-' .4 .. I.S --TV yDf - ax i". C. I... ." fir A .' x m T ' . ? A rF m c 1 - Ti I its r . Hi i UfeF- I .T- THE RED CLOUD CHIEF ,. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. LOCAL MATTKK3. ' Xoticrxin tlJ Column 10 (""ii ' wiir Oilicial Directory. COXOKKSSIONAl.. V W. Tlt.lm. Ilrr.trnvillc. V. S. Sns!, ".'. VT. Ilitth--k. OjnaJiu. . XI. -S- O-natnr. I J.nroi:.) Crounse. i.cw-:b'.ju.c. jixkcutivi:. K. W. !urn3K. Uro'TnviHe. I. .1. fjirr. lAriCvln. J. U tt'wi'ra, lltsstrice. II. A. K.f i.i,;. Col imhiif. fiovcrnnr. Fee. ul Hts'.c. Au-Iitor. Treasurer. I. II. ttcirlrr jWatrir.c. Att'7 ". .J.-.M". MfiKcitfie. I.i)'.ln. 'M. I'ab. In-lrac. JITI'CIAKY. ' pi. is. Like. Omjil.ff. Cftie. Janice. Kam'i Maxell. PIsMtnoutli i An-,UM u- 'K;ssTKit cor.vn. .1. A. Tullvr. o:tr Irk. K. II. .I'rioi Trwitirur. I. W. Tn I leys. II. C. Hill. H. S. Kalcy. L- I1". .Murmjl. Ur. K. Thurn, A. M. Har.Iy.l 0. V . Jsill. ', I'robaiu Jiiilc-i. Slirntr. School yuii't. 'orontr "ount7 Surveyor County I'umia'itHftncr. irrjriil a:iJ Orparlnrc of JInili Iron llif llfd CXi.tu: I. O. I-i .in J'S.r arrives cdn Iav , and hatuilay-j . - u: lv aves Monday .-and Ihursday . a. in. ; 1-Voin IlAiiVAltO a-rlvcH Tue-day e J 111! IIAI..KII :i'ril.'.1 i UU-'Llj c! p.m. Leaves Wcdnc-day'bT :. in 1 mi I'i.k want Him. nrrives I I'rom - Wednesday's ! p m. Leavcii Iburs- ! (lav s i a. m. Prn. l,'.. K-i.-, . ,;..,.,.... m -I rom iMt.,M.l.v, go in-.' cast, .uo,i nay s and Ihur.idiy .s 2 p. m. io- J ing -.vest Tueday'd and Fri lay's '.'. U. 111. I'roui .1 Kv::i.L. Kansas arrives Fri day's 'l in. Leaves I p. in. IVam RtssKl., Kaii'-a?, arrives Thurs day's 0 j. in. Leaves Friday's 7 a. in. AH registered matter niut be in I be evening before the tmil leave. ' M. . Mi-Nrrr. P M. X0TICB-?e!t GfS::- Hoars. The Pot Office will b" opon on Sundays from II a m. to V2 M., and loins... m. tour m. lor the pur- , po.-e ul regjitering letter'-. b no ie tors registered tha i ii-KiMi-fini: leuerv jik-ic- wii: ui.irniiiKJ 4 ""-I the mail leave. M. 15. M Xirr, P. M. i'2ici;iii :iu:(ru:;v. M.t lv CIHTKCH.-Rr.. Cha. Ri:ii.v. Pastor. Sendee cach'al cmate Sabbath at b A. M, 'oncumuation'List ciinton Kr:y. A. Maw. f.i l. Pastor. Serv ieos1 ea.-h aV-rr.ate Subbith at I'M A. M. RAPfrST rnrilCH Rt:. Tuos. Mr:J:i.ow, Pntor. Services every fourfh Sabbath ut 7 i v. . tj -buhbatri . niorfiinc at 9i A. M. ,1. Q. rOTTEKt -Ilt. Traycr mcctiiis: Fabbath amlThtirs d.iy cvviiin.s. All held at the school houM'juit north of town, km-:: ick! ick: H'K! ICE! ICK ! Hood i'i;ar ice on hand and for &ilo at, Ceo. Zeiss'. Prieo one cent per pound. Ice Cream at Geo. Zeiss' nearly every afternoon. Candies, thc best and purest in town, at fJeo. Zeiss'. A few County Warrants wanted at' ..iic-nhv Wiu.rox. ; -- -- J Save your money these hard times by going to Willoox, who will save j you money on your taxes. WAS ! WAS ! OS HIGH PRICSS. Mack is still alivo and propose.-? to sell lower, for cah, than any man in Webster county, anything in his line ' of trade. I will ell the following lm- , plements at pneos a. iollows Champion Light Mower, - - $!;. ( Champioh iNo. 1 lauw Dayton Sulky Hake, - - - - :.00 I'urst & Urailley t?a!ky Rake, S3.5t Ivaglc Sulky Rake. 31 50 Tiffin Revolving Rake, - - - - S..VI The Ohio Revolving Rake. - 7. B.TKR31S S-TUIiTI-Y C su.-53 M. B. MrNlTT. -kQ i TAS3 NOTICE. Contractors, Builders, or those j wishing work done in my line will re- j ceive prompt attention by leaving or-, ders with me or at II. R. Shertril Company. E. E. Covkv. Practical Painter, Red Cloud, Xcb. '1'hrec months credit given if desired. All icrsons having logs at tho saw- - mill arc requested to como and claim tha same, as the yard will be closed and the mill moved as soon a practicable. All having logs they j . ..