The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 31, 1874, Image 4

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-"- r "awtfwfc11" l" ' w-ii fc- . . ifc-er. .-. wi?-. w " ' . awawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawj
9mr ""
I "A.
awUY ittttt ZJRTWL
MMtyGuntcr. Job Garter is
fid. We Lcen !le Auchor
Art fieet-offee sad a (ore, and seli
awd far Jen ?as, calico,
end medicines, Kke ctfcrr folks
iaeejr Km, whao aojhody ask 9 Lr
H'hea a hip c-mei in, and th's
eaSors cows home tu their wivet and
another, trade grows briah. The
fcoaeekeepers do their beet, and the
r aieiftt aad dried currants and vgi aud
tatter go off in'.ly, and it' worth
'while to lay ioribkus for the gir'r,
tad rooking tobacco and Jong pipes
for tbe aec
Jack and Waes make old Anchor
Port brisk Tor a while, but at last he
Mils away, and all the women eeeiu to
uak for will be letters letter, letter.
-Jettefe -whoa they have a right to ex-
pee teete, aod whew they haven't
all the sarae.
I It'a "Please, Aunty Gunter, look
over -theai and pee if there aren't one
J5t me;" and it a "Please, Unce
Gantcr, it taight have got niixcd up
ml overlooked noiw how;" often and
oftea God help the poor touM
hfter Jack lie at the bottom of the
-i 8&t nd nothing will ever reach them
TbattbeaewB of the shipwreck. But
7 I'ktwJ letter come after all, and
I vt-ostetsaw we have to read them for
9 the folks, Job and I. bo we get to
Xnow aotne thing of their lives.
Milly More could read aud write
heTsetf, bat f till 1 always kntw when
the bad a letter from Will Maasett.
"i-kiewitby the handwriting, and I
anew it by ber blgthes, and by that
happy look in her face. When he
itue home fhe bonr,ht nbbons aud
Lits of laee by the apronful; and I
'J.uew irhere the packsges of candy
that he bought were to go to. And I
oacd to keep Job JVom fishing down
in Pullman's creek of aftiruooiK, le
iaoHj I knew that wa where Milly
and Will liked to walk. Courting
time coBjes but once iu a lifetime, and
I-atwacrliks to see it prosper.
At lest he sailed away, second mate
;JLj-f the Guide t Dove ; and when he
case back from that vcjaxe, tuey
were to be married.
It waa rad day wl en that ship
Failed. Mrs. Captain Rawdon and
licr girto were cryisg ou the fhore.
Twenty woman from the Pert aud five
fnm the Hill were there to see her set
- .
gray day, aud the
avlocx one
tbaHild, fycaniere that
and ravlk'f Shouldn't
, ivi
"ir 1--r iH
-.,j ujjwi vy -iivx.
l&rf'mite of that, the
e wnHiWOWftvno niiu-ea,
miaav.waeiU'U Alienor
. . i
Captafe'Jlawdon and
lost, atdead, of tight.
aid bought the news
fe-Miwto? Ho stopped at
'to ta)I altaut it. A nice old
A taclielor f'i'.l, at fifty eight.
is htndoibc, with hi white heir
and red cheek, aa a picture.
That was twelve tuor.ths ago, th
Vwht I went into the store to sort
S&. things out an I always did Saturday
TugfcwrTh rough thi weekfob used
to'jKt everything tiiMted up letter- iu
my tea boxes, eandlH in tbe letter
bo. egK where they oughtn't to be,
mmA all thn nUnft ukeW. It Was B
warm aatumn niht, and Captain
Kiaeaid's Tcswel wa in pott, aud we
haw plenty of custom. Job erved
tbw people while T tidied up. I found
l.alf the hat mail ia a fcujrar box, and
dethat pta in tha ground coffee cao
iater. aaS I just dumped th.m out.
father u your letters, Jop, .aid
I. "What poeeesc you, old ian?M
. Ami k Unshed, and oiled 'em up.
j&t And l aaaee a tow ia wwi ium, .
i . ... ' .. ir.L. i.i
tVt i.- kA ii btiz full after that, fo
.1 w'a r
' .. . . f a l
.- be ihowdB t uso k. tor me lunu.
I hadtwety-fer pounds of sugar
kwewa as "coffee ctHshed." becaase h
Wie pttfftjew eipieieHy
Tei. la'it waTthc nesagar A?;h
ffHillfoafe often boaitbt, though I
a4'awalecutnd powdered by me,
iti ieee'Mw. Rawdon, or Mm. Dr
SRiwTtOfthe'BiiBister's lady should
e4 ir, mi I took tbe paper up and
ttte K erer tbe japaabed box, pour
imtkeewatea wnootb stream, when
whew whe ahd eose rinning into
the ehep bwt Miuy Mure, bhe was
drewad'earefally, and ber eyes
tad with enriac.
She aaked fr soaw tea. and while
JiA'w weiikiag it, she watered to
'Gmater, have you
? Iaa't then a letter
-. Wii? lie aaid he eoaWh.'t die.
leai'tM uifwe coeM. MtghVt
jmilUraJJ? Do look."
