"SS" f 4 Mi-' 'smtsg&B IMHBk. Maa P &tfwa jmJwT iS u tm -s IKS i f r - Hp WW I Bt HcVr X f mi w I AJ - "SLj-T-ja - -- mic oen pi nun mice a ww w RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. LOCAL MATTERS. in thu Column 10 Cents a Lint " Official Directory. COXOREsSIOSAL. W. Tititon. Rrownviile X". S. enlor. W. Hitchcock. Oaiaha. U. S. Srnator. reuro Crouuse. UcpreenUtlTe. EXECUTIVE. Sec'oi"srte! W. Kuru. Erownville J. iirpcr. Lincoln. B Vrtrn. Beatrice. Auilltor. Trra-urc. K. HVbttr Ueatric. 4a.7 t,en" M. ilcKeiiiJe. Lincoln. Sap. Pub. Instruc. JUDICIARY. " G .n. Like. Omaha. .. Chief J micr. tDan'MJanruNrbrj'ka lty.1. : . j abam,i.Maxwc5t.I,JumoutuIn"CIi"c u WEtJSTEE COUNTY. J. A. Talley. County Herk ( .li. II. .iin-. :..J,VinJZl' Big( 1? ' Jaxw- tfg, I. W. Tally. m H. - Hill. . .WM.. -.w-.. . Loffirrf e r.,mLr. t H. S. KW. 1.. K. Mun.-I. :M W. K. Th..rn. -IB A. M. IUr.ly. ) Ir.. w. iuu. a F. Mt:c;n!i. t .'untj urveyor .. County ommiBMoner. Arrltnl miiiI Drpurlurr of Mail ! from (be UcU C'luuil I. O. From iJrsim arrive Wedne-ay'f and .Saturday i it. m. leaves Monday s and lhurhday a i a. in. From Harvard arrive TufxlayV 4 p. iu. Jeavch Wednedu'6T a. m From Pleasant Hill arrives . . . .. - ueune.rmy s- p. m. iv.-avea murs- (lay n t a. in rroiii MU5KUS. Koiriff ca-t, Mn- . . . ijny a ami i iiwri'iay l hi. ji- ing wet Tuesday's auJ Friday's 'J a. m. From Jewell. Kansas arrives I:ri day'j 'l m. Leave 1 p. m. From RfSSEI Ivansa-, arrives Thurs day's G p. m. Leaves Friday's 7 a. m. , I, . . .1 - AH registered matter mut he m tW r,.; .nr., f. m,;i. lonra V4s Wl WUlUk U'l JT 1Mb 4iJ -i CT IW. M. B. M-Nitt. P- M. KOn:2--?o:t 0S:3 H3-r:. The Post Office will be open on Sundays from 11 A M. to ll! M., tin! from S P. V. to U P. M. for the pur- J nose of registorine letters. There will ha no letters registered the morning the mail leave. M. B. McNiTT, P. M. CIIL'UCII UlKIXIOttV. M. K. CHURCH. Rev. Chas. Reilv, Ps-tor. Services each al ternate Sabbath at Id A. .M, CONGRKC. VTION'LIST CHURCH Rev. A. Maxwell, Pa-tor. Sorv ices each alternate Sabbath at H a. m. BAPTIST CHUHCH.-Rkv. Tttw. Mi'Xlow, Pastor. Services every 4'ourth Sabbath at 7 P. M. every Sabbath I'raver meetinrPabhath and Thurs day eveninc. All held at the echool hou-cjun north of town. ICE! ICE! ICE! - ICE! Good clear ice on hand and for sale at Geo. Zeiss'. Price one ceut per pound. Ice Cream at Geo Y.$ nearly ever' aftei noon. Ctt tidies, the best and purest iu town, at Geo. Zeiss'. A few County Warrants Wanted at once by Willcox. Save your money these hard times Uy going to Willcox, who will save yon money on yonr tares. WABJWAS! 01? 2I5H P3ICZS. Mack is still alivo and proposes to tell lower, for ca.h. than any man in Webster county, anythinc in his line of trade. I will sell the following Im plement at price as follows : Champion Light Mower, - - $10.r.00 Champion No. 4 P20.00 Dayton Sulky U.ke. 30.00 Fowl & Bradley Sulky Rake, r..r0 Eagle Sulky Rake, 34 50 Tiffin Revolving Rake, - - - - . S.50 ThoOhio Revolving Rke. - 7.fU .Terms strictly Cash. j9 M. B. MgSITT. Contractor, Builders, or tho-e wi-hiujf work done in my lino will re ceive prompt attention by leaving or .ders with me or at R, R. Sharer & V-smpanv. E. E Covey. Practical Painter, Red Clond, Neb. Three months credit given if desired, All persona having Togs at the w- Tie irJce. ... . j . i i null are requested to come and claim the same, as thc yard will be closed . . . up and the mill moved as soon a practicable. All having logs they want sawed most bring them imme- diateJy. J. L. MlLLKR. 