- MMM-Aa ...,ct rviT thAm ni.m(. .raui santu muoi """,-"'"' j .-.- - iately. J. L. MlLLFR. iiOkl.J v 1CJ 5.5. Notice is hereby given, That I will examine all persons who may desire to rviu an . i-uu u,a, uc W . otter tbcmeiTC3 as canaiaates ior. prices, is at tho shop of tcachers of tho primary or common j u'TPPTV schools of the county, at my office b K 12. RedOload, on the first Satnnla.vcfjl.00K AT toesk Prices 'Wagon Augast, orember, February "3 tircs sct L75 per sct H. S. Kalkv, Co. Soperintendent By the -Domestic Now isihe tiuleto. subscribe flr thc Chief. -. The moit welcome man in town is Grub. There will be no County "Fair, thia fall, owing to the grasshopper busi ness. Still Jl'it-srid dry. .The 5iirnund- , nig country i.as uccn luvorcu wtm imo i . I 1, -. 1 -.! ! I showers during thc last two week?, V. L. Vanalstytie was about (own yesterday. Van js pine luin ber, "and knows jiiit how to suit 1m ciiatotucre. - ' .Tfil T.-nril Vn fif .Tiiri.at., irnc in town yc-terduy in company with Mr. I'recwui. They both left for Cawker ! clty to attend to important, busincis. rasI,ir) at a empty sa-h. He has re covered now and takes thc joke mildly .Miner nas repaired wic -aw mm , ;ir:( J rai' to tear nj all to Hinder?, i in n lit f In lev than mo limp. - Hard work thu trying to get u a liudy local column, whon there's ... . nothing going on to rai?e any f-xvite- - f ft niciit. 111'Ml t. -To the ab?em-o of anythinc ox. citinp. read the adverti-cment or the tax lit. The latter i.- particularly amu-ing. Lewis Davi:? and .lohn Jone, of Walnut Creek, were in town. Tue-d'iy- i They are lively boy, and that neigh- 'mtw0i ia3 "iICaj,5" more jast like ! . . I he Itcpuluican river lia? lieun .,- - "on thcrise" forthepittweck.owing, e proume, tothe heavy rains up the valley Foot racing was indulced m by -The primary caucus of Walnut , , .. r v , f , ,. ,.,.... ,, r. ,, " - " -- w...... ..,,- ..v.... to a considerable extent, and .-oine money tdi'iuced hands. Where's our Misjionanos? The LaClcde House under th management of Win. Morgan, has had a larg"1 run ofeustom during the pres ent sca.-on. This ? owing to the fact that the hotel ha been kept tip to the standard as one of the best hotels in thc wet. ,,r , , i ,. i ., n a have Ind callers during the ii- i r l i week Iiotn all parts of the count v. , . fx " anions: whom wc mav mention A. liar- f p ; uidc Rock; C, W. Knight and W. ... I. anee, of Inavale, and others. ' Come again, gentlemen -LaDuc has throdied, and finds 1-0 loi-hels of wheat from .,, aercs , mil I,. ".or oats from six acre- 1 he quality ol thee cereal- is very good. .loo Warner 1i:i? alxoit fini.-lied i Iiis lare stable, which vjll be the hesl barn in tho county, .loc i? pnttinjr up a jrirat deal ol'hay, anil will have sta ble room and oats for all the wilJ colts in thc country. llaid time?, weather hot and drv. nrnrTnv rareo. corn "crop cone un. and everybody got tho "bluos." Keep your temper, take things cool, and everything will come out better th:n you think. 1'hey may all ' blow" as much a 1 they please, but we've cot the best fitted up po?toffice west of Lincoln. It will be presided over by 'Uncle Peter" through whoec hand? all those sweet scented loving epistles will pass to their respective owner?. Last Sunday wa: tho hottest day wo ever experienced. The thcrmom etc: gave it up in disgust. If thi, thing keeps on mueh longer tho ere- . uiatiou problem will be solved without ( sri effort on thc part of suffering liu- . inanity. lCd Kellogg's wheat stacks have nac(iei (j,rough the tuachtne and give (j ((f 5T, m,4jieis from thirty one a,ros ROOli MllI1j wheat. This is a t,5,!c 7 oi--htcen 'licb o the acre a good turn-out for a drv season. TL5s wUfiat wa3S0WC(l cat lv and plowed amI ,(ut for th(, drouht woul have xJ(Mcil am0 or ,luitCf twentv. five y nh 0 the 2crc preaching by the Elder, quarterly con- (erencj s:iir;ini1iiti"k- nftr. Halfnast .;... ... i !. .. i- H.wa. .. . . iiiuc . m. loveierjsi ; iu, preaciuug, . nttf.