ssass-stf i jaSSGSM? m jfr-ajiawaatiaY .a- 4 ' - &- . Tnanta o ?o. AJhwfllBaWW?5jH . t w- :J w .ACwsa. .7 V .-fc -. a&; : 15 m THE RED CLOUD CHIEF iWtt a day ofwvV. iavj ci C'm HTa1 jMCy "I WV 'i ilT ' ' ' 'I h I htf 7'--" "IVS-JIE ' XL?- wL''JJTw,Wi "pf''?aaaT,1 ywtMftf y ' jwj yw ? 3?liL0im i3tes?Kg'.L?c'WMr' (p" .zi " ' si?i " ' - .-.rts4iG8waB-jCiaaanaae'i3y -"""'" '' - -- - ylrrffnri naiii, imiiII -------Try iWir!T "Tij- ffliTTWIvVrli fthe H aJ p! of i.t -if B4P I IU N ' '? " VA. !J WkMf g: i I ivk . a4? a . ILi ii teZatC. r- r . - roSMMIET) WKKLT AT Red Cloud, Nebraska. t. L. MATHER. Publisher K m sixess d I it Enron v Attorneys at Law f K. XVI LCOX. J 6. OIMIAV. W.llcox ttUlinin ATTORNEYS AT LW, Practice in mil the Cuarta ofthe State. tar Collection Pioaiptly Attended to $RFIOK IM POST OFF'CK RadClM.. i . ?ATTOIUIIY AT LAW, - WfCTABTPUSLISAiTDaSAL ZSTA73 AwSHT, Tied Chuil. Ffltrnfhi. TTHI ntgotiata the tale or School Uomln. So Cuunty Superintendent "J I'nliHc In ttrttctiun. Ap H. BOWEN J AS. LAJKIl BO WEN A LAIRD, M JLi.V-n.ava at Lemur ,-: 4waaaaai w , a "aAar " - " - . a ATTD KKAL ESTATE AUJSMTC. eta WW practice in all the Court "f ? Me AVtfe. JTOXA7A IT3SBA5SA Cobb, Marqubtt & Moore. LAWYERS, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Ona of n will t is atl ndtnra t eh t-n of tha liriot Conn of the avar'i H.iitir in tha Republican Valley. 2 1 Vr. K. KICnARPSON, J. A. TULLEY8 Richardson & Tulleys, ) 12AI S37, ATE COL'CTXNG A9SUTS jfc-s WiU'VinfMl toll R"l 1fc -nnnmlt-. d Sjtci . itnti-.n iven t..c lcU;n. ;'r- r' 1 Arr nUae-i.lic"n-l. A 1 1 t'eryifuiquy. JM KtiDUL'jUiJ, - NKl- Dr. T. B V.'ILLIAMS, 3P. sully PhyaiciiMi. Tendcrf h ncrrk! to the pu'.Uc an" Will ath nd t ail I'roU xMonal iwlN. - USee l tb Hcd CloaJ Drag Store. lilVJEIX A FEED 1 J. D. POST, Proprietor. ITTing fltted op a ! Stable i preprl .' at ll tin tofurnUb room ami Teed Tor teuro Li cry rift on bort uutire. StW West cf tha Vallej Hoc:e, E- H JO.EM. Watchmaker & Jeweller, SlED CLOTO, WS3ST23 00777, 1TE2. faPartiealar attention eiren to Re pairing Fine Wat oh en and Satiffactian. Guarantied. i WE THORN, Surveyor of Wdbitar Cj Jillrro-m tly attao 1 to oil oUj. OrJtra far work Bay b left at Clark'a ofica !a Coart Hout. at R 1 Clnad. Pnt 01)) a4draw tCailt. Co i City Ment Market. MARK H. WARNER, Has iart opened a Meat Mmkrt on yfj, Webster Street, aext door mh of mwi mII freah Beats of all kiodi. HIGHEST MARKKTPRICE PAID FOR BEEF CATTLE, HOGS. . Bwi Cltyd, .... Neb. RED CLOUD MILLS. (U Native lumber Constantly on hand. All kind if awaBa'' ' m . !vrvM?ov Tnwnm au uiiiisuEt ISrStM Cask. CaX d examme lumber aHd prw. ftMw AcaviW ' rMi; w " s- f J.. J-Ts K iWJ?S . Ziri" . Z The vol. ir. STEVENS IIOISE STEVENS & DOW, i'loPtfiETnrw. Bloomington - - Nebraska. New Hon-, Cl-nn h'A. n I every thitiK tint Livi-ly. I8P?i:i ire learn thi H '! iliilv Ht all in.iats Himtli, Ei-t, nu.l Onod Stab'itig in c-'iiritftion wiilt t'i lliue. To the travflling VnhYw. v:nntl limply s-iy GIVE U A C-M.L" C 3faicn:iibiT, CarpentBr . Builder. Sod C!sui, Ne'iris'ii, I' prepircl to ina.a-eiDtr-fC ioi -II fc'ii if ot ij; -.t rn.s i, nftj.FL CARPENTER & BUiLDR. "T''nl re p ifiJIv 1 f-rtn V -xfn of 1 'inul mim! vpiiii tli-tfn- ipr l-rril oaUlin wrk n hi- t n k'i rt no- iraamirc'i'onn'jla rm. mi.'aMiniriiir- "t 1 ...... ihjrrmir hlrt with 0e. Z?im t liif plicr- orrnlne'. Kei Coil ITsbrajbu DENVER HOUSE Billiard Hall. 0. W. DALTO. - - - Prop. HASTINGS, NEBRASKA. Thl hnli h lii'el lci n fltnl up with 1 1 hli ol tlits bei m nu c ur.