2 17cU:t is Tu&irs. Notice is hereby given. That I will examine all persons who may desire to oSer thenaelves s candidates for teachers of the primary or common .schools of the coanty, at my office in Red Ctoad, os the first Saturday cf August, .November, February asd My H. S. KALrr. Co. SnperintendeBt At the Saw Mil! is Red Cloud. ,Q0Q fi-rfloir-oUoaToti or. da, f V V Saarath SciIOtlL '1 i morniug at J a. i ,.0t ! ll ICE! IL I ICE! If ftcJ ?r!wpth. 3 3t The usual ntjtnber of "gnerrilW visited our town this week. -Oar fanner friend remembered un tin week with melon, for which they wi 1 accept our thank. If you want.a pound of nail, a hay-rake or a hit, you'd better po and I I buy them of McNitt. He e!N cheap , tor iMsh o mere no datnrer but wLat he can ?1pisc most every grander. Levi Mooie started for Burr Oak- I T.iwn. on Thnr-dav riinrninc !i.f. tn h ; , J0ne for S'-veral month?. The pra.hopper; have left thi? ! country for the present ; a fow strigleri ! ..,..: ,n l,.t. ,.r.,. 1.. K..! ..JJi.hn TtonfT.n nrwl i . " ",a"' '" "" 4'" ' ","lt "ll'c vluT I der that e-caped the cfneral raid. Oar think are due to J. ('. IIo'- i comb for a nice piece of cliche, made ; ,n veKfer cnnty. Joe ha demon . v rated that thw country is available I for dairy purpose. It is with jdeajure that we note ; ' the return of health to Frank Mattem r Harmony l'r-inct, Chairnnn of the . Hiwnl r.f i,!tiim.;ntier He lin.l a . . w. .-... w --w ..-.-. Inn:; and tough seige of inflamatory rht.UmatiSm. -A heavy rain and wind i reported along the Little Blue, on Tuesday niJit. No damace Uiat we har of j except ln lowing down the iUcks o j f t ii.i:ti y- of Ajj, to be held a: the residence of J "'1J prapes are now plenty alone Lff, Bro-. on the -outh tide of the , the banks of the river and in the rarCr near the -11011111 of A-h Creek vine-. ' The neichboring Sunday Scdior.l.- are i gram. r W. Thomnon. Iwi.. of Biver- ! ton, dropped in the otlr r day and te- p()rt8 t3t thc ,.raho;iperJ showed no : . ,. , . ,, ii.ii mill v ill ill. i-iinni. . 111111: ilk jiii. Mr. Thompson. J. Q. Potter ln- trot the dam across the Bepuhlican nbout completed It's a m;take about hia damming t river, he's hired it done. Tliflrrt nr,.l La i inrtfiMnif of flio 1 '" "in " !.. ni . . i c ,, n ..,,,,.,,. . l,,u'" """" "' l-u ' "'" """ Saturday. Aug 15. at 3 o'clock p. m-, , . , , , c. ., , . and continue through thc Sthhath to . , . nrtfanize a C"tisreifat tonal Lhureh. Conun-catinnaliMs Prhytcnan- nd all Chn.sti.ns in the county who have not identified themselves wih other Cii'irchei are cordially invited to unite with us. Rev. A. Maxwell, 4-2w Acting Pastor. ... . , Bik' promise of tain ve.Mcrdav i n i i i t morning, but all who prophcied a big . . , , lain got fooled. If this hot weather continue.- much longer we shall consider this a tropical climate ami go to planting Pine A....1. n..,r..io I ...... r.r,.- r,l 11 . ((i..-', wiuiiiL' --, u.i.iv.i-, nm. nn thatfiort of truck. .1 It WiUiT ),r,a t nn nnotL.-r addition to hi.s library, and i ready to as.ist anv one to obLain justice or in justice jut according to circumstances, or the size of thc pilo. The "hop" the other evening wa a grand nucces. OhUand yonnir enjoyed it hugely notwithstanding the fact that it was k warm that paper collars melted away like the dews of the morning. ASSOTOCSiSST. I will sell lumber after this date Strictly for Cosh. Upon a "cash basis."' Examine our Mock and price-, before ptmhaing elsewhere. Siti-f irion guaranteed a! Van AUtvne's Lumber Yanl, Red Cloud, Ncbra.-ka. B. E. Swift. SIctlce. The books of the Webster County Ajtricultural Society are now open. Life membership ticker, $5. Annual membership tickets-, $1. Call on or address-, Lee S. Estf.ll. 4-tf Secretary. Some of our citizen have been "going for u" for publishing ac counts of the visitation of the grass hoppers. Now, our idea is that it is best to publish the exa?t trnth. The matter cannot be hid. the grasshopper have laid wate a crcal portion of the State and people in other States will know it Therefore why try to cm ceal what is apparent to every one. The Rev. T. II. TibbaK of Mis souri, will hold a camp meeting at North Franklin. Franklin county, com- moncinir Sntlird.1V nii?ht AllCUt 15fh. and enntinne s-vcra' davs. Mr. Ti- .u :.