-. -xli ..1. ll,n cnmmonlc nfhinKm I :,nd the Ir.r.cVmnPrwin Iwi admin- I ;dpr.., ,; tal-n !ntn Tnll i fc,"a,' memhership. Ciias Rkilly, Preacher in Charge. Tlli l!octtr.ff Trt?,l n.moc frt I T" . "-' ",".: nn I houe printed, and looks gay in its now ! , , c , styte. Atiams county can now ooast of two good, houie-mado newspapers, that do credit to their reiiecti.e lo- -. , I "V"- j Will those of our farmers who have raised wheat or other small grain be kind enough to send in Uie amount I of such grains threshed and the yield , ner tcre. n e nave not lost taith in T . . M hc country, and desire to show to the world that Webster county is good for something, in spite of drought and grasshoppers. BLACKSMITHING ! , n, ft VjutUmUh. .. ! . ' , , "i M , ' ., fc , j shapCi aB(j j shoeing good new steel toed shoe for full team, $3-60. All work warranted. Give me a call. Shop one door north 1 ofBererueas. 0-td. McXitt ha3 a supply of ail kind? of Machine Oil - . . . . Th-- juarterly meeting of the M. I -.rr . , . r ., . p.n.i10l: ?-,. P,r .inllnr -. i' -. . -,.i i m . 1-.-H- i ' Watch out for those new groceries truied Micrar, lor a uollar h. (. i. :iro?i nil! lk htld at Hill s school . ... . A f'rttT.m S,i,r ... 7 , ; :;, , ltl wmcii mil be at Sheerer s during the 1 ; , , V " -', house on August 22d and 2.U, cxer-! t n i t l otlee Sugar :. .., r.... c....-.- o coming week. Call and give them a Vcllow C Too Sucor Vrt J3 Hi...jrt- CiUUIUJl II. til. i . t I ... .. , c The work cf justification and purification was indulged in to a con siderable extent recently in the tem perance Lodge of a torn not many mile, distant. Those who, in an un guarded moment had "fallen," were a win recorded anonj the faithful and alowcj (o WBar thc wj,jte cmUem M a fign of their purity. Boy. don't drink any more. A certain man in Red Clou J with a wormn had a tussle, and from the the bruises he received, he mut have had the inuvrle. It bapjiened near a window and you might have heard the crash, or 5eca the bleeding victim ,. ,.....:..,, fi. f.::i W.....r, .-,. ..., -W...... 31 A II XI 1 i: I. At the residence of Ht nry Meaner, j in Cac county Xeb., ci.Au,' 2nd S'i:,l, " feT'1' l " ?,r- Mi L llioina. ot n Htcr countv, and t;is a.I,?, I ,.w;s nfCii-nnntv .ui-."uua i.lwis, oi iascouni. I w.. ..: i. .t.:, t.. i- i. ( ut.li ifiis li-itiiiv imittlr tinifli ! ;"'eSi and a pleasant journey through i " a ,!I,e iiaic roiu no incy u nni jorcci s&e rroiiiie. Thnt home u ill not be plcasAnt without a UttU Thoiiia'". I will .sell lumber after this date $(r!cthJr C'ih. ! Upon a 'Vah ba." Kxamincour s,oclc airj j,,.;,.,,. )pfofe ,,urciaIIK picwlipre. Niti1uction guaranteed at , . .. .-... ..,u(,..,u..il j a AMyne Lumber Yard, Red , louJ' 'braa. , ., ,. i huhu iui miu ..ji(.,-.u ut , .sending reprecont.tlivcs to the county j convention to be held in Red Cloud Tuesday, Aug. 25tb. will be held at the .nil hou-o in district No. f. on Saturday, Aag. -Ji'd. A full attend- ancc is revested. .W. J. CK, Chairman. AcriDKXT. Jacob Waggoner, a son of Heiij. Waggoner, who lives five miles souliWt of this nlaee. met with I sad aecidtM't on Frid-iv or last weoL- sau jlculm on i riu.ij oi la-r week. ' The voutr" man w-s t-n-T'ed in nnk ' t-jo man w- inn,wi in mas incr l,..v in tin. fi,?l Tin' i,:i0 r:i;I1(r "'g " in ineinn, anu un.'e r.Utntr j ajJ 0J. wa, arei,Tl.ntay ,hrown off! t'reakmg Jus arm cioc up to In ... .. . "HouMcr. IT. il.iam-. wai called ind sueeeeded insetting the broken '!.,.: ,i i i.i . ., ' I'0'"? and 