-. Choire WinM.l.i'i' namlCiri itthibar IIILM.tRD PtltlMrlt. T. R. L6 E, Hastings, - - - Nebraska. ThM e tiMinhmrn' tit i'i? im- S '! !. in-o'i I-, win! i j'l'tiln i'ii. ." .i rmnof It ili r In 'lhe betuiip!ieatth!h4i I -m WOR"WI K (i B A N K E M AND PEALKHS IN UIML STATE. Prompt attention siven to Toll etion. tG C HUKUS MMv-CIL Carpenter & Itulltler ll v;n l. orrpiiirinr 'Inne on rtnrt nolle ind pAKonUilc trnnn S fr.Stt,d-.THMe. ''liuitT. e c. "in Jo lo or rr. okep I tanr H'nl efJlclli tor.-. I. W. TUIilalSYH. H0HC0PATHIC PHYSICIAN U. S. PENSION SURGEON. OlhVti 3d door S.mth of C'mi.u I1f," Resileccs Cte: Milo 3ar. :f 2-i C'.:i. H C WEBER. M,ut iniiounrr o b rsir'!e r ft.,! Cloud -"nd ' ii"ly th.t S i- tf:t- tt to do nil kiii'l-f Mniiiin w k n h-rt n -ti. c nd r-Hiin iblp trin. ll r "h-I-t i thi ffii"r hN rraeli-nti f mil n tih of lied Cloud, da 2.t.n 2. range 10 went. VALLEY HOUfE! Red Cloud. Netra ka. ?os. WARNER, - - I'rnpiietoi Thif Hotel is cntira'y new ha-i-t bn tnilt b rrr teH). ..adi" fUivU up with rcganl to COUTdST AN9 CSSTCuSKCS. BOARD BY THE DAY A v. KEK At rcaMHiahle rate. A larrc and romtuod u ft? K -TA-I'LK a jart beu 4 :l tothe rrataHcs. laa Clede House. RedCloHd, Nebraska. AIA3JI A733S. - . Prsjrle. aaM Ib rwaart law Ita twr MttaTNK Th1 k-Wai aa aeta raRterfiUrrftiraifc-d tarmwh.a. 'iraMi e"a Ven aad aH aarta riit :ac ttc.1 w.Pn..d "M oad. wul ltd aaaale aatoaaaattaaawul. Red KEL) NEW GOODS! J. 6. P. ITT BR Takes this method to Inform the Public that he has Just opened up a new and complete Stock of DRY OOOOS & GROCERIES, CALICHE. HUK 1.H1HT V IM.NK, I'HAMIUiE I i !M-'i l.WN I)i(r- ' U'M !':- ?.i Si -''. 1 - . '- X -Li:. - ::Lr.u:uj an l' . lffl( COFFEL SUGARS U TEAS if ill Rhus Canned Fui'x Oys'ers anl Uracknrs, Ohewn'j ant! m king Toba cos, FLOU-c Mb AL & BACON And -vervthinj iinl.-. Vi-pi sn Fij' t'la )r ( '.d ,V Oiocciy Stor. -T. a LUMBER LUMBER W L. VANALTYNE K&Mf IIjWS P1ME LURSSK. Doers BUnd.r Sash? Mouldings Ljm Tarred Paper Etc And every Article usually kt-pt in a FiiM Cla-s lumb;r Yard G!IARNTEK'tOT)!JPMCATE any BILLTFIAVCAN p,Kur-: AT JUNIATA OR HASTINGS. O.SU'ATiIOWVER, THE CHICAGO LUM8E AT HASTINGS, Keep cmtstly on hand '.he la-jje tcV of Dry Pin ljn-bvr in '!' West. Alo ai.-d a'l V.M.'lirf it ?J X & IS" M A TTBKI A I.. O ir 'tool- i- wo:l suViMed an.1 purohaard lireei fiom the raft.-, and will be jo'd ns low a the lowest. olivbr s r.atnoEn Hastinys. Nebraska. efenjpj, "c:.. ".s ARDW t 1 1.1 -- T I U r. . rh-- liar':, I l ii t "FimII Proills and Quick I keep a g rrara a-Aortiun' of Hardware and a fu".l Yk of FARM MACHINERY. TABLE XT PO KET rrTLERV. N IIi5 .nd Tit HJ5B " TRIMMINGS TIVWARE. CARi-RVTEiW and MASON'S TCIOI. SADL RS II All IK WARE. fall awrtmrnt. m FORKES.SHOVKW J-PlDE. WVR riov 5Exf f.R.G- a. AC- AIo ItROtlM. SIIG R BOXE. BASKrv, and BATH BRICK. M. B Ucd ClteHfl, W?n c CLOUD. NEBIl SKA L!N. ' jjiTiVriawtiaaiiMi''i Potter. Red Cl:ud Nebraska YiCM$iZshl i'U.r.i: IN LATH, T.J. i AllliOK YARD! NEH. 4. . f5 ! f A R 4 i e -.;.t - h:e C -un-ji r- i I r url(i- h. Salev far ;he Re.d CASH ! MCNiT S. IwnW aeW The lad tm awikva,- at wtth li-o.wraeavf.r if we ! taa i-w e ij - - a.j -, CrfaadJaW al;t'-JalialiS Jf ,j- j.