- .,,.;.l,j .rirt. . L.. tont ., is attracting large attendance in differ- U4i.w " Itiuiiuvu iiit m - ent parts of the State. The quarterly meeting of the M. E. Church will be held at Bill's school hone on August 22d and 23d, exer cies as follow: Saturday 2 p. m. preaching by the Elder, quarterly con- fereneo immediately after. Half past nine a. ni. lovefeat ; 10, preaching. I .An. i.)iinli Vin canramentc nf hantism I ". . "." V -V, , V- j f od the !f rd' Pl U. l"; i isiercu. i ruuaiiunvi- m.i !- . i r lc' . .. 4 w Ka o li t Chas Reilly. Preacher in Charge. The good citizens of an adjoining i county have lately been shocked at the j so called moral delinquencies of a teacher in Israel and a fair sister be longing to his fl ck. It i all very well to condemn the parties concerned, but we take the other side of the question and claim that if they were ! satisfied with the irrancements no one has any right to complain, around the haL Pass List of unclaimed letters remain ing in the Post Office at Red Cloud, July 31. IS74; W. L. Gardon, W. H. GonJot, J. W.Hart. Smith Wilier, P. W. Patricon. J L. Werts Dr. G.L RsslL JohnT. Higgins J. T. Wilsos. Mi FOR Tow . -JB. B. McNrrr. P. M PT Monday morning la-t a procession of hx or Kven carriages pa?.-d ! 'Kh Red ttoadfioundfor Bloom i ingtnn. It was an outSt for a livery stable A. GrurbeEq., of Guide Rock w;i m on Monijy la-t Mr. Garbr I is a prosperous merchant, and rve- , .& J.I .. .k& ..A.- KMV. . i .I.M i ' ' , , . ' , ., county wnn every tiling neeiou iur comfort and convenience. The B'ardofC mmiioriT inevt j on Wedne-daj, and transacted a large amount of bu:inej. achmkvt notice. , , . , , - Mariiu run.i, uomc luine.-s under the In Probate nmie anu tvle ot I ourt in ami BerenziTi A Co , ,- for Web-ter ! MaintifTs, county Nt-h. Vd. I. U . Till- Miohael Cook ley- Judge Diifen lant- ' Defendant will take notic thit an ord-r of attachment w.a on July 31-t. i tiomfor thirty-two and thirteen otif- hundredth- dolW-. ($32. I3l and that i"-j imio in ine auove cniitiefi ac . . - - . the caue will le for hMrinz on the 31 t day of Augu-f. 1S74 BkuknzenA Co. ByGiLHAM Arr'y 5 3w The A'-h Creek Union Sundav :cheo! will have a pic nic on the IMth ; nil mvite.I to attend. Hnus voar ba- kett well filled with "'go..d things" to cat jlect at fen o c.oefc, a m. J. T Martin. ) J. H Williams, V C J. M. Martin. J ommutee lion. 11 a wat'tie, laiety 01 kjs- ceola. Iowa, has pmcha-ed an intr- e-t in the Ha-tings ,Jnnrnil. Mr. t T.nn. linj I.a !.... n...,A..l .I.l. I i.ituc iin-' ucuii iiiiu v;,imci;ifu mill t s . , me pre 01 mwa, ana ai ine time 01 ( leaving that State was a member of I , ... . ; the State Senate. We we come him ! .. , , ,, tv-'"c "" t to Nebraska, where a good editor? ' . bouml . ' . soon or later , a,C b0Und t0 COme S00ncr 0r !a,er- On Iat Monday evening the ! Good Templars of Red Cloud piiblirlv i i installed officer for the ensuinir nuar- iter, alter wtneti a tahle wn epreaM ' , . , . ,. ' , and a least prepared. 1 he lad'e had i . , . . ' . , , , I done their best in the cake line and! i . . ... , . ; .r i t jGeo. Z-is having fumi-hed the iee j n.,lf p.-w nine o'clock. A.M. lve-i-ream. not the drinks-the table pre 'f,.;,,,. ,, (.V-lock nreaehing : after J sented an array of -weetnes that made j us -mile All partook of the 'goodies' ' I 1 I 1 1....1 1. I uiiu rci'iu ll liuy. itii'j vi"-i.;u mu 11 occaiou would come more frequently. I T!0 following named per-on- were !in'al!ed as officers: J. L Miller . V . I., i'll O. .1. .Ullliscil, It . I . T, Frank Potter, O. G., Mi-s Mnry Hummel, I. G . L Burri M., Mr. Maxwell, Sec. Rofu Mik.sch, Trca. J. Q. l.'ottcr Chiplain. . We havo a word to ay to such subscribers of The Chief as begun with the first issue, and whose tioie i now out We do not wi-h to .eend the paper to Hich as do not wih to re ccive it. Neither do we wi-h to top the wine to fnch as do want it, but are only waiting till time ease up a little before renewine. Some people are bar 1 to suit if the paper is stop ped they will pay the "editor is afraid to trust me;" if the paper is contin ued the same individual will say, "It is impossible to get a paper stopped when once a fellow'fi name gpfs on the books." Just now money is pcarce and the