1,,e rilient , W R"M A,0B,S ,n' i GRASSHOPPER TIIV1ES ! S'f.cpcr on the War-Path. Farmers, Look to your Interest. Ira Sh-ppor, thc origininal black- smith ol Webster county, and tlmman who first brought blacksmithing up to being one of the fine arts, has after mature deliberation, and due consid eration, nuidc a final conclusion that tinic-1 are hard, grasshoppers plenty, I and that he will pnt his prices down tothe "bedrock" in order to 'live and let live." My cash prices will hereafter be as follows : Setting wagon tires all round, - $1 f0 New shoes, nei span, ----- It (h") Setting old shoes each, - - - - J(le tey" Remember these arc Cash I 'hick, and cash will be rerjnired at these rates. All work warranted. G-td -There will be a Basket meeting at, Martin's appointment on Sundaj-, August IGtli. hxeroises as lollows Half past nine o'clock. A M.. Iove- fcat' I o'clock preaching ; after preaching the sacraments of baptism and thc Lord - supper will be admin f-istered. Probations received into full membership. Chap. Rf.ili.v, Preacher m Charge. , .. ; Tuesday last there was a prairie j fire near Indian Creek. We have heard of no damage yet, but there will be a fearful amount of injury done . sonic one if this tire business isn't ! stopped T.-.-orT- Mti j .a,.,:.. aVJ iTVlUV-IUUUW tl(U .UltlUiUUIiJ in mis taction oi ine rstate. snonid nr- . . -,.- "U,K al ""- "u" WIUUIHH.-U Ul thft whoIc" to taka mea ores for pro- . ' , w, .ccnoD again'c prairie nres. A vigi no A -,r, I t. . vigi- I ., "Litif lance committee should be formed I which can be called out at a moment's notice to take nromnt action in ensp. l .11 i t, ... T" f f5.1 U!' AM I Lhiuio lu uav ticr.- ami mmirran s shoul(1 bc watc)e(1 M(1 warRcd t,jat jf they allow any fire to escape, they will meet with certain and nromnt nnnish. ' ment. Thc straggling bands of In- ,. , . Jans who occastonilly pass through should be warned that if they set fire the prairies, as they did last year, ' cy will be brought to an account. ; lnc who now wantonly fires tne , i prairie should be considered and treat- i 1 ed as a public enemy. I ''. VTT" ! 9?" ? t I The Ash Creek Union Sunday School will have a pio-nic on the 20th of Aug., to be held at the residence of Martin iros. on the south side of the j!ASK i all invited to attend. RrW -ir r,. . i, :':, tn ,?anA rC ,u. . kets well filled with "good things" to i.ar. Mt at tr, oVlt- , " " -.- - .. v .v-w , .a. in, inw' Irt - i J. H. Williams, V Comaittce. , J. 31. 3Iabti.v. J Send to H. H. Johnson. Cretct Neb. for circulars of the Domestic Sewwtg Machine; also tenasto agents, (C c),if yo mean business and really j want an agcaer. "i Try a copy of the Chief for one year. Terms only $2 r inuuro. ' I rri iiih.i.i. .b. .. I tazs xoncs. 1 The subscriber having sold the lum ber yard at Red Cloud, is desirous to c!o5e up all accounts. Those indebted will please eall by Sept 1st, or the ac counts will be left for collection, fi-td V. L. Va.valstt.vk. The threshing machines have i been buy throughout the county since harve&t, and thtfro will be a large atn0Unt of wheat in this psrt of the valley. The promise of the earlier part of the reason has not been borne out owing to the Ion? continued droiirht. The yield as reported baa run from ten to twenty bushel, but little reachinz the latter figure. Tryb ably it is safe to put the average at from twelve to fourteen bushel per 3TC. Oats have been light from the fame cause, and will not average more th t t fi t,,;rtv buSfhek r ' , ,. hvery fanner in the countj I i i i. i .i . c . should attend the caucuses next hat I . . unlay afternoon, and fee to it that men of their choice are elected as dele gates to thc county convention. Don't forget the primary meet ings. Attend them, one