--a. ... . . .-.tI t -.-. . a . TT " ""J wfX .naaaaaaaaaaaaaw3.".r.." fc...k. aii 1 1 J-a. r ....?- llaaaTn aa kaaaaaa laiaiaf- AW1 "r .-it? -.Jav'' j8? ,-f'-' ' -T! 1iaay"wflroaf"ffaf"W:i;aary Vc-t--t' 1 " " ",' ',t awa. lpj l' Mt-wia--Fafc-fWl "r3MTIirlffliiffTWaaairaaa ar , V ;.iSijSsffBlJIL'1 SaaaaaHaaaaV jd0fiL 1- - -'rr -' aT,aafwaarlaA HnWaaar0" a-M SaaaaaaaaataaaP iFTitl a --- - 3 ' - ,ljnawaW?'"E2!J3UaaaaaaaaE35 rlkaiMaiaVaiB3BWaaaaaaaaaaaaW'Wfl'r" .?V -Wf" ISH Vr --f V -- V ----yfgaBBalWawlliwyAw"" ngA,a i?JaWiPflFt . W aaMa.aaB - T 'ft fijT ' " - flllWJIaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBISn' - "vV --- J-Li .HaBataaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaCaaaal Z' 1t lSwrtPB' .r- fcJ - .' iaaflaaaaaafaaaaaaaaal " -'-- - - , -j 7 ---- ..t-'Vi -BSaaaaVHaaaaaaaaaV rfy" a-"- - - . -j--V-p1faaaaaVBaMaVRBaaaaaaaal :"v'-..'i""nV , --? ' ' - -'-- g-'iiaa-aaaMaaaaPnwfw?aT:aaaaaaaaaw .SS-'T-lU:.?--- ..... .. - - m.i aaaawaaarrTJaaMarfSaaaMaaaBaaTa TlifoaTaaaaaaal udud ' '; Chief, WEDNESDAY. NOV. ftaabifrfs? rmtaaitlea. lljl tfo fimMent f Iht I'nilttl StnUt nAmtrta,. ' ' Ktfintiii'-d hy thn rhingWi Mion that it i-nu.s to w.u-h in niir .inly (td fur lln niprcie nrl aht MhnTH ill """'"' 1" iMiiwiii.iiiiiipiiij th year wjiich i drawinir to a el-; the t!exi of a fne KoyTnnnnt cntitmt l rimcharcd : ho anli ha- repojde. in ?th Uliftr of th lin-lmii'iilt.-tlie lend lta been f'ne fnon tr'4J- ic'. intcniil otdur t m titit a1of J - n'l ii"ire with oihr I'owi-r- bivirvaild Tt ia fittina th al tft?f '"riiid we cji i!d fe fViiii .i rt'tlO irn-i ; J''"- " b- I tnnnoil i'r3tir inih- lu'- i.ud .? in Jl.uti luWn'ltl,.. .,. -J-.. .,f flu- !. .wid'. v..t'-rs 0'i.o, I.. Wfl ! ( -J .... f VifAif" - .. J"iir- U cifi r'cf l H4 I U ' j Ot', J'rr-.te..t .irtl.-Un!icd tre 'o r-c nini'.'nil ;u id' " t t .in ivn i ! ii ihi'r pxtn'1-tivt il,u,"i of w..r.iip mii I'l.nrMliy, the 2fi:! dv !' XovlM-r rex. an I 'Xprc- ihfir iiink for tiiprey and tirir nf th A'lD'uhtv G i'J. and laini all I iiloiral nn in'inti. and all wcular iHvaui:ifiui. and to nlwrv -uch a-t d.iy nf thanl-i!ivink.' and prai-c. In wi'ini hpie"f. I Unv h'Towith sr mv hand and cau--d the peal of the llniti'd Srjtfi- to 1m ;iffiTti I)im n the V.i'v of Wniinton, on th 27fh d;tv nf OrtnlMT. 1S74 nnd nf thr indHfiid(Mict. of the llnitfd State- lb. 99fh. (Si.M,..d) TT. S. GRANT By th- Prfnident: Hamilton Fish, SrcreiHry of the State. A Prcc'.aaatlon b7 tha Ssreracr. In mnformitv with th l'ro:'!fimn tionnftht! I'n'.-idi-nt of tin Uoifd Stafi'-'. lesjK: fr a rn-fom M' out i forT:ithr.w. nnd in rovi'n'iiMal ac knowlcrtirniont if d,Mnd,iiiv npmi I)ivim I'mviilcneo, I do hni'by r C'ipinifnd that Thiir.!uv, Vm- o,-,t, lN74 ''! o!i i"Vfil a- ! day of privr .iint tip.'ic;iMin ; iii:i iixi:i that d iv J :h ''tpli nf 'in fu. 'ilt-tiin .( fir j ' i ia"'"!.!".. 'rnin tit i tj i;l J 'nii-, ho I lirrvi ili.- iy In A lit iri-i j I f"'i'..f '-,ir kiirm".li jj j .! 