Ztt$bVf,W$i "it'a.yeir ago
the GoMcw.Dove wat down. It
t SceJf. AU Heeai't let those
at wat U, alw.y, It hb t
T aaWthe kHers is My hai xae by
.. Jfawy ofrthetaacaul wake.
..l.J-iJhrf the Gutter were
t .
J" . -'T-w
B -
?-Jaarieht::Ut w Tot -iiU?y. t
ik. Tl'TT-- .- ' " !
If jluth " oi coarse.
t'fttSr hk hat l-we mmwo
t 3&"
.fr.,.-.'.:-r;v.i. ,Xr ml nad3lber
ewiss.-rrs:- .-r" v
"Ob, Aonty," Mya she, I know
it mcrm as if I was a fool ; but 1 wak
ed op hoping this morning. J don"
believe he Ugone. I can't, I can't."
"Whca the baby died the only
one xo eTcr had I thought I icej
should believe it," haid I, "But 1
had Job; and you have your mother
asd aiatcr, Milly."
At that ahe bur!, into tear, aud
pat her head down on my koec.
"I xuu.t tell jou," raid she. "They
want mo to marry Captain Kinc-id-He's
courting mc. lie fell in love
wah me the night he brought the
oewb to Mm. Captaiu Kiwdn ; 1
there fewir.g and heard it all. Uli,
bow cruel to fall in Jove with a poor
girl at such a tims ! Aud he akcu
me to be his wife. And inotbr and
Fanny hall alwayi have a home, he
eays. And you know how poor we
are. And they're angry at ine for
faying no. Aud how cau I, how can
1, when my hrfart is in tbe sea with
"Captain Kincaid I" I aid, and I
couMu't ray any mare; she took my
breath away. She was a nice, pretty
girl ; but the Captain km rich, clt--
gant and .tyltb. And old tatnuy tie
came of. too. It wad au honor for
Milly More.
''fcot just yet," jaid I, after a while
"Perhaps 3'ou'll feel better. He's
old I know, but hc'sHplen.Iid man '
"You too! ' said -lie. "You to-I"
No body understands It i-ut a. if
L I had made up my mind, like all the
rcL Will will always be a living
man to my minJ. I don't think an?
one ever hned but'tur. Nobody under
iands nobody."
I kittdi her n 1 eoxed her ; ftul I
said no word about her changing her
mind; but fur all that 1
krpt thinking of it in a kind of a
"Captain Kincaid! Huch a gentle
man as that! Old as he was, could
he fail to see the houor?"
But when I told Job, fays he :
"Jerusalem! Why don't he go
after 5ome widder or an oldnih gal?
Milly is too jouiii for him. Poor
Willi What a pity. They jest suit
ed each other."
I couldn't help it though. Mrs.
Captain Kincaid would have things
that Milly More could never dream
id': silk dre?sca and velvet cloakh.
jewelry, and tuffed chairs in her be.t
rooms, a silver ice pitcher it she choe
like Mm. Captain Rawdon. She
might have a carriage, too, and a pair
of ponies. And I liked Milly, and
weuldn't have envied ber her lack onu
bit; and I didn't weaker at Mrs.
J More and Rinny.
Onee having given me her eofiadan
ce, Milly didn't atop; and Mr. Mo
came over to talk about it tcot uu:ii
at last I faiily p and aided with thu
UMUdy. . A
"MnryT wyl; "win is gone.
and you aron c hi widow, to wear
weeds all your life not that many
do, if they can help ir, eeetus to on
and Captain Kweaid i aa good
man can be, and ye'll be happy with
him. You can't help loving bu a
much as there's any need to love "
After that she stopped talking much
to mo. She u.ed to give me suange
looks though. I knew all aboat it
I knew tbut her heart waa in the aca;
but Will was gone and why should
vhe refuse what Providence offereu ?
The Captain etaid at the port
three months, and at last we worried
her into promising to be his wife old
Mrs. More. Fanny and I. She jut
gave up at ldt.
"It don't matter much, after ali."
ho said. "I uiut be giing out of
my iniud, fori never can stop watch
iug and hoping. I shall die soon, 1
uppoe, whether 1 many or not."
After that sbe netor .-poke of Will,
and Mra. More tol I me shd was en
gaged; aud she woie a diamond rin
upon her finger. And the day before
the ship sailed she was to tnarr Cap
tain Kincaid, so that she might go to
Europe with him
A year and three munhtt since the
Golden Dove went down. Well, bo
oue can tell what change a httle while
will bung. I uted tn hope that 1
hadn hd much hand iu it after all.
I thought it over, and reuuibrrrd
poor Will aud iow he took bar io hu
ariri under the syoaiuore.
But then, you see. Mix More's
sight had tailed, so that Ke couldu't
do fine sewing, and Fanny wasn't of
much account except to look at. It
was a hird life that by before Milly.
It was good for her to marry Capt
Kiucaid, an J have rest and comfort ;
wasn't it?
"To-morrow is the wedding," said
I to Job. "It's going to be in tbr
church. Miss Salibury is nishing
my silver gray poplin. It set pltw
did.f We'll have Ben Barms to kef p
store, and go. wou't we? You'll like
to ce Milly off. won't yoa ?"