and all. Bakkt Mkktin: Tlicre wiil be a Laslct meeting on the camp p-ound, commonly known a Penney Creek, on Sunday the '.'M'. of August, commenc ing at half pat nine o'clock, a. in., to continue all day. Come ercrybody, and bring your dinner. C. Rnu.v, Preacher in Chirge. Thc Domestic Sewing Machine i acknowledge! bv all competent . , .,.,,",. , ; juugc to uc me Le.it macnine now uc- forc tl0 public. T.ncl trpok ill.' .tili!.W nf nrnir?i firc, WM mcntioni!lle The liU,,crs (rom fires afC not im -.. airl the ,,, irnt,T.i , tx' :;a1:n ..U.I.LV..! ......... ,. .H .......l. touches on the calamities of drought and gras.-hoppers. Tho prairie? are now as dry as a pile of pine .tharhg5, and a fire once .started would soon got 1 h'om hmn r0n,ro1- Thc S"8 '5 n,0,lfid by 'tho cattle, and without it , ...,,,. ,. , , "ut ',t,'c 5,0f ni any ,ntl cua ,,,J , , . . v. i kept through the coming tvmter. or , doe, the matter end wuh the que.-t:on ' nt innil Inr .ti.-k A p-roit ntiiniifir ol . . . I irrain is ret in tlio vfaek. anil a fire j " J ' , , , r."1"-'' ""'" cs with as much rapidity and danger as the nrairio itlf. Grain, hav. Mables, Lve!!ing.-cycry.hing i liable to be .swept aw.iv by the terrible clement, W'ttch thcfirrs ! i ir ,.. tn ,, lhn uM. ... ' If you want to sell the best and eaaie.t selling sewing machine, apply to. oraddrcps, 11. II. .Johnson, Crete, Nebraka, traveling acent for the Do mestic Sewing Ma.-hine Co. DUTCI-TPLUCK! vs. r f? A V VTff) p p V V r " - 1 - ' Three-quarter inch rope, - - 17c pr lb All other rope, ISe per lb Calico, S!iIjo per yard Burlesque Corn "Scoops" onl- - - Tnc Rcpublic'iti River Valley Tea, .Sue lb. Thrco The I lay-Forks, i it Hats and Cups, i.)c(u$r oo Shoes ;. :0cia$20 Grasshopper, secure these bargains. G J. B. & CO. ATTAOUM ISN'T NOT1 C H. Tohn Bercnzen am. ) Martin Pupka, doing hu.-incss under thc j Tn Probate name and style of Court in and Bercnzen it Co , - for Webster I'laitititTs, county Neb. s. I I. W. Tul- Michael Cook, j leys, Judge. Defendant. I Defendant ill take rrotico that an order of atta'hment was on Jnlv 31st, H71. issued in the above entitled ao- i tion for thirty-two and thirteen one , hundredths dollars $.13) and that i the cause will be for hearing on thc MA day ol August. 174. Bkuk.v.EN & Co. !y GiLHAii, Att't. 5-3w Red GlOUtl Retail Market. cor.EF.CTKrr tr'KKi.i r cakbkr i COK-Axr. gar t uoice n:o Lotiee- t m 3 f!CLaaaaaaa Gunpowder Tea per lb ... Oolonj Noting IIycon 1. 00 c l.-.l CM,. M- 1 ' O'UUklU VTHIU .'ivi w IT , , c. ,,A ' . 141 v.ili j". uuuuiuLiat -; Tmnr:.t ja.-7i ,, l Hi fill iali'Mt kjs J' i Butter o&2H Eggs u lu lt1r "Mntnrliin 3 1 r To"XXr Vebrnn Z3 . .13 t-i i.-j i. Wlj.(e ' 40,60 .... 5iXc&i Twilled do... - 00 Brown Shirting.... Il(nJft pSSS!,eaiMmm3C 10 common i nnis...... .....iu Brown Demins W Blue " -5 J.Ic?-v Brow4n Ducking 73fj V, " LBoots ZZZ'wC' W LiKht root5 4 5(7 50 Heavy Shoes, 2 tG$2 75 sils. ......................... ..... iCiSj Riverton Retail Market CORBECTED VEEKLV UT H. C LOIIFi i: ntto. Crushed Sngar for a dollar. 6 k- 0Ee sag C. CoEee Sugar. : .. 7 Af"-ow ij?ff(5? asar-;iiC"77;V"m Choice Rio Coffee 3lbs. for $1.00 t?:.. ci Tea per lb S0&S1.2U Batir Mr ft. 16fS.! Ergs per dozen............-...... .... JO FUnne per jrard 4050 Brown Shirting per yard ..13(sl7 Jl fX!iA& ''t(la2 Common Prints... ........10 Browa Jsndi . ...2U Heaw BroaTt DackiHr..-...--..7J "Koots aodTshoea (ajcru) per pair it35 , iaiiv 1IHIIIU.U omen? cocs per pair fsQj " ail jwrr It ... .,..i.T3Sj CHAS. R. JONES' CASH PRICE LIST. On and after May 13th, I will se!!good3 at the following prices for CASH : GoMen Star Flour. jp1. r :wt 2 7,'. Cream of the Valley. " " ... 27T. Dwt ;t! Coffee V tt.