1 ' 'IT' - a'A l ! , i ..l ' I I a i'fs ( ! Mo.' pi't . (rn.i..r 1 "V i t!v r iii ii'tfip ni .4 - ii ..- -i . , V ... . . , i . I,t I ' h;- h fot '.. I'lfv I In roreiver wild t'ivr i.i' til Tl!(-! C 'iltv-iv- :in nflv'iin; eo'i:r'v ai-Mi-h to l on vh hn?. ih lov Ir in the wlieitude !i- infiniie rare " of .JvtXl!tM!iv.1jyhereiif T have here c'te. O.'lie nt I'ffrr'Vfd h . S ,! nf hi- trimv pvenih ilnr of Oc' A O. 1K74 and of lhe n l-pi.Tid-ne nf tin fliutffl ifi' tUfi Viii-'y-ni'ith and of 'hi- Smi ili- E 'ht. RO'iT. W. 1'URNAS. By the Gnvernor, JOHN d. GOSI'F.R. Secretary of State, A attract cf tie Miiile A;es. At a enr'a'n epoch, in (ho eol old mediaeral tim-x. s run th: legend, when thp plic. now known a- Per-p?pn-m wan h'jt a rufic Til'ae. thif Mimll p:ri-h pr.-ilel over hv i Ctjrf, vtIio hid nnntjel t f.t:l i o dt for TTsth hi- hh ip. To li'ter .f-en hn )-. i-ioij ev-l u fr hi it4tirtn to "hi; ,vir:- .if u -u i'.r h'. e! a'' . a'w.iy- elo-iriL hi ret?r,M.i" rrlth ths in-to!ic dciriir that fii'h whifho-it irk i I I " Tliln bt r.Minrk fiuilly i id m sfft.' npon thj prie.t. wh .n-n'-tb ' work to red -em hi- eh inct-r an ! retrain the c-mfi len.e of hi- Minerior tie heto-ik himlS to ffinc and priy er. m-dittiiie in the night-w itch . and watcrinit hi c-mch with teir At lat. his re-nhrjio w. tik 'ri, and he only nw.iin-l an op mr u i"v to ctrry into idT-ct hi- auihiti m- nroj'c. whieh wi" nothing !e- than the wnrk in nf i tuiracle. and the cmrerMn frfhi--piri-h intn the :cne ol tutm niihr (illzri'in?--. Neir by the rilU i'i a "qii-T- I p'aee, w.-g a tna!l field, tKcupied a a tei-ture frt row, which wia watched orer by a jd'np'e by of lxv tnelleet ort- of thoe rarp lieinz wh'ni lna;frllow -omewb'Te derrib a rtti.led with a chronic BH-pefwion nf the afnta' fcii'ie. IIi dmwiy nt'nd found a rrmnth tic friend in hi own well fed body, and w.n -j!-fid thif hi jrntie hi2- r, do'nq waJ, he ti w mt to rrtll n p-m the turf a "!' to -Wp Thi- -ei.r. of th- h y- r-p- vrt- the f -- apIvrtr-y TViHsr i"' -hw UfHl'H'i ( . h nr.'.r -r tlxf .' a, ti t ! I - i h-T f 7 "' t i..'r" tU --, I- t "f. , rt-)? r-.-,i -w I i'i I -j-. - I - - jri nn h- rrt.'j. T. ! o-s At" "o ' n" 'T--i -'ir3' I'm t Jav. h- rrr-a-e! fh"- n;n--ritt n takins pain- each tim to remor- nmi oTearth lnf-r trleift? h '. h ah ?il at !- in the XnrTrel pla r. n thxmyhy berann v deep ?hat the ir.imi ww nuium m nrop'i'iwniiftn hr kae in tw-f-r torah tl p--et-eIa!t with hector fit. W?Pi. i, hal htvia! her to !:- ny- ir ! e!entf!B he emtrir d -tti a . 1 J m 1 '.-.. w m. -"-- - TaaTTT Vtf - - "ani -wnT tw itntai w) naraa-w- yjeaia'ar:!1. wwae wt-wrratt away arw-WAi.viiae aYaAfrwewMe'' aaaf ai a.-vA,-LA.-J.vJjL.-w . .'.k-;:' naeaaiaaa.aTai appwaewfhr m th ae of :dTWi.-i aa.1 'wft' eirt-Hrr owr ?fw?reieto bTfV -JLi.- .VfAr .'aV.Aa-j;. -SWLr111"!! . 5. 1874. j Or rr .n, w .,(..., h he b-HitHl. ; ! -flT .-ari H-. . in J Ic!i h.f3t and wiM ff-iiciltfi.iii rnj,l e wh.i!9 rill iir,.. -n. ,-a fid chU- . ,,'e'1 wS'' cim rnr,n2 wi,n h' " j ""j wdb oi np,i,n. ihe hn-it. ininct'. .1 IIIIMCS'. W ! ftsntly raifc-d. and oe I lrnn innnth to mouth till th wh'iItf'c-Miu'rv rmnd aUnt rcKOtindid with it. Th cure wit Boon unnnrh jfmnnd and. niiy le itpprw.d, w qir eitial to I thi vraritr m rhn iKasinn. I!r j ord-r-d th- e-.rth to be witd. n I whr k th ir anntuniant to in'he- blow ih ii'Ti'; a fit, d. n f. . Irirb-ii "tifiie'ti' nfih' Virtfia M.ur, of u'loiit a I'Ul it loiiittli! Thi " j itntir bc.