outlook not the most encour aging, but those orour old subscribers who wih to continue can do o. Rn! we will wait a reasonab'e time for tl c money. We don't want to lne a sub scrber on tint account, but on the w n t s.r:. . c i at n 1' other hand wc do not particularly de sire to send the paper to any one who will continue taking it nut of the office for ix months or a vear, and then re- ! fue payment on the k round that they "didn't want the thing, nohow." I j fasp jet a j.now w,ether vou want it or not. and then we will know ju-t what we can depend upon. All persons who hsve occa-ion to arlclrn&s lutforsi nr ni.trciiiib.rc cLnuM .. .u c .u ' c.l. " - nl po-tnf5oe iIKtinctly s osiMe. I Th' 1! nnt only save po-tms-ters a I creat deal of trouble, but will inure the fe transmission of letters or pa- per. The political campaign i about to open, and it i jut the time to sub scribe forTu: Chief, which will give the most reading matter nf any paper in the southwest part of Nebraska. The Iat page of thi i-rie ? eir- en up to a letter on co,l nt,. Iv dehvere! at Crete, bv Vmt C. I). ' Wilher. nd published in the Saline County Fust. The subject i one of vital in'erest treverv citizen, and here , we find the elaborate opinion of one of the best geologi-t in the West. It i well worth reading bv ererv one on aeenunt of its local application a well as the general information contained therciB- Thee delaj"? in the is'ncof Tnt J CniETare a rexarion to u a to our j subscribers, and every ee thn far has arn from can- bevond onr control We hve paper n abnnd - ance on the railroad ntnewhere he- tween Chicago and Jantata. at least it was shipped in tirn to hav been here for oar hst fn, bat for sotn rea-on failed to arrire, tkas atakiag as a treat deal of bother, Md nwinz disratis faetioa tmtmgomr rHnadaaad patroas. We kope as eai to lime troaVks wiS J The Web-ster County Central Comnrttee will meet next Tuesday - 1 afternoon ar. thi oE. We hepe very member will be p'esent. Water" out for nnirie fi-e?. and ! ue evry effort to stop them if any get out, Great caution hould nowl be tnken to guard against Mich fire. ' I "1. t .... . ..1.. .1 ..n.... r.r A ........, I . , ,. - , . car stun, or in wa luimr irom a not cun, mav do damage to the amount o' thousand; of dollar-". ; One of the m"it efficient of pub- ! lie officiaU in the State i J. B. Furay. ; special stent of the I,ot Office De partment. To Mr. Kuray's effort the people of western Nebraska are in ivbtd. in a great meaUfe, for the mail facilities at present in operation. We are glad to give him the tribute he ha-earned by promptly lookins: af- I . .. , , i every interest to which our people have citlled ht; attention. Huffman, of the Bloomington , Gnri pnt mn fclat.d ovor the location ot ,he ,jnd oftce at that pomt, that he went and cot married. We admire the grit of our brother of the lead pen cil in pettimr manied jut when the arasMiopper' were the thickest, and take it a an evidence of unusual pros perity. Good luck to you, John, hore our f2r 0inc to the Ions continued drv weather the prairies will oon, if not already, be as drv a? a ti-i 1-r box. and ' a pirk mav kind'e a fire that will be of ineilculable damage to the wuntrv , through wliieh it t.a-e.. Thwe i- more than ordimrv need for care and t witehftihiP-, and the d,mai:e would i f-ir exce d that of otdimry paons tf"ai i tiort ami in some piaee". scarce, and there has been but little ent for hav thu fir. The f'ii!tirf of , j . .. ..,.... w. the corn crop will call for more hay than is needed under ordinary circum s'ancc, and besides thi reason stock will not need much hay until imw rwifti nc ir tlifi uri niu; riitn,i in titil.tirnt . "' no:i lim, "1 :',,, ", I hvery neigiiuorhoou in tne countv ... - .u . ou;iit to organize in a wav that ome , 1 1 rr i.