMily. It It "a i i t .'.ly - rf-tsi Miiln fir eh'rl-lil anl. f. . tli-rr- with all the b'tlril fr bbtlr-ei it bit l-a rnnnd to 'f tl piin'ntrr.ti'ortfriwriMiireAJeral4l Thr iin-i' ol Ihe torfoiJiftUi ef tkadtl ran ta crly t rttiinat-l. cuprrUlljr l in rmnr i'r-M..n. rtrtwitt aivl ttjf Cntift itfTortl to b Irtdlifr'rnl tu thtt infl . me nt ft'm lu!en to tbt rha'aUr oi tb lit'ra'ure frirnubl i lb rJutdrtji nt trnf their "bo tlt-.nt at not Ofllf II it rr. Natural ffciMaotXt. Li'rrinirr, Flue rt, ard yiartriafr4 r'f"'l -l ta lrrrtlr wart. tir...l ". 'H IbeebUdr. are t(Jmalal u eM'c i i 'rmit o . rr een !. 4. hr tnjH Uhrt w ttid tu" aft Mir1 A tp-fiiar., tiuiaHa of Hu.Xte-, a. p,tfKer. iH on recrtptofunrsla. the bar fwt ( paiir anl printing. Th ffg ! erw roll Ur l fir.t-cl. boluettere aud e4e.ler. 'trr where 'ramaca'a t 'tcNf.ia. . . 3 He, g J Republican fclr STAGE I-Hf ?. ?. TT33. 2-ajpri, CerttGr trip wI3 W rijw JUNIATA aN FE3 CIMl I fcB.J hw rln to rrjr nn fp Hare aae-n'i' CWJ at a. X (Ml Mwara- fcrfarvt Fnl!ira. m.VMf: t ft A. .. 3 TrJWriiyt, and tfunkiM - rxe TeanaVMc , 3 EUREKA ! '- At m . -. . T -J a J Tie i- 2CRW Bur 1 .Tfe-a kc. ; . N' Aa,r,rVirt-Scia "VJ DKTtoom:- S1?, 5? jr- - 31J-" J Vi -.a.' J AT3. -t f 12Af.JU5W7 rs. . :LVi L QVTX;HOK:rA Q$W STC &i && ffaBrt --S" -- "ri-i-l El L-'TJ ' 'rBBH ama. e-ji ji t -- .bbbbbbbbbbbI - J .t - "-S1 -i-iS5'.1 rV?WJ-i i.s tiLORflE IjA.EXK1. . ral's ! hare fewri a l.C01rJLXT. rt' 1 ro.'ji . r ?, ;'-vsi r. Rounds by MABkl U. VVa-NEA. an fnifi jt"- r fr: ..ur .BBBBBB mA V-k 17-3w i - tr- -S-- .- 4"t: "" katrsaBC addre.ed tf CTiJ t'l t "e - :, . .. tiLORQE V Lazes i