- "J wish it waa Will Maseet," says
"Poor Will," says I, end I wcut oc
tidying, though it was Friiay. I
should be so basy next day. 1 got
duwa my japanned snsar box, never
eaipty since the day I illew it up.
And then Job, sorting the letter,
looks up at no.
"Never begrisiged you aejthing to
maehaal do that box," aays be.
iicr this I ever put the mA u.
This here woedes thing with a rfWe U
i .
lapry bether.
"Ls mi 1" etjsT, "if rjwJ
je wated :tt yem shcuid have hat
I didatt thiat yoa htd any pVa
thought e would. 1A eaipty the
box ; I've got ooe that'll do. And
I'm jtlad you poE before I fiSled it
Sowitbthatl ypread a i?. papeJ
on t he c uoter and -urptkd out the
It ha-I packed a little, and come
out in a sort of cake. There it laid,
white and shiny, and on top of i,
whiter and hiiuVr, laid a letter
letter with a nhip mark upon it, and
this Mierscripiinri :
4 Mb Milly More, Anchor Port,
Maine, United !?iMea -A A-ricn "
'Fnr-J uioiitV afr yn hvv 1
had eroj tfi ra i.t tflt cttshd j
in upon it. und t't'-e i; a-
Three riio.av ,. iSo !..vl .m"
down to me an akw-J f.r a h-ttr,
and I'd thcJjht I or h;.i' Ktaz,' , Rtid
I'd have- piveu rjtn i "noy ih-m
thire wa in the till u Imw dred rr.
tare that letter 0rif on the -rt aud
.rea-1 it, though 1 Lwvr the b.nd was
Will Masjutt'a
"This can't wait," ?ays I.
"No." fays Job. "it can't with that
wedding oomine off to-morrow."
Then T stopped and thought. Let
it lie until it is called for, and she'll
be Mrs Capt. KitiCiid, with her uilk--and
her velvet., and her fine ,hoae
and her earriije, nil th -sine. Tlri
come from a shipwrecked sailor,
poorer now than wln'n he wi nt away.
Perhaps I'd belter wait until the
wedding i? over. Job." I.
Aud my i!d tuvi came 'aero" the
room aud put his arm arouu 1 my
"Nancy," my h?. "you and I was
yonng Mkn once. I used to think
s'ltucthfut! was better thin
monry aod fi-ie doing.- then. And
though we old folks may itct a little
hard fhoueh to be up in the world
xt'tiins so mui'.h, aud all old
sweetness so -illy, why, it will come
hick sometime. You remember how
he kN--d her there uudfr the syca
more ; and Nancy, we couldn't wmit
until after the wedding, ei.her nf u? "
I put my hrtus about Job's rrc,
and I kissed Lim ; und then 1 got my
Minbnnnet and ru over to Mrs.
Captain Kincaid was there. 1
stood at the door with my letter bc
hiud my back.
"Won't you walk io?" says Mrs.
1 I haven't time." say I. "It's
only an erruid It s a httic hinu'ar.
Milly, there's a "
"My letter ! my u'ttir!" crunl Miiiy
"It has couid at"
How she knew it, H-'.rvt':i ,'iMt
She hadn't hai a lirujt-i oi it.
It xi" the ol I sailor'x stoiy ; a sijic
wreck, a i-Iainl, Wreiclud
m inth- bpeot in hoping Tor succor,
and a ail at laC A vessel outward
Tolinilliad picked him up. He w-m'd
he hme iu three months.
"Three month-!" slid
"Oh, how ean I wait?"
And then -& I :
"M !!, for-rtye a p t i-I-i
aovse that lettrr nas been lyintc
unoVr ciy lt"t cotiee threj
iiiooili- aod n 'lay. A no there' a
Vessel in ih. tjinun now. '
So it xv'tt id .itts r all, ..nd Jon
and 1 tti u' to the Beo'duuj Willi hap
py hearts. And no need to pay
Cautaiu Kiucaid eitliur.'for he warn
ed Fanuy More belore the year wa
over. ledger
Ii. Japaa Che kw requires that,
when a person cuts down a tree, he
.-hull phut one iu its place. In this
way the supply ot wuo-1 is kept up.
George Washington uwes hia country
a tree.
Harry, at er looking wi while hi
new little sister ciied at beiiit:
Wa-beJ and ilre.-sed tlie otber dn,
tUtued away, saving, "if she .-creaiind
like mat 111 heaveu 1 don't wuudei
they eeut ber off."
A fad d female of tbrty returnea
lait week from Saratoga, aud dniu't
her young brother "catch it" when
he aaid to her: "So, Emma, you
didn't catcu a husband this iear
either I" Shu afterward leluctuutiy
admitted that she had several uiu
blea, tnt nary a bite." '
Said a Detroit l&dy to a small boy
whom she round cryiug in the street,
the other day : " ill you stop cry
ing it 1 will giv you a V
o," eil htf ; "but it you'U Kiakts
it two ceuu I'd stop if u i us ms."