- for . . ..If Stau.IarJ"A"Sus4r.7jW.;fr IW Extra C White a 1 1) Brown SucSr " II " K Uel Syrm. I'er ral ... H 0k1 " " 75 Diet Fine f'ut Tobnecw. irer H .. I W oooi " " Plu?r A Fiookin? in hbic ratio ... Choice Jeran Ten. ier S .... This is Gnly a partial list. Cy Laiimg you will find everything in stock proporticnately lew. 0 Call and Ilxamhie iocl and Prices At My NewStor;Bui!ding2nd Coor North of Post Office Juniata Avenue, .TCNIATA, NBRKASKA. SUSPENSION OF BUSINESS. C. O. D. The Climate Smpalrs Our Health!! 4 Lbs., Minus 2 Ounces, Best RIO COFFEE for $1.00, or 4 Pairs Grangsrs Socks for 2 . cents. J&OW it lonr Time KKISKAZS: A HARDWARE ! I would call the attrnti in of the Farmers of Webster and adjoining counties to the lact that I have on baud a good assortment oi FA HMLYG IMPLEMENTS, And am constantly receiving a lot of PLOWS, (TLT1VATORS, RKAPKR MOWKRS, and RAICKS, Among which will be fou?d the . EXCELSIOR REAPKR k MOWER, HOLLINflSWORTH PACIFIC and HAMILTON SCLKV llAV RAKFS, For which I am sole Agent for Webster and Franklin Counties, Ne braska, ami Jewell and Smith couuties, Kansas. OTIS L. BATTLES, 3out!i Ouicle Rock, STcbraMka. NEW DRUG AND GROCERY STORE - I.n - Ketl Cloud, -- -eb. We wish to inform the citizen3 of Red Cloud that we have .a new stock ofgood-i which we offer ct Granger prices. Consisting of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES BRUSHES AN! FANCY GOODS. Ako a choice lot of TEAS, and TOBACCOES, PURE WINES and LIQUORS, CrSpccial attention given to Dis- pensing of Medicines and" Prescrip-1 f , - t ' ioni We Defy CompetUio t in Quality and in Price,. II R 3HFJCER V OkikI Japan Tea. t-er P " lJl;ck ' " Cl.o cc V. 11. ' " fiorsX MpJiud:" " Chwip Iiupcrral ' OtxI Vinegar. iHirfJCt. OK. I'wU! ParkirrBl IJiM-on .. .. l m i. 1 99 . . I & . . 1(3 Xai, rata. jr . . to BUY CHEAP ! Co., Red 1iih1, 3T! JOHN m. JACOB SON'S HOTEL FEED, SALS, AND LIVERY STABLE Jaiait, A.4amt ci. JVf h BimiEss :oli,i:cu: THE Mercantile GoHege At 2::i i2rrs a, Om lit JL.tJ( Thi ulJ jci.l rractml Iisrii9 llkee i iiiw in In ninth fear in Krekul. villi t ( s3.r.xe f tcehr. awI tul rsriortwl It? errrXOAfth? matt MuCiiat burin tuCti efthccitr- l I'tor. W. II. itut-tr. tl.e.WriMH U4 ' nr-nictrjcior. catmet in cjiarc: Km- ) knl. FurnHkcl ii ar irn frr sf i ofcarsc : ts.lnt wuhuu t Wiel ttw ; folro. N rwio rnt i e Hrinrrd Vl a ! brtrliuc claU at l.4) r vtmIi. TV r ci.re frivcU fr.m ili2rcot pti lk Uut- ! tf.l 5u: r MtV u ;' u . !V.':I. in lCull Hall, witli U hnm I i l m tt4s- rMNal ImMw kf Uroi tkHaii i.i i to4 'r olt with a travUml Pfcct- Th ' lker ftmlly i ejl rwia. waS, fr tiM'i.-ti-M -U all !. Jt. J Air tptvuari ..? -K. rt Haw 4 Writ la. Th, I.,.Suu rlr. for tti-.tmal K- kilk. Hill Unft-lr l lMMiM. Thr MvetHriiip ft f0trllter Itmok- B-insH'. and all Ik lttlJtl ; ItaH MtttiW I. :., prf,rnov u urnvrntrf t wHa?. Sttii ii rr. JiiflI kr. All C itwtMW rwtt iHTt'-u.-tKia ib it irm olrhmrgt. Tb hU- City TtrlHrra ltktUtat. Um vmIj -h .1 in tb W- uajtk: by Opwwfcpn la irtul rr.re. l o.mlu-tl KktUt. br iv.lbrar .t rue-ti SEiUrO A CIRCULAR, AiMre, BAYLIES COLLEGE, Kr.OKl'K, IOWA JACOB KOHL, rnrnr'l S'rfol n.l II .cll,.. .i.Mnu. urlst Street and Hiiatiiitp Avt Hastings. Nebraska. " "" """'5J "-.w. Kw 4 ,.n lui! si ul time ta Vet !.Wiari. I . at I Il.r r I I ii-j ..in of thai.) isnlity th i Mwrkrt , us r i. l te .J --- W " -- A. 4WC1-J. ZWagasizies: " t, ., , ,. IhcrA-.!r..- t .Vutn frj M..ir.,- hx I - m mi' rK-'ittir'-1 l'Mj.l. ik ,n irt!i.ln,linrl',.l. 1 ... .. j . . ...H - a ir"l, r"W '"W IVf jr U'fi'i'r. in a rccv nt :. tbiM aaaka of t rrhnrr' Monllg "Wti aro rtitrHiit I to ana Umt Srrttr'. .U..'4r cjm( llir i.rua tugmiH all tr thllliriic umn My tmtUU fr M Ikiarr or Ul uU!i o nni vurlrtr of-vnitmf. H laaSai. !y u roaJrlaI iillhiif urth. .N'atiiiay fiin b? mora hrwuae taiia th Miia.fuU af (.re an. tif.r. tb !ift . hl ara amnaeol nth n imlr arOaUe tr. u4 af iUona.,Urri.aIa,tk.,..