- " 1 c 1 ' ' may get out may be devi.ed, and the ' iudividual who wantonly sets fire to , tne prairie tin- season ought to be , summarily dealt with. I There w 1 be an officii 1 tueetinir nun. win oe an oiiili.ii i.iteung -, M.rtiii'- nnooiriMiwiit on Snnd-iv at .Martin - appom'imiii on Mtinuj, 1ItJ. ir.rS PcreU.., n, r.,l!,iw,- ) preaching the sacraments of hapti-m ! ail,j tjl(, ly Mij,Eer will be admin- ipper is-tered. Probation- received into full membership. Chas. Reili.y, Preacher in Charge. Red Cloud Retail Market. CORtKCTKD WFCKI.Y T O BBfR COM-ANT. Crushed Sugar, for a dollar "tttli A Coffee Sugar Vs i nnve Migar Yellow C ffee Sugar Dirk Brown Sugar...--. Choice Rio Coffee Gunpowder Tea per lb .. 'a I 1 9lhs .S GO CO i Young. Hyson .1.00 Smoked Side Meat Smoked Shoulders Imperial iitiiter ..................... I l.lfcS. ........ .. ... ......... Flour. Meridian do XX XX, H bron .. Red Flannels W hite do Twilled do Brown Shirting , J'JJ SO;,l 3l l.ri.JU 9 l) I ml 40(0,00 50(..CO Sprague and Merrimac Prints... m Common Print?. Brown Demins Blue " 10 ...U3 23 Heavy Brown Ducking.... Stripe " " Heavy Boots Light Boots................... 2327 'Jil'M-tO .2 WUCS 50 -4 5K'7 50 2 Oitfl 75 7(JSl Heavy bhoe Nail- .. Riverton Retail Market. CORRECIED WEEKLY BY II. C LOIIFF t into. ('tiilio! ii'ir fnr n ilftll.ir ...Gib .. 7 , ( '0jr ne,r. ellow Coffee Sugar 9 Choice Rio Coffee 3ib-. for $1 00 Rice H ' C3 per lb. ..0a$l 20 If.C20 I "u"cr Pcr. ft Egg ter dozen 10 Flannel- per yard 40vi50 Brown Shirting per yard 13(o;i7 j riiT - ! 2 CuiumOn Prints .-.10 Brown Dennis ... ..........20 Heavy Brown Ducking - 27 IJ.vrt, n4 di.u fmanl luir i.,ip ''iT'A , Wnniflna chnes ner nair t'2lalfi N 2.1 1 5 per It TiiJoi GEORGE ZEISS, -DSALIB3 1.S- j iXXCS It LtlqUOrB I CIGARS, Chewlnfl, Smoking, TiblCCI, J f r i ATATT? Tl TH DTTTT'C jOAllILlJJ?ltUlIk3 j OF ALL KINDS. AND j rOFEC IIONHRTS, 1 A Specialty. FrIi LarerBeerfrcwQ " Antelope " Brewery, coBuat!y os hand RED CLOUD, NEB. nS. CHAS. CASH PRICE LIST. If, art A tfr, Uu IOK I ...;il wn tanu igi niaj i?iii. i mil prices 'alien S:r Floor, but. V :t . tl 75 Creaaiofthe V.llry. " " 2 "5 Best Rio Coffee 22 rt for - I () fiUndard"A".Sntar.;SBfor HO Ktra C White S " .. .. Brown Sucar " 11 " Best Syrup, ver cal Goid " " . . Beit Fine Cut Tobacco, per lb .. . oo 1 . Plug Jt Suokinc in 'atne ratio . . .. Choice Japan Tea. per lb . .. 10J U i) IS ll to This is only a partial list. By tailing you will find verything in stock proportionately low. Call mid Examine Mock and Price ft My New Store Building 2nd Door North of Post Office. Juniata Avenue, JUNIATA, NEBRASKA. SUSPENSION c. o. The Climate Impairs Our 4 Lbs., Minus 2 Ounces, Best RIO COFFEE for $1 00, or 4 Pairs Grangers Socks for 2 cents. Xow I Tour Time to BUY CIIE.1V ! ijf.ri:xzi: a Co., licit ciomi, i HARDWARE ! I would call the attention of the Firmer- of Webster and adjoining counties to thc fact that I have on hand a g,od a-orlmcnt of FA lUil.YG IMI'LEMEXTS, And am con-tantly receiving a lot of PLOWS, CULTIVATORS. RE.VPER3, MOWERS, and RAKES, among which will be foutd the fXCELSIOR RBAVER 4 MOWER, HOTLINGS WORTH PAClFICand T HAMILION SULKY IlAY RAKES, For which I am ole Agent for Webster and Franklin Countie. Ne biaska, and Jewell and Smith counties, Kana. OTIS L, .South Guide Rock, NEW DRUG AND GROGEItYSTOiUi IN Itcd Cioud, - - - 3fl. We wi-h to inform the citizens of Red Cloud tint we have a new suck olgooa- wnicu we octr at urauger pi ices. Consibting of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES BFiUSIIES AND FANCY GOODS. Also a choice lot of TEAS, an. TOBACCOES, PURE WINES ani LIQUORS, recal attention given to DI-- penMBi; of Meduanes and Prcscrip loa. We Dejjf CompetHio in Qumltty mnd in Price,, "ft ft MERER C4-' R. JOXKS' -lf .- i. rn...: ocil uuuus al LUC tUliUWIiiy for CASH : GoJ Jpn Tm. rr lb " Blck " " Cho ce Y. II. " Good Mtdiut Choice Imptrril " tiooj Vinecar. per -al. Oil. Pickled Pork ier Bacon 25 - 1C0 . 160 ?i 12S . 20 ... 1 . 