One of the meanest thiiigs on eaith
is iu throw a ul watermelon and
bit a poliuval caker iu the pit ot
tbe stoaisca ju?t as he ia egptainiag;
the Drt4 Jco,t tkctsioa.
"Yes, Job suffered some," said an
llliuois deacon, "uat he never knew
wbat it waa to- have hi- team run
away and kill hut wit'u r:ht tn ins
btt!y aeaaoii when hin-d g;i! 'u.i S
a Week."
Aud uuw ouuiea trie auprutao cmi.s
asd ucciJc th aa auaiUrr wntleu on
a yu.-u: card thai is liable to injure
the credit or nspatatiow ofauy one,
isacritue. A tew daya ago a case
was decided ia the OaVo eaprewe
'court aauiat a waa who wrote to aa
old tlcbator duaaiitg his for an old
accutMit, aa-i ia that gsauoc; a;aku;
tbe ttauactivn patiiC-rFli Cit
. ,' JkHiraaL
Tae ict'Jiu servtce now eicu ?,-
j ooojTjOO-tor appue d s:stalsncs.
. ' i i
C . .-
Is a Weekly Newspaper, published at
Bed Cloud, Webtter Omnty, Ne
braska, end is devoted to the Inter
estp of Webster County, and
Special attention will be given to
ali lions and Local matters ery-thlr-c
of ;.! ir ernt-ra! int"-i
topirHnr-"i "i' ft,l ,Hoi"t'tf
conntii's. ill be ceunttJ-! rn-o
? ii..-1 jr!iet p.-ib. det
Durina tin c-uninr politics! ami. !
paigu Tnt CniKr will upport and j
ItlMir for i he ucce-s of the liepnblican J
P.rfy. "- j
The interests of Immigration will be
Inokf.l aftr. and the publ-hr desire
the co operations of all who de-ire to
see Southwe-f Nehra-ka settled with
live a d enterpri-ing pioneers. To
this nd furnish accounts ol the re
sourcc and cpabilitie oi the soil, the
le.-t location still vacant, and, in fact,
everything that will tend to induce
A portion of rmr eolnmn will he de
voted to entertaining "end tntcetfan-
con matter for family Teadipir,.
- i .
All who are latferestei tn harinp a
wide-awake, Hrely, loeal sewpaner
published in the Repabliean V.lhry
arc inviu to rxtmine The Chikf
and iccopse MiKrilir.
C ...If 4 ;, .
- EajHcr & Pripnett r
The r-raee to get Vaceithfn fame
ap ia good shape, sad at the IoMs4
prices, is at the shop of
1 Jxkk at thes Prices ! Wagon
j tire t for ti 25 per set. Kore
shrfir gv.i oswetsei to-i acoea for
I fail tean,43 SOf .-1I worfr warranted.
' Giro ta? a call Shop cut aicor aorth
i oi Biragaaar 4V -
r Klttra u aot a t11 Fasev
Ui1e ot I'o.r Knsi. WHkr7. rrut
and Rrit Uflour. i!torrl, arict-4
rwmcncil lev tlf- tnc uau. ct.Ud
-TKalrs.'' Appctlw-ra.' "tor., e
ttii leiJ ts- u;Ur ca to draakaaaa aan
ruin, tun are true Mwlicine. at0 from tfc
ciirr mou&cl br n tVUfiraUL fts rrom
all l'.lr Stlmciwatp They ar tba Orral
Blwxl rarlcr axsl a LlV-gliair Prloola. a
rerfect RtmjTtor aatl lnirior or iheKja
iru. i-nirTiuc ocT I oanouua Btatfr and
rrtlcrsR tbe t'it! to r. traltny rotSltloa. cxw
.l . l.l- .. M.M..rmM wl, I
nilod anJ tKKlr. TT.c arcaaar of aduimiMra-
Uon. proaiPt la tbtir'actioa, ctrtala ia tbrlr
rraalta. aatc nu wiawe ia an rarmts oi ikw.
M rna m ili flBiM ainmio
cording tu lUrrctioaa, sail raiaia loagna well,
provWcU tlirir tenrs an aot dtatrojea by
mlnrral polcn er otacr aieana. ami ta tIIa!
anraw w:rd bojond ttc yolat of rrtsir.
WyaacpatA r I4lcallen. Ht-oilaohs,
lalo in the hhoutdf r. Coinftia. TigmncM of the
Cbcst. Dizzlunui, Sur KrcctsUoaa of tbr atom
arn.Uai1Tair In the;iotM atuuaa,Pai
piutlon of Ue HfarUlnCauiraailoii of tba Lu&ff".
rain la Hie rrfluns of the Kldneyi.aud a auadrtd
ntijcr gainful Tinptom. are the oOprtcgt of
lntprpfcla. In thme ccmplalnu It hMCie.ual.
and vat rvMtK xiU prova a better guamau-e of
it mcrfr:han a lengthy adverttncn.eut.