-.,l, ..v .,. nllu. niiirnncwmMHii.iwian ami ull xra ("i-tlrBU" rWtLx Kavltoh 4amiiMai. kul U Is raa l-rtt.flb AmridH MbUI1 " Utxttit. variety imiJ .rtwu . Irncdof it il!uHrati4nf AaKtrhnui laraata, il h' ni?TPrKen"ertn ini.rilJ imKI 11..1 r.u.. i i -i . . .. ....... . . - i.nm iw imim aiT a eraatar THrtct; m lUaPttlwUtaan artlMr f Ut Sun.lj , AiuertaAB Uatkli. . ....., ruiumrr. ah ii im iriRMflr l.lli L . ... 1 .1 . ...... ani iiiiiiy im i-.iita.-ial Uo4r:MiM. It .. , , ltr..nlueur..tartl rrlth tbo.IataUaaiaj jf niakirii It thc baH mrair.i In Ufa wrtI. ofiraifBthar'avenarrr for a miat l-t fsht. urn! tliry -jat with prWa a-jil tAur t the Mr an.Uarn Hat(Mir. raMally U- tunl iiul nil rnrlK.....lLI.. .li -...-.,.,. ,v..,...,-www ami a careful WmurixiB at taair frtt -rita thflff f ollinr maiTK !... .a J !. .. ih-irnH,.to,k. ,H,w.t. ,u,.e r.r rtiu .."-"-- -. ...j nwi hl;rier.irPnr m lawful ra A eoactlera.liIailaM-.uil L&j ilt U in Kn.-lajul f-,r St Ni-WIn. in-rtWarV Kc JIaffiilHt f r Uijfr ml -llrl. aan fitabVlMr Irfinn U seit an a.luon nf tUtmm ibu. s.nr,K. ,., k..i ,..t w .. " -" - ..'"iiii?ifi- IM. 'JiHU i. h.i riaU Th rurev aft Ml-.. la ia tint aaaetrr ai lx-K ovfs morr rotoar'uaMo taa taat T Scriliner't M'tslhlr. It w praaownaail ta a "li hlfijf fxfet Mrwratinr Ibr akibiraa." anJ. I th ram with all ttir bt Htmtora far raililron. it haj bran fxsI ta anxaaaaaf io'ii3 lr.Uff H fr crwwaai r4f . a M. Tha iRABe af tor roritwlfeul. f Ul ilar sn i.caly Us fiata.!. o.factalir umi .U-.l.i- .1 ,. . ",w t riK: 7-amti0 ParaiiU . t ,, aaata8aril.ta oairKjifffra ta tW 14 S taW fl ta Ibacbaractar eaaa. or rasa 10 lt4aua fUte IiterVar faraWbfl t.l"f tair-boM M. In Nl. U i,-,t .I fli.torr. Natural I'hltaapay. i.urnuxr. rise ,rt. ami laneiaaUra lrjati inart 'ir-ur wtrt 7Mr rl- wf. wi uf niufi a UiaalaiMl ta ak i'hiiniiiw. t say Mrw iIMtia Mrnnfr I t. )a. t:f ' tKl. on rxatttt af ta ra(a. tavt aura m pI"-r r,l tntUix. Ta laaoflaaa at 44 -.all Srt b'MluvItor aoi iaalar tfrat.tc Srmar.8'sM.tTaLT. H a jr. 7W.iaus.Wr St. N'trwot.4 8, : r. j 5CSZ32rS3 li ., 51 2r:ilr, K.7. 1 Republican River STAGE J-INE- Z. 2, 3.LL, xrcprictcr. "" ' " """: JUlflIMtflHi ntU bLUL'U, III al I 21 T A M.a DP n i I n I fi T T,n iu. r.JMA. r ,..- . ....,- .,..,- v-.. K-v..- .j- ThnrJji and iutrAsju. tixc reavjcahle. OLDEST DRUG STORE. I RED CLOU Or;tM a. DBUSMM&TOg OJlS SF1HFC T "' wa.w Aodths thoasao-J aoi ore tliisrs uti- ail kept ia i ircHar esubTaixenu ' Mtl'infln n ., J f CHEAP IOR Cvjjh. Call 334 te. upon the 01J9 ratrntioni, taring Ja- , wri,jrii.r,rr:.wCi nutz, at 0 A- m on Wedoerf. j, zrJ ) SH&S? fcatcnJays, an'J ned CioaJ at & a. .. ' rr nbin Ufa..Frjri- 1 3J" C".,-r"MlA TO S51 -!f 'VS"K 5P?r?Tfli,-VS?!C' ill I -f rtT m : i- & trTc rw. ll(Vlr I i 1S- tC tA. AJ5I I,mm,'- ut '.. K.rfrrx" Aft tvJ M itx nutow 4 a ! tnuiSrnn ' tvtaa, tWI atv a fa XnlWiw m V from tfte xrr .li v JjI , m if i-Lk j ,3, ,,. s t. .M !k r.u ;tf i JViJKt - tl ! '. ukik , Uw. .. t i0 . w, H,l!tir WMt 1 - - -t. twl i a -a 'J TiJs. t' ' rg v. x '-w-t -r i ittiir'r rwr si a i . n m h !m1-uw ! " K n" " "t . "t-H a ' , M l,.,, ., Ink. ibr.. Ulll.r. at itaK - 4tn. av iKt ti-.j jr.n clU ' ,,-, rWtl U . .! tW 4M . MVS. ' l) ji i.iriin. it 5 uM.llaaTr.u Ul llw V ptUMia;VII .' lv ' Jb ' I "ST TSt h IHryitt. tfe il-- ; ti . a bJ mm liip til f Hrr . r cu Oi V tMfia IMti a li'h .Hft.- i. ! lr Iftnmlfttimitlalilli t r.ir.ort 1 1 tTt. -t r auitrt-. ai ih itaw oant!Ml j tarttW lb.i-ot W'-.wlvUTiKt ' 'H. Milt 1H lM !!!' !tur 'V .' IM l (vuM I!-" Vl lr IW IntlttiMMMtlorjr lt Ctirnrtl UliiamuUui a.l lnp-wi r Irulf ' ...