11 I '.) j Nilj. rate, rer ft OF BUSINESS. D. Health ! ! Xebra.iUa. JOHN IV3. JACOB SON'S HOTEL, FEED, SALE. AND LIVERY STABLE. Jmrtafa. Afamr a 7C13IC COLLEGE 3ntie-C..c Mercanti A: 2::izi is Ti zzt. 0 i .V...py. Tki ld aad rrc!ial HiiO ul'rf t new m it nintn yxr n Kerkox. wiih no cbne ofteicacrt. d-J 1U&I1 rndortej hj eerJ01 of tfie m-t prvouiB. busittt- a3 ofthecitr. Pr. W H. M in. tk-:brt..t Kom new m it 'ninth r Kerkok. with no nes introctr. cin.' in care mt Kn kuV. FurnuheJ s.Hn ? xtven fr. f charge te tadnlt jb'nf to b.rl lirtn lr. No rtMta rent it ekvitsl M b-jarlinc elub t !1 V ver rok. T" r iure fr;di from iifrrnt rrt r ' - t.l Si.: cai mtVe up club t cta. Fcttirtli in tb Collrct Hall. i:h tbr brt btD'l in tteovioc Friant lectnret hj prutaineat men. ArcocmvJatianj for t J thuaj i u Iu:j Th jn'y (uilcce with a p-aetksl l'hon. Caiter cwnitantlr in the ch-ol ra-os. : ceri.blt l-t inttrartioa t U ttasrt. SenJ for ipwints' ot hort Hb 1 Writinc. Tbe Ij Stji- Fr. for tojar at fv- kui. will Urrrlr merest huine. The tuecaerthip fur SI0iroiJt for ls,.k keetunc. Telrfrni'hinf. Phanwcnrhy. 'a Uj4nbip. asJ all the '.uJit. . titar uahai'.t t No preparation u neetturr to enter jipoul fonoi ef iunl fur uta in tie (1rab St r. l'.uce't Nv'rnil Pennanhi lu-iitu i conJarll here AM Cwllrf ituJeutt rte re inifucuun in it frt otrhrce. The tt City Telrrb Inititute.theonlr iehHl iu the Vri taht ty ir.tT. in actual eTice ! nJa.-'rd at Kr-l.tik, bj Ioibtir X I nio. iE UrO.l A CIRCULAR, A ldre, BAYLIES COLLEGE, KLOKCK, IOW. JACOB KOIILt. Corner It Street and Hastlnrjs Avenut. Hastings. Nebraska .. l 1 11 . . heep'on han.l at all time the he.t I.wuor. n 1 f tnJ Br aCurlt. ... .(W .... . ,u. .i4u.n j ifr i.'r..i tU-ini Two American IV?agaxines. The excellence of American Macaimet h Lecjtne to well reonit I broaj, that one of the leadm; Kna-!ih Papeit. tb LJj- lVVy Ilrgi'lrr. in a recent nut, thu tpek of rrbntr'$ Moatk'v "We are conttrainel to own that S,rtlr'i Month'; carriet off the tru acair.tt all our thlllinc inon hly teritU fr bri liancy of ill uttratloot anJ rariety of content.. It it lim ply a wou'ltrful thillinct trrth. Nolhlr.r ran be more cntrruinc than the -nt. -full uf firca au.i riror. the liht aai thaJe r , .. ' in.naf.n wnoA-rmy -mine ..r nut ot iu unt anu twenty ontlnal article 'erealiy ; for...h d nut know which to rboottai tett, arM all arc icllrnt." Not only it It trae thit c-ibnr Jttn'hty TireUtbe Uiig!ih Macanne.. but it it "Ilia but of th; American Montbliat." In fi extent, variety an 1 artltttc eictl leare of it il'uttriti-'n of American tbmi. it bat neTerleen atenapcrna h.J.murh lr aicelled. It hat a larger 1 M afal tt a ciaatar rariety in hi eontenu than any other of tb Standard American Munthllat It and In literary character, ana in th brilliancy ' ..I .lit:.. .. ri:, r 1 0 . I Id ability Of iU Editorial lpar:Bntf. It njoyt an equal pre-eminent. Itacoodustonttarted with the dCnilaIi ' ofmakint it the belt ma.attn in th. worll. 01 wtitcb ur are nrr lor a moment lott iki .nrltk.. ,.nini .;ii. ,i.i. .-j .. 1 .. w it ---- t .--. to the May and Jan number. rcatly b- tud. and atk for them arandid iaiolmlion and a careful com.-ari.on of th.ir ,.rit. -ith tn-te or otner miaaaiaei: and thtr renew thtirplelce tn the pnblie. to Itrir for mil hither excellence in the tut re A eoatidarable demand bat recently arneu in England for -'t Niebola Scribaer' V.w M. ...;. r . n.... 1 .1.1. . ..- 1 . . ' .... ..,.,,,,.,., deeirinf to car an edition of tbr tbmt- and of th tint bounJ eoluua'wben emile- ted) with hi im rlcL tea, wiia 0 tm rlnU , lb tueceiaoMt .Vi-iUt in tbui eaatry ba bean en more remarkubte than that of Scribner'. Monthly, n h pronounce to be an ideally perft Maat in for children." and. aab the cat with all tb beet literature rr caildr. it hat been found to pee r- , paaeing tattrtitforcrt wo-ap reader. a well. Tkeia8'jceeof the periodical of the day canacareely be ettimaled. wpe-'ally utoo tb ritinf jeueratlon. Parecf and iakr cannot afford to be indifferent to tab tela enee. or rare! in relation to th character oftfce Iitera'or furaihl to tb ekiMren eafide of their ehol leoca. In L M'h e.'at cot poly Hut xi. .Natural Phil .eo.by. Literaiore. Km Art, ai.d lianafactnre :":. i'"iu,v"'"V'r,UTl''F''D' -.-. 