-n riirii)A.. h wi Itri4 :r'Hf p.itup to th huniMi villure church, wht-re it was pUccl upn the a'lHr. Th fHnanjr moniinff, at the firt nn, ol of the Anj:hi, thi morninjf K-ll for praypr.the whole rilljie jiin liaHtcninif to rrnv th'.'ir respects to the now found Yircin. but on en-T-ritisr th' chnndi. it wa dicovnred that fl e inn ire hid inyreriouly dir pflarml. I heir first ttinnIit n ofi .... I lie pafure. and hatMij'u (hither, -traiig- (o mv. tfiTo thfy found ihn onw, which hid j'it Iti turned nt for the d.iy, aiin pro.tratp upon her knp. over the -arnn pluci. tin rr ope'iinp the earth, thrf t.iiuMe wa there .e-n rrpn-ine in the atn- poit ion n tH'fore. Th' pcnpi Wfr; bImui to dNinter it nirain. when the cure in terpoed and a'rotod thi-ir work, tfl linir h iinpl fl nrk thxt he looked upon the inirHculous return of the iniuire to its former rexfinir-i'ac a a hnfipy nrnen, nnd (hat It might h in terpr't"d a th -xpn-'d wi-h of h ll.ih- Mnitior tint a chyji-l .liquid ho l.ttdf In. ...a t...n tlk,. .i. -ii. ,n wi i .i.-ii-M . .i(ii.i i .i.i , -i 'imi. mi, .iJiih pilgrim fnoii :.!ij nrr.-r- ui.jr'.r re-nrl r.i .b I. revi-n-i.?' Sfi'l iii it- 1 i: 'i I I ir, I- ( if- I :'- ' ',,:1 4V' ; j !.. l.-..u i. Viijt.n w. .tt ! ! i;'"-i ne norr. wiieiuv. 107 iiiaoy a v jr. -In- di-i.4d .t fiviry and i.iirauulntii cure" to the devoted pil-e'im- who caaie tc, her chiine. riiit the eti't-rprioitix cure inniiijrrd to re d ein b.' clmtaiHci ; in 1 the amiable h-5iO', -futile -neli. pronf- of fittih t n hi- h".irf l chi l 'lie prh M who h .11 .o--icee- fnl'v "'rnii'i' the inirac'c ol i !i- i-nv.- f'li "ft Ftithtnh, in $firiltter' "' Aeirr. Tia Fara reJerablt to City Life. There i no duh; that farmer-, a- n cla, p'tform mure labor add wjrl mre hour for n given nmnnnt or rowncy than any otlier p-r-on- who. furni htmr their own ciita!. ii(ple nent i' with their laimr. The hirm lb'ir-r tiiu-f nl-o. nerpari'y vutk m r- hinir- thin lr in eifie- win lah'r hv th- "lav; but l ere i- o- dniibt tha' ;be (atm winLine n I r-e-i'intf hi- iiiird li ii'c- hi w.tM.f, ii'h" elnmi.. may lay tip mor monev thn'i 'h- hiy I ilmrer.- in rrt-iie- : and M'titdv fir- t'te ritnn that if hs ehl3TC to Ih eeonooiieal, hi" in- d vidua' exne:-."- an but licht. 1 1 leteroiiii-d to curMil erery unnei-e---ary i-xp-nje a few yearn will -iiftire to giv- him mon. y enough in -fait fr hi:nelf on th- frontier. It i true th lilrfir of inakiiiz a reif farm i hard, mntiiiuousand exacting; so. howevc, mu-t it 1.? with any j'niink' man in anv jxi-iiion who ha nnih'inr bet hi-haiid- to work with, whatever th- in ditry followed C-m-id'rinz the po eial pOMfimi of ihe lab'.rinjr on firm-, their lot i- n-it. a a rale wor-e thin that of tho liborins in citie-. . If nfj- ? ponn,d with hi- con di'ion m life, and whif ca'r'rwt!y nnd hone-tlv and s'tririn.j to let(ir hU does not envy tho whom circum-tance, eeuera!?j- the rvnh of individual rfforf, ha?? placrd in u prnitioa better than fii own if he weiu i-iafi carcfa'ly the Ojiadvana -i ;dl a- the advan-nfinf c-hy Hf. 