' Fr KrBiaWCenIaiat.ln joucgoroM.
murricd or single, ti t!ic ilo of TvoninutHx).
or the turn of tiff, tbcae Tonic Hitters oippUr n
dfcMrd an Influence that a marked Improve
ment la aoou iktc p:ll'.
far IiilaaiMBtwr anal Chranla
IthcaaaaiitMi nt.d .out, l.ixf"!a or Itull
fetlcn. ltilious, Rrrolttrat and iDtfn.ilttent
I'etere, liif'nofthe Ulood.HTtT.KiiinrjrMaiid
BIa1i!rr. thee Hitter Iut nee a r-ot ui.ce?a.ut.
Such Utamat are caued 1 y itiatrdb!ood, U h
U gentmUy prlcce4 j ecrnngeu.f nt or tLe
lMcejtlre Orvans.
Tktrjrar a (all PaurgaUv-a aa well
a a Taalc. p.ilr,r aiso the r-'uaar u.nt
of acttntf aa sowerful agent la relieving C -n-;eauon
or IntlaniroatUiaef lha UVerand la
ceral orxsni and lu Bitioua Dia'a-.
ff rBkla)Dlaaaara,Krupttotit.Tttterfa"t
nii-uui. lilotelit a. Spot. I'lnialra.l'uatiiles IkiK
t'ar'juiicIeA.Hir.s-wornss, ..'-ld.tlead, irc Tjri
t'.Tafclif,, &cnr.'. Wa;orat!ona of tha
J kin. Uuiiiors aud Ueaiea of the Skin, or
whatever name or nature, are Illtrallj dug i.p
and carnal out of the nyu'err. Iu n khurt time by
tbe uae of thef Kitirn. one l-'ttl.-lu irach ciit a
w!I convlnt.e the Biot locret'.uluua of Kit ir c-r-atheelrH'i.
C'lcauac tlia Vitiate Slaixt heccrcr
yen fled it luipuri!u liurUu tiuih the
tin lu ritnp'.es. Fmpliona. or ure ; rleus It ,
wueu f ou aud it oi-iruc:d turn ki.nian in iac
Tdua : c!eane it ttIh-tj it 1 fut ; j ir ret'llutr4
will tell yon when. Keip tit" Umh iurc, nud
the heaMi of the iTatiai win follow.
CrafcfMl Thaaiaaai I'rui'lalm Tisacnc
CirrrKi i..ont vti.cdersil luvJgoraut tl.a.
evt-r nitt!ul the iuWiojf cyTrai.
riu, Tawe, aaft elkterWaraaa, lurkicf
In itie ii.-ut of fui!iii).v tti(tuanJ, urcefltt:
ta.tlledrttmyedantl remoed. ga a ilistic
gulihed phjtloIogUt : There 1 scartaiy an Indl
tldiuloulhe raceorthceartn whoav body :scc
einpt rrom the preseace ir woruw. It la not up
on the healthy element of th body that worm
exit, bat upon the diseased humors ami atltny
depoalia that breed these litlug nioustera or
dtatase. Noayoteni of raediclae. no rmirugCK,
no antlieiailnltlc". will frea taa ytem from
wonu like these ltiura.
M cekanlcal UUeaaaa. Person ncd
lb I'aluuaiid MIucr4l,cual,.uiubf. Trpr
metier?. -0M b atcr-t atd Miner, aa the n!
Tinre in life, arc -ubje.t t par.iivk.8 or th
HjicI.i. T.i gnard ailuit tnK lute a duet c
lk" Viskiiu liiTTKkstwitfj a week.
tllllowa, Itemltteul, m4 lularaatt
ItHt Vi, r i'di i'tr ro ir.ateui la ll.e
rjll vio.'o.iri-ri'at rmrl!irniil:o;i: the Lnlted
s:afa .ptra..ity t him ortiieyiL'sii-ippi eu,
JJIv)uri, liliutK Teumwi-'. Cuiuls-rljfid, Ar
kansas Ifd. Colorvlo. I'rjzif, Km UrnaIe.
lvrt. AUbanit. Mobile, Kavainnh. K'ua.a.,
Ja!u-n, and nui.y o Sit, viitb their ast tn u
tines. ihrt'itKhout ur ra Iri country during
I lie h-M.inii r ud AutoiiKi. n-l i .
6'iniiK re:uoi.aof i.i.u-u. ' 1 1 .,k!ildrnn. ar
laYariaMy rxuinpauie.! b e-'M.i'lve ! tanao
nicnNol "ftciitii::!.! ii:. jdi. r, n. titlr- b.
dwniiul vl er. In tueir tr- .tj "-ut a u'aa
tiv. srnini; a powerful lui'.cno u;-jti t'nat
srVriwDr'Vi. U entli y iirc-rj. Tl.r
ts no railutue. fr the ptirjH-e Hmt to Us. i.