1 ii3 v.. .uir, ml, luKiu.aiej to teek ,.,?,.i,,, ,. mrai.jin. intim aiK.a r . a b. scaiaiax'a MoaTULT. f I a yr . iVr. a timber ' St. .VicaoL. . . 3 5 i s:xisksi co.. in aruiwar, ;:. t. - - KepuDiicon River STAGE J4N11. 5. 3. IAL1, ljrlittr. Beff.hr trip, will be m.le between JUNIATA ariea RED CLOl'D, I nall be nleaj-ea to cany paner upon the aara mentioned, leavinr J a-"' . ii . , Dleta, at 6 A. M OO t4nltj and S itnrdaja. arl Red Goal at 6 a. ., Thursday and liudy. rare rcaonabi. OLDEST DRUG STORE l. RRD CLOCtw. Oaveite Gar Ver Ce- DRUGS, STATlONcRY FINE SOAPS. SPICES, Patent Mcdicin ITHK WIVKS a- I InCfiK; lha Mihlitl,... .ll ... 1 .. 1 fpecimen nutab.. f t.Me , ., r.taee P.e ZZi.m'VLi'K. '""'J ,r,,-t,r tn . ;Siv-.".ras,i!"TV..?. HH,;S ' , sc.-.si7 . o.. I e-WWiieU"!! Will IU1 ID inT r T w al CIGAR5, MATCilta, And tbe tkaaw4La)ai erne tluac rm- ally- kaft m eiaawar aaUiakaaia ,-' aHaataacl lw4 awtl for sale if CExUf TOR CAAB. Call ni Stt MXS IL F ht'TZ felO vCT4 " Jt w' C 'VJr4CJBv ' " "CVi tipW '''-iV W. -"T -'. WW MSW- -' . - tir UiifT a.T O U Ftt? in. c! IVt Ksn, WU rrf &J Rtsn Ltijunr, tfrwi, pKi nrrtrsetl to jKri. tl ::. CaUctt -Tow.M -AUX-tUrrO -klver,, Jit, txi 'c,it the l??Jrr va t drcBtvbKM kt r- nt re tra MetUtfce. uW ttom -l:H ixou nt brti of CaHfcr!, it duo a .Hv!ic Jtimalfct Ttiry r it ttTt Ho.l -uria-r tl a U.'e-ctrii rnti lrfrt KtiKT4!or Q't lanjwriicr X taey. Uau catTTH) o3 U raua-tu featr al i':vrwi t& bit. I to a b:ts.j cotORiea. n. .rain It, rnrMn ai MTtfwansc wt tuta snJ tx-lT. Thev arv ru ol atilaMia -5n, frvnpt In Iheir atna. Vertala ta lr sa t. lt aa-1 nantdt Is alt "bru or iUjr. Iron rmn tk Mtlar ac tortiSi to iirt-tcu. atul remain fc'Mcva eH. proTu-j ibeir Uisra art net 4otrexi tv iniseial p)! r wber watt, ami tie Utl vfiTaU- aatit to&4 tb pot&l oXTalr. lyjila r lnllaall, Bea-Urh. I'j.n tc tl.e S.1CH.. Jer. t 04B, 1ttr ottfta fr.rt IrsiziaeM. r Lrueiatwaa or t tom ia Hj.tTtr tnU.e M nk IfUloua Ata- floIttc ll--rvlc3tvja,.kitiurtieLttaf !j.alutlterftui.(vtlhe KMoej alhcftilrfl uttirr rtntil r: fiuta. ar ti. u9n-rrr.$ of VjctKP-lA. tultfrcvUjplelntaU aatt5ttii. tai uu tuUe t prvtc a better fwirntet ot r ''nt tjua l-Hthj aertl3ftL km I'tuifi' ( umiUtiit la jvaa or 1U inihvsj ot tr l tke Ca vl wbb.autxn!. . i ! lura ,: j-r thoeTfOle WltI llpl5 . .i.j an iufiin- tint a moitra Ifjrtr -jeu it r Iitj." ij.e I .r tuRxmutatar-- tnl Clkrwnl lll,rt.Milui 1U.J 0ml P)s-Mla irlwit i . a. lw: as. Uemltteat aul lcterswtlet,t 1 tn. lisrjKut Ihc U.OeJ,tfrr KWByitj !alir i&ecli,'rrhteliirietarrviu. s-ai.li lhraiar ueiytIi.lrJiaKMl,stt a t .ntj !-,. ccJ j dtru.gfj;r&t U t 'I Urf tlemla Purgative -ll . a 'I unlr, iH.kTs.lns .- tne l a .r i'.r.i a.Uii at 4 VMr.rfui agntl tu rvCeUnw I -i.i tr liciu-ut' a cf t u - , r t Ouiu. an J iw CJiuu J'ie. I Ulu Ulir...C',;"!,'Trtr a,l a. i ir-b-, sjrOitiWSjaH--, b vituut.ie.ltia; w 'rirt. :- Al-ltcaJ-t-iaJ5' l rjlvJ, lick JkurX Ju-H.ratkw tl ' ..ltt, Jusors at4 tUoaatt cf toe bilTV. f Leier nme ca?up- it LteTallr flu u, & ute of lte-r IHtlrra. far Wile mucb ra4 t ' . JM.tttictf tUeiaoall!ien;2l!ntf I2ftrr iui tarur.i iu i jfm is a acn riinetr jitvi:iTxt. t Irait.e the VllUlr.l IlltKt.l V tf SOT-r r, 1 hhl tt iuibirl ift tu ,a .tirjij-! tU 1 ! Iu tii)M. I TJptKra. tr h re , t vp It ft- u tou St I tt ( irui t.I at I r.cfgUh to tv ' 'iu , can? i' wlien III f . juor f-itii(r. niituil u whra. Keep lUc U t j-er. ..l 1 th-faealia of tltr ijratra vl!ld' v fttalefiil Tliuu-anil rr- Uitt J.'tC 1 Ilirrns the tiiot vanJttK.: Ll;r.ni taut it : utUlnrtl l-c a! nil ag rj-'-n. I'l.i. Tap. m4 atber W'er-aa, Iniibif . 1-0 iilrm ufw many iti-r.4..i . i, arrSt tu"r Js?rotsl aoJ rmuti a.; a tliitin-fiU-i'eil pha;uUiCtat : Turre li rraivety au tOati tlliiloulbe fare pflfee earth w m um trax cwjk fMw the rtmr cf oru.t. n utct or u 'heheaUtiT tJctnentaof Ittst Aj t&at ur&; -ilt. bat opa th UUeaartl tiuiitira aai ailuiy il tv-iit that tli-tJ Lhe llU.v .uott.irra cf '--' No jteui of medicine i.j mut;iia:r r-' J,w" ''ll!i"lc';, ,r,M UtB V' :'" f?V x .a .ile l.l-e lUtlrrt. . I.anlenl nUeatfa-IV foct infa."