'f wi In- ta-te reiiMin trij an-1 -'ur'". ther- - no d'uibt tbir h- c s t'". ' w.ih i-p-if air ifti n t' il-i -imi4r di-, awrtiinVl s viut 3l J trTiC - ry aVj ! -r ! : ? J ru- "! I 4 . It !.,- ik 11. H U t' .- r.- r n.i- he w-r.l.- m- ao- for the en :'! f chii-irvn.', arnl al" ci- eetnaf ociety om-ilr th ftmity Ev-u i-i ft o VoraTty hi t no ini- no- t'Vf if inJ;vidn.h loeite, aa they j A: ml !. tt c .mtioMf hh ! th- dailj j rojn 1 oHa?-ir it -Jroui! rssftie-r- e; Ini our dufle- rr- -i'ir;?y t9 i?ar-ivn asi i-rai" riim-i, r l . ne rrbh jt thr s-'i-raise- of nth r V r-' e f , o - - --y , ..-,-t - i 'a ---- lie (.mpftp - -:i!.. Mi'!! '.4- Sf.'i l.i,,.k i. ,if, I ir mini th Nf . 17. ,nii iu e letter th .n k-a-t of lnirdHL It U eir to hreak mio. war 091 jf intU) than In yilj-in it; Mier o ct!n,i, ,hfl fofKJe ,,,, r.hif ! NCvn.t tfi Iwm'er, try ti bre-.k Ir ,nwn. Wc ut, thWnre. yield in oiij iuiiim to eircnuUne4. benr injf nn-l fortvrin?, an I takinr. uch plvatiro a wo tniy. Whilo pnetic rta th" divine prept to 4j a we should be dnn 'y. Th! firmer, a'thoneh h msv attire h?melf in rnuh ami, porhap. to i altran.hinnb'o rves qn'lth r- ni"iii. U nevprtrtejf- the peor o nr In the Itnd. and it o cnnidoritl and etiniit-d v all who. like biui ar j enjJicrd irs 'plvint thn wealth ol m tvf?A .'-An .ctt ...Vv . . .. "'" -,,-rf izwv " vi"v; sr nor tn h'prerflir mni'ii whi vr are h-.irl of out-ide th-irown iiomditte rirtMo of piiprani p ntcd moh.. Ir fmu the rtnk of'vwty" that, in tho ho'jr nf a nuinn' p'ril. thu Gen-ral. th I'nvid nr, thi ,,kinir of men" arLe, From ihe fnn and the work hip ronio I'orfh that vivor of lirnint and btdy before which ihf hrd of iin'"ulat(d CKpii-ito driwn ns th- rhaffis bcfre the wind tttitern llnrnl E372A7 LAT. Tli.4 foll.iwinir i- the law reirarditi eftray- a it tnd- in the RcvtMl Statute of Nehra.ika. It h import ant that every firmer and ifock owner .ohoiild utnhpi'irid the law, and it would be a jrood plan to pree:Te thi fur reference. Section I. It idnl! b lawful fr any p Mm holding land in thi State by deed, title, bowl, or lease, for one. or more yenr. and binc in pooe(t?on ih-r-of o mk up any e.frny hore W.... I - . , I . iii'i'- iTr n, rrji mine lieep or fW"ip. ,.,.r,! koImii hi- cm-loced pr.'n;j.r. at -in" -.'i on ot thn yer; and an - .,.1 premicx of unv 1- .... ..r f'erl-J,,.r Itttw.-cu the J() h l..x of Ov-nl.r nl the I-t day ol Afiil fitny lc taken up l.w hvcTi lej-ec or ficdmlder; and my hor-m tuilla or !, with any portion ofthe harnc attached to tin in. and any oxen, with yoke, that are Miuved to have nt rayed away from their own-K may be tnknti np by any pcron at nny iiim. Srn '1, It -hall be thj! idtitx oany : de-ciption of the fatie to tTie ennrrty -!erk within ten dayn after taki thctii np. nnd the county ulet k chall MinindiatcV record ihs rami in a bo.k kept for that purpime, for which ne rhat1 f'-ecivc the .um oftwi'nfy-fivr ein. The per-on taking up the -tiav "hall, within twenty dayn there after, pnicure the ptihtieatinn of the l.c:iptiHn of Mich animal in any new-paper published within the conn- ,IT 3. The proprietor of udi o v.