Wtir.KK'3 Vf.-'fi niTrrr", s thy will
s;e-di'y t iive it .la- eotor J "'"i'l rimtttr
mt!i wf .t. tuc liww aro IsjiIm, at the ame
tluick'-o' -': : ..(- s.-ir'-tioui. oJ Ihtr aua
jf-r i' v r n. 'fr belili funtttf n of tha
Jorn!, cr CwCU Kll. t ' lte F Weil-
Irf, ii' ers lm'. a-v .,w b ! i. ik (.1: Ire,
S. -.irti'i.. ,TT" r i.i'io- I; '. .diit Irinfiuinia
lloi W-r-cr.,! ,flt t a. t-l Smi. Krua
tivo'''l . -. iv-el. e..eic. Inthfe
at'-.lltlier ouit'Uiju i'.'oai"- Waiiii's
Mt.ia l.imt.1 lu-h 'n tl;ir rtcitrt
tne ppwr Ir c .1 ob-tiiut; au J Intract
rb'" in t
Dr. Walltrr'a fallfat-iiU Vlntfor
lllllera .!. o:i mI lti-e c iu a Mnliar
t.:iucr. Hy pn'l'yi!i tha Wood thry r-'moc
the cauv. and fcy re-olHi(t away ttcenefuof
tftelnRamwiUou mi toiierealar ib potU) the
ttrttcd pan rrcthe liealtti. aud a pinuaneat
cure l ertcled.
Tlia roertla of Im. Wairr.V ViNEna
DirraKii are Apr.nent, IMaptoaile. Cunuln--five,
Kiuritlout. Laxatlv-. Iilurttlc. S-da-tire.
Co'int-r-trrltant. Sudonilc, Alttrailve,
and Antt-Hillom.
IheAaterleat and mild lasatlrt proprr
tlea of Du. Vai.iek' ViE0 4a Birrars art
the N'st aafe-f uanl In eaw of anifiona aa.1
maliirnanl fer, their tclmml. I 4l!ng. and
aiMitiuug prop rtia nU-ct II. huniora of tBe
fauces. Thcrhe:ldlle proptrtle illay faia is
taeBrrriinaytc!ii,atomacti. and Imwrta l:htr
from iuDMiniuatloTi. win-U co'.ii-, rrarnoa ate.
Krtlfr tha ImmIw atail allaeaaa 9y
piinftlnr ! t" amu wttn iMiin lnrraa.
No epide
epideiulc fan take Lold of a artcxn thus
-ariurd j
Uerilan. Tate of the r.t'ter on ireir.g j
to lied at night from a La'.r t on aud oae-feaaf ,
wtnc-K'lMtfu!!. .at koo-I tionnihinc fi-nl. asca ,
as bf-ieat. muttnii rhop, vruton. rvaatbc'f.
and vegetable, and take ou'-door exerciae.
Yhey are rtminoaeil of purely sctab: Ingra
dl a', and conum no pir.t.
It. II. SlclJaAI. A CO.,
fn;cist and U.u. Afia. an r rurt-o. Cah,
A io r. of Washington and Lharititn a a.. S.V.
WH.l HT ALI. MIL't.r.HTM a It:.KK
Mn Faraaai eat fake lhae BHtera a
'ordlnr to direction and remain lone mwn.
0Tided their onea ar not.letroyMl b min
rsi poton or other mean, and eital organ
waied bond th point of repair.
Drapepala we ItHtHw, Hc.1a-T,
Tain In th i:ioabtr-. Oe.sha. Trhrn of :t
Cnest. Ihme Ronr Eructation or the Mo
mach Bad Tate tn the Mouth. Bilious attaria.
Palsitation of the Heart. Inflammatloa f the
Luna. Pain In the region of tht Kidney, and
a anadrrt other painful ) rnom. are tha or
sarlacB o. Htupe!- on utile will aro a
better giarantew or tta werita than a IcLgtny
Par raanalerettwutalNta, tn yonnc or tt
'TSame.loTainKte.aittwdawn ii!anOil.
SPtkr turner OSethtwo Toalc Hirer diHy
Jeoded sir lafluence that truptvTeaier.i j- oa
Ftr Iuamaalwrr a4 rfcrwaalc
BhtaOim and cmii. n loo. R-aiittrut
and Intermucnt Kerr. rlrae -f atit
IJrer. Kidrt- and Bladder, tliew- lUiier bT
nerta. Sach lnavarecauell7 titUfd
ThreeCfMll Fwraratla aa aaatl
mm m TwaitV, pMw!nc lle nient of artir aw
a powerful a-nt in reiterlna Confection or la
flammatlonorthe liter and VUra Orfana,
and la Wtbva leaa-,Tettr Salt.
Rhea. BwHcnen. Spot, ruapi. rOTtuie
Bogs. Carbancie, Klnr worm. .eal.l 3'l
Sun Kees. Erealpelaa. Itrb, !cn. IHerfr
Uuawafibehiin. ilumora ami Iheaof th
akta of r.aieter biiw or Batare. are ntr
airr ua Bfand carried oot of tfca
teas la a ahrm time br the cef theaa a.tier
ivwfer Tiwaan4 rer-dum V'lMn.t
ttirrtu. tne h'M wotwbrOU Inttcorant it
erer n-'aln',! th I'lUrr .r--rn.
K. II. WclKt m v in.
lrnrsi -" ' . ttnru. C
ji s r .rtts-Hwc-Mi i"Srrt.i f'
VT' HT A I ,r- ' JT A U'l
Con!aa!:y on handL AH klod' of
" AllsslS Ghrf-iT Cash.
C3tst53ecsJne Inafteeani irrirf.
franklim. nkb.
' rl Accomni(hInthn$, '!
tery nvd
V ftnlJ
EI. Kreetuan t w'
jevsari, - -
-riatR5 is
Will piv r. UiohrsT oiariet
nnrr VYHfAt )t-.trn. Ac
r.-irtfier-. will ij WfH to tace Uii
.-tain to Jutiiw.a
7 if
JalMK! LIJ1K!!
Maxwel 4 Dingti
WIh ia lnfrtn thSpiiMia thit thy h
tnadeesteii'ire preikratitn t manufacture
Lime, and will kaeSon band a
rn met tha demand! of tha public, wbleh
ill be fold at -. io'ie ra e.
RrgfirMbef tlie Place
no imic! we.t of Bed Cbu. brni; on
- uth Si leol Kir.
E. B. FOOTE, r.i.C.
120 timm iTenne,
Cor. E. 29th ., NEW YORK,
An Independent Physician,
Letter from all ii7 of
the Civilized World,
ConflQcttnii a Hefial Practice
HB 18 TRKltlNO
gTomroae Patients it Xurepe, the
West Indies, the Dmin'oa of
Cotnada, exd ia eriry SUie
of the Uniea.
No mineral madirinaa or S'labWug 4rca mea.
Km duriag tl.e lt twenty ytari treated ico
fully nearly or quit eo t00 et, AM fet enn
oectrd with ach caaa are etfully rrccrrdad,
whet thy b comavuolca:'! Xj UlUt or !a
piii. orolrr.l by U Doctor or bit eocUta
phj' i-j. Th lattar r ail aarfBtlfa rustical
tv n. I
nitn.1t lltf pUlnuloTi,-.h.h wlU b j
fumi.hrl by trail frre. or at thaur lca
plt ).ini o mt-tering prTu m'.k or
.confiia.iii. CWa U'k ner een!, ci'cpt by
ta p'ltrcfan of tb etabbahmet For frea
ouiij!itiuD ari.l for ltM af ubn,
A I'y p'g paxsphUt ot UaVi of acre
ami tit alto.
jjj-.m Dr. E. B. KOp'J'JC.
a 7tt, Nejr Wrk.
Pa. oora i tb of " UafcTCaz. Coa
wi FtKta"" a book thai rarhel anrcTn'toa
of ier 350 COO rwpie: a'.. f 'Tajiia ifoMa
Tata." ro-t reccty p bllhd, whi haa oM
Ui th itm: of 70,000 : alo. oft" Bxiara
W Siobi,- which i no bin rutHJ 1 atria.
of a3. eptlag the trt enrtlteaS wajk (wbith
1 cot of prictj. will t rnt fr aw ajplltaiioo
to itiir Dr roota, e tb gamy I!l raV.Ua
ltf tMftlf. aoa I 1W t t JK Sirrrt.
AjeaU' bith ain an womrn wanUS t aU
th frfoing work, to whom a lllwtal pr'.Bt will
b allowal. Th bwjien'nt t "'u rortora
ba baaa mad 1 Uinc Ir fooTBa l-T"' '
-crk. "FL.! Itowa Tata- la partly rly
aJao'ad adult, an J "SciaaeB W hull" W
jat taa t'dac tar ta yooeg " for cBtteota
taMaa and mr tor Tonrl. Th former aaai
" ""r" , '""-" "r,rrht " ..
ao fl a delicacy tia.Vuif of tL.rpoy.irn.
Thra la nothlis Htror at all hfc lUsr
a aoltltuoV of omoa hieh ladseaaad jrea'i-
t th forrg-tng worta.
aciiyra ia Br--a'
... j a a-esU or af U rwMaahara
an only t
Oac mrw,
ADDKzee as Aova,
... J
- f:t .
. -
y. ." .
h t Y.
- - J
Least difficulty in learning it
Least skill required to aac it.
Leat labor to work It.
Leat care to keep it in order.
Lean trouble to change it.
I eat chanrinz refjuired.
I)oe fine work equal to aay other.
Does heavier work than others.
Does heavy work easily.
Poea everything well.
Poe aothing il! or gra-lginirly.
Gives aa&faction.
Exceeds eirwetwtkm.
JstiSes tbe praise it everywhere
A few day trial iweHdted.
BJ. BI. Je?ia3I.TfWW. AmU
rrH. a.
. KsCTGCTIC Ag'ftM W'tfterT.
Jtrebstsr County .
tirpublicatt Frntftf
S. CARBE3 & Ce.
wsneral Merchandise,
Dry Qoowl,
r ii it i t r t .
nl a threat Variety (r other Artiuin.
Our stool of Irv (JooN ha hcou se-
leeteil with special ti-rfrrna' to the
want of tlie lVoplf, an.1 conits in
part of
liROWN k ULi:f:m:i) mus
GINGHAMS, to. Ate.
The Ladies of Wchster County ami
arc reepectfuMj invited to examine our
new slock of
dre:;3 goods.