! 'n l'4iuu and Ulucrj'.t. uiU a I laMt'xiA.Tjr' Wi'Ki Culd licaur. aiij kiuett a Itiet ad ,jt-c tn Ufe. re ftl t-i urlr. uf t. l' ;. To euaid ae.ll.t tola Ilk a i!i nT i ii t ;srt.m Uirn-na t a . lltlliMi. Ilentlltrnl. a4 IbUivmII- Iml r'lirn. wl.kh tit nt.ctt lit Its) iofinrKrrt tlteratlitui.frt(yut thetnitt iu. e-UItj( i:sef U.' Vtaa.pH, Ui'. Vi.'irt, l.tiiKii. icme iut,ntni-t. ar kan4.t. Ilea. Cvlortfjo, Pr , fjo Uaale. r.ri. Aiaiuiua, aiouur, .sjitr aA. H'ttwtr, Jciiit-a a7 mano4n(ra. rl t tbefe taal tn' tarter. tU:'.-ut ur eatlrt cvwTj wswtc. i l9nnSaeaaouacK,UBSBw'1ialin3 iiir .'-uiuairr ut at'ai'ai 11 tamWjr atcinje4 W ritntairt taatf. nieiita at the MotuacllaXul Hrr. airj Otnat a- autulnil rirr.i tn tbete te..ln..nt .laU. tlrr. ficrtjuf po'rrful tnStHttcaupctiHura "' MS'. UajriliJ!y aetrauary. TUtf wta- Vmtoaa Tjirrnn, m tfcef wt pe'-il.y remote tar iMrtMdrisa an4 Matt itn!ca tiie b-.weia are. Jiid. atVJMi tUiia'IinTi.'lnctheerTetloMoribUTr. a3l crteraUf teetonni lh bcaUy fiatUocanf U !i'tle r.rran. L 2aM 'urrAVA ew!Rv m fc v Svt fTwT:lfdi.f;V -1. i i i , ff,i5Sl KVffi ' ' . ii'm,. innmi.,jtw.,. in.t......t i.e. . .'. . - .. ----- -- .w..,.. amnmwmii rf. - tia. atrrrnrial Affectloba. om Horea. d-. tl u of the Rain. n.ire Kje. etc etc lb tin alnalloUicrfoattiitlvullile4ara,War.far imo HirTCM lara eixjira ibeir trvat curi-U- paer In tae kmmI oNiUtaie ausl talrai. U ra'. Ir valir'a rallfaeaU Ytaef.r Rliicte act on ail tli.ee c. in a alcTiur ""'"'r-. Uy pjrtfjtnir tle Kuo-I Urf femnte tUreur. an-l renoitliif away tut ecunf tbi ii3a.r.iBt itb tobmttiar dep.Mtt) tie a,". tr. uartareecite tealUi, aat a )nsaua rare erferte-t. n?ilT7r.Vil2X . Kmrltlou. UxaMe. paretic. aV.lv. V.iv.n lrnww """. Altrr. Th Aperient atvt iil LajraMtf areiar. tl'f of 1'tt. WtLILa'a ll'lta XeaaaJLaM t Ixat aaf( rur 1 In caaea of rtiBsM ZZZ nuUnani krer. tuir l-ataeinic, t.eaji. bt tWng pfrrnn-nvrt the nsnaora rt. rnc. Ibfr Nt-i-itit precertlra altay patn ta iheiwrto'javTtimi.atritiiaO.abdriMwt: aiuur io-a meamiBatKu. win4, tolk, etamjau ate. a-'artirr Ay ixnlhti dieeaee by r".ntytjia ail 1: nm.i wru i r..a Hrrtaa. rH.ic cau Uic u J vf a iiiwaieH Iire irnwsl. lileetlM.-Talr .? tb Hjttera ( v. u i ai bizbi frotjj a half u one and oaebaw .wi-hJji. tt oo,i .mewiiaur. . Inlaid H.ti.T ,1 . .."..":." HZHZZIZ --- aarea a. uai at a m. Taaaaaiaa. iiaaai raaa-i .,, .,-..-, ... ' ,-... . 7 TTr" -.. . .... --r-. im ir vgHVr exilian. astif vi Ai.L. I'lIlO'.JB A Lai.l w r.r. ... ,.. .m... ,.., -ofUx to dirtctlot, at! remain Ureg acwm "ip,r-wA.jiofac- IJy - mr laMtrge.M, aVraackr. rir io tv r-UoiiArr: Cawrtw. TWaraeW w t- vrs, iiwmB.aar orita of rr.Kis. Ha4 TaaSe te rhe MotAX. r pitatKra r o Heart, laatniailta afiaa, Kug: rata t 14 rsa ajuweaa, f a tMio-im.1 tir aaJafuf y wisaa. sra ak nr. .fkrlf,. tJt lt.M fir.. Irfkff njl - - ", curuiM mt l i&rrlt taa - ?"--"'-- ,-& a I I.rWir3l. ' t KetMalralalitralTsieja!r m.rrf.t ur w(, ai iMr a t.Wauteau lZgZft ' Vnr tmUmtmwmmmrr awl Ot Jlll!l!yrrrlaeao,'llfe Liter KHbey aawl Kaiarr tieae laera Mur MKVui. Hti UewaJ-e trcaaavl by TUta-iM. i " ' The rtHlt Faeaaett wa) Sel Taau, t hi iwa ta aarm f aetiec a f-" . aarrt: fajntaT lim. tin ttit-- Se-srstt it Uirr mS4 VanveV urrrr' .. a.i ... .... - .. ,a a ar kla UU...... Tnarl aaa TaKer. :? I Kltmm. tSutcfcea. pU. tlmptrm. rHWs.. " K-AUk. CstiawKlrt. KiJ5 wrfiaw. aVala-Bea' 't ICyca. Kryeytaa. Itcft. Jnfrta, aajar ,nrr ,, Uwi(lfcMi4, Hoenuta as) laaaWacaoi. p Mia &r w-wabreer taote or aware, ar . Uy a sp aA4 aiTvt oV T Bar r ties ta a Uwn uocur by Uet saw f taa av?t a. (Jr.lfralTbMMll fftfCMBI TK M htm tike wiv-. xJrAtt latsaAi t "v er eotia-l tfce : ., te, tJ , It. H. elo-at.aa rr rv I ! IfTJjiJr lal .c n isa y"ra&rt-n V I i orf Jje-.i.trJM -rCir..ve--. Jf- 1J 8T AtX ivO.U.l lUJ.S W. HKT.T.ER lierchmmk Tmitmr - .. --.,. aJI laafat ta exWllaataiPy Atwintk . -. l ifiwi, wet f t a 6 1i ' ! m s-A n I r iCS i '-W'' -jr. "ggttlWaVyi" t-V.Js-1 -5 wULwswUsm-mm - ---&. i ifnaonr'"1'iH aaHaLMLBaaWak . - . - ..-53i'-