-,jer -lull puh'i-h aid de-crip lion for a' lea-t five itoo-ecutive week, and h -I' riivive therefore the. aum ol tlirie ij.dfsrn ; P.nnUt, thit if two nr more e-trr.v or the atne pcte--hi"! I taken nt by lhe am'! pafvw a the wmn time, ther -hall lie inelud din fhr aiiie pubr.'iinn ; and in Mich ca. the 'orecaid puhli-her hal rvrive no in ire ihau for one of -uch j-pecie-. except where tt e nuts her ao det-ciiUd -hall rxcd three, he .hall recdve one dollar for each e fray beyond that nuu.bcr included in -uch publtea'ion. Sec 4 The owner or an eMray mar at any time prerinua to- it a h'c. rcl-i'ii th- Mme on prft:n(r th paid prop. ry by oath or oherwie. ani paying fnr the advertisement, and a rea-in:ib'e mmpenaatinn fiir any oth-r nTje.arT xpene incurred by the prMW t'ik'nir nn ai-l eaf ray. Sw. 5, In ca' the pariea cannot ni'Trn m-on tfir amnnnr n( fh oviion. s in-tT A. they may each ehoo-e a diinfere-tcil reron to tri arbitrator-, ami ihe two cmn may crmo a thitd. Tfr dct-wn of th atbHra ior -h II ! 5nal. Fr.r 6 When an trir- if it h a j he-p, aiiH'iir rail, tm-ler the af e of J nn yrjr, h- not l-cen tvrlaimcd with J I--ir "joi.ftw sfe-the advenitne of ' h -r. U -n(I J..-nn thu proprrty t " h- p-r-on V:i; it rjp withnai i fajfVr pf, If thi etrar la i f ". r v bulL THr. or Mer.A - sr -iifi-rn year, ir mu-t be ' t r'ai i.-.d 'ih'iit ix Tiontha froni lh 1 i.... -. fir. JA.I.-.I f .!. ' e-tray i- an an-mjl orer the t of OS yer an- otv?er two yi ar-. tl ffnv be rerUirsel within -ix nwarh fr-.ui the tim it wa fir-t adrrrih-tL Tf aay earrar in the- U-i two aima J ,ha!I F -edaitwd wihm the tlaae specif d rrwfetivclv. th aer-ww tak ; ip; np an emy hat1 aotify w &!tie of th- taee nT lhe erwif fiifia wid e-frar wa f f fa ia. wh tdWl ir.,ant twn dt-fwtemm-d rwroMCaa4 fmni-ier 'n-ffWfem ewfk trr, frf f.hh'aTte aaw f'Ml a r -:- : i. ,,.., frr i-fa'.nr aaJ eawaW taaiwal: ---'- " - - K-k. at lavt f r week CvWhrC heUwc thwf f aadw, i rriMwd ii M ctMatV, nd fcy p writ tea wr frwllaawxiaWMl aaiUie tdaraa ItfrWaWrwHaWCre air ia in ha awU 2 atal t Mat t ia aa yrk liwsiffl there ahaR He llifM aliilini or writtea twt rili eoaatr aWat of miie&tMTi day appprtated MtU ray idwijl kw by ihsM jwatKW ta the hifaet ia eah ; and (he after liWact'mr the Mats ef tk rfcuin - erediaf. and expe of Wefi Mtkj catray, ahail he pU to tha ty treasurer within tra t!av aft a!j. 3bJyi to the order ef theoi aa . m. m provide the owner of aaif etrxy etablih hrn ownership to the thf Miti-!actfow of the coaatjr 1M. nf mM county, within one fr ftc the dr of -ate. an I If -aid be1 not o claimed with'n the -pcctSol it h.ill Ihj plcrJy trea-utvr in the credit ofthe -chool fund rf -aid omtnty. Skc 7. Tlie jdicj of alf th at the rcMdcoac ofthe up the eotpy. '''"f "'awnBTB"" a i. !. i. . KG . Bea an effaT i mut brine at leat two thinW annraiMnl valui. In ia-e it doea BOt. the animal hlll te renJpratanL. aihl aeain oHcrcil for ale on Week after the dav aniMiIntrd for tha irc aab. and tin ndvcrtiuinet?t ahall be ce ar for the,cciud -ale. St.c 9. When the appraiser ihitik the animal wtll not hrim; more than rnottirh to lrfray th- nece.vary expeti--e o" the al and advrffiement thereof, the a!c hal be di-penaed with, and the coon who tok up the animal hall, on payment of expenac-, Ik; the owiit thereof. S:o 10 The nrmcy r?rclvfd freta the ale of an elray hall ro info the county ehool fund, all ciproaca