-. . u ii ll.wlll. . m. A li lr.lllt r --. . Htttci j. . . , , M.rl ..t 1. r Mlnfiaalt.! -. !.. - a i kI I- buH .-..t. whktl hpi ti't t '-' I ' l'"".! ul I f lft Tfc) tv !.itl! !'ii'lilr v?irif! . Ton I. i nj ! tTn f. Hilar DwH k . f.f a a b rU il U r0l: S I . s a i r rnitu ;.nnu a l ir nrt t t- h ' ral ijna ! IB tMtHM l'Ul. r..4H,r 0-.a...rn,p-H T.f TKa. tfrvAtiii If. m V. tt . IhmWiN'I'H'4 il Ilia j H '-.I if "" M!., t I whafr. ' .' fiatwri . Wer ! . ' .s Mff , t amrMi Ma hj U . ifcr . f !--- Wl-n 'iv I-.!UHij b a i nl t jnr tii- ttumt lit. reu. v'! Ihitr t tt- - ... . . ' I , , p.,, (J i-mhJ,, tMmj . . -aft IK . 'ti ly nui iw", r wt , ,9 pi ' .: .;l fi-tt it utMtruwl akaHL.-if . 1,1 tl . la- 'i trari I' : . loat . I I . . ' i v WW4 . ! L al a.-;:!. . t Mtf , a-4 i I- Cirbil Tl.tnwi4 r-r. r ift ' 7 ,, " ' '" "a- ' - ' Kt4lBrt t r l fllluj, .' I'ln, Tfc. itil wKri' TVut ut. 1 .r-mn i ini, c.f ' m ii i i' .i. tr' eQw laili 4- alpiwj Ad't rvanxr.!. -. a. ilUU trtiMi. l frl)rii.l rfcT U - 1 tlf RB Xlr 3 ItKMMIlM ir -!! t imi vr-uk Jr ytUuf-i ru.pj iru ia -rfarf r . i v u.. u i xf I r'.i avataj wrnin r 'inrukiw , !- .i Hat lia t fl i mfHir - n.fitt.i)i h.' tns talitra, w:i w r l.k tu (... v. .. 'l LLh lac u.-a. . , iiMrar-tI MaK- Ittraaak! Uli'' '- liW4K : Zl' ..- V '. 'r a W& , ,-, n U-. ar- . I ; . 4 tha 1 &--l. i rar . i -. 1 ai (f ( n tt r r, . ! " ' '- j .t k'.'i n' .' . K: i X tn. .- I ft I ! an 31 i r. I-it. X- .. ; I J" ' I" i ' O . , !,,.. a. , . j.i ("-' . - caf j rs .,.mni. l . 1 .; It.r-Tft' K i :,.i. I l .; WH.-3 J t- .1 s -Al. m m, . . ,uae . al l.r tv tr ii. L :r l- fi ii 1 . tfatita, IK" 4. 1 u., ... iat fni .,.,' i ' ' .. . .. a HrrraiM. o tiny . Xl . 5 ,l'-fcV.!!,V:V:''TJ,'..lir! ' Hi"t ua.t-. t tfc ir.-. i t r ' '' ' ",-",'IiU"'ti ' Si ' "'''-' ' r- tat. V aW rr,rU. bJilai'. Kfll. -T2fW ! , -. i .-- atv U-. -t.t .i 1 ritf ! r- f - ! 4aS.'i l -, If . JO HlXI"; . r . ., m 1 T.rr ;; ,;. t;;t;i: ' ui ! rta r-.JMOltnT I !. a, Vait,!-.! I ' ' H frtu ptub . " inir rfi c lv. WAMt.tr- fltr..Mlt Vjj4- ""'Irr '-t . "-" r wir i -'"' ' n-n1- " ' . rmiKKf' 1 -, .! i rawMTmtr ' t-i iw3 , ..4 la tMtrra ,f , .ifi oJ ''i"i" -afvoH " '- a i--tj TanrllHivM.i isyi; 1tr,-'J r-iw- ar Arwvua iijnwn w Um i n.',' fji.-;'. I', ittits, aM.. .tl ir'I -' I Tf IjuHi-Kl awl . 1 lJLc ..vi w aaa iitrrrcj i taa rji la , 1' ?iiiu $ arpuaiifr. 11-W twfv irfaflff.ES i ' " "I- ' .ror if I faUT. T. f Po'Ti ri3 , ,., . , . - VT- l aAtL- t) Mi, cl 1. a , f -' j Jt, - lHi.t ,Pr - "!. 1. ! Jwi-ara'xl. litr"tlti. ti. , t.-w BjrUMteaf !ia i'4Cir 3UdM- T-tu-.jR IU r urBlvK Md. Ti-twwi. bvi ' iwa, KbM vi w "' " ) r Vfjlit r aa--. sau '. , .tT. 1 It. If. MrtMtAI.U A. CtlT, wrajMaa 1 . Afa h Vtxrlrii, C 'r. rfWiii tun fhttmmi y If. ' r iu Iww4mt 4 UKxU X Pr vi nt laU ! filllrd v v. iww. '-m tul -twJn vjjvjt ot I rtrini sir vj ' t - Jtwtro'd lj i I n .4 T o"af a " SJVJ .w av . .. 1 v f 4fc r-jrT v. i r Ir.li;lnH, na raa tb V atavti, v - j. irHMo lnt. I .. .""-if t , aJvrtf. B-a. ' TK ia V" lit rvurvwc r ifv Tarsn jt3 !jx. !a 'irT, -mTitf a tah4r! t if fwlnfij .Jjn "wr -' . txil t n& raarj v' i' w , .rur,,t is2?. yrtr Fmlvn rarrtl rf atoj ' J. war-o hi '... t L"" I wi-tavi. .- . Cfc Ktt lMfliiH''r,l. aitsowi-jt'1 k im . trr 11 t-.. V - ubitrtlB' A-stU froig ;a'jaVa71tawi., -r ' rr -m Tr-. MJr; tT. R-33. Bm-. x, rw-i 1 rNiN cri v. J if vrst rf. -.'ij' . 15 fn 9'tM !..-- SM $1 J W W aP-rtT sa; f- V T t-ii C? t . f a ".-ail I Kitmtmfm " ZBBBVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVr ' lABTTV...'. ' . J . mmr- . asssS? r ' v- il-. Miir tt? ti-.t; a rtZ&'&rZ?. CO 2r ?naKS.,'?.'l5-L . I ..w st AU.-iaiiEi3"HH -- -! . IXUtKR." 1 a-u-is-R, - ri;,-" a c-4 r. ' f"WHlUr wfef tj j.. J?r Tl ff-8 i Afc u - -w - ' aW wr-i HI ' 7?5. . Z5. LUTZ y ! -- 5a 'yrjA. --&.' V.-j-'yPS-