VV,.j r,.el Warrntiil IO avinr i
""" "
thr fyjrjfft unit Stmt runiMe CVrr
brought into Foulhwcit N"ltraka. nn-i
which ri!l le .-olJ at Price- that
Defy Ctmpttititn.
UTr alo keep on hand a Good Stock of
Of various kinds and extra uuainR
., , , . ., . . ,
and for Sllc CltliCf by tilt JUlt or finglw
nc everything eUe in that Line.
Canned Fruits in VirittY.
(ftCaa aaa
To to suit the wanu of ereryhody.
We srish io call the Wteatioa of the
public to the fact tlat w are eoataat
ly keeptnf on hand a real eaoruaeat '
G'wla which we will cfl at
MmXtmm Tr
For Cash. Call asi look a: oar floods
ci do cot fail to iciaire the lrkB.
Music for Schools
WaslraartlealaralteatlbB ta 5. .
-- .- v . f
Iuaf Maaia fur mhiut ufu.M t v
faeorinr atwith their order naJ osly .
wbit e!ao'aiatb ifce ci!ra n,i .. ,
rir. and wo JB cuaeastea to ai&t taiJa
aatisatory wtctrua.
Tho BetafKWS-b..tiifiiiincBo.k
Vairy KcbiHM, .. .. , Trie I
Tat Bt siUndanl .h.wl itr ? 4
1 be utv Febo . l'r-
Tbe I'd Hin In? truetai
I'-ter' ino I
Tb Ci Red ir-an rra:ruwtr
K ink!' New 3fe4hi l
Tha nt Iamct)r fu.-tba V0.
J.adden i-cn-w tr me o r. i jl
lb B.t Oultar Intreetor:
Wwrrall'a UuiUr )r ,
Tha Bt tollcton f- Mte V
?anerfciit.. .. ir a
1 h Beat t.i!ti.'n for l.'iit r.
X l'Iu fllra (Ilea ! t V
Tbe lte:rwle.itioD fur Church V 1 -3
ThrriuVer . I' .
Tbe Heft Iwtrnclor fr eorJioii
fr.IW"iCK t v omtMeia ttecici ir i
Tha Het Intlruelor f tteertJa
eJaici'loll:letnJkelhel I'r
hliahei ttnti mtulcxt, jht ji n
589 IX0ADW1T, JT.
To sttture
Ar now in nisrVof. arid an oflemd
al .irn mfrj and N TKN YK.VR' TlSIt
to uclu it M'ttlcrn, at rate. varyiiir llrpu
1.50 to 5,oo ptr acrt
With a hla-rat deduction for cash In
Thoo land art a mans tho Loi ta
the I'eptihliean VaJIfy, and ru
and beauty of Location
Lee Estella
red cloud - - a';?.
io:al a3z:;t tzz 7:22:122 c:toh,
Will al ill time be rraly to xwr all
itifirtn:ition in rexi to locatiuu of
liud, term nf nrtmnt, Ac
FtOtn th Circulars oflhn H k M II
j H. Co.. will in nii'aiure cpNin their
term and the ndvatittiioi o flinch
The purrhsHcr evi py cUt or dl
,.,l, the aiiiiMint info thrifr equal
urt, paying on-tlurd down, one
third in oor yeir, and nt third j tww
voars, with intermit at ten ar cent
.u'iuH or lift nan Invr TKS VfAaa
time in which to toA) up the 4Ura b;
nmnl( nuutnl payment at mz t r cent
Mt bur on thi li'er ! of
In whiuh caj th ptirulicr p t
the out.t ojin yrar' ttjrtt at -it,
ixr cent, on tho pric:. lie nuke,
three other payment, each ru
cent, at th; crtintHnrrncnt of tb
(econd, third and fourth yenn. At
lite roinuKOOMiiefU of lh(i hfttj )ar,
he pays ono savonth of tho p.innpal
and on ycaM iteri;t on the reiui
dr, and the aamr at tl.i eotnim nc
riicn' nl each titcctve yeV until il
ha hern naid at tho find of ton vn
Any buyer cun pat in full at anr thus
and jrrt a warranty ded fre
a. S. llr Entire.
(La'a CaibUr l.t Nat lUak.nann-i. U.l
Kxchsnre bought and ild on ill
cities of the United State, and Europe.
Bought and Sold.
., lifftitnce Ly lrniUuon:
R. r. Au.-. i'mtIat V 0. galjaaat
itaak. Cat"aar.
.V. B. M..uc Prwid rat RmXatlraal Baa.
Cteriada. I'wa.
J-H Haaaaw. Caaatrr Paris atll
Kck.'V9sHI Blaff. Iowa-
'.C CreTa. G'rrvr Stai af Tawa.
C. LrpsB4i. Cirri HpeHer lavs,
Career IttSlrtrt sahJ rUsliafti
HastMft. NebrttwU.
Kcp4 o ka-l a a ftictaa tie
i e aai Kr.
Erytiac of gt Wafkr ta atarkaa
Tba TvavwHac faUk WB ftaAaaja
atntiaaiaawB0rwaaawV a
urn w aJriajsa.-a
IAjaJMadeaVae i-cotv t;oi, j
Jawpe jeaai5?. - ;s'k
- ,