Graf lieinir paid. Sei. II. Any perwoo vtnlatinr ae tinn ten of lhi clnpter ahnll he. liahU to a fine of not lej th;io-!wenr il'dlara. nnr more than two hundred dnllara. Skc l'J T.'rayt -hall e-tiiimlf) the value of the lalor. trnnbl- and expense- ofthe perwm if tninjr up and keepimr an e-tray tak io into con-idoratirui (he aurvtcca rt e dereil hv the animiL Pr.c 1.1. Tlie appra?n of cfraa ahall receive fifiy cent. for etch ap pratKemrnt, but when morn than one animal i taken up at any time hy uat person, they "lull be n;iDraiol anne. nd (he apprai4'r ?lwll b5 entitled to cowipeaaeiion for but one appraiawient. The.juie shall receive fnr hta wr- v ice 'thulium of one dollar -an Ifty cent. " So. 14. The advertisement, appraisement, and thaerri he hall reeelve, tha aame. per cent additional, from the ofthe eat ray. Src 16. If any boraearatwlt itftded, two yeara old er apwarde,, -hould le found runaiaf at larai H -hall lie lawful for any newti J&; up fticfi hor-e or mult, ana" trive notice to the owner of he b known to the (akef-fVjj ho oner or kfl-'pr Aa rw i wi'hin three data thereafter and to the tatd faker up two dollara al eimpen-a'ioti for hi- trouble, (he tak rr up dull iproeerd to ajvcrlt-e aaid hnr-e nr tnntc. and the ieio pnteard' ii'r.a cball le htd in every rtpcct ae heicinbefore provide! in caaea of ea tray hnra- or muh-t VjafVaV., Thtt the taker np may, after (he ffpi ra'iutt oi twenty d-iya from the time of advcr'i-iujf, jtrli, or procure to Le welded, the ail hor or mule, which trtall be done at the rik aad eipeam ofthe owner. Skc. 1ft Should any animal tela ap a an e.tray die while in fwa-ee-lor? of the per-on takio it up, he fhali not be ha' f,r the lo unk i'a daih w- the rrnlt of tai-trcatacat or will ful mra-leer. laaaraWMBBaaHBaiaa The Lai-orte ),mmerni telle thi dor torf : A Urye doe ahoat a yeaf old. U-Ioneinjr to a aeiehbor who had bf I if fen in hi- earr, had hi heed wahrd -evrral tie with carholiaed wafer. Sereral week later he W, one nf t he cfchMrrn f he iwmtf hath' if hr nA with lintaMrat far th earache, e'en, watchiaa ate o aertww ty he ft die limatent lawtle ew thw f!oir, apiil) h aad thef-raW it hi fore-pa we Tht wa wit fewr aewtlra of ih fa mil-. A few muhte oe ietroft.atir man waa pa-irr a certain howae ia that rtty he a im 4np frm m alndfrW atvi fof ard asmf her 4 enea MV -vie Sapp.tnf th; taxir to be.a fearr eler whewaa eeapb; be Pttmi hm, bt rvw'oV-tmrered that k waa thar nwaer ofthe heftac whoajt W had f re-ted, irer raid the eftVwjrt 1c mafted fmirfa te aee j diapajr afawiwdewasffcat wayr "ffewV rn4 he aas hrarFaf aawt 'wa the ed wtrataa ae her dee dee aw. 1 j at attiewiar ahoat whe ! fe m t efth' how.'r whe read I laAw A PM Crania v. ..a k. - .k. : : J -. -. ' . . . -3.-4- -.- "-jvjc'-;j IB V. fT l B.HBr " t s ,s. -"J" "n u V&tti Vt Ma - .fl Vto .t x f ; In. v3r mJ Wl timmr 1 f iimmwjm w $ aV' il.BWnBm. '3B I P; W. W -waaaaMBBJaaBK- .v r ih 1m Js? t r S 1 il JaaaV tHzmi 'VVaTauHSBIiaaiaaK i '"ip'S f daaw dlTNLaadtVii WaWwaaaa 7 ., VaaV KaV 4laB. ' fl .KSjM,ti aa - . " i -.. r - ?t.4 nrn ,s? - "S -t s . ' --J V " , aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - -"-- ariaaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